' " y,y' ' V FftK-! ty "6 .-y ?($$, ' f, i M LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER TUESlJAY DEOEMBEli 18 laas I . i. VM , Ml'. NK1JO MOTKH Item L' rum Our ltfulir Correspondent. County Hiiporlntendont Utoelit vfna In our township latelv vlewlnu; our foJieoIs, nml If he was n favorably Impressed with our tcnohers' raethedii of Instruction m tliu tcaeliOM wero with him, both imttleB wero pleased. Mr. Hrccht left the InipreH. nlen thnt tliu Htiite superintendent illil net err when he maile the nppolutmeut ; nuil our illrrotern uml tenchem olearly favor his election for I he Mipcrintendaiiey nt the oemlun; election. The inlte neddy of the M. h. church has added te lit regular business tnatterH iiome literary cxeiuIsch. The next moot meot moet Itijj of the society will be held en Saturday ovenlnc, UDtii Inst. The Mount Ne be lyceuni lms buen re erganised nud incrU (ivory Friday ove nine;. 'l'lil lyceuin ban been In oxliitenco during the two previous wlutern and Iirh bcen n power of jtoed nmeng our young people Our proapcretiH rcccutly.otgaiilr.ed band has just received new uniforms, which highly ImprevtH IK appoarauceB, The inomberK en last tU'indiyovenlng paraded euriiBiially (pilot sheet ('.') making night rcBeuud with truly imisle.il notes. A I'ntter rtnrpfleil. On Monday ovenirg, the larger portion of the people of ti. Stcphen'fl Ijiitheran eliurch, thlH city, manlfcBtcd thelr Reed will tewardK their pastor, Hcv. H, Molater, and li!a family, by leathering nt the parson age nud biliiitiK with them many of the necessaries of life, nud net a small Bum of gieenbackHnnd mlvcrdeMars. Thoevonlns: was pleasantly passed, nnd nt p.utlusr, the pastors iiome wan icit wen suppitcu wim many tokens of friendship, awning tl e hoartHef the recipient i te b.i tilled with gratitude towards the kind donors. Mupponed Mlioreint iHUtured. Geergo HreldcRani, the young Germen, who Is Biippored te have been the party guilty of cutting the buggies nnd hnrncHH nnd othcrwlse defacing property of 0. J. lllldebr.ind, of (Juarryvllle, was caj caj ture' this afternoon. He was at Millers Millers vllle laat night nnd was traced by two county contttables te Albert Ivuhlhaas' sa loon en Macer street, whcie he was cap tured by the city pelice nnd ij-iged in jail. tleutli of mi .leni f'li'iy Anna llaruarJ, widow of the late Jehn GeBt, dledat brr ieidei oe iu Christiana, en the 1 I'll lust, in Urn 0- yejr of her ngc. tJhe was highly reaped' d by the com cem nitiulty in which tlie paxMed a long and ttoe ful life. Miile trexet. We cill the nttontten of Uej i In eiCi of a hamlsonie n.nl npir .u . .1 present W the nil nil vurtlement I i atielhui' i unin, of O Ciiiut selil .t Ce , mi'iu'netur.ir-i of iiuiilc.il beiei, rialnte Croix. Hwllxurluml They Imve en ox ex ox hlbltlen m tliclr l'hllinti'lplil.i ak rooms, I he rtnest nnit luiKct illipluy of ttice bcaullfiil Swls liistnimnnU uversli'iwn In t 111- cenn, try. They rcpioduce the most, elaborated piece of muile, old ami netv, with a I rl'll.incy ami uecurte)- truly aurprlnln '. with an eftect e nu''eill()in nnd rerlectus te te abiolutely wen'V'rlnl 1 hee music bexca are fur stipe l l ler l I hr enllnnry Instruments generally sold n till cnuntry, ami neelnnly tin een, or heird, te be sppieol.ile t. Itil nrauiAh NOTivEa. ITTTW The iinlM'isil erdlct, "The Hep J'lmler la the Lint ;nimiii plitsu r civet limvle " Only Tiik wenlc, worn nud ilypeptle ulieuld tuku t'olden's !.!ittlil lleer Tonic. .Ve ether. Of ilrucliitx. di; lwdeeil.tw riornersl Mothers i Mether Are you ilUtuilicd r.t nl.-jht and broken et your rut by nutck ehlld HitlVurlnk and crying wltl. t' " uviiucluUii pul'i nfctittliiK teeth T II1.0 . lit oncefttid cot a li'illloelMllrt. WIN ai.O SOOTHINO ayilUI'. It will rullove the p 1 r llttln nutlerur Immedtnlcly dcpnnd upuu It; llmri" Ij no nihl.i''' nbeut It. Thore Is netu metliLi ti'i tarth m 1 ' i evei iihe-I It, who will net U'lljeu .1 "'.en tlmt It will leffelrtli) the liewel and clve rest te the mother, and rvllet un I hej'tli te Hid chlhl. cip rnitliic Hke lua'c. It i 1 ertectly sate te us In till cum h, and ploesuut Ui the tiulu, nnd 1j the proicripllmief one el the el 'out nud bust letnuln physli bins In tup Ui.iUi I "LitiH 8nM overywhiTo - isti'i n 1 ntti. tnavi-M w Kerry ronten te oe n Itrul hucrr In tliN I l'n tuiMt Iiiive n Piclilty ; tlut I, inuil I'ouceiitritu the nbllhU' el body nml mind en hOine one pursuit. Jlurtleck Jlloett lUI'.ert liuvu tlii'lr sjiccliliy nsucoinplHle and riulleil c jre et dyapepul t. and ilver nnd Kl.l nry utr rtlnns. ler xilftiy II. II. I'echrun, ilruKKlxl. 137 and IM) Neith Uuoen stroet. Ul.StaulJ 1'ltU.s.i Ill'ATIl. TholDlIewlnBstatcmentof William J. t'eiit'li In, n: -i .nurvllle, Mus.., Is se lem.t.'Unlilii that we heir teuak fei II the attention el our read its. lie gays "In tliu lall et ibtei was iiikeii with a leh'iit bleeding nt llm lunui, lollewcd by a n vcre eeiiKh. I coon begun le lesn my appi'lite and tlesh. 1 was se weak at ene tltne that 1 eeuld net leave my bed. In the sum. mi'l' di l77 1 wiisiidmlttrit te the City lleipltiil. While thore the doctors said I had a hole In my Uittluni; a blK us a half-dollar. .1 epimil. ed ei "r a hiindri'd dellai In .loetern and med. hiti- Iv. mi8e t'tr I'nii.iut nnc tline a report w ' lemid that I wus dead. 1 j,'an up hope br.t IilDiul leld inn et DR. WM. IIAI.I.'S 1IAI-AM tell TIIK IISU I Uuu'he .it my irlrmU, Uiluk'.iiK my n. i n.i'iiruble.lmt 1 getal ' ttle teBullsfy thrm, when te my mil prison d tinillllcntlnn, I entnineiued le feel better My hope, cinre dn.d, bewail te revlve, at df lay I Irel In Imt'cr iplilN than I have the past UiiLO j ej.15. " I wrltethls lieplm; you nl.l publish It, se that iv ry ene allllctud ultn H'coiised I.uiiks wll. l.elnilucml te liikv lilt WM. IIAM.'a HA I. AM KJUT1IK I.V N(ls,'indboeeiivlnced that (.ONSt'Ml'TIOV CAN UK CURKI). 1 have laken two Uittlew and can positively say tliu it tins done me meid ifoed tlmn all the ether mLillclnes I hr.ve taken Blnce my sick ncus. My tough has almost entliely disap peared nnd 1 shall non buubloteuotowork.'. bold In II. It ( eehran, U7 eith Uucenstruat 1 recommend umy uimelia's recrct of Youth anil Heauty for the complexion, as bo lus fur superior te any article 1 overused. It positively removes Fieckles, and will lotuevo Tan In one application. 1'ilce 10c. Fer sale tit all druuxlsts. MKS.J. RI.NN IS SMITH, leJJ-Uiml.M.t Newark, N. J. iienryi uaroeiio naive. The beat Ualve In tliu weild for cuts.brulaes sores, ulceiv, salt rhuuin, totter, chapped liaiulf, chllhlulus, corns nud all kinds el skin ei uplletis, free I; 1 e.i and pimples. The salve Is Kuarunteeil te kIve perfect satisfaction in overy ease or money refunded, lie sum you Ket llBtniY'n CAitiiuf.10 Salvi:, as all ethers are but Imltutlens and counterfeits, l'tlce '23 cent' held In Lancaster id Cochran's Drue Hter- 137 North (Jue.ui HtK-ui mv2n-l new tu Soenro llt-nlth. t 4,D.irs binuiL'e that any enu will suiler Ii 111 the many ilerutiKements brought en by an leipu'e condition et the bleed, when SCO- Vlll.'Si.VRSAl'ARU.I.AANDRTlI.I.INUlA. or lll.OOl) AND I.IVKR SYRU1' will reslore ptriei t health te the physical otKiinlnitieii. It lslnl(nilastientheiilnn syrup, pleasant te' take, Hid has proven Itself te be the best lll.OOl) I'blllFlKR ever discovered, otleet etleet unity outing Scierulft, Syplilltle dljorders, Ueakut'ss (it the Kidneys, Rryslpclas, Mala ria, all neiveus diseiders and debility, bll. Ions complaints uml all diseases Indicating an lm, -ui'' condition et the llloed, I.Iver, Kid neyx, stomach, Skin, etc. it corrects Indl Keitlnn. A single boltle will piove te you Its meiltsasa health leuewer, ter It ACTS I, IKK A Oil ARM, especially when thu complaint Is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the bruin anil nor veus system. ., uER'ai'AlN I'A.NAUU.Y cuiesapaluln man ami brait. Fer uie uxlernally and Inter nal ly. ULDHOUSi: l'OWDintS euro all diseased r horse, cuttle, sheep, liegs, poultry ami all Livestock. A I'OSITIVECL'RI-:. niaylNa Forsale ut II. II. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street. JOHN H. OIVLICIt. CHRISTMAS WE AltE BELLING FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Whlte, Botirlet and Gray Weel Blunketn. Whlte Mai-saiUen Gounterpunoo nnd Lanoaetor Qullte. Pine Hatlae and Ohtntz Comforts. Pine Table Hueng Napkins and Towela Etnbrolderod Piane, Oran nnd Table Oovero. Jute Table Oovera Pelt and Mommle Oleth Tldles. Drugget and Llnen Orumb CJletha, Moquetto, Bedy Brueaole and Tapoetry Ruga. Moquetto, Bedy Bruoaelo, Tapoetry BrusBole and Extra Huper Oarpetn. The Aurera Oarpet Swoepor ; nene Qonulne net bearing our firm natne JOHN ONE Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, mint Mention, " 1 have used Ilurtteck llloeil Itltteri with ureal benefit ler Inillucstleii ami constipation et the bowels." f). I.. Kasten. Hamilton. Out. Ker bhIe by II. II. Cochran, ilniKKlst, 137 nml 13U North Ouoeii street. In Small I'ex, scarlet fever and Diphtheria Darbys I'rephylnctln Fluid will mop thu sprtad of the Infection. Mesr violent, oipleilonii et eeui;hlnit nrn tepptvl by'.llale's llotiey el Ilorehoumt anil Tar, I'lke's Tnothiche Dreju euro In one till -tititc. ll7.1vTiln()'l.t w (10 Fits In 34 lluursl " I employed sumo nl thu best phyalclaus here," wrete Wm.E. Tatiner, et Dayton, Ohie. "They nil slil my child cenlil net llve for 3 weeks, It had .sents ln'21 heiits. We jjave It Hamartlim .Vertfne nnd Itiu iiiedlelnn oirectril a permanent cure." DrtiKRltt. illS-lwilceilAw Ilrnnn' iieusMnilil I'Miincns, Is the meit ellcctlvii 1'aln Destroyer In the world. Will most aurely iiulcken the bleed whether tnken Internnlly or upplled oxter exter nally, and thoreby morn certainly KKI.IKVK I'AIN, wliother ehrentu or acute, than nny ether pain allevluter, nnd It Ih wnrrnuteil deu. bio the Hlreii(?th thnu nny ether similar prepa. ration. It cures pain In tht Slde, Hack or llowelg, Sore Thient, IlhuumntUm, Toothache, and Al.l. ACIII 0, nnd li Tim llrrnt Knller el I'nlii. "llltOWNd IIOUHKIIOl.l) l'ANACKA" should be In uvery family. A toaspeoiilul nl the I'liimcea In n tumbler el het water iwcet encil, If proferred. taken at beiltliuu, will 1 IIKKAK Ul' .VC01.I). S3 cenUi 4 betllf. mil-T.Th.FAw Tnnn hintiry. lltue and money will be savud by keeping Ktdney-Weit In the hoime. It In an Invalua ble rimcdv for nil disorders of the Kidneys, Mvcrnud tlewi-u nud for nil dltensesiirlsliiK from obstructions of these or, mis. It bus cuicd n nny obstinate cncs nf ter hundreds el dollars had been pild te physicians without ebtiilnlnu tellef it cure Constipation, Piles llllllmmie'i and nil o'her kindred dlsorders Keep It by you 8jT Tub Veire et the I'uople, Se Kntnlly I)ye-i were ever no popular ua I he Diamond Dyes They never fall. Tliu lllaclc Is tar sup rtorte logwood. The ether color are bill llant. Wells, lllclmnlsen ft Ce., Ilurllngtnu, vt. r.ioterlit ilwitlenl Ti'Jtlnieny ID KAsrSil Sthkkt, .Vhw YenK, March 13, iSil. 1 have used ALix'eaK'it I'osecs I'lasturi In my practtce with lemirkuble succtsi, and found them peculiarly cfllcacleus when ap plied te tliu back ter VVvnk Splnu nud Ner vous Kxh.iustlen : thev iilferd ulir.eit Instant rid el In Coughs, Colds and I, Iver complaint. I co dlally recommend them as thu best and iafi'Kt p'aster uver tntde, and would cau' Ien the public utfatn&t the numinous ether to te called I'oreus I'Usters that are se'tuht te be palmed oil en a erodtiieiis pubic; thuy me worthless nnd eltrutlmc s ilntignreu. ItOIIKKTS NKWTO.V, M 1) , I,. It. C. ". I.ale CheldoCllnl'iue lleipllnl Ter DUeuM's of the Threat and Chest, Medical Ofllcer te thu Londen Hospital, Clinic il .Ntant Itejnl Londen (ipiith'vlinlc llepltal, Asalstant te HeijuUl ler I)lse.i40i el the Hkln, Len Ien Cen-iiHlnt riiyslclan and Biiru'i-en Whim you wanlthntneit carelully priipnuil and best jilastei made, usk your ilrujfglsl ter Alcock's I'oreus I'lnstcr. dl'-lweedAw r"er Uime liaet: , st'tu or cnest it,- alii Ltiira t'oltells ri.ASl'KK I'rlee, M cent Sold by H. II. Cochran, 137 and 1.TJ North Qui en troet, Liiuunttir. tchlloe'ir. Cnmelta Uontetio ter the teeth is very ira uiunt and removes Tartar nnd fccurf, hardens be uuti's, slops ilocey and perfumes the breath, l'r'ce, Ge emits r'er Hale ut alt ilruir Blsts lei7-CmdV 8mall l'ex. Diphtheria, bcailet rover, bel low Faver, ete . uan t exlst whero D.ubys l'io l'ie l'io phylaetlc Fluid Uused, A Kll AUVr.ltTlaKMEXTi. C1AI.I. ANI r.XAMlNl'. Till". Mil KRHY j nnd MADKIRA WINKS and UUI.DKN AUK CHAMl'AU.NKa ROHRKlfS I.IOUOR bTORK, U -1 l'enn Fquare. I 11)111, IU 1AI.H.- ON "ATUllDAl r.VKrt INO, Dl'.CK.MHKK W. Ibi). wl.l be geld at the ( oepor Heuse, Went Ktnu street, thst very di'blrable threu iitery Hrlck Minted Residence, beleiiKlm; te ilr. Aille-, and situated Ne. u Net th Prince street, bavins ! moms and hall en Hint lloer. 3 looms en huceiuI fleer and 3 rooms en third fleer. Rear ullachi'eut has eparate basement kitchen und dlnlnir loom, rurnace. ratiK el best make, het and cold wuler. bath, uus and water olenct. I et Irents 23 leet en I'rlnce ulreol.auilexleuds westwutd ul lout, morn or Icsj, te uu alley i mining te Waterslrcet. 1'ieperty Is In exeulleut lepalr. hale will comtnenoii ul , o-cieck, wnen turms and conditions w 111 be made known by 1IAUS31AN : 1IUK N3. .lACOn LUNDAlCUIt, AUCt. ilO,7,A,I0,W,W,17,21,22 J. i:. UAi.ewri.i x u, cJ JH.I. Caldwell &Ce. Best Quality Silver-Plated Wares and Table Cutlery. Mall Orders and Inqulrlea Rocelvo Prompt Attontlea. 902 Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA. X1SII' AltVISIlTlNBUXEXTfr. rj.KII. If. UATUVO.N. GREETINGS! S. GIVLER IMIIOE 1KY (1001)3 AND CARPET HOUSE. ni:w a m'ititTHMatiiNT.1. II.INM IIItrMt.lM.lh. TOYS! e have new In stere our lull stock of uiUUSTMAB TOVSt Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes, eun puiena auk low and the stock j,akuekthan kvek nEFOiiE. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL. AT FLINJST & BEBISTBMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. r.lllM'H (JOItNKIt. Christmas-1883-Zahm's Cemer. Wr-tches, Dinmeuda, Bronzeo, Roaero and West's Statuary, Pine Oloeka Jowelry, Solid Sllvernud Sllvor-Plated Ware, Spoctaeloa, Mnsenlc and Bociety Badgoe. ItKALTlFLL, USEFUL AND DUKARLK CIIKTST3IAS GIFTS. Cir Urderijer Siietial U'ei k ihtulil he Irt u viailr in our o'cnfaHery. EDW. J. MAXl'KAUTUItl.VH .1 KWKI.SSU. ZAHM'S CORNER, dcel-lmillt SJiH A h Visit TIHESIEXTX. ri:i.l.OV KIttl.1T OltlAlt . v. ha-id-iMi In Havana CIk TIIK 1I1ST Igar In the town II XltTV .'.-. I'.I.I.OW KltONT L'lUAIt S" Jll-UAS ItOtMl. Mil ltl.Nll ,M HAIR I)lU.8lNt. HAI.OO.V (.. i. le .. ii' . . ii ti'id utci'- uu.e B'i ether i-hIoeim. II WAUNhll f" U1 I Mini ,. w cenn im-kd-a itiUNd man vrrn se in: extierlnnce. te ktand In a store. Must come wnll-rucominandeil Heed Hillary will be paid Apply te ISAAC N. HII.I.KK, Intercourse. illtf-ii1.1itw 1 anc'i'tiT county, l'a. )imi.l sI.K OK UtlNTHAI. KKAI. KS 1 TATK. On Tuesday nvenlnir, December IS, is.-.-!, at the I.cep'ird Hetel. Kust Klm;Ht..a thrio-itery llilek iMvellluir Heuhc, with two twe two uterv brlek I ack bulldliu attached en the touthslilent Kust Vine vtieet, Ne. 41, having ten meniH, w, het and cold wittei tluoiih tlueiih tluoiih eut, stationary wash stand, batli room and wntui in-et. ticileet buuni;e, alley en Iho icai rim piepeity has lately been unpieved and Ii In tlrt-cl ii rep-ilt. bale lui omineuce ul 7 o'clock p. m., when teuns will be m.ule known by II. CM ART IN. SutmiUTA: Sitte.n, Atictv. tlS.7,8. 13, 13,17. Hit e.OO IIKVVtltn llil. AllwVtC tcl.. ward will be paid bv the lleii'd et llivi'th ler liitorumtleu that will leal te thu conviction of the person who leineved Iho smallpox il'ijj from the Wetein hotel, eorner et eiaue unit Water streuti, en Filday nlaht. Dee. II, and en bunday memlnc. Dec. IU. Alse, aslundlnieward of thu sumo amount for lnfoimatten that win lead te the convlo cenvlo convle llon el any pen-en ttatln down any Htnall Htnall pex thin rrem any heuse In the city e Laucis ter, without thouutheilty et the Health Com Cem mli (dener. lly onljrel the Iloantel Iliml'li. C II. IIROWN. M. I) . dl7 3t Secretaiy. F A lilt (JlllllHl.MAS ItVKIMl BakiDfj- Butter aui Fresh Kggs Choice Ne- U Ke.11 V, .ilei "i N, O. Me'asses. 1'iiru Hplcei, and FUveung liitiaets, 11 1 BURSK'S. Choice Frulti and Confections. Cholce 31a lipi drains, Flerida Oranijes, Mandraus or I id OloveOruiiKCS, Vulunei.1 Orangus hole 1 ll.iuuuai, l'aper shell Almend.1, llrJ7.li Nun, rectus. Filberts. Kngllsh IVhIiiuU, Demi-stle Walnuts. bliellbtilc and Shellb.uk kernrli. l'.VNUY I'llUlT UASKKI'h HaskeU et Fruits and KIoweis tastefully arranired. LKAVK VOUR OltDUIl IN T1MK. C AND1K3 at l2Kc, lac, 2ee ami 21c per peiinu. ('HOICK BALDWIN APPLKB, lly tiie llarrel and Retail. BTJESK'S, NO. 17 BAST KING STREET. I lAIIKKK'STOMU. Mether's JSpmiiiug Wheel. Ooncernlnst One Artlole That Was Net Fer Hule, nnU Anether Which In Cheap nt Any Price. Ne, sir, l wouldn't sell you thai ler any money ; that spinning wheel wus my mother's. h wiLH enu dav. when she wus hinging llku a lark and making this old wluei hum, that my rather, thou a young medical stiiiieul, ultor ulter war.ts 11 tanner, fell In love with hoi-seino lllly j ears age " houpeku tiie proprietor el a tough bit et hum laud lu tllsler county, N. V le a telle hunter, uml "mother's" Hplunlng wheel ie inalneil among her uhlldren nud grandchll dteii. " Jly molhei," wiltosRev. ,1. W. I'hulp-i, puitoretSt. I'atll's 31 V. (.'hiuch, Chicago, "has used I'aiieeii's TONIC, and wl9iU'H iiki te say that hu his leuud It ineru elleeilve than an) thing she ever 11 ul ler Invigorating uud utiuugthentug the sys tem debillUited by malaria. She desires 1110 uIhe especially te mention the certululy with which It aids digestion uml oveieo.ias ex haustion." Kvcr since the Uml household was (tiibllnh- ed," moth -I's "opinion lias Dionine.o pet -nt in Dili world than th.ilet Indue. iurlJt or nil V- slctati. Hur hand has always coeh-d the luvei unit her volce has bemi lllleil wllli hope. With each day's declluu I'AIIKKR'S TONIC 1 In coming 111010 (lesrivciily popular with the women who guard alike husband and elm. dreit, ltenidlcatesinalatl.il poison Hern the bleed, Hern ulilcli theie Is new such wide spread sutl'eiluu. 1'leabe ebservn Hit I'-VUKKU'-i 'lO.Nlcii netanfrgezfeaiif. It Is u coiiiblnalleiiiitsuv oral ingiedlviils, or which nene singly can Si and and Chemists Brf.KWWSr unfaUiinf reme.iy in two sizes i BO cents ",V,Y,,V,,,r- r ".-. ' ,',","" "7.? ; tl Thol.itterthochoapL'i llisoexACo, " .............., Newlerk dtcl luideed u..n,.... . u., ......." . Ii4 i., & CO., LANCASTER, PA. TOYS! Uh im at early as pessiblr Alt tipcrial firiltn ZAHM. LANCASTER, PA, NK -ta a m'j.UTianatiSTH. r.Mi-.n A COOK. UA1.I. AT V NORTH DIJKK bTRKKT. NO. 110 It rilil". Hi:iTGc HAVANA imiAK IN TUB X city at HAIiTllAS' 1 Ul.l.OW ritONT ClUAi: anmE 1 MO I'll I. It NKW 1.(11' UKTIIOSi: HKAII tirul S-klrti: also another let et Silk llnndkiichleh): lleaulllul Satin lloedj for Chllilion.epon te-duy : the finest, seltentaud best Cnbleuched MtiMIn we oversold ter 7 eenti : our 11.23 Cotinierpanes atubeuuiles; 10 cent Shirting I'hcvtrtit In lrimianti, nt t) (.SlltS. ATBWARR'S, cblMydTi'i M North (Jueen Heet "VISH N1 AMI TIANOH V J The undersigned ' would tiileim the pub lie that the aseney et the MILLER ORGAN In this emniy is tranfoired te him and whero the celebrated Mlller Orgnn3 & Flrat-Olaaa Planea will bii sold I.OWKR up te Jan. 1 than ever boiero. W D MOSSK.lt. Manager, i'17-3tdR 1 13 Kast Klnu' St , l.ancaster, l'a ACtlli: NASAI, OATAItltll A UOI.I) IN the head Is an acute lnilnmmatleu et the nasal mucous membrane, sometimes eonllued te one passage, but mnre Itequently aireetlnt; both. Diseases el the Kye, Ear and Threat also, Cnneers, Tumors, Skin and Chioule l)l-!eaics itccestully treated bv DRS. 11. I), and M. A. I.ONUAKER. Olllcu 13 Kust Uuliitilslieut, l.nnciiter, l'a. (.onsultutieu free. illT-.'ltdA w I A VI UH -FOR TIIK- HOLIDAYS! TIIK- OHRISTIAS WOSK Ih hew 11 fctern leallly. Hludvliiir about what te Tliein Is no meie uet. The buyers are nl cheleist articles In Inst, taklni; up the bestuu Gents' Neckwear, Umbrellas, Seal Skin Caps and Gloves, Hand Embroidered Silk Suspenders, Nevel and Useful Artioles of Jewelry, Cellars, Cult's and Silk Handkerchiefs. OF AM. DF.dCRUTlONS. ARK OFF RAl'lDl.1. MOVlN'.i Make your selections uaily cum cholce nrtlclas. 1 1 01 del te se- Our Prloen are tiie Loweat and Our Stoek of Ohrlatmaa Qoeda are New. WILLIA.MSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, W and 38 BAST KING Street, LANCASTER. l'A. roll HA1.B OH 1C1SX1. i)Jlll.lO HAI.H-ON 3VKDNK.HDAV, 1)K CKMIIKR 19, lbdJ, will be sold at the Key. Htor.e Heuse, a two-story llrlck Dwellltijf, eentatulni; hall and llve looms, eltuatcd en thu west sldu el North Clnistlau strrei, Ne. 072. Let fronts en Christian stteet, 2) teet, ami In depth 2UJ feet, te North Queen street A uoed well et water, if r.me vines, ete. ' , Hule at 7 o'clock p in. Conditions made known by MAUI MeuOVKRN, fcllUUKirr A SUTTOH, Auct. lll.'-it 1)UII1.IU HAI.K-ON MA1IIRDAV, IICUkM 11 Kit 22, IBM, will be sold at publle sale, at thu Leepard Hetel, nil tlmt valuable two twe llrlck Dwelling ami two-steiy brick back bulldlnir, Ne, M3 Kast Kln street, oentalnluu uau ami eirih rooms. Let noun .y, iret nun CHRISTMAS GOODS! iiTiiiuim iiKiiiii t iteiir arriu,! iiiiii rriii uiivuani Auviiun, .&uvb' i,,-,,,, SECOND EDITION. TUEHDA-Y ISVttNINa, DEO. 18, 101)3. GABLE NEWS, Till. I.ATKHT I'll AMU or IHISU AKl'Allly lusejili I'oelo Ilunceil In llubiin Te-Dny He Ulns I.lke O'lleunell i.omlen yuaklcc ultliTrridilntlen rrem T lireats or Ven. eeauce-Irldi hoctetlcn Threaten. lt)B te Avonge t tin Iteatlt or O'Dnutieil. Ouni.iN, Dec. 18. Jeseph Peelo wan hauRctl ntelght o'clock this morning for the minder of Jehn Kenuy. The execution took plnce in lllohmond lllehmond lllohmend Urldowoll. Kenny was killed hy Peelo en thoniRhtef Jnly-1, 1883, In Zulle t'lace, this city. The Kxtcatluti, Peelo rese this morning nt G:30 o'clock, and the prlcat shortly after vlslted him and administered the sacrament. Peelo showed great fortltude during the propa prepa propa ratleua for the cxocutlen On the gallows lie frcriuently kissed the cruclllx and with a Arm volce ropcated the praycrH until the drop foil. His death took place in 3J sec endf. An Orderly 'JlireiiR. Peelo did net toake auy puhlle fitate ractit. A amall crowd gathered outalde of the jail whero thore was also a large ferce of pelice and military. The poeplo d'a. perscd poen niter the hlaek Hag made known that the execution was ever. The execution passed off quietly. The executioner was n man from the north of Ireland, vthose name wai given out as "Jenes." That, however, was net supposed te be his real name. Ilinns who Landed O'Donnell was iinable te reach Dublin iu timote cfllciaie. A l'niinpr Ktlird In Irclnml, A f.nmir named Philip McOavin was mutdcrcd in County Cnyan yesterday. The crime wns dun te afrrarianisra. Several arrests have been rnade of bus pcctctl persons. i.eudun Trcmlillni; With rear. Londen, Dec. 18 It is topertcd that the lord mayor has received anonymous letters containing threats te blew up Londeu brldge nnd Nowgate jail. The detcetives, who woie withdrawn from the prison yesterday after O'Deunell was hanged, have becti scut back An extra ferce of pelice is new stationed en and about the bridge te watch the arehes, ex amine all crafts passluz nud te scrutinize all persons crossing. Iu oensequeoci of the threats made te aronge the execution of O'Dennell armed policameu fjuird Hawardcn Uastle, the rcsidr.nce of Mr. Gladstone. Wuteti m; t r I)rulnnitietit4 The Exchingn tr'cgraph ceinpati) t..tcfl that the jjolie ure chely watching the houses of the leading Ir'sh Nationalists Te Avii5 O'Dcnnell, Paiiis, Dec. 19 At a meeting nf the IrUh relugvcs Ucro jestcruay, roselntions wero passed cendemuiug the cxeoutlen of O'Deunell nud throatening rcenge. l'Huce frill , or Grtintiny, iu Heme. Hemh, Dec. 18 The Crown Piince Frederick William and mlte dreve te the Pantheon this morning and placed a wreath upon the tomb of King Victer Eiuacucl. The pregramme for the nudicuce willi ihe pojie was fully carried out and Iho c.-ewn prince vi.ited the Vatican. lerrible Hener Kxploxien. I'lTTSUunn, Dec. 18 Ttre boilers lu the Richard nil u flurry en Fifty fltst Ktrc t, exploded te day at coon vrit!i terrific force, catteriti; the tlcbi's in all dirtctiena aud injuriiif! n tmmbcr of werkmeti Twe of them, named Wisher and Wcui, are be- licved te be fatally liuit. Orlicis aie ntill lylns in the boiler heuhO .v.A the extent of their injurie aie net yet ltuesvu, e.-vin(j te tee (Uctauce. uepirts r.c?iveil ara very moaijie. Latei iuttliicenc"' states tlia"; bix men woie injund. Tim boiler liouse was do de do melisbcd and a pjrtien of ene boiler was carried ever 100 jards. Samuel llcudor llcuder llcudor Hen and Vest Roup were very seriously iujutcd and will probably die. I'tMtiii ttrn Atu3lat4it. Wasiiikotes Dec. 18 Amem: tiie nominations of postmaster te Iho .Senate te dav by tlm president v:re the follow fellow follew ing: Frank II. Cenner, -tf. Wabiiiteti I) C ; IHnner I). Snvt'i. at West New. ten, l'.i. ; Jerry O.nry, at Sheflleld, Pa ; Ilenry 1' Pratliei, at Orceiiuastlc, l'a. ; Ann Aycm, at Mount Cm me I, Pn. ; Jehn 11. James, nt Nantteke, Pa. ; Robt. J. Iium, at Balenbtirgh, Pa. ; Jmepb W. ORilliy, Cailmle, Pa. ; Kva Ress Weistling, Middletnwr, Pa ; Satlie A Robinson, Ilutler, Pa. ; JaniiM 1 Lbuafelt, Holll Helll davsburi;h, Pa. ; David I) (Irnut, Frank lin, Pa. ; Oscar V. Davis, Northeast, Pa. Trul of 1111 UieiiclJfi. Plymouth. Mass., Dee. 18. Tiie trial of Asa i linker, cliarned with the murder of his wife, l)0i!fi!) here te-day The body of Mrs Uaker wns leund in thu weeds at Hrockteu in August lai.t, pierced with four liulletH uml the f iej horribly nuitila tr.l with n stone. Haker has pleaded net guilty. Latur. Uakei withdrew the plea of net guilty and ploadel ijuilly of murder in the second defjiee. I In was sentenced te ntate prison for life. Itvperte I HHtmery el Nolile ueulry. WiLKKSiiYimi:, Dec 18. A mesRcnj;er fiem the wilds of Neith Mountain arr.vcd hote th's afteuuK'ti, dejl.trin that Ncllie Coe'.cy waa discovered thore yesterday iiiive. Tim deneiiptieu k'iveh is correct. Dcteetlves v,ere dohpAtched ti oearoh for her. Gi at excitement prevails rci'jidiua the 1 1 utli of the dUcovery. A ISurkn lliiunty Killing Mill ciiiesi. Ri:ai)ISii, P.i, Dee, 18. Toe Maldeu Crci'k Iren eimpany lelliiij; mill at. Ulan Ulan den, this county, te-day ahut dewu for au iud.tluile pnrljtl in conseciuuiieo of the dull trade. One hundred iiid llfty hands nre thrown out ofemploymcut. Ite.riitenceil. White Plains, N. V., Den. 18 Thoe doie Iletlman, who killed 'Ai(e Marks, a pjdiller, near Pert Chchter, haviuK bcen denied a new trial, was rcReiitouecd to day te Le banged January ". The case will he can led te the oeurt of appeals. Mrs Oeudiu Aniulilml, Bastex, Pa, Dee. lS.-Mts. J. C. Uoedwlu, who en Friday Inst umt con cen con vleted of defraudlii u lintel proprietor bore, wan te day acquitted of the oliare of (ibtiilnini; money Item young ladies under the piotenso nf toaehlun tliem her art of drcxtmiakiui;. A Kentucky frntiiclde. Mr Btriiline, Ky Dee. 18. Iu Mer nii e.,uuty two bretheiH named Dellusk, weikinu'iua iicui uoermo involved in a. dispute, when the eldrr, ned 11, shot his brother, kllllni; him ieHtantly, Ifiuiiiei in IndlHiiii. Indianaveli", Doe. 18 Tive ifiuares of the buMneMi portleu of Fertvllle, Iud., wero burnel early this tuetnlng. WKATIIKK I.MIUIAXION'J Wasiii.ngten, Dee. 18. for the Middle Atlnntle htutcH, wnrtner cloudy we.it her, with rain in southern puitieu nud snow, in ueithern tuition, Inoieaslnisaauthwesterly winds, foil lived te niht by colder, elenr lug weather, intiiwosterly winds aud risluK barometor, Fatal Aceldent. Mrs. Gee. N. Jehnsen, her daughter and son wero thrown from a carriage in 1 roderiokton, New Brunswlek, vesterday. Mrs. Jehnsen wilt probably die Miss Jehnsen had her uose crushed and her right evp tern from Its soekots, and was injured interually. The betr was nnln. Jurod, JXAltKKM. l'hllndalpnin ntnrKet. 1'inLAUHLrnrA, Dccembnr 11. rienr dull Rupornne State, $.1 00Q3 no; Kxtinde, ISfOfl (l l'a, Kamtly, 117303) Minn. Kxtta, I3U0. ItyoKletiral3 73. 4 Wheat steady Ne. 2 Wostern Hed. II 03X8 1 CO Ne. a de, H 01 1 Ne. 1 rn. Hed, II 12. Cern nuleti sail yellow, 01c I de mixed, COfJClei No.3mUed,M033P. eats nrm and in fair ilemand Ne. 1 Whlte iM; V$&ieat Ne-3 rt0' 9x Itye prltne C5c. .bi,?,cJove,r.,,uUnt01W' Timethy dull at IHOfJlBOi Klaxseed, II te hid. -.i'?vlA,en8. nrm' Innotive t Mess l'erlr, new, llcaietOj old. list Ileet Hams, 121021 se. .iJLlSrnuniolf0',.H!,.eul,lur"i0a'lio salt. de, ilt8i2, i Hmoked Hams, WJiOH ; pickled de! i.ard (inlet ami firm city roflned, oyie i loose hutehers, SOSc; prltne steam, oi:e Htitler dull butsleadvi Pa. and Wostern extra oreatnory. 3iaia i n. e. ami v. y. extra. 23J30e i Western geed te extra lS327e. IbUll' 9. r:i8a Kkrs aulet and steady ; len hetisu. 13321c. l'a. oxtra,2Q31et Choesn nrm and quiet New Yerk lull cream UXOlSWe t Wostern fair te weed, HO 12e t l'a. part skims, SflSet de inll.SaSKa. I'otreloum qtileti Hellnod.OSaKe. WhMkv dun at II 20 New Yerk Flnrhets. New Yerk, Dec. 18.-Kleur dull nnd un ehaneml ; auporflne Htate and Wostern, II son 310t Kxtrade, M 4331 0) Cholce te Kancy (10.1.103863. Wheat openod litftKe lilRher, ntterwards lest advance and declined i(tX ' tradu very moderate; Ne. 2 Ited, Jan., II 13WD1 HVi : de Keb $1 13ei lK; de March, II 1701 1"( Jlay, 1121140122!. Cern opened HtiHe hlhnr, later lejt ad ad vance ; Mlxed Wo3tern, spot, MjJWet de tttture. GIGCDJfc. Uitsashsduhftter ; Ne. 2 Dec., lOci Jan., 41e; Keb,, 42c i State, 'Sftllc: Wo!tern,370 HKc Wdttrru (hum nlnrket raeniA. Cem was "toady t new mlxed at. 17KOI80; new rejected, 0fiil2e. ()ats were quiet and easier; Ne. 2 whlte at Jje. Itye was steady at ASSSSc. Milwackkk Wheat was actlve, firm and higher et D7e for cash ; WJe ler January ; V3!ie ler Kehruary ; II OVi ler May. Cern was hlKher at file. Oats worn Urmer ; Ne. 2 ataie Hye was llrmer ; Ne. 1 at 57kc ; N'e. 2 at EC'ic. Iiirley waa stronger at Blc DuTneiT. Wheat was Armer; Ne. 1 white, fall at II Olj; ter cash and 1 03$ January ; Kehruary. II 07 ; May. 1113; Ne. 2 whlte, We hid; Ne. 2 lud.lIOIK. Cern Ne. 2 at 3flc for January. O.its Ne. 2 whlte at 37e bid. l.tve Stock l'rlccn CaiCAOe Hei's Receipts, 33,000 head ; ship ments, 1,7(0 head : market strong and prices SiZJIUj hlalier: packing. II GQitS C'J ; packing nml slllpnlnit iri 40-JO (M j lli'llt. l C03 4); Hi lp-. IJ.VJ5I 2V Cattlis Receipts, 3,000 head ; shtpinents, 1,1:) h ad ; market weak and prices loelowcr; experts. I3SUQ7 23; koeiI te cholce shipping, lACPtjOSO; comtiten te medium, II2KJ3I0; Tnxans, IIQ5. Sheen Receipts. 4.000 held; shlpinent.9X); market uteady ; Inferior te fliir, 12 WQ210; meillu n te geed, 13 23 J! 10); cholce te extra, II 3033 53. KastLidbbtt. Cattle Receipts, 3,331 heal ; iniirkotplew atlas' week's prices. Hogs Receipts fl,53J head ; market actlve ; I'r.lladclphlas. ffllOJfOM; Yorkers, I350Q3 75. Sheep Heeelpts, 5,100 held ; murket lair t last week's prices. l'liltailclptiii cattle .lluriici. Monday, Dee. 17. The arrivals et llve Mocicatthe I'lillailclphU stock yards were : Fer the week '..SHO beeves, S.ew Hhcep, 3,(00 hogs, l'rovleiu weeic-3,30J beeves, 12,000 ebcep, 0 OOi) Iiek-i. lleul cattle were In rjeiil iluui.inil.iinl prices, lu syintuthv with-the Wen, a ivancml Viftys. en all Kr.nlei, six laive steers ler Clnistin.u show bilnu sold ler tJKe. Ve nuote as lollews : F.xtm, 7Q7e ; Uoeil. CXfir.r ; Medium, 6)i0'-ie ; Common, Stt&Kc I'ntiews ete Inactlveal 3350. Mllehcews wero In peer ii'TUBntut iMQQi vcaic.uvi'4 woniueuvoav itJc;c. Shoup and Lambs wcra in Unlit supply and wl' ha full demand prices were Vic. Ultflier, a'theut;h the stock licie was et an Interim fju iiliy, with the (ixcopden et a tot of Christ inns t'liev houthdewiiH. which were sold by llenl.C el: te Samuel II. Wentzanil Gee. v. I.f.irrty ut 7Kc. V "i They were the lltust evers en In thu yards. We quete as fellows : Kxtrn, '0c; Ooed, IJiQc: .Medium, l!40lc: Common, sale; L.iuibi, 4HBtJie. ilOiis were lu light suppy, and with iikoe I ilemand prices ndvancu.l fje. en all uradus, a tow extras behiK sold In nietall way ntH,Mc. We iiuote as fellows : F.xtni, SXc; Ooed. H'jQSljc; .Medliim, S$ 8Kc ; Common, 7K07'ic. SALES AT WBST rillLAOIiirillA TAIlUS. Anions the sales nt the West Philadelphia Ynrdsweru : Jlaitln, Fuller A Ce, '.'71 Wostern, wholesale, 3XRUB. lloer Meyniis, 150 esteru, .1U17Ke. lelm MnAnlle, '.sx) Western, e(i7r. Daniel Murphy. 275 Western, ()S"e V. S. MeFlllin, r.S Wen Virginia, 80le II F. .MeHllin, .20 Western, 5a7e. I) bir.yth IJie., 113 Wostern, VfQtiXc iitnme a nre,, ei inixce, ;wee. A .t I Christy. 127 Vn ucet. .). II. Cuddell, (JSUe : 2! Vu ucet. Win, I.ewIh, M 5Kc: 24 Va acet A. T. Hell. rWe oke : Mi . nccr. f. Leenard, one Soh.unbeiir X I'uul, 177 Wisteiu and mlxed, lVf7c. M. Uluinn. l.'S Wenein. own aect- IKUOc j U) Woiterii, ucet. of W J. Beham- beiif.etiu'i'i, a westi-rn, acet. et Levi Sen enlk', iiiQl,ia ; 19 West ern, acet. of W. It, .Maynes, (Je. Owen Unlth, ii Wo-tern, eun ucet; 51 de, acet. Mattlu Fuller it Ce.; 17 de, ncct .1 Kch'imheii;; 20 de, ucet et Jas. Ctemsen. 5utJ);e ( HcliuntberK & Ce.. 200 Western, 5KG7C. Levi i.owenHiein, im lYCKteru, .ViU'y.c. 1-aae Adlcr. 70 West Va.. 5k0Jic Lowenstelu Hntlbren, 122 Wintein. IJiOO'ie. II. chatn, r.. 07 Wunern.SV.fJOs. F. Scheet, S3 Western, ryinMc. James Cleuisen, 40 WcHtern btO'lKc L. Hern. 2U mixed, i1e. .laities KiHtiiee, 23 Wostern, Wo.Uiirn,5aee. llaeliui'.ii A Levl, 110 West Va, and Western, SKGOXe. DIUISSUU MliATS. City Pi.meil Heeves wei-e active nm) prlecs clnsud hlKher at SQle'e, with sales et common cows as low us 7c, SLCS LAST WKUIC, Redin r Mavuus. 03 he.id. Hdkc. lted"er Mavnes A Ce., 110 head 89Me. L. Me'.'iindless. 113 hcal, 7Kti'JHe. ( . S. DoUKlei, 70 head. h'lUO&C. ,1. F. Lowilen.MhoJd, SJ'.)c. 11. (i. lkemiuin, in lieail. HJi(J9ie. .1. II. Menus A llre., lSJhu.id, UU'JKe. .lehn II. Wnrd.Ct heud, 7iW'-J. Dressed sheep wero actlve and rates clesid hlKher at 7fli5e. Lambs at VXllc. AllATTOia BALKS. .lelm Wallace 111 head, 7tf1Jie. Musur A Ce. W3 head, 7tOKc. MusserA Ce., 117 head of lambs, flQIle. itoeu .nurueis. ijuolatlensby Reed, UcOrann A Ce, Hana ors, Lancaster, l'a. 11 A.M. 12 M. dP. U O.C.&l.C Mlchlkan Central W4 W.i ,fVW New Yerk Central Ilik IUK lllJt New Jersey Central 8I Ohie Central ,3i mi Del. Luck. A Wostern Ulh Denver A llle Urande. Krle Kinsxs ft Tetiis... Lake hh no ChU"i"A N. W., coin N. N..Out. t Westein. ay. 2-Ji 2JW m)i 1 1 At? 1 St. l'uul AOmaiu 31 Purine Mull 12 Rochester A l'tusbumh.. W, Hu l'aul Texas I'acinc Union I'aeltle Wabash Common Wabash l'l eforred West'rn Union Teleumuh 3 '20 K Jix4 a 4X Louisville A Nasuviiiu... N. Y.. Lhl. A bt. L l.ihlKh Valley 7IK i.emgu iNavigavieii l'ennsylvanK Re.ulliiK I'.T. A llutrale Neitheiu I'uelllo-l'eiu. Nerlhein I'aeltle 1'ixil. HiHionvllle - 6s .is u-Te . 12 : fsi am S3. M l'hlladelphla A Krlu Northern reuirm UmlerKrnund Canada Southern 5I"h Oil 1U'4 l'eople's 1'assouuer U IS flillftdelplita. uniailensby Asseelatril Frees. titneks 11 rm I'htliide'pht'i A UrluR It. .- -i itundliiK Railroad. ??) I'liiiiisylviinla Itallnxid , "ft LchlKhYulluy Railroad JOi United Ceumadins of New Jersey. ,,rJ7. I Neithern 1'aelile.,,,, ..... .. Northern Control Itollreail 00 I-enIi?h NavlKntlen Company ,.,. 43 Norrlatewn itallread , ,,,.. ..JOS Central Transportation CeiniMiny.,,, Vt I'ltubV, TltusvllIeA linnaieH.lt. Wi LittlertclmvlklU lUllreaa w new or. Qnotatiens by Associated l'ress. Bteclts sttetiff. Uouey elsy nt IQiUc New Yerk Central .....1MW Krle Itallread SfK Adams Kxprcss ....128 Mich nan Central itallread... r'i Mlchlitaii Heuthnni Itallread ,. loe(? Illinois Central Itallread 1 ... ......Am u oveiaiidft l'lttshumti itmireiui i. im1.'.00. Keclt '"Innd Uallread.I'V.I.'.'.'.'.'tlSW y' Kert wnyne Railroad. m- New Yerk Onlartei WosienV."'."""!!!" HX Lecal BtnCRi ana HeuiU llopertod by J. II. hentf. r,r (t.ast Laneailer City 0 per cent lfttfi... loe 'pSlSi ' " He... 100 117 ' , . '! , , la"' l" 5 per ct. In ler 30 years.. 100 ioe,W) " Pperct. Scheel Lean..,, 100 101 " 4 " in 1 or 2Hyeirs.. loe loe " 1 " In 0 or 20 years. .100 100 " 0 " In 10 or 20 years, inn let Manlietm boreuKh lean 10O 102 uiwiLLMtaem srecKs. CJaarn'Vltle It. 11 ISO 113) MIllersvllleHtreetCar Nl 40 Inquirer Printing Company ffl 49.73 Oaa Mitfit and Fuel Company...... 23 30 BtovensHnuco(llonds) loe 11A Columbia (las Company 23 23 Columbia Wat'irCempuny 2 Bus'iueh'inna lien Company ...,,. 100 206.cn Manettu Hollewwuro 100 210 Slevens lloueo,. , se 6 nicuy iiuanii. , , no la KastllrandywIneA Waynesb'ir.... W 1 Mlllersvllln Nernml Scheel...,...,. 21 Northern Market (0 103 UIPOr.I.LAKBOUS neHbn. Quarryvllle It. H,.ilunlKKl loe liujullii.f A Columbian. R3's 100 Lancaster Oas Liitht and Fuel Ce., due in ler 20 years 100 LanciHtnr Uss Ijlfthtand Fuel Ce., duelssil 100 Kasteru Market M Western Market CO TUBMTTHa STOCKS, 111ft sml'iitA Heaver Vutiev 125 118 la1 lio.te 103 M G) I 10 Mrlilgiipeit ft Horesheo 13 Celnmblil A C'liistnut Hill 25 'lelumbl.i.fc WusliliiKten S3 Columbia A. lll Sprint; 23 Columbia ft Marietta 23 Maytown F.iizabothtewn 23 Lancaster a Kph'atu 25 (.ivrmutiirft widow Stroei sfi 2.1 11 2J IS 3) 1C 47 4J.10 SI CO 31 , Ul 73 103.11 133.1(1 41 110.M H7.5) III'. 7.1 ua 101 Hi 111 en,) coo 130 lie 134 75 130 US fttrutnui; & Millport 23 Miirt"tta.T Miytewu ii Alar tta . Memui Jev Lane., tUlzabrtht'n & Mhldlul'n ....... ..u h. u-... ...... 100 60 X) " W A loe iniiKiuiirL r luiLVlliu..... l.ati'':tter A I.UttT . ..... IiSticastr ft Wiiilamirnwn. 1. iiuuuta Maner t...i'Cistur , ManliellTi ... iiin"wii'r ft Marietta. I,a.'ritr A Net llelluiiii .......... .,,.... ...... .. l.i.n ast.r . Kueiueli'inna ....... IHa) B.INB IIT0i:0 t lr-i li.itienui una tlW F.ii,uein' N'ntieiill lM:ik 0 Fnhen National It. ink 100 I.i.iuader County National ilaulc. CO Columbia N'allennl Hank 103 Chrlittana .Vi'Meiiui IL.ti.t.... 1(0 tp'irata National Rank 100 Flr.t Natien 1 ilatik, Columbia 100 Pi'Mi 'i'lti.'ii 1 11.111k, fcrasburg..., IPO Fli' Niifniml l.m.k Murl'ittil 100 Fli' Nil'r.n.l " in UnnntJey.. IbO I,l;:i'. Nat! r il lUnlr 100 it . I ti N'lile'vil It.mk 100 t'nie 1 itt.ini n.vn';. Mount Jey. t0 n. Hei'iui 1 s a.enal ilnnl...,,... lw) l, ui National ll.mh 100 nr.invAU pUTICUltA UK31CUIE3. BEAUTY SOAP. Te keep the pens open, the oil glands anil tuhoiecllve. and Jim furnish an outlet ter tinpiirllluf In the perspiration and bleed which ciui-e hiiiulli.iUiiK Jiletchci. blsckhcads, and miner skin bletnUhes, especially et Infants; te cleanse, whltun mid beautify the skin, re move tan, 1 it elilcs, sunburn and oily matter ; te keep the hands soil, whlte nml free from chaps and leiwhncs i, prevent contusions sklu and scalp d'cc.ise-i, - id te prnvlde auexqutslte kin bcaullllcruiul letlit. bilh etul nursery Banatlvu redolent with delicious Ilower edni-s and CUTicur.AhPMl'itf balsams, use the Ccti cuha Ucai. Indorsed b tihjhlcluus and chem fstrt as absolutely pure aul uljjlity medicinal. 8ales 1351-2 1,000,000 cakpii. THE HERITAGE OP WOE, Sllaery, shame and Jt?nny often bciiucatheil as a sole leKacy te chlldimi by uiODts, la neglected bcietnla. Te cleaiiHe thu bleed et this hiedltary poison, and this remove thu most prolllle urn e et human snirerlm;, te dear thu skin et dlsflKtitliiR huiuers, ltcliintj let tares, liinnlllat n eruptions, am loath leath loath setno suiosciused by lt.'e purify ami beautify the iikln, uml restere the lwlr se that notrnce et the dlreiLs.i leinuiiis Cuticuiia Rsselvuict, the new bleed purifier, llu.'Ctte and aperlcnt, and cinicuitA uml CuneuiiA fexv the great skin cures a d bcautlllers, are lut.tlllble. I HAD SALT RHEUM In the most tii'Hruva ted form for clRht years Ne kind et tieatmcnt, medicines or doctors did me nny permanent koe.I. My friends In Maiden knew hew 1 suirered. When I beirati te use the Cuticuiia Remuuies my limbs were se vaw and teuilerthat 1 could net bear my weight en them without the skin omeklmrand blcedlnir, and iva ebllKOd te i;e about en ciiitctieB. Utcd;the CtrricciiA ncjutmss flvu mouths, and wascompletelyanil permatieutly Cliied. JlltS. H A llllOWN, Maiden. MlUB. Reference: Any citizen et Mai len Mass. OOPPER-OOLORED. I have been allllcted with t oublcsemo skin ilUease, eovevlnir aluiostcetnpletolv the upper part et my be I v. causing my klu te assume aeopper-celored hue It could be rubbed oil like (laudiull, uml at times einisliu Intolcr Intelcr Intolcr ubleUehlmrand tue most lutenss millerlng. 1 have used blend purltlers, pills, and nlher udvertlsjd loiiiudlei, but otpuilunced no 10- lli.f lltltll 1 meOUlCii ttlO (.UTICUltA ltUMKDIKS. which, atttuiiin'h ued caielessly and Irrecu l.uly, ciiud me, a'.layinit that tuitlble lteliliiK iiiui resterliu my skin tells natural color. 1 urn v,llllu te make ulllduvit te ihe truth or this statement. ,... Mllun.Jllch. 3. 11. 1IUXTON. Sold by all drufraists. cnncciiA, 83c.; ItEsor ItEser vknt. tl ; Seap, 2te. I'ettbh unce awd Ciiik. ioalCe., llosten, Mass. semi ter ' Hew le Cute akin nise-kses," CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. Tw (Ircitt lUlsniulu DlstilUileu et Wlteli llHitl, .Mnerlcuii 1'iur, Uauadlan Fir, MnrlKeld, Clever llloieem, ete. Fer the linmodlate rollet and I'ertnaiunt ( ure et every term et Catarrh, from a slinple lleadceiil or innueiiza toine i.em ei auiuu, Tuste and UearluK, Ceiih'h, llrenchltts and In In In clpt.ntCoiuumptlen, Uollet In flvu minutes in eieh nit overy case. Neihtnu llku It. Uniterm, t tixrant, wholesome. Onte benliw fiem ll t application nnd Is rapid, radical, permanent and never talllmr. One bottle tUdlcal Cure, enn llex Catarrhal Holvent un t -Sanferd' Inhaler, all lu ene packaue, (.iimlnii noemplototreuiiuctit, of all ilrukKlsts ter $1. Asa roaBAWDrenu'a Uau. lOALCCaB I'OTTEB DllUO AWU CllKMIOAI. Ce., llosten. COLLINS' ic I ei llm relict and prevention, tlin Instnnt It Is upplled of Itheuiuatlsm. Neuralala, Helatl; cv, Ceuitlis, Colds, Weak llack, Hteuiitch and ..!!.?:.i .ui;i. , , xi...ni.n.,aj llvalm III. JIUtVllB. nilllUHHK . Ull.e, .iinnuiiv.1 -"".,.-..' Fuiuale l'alns. Ipltatlen. Dyspepsla. l.lvci Complaint. Ullleus Fever. lliUarla unit c.pi- Ill demies, use Celllus' lniter, (a n '" Mattery combined with a l'jirens I'laster) and lniieh at pain. aoe. every whero. itecMyilW,3,aw I A SI I. HACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely the Veil ever made, ceuililnliitf ihe virtues et hops with Kinds, balsams and extracts. Its power Is wonderful In eurlnu illsexses whero ether plasters simply relieve, lines in mu .ouek 113)5 uml Nccr. rnin in mu alde or Limbs, Hint .leintiandlluscles. Kidney Tieubles, Hheu mutism, Neuralgia, Sore cnest, Attectl .i. iie,.rt nml Liver, unit nil eulim or nr ,mui.iiuiiui latusernritva lu nv mirt cured Instantly by the Hen JL'tatlur aj-Tryltr- 1'rlce, 43 cents, or tlvu lur il.it). Mailed en receipt of price. Hei l by bUdriiic ulsts and country store. iji I'littttr Cobi. ikiiij, 1'ioprletois, llosten, Muss. LAME BAOK. 4VFer rnnstlpatten, less nl iipnetltu and diseases of the bowels take Uawley ' meumi Ii and Liver I'llls. SSccnts. usily Awijj 2iijt fy I 1