Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 18, 1883, Image 2

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Lancaster Intelltgcnrcn
He Mere or Them.
Tlie Doyleatewn Democrat In view of
the dear fact that the Legislature liaa
neglected lis sworn duty te carry out
the constitutional mandate that It
should apportion the state, thinks that
It should be again reassembled te de this
dety, and te also revlse the revenue laws.
It thinks that thelr Is danger that Fonn Fenn
sylvanla representatives In Congress,
oheosen under the present law, maybe
rxruiMl ndmlaslen Inte Congress. This
danger we think Is qulte Imaginary.
But whatever may be the necessity of
new apportionments, the present Legis
lature has se fully demonstrated Its un
willingness te make thorn that we cannot
think that thelr recall would be profitable,
or Is desired by the people During this
vearlts members have managed tore-
celve from the state treasury about thlr-ty-flve
hundred dollars for services very
dear at half the money. Ne doubt a
majority of them would be very willing
te serve the state In a similar way next
year for like compensation. "We de net
think they should be given the oppor
tunity. Having ence shown that their
consciences are of that clastic kind
which will permit them te rcfuse te dis
charge an undoubted duty, and te ac
cept thelr full per diem while doing the
state no service, they certainly have
been sufficiently tested nnd conclusively
proved te be wonting In the proper dis
position nnd intelligence of a legislator.
What hope the Doyleatewn Democrat
can have of their fulure es3ay at appro appre appro
tlenraent, or hew It can expect eecd
revenue or ether legislation from them,
we de net understand. They have gene ;
let them stay.
lined with the principal retail and whole
Bale business places of the city ; but the
new postefllco has no entrance upon
either of these streets. The architect
might be forglven If this had been an
unintentional blunder, but his wilful
design te make It se can never be condoned.
(letting Well.
Senater Cameren has been heard fiern
in Europe, and the report is that his
condition of health is improving and will
onable him shortly te return te uj.
Fresh scenes, geed diet, temperate
living, and a quiet mind have worked
the geed te the senator. We trust that
he will net hazard his improvement by a
premature return. We are willing te
spare him from this session of the
Senate. It is true that there are some
persons Interested in the proposed
change of its eflleets, who would
like te see his vote represented.
Tf Senater Anthenv should net be
able te contlnue in his seat until
this matter Is settled, Maheue and Rid
dlebergcr held the balance of power In
Senater Cameren's nbscuce ; and in that
event the worthy McCook would hardly
be the secretary. McCook is known te
a great many of our citizens ns the officer
who was in command of the camp of
Ohie troops here In the eaillest days of
the war, and we should be sorry te see
his pleasant prospects dissipated. Still
the health of our senator is a prime
consideration with us and we would net
have him risk it.
a ' - -
Tiiurti: was a blind peel formed tome
time age In the Northern Pacific spec
ulation, and there has been great blind
nes?, ever since in that gigantic open,
tlen. Everything went swimmingly
until the go ldcnepike was driven a few
months ace, but aince then there has
bceu a dreadful rattling down of values,
and the millions made by the blind have
been lest in their blindness and millions
mere te beet. It teems that Mr. VII
lard the leader of the blind, has
saved a millloudellar house, aud
some hundted of thousands of dollars
in government bends are snid te have
been snugly put away by his careful
wife. "What else Mr. Yllleid has is net
known, save the maledictions of these
who trusted him. Very shrewd mm
they were, tee ; aud Mr. Villard must
have been a very smart Dutchman indeed
te ensnare them. He did the trick, hew
ever, some years age te Jay Gould ; and
that is a geed certltlcale of his sharpness.
At present he seems te have come te the
end of his rope, and retires gracefully
from two of his presidencies, being
Anally convinced that the Northern
Pacific Is enough for him te leek after.
IIe has just succeeded in getting its
floating debt paid off and it is in geed
order for the leech.
O'Dekneli, died bravely, probably with
the conviction that his death was honor
able and that he would be held te be a
martyr by his countrymen. N'e doubt
he will. That he slew Carey, net in
self defense, in accordance with the
verdict of the Jury, seems mere prebable
than his own statement that It wa3 n
dofenslve act. That he was scut te de
the deed was net shown. IIe would
seem te have been actuated by the
belief that it was a pralse worthy
act te relieve the world of such
a wretch ns Carey. That Carey was a
very bad man there Is no doubt ; that he
deserved hanging mere than these
whom he caused te be hung Is certain.
The English government, in giving him
his liberty, shocked the sentiment of
mankind. In sneaking him out of
the country, it showed its knewledge
of its unrighteous act. It put before
every man, who met the wretch It sought
te save, the temptation te slay him ns
ene wholly unworthy te live, it is itself
responsible for O'Donnell's act. Carey
should at least have been imprisoned for
life, if his life was te be given him. Iu
hanging O'Denuell England has made a
mistake. Ills trial was net fair and the
refusal te listen te the request of our
cevernment for a delay of execution was
most ungracious.
Cel. P. A. Burnt, in his recently pub
llshed Interesting chapter of autobiogra
phy of Simen Cameren, anticipated what
must be a story full of graphic incident
whenever the history of his life is told.
Viewed in whatever light it may be, a
cireer which began with Andrew Jack Jack
eon's participation in politics and still
ceaiprehends ngoed deal that is vital in
public affairs, is bound te challenge
attention. There is u readily discernible
disposition en the part of Mr. Cameren,
a3 the shadows lengthen, te have men
think well of him and of his put iu our
political history. In his lastcei... ibutien
te contemporary history ha lays claims
te it degree of confidence reposed in him
by Mr. Lincoln, which some of his
enemies of his own party have denied
him : and his rasping rcference te the
attempt of Seward, Chase, Stevens,
Wade aud ether radicals te defeat Liu
coin's renonilnitlen is no, likely te
escapa notice and perhaps te provoke
beraburg nnd no Inter than ycaterday the
Seaboard, Pennsylvania & Great Westeru
It. It. announced thelr intention of building
a nnd from the Delasvnre Water Gap, in
Moureo county, te Pittsburg, a distauce
of '13d miles Lines haw, also been pre
jocted Inte Rldgway, Klk comity, and
Uollcfetito, Centre county. Lecal reads
are alne building in all seotleus, aud it
begins te leek as though cre long the
Btate would ba as well supplied with rail
roads ns it is nt preseut with turnpikes.
w mm
The Philadelphia ChrenieU Herald
pi mis for tbe retention of the Santa
Clans delusion.
The West Chester Letal Xeirs knows of
of no name better suited te barb.d wire
fence than that of " barbarous."
The Pittsburg Pett advises the R'publi.
cms te adept the two thirds rule In the
nomination of their candidates at Chicago.
The Doyleatewn Democrat, wants the
Legislature rocalled for apportionment
purposes nnd suggests that it be dene after
the rebruary election.
The Norristown Herald 6C0S iu the eiler
of the presidency of the Heading system in
New Jersey te Gcerge M. Robeson, a
vindieatien of the os. secretary.
The Harrlsburg IntltptnJent considers
that it is time for magistrates aud courts
te deal mere sternly with the fraud in
petticeats, the moauest of imposters.
A geed UV.ierman has pluck, patience
and cniluratic, aud is nover a bad man at
heart, says tin Alteena Times, nud that's
why Arthu: has move 1 se quictlv aleug
in his providential career.
tiib ntANue.uniMA miiiiocine.
Tiik Hepubllcans of Philadelphia,
flushed with their late successes in that
city, are troubled with the tee numerous
candidates for mayor and ether city
officers. One William B. Smith, a most
importunate place hunter, Is striving
earnestly te ba nominated for mayor,
with some show of success He is net
enough of a Reformer te make a strong
popular candidate, nnd he is tee much of
one te be entirely npp-eved by Leeds,
Rewan and the ether bosses. While
they are vainly looking for a man te
b2at him with, he Is gathering up dele
gates, nnd these who dread his candidacy
are put te their wits' ends te get rid of
his pretension?. Meanwhlle there Is a
llttle stir among the Democrats, but a
very strong undercurrent of feeling that
their party can de no hotter than run
the old " cltizeni ticket " which it
elected three years age, King and 1 1 tin
ter. Their administrations have been
non -partisan, aud a vast advantage te
the Democrats evor the unscrupulous
use which the opposition made of their
ofllcej when In control of them.
Jilt. Jasiks W. Beslku, who died
suddenly of apoplexy in Carlisle ycator ycater
day, was a conspicuous figure in lids
Btate. He was n mnn of remarkable
anerrtv nml fltinrpq4 111 Itiitliinqa nfTilru .
and he applied the principles which
ruled him in commercial speculation te
his ventures in politics. They did net
serve his purposes se well In that Held.
Although etal ivart iu his methods he was
the ilrm frleud of Blaine, tills relation
growing out of associations in Washing
ten , and In any Btruggle that Is te ensue
In this Htate between the Cameren and
Blalne interests, the latter will feel the
less they have suffered in Hosier's death.
Tin: New Yerk 1 imes criticises the
removal of the officers of the late Heuse
of Representatives by the incoming
Democratic m ljerity of the new Heuse
as a departure from the spirit of civil
eervice reform. Anything mere ndicu
leus tliiiti this hyjKircrlUeism it would lit
hard te imagine. In the first place, the
late Republican incumbsnts were only
Installed two years a?e by a clean sweep
of all the Dome:raU then in p. ace ;
again, the present Heuso is a distinct
organization under no obligation what
ever te retain the officers of any previous
body ; while finally, the Republicans of
the Senate are ready new and have been
for two ywirs only waiting for votes
enough te turn out every Democratic
officer in the Senate simply because he
is a Democrat.
CunisTMAS is new only a week oil, aud
the bells can already be faintly heard jing
ling ou Santa Claus's reindeer steeds.
AuVNUAScn of raouey aud dullness of
trade are the paradoxical conditions uuder
which the business world is new living.
Ir it ba true, ns stated, that Senater
Eokley II. Cexa will net be a caudidate
for re-olcctien, the state loses ene of the
purest aud bes: rncu that has ever graced
its legislative halls.
These who buy thelr Christmas prcs
eats new wben the stock te oheosu from
is hrgu and the bustle and oenfusioa at
teudanteu the oleso of the holiday season
is nbsent, are wlse in their generation
I'eiuiai's the ruddy glow of the western
sky alter has seme connection with
tee bloody shirt which has been se indus
trieusly waved sluce Carlisle's olection.
At iiuv rata nstrouemors find its explana
tion a very hard nut te craek. One after
nuothiref the thoerios oencoruing it has
besu upset. It Is said net te be zodlaeo.1
light, nque'iis vapor, voleanio gis, a
comet's tall, meteoric dust, or tlia sun's
red light. After observations of the phe
noaicnen from all quartern of the globs
have boeu oemparod and the concentrated
lUlit of hciuuea brought te b:ar ou it,
soma sr.uryiug oxpianatien or its ex
is'.cue may ba discoveied.
Saxony must be u btessed country for
theso who go out Inte demestia service,
for the rights and prlviloges of servants
nre there scoured by the most stringent
legislation. The mistress Is obliged by
law te allow the servant ene pound of
batter and one of coffee per mouth, or the
equlvalent iu mouey. If the girl furnishes
her own bedding alie aocures 1 J cent per
night for no doing. Boventy cents u month
is allowed for her washing, and alie receive
B per cent, upon all purchases alie makes
The faet that the law must atop In te cn-
fmce that v lileh common humanity nud do de do
eeuoy would suggest, argues a net very
dolectable coudltlen of doraestlo affairs in
the northern portion of the German eni-
Claim Lecrsr Kelloie is said te be n
very skilful poker player.
Tur. Dwtei; HnOTHLns' of llroeklyn,
wen with their stablu of horses hit year a
fraction ever $123,000.
Dwieut 51. Sam:?, the new chairman of
the natieual Republican committee, has
an income of $11)0,000 a year.
RiaiiT Re Fn.iMta Silas Ciivr.uii',
bishop of Viucenucs, n he, it is thought,
will succeed te the v.isaut archbishopric
of Philadelphia, is said te be the most
scholarly clergyman iu America.
Gnx. GnAKi is very careless in his dress
and appearance. Ue gees about ths streets
of New Yerk with his shoulders coveted
with dandruff. Hits coat celUr is sprinkled
with what appears te be yellow corn-meal.
It. H.TneiiAS. nt . editor of the Median-
iciburg Siturday Journal, was knocked
down and badly beaten by Martiu MilleseD,
a teller in the Second national bank, of
Mechaaicsburg. for the publication et an
article caul te refer te him.
James W. Iksi.En, a prominent and
wealthy citueu of Carlisle, died suddenly
i esterday of apoplexy, aged 52 years. He
was extensively engaged in Westeru cattle
raising, and was considerably interested
In national politics.
IIcnuy Villaui has re3igned the
presidency of the Oregon and Trans
continental and Oregeu navigation com
panies, betug succeeded in the former by
William Ecdicett, jr , and iu the latter by
T Jeffersen Coolidge, both of Ilosten.
SKM.lTlir.UllXl-. 1 KKTIUK.
Tlieltinck FUri rurmnm Titon Inte tUe
I' jy et Ctilim iheWnr in ilie Soudan-
te Ascugci triiimuell.
At Paris the Marquis Tseng Bald Mon Men
day he wished distinctly te affirm that
China would break oil official relations
with France If the troops of the latter
government took possession of cither u.o u.e
Niuh or Sentay. He should rejoice te see
l'rime .Mttiutct Kerry te go te i.raiura
nud talk with Karl Uranville, the British
foreign initiator, en the Teuquiii matter.
He said: " Thcre is uet mueh time left,
nud 1 sincerely trust that M. Ferry will
Hud seme disinterested patty who is en
titled te ask of each nation theso coneos ceneos conees
sious which we are net incliued te make
Prcsident Grevy liassmutvl the eenimis
sieti nppeintine General Millet te the
command of the Teuquiu expedition. The
icpert of the committee of the chamber
or deputies en tlie supplementary iuuiiuiu
credit of twenty million francs, was pre
sented by M. Loen Renault m the chamber
Monday. The report roeommouds that
the credit be granted. The chamber of
deputies approved the project for the lay
ing of a cable between baigen aud Ten
General Campeueu, minuter of war, in
view of the tuultltude of offers he has
received for service in Teni'tilu, has
decided te acoept enl) eilers from availa availa
bie fortress battalions.
At a meeting of the Seua'.e oeairuitteo
ou Teuquln credits, M. Ferry toad a dis
patch from Admiral C, dated the
10th instant. statiiM that the mtrcheu
Sentay would begin e 1 the 1 lth.
Anuutii'd Sni UUiR.
Au Auuamite devoted te the Chiuese
poliey will probably be nominated for king
of Auuatn te succeed Knir Hiephcma, who
was recently poisoned. The new UitiR, if
necessary, will rekide at Bae Nmh or
Sentay, surrounded by Chinese, neldiers.
China has taken the black lltgs into her
pay. A Freneh expedition, composed of
0,000 men, with a lletilla et gunboats nud
steam launches, started several days age
from Hanei for Syntax. Tfle troops wero
landed aeveu miles irem the town, and
encamped without meeting the eneniy or
tiring a shot. The assault upon Sentay
was oxpecteJ te ba undo en December 12.
The cnemy's force is e-itimatcd at 20,000
Tin: wait 1M Till. SOUI1A..
rnu O Ulcer I et Itlcks r.ACu Saul te be Iu
ttie lictert.
Further uative lueeuats of the liattle
between El Mahdi's forces and theso
of Hides Pacha's say the latter's
hands were ilrst cut off, and
that he was afterwards cu: te pieces.
Three thousand men of Hicks Pacha's
army wcre taken prisoners. Twe Euro
peans and twelve Egyptians, who were
trying te reach Khartoum by the way of
Darfeur, have uet jet arrived. They have
probably lest their way. It is believed,
from the descriptions ivcu of the two
Europeans, that they are Mr. Edmund
O'Douevan, correspondent of the Londen
1) n.'y AVk ., and Mr. Frank Vizitelly, of
the Londen Graphic.
Tue Berlin press intimates that the
British qovemment has taken steps te
negetiate secretly wuli El Mahdi, the
tcims bsiaa that Euel.iml will ceunte
nance his control of tbe Soudan, upon the
condition that he teave Lewer Esypt un
disturbed. Large purchases u.' transport mules
hives resulted in iluding a total or 413,000.
In the afternoon ene of the family dropped
n bunch of keys through the barn fleer,
whleh necessitated taking up a plank te
Hud thorn, and when the young man put
his baud down he otruek n half gallon
fruit jar, wliteh he pulled out te 11 ml p.itt
ly lilted with 1 10 geld pieces. Other jars
nud grain bag wcre also found containing
cold and silver, aud wben It had been
counted the total amount figured up ever
4213,000. The widow was overjoyed, aud
in her statement te the correspondent said
she bollevcd that the discoveries wcre in
direct answer te her prayers.
THIS ltKLI.S lir.OI.N TO .JlMILt..
uei.'i.utii.v rs t:v.s.
The new postefllco building in Plilla
delphla, which coat the government eight
million dollars, Is about ready for occu
pancy. It reaches from Chestnut te
Market street, the two great thorough.
fRf1 if the city, whle'i ure respectively
PneiiAULY uever bofeto in the history of
the atnte have there been e many miles
of railroad uuder construction and Iu con
temp' ii ion ns during the present sear.
The Pi.i.sylvanla read has been dovetlng
large sums of money te the straightening
of its main line nud iu addition is bend lug
overy energy te the completion of IIb
Hehuylklll Valley extension, which will
onable it te compete dlrectly with Reading.
The latter la new operatlng the Pine
Orcek conuectlon with the New Yerk
Central, aud orders te procced with the
building of the Seuth Pennsylvania read,
i ibe western link of the Vauderbllt system,
tue dally expected, Rumors are afloat
that the Pennsylvania pcople nlllconatruet
n abetter reute te Pittsburg from Chain-
HU I.BltertK IIib I'viiucruMel 111 District
Dfclluluc te He it Catidtilitte Again.
At Wilkesbarre, Sonater Eclsley B. Coxe,
addressed a lettr te the Democrats of the
Ttveaty-rtrst secterial district Monday,
"As the time ler u:Ieeting a p:rsen te
represent this district in the state henate
is fast appreachiug, atd as many Inquiries
have b:eu raade privately te me as te what
wcre my intentions, I deem it my duty te
state publicly that under no circumstances
will I be a candidate for rcnomiuatien. I
de this net because I lnve lest any of my
interest iu the success of our party, but
that any of my friends who might wish t)
enter the cmtest may net be prevented by
aay considerations for me. When the fight
begins I will bj found, as usual, iu tbe
raukH, trying te de what I can for the sue
cess of the Democratic party."
A'theuh it has been weU'knuwn araerij,'
the politicians for seme time that Senater
Coxe would decline te stand for another
term, the lotter created q-aite a consterna
tion, nevertheless, when it was raade public
and ft is the general subject of conversation
ameni; the rr.embeis of both parties.
Several prominent Democrats are tnontlen-
cd as hiB successor, among them Represen
tative Hinns.
c'fiiiiin.ii (jut Miliar
IliugUrs entercd the heuse of S. P.
Lreasingcr, at bowler, Michigan, yester
day mernliis:, and stele i'i. 100. They then
act (he te the hotise aud it was totally de
stroyed. Less, 421,000.
At Duratige, Colerado, early yesterday
morning, several burglarn. led by a colored
man known as " Hir Ike," picked the lock
of the deer of the bank "f Dura- go. The
tieure entered the build ms:, while the
ethers remained outside Three citlzoes
who wero watching the bank attempted
te capture the nere, but he drew a re
volver and llrcd, killing Bruce Hunt, seu
of es Goveruir Hunt. The robbers then
undo their eacape.
A dispatch from Wheeling, W. Va
fays the poeplo of Deddridge county are
indignant that the fnlse report of the
lynching of "Bi' Bill" Kinney has been
given publieity, as he was net harmed by
the mob.
Tlie I'lre llrcenl.
Nearly all that was left of the town of
mi rertagu, ilauiteba, by the rccent
ilie was swept awny by a similar
disaster yesterday mertiinir. Only ene
stere and a few iso'a'ed dwellines are left.
The less ts estimated at 100,000. There
was no llre appliance in the place. About
half of the business portion of the village
of Rockferd, Mich., was burned ou Sun
day morning. Tlie less is about $30,000.
Fire destroyed sixtoen btiildinga in
Candelria, Nevada, en Sunday. Less,
esO.000. -Tlie house of William Procter,
at Glendalo, Ohie, was burned jrcsterday
morning Lem, $30,000 The resldeiice
of Frank II. Miller, in Augusta, Georgia
was burned ysterday morning. Le3 $20-
Honors tn Ilie Demi Arctic fxnlureri.
Saeretaiy Chandler resolved the following
tolegrim Monday morning from Minister
Hunt at St. Potersburg : " Hiirber tole
grapha from Irkutsk : ' Arrived from Ja
kutsk in ninetcer. days. Military honors
paid bedies ou departure from Jakutsk.
Bodies received hore by the authorltiee
and goegiaphical societies of East Siburln.
Bedies new lyln iu oUafalqtie in public
aquaie Will leave F riday." '
- i..M
A WUIIIIUl W'HIltCll ter llewarnnr.
have been luadaiu Cyprus for Egypt, 120
mules sailing Eypt te-day.
The British oen)meiit is said te have
notified Eypt that Great Britain is unable
te interfere in the Soudan, but will try te
tnduce the perta te dispatch an expedition
thither by way of Sjuakiu.
cexfunrs uwrd in Knxtanil.
A i.irgely attended meeting was held
under the auspices of the Manhattan circle
of the Fenian Brotherhood, at Clarenden
Hall, New Yerk, Monday uvemng, t'ltake
action iu regard te the osecutio.i e.'
O' Denne!!, the murderer of Carey, the
informer. After a number of inflammatory
hpecches had been made by the ruore cn-thu--ias'.ic
members, resolutions wero adopt adept
ed, calling i Irishmen all evor the world
te avonge tlie death of O'Doncelr and
pledging the members ( f tbe Brotherhood
te renewed energy in striking down
"Eugland, tbe enemy of Ireland, who hets
at naught the laws of htima rty and eivi
Rebert Blissert, ('Do:ievan Ressa and
Colonel Me7.z2reff were among the speak
ers. I.AM) IIKI.U IIV rilUMli.M-.IM
At Vancouver, W. T.. a grand rally was
held Monday iilndit iu honor of the pas.
aage or the wemen'u stiflYage law. Lead,
ing politicians, Irrcspcotlve of party, are
getting up a petition te Prosideut Arthur
te appoint a Mrs. Durway, the leader of
the woinen'sunfiaiiolii.oment cause, gov
ernor ei the territory.
Daly Tn Let the l.riui,
Iu thn billiard oe-iteat Monday night be
twuen Maurlce Daly and Albert Gatnler.
nt Lyens, Franoe, the former bcercd 013
nnd the lattei" 00 j. The tiul aoeros for
the three nights are Daly, 1,800 Gnr
tiler, 1,703,
3Inu) TliuuiamU el Acrcn In lirltlsli llainU
A l'Un te Limit Oporatleiu.
At Washington Reprcscntatlve Hepkins
of Pennsylvania, has been investigating
the subject of the ownership by aheus of
laud in the United States, as a result of
which he Ins drawn up a bill placing cor cer
tain restrictions upon such owners. It was
ascertained that the Earl of Dunrnvcn
owned sixty thousand acres iu Colerado ;
the Earl of Donmerc, ene thousand acres ,
a Scotch cempauy of Dundee, llfty thous
and acres the Danish vice consul, llfty
tbetisaud acres in Mmnoseta ; Phil. Mar
shal & company, of Londen, England, ene
hundred nnd thirty thousand acres in
Mississippi ; uuother English company,
seven theusaud acics in Yazoo Delta aud
three millions acres iu Texas,aud Benjamin
Newgas, Liverpool, ene hundred acres in
Arkansas. Theke are only a few cases en
the list prepared by Mr. Hepkius, and iu
is bill he proposes te limit the quantity of
public land which may be acquired or held
by aliens within the jurisdiction of the
United States net te exceed ene thousand
aerca, unless the prospective purchaser has
made declaration of an Intention te bocemo
a of the United States, otherwlte
an alien cannot acquire, held by purohase
grant or dovlae, aud in case he aheuld
secure l,i ml iu oxeo-ss of ene thousand ncres
he cannot held it longer than two years
The penalty of violating the act Is declared
tebj forfeiture oftitle and the land te
rovent te the Unit Jd States. Aliens nre te
include all associations aud corporation
formed under the laws of any foreign cev
a Widow 'j i'i.nd.
Dliuurerlin: e3 111 OOO Wlilcti iltr lluiuand
Had Hidden lltlore Itli DetU.
Harrison Ramen lived for many years
iu Hinckley, Medina county, Ohie, nud
amassed considerable property, meat of
which was in cash. He would uet trust
his money te the keeping of a bank, but
hid it about his own premises, hoeping
the hiding place secret even from his ewti
family. A short time age he told his wlfe
that ha had hidden about $30,000 in mouey,
aud that pretty seen he would inform her
of its whereabouts se that, iu care of bis
death, alie would knew whero te leek for
It. He uogleotcd te de this, and about a
week age h j dled of apoplexy, After his
death an examination of his papers showed
that he had $1)35,000 lu mouey all hidden
nbeut his premises. Ths most thorough
aearch failed te roveal the hiding plaoe,
and the widow began te despair. Then
she wiib Impressed witli the that
if alie prayed with faith the Lord
would direet her te the plaoe
whero the tnoney was bldden. On
Wednesday alie preyed all day and all
nluht. On Thursday memltig alie was
linpelled te go te the beehives, whleh
steed en u beneh near the heuse, nud In
the exoltemont of expectation she letiucked
evor ene of the bivea, disclosing te
her vlew tbe top of a boueh with a
pile of grcen backs of large deueraluu
tlen upon it. A aoareh uuder the ether
What the l'lwjrers nre llelui;.
Hartley Campbell's ' Siberia" is te be
played lu Froueh.
Haverly has made the Bread street
theatre in Philadelphia n great success.
Bryant & Hoey, musicians, are the hus
bands of the French twin sisters.
The show business has been bad In Lan
caster this season.
Minstrel troupes nre plenty this season
aud seme are getting shaky.
Harrigau sfc Hart are playing " Cotdo Cetdo Cotde
lia'.s Aspirations " te big business.
Barry and Fay are giving "Irish Arts,
toeraoy" at the National, Philadelphia.
Win. T. Deylo, Jehn T. Raymond'
leading man, has left him aud will aue for
Allce Oatcs has a company out this year
which includes her fourth or fifth bus
There is seme talk of Haverly nud T. H.
Pugh becoming partners iu the amusement
business in Philadelphia.
The Grand Central Philadelphia is nlay
iug strong attraction! this season, and the
managers are making meney.
Kitty O'Neil, the ulmble clog dancer,
who recently nppearcd bore, is the wlfe of
Harrv Kernell, the Irish comedian.
" Unde Tem " companies have been
scarce bore this winter, notwithstanding
the open woather nud geed walking.
Callender's big minstrel party, which Is
new run by the Frohman Brethers, will
open In Philadelphia en January 1st.
Miss Belle Archer, of Annle Pixley'a
"M'llss" company, was formerly Holle
MaKeuzle, nud is new the wife of Ilorbert
oierton, ei .nurpriy and Alorteu song
aud dance men, ins been serieusly ill iu
1'iiiladelphfa for seme time past, but is
new recovering.
Emma Abbet is having trouble iu her
troupe. She aud her husband ure ene slde
and Zelda Seguln-Wallaoe and her hus
band en the ether.
I. W. Baird new has two minstrel com
panies. Tem Warfield is leading come
dian of oue, aud Law Benedict also drawn
salary from tbe same head,
Teiuy Deuier'a pautomine company is
at the Central Philadelphia this week.
The Silbens, the great aerial performers,
rccently joined the cempauy.
Gcerge Davenport, ence a leading Irish
comedian, is lying 6erieusly ill with con cen con
simptienin Bellovue hospital. He was
ence the husband of Mrs. Charles Backus.
Heading has a permanent variety tlica
tre at Fairview park, whleh is said te be
deiug well. In that particular it is ahead
of Lancaster.which, however, formerly had
Twe oelorcd mcu of Whitoley's " Hid
den Hand " cempauy fell te fighting white
performing en tbe stage in Mlddlotewn,
Conn., and used razors en eachin full view
of the audience.
A Cincinnati jowelry dealer roped Pat
Roeuoy In for $175 with a bogus diamond.
Pat don't knew much about diamonds but
like icrtalu ethor actors he thinks they are
iicceseary for his outfit.
Milte L'saritt'a big minstrel company.
with Coel Burgess and a let of ethor
ancient cemediaus, is playing in Balti
more. The company Is strengthened for
big cities by the addition of one of
L"a7itt'a variety parties.
Patrick Roenoy denica that he recently
attempted te sheet bis wife and child iu
the west and claims that the story was
started by a nowspaper correspondent who
wa.s refused admission te his show. Pat
lb inks it was avcry peer way of getting
Messrs. Nixon and Zimmerman will
present "Jalraa" the great spectacular
piece, which made -buch n great hit in
Bosten, at the Academy Philadelphia for
saveral weeks, commencing next Monday
night. About GOO peeple are ompleycu
in the play.
Fleischman and Hall, of the Walnut
Philadelphia, have secured " Excelsior"
for January. Iu this play net a word is
apoken but the spectacular part is grand.
Kualfy.s have made leta of meney out of
it and they will seen send little companies
eui- te astonish country towns,
Columbia must be a nice town for hall
shows if the eterles Reut te the Lancaster
papers by correspondents are true con
corning the behavior of the hoodlums,
who tit In the gallery at performances lu
the opera heuse at that place. Tnn pelice
regulation must be very flue te allow such
conduct and the actors who fuce that kind
of peeple certalnly nre men of norve.
Thcre is no ethor town in the otate that
oeuiplnlus se mueh of their bad boys at
" l'e act) e lintili, te oien tloeil Will" The
I'littttums I.elttr MliMen-A I'hnrlty
Unit Drarttrs Aiirelttliin.
The cold snap ei last week, followed by
the only snow fall of any oeiiscquonoo this
season ; tbe collection of winter greeus
and Christmas trees lu Cotitre Square ;
the crowded thoroughfares during shop
ping hours nnd the btlskcr sceiiea nud
signs lu centres of Unde and In the toy
marts, all tell of the approach of Christ
mus. With the indications that bespenk
merry times for happy households nnd the
gift giving and gift getting that mark the
obsetvnuco of the season onieng the well
te de, it is te be hoped that common
chnrlty, which Is tluice blasted, will In
mil rneli ene te ie member theso in
greatest need of attontleu. Their number
is large but it is net tie.uly na great as
of them who can be helpers If they will.
The peer nud nick, the suffering and aor aer aor
rew iug, tbe inmates of hospitals and
almshouses, and even of the Jails, merit
charltable attention in this gladseme
A PmUeiKilttiy MIlMiili.
One of the most beueflccut ngotielcs for
audi work that baa yet been established
is the Christmas letter mission of the C.
L. M , ns it Is usually called, which was
Htartcd about eight years ege in England.
It was begun nud lias been carried out,
entirely by ladles in n thoroughly systo syste systo
matle way. Its object was te distrlbute
en Christmas morning a Christmas letter
and card te each oue of the inmates of the
hospitals, almshouses, orphans' homes nud
prisons of England. The suocess
et the mission was wenderful, the
English people responding se willingly
and gladly that ue difficulty was found iu
collecting the small amount et money
necessary Efferts were then undo te
establish branch missions lu ether coun
tries. Last ycar'a report speaks for itself.
Iu addition te the distribution throughout
Great Brltaiu the letters were generally
distributed in France, Germany, Italy.
lSelglum. Spain, and even m India nnd
China, and of courte translated into nil
these different languages. Last Christmas
the mission was organbed in the United
States and met with n cordial reception.
The letters are simply and prettily wrltteu
se that eveu the most Ignorant can under
stand them. They tell the Christmas
story te these peer, sick nud suffering
people, aud try te bhew thorn why they
tee should rejeice en the Saviour's birth
day, Inasmuch ns the glad tidings wero
ir all maiikitid. Ilie euns aie origin
nnd pretty and tnucti mere suuaoie ler me
day thau the mere elaberate ones we often
sac. That the lettcrs nnd cards give
pleasure has been abundantly proved by
the notes received by the ladies from seme
of the recipients.
Tlie Lancaster tlrancti.
Theso who distribute thorn in tur p ) ir ir
heuse, hospital aud prison, say that it was
touching te rce with what eager delight
the iu mates received the letters, read them
te each ether, compared the bright cards
nud expressed In their evn vay their ap
preciation of the fact that seme ene had
rcracmberul them at Christmas time, aud
lu the hospital, hew the wan pale faces
grew a little brighter ns they drew the
if tters from under their pillows, and hew
the sad hearts teemed chcertd and com-
forted by the loving words of iiitcrcst and
If this wcre all, surely it would be
oueuzh. but seme of the fcecd must fall
en geed ground aud will bring forth fruit
In due season, aud it was He whose birth
day we would fitly celebrate who said :
"Inasmuch us ye did it uute oue of the
least of theso My brethren, e did It unto
Me." In the Eastern ceuutry there are
certain times whi'ii, at a signal given from
the mosques, tlie pious Moslems, wherever
they may be, pause in their work, fall en
their knees and devoutly eiler up their
prayers te Allah. Tliore in something very
beautiful iu this Idea of united prajer.but
equally beautiful Is the theugt t that en
the glad morning of Cliustmas Day, our
wishes for happiness and peace should he
apoken net only in our own bright homes
and te our own dear friends, but that the
echo should be heard through the length
and breadth of our land, and reach the
ears and touch the hearts of the homeless,
the sick and the sorrowful.
from Our HfRiiUr CtiitMitiimitiit.
The Bupquehatitia river hore, la frozen
ever. The ice la nu inch thick. Cannl
beat navigation ou the Pennsylvania nnd
the Susquehanna and Tidewater canals la
entirely suspended, and beats are frozen
lu nil along there water ways, A man
residing en an Island i:i the river near
Columbia was obliged te break Ida way lu
a beat through the ice te the shore te pre
vent Btnrvlug. as his supply el feed was
exhausted. Thn snow white hills around
Columbia present a decidedly wintry np
penrunoe The young folk) are out en the
hllM or town In lull ferce with thelr sIeiIh
Thlsiiuew (all docs net admit or the up up
pcarauce of slelghs. Theso persons who
have net joteloarcd their pavements of the
buew had hotter de re bofero seme person
Is Injured by ralliug en the allppery walk.
i.iiiier.itig .ludau i.tiiicten.
At the Cor.greRatietial meeting held last
night, at the Presbyterian chureli, no
election of eldera was held en ncoeuntof
the aiii.MI number of membcrn of the con
gregation present. The next mcetlug or
the membership will be held en the evon
lug or January 'J, when the question or
adopting n rotary system or chlertdilp will
be dismissed. At last night's meeting
Hen. C. C. Kaullmaii presented n rcsnlii
tteu endorsing the action of Judge Liv
ingston In demanding the iron clad oath
from hotel mid restaurant keepers rolative
te the sale of liquors. The resolution was
unanimously adopted A copy of It will
be cent te the judge,
struck li nu ltnclne.
Win. Findley, n Pennsylvania railroad
carpenter rrem this place, narrowly
escaped lining killed at Middlctewu, whlle
standing en tlie track, no was struck by
nn ougltie aud tes d several feet into tlie
air, landing ou thn slde of the traek. He
sustained only a few bruises.
Society MrrtliiRS.
Chiqucsalunga trlbe, Ne. .10, I O of R.
M., meets iu Its slgwam this nvcniug.
This evening will be held a meeting
of Putnam elrcle, Ne. 11:1, B. U. Ml. F i
C. A.
Company C held tin drill last night,
although the time or diill was nmle
catller te mi it nu ml. i. Thu attvndance
was small.
A business meeting or the T.T. E O
club was held last night. The incnibeiH
will held a reception at the club room ou
New Year's Day,
Ten u full
Marktl was poorly attended in-day.
The snow has put a check en budding
l lie Jans ju ureilieis liave Deuu opera
tieus at their new slate werka here.
Business iu WrigbtsUlle is bjemi.i,'
Ne cries of hard tiin, and dull t'ale is
heard there.
The " Black," n play similar t.
the " Bl.tek Crejl;,' will be pre.ent I
hore next Monday tvefing.
The Tilnity R -fei.n.d nid Presbyterian
Sunday sdioels will ImiJ their Christmas
celebrations ou uight
A Swiss named Emtie Weaver was fcnl
te the county jail by 'Squire Pattern ths
morning, fur diutiktu and diseidi ily con
Alitily fight nccuried between whites
and blacku en Uui n street last evcnlr.g.
Lets of i ti by drops it-ddencd the miew.
A tlne likeness et thu late Gee. M
Halns has been preuntnl by his wid.iw te
St. Jehn's Lutheran Suudaj clu.el The
gift is highly prized.
The mtrttili.i cenudy of Wrinkled,
by Harry WaUjn'b company, wi I
be presented hore th n uvcuing. The play
Is full of laughable nceucs. The troupe H
well recommit' ted
Christian Y, truer, aged 00 years, a res
blent of this lace, died en Sunday in
Cernss all, win Ibeit mi ii vli The
remai"s ssrie brought hrte te day, :i'id
will buried te merr.iw
The nrmery ssul b' pen nsxt Monday
from 10 a. m. te 0 p. in , for the purpese
of allowing theso desiring te hire costumes
for the Vigilant llrrmn's ball that evening
te de s )
Mr. Frederick Buclier has purchased
from the Episcopal bntliliu' association
the franm dwelling nwi ud by that ergnntr
ittieu en Fifth 8treet,bctWfL:i WeetWalnu'
nnd Chestnut strci-tHat piiv.itefulc.
NKItitlllOUltOOl NKWd
I. vents Pieitr una Acrei.t tbe County Line,
Articles of agreement wcre filed in the
state department nt Harrlsburg Monday
ter tlie merging of the Seaboard, Pitta
burg & Great Wostern railroad company
and the Delaware Water Gap it Seuth.
svestcrn railroad company.
Governer Pnttisen Monday appointed
Charles R, Buckalew trustee of the Dan
ville insane hospital, iu place of W. H.
Bradley, realgned, aud C. Stuart Pattersen
Inspector of the Eastern poiiltentiary, vlce
Alexander Ilenry, decoased.
An eight months old child of Francis
Shltler, of Washington township, Berka
county, whlle sitting in tlie room, pulled n
buoket of boiling water from a chair aud
spilled the conteuta evor itself, scalding it
se aoverely that It dled within twonty.feur
hours after the nochlent.
Of the legislators who rccolved their pay
at Harrlsburg, Monday, Saunter WalUce
turned in 9913.20 and Senater Adams 8000.
Ronicaeutativo Geergo Morgan, of Plilla
delphla, roturned 8110. Sonater Hall baa
indicated that he will take no aalnry ex
cept for days actually iu nttcudnnce en the
Peter Heller, of Reading, who has for
seme time been lu ill health, committed
auiclde late Monday night by cutting hits
threat from car te car with a razor, in the
prosenco of hia family. The head wua
uearly aovercd from the body. After
committing the deed he walked te the
front deer, whero he fell te the pavement,
dead. An autopsy wna held, and It was
discovered that Hellar had swallowed pul
verlzed glass, three large brass buttons,
four small cer'ia, four large copper pennlca
and aeveral small plccea of alate pencils,
evldcutly with tlie iutentien of ending his
life. He was about CO yenra old, and
leaves a wife and tlnee children.
Ilftlrs ill He! l'.'ltme.
J. S. MePhcrren ha aeld te Geergo I).
Gall his Miiinll farm near Quarry vllle, for
$2,100. It contains 1 1 acren and lias mono
hotise and barn.
J. Wltmer Lofevor aeld a heuse and
let In Quarry villi, te .Tames Cellins, for
uioieut tnoUeiifco.
The fall term of Franklin & Murahall
collcge dosed this morning with a abort
address by Dr. Thetnaa O. Appel in the
ohnpel. it will epen again en January 8d
when Prof. Oast will deliver nn nddrcas.
AUtile 1'ixley In Ilnr repultr Hele.
It might net be Impessible for Mis.s
Annie Pixley, the p ipular nelrcs, te erect
a theatre m Lancaster, and conduct it re
muneratively with naught else appearing
in it but her admirable play, " M'llss," as
intci prctcd by a geed euppert and her esvn
Incomparable, personatien or the " wild
flower or the Sierras" ; Hlnce her every
visit te this city ia u ropetitiot or forraei
cenqucsta. Last evening she was greeted
In Fulton epera heuse by a brilliant audi audi
encb that crowded the building above and
belew, and which had nothing but sverds
or admiration and praiee for the little
attiste. A reurth consecutive presentation
of a play hore certataly permits no med of
criticism, and as this was Miss Pixley'n
fourth visitation te Lancaster the specta
ters did uethlug but listen nun ioeic in
delight nud, mayhap, nete the aupcrier
oxcellouco she has attulticd tn her rele and
observo her fclloiteus suppression of
Inclination te the exaggeratlju whleh
marked her earlier presentations.
Misa Pixley'a auppeit, na Inti
mated nbove, ia notably satisfactory.
Mr. Frank Lesce appeared for the llrst
time In Lancaster as the groat-hear ted,
bluff and ruggedly ohlvelrio i uba Jltll,
and gave a very accoptable interpretation,
well in acoerd wltu tue origin verswuty
and unobjectionable aud natural abandon
of M'lii. That faverite ami genial actor,
Alenzo Schwurtz, whom te ace In any
ploce In his pecullnr characters, is te re re
inembcr with pleasure, gave an oxceedlng
ly nlce and natural bit of acting iu his rele
of Judge Jieeticinger, which waa immensely
enjeyed. Miss Bell Archer, better known
hore as Bolle McKonzie, is Miss Pixley'a
leading lady, nnd appeals as Glytfic,
lu a part that altogether disbars thispepu
lar lady from executing anything worthy
of mention, but what little ahe has te de is
donelwith ability. Mr. Herbert Archer,
us Juan Walters, the Moxiean, gave acred,
itable performance. The nudlonce waB
very demonstrative lu Its appreciation dur
ing the evening.
Uliiacd Over Ilie Uiiuilug llulliliiys
Some oue in this eity advises the tiowa tiewa tiowa
papera abroad that the Penn Iren oempany
has shut down Its mill hore becaure of the
refusal of its werkmeu te uccept a reduced
Ecnle of wages, and tint the suspension is
likely te be rermanent because of that re
fuaal. This la n misatatoiiieut. The mill
bns shut down for the holidays, and baa
advised its empleyes that when It resumes
In Jnnuary, it will be at a reduction
of wages. Ouly n few of them have
said Hint they would net work at
the icduotieii. These nre among
tbe puddlera, the beat paid class
iu the mill. Thn placea of theso who
de net ncoept the reduction will be sup
plied without difficulty, ns the tupidy of
svorkrnen la groater than thu demand, and
the wages offercd are mere thau theso
which have been for aome time paid in the
great iron region of the Schuylkill valley.
The oeat of making Ireu nt the Pcnn mill
is qulte ns less as at any rolling mill, but
it has for a few woeka past been nbove the
curient ptice of the manufactured Iren. Ab
there la little prospect of the prloe nd nd
vanelng, it fellows that the oeat must ba
reduced j and this mustbe done at overy
mill which lnteuda te koep in n eolvent
llnauelal condition.
Arcmiifii' court.
In tbe case of A. F. Katil, etal,ss
Hugh McCert, laane tn tiy the validity of
the will of Daniel McCert, in which u
verdict was rendeicd in favor of the plain
till" last, for the rc.-uen tint Frank
Quiuti, thenllegcd agent of the defense
did net appear when called, Qulriu filed
reasons for a new tr'.il. He did this after
the time had expired, but the court allow allew allew
ed the case te be put upeu tbe trial list
Monday. Neither dolemiant nor his agent
nppearcd yesterday, auJ tlie metlnu for
rule svas dismissed.
Se far eight aiipjuinas for divorces ssore
iasuid for the January tcis'iuu. Five of
the apph "tuts are wometi and three man
Siturday is the latt day (or making these
applications. The parties te thu suits are
as fullu'.sH : Gustave Kercheff vs Amelia
Kercbeff ; James Parmer vs. Careline
Parmer, Annie Bair, vs. Gcerge F. Hair ,
Elizabeth Ceuifert vs. Daniel Comfert ,
Oaroliiie Clurles vs. Benj. Charles ; Mary
M Giecn v- Henry Gieen ; Allce B.
Eager vs. James Eigei- ; Samuel Clark vs
Emma 1c.
Cleu) nt tli- it. in It. fair
The ladiua' fair for the benefit of the
Kiii'li!n or the Revolution ; in Excolsler
hall, closed last evcnlng. The following
articles svi'ie chaucud off te tbe persona
named : Frank Dennelly, silver cake dish ;
Mary Btis-ni svnx pond lillics ; J, B.
Deuiiiiiyir, laimy gras ; ?l.irgarct Gertz,
black bead cell r ; Chatlcs Fisher, sliver
caster j Jehn Shoenbergor, plckle dish ,
C. Rudy, bed and bedstead for dell ; Sallle
Persen, hanging bracket j Bue Fritz,
fauey oiifchieu ; M. E. Gast, fnuey lamp ,
Miss Ress Wcstwoed, plu cushion j II.
Phillips, dell ; M. Rote, splasher of svnth
stand ; Annie Dauncr, pat ler vnse.
The following Httlelca were voted fei
Mary Ileiiiifcke.Hiiiall oaster; Idn Weaver,
wax dell ; Mrs, Jacob Weaver, pair vases ;
Clara Jenes, bed quilt ; Maggle MoKinley,
cushion ; H. W. liucklus, boxing glevc3 ;
D. O Brown, bedroom furniture,
Ticket Ne. 1,039 weu Iho silver ten set.
The owner of the lucky ticket Iku uet yrt
turned up te elaliu his geed fortune.
In a pscuuUry point et vlew the fair waa
a substantial sucecsu.
Jutii(ied tlie Train,
A passenger for the svest, svhose name
la unknown, jumped from the limited
exprcsa ttaiu, svest, yestenlay nftcrnoen,
a abort distance cast of Dlllcivllle, The
train was running at n high into of apred,
aud the man svas thrown heavily te the
ground. On regaining his feet it svas ue
ticcd that he had recoived a cut abeve the
oye aud ene of hia hands svas disabled.
He ran towards Lancaster and tbe railroad
peeple hnve heaid nothing of him aince.
He had a ticket for a point ou the read
further west, svas a svelldicsscd man with
u silk plug lint and made a ferinar attempt
te gut off the read near the Big Coucstega
bridge, but the train at that point wna
tutiuliig very fait, and he waited until it up a little near Dlllcrville. He
evidently wanted te get off nt Laticaater,
aud sumo interest is lelt te loam svhether
he was ccrleiicly hurt.
Menu out,
The pellua reported four of the olectrie
lights net burning last night, aud thorn
were no rcperta from the Fourth aud Ninth
The 3It)ur's Court.
This morning the mayor sent ene drunk
te Jail fcr two days and discharged two vagrants,