Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 17, 1883, Image 2

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Y DK0EMJ3EK 17. !&.
HU , J " "" . ,
Hancastet fintelligmrer
Cencernlnp; Ulnp Trap."
TheJfcu Tra nasumcs that "when
Mayer MncQonigle'a bump of economy
swells be big U9 te demand n rap from
Select Councilman Evans, his honor
would de well te pauBO and rcvlse his
reckonings." This assumption does no
credit te tlie IntclllRcnce or fairness of
our esteemed contemporary. If it will
oxittnlne the facts aud figures of the
Issue between the mayor and the chair-
man of the street committee, arising out
of the vetoed preposition te transfer
$1,600 mere from the contingent fund te
tlie street appropriation, it will discover
that Selcet Councilman Evans has been
favoring a me3t flagraut " mlsappreprla
tlen " and indulging in 4I clap trap " in
defense of It.
In opposition te this resolution of
councils, the mayor presented ns nn in
vincible reason against it a statement of
expenditures amounting te mere than
twice as much as the present balance
of the contingent fund, which he says
are due and payable this year. Mr.
Evans says that certain of them nre net
Let us see. The items of $000 for asses
Bera' pay, $00 for ice, &c , are slngled
out by Mr. Evans as expend ture3 which
can properly be met out of next year's
appropriations. Xebady knows better
than Mr. Evans that the assessors' pay
for the servlces they are new rendering
cames out of this year's receipts. It has
been customary at the closing of tlie
appeals, held always in April, for the 11 11
nance committee te approve the asses
sers' bills for $100 each, and these bills
have invariably been paid immediately
when there was money in the contingent
fund. If they were net paid It was b8
cause there were tee many raids en the
contingent fund, as there were this year.
But the3e bills were due, and will be
again next April, when the assessors con
clude their work and hand ever their
baeks te the treasurer. Sj with the
item for ice which the station house,
treasurer's aud mayor's eflicea received
last summer and up te tills time.
And nothing is plainer than that the mu
niclpal management should provide for
each yeir'a expensM out of that year's
receipts. Mush of the caufmlen and
frequent embarrassment of the fiscal
affairs of our city government result
from the imprudent and unbusinesslike
system we have fallen into of taking the
money out of the next year's receipts te
meet this year's appropriations. This
is particularly the ca33 with the water
rents, aud if the zeal of the chairman of
the street committee did net blind his
judgment as chairman of the finance
committee, Mr. Evans would try te
reform rather thnu te extend this system
of robbing Peter te pay Paul.
But, shifting his greundMr. Evans
maintained also that the contingent
fund would be swelled before the end of
the fiscal year te meet the extraordinary
drains upon it, by moneys coming in
from the payment of the Welchaus de
falcatien. Mr. Evans knows as well as
the ma or that of the $2 00(J received
from this source, or of the balauce yet
te be paid in, net a dollar can be touched
for contingent or any ether expense ex.
cept by appropriation. There was a
specific sum given the contingent f
at the beginning of ihe fiscal year, una
no mere than that amount can be spent
it there were millions in the treasury ss.
cept by appropriating ; "and when the
chairman iya te the contrary he is using
" Che veriest clap trap " that was ever
heard from se astute a financier. Besides ,
the entire amount of this defalcation
was appropriated two years age, and In
the year that the defalcation occurred
every dollar of the city's receipts vr,u
divided among the various appropria
tions. Jf the Inte treasurer failed te
return the city ever $4,000 is it nottrue
that our appropriations nre that much
short yet,unles3 made up from seme ether
source ?
The iVete Era's assumption of the in
fallibility of Mr.E vans' judgment is sad
ly disturbed by the fact that In 1577,
when tlie mayor pointed out that the
Bystem of anticipating appropriations
with expenditures, would result in large
deficiencies, Mr. .Evans sturdily denied
It and pronounced tliose apprehensions
as "clap trap " Aud yet in the succeed
ing July nn ordinance had te be passed
adding $30,000 te the city debt te meet
these deficlences which occurred by the
very sameplan as Mr. Evans new advo
cates, robbing the contingent fund te
swell the street appropriations and then
currying evor the contingent expenses
of this year te be met out of next year's
Helling Together.
Editor Watterson, In the natural de
sire te sail in company with his chosen
chief, has trimmed his sails en the tariff
question, since the election of speaker
te bring his beat Inte line with the dii ee
tler which Mr. Carlislegave te his craft.
Mr. Watterson lind very boldly and con
spicuously been carrying up te this time
a heavy spread of free trade sails. He
had been the author of the declaration in
the last national Democratic platform in
favor of a tariff for revenue only. When
Mr. Carlisle said that he was for a tariff
for rovenue be nrranged as te give
adequate protection te home industries,
llr. Watterson evidently needed te tack
te stay in company, and tack he did ac
ccrdingly. That is all right, even if he
believes in free trade. He makes but a
proper concession te tlie sentiment or
the political party he works with by
assenting te moderate protection as u
present need of the country and post
poning free trade te that future time
when the interests of tlie nation will
secure It as its policy. Free trade adve.
cates and protectionists will meet again
under the old Democratic doctrines of a
tariff for rovenue with Incidental pre
tectlen, or a tariff for protection,
with incidental rovenue, just nseach ene
cheeses te put it, A tariff for revenue
nnd protection is certainly the present
need of the country. We cannot afford
te cut the threats of our mauufae
turers by letting in foreign products In
the lnrgest pcsilbte quantity, aa n tariff
for revenue only would demand, nor can
we heavily burthen t he consumers with
a tariff rate that will cnable the home
manufacturer te make an umlue profit.
It is all straightway Bailing te deter,
rninoaseur policy that duties shall be
laid with the joint purpose- of revenue
aud protection ; we can all get
along comfortably together en that
doctrine. The point of delicacy
comes in the adjustment of the balance
between the reveuue and protection sides
of the scale , te put en enough protection
te keep home industries lean and com
fortable and net enough te make thorn fat
I and lusty. Some very excelleut Deme
oratsnre persuaded that the constitution
,. nnt ,inP,, timfnr,,ftn. ,,, Minr
have seme process of reasoning which
satisfies their consciences that protection
may no constitutionally coupled with
reveuue In levying imposts. It would
seem that It Is constitutional te protect
if it is constitutional te collect and pro
tect ; but the point is net material se
long as it is conceded that the constitu
tion sanctions protection with revenue,
for we de net enjoy it alone.
Tin: newsmongers who put atleat a
story that Mr. Randall had a govern
ment empleye driving Ills coach nnd
drawing his pay from the federal treasury
concocted an awkward canard. Mr.
Randall is se well known te be scrupu
lously careful net te mix his private
concerns with public affairs, as se many
heedless statesmen de, that this story
was net likely te be believed where he
was known. But a circumstantial de
nial of it comes in the statement that
whilen night watchman at ene of the
departments has been for eleven years
doing odd jobs for Mr, Randall during
the hours when he is off duty, he receives
pay from Mr. Randall for ills work at
current rates, aud neither he nor his son
holds nubile employment by Mr.Randall's
favor. As Mr. Randall's equipage con-
sists of a $90 horse and corresponding
carriage his requisitions upon a " coach
man's services " are net very exhaust
Fii.vnk II uitn proposes teatttek the
tariff in detail. He will move separate
bills for free salt, free sugar, free copper
aud ether commodities, tmstir, r te the
defenseless position of each one of these
interests when standing alone. Mr.
Morrison's rovenue reform ideas com
prehend a different character of assault.
IIe is for a general aud comprehensive
version, " taking ene consideration with
ane'.hcr." Meanwhile it is interesting
te note that all the eutgivings from Mr.
Carlisle and Mr. Watterson at the pres
ent time Indicate a conservative dispesi
tien and accord with the last Ohie
platform, subsequently adopted in Vir
ginia, Pennsylvania and New Jersey,
and accepted by Mr. Randall as fairiv
representing his economic views.
It is te be hoped that the present- snow
fall will be a shroud for theburial of base
ball discussion until nest summer.
Tnr. " beautiful snow " poetry that has
been meuldering for weeks past in the
eJiterial pigeon hole put ea its overcoat
for the winter campaign te-day.
Lceai. suits have falloe ofTferty-fivo per
cent in the last lea years In Philadelphia ;
if the same decrease of lawyers were ob-
sorvaeio tnore would ba mera oaaneu for
C.MiMUE'a Christmas presents te the
Heme ruembars will net bs distributed, it
is tlnughr, bafore Friday or Saturday. As
the pags far outnunber the holes, sjme
blanks an in st jre f.r a tuijanty of the
Sxvc comment has bsaa occasioned by
the omiss'en In the proiident's raesvage of
all roference te the Yollewatoui park trip.
Why any mention should be required after
ilike Sheridan's exhaustlve oftleial repart
of tint junketing oxpaditlen, roasenablo
people will fail f comprehend. JJeaide., a
detailed report of the ohampagne drunk,
the fUu eaught aud tin IIjs told would
hardly present any startling Interest te the
country at the present time.
MV lunr'd BTES.
My buby's eyes, In melting hlnc,
Are beaming; hrlzlituH miming den,
An I mim the skylight ukei u hue,
ur UVc tlie Murium clar ami trim.
Mi- tiuliy'D mu, In llijuld roll.
Ktih.uire my werlil trem pelu te pel' ,
And lovelw flutllltiKlu tnatgenl.
Forever siiimUIhi; te my soul.
My l)iliy' iiyeH, In otlier ye.irs,
May nil nl'ti manyncuW1liiK twirs ;
An 1 yet till outclicruel taunts unci leun
A mother leve will banUli tenra.
My babv'n eyiw, In bllclit or bloom,
i bete Klorleus orbs In urlei or kIoeiu,
fthiill be te lun In iteartb or deem
Thedc.iiest (UamemU tetlin tomb
Jehn A. Joyee,
Wi.nteu with Its bitiug cold and anevr
haa new bceu fairly ushcrad in, and te
many this fact means the beginning of a
leugtheucd porledof sufferlng. TI1030 who
aie blessed with a sufficiency el the world's
goedb te enable them te go about warmly
drteacd, partaking of wholesemo feed and
living In comfortable hoines,should te day
east a kindly oye en their less fortunate
brethren. Tlie peer are the natural out
growth of a soeloty whero the weakest
aud rne3t shiftless are pushed te the wall
nnd the strong-limbed nnd enorgetie
nohievo success. Ifoaehoftho lattsr were
te oeutributo his mite te the alleviation
of the wants of the former, thu sum of the
wet ld'e happiness would be greater aud
want aud cilme would be unheard of in
au exlstenoeojscntlally Utopian.
ODe.n.null' execution te-day alieuld
be u warning te that class of poeplo who,
lured by the olatner of theso who forget
reason In their passion, pbce themselvcs
abeve the law, virtually defying It. Dad
law in better than no l.iw, nnd In the case
of the uufortunate man who d'er. en the
BcallelU this morning, equal and oxaet
jubtlce scorns te have been meted out. It
may appear hard that a geed life must pay
the pinaUy tu oxehango for that of the
despicable sneak, Oarey, but the law very
preperly decllnes te dlslingulsh between
the value of human lives, Ic would be a
geed thing if the gallewti could lay held en
the men who by their revolutionary ut
teranoes cause hot-headod fellows llke
O'Dounell te commit murder, under the
mlstaken Idea that they are performing nn
net of the most oemruondablo patriotism.
Mm. McEnner, the sister of the presi
dent, will de the honors el the Whlte
Heuso this winter. Seven kinds of wlne
at dinner will be the usual rule ns of yore.
Levrr WaylsM and Killed en lit AVj
Heme Irem a fan; Mr, Housten
Haveil !y n lltitten.
Fr.vikhu Kf.u.s vus Saturday night as
sassinated 1 1 the highway near Helmes
ville, in ueu seu county, N. L lhe mur
dered man was en his way home from a
party given by sotne of hi friends in the
noighbeihood. He was waylaid en the
read by a nogre, it is belicvcd, armed with
a deuble-barreled shotgun, who llred a
lead of buckshot, into Evans' body and
left him devl. The murdered mau nud
Burten Campbell, another young nun liv
ing tu the village of Helmesvllle, have
been en bad tjrius for seme weeks, grow
ing out of a love affair. Beth nun were
devoted in their attention te a pretty yeuug
woman m the county. Evans had boasted
of na attention of proentiug tha object et
his affections with a UaniUemj Christmas
gift. This readied the ear of his rival
and prebabl) -uornased his dislike for
Evans left his home in high spirits for
the place at which the party was held He
sp.'ut the oreuiug in dancing aud other ether
wiso cuj.ijlng himself. IIih beJy was
found en the roulsule by soma of his be
lated fellow revelers en their way home.
It m streugly believed that the negre sus
pected of his murder was hired by nu
oueuiy of Evans te assassinate him, and te
nccuuplish his object the murderer
oencea'cd liimsell in the highway and
fired trern ambmh. The scene of the
tragedy was near the old home of the
famous Lewry, whose nets of outlawry
ten or twelve years age inade them the
terror of tint portion of the state. The
ruuiilereref Evans will bj investigated by
the nutkerit.i s at ouce.
SalKl) 11 V A 1)11 TUN.
Mr. tioimeii Tellinc llutr lie Kucipcu Dentil
from Urttitiiln furtlnr's t'Utiil.
J. I). Housten, new in the Parish prison
New Orleans, makes the following utato utate utato
ment : "As chairmau of the executive
campaign committee of the McEncry fac
tion of the Democratic party, it was my
duty en the day of the recent election te
tcccive all complaints aud visitthe various
polling places throughout the city. In the
pertormauce of my duty I rede aloue iu a
cib te the 7th ward poll. During ray stay
a disturbance occurred followed by pistol
shot. Moving from the spot where the
distui bance was going en and while walk
ing across Morales street I suddenly found
mwelf confronted by Captain Ferticr and
within a short distance of him. He held
a p:-tel in his hand nud instantly, without
provocation or warning, fired point blank at
me, the ball striking my breast fully and
squarely, and leaving me under the im
pression that it hid eutercd my body. Ho He Ho myelf wounded, I inade an exam
ination a seen as pjssible nnd found that
the ball from t'ertier's p'stel had struck a
button en my vest, crushing i', cutttug
tiireuh ede thickners of my vest, lodging
in the ether nnd causing n severe contusieu
of ray eht. Lsarumg later in the day
that an nide. had beea issue 1 for ray
arrest I at ouce surrendered raj self."
aiemerUI KtercKei for Heme IVtiu Mill
.loier t'ume line.
Mcmeml services for the lest tlshcrmau
were held yesterday at the Universalist
church in (Jleucsster, M.nsachus-.'tts. As
far as known these fishermen loave 20
widows and 0 J children, but the number
is thought te be much larger. Twe mero
vc330ls evardu, if proreu te bj leit, will
swell the numbar e: vesijls lest te twelve,
with probably 1j0 mja. Tae number of
lives lest during the year Jvill uet fall mueh
short of 2J0.
The steam bare D. M. Wilsen, of
Cleveland, uarrewly cscapad beiug ijst
wuueea me way ire-n Aitaur ijinuini:
te Duluth, e.i QJdj'sbjr 1st. A torritle
gale and ViCmV storm sat iu, driving the
barge towards tue shere, but the eiiuau
abated suJdenly, aud wheu tue blinding
ruew ecassJ the crew of tte barge found
tlicmsclver, within a few yards of tha reeks
iver ,0)i feel high j( Thun ler capj.
I'ui.mtAi, l'usNia.
Tat MMls.ieliuisttj itutl Vlrstait Domecrali.
The Demecratic state committee of Mas
sachusetts has arranged fr a polltieat
demonstration ea the oecni'ia of the an
uual dinner iu Hjateu en January S.U. It
is Raid that Lhujamiu F. Butler will pre
aide an i that iivi'itnai Will be sin--t)
Samuel J.Tilden, Oen. W. 3. Hancock,
Abram S. Hewitt, Jehn Kelly, Governer
Cleveland, S. S, Cox, Speaker Carlisle,
Governer Paulsen, Governer Bradley,
ex-Speaker Randall, G?aeral Rjso Rjse
cran, Sona'ers Re:k, Cayai I and
Pendleton, ExSsniter Tuurmiu and
ethor loadern of the party,
Sonater Uuldloberg -r w is in Richmond
en Friday uight aud attended a caucus of
the Rcadjuntcr mumbars of the Virginia
Loglslatiire. It is BUjipesed that he gave
thorn advice as te the policy they should
pursue iu regard t ejrtatn matters likely
te ceme bofero tin beJy el which they
form the nnuerity. A renliitlen r.;qii0Jt
ing Mihono t.) reVig-i tha United Status
souaterMnp ii espjetd te ceme up for
action this woek, nnd Sinn of the Dame
crats favor t' e IneUniej of RiddUbjrger
tu the resolution.
Vlultnt Deeds.
U id reported I'am Santi Fe, New
Mexico, that the Nav.ije Indians have left
their roservation and nre stealing cattle.
At New Londen, Ceunetlcut, the testi
mony and arguments iu the Wcquotequook
assault e.ue have oeneluded. Justioe Laid
adjeurnal tlie oeurt until Tuesday morn mern
inir, when a doelslon will be ronJerciI.
A shanty occupied by an old man nained
Carmichael, iu Hounton, Texan, was burned
en Satin day night, mid the chnricd body
of Carmichael was feuud iu the ruins. It
was hupposed that he waa rnurdered and
the heiu.3 set en llre. Amelia Itcdmeu,
his hoiiBekcopcr, was arrested, and the
polieo nre loeklug for a male acqualutance
et hers. Carmlchael was formerly a
wealthy slave owner In Alabann. Latterly
he hiia b:eu known as a Republican poli
tician. Daniel Uethurbrgcr was mortally
Htabhcd by Jacob Finhboue, iu a drunken
quarrel in Iteadiug, Pa, yesterday morn
ing. Finkbene Is In Jail. Charles L.
Perry, aged about 10 years, was found
wounded in his bad, in Bosten. Edward
Hendersen, n disdpate 1 toamster, who
lived iu the same heuse, and who had been
seutUing wleh Perry, was arreatsd en sus
picion. Itegucj uuil Tlielr Uulugi,
The polieo have ralded flve gambling
heiiacj iu Chicago and arrosted 8 J persens,
keep;rs nnd visitors,
Alfred Dighy Heward, junior member
of the firm of Kiroheffer & IJrandeu,
solicit irs of Wiumpeg, abscended about a
woek age with i15,0d0 In cash, roceivod
from a I'eit Hape llrru te make Judgmeuts
en seme Manitoba lands. Heward and his
wlfe woie found In a hotel In Denver, and
nearly all the stelen meney was discovered
in Mrs. Heward's " bustle."
H. l Vorberao, arrosteil in Ualtimore a
few days ae for using the malls for
Irnudulent purneses, wa8 en Saturday
committed by U. S. Commissioner Rogers
te await the notion or the grand Jury.
In Kasten Mrs. Goodwin was oeuvloied
of swindling girls by charging ihem fees
for toaehing thorn dress euttlng and leav
ing as seen as nhe had collected the raouey.
Shu had previously bjcn oenvlotcd of
swindling a hotel keeper.
8joeulatlon in margins is said te have
nssurueJ such proportions in Iudiaua as
greatly te ititorldre with legltlmate busi
ucss. A banker of Iudlauapells, whose
opinion isbaeked by soveral ether busiuess
men, estimate that $1,000,000 has bceu
lest in that city slncn spring by dealings
In Chicago options, In the smaller towns
of Indiana mauy failures have occurred
among the tradosmen Iu conscqucnce of
8ii oil gambling operations.
A nicotine el t.Rburluu Men.
A mass meeting of laboring men was
held yesterday In Irving hall, New Yerk,
te lecclve the the deleu-at: n of French
nnd Amerlcuu Hags, and decorated with
communistic mottecc. Victer Drury pro pre
sided, and welcemed the donates, Mesus.
Saint Martin, blacksmith, Helm, p-iintcr,
nud Hobluler, tinsmith, members of lhe
delegation, addressed tlie meeting in
French, Justus Schwab and llerr Jehn
Most speke in German, Mr. 1'etrell
In Italian, nnd Mr. Baudiseh in
Bohemiau. llerr Most 'a speech was
Incendlary in eharactcr, and was re
peatedly iuterrupted by cries of
" Vive la Cemmune" aud "Vive li Dyna
mite." Resolutions were adopted, "pledg
ing the assistance of the American work
ing men in auy struggle that may arlse be
tween labor and eapitil." At a meeting
of the Laber I'uieu in New Yerk
last night, a resolution was adopted ree tu
tnendiug all werklngmen t "Boycetf'tlio
Tribune iu consequence of its refusal t
grant thodetnaudsot the striking composi
tors nud ndviBlug newsletters "net te
hand tell." It was also rce'.ved te "H 'V
cett" the manufactures of several funs
bcoause uoii-uiilen workmen wcr r n n
pleyed In their fastenex.
OiJInn'i Uevcrniupnt I'fpMrlmciil.
At Washington the .lapaueee legatieu
has recelved tolegraphK' alue.M anujua." -Ing
that several impertaut ehanges have
liceu made In the government departments.
Ok!, minister of justice, hoc imes minister
of education ; Tukaka, nimter tf educa
tion, has been placed r tl.j head of the
council of state ; Yanii.-.u chief el the
cenuctl of state, has been appointed
minister of the Ulterior, and Yamada,
minister of the interier, U.u been placed at
the head of the ministry e justice. These
transfers ate net regarded as hlsely te
entail auy radical ehaugj in the givern
ment policy, but would seetu te Indicate
that the Japanese government is resolved
te porsevere In the pi in of treaty revision
outlined in n recent dup-.tca "from that
Factories fl,ie.l
Many of the mauufacturers nleu the
Housatenio and Naugatuek Vallevs iu
Connecticut are oemplaimu of the sc irei ty
of water, which compels t'.ie steppage of
their mills. In all parts el Couueeticut
mills were running a ijuaiU'r of a century
age en streams which have new nearly
disappeared, anil large streams which thou
gave abundauce of power are u jw available
only a few months in the yi.n.
Snow fell te a depth ! li inches iu
portions of Ontario en Friday night, nnd
trains were blocked. The same night a
fall of OS degrees eccu-r d i.i the tempera tempera
ture at Vi rgonnej, Vermont, and alt tie
factories were compelled m Situnlay t
shut down because of anchor ice.
l'tie eit lirhlce Acress Ibe .MI49I9111111I.
The incorporators of tha Chaiu of Hack
Bridge cempauy, whesi purpoie u te
build c bridge across the Mifsissippi river
at Chain of Heeks, Me , turee miles abeve
the present bridge hav elected directors
at St. Leuis as fellows : William Glasgow,
Jr., James P. Card, Jehn L. Fergusen,
Ames F. Heffer, Themas Heward, E Wells
and Jehn Edwards The etlbers for the
ensuing year are : President, Themas
Heward ; vice president. W.lliam Glasgow,
Jr.; secretary, A. F. lleffer; trcaurar, Jehn
L. Fergusen. Twe million d jll.irs ofateck
has been subsjribed.
Heme and Wncen lni ihrce Hundred Vett
At Shenandoah, a her e aid wagon be bo be
lenging te Gaergo F. Liitci), nt whose
place the llre originated a mmth age, fell
three hundred feet down one of the man
holes sujrnigdjn&.Shcnandaab en Satnr
day The driver issaped by jumping. The
.euicle was uroken te ptees, out the herse
was only slightly Injured. An effort was
made te heist the animai out of the pit,
but failed, and it had te driven along the
gangway te tlu bntem of the Kehloy run
slepe. After remaining in the mu: '1
night It was takQti out, Strang f..j 3ay,
apparently In geed condition.
A WenderrulL'nderiklrt.
An inspoctress of the New Yerk custom
house ob3ervod something abnormal in tbe
appcarance of ene of the woraen cabin
passengers en the steamship Queen which
arrived Wednesday, and au inspsctlen of
her underskirt disolesed In mj3tnrieus
peckets ten and a half yard of line black
velvet, twonty-eno yards of black silk and
flve kaudsome ostrich feathers, nil of which
were confiscated as smuggled.
rJutTjculun or a Ciergj-.n-m.
Itev. Gjorge Merris, a l'.-osbyterun
minister, aged soventy i!-e ye.i:h, residing
at 130 Mulberry stroef, Biltimere, Md
was discovered In his bed, at S u'olesk
en Sunday morning, nliiest manlmate
from the effect of cas, which he had blown
out en retiring. Phy.dcians were called
and remedies applied, but death ors iel at
The Carlisle Stniintl is two years old
aad is a sprightly and vigorous inf.iut.
Tin Reading Timts wants the national
foundry located nt Berkh' county teat.
The Laber World estimates that there
are ever 700,000 men In the con try out of
Lacking cither drptb or helidity, the
Wilkeabarre Union Ltadcr enys the Re
publican artlole should be called civil sur
face reform.
Den Camerun's health Is improving and
his family are happy abroad.
Hksiit Wane Ubeciieii U'clarc3 that
his powcranre falling and his end is net far
Cenki.inu is new .iid te bj making
money at the rate of $100,000 a year in his
Invise'a Iieuhsr in Bosten last week
paid him $18,815. Mary Andersen during
the same time get $10,000 from the Lou Leu
donors. Bishop Wamikn, et the Methodist
church, is te be married ou the 27th Inst.,
te Mrs. HUT, or Denver, Cel. The lady Is
the widow el the richest cattle king In
Colerado, nnd her wealth is variously
estimated from $1,000,000 te $0,000,000.
Dcdlky C. IlAsrcnu., a Representative
in Congress from Kansas, died yosterday
morning In Washington, in the4ht yenr
of his age. IIe was au active and popular
Republican and a prominent momber of
the wajfl aud me ins comuuttue of the last
Ranni SuK.MiMciiciM, ei rn. Leuis,
suggests that the feast of Hauucea, which
falls Eome time about December 25, uhall
always be colebratod en that day, in erder
that Christmas may be a itnieral festival
nllke te Jew aud Gentlle. His preposition
meets with disfavor at tint lniuls et ethor
Nr.i.MR Lincoln Ressixeu, el PhiUiul
phla, though euly 10 years of jge, li nt
the head of the silk eultutlsts of the coun
try. Her book upon silk culture Is standard
authority for these who are cugaged iu
the uew and profltnble business el raisin g
cocoons, and her products have takeu
premiums tit nil the expositions. Thosuo Thesuo Thosue
ccs3 alie has achieved is remarkable, nnd
she Is net only doing geed by encouraging
the introduction et nn ii.dmtiy that
luinlahca prolltable oinpleymeut for the
unoccupied time of her set, bat li getting
UltlSllIN SUU,IH ANl HIS l'l.ns.
TIip Cliniuiilen Vex Untclitr el Lancaster
mid Dlirster C'ountlej UH Mnny
Treiililrj et 1 tit, C'!nn.
I'nl a.:elpiil.i Kreeid
Hrlsblu Sidles, uouewy haired, boulfaeo,
Is the champion fox catcher of Lancaster
and Chester counties. He Is the " mlue
host " of ii public house lu the thinly
populated lumlet of Nine Point, which
is situated soveral miles " evor the hills "
south el Christiana station, ou the main
line of the Pennsylvania railroad. The
sports of the two oeuutte8 named nre new
greatly exercised whother Skiles this sea
son will be able te beat his previous record
of twenty Reynards caught. Thore have
been any number of wagera inade. and at
the present tltne the odds are deoldedly In
favor of the old man. He has already
eighteen llve foxes chaiued fast upon his
premises, aud Is coufldent that he will be
able te orewu his declining years with
a score that will put any competitor who
may fellow lu his foetstops te the blush.
The euly rival whom Skllca ltnsnuy reason
te fear Is Frank t'layton,,whe lives near
Markhalltewu, iu Chcster comity. But
for thirty years Sidles has bcen the cham
pion, and be proposes te remain such until
either death or old age removes him from
the aotlve list.
Champien Sidles has been living at his
present rosldeuce for only two years. He
moved there from Mount Vernen, eight
miles north from Christiana, two years
age. Since he was 14 years old he has beeu
a famous hunter of Reynard, nnd nays he
can't tell hew many foxes he has captured
since he began the business. His son
said : "Pep sat down t'other day nud
tried te figure up hew mauy foxes he had
snatched since he wa3 a boy. 1 bohevo he
get up te 500, and thou gae the calcula
tion up iu disgust."
The reperter was shown yosterday this
season's catch. In the garret of the tav
ern tho-.e were ohained saven splendid
specimens of thoeommon fox, and iu the
cellar wero olevon ethers. Twe of the col
lection were extraordinarily large speci
mens Skiles kceps nn immctise pack of
hounds, te the great nunoyaneo of the
clergy iu his section of the country.
During the season Skiles U out en the
hunt at least two days lu each woek. IIe
scjurs the country e'er with herse aud
bounds, but gonerally sticks te the reads.
Siucc he has moved into Bart township
foxes have beguu te multiply and are uew
quite plentiful Once in a very great
while a Philadelphia party visits him aud
organizes a hunt. Theso viaits champion
Skiles 03 teems a great honor, nnd an old
fashioned country dinuer always rewards
the huntsmen.
Champien Skiles uevcr slaughters n fox.
Some years age, en? of his hounds killed
one, and the old gentleman grieved ever it
for mouths. His great sport Is te ruu them
te their boles aud take them alive. The
heuuds are called off, amuzzle plaecd upon
his fexshlp and the prlze carried home in
triumph, which is kept chaiued until
about the 1st of Mueh, whan the whole
catch is released. One of the old snort's
great desires is te recapture a fox. Every
fellow that is set at liberty is branded and
is known thereafter as old Sklles' cateh.
The sportsmen of Lancaster and Chostei
counties for fifteen years have been run
ning te hole Skiles' foxes. It U net often
hewever, that Skilcahimself gathers in ene
of his previous catches. The ethor day,
hewever, he dug out a plump fellow he
ha 1 had chalnad in hla cellar soveu years
Mutrasra Ceuimtttrrt by n ailacrennt In
Acoundrel of the ilqopcstdye cemmitted
the meanest kind of an outrage it' Quarry
ville, en Saturday night, it Is though!
about midnight, but it was uet discovercl
until Sunday morning. G. J. Hildebrand,
proprietor of the " Hildebrand Heuse," is
also runuing a livery in connection with it
which he lately stocked with new wagons
and harness. When the man who had
charge of the hvery went out yesterday
men ing he noticed that the back curtain
of a top buggy was cut and looking olesoly
he feuud net euly that buggy, but all the
wa-jens that were in, consisting of a line
phaeton, family carringe aud two buggies,
were entirely cut te pieces. The sides
were slit te ribbons, the reef had large
pieces cut out and the cushions were all
cut te pieeas ; the dash baards wero out
In faet net a top en nny wagon was left
worth anything. Net satistled with this
the perpetrator of the eutrage had geno te
the harness room, where he cut into small
pieces all the harness in it. Threo due all
wool herse blankets, ene set of single har
ness, and n new buffalo rebe were stelen.
Fortuuately two teams were out, and these
nre all that escaped injury. A top buggy
boleniing te Hobe Wiler, the baker, whieh
was with the ether wngeu8,was also badly
It is beheved that the perpetrator of the
eutrage was a young German who hat
been employed by Mr. HilJcbrand lu his
stables for a few weeks, and who was dis
charged en Saturday night, and went off
in a tcrnble rage. IIe came te Quarry
villc a stranger, but had lotters of recom
mendation from several parties in Reading.
Upen being told en Saturdiy night that he
did uet suit for the job he tiled te strike
Mr. II. with a ebair, but sevcral people
present iutcrferiug he went away, and
since that he has net bcen seen orheard of,
though sevcral parties have started out te
find him.
He is about 25 yearn old, 0 feet 0 Inches
high and will weigh 100 pounds, of dark
complexion, with no beard and speaks
peer English. Mr. Hildebrand olfers $25
ter hit apprehension, The less In the
matter, the proprietor nays, will be fully
There are Indications that tbe scoundrel
made towards the Susquehanna river. A
mau auswcrlng his description uud having
in his possession herse blankets aud har
ness yesterday breke opeu the deer of the
Indiau Reek school heuse bslew Rawlins Rawlins
vllle, ledged there nud went en toward
MeC'all'a Ferry.
Indian Reck school heuse is en the state
read, hoven mlles west of Quarryvllle.
Maris McOlune, passing by there ou Sun
day nftorneon saw that the deer was
broken open and upon investigation dis
covered the man inside, wrapped up in
herse blankets and with a het llre in the
noheol home stove McOlune ordered
hlra out aud the fellow started toward
McCall's Ferry.
A Munlier or Unset Dlipeaed Ol,
This morning the laut wcek of the argu
ment court for 1833 begau, with both
judges en the bench.
When the common pleas list, whish Is
first te be heard, was ealled, It wai found
that SS out of the 37 cases down nre ready
for argument.
The following eases wero disposed of :
Wldmyer & Rlokscekor vs. GreHtfe Cep
laud. Rule te show causa why appeal
hbeul.l net be stricken off; rub made nbso nbse nbso
Inte. David StelUfus aud wife's assigned os es os
tate. Citation dismissed.
Mrs. II, Mlller & Ben, va. Ooergo Stro Stre Stro
bert, rule te epeu judgment. This oase
was marked settled.
The accounts of 71 administrators,
oxecutora and guardians wero presented
and confirmed nisi.
Hunts Out.
The pollce repert that four of the olcc elcc olcc
tlie lights did net burn Saturday nlghi,
und llve did net burn Sunday night;
NUHiiinuimoei) m:vs
Uveitis near nud Acruit tlie Comity Ltnej.
The cltlBens of Chcster county hnve
dotermhiod te find homes lu private faml
lles for pauper children Instead of commit
ting them te the almshouse.
The trial of James Jack iu Nonlstewn,
en the charge of liavlug murdered his
wlfe en the night of July 4th, resulted en
Saturday evening In a votdlet or net
'lhe thltty-llrst annual hcssIeu of the
Dauphin county teachers Instltuta began
In Harrisburg te day, the opeultig meeting
taking place iu the hall of the llouse of
The Pennsylvania uteel cenipaut 'h olllee,
at Harrisburg, has been thronged for lhe
past ten days by applicants desiring te go
te Cuba te otigage nn mcohnnles, laborers,
traoktuen, ite , but tlie tiuuiher wanted
has beencngiiged.
Frederick J. Millet, aged eilii
nud thrce months, a bright son of F. It.
Miller, of Harrisburg, nn tuiglneer en the
Pennsylvania lailread, died en Saturday
night from that much dreaded ntllictleu,
hyrophebla. He was bitten about a month
nge by a small terrier.
Thu annual meeting of the Botanical
Eoetiou of the Academy of Xatural KcIciieps
in Philadelphia, was held last week. The
reports stated that the herbarlum ia bn
lieved te contain representatives of nearly
thrco-feuiths of the whele llna of the
earth, which nt the prcrent tone is com
puted te be about 100,000 spceirs.
Governer Pattlsen has net yet publicly
announced his action iu tlie case of the
murderer McGinnis, of Philadelphia, the
question of whose Insanity was left, te n
beard el llve medical cxpsrH. It is stated
that the majority report of the beard
which classed McGinnis us insaue will be
acted en and the murderer'ttc I te
au asylum for ltfn in place el being hanged
en January 3, 1SS1.
Peter Heller cut his threat with a rniser,
in the prexonce of his wile, nt his iesi iesi
deuee iu Iteadiug, Sunday night, nnd,
rushing out el the house, fell upon the
pavoment, where he died in a few mo me mo
tuetits. IIe had been sick for n leug time
with dtsoase oentractcd In the army, nnd
of late wait subject te llt.s and niel.imuiely.
He was fifty years of nge and leaves
tevcral grown up children.
Hughey Fex, of Baltimore, entered the
house of Oliver H Dever, iu Bachmau val
ley, t'airell county, Md., near Hanover,
and stelo Mr. Hoever's pants trem the bed
pest in which he was sleeping, from which
he extracted $30 and a gel 1 watch. He
was tracked through the snow te a barn nt
H.inover, aud whop Censtable Kuhn
attempted te arrest him he drew a revolver,
when the censtable nliet him twU-i in self
de fen se, the balls taking effect in the neck.
He was taken te the Yerk county jail te
await a Maryland requisition.
Twe mero paupers died at the oeuuty
almshouse Reading yesterday, and accord
ing te the new law relating te the disposi
tion of dead bodies rf paupers they will be
sent te 8emn cellege for d Insert i i.
This new order of things has caused tcrti tcrti
ble excitement among tbe peer inmates.
It has been rumored that beJy snatching
has been cariicd en for eome time at
county burial grounds. Roeenlly lights
have been seen at night in the graveyarde.
The fnat thai the dead paupers have beeu
buried iu ie small a space for cnrs indi
cates that something N wrong.
Tit u Votilriei WrccKad en Sum: i
YestHrday raeruiug David K-ion's lured
man at Quarryvllle, liitohed up a line
young herse in a tjp buggy te go te his
home near N'cw Provldeuoj. Near the
brick kiln lu Quarryville, the herse
frightened at s ime object and started te
run. The young man was net nble te
held him, an 1 justoppesito Fritz's buteher
shop afreut axle broke, throwing out lhe
occupant aud cutting hirn rrnite badly. Tue
horse ran en smashing tiV- wagim int a
thousand pieces, and was dually caught at
Krldcr's railroad hetel. The animal is
terribly c-it up, nnd it is foared he will
never recover.
Jehn Sides, proprietor of I'cnn'a R. R.
restaurant in this city, owns a blooded
mare, which he bw at New Providence,
with Edward Rcose. Yosterday forenoon
Reeso nnd Mr. Eekman hitehnd her up te
n top buggy. Mr. Rccse had get in aud
Mr. Eekman was just getting ia, when
she suddenly turned around, throwing
them both out. She then started and ran
for about a mils, and whoa ciught had
badly wrecked trio wagon. Neither of the
men was hurt, nor was the marc.
t.Ut et Uiielalme.l Letter.
The following is n list of lettcrs remain
ing in the posteliloo for the wcek ending
Monday, December 17, 1833 :
Ltdiei' Hit. Mrs. Lydia Brown, Miss
Jcnnie Buekhnni, Lydia Clinch, Miss
Mary Copenholfer, Miss Lydia Brlsman,
Miss Blanch Graham, Sarah Hiildemnu,
Miss Horten, Miss Emma K. Laud!, Miss
Ivate Murphy. Miss Julia Peters, Miss
Nauie Quinn, Lizzle Ratkgabcr, Llzzte F.
Rutter, Ada Stokes, .Miss Lizziu Wenger.
Otntt1 L'.tt. Francis Aukham, Albert
Barshinger, K. Deming Clarke, William
Crawford, Irvin Craig, Gcerge Draber,
Thoodero Elzy, Charles Elder, R. P. Far
ren, Rev. Dr. Fisher, Geergo Fry, Isaae
Grolf, (2), Cecclius Grocureso, Alex.Gray,
Martin Henry, A. L. James, Jeremiah
Kafreth, Adam L. Knudig, L idwigKientz
(2 for.), Win. U. Kent, V.'iu. A. Kelly,
JehnS. Laudis, Pistiiet Att. MoSwepo,
Ames Neff (2), D. H. Ceiser, Pcquea Iren
Ce., Frank D. Ressman, Master Harry
Reed, Cenrad Rlodel, Harry Reynor, C.
W. Bobbins, Dr. Itodgers, Jacob Schmidt,
G. T. Smith, Jehn Sprakcr, Gonre Wis Wis
uer. Saturday niRlit right.
Ou Saturday night a light eccurcd iu
Motzreth's hetel at Mulberry and Walnut
streets, In which Jacob Iv. Bertz was badly
whipped by Jehn Lutz and James Germ.
Icy. Motzreth, the proprietor says that
the two men attacked Bertz.
A fight also occurred en Saturday night,
at the Fairmont hotel, East King street,
botween Edward Bender nnd a young man
named Tamany. It appar3 that the young
men have had a grudge against each ether
for seme time and when the light began It
was allowed te proceod without iutcrrup,
tien nnd Tamany was whipped.
Ne suits were brought by any of tlie
parties te these lights.
Thore was a light fall of snow lust night
and this morning, net enough te make
sleighlng, but enough te tempt a few In In In
oeusidorato persons te put bells ou their
horses and hitch them te ruuners. It was
rather rough riding ever the Belgian
bloeks nnd mucadamized strcets, and
though the dulcs attraoted a geed deal
of attention they did uet inspire mueh
envy lu the brcasta of less nmbltieus pee
ple who prefcrrcd te rlde en whcoled
vehicles or walk,
Te Amwer nt Ueurl.
Albert Gnrdiier who en thu night of
December 1, during a quarrel en Middle
street cut the threat of Geergo Crawford,
.and came near covering his Jugular vein,
had a heating bofero AhJurman Samson,
Saturday nveulug and eutered ball In the
sum of $300 te answer nt court for felon
Ions assault and battery.
Annual Dinner ut ihe Uonitltutleum Oou Oeu Oou
leutieii The aunual dinner of the Constitutional
convention will be glven at the Legan
Heuse, Alteena, ou Thursday, cvuulng
Devmber 27. Am ple proparat'enn hate
been made for the entertainment of the
association, and it Is expected n full ntton ntten ntton
dauce will be en hand,
lltlt HKtlULAH UOIlltlCHVONDKNtlt:.
r.ienU Along tlm ntiaiiieliniiiilleiiis nt
Intercut In nnd Anituid thn llnreii;li
t'lclied ii liy tlie Inlelil-
j-rtirrr tU'pertttr.
Columbia needs a pilicu loreo whluh
shall be appointed by eourell.
A link, batigle bracelet was last en Satur
day by Miss Mollle llerr, residing en
Second street.
The dancing patty piopescd te have
been held en the evening et the 2Sth lust.,
will net ceme off.
William Preston, the Keely fclove works
ougiueor, had ene of his lingers Injured
by having It caught by n iuiipIiIiie nt tlie
A small nudloneo attended the nper.i
heuse ou Saturday evening te i;co nnd hear
the Strohl family. The cnlertalnnient
was a deoldedly peer nffalr.
The Siuipiebauna river has nn tneh or
ice en it ; the greuu I hai bceu whitoited
by a snow tall and the sled nre nlready
the oempa.iloiui of the young folks,
Sixty badges, seventy ene belts nnd lllty
caps have been erdcied fieui New Yerk by
the Cehimbl.t llre company, te be used en
New Year's lu the grand llreuien'n pa ratio
Tht Pennsjlv.inla railroad company will
sell excursion tickets at two thirds of the
regular fare en December 22, 23,21,2.1, 20,
30 aud 31, and ou Jauuarv 1. Inclusive.
The round trip tickets te Philadelphia will
The following bolus meet tonight
Sustpichauna ledge el Odd Fellows ; Con Cen Con
eitoga ledgo or Kulghts of Pythias ;
Rlvorslde ledgo Ne. 27, Ladies Heme
communion ; and company C at hoven
Milten Min'.ilcr's heuse ou Maner street,
was slightly damaged by lire en Saturday,
the result of nn ncsidtnt. P. was uxtln
guislicd bolore much d.unage was ilone.
Ne geuei'il nlarm of lire wa sounded.
With much presonce of mind, O 111 cer
Wittlek, en Saturday, held te the ground
a herse which had fiillen en .Third street,
until the eeciipmU, n man and a woman,
had safclv alighted. The harnewi of tbe
animal was partly taken oil und it allewed
te rise. Uy this action of the olllcer no
persen wan Injured nnd tlu- harness and
wagon were saved from Injury.
Mr. Geerge Deamer and Mr. Tyson, el
Spring City, are iltiug Mr. Kvun
The superintendent et thoulekol mines,
nt White Hull, Lancaster county, Mr.
David F. Mewery, en Sae mil Htreet'.
Mr. Jehn S. Nichols, t-upctvUtir of lhe
Frederick railroad, returned te this place
en S iturd ty from a week's tnp te Elkton.
r.i.liu i;mp
Twe iltuiikH were rent te uil by rl.pnrr rl.pnrr
Patteu this morning.
Ne pre ! was pre.huvd against the mei.
arrested en S.iturda by Olllcer Wittick
en suspicion of having stolen underwear
from Lecknrd'ri furnishing goods store re
ccntly, and they wero diseharged.
ltellcleu Notes.
An official meeting wdl be held at the
Methodist chutcli thh evening nt 7:30
e clock.
A congregational meeting of the Presby
terian church will be held nt tbe church
this evening at 8 e'cI-'.-k. for the purpev
of elcctt.ig tddera.
Ne prajer mcetiug will be held nt the
Bethol chuicli f (id tin Wednrsdav
evening, but instvM'l. the Sunday school
will pr.ictlca for iu (Jurist rnii eutuitaiu
St. Jehn's L'i'heran Suuday will
held its Chris celebration ou Christ
mas night. A antntta will be rendered
A very .utcresting , progrnmme has been
prepund consisting of long", rccltatien.i,
tahlumx, tie. A Small price of admission
will be charged.
aieeil c it the Monre nl Health-Tire
Deaths Mince SMunlny.
Tnls morning a meeting of the beard of
health was held at tbe olllce of Dr. C. H.
Brown, all the mom bus of the be.inl
being present excupt Dr. Ivorgeod.
It was reported that thu red Hag denot
ing smallpox, had been tnlce lern down
from lleeh's Western lutel, where thne
deaths from smallp jx tiavu occurretl, and
where, P. is said the proprietor himself
new Let sick with the .liscaEe.
On motion it was loeelvcd that a reward
of$e be paid by tlie beaid te any persen
that will give evidence that will lead te
the conviction of the person who tore
down tlfse tlags, uud a ptatidiug rewartl
of $'i for the convletion of anyone who
tear., down a smallpox llag anywhere
within the elty limits.
As seme difference of opinion appeared
te prevail relative te the length et time
that the Hags should bn Kept up, It was
resolved that the (lags should reinaiu fei
twelve days alter the death or cenvales
cence of smallpox patients.
Twe deaths Irem smallpox have been
ropertcd siuce Situitlny Isaac Kautfuiau,
jr , age 1 two y,ars, and Pliocnle Diokel,
nged six years. There was a ropeit this
morning that Jehn Pil-torcr,ef the Gelum
bia Garden hotel, had elicit of the same.
disease, but thu report is untrue, though
he is said te be seriously 111. The cutire
number of deaths during the past wcek
has been llve, aud thu outiie number of
cases under treatment te-day Is stated by
the In alth ceiumis iouer te be olevon.
There is sein i talk of pioseeutiug n phy
slcinu who fail.'il t , report a case of small
pox uttendvd bv him. und also te prosecute
a resident of Kut Walnut street who re
fused te permit a red (leg te be placed en
his premises, thuiigh iluie Is u eat.a of
smallpox hi his family.
The new smallpox hospital has becti tin
ished, but it is net yr.t tpilte ready for the
reception of patlcuts.
The new Unieu League club, of Balti
more has Eccurcd tlie following players :
Satnuel Lntidis, Jehn Rtttcnhetisu ami
Ehuer Reusscz, pitohers j Jeseph Kap
poll, Jehn Hauua and Jehn Brlnl, catch
ers ; Erek, Sponce and neb Fergusen,
(captain), ou thu bases , Stanley, short ;
Driscell ami Allen, tight aud left Helders.
Thore me uew clubs In this loague in
Bosten, Hnitlerd, Reading, Washington,
Baltimore ami Richmond, and the Balti
more Sun of te-day says that Lancaster,
Harrisburg and Brooklyn will also be ad
mitted. It Is fald that the new Lancaster elnb
has scoured Manleve, catehi'r, and High
land, n second baFemnn,
D.ive Oldfleld, lhe well known ball
player, who hns been engeged by the
Iremidcs, was iu te.vii jtsterday.
Deutlt et lin Aucd I.IKty.
Mis. Aunle Watsen dlcdatherrosldeneo
near the Gap, yosterday mernlug betweeu
0 nud 10 o'eleok, She was an old resident
of Salisbury township, and was 83 years of
nge. Her husband hua been dead for seme
years, and she leaves a family of grown sons
anil daughters. The funeral will take place
te-morrow at 2 o'elook aud the interment
will be made In the old Asbury burying
icnyet's Court.
His honor the mayor had a dozen custo
mers te attend te this morning, who had
bean gathered in by the pollce during
Saturday nud night. One of them
wnB sent te jail for llve days be that he
may soter up for Christmas, four ethers
were made te pay the costs of their little
sprees, aud the ethers, who were only
charity ledgors, wero diseharged,