'' V 4 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY DECEMBER IS mai K VJ SN s i v r a tit n Ml!LCAiiRr.AU Bt. Mary's orphanage, 1M Seuth e,iipeu street, en ilia lltli Inst., et con cen con HtliiiHlen, Ellen Mil It ahoy, u(ed 10 yean. Funeral Monday morning nt 8X o'clock. II I h Maw at Bt. Mary's ohutehutOo'ctock. ntermenlntBt. Mary's cemetery. Kolatlves and It h-nils are Invited, 'j. nkw a ttt'KnTtKMiisri. rANTKU-A strcet. Olltl. m TV homework. Apply atJIO Kat OturtKf 11(1 OKNKItAL n 1 lllllMIIII I.KTWITII IIIIAHII-IIKHIU. WEST KINO STREET, it IV able Third story Frent Reems at Ne. 10 rilUKHICVN, TllltKKVi. I J, W. Paulsen will Imvn en (i thousand Turkey s for sale en aide track at I'en liny Iriiiila frwlhldcpnteti TUESDAY, DEUEMIIKH 18, 18(0. nuniii AUKIsOWLKltOF.il MY A I.I. .lUIIOKn that the Yellow Fient c Havana Cigar takes thn lead at slAKTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CHI All BTUHK. SOUK KIllllIT LUNCH AMU Ttlltlll'.Y ItuDle tlili evinluu nl NEAMEH'SfiALOON, It Cor. Oranguaiid Watar Bttcela. OAUKK KRAUT. THIS CI KVENINU. Harbi'V'S lleaillnK I NATUIIIIAYI Iteaillinr l.narr lleer ntul Sprohiier a en drutiKhl nl llie M.IINNEKUIOH HOTEL. 11' .JOHN IIE83 TTKAIIUIIAHTKItH J.1 KlnCul Tobacco, De. FOlt rOUNTAlN nor or... Vis. nor H , at HAHTMAN'H YELLOW ritONTCIOAH BTOKK IjHIK MALK-A 7-OOTAVIC IlUilKWIMlD 1 I'l.ine, wltli handsome meuldings mid carved 1k. for sale rlir-an. at NO. IM NORTH IIUKK ihiibri It Latiokster, l'i KltOUf I.U'011 TIUH IU.Nll.l-MMJK t icvr.s'iNit in CHARLEY HOSTEH'8 CORNER SALOON, In rear fit Ce in ml MnrkeL H WrANTKII IMMKIHATKLY AN ASIIVT- TT nut Cook. potent MTnen. 41" Heed wages paid te n i'0tn Apply ut tliu " OITV IIOTKI.. MOUK TUllTLK 1.UNCI1 THIS KVKN IMJat LAW I1UILIIINO RESTAURANT, Cerner Ner'h Dnke und Grant streets, Heat llrer en tip, lt UIA. II 7, IKPFKL. I,H)K NALK-A II.W II0KBK. SIX YKAHM F old. n Una ilrlvcr and untitle. Aim. inme teat WnKen.aultahlu for business or plouure. ena rut et Murium, koei! a new. Will be sold nsn whJner 'epant'e. Apply at 10 Seuth Queen or 117 Went Miestnm street. dl5-?td Ot'KMIMIIer I.HAM, I.IITOLD'.I IIIKU Hlore. Ht Ne. 110 West King street Kine cnllrotlen of Herman Cnunrli'ii, Held Hnchcs, Hall Finches, Cardinals, flue let et llr.it und Japan Ciikcs, Held Fish and Aquariums, .icudi et all kinds, which will be eei-t nit np-ir than t'lsewhcru. Ulve htm n call. It I KT THK FINTdr. T XZW AltrXllTlHtSlKKTH. UKITKe HAVANA (JlllAlt IN Til II A ll'MAN'9 VKI.I.OW ritONTCIUAU BTOHK ClIKKKI OHIKK II .hut rcrelrcd n oirleml el Duffy'i Bwcet Chin nun harn coliitantlyen liimt UniTy'a I'ure Chlnr Vlncjnr Call en II. K. Koiler. Aumit ler Imtly (.Mrr Ce. ofllce ISK Kant Kln Hliunl, or Kiiri'lieiMO, icnr el MJ Nerlli Dnke nttuut, LuncHDlnr, I'n. illVIUIA&w tmtwe nier.MKSTfl umna tine l.MMt IlKNT Eastern Market Heuse. ArrLT te ALLAN A. UiariR, Boe'y. Oll.W.HIUM Ne IM KABTKINOBT. i1 KANll CUHISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT, ny the niimlny Bolienl of Ihn ririt M. K. Cnninh ( liukn tteit ), at rUI.ION Ul'RUA IIUUHK, en TfJUHSDAY EVENING, DEO. 27. New I tatiiiex, ripiukllnsr Music, Intonating Tatilvnux. A viii y rilimnant and prnlllnblu oTenlnir Inmirrd te nil he nttund. KxercUca apptoprl.Ue te the tcetun, uumblulnif BCItlfTUItKflCKNES AND TAIILRAUX, lly liicinbers el llie Scheel, RXI'LANATOIIV ItKADINON AND HKeL TATIUNS, by Mil Amanda Landli, ANTIIKMS, by the Choir. Bt)LOS. liy ffflclent hlnitiiia. CIIIUSTMAHOAIlOf.'J, new, buautlim.aiirrinir, iiviitonenooi, with OreiiPttra INTEIIE8TINOBANTAOLAUB BORNE, Ac. OKNKItAL ADM18BION rt CKNTH. KUBKItVKDnKATH, 30 OKNT.i. Kerallpaitt or the house. The chart te ecurndrati will open at alijht o'clock en tfaturdav morning next, Dee. l.v at the Mmle and Heek Htore of I.. 11. Hnrr, Se. S3 North uucan (tient, nsarly oppndte the l'oitemue. dlS-itdlliAlU JVJt II' AMtrtCHTlHKMKNTh. L- lJ.iiLI '11 . JHI-UWi-. pIl'JIIMTMAM UKXKT1NU, HOLIDAY GOODS. . HlODR fe DROTHKU oner n Large Uolleotion or Oeada Bultuble ter Obrietmaa and New Year's Gifts, Elegant BLACK SILK and RHADZIMIER, from Si.oe te $3.00 per yard, the prices of which are lower than ever before for same quality. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS AND GLOVES, LADIES' FINE KID GLOVES AND NECKWEAR, GENTS' NECKWEAR AND GLOVES. T A PPQ We invite Bepoeinl Attentien te a Oholce Collection of RBAL LAOBS, in Point LifvL'LjO, and Uuohens and Eaeurial, Bpnnish and Pompadour Laoes. FUSCHIAS AND COLLARS. Embroiderod Table and Piaue Oovers. Table Llnena iu SetB of Table Oletba, with Napkins te tnateb. Dolllea und Flne Towelo. Turceman and Luce Curtains. Oarpetn and Sugu tuk WHISKY. it "S per llettle. 13.00 per (Jullen, At UOIlltElt'S LIOUOKBTOIIK, 1 Penn f fjuare. PUIIL.U1 HAI.K ON SIIINDAV, UKOKM. HKtt 17, US3. at tt.e ilurrltnae Houin, M heml et Iowa llerac. heavy ilrattanilKOOirntil tranoiue fnruuueril uiennd ome uejil driv ers. Sale te coinmencu at 1 o'clock p. m , wlmn ttrms nlll be tnade known by (iEUUUK. OUOSSMAN. .TOO. KlBMAN, AllOt. H UKAN1I ItAKVLK ren ax r ntue.i A e Celebrated LONDON CORNET. TICKETS, ..... n OKNTS. ONUATUHDAr KVENINO, IIKC. IJ, At Frank I'rlt.ch'i Maner Unto), wticre tick- ltd els can new be had. I)Ultl,l) HAl.U OM H,TUUUAT, UEUM.M HKltr:, 18M, will be told at publte oale. nt tun I.oeinnl Hetil, nil that taluablu two twe two llrlek Dwelling and two-atery brlek back building. Ne, .VU Knat Ktnir atrcet, oentalnlnu hall and dlt rooms. Let trenta X Uct and xtemM In deptb te (Irani utrent, and con tain a largu let el choice lruti Urei. Bala te coiuiucnce at 7 o'clock p. ui whf n cuudltlens will bu iiiadu Known by W.C.e. fcilKKU. Suciiht Strrrest, Anctt. dlMtd ELKOT1UN NOTIOK, LadeaitsrCuuntt Natiekal IUaa, I IicceinburS, lail. ( The annual nipellnir of the etockheldori of this Hank will li held at the InnkliiK Iioiihe euTCKHDAY, JANUAUY8, ldSl.At 10 o'clock The annual ELECTION ler Dlrnotera will be hnld at tl-.n cme place en tha lame day, be twsvn the hnnn el II a in. and 1 p. in. r II. HKKNEMAN. diAIJAJJw Caahlwr. OUlllMAl. INVITATION IS KXTKNI). cd te you te caII at our NEW Bi OK E. Oer. of North Queen and Ohestnut Stroeta, Oppolte the l'ann'A. It. It. depot, for fine tIKUCKIUKH, Choice Fereluu nml De. HiPSttQ KIlUlTrt. NUTS. Ac OANUIEB, SWEET CIDEItnnd CAKES. TOIIAC- CO. LlUAIthTTEB and CIOAIIS. UL, Lucnru'4 VlrKlutu Fleur and whatnot. It KSMLKMAN ti KOWAHI)?. OUOIIKHTIONH Te Christinas Buyers. rOHOKNTLBMUS- A n I co cany I'at Itoekcr In Leathr, l'liieli, ote, A fl'in Comfeilablu Koekur In Hard Wee l or Kultan. One et tkoje Comfertabln Bmeklnu or Library Chain. A handRome Foel lioit.Mlnper tain, bliep Het, In walnut. niaueiiuuy, cn'jny, eic. FOllLADIRB- BomathtnRnlcn-Ebeuy, Mahogany and Wal nut In ( ahlnut, Hrle-a 1 1 rue, Kaiel, Vnrtcatalt, l'linlier Lnatlinr Tables, ote. Onu et tliesa vnry cemtnrlabln and handsome Italian Heck, eitsn vury taiidonnhle, We have thn largest assertinunt evur In tlu city, A Fre a oil or Uerinnn Per or 11 an t 1 Mirror, a very large afHOrtinentatuxtrnmuly low pi Icen, a hand em Werk Table, Heek Caw.Chutlerlrr Deik, ute. FOKCIIILDHEN- A large assortment of Itattan Reed Chain and ItecWiir The Imndsemcist Itattan High Chair you evor taw. Btep and leek at It. Alnnjs a l'leeenre te Shew Onr Stock. 4ir-Arllclr kclrctail new nlll he reserved until Uecauibnr it in ter duUveiy. Walter A. Hemitsh, HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. SECOND EDITION. J-J ---JHEJll BATURUAY 1BVKHINO, DHO. 10. 1003. B" JIU i IffUV"!.1! WKltS A IIUH1T. BOWERS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. & HURST, LANCASTER, PA. ItKAl) OUIt HOLIDAY ANN0UNCOKNT TlIKOUail AND T1IH0U01I. t e SO EaBt King Yrnkftt iTfE'ibNTiJ. " ' Btroet, dMS.K -AT- & Weariinnw ready ter thn Holidays with an Iniinoiise Btnaktln overy dnnarttnnut. oekluttrtoclvnd.atllu veiy Lewest l'rlcei In llieclly. PAY UNA VISIT, PAY US IOICK COl.OKKl) HII.KM, Kli'irnnt IILACK OITOMAN and 1)11 K-IH (JO(II)S, r.lia Anv and flVervhrMlv rtan 1m milted lrnn our Iminnmn Bleck luttrteclvnd.at lilt Viv Lewest l'rlcei In llieclly. PAY UH A VISIT, l'AY USA VI1T. We will chew you CHOICE III AUK MILK. CHOICE COLOHEt) HILKM, Klciriint IILACK OITOMAN and 1)11 K-IH (JO(II)S, r.liaul IILACK CAijHMKllEb. Eleant COLOKKI) CA8H MKUKH, Eli'irnntLAlllEn'CLOl'll NU1TINUS, Klvnant IIUUSH PLAlDi.the Kiliixt AiHOittneut In llm rltv. Eliunut DLACK OTTOMAN CLOTHS anil III MIOV A 1.8 ler l.adlei' llelmiina ami CeaUi. Eleunut LuiO' f KUIt ritlMMlNtn and FUK CULL Alt'). Kli'KUtit Line CLOAK. INCH Cl.Ollliln DltleuMit Sli dia ler Ludlcs'nnd Chlhlren'a Cleakit. Eliunnt HKAL Ha IN PLUSHES, thobcatrnluelu I he city, pronounced be by many KleitantHll.lt ASH ITALIAN QHlL'IKI) LININGS, eplendtd quality n- 50n nor yard. Liwlea' Bklrta.Cleikg, Bhawls and I)el man. ClftLIHtKN'H CLOAKS, all In lull iMiertim-nt. EleKant Llnu or Lidlei' and JilldruuM LACK COLLAKS. KluKant Assortment of LA HIES' t AHII.MKIti: unit Kill OLOVKB. KltKaut Amortment el Lltum and Silk IlnmlkO' chiefs. Elegant Aatertnimil LA DIES' I'LUKII and LKATI1EHBA1CHKI S. Klent AsHiirtuient Batln I'ln Cunhlena anil 1 Idlci KleKiiut Asiettineul Lndlei' und I hlldreu'g Hosiery, bo be ahteaun entlie new Meck el (Jeiii' Nnckwi-nr, lloilery, .Simpniidur, Hllk 'inuilkiiichli-M .te We havu tniinllened qulte n Lterxl many articles yet we have humlrnds moie which It will ulve in plnasme te ahnw. Wu are milling ciuanlttlus of goed4. OUIt bl'UCIC AND PdlCEt) bl'EAK FOUTHKMSKL hH. DO aOTFOIIUhTlO FAVOU US WITH A CALL. BOWERS & HURST. TUB NORTH QUEEN STREET DRY QOUU8 STORE. SEHKSKKT MKH AM'iiltVlHK.VKSTH, FKONT lIOAIC, 'I UK rrt." HKST irm.Lniv X Se. hand-made llavauu Clgur In the town "lIAKTMAN'S YELLOW FHONT CIQAIt HTOItK. 1f(r LIlH. Illlllll IIAIiINO HtllTKK, uUU tonie as low as lie. SnAUIIELSOF LIME EUUS, at geld a trcsh ler baklnz Finest N, O. Uelaes. I'ure Bplces anil Hese Watei. Shell barkaand Wailiuia. i hrlstraas Fleur, Whlle Clever Honay In comb and tumbler Ooel Mixed Candy, 1 ler I5e And n full line el UOLIDAt UOUD-iat Ooergo Wiant's, dlUldTu.W.S Mlt 111 Wet King atrcet. BUY Useful Presents. riiutiKt: TiieusA.ii) i'kkhknth hi hk JL given away te persona buj ln ene dollar's werihnnd evur tu lleililuy lioeds. 'Inulu Dol Del lar taken at par. Having an overstock of Lndle' and Lenta' Underwear, (Hove, Mlta, Hosiery and ether Winter (oeU, I will close them out without regard te con, rather than Tarry thiiin ever thuaeagnn. I have nlseSlaplu Goods, Btichna Earle.t Wilsen' Cellars and Culfn, and ether makea. Bilk llandkerchh-ti, suspender, Umbrellasand KotlentKancrnlly. I'lease eall boteiu purchasing oUewhorn and eave money. HENKY UECIIIOLD, Ne. tl North Queen Street. AaCSUth nl the IHe HlecUlnif. leh'Mld t.Al)llitf OUAT OR DOLMAN. IIANDHU.VH PAIHLKY BIT A JIY coot) nr.ASKaraiiA wc, JII.AVK THIli&THUA VTX., JJLAOh'Hir.KDliUSS PATTEnN. A BLACK OH COLORED OAaanEllli, A PAIR OP IILAXKUrX, A (IOOD 'AU.VOJUFORTAttZ,H, A aONBAJIER Tl'ATERPROUg, .VOW UALUORAL HKIRT, pit srrr bilk it a se KKncnrEF, BOX OFLINEXUASDKEROmbFU, A VALWO DRBSB, A TARLBOLOTir, A CARPET, A A A Or anythlnBla th DtlY 00 ID I Lt N E eiu beaghtat the LOWE3T PRIOE38, be -AT- AlMOIItlNKU Oltl-HANV IIOHIIT MAI.K et real eatiite.-On 5ATUHDAY', IfcC. 13, If.ln purauance et an order el the Or phans' Court nt Laneaatnr county, will be seldnt public sale at the Keystone Hee, In thoCllyef Lanraater. the iollewlnn real os es os Uteef l'atllek Kane deu'd.. te wit : A let or plcce of preund slttiule en the seuih alde el West Walnut atreet. In Lancaster City, con cen talnlnir In Irent 11 toot, a turtles, and In depth dl teet, IK Inches, and numhered i:n, en whlcli IseroetfdaonoHory HltlCK DWELL 1NU HOUBE. Well of water with pump en the pcmlses. Bafo loceinineucn ut 7ocleok, p. m,, whan attendance will be given and terms et aalu made known by iir.uL i. iiuii.cn. HnrnmT A Bbtteji. Auotlenoere. TrusU'e te Pell U2t.dl,t,l.vl NHH AttV KHTlStSUtLNta, R73J -. rr jr -z Vut Nfl , IIKKNKMAN. TOYS! TOYS! T II. MAlll'lN St Lit. China, Glassware -AND- TOY DEPARTMENT. J. B. Martin & Ce, We have new In stere our lull Kteck of CUHISTMAS TOYS: Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. OUR PRICES ARE LOW AND TRE STOCK LARGER THAN EVER DEFORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT FLINN & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St Lancaster, Pa. fTTAim'S UOIlNKIC Christmas-1883-Zahm's Cerner, Watohes, OlameDda, Bronces, Reera and WeBt'B Statuary, Flne Olecka, Jewelry, Solid Sllver and Silver-Platod Ware, Spoetaolos, Masonie and Soeloty Badgea. DKAUTIFUL, USEFUL AND DUKABLK CHRISTMAS GIFTS. IN PIIILADELPniA, OOINOH IN TUK VAHtOUS UOUHT9. Mrs. Carrie u. Kllgore llelesed Admission te ATBOtlceln the Court Albert (Joeraen, the Avlte Mur derer, te Hang. I'niLADELrntA, Doe. IS Common pleas court Ne. 2 te-ilny with JuiIreh llate, Mltelicll nod Feil en the braueh, rofuned the appllontlen forndmissleu te praotieoln that court of Mm. Carry n. KIlRerc, wlfe of Damen Y. Kilgore, eq. Jutlfre Hare, in ruluslnu the applioatien, Raid "The uniform rule and praotleo el the courts of Pennsylvania was against the admission of wonieti lawycrB.nndhe was net dispened te take upon himself the responsibility of introducing the innovation." A Terdlet of Acquittal. The Jury In the oaie of Btophen 8. Price, eharf&d with the omber.zleinent of $97,000 from the estate of Thes. Rlohard Rlehard Rlohard reii, of which he was executer, returned a verdict of acquittal this morning, after belng out all night. Ooersen will Hans;. Turiiie Ludlow today overrulcd the motion for a new trial iu tha case of Dr. Albert O. F. Goewon, convletod for the murder of his wlfe by poisoning, and sen tenced Goerson te be hanged. Collision In West rhllartelphla. A collision oeourod this morning en the Gormatitewn branch of the Readint; rail read, west of Sixteenth street station, The oiirIue of an Inoetnlng pasaon((er train was derailed and aoveral pasfloiiKers aovercly hurt. Jounle Evans, of Oak Lnc, was sevcrcly cut about the head and body, and Ltszle l'ecet, of the same plaoe, waa seriously bruited en the head. O'Dennell'a Last Day. Londen, Dce. 15. The scaffold, upon whieh O'Donuell is te be oxecutod, Is being erected. Hangman lllnns, 1r inslde of Nowitate prison and will re main there until the execution has taken plaoe. O'DenucIl sleeps well aud takes his meals regularly. He dees net occupy the cell te will eh oendomned, poraenn are usually assigned, but is placed in a iarger one. Twe wardens watch him constantly. Usually only oue mau is detailcd for this service. lfunnrd, the Absconder, Captured, Denver, Cel., Dee. 15. Alfred B. Heward, who roecntly absconded from Wiunepcg, Manitoba, with $1(5,000 beleng. lug te Messrs. Weed & Wells, of Mllbank, Ontario, was arrested here ycBterday. The entire amount of nionev was recovered. He was stepping with his wlfe and ehl!d at ene of the principal hotels tinder the name of Stewart, MaisviiisANMhvllle... Utf fh an Valley , Irf)hlh Nav tRSUen. , , . Pennsylvania r , Heading is l'.T. a nutmin. ........... . . Northern l'oelflo Cem... Northern Paclfle 1'i-ef... Hosienvllln Philadelphia A Erle...... Nortuem Central,,....... UndnrRreund Canada floutliern.. u en ...............,...,.. People's 1'assensrer. .i .. M III .... 0 .... ?J b .... i' i ru .... .. .... . .... s ... Mi MW 114 t ll.jj J ) J. i RAW SOVK. QuotaUenaby Atsoetatml Press. .?K?k wy nd depreised. Mensy'siaiy at S?, 7" Central ..ll AriPJl.n,J.rea'1 M chhian c'entral ltatlrea.1 ...!. 6W M'ehlttan southern llallread i. 07K Illlnefs Central llallread "... "lit Cleveland A PltlbnrKli HallOt ... ,. ,i, . 1M ChlaaKO A Keck Island Itallreail nw PlttebtirBli A Fert Wayne ltallrea.1 tM Wostern Union TelOKraph Company..... T7W Teledo A Wabash ,,,,., 19 New Jersey Central :" bis NowYerk Ontario A Wnstern...... i5 1'iillnrlaiphia. Quotations by Assoelatod rreHs. fc Btrcks weak. Philadelphia A Erle H, ft in Heading llallread 1 PeunsyfvAnla llallreiul.... M'i LehlRli Valley llallread 71 United Companies or New Joraey.... ..;... 17 Northern Pacific, , 1( Northern Pacino Preferm 1 .. IWi Northern Central llallread CJ LenUh Navliratlen Company )... 4.1 Norrlstewn llallread ......1PSj Central Transportation Company OT I'lltali'it, Tltnavllln A llntlalelt. A... .?... 11 t.lttli. Sclllivlltlll HMIrnsil K HVKOIAT. tfUTlCKH. 1 recommend i.uuy wuuicllVa tiocret of Youth and llcauty for the complexion, as be in K far superior te any artlcle I ever med. It positively removes Freckles, and will remove Tun In ene application. Price Mc. Fer aalu at all druuidaU. MUS. J. rtKNNK SMITH, e'2S-Cm(1MAfl Newnrk. N. J. Ueuvictcd of Alarder. New Yenir, Doe 13. The jury in the case of ex Pollce OfOcer Wm. Conrey, who shot mid killed Peter Keen a a in n saloon sumo time age, after being loekod up nil night, brought lu a verdiut. thin morning of murder iu the first doreo. Conrey ex hibited no oruetion ru the noueunoomont. The ee n te n co was postpenod, pending ap plication for a new trial. 1. 110KBT BTOCK IN THK C1TV. LOWF8T rillOKS KVKIt OFFEKED IM k II flUIUSTBIAH (1UOOS. CHAS. H. BARR, Raphael Trleks. Xaaae und New Year Cards, Flneat Made. Alse, Franc's & Marcus Wards, Boe my Btoek of Cards and compnre prloes befere purchasing olsewhoro. CHAS. A. BARR, Cheap Stere, Ne. i:J WEST KING STREET, UelwettD the Cooper Heuia and Boriel Herso Hetel. 1 ANOASTKlt, PA. II" LI HAY lltlllUK PHNN SQUARE. dli-sid JOHN BAER'S SOI, H 1UU MA11T1N. HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. IF 100 WAKXTOntJY A NIOK Christmas Present CALL AT CHINA HALL. All Goods exchange 1 that ure net sHisfac tery. High. & lartin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANOA31EU, VA. Booksellers and Stationers, error te tlislr Patrons, at Lew Prices, for the Coming Christmas Season, a Lirse and Varied Assortment el Holiday Novelties Iniiliullnu Hi Latest Btylei et LHATSER AND PLUSH QOODU, In PAPKTKUIKS, JEWEL HOXES, WOlllC nOXKB, TOILET CASES, OLOVKIIOXE9, WKITINO OE8KB, (K)LI PENS, CAIll) OA1K8, I.LTTEUCABICB, CIOAll CASES, Ac. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In Elegant Novelties ter This Beaten. PIIOTOUItAPH and AUTOQBAPII AL11UMS, fiOUAP HOOKS, FKTBOF AUTHOttSIN CLOTH AND FINK I1INDINQ3, nillLES, PUAYKR HOOKS, Cllt'ltCU HOOKS, DEVOTIONAL IIOOKB. 8TBEL ENQRAVINQS, PAINTIXOS, PHOTOQlUVUIlXi,, KTCIIINaS, PANEL 1'IOTUnRS, PLAQUES, EASELS, OA11INET VKAMKS, J APAN KBK WAUE, In IIUACKETS, THAI H, and WALL l'OOKE'lS. A Flne Line of TIIEIIMOMKTKIIS, HOOKS, CAIUBTMABCAUUS, OAME8, IILOCKB. INDUBTUIAL TOYB and WATKK LOI.OU8 for ttiu LITTLE ONES, At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUKEN ST LACm'KIl Ll'A THE CITY. LA11UK9T BTOOK KVEIl I.N THE CITY. $10,000 WOKTHOF Holiday Goods THAT MUST HE SOLD. Elegant China and Bisque Wares. HanisomeOepi and t-aucers, Dinner and Tea b'cts, Chambar and Toilet Ifcts. FeRTtrr foeblo lung against winter blasts with Hale's Iloney el Horehennd and Tar, rike's Toethaohe Dreps euro In one tntnute. dlO-lwdoedttw lleury siarouiie naive. The beet Bulve In the world for euts.brulscs aerei, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, Chapped hands, ehtlhlatns, corns and all kinds et skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed te give ported satisfaction In overy case or money refunded. Ile sum you get IIkwrt's Caiuolie Saxvi, as all ethers ate hut Imitations and couuterlolts. Prtce 2A cents, bold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drug atom. 1(7 Neith OueunntriMit. mrW CamellA oentene lur the teeth Is very tra Brnnt aud removes Tartar and bcurf, hardens he Hums, slops dceay and perlumes the breath. I'rlce, M cents. Fer sale at all drag gists. lelTmdW NJEW ADriUlllSXUENlb. IUVO HMALI. HANO-MAIIR UAVANA L ClearH for A ceutant HAHl'MAN'M YELLOW FUONTCIOAK 8TOUK. B" Orders Jer Special Wert, ihtulrl be ttl with us as early as ptsublc. Mil Jt Oi er own factory. All Special Orders EDW. J. ZAHM, MAKl'FAUTtJTtlKO JEWKLEK. ZAHM'S CORNER, decl'luidlt LANCASTER, PA, NKK AttVKUIlHt.MliNlli. 1OK ItENT. Till! WKI.I.-KNOWN Hetel stand, the Mvrrluun lloiue, Ne Hi Prltit'e street, Ltiucmur, wlilhn rentud. ItU part et the furnlturn. en reusouahle t"rm?, IIO'M April I, U-. Fer fuitliur lnlnrmntlen apply te (j co I (je l.res.-in.'ni, at the Metilinac lfeue, 11 )UIII.IU HAI.K Of Ji:.NTI(AL KKAI, KS TATK. On TiU'Sduy evenliiu, Decumber Diinl Ileu'l. hast Klnir St.. u thrrO'Stery llrlck Dwelllui; Houhe, with two twe two atery brlek luck btilldliiK attached en the Houlhsldeet East Vine htiont.Ne. 1 1, having ten rooms, Kits, het and cold water thiontrh thientrh thiontrh eut, stationary wash stands, bath loom and water eleet. perfect Bowetn(, alley en the ear. The properly has lately been liupioved aud Is In flist-cl.its repair. Bule toceintnenco at 7 o'clock p. m , wlteu terms wlllbu made known by II.C. MAUT1N. Bscnuirr A Sbtten, Anct'H. d.'i.T.S.W.Ti.W lilt AMUr- AUVKUTIniiMENra tnmtrmm 1)UHNHYI,NAMIA DIOAIM I hundred upwards at I'llOM HI A HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIUAll HTOItK ANOTIltK HKIV l.Ol' OK THOSE ItKAU. ttful i-klrw; also anethsr let of Silk Handkerchlels; Ilcaullltil Satin Heeds for Children, open te-day i Hie finest, seltestand best Unbleached Muslin we ever sold ler 7 ei-nts ; our $1 S3 ceuntetpanes aiebeuutlesi 10 cent blilrtlng Chevlcls In remnants, at 8 tenu. AT 8W A II IPS. ebl7-lydTAB M Neith Queen tteet. And veiylhliiK New daviiltts. and Pritty ler Ifell 100-Picco White Granite Dinner Sets, ONLY aJO.OO. 40-Piece White Granite Tea Sets, ONLY SJU.OO. TOYS! T08! TOYS! Ol otery kind und price. Tey nnmm ite. China, lllsnue. T Toys. BtnokeBets, Wlue Bets t Olasiware of all kinds at lowest prices. nooks. Heeks. In and Weed LAMPS from ccutH upward. IiOek Over Our List nt 5 Cents. 1 ANSMAri A llltll, SWEEPING REDUCTION, L. GANSMAN & BRO.. Gtt & 03 NORTH QUEEN ST.. Southwest Cor. Orange St,, POSITIVELY AS8EI1T THAT TIIBIlt & 1)UiiI.1U HAI.K Of utSAL. KhTAllC.-IIY vlttunel anerdei el the Orphans' Court et Laucnstorceunly, the undershcuodAdmln undershcuedAdmln stratnr or the estate et Theodere ntuklo ntukle ntuklo hern, ilee'd., will sell ut the Lancuter County lieusu, enbATUHDAY, DECEMHEIt 13, 1 til, a let et ground situated en the southeast aids el Middle street, lu thn City of Lancaster, be tween Hookland and Lluie streets, adjoining piopertloBot Jeseph Lubir und the estate el Charles Ulukelbei-K', doe'd. The let contains In front en Middle street W feet, mnre or Icsa, Andextenda In depth, 1"0 (cot, uieru or less. There ateallilck btable and BtauKhter Heuse nbeut la feet wldeand 10 feet long, and two Irame WaitonSheits, built en the pretnlses. Mile te commsneoat 7 p. m, when form will bu mads known by PHILIP DINKELTiRtia. nW-tsdeaw Administrator. l'rebatily Hut i l-euc Bouienet). New Yenrt, Dce. 12' Themas J. Yeung the saloon koeper or ilroeklyu, who snot and killed his wifoen the 22a of Octeber last, plead guilty te-day lu the King's oeunty court of sessions te murder iu the Eoaend dogree and was sentenced te state prtsen for ute. Ue is tar goue in een sumptien, UmbllUK Heuse Haldeil. CmeAQO, Dce. 15. The pollce raided about llve gambling houses at two o'elock this morning and arrested eighty persons, keepers and iumates. r are and rouletto tables, ehlps aud ether gaming outfits wero captured. Tbey were taken te the police station aud burned. - 1 1 TCrecK en the Pali Handle Kead. SniunENViLLE, Ohie, Dce. 15. At early hour this morning au east bound freight train en the Pan Haudie read run into a land slide nt Skllley's station aud waa wrecked. Uuorge Tralllnger, thoengiucor was killed und David Veusel, Ilreraau, slightly Injured. fall or n Trestle, Tiiey, N. Y., Dee. 15. A. trostle used iu ereetiug the new eattal br!d?e nt Crca cent, fell yesterday, precipitating llve tnen a distauce of tweuty feet te the bottom of the canal. All wero injured, two probably fatally. llesplted. I'ETEnsuune, Va., Dec. 15. E. Rrewn, u negre, who was te have beeu hauged at llulllax Cottrtheuso, N. C, this morning, for tlie murder el his wlfe hoiue mouths age, has been respited uutll the 27th of February, next. . ' 1,-n Celd lu the Seuth. Veueennfi, Vt., Dec 15. There wbb a, ohangeof53 egrees iu tlie tomperature last night and all factories have shut down en account of auotier loe, 15 Inches of snow, Ludas, Out., Dec. 15. Snow fell te t'ie depth of 15 indies last night and tliore are beavy drifts, Trains are all bloekatlod. 1)UIILIIinAt.K OH KENTUCKY MULES. On MONDAY, DKCEMUKK 17, U"3, will he sold at public rale, nt I). Legan's Mables, rear el McUranti Hnum. Lancaster eltv, l'a., "Ixiy Head of KENTUCKY MULES.'ltOI yeais old. Berne v.ell broken. They aie heav lened and welt mated. A ciedtt of 00dav will be Kl011. Bule tocemmoncoat 1 o'clock p. m.,whe: attendnuci will bu tflven by ltd UOWAKU JAILET. CHOICE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, FOR FATHEU. MDTIIEU, IHlOTlIBns, SIS TElPJ, COUSINS AND AUNTS, ae te BRISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KING SrREET, Remember the nuiiber and sttet. G OINO, GOING, GOING. AND THE NEXT TUINH THEY WILL DF. GONE GONE1 GONE! cui'isuii Christmas Gifts -AT- (Jlass Fugar Howls, Cream Helders, llutter Dlshc, Lamp-t, Heney Dlsnes. Mnw, l'lcklu Juki, Bpnen Hurry Dlnliea, Dl.lies, Wlue Classes, (leblets, Vates. eups and Haueers, Hread PluUs, celery nates, a it u riaius, Christmas Cards, lloeki, and hundreds nt ether nice things ler live cents. Much mera desirable goods at t, 15, IV, U rents and upwards. FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER. One oepy et our elegant Plaiui, gotten up oxpretsly for this occaaleu, Iree te every ciw- letuer. (.ait ei.riy in uvem uia ruaii the chlldieu te Ke the weudelful toys, llrliiR Uieolmnleal J. B. Martin & Ce., Cor. West KIi g autl Tiince SIh., OP.arEENSHOl"K, LAN sBrKfl V . ii 71 SeIMtned In Dlack and Daik Uray, cannot be ectualed any where In th" city at bus tlun 110.00, und their sull-llned or llneu FINE FUR BEAVER MEN'S OVERCOATS, AT $7.00 & 80.00, AltE WOIITH DOUni.E THE MONEY. HOYS' OVKIlOOATn srlltmr new mtlewas VI at. Ureat UargsliH for the next urn d.iya In Men's Beys' and Children's Suits AND ODD PANTS. Every Ovoreontwn liuve en our tountemls from 'Jl te SA per oent. below value, und la in. variably lower In prleu than eleewhure. Loek aieundand tea II ill's U net the emu. L. Gansman & Bre Tle KiisVoiVible Meriliant Tulleu and ClnihUia, He. 00.G8 .NOHTll UUL'K-N STREET, Ulghten the Bouthwest Cerner el Oruntre SL LANCABTKB, PA, tra Het rui "i. I , 'elhlng A.1VEER'S, NO. 30 WEST KING STREET. BEALBKIN BACQUES. FUH-LINEII C1KCULARS. SEALSKIN HATS AND CAPS. SEALSKIN AND OTHKIl MUFFS. 11KAVEK HEIITHAB AND MUFFS. 8KAL AND OTTKIt PULSE W Alt MR KB. CIULDKEN'S FUltS, FUll TltlMMINPl UKNTBOLOVES AND MUFFLEKSj Bacqiirs and Circulars carelully mads te measure. Our Ienium! suoeesaful uxpeilencs (jlvcn asa Uuuranue et sat traction. OHDKIIB FOIl OAIIMENTB TO MEASURE FOR UHHISTMAS SHOULD UK LEFT EARLY NhXr WEEK. dldmd WKATIIKH INIIIUATIONS. Wasiiinciten, Dee. 15. Fer the Ml Idle Atlautle states, colder fair weather, dim inishing uerthwssterly winds, baeklng te wosterly, rising barometer. atAitiijiiti. Maw Yerk Maraeta. Nbw Yerk, Dee. 15. Flenr dull and heavy. Wheat opened 'Je higher, 1 afterwards nitwit weaker and loll back ViMXe I trade dull Ne. 3 Reil. Jen., tl 184C1 IaK I de Feb., tl 15'Q 1 UK i de March, l 17ul UK 1 May, II WMS corn openeu wie ntRner, later lest ad vance Mixed Western, spot, UJ'.flHei de luturu, OlHGCOVie. e its opened KtZWe better t afterwards lest advance t Ne. t Jan. WHClOXei Feb., I1HO tlJici May, UXauXcT l'blladelpma naraei. I'muiDSLVurA, December 15. Fleur dull and heavy. itye r lenrat Uie, Wheut nrmer t Ne. 2 Western Reil, II OS ; Ne. a de. II Ne. 1 Pa. Red, II Ptfl V. Cern quiet: sail yellow, old, at Ule de mixed, old, ill ( 03c. Oats dull and easy? N"- I Wlilte. Het Ne. 2 White. 40,11 Ne. 3 de, 58jQ89e Ne. 4 Mixed. JS038KO. Ryu unchanged i prime fc. Hcodrt-Clevcr at naMet Timethy dull at II ffll ae t Flaxseed flrm'at It 47U1 tu. Previsions quiet and steady. Lard qulet. llutter quiet and barely steady. Eggs quiet und steady. Cheese firm and quiet. Pen eleum qulstandstesdy. WhUUy at tl 'JU Alt these Btylhli Hats and Caps, which wa are detertulncd te roll at such LOW PRICES as te put our Goods beyend oinpeiillou. There i no nmie su'Uble pressnt ler a gen tleman than a Flne Silk Umbrella, or a Seal Turbw. BILKTJMllRKLLAB FROM.0OP. SHDLTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (OUNDAKER'8 OLD STAND,) LANCASTER. inart71yd.w I'A. N KXT DOOHIOTHECOCUT UUCBR. HOUIO 111 tltU I, j:M tlHTAINMZNTH. lULI'ONOl'EKA llOUSi:, ONE NIOHT ONLY. MONDAY, DEOBMBER 17, 1883. Engagement el the charming young come dteuiie and general favorite, ANNIE PIXLEY, Supported by Mil. FRANK LOSEE und her own talented Diamatlc Company, In the evor popular play, M'liss, Child oCthe Sierras, Introducing New Bengs, New Danecs, New Medlsys, ADMISSION 110, 00 and 78 CENTS HKSEIlVEUbLAlB 70 OF.N1- Ona:c p""" '.euscOSce. dis-trt FAHNESTOCK'S Our Bteek el Ornamenlal, Fauey and Uso Use ful Ooeds ter the HOLIDAYS wasneveras attrnctlve as at the proient time. Pair Dealing, Large Stock, Lewest Prices: 12 at, Dr. at btoeK tnarueu. Quotations by Ueed, MeUrann A Ce , Uauk uia, Luuuuswr, in. 111,11, Michigan Central VO NowYerk Central imi New Jersey Central l4 Ohie Central Del, I ack. A Western.... HOW Ileum A Rie Urande.... 2IM Erie.......... ............... . Kansas A Texas 23 Laku Bhere 03 K Chicago A N. W com.... 11CV N.N., Out. A Western..,. 19 bt. Paul A Omaha., MK Pacino Mull il ReeliesterA Pittsburgh.. Ml BLl'aul MH Texas Pacino Mi Union Pucinc , 71 Wabash -I'einiiinn. . .. v v.i-ih Preleir. I -v Ut .. l'.' -n lei. ! "il -ren- 00 BX U5W USiA liuM ItSK 2IK stW 01 l)J new 117H ism ml Biii Sift Sitj SIU n w Imtltes, Gouts, Ifeju and QlrU, At Leweit ITIces, mtds toeurownordor, with our nsms eueach aaraent, every Qir went Warranted. B, E. EaMesteck, LANCASTEO.tr A, rT- t Doe te tb9 Court Heuso. ''VI i