V) ;ie,l " (Ofyz Tt$te 'nteUigert& S. u J T VelumT) XX-Ne 88. LANCASTER, PA,. TIIUKSDAY. DECEMBER 13, ISB3. Pr ee Tire Ceits. 4 JJJttF OTIIAWHIIIIKIM A ULOIIUKH. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. Tlit) second shipment. ceusUtllig of seven rases el uur celebrated Tonquin Table Cevers, lUaehi'd tin a few tnys age, nmt hid even mero huudsemu (If that be pout tile) than tlie 11 ret let, wlileli sold se rapidly, we have thorn In EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORINGS, Ami Uie following sixes 5-4, 6-4, 7 4, 8-4, 8-10 and 8-10. tl U almost luipeestble te pralie these roeiIi tee highly. The coloring nrn he ttch ft ml I'llectlre and tlie price's se very meilcrate that they should meet all tastes antl suit all purses. Our sleck et Raw and Spun Silk and Fine Tapestry Table and Piane Cevers H new complete, ami comprise the following Hi nei I 1-2, I 3-4, 2, 2 1-2, 3 YDS. LONG. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Eighth Street Market Street. Filbert Street. PHILADELPHIA. G BO. KA 1 1 HK-STOCK, HAIR'S OLD NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, l'A. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, in Great Variety. A Fnll l.lnoet Ladles' ami Children's COATS, CLOAKS and DOLMANS alway en hand. Silk Plushes by the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Uur Drt-xs Making Parlors ate en the cend and third floors, where Dirstes, C'eaU Clenks and Delmans aru made at siiert nollce. Perfect fit 11 ml satisfaction guaranteed, whtdher goods are pnrelmjed here or sent te be uiadu up fiomelsowbero. Geerge Fahriesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET. - - - Lancaster, Pa. i'XtVwnmu anu J....N AIIMII.II, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Oeld Case Heaters, CSTFinest Werk, Beat Workmen. Loqve your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, HUMAN flKANOKIl KKttTlLI.Kll CO. HTJMN GUANO. Oompeeod of Fure Human Exoremotit and Urlne. Unrlvaled for Wheat, Tobneoo, Grass, Oeru, &e. -SOLD IIY WM, 11. J0NK8, Ne. 1,021 Murket Street; U. U. HOUKllB, Ne. 133 Market Htreet; UIIAUAM, EMLEN APASSMOUK.No.OJtMarket 8troet ; J. IlIHEK A HON, Urancntewn I'hlladelphla, and rospensiblo dealer generally. OFFICE.-N0. 333 Chestnut Streot, riiiludelnhlu. d ' uuglfHitu O. MUSSELMAN, Agent, rAl'JSJt UANUirilUt, . ) HAKES W. FKY. We ure making almost dally additions te our stock el WALL PAPERS, The styles are beautllul ami we havn thum in elegunt assortment, from tlie common brown te the finest ombreldorud gilt one, two and three band frtozes. Uoeoratlons ter cell lugs m elegant designs, contra plecei te in it tell. Dade Window Shades Are beoeralng mere pnpulnr every season. We ean show you Illty dlireruut atjrles, In thn pre vailing colere. Plain oleths for shudui in all widths, fixtures, oruainenls, etc, OKKAM and WHITE LACK GUHTAIN8. 1IKD8KT8. PILLOW SHAMS, TIDIES. undLAMUUKQUINS, 0UKTA1N POLES, COltNiafcs, Milt. HOllS, AC PHARES w. fry, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. YODU ATTENTION 1H 0AI.I.KIITO UIIK 8.to,0k.ef ''i'lnlay Ooeds.lncludliiK Toilet Setset CelluloldundrinrencaUneds, Hi Plush and Leather Cases. Oder Stands and Cases In Plush ami Leather, Hlstjue Kluures, Kntiraved and Cut HotUes, plain bottles ter ceveilnir. etc "' Held at less than down tnwn prices, at THOS. B, BEOHTOLD'S Drug Stere. Ne. 401 WK9T OUANQK STItKKT, coruereicuuloUf, (Ulya UUUDH. - Uur mugulllceul sleck el Embroidered Cleth PIANO COVERS I attracting much attuntlen. All IhagoedJ ware manulsetutud te our own order and Imported dlrccl. Wu have all the latest styles In Plain and Variegated Bor ders At vury moilnrate prlecs. We have them In 4-4, 6-4, 7-4, AND 8-4 SIZEb, And In all tlie new designs and color legs. We have also a complete line el Cardinal and Turkey Red Table Cleths luall sizes and grades, with napkins te mutch. nevMtldlhAw 1 r.O. fAIIHIMTUOK, STAND, has vittimu. LANCASTER, PA. UUAlfO. Wltmer, Lanoaetor oeunty, Pa, WAX,, B. II. HAUIIR Wholesalo and lleuu Uouler In all kinds 01 LUUHKU AND COAL. rrftrdt Ne. 420 North Water und Prima treeU abeve Lainen Luncasler. nJ-lyi" B AUMOAUUNKUH S JKFFKHI1W. GOAL DEALERS. OKK10KS. Ne. 31 Nentll Qdbeh Btrbbt, AMD Ne. Ml N'ebtu PmrieB Streht. YA11DS. North Prikeu Streht, near Uead- ihe Dbfet. LANUASTEU, PA. ftUKlVtld CtOAI. I VUAI.I j The undorslgned lias for eale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and S, Water 8ts alurguiuiorttnentef the very best kinds et Ocal for Family TJbe, wlileli he will dollver, carefully welKhed and toreoned, te any partet thoelty at the lowest inarKOi rates, uruers vy man or voiunneno niled promptly. juiyiu-iKi PHILIP UINOKK. MANUKK AND DUAL, New Yerk and Philadelphia Herso Ma nure by the ear lout at reduced prlees. AH the llUST.UUAOKS Oi COAL, Ueth for Knmlly and Steam purpoaes. OKMKNT by the barrel, IIAYand 8TKAW by the ten or liale. Yard-815 Harrlsbnrit Plke. Obkeral Onies-aJii Hest Cheatnut street Knuffman, Koller As Oe. UDli-lld pOAL. M. V. J3. COHO ABO MOUTU WATBU HT., Zaneatfr, ru.. Wholesale and UetaU Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Tcltphonle Kxnlmnge, eaf.?PU,m UUU!U J," wwim'uwatk BlltKKl. lebM-lyU mr.mvAi,. I AHIIV PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. . A lloturlield Article ler Uiilveisnt Kanilly Use. 1lrJlHinnfea Ter Sent let nnd Typhoid EJl UUIUU-ut3b Kovore, iniilitlierln, Hull . Viitlen, Ulcerated 8010 VI A I ART A TI110.11, tiii ill Pox, Mi a lUVLiirAli,sl'S, mid nil Contagious . Dlsouces. I'ornen wall leg en the Hick should use It lively. Hcnrlet Kevor has uover been known te spread where tlie r- lllllt wm used, tollew Kever has been nutcxl with ll(icrMcipiemin(tMAent)f(c. I hu worst euifK el dlphthurlii yield te It. Fevered and sick lmr. HMALL I'OA sons lulreitliecl ami mill lifilsorei prevented 'I'H'TI.VH nl Hinull by ImthlUK with Pox rilKVK.NTK.il. UarliyH rluld. llnpuiii Air made harmless und pml llfd. rorSero threat It Is u sure cute. ContAKlen destroyed. Ker frosted Keel. A number el my lumlly wns taken with muall Pox 1 used the Kluld; the patient wan uolilu'lileus, wan net pitted, 11ml was nljent the house ukiiIii In tlueu weeks und 110 Chilblains, riles,! L.unuilKS, eiu. ICheuinatlsm cured Helt Whlte Complex Ions secured by Its use. Hhlp t'over prevented. Te I'urlly tlie Hreiith, Ulenuselhu 'leeth. It can't be surpiiHued. Uatarrh relieved and cured. Rryslpelas cured. Hums telluved In Btantly. Hears prevented. elheis had It ). W. Paiikiksun I'hlladel phla. OlPIITIIKIllA I'KKVKNI'KII. The physicians here use Knrbys Kluld very siiccesifiilly In the treatmeul of Dlpb theili. A. Htei.lkn wmitit, (irveusboie, Ala. uyscnicry emeu. Wounds healed luptd Sourvey cured. An Antidote for Aril I Tetter dried up I Chelem prevented. Uleeis purllled and 1 huuled. In am et Deuth It should be used ubeut 1 the corpse It will I nrevcnlunyuniilfiis- tnalorveuutahle r el nui.B, .Jlllll1.. til,-. i used me rniKi uur- . liiK our present ul- ant smell. iiiaiiuu wiiu rcariei Kever with decided1 Tlie emluent Physl ndvntitiige. It Is In- clnn. .1. MARION alsnensable te the MIJIi, M. II, New sick room.- Wx. K. Verk.au "lamcen Hxnreiin, Kyrle, Ala. vlnced Plot. Iiarby'r, I Prephyhi'tle Kluld Is HOAItl.KTKKVhH u vuliiuble dhmfoet. CUKKI). ant." Vanderbilt CmvBHsiTT, Nasiivillk, Tenn. I testify te the most excellent o.uh1UIche1 Prel. Darby's Prophyliiclle Kiuld. Asndliln Asndliln Asndliln loelnnl and deturKuut 11 H both theeretleally and practically superior te any preparation with which I am ncqualnud. N. T. horres, Prof. Clieinltlrv. DAKUY'S KI.U1II ! UKCOHMKNUKIJ 11V Hen. Alexajcder II. HrEriiKns, 01 UeerKlii. ltev. Ciua. K. Deehh, 11. 1)., Church et the 8traners, N. Y. Jes. l.xt'eian, CelumbU, Prof. I'liUeinlty, I). c ltev. A. J. IUttlb, Prel., Mercer University, ltev. Oeo. K. Pikrce, lllslien SI. K. Church. IMIMII'KNHAIII.KIO tCVKItY 1IOMK. Perlectly harmless, txed Internally or externally ler Mun or lleast. The Klutil has been thoroughly toted, and we have iibumlttiit evldenie that It has done eerytlilniherecluluied. Kerlullci lnlorum lnlerum lnlorum tleiiKetot your llni,'Kltn p.iuiphlet or send te tlie proprietors. J II. .EII.IN .tCO., ManufscturliiK Cbcu.hts, I'uiLADCLrniA. Ker sale by II. II. Cechiun, DrtiKxlst, U7iind 139 North Queen street. lunll-ljeed&w IlilUHH AND MTA1 KlffKltt IJLU 1 Ml ! i, is 1 m OUUII Ul. IIUMKH Ann .SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT THE LOWEST HATK4 AT L. M. FLYNN'S CHKAf HOOK A.N U Sl'ATlONAUY b'lUUE Ne. 43 West KIhk Streot. H OI.IUAY IlllOlln Booksellers and Stationer?, Ollei te tbelr Patrnus, ul Lew Pilces, fei thu Coming Christinas beevm, a (.iiKuand Varied Assortment el Holiday levelties Inehnllnir the l.atest Styles et LHA.THER ANI PLUdn GOODB, In PAPKTKItlK.S, .IKWKli HUXhS, WOHK IIOXKI. TOItKTCAHLS. (II.OVK HOXK.S, WdUTINO DKSUa, UUI.ll PK.NB, CAUl) CASKS, L. KTTK.lt CASES, CIUAUCASIJS, Ae. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In Kleuiinl Novelties ter This Feiuen. PIIUI'OtiltAI'Huml AUTUUUAl'll AI.IIUM4, HCIIAP HOOKS, SKTSOK AUTHOHIN CI.OTll AND KINK IllXiJlNUS, I.IIII.KS, PKAYKIl HOOKS, CIH KMI HOOKS. UKVOTIO.NAI. HOOKS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, I'Aixnxtis, ruoTeaiiA vuhks, KTCIIINUS, PA.NKI. PICIUIIKS, PI.AQUKS, r.ASK.I.S. CABINET KIIAMK9, JAPAV'KHK WAUK, III HltAOKKTS, TKAYS, ntld WAIili P001CK18. A fine l.lnc or TIIKHMOMKTKH9, HOOKS, CAHISTMASCAUUS, OAMKS, II LOCKS, 1NOUHTKIAL TOTS and WATER LOL011S ferthuLITTLK ONKS, At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCABTlilt, PA. VA lll'i:i1 ItlKlt'S UAUPK.T HALL. The Very Things for Christmas. 11 If anyone would make ni triad With Clulstmas irlft'twlxl me ami you, I'd llke te see my llnnisall clad With oil cloths bright or curpeU new. Such ns they sell at Shirk's, yen knew. Or Turkish ruR, or floercloth hunt. Or counteipane Una's whlte as snow Ker such things Shirk was never beat '" THAT'S WHATTHK HKNSUILK WOMAN SAIO. 8HKWANTK0 SOMETHING USKFUL.nsWKLI.ilsPHKTTV. AND IK YOU'D MAKK TOUIt WlKK, MOTIIK.lt OH DAUCJHTKH HAPPY, 00 AT ONCK TO Shirk's Carpet Hall, Uer. West Klnir nuti; Wiitcr Sh. -and- makk yeuil chuistma8 8klkcti0ns i BAIttlAItlH IM AVATOHK.S, ULOUtt' Chains, Hlnes, Spectacl8, Ac. ltepalrlun et nil kinds will receive my personal attun tlen. LOUIS WKIiril V" WNir li (Jneen 9 in iorllyeppoiiiot.il) iieitn.mur Puunsyivuna liailioaddepet. doeiaiya M BAER'S SOI A BULJi FIGHT. HOW Till! IIIINII IS JMNMiltil A Omphla Account of Spnuisti Kmttvnl As neen In the Island el Uulju-ri, It- liiK Scenes In tlie sport, A correnpenduiit of the I'inuinti.iti Kn- 7UirrgiveB the following account of IiIb observatlon Jn Uav.iuua of n bull light conducted In the manner thr.t the brutal npert In oarrled ou In Spain : The ltef(la nreiia can ae.it ubeut mi thousand ixtbeuh. The pucoef etitrtiiice wa from !l (Spautah; te 2, with $10 Ter the boxeH en the tipper tier. The Hum wcre jiauked with civlli.itiH, military, nnd sallerH, sinekiliK, talkinj;, uttering wild erlcH, Happily thore worn no lad lei pres ent. A rathur ruaty baud wna jarritij; out u medley of neuud. The tlerH of human bulngH niad e an animated clrcle Hiirroiiud Hiirreiiud ing an epen riiif;, around which ran wooden barricades, with here and thore a roecHfl for a lighter ll'clonely presiud by a bull. The pwhiduiit of the Raines entered nnd wiih Krcetcd with a hhetit of applatise from the impatient throng. The uperta wcre about te bugiu He took his seat. A bule sounded, mid the inarch of the lighters iute the aieua followed. The nrena was of eattb, hard and Hpritt;y te the ftct. An uproar arem anions tliu sjiuctaters as, two by two, the pioturtsipie e.ivalcada entered. Twe by two the maielied -tlie capaideica (oape beaters with Kcarlet cajien), baudurilloreb (dartmen wi'h darts), picadors (the priekurn ou livrxeback, with laiicus jiartially blunted), maladercs or CBpadas (sweruHtneti, whohe duti is te slay the bull at thu und), the puutcrille (witu a (laKKur, his business buiug te p,ive the tin ishiun stroke, if uccessaij), nutl thu nm nm nm lioteroi (tnulctcerd, who dra oil' the uar ca.ss e( the slain iitilnuil Biave thuy looked in their trappings of silver unci geld , their bheit, black velvet jackets with K'uJy loceialloiis ; their Kudy, Atidalusiau cab, with knotted hair queues hauling from uuder ; their black velvet kuce breeahus and parti coleicd hese dis playing te advantage their shapely calves. A lithe, active Hotef inen they were, nota ble lather for their agile bearing than for strength or weight. A light baud and light liceN, as wull at a cool head, are uccdtd in a bull light. Knter, thu Hull. A shtill bugle ueunled. It w 11 the signal for the entry of the bull, l-'ive thousand thioatsyellcd thcmselvcs hearso in a fen or of cxoituiueut. A moment's paiiBO and a sleek, blaukcoated, powerful animal dashed and suurtur iute the very middle of the arcua. A moment he steed theie, us though dazed by thn light, the crowd, aud the tumuU of voices. Tlien, with lowered horns and augry eyes, he mude a blind rush at the llrst b.ight object he saw. It was a red cloak trailed bulore him by oue of the capiaderes, who leaped lightly aside. Auether aud another crossed bun at every turur in bawilderiug succession. He made a suddeu side luuge and a capiaderc, neat of limb audtiimef appatel, is down. The bull rushes at the prostrate man, but the capladore knows his business, lie tesses a cloak te the animal, who pawn it. In a moment etheis draw near aud drew the brute's .ittentieu oil'. Anether swilt turn and the bull gores the horbe of a daring picador, llt-rse and man go ever in a heap, aud fiem tlie peer herses Hank runs a stream of bl. ed. The capladercs arc swift te work with their cloaks, aud draw the annual off again. The picade. remounts, aud the bllnded uoelsdiivtm in a canter around the arena te take his place again at auether daugeieus pjint. Tlie bull and his tor ter iue' jrs uu nuver at rust, and a auocos auecos auoces oio! f such uveutfl takes place faster than I can write thum down, Auother lunge, and another horte und rider are overthrown, and the hurus of the bull are bloody, The same tactics are resorted te draw oil the iufuriitud animal from the prestrate man aud beast. Tliu bull careers around the atena, the tigbtcis leap ever thu barricades or hide themselves behind the recesses. A Uligrttcetl l.npttdrt. The mau who was llrst tlnewn was oue of the cspadas, whose efUcc it is te kill the bull. He was yeuug uinl haudsome. I had tueu him leuugiug m the cafes days before, the ccutte of an admiring group. He may have primed luuielf with drink, or he may have betu ovcrambitleus unil eager te distinguish himself. He felt the dicgraoe of his fall, for, uuJet the cireum. stauce, a (llsgrace it wai. He appioaehvd thu maddcucil animal as tlieuU it were a tame cat. In au instant thu cat had t jsscd him. Thore was au awful silliness among the theubaudH there, for death was surely coming te a man. The mero cautious fighters had scattcicd ever the arena, aud the bull had the man at his nierey. Cleak and power of motion weie gene. The beast lowercd his head aud dashed at thu profitrate and holpless form. "He is diud, " said my Spaulsh friend under his breath, I looked with all my i ) js, iu all present looked. The fellow tinned a pale lace te tlie animal, and a pallid smile dickered faintly ever his enuuicuauce. He expected the death he had Invited, au 1 his smile said this: "If I must die, I will at luast die L'nuie," The bull rushed ou. his horns weie within three inches of thu man whom no oue euM smiaor.whet), by Ged's graeu only, the annual made a sudden turn aud sought ether fees. "t'uera, ufuera 1 " "(Jet out ! go away!" shouted the people te thu espada. They had had uueugli of him. lint the man felt his danger and dishonor. Gnu who outers au ureuu te kill a bull should net let himself be tessud twice within about live minutes, ilenutvcd himself aud rc deemed himself by doing daring things touching the bull en the foiehcad iu full oeurso aud stepping aside. Theu oame the baudorllleres.with their gayly trimmed darts. Their business is te entice the bull toward thorn, meet him in full courne, nnd plaut their darts lu his brawny neck. This was well aud safulv accomplished. The barba pierced, the auiunl shook his head und tossed his horns in pain aud anger, and rushed madly at anything or anybody. Again aud again wcre a hut se aud rider overturned, Bemetimes a mounted pica dor aetually sticoeoded in frightening the bull off with the shake of his lance. Seme times he saved his herse and himself by a skilful swerve, but mero often the bull's horns found the horte's Hanks, aud the blinded itulr quivered with agony and fright. It w . lU)l sport. Thn Mertal lllew, When the bull had been badgered enough the espada came out, sword in ene hand and In the ether a red tcarf te wave the bull en, that he might deal him the mor tal blew. With uplifted sword he saluted the president. A stalwatt, swarthy fellow sriuare shouldered and lu m of limb, he was evidently a veteran of the business, though his years oanuet have uumbered evor UO The ethers with their cleaki drew the bull this way nnd that toward the espada, who with flxed and steady ove and Bwerd up lifted, new veiled under the scarf, awaited his opportunity for the mortal stroke At InBtHmvoTne faen te (nee, the man and the bull. Tl. ' t (i few tocenib, iuu uuii patted tha earth and glared at the object befere him. He had a lair feo at last, who shrank net and moved no. The man steed fixed as fate, the sword low down, blddeu by the scarf, and in his oye death. Face, body, urin wero rigid with resolution. The bull seemed posi tively te consider nnd take iu the situation. Auother pawing of the earth, as if te feel thn ground nure under his hoofs. Then thore was n wild dash, and a black horned mass hurled itself at the man, who steed still ii4 a stattie. Bomethlng Hashed In the air. The espada leaped aside. The bull steed tranMlxcd, qulvering with nsteulsh inent, fuelfng something in him he nover felt bofero. Just behlud the left sheuldt r was the hamlle of a sword and two inches of the blade qulvering out. The rest was burled In the body of the animal. A moment of surprise and suffbrini! who can tell what that moment meant? nnd, with the sword burled nearly te the hilt in him, the brave unimal dashed again at his loes with appatuntly undiminished strength and spirit. The espada up preached, aud with a deft niovemout drew out the blade. The nook nnd Hanks of the hull were streaming with bleed, nnd the sweat of agony was en him. A few mero passes of the scarfs and the mortal fees faced oaeh ether ns bofero, The bull seemed te iccogni.e his enemy, and again they paused before rushing. He rushed. There was another gleam of something in the air. It was a merciful oruelty. Oue swift lunge aud the keen blade must this time have cleft tbe heart. The lingo beast ful. nt the enpada's feet iu swift nnd mortal agony. He fell en his baek lu a death quiver, oue leg shivering iu the air. Iu a mement all was evor. It was a clean sure stroke ; no surgeon oeu'd have given a better The arena, open te heaveu, rang with tumultuous plaudits. The victor saluted the president. The mule, tcers entered, aud the dead carcass of the beast that had given such " brave sport " te thousands of Christians was draeged out igneminiuusly. Sympathy for ma Unites. My Spanish friend prevailed ou me te wait aud see another. The espada en this occasieti was the yeuug mau whom I have described as coming se near his death lu the first light. I suppose he was some semo seme what unnerved, and he had reason te be. He simply butchered the animal te death but no, n butcher is surer and swifter. I saw two strokes dealt. At the second the beast vomited quantities of bleed iu the ralddle of the areua. I had secu mero than enough, and left the place, my companion with me. Outside I heard a shout, whether of derision or of applause I oennot say. The bull was slain nt last, and that at least, was a comfort. Thore remalued two te be slain. I heard after watd that a herse was fairly disombewlcd befere the oyes of the pepulace and a mau badly injured I looked iu v.iiti for the familiar, rueful Den Quixete faoe and li.jure of our friend Mr. Uergh. riding into the arena ou his bouevoleut Hosluante te steji the ctuel combat. Of ceurse, I wished teseu no mau Injured, but I confess that my personal sympathies wcre first, with the blind horses aud secondly with the bull. The oxtirme penalty of bloomy Is two metliers-lndaw, hut thn penalty for net at lending te yum cold however trifling It Is, will I ie lingering consumption. TuWe Dr. null's Cough Sytup as seen as en detect tinuWe or pain. Ilemu Items. " All your own lnuli It you leinaln hick wiinu you can liel hop billets that never flilf. The weakest woman, smallest ehlld, and sickest Invalid can use hop hitlers with satety aud gieutgoed. Old men tetteilng ureuud liem Khouiuu Kheuiuu llriin, kidney tiuuble or any weakness wilt be almost new by uslnjr hop hitters. My wife and daughter were made lieilthy by the ii'fe et hop bitters aud I recommend thum te my poeplo. Melhudlst cleigymau. Ask any gnnd doctor It hop Hitters are net thn best faintly medlclmi On cat th. MalaMal fuvei. Ague and Hllleusnrs, will lcave every nclghborhne I in seen as hop bit ters at live. " My iiiolher dmve the pnralvsls and neu ralgia all out nt her system n Ith hop blttais." .'d . Oi wege 6'irn. Keep the ktdnuys healthy with Irip b'tters and you need net fair sickness. Icu water Is rendered Harmless and moie intreslilng and reviving with nep hitters lu each draught. The vigor of youth ler thuiiged umlliillim lu hop bitters. " At the chiinge nt lite nothing equals Hep blttet j te aM ly all tieublus Incident Thoiete." 'The Inst peiledlcil ler Indies te Uilie monthly mid lie m which they will lecetve the greatest huuellt Is hop bllteis." Mellims with slcklv, Hatful, musing children, will cure the children and benefit themselves by taking hop hitters dully. Thousands die iinuually Ireui seimi teiui uf kidney dlse.isu that may hire bean pie pio pie ven ted by ti llmely use et hop bllteis. Indigestion, weak a te uiacli, Irregularities nl the bowels, cannot exist when hop bltteis are use 1. A timely iibuolhep Hllteis will keepu whole family In tebust heulth a year at a llttfe cost. Te produce real genulna sleep ami child child llke repose all night, taka a llttle hop Dltters ou retiring. That Indigestion or stomach gas tit night, p:eveutliig rest and sleep, will disappear by using hop uttteis. rarulyttc, iiorveuw, tu'inuleus old ladlei are made peileetly qulut ami sprightly by using hop bltters. ill:) ImdTu.Tn.Saw Mnall Pox uradloited, Small Pox cured, Small Pox pitting in evented by Daibys I'lo I'le I'lo phyluctle Kluld. Thu lenses used lu the Celluloid Kye-aiutsev are ground with solenitflu accuracy. They are tree fiem chromatle aberrations, aud preducu brightness ami dlsltuutlen nl vision, Ker suit) by all leading Juwvlei and Opticians. dKMwdoed Tliu Voice uf Hie People. Ne Kumlly Dyes were ever se popular as the Diamond Dies. They never tall. Thu liluek Is lur Biiperlur te logwood. The ether colors urn bright. Wklls, ittoiiAiinseN & Ce z d5-eed.Vw :Rur)lngten, Vt. lluckleu's Armea Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Wuriiiuted te speedily euro burns, llrulsea, Cuts, Ulcers, Halt Itheuin, Kever sores, Cau eers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chuppnd Hands uud all uklu eruptions, guaranteed te euro In evuiy lustiiucu, or money rutunded, a cents per box. Ker sale by Chas. A. Lecher. te2A-lyoedAw De Veu llelmve It. That In this town thore are scores et porno ns passing our store every day whose lives ure made inlseniblu by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour and dlslieased Stomach, Liver com. plaint. Constipation, when for 75e. wewlll sell thorn Hlilleh's Vllullrer, guatantued te euro thum. Sold by II. II, Cochrun, druggist, Nes. 1 17 uud 100 North Queen street. )eb7-oed'i Yeu Can llepend On It. " Ker sovero toothache and neuralgia et the hcudlueul Thetnat' h'cltctrtc OK, This Is cuitulnly the best inlng 1 uver knuw for rellet el pain et any kind. Thu liouse Is nuver with nut It." Mrs. A. M. Krank, 177 W Tunper, St , llillhile, N. Y. Ker sale by II. 11. Cnchiun, druggist, 137 and lift North Queen street. A Llte-bavmi; prcisnt, Mr. M. E. Allisen, Hutchinson, Kan t Saved his llfe by u Hlmplu Trial et Dr. Klng'e New Discevuiy, ler Consumption, wlikh ea vised him te pracui u a large bottle, that completely cuiud him, when doctors, change of cllmnte und everything else had lulled. Asthma, ilronehltts, Hoarseness, Severo Coughs end n'l Threat nnd I ui." Discuses, It Is guii' an i.i tau i i i.etuu incut tihfis, A. I.ecnei's DrugStete. Lftifc'O nlJie, fl.te. " Urant It uut," The abeve Is an old saw as savage as It Is senseless. Yeu can't grunt out" dyspepsia, nor liver complaint, nor iiorveiisncss It they once get a geed held. They don't remove thomselvesln that way. The taking et u low ilnafanl Uurtlnck Jllnml llllttrt It hotter than "grunting It out." What we can euro let's net endure. Ker sale Dr if. ii. ceenran, arug gist, 187 and Si North Uuoen stroet. MKUlVAlt, A YKIfS SAUSAPAU1LI.A Words Fail. " Words (all toexpross my gratitude," says Mr. SKLnr Caiitbii, et Nashville, Tenn., "for the benetlls derived treiu Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Having been alllloted all my llle ttIIU Bcrol Bcrel ula, my Hvstem scorned saturated with It. It cimu out In Hlelchcs, Ulcers and Mattery Hores. all evor my body." Mr. Carter states Hint he was entirely cured by the usuel Atkh's Sasavaiiilla, und since discontinuing Its use. (I (lit months age, he has had no return or the acromiens symptoms All bnnetul atlrctlenn el the bleed are promptly removed by this unequalled altera tive. rnKrAmu uv Dr. .). C. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. II, six bottles for W dccle in lydAw L A ail J HACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely the licit ever made, combining the virtues of hops with gums, balsams uud extracts. Its power is womlerful In curing dlseises iwhore ethor plasters simply relieve. Crick In the Hack nnd Neck, Pain In the Slde or Limbs, Stilt Joint and Muscles, Kidney Troubles. Hlien inatlsui, Neuralglu, Sore Cncst, Attectlens of the Heart and Liver, und alt rains or aches In any part cured Instantly by tlie Hep Platter. i-Trylt. Price, 41 cents, or llve ler ll.ie. Mulled en receipt of price. Sold by all drug gists and country stores. JIep I'laeter Cem pany. Proprietors, Uosten, Muss. LAME BAOK. -Ker constipation, less et appetite ana diseases or the bowels take Huwley's Stomach and Llver Pills. 23 cenls. d2lydw(3) AIN lULI.Klt. ii ISMS" THE WOIIST "ISM" TODAY IS RHEUMATISM. UIIKUMATISM IN TUB HACK CUBED DV PEllllY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLElt. UHEUMATISM IN THE KNKES oensn nr PEltltY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLKH. UHEUMATISM IN THE MUSCLES curkd nr PEUItY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLKIt. UHEUMATISM OK LONG STANDING CUIieu nv PEllllY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLElt. UHEUMATIC BUKKEltEHS, buy el Any Druggist Perry Dayis's Tain Killer rtMydAw miv auevti. WANAM4K KU'S sreuE. THE ULOCK KHOM Chestnut te Market Sts., i:tUi lu I'uhlic Iiiiildiiigs, STORE. KAS11I0NA1ILE AND STAPLE DET GOODS -AND- Ueuse Furiiishiiigs. il7-ttd.lw N KXT DOOHTtJ 1UK UOUKT UUUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S JUST OPENED A SMALL LOT OK SILK PLUSH COATS. A PEUKECT IMITATION OK Genuine Seal Skin. PH1CE TWO WEEKS AflO, (tSU.OO, WHICH WE WILL SELL AT H30.00. Would make u Hamltome Christmas Preieut at u Lew Price, ALSO. ON K LOT OF SILK CIRCULARS, At 11-W and 110.0D, whlell luivu bem lolling considerably higher. R. E. Fahaesteck, LANCAaTEH, PA. Next Doerlto the Court Heuse. 1 rKAllUUAKTJ'.HS reit iteuntaIN I L Ktnc-l-'iit rniinp--, iwr f? i jC per , nt ll.vhi M a l tOW (fcwal l 'l Sl'OUK. JOHN f AMAKER'S viMTitma. If you will but examine our Clothing carefully you will fl ad wherein lies the superiority of our stock. Others may use as geed cloth and linings, but the make and style are net there. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chc3lnul Sta. PHILADELPHIA. illMwd VTYKits a ltATiirun. WELL-MADE CLOTHING. Unsurtinssed In quality, handsome In sly h, oxeellent In fit and finish, and thorough well made. which we ask you toexamlno a il Inspect, aud oempare with the bust purclia: i ble elsewhera nt llke prices. THE HKBT OVKHCOAT. THE HKST OVKHCOAT. THE HKST OVEKCOAT. TnK HEST ALL.WOOL SUITS. THE HKST Al.L.WOOL SUITS. ' THE 1EST ALL-WOOL SUITS. lerehaEt Tailerir In this department we are always alrexi of the tlmes. We have skilled cutteis ana work werk werk men, nnd guarantee satlsfaotlen In every gar ment we make. We have the largest, finest and handsomest collection et KOUEION and DOMESTIC WOOLENS shown by any Cloth ing Heme In this section or the Bute. Ojc prices are sueh us ulways win tradu for us. MYERS & RATHFO LEADING LAN0A8TEK CLOTHIEltb, NO. 12 HAST KING STRHBT. H. UKUUAHT, SPECIAL NOTICE ! I hereby inform these in want el a KALI. OU WINTElt SUIT OK CLOTHING, That I have new In sleck the LAHOKST AND KIN EST ASSOUTMKNTef Woelons for the Fall and Winter Trade That has ever been exhiblted lu the C vel Lancaster. A grout variety of KALL .uSD WINTEK OVBRCOATINGr IkejpNONE UUT THE HEST Of Foreign nuil Demestic Fabric!', And all doeds me wan an ted as lepreionted at H, Gerhart's FINE TA1L0R1NQ .ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. W ILMAMNONAl iOSTKit. Eleven Dellar MELTON OVERCOAT. Tim Is an excellent ALL-WOOL OVEU COAT In Dark Mixta Qoeds, out itylUh uud well made. A very desirable OVERCOAT roil VOUNU UKNTS' WEAK and Just heavy eneugli ler all seasons. Ourregularand extra, sizes in FUll BBAVKK, CHINCHILLA and WHlPCOUDOVEUCOATSare cemplete anil Prices are below the Average, WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 31, 36 and 38 BAST K1NQ Strwt, LANCASTKU, l'A. 1 'i i s5J W