&i)z ymtia$te$ w SI Volume XX-Ne 87. LANCASTER, PA.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1883. Pr.ie Twe Cente. A'vAMV 1 IVV 1 Ktl, ITAIINKSTOOK imr aueDi. J 1 KO. KAIIMKHTOUK. IJAUl'S OLD .STAND, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANOAHTK.lt, PA. Dry Goods, Faney Goods and Notions, in Great Variety. A ruU Ltnoet Ladles' and Children's COATS, CLOAKS and DOLMANS nlwny en hand. Silk Plushes by the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress Making I'nrleia me en llie aucend nml third floors, whnie Drcaaes, Coats i t'lenki nnd Dnliunns nru miide Kt alieit notlce. Perfect tit uml satisfaction guaiantcedi whether goods are purohnied tioreor aunt te be inmlu tip irein uisowhero. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET, - - - Lancaster, Pa. VLvatnisu Ann eah fittinu. JOHN I. AllNOMJ. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Geld Oase Heaters, tyFinest Werk, Beat Werkmen. Leavo your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. UtAfUIKK FKHTILI7.Ult CO. HOaiAH IIUANU. 1 d'SU. L HTJMAJNT GrUAlSTO. Unrlvaled for Whent, CompeRod of Ptire Human Hxoremont and Urine. Tobaeco, Oruea, Cern, &e. -sold ity- WM. 11. JONES, Ne. l.Cil Market Btroet; C. II. K0GEK9. Ne. MS Market Btreet (illAIIAM, EMLKN A rASSMOKK. Ne. eJl Market Htieet : .1 KIKEK A (SON. Branentewn I'hlliuialptiln, nml responsible doalers generally. uuglJtiuiil e OFFICE.Ne. 333 Chestnut Slicet, Philadelphia. MUS3ELMAN, Agent, WItuier, Luuouater oeunty, Pa. IIOUKHAXI) HTAVltHtKHI QUIIOUI, HOOKS AMD SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT THE LOWXOT 81TBS AT L. M. FLYNN'S CHKAl' HOOK AND (JTATIONAKY 8TOIIK Ne. 43 West Kiutr Streot. IIIILIUAV OOOIW J OHI BAER'S 01 Booksellers and Sta'ieners, W vjtr ueuvh. . '1 T-s. x-r-K rANAMAKEU'S HIOKE. THK HLOCK fkem Chestnut te Market Sts., IlUli (e Public IlulldliigH, M Kit IV Ah. ntlTlUUKA KKMKIIIK.S, BEAUTY SOAP. Te keen llie pores open, tlie oil glandannd ttiheinctlvn. nml thus fitrtili.lt ntt eullut ter Impurities In the perspiration nml bleed wlileh cuimu liunilliutliiK blotches, bUekhcuds, nml miner skin blemishes, especially et Infants; locleansi', wliltnti unci beutillty llie skin, re tiiovetnn, tr ehlcx, nuiihurti nml oily mutton tci kei thu hands soft, whlte nml free from chaps unit roughness, prevent cnnlnglmts skin Hnil scalp d'e eascs.nnd te prevlilu mi exquisite kin bcuulltlerand toilet, tinlh nml nuisery ninnllve redolent with delicious tlewer odor and CtrrictJitA licnilng balsams, use thoCtrrr theCtrrr thoCtrrr edra HeAr. Indorsed hj nli) xlelnmi nml rhum 1st ns absolutely iiuin nml highly medicinal, Bales ltuii.'i l.ow.eoocaUes. THE HERITAGE OP WOE, Misery, slutnc ami agony elti'tt bouucalhed asnole legacy te children by parents, Is niRlrclcil fcrernln. Te cleanse the bleed et thin liiTeilltnry poison, nml th'iB icinnvuthe most prolific enu-ii et human niilIurlUK, te cleur tin) skin et illatltsurlmt luimera, Hening tertnrca, liiiinlllal tig unipilnni, unit loath leath loath seinonorii'HiiKiil by it, te purity nml brnntlly the nkln, tiiul restore tlie linlr no Una no trnce Ol tilt) lllhlUMd leuillllll, ( niCl'KA ItESOLVCNT, llie new bleed ptulflnr, ilm vtle uml npcrlent, anil etrrtccRA uml ciriccu feir tlie i$rout akin uurun uuO bi-iuitlllerii, urc Ini.illlblc. I HAD SALT RHEUM In the most Htfcniviiteil leriu for uliilit'yeani Ne klnil el ticaliiient. oii'illeinoj or ilonters illiline any pntuinnciti koeiI. My frtciula In Mnlilun kno-liew lsntTiTfil. When I Ih-khii te U ttIO LTTICCRA IlKMKUtKfl my llmln wne xeruwnml tetulur Hint 1 could net Iwnr mv widwlH en thciu v.ltlieut llie nkln crncWlm? uml blct'dliiR, find wi elillvcil te gt nliettl en orntehtK. UMl!tlie CtniccBA llr.MEDlM ave ineiulu, nml wus cetnplutniy uml pertiianeiitly enreu. Jiitft A miuit ., Mniucn, Ucfcrcnce Any citizen et MuMen Mi.. MRR9. JOHN WAMAKER' OtTer te tlmlr Putrens.nl Lew l'rlciw, fei thu Ce ml n k Clirlsttnaf Season, u I. uke nml Vnrled Asjortment of Holiday Novelties Including llie Lnleat Styles el LiHATHER AND PLUSH CrOODB, In I'Al'KTKUIKS, JKWKL IIOXK. WOUK It0.tK9, TOII.KT CASKS. OI-OVE IIOXB4, WltlTINO IIE8K. UOI.O I'KNS.OAIID 0A1E3. LKTTKU CASKS, CIOAH CASKS, Ac. CHRISTMAS SOUVENIRS In Klrgnnt Neveltlca terTlila Season. PHOTOUKAl'U anil AUTOUUA I'll AIjUUMS, BCUAP UOOICS, SKTSOf AUTIIOI19IN CLOTH AND KINK 1UNOINUS, IIIULK4, 1'HAYKK UOOICS, CilCUOIl UOOKS, DEVOTIONAL I100K8. 8TBBL ENGRAVINGS, PAIXTIXGS, rilOTUQIU rUIiES, ETCHINGS, PANKL I'lCTUUES, PLAQUES. KASKLS, CAHINETKUAMKS, JAl'ANKSK WAIIE, lit IIItACKKTS, TUAVS. ami WALL I'OCKKIB. A Kine Lint of TIIEIIMOMKTEKS, IIUOKH, CAKISTMAUOAKDS, UAMKS, lll.OUKH. 1NDUBTK1AL 10VB nml WATEIl COLOHS for the LITTLE ONES, At the Sign of the Boek, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTEU, l'A. I'AVJCU ItANUlflUH, 6. STORE. KASII10NA1ILE AM) STAPLE DET GOODS -ANI)- Ueusc Furnishings. tU-tld&w OOPPER-OOLORED. 1 liavobennnflllctoit wltlt ttoublrsmiie skin dlat'uae, coverlnK nlnimt romplftelv the upper part et niybedv, rnualiiK my skin te niume a copper-coloicd line It could be tublioletl llke ilundrutt, uml nt times e:iulnu tntolvr tntelvr tntolvr nbleUcliltiKuml llie mint lntenj eullerliiK. I liave used bleed purifiers, ptllH, nml etbur uilvcrtised reuicdlei, but eprlnceil no re Her until I precuteil tlie itrnccriA. ICeucdies, wlilcli. uUlieugh u-ed curvlBinly uml IrreKu Inrly. curedtnu. 0'l.iyltnt ttiat terrlbln ItcliliiK uml ri'tterlnx my nkln teltt imtuiiil color. 1 am wlllliiK te niHke umdavit te tlie trutb or tills BtutemenU Milan, Mlcll. S. (I. IIUXTON. Held by all druKiilsts. Ctriicciu, 50e.; KtviL vaT, tl i beAr, "c 1'errtn nm.e ake Cuem Cuem Cuem ioalCe., llosteu. Mass. Scuil for ' lluiv te (jure tikln Dl.eaaea." CATARRH Sanferd's Radical Cure. The Urrut llitt.niiile lllatillittlun tit U'ltch IIkixI, Ainnrtrvn I'lni-, unnniltnu l'lr, IllHrlKOliI, Ulnrrr lllii-neu), ete. Fei tlm liiimedlMe i-cllef iiml t'eriniin' nt Curuotevory term el Lutnrrli, from u atinple HciiilCelil or liilluunzn te ilie Li Ri et buiull, 'I unto uml llearliiff. eujjli. llrenrltltu nml In In In clpI'MitContumptlen, liellut In tlve minutes In oieb Mid every nwe. Netlilnu llke It. Ornlului, 1 nxriint. wliolesonip. euro PpkIiis rrem it i nt aiipllcntlen mid lit rapid, ludlcal, peruiummt uml never lallliiK- Oue bettle Itadlcul Cure, ene Ilex Caurrhnl Selvuut uml H.mlerd' lulialer, nil lit ene pttckuue, termlnir n coiup'eto treutinent, or ull ilrUKKlxlx ter it ass roaeAKiiwuiiH iiau- IOAL Cl'RK 1'OTTKH URUO KU CUKK1UAL CO., lioaten. IN A CHEAP CHOP HOUSE. WIIIIH!'. MK.AU1 AUK QI1IUICI.V KATlvN. OOLUNS' Yeltaic Ictric fertlin relluf uml prevention, tlie liistmit it IxHptillcil of Klietiiiiiitlsiu, NeutulKl.l, elutl cu, CeiiKlH, Colds. Weak ltuck, bteinacli uml lleweld, blioetlnu I'ulna, Numbnem, Hyuterla, Komale 1'aliiH. I'alplUitlnn, Dyripupsla. Liver Complaint, llllleutt t'ever, MularU and fcpt. deuilCH, usii Collin' flHstrn, (mi Klcetrte Ititttery combined ndth a I'.iron fhister) and lniiEb ut pittu. 3Ac. overywliere deel-lydW.B.Aw A rAHUl'- Ol'A K-, VUAL. B. 1). MA11T1N Wliolesalo and lletall Deal or In all kinds of LUMUEll AND COAL. Tnrilt Ne. 430 North Waterand rrlnst I 'oe in nbove Lomen LnncaaUir. uS-lyd B ,UMUA1(I)NK11S & .IKIfPKUIKH. GOAL DEALERS. OT KICKS, NO. 21 NORTIt QCXKH BTltKBT, AHD NO. Ml NOKTK I'UIKOI bTUIBT. VAIIDS. NOBTU l'RIDCH 8T11BKT, HEAR IlHAD 1HO DBrOT. LANCASTEU, PX. augl5-ttd UIIAIil for aale, at Ills Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., tt large assortment of tlie very beat kinds ei Ocnl for Family TJbe, nlilcli lie will deliver, carefully wolahed nml actueued, te any part et tlie city nt tlie lowest uiuera uy man UAI. I J Tlie undersigned luut market rates. (llleit promptly. Julylu-ttd dera by mail or telephone PIULU' (IINI)KU II AUKS W. FUV. We are uiakliij; almost dally, additions te our Bleck el WILL PAPERS, The styles nre beautiful and we have them in elegant oaieitiuont, from tlie common brown te the rtnest umbrolderod gilt ene, two nml three bund rrlozea. Doeoratlon ler cell lugs in olegant deattfna, contre piece) te match. Dade Window Shades Ate becoming mere popular uvcry season. Vf can show you fitly dlirercnt styles, in the pre vailing colern. Plain cloths for almdua lit nil widths, tUturea, ornamenu, etu. MAN lilt 15 AND OOAL. New Yerk ami Phllndelphtn Heme Ma Ma nute by the car lead at reduced prices. All the BEST OUADE8 Of COAL, (leth ler faintly and Htciim purposes. CEMENT by thu burrel, HAY and STUAW by thu ten or bale. YAnu-315 Hiirrtsbunr I'lke. OKMMiiAt, i)Ttie'Xyi East Chestnut stieet- KauQbian, Koller & Oe. uiirMyil nenLi M. V. B. COHO 130 NUUTU JYATJCU UT,, Xxtnceuur, m., Wlioleaalo and Uetall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Wltn the Tolephenlo Ezchange. Ynrtt and OMIoe 4TIIKKT Various Quacks. Whe-Kacti With Ills Own ret scheme-Cultivate the field et llumtn Nature. Tlifte liave nlwuyi been iiuncks legal Huack, thuolejlcil iiunclcs sclentltlc qiiucka nml tuedlcuf quueks. Seme et them ute bland ollytullews who uri,inj and smlle the world Inte belluvlnit In their lavorlte bit el hnmbu. Others ure pompous and protuutleus parasites, llutthuy make It pay. Men scent tolevo te be swindled, stipulation' only that It shall be nvatly done. Thodcurpubllcure equally llbeiul te llie oit-c-trie nml iiuiiuiullu lmud. This lellew Is a go ge nlus In his line. He will put u inagnuilc belt around your waiat, u inugnntte neoklace under your chin, ei tit you out w lilt tin entire Biiltofiingnrlle cloth, warranted te serve the purpose ul etitliittry Biirmi'iiu, and at the sntne Unit) te euro nil diseases, liem whooping cough te hasty consumption. Moslet th sultave nemine electric or iiiiuj. notle power iibeni tliein than icsldca In w oelen blanltets or In irlidle et nickcleth. Only when upplleil byiuiuxpetl H electricity el the slightest use us a mndlcl ml ugeut, and even thun its value l gresily ever stated. What Is thu strongest pmslble tircsitmptlve ovlileucu In favor et n particular romedyT Clearly that It should have been prepared by res poiiBlble persens el acknowledged skill In the tieutuiuntef illseasa. fcquarely en this foundation stands 1JLN BON'S CAl'CINK I'OUOUU PLASTEU. Kll Kll dersedby 6,000 physicians, phuiinaclats, drug gists and chemist, it neeils no liutlier apology nor luttoductlen. It Is thu ene nml only true nnd tried external application. Quacks et ull kinds pity the Cuuclne tlie compliment nt tuelr dislike, us Satnn Is said te lute holy water. Loek In the middle nt the plaster ler the word " CAl'CINK." 1'rlce 83 cents. Seabury A Jehnsen, Chutnlsls, New Yeili. di.W.te&w Ne. K30NOUTHWATK tn))2S.lvd VAJtUlAUSIH, V. OIIKAM nnd WHITE LACK CUUTAINS, UED SETS. PILLOW SHAMS, TIDIES, and LAMI111KQU1N8. OUKTA1N I'OLES, COltNIOES, Mill HOHS, Ac. PHARES W. FRY, t 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. UAHVlUa. DAUUAIMB X Chains, King IN WAiuutii, uuitlil) .1. Snectacles. Ac ltennlrlmr et all kinds will recelve my personal atten lien. LO01S WE11KU, Ne. lWfi North (Jueun itroet. Itoutembor naine mid number. Dl. icetly opposite City Hetel, uear Veuiiaylvana niixoaauepot, deciaivu rpiin Standard Carriage Werk Or LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, UKAll Or CENTRAL MAHKKT HOUBKS, LANCASTEU, l'A. We make every style Bugiry and Carrlage desired. All Werk finished In the most com. lortuble nnd olegant style. We use only the bust selocted material and omnlev nnlv Din bust tuechuulcs. Fer quality of work our prices are thu oheapest In the state. We buy ler cash and tell en the most reasonable tonus, fllve tta a call. All work Vf arranted. Kevali Inft promptly attenacd te. One set el veikmcn cspetmuy uutpieycd ler that pur. pose. uW-tldAW MtlllU'S U.llll'KT IIA1.I.. The Very Things for ChristniRg. " If unyene would muke me glad With Chtlstuias girt 'tw ixt me nml you, I'd llku te seu my Hours all clad With oil cloths bilght or cat pets new Such as they sell at Shirk's, you knew. Or Tutkl.lt rug, or Heet cloth nuat, Orceuutittp.iuu iliai'H white us snow Ker such things Shirk was never bi ut ' ' THAT'S WHAT THK SKN81IILE WOMAN SAID. SHE WANTED SOMETlIINOUSEKUL.nBWKLLusl'llKTTY. ANUir YOU'D 31AKK YOUU WIFK, MOTH Kit OK DACOHTKU UO AT ONCE TO Shirk's Carpet Hall, Ctir. West KIiib tititl Water Sis. -AND-MAhJS YOUK CHIUSTMAS SELECTIONS I HKAUUUAUIKHS I'Olt K'noTet Tel.ir ", " pr- '"HAUtMAN' - IIW l." itOlUC. llungfj' Ainu Who Hwnllew Ittil.e. ami llruiTtiy Walters Who " rire " Unilesir able Ousteinnrs Vive Mliiutrs Wltli i Metlry Throng ut Dlimts. Cortcspendcncool the Ihtbliki rNitiii l'lIILADRMMIIA, Dei. 1 1, .V tuntt c.ime out of n beer saloon en Garden f'reet. He wits well dressed in si suit of black, nml liU sliiuy Allketi bvuvcr watt enulrclixl by a bread band of cr.ipe that readied nearly te the top of the ciewii. An hu toadied the hldewnlk he was .icoeitcd by n g;eiitletnnu who catne liurrylnt,' around the corner. " Hey d'ye de ?' said Nn. 2. " 1 hear your brether Jim's dead." " Yes," replied the mnti in tlm bhek clothes. " Peer Jim," ojaeuliiled the first upe.iker, " I'm sorry for liltti, d.itnnliil It wasn't you, tbetiKh." The Kentluniaii whose earb botikencd ineurtiiiic fnr his dep.itled brether, Bald, "Se am I." iui'1 the twain tlien w.ilkcd oil' together and dlitappcai'd bi a chop heuse a fetv (iuers below. Without any hpeelal motlve I loibtiiely followed hi the direction taken by the philosophical mourners until I oame O tl.e place where I hud lout ultfhtef tliein, lleie my utteutlen was arreated by a sign that steed at the top of the basoment Htilrs. I read ltthretiRb, and u few of the Items n I recall them are aa fellows : Kemt licet and Potatoes 10 rrh-il ll.'.'l Hlcak 10 .Mutten Chops 15 Ham uml Eggs 10 oyster l'le lit lluttprcd Toast 7 lllcul'uddln 0 Apple Dumpling & Tei llljcult S Corlee.TeaerMlIk 3 An lliirtercrtiuuil lliLiitiet Hall. It waH about neon. I felt hungry, and I went down the steps leading te the sub teiratican banquet hall. Them a novel bpectnele presented itKelf. The room was of Reed Bize, with low eellititf, badly lighted aud with fcctrcely any ventilation. Tliore must have been at least- 25 small tables ranged aretiud the walls, aud tov tev tov eral lottKer tables Btretelied almost the eutlre width of the nparttneut. Seated at the festive beard were tih many hun yty tnen and boys as could comfortably crowd themselves together, while grouped behind the lout table nearest the doerwjs a kuet of men, each apparently anxious te seize the llrht vacant tttoel. Over in the corner, near the water ouler.weio adozeu tuore who were hungrily watching thelr mero fertunntu brelhten at the tthles nnd nwaitiep; their turn with restless eager ness. The turmoil that ptevallcd added te the somewhac grotesipto olfeet of the ficenu. Half a dozen walten, were ruetiitig hither ami yen taking orders nnd calling them out ncmethiu in this fashion : " Ojster pie, pi tte e' sweuts, plate e' mash, bread aud butter, colTee !" "Reant beef rare, plate e' ma-.li, boiled npple dumpliu' 1" " Wc.tl potple, sweets, rtce pudditt' '" "tfteak medium, brUkits, coiree 1" Frequently two or tluise of the waiters would call their orders at the satne time and I wondered hew tlie poruen who was supposed te be receiving them could pos slbly keep thenr in iniud amid the Itopeloss oeul'UHion that reigned. Oucableually th jargon would bu vat ted ej aotne ene shout nig "twenty six cinlneen," "twenty thiee eightenn," or hiratlur luimbered signals evidently intended for a solemn looking person with a uast tu his oyentul a. brownish ted beard, who steed behind a counter at the Tit end of the ruem aud divided liis tune between handing out fcinekiuz dishes te the waiters aud taking iu the money el customers who had lluish el their tncaln. Walters In Their bhtrt Sleeves. Tlie waiters wuie all minus C'jats, uml their shut slecveb weie rolled up abeve their elbows ii.-pla)iug mtibcular arms that looked as tlieuc,li tltey might easily handle any olMtteporom person ineltued te dispute his bill. Tin speed with which they served the orders nml their agility iu making their way bctwteu the orewded tables showed tl ut this rushing business w&b net au uuuauiCl occurrence aud that they knew tlie persons at the tables hnd tiu time l le.se. They were ull loud spoken fcllenn, but ene sliMit, chuuky tnuu with a voice llke a bull of llishaw and an aim like nblaekhmith, would every few moiueuta bi heard abeve the din with his emulating ' Oyster pte plate e'mash" as if he delighted in dmwniug all ether' noises tu the velume of sound tli.it issued from his oapacieun lungs. He tlashcd arouudthe room In headlong haste te the imminent pet il of poisons who might be Htaudiug iu his way and who but lur his aetulty in avoiding him would have goue down before his icsihtlcb.s rtuh. A .Motley iliunil ut Ittuers. After a sueit Jelay I mit).eJ te find a place at oue eud of Iho tablts and guzed otitieualy areuttd tlie toem. bc.wccly was I Heated, hewuver, belote oue of the brawny waiter whisked up te me and took my etdvr. It cmiMstiil id' a steak, " plate e'mash" bineuits aud some el the ether accempaulmuutH that I had heard shouted w vociferously i'Ver ttie room. When the waiter had goue I looked mound and noted the torteunrlof the patrons of this busy establishment. Thej weie of all suits ami conditions, uml my ucigbberd nt the table whero I sat lurnishud a very fair idea et their varied uharaoter. On my left was u well dressed hturdy young fol fel low who looked as though he might be a salesman In a store His linen was irropreaehublo aud his toilet carefully made. Iu the aJjsetice of a napkin he had ttteked a poeket hatulkeiehlet ttuder liU ehin. He ate his mashed putatoes with a spoon. Opposite him was a tough loekiug porseu in a hickory shltt and devoid of coat, vest or cellar. His face was gtimy, and his large hands showed that they weiu inured te toil. He contemptuously dU cardtd a fork as au altogether useless udjuuet, and his kntfe ieij regularly te his mouth ns he gttlped bis feed with amazing rapidity. Ntst te h.tn sat a man who looked as though he hid reeently uruerged soceud bast from a piie fight. Tlteru was a patch en his eje and several dubious scars marked his sorry looking foatures. A llttle Western Union tolo telo tole grajih boy silently ami swiftly piled his kulle iu a huge oyBter pie, aud as the blade of tlie dangereus wea jieu disappeared down his threat I felt the most serious appro appre appro hensiou for the integtity el his wludpipe. lioetblaoks and newsboys mingled ntueng well dressed increliauts, all heemed anxious te Unlaw thelr meal ns ipitekly us posstbie, and as they rese from the t tble in rapid succehsieu thelr places would he taken by new arrivals who would go through the same knife Bwallewing pi'tfurmauce. TlieHllluClMie. Mywalter was quick in bringing the meal I had ordereil. The Bteak was a rovclatlen of inilexible tuughiiehs and I despairingly nbandoued Loe of being nb!e te inasticatu It after I had succeeded with some effort iu cutting a small piece elf, The "plate e' mash" oeuuisted of eome mashed potatoes that were moist aud watery, the bl.euits were sad aud soggy IF n..i, piiw rnnraeriea ei me I. a . . 'e of the i Lun..viWi iwuocni.e loe bmeiO me as I m ado a futile attempt te sup this tasteless menkery t I leaned baek for a moment te lofreah myself for a second attack en the unin viting viands. I tilaced my knife and fork en the plate nnd again looked evor the motley throng that 11 1 led the dining room, whlle the clatter of dishes, the shouts of waiters antl the goneral hurry aud bustle that prevailed made the place seetn mero like a pitidotneulum than a restaurant. A (lentle Hint. A keen eyed servant, observing my movemotit, rushed up and begau removing the dishes bofero me. It was 11 plain luti matlen that I had staid long enough, and that tliore wero ether and huugrlar poeplo waiting for my place. I took the hint aud made no effort te deter him. As I rese from my scat, two man undo a dash for it. A greasy-looking individual, who wero a llaming ted ueeklie nnd a froek coat sev oral sizes tee large for him, get tliore first, aud he grinned gleefully as he watehed the ether rctire tlisoemllted te await the uext chance that olTerod. I had net rccoived a check for my meal, nnd did net knew whete te pay. I asked the waiter who had served me 1 he pointed te the dismal, cress eyed man behind the counter, aud followed me te soe that I rcnderetl a true aoceitttt of what I had ordcred. My sumptuous repast cost just tweuty three ewts. I hid been a llttle evor five mintttes. "I'lrinc'- nu Uiideairnlile Customer. As I turned te loave the place, I noticed s iine oxcltemout near the deer. One of thu waiters was ejoetiug a druukeu tramp, who had stumbled iute thu place, nnd asked two or three of them for a uickel. The waiter, when he discovered the pres cuce of the objactienablo p rseu, laid rough hands ou him and thrust him fetth with scant oeromony aud a warning net te ceme egalti. "Thern fellows can't ceme uone of their funny business liore while 1'tnnreund," he said, with n knowing Rhake et his head, as he watched the tramp shuffling up the stairs lending te the Mdewulk. PiLeniM. Htracge Ceinu.deuce. Texas Sittings. "Hew stupid lam," said Blrdie Mcllen uepiu languldly.executing at the ame time quite a rcsjioetablo yawn net. That's true," romarked Qus DeSmlth, rather impulsively. "Sir 1" exclaimed Birdie "you ate im. pertinent." "Out you yourself just new asauted that you were stupid." "I only said se without thlukiut," said Ultdie, petulantly. " Yes aud up te the time you speke I had only thought se without saylue; it." A leading Nww Yerk physician niys, that thiee fourths or thn deaths dining tilts trying wcilnnruroiliie te diseases et thu lungs. Take warning and secure Oi ence n bettle of Dr. Hulls cough Syrup, u sure euro ter all lung llOllblt'4. Altll Or THK I'UTOMAU. SIF.niCAT,. Av Klt'S BAHSAIMHILLA, :x 'i -t-i iiiix. Words Fail. says "for " WenU full te oxpress my grntltude, ' .Mr. SKLnr CAnrsn, of Nashville, Tenn., ma uemiuts demon trem Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Having been nflllctcd nil my Ufa with Scrof ula, my system noetned milu rated with It. It uvne out In iltetclies, Ulcurs nnd Slattery Seros nil ever my body." .Mr. Carter states that he was entirely cured by tlie uscef Avsn's bASAr-AMLLA, and since discontinuing Its use, el (lit months age, he has had no return of the scrofulous symptoms.. All bnuelul allectlens el the bleed nre promptly roraeved by this uncquulled altera tive. ruii'ABBe nr llr. J. (J. Aver k Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by nil Drugglsta. II , six het ties for l.V dfcie-lil 1yd Aw TASIK HACK, tfOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is absolutely the btit ever made, combining the virtues et hops with gums, balsams and extracts. It power Is wonderful In curing dtsoises whnre ether plasters simply relieve. Crick lit tlie Hack uml Neck, l'aln In the Hldu or Limbs, Htltt Joint und Muscles, Kldney Troubles, Hheu mutism. Neuralgia, Sore Cncst. Allectlens of the Henri and Ltveir, and nit rutux ei nehes In unv r.urt cured Instantly by tlie Jlep Platter. WTrylt 1'rlce, w cents, or five for ll.tO. Mailed en lecelpt of price. Held by nil drug, gists and country stores. Jlep FlasUr Com pany, Proprietors, Bosten, Muss. LAME BAOK. -rer constlpntlen, less et nppetlte nna diseases of the bowels tnke llawlny's Btomaeh und Liver l'ills. 25 cents. 023 lydiw(.l) 1 Sain killkk. " i( ISMS" THE WOI13T "1311 " TO-DAY IB RHEUMATISM. fltKDtUAL, rmitK KUEUMATISM IN THE HACK. COKED or l'EURY DAVIS'S rAINKlLLEU. KUEUMATISM IN THE KNKKS CdlED BT PEKKY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLKK. KHEUMAT18M IN THE MUSCLES ecnKD BT PEItltY DAVIS'B PAIN KILLKU. KUEUMATISM OF LONO STANDING ccnsD BV PEttllY DAVIV8 PAIN KILLEK. KlIKUMATIC 8UFFEKEUS. buy ei Any Druggist Perry Davis's Pain Killer dl.lydSw vniTUimi. tin the Clilckntieintny. Uiutei datoet May 8. 1SKJ, Cel. Y. a. Tlbbltts, et Dever, N. II., sands us thu tallewing " Whlle en duty In the army of the Potomac, In the swamps el the Chlcknlietnliiy I con U acted a complication et dlaeascs that culmi nated In spinal trouble, paralysti en ene slde, and wivore olsea.o of tin kldneys and blad der, nnd great urinal weakneai. Fer a long time 1 wns under the treatment et the best physicians, and tried many of the se-called remedies, but received no psrmancnt benefit. When I was In the drug business In lloiteu I heard favorable uoeounts of the etllcaey el Hunt's Kemedy let diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs, and having decided te gtve It a trl il, I purchased seme nt Wlngnto'e drug slore, Dever, N. II., und liave received gre it relief fr.Mii using It. Thu severe pains n my back ure removed, and I am able te sleep soundly nnd obtain uistut night which ter se long a time I could net de. and the weakness In the urinary organs has been re lieved, and I gieaily regret that l did net test the gteat merits et Hunt's Henitdy when I was first taken sick, 111 I am confident It would have caved 1110 tiem several years of sulleilng and I 11111 mero strongly oenvlncod et this after heating of tlie most romarkable cuics ctrocled by Hunt's Kemedy In u case el llrlghl's Disease hore In our midst In Devar, niter the patent hud been pronounced incur able by celebrated phyttclans." Mr. Tlbbltts H u retired druggist, formerly located In Uestnn.and i;a thoteughly teltabls citizen. Cen. En. Simmons Liver Replaier Fer Dysnepain, Costlvenfss, Sick Headache. SIVTV'S- '"""hiifi. Jnundlce, lit purity of the w8eIn'd,K,',yne,yr,,l'enl0nt 0l tne ,,,Tcr' SYMPTOMS OF A DISKA8KD LIVEK. Und breath t 1 aln In thu Slde. sometimes th nnln la felt umler the Stieuldnr-bltiln, ! taken ler Kheumallsin 1 goneral les of ni"rn. tlte t ilewds 1 gpnorally,leostlvV, semen ,fe, alternntlng wlthlaxt the bead Is tranbltxt itii pslii, Is dull nnd heavy, with considerable low of memory, acoempnnlod with a palntulnon palntulnen palntulnon satten of leaving undene something wi tell ought te have been done 1 n slight, dry co ah, nml flushed tuce Is sometlmos an ntteiidriit. often mistaken for consumption t the palli.nl. complains et weariness nnddeblllty t iiervi us? eslly startled t cold feet or burning, some times aprlcklysonsntlen or the skin exists t siilrltsnre low nnd despondent, and nllbeiiglf sallslled that exercise would be bencflelnl, yet 0110 can hardly summon up fortltude te tt v it in fact, distrust every remedy. Several of the nbove symptoms nttondthe disease, l,nt cases have occiirred when but tow of them nx nx istni.yatfixniuinaUen nfter dcutli has sheftt 1110 Liver te have been extonelvoly deranp ixl. It should be used by nil persons, old and young, whenoverany et the nbove symptoms appear, i'eMr t1,1"' or "Vlng in unheal'tiy eciUltlcs. by taking n dose occasionally te koen the l.lyer In licalthy notion, will uveUl all Malnrla, llllleus attacks. Dltzlness. Nnunn. Drowsiness, Duprtsilen of Spirits, etc. It will Invlgomte llke n glasi Of wlue, bulla noln neln noln texlcntlng boverngo. If you have eaten anything hard el dlgi Hen, 01 feel heavy utter meala, nr sleepiest tt night, tuku a desu aud you will be rcllevcd. Time and Doctors' IIIUs will be .saved by id ways keeping tlie Kogulaler In U10 Heuso I for, whatever the aliment may be a thoreui 11 ly safe purgative, nlterntlvu nnd tonic n no vol-be out of place. The remedy la harm harm less und deeB net Interlore with business ir pleasure. IT 13 PUKELY VEGETABLE, And has all the power and emcaey el Cnlou.el or Quinine, without any of the Injurious atlar etferts, A UOVKllaOR'8 TESTIMOXT. Simmons Liver Hesnlnler has been in 11 e In my family ter souie time and I nm satlifli a ltlsavaluablouddlMentothomodicaUcIuuio. J.UltLSltORTlin. Covcrner et Alabama. Hen. Alexamlcr II. Htcpheus, of Ga., rav Have derived seme benefit from the use K Blmmens Liver Keguluter, and wish te give a n further ttlal, "Thu only Thing that nevcr falls te 11 -Hove." I hnve used many remedies for Jj. pepsla, Liver AfTucllen and Debility, b t never have found anything te bnnontinei 1 the extent Simmons Ltver itcgulater him. L sent trem Minnesota te Georgia ler It, and would send further ter such a medicine, no t would udvlse ull who are similarly nftccled t gtvelta trial as It seems the only thing that never falls te relleve. P. V. Jahkxv, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr.T. W Muientaya: Frem nctunl exnen. slice tn the usu of hluimnns Liver Kegulnt' ' In my pructlce I have been nnd am sat US' te ute aud prescribe it as a purgative rr- cine. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, IS. 1 180 North Queeu street, Luticasler, Pa. irTuke only the Uenulnn, which ab ,,yg hits en the Wrapper the rid 7, Tiuite-Mark und Signature et J. H. ZKILIN A 00. FOU SALE UY ALL DUU0QI8T8. iauU-Iyoed&w VhOTMA'tl. H. UK KllllAIlT. II. M. fllSI'Al. MKIlVlCK. 11. 9. Whitney, assistant postmaster, Put nam, Conn , writes .May 3, lew : " 1 have used Hunt's Homed v with tlie best lesults. i have sulTered untold agony ter eighteen months with kidney aud liver cemplulnt t my wuter was very bad.at tlmes 1 aetually passed bleed. This was followed by generul prostration. My business required me te be en my feet most et the ttuie made my oase werse. 1 was advised te use Huut'H Kemedy by u frlend who had been cured by It, and tun truly say that tt has benctltcd me nioie than ull tne ether medicines 1 have used. 1 consider It the best inudlclne ter kidney nnd liver tioubles, nnd checriiilly recommend It te all." illu.lwilM.WAF.tw If you will but examine our Clothing carefully you will And wherein lies the superiority of our stock. Others may use as geed cloth and linings, but the make and style are net there. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sts. PHILADKLI'UIA. dll-liMl Small Pox utadlcited, Biiiull Pox cured, Small Pox nitllngs prevented by Daibya Pro phylactic Fluid. The Innses used In tint Celluloid Kyc-Glatiea arogieuud with sclontltle accuracy. They nre tree from ohremntlo aberrations, and produce brightness nml distinction el vision. Fer sale by ull leailln.' Jewelers und Oplleluns. ' dlo-lwdced Tni) Voice of tlie People Ne Kumliy Dyes wero ever se popular as the Diamond Dies Tliey never iuii. Is larsup' rler te logwood urebilKhl. dl cod w The Itluck ether colors The Wells, KtouAnDseN A Ce., Iliuiiliigten, Vt. llueUlnn's Arnica miiIte. The greutcsttneiltral wonder of the world. Wnrruutud te speedily curu burns, llrulses, .. . .... .. L...I. I.l.r...... V......M nnv.d far.. LfULn, un-ers, run uuuuiiii t"vui du.u-. .. corn, Plles, Clillbiulns. Cerns, Tettor, Chapn iiiimia nml nil Hkln oruntlens. uuarnnteed eure in ovety Instance, or money retunded. ie cents per box. i or sale by Chas. A. Lechur. lo2A-lyeeIAw Oe lull IteliBVe It, That In this town there ure sceiea of powens passing our suite every day whose lives nre made mlsomble by Indignation. Dyspepslu, Beur und dlstreaseil Htemuch, Liver com plaint, Coiisllpatleii. when for 75e. we will soil thiim Billion's Vitamer, guaranteed te cure tliein. bold by II. It. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 117 and ISu North Uueen streeu leb7-ecl!J Ol'KUIAI. It) TKaUIIKHI AND Dl'UUl'B EEISMAN'S, (THE BIIIKTMAKEII.) Gents' Furnishing Stere, Is no longeren North IQuoeii Mrcet, but Is new ut Ne. 17 WEST KING; HIREET, Opposlte thu Cress Keys Hetel. SPECIAL NOTICE ! J I htryby Inform these in want of a FALL OK WINTEK 8UIT OF CLOTHING,: That I have new in stock the L AHQEST A t , FINEST ASbOKTMKNTef Woolens for the Fall and Vinter Trade Thathns ever been exhibited 111 thu C'iyet Laucnsler. A grout variety of FALL 3D WINTh.lt OVBROOATING I keep NONE HUT THK 1TK3T of Foreign and Demcslic Fabrici, And all Goods aiu warranted as repreeenti 1 at H. Grerhart's PINK TAILORING STABUSHMn? Ne. 6 East King St., LANCASTEU. PA. TTTILLlAtllSON FOSTtUr. Eleven Dellar MELTON OVERCOAT. YK1W & lUTures, ou Can Depeud Ou It. ' Fer sevoie toethucho und neurnlglu et th brad I use 1 TAemtii' Kcltctrle Oil. This la certalnlv the best thing I ever knew for rollel e heuse Is never with- Mis A. M. Finnic, 177 W. Tupper, St , el pall out U. Unit it druggist. 187 and 133 North Queen street Hull de, N V. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, FOUNTAIN ' t sie. per I i !,. Ml A Lite. saving Preaeut. Mr. M. L. Allisen, Hutchluten, linn . Saved his life nynalmple'lilal et Dr. Klng'e New Discovery, ter consumption. Which caused him te prsoure u large bettle, that complutely cured 111 111. when doctors, change of cltmute nml everything elsu hud fatlud. Asthma, llrenchltis. Hoarseness, Severe Coughs umi all 'I lireutnml Lung Diseases, It Isguurunteed te eure. 'l rtul Hollies tiee nt Clius. A, 1 ocher's Drug Stere. Lurgoblze, tl.ie, "Omui it uut." Th" ubove la an old saw as savnge ns tt I) senselcM. Yeu can't " grunt out" dyspepsls, nor liver complaint, nor nervousness It they ence gut a geed held. They don't remove themselves In that way. The taking 01 a lew doses ut Jlurdeck flood JUtlert U better I'm" " grunting It out " t hat we cunpiue ivi net ml i.r.jU i-y II. 11. Cecbmu, mnt- eUt, U7 nud 1JJ North Oueeu sttect. M WELL-MADE clething: Unsitrpssseil In quality, handsome in style, mceilent te fit and finish, und thoroughly weil uiadu. wlileh we ask you te examine aud Inspect, nnd oemparo with the best purchasn purchasn bie eleowhereat llke prices. THE 1IKST OVERCOAT. THE 1IK.ST OVKKCOAT. THK U EST OVKKCOAT. THE IlEST ALL-WOOL SUITS. THE UE8T ALL.WOOL SUITS. THE DEBT ALL-WOOL bUIl'S. leiehaiit Tailoring, Iu this department we are always abreas'.ef the Omes. We have skilled cutters and work men, and guarantee satisfaction in every gar ment we make. We have the largest nncit and handsomest collection Ot FOKblUN and DOMESTIC WOOLENS shown by any Cleth ing Heuse in this section of thu state, our p. Ices ure such as always win mine ter us, MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTEK CL0THIEK9, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. This Is an excsllcnt ALL.W0OL OVKK COAT in Dark Mlx4 Goods, out styllia ana well niacin. A vety dealrable OVERCOAT roll 1 OUNO GENTS' WEAK and Just heavy enough ter all seasons. Ourregular and extra sizes In rUU HEAVEK, CHINCHILLA und MUPCOKDOVKKCOAT3are completo und Prices are below the Average. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 33, SI, 38 and 38 BAST KINO Street, HSIAl.t. IMsifttllS HAVANA UAU'iMIWtA ) 'IUVO 1 Cigars for S ru .t LANCATKn, VS. 3 1 LOW 1 I. Si'OKK, YD Ull AITKNTION Id OAliLKUXUUUI stock of Holiday Gewls. IncludlnX. Toilet Hewet Celluloid und riorenceiioods,iu I'lush and Luather Cuses. Oder Stunda andCatM In Pltiah und Leather, lllmiue Figurvs, Kngravea and Cut Hettlca, plula bottle ler cgverlng, eeld nt le than down town prttxe, at ' H03. D. DEOHTOLTJ'B 1 Diuj ).oi..,i,e.iel WKTOUAHUBSTURKT, ' corner of GUarlotte. aMya