H .it r it LANCASTER DAILY INTELlUGKNCKK MONDAY DECEMIiKH 10 lbb. fcancastcv Jiu'tlltarnccr. MOMDAtffVKNINa, DKO. 10, 1008, l.enklnK nt Ilsap nf Dlmniium. Precious stone icprc sentlutf ever 1350, 000 ipitrkle In n npfice oftlirce by four fiet in s window of Heward A Ce , al.tlii south wwit corner of fifth ayonue nnd Twenty. ninth street New Yerk, llnlf it tlezen watchmen unci deteotlves wnteh tliein con tinaally. At ulcht the jewels blare out in Iho light of tbroe powerful r( Hectors. Crowds surround the window until 10J I'. M., when the rcflocters nre darkened. The most atttuetlve urtlole en t'lhlbltleu Is diamond ucoklace valued nt tOOXX) Anether neek lace, raatle up of diamond and aappbirrs, is worth $17,000. An unset diamond wrfRiiliig 10 k.ir.Us 11 whoa $8 000 worth, nnd a pair of ruby earrinitH, tiultlier of whleh is ns larce as the 0 karnt diamond, are valued nt $25,000. They leek like selntillatlng drops of bleed. Their aggre gate weight is 10 karats nnd n few thirty seconds. A pearl nocklace worth $113,000 anrreunda nu $8,000 diamond Ine I la. There are nlse some obcaper nrilele. such as $3, 000, rings, ?5,000, briieelets, and 1,000 diamond cresses The Kemaus rrehlbltlnniMs Tholtemaus under the Ilcpulilie vtore' prohibitionists after n fashion. Men of honerablo family wcre forbldden by law te drink wine before the age of 30, or te drink te oxecss ; while for women of any ceudi tlen, frce or slave, te touch wlue except en seme occaieu,aft n sacrifice, was nn ollence visited by Reveru tKniHlca. Ilonce erlaiu ated tbe custom of tilrls ktssliu: their I numnta nn tlin Htm ni a mean nf dlftiviM-i v ' parentB en me tips ns n means ei a eim.i whether they had been sitnpliinr the oeu- tcnts or the family nmpheim liutthelaw as affectlDg women, was in tlme se far modified that they were per nitted te drink wlne made from boiled must or raisins. m Ter an appetizer, nothing Is better tnnn rub biiteertliu tnpadt turnlpst hul fei Hhtubbern ceDjih or cold, ilnn't lerKCt, the best tiling Is i botile el Or. Hull's Cough Sj nip The Kreatet enntarlen deurojer evr known Is Uarbys 1'repliylactic luld. It pre vents Small 1'ex. r.rst Itrvlvril and Ibpn Cured. " Was troubled lern nar with terr'd IImt and Indigestion, und alti-r trj Injr v rj ttdng Imnglnnble ued Ilurtteck Meed lUtlert. 1 tin first beltle revived ine and th tecemt cured me entirely. J S U'lillameii N. 1. r or sale by It. D. Cochran, dnwcli.!, 117 and lti Nnrt'i Queen Btn,t We Clmllrncfi iliti World. When wu say wn bellevu, u ime ovMenco te prove that bhlleh's oeustiniptlon ire Is decldiHlly the tx-8t l.ung Muolclne inml, In a much as It 111 cure n common or Chronic Cough Inone-hilt the tlme and rtllfe Avtn ma, JlrencMtls, U hoeping Leugh, I reup, and Shew mere cases of touNiiuiptien cure.1 man allellitTK. It will cureKheru ihey lall, It ! pleaanl te take, liunnlrsi In the youngest child and we guarantee wu it we sa I'rke, 10c, BOc and il.W. II enr l.ungs are -ere. Chest or Hack Ian e. uee shlleh's Pereus 1'Ir ter. Sold by II. I!. Cochran, druggltt, Ne. 1." nil IV North UniHiii srreeU fe'iT-vll An Kxplnnatlnif. KoenomrdU'lne will cure t r thing but Itlsaa lnconUstlble tict that TTiemni' iCcltc rfe Ufi nlll tutu a sprain, u biule, a bliu or an actie, and Is ule an u tl e and pconeuncuil cure ler neura glaan I rheum itlin rer tale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, li? and in Neitli Uueen street IIAltt .t.l) VA1'" H" H, 1 l'J, c JUVEER! LCADKU l.S Fars anfl Mi llanils. NO. :$l WKST KIXO STltEET. SPhbNlllll SEALSKIN S CViUKi FUlt-l.tNKU U1KCULAUS. BKA1-HK1N MUFFS. SEALSKIN CAPS Kill LAI)lh" ii'SIS UKMV Kt'UULUVKS AS II MLlr'l.rll- Cllll.KWKN'S runs run itiiMMiMj. f n ft I Ll le net en Inn I n in iniiv inn,!.. teuiuitiiie. m.uiiiliiy an I I'r lim (,.i min te l. dl line H AT MnllK, THINK IT OVBR. Thtuk every mattrretei. llelt what It mat ; Ultelt coiisMeialleu, A little thought will piy Wben ether in eple eiler Their hais lei ) en te try, Think OI thine (,uU-lteuiuiuliei OURS ARE THE BH3T TO BUY nelnu the bent, me t styllah.durable nnd low pilMdef nnj tnlliucll). A tlnti line of I'llmu Mnl Skin Caps and ComtertnbU Caps lur tt Intel erj LtiLiip. EILICIIA18. KKl.TIIATs, bTlr'F MATS OKI II VIS All hinds, Styles, ble, and Pre. f SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (liUNDAKKIt'S OLD STAND.) LAMJAbTbU. I't, umrn lydAw O.lilfJ.'Jn. OUlltlt'M UAHl'r.X HALL. A Match-Maker. bhe am en an ottoman, xiresseu in pale nine. And that's hew slie get a man , And wouldn't) en T The carpet nv beautlfiil, blink's very best, The young girl wimlutlful- Yeukniiw the rest. Her beau was delighted At what he had bought. Ami 'With heart thus united. The parson ihey eeugtit I MOUAL Buy Your Oarf.eia and Ottomans -AT- Shirks Carpet Hall, L'er. West Kin mill Wnter HtH. LAN0A8TKII, I'A. ItAKUIMU. POOR, WHITE & CO., BANKEHS. Ne. 46 Wall Streot, - New Yerk, llrekers and Uealns In Hallway ami ethor MOUlltlea. UA1LWAY I.NVKSWIKNT8 a specially, lu the selcillen ami ctlinate ei which tlielr long couueuiieu with 1'ner'M Manuel ei railroads" gives them "peclal atl vantage. Corrcspendt.nco luvlleil and iiiqiit rlM answoretl. Deposit accounts rece vet an 1 InUurest ftllosirea. epIMuieeU It we HBtAl.r, 11AN1.1IAI. i....u. ClBaraferSceiitJint JIA lUTMAN'a YBLLOW FIIONT mu a ii BTOKE. MKMVAK u mwn'n mers iuiiks Reasons Why Yeu Feel Badly. Mecame jour Menmcli Is uotlelns; lis weik properh liieaiitt your liver Iseut of onlet and wents righting. flrcnnit your bleed Is thin, nnd needs Iren In it. IrraiMr you nre troubled with noreu acliejand paint Itrcnuir ynn are Vised with tattKunr nnd dcbllltv All thne reasons can be set aMde by theuloef llruw n Iran lllt,i. It'll -fill 7'if iiji your enfeebled stomach, nn ' help It te digest. Jitfreih your w railed liter nnd p n it in splendid order. Knrith tour water) 1 loetl and Ki ' ch fit colei. I aim yeut worried nercs. and le them r.Mful peace AfrfupAcnjeur wholes) stem nnd drive debility nnd Inn-ium em. ( e islil. iltiu that any man who his a dollar my lm id the neircst i'rupgl.1 a uottle nt l;ruti's Iren Hitter", there t no r.ien why psuple should (iitlmin tu feel liailly. Just lnr Inn ellt. si ttin !.!.. u in: ii. in ami iiati'in ; HOW t IMI ,9 OTIIKKS 11 A I DOM. a AltK MWll MDNK'tMDIOKtlKK.ilM " Kldnej-w ei t breiwnt ine from my kiiie, iisll wire, unci 1 ha I been given up by 14 best i'ick.u In Detroit " M. . Dbvebacx, Mcchsnlc, lenli, Mich IIK 'I'll NKI.VKS WKAK ' Kblni'j Wert piiiuI tne from nervous weak ness, Ac ntler 1 bad net etiwelwl te ll e." Mis M. M II. litielwln, Ud. CTlilJicin Monitor, Clove and, Ohie IIVVKliU 'IllliiUi'aUISr. " kldno)-Weit cured tun when mi water wai Just like rlnlk and then like b I ' rrank Wilsen, I'e.i'xhi.. Man. M'frll ItlNU tltOM lil.Vllt.ir. h I me)-W ort Nttin most U(festul reined) 1 liuet'WT mi'il UlVis iiluuxt luioiedtile te- k , r ,.hll c UMeUt iioukten, t. II b UV I.IVKUCOMPI.AI.STT "Kidnej Huricuml me of Chronic Liter Diseases alter 1 pruwil le die.'- Ilenrv W anl, late i e Ptli .Nat IfUard, N. V. 13 VOUK II VCK I.AMK AND CIIIVU ' hliinuv.Hnrt (I bottle) cured me w hen 1 iissie lame I hid le roll out of bed." C M Talmnge, Mllwau ice, llli IIAVK OV KIDNK UlbbASb " Kidney It ort initie me sound In liver and killings niter cir e' unuecesslui doctoring. Its worth 110a box ' -mui'I Hedges, Williams town, W est a, AUK OV CONsTIPATbD Kltlney Wert ciusbj eisr otncuallen nnd cured me alter lOjiars useel etlier medicine " .Selsen rnlrcnlld, st .Mbnu. Vt II E AOL'MALAittA ? "KlJiioj.Wert lias done better thin any ether leiiie,! 1 Hive eer ii.ii I In my piuo piue tlca. ' Hi It It Llrk. -eiiib lleri, U AUK MJU 1111.101" ' hldney-Werlhas done in" m r gmnl than any etlier reinetly 1 hatevrlaKeu " Mrs. J. 1. tiulleu), Klk r lut, Oregon. AUK Mil' lOllMK.STKD WITII I'll.bS "Kidney Wen permaDtntly e irtnl me ei lileedlng I lien li. W . C. Mine rueoiiuiieiidel It te me. '-t,u' II llert. Cashier M. Kauk. .Myertiewn t'a Allt OV lillhL IA n-M K ChEl) ' " KMiiet Wert curid ine alter 1 we-gt en ui te die lit phsleians and 1 ind ullere I 3" j i in. "-r lbrt,ige Malceuib, West lUtli, Mu. LD1ES. AUK OU Sl'KFEI'.lNG "Kldne-Werl cured ine et peculiar treu bio-, el set eral years standing Many trlen It me Mini prnNe it" Mrs. II Lamjreaux, Il" l.i Mo'.le, t II you would lln'sti lllsevsj an I Uali Ueilth take KIDNEY-WORT. Tllfc IILUO'I CLt-VSSti:. le5eeIAw llr.Nlll.NssKlMIIIK. I i) I Frem the Tolele HUule SURPRISING EFFECTS ' OP BXTRAOT OF OL.LEKY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE ! m:ueis ssti:m ami Ohl.AN.s, lHi.iMni: A.S 1M VIUV1II, l'KODltEl) MY Hit. C. W. I1ES0 S CKLI'.IIY AM) CII.VMUMIliK ru.i.s. i 1 hey hate been te.t.l time an I time agt'ti, and nlwajs wuli nallstacter results IhU pieparntl njiisttntets the noees,lUe of the ojife Ltd nn) 8luU .t w ti.it my I'llNure madu te cue. aid wtiat they hate cured mid ui'f , cure .Vemilgli Verveusnes . alckiluadachu .Nerveus headache, Dsreptle lliadache. dleephMsncM, 1'arnlysls and Dyspep-la. Ihese ' dlfeam nrj all nervous dNeuses Seitem I uees iml.racis nervous weikiiei.ii, lriltatlen, despondency, melani holy, aad a lestless, ei i satisfied, mlserable ititu et uilu 1 and body, I Indescribable. Ihcseare someet the -; apienn t n i teus , ness : new, te Ue fully re-tme I tu liealth an happluen Is a prlceles, Imen an I et ,rj' I cunt', you can satisfy leursell umt ihrrulsH e ire In: u, i ter 1.1, a' fi vei v lurthi st tint etile nn bu Inly ifur' I rtieu I lis nie. nil they are reiire'ented te be, and are guaranteed toglve satlslactlen IT usdl its dt lee'ed and inff cure any ease Sold by all druggists. 1'ilee centsabm. Depot liy. .North butiwSL, lialllmnre, Mil lly mall, two boxes forll.er six Ui-e, lm uvt, te any address. Dr. Bonsea'a New Homedy nnd ruvoriie froecrlptlen. DR. O. W. BENSON'3 SKIN CURE Is Watrunti I te Cure EC.ESIA. TETI'KUS MU MOKs, IN r LAM M A1ION, MILK CIlL'sT ALL lijlt, bCALYKHllMIONs. Dt.. 8lbS Oh IIAIU ASD hCALI'. scltef'l'LV LI.LKUS. Tt .N DEItncill.NU'Saui' I'IMI'LMeii a I pans of the body. It mnkes the sHIu w lilte, sntt uud suine h lemetus tan and irecklm, and 1 the UKtl' telltttlresslngl.N TMr. WOULD Llegantlt put up, 1 WO bettlus In one uekngu co. slu ing et both Internal and exturnal trci'intml All llrnt-ulassdrugg st hate It 1'ilui II pur paekagi C. .N. CntTTBsTOi, Sole Whelcsalu Agent ler Dr. 0. W Uniisuti'fi llumcdles, 111 Kulteu bt . Miwlnrk dJ.lmdM.WAbilw HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED As an Invliteruiit, llestuttur's hlemach Hit ters has received thu me.t positive inidersu ment Irem eminent physicians, and haslenu oceuplotl u loreuiost lank auienir HUiuilaiil proprietary remedies, its properties as an altoratlve el disordered conditions of thu stomach, liver nnd bewils, and a urevenllve el malailal diseases are no less lenewed, and have been accorded emphalle piofusBleual iu iu iu commendatien. for sale by DriiKRists and Dealers, te whom apply ler llosteitoi'u Aliimnae ler imi, dl.lniilreilAw N'mkhh . "la'As.ic.i and iiun". NKllH. All persons ure hereby lerbldtlen totiespass onanyei the lands et the Coin" wall or apoedwefl estates, In laibaueu ami Lancaster counties, whuther Inolesoii or un" ncleseil, olther for the purpose ei shoetine or flslilntr.ua the law will be rlldlv onlerctv) ugalnst ull trespasslnit en said lands el the uiHlorslBuedatnjrthWnetico. 1VM. COLKMAN KUEKMAN H.I-KItOYALDEN. i KDWAUD V. KHKEW N .. .. Attorney for lL Y CcUu a .. ir. 016-UUW nrnnTKT i ftrr nrmm-rrn n mim mm Ml'.ftt.tl MMHIUIKA IA. ;i 11 Kllllt IJtAlll , HHIII OI..H, MUSIC UOXES. I'Myll l I Kl InltlNKnml tt' It A III l.t I T. Sitld bt t'n bet ltler' throuhent Euiope and new tntie iuel in tliNi enntu dlteet by the Maniitiitliirt'r,uiAeiinri wiriluifprqUj I. Vlti.b lMI'OUTATIUV hlt LOW I'llICl- HMt C.VII. end tne-t t stamp lei 1'ilee l.lsu l (i.uitirlil Ce., Mo('relltzrrliuiil. SAI-ESIIOOMS AT WIS Ohcstnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OPPOSITE 1I1KOPEU V IIOISE. ( dlearl) ter g,vl soieitlen and avoid rnh at He.idax. Del.-Jttd.su w II COX .SI UITK -T I- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, VO le: h n ! KAST KINO STltEET, LUOKENDAOH, Afrent. r ill Anortmentet the varlem t Umceu stnull) en band and ter tJle en the uu-t lib nrd terms ter Cits', or Mmall Monthly In stallments. rhe public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine tliei tiistrumeliK, nbtt.li will be leund te lie ven perler tu (juallty and lledeiate In Price Having tetertnl my connections with the Kite) organ Cempanj, I lake thl inetlifxl te Inform tu irtenil in Lancaster county, 1 am uew elilmr nn Organ ejual te any and ui pasnetl by none. Plme call and examlne one et the most benutltul-teiied Oipms tnami tacturvt In the cnltcd btnltu Mr. Luckenbath I. nle agent ler tne Milieus " Kmibe," MePhall, Veee ifc Sene, Groveuatoln & Fuller, Hallet SS Davis, veral e er I'eslnib'e I'lnn i mi f.ii jpwar I-. eit. at pric lel.i: I ji snu rn LOU'S L PIANO PARLORS, Ne. s:; North Sixth Street. (ShAK P UAlU I'M I LA DELPHI THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY NO STORE RENT TO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer $225, $250 and $275, FAR SUPERIOK TO THOSB '-OLD IN EXPENSIVE STORED 1 Fer $450, $500 nnd $600 t ONLY FIRST-GLASS MAKERS NO CHEAP TRASH. II a i ' il Vtt. rjust retelvrd tromagenlV. man ( i iguiUit li.gaulwi.ll knew u lu llim c 1 1 ' Sil" I.A1CASTSR AVKiri!, I Netiuiber 11, is'i $ MU l.t 'tiiE I. W UIIR I'hn lour I'lann, I purchased Irem you at elUerent times-three ler trlunds and the last one lnr inyielt have proved te bu maunltlceut lnstriin intt. Tney have given the most m r- lett ttiibdai-tleu In ijvury re.peet, anil ttiej I eannm be Mirpa-ied ter beautllu), char, rlili. I lull reue, tlnn tlnl-h, and htandlng in tune. 1 haB tnunerly leugt t jilanes en Clictnut tr. ui, i.uiti a mm. ii tilgner price and (lid net receltHanvthlrigilkeas flmi timtrumeiits. I shall advlseall m Irl. i. . . ,i ,t ..vnbenu- in, it nun iney aiu tu 111...1 ,,t u ptuiie, te pur chase from ou. KeHpetttulls jeurs, II I,. II ail. . nate itcelted liiindrida of litteis slinUal te this, tthlih I tt HI show tvltlipltasuiii I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Piane3 from FAMILIES FORCED TO SELL, LIST OF (! HEAT JIAUOsV INS: $700 Sijaare U rami l'laiie $'J00 l4e Squtirt) Grand l'iime $1!)0 $()') Kichly Can cd Piane - $175 $1000 Upright riune - $2.-)0 $730 rpright Piane - $200 $000 Ileautiliil Ihhy Upright $175 $150Hanilhonie lioiemiotl Piane$i)0 Ulthcb-ganteiiibrnl ered cetvrs and Plush Steels all standard makrs-each Instrument warranted for lit e years. A call will satisfy jeii that this is tue best plat. tu buya I'lane e:u-jiii i uuticjcitir.i. 1 II 11 Kail's Christmas Groceries. I Is It net an established lacl that we ,ie have I MiWvJJ,,'Wfc'h,n '-anca-tei. vi ii 3S.iK, Wi' AKK YOUIl O.VN ln'J,.k, i" ,)e have lh material Puie Hplces Seedless italslns, Cuimnts, Cilien, i OiLtn Apples, nmlerk Statu Cider. Materials for Christmas Cakes. Pure, Spices, Klaveilng Extracu, Frtsh Hese W liter. IVM btllilira fclmunl. hi.ur I'm.. k..iu. i Oil aus ilelasMis. Ilaklmr llutttr. Cocoanuts. nn,' piitiibiirk Kernals, Almenda, .lu aHWs uW&fcM VSIfc? UA,-UW1K BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. IiltANUI-CIIKBTNCT AND MAIIV STfl., LANUAHTKU, I'A. IIUII5 IIKhT I'LAUK TO HUV J. Hoesnnabln Winter Uoeds, such us Ladles' 'r,,U UIV Ul'll'lreii' Underwear IIesIi.it tlleviiH , Mlliinml uarlty et Htiiiilu (l m Ji and Milluni, Ae. at IIK.iTii'IOmVh f,i n"" unilUeiils' Kmn sh n Stere. hphiTiai. iv DUCKMK.Vlrt ler lltJI.lDAY I'ltrHl-Nlrt IMcateiall and examine buieiu leiib'uv snu miuvwlv, Ne. !i Neitli Oni'iin Strcul Kel thelllBBUKjUtuTra.!., Dollars laUi ii al par. , lubViyii s 1TKVKNH IIOUMK U1IAV1NU AND IIAIU DUKHSINO . . OAI.WtJ.il. flood Jonrnevwieii and piiceasnme as ether saliains. j VVACINKII, mylMM lqsiir 1H1USI.MAS UlltstTIMI. OAQBRit DHOTHERIuvlte Attontleu ten Very Lnre Oolteotlon of OoecIh In thelr Liue, eoleotod with Special Roferonco te I te itetnaudfl of the HOLIDAY TRADE. we effch nu: lAfFSV miveimiw in SILKS, HRliSS GOODS, MROCADK AND PLAIN VKLVKTS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, 1 1 A N D K Ii RC 1 1 1 L- KS, G LO V F.S, KICIirS, LACI'S, GK NTS' I IANDK1RCI II12FS, NliCKWHAR AND GLOVI'JS. Embrolilcreil Tnble iml l'liue Ooverf. Tnble Llnens in SeVts or Table Oletba, with Ntipklun te uiuteh. Dolllce iml ToweIb Turoeinnu nnd Lnce Curtains. Mnreulllcs QuIUh nnd Dltinketn CARPETS AND RUGS. HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, j,.. M. (llVLf.K BUY USEFUL Don't forget the Orlb BlauketB, rera Oarpet weoper, all uiake uice AT JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, IMIUKH.S A 111 KMT BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. 11K.1I 0UK H0MDAY AN0UNCEMKNT THUOUUII AND THKOUUII. Wu art) new ready ter tin. Ilell.liys ttlth an liuuieiist. st xik'ln everr department. Any and everybinly cin bt suited Irem our Imm.nse Stock Ju-t ncidvitl. at th .-ry l.ettt-st l'rtc.s In in.- cut Ia l's A VISIT. l'A I'S A Vlsir We lll Shew yeuVlItllUK III ALK ill . UIOICblUI.UIlMlMLh. Hc-.;niitllI.CK()lTil11A.N an I DhF.ss UOIIlis. hli-Kimt llI.AtK C M .11 Hth KIckmii CO OKhll C IsIN ".V. ,-l--tJl I-Atilfc- tl.ililslITIM, M.-h.liitlll.BiSl'LAllM.thel'lii.H Aertinnl in Itw tltv Kl.-Vnt 1I.ACK OlTllM, 1 1 I.On Sand II H.ON Al.s ler I.adleV De 111 .n- 1 1 1 1 oils. Klivatit I.mi ri'Ult TltlMMl.NUS and KCIl COLI. VltV Kl.-cant l.lne CM I) lit lAi"i',,'hU ". " lltl.-rent -h.de .s t;t t.dles and l hlldren's ( eik Kli-uanl 8KA1. il.N PLl'sllhs. thebct saliie In Mm clty.proneunc-d ety many f-lefanl"!' It INOir W.IAN gt M hi) 1.1 NIM.s. splendid quality at JOe pe- )ard l.i.Ues sklits.Cleskn Shawls and l)el yt'fw'i.-yf'l'i ' IX.V',:-. "'l!li"l,i"',"'"t- Klenaul ldiu. of i.vlleV and whllrenN I. VCh COl.l.AllS.' hbiKaut Assorlmenl of '"Wt4, i';? I'M."'.?",1 Jv" OI.OVKS. H.rfinl Issertment et l.lnen and Slllc IUndk clil-M Kleirunt AssertiiiHiit I.AIUKS' "I'l.uVll and LhiTIlhl.SArLllel s hletant As-ertm. nt s itiu l'lu Ctisblens ami TUles Kieiruut Asieitinrnt Ladles' nnd I hlldren's lleelerv. be ld, 4 nn p.nlini niw tji fc ir 1.1 nu' Nir.ru.tt.r il.,.i. n 4iwn..t, ....... .ii ti.....ii.a.Mi.iu,. ., u.. i... . ... .1 . ." ...i"-i. ui" VI' t nn h ll'n lmti.tr.,.l nwirn u HI. h II will i.l v.i ii lire nu u li win Kitu " KOllTHKMSELIES DO .NUT rulll.hl ie t BOWERS & HURST. THE NORTH QCCEX STREET DRY GOODS STORE. uututn CM'l-.CIAi. l!.i;i.l.b. WATT, SHAXI) tt CO., 8 and 10 East King St. WIXTEIt DKGsS UOODS In all the Popular SI'KUAL Fabrics at Lew l'rlce-. IIAKOA1NS. FIGURED DRESS GOODS 6f c a yard. I'eri.l.N" Celli) In All Ce or. UV a yard, Ultra TIVlLLhU IlhlOKs 13Hc a jard. SEALCHI SUITINGS, 2 ci.nta a yartl, usutl piliu V cents V-mch AU'Woel IMlhSS HKIK.K'. Heavy Welgtit, 50c a J art! A.NOTHKU LAKGE I.NVUICK OF LADIES' DOLMANS. COATS. JACK KTd. PLUall COAT, LIUL.ri.AltS, AMI NhWilAKKK Is, SHssea' and Children's COATS AND IIA K I.UUKh In ullMzejand Uu illtlts. Winter Underwear, Fer Ladles' Gentlemen and Chl'dren. In al tiles anil Qualities, our Prices ure always thu lewi-nt. NEW YORK STORE. NO. U& 8 EAST KING ST., lanc as rr.it. PA M K1U1SU A IIAL'OllMirf. SHAWLS -AT- & Special Attention. 11LACK TniHET DOUBLE SHAWLS I1LACK THIBET DOL'HLE HIIAWl.8 BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. At 15.00, H.O0. J7.3), 18 SO, ue, ,, 3i f 13, ALL KINDS OI BLANKET SHAWLS, KLANKEr SHAWLS, At the Loweat Prlcea IIAND80MK PAISLEY SHAWLS. I'AISLEV SHAWLS. -AT- mbtzger k mmm Cheap Stere, J!J WEST KINO HTltKKT, Ne. lietween thoCuepor IIeusj and Berrul Herso liANOABTKIl, I'A. iy uuuim, ?e. & BROTHER, LANCASTER, PENN'A. G- PRESENTS A Ohoice Moquetto Bedy BruBaeIs or Tapeetry Brueoela Ourpet A Bnndeome Three-Ply or Extra Snper Carpet, or nny kind of Onrpet, Uandeome Moquetto or Brussel Ruge. A nnudsome Pftir Whlte or Soarlet Weel Blankete. choieo Marflollles Qullta, Satlue and Holiday Proaenta. LOWEST PRICES. S. GIVLER a i i. -I...,. vi ..... ..i.i... ...i.i p.atnre le tliuu n itr i uimr mi intliln AVIIlt LS Willi A CALL. Ci.CJIJfi.MJ j inis a isATiiKun. WELL-MADE CLOTHING. Ciuurpied In qualPy. hamlsotue In style, eictdl.ut In lit and tlnlsh, and inoreuuiily we 1 ma te whlcli wuaik veu textuilni and inspect ami comptre wltli tuu bust purt h un bin ul-rwhere at llKe pi Ices T1IK I'.EST OVHICOVI TIIK IIKST OVKIt(C).r. THE IJEiT OVE11COAT 1IIK HF.ijT ALL WOOL SUITS. 1 UK IlhST ALL WOOL XU1T3. TIIK i.hST ALlW'OOL hfllS. lercliaiit Tailoring. In this department woare always nbreas of th ' tltiuia. Weliat ii skilled cutti'rs and work. inun. und uuarnutce satisfaction In every nut. mi'iit we make. We have tlielarftmt rlueit anil handsemist collection et KOUcIUN mid lm.1l KST1C W OOLKNS shown by any Cloth Cleth liiK Heuse In this section of the 8tte. Our prices are euch as always win tnule for us. MYERS & RATHF0N, LEADj.NO LANCA8TKU C1.0TH1KH8, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. w"- 111)31 KT-1 Kll aOM. Gletliiis. W'e claim te liave Iho best and laiKiwt varl ctyef no SUITS In thuelty. HIA (8)dlrrerent styles of MKNB All-Weel Suits at $10. Grey Mlxed, Qroenand Brown Mlxed, Blaek and Blue Mlxed, Steel Mlxed, Dark Brown, Light Plulda, ALL AT TIIK LOW' IMUCK Or liO.and el our own manufacture. Stilts actually worth irem $13 le 111. Overcoats. - Overcoats. A (JOOl), IIBAVT, UNLINKD OVKItCOAT, IN DAHU AND LIOIIT H1IADKS, As Lew as $6.00. AND AT ANV I'KIOK OI' TO 118.00. D. B. Hostetter k Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, I.ANOASTKll. I'A. U1 UAY'H sfKUinu nitiiuuirik.. UitB Ortat KiiKllsh Kumedv. An unfallliiu euro for luipelunuy, ami all Dlseaaes thai fellow less el Memery. Universal Lassi tude, I'aln In the Hark, Dimness of vision, rromaiure out are, ana many ether diseases that lead te insanity or Cen. sumptien and a rromaiure urnvn. Full par. Oculars In our pamplet, which we desire te send Ireo by m all te overy one. Tne Bpoclfle Modielus! i sold by all ilniKiitst at tl tier naek. ae, or six paekagus terO, or will Lu sunt tree by mall ou thu receipt et the money, by ml (Irusslnu the auent, ll. II. CUCIIHAN, DruifKlst. Nes. 1ST and IS'J North queen atieet, Luncas- ter, I'a. On aoeount of counterfoils, we have adopt adept od the Yellow Wraprwr t thonntvKeriUluo, Till! UIIAT JIKDIOINECO., aprlMydAw liultule, N. V, Cletning. .Kiii" asiia-n -r- - - '..t. t. u: ; KATIIVON. ! Chintz Comforts, or a Oonulne Au. & CO., LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PA. ... . ...... ...'.... 1. ..'.'. '.'!.'' "''.''". nf fi.uvl. nlTl! sr.ii u- tvli ilmul.: ir . .. .... ". ...vr.e c. n..rv Ci.CJ7JJJ.MJ. nir: imu.idais" ynn lOU WILL NKKD A SUIT Oil OVERCOAT. We hat u manufactured a stock of CLOTH l.NU, wiiich, ler com) luteness tneteryiuan n.-r cannot be euali'd. our line of OVK.lt COATS compilse all the illrTurent shadi-H and juailtliri, they ranitn In size from ihennofer m.- Ilttlu fallow of ihruujt-ars old te the tar Kest men's s!s. l-itra barKulus In Iatue nlzetl ovcrceits, As we hav mere extra IarK" Overcoats than necissary. we take this way of lntnrmiiik' our lilends el an extra barKaln therein a nuw line of I10'S AND CHILDKEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS JUSritECKIVKD. i'llcut thu Lowe'L UiJiL Uoels t.ie Hewes and NKCKWKAIl. llOHIKItY. UNUblCWKAIt, OLOVKS. COLLAUM AVDCUFKS KNIT JACKET?. IVHITKHIIIIITS. HLUK.SIIIIITI, MLK II VJDKKIIC'llinr.S, SILIXUUHl'K.NUKItS - Kxlia ilarKatus In It'd Klaniul Under wear New Line el Neckwear ami bilk Hand, kerchief u-ady for the llelldajs at llottem Prices. TTircfh Rt "Uvr&hev I'cnn Hall Clothing Heuse, Nes. 2 and 4 WORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOASTKlt, I'A. li Kfti;SIIIKH Large Stock I Best Quality I AND LOWFSrPKICKS! OVEEOOATS ! OVEEOOATS ! SELLING N0-Y MKN'nOVKKCOATIat $.'.60, worth tSW. MKN'S OVK11COAT8 at l worth fl.00. MKN'8 OVKIlCOATd at, II 00. worth $7.f0. alKN'tt OVLMldOAra aL 13.01, worth l 25. MKN'HOVKICCOAIUnt 5 50, worth 10 00. MKN'S OVKIlCOATSnt 8 2 worth $11.00. MKN'S OVKUCOATH at $7.W, worth $1100. MKN'S OVKUCO ATS at $8.79, worth 114.00. MEN'S OVKHCO ATS at $0.C0, worth $10-00 MEN'S OVKUCO ATS at $10.00, worth $18.00. And all finest Men's Overcoats sclllnir In proportion. Heys' nnd Children's Ovorcejils In endless variety at prices le suit most every, hotly. Children's Overcoats at 11 60, Si oe, $2 80. J.eu, up te te 60. Heys' Overcoats at $1.7.1, $. $W!0, $J.00, $1.00, up te $8 40. Don't fall or miss the present opportunity te buy cheap and well mm In overcoats al haft thelr real value. L. Gansman & Bre., The Kashlonable Mordant Tailor und Olethleis, Nes. 00-08 NOKTIl (JUEE.N BTKEKT, Ulght en the Southwest Cernur et Oranxe St. LANCASTKU, I'A' Net connected with any ether Clethlnif Jlouselu the city. TUAi'KI Kits' hv I LNfAMTKIt AM' Cam run ha lellutrs II. I l .V1I.I y rn ten vii 1 Aiiij Ivir IP. It li.mn' . t ;. u ., . ll:;a. in., and a, , b anil RSup iiMetcwmt en Datmdny. nhi-n the tad iht leave ai w.tnii, n, Leavn .Mllbusvllli ,lit , nti.1) its tt, atidill a. M., and I, J, 5 and 7 p m. Cars run driiv en vonneec pi en sun rtT. CULUMIIIA A l-Olir lll-.l'IINIT IIAIE. UOAH TIMb 'lAIII.K. Tntlni new run leguUrlv en thn Columbia Deposit Uallrtmd en the following tlme t IKIUTllWAItp. LTATHN8 wearuwAup a. h. r.M. r.M. ....Ciilumlita...,! H'Si ft'iO ..Maihlngteii... bum 5j:(i ,,,, ....Cicinlt,,. s.e: J8.1,,,, Hale llnrber. . 7M.1 M7 .... .Htienk's Kerry. 7 te Hit ... .I'eeueti .... 7:W ftW .... .lerkliiriiatu. 7 31 a Ort .....'lucutiBii.... 7:ai Msi ,., uwiy,vtry jb iu :::; "iVy; Kildy .. 7:iu in ... . ..Mshlng Creek. 7M iffi ,. .reach llotlem, 0.17 tft) 7,M . CoueXiigo,., p.i (;ll 7i3m ....Oilerata .... it.' ng 73, ...Pert I m e.ai ju 717 ... reniTllle 3.41 7.0J r.M, A.M. A.M n.ai w esA 10 w ,,,, ii MM 7M Uim .... 7.111 1131 7il7 III? 7:17 ll'JI 7:.l II 7.37 ll.RJ 7.11 ll:.'(l 70 1 1.0.1 7.10 H:u& 11 SO 7:17 f:IS liri 7 J7 8.U li 111 ; U-M 8 0.) IIKAUINUAUOMMIUIA It. It. AllltAN(lKMr.NTOrFAH3KNUr-.llTUAINe MOMI)A, OCTOnKUSVTH, llfS. NOIlTIIWAllI). Uuurryvllle. , ... m ii Lttlicastcr, KlngUt 730 ... sin v.O Lnncastnr Ill l. J.vi 11.10 Chlckles......... 7 j) ... ja, JI ai let ta Junction 7.1m .... 4 en .... Otilumbhu 7.S1. hit S.tO .... AKR1V. lleadlDK 'it l-j 5jie ,. UUUrilWAKt). i-uv. a.u 1 r u r.r tlcuvUng 7 li-qn n AllRirS. Marlettn Junction P 11 r.M. n.ul .... Chlckles e.u ... sje .... U.ilumbla ii.v j it ii a l.tncaaler. 4.11 ill 8 13 5 IN i4.ncitster. ItingHt v.K ... arr. ft-vfi (Juarn'vlllu in-.ii ... e d Trains connect nt lleaillng with tn.ltu 10 rt Irem l'hllMleIphla, I'ottsvllle. lUtrlaliuiK. Al. lentewu anil New erk. vis. Hound nrtx: Ueuln. Al Columbia srllh trains te anil ntun rer, Hanover, tlettysburg. mxlerltk and Haiti mere. A U. WIMO.N, riu it. pCHKhVUAMA IIAII.IIOAU NKW M. !l IIKllli L.N nn and aft.ir Hit Mil A .NO KM IIKIt, 18, I3SJ. trams en the INmiisy' vautu itallraul will art I vn at and nave nn I.TictKt. and Philadelphia, depots an lellnwa 1 Levi Ar Katwiiu. l.anl'Wl A.M. 10) 2 27 B-AI 8:10 aej 8.W 3 Ul r.u. 12 S3 ltsu 2 11 2rJi S.1S 0 A.M 1-OS 4 23 7.60 icwe Mall Rxpress , I'hlladelphUi KxprtMi rasl Line llarrlsburir Kx'.ss Yerk Accommodation arrlvrs Laucaster Acceiur lauen arttvis... Columbia Accnimae. Jen rreilnrlck Accommodation urtlvt. Leck Haven Kxpim Sunday Mall Johnstown Kxpres . Day Kxprrts HarTlsburi: Accommodation 11:45 3.16 r.x. SO 6s6 7-25 0 40 Hanover Accommodation west, rouneclliiK at Lancaster with Manara Kxpri-n al 4f, will run tbreiiKh t.) Hanover dv'v. wpi Suntley. 1'roderlrk Accommodation, wool, m. lurtlns t !atic.utt'r 'vltii Kast Line, wiL a I ) wtfl inn f'tens'i 'n ) 1." ti-t- ,U IAI. 'hllljvn Wmitim A.M. A.M. isii s-a 1.30 H Ten urn . ... 9-JO 7.11 9 16 DV) r. u 11:10 1-.-A .... 116 r.M. f.lt 5 16 .... 'J--XI I-4' 70 5 40 7.10 9.10 11 15 11:20 135 Mews ETpresi Way I'asipiiKiir Mali 1 reln. Ne. 1. via ML ley. Malll rntn,No.2,vlal'eiii!)iliU,loavui niaxen txpres.. . Uanei .eintun.it ueii Waves.. rani Line rredertck Accommodation leatea IfarrtBlmrj; AcciiiniiittHUnn Lancaster Accomine.iatlon luates Columbia Acomuthlatiet aarrlsburp Express .ietern Kxpn-sa l'acltlc Kxrriwi llarrlsburg Kxprtms, which leaves Lancaster at 7 40 p m., li'is dlruct conuncllens (without change el ntnl te C Jlumbla and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, wiimi Uai;Kd wtllstnnatlinwtilnstnwn.i e.iUjbvII'p, I'arket burii, MounlJe.. h 'Iztict' tow" m Middle V vei . Day Kxpres, 1'ivst 1 tne. Vows rxpre-s. Mini rraln.Ne. 1, WvaUvn Kxpnws aud Pacific Kx prvus run tlallv. The tlma here jen Is Kniltrn Umt, or that et the Mh meridian, whlce t.i 1 minute and i seconds lUHtt r than that heritotere tifid. nuiLt.nti, .tcj. 1i-n sik.ui It.NtllNK AND BOILER WORKS. Call and examine our ' llolletsanti tot pilces. deck ei KiiKtnes an Pertable Entflnoe, liorlzeutnl Euginen, Vertlcul Englnes. Saw Mill PumpB, Mining Maobluery, Fulleys nnd Shnltlnff. IHOaN and muss camtlvus, steam pitting. I JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. 3!) Fast Fulton St., LANCASTKU, I'A IlOX, Ne. VS. ect I ImtlAv r. e. t in n Aita, t. JOMN 1. eUUAUM, FCRNACES and RANGES Or ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call ami seu the New Improved WUODUIIT IKON COLD CASK Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest ami Market Ilesl rUUNACK In the MANUKACTUUKD K.tCLUHIVKI.Y IIV Jehn P. Sehaum, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, feb27.lyti LANUASTKIt, i'A- J'JlUTOUUAi'UU, J.K 1IOTK, There has been sueh a donmnaifer LAKUK I'lIOTOUUAl'IIS Ihtt 1 WM cmnpolled te get a VKKY LAUUK UAMKUA IlOX te meet the aemana. We can new make you a rilOTO as small as the smallest locket will held up te u 6-lneli face, te tit ,an 18x22 Frame. u. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen uun2-tM Streot.