r'V? LANCASTER DAILY WTWJLLIGENCEK MONDAY. DHOEIMT.EI. 10.13. II Hancastcv tntrlKgrnv. MONDAY 1SVKN1HQ, DKO lQUOU. Tlie Tell Hnr. MontRemcry county Inn luff, by n Jperler system of making reads In raeat etlt townships, almost entirely ubel lsbed the turnpike tell sate within Its limits, Is new imitated ever the qupstlen of free bridges. As a very tlilcklj set tled part 61 tlie county la tm versed by the Schuylkill river and the approach te ueh populous towns us Norriatewu, Bridgeport and Consheliocben la guarded by tell bridges, they nre found te be no Blight embargo en travel and trafllc Ter a long tlme tlie brldge leading from Bridgeport and the surreuudiug country te the county seat has Iwen an op proulve Institution te these who have te pay for the use of It Finally a report of viewers was secured, making It i county bridge, nnd nt the session of tbe grand Jury last week there was tre mendeua popular pressure brought upon that body, both for and against the con firmation of this report. It resulted in tlie defeat of tlie free bridge movement after great oxeltemout But the Issue is only postponed. It willba renewed and continued, no doubt, until Anally travel Is made free. The rcinie movement is In progress in many ether puts of Pennsjl vanla. It happens that many count) towns in this state are situated en streams crossed with tell bridgfs Seener or later they must go. The tin forge must be raised. And after the tell bridge, the tell read I We have entirely tee many of them hereabouts. Lancaster is almost as much cut off fiein free approach as a walled tewu. It is net creditable te this rich and populous and highly improved county of ours that it cannot, m ilutain geed free public reads. The present teudency Is te increase the number of turnpikes rather than improve the class of men elected supervisors. The people who complain about an increase of read tax And pretlt in the s'eck of turnpike companies; and It is ue wonder they p.n when their projectors nre allowed te seize public reads laid out ny the county and taken I rem tlie laud owners for free public travel aud convert them te tlit ir own private use without any allowance for damages. The very fact that the turnpikes pay their ewneis se well is proof that the) de net pay the public. "What the public should have is better public raids ; they can better afford te pay the tax thau te pa) tell te corpora tlens. Tlicy All Decline. The number of heretofore prominent presidential raudidates who fay the) will decline the ofllee is getting te be notably larger. Once the idea about the presidency was that it was an etllce te be neitluTseught nor declined. Of latf years, however, the idea has" been that any one who wanted it needed te strug gleferit. The iniscarriag. of numer ous iidveuturei et this kind spini te have thrown presidential aspirants info another opinion as te their proper course ; and they advance upon Mm lint named position se far us te vow they would net take it if it was offered them. Mr. Blaine is said te have se decluied. Ne one believes Bialna, of court. Mr Edmunds, a une months age, s-tdz- cd an opportunity in the Episcopal convention te refuse its pipsidenrv and te say Hint he was net a candidate for any prt a dency. Mr. Tilden's friends have been arduously encaged for a long timem asserting that he would net h no the presidency. Aud 1:1 truth se very much disposed are our sta'csn en te pu en the nole (iiV'.'en attitude that w hi 0 Almest without presidential candidates six months before the con ventlens meet. Even Jehn Mierumn, who is known te hanker after the place as no man ever did before, dues net pte sent himself, while his brother, the gtu end, who stauds somewhere en tlie fence between the two parties, would net take the nomination from either, lie sa)s. President Arthur is pietty nearly the only candidate booked ; and lie is there by the foice of ciiciimatances, being president and in the nature et things ready te be president again. We congratulate thu conventions en the prospective freedom of their ehoiee The weeds are full of timber. Geed stuff is plenty among It, aud the whole forest Is ready te obey their call what ever the medestv of its attitude. Tub Philadelphia Jteeenl is none tee Bevere upon that class of lozlslaters who last summer and fall resented se bitterly every suggestion that they should bring the session te a close, and jet who, as seen ns the election wa3 overturned their attention s dely te tlie work of aecurlng pay for every day " whether days of session, no session, or sham sea slen, Lords d.ijM aud holidays for all allKe ten dollars a day." Some of these identical salary grabbers were clamorous In their indignation at ttie Intkluern cun for Having mildly intimated that the IIouse might preflably assent te adjournment after exhausting every con Btltutlenal and parliamentary process te get an apportionment. When It was Been that tliey weie involved te stay at Uarrlsbnrg nnd this Journal urged mat mey ineel In mere frequent session and euforce the attendance every day 01 in, least lui Democratic members, se ns te save themselves and the patty from reproach, the same individuals turned up the wmtei or thelr eyes and murmur ed hotly at tbe waywardness of this Journal lu net backing up Its party. New that they are seen in their true colors, nnd the hypocrisy of their professed devotion tj the o)nstitutlen is tu ly disclosed, they will ba lucky if tliey are allowed te sink into oblivion. .1 Ml. I Genejiai. Jeus Ji. Gorden, of Geer gla, expresses the following sensible view upon tariff legislation ; "I am pro foundly convinced that the true policy of this government is te reach by gradual approaches the position generally ad veca ted by the Democratic party a tariff for revenue only, and for such an amount of revenue only as will stilllce te support the government administered en the meit economical basis nud in the interest of the jrreat body of Its people Ilencel hepe te sea that party triumph in the I v next presidential contest But if the people at the next geifcral election place the Democratic party Jn power I elieuld deprtt'ate any sudden or radical legisla tion upon this delicate : nddltusiilt prob lem, lest disaster teimpntant Industries might fellow nnd thus retard rather than lias'en the consummation of this twiii-il cent policy. This country is se vast and its interests aud industries dei-endrnt one upon another te a greater r 1. de gree are se varied ami lntrwevn ti.atthe wlstst statesman will ba the most diffl. dfiit nud carerul indeillng with them." There Is no ureal dlfllculty in reoencil ing the supposed cenlllctiug views of le.idlngDemecrts lit some such pnpesl tieu as that expressed by Gen. Gorden. It is substantially the idea of the last Ohie platform adopted In New Jersey, Vlrgfuia and Pennsjlvauia. Even the K'-ntucky s'ute convention ilul net go fir bejend it. There may be 11 few ultra free tinders w he demanded mere, and n few extreme protectionists wh will net concede se much. Hut they must stand fr m under. The patty will unile under lis conservative leaders and they are net se far apart as some apprehend. Ir Tennyson's claims te a e" .. s dc dc pended cm the merit of his reef" -- IchI productions ins chances for 1' 1 r uer WOU'd b) in tie blgticstdegitf.. uluuutte'. Cahlili.'s unsuccessful opponents nny se .nel) hug themselves no tbey lend the ncceuut of bow the speaker Is bored te duatu by clllce seokers and Interviewers, It is a pejr situation out of whleh seme comfort o.wuet ba extracted. This Lejn little mere tbau iweutyfimi years aiuce Flera Temple made the famous receid of 2 19. Since tbeu oue liutidred and nnutoen homes have get toeerds cf 2:10 and bat t-r, all of whom but ten are new living. Frem tlia for out ion e: te FeJeii Uatuu up te ISO-) S 'Uth Carolina was the only itite In the federation withe.tt a dlvercs Hw upeu her statue books. When the statu was-teoentruotcd I !-'" Ilo Ile publiaiu Leghditure eiiat I uc, law, wh ck rammed in force until 1ST7, when the Domecrits suacaeded te power. Oue of the ri s n-ts uf the Druedrat.i w.i te repeal the dlrorce Itw auil evury Rtibse quent etrett te restore it k is been a failure Only last week the Seoute agiin rejetd such a preposition. M vhemet declarmi thit cre t'j (b? of judgment 'thirty falee preph" weill arUe in islam. Theuuh among the 1 1st of tLe;e, HI ilahdi can by no means be 100k encd among the least. Xet only his he energetically thrashed the Egyptian forces under Hicks f'.talii, but no hter than list .Sund.tr a detacLment of hi army cenipintaly anui hilated a fc rce of 800 Uashi Biz juks aud negri.es arrayed against thera. Fer r. falte prepkit III Mahdi l deiti 1 'etaly well. The Tune his nea tuat Wti.rten darker Ini bueu Atriviu te have kiai'elf mulosecre ny of tlie treasury at the bis te tk'J cbiuttef probably b.ih Feljer aud Ure-Aster He did net huoeeed, hew ever. 'I his may ncceuut for tue ery tliktiiig mnaner la .vlnch the presuleut'-, mesHae an'l Fe'gn's xepeit .ire spAen of iu Ua'ker'u linericiin True. they both snubbed h's BUtplus division schema , but then is Let Senater Mitebcll te u.ake a peech neuppirtef it "even if I tit.e te wnte it for h'm." IJetii CliiL, of Missouri, the nitvrly ch ireii Dduioeratie clerk of the nittunul II -uhe of Itcpreneutativeti, aud Wiuter. smith, of Ivontuek), chosen d nikeeper 01 the Heuse, were rebel seld'eis ilunu tt.e war. Kxamintr. He was Longstreet whomjem pirty male collector of the pDrt of Ne;v O.-le.vaa uud niinUter te TurUey ; se was Slesby, wh iin it keeps as ceasul at Hjiu Kuug; se was Ssttle who presided ever the Republican nation il convention that nemuuteil Grant iu 1872 ; he was llahene, who with bH Itiddlebergcr makes your maj -rity m the benatote-diy Sweep bj'ore jour esw deer. We dufy the obj-etor te pole out where any olause or prinoiple of tlie cdimtitiitieii 13 v.oiitiue uy iuih l iiaiiie nj plan. Lin catter lnqtirtr. Kvery student of the constitution knows that the powers net dolegatcd by it te the United States are rcseivcd te the states. The bueleu of proefheson the party maintaining tbe affirm Uive of a preposition. It is iucumb ent 011 the Iilaine peeple, tkeroferc, te prove, net that their plan is net prohibited by tlie constitution, but tb it sauotleu for it is found therein, if tkey djsire a feun datien from whieli te arcue. And if they can git evor tlie barbed wirofeues pre sentcd lu the llrst paragraph of aitiole I, seotlen 8, of the constitution of the United States, they will then stand upon ground t'tit ontitlea theiii te reasonable huanng. The Xew Yerk Tribune, cUlnia te have dtsoevorcd gresi frauds in the letting of oeutract, for publie work iu New Yerk 'elty. It publishes ovidence te Hustain its allegations tk.it, llke In the famous eaual ring operations in the stale.by a system of '-uiibilanet:d bids," the publie has been robbed of millions of dollars. The plan was HJinetlnng llke this : A sttoet open, ing or a sower, for or imple, will require excavation, se much iu reek, se much in e.ittli. Thu onglneor states approximately the amount of eaeh, and bids are invited. The eutside contractor uiakes a Btralgkt forward bid, allowing klni a fair profit en oaeh. The Inslde contraetor makes u bhl considerably higher oueno, and very inueh lewer en tlie otlier resnltlug in a low or nvorage. He thus ets the oeutrAot. Tnen It notoriously turns out that, or the work en whiah he has made a very low bid thore is far less than the engineer eatlma' ted ; of that en whleu he made au unrea senably high bid, far mero. The onxltieor'H deceptive osllmate nud the oeutractor's sicret knowledgo of the real faetit work together A Heiisntleuitl Arrmt At Jamestown, New Yerk, Charles L. Jeil'erds, 11 wealthy nxe inanufhctiiiur, K, D. Doerlittlo, Mile Wheoler and Del (Jisn have beeu airested ou thoehnrgo of having s'tflre te Jellerds, Bally it Ce.'s louuge laotery. Oase initie ailldavit, when atros atres atros ted. that Jefferds hired hlnusulf and tlie ethor two men te llie the building, nud his story was promptly coreboratod by Wheoler. JefTerds gave $3,090 ball for his appoaratieo, The ethers were loekod up, 1'r.HSOttAli PTTl' sbNii'i: " hrr $130,000 er aiitiuui. Mm LiMirr.YlsueIng t Hie Sandwich Ili!id Aiitttaai I In !ta. IHn H10 1! Mr irmn f nnirrst ieu and h r 10 t'ie S, lit I 1 ' et L"id KltrmibMiiht. Tvnu bfv tit man lid a iliverecd rum ui ami built mi ipra keic, new m-imuiiag plans for it tomb. Leri v, lu Ktiglind, will kiek ami c'na threiiitlt " The M.uokiencts" Oilbcrt A Sulllvrni'". new omiie openi. Mii Wm. H. VttruiiitT opens tbe New Yerk vl! seis'-u en tlie errrlag of D. 'comber 11 Hm l)isre, of Tbtla lelphli. rirrlcs MOO.OOOlid Insiirine' ; -id ) Mr 00 K And'rsen, of 1'itiutiile. S M MniKniTH. the defaulun Ilea bus lawyer, his returned te 111 elli' ael sworn oil Ka'ebllni.. S. S Mhii inn. of .Mere-r, lias been np np pelutii b Get. P.ittlsea, judge te suc ceed Ju.Up MeDenuItt, deceascxl. Avn IJickix'seN will net Icetme f r the Kiebtn of I.'ber, but proposes " te crocs tlie ti nek Meni;nor fupel his laid denu." llev. ViiTiu-ii Wriir'i.rT I'r.ni, mom ber of P irl'anu'ut for Wtrwiek, tus oeu netitrd te ree'ive the nemm itleu for the speakership of the Hems of Commens. Jln SurnMAN, the wife of Giu. Shet man, has organized a elnb in St LjiiIi ' for the sMi ly of philosophy from a liunna Catholic standpoint." tjt id su'iistetl that Den Cimereu is 11 t pi 1 d ou the qncH'ieu of eiistiiu the Peniivratic Seua'oeffl.Mt'' n ml lias -r.utcd $200 in cablegrams te him. Wim Cvulctex's poem, " Uetse and I nre out," was only b acoideut priutrd, beius; tlshi-d out of the waste bisket one 1 iy when e ipy was cirC" iu the i'ft) of 1 '10 Te led 1 lU'tde TEe will accept tb pitae tli nj;h the qae:i'ii is Mipp sod te be oempbcaed by the recent ungacment of bis pldes seu te a you m; 1 1 ly w itli m ei j admirable quility, but wuheut fortune. McKf.vn- IH'CHAXKNoncecarris 1 a Jetter of Intro iuctieu which mnresetileil him a a min win playel Ricnelttu, Httml't, Ay Ay letk nud pker " aud j.iker tbc bett of all." InusV PhiH lelphia OJieini it hi been one of the mostsuceimlul ever p' ved in that city, the receipts for the tlr-t week havini; b"eu 10 123 50, and for t 0 nee uul week ili 7S0 50, a total el 3.0J9. 1'iter Wm G Si'mxer, of Yi'els p litelr poken 01 by the New Yerk Tnhiit as " 1 broken dew i p-oiebur mjtamiir mjtamiir p'ie,iI iu'e a a sort of au luildel anl sort of preles ir of p ditto il coenooay. 'I uir Asdeuscs reoentl) received a te'eram from a piivjtm nuin itinire, " What will you ebiice f r ilmms' at my h.'usc " Yu will meet th Piiues of Willi .uiiwi'lbe troae 1 i a an sf " T'ie fleram reraanel 1111 iniwered. "Ofinv" deuie tbit n'lij has been cnveiied te tbe Cithohe rrogien. She has met Monsuuer Ctpel, nhjm she found 0 be n met iiixreeable persie, but he never even mentioned tboeloiry i he-; she nevir tv-n beard hira preach. Mxs Mt'ELLen speaks pr.lue v( the rcvivilef Ameriein AoheliiMl.'o mil n,iy8 tint nita ru)ii likeRnuti'i 1'iunbull. Horitie Hale and Cbirles LM.i-ul. ail the reprewh tint Amertci. docs no, e for .Vmericin phil l yjy will sn bj wipi out. Mn M.vitv Grr Mn 1 an. lte!y dtoe-e!, of Phila!!!'!, 1-f b-Irnd her an anteyriph ltter f-em ltnny Lin, .tt8Mn the delicacy of toad birds niked tiy her f.i'her ; aue'Uflr frm Webstei (ouei'inKig utouse, aud oue from Oickeus glenl)iuB: the mint julep. Cai'ei. is English brn , of h. '1 cttti,. lien t8 iais el I ; h" his a .uiu and im-jertive v 1, w, w irm and ii'h iu tOJC , he i . hj endid t-loe uienut. and has th old full breathed, deliberate Umu'v of Lighsh eeeh, net the meder 1 pUnble, iltennu iti atfeotatien of diuitiiieus pr.10 ticed by e m my E iilis'i clergyman ,v d 01 pied by their America tmitafeis. fill' HIMl1i:5 KLKUTltll'lfO ''.iiuiuuiiiiii 11 tuarii in l'eiirteeutn Sirrrl by nil Aic-I.tslit iri. A MetropeVau telephoce wlre that one mtu v -e stretching noress Feurteeutb Virett.b tween Fifth avenue and Ure.id way, New Yerk en Saturday, aceldentall) broke, ,ied a leni end of it, dropping into the street, fell act of s a Hruf.li are bki wire and then down upon a tuun of kerscs attached te oae of Hcckscher's coal carts tin' ri piling a-. .'.. ,. . .t. The borse llrst Btruek by it was lustantly pros trated and thrown into appireatly cenvtil- slve a;,'eriy by the powerful ourrent of olcetiicity diverted from thearclUht wue vn ue it u iue oreKcn wire dropped a Minst the isccend horse, and that auuuil alHe went dewu as if he hid bsen shot. The wiru lay aoresi both baast alter they had fallen, au 1 they kicked si wildly that it was dvieerem te r.iinrerinh them Their driver spranu from U perch and seized the wire te rcmove it, but drop p-d it iui'nutly with au howl thaf woke the echoes for blocks around, Mr. Fred Douehuo, a llerist, his assistant Andrew Campbell, and Policeman Gunson were tie tlrht persons te run ti the driver's aid He seemed for a minute or two quite dazed, almost stunned A bystander d uibleil an India rubber oiereoat, threw it evor the wue, and se iLsuliting it, dragged it away from the team. The telephone lineman seen pulled their wlre up out of the way, and the h irses moved elf slowly ; but fur nearly au hour the street was bloeked, near whero the ajeldent oc ec oc eurrcd, with people talking it ever, and much excitement prevallcd. It was eatd by theso who professed te be iicuiialutccl witli the faets ibat the eurrent lu the Uruidi conduetors durlnc the day Is niueli less peweiful than at night, which aoeountcd for the mau aud horses csjapuii: inbtaiitdeith from oeutact with it. Tliry leiik Ii All. ruiladclphli lloceid It has been seen that aome of the mom bars of the L'jglslature who were meat olamerous for prolonging the extra session after its futility boeamo appareut have geno off unblushlngly with the last dollar of unearned p iy. These patriots grew red lu the (ace wheu it was mildly miggusted lastsummer that they eiiibt t) bring the sossleu te a clese or resign. They would de nullhsr thoeno thing nor tlie ether, and they iudignantly resented the suggestion as having its origin iu a craven spirit of submission. Whoevor clsa might falter they were heroically rcsohed te stand by t'10 constitution and thu rights of rupre sontatlen. They would nover, no imver, ueseit thoeausoof the dear oeplo. When It was hinted that patriotism llke thelrs that piys nt the rate of ten dellarH a day, Is always subjoet te suspicion, they tloreoly repelled the unworthy Imputation that they wote governed by sueh a oeusldera. tieuns klru and salary. It might have been supposed from thelr resentment at the inoleptiary sug'-nstleu that they wero deterinlned te lUht for the constitution all summer and fall without thu HihL.t. Intention of taklmr pay for se neble 11 service But alas and alnek fei this gilev 011s miseouceptlou of the s.ilrlt of leglslj. tive pitrletUm. Thepiy was at thn bottom of all this show of devotion te the public oiuse. When last seen these patriots wme rushing te the treasury with their warrants te cover salary for lui days et thelr abortlve BCKslen, FIKRCK FIRKS. itiK .Miuu sit,,t. irr.srii'iii i iifulniellvs Mn.li- i.iMllisi-iUlrt'i H Crliiiln 11 inintl ir i"inl n I.SIIll .llllt SM -11. 1.11 iiu. inn N.'. et t'li" lv The AutiUniitn mi. I. at lleekprt,M is, wis burned Sundtv munlng, but the pieker room and slendi ue, ee'itilnlng JlKl nt of cotton, were saved The I is es I'm ted nf iiW.OO rh- mill Ins lately b -en 1150 I fir :h inn ifaet-ire of ceru't Jaaus, It om,'!ee 122'V hsnds ,In llnsbell. a watehreaii.w ccvrrelv burned l'hc flre wasoniisel bv a likMued t.interu K-.t.ng In ej Uij: With a b". in the englir' room. Tbe Mount He'iiv rl ii niilN, ner Kile, were dostieyisl by lire Smidiy morn I111T. The less is is'iiuitel at i200,OJO l'he (lre w.ndisjiVtM-ed nt 3 eVI e't In the ui rnlnc As the mills worn outside the e.t lint ts, the Ktie llie d.'putment d d net rr8K 1 1 te a 0.1II f'r assistan e unMI the m y r h id vjlveu p'r uisi in. and this caused ureat delay. Ylw V itn rellliu'iu t. m C ve'ind., was almost cutiret) d'''. ' lire Sun dav morning. IjHftbir i 70 iHH). A nre started in tin '1 ! i ! the Hritlsh Kfe uuer Otrant , 1, 10 .it a d vk at Seuth Ujsten, S.itnnlsy, and it was net oxtie Uinshed until Sund iy m irnm,'. Phil te Gj ueaily filled w iu w 1 or, 1 1 1 tlu d I'll site totliecaro is heav. khi'nii in.vt i iu itvn.N A )i 111 SKiill Trrmiir t"r rtiir,l ci ri Minprrtril Peiii .tritil. Fianeis J. P.irrren'er, a respect bla ia 1 luoffeuslve citizen, ilfty two ye.irs et a.e, "iiaued in the w.vl rial 1 1 busluest in Providenre, H. I, vris i.iiini deal iu his birn .11 ll't f. !' 1 '"lit midnight en Situnlay nub. lis eku'l hid beta terribly Irioutrel p. mi nibly by blw nema kuetted pie v of crd.xid wbieh w.m found in t'ie yul eutsldn the bun. His p ekets had been ii'lel, tbe m irl r.i 1'aviiii; 8uij.ll aitui-'s 01 t 10 ll .r bvs 1 the bniy The ilt s airested a mm tiamed .lehn Marin, an cmploje e Parmeut'T, wne adin'iel that he aojem piuied Parmonter t t'aj turn at 0 30 o'clock, and a eka 11 mrued Jeseph P Ilree, who was leuuJ uuder Martin' bed at his bearding p'.ii'e 1! th are nrres'rt I en susp e-.ou A . ' ""l man uami-d Hi unas Uarket. who Vt Mr. Par.nou'er's rnjin rriily in iti after, n- i i!unt.iril at 'h 1 1 te nwait t!..' (TO. ', W.H U1l . ,.1 ii Wed. He i : I, -ucr's iu.etui tten Wiien the bjiy was ' some I it wis ly 111 1: en the 11 jer, faoe d mini ard, a 1 1 01 e el the 'uj". was tan beg ever it, eatt-u out el a fed bx, w'..eb b is iiv.u n t the tkeny that the man met his death by being trampled en by the animal This theory l i1 ,f ganeta'ly tiecepted, but the cornier will imke . miore)uij tx- amma'.ie 1 of tbe s.ia; e;s ir ei the he es hoofs. IIIVHK A.NU 1. VllUlt Oom-nerclnl nu l i leuiasturiii; ? s Artic'es of in'rprtnn iv-s 111. I . Choyennt, en Satuni iv, by the Wy -unit g Ytdle-vs'i u I'ark aid Piclls railrea t ceaiany. Ths real wi 1 run through tlia ena', iron, seli nnd p r -'eiim regiei el Western Wy ming. 11 ' N'atienil pirk, an i Mentana. Its e -ustractien .vill b?gln next spring. Me Mann 1 A- Dull", 'i-v gels dei'ir', of Pi ividene-, IPimIi Iilan I, failelcu Situriiv with lab, 1 ns r'p rt'il nt t IU.'jOe' and asiets of $170 000 Oa Si -urdy uibt the r si re wan dimaed by fire, eie estleiV') raiki-g ths I ss 5) 0ij. l'h e- 4111 of the tire is unknown Nearly a I t'n kun g) ids in ni'a'1 u-"s of C h ie an 1 Amstjrdim, i-i New Y i-tt. hiv,n s ijn i 1111 iirieaiee: ti run thu mills en t'irei quarters t.ms fmi Dem b-r l'ti ti April lnh. it is p-opjie I e tle f 0 sime in eth'-r t i' s. It is unlomteoi that tb' emjl" e theEJ,'!- rheni"i --l w rlc ar Puts burij, w.!l ajept tb p-piel rluotei of their wages iu whieli eisa the wcks will u it fl"iu' ,l i n ou ."s iturday ii:st. ilenrv L tud A-Ce., Paglib oijierters, of sin Fian.lsje, ttavd ku3i. i"1 1 e.vm te loud IU wneat Ohirt '.i. Lub.tl.es 6 10,000; assets (jlWOJi). i,r.iiit 1 ii,t iM'.Mii' ltccent llnislur. ou i.teu unci mil The steannr state of I'ennsylvm a, ,1 nved at New Yerk en Saturday, brought hevia of the orew of the nntishbuk Bei'ef latress, who r.e wreck en the 53th ul'. :e taken from the Tbe rst of tke crew, 13 iu number, 1 long kjat en the 'J Kb, J the vessel in the a.i 1 hive nei been heart of since. Twj trains run into ciej e-'uer a'. Way 0 jss, Gi, and tlia mi 1 cir of ene of tlu trams wis driven ajainst the depot, wreckng the building A colerol biy was k lied and atelegri'.k messeuger was s luhtly injured. Mr Helland Marble, of II jlden.injured by the disaster en the II ntnu, Ilarre and Oardii.er railroad en the Jsth ult.,has dnd in Worcester, Maesachusetts, of her in juries. Thu steamer Prluz G-ieig, from Mir ueilh-8 for Philadelphia, put into Uerrauda en the 10th short of eal She lest two men overbeird iu a c)clone en the 1st. Jimes Gillospie, a wj'krmn employed iu the lookout mill at Chattanooga, penshed by filling into a va. in which he wai billing fire brie'i cliy MOrAUI.K M'A3. Hlrikinz r.veuuef Lain Occurrence. In Owensboreugh, Ky., an unknown man entered the heuse of ll Clark and nttacked his daughters with a club. He was killed by Henry Bump is, who was in the house. Thore was a picture en his person, taken in Sweden, but nothing te roieal hisiueuiiiy. Father Daniel Uefert, an ex priest at the Bsncdictlen monastery en Skidaway island, near Savannah, Ga , died from n gunshot wound accidentally inflicted by hlrasslf while endeavoring te hit a dej; with tlie butt end of the gun. On June 1 Wm. Oruen, a highly re spected resident of Andersen county, Tetiu,, was bitten by n mid deg. The wound was cauterized , it healed. Mr, Green thought ue mero about tbe matter till Friday, when symtitems of hydropho bia were detected, Ilewent into convul sions nnd died in terrible agony. Jehn Atwood, a farmur of Watertown, Conn , was attacked aud bitten by a bear, the tusks of the animal meeting through his hand. The bite or this animal I feared as much as that of thu blte uf a mad dug since Glever Dayton, of the same place, 11 few years age, was bitten In the leg by 0110 nnd died seun after, the leg putref)ing, possibly from virus. Tlie Aentils el Crime, Albeit Siduey Jehuauu O'Shlelds was urrestcd iu Chattanooga a few days iige for stealing a wateh in AtUnti. He con fessed the theft, and also Kald he had a hand iu 11 safe burglary at Mr. Abkeu's house, committed two weeks uge, He said tint William Tripp, Geergo Connelly aud Josepli Deninan, young msii uf Atlanta, were his noenrupllos. Tue hlter weie iirrintfd, but denied their guilt. William Bimtneus, leader of a iantr of horse thieves, recently operating In eastern Ohie, wasariesU'd at Mai tin's ferry, oppo site Wheeling, Y. Va, Simmons was native lu the j teat tcrnperanca rmlval iu Pittsburg about seven yearunge, William P. Ilegeis, tie.tsurur of L'livU county. New Verk, disippeared last 'i'liursilay Uud has net been heaid of since that day. Ills aoceuuts 1110 nald te be Htralght, nnd it la suspected he Is Insane, Frank Themas was fatally shot by Ylu font Wilsen, no the eeqncl of 11 tarerii qusrrel at Tayl 'rsvllle, en Saturday night. 1V1 son was nrrested but afterwaids cs,vp I l'h 1 ie of Ii-ti NuH, triiusferrrd te ' A l.lien. e latv, li.u li pu set for til ll oil the llist I 1 ,d 1) el I kuu.uy Pour Alexleuis, charged wi'h u nimd r near I', rt Pavie, bive been t Ueu frim Jit! ard lynched. tint lem 1 sm til. 111 Amir. Tl'if miy ir of Ne s Haven 011 Si'urdiy 1 tt issued nn elder te the chief of poliee I 1 pu rinii the membjrs of the Solvatien Viuiy fi mi occupying the stroeti and pub lie sipiiren as luroleforo, and diroe'.uii tlieiii ' te refiaiu fiem slngiug, blewiug lines mil tambiurlnes, In ncoaidaiieo with the hi v e din moo prohibiting dis te, nations of siu'i chir.iater" lie can links his otder bv nssiliing the S.iliatleii Ists of full pioteeilou If they couduet ttielr meetings lu ,1 iilaen el wirsh'p " aoeerdltii; I I our geed old New Pnglaiid fashion." Whe'i the uo'iei wis s'rvel a uum'isr of Pu' "army" mid tint "ther would beat 111 uuin linn mti e 1 urillllliC 11s uoreioioic I 1 1 , -..." . .. , vill mrj nilli uir tl-.l-l mw.uoinii'uiien, 1 ivl- ; mey nuiiui oeoy V.f0ll OJIuru lliey would the chief uf pehea " Sunday nlvht t'10 Silvitl 1'iists tniretiil thrauli tin stieetsas usml, bat t'wy w 11 bj a-nsied If they repst thiiir pinle. l'nn inner'n order was tjsued iu const quince of tiuuy cempl.iluts from citlrcus. An Atiniitpt tit Ab luct Vmlec V.iliisn. Abaut S o'el 10k en Wedues lay nluht 11 s'riiuer kuoekod at the de ir of theresl denee of Parker Liwls.a weilthy eitlziu of Uelpre, Ohie. A servint girl answered the aueek, au 1 was told by the sli-atii-er thita Mis Hiintcr was waiting Iniibuggy la t'ie stroet te seu lier The mrvant Klrl statti-d w.th the st nnger, aud when n few feet from tbe k mise he thre ,v her apron evor her face and, taking Imr up lu his arms, conveyed h-r te the oirrlige, In w hleh was auethrt ui iu. Tuey thou drove riplily uwiy. When about two miles frmi teu one of theimn asked the girl if .'10 was L1M10 liiwis. the d uightcr of ParVer Lewis. Ou ber telling them she was uet, they threw horeiu cf the buiry.nfter giving h'r chloroform. She wis picked ip n au une msoieus 0 mditien. i;iit)bT.T 1 r.ired tiytlulil (Jein. Beiijinilti Ilrewn, a oel ired waiter, was arres'ed at Ausenn, C iiu., for a lebbcry at t'10 C'dritlkte matm m at Norfolk last summer The robbery was of diaineud wi rth (3,000 and J loe in geld celli Hanu ih -, jjiin, wim whom ureiru lived, lately pissed a $20 pwve When questioned .Ii it It, she sud it was a keeps ike niveu her by her brother ten jears age. Tke vlitoeftho 01111 wis i'i ura t) bj 1851. Wheu thus dotecte I, she s ild ilrewn g.ive it 1 1 ber. He confessed te tlie piss jilm ofibeoiui ba ileuie i the robbery He is arrested bofero, but'releiscil for lack uf evidence. A llnilpil llaiiartl. Vs Mi. Levi Hollinaswerth.of Franklin, " Y., was p-us'ng through his fiirm en tboeioalnv; of fieUlst, ult., ills attontleu w is a'.trutavl by tlu sound of a bill. At ll t he thought it was en the ground, but s 1 in heanl it in the air above huu. When '.e 'eiked up he distiiutly siw a ball fast- ned t-i a buzz ud, aud he inl the sound of 11 hi'f a mile. As Mr. lluzzird led a Ii ke tl K)' of buzzinU sju'.'t te roeit, the simebell and buzzard was s.en by bis d.iujhter as it tl iv evjr tin h uis. Wne be'le 1 the buzz ml .' Il. .Si Mini's HAN.NlMl tit.leulns AniitlilMte it lletsdinirnl ul llie r.cyptmu Army. A.etkci learful massacre Ins befallen a .luMebtnent of the Egyptian army while 11 1 t..e march Irem Suakini te Berber 011 U.., .ub-r 2 At the halting pl.ice iu a i'i, t'urty tn.l s from Suak'tn, a ferce uf 1 ') no-roes and Bashi lt.izjiiks were 1 ly annihilated at Kabbabish Bedouins a 1 hate declared for thu false prophet. 1 no troop 1 were marching with most of eir Itsiniuisleiis pscked en cimels, when u 1'lenly, evor flve thousand Bedouin-, anil d with dpearsand old muzzle Ioaders, a't icked the detachment The camels nil tiij-peded. About ix hundred troops ui lu.ifd te f jrm a squarn the blacks ou thr e faeH, thn lliistil Itizeuks en the fourth. The fiht iastid only about twenty miuutn, the BeiteuiuH crying, Jein us at I kill the Christiau dogs from Caire." Ml the Bashi Bazeuks were killed. M 111) uf the blacks threw up their bauds, sh lutiug "Al'ikuni siUim ! " " Peace be te you, true Mussulmans," and then went evei te the Aram The moral cfTnet of this new vi itery of El M.ihdi's followers Is spnading like wiMIJre, Ills emissaries auil diivmlie apicaring already in Upper Eypt and Afs man the usual halting pl.iuj for Cook's Nile tourists aud preach ing holy war. i'tui whole count y is in a blaia The r.iuk anl file of the Egyptim army at a faverable moment is likely te deolare for the false prophet, who Is new regarded by the uatlre population us the true Mesniah of I dam. New only a thousand men nre left te ierm the garrison at Sualcim. Tlie Arabs are tiring shots Inte tke town every flight. Baker I'aaha expects te leave en Wednesday or Siturday at the latest, but he nan merely watuh events and any much te Beiber is deemed impossible. HUAIlll (IK IIKAt.Tll. lim Health UeunnlMluuer Itcquestxil UeunnlMluuer llrslilii. A ineutlng of the beard of health was held at Dr. C. II. Brewu's elllce ou Saturday. II. It, Fulton, esq., president ; Dr. (!. II. Brown, secretary ; M Steiger walt, and Dr. J. A. ll. Iteed were present. Dr. It M. Bolenlus, of the sanitary com cem mlttca of councils, was also present. Dr. J. A. Fitzpatrlck, health commissioner, was net prckent, though thn meeting had bceu cailcd especially for the ptirpose of consulting with hiiii. A motion was made and carried that Dr. riUpatriek be requested te lesign en no count of neglect of duty nnd disobedience te the roelutlons nud instructions of the beard of health, It Is said that Dr. Fitzpitriek gave effense te the beard by refusing te put up a red Hag nt tbe Western hotel, when directed te de se, nnd also refused or no glectcd te meet tlie beard after having been notified ou three several occasions te de se. Dr. II. Tj. Wosthaeffer, It is understood, will have charge of the health commis sioner's busluess until Dr. Fitzpatrlek's case is disposed of. 1 1 T11K 1'iCMN lllOti WUltKI. AHuipenaieu Curing Hi llellitay. Thn statement telcgruphed Irem hore te the Philadelphia papers tkat the Penn iron company proposes ttepiilng nt the end of this week bocaune of tue refusnl of the werkmeu te ngroe te a roduetlou of wages, was made without authenticity. The mill shuts down oveiy year at Christ mas tlme for a week or two for repairs, and will de se thi year, as usual. When it resumes it will need te be nt a reduotien of wages, If the prloe of manufactured iron remains at proseut figures, Hlo III llul I-.ICKIO, Shubert& Sutten, nuotle'ieera, aeld at publie sale Dee. 8, 1883, at the Laepard Itotel, for Jehn A. Uiusman, exoauter of the ostate of Ann DllTenbaugli. n two steiy brlek dwelling Bltuated en the west h da at Plumstteet. Ne. 18, te Franeis Kepp'e, for 1,3'J5. Alse a let of ground situate ou the north side of Marlen street, Ne. 55, en the gouo geuo goue rul plan of the Uliestiuit street traet, te Martin ICreIder, for f50, l.iyiiu out, Tlie polleo report that four or the elec trio lights were net burning en Baturday night nnd elght during Sunday night, DR. GIBBONS' DEATH. t-tSH UI- AN I.VKnTt'DL UAHKKK. SulMrt ul I iiiuiMlrr Comity Ahelliuiiilut mill 1 'iii,r-rit ntit, Aulinter in nilirr 1 t ii l.ile.M'y I'ltinll) F.illler mill ruiilriiirinlallrl, Dr. Jeseph Gibbens was found dead In bed at his lesldeiiee near Bird In Hand, ou Sunday morning, lu the fluth ear of his ae. He appeared te be in the best of I health 011 vj.ttiud.i) , spoilt the d iy ill Liiioastei, was uiure thin usual!) eluieiful, ' and te M'.ei.i! tileuds said he never loll btt'u lu his lift) He 10 turnid te his home In the cu-ning, I nulnd te bmi at ids initial hour, and 1101 I getting up te luc.ikf.nt his daughter Fun ti) wiul te ins 100111 te owl mm, ami 10 celling no atiHAet outer, d .uul found litm de id. N ) ether member of the family was home at the time, his wife and (laughters, Careline and Miil.iunn, being lu l'lilladelphii and his sati, Daniel, In Wilmington, u Is supposed that Dr. U1I1 1, , nth w is eausi'il by apoplexy, he d.d bill .1 shiiit tinie Indele n11 ,nj his daughter unified bis room, as tdie heard lim. biealhliig l.eavi V au hum pie Vlilll. Ills funeral will take plioeon Tuesday aftertiiei at 0 o'clock. Thn Interment will be iLAdu .it the fi lends burying ground at suioiuiewii. An Kventful l.itr. Dr Gibbous w.is oue of the IicnI known cltiz uis el the comity. His fuee nud tl.(ilre weie familiar 011 the ttteets of Lmcastn,t as lu visited the city almost dally of late )e.irs He was the son el Daulel nud llauuak W 01 man Gibbens, and was b ru at the homestead, grantid te his gre.it giaudfuther by tbe lVnus, whom he died, near Biid-ln.Hnnd, en August li'l', lbls His two biethrrn died lu their In finey. He ilteiidi d tbe hoheoln of Jefhlta HiKipes uihI Iiiutbau O iiiNO, lu Chest -r eeuuty, and his iuh'rritel oxtremo nnti livery Ideas slreiigthened with his asso asse asso eiitiens and education. The difliciilty lu walking that attended him dining later )ears lie ascribed te 11 midnight run with fugitive slaves when he was euly 1(1 years of age. At 'J I hoeoniiootid himsell with 11 temperauce society nud adiecateil i.idieil notions en this knlijectte the diy of his d. a'li It was ins baist that he had never tnstrd liquor uer tobu-ce, attendtd the theatre, pl.i)id cards, nor read a novel. Ue was a wiriu friend et the fice cehoel systim, accumpinied the tirsl county ru ru peilutundent In Irs travels an I une of the earliest county lustitutes w is held at his house He was u Freeseiler in "IV, at tended thu pUte cjtiveutiuu of that party and remained in its ranks mild It was merged in the Republican pirty He was an earnest campaign speaker, an active politician and remained a radio ll itepiibll can te his death Dr. Gibbous reid medlciue iu the ofllee of Dr. PrmeisS. Burrows, was graduated from Jiffuiseu 111edu.il college in 1815, aud piac iced for ever tive )eirs. Frem ISel te 1S05 he was In the Philadelphia custom h ue. In I87'i he established ami has siuce published The Journal, ,1 papir deveted te the iii.eiiMt of the (lllcksite) Friends. In IS 15 he was married te PLtebe, (Mrs, daughter et Themas Eirle, the famous unit nlavery lawyer and candidate for vice prtsuleut ou the Liberal ticket In H10, headed by .Iim"slr. Birney. The distinguished law) it Gee. II Eirle, of PM'nd. Iphi.i, is Lcr brother, Hichard P White is a bmtbur in 1 iw, nud her mother, Mrs. Eatle, Mill survived nud is tin anient Democrat. Mrs. I'limbe Eirle Gibbuiia Is well known as the author of " Pennsylva nia Dutch " ami e'hrr essays, iiumi rnus skeicliei and books of foreign travels Then daughters, Misses Carelinu and M.iiiiiuia, are in Plnladelphi 1, wheie tbev have ncbicved success lu litenr) wuik , Francis has a musie store iu this city, and the seu Daniel, a g radii tte from F, and M. college, is in thu Pusey Jenes company ship building cs'abhshmeut, Wilmbigt iu, Del I til. I'M Ml . 1,111 I'riiie uur iterfii r Uerrrnpnniit.111, There was a lie ivy frost tins meiiimg, Ice fei med 111 thu gutters during the night. This evening a meeting of Cousstea ledgo Ne. 4GJ, K. jl P., will be held. Surquehauua ledgo of Odd fellows meets te tugkt, as does -.Ne Company C, Hivorside ledgo Ne. 'J7, Ladies' Heme Communion will held a tueeting this evening. The only luitcitiiuuicut billed for the ep-ra heiinu this week is the S'.rehl famdy 011 next Saturday evening. On Saturday night a pleasant surpnsn party was held at Mr. W. A. Kiug's residence ou Lectiht street. Stetson's Fifth avenue theatre company in " Confusion" en Saturday i-veulug drew une of the smallest hjuses of the season. Mr. Chas. Weedman, who has bun a guest of his uncle, Mr. S. Frcy, 011 Union street, left tills morning for his home in Wcstbore, Mas. JamcB Wilsen Is te travel with the Lancaster Pinafore treupe. At least he has se Informed hi friends of this placs. He will probably be one of the "tars." A Locust street family has a goeso that cackles in its musical manner at every streke of the town clock, dny and night. Ne otlier bells attract Its attention. A mechanical pleture, lepreseuting the iuterier of a tailor shop witli the empleyes nt thelr respective labors, isattrnetlug con siderable attention nt ICredcl's stere en Locust street. Retictaiis Intrlllconce. The Presbyterlsn ladles' aid soeloty will meet this evening at the residenue of Mrs, Hamuel Swartz, ou Locust street. Next Monday evening a oeugrogational meeting of this church will ba held for the purpose of oleeting elders. Ah the holidays approach tlie Sunday oehoolo nre beginning te make nrrange incuts for their due observance. All of the schools will have seme kind of 1111 en lertainniunt, holding it either ou Christ mas night or between Christmas and New Year's Day. Twe of the Sunday soheols will render canlntas, whlle ethers will have general Jiiblloe oxeroisos. Classes at all the schools are rapidly filling up. I'lillca Mutters A rough and tumble (Ight occurred nt Third nud Union streets oil Saturday night. Things were lively for awhile, duriug which plenty of bleed flowed. Al. Turner, colored, who has bceu wanted for two or three meutbc en the charges of assault and battery nnd surety of the pence, was arrested by Ofllcer Gil bert en S.iUuday merulug te await hla trial at court. Twe drunks and a train jutnper were also taken te jail thU morning, A one'legged man and an ex policeman had a regular set te en Saturday night, en Locust street. The mau with oue leg knocked the ether down uud then pounded bis stonipeh with his woedin etutnt. Friends dually eeparated the combatant, hut net until the ex policeman hau beeu we.) " stumped.' ' AUmitun tonsil. Albeit Gaiducr, who nssaul cd Qeorge Crawford with n kuife, a week age, and enme very near covering bin jugular vnln. was released this roernlug 011 entering fJ500 bill for n hearing bofero Alderman Samson, Orawferd'a physleiati says that he Is nuw out of danger. Knlcel Cun., II. P. Itewe, nuotleneor, sold en Hatur. day last at Lampeter, for W. W. Groah, 20 head of ceirc, Iresh aud springers, at an average prioe of iWA'i per head, I.AIUKU' 1'Alll Ti.r till 'Ifiltllt ill ttitalililiit in l.rKlen, K 'i ., The I idles fair, being held iu Exoelshr ball, Eist King street, fei thn bmiellt of Washington legion, Ne. it, lv of It,, opened Sitindiy livening under very faverable circumstance. Thcie was a large crowd present, nud t'10 K inn band dlsoeursed lively miisie Belew nre the iiniues of I idles who prclde evnr tiie varl 011s tables ; Cigar table : Mrs, Ma;ei, Miss MelClti. lev nud the Misses Wills. Phis stand has a line collec'len of cigars, pipes, tobacco ami an mat luiengn ti tiieli silds, ami Is prettily diceinted, Washuiftti nteu h'klen K. el H. table : Mrs. Win. Ilcuurekc, and Iter asssUtauts ate Mrs O Aliens, Mis. Humpliioyvllle, Mlsses Marge uud Atinln Huiiipliieyvllln, Miss ltose Aicluirs, Miss Chiiinbers, Miss Vaughaii, .Miss Aagle Andersen. Here tliiue are ptelly uiishi mi and 1 mips te be voted for. whlle en the I ible is au array of all sorts of wonted ard different kinds uf noedlowor):, presenting a very attrautlve nppearauce. Uniform itiuk K of P. table : Mrs. Ca'viu 11 SiMiudii , assist mts Miss Clate Gartecht aud Miss Kill Wheeler. Here urn vases, fanny cnnlitenn, a silver caster, iitid a big c llcotlen of ethrr hatidsouie tllllKH. G. A It table .Mrs lliehcrr, and her asks'anis are Miss Mazie Weaver, Miss Sue Diugheity, Miss Sun Sterns, Mrs. Ella Diikemnu, Miss Llrzle ICeutiedy aud Miss Sue Audeiseu. This table 0011 tains a line ehlua chamber set, huge wax dell nud worked cushions te bn voted for. The table Is very attraotive. II. P. (H. F.) O A. table : Mrs Sam'l. Derwatt ; asulstauts, Mrs Jesh Kherlr, Miss Annie I. Mb. At this table may be found a handsome asserimeutufuhiua and Miter articles, B P. (II F)0. A. Uble : Mrs J. B. M)cr , assistants, Mlsses Miry and Ella Amtoiseu, Miss Annie, Heuderneu. Hete nre lu geiieieus profusion vases, hatidsotne tidy, silver aike disk and many otlier pretty things. At the lunch table, hden with all manner of geed things, preside Mr. Christ Itudy, Mis Margaret Flick and Mrs Emma Gelf Iu thn filgld riik.ie'1 of the ice cream table Mrs. ll M Fiallo) deals out thu liMoieus delicacy te tbe Impatient throng, while nt thn confectionery tnble, well supplied with everything in that line, nre Mr. Christ II ort, Mm. Mary Oast, Mrs. Beeky Henzy, M s -UHie Heckert. Twe wheels of fortuue nre lu ojicratleti, attended te liy .Mr Jerr) A 1 mn aid M'. Isidore Newman. At the peanut labia is Miss S iphla Nuueui icher, while Miss Emma Fester and M ss LIII10 Boatiek am Itubce 01s at llie well I'h reim is tastefully decorated nud the Iti lnitteus nre tbit tbe fair will be agie it Hiofex. The commlttie of arinngeuients is ns fellows II. M.irE toy, ehalrman ; Jehn A. Overdeci, fcaictary , W F. Hetinecke, treasurer, and Messrs. Samuel Derwiirt, James McIvmUy, W. J. Crctswell nnd Cbas. Rudy. The following articles ware chi-nvd off nn Saturday evuning : Small dell, Lewis Krauskup, sunll dell, Sillte Main, Mrs. D. Mearlg, folding elnlr, Fair nt Hid 1,-eluriMl 1'oepl. The coletud people uf the city are held, in,; a fair in Live ninl Ch.nity kali, en Lew stic t, wkick opened nu Saturday night The el j"ct of the fib Is te ralse money te pay ull an b debtcdnefs en the building. Thocemuji 1. 1 luiharge Is Jehn Harris, president, ,K,1. 11 II. Butler, treasurer, Charles Moten, seeitiary. The hall Is decorated with evrrgrt-t-11 uud the persons having the tables in eh irge am as fellows . Confcetionery Mrs. Sarah Itobinsen. Lunch Mrs C harlette Clark. Tin Mrs, Cathaiine Jeues Dry Goods Mr Martin Abi.1 China Mrs. Annte Bedy. Glass Mrs. Susin Maxwell. Faney Mrs. lvitt Lord. Tlie articles te be vo'ed for are as fo1 fe1 fo1 le'vs : Gents' wateh, lidies' witch two bun 'is half dozen chair nnd ether articles. 1 ni; KAii. Mrili,g of llni I. Hit jt is IliU Atirriiiiiin. Tbe "iin-iiini.il meeting of thu bar auoeiatien was hild this afternenu at 13 o'clock in the orphans' court room. The old etllcers and censers weru unanl injusly rcolected. A committee of live, of which I' K. Martin was made chautiuii, was appointed te seu tint the ui w Mikity bill nlteatiug our county ellkers w is i nfeiced Messrs Brusius, Fi) nnd Heusel were appointed a committee te confer with the commissioners lu tegurd te having a told phene pi iced In the protheuotary's olllce. A resolution was adopted tcqucstlug tbe court te order te be published iu the Law Iittiete all legal advertising. There was some discussion in regard te the resolution, nud the general fouling of the member was In favor of the new en. terprise A resolution was nlfercd asking the president te tequest tlie register, prothen etary, olerk of erpines' court and sheriff te have their accounts, shrrift sal . co., published in the lleciein On motion of Mr. Wilsen it was referrcd te Mr. Martin's couimltteo. Adjourned. KI'.l.ONlOII.I A1NAUIT. A lllemly Hnlurdny Mlit AO.ilr. Near 13 o'clock ou Saturday night, as James Ceylo aud Charles Bewman wero passing tlioerner of Seuth Qucen nnd Vine streets, Jehn MoUerd c une out of Efilnger's saloon, and said "Arn'tyeu Charley Bewman !" "Yes "sa'.d Bewman, wheroujien MeC ird Htritek him iu the left eye, knocking him down nnd beating him ever the head, cutting epen the scalp hi eight or ten places. Bewman made Ids way te the statieu heuse oevorod with bleed, nnd after washing himself, made oeniplalnt against MoCeid, befere Alderman Barr. MoCerd was arrested, and this morning held te ball In tlie sum of J700 for felonious nbsault nnd cirrying oenoonlod deadly weapons. Frem the appearanoe of Bewman's wounds it Is bollevsd that McCord wote a pair of brass or steel knuckles. This morning MoCerd entered suit be be bo eoro Alderman Ferdncy against Bewman, eharglng hlui with surety of th peace and assault and battery. Keilgiintleu uf un Kulueer. O. A. JelTerles.one of the eldeet engineers en the Pennsylvania railroad, hasieslgued his position, for tlie purpese of taking oharge of the Interdoeking switehes at Dilloiville. Mr. JefTerles is ene of the safest and most iclhible engloeorb en the read, having never, in the course of ever U8 years, met with mero than 0110 accident ncd that uet a sorleus ene While the traveling publie will tcgret te lese bis vnluable services an cngluoer, his many frlends will be glad te knew that he Is te oceupy a less laborious though scarcely less tospeuiiblo poiltleD, The l.siiiiiuler l,w llevlew." The first number of velume I of the Lancnster Iav Jliview has nppeurcd, and it certainly justifies all that was premised for it in its prospeetus, Its handy form, 1 androme letter press nud careful editing should merit for It ready leoegnitlon nmeug lawyers and ethers who desire te. keep themselves posted in the latest logn legn logn dce sietis. l.xuurdeii Ileum. The Pennsylvania railroad will sell ex. curslen tickets ou their main linn uud brauches en Dee. .2d, lied. 21th, 25th, 20th, nOth, Ulst nnd January 1st, geed te return until January 2d, nt n reduotien of one-third.