1 LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY DECEMBER U luatf fiOLMBIANEWS. Ol) HKUUI.AH UOItUnHl'OMIH-WOK. Kvcnts Along tlie Husqnelintinit Items .11 Interest liiiiml Around tlm lloreiiBlt 1'leknd up r 110 ntUI- gencur llcporter. "Haiich.10" nt the opern liouse to te night. Mrs. Cel. Samuel Schoeh spout te day in I'hlladelphla. , .... Columbia lede, A. 1 mid A. M., will meet this ovetiliijf. Tlie colored popple'it grand ontoitaln entoitaln onteitaln ment comes oft' this evening In the Ar Ar eory. Very llttlu tobaeco la new belng sold In West Ilompfleld township. Une hundted nml twolve deIlnrH wnre cleared by tlie IMe United Brethren church festival. uiucersuiincii, uuiiek, nnu wiliiifoaeii hml two drunks Ter the oennty Jail IIiIh murning, The tear of tlie new Yomey bulMlnir linn already been reefed and the main strtioture Is new uudorgrewliiK that work. The male cljinr tnakerH of town have organized a soei.il club. It will be known a the Excelsior realal elub, l'entntyivaiila railroad shifting otigltie, Ne. ! 10 wax oil' the traek nt the depot jcstcidny A spread rail caused it. Osceola It Iho of Hed Men will bold a meeting te night, and the Columbia llre company will held ti buslness meeting te-mono w evening In the englne liouse pallers. The old building of the Lutlierau piepcrty, recently purchased by Mr. P. A. Ilennctt, hatt beeti loveled. The foundn feundn foundn tleiis for the new building will seen le laid. Mown. Daniel IUttew, Jeshua Hughs, Wm. Martin and Jehn Klceman left te day for Huntingdon, W. Va., whero they have sscuied positions as engineers and llrcmcu en the Chosapsake & Ohie rail, read . A toward has been offered for Informa tion leading te the atrcst of the porseu or persons who have stolen tools and tamper id with the boring machinery boleuglng te tbe parties boring the artesian wella In I.oekard's hollow. Uc ports from Philadelphia regarding the condition of Mr. Themas P. Luudy, who lately lest an arm en the Pennsyl vania railroad, sta'e that he Is slewlv but sutely iccovering. He will probably be brought te Ins home here In about two erks. The onglne of the St. Charles furnaej gave out again lat night. The Columbia lire company's drainer has been called into service te supply the t rnace with water until the furnace cngint .nn be re paired, Frank IllieadH, htli walking in his hlicpeii Wednesday morning, fell down htair.i and broke an arm. The day befere his undo, Jehn lth 'ad", breke hi shoul der Made by a fall. Court nt Common l'lens iiiueui: irnei; uvinosten. In the ca.te of Philip Selium' heirs vs Iho Peunsyliatiin railroad, wltncs'cs for the plainlifl' ncre called until 10 o'clock this tnuridug. The testimony was te the e licet that tlm train was running at a high ta'.c of hperd ; the whistle wan net blown mil ihe hell rung wuen the train ncarcd thn eroding whuu the nccidaut occurred ; and the tram reuM net Its r.een approach appreach nig by tko-e mi the read ever which Mr. S.diutu watidriv.tig, en account of the corn Ii- id bfin ; lutwccu the piiblie re.ul nud tl.u r.iil.u.d crexsiugii At the conclusion of the plaintlil's tes timony ihe dofense moved (or a uen-buit and argued first that the person khled had net been fice freru negligence, and second ly that tlie butdcu of the pioef was en the litittlfte tLew defiiidaiitV negligence k was oeutoiidcd th.it the testimony fei p'.ilnlifls does net i-l .v that Mr. St hum (I'd hi whele dutj .void the acoident ; it tlecs net show that bofern the horse'u ffct touched tlie tinch dcecased stepped te hi ten, or that he looked up and den :i tl.u trael: te eco whether i train was approaching, in he was bound t i de bofeio be attempted te cress thn traeV. The counsel concluded by arguing that w itbln 20 IVet of the track tbe ground w:.s neatly litel and Mr. Bchum could have si'Cti iliwn t!i track for 2-V feet. LeuiiFel for i.'a.utiiT ithUlcd the motion and oeiitcuded that the evidence showed that Mr. rjchum had dena his whele duty ai.d that the cmurany wan negligent This afternoon, wLcn court met, Judi;t Livingston graiitul n non mit. ur.reitE Jtui.i: rATrr.itse.N. Down stairs the Hiita-Ileller ca?e is ycj. i n trial and the testimony closed nt n v n This afternoon counsel began rpeaking. Itt'.l.HIMIUS IMTKI.t.llll. m; ricking (lut a I'iriiijrterlnti rumor Thore will be a meeting of the Prcsby tcrlau m's&len congregation In the chnpel this evciilnc fur the purpese of electing n pastor. Thcre nre two caudidatcb mentioned : llava. Tnes Thompson and A. Snyder, lletli have pr nohed in the chapel lately, and thore will ba no mistake in the selection of either. Kuv. Dr. Mitchell will b.) the modirater. 'llie Sinumy NuliiMl Toiielmm' .llccllni;. The toaeherc' Sunday school asaeci tien ei this city, will held their next epen meeting in the Yeung Men'n Christian association rooms en Prlday eveuiug a' 7 o'clock, nud the lessrm will be taiiuhtby Ilov. Mr. Powick. of the West Mission chapel of the M. K church. rreahj-tcrlHii MImieii l.ccliiru. The third lcoture in the ceurse arranged te be dullvcrcd in the Presbyterian memorial mission chapel will be given by Wm. A. Wilsen, of q , en i rlilay evrnlng next. The subject will bn "Men Movo Mevo Move mcntH and Manhood." Illittirblni: it KellKienn Mcellne. Porsemotlmo past a rullgleuH tevival lias been going en a' thu new Methodist ohureh at Quatryvdle j and whilst the attondnnce has been very large the br havler of thoie pirscnt has bon veiy geed until ene ovening last week, whcti it regular list tight oesurrcd during the ser vice. On complaint of the trustces, Officer James Miller arretted the principals, Jacob Hauuhm anil Wm MycrH,ef Qcorge. town. They wcre tuken befere Squlie J. II, Ollbert, who fined them g'JO andcestB, besidus putting thorn uuder bends for geed behavior. The Southern Mnrliet. The hhare heldcrH and ethors Intorcfited in the seuthern maiket held a meeting at Hastlngb' Feuutaln Inn last ovening, te hear n report from the commlttce en stock and transaet any otberbuslncaBto forward thn work. Mr. A. Urban, 'from the com mittce, reported about $11,000 worth cf stock taken a few sharen of whleh wero conditional upon the location, and very encouraging prospects as te the balauce necessary as seen as a Mle had been oheeoti. He also made a statoment of the soveial loeatlons available, with prleeH &a. On motion of JamcsR. Uarvlti, the commltteo was continued and Instructed te purohase at ence, sccuru additional stock ami repert te a mcetlug of tbe bliarn holders ns seen ns they had scoured the location. Thore was a geed aitondauce and n free oxchauge of opinion from thesu present, and the prospect Is that by Iho let of January the work will be In geed shape. A Lecture en Mhaiui, Hev. J. H. Maun will locture te.uight in the Pirat M. K. chureb. North Duke etrcct for the boneflt of the West Mission. Hev. Mann has the reputation of being tv flrat flrat elaaa lccturer. and he has chosen nsubject, " Bliaras.'1 wiilch epjis up a wlde Held for oauatle or'.tielsru, Till'. H.MAI.I.VUX. licKth of ntr. Ilcek Hleknen in the Pntiillj, Mr. Etnll lioek, wlfe of the proprietor of the Western hotel, dled of smallpox nt an early hour this morning, after n very brief lllces?, ihe having only taken her bed en Tuesday, nud the eruption notbeing fully dovelopod when she dled. Mrs. Heek was about 85 yearn of age, a woman of great energy and the mother of a large family of young ehlldrcn. She was burled nl S o'elook this uftorneon. One of her clilldreu, Emll Heek, Jr., nged 8 yeaw, was taken with smallpox about the same tlmn that the mother was struck down, and his case was ropertcd te the beard of health last evening. It Is said that anether of the children shows symptoms of the dlseasn. The announcement of the dlscase caused n geed deal of onnsternatiou nmeug the bearders nt tlie Western, sotue of whom neught quarters olsewhore, and two of thorn for want of a hotter phee, took lodgings at the station liouse. Ueujamln Harmau. who died of small pox nt the county hospital last summer, wan taken with the disease whlle he was hoarding nt the Western hotel, and It is thought thnru may have been seme of tbe germs of the dlscnre still lingering about the ptemltcs, and that Mrs, Heek nnd hnr son contracted the disease lu that way. l'UU Tlllt I'tlUU, I.IDmil A 111 for the Mere.. The ladles of the Union Dorcas soeloty aekunwledgn the following donations : Collretlou nt the Union Thanksgiving pcrvlce ; St. Paul's Holermcd church, $20 03 ; a friend, $5 ; Mlrs 11 Wliite, $1 ; Mis.1 Mary Hussel, 81 ; Miss A. Clark, CO cents ; Mits C. C. Mucser, $1 ; Mrs. Oara, $1 : Mrs. Wm llrluten, $2. Fer the smallp'ix sultcrers : Kev. Dr. O. W. Ncvln, ir, ; Mlsa Alice Nevln, 2 j the Misses Hamilton, $5 ; Mrs. Schofleld, 81 ; Miss P. Jaoebs, CO cents . Mrs. Wm, Hriuten, $2 ; .Miss C. C. Musser, ?1; Mrs. I). Ilcrr, olethlng ; Mrs. A. Prantz, clothing. At tlie JMjrer'-t II lllce. The mayor ncknewlcdgcs the receipt of the following contributions for the small pox KiiflerrrH, whleh ure belug dellvercd hv Jehn Olll : Wm. H. Mewery, 81 ; Hen. II. O. Leng, 85 ; Cash, $11 ; collected by Lizzie Kant r., $1 ; Joteph Hcrzeg, two sacknef Heur ; Chtlstiau Hlller, basket of giecrrics ; Wm. Waitz, il ; Mrs. H. P. Carsen, $1. The mayor has also rccelved ?l addi tional for the Shonaudeah sufferers. Treiilyriur Heur Wntcli. Mr. C. B. Longencokor, of the Lat.castcr watch factory, haaidiewn us a watch cen-t-t i noted en the 21 hour method of com puting time. Its working is exceedingly simple. The dial contains tlie numbers from 1 te 21, uid midnlabt is located nt the latter hour, from which point computation begins, Instead of at 12 o'elivk, as en the ordinary watch face The new watch is provided with a second, minute ami hour hand, nnd the euly diflcrouce between thn old nnd new style Is that tht hour hand In the latter makes enu eomplete f'volu f'velu f'volu tien in a day ln&tcad of two. Tbe mccbani-m of the 21 hour watch il: Hern from the eidinary chronometer in the hour wheid having twice as mauy teeth, ijccwMtatipg ainovuuieu' of the hour hand just half ns fart as hen'tcfore. The new w 'eh ii an np.vi (w silver stem winder ii 'i'.n ICeyhtnnii giadi", and is thu first of Its kii'd rn-jr.ufaetiirid by the local com pany. ICttrn AlHrUnt lianlii;. The Histeiu maikct heiifc, which bus been in course of eroetlon for the past six months, as ep.'ucd ler business at 1 p. m. te-day, with a large crowd in attend ance. The four avruues et the w.ukut wero tilled with p.'jple s u after the opening, nud from nil patts et the eastern section of tlie ci:y might b. B'n people coming and going te the mirkct armu.l with baskets. Within the building a bustling buniceMt t-eene was piufentcil, nearly everj ttall bemg occupied anl the markctinen making rapid disposition of thidr suppllwi. The opening is proneuncod a mt'stnntbl hicccjs. nlA'HIMO atA'tTI'.ltS ijunrleny .sttctini: nt the Oirtinl l.mlue. W. A. Morten, 'representative of Ne. 170, It. 1 llroneniaii, ropreentat'vo of Ne. 13, .1. Willis Wostlake, W. N. Am-.-r. I)r. .lelni R. MerrU, J no. IS. Keviu.ski, II. E. Slaymakcr, I)r. Ilone Carpouter andJ. I, Lyte, of thin city, attcndcil tlie ipiar . lerly commuiiieation of thu Grand Lode of Krco nml Accepted M.ifetiu of the jut is diction el Pennsylvania in Philadelphia yi'Htctday, at the Matonie tomple. Thcte waa au cxtiaetdiuarily large uttendauce of mi'inbers. Tlie efllceia wcre tceleeted. AVnntcil ie iirur l'lunlerr." Yerk Dally. The Laticuter Piuafote oempauy aftur two very bueicsslul porfermincta m that city, have disbanded. Tlie best miikleat talent of the city wote represented, and that they did net glve a performance in Yerk, as waa nt ene time oentcmplatcd, is te be legretted. A Tlild Wnnted. A di"pateh from the ohiet of police of Readme te our pollce force, callH for the arr'eRt of Jehn Guitie, a German, ureu 21 yearn, S Icet G inches in height, weljiliH HO peundn, vrhe siandu eharueil with larceuy. Miijer's Ueurt. Oaly thi.'u ctitennri liefore hla honor the mayor thte mirniui;, ene e( wham wat made te pty the ceiU for hit little upne and the elliein v;ere iiisoiiargeu. rolplieno Cmiutctlnn. The Leepard hotel, antl the rjroeory and fruit stere of 0. W. Ecltert, East KIhr Htrcet, hnve bcen connected with the telo tele telo pheno uxchanitc If At Hes HUiicntereil. QoerRO Deitrlch slatightored te-day two fat Iieqh, ene of whleh weiehud 438 pountle and Iho ether 107 pounds, neat weight. Amujeiueuls. " Conuilen," This evening thore will lu an entertalntng piny tit the opera liouse. The Hcrauten .(r jiuetlcan taj s et It "It is utmost pilntul le fellow tbe labyrlntlilne path of the oenstantly arUlmr intiumterstandlugs lu tlie piece, but It la sate. Thoplayers are nlsonb nlsenb nlsonb eolutoly beyend the raiik'e of iidversu crtll clim. They nre as natural us men and rromeii lu their own parlor., uuienir tlielr Intiiunte Irtcndt. One baby, ene put' dtu and ten poj pej poj ple me In this play. If ene euros te know knew know hew mtieh trnublu ene baby nnd ene put etui, under cettntn circumstance, niract iuiieiik the people, liosiieuldKoaudhnvo tlm problem solve t ter htm. It's tee funny le be told. It must be si'en." The lmiicatieiis tot n lurue audtencu me very koeiI. Tht Streht Family. Levor el music will have a rich treat te-morrow evening, when thu famous. Htrehl faintly appeaid In Fulteu opera liouse, Hays the Heading .Vein: "The Htrehl latnlly Kitvn uu tuterusttnit uuluitaln uuluitaln ment nt the Aeudemy et Muile te u geed liouse Muny el the iiumbeu nu the pre- i gi-nmtne were npplutuled and the specialties ' wcre especially wall received, all of them be- I IntfonceHd. The playing of Win. Slrehl en i the cornet is mnrvelem. He Is a Itnhbcd per. lormer." HfKVlAl. NOIlUHb, r-r-.rr. i? , ,.T Tlie Hep I'lutltr will euro Hack Ache, and all etht'r p.ilns Inttnntly, 23 cuntj only, ut drut'Otsts Hy Wtle had rim. " Fei i ysais " lays our corrctpeudent Henry Clark, et Fulrtleld, l.ouance ceuiitv, Mich., " my wtte had llts, They would last about an hour, and sometimes longer, tin marltan AVitIii has iicrmaneiiny cuted her." dl-lwiloedxw HVKVIAI, MOT1VUH. Nofenrel Hinaltl'exlf Delby's 1'ronliylno 1'renliylno 1'ronliylne tfo Ktuiu Is used (roely. It destroys tlie very Rirm. Ker tiiiiall l'ex axpose Darliy l'ronliylntle Kltilil In tlie room nml sumiiroetr tliu tmtlcut Willi It. Fer Ijime llsck, SI'le or Onejt use Hill I.OIt'S POItOUB IMiASTEU, Price, a cent cont Held liy II, II. Cochran, maudlin North Uuoen Inint, Lancaster. InliUoeilQ lireivn'n iieusdnuiil 1'anacen. Is the most eltectlva I'nlii Destroyer In tlie world. Wilt most surely quloken the bleed whether Uiken Inturnally or applted exter nally, nnd thereby morn certainly ItEMKVK I'AIN, wliotlier clironle or acute, than any otlier pain alleviator, and tt l'i warranteil doa dea doa lile the strunutli tlmn nny ether similar prepa ration. It cures pain In tlie Hide, Hack or llewelx, Hore Threat, Uliuutnaltiin, Toethaclio, and Alii. ACIII.I), nnd Is The tlrent Kellercr et I'nln, "IlIlOWN'SIIOUaKIIOIiDPANAOKA" should he In every faintly. A Icaspoeniu! el the Panacea In u tumbler el het water (sweet oned, If preforreil taken at beittlnie, will IIKKAK UV A COM). HScnnte n bettlti mayl-T,Tli,KAw Vlrti Hint out." This Is a common letnark when rough nnd rewdys lnsalt publla deounev by tlielr mi sceinfy ways. Dyspepsia lit a horrid bnre. KlrolCeiitwltH7;iinfocfc Meed ItMert. Yeu can de It, Ker svle by II. II. Ceclirnu, druit lt.7niid 139 North Queen ulri'flt. Tlmn m alcnipy. Tlme nnd mnney will be saved by koeplna Kidney Wert In the liouse It Is nn Invaluu. bio lumpily ler nil iilnordctrser the Kidneys, I.Iver nnd lletvcls and Inrutl dtsenses nrllnj Irein ebatructlnns of theoe nrKanu. It has cured many obstinate cases niter hundred et dollars had been paid te pliyMrt.itu without elilalnliiK icllel. It cures Cmmtlpatlen, l'lles, llltleiisne'suiid nil kindred dlserdrrs. Keen It by you. dS-oed.tvr Of Fer one dlme eet a packane nt Diamond UiusatthedruKKttl's. They color anything the meit des'rnb'e nnd l&shlotmble color. A rine Hit, Wlieu the proprietors of 11 unlock Jlloetl JlitterM put tills renowned inudlclnii en the mnrlictthevhltltexnctly. They lilt dyspep sli. IndlKciitleii, nud liver and Kldnry com plaints n hard blew. Mern rhleh they will never rccover. Ker faie by 11, II. Cochran, dniKK'st. 137 nnd U.i North (Juoen striet. Ken CeiirIis, iiiatce a timely use et Hale's Heney el Horeheiindnnd Tnr. t'lke'H Tooth Teoth Toeth ni l:r llrepi rure tu ene mlnute. d'HwiloeiKtu Cnmellii liciitene ler the teetll Is very ira Kriint nml u moves Tartar and s-curl, hardens 1 e Kunif. steps dceav and pcrliiiiH-s the bratb. I'r'ce, V)cent3. Ker sale nt all dniR Klsts lc7-CmdW itKti;t)i:n 1'itu.it ukatii. 1 1 ilol!eTliij;BtatPinc:itof William J.CeufjIi In, ut ' umervltli', Main., la fa rcmurl.-abln unit e lice t(,u-,!t for It Mm nttontlen el our read I-. Mr s.xju : "In tliu lull el 187(1 1 win lulciin Willi n rleli-nt blprdlnin 'ip1uiikh, foUewod ! ii -cvure cnu'th. I seen began te loge tuy .i, i-tlte Hint flesh. I wpji se wenk nt one tlme llii't I could net Ikive my hed. In tlie Mini nn r eIlcTi 1 triwadliilMudtethet.ltvifniipltiil. hlli; tlmre thiMlocteis eald I lnvl a hole In my left lunR m bl as n Ualf-dnlUir. I i-xpend. ! miTii huiulip.l delluri In doctor" and niL-d. '.. i.hv 1 win se Mr une ut ene tlme n repert w '.i nreund tnnt I win, ilund I javn ti) liope '.t i trli'iid told inn Ol l)lt. WM. HAMAS I'AIHAM TOli TI1K I.USIiS. I luiuhii nt mj frlninN, tiilnkliu; ii. y avie Incuiitlile, but I ,-et br ttle legntlify ill. .ii, when te inj nur ,r.ji-a d rnl Ideation, I commenced te feel bi'Mrr Sly hepe, oiire iK-i.d, bcunn te rovive, a .d tc my 1 tr-l In hotter bplilts lb.ii. I Irnve u.upa-it llin-e ) ears. I wrllPtht i hnpln, j en wf.l publish It, te ll.iit ncrv inn- utl'trU'.l wlih DVniHcd I.nnM will IvIlK'-r. I ie tuku Hit. 'AM. IIAI.I.'H UAI. AM Kmi'lllil.UMib.nndbocenvliuod tli.it CONtlUMt'TlON CAN V.h CUlthl). I Ii ive tnk' n two bettlu" nnd can pe iltlvdy ":iy that It lnii ilenu inu uiore geel Ihnti nil the .itliL'r mullclniM I hr.vn ta!oe Muce my blctc nwi. Mytengri 'i.u ulinejt nntln-iy illai' ii'Uicil urn', 1 kluiil uen bn nb.tite nole wetl:.' - ,l l ii ! i iiriirnn. IJ7 North Oui imi Hire. '. CeLuE'n Liquid ltiufTonle Is oiiderncd by llislclar. Ask fcr Celtlen ; take no ether. Ut dniKBlid. 'J iwdeed.tw in in Tniirr ttn:ilUi, t ituiim HtmtiKe Hint any ene ivlll inner .loin the ninny duiuiiKcmunlH brought en bj nu liiiiit!e condition et tbe bleed, when SCO VIl.I.'SAIfAl'AUlM.A ANnSTII.MNUIA, or I1I.OOI1 AND MVKIt 8YUUr will resteru purici t health te the physical organization. It U indeed n Htrciiuthciitin; syrup, pii'titant te iilm. aid lrii proven lticlt te bu the lunt Itl.OOli I'lnilKIRlt ever discovered, cited mil) ciiiIhk bcretiiln. Syphlltle dlsordem, llPs el the Kidney.-, Kryalpehn, Mnliv i all in rveu-t dliterilei-a and deblllty, bll. I. ii.- reiiipliilnlx and nil ill.icii.sci ImllriUln;: nil luiliure condition el the llloed, l.lvtr, Kill iu'J'h, Stomach, Hkln, etc. It coneots lndl n'ollen. A bIxikIe lieltlu will iueu loyeultu muilttiiMii liniltll lununur, ler It ACTS I.IKK A (jllAltJl, i's)(!ct.illv when tin- tMiiplnintU et tin e.xhnuatlM) n.iiiin, liavln'n trnduncy te lejiien tlie natural vliinr el thi 'nnin .mil mu veiis sydteni. . ivKK Jl'AIH 1'A.NAUl.A cuiehu palu In mnn unit benst. 'nr like otermdly and Ininr milly. lir.l) llOilil. I'OWDKIts our.) all .Hsiuseh f hoie, ratlin, hliec), lie-, peultiy nnd nil l.tve .stock. V I'OdlTlVKCU UK. muyll-a for i-nle nt II. II. O'O ir.in'u driiK al.irn J7 Nrih;Uii'ii stnMii Dr. Iloimeu'ri Hklii due t'en.tlsts nl Intermil and exlcinnl treatment nl hiuiie Itniu audit makes tlie skin white, suit nud hiiioeI' . It eentatiu no polKenoiudruK'i l. nt ilvngKlxin. ' " Tha headache in my case icm ene of leny I atandtmj, but Dr. llcnen' Celery and Chamo mile J t' eniured." C. T. Uoliier, Cerman Mlnlsioret theUiHpul, l.oille, O. .V) cents, at druKu'lits. ii r a nil. Wirrxtt.. In this city. en December (i, Wolzel, In tin- ISJsl, Mltll Sat nil, wlte et .lehn It. vein el lierattu Thoielntlvcsiind frlimdsef tbe fuinlly me rojpectlully Invited le ultund the tuueral from her into vosldcnee, Ne. Ml Kast Klni; St., en Saturday altorneon nt 2 o'tleck. Intur. tiient In I.ancnster uMiietury. 2t .if. ii Anrjmuii'.iir.inH. r . -.. . s. jx.t.- rATI'.l. A 11111)11 MJHSl". IVA.MS A Can itlvu geed ref- IT ln position hs nurse. oreiieii. Ainilv nt 110-21 NO. 2-H SOUTH QUHKN HI' SAIIU KlttllT 1.UNUI1 This (IHUU9DAY) eveulnit at KcoUler Hall, Kast KiiiKHtniKt. JOHN r-CHOKNHKItllKIl A SON, It l'tnprloters. I.IJII tlAl.i:, 1IIK UOIISIC, WAIKIN, L cam and eomiilnle outfit, towther with thoeeod will or n At UU lloute, In this city Ker tonus apply t If NO.M'JGUKKN ttTltKKT. DU. u. 11. IlItllWN. I'llVSlClAN ANDOCiri.lHT. Huh Uomevcil te Ne. 21 WKST OllANUK ST. Kve and liar treated. Ulassesudluted. Hu perh rler spectacles en h'liiil nml te order. levi-iyilTii VS AUUt'.'.s ti;an ami ceri'UKs. CHlllHTMAb OOODb. Netice his assortment and in Ices HUOAlfit .41H1AU.S! UOAU3 ! I tb-t l.lglit ltrewu nngiir fer'25ct. Ul.AUK K'tt Ten A tlelli'O Htore. It 31 W. King St , Lancaster, I'ii. ir llll.H'M A WHISK-KINUST KS.TANT, 'M IIALLO.NU. tl.S-1 IIOt'l'Lb'. Ne. '."J 1'iNN MtjL'AItK. JiUlll.tu nAI.I.. ON -ATnUDAV r.VKn L INC., DKCIiMllKU . ISS). wt 1 be eeld at tlie Coepor liouse, We.t King sttcet. tlut very deslruhui Ihtuo-Hlery llrtilc elitted llutlilencii. bcleuglni: te Sir. Adlnr, and stunted Ne. II North I'rlnce Htrcet. havlnir a r.-.eiiiM nnd hail en llrsl llenr, a rooms en secend ttoerand 3 rooms en third iloer- Itear iittnelunmH has .eiariite bnsimieiil klichuii und dining room furnaee, range el bejt ina&e, het nnd c' water, lutK, gus mid wuler cloael. I et Ir n.l . '."kjmten I'rlnce itioei.iiinUxtoiiits wettirfr Ut lent inete or less, te tin uliey iiiiiiilng i Watorlret. 1'iepurty Is lu uxcullnut itipuir. hale 1H eommenco ut'ocleok, wht-u terms und cnmlltiens III be inii . known by 1IA11MAN lll'UNa. JACOutiuxeAKtsn Auci. no,' Mtl.U,U,l7,2l,22 NKW AliWHIlatiainNTH. r-,-.iTrc-lT-irj-Li'xr';i"''iLEaau'u3. . fAIIM'H CJUltHI'.lt. Christmas - 1883 - Watohes, DlamendD, Bronzea, Rottero nnd Weat'a Statuary, Flae Oloeka, .Towelry, BeIId Sllver and Sllvor-Plated Ware, Spoctaeloo, Maoenlo and Soeloty Badgoe, IIMUTIFUL. USEFUL AND DURABLE CIIHISTMAS OlllVS. cr Onlertur Npeclal Werk ihnuUi he Irt with u t early n pentile All Unectat (h ihn mmltlnoumwnnrtert. ' BDW. J. MAHUKACTUIUNU .IKWKM5H. ZAHM'S CORNER, dccl-lnidll yUNN ST 1IKKHKMAN. TOYS! TOYS! We have new In stoie our lull utoek or CHRISTMAS TOV3i Wonderful Mechanical Toys, Tin and Weed Toys, Games of Every Description, Express Wagons, Sleighs and Sleds, Dell Carriages, Velocipedes. OUlt PRICES ARE LOW AND THE STOOIC L.VUGERTHAN EVER IJEFORE. WHOLESALE AN I) RETAIL, AT FLINW & BEENEMAW, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. NKM A Itrr.llTtHllMlitfTH, IXrANl-KII A H1TUATJOM TO III) OKN. V oral hou.evrorlc. Apply ntl.'e 31 WKST i.i.jiu.. 3i iti-.i-.r. It "UrANTiin- AtlllNTH WANTBII Tt HKI.I. t the Acine Kubbcr and Leather Ce. tncnt. Itofurctice renulrcd. Ker further parllciildri.uililrt'na AUMK CKM i:XTCO., n) lw .NO.D.IJ6 VlneSI, l'hllndclphin, l'a. Iusr en ww uifte sntKKT, iir.. J tv ceil Ne. 15uriil tlie ment ehep et Mr. (J undo, n p-Ur el old Iramn HpectuelCH In a rn(. The Under retiirnliif; them tomcat Ne. "i'A will be HUltnhly luwnrdnd et.3t J. U. 1'OltTNm . 1AtOAIn l'i WilTUIIKe, CLOUK; 1) Chains, UlnrH, SpecbiclCH. Ac. Iti-palrlun et all klndu will rewlve my ixTdeniil ntteu tlen. LOUIS WKIIKU, Ne. 150J Nc ith yn( en nlriiiU Itcinnmber niiinu nml niimlici 1)1 leclly oppeHlto t:ltv lletnl nar I'nmniylvann nillrOM.I .iit.I '. i H' J)I.AYIMiiAI(lls, lilICIIIli:, riKi:KANI) Ciifslne card, Irem Sc. per p'ick upwardH, at MAliTM N'( YKI.I.OVV KUON I" IIS Al' STOItK rpin; iir.SYCc. HAVANA UIOAIt IN TUB 1. i cltv at il.MtT.MAS,J LM.IIW fllllN I" ( 1 .Alt STOItK )r.(M'0.1AI.1 I'lllt HAV, llil'IS AND I btiaw.l'ropesilii ler fiinil.ililn thu Klie Uei.artmcnt with Ne.lOalB. Ijmcatur County Hay nnd Straw et the bei 'luallty for the period of alx menth.i. will be vecelved by the i"lre Commlttce, at tlie Mnver'tt Ofllcn, uple iitunlay, tlccember 8th, nt 7 o'clock p. ui. Uiils must, mut ii eunlltv. liy order et tlm committed en Flin Kn ;tuca nml IIek. .1. II. MAltKI.KY. 05.it cieik. rOHK AlTKNTION lit OaM.KII TO Oil tt I Stock of Holiday Goods, including Tellet ScUet Cllu. old nnd Kloreiicntiooild, In 1'lusli nnd Leather Cime. odor t-tnnds and Cnies In 1'lusli and Lentliei, lllfjiie KlRiirt's, Kiicrnvcd and Cut Heltlcs, plain linttle.i ler cevi'itntf, etc. beldatlcsj than town town prices, at THOH. B. DBOHTOLD'S DrUifHtOtc, Ne. 101 VK"TOItAN(iK.STllKKT, corner or Charlette. dl-lyd rptii: AumsT iNr.virAiti.r. co.vst; ce.vst; L quoncei et clironle suppuration In tlie e.ir me diiiiijoretis te thu heulth nud life el the patient, bunce tlm Importuned of he subltct, nud tli Intci'est which pliyalchius should tnku In arresting the ndvnncoet tUcae RoqucUeot dUeasu . Dlseaiui or tlie Kyc, Kar and Threat -also, Chronic Ulieaot-iiceeliuly tieated by DUS. II. D. unit M. A. I.ONUAKKU onice-U Kant Walnut slicet Lnucaster. l'a. Cousitltiitieu frce. dOJtdSw T MIT. IIKSTl'I.AUK TO IUIV Siiisonnbie Wlnter (ioeds, such im l.ailli'a' mils' and Children's Underwear llnsleiy, tlleves, Mitsumi aviulety et htiiple ueniw ami Notions, An . fit IIKlillTOI.H'S Lnilles' and Oenl' KiirnlshliiK Stere. Sl'ECIM. IN DUCKMK.NT'd ler HOLIDAY 1'llhSKNTS. I'lensecall and uxninlnnliotero jeu buy. IIKNIt IlKCU'lOM), Ne. 52 Net til Qiieiin Streut. airsiunet th'i Illy Stocking. Trade Dellnis taken lit par. teb.'1-lid emi:iini:i coati. At.1.1 LADIES' GRAND FAIR roil THE llUNKflT or WtishlntonJ.egioii, Ne.:5, K.ei'IJ., re nu iiule at EXOELSIOB HALL, COMMENCING DEC. Stii te 15th. TICKKTa. ,10 CKNTS. Lacli tlckil I'litltles thu hnldnr te cliuuce In thu Hll.VI'.ll TKA SKT, valued n S0. ll-:itdltTu,Th.1.H jULTOn UI'JSICA UUIiiK Friday Night, Doeombor 7th 1083. AT tfl.TON II M.I. . THB WORLD RENOWNED STROHL FAMILY The Oreatest Mitsla.il I'limllyer tlie tlinus, Kather. Mether and Klght clilldreu Hve Daughters uiulT'liroe Ren. A onmpletn Ilniss Iltimliuid Orchesti-a, Music it ttpylilllei, liar liar liar monleus Kenga, dices, Cliu!len-iii- tlm World Te II ndti family et se ninny liitmbiirj whuie morn musical talent It ronceutrntod. ADMISSION. .50, S3 und21 CK.YJ'd Diagram new open at Kiilten Opera Oillce. tit) St IICAVfl SI'KUirie ti llUi' . . r.if. tlll'Ulltl It Ji 'niui r.ni'llali lloine.'i. vu cur- lut Impetency, am' al. Dlsuastw tnnt tollet, low el Motnery. Uuivuraal L.vmbL Uide, I'alu tn tlie Huck, Dlmned el Vision, I'temutiirn Old Ai;e, and muny dliui lLlojues thtit Ii'Ad le In.miiUV ei Cou Ceu Cou uinptien and ii I'romattire Crave. Full pat. letil.irb In ein nampleu w hlcii we dosltete end tree b n in. toevory one 'fit' Hpecltlc Mcdlelnul i old by iUldriixnls'--.il il periuok periuek periuok rfe, e. lx puettugua lei't ei "ill tn eenl tree y mull nu thu receipt el Hie money, bv . I 'iLkglng thoiiceiit, ll. II. COCHllAN, DlllggUt, Ne. U'7 and J!TJ Kertn )uet;n street, Lancas tot, I'u. On acceuut nt iMiitttiirieltB, wuhavottdept- .1 thu Yellow Wr.iptiut ; ilxvinu ieiiUlne. THE OKAY JIMUCINhll).. iiprUlydiw llnihile, . Y. ll.tMilMI, POOR, WHITE & CO., IUNKKIiS. Ne. -10 Willi etroet, - New Yerk. Iliekir-i and Deulnrs in I! luu uml tliei sccuriiltw. kau.wa. i km'Mknts u aped .My, lu I no clei.ln -rid twliuiiitu c.i ' whleti thutr Hinu con..i bm wit'i "l'nei-'s Man el e nillreadi " i . ttiem t-pi-clulart VRiit.iKes. CiLtrtpenu, n-i iiiiiiixi mid tuqul lrlesntibwcie.il Dt-pesti nee imi'h received und Interest allowed, s.-pll-Hmuid Zahm's Cerner, ZAHM. LANCASTER, PA, 1 j-itntTr-Am k wtttti wwy -wt-.-: i:XJLUTAIN31L.Nlft. F 7ULTON UITKA IIOUSK. MONDAY EVENING, DEC. 10 VISITATION Ol' TIIK IlKI'UESr.NTATI VK AMUIIICAN COMKUIAN, JOEI T. RAYIOID, Undorthemannnomontnr 1IIIOOKS X. DICK SON, lu bin most triumphant role, never be fore Hcen In Lnncastcr, tntttled "IN PARADISE." The original cnmedy-draimi by Mersm. Jot Jet top A (Ml. My bev. the man wl.e can be n Kcntlemau when he choejes, ill vrrch.xi.pste he anything nine." TUB I'ASIIlONAllLr. KVKNT. ADMISSION, fill and 7.1 CK.STS. ltKSKRVKDSKATH, KIOII Snle of scata will cominenco l'rldny raei nine December 7, at Opera liouse elllce. ilj.ftt iuireN iu'i:i(A iieusk. lhursday. Decomber Oth, 1080. mi:. .ions srKTSO.vs COMEDY COMPANY, Frem STI'.TSOVS lU'TII AVKNUK Till. ATKK New Yerk City, tiunprlilmr MU. HENRY B. DIXBV. Mr. IlcnrybatntManr.'MIss I'lermicn (f ill d, Mr. lleibnrt titeslinm, Ml g Mnil.i Davl-, Mr. Alt Kl her. sit- Vcrnnnn.lni benti, Mr..les. Printout, Miss NcttaOuIn, Mi. Iniil i lirten, I he rufund the llaliy. In the lnraest nnd grcatc-d LONDON COMEDY SUUCES3, CONFUSION. Is Kull te Overflowing wun Fun, & nmne and heaity." Scene, Roem in Jersey Ledge Londen. ACTI. MOltNl.NU. ACT H.-AFTHHNOON All' lll.-KVKNINO. " Cnme te town at ence, your biby In werse." ' Whose bi'im tampetini; with my eirprtni; V " What Is tlie Intist llulletlu In texaril te our chcrul 7" Seata secured three dnys In advance nt usual Jilaoe. l'tices, se nml 73 cu,: iteserved heals, 100 (13 lid wait iiAi.t; en umxi. l?tiit HlTrsTr j kaii.I1 ir7 TiTr. uii'V or JL' I.aitcastir from Apxll I,1SI. Apply le .1. M. lllJKKl:. lill-tld Ne. 15 Nerlh Dultu Street. PUK HKNT t'llO.II Tllr, rtltll' Ol1" r Al'ltll,, 1881. the Htorc-reom, Ne 110 N. (Jueen Htreet. Till Is a very dcslnible btiKl nuts Hlimd, ii'pcclnlly ler u ill up store, having bcen used imiMicti ler the past CO vcuin. Ker terms npplv nt JOHN II. KHIlUM'e UnntM Fiiriilsliiui! dtoie, Ne. 118 North Queen Stnet. d3-3t HOTI'.I. Clljt It I' NT. Will bn rented (tern April I. ISsI, the Coiitennlal Hetel, In the boieuith nt Mmihclm. It Is n two-story Imllitliu; with MiiiihiiiiI Heet, and eenfilns In rooms, smbllnn ceiuueted with the hotel. Apply te A. J.COUI.bV, Ne. Hi Kast Walnut St., l.tmcnster, Pa. e31wil PDIII.lOMAl.n-O.N 1'ltlDAT, DKtlr.StlllCIt 7, I8S1. will be sold at the Coepor Ileittu, that valuuble let el u round fltuntcd en the south slde nt West Klnir street, fronting M tect, Vi inches, moie or less, nml oxteudtiii; In deplh that wldili IM Icet, en which Is erected lnru'e thrco-btery IIUICK DWKI.I.INO, OK HUrllNKss b'i'AN I, Ne. 820. with ti large two twe two Hteiy brick back biilldlnt;, M Icet long, Thore Is vnuiir up nud down btnlrs and con cen con tirctlen wlin ioiver Ualunt 7 o'clock; conditions el nnle uiiide known by fsllUIIIHlT SUTTON, U2H 8td Aiictloneo. N .TOW ItlJAUV AND FKf. T. 1JVKHV- 1IODV. Call ler a copy el Our New City Catalogue.. 210 DWr.I.I.lNOS. 13 IIUSISK83 I'KOl'Lll. TIKB. MOIIUILDINO LOI'-i, TltUCKINO FAIlMrl.BUllUHUAN KKaiDHNOKB, AC. t uu n.i,i.. In nil purls el thu city und ut nil pitccs, .'turn 100 te (20.000. tjouieUilug te suit every Uuvei'. New properllcs being entered dully und u BiippKiiieiit te our catalogue Issued every few weens, llelore buying scu what l.t ter rule. Allan A. Heir & Ce.. IlKAI. KSTATKiuvl INBUltANCi: AOI'NTH, 108 East King Street, Mipti-ilmd rAEll llAKOlTlttt:, iBi. i n vi:i:s w, fhv. OUR LINK OF Dade Window Shades Is larger than any gea.un tmiutiduiu. We have thnm In All Celers, tli uml hoveii Icet long. Theso goods ure very st lldi und popu lar rtpcclal Hlates miide te entei. PLAIN SHADING Ity theyatilln tiny iiuanilty, wlde width, ler lnrtte windows unit stoie blinded, Tin uml Wee-I Hpilng Uollera. Alse Cord Flxtuiej. Hhiulcs made up promptly mid hiitij In best miinmir. NKW lvATTKltNHOK WALL PAPEES (11 Every Deicrlptlnti. i nmuieti und l'aperat Lew 1'ilces, linrders, Friezes, tre l'lnces, c. LAOE ODIU'AlK.-t, In Cream and Whlle. I'eli'i. Cornlces, !, Leeps, &Q. (ll)t (it.. ds, PHaRESW.FHV. 67 NORTH QUEEN i3T. SECOND EDITION. "- - - - THU1WDAY ttVUNlNQ, DKO. O, 10QU THE GOVERNMENT. MOHMON Ot'l'D.HlTION TO jiiiinyaUK, AitTittm- Iho Action el UeuErcis Tlie Heme Ad journ Until Monday A Ocinetratln Caucus-inxluc the l'arty tilem. berslilp or tlie Ceiiiiiilttcrs. Wasiiinoten, Dee. 0. In the liouse McCeltl (Iowa) wnB sworn in nml the liouse then adjourned until Monday. Te t'cutlen Olil Heldleru. MeMillcn (Tcnu.,) will seen Intreduce a bill in the liouse te pensien survivors of the Mexlcan and Flerida warn. The henate Adlearnc, Toe, At the oxplratien of the merninir.tlitrlng which no Important notion was taken, the Henate ndjoitrned until Monday. A Oaniuurnlle Ciumti. At n eauctm of the Domeorattc sonatera te day, Pondleton presldin, te nrrauge the party membership of the commlttces. Some feeling wai displayed reardinp; the habit of the elder members of the Sonate securing a. majority of the important places. A commlttce of ceven wa.t appoint ed te nrrauge a minority mernbcr.ihtp of committees. ITlcrce W'erdt trout the Mormons. Salt Lark City, Utah, Dee. 0. The Ncxts, the Mermen organ saya : " The president's mccsage will be hailed by the hlreling clergy with ploasure, and will rccolve an amount of popular support. The plural marrlatjca of the Mormeuna.ro net recognized by the territorial lawn nnd could net be dissolved by commisslenn, by edicts, by armies or ethor earthly power. They are ecclesiastical, perpetual nud otc etc nnl. " Until tbe Mormeua beceme recreant te their fa I tli with high Heaven IIicbe uuiecs will be iccejiulzsd by the Almighty Being, who established thorn for tlie benellt of Ilia poeplo and the fullness of Ilia glory. The president's remarks en Utah polygamy will nut add ferce te his meseage nor credit te hla atatcsmanship. They nre :i sep te bigots and breath te the ll.une of popular pasoien. It la doubtful if it will have a practical bearing en Cen grcfK. It will certainly create no comme tien among the Ged fearing people of Utah." MATTJ-.ltM IN r.tJlU)!'!.. vnr !ii!rt tn le icclarcd iiriivreii l'tnucK nnd Clitnn. Londen Dee. 0 Tne dceliuu in prices en tbe stock osehaurjo was caused thir after neon by uncenllimcd iiimera tli.it war had been dtclarcd between France and China. niote " t'aptiiiiet." At Bew fitted jiolice court thin morning William Wellf tha Socialist, and the Frenchman Uenduratid wcre brought up charged with havlnc lu their possesien csplosive substance ter unlawful purpestn They woie nrrcbtcd en tbe 22nd tilt , two inlcrual machines beitif; found at Welft'a limiKO The inspector of o.xpleiivca deposed that thn inne'dues if used weu'd have causcil a ilanj,:"reu.i exploslep. A Iteynt rjn.tin. Tlie I'rlnce of Vi'iites haslici .. .e cltetcd (;r.itnl master of tlm c.tand lodjje of Free Mapns of England t'lre lu C iiistantlnople. Cosstantinepi.h, Dee. 0 The lira lu tlie Ilaskieni quarter of this city, whleh b-ol-.e out yesterday, wan subdued last n'ii;hr, after iaf;inK elRlit licurn. .'Murder In Irrl.iiiii, CeitK, Dee. 0 The body of n faimcr, with thu head smashed, h.iH broil found en thu hipltwr.y nt Mill Street, a small vilbft'1 t'cnr Curie tiu.pcrat Aiiemp; a ti'i'cl'le. Cincinnati, Doe 0. Mr. V. C. Ayren, tlie local ticket apnnt et tlie Clh cinuati aiid Northern railroad, who wan nrrcited last niijUt for cnilif.slctneni', male a mitt dopi-a'e n' e'ri)' l!in merninj in the C'entrV Htfien him commit suicide He cut his wris's with broken gins; thrust a, ftharpnnrd lead pancil deeply Inte Ms urcl: end then used a pecltt oenib in nu ofTert te cut liU threat. Thin Im siya he did a. 2 o'elool;, antl thou lay 1:1 the mnriH', aeny hoping ler death. Ife is n yeun man of roei! family nnd hia I'rlamli s.vy hid mind is titibalaue'd Hia condition is eri'ical. fatal i'Xiile-1 'i nt Otilo4(;e Ciiic.voe, Dec. 0. Te fertilizing tat.kn n Olvelr Itres. lender eir eitnb iahment .it thn Htne.K' vnriln cxiiledeil liiht nmlit I wrccUiuir the entire- building. Fourteen men and two bj a wcre in the place, and it ia thought conie of them woie buried In the rulnn. Four men ate known te be sorietioly injuipd nnd ene et two will probably die. ihr.e men and two lieyn wcre also Inn but1 olilanRereiisIy. Iflr.i lii .ni w Vnrlt. Nbw Yer.it, Oce. (1. Uy n tire early this meri.itif; in a ten.'iinnt liouse at Ne Pi,", Mett r.treet. Mrs. ISridtjet Mintha and a man named Sheehan wcre badly burned. A. Ilruman found Mih. Julia ?leOratl ev-1 ceme by smohe in tlm Imllilitij,'. Her deatli is moment u ily cxpetcd. A 1 l?Mll.i CluirHliter Stai'lhten, a C, Dec. 0. The trial of Qcorge W. Lake, for the nommliiaieii of unnatural oiime with his daimhtcr, alsj for iibandeniti;; Ins fvnily of four children, whose mother ban bcen recognized by relatlvcn as Lnk.i'u own datichter, was ceinmenccd at Hlcl'tneud te day. Anether Muliuu te n tiniiirreui fuitill). Andkiisen, Ind., Pee. I). Jehn .1. Jeiinsnn was hliet ami danneieusly wound ed tiear here last eveninj; by Uoleiimn Hawkins, IlawItuiH then Miot himself, djini: iustnutly. IletH wcre wealthy fitrmcrH, 'I hu tionle urose about a ditch betwrcn the farms. StenilllK W-Tli MttllO MIIUH. PiiiiAnni.i'mA, Die. 0. A. notieo iasued te the ci al operateni in Schuylkill oennty te day aiiiiuuncca that the iititlirnolte eal intcrcstfi have agreed te a ntopprce of coal mlnliir; en December l'.ltlt, 14ib, intli, '.'0:li, 3l8t, 'JSd, 2Uh, 25th atid SUtli. DlanuriHM I'Umai I'enT Jkuvis.N. V..Pre. 0 Wlicateii'e meat market, Miffi (llbben'ii millinery stere, Sciiddcr'a jewelry titiue, Davlh1 photearapli (.oillery and Mr. Oummlnp'n law ofllea at l)t peait wete detreyed by llre early thin tn. rnlrp. Less ever $10,000. Tbe cr'fjin of the llre la unknown. nunc, Hut Net Forgotten, llAiiiiisitriui, l'a. Dee. (5 The Leuis- lattire ndjournel nlnod'eat neon te-day. Most of the motnbeta have turned itite tha treasury ene hundred and ten dollars coh,tlie amount of tlielr pay for the eloven day rcccsn taken nt thu beginning of the teiaiun. Tlie AlHtidnmiis vare. liAiuiiMiunu, j;ca. (J. Areuuient the iiucstien el jurisdiction lu the man damus nar.e against the slnkitif; fund com cem com inlsmeusrn te .empcl thein te comply with the law liiinvstltip; surplus money, took plae3 te day. The dcclsleu was reserved, au Fx.Mnyer of I'lUUdelptili Head. rniLADKU'iiiA, Doe. 0, Eic.Moyer Alexander Henry, of this city, dled this mm uint; nt his tcsldence tu Oormautewn. Woolen Mill llurned, y.u.EU, Iud Doe.O.Tho Salem woolen m Us, which have been dle two months, i nrued last night. Less, $75,000. ac Wolceuie UeBth. IJAi.;riiipiiB,Dce.O.-.Mr. Laura Ulall, who kllled her two ohlldren en Friday last, and out her own threat, dled n,u mernim?. Bhoeftou exnrrnwna a ii, (He ami rofiified te tnke nottrishraent, Killed In a Ceal flllne, Sciunten, Pa.. Doe C Themas Lvtin. a prominent local Domeonttio polltletan. wits instantly uineu yoatertmy by tue rail of a reef in the Colobreok mlue at Car. bondale. Werlt ntnpped, Tnr.sTON,N.J., Dee. 0. The Trenten Iren mill olesed their rolling mill tem porarily last night, throwing 230 hands out or work. It Is oxpectod that work will be resumed Monday at a reduotlen of wagon. lle vnt be uncharted. Nkwaiiic, N. J., Dee. O.-Patrlcx Mo Me I arlan, arrested for the murder of Plicobe I'nullln, has established nn alibi and will be discharged at once. Henntnr Antheny Getting Well. Nr.w YoitK,Deo. 0. Senater Antheny's condition is greatly Improved te-day. Vt'KATUKK INDICATIONS, Wasihnoten, Doe. 0. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, cool nertherly winds shifting te warmer soatheastorly, tlslng followed by falling barometcr, and Friday by rains. ntA.unr.7n. fhllnaeliitim stnrKet. I'litr.AriiiLrHrA, Dec. e. rienr dull but steady. itye Klenr nt V 73. Whoatsleaily ; Ne. 2 tVmtcrn Ited. Jl 08 1 Ne. 3 de. lOXe t Ne.3 l'enn'n. Itetl.st VM. Cern firm nml In Reed demand t eutl yullew, Mm de inUed. OJKCille ; Ne. 3 mixed, old, eofjrsie i new, maw. ' eatn quiet nnd Meldy t Ne. 1 Whlte. 4le: Ne 2 Whlle, 0c j Ne. 3 de, Cuie ; Ne. 2 Mixed, 37fI3tc Itye senrce : prline f.lc. Secds-Cltiver nt ;y0ljet Timethy at instil M : Kinxsecd at ii t7rjt te. I'revlilnns nrm nnd lalrly nctlve. l.ard tinner. i- gas stonily. Cnccsn tlrm ; New Yerlc lull cream ISs ; Western de, r.'QUKe ? de fair te Reed, llQUK' l'a. part skims, itfict de luil.'JffllXc. luiieiuuiii unu ; iiciiucii, etj6;,c.. VM-f 11 f 1 'ji Nctt Vnrk Market. Saw erk, Dec. . Fleur Stnte nnd West4 eru dull nnd strongly m fnver et buyora buyera buyora "tircrilne f-tr.te. 1 H121 Id; Kxtra de, 3 43U .1 lint bnutliPt'! Hteiulv. Whciit iipuncd Viil''a lower t vatlible nnd tnepuliir tr.nl mill IudsiiqUvh Ne. 1 Wlipe. nominal j Ne, 2 Ued, Dee.. 11 il dan.. II YIV, fpi Utit Feb.. II lUjrtl lPi; llnteh, 1HC UOXi May.fl lU4nilD;. Cem epuiiMi Jirtje lower ; Inter rccoverol nnd ii-tvuticrd tiiJUe i Mlxnd Wcsleru, stiet, 31 (e t de mtuiij. tl.lkCe. iMtsn tlir.de better: llceelpts, 1.1,900 1 sal tn', 11l)0:Ne 2 Jllll.. SS;M3sHO.' fub.. 331il)l May. I2',jirfflt -Ule, rajUu; Wosterh. Iit3 13i. I.tve Htoelc 1'rlceB. ( Cimi-aoe lles llocelpts, 4(5,000 head; ship, m.mta, sew head i mnrket strong for koe.i irnulcst packinir, l :niil 81 1 pacttinKaiiil hhlppliur. t i';j SO; light, It S3('1 iUul(lns, tl '.'is. 4 40. Cattie itocelpts, i,tCfl liead : shipments, 2 300 Ii ml: mnrket streni; nml nctlve t ox ex ports, tl 20t(l M ; ii oil te cliolce Rhlpiitnir, Htccis, V reijG13 ; common te inedlum, flViih 5 40tT x.uh, 1121 V flhrnn Ki'OL'tptA, ".Svilieail; ltlitpmPnts,2.S00t marlt(twc.)tnuil2e lower; Interior te fair, t'i'l'iii'3 Ce i oivt.rjeod, ?130 cliolce, W ;.l. I!at I.incttTY.'ST-'iittlc IteKdnts. l,40il lipnd i imtilivtlulr: prime. Ifmesu; fair toi;eo;l, JJ 50 tf. 73 1 common, l 7.i'f I re. Heijs itt'Cdpifl, .'l.CSJ,leud ; mill Wet stnndy ; l'l.llndelphte. IMimm; erki.T9, Tl t'Oa". On. sneep IteeelpM, i (i) haul; nurliet vnry dull; prime, ftefl2.1i I itr ti03d, i M1Q15); common, flW'J JO. muck mirttuin Quntattans by ttoed. Maiirann .JO. 'Uhh ,r, i,r-ncsir, t'iu U A, h 12 m. v. u U. r.& I.C tllehlRnu Central....... New Yerlc Central Vny. iijrMy Ce.ilial ., Ohie ".-lltRU "-I l.tu . A Wester. i. I. nt r -. ,t Bie Oranda, en; Sl U7ii SOVi, ii.'i 12W MM .V39 iw2 Kry it e,-v a ae.-iuj l.nl:e "l:or. C.llte.'i'O & N. w., com.... N.N. Out. Wivtrrn.... it. I'milAOmn'iii 1'uellic Mull Ilucliefn r s. VI tburKli.. t. rt.nl Tn .- ! ictlle tjnlei. t'.icltle Walnu-'i Cominen tViitnli I'roferrod Wust'rii trnlim Toleynieli LenuvpieA Nashvllle... N. 1 .. t lit A St. I. IjtllljiJl Valiuy I.etilifli Navigation I'eniii-vlvmil'i , itii'idin r v. r.ft iturmie Northern I'liclMc-Cem... NertLein I'ucllle 1'ivf... tlosienvtlle 20V & 1 33 U 78 Q w 21i 2l(? 78K 21 U 7 4ai u 72 I2W ifiVi 27 UJi 2(1 0i JS?fi .a I'hlindelphta ft Krle.. I Neitnern ctural iinuoiuieiiii-i Citnauii Aoutliern.. . Oil rMulii' lllrlnlrlll,. T.lif U3 SO IH t'llllU'WIplllU. VtiU'isilen'by AEseclatO'1 Frcss. Stocks unsottted. l'liiladelphla & Krle It. I'. Helding Hillread I'miiHyiva nln ltatlre-.nl U'lih-h Valluv llnllread.. 17 i mi .. 7a ..l'.n .. r,; ..1C9 ,. !8 .. liVJ .. CI United Coinpuulesnf No.v.lnicey... sort'., in raclfic erlhru I'aclllu FrutMrel Seilhern Oenlnil llnllriMd lcnt'l. '.'ivlgiitlen C'i'ii ...n v Sou.sle.. II li.illieul .... ( 'en t ml 1'iantp'iiuil )., '; nii.iny, l'ltt-li'g, lltnsvl'.lnft llull- UU" , 't. i:, l.llllll'lellllVIKlll IW'li n' N.'iy wert iu.iUitte.i5 :-'. Aiaoi.iuted Fred. i e stts Ht eadv. ilenny u sty ut 2g'Kc. '.'civ lerlt Cetitnu llfl;i Kile ttailrend nui idams UiiiresH ..,.I"0 MWiitK -iiCeutral itulltet.1 01W Mielitmi deutlicrn ItallnMd KOW Illinois Ceutral Itutlreail..., ..i.l!;i. Cleve and ft I'lttiburgh ttiillre.ld :i3t Clilc.ute.t Ueatc Island I'.allread IiOV 1'ilUbiirgli A Fert Wayne Itatlread il3 Western Union Tuleur.tuli Oemnanv 78St; Toicue ivaiiudu aeaiu.... .,... ...........a... 219 C'.lltnd ,. 13W 'itiitleA iVcRturu, JOX Hev7 .1'T'iey s- V7 e'lr ' 1,' (l .lU'UHl Stilt IJOUH ' u I by .1. II, Leng, 11." it,!, 'ffit LetttdlCklNJ .! ixa... iw ii... i'ja lM .. irv. p. r i,i,tii 1 rr-fiyuir.. V ptir fit. 1nh.il IrfWilt ... Ml " In lei '.ti veM I'V) ' 111 , -i " i "S . Ifie s tnl' I'.-i'v-.- 100 .,ii t'-ireucrli lean I'"1 I.tiv" .tain, Tltf litu 117 l IW.MI !0J nj 101 ii ' s y r 40,t 14 tiWHM i'ihw srecua. ..111- u. i. .,...,... . ....... rfi!! i.rlIlerftre".t,(vr ! . Wl till i .nr I'lntlnCe'iiviaiiy..,, i,i - Ll tntnn.l 1 mil Company. 1.,-vwi lleiti-e (Hi ndb) CelambiaOna Uoeiputy ........ . "i 3u lINf tft 21 .11 a ' iMlnml ti WLtorfe.iip.iiij, ,. 6iisi:iiel..;urii iron Cemii.iny. ...... 100 Murlettii Holle wwmv , ltw Utevens Heme...., .,. W ai( liy I iland W IC-ist Urundywtiie .v Wnym sli'df.... W tUUernVllln Nerma! ttobeo! Nertliern Market f.0 KlbUnLiAtlUOCif &etu sie i ik 103 IIS l'i 10) 103 SO 6 tiuurryvlliit U,lt..nui net. ., J'je lluadlng A Columbia it. It,. 1'b Hv Laucttster Una l.tght and r uel Ce., dun In ler-JJ years.. ." ' I.ancjwterUaI.I'ilitaud Funl Ce., .Im, IWkl !) Kusteiu Murktit W- Western Market ul it - u-,.... & llniiin- t'utlllV .. S id "J lirldgciMjitAHoresUpo..,. fH Columbia ftChOSlUUt HU1 ? 'lelutubHA Wtishlngtei UeiumbiuAiiiir Hprfuir.. j? Columbia A Alurleltu.... ...... ...... Maytown KlltnOeUitOWl ,' J 1 jincitster .t Kphrata...... - buiica.uirft wallow Hiroer., ..,.,- ,JB Ainunurg A Millport i -j Msrtetta.t Mnyteyn.... ,. A AliirlettnA Mount ,iev "t Kmti.Biltuibf'tht'n AMlddlefn...,. J(M Llucaster A Fraitvllle, te Lancaster JclHItiS,.i. ts I4incimter A WUluunstewa..,....., ' Ijinnuter.t Maner................... te IartcaUjr A Man helm. ,,..., ....,,., a Lanc;iaterA MftrtetU.- ........... Vt jincoster A New Hellauu..,,..,. ., 1U) Lauctuter AHusuuetianne... ,.,,, iM BANS ATOtaU. First NaUenallJanrf , UM Funuers' National Uank... te en. m -4 i r ta 11 tu n i k 17 tiue 41 CO .11 03. HI 7 lifl.US 1JJ.1U 41 lb IW US 1W,TJ