(Eke Av mi&t&efi nMettije . Volumn XX-Ne, 80. LANCASTER, PA.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 4, Irttili. iVIce Twe CeiiIb. v J)f ill) t 1 KO, rAIINKSTOUK. 1 KU. VAIINIMTOOK, IIAIK'B OLD HTAND, NO 14 EAST KING STREET. LA.NCAHTKIt, l'A. Dry Goods, Fancy Qoeda and Notions, in Great Variety. A lull l.lniiei Lu.llea' niul Chllilrun'a COATS, CLOAKHaml DOLMANS ttlwny en hand. Silk Pluslies by the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Our Dress linking l'urlnr urn en II10 aecend mul tlitnl lloera, wliore Dresses, Ceatil Clenks mul Delman tin inuiln nt Hliert notice, l'erfcct III anil saltalactlen guaranteed, wlietlitT kimxIk ute piircliaed here or sent te be made up from elsewhere. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET, - - - Lancaster, Pa. 1 PI.VMIHNU ANU ,Jm,N AKNOI.D. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. KBTinest Werk, Bet Workmen. Leavo your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HUMAN ( iuanuiiic rt'.imi.tzuu ee. X HXTMAJST GUANO. CorupeBod of Pure Oilman Excromeut and Urine. Unrlvaled Ter Wheat, Tobucce, Oralis, Oern, &e. -SOLD iiv nil. II. J O.N Eh, Ne. I.G.'l Mat Uiil Mreet : C. II. HOUKUS. Ne. 153 Market Street; (.itAIIAM, LMLKN A I'ASSMOItK.Ne. C31 Market Street ; J. KlUKIl A SON, llranchtewn riillmluliililii, mul responsible dealer generally OFFICK.-Ne. 3M Chpsfnnt Street, I'liiludelnhia. niiKl.itiinil O MUS3ELMAN, Agent, WItmer, Lanoaater oeunty, Pft. IIUOICH ANU .)' i!ST itl'I'.NKI). AN KLEGANT Steel Engravings, Etchings, Photogravures, PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored and Plain. ATTIIK HOOKSTOttK OK JOHN BAER'S SONS, rTCS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. Cl.ll- M. it MAUTlb wiiei. -.:. in .n 1 ileum l.uurlii all Kinds nt LUMIIF.lt AM) OOAU 'fuM Ne iJu .North Water and t'rlncn rtkiUi ....ivii Lutoen Ijincaster. n-lyd I).lU.VMIAIllNrHlS A Jl'.FPKHlKH. GOAL DEALERS. OFHCF.S. Ne. 21 NOHTII Qu!t STUKICT, AND Ne. Ml North I'rincu Strict. AUOS North 1'rinck Strict, nkaii IIhid- me DureT. LANOASTKll. l'A. IlllrflMId CIOAI. I lilMlil TIki undurstgnud has for sale, at his Yard, Cor. Andrew and 8. Water Sts., a largu assortment of the very bust kinds et Ocal for Family Ube, which ha will dollver, ciirutnlly welched nnd screened, te any part of thu city ut tlie lowest murkel rat us. rders liy mull or tuluphenu niluii promptly. JiilyltMId I'll! 1.11 UINDKH. MAMJKK AMI COAL. New Yerk und I'hlladelphla Heiso Mu Mu nuie by tliu cnrleml at reduced prices. All (In) 111CHT UltADKS OF COAL, lletn ter Family and Steam purpose. Cl.MKNTby thehuirel. UAYiiml STIIAW liy Hid tun or IkUe. 1 Alie 311 lliirrlsliiirw I'lke. (.Ill USUAL OFVICB-JIH KllSl Chestnut StlU'lt ICaufThmn, Koller & Oe nil 1yd v DAI, M. V. 15. cene UH.i NOllIll WATKUHT., Lancaster, !:., Wboleaale ami llatall Dealers tn LUMBER AND GOAL. Ufliiuoctten Willi tlifl Telephoule Kxetiauge. Yard and Olrioe Ne. 330 NOUTII WATK Sl'HKBT tnlrt8-lvd VAl'XU llANlilriUP, at. pilAKKM W. ritV. uuu link or Dade Window Shades 1h l.truer than any enaacu horelolnro. We linvti tlieni In All Celers, nix and Hevon toot lenw'. These I oeiUiviu verVBtjllili and pepu- Inr .Special lius iciiuu ie ertier. PLAIN SHADING liy tlu yard In uny (limutlty, wide wldthB ler lurire wmilewa und Hleie luulej, Tin ami Weed Sprlni; llollera. Mho Ueril Fixtures. Shades iiiiule up promptly and Iiiiiik in best wiinncr. NKW I'ATTKKNBOr WALL PAPERS (l l'.very Description. Common anil Ullt I'aperut Lew I'rlees. Uonlnre, Krtezes, t'on t'en t'on ire 1'Ieccs, Ac, LACE CURTAINS, In Cream nudWhlte. I'oles, CornlceB, llamlf, l.oepn, Ac, PHaRES w. fry. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. I.MlKY'ti UNlVKltUAL, XlUK SUl'fOSI 1 TOllY. A sure eure for overy form et 1'lkm, Internal and external, Itchtiitr or blend- Inir, and lone standlnit cases. It has never tailed uven tn cases as leni; BtanilliiK as 23 le SS uven in cuses as leni; atundliifr us 23 te 35 ThUHupposItery U cene ahaped.caay ly, auto, neat and clean, and posseaaoa vviira. te aid)) every advantuBO eyer ointments nndsalvea 1'liyalcliuiHuse it In their practice, uive It a trial, and you will be both rul loved and con vinced. It your druKalsi docs net hoop it or uel It for you, accept no ether, but Bend for It by mail, us It can uu eent any where by mall, 1'rlee, We per bex1 Prepared und sold by ANDUKW U. FllKY. Drucnlat: Ne. SJ Kant OriiiKO St., Cor. Christian aprfl-lydiwa Lancaster, 1'a, DIM. UAH JV1TTINU, ill' ANU. STATION VltY. LINK OF NEW HA TH ANU VAI'M. - I 1 ATM, tAPM, e.. AT AMBK'S, NO. 311 WEST KING STREET. Eletftmt ealakln Saoques. Klegant Fur-Llned Circulars. Elefjant Sealskin MuiTu, Elegant Sealskln Caps for LadleB. Elegant Sealskln Caps for Gents. Elegant Imitation Muffe and Caps. Qent'e Fur Qlovea and Mufllera. Onlldren's Furs. Fur Trimmings. A 1.1. AT. I.OWKST rOdSUH.K l'HlOKS. 43- 3iiUklii Hacquea und Vur I.tned Ulrcu. Inmcarelully maile te mousure. Kit, Quality uud l'riccs Bpcelally GuurunteiHl. dMmil R AT HTUltK. ADV1UK. Never buy wliat you de net rorjulre, Hucriihe II In oirernil you ohean : 'Twill he money thrown Inte thu tire, 1 lien where l the profit you reup t nut hiieuiii you 'ere widiiie invest In u barKulu decidedly " tat," j urn can ai our Hiere any tiuy. And Invest In a StjlUh AViw lint. YOU CAN (1KT rilK I.A TKHTHTYLK, TUB JIKSr QUALITY, TUB MOXTDUItAJU.B HAT, CAP, or Sealskin TUItHAN ; ATTIIK 1,0 H KST I'KICE ANYWUEIIK. A Few FINE DRESS KID GLOVES. SHULTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNUAKKlt'8 OLD STAND,) I.ANOABTKIt, l'A. . nmri7 lydAw UUUCHUIJSM. T ISIIltnft'i Thanksgiving Groceries. rieilda Oratiucs. Whlte drapes, Uhelcu lineudn. Knullsh ltuncli Italalns, l'uper Sliell Almeudu, Walnuts, Filberts, Cliolce iiellulluur Apples. Alse llaldwln and llambew Apples. Thu Choice l'A UA DISK MKADOW CltANIlKit JtlKS, Crosb A llluckwell's l'lcklea ami Sauces. Coxe's (Jelatlnu, Chocolates. Cocoas ami llreina Flavoring Kxtracta. Tallin OH and Dutchhuad and I'lncapplu Cheese. Alse YOUK STATK C1DKK. AT OUR BRANCH STORE, CIIKSTNUT AND MAUY BTUKKTB, we keui) a Full Line of all kinds el urocerles, nnd aull at Lewest Trices. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 BAST KING STREET. IlllANUll-CllUHTNUT AND MAUY 3TS LANCASTKll, l'A. I", a. lleth stores liave Tclephone Connoc Cennoc Connec llon. AUfSNOWLKKUKU 1IY ALL OUDOIM that the Yellow Frent c. Havana Clear takes the lead at UAUTMAN'3 YKI.LOW FHONT CKI Alt UTOUK MK1HVA1,. T UKK 11018 Liw Beplater for Dynpepuln, Ceiitlviinrns, filclc Itnadflclie, Clironle Dlarrlieta, Jaunillce. Impurity el thu Illoed, Kernrand Atfttn, Malarhi and all Dla Mnr caused by DerouKninent et the I.Iver, Itewelii and Klunnv. SYMl'TOMaOK A DISKA8KI) MVKIl. Had breath i t'alnln theBldu. aemetlinea the pain U felt under the tiheuldnrdiladn, mla- taKuti toruiieiimntlain t KOiunu Iehs or appe tite i llewnl Ki'iiernlly cemIvp, notnetlmea altcrnattiiK wllhlax i tliehejiil la troubled with pain, la dull and lieuvy, wltliceimlilnrulilii Iehh or memory, iiccsinii.intud with u palnlulsen. aatlen et InavliiK iimlone Romethlnir which euuht te liave been done t a alight, dry cenli ami fliiahed taco la ROinellmes an ntiendant, often inlMakim ler consumption i tliepiillent cemplalna el wearlnea ami debility t ncrvetiH, eatlly atartledt cold feet or Uiirnlnit, aomo aemo aome tlmoKaprlcklyaonnatlon or thu Hkln uxlita t aplrltaare low and despondent, and although Ballslled that exorclae would hn hencllclal, yet one ciiu hardly auinmen up lertltudn te try It In fact, Ulalrusta overy remedy, bovcralet the above aymptetca attend the disease, but cnaca have occurred wlien but low of thorn ox ex InUii), yetoxitmlnatleu utter death hax ahewu the I.Iver te liuve been extenslvely doriuiReil. It alieulil be useil by all poraeua, old and yeunir, whenever any el the above aymptetnj appear, 1'craeus travelliiff, or living In unhealthy localities, by tatting u dese oceanlenally te keep the I.Iver In healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, llltluua uttackii, Dltzlneaa, Nauflea. Drewslneas, Deprcatlen of Hptilti, etc. It will InvlRonite llke a dim of wlne, but la no In toxicating beverage. It you havu eaten anythlmr hard et dlftea dlftea Hen, or feel heavy attur muala, or nleeplci ut nlnht, tnke a ilese and yrrn will be inlleved. Time and Doctors' llltla will be nuved by u ways keeping t no HoKiilater In the llonsel Fer, whatuver tlie ailment lnuy boa thoreitKli ly Biile purKullve. alteratlve and tonle can nuver Imi out of place. The remedy ta harm harm lesa and doe net Intnrtcre with business or plaiiiire. iTii i'uukia vkektaiim:, And has all t'in power mid efltcacy et Calomel erDulntnn, wnheut uny of the Injurious alter etferti), A HiURXOR'H TIMTIMOSV. SlinmeiH l.lver UcKiilater has been In uce In my tainlly lorKeuio llmuand I mu aiitlsllcil It la a VAlunliloaddltleu tethemcdlcalBClence. J. UiLLHiinnTKn. Covernnrel Alahuma. Hen Alexandei II. titcphena, of Oa , savs lluve derlvcil aome bem-rtt Ire in thu iihe et .llmmeua l.lver Kogulater, ami wish te lve It a further trial, " The only Tlilnir that never falls te Ho He Ho llevo." I have used many remedlea ler Dye pepahi, I.Iver Ailuctlen and Dublllty, but never have found anything te tionetll me te the extent Sliniiiena l.tvcr feUlater has. I aeut from illnneaetii te (ieerKla ter It, ami would send farther ter such a medicine, and would (iilvlieul! whoare aitnllarly atlected te Klvulta trial iw It aeenu the only thing that uevci tails te lellevu. I'. M. .Iannev, .Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W Mii'en mys: from actual oxporl exporl oxperl enco lu thu uae of SIiiiiikiiih l.lver Iteculater In my prartlce I havu been and am satlaQed te ue and prescrlbe It an u purjjullve modi medi elne. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, dni(;i:lst, 1117 nnd I'M North (jueeu atreet, Lancaster, 1'a. irTake only the (iunulnu, which always bus en the Wtapper the red , Trade-Mark and Mitnatuiu of J. II. 7.KII.1N A CO. lOllSAl.li I1Y ALL DIIUOOIHTS. taull-lyeed.tw WI.VKIl FAIL1, SAMARITAN NERVINE. OU CI.AI.M i U MI'tll ter xmaritan Nbiivikk," Bai'H a Hlte.itle. "Hew ran one inril inril inril lelnobuaaneclllcler KI'ILKI'SY, DYrtrKl'. MIA. AI.COIIOI.H.M, OPIUM KATINO. KAKNK3S and llfty ether com cem plaliitu?" We claim It u apectjla, almply bo be bo eause tliu virus et alt dUeascH arisen fiem the bleed its Nervlne. Ueaelvunt. Alterative, and Laxative propertied meet nil thu cendl. tlens herein relerred te. It's known leerftl u'dJeae THE GREAT Serve Conqueror. llfiuletn ami compeHes the patient net by the liitroduetlou or opiates and drastlecathartlea, but by the restoration or activity te tint stom ach and nervous RvatO'i , wheieby the brain la lulloved or morbid taneleM, which ure cro cre cro ated by thecauaesabnvcrerericd te. Teclerirynien, LawyeiH, Literary Men, Mor Mer ch mts, Ilanker.4, Ladles, and all thoije whesu nedentary employment causes nervous pros tration, IrrcuularltU'.s of thu bleed, atemach, bowclaer kidneys, or who require a ncrvu tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Hamaiuta Nruvinr is Invaluable. Theusnnda proclaim It the most weuderlul InvlKinnnt that evor Hiistiilniid tlieslnklnu system. $1.(0. Held by all DrtiKKlata. The 1)f. a. A. UICIIMOND IIKI), CO., l'roprlclera, 8t. .lescph, Me, CHAS. N. CltlTTKNTON, ARent, New Y'erlc CUV- ail lyeedAw .) 1 )III.U,1I.VTIU SYIIM'. A Limb Saved Auda Family Made Happy. Mr. i'hlllp Moere. et West Webster, Mem oe County, N. Y., nays: "My duuclitcr, new ulKhteeu yeara old, Im9, for the past elliteen mouths, ben nllllcted with ihuumallstn lu a very sovere liirm. Onu year attelt settled in thu knee, aluce which tlme alie has been unable, te touch bur loot te the lloer or move her Mint) without uulierlnx the most exciu- ctatlm.' patu. Het fur limb was fast urewlnit out el shape, altheuKli wu wereduliiK ter Derail nuceuld, liuv ttiK used nil the remedies wu could hear or and ttiatwuruiiiceminuiideil for rhuumatlam, noneot which bun titled her lu thu least. Hercaae was prennuiu'Ul Incurable by the pliy- Hiciuu uuu uy inn iiuiuiii'ers, uuu uu believed that aha would be a cripple all Imrilays, and that her limb would nevur by rostetod te Its erlxln.d shape. Hut 1 am happy le say that le-duy myilauKhtur is entirely Iree trem all rheumatle palna, and that shecan walk withpurfect ease, hav ing thrown aside hur crutches, and her llmh seems ns atrenn and per tcct as ever: all Irein the ine el lour wundurlul mcdlclue " Itlieu matte syrup," which wu consider oneoftho best medicines evor In troduced for purtlyliiK the bleed, mid 1 only rekrut I hat all ethers who ure allllcted wIlH rhuumatlam can net knew of lis superior met Its. Yeu ure at liberty le use my miiuu II It will de you any noed, and 1 shall he only tee ulaittetelluny ami overynno what It lias done ter my iliui;liter," IMULll' MOOltU. Rhouraatle Syrup Is.the BieatUt Illoed J'urliler known, and will deall thallsclatmtd lerlt. hend ler pamph pamph lutef teatlmenlalHuild teadel tlie.ewhi)hiivu Ik en cnreil by I In uae, UlicuiimtlcSvriiii Ce., Ileclicstcr, N. V. Koraaleby ilrupglsts. rrice Jl.ei aer het. lie or 0 bottles foriK.ue. eclHydAw EAltUAIh.l IN VrUUIM, Chains. UIeks, Spoitucles, Ac. ULOOlf Repairing nt nil iriiwtit will iceelve mv nersen ' r-:-:.-.-. ..... ..7... .. .r..r. -.. .. .."." uu UllUll tlnn. LOUla v r. iir.it, no. w nunu uuun trn,it itnmiiinlKti' liniiiu und number. Ul . KOI tucUy oppeslto Oltv Metel, neur Tunnsylvann rallroailiiepoL doeidlvrt OUK AGRIOULTURISTvS. A HI.I9I IllKKTINO UV TIIK HOUIr.TI', Herns Inqalrlt Inte the Cnime Thcrrnl, and Heme HiiRBeatlens tu Iteiuedy The Kvlf A ntated incetlnfj et the I.anuaMer oeunty nrf.rleultiiral R03lety was held in their room in city hall ycfttcnhy nftor nfter nftor ueoti. The follewltip; natned tncinbers wero present: Measrs. II. M. 1'uglc, Alarletla ; .fehti (J. Lilnvllle.rJallabiiry ; Jninnn Weed, Llttle Urltaln ; Jehnsen Miller, Warwick ; Israel L. LaudlR, Mnnheim ; (J. L Hun accltcf, Manheim tewnalilp ; Frank It, DlllonderlTor, city; Levi S. Kolat.OrcKen ; J. M. .Iobnsten,city ; Kphriam H. Hoever, Manlielm ; 8. P. Kby, city : JamcB Col Cel lino, Drumere ; CharleH 1. t'ellina, Colo Celo Cole rain ; Jacob IIoRtettcr, I'cnn tewnalilp ; Air. ilciouey, wesi Lampoter. In the absence of President Hush, VIce 1'rrsiilent Eugle wax calleil te lie chair. F. It. DilTouderirorrcportod that he had read two competitlvo usaays which had been handed him for examination antl had theti handed them evor te 9. I'. Kby, crq., another meinber of tlie comniittce ap pointed te pass upeu tlictn ; but that Mr. Kby had informed him that he had net yet handed thorn ever t Mr. Johnsten, the third momber of tlie comniittce ; antl that, thcrofero, the oemmitteo was net yet alile te report, Mr. Johnaten Haiti he lin.il no doubt tliu two members of the committee who had examined the essays would make n just award, nnd he was quite ready te w.tlve au examination of thorn. Mr. Kby citnn Inte the incotitiffsemu tlme afterwards and stated that he had net read the essays with sttflicient care te make a decision at the present meeting, and go tlie matter was postponed. Mr. Liiiville proseutod te tlie si:iety a bound volnnie of the report of t:.! cliief (lisnal ofllcer of the United Stateu, v.hlcli Iiatl been forwarded for the library ; tlse, n catalojUe of tlie world's cotton oxposl exposl oxpesl tiou te be held at New Orleans, and a copy of ti neviflpaper called tlie Sugar licit. A Dearth el itusliiefcs. iHruel L. Land Is eald thcre scorned te be a Kreat dearth of busiucss in the nociety, and he would like te knew why this is se. The society was ergauizi 1 for a uoed and useful purpese, and yet Us mediums wero very slimly attended, and thcre scetnud te be llttle or nothing te de by theso wh i de attend. C. L. Iluusccker said the soeioty had been organized for many years ; the at at at tendanoe was never as large as tlie impor tance of tlie matters discussed tnerited. Tlie farmers of the county would ba greatly benollted by meeting together and consulting en their mutual intcrests. He thought tlie failure et the pociety te held a county fair had caused no me pcrsms te leek upeu it witli disfavor. He said that poorly ai the meetings wcre attondedthey wrre botter atlunded than meetings of s mil.ir organizations, The tobacco grew -erh' association, after being i'l cxistonce a few months' disbanded ; se did tlie bee keepers' association, ami at thu last moot meet ing of the l.innajan soeloty euly six mom mem bciR were present. The agricultural society was the only oue that had held together for a long series of years. lle gave greatcrcdit te the nowspaper.s of tlie eity fur publishing exteudctl reports of the proceedings, hut took the Examiner te task for the curt manner in v?hieh it referrcd te thu last meeting of the seciety. IIe paid n compliment te "the nine or ttiirteeu" membcr.'i whom the Examiner had ridiculed for always bing in their places, ami he n.iw no reason for their Htirrcndeiiug te "youuger men," as had been suggested. Levi. S. Heist explained that what he meant at last meeting, when he roferrcd te infusing yeunger bleed into the society, was that lie, who had been one of tlie originators el the society, was willing te glve way te any mere pregressive perseni who would take held of tlie work. Jehnsen Miller thought the soeioty would be tnore prosperous and its meet legs much mero largely attended if they were held in different parts of the county i istead of in the eity. L'it thorn liu held alternately in Maiietta, I.ititz, Llttle Britain nnd ether puts of the oeunty, and much mero intuicst will in taken liy tlie farmers generally. Mr. llunseclter did net think he; lie feared the soeioty would soeti be cntirely disrupted, if it gave up i a permannnt plaoe of meeting. IIe beheved that though the meetings wero net large tliey did a goat deal of geed ; many important tilings are said and valuable essays read bofero the soeioty by ptaelical agrieultur ihts. who knew what they were talking about and these did mero geed than the finest speocLea made liy our great men. Cel. MoUlure nnd W. I . Hensel nie ahle men, but when they uudoitaUe te itiHttuat farmers hew te de their own work tiiey ate likely te de less geed than when plain, praetical farmera talk in these meetings. Mr. Land Is was of opinion that tlie 8iiciety had been injured liy its refusal te roeognizo the indopciulent Ute fair held here two months uge, nnd by the speeches in rofernnce te it which had been made liy inetnbciB here. While the fair was net nil that could liave been wished tlie ma chinery nud Implimenti aud soine otlier departments wero equal or superior te any ever held in tue county Mr. JohnBten thauked Mi. Hunseeker for tliu kind ninnner in winch hu had ro re fericd te the uowspaper reputs of tlie proceedings; but gave it as hit opinion that tlie tiowspapera were the eause of tlie meagre nttoudauea at th.i inciting Tlie loeil papera print net only tin pr iceedings of tlie inoetiugK, including tne -iys anil pape.re read, but they rep' ml .'ivlualile nrtlclea clipped from ether papers en vzrl culture, hortleulturo, stock raising and oilier matters et intorest te the Lirmers Every farmer takes ene or mero jiapei.s ami when tliey can get hi tlie pipsts the in for matlen they seek, the.v wi'l net loave their homes nnd leso n day every month te attend the meeting of the Miiiiety. IIe did net Lolievo that nuy plan could be devised toincrcase the attendance at the mcetlngs, aud the 8oalet would lave te b j content with the amill uumber of " old regulars " who nre in the habit of attend ing. Levi S Heist said thme w.w miuh truth In what Mr. Johnsten Kild. Our (armara read tiie papers, and lie was pleased te noliee that much that is nnd in this soeioty Is quoted olsewhoro Eph.B, lloevor wan of the same oplnleu, and added tunc fartners gained inucit use ful information lu visiting eacli ether and exchanging vlewa en the mauner of cult 1 vating various oreps, Wlicu they he.tr of a farmer who Ih untiMi.ilIy nua.essful In any particular brnneh, they visit him, find out his ineda of culture aud adept it Mr. Ilorshey thought tlie regular mnot mnet Ingn of the soeioty Rhnuld bu held in this city, but suggested that tliey would be mero largely attended If the time of meet lug weie ohauged from Mouthy te Satur day. Mes8rs.lt3lHt,LauUls ami ethera opposed nny change of day. 8, I'.Kby, ceq , said the moetlncs might be made larger nnd mero interesting if the members who ntUmd regularly would niakelta point te bring with thorn their neighbors, who had proved te be unusual ly profielont In the culture of any particu lar crop, nnd have thorn explain their mode of culture. Hills I'ald. Mr. Kby presented bills for coal, coal box, coal buekut, &., which wero ordeiod te be paid. l'mnltic I'encli Treei. lu nuawcr te n question by Mr. Kby. Mr, Knglesnid that peach trees that had giewti se luxuriantly, or en whleh the branches were tee clese togethor, might safely be trimmed new, or nt nny tlme betweeu new nnd uext spring, providing tlie weed is net frozen. Trim froely nnd head off theso branches which have made tee much growth. The following was proposed for notion nt next stated meeting : Kffrrrcil yuestimit. " Will tlie larne (itinntltles of dead clever en the Holds, if plowed down be a biucllt te next soasien's corn crop ?" In ferred te JnnicB Weed. " When corn Is CO centa per busbel, what h the vaitie of a bushel of potateou as fred for stock." Ileferrcd te Jehnsen Miller. "What nre thn most profitable books for farmera te read ?" It-jforred te M D. Kendlg. " Should tlil noeiefy nuoeuragn the 1m 1m 1m provemont of agricultural implements nnd labor saving nuoliines ?'' Fer genenl dis cussion. Adjourned, AMltVlNO AMKUItDTi: Tlie J-.iirIIhIi Aeter'a Ntery of "IVIiiK Lcur." Ferrest ni.il A. b.tuker who attended tlie Celli:! dinner te Henry Irving, in Philadelphia last week said iu conversation with the leungers in tlie Letus club parlors : "After dinner Mr. Irving proved himself te bn most pleasant in conversation, and an oxcellont story-teller. IIe told a story about Kdwiu Ferrest which was new even te Dan. Dougherty, Oee II. Uekcr nnd ether old Philadelphia friends of the latu tragedian. ".Mr. Ferrest," raid he being out te dinner, i.at oppesito an old geutleman who was a very (lilildoutpBrseu,but apparently n great admirer of Ferrest. The old guutlemau sat the whele evening drinking K every word Ferrest said, ami at last mustored up courage iu a flight lull in the conversa tion te say te Mr. Ferrest : "Yeu ah play King Lear, I believe?" ''Lear!" shouted Ferrost, raising from his rent, and raising both nrtn3 aloft and fixing the old gontleman with n stagy aud torrilie leek ;."Lear," be repeated In thun der tones, ns the mild old questioner quailed and sank in his chair, "I am Lear 1" The iutima'e friends of Ferrest present greatly enjoyed the st"ry which was most characteristic of him as well as Mr. Irving's imitation. A new play Is about te be produced entitled ' what snail he de with It v well, It "it" is a bnttloet Dr. Hull's CeukIi Syrup, he'd better tuku a spenntul three times it day until he gets 1 1 1 of his cough or cold. Itlinnfiii llcnetuctnrn. Wher. a beard or eminent physicians and chemists announced tliu discovery that by combining semu well known valuable reme dies, the most wonderful medlclnu wen pro duced, which weul 1 cure such a wldu range of diseases that inejt alt ether remedies could be dispensed with, many were ttfccptlcal ; but pioet of lis merit byactual tilal has dispelled all doubt, and te day tliu discoverers et that grunt medicine, Hep Hitters, nre honored and blessed by nil us benefactors. Thes-i Itltleis ui.i compounded from Heps, ituchu. Malt, Mandrake) ami Dandelion mil ether eldest, bi at nnd most valuable medicines lu tlie world and contain all thu best and most curative properties et all ether medicines, being the gieatest Illoed I'uiltler, KIdney and Liver Itegulater, and Ltle and Health Itcatertng Agent en eurth. Ne dUeafe or III health ran pjSHihly long exist whom these Hitters me used, mi vailud und perlect aru their opera tions. They i;lve new life ami vli;ei te thuagud and Inllrin. Te ml whose employments eause irregularity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who reiiulru mi Appetizer, Tonle and Mild Hlliuuhmt, theaii Hitters ute Invaluable, being highly cuintlve, tonic and stimulating, with out lnteMcallng. Ne mattur hat your lcctlnx or symptoms are, what the UUoise or ailment la, uhu Hep Hitlers. Don't wait until i ou are sick, but li you only leel bad or miserable usu thn Hitters at once. It may save your lifu. Hundreds havu been saved by ae doing. Ad-liKriu. will bu paid ter a ease they will net euro or help. De net suitor yeuisell or let your friends sutler, hut use and urge tlieni le me Hep Hit ters. Iteinember, Hep Hitters Is the pineal and best ii udlcliie ever Hindu i the "Invalid's Friends uud Hepe." Ne person or lumlly should bu without thorn. " 1 was troubled ter many years with serious Kidney and Liver Complaint, (J ravel, etc.; my bleed became thin ; 1 was dull and inactive; eeald hardly eraw I about, and was un old wniu out limn all evor. nnd could geluelhlng te help me, until I gl Hep llltteis, mid new 1 mil u boy again. My bleed Is puiu, Uldnuya aru ail right, and I am as active us a man of 'M, UllllOUgllll Ulll ii l ATIIUII. "Fer um vear.s my wile was eenllned le luir bed with such a complication et allmints that no doctor could tell what was thu matter or cuiu hur, ami I used up a small lerlunu iu humbug html. Hl.V iiumtlH age I siw a U. 8. Hag with Hep Hitters en It, ami 1 thought I would bu a tool once mere, and I tried It, but my telly proved te bu wisdom, and twobeltles cured her. alie Is new as well and strong as any man's wile, ami It cost mu only two dollars. II. W ., Uetielt, Mich. nl.'. lTu.ThAS Ne Doeeptlun Used, It Is strange 80 many people will eontlutie le sutler day utter day with Dyspepsia. Liver ivempiaiui, uouuupuiieii, neur cieiiiucu, lion lien oral Diihlllly. vhen they can proeure nteur HtoieHIULOIl'S VlTAI.liSF.il, treoereost it it does net cuieer lellevu Iheiu. l'rlcu, 75 cents. Held by II. II. Cochran, 137and 133 Nmlli Queen stteut, Lancaster. todll-ueds Thu lluest lenses madu aru being mounted In Cullulutd Iraiuui. Thuy aru huudaeme, Htfht unit strong uud glve better satisfaction th in ethur liye-lllassts. Fer ule by all lend ing .leu ulers und Opticians, d;l Iwdeed Tin "ureal lireM-ntlve against Small I'nx Is I Durhis I'rephy luetic num. It destreya ten- lllglOII. lli'iklnii's Arnica Mulve. '1 he greatest moo leal wonder of the world, Wurruuled te speedily ei.m burns, Hrulaes, Cuti, Ulcers, Pull llhetim, Fever hoies, tan cuts, I'IIeh, Chilblains, t'erns, Teller, Clmii.ied Hamla uml all akin niiiptliiiiN, uniui 'eed te euro tu eveiy Instance, or money lelnmleil, j-1 outs pur box. r or s.ilu by chas, A. Loeher. te'ii-lyeiMliw rceiircns in l'tiillt. Theio urn many sources et preilt te these who me tnijeiiteus mid enterprising. Jlurdeck Jtloetl JtlVcrt aieiiMfltireu et preilt In every way. 'I'l mv inilld up the health surely, bpeed liy, uud ellectually, which Is uuylug a great deal. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, :!7 und I Oil Neith tjiituu stieet. A Urrut Discovery, That Is dally bring ey te the homes el thou sands by siNing many of their ones treiti un curly urave. Truly fs Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, coughs, Colds, Asth ma, llreuchtllj, Hay Fever, Less et Voice, Tickling In tlie Threat, I'aln In Sliienml Chest, or uny iiisease ei inu iiirnai ami i.ungs, a posltlvneuie. (iiiiuiintecd. 'i rial llettles lieu ut diss. A, Lochei's Drug Stere. Luige slzu iirt. l'lrtt i)l.is liisurunce. liiBiire v, Ith Themat' Bclectrle Oil. It Is the cheapest and best method et insuiauce wu loiewol. Hy Its use you aru sure te cscapu iiimiy grovleus 001108111111 pains, Policies 11 re nbtalnablu ut all drugulsts In the lerm of bot tles nt te rents and l each. Fer aalu by II, II, Cochran, drugitlat. IS7 ami 13') North (jueen stl-eflt riMIK. HKHlT.e. HAVANA UlllAlt IN Till'. L city at HAHI'MAN" YKI.LOW FUONTCIUAII STUIUC MRVIOAL. A YlCK'a OIIXIIKi I'KOTOHAL. Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Obvillb, Onte, Sept. 10, U83. nnF.15 "Having been subject te n bron bren viuuij,c,al Affection, with froquent oeldi, for a number et yeara, I hereby certify Uiat Arxn's CeiRnr 1'EirmnAr. alvA4 me nrnmntrn- liet and is thu meit cnecttve romedy I have ever tried. Jamks a. Havh.tek, Editor of Th Oeurant.'1 MT.Uitn. Ohie, June 2), 1832. nnilflHS "ave u" Atkr's cnunRr I'M uvuuuks,TnRAl ttils spring for a sovere ceurIi and lung trouble with geed cilect, and lam ploesed te recouimendlt te any ene similarly lltTeCtDll. IlAllVKr llAUOIIKAtC. l'roprtetor Olobe Hetel," rnurARBD nv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mnss. Beld by all Druggists. dcc3 U-lydAw TT01' l'LAHTKK. SHARP PAINS, Crick, Sprains, Wronehos, Itheumatlsm, Neuralgia. Sciatica, 1'leurlsy 1'aliu. Htitcli In the Side, llnckache, Hwollen Joints, Heart Dis ease, Hore Muscles, l'aln In the Chest, and all pains and aches either local or deep-seated are Instantly relieved nnd speedily cured by the well-known Hen Platter. Compounded, as It Is, of Kxtracts, His Indeed the tittt jxilu. kill ing, stimulating, seething nnd strengthening 1'oreus I'laater evor made. JIep 1'laiteri are sold by all druggists and country stores. 2.1 cents or tlve ter $1.00. Malled en receipt et prlce. Hep Plaster Ce , Proprietors uud Man ufacturers, Hosten, Maas. HOP PLASTER, nev-IC-lyU4w(l) AIN KILLKK. ISMS" TIIKWOllST "ISM" TODAY IS RHEUMATISM. ItllKUMATISM IN TIIK HACK raitxn nv I'KUUY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLKIL UHKUMATI3M IN TIIK KNEKS ccred nr 1'KltllY DAVIS'S 1'AIN KILLKIL IMIKUMATISM IN TIIK MUSCLKH CCRKO UV 1'KltltY DAVIS'S l'A IN K1I.LKU. llllKUM ATISM OF LONO STANDINO CORED UV l'KllltY DAVIS'S L'A IN KILL Kit. ItllKUMATIC SUFFKitKKS, buy et Any Druggist Perry Davis's Pain Killer tll-lydJtw 1 OUHKIliT RENOWNED OOUCrH SYRUP Is a pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy ter Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, In- lluenza, Soreness et tliu Threat and Chest, Uienchltls, Whooping Cough, Spitting et illoed, Inflammation of the Lungs, and all Diseases of thu dual and Air l'aasauea. Price, i!iic. and iiucu Hettle. -l'nepaied only and sold by CHAS.A.LOCHER. NO.ttKABTKINdST. UI.ANS A Nit OlIKKNIiltAHIl. H,u" a MAKTIN. HOLIDAY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. A Linge Line or FAS'CY OOODs In New Shapes uud Designs ter HOLIDAY PRESENTS. -IN- CHINA, GLASS, AND aUBENSWARE, Our A-isertment Is Large, KtiiiiiIiie our Stock befiiie )iiirchalng. High & Martin, lfttiAHT KINO STUFKI', I.ANDASTHK. l'A. MAVtllNKItY. DISSOLVKD I'AHTM'.ltSIIlt' I IAVINI1 XX and retmanunily closed the Chestnut ttieetlren Works, 1 ifoslie te lnterm my old patrons anil thu public generally, that 1 am still lu thu business, being located In the l'unn Iren Cemnanv's Weiks. North l'luni street. where 1 am making Iren uud llrass Castings et overy de trlptlen, aud will be pleased te serve all who may laver me with their patron patren aire. Frem 40 years experience In thubualnesa and using thu best mutcrlsl mid employing thu best mechanics, 1 am sail -tied 1 can guar guar guar iinteoeiiUro sallstactlen. Castings lnauu from amtxtuie of iron and bipeiwiucii are mero re. liable ter Btrumrth ami iiiirahlllty than the best cast Iren known. V leelliieu pinions, rolls nnd relllnir mill work a specialty. Cast Ingsuiaduet very soil lien, and brass cast ings et overy description. I liave all the pat pat ters ur the well and favorably known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely lltted up or In nurts. te ronlaee old ones which have been In usu for yeais, Kiiaianteelng thorn te give sat isfaction. angU-tliiu' It. C. MeCULLKY. VLUT1I1NU, UI'KUIAI. TO TKAUItr.lttt ANDOTltKKS BKESMAN'8, (TIIK HlllllTMAKKII.) Gents' Furnishing' Stere, Is no lotiRerou Neitli Queen Street, but la new at Ne. 17 WEST KINO SrilKKT, Opposlte tlie Cress Keys Hotoi. DENNSYLNANIA OIOAH9 FltOH l A i hundred upwards at .,..,,.,,,,. UAHTMAN'M YKLLOW rilONTCIOAU STOItK. VI.UTllINU. Don't go Bliiverlncr threucri this cold weather for the want of a geed, warm Overcoat, it will net pay. We have them In all grades. from the plainest low in price te the finest. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. rilll.AIIIH.I'IIIA. di-lwd Tff,: AltK UIVI-U EXTRA BARGAINS -IN- FINE CLOTHING. We am oiferlng the Orcatcst ilurgalnsln FINK CLOTH INt m iiiui, uiivu ever ecen snewn 111 tilts CltV. We llOUtrllt Illlivllv nl thn reennt great Hales In New Yerk city. Amongst the manywewiAii te draw your attention ten I1AND3DMK. SAT1N-FACKII 111 AHI1.V a I. SUIT at M, which equals nny $30 uilt In tlie city. In OY.EKOOATS We lead the market. Ouratnek Is ILe Inrirnnt uml most varied. We lit large or small, leiig ur short persons OUR PRICES Arc tlie LOWEST. GIoveb, Undorwear, Hoalery, Knit Jnckete, Nockwear, Trunbe, Vallaea. Shawl Btraps. K.WKA INDULKMKN'IS IV MITTS. St'AUFS AND Hirsb: & Brether, lenn Hull Cletliiug Heuse, Nes. 2 and 4 NORTH QDEBN eTREEr, I.ANCASTKIt, l'A. H.'' KitirnitT. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 I hereby Inlerm theso In want el a FALL Olt WINTKIl SUIT Or CLOTHING, That 1 have new In stock tlie I. AUGUST AND FINKST ASSOltTMKNTel Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That bus evor been exhibited lu the Cltyet LanriiHter. Act eat variety of FALL ANU WINTKK OVERCOATING I ke p NONF. HUT TIIK 11K3T et Foreign nnd Demestic Fabrics, And all Unedt ere warranted as represented at E Gerhart's TAllMINu ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., I.ANCASTKIt. l'A, !." IIOBTKTTKU A POM. We claim In have thu best ami largest varl cty of inisuiTh In theclty. six () illifenrnt styles of MKN'M All-Weel Suits at $10. Qrey Mlxed, Qroenand Drewn Mlxed, Dlaek and DlueMlrxl. Clelliiiiff. Cluing. Htoel Mlxed, Darlr Brown, Light Plnlda, ALL ATTIIK LOW l'ltlCKOFllO.an.let our own iimnufacture. bulls actusiiy worth trem 113 te 111. Overcoats, - Overcoats, As Lew as $6.00. AND AT ANY IMUJK UP TO $18.00, D. B. HesteM & M, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOAflTKR, l'A, 1 I