Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, December 03, 1883, Image 2

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    nmmim'l0j&m&vMimijMva l
M?" " V
a m? jt nn
JLancastec C-ntrlUgmrrr.
mendav bvknine, dke a, id.
Tlie Speakership.
The uncxpeeled gmallncfls of Mr Ran
dall'a vete for speaker li net hard te ex
plain, ence his defeat Is accounted for.
The unfniruess of the open ballet lay net
re much in the fact it disclosed hew
each man voted as in the ndvantnge It
ptave the members from theso states
which voted last te knew hew the result
was likely te ba determined mid te
shape their course accordingly.
Thus it happened that in the states
first called en the roll Mr. Carlisle had
such fortuitous strength that by the
time New .Tereuy was called the vote
steed 73 te airllslt) te 15 for Ran lull. It
was quite natural, therefore, tlmt In the
tall of the list, aud anions the members
from Temnesve, Texas, West Virginia
and Wisconsin all doubtful things re
solved themselves In favor of the candi
date who by I hat tiuie was foreseen t he
the certaln wluuer. The ba$t teat of Mr.
Randall's real strength was seen in the
preliminary vete en the manner of
let, when the form favored by his
friends received the support of 75 mem
In the light of the ballet en the
main question it is obvious that Mr.
Oarllsle went Inte the caucus assured of
a majority, of which no chance c.rcuui
atance could likely have deprive I him ;
and this fait Is net sedifllcult te explain
ni it may seem te many, Fennsylvauiaus
especially, who took counsel, of their
liopeanml persinalgejl wis'ies In their
expectations of Mr. Itindal 's election.
A strong combination of circumstances
defeated l There was some actienal
feeling Invoked In Mr. Carlisle's behalf,
it Is true, and the appeal te the local
prlde of the SjuUi for his election had
m effect, no doubt, but with Dibble, of
Seuth Carolina, Hewitt and Fomey
of Alabama, Hunt, of Louisiana,
nnd the most significant Dera
ecratic forces m Georgia en Mr.
Randall's side, white nlnieit the solid
delegations from northern states, like
Indiaua, Illinois, I wa, M'c'iigin and
Wisconsin, were against him, it is
obvious that tl.ere 13 little of the sting
of sectionalism in his lefeat Most of
the members from states had been
elected en a revenue reform platform,
Induced by the popular belief of their
03nstituencle3 that the present tariff dis
criminates against their interests, and
tiey faltlifully followed the lead of these
whelns'st'd that Mr. Carlis! 's ele.'t.en
meant an attempt te reform these abuses
net free trade, nor any approach te it,
as many enemies of the Democratic
party proclaim. In thepolntef political
management, Mr. Carlisle s canvass was
very arutety h m lied. His forejs were
euly en the ground ; they were bold
clainn'is and leit net'il-i,' tint euld be
secured by a fearless policy of brag
Ills lieutenants were quick, active
ineu, like Blackburn a"d Mer
risen, Phil. Thompson, Randelph
Tucker, Dlennt. Ilurd and a number of
the southern senator. Persmial rensi 1
eratlens entered into the zil of some of
them ; the very course of Mr. Randall
en the fleer and in the ehair of tin
Heuse, h's flumitis ami ef'eti sewnty,
which have wen for lilui tm eeutldeueu
of the ceunUy, have alini'M the sup
port of some of the nu3t tntlu.'iitial into
among his DeumrUu eoUeiguos
Ferintue reason the ten
slderable support which Mr. Hand i!l had
reason te expect hem Georgia and Mis
seuri utterly failed liim , this ap,e iruig,
the Individuals who favored him fiem
states like Arkansas, Texas and Kea
tucky found them e'-.ei in such an ua
comfertiblo mln irl'y th r they speedily
fellin with the butt end of their dulegi
tlens, the waverinv; Northwest joined
their side and Hie defeat was eas'ty
converted Inte a rout.
But It is of mere avail te ealeula'e tin
consequences than te au il)e the causes
The foel-klllcr needs bs busy fei a time
disposing of the30 who foreseu in Car
lisle's sucecis the rulu of tin euntry,
the annihilation of his party and the
extinction of Mr. Randall and Ins p
Htic il fortune?. Tucre is no re isen te
believe that the representatives of the
Seuth, who have controlled Mr. Car
lisle's election, are sj lacking in jttdg
mentas te precipitate any mischievous
policy of which they would inevitably be
the chief B'lflereis. While behind the
speaker elect th-ie Is an aggres
sive demaud for revenue reform, the
most of his supporters, like the
New Yerk World, undeintand tliatnuie
"revenue reform is as far removed fiem
free trade as heaven is fiem eartli ; fn e
trade is an abstraction , under existing
clrcumstaucts it is an absurdity ; it is a
practical impossibility." Someot them,
like Uuckner, et .Missouri, and Cites, of
Alabama, hive positively declared
ngalnst unwise lurill agitation and there
is unquestionably a llrm majority of the
xeinucnuie mourners who will mevent
such agitation, unless a conservative
policy can be ngieed upon which will
have the uulted supp rt et the party in
Congress and out. Mr. Carlisle, himself,
Is of a conservative tjq e of men, net an
unyielding doctiiimire like Prank
Hurd. nor a llery brigadier, such as Jee
Mr. Itnndull'n long experience In Con
gress nnd tils film m te be the pailia.
mentnry lender of his party en the iloer
would dUtiugulBh hlni for tliat service,
whatever place the speaker's appoint
ment would usslgn him ; but at the head
of the appropriations committee, where
Mr. Carlisle will, of course, put him, he
will be whom he can exureisu his quali
ties te the very bett purpose for the
country, his party aud his own fame.
With Mr. Ilelman uext te him tin
issue of administrative referm, of
wise uud economical government and of
frugal expenditures wilt be mnde the
commanding one, ami upon this the
Democracy can sweep the country next
It Is slgnlllcant that the president's
message was never awaited with se little
Interest. Nobody has thought worth
whlle te steal au advance copy of It uer
even te speculate in Us contents.
jjiaine a message, tee, lias rallen
The Itepubllcan party must go.
Needless Alarm.
Cel. McClure Is very unduly dlslmurd
concerning the result of Mr. Cailisle's
election upon the prospects of the Dem
ecricy Ills iiffprehonslens are quite
groundless since they nre based upon the
ldM that Mr. Carlisle Is a rampant free
trader, determined te submit te the
Iniquity of a tariff net a moment lengei
than he needs te lay his diutruyuu hand
upon it. This is grossly misr I mil
Ing Mr. CirlnV.s pMi'-". nich
has b'eu very d.iMneily declared
He does net advocate the re
meval or reduction of any du ies
whleh are ineessiry t'i the c atlnii nice
of American mitiufactures. IIeds'ues
a reduction of such duties ai are 1 1
exe si of the needs of home ludustiy.
It is true that the result of Mr. Carlisle's
elect! m will be te commit the Dem
cratie pirty te Mr. Carlisle's pultien i
the tariff ; but as that position is the e le
that the party has alwiya b'en mi lr
steed te i0(ii,ty, ipitil It wis foolishly
disturbed by tin de "liratle'i in
nat.enal pl.i'.fer.n in favor of a tariff fur
revenue "only," Mr. Carlisle's election,
lis'ead of pushing the party en te that
advauced ground, In fact switches it off
en ltd old truk of a tariff fi- t-vHune
with i lculental pntectien ' l.. Wat
tsrsjn, win ivn p-jrrulttel ' Un
Unll pi ink la the lat iii'iini pla fei m
was .v ardeit a Ivee ir. of Mr Carlisle's
election ; In Mr Carlisle is a different
order et man entirely, bamg dtstinguis'i
el for sen.eand discretion, and he lias
no sympathy wlnwever with Watterson's
CJUStaut desire te turu things top
turvy for the instant gratillcatien of hi
Ideis Mr. Carlisle Is net In taver of
disturbing the established business in
dustries of the country by epen'ng th
country te a foreign ompetitieu
will deprive them of a fair revenue ; but
he is in favor of se alJusMng the tariff
as te feibid the reaping of an exorbitant
profit, by avarlcl his manufacturers here
And f is we are all in favor of, exeept
su h manufacturers as dealre te b no
duly paid.
Co.neiiuss bi-KiuR its work te day n 1
our Lcul-luture, lil;e the raven en tbc pallid
bust of I'nlfnH, Mill is Mttlet;.
Kkifeh's last net at Uiecljsaef tin 47. U
Cenctesrt was the enftrcetueiit of the
renunatien "T one of tbe efllcials of the
lloiice, aud Ibe nppuiutment of bis own
uepheiv te the vaoiney. Uat tJis did ue"
interfere witli his reiiominatieu.
Franib will have no httle work te dis
cover an honorable loophole thnmU
which te crawl out of its trouble with
C iiu-i, sinci the latter nation bus
in'tolfesteil tlie mext rfee' vvilliugneis te
nuiiitaia its jurtflien with tbe sword.
NeTWlTllsriMUNO the united
tiejofthu m t ietlacntial and reputab'e
It 'paMicnn pajers of the country, lveifer
rcciiued the caucus nomte.itiou lerttpeabvr
Witn little or ue oj'pesltiou. Toe giant
nnu'd of tbe Dmuuoi.ttie ciulid.ilas fei
speaker makes this iniguifl?ap wretch a
microscepical pigmy.
Wnn all their T'.vauily and rce!:'t
abaudeu iu iivm, ihd FruueU are a veiy
warm hea-ted psople who have a jast
appreciation of bravery aud virtue The
actieu of the French academy, which at iu
rccjet sitting awarded large pni!3 toeou
piennus example of heroism and L'.iri
ti in chinty, cannot be tee highly com
men ! d, nnd i: mght be well il some of
OJr scieutifle utitutieus en tin niile of
the water w iul 1 fellow t'-e.i example.
Sl.VGOF.II Pt LLIVN is nut content with
knocking down men, but like A.lexaudiT,
grieving that thuie aru ue tnore worlds te
O'jueiuer, be h. turuel his ftttentien te
tha bruke croaMea, declaring t'ut In ear
knock down au ex at one bie1. Let net
Sujniriotcndeut Bergb iuterferu with I5t
ten's jiet iu bib ountemplatedoiMUugbt en
dumb aminuls. Iu tackling tin bru'e
oreatieu Sullivan will at l.ut flL.l bis
Ah r i mpathy that may have been felt
for O'lJenuell, who h is just been couvleUd
of the inurder of lulennur Carry, will bs
disnipatcd by bis foelinh uttcrauce, eftvi
suutuueoef death bad been p.euuuuced
upon him. The OYidonce olteretl nt the
trial proves hiru dearly guilty as indicted,
aud though his ictim was a despicable
knave, the law which lccegui.CB no tlU tlU tlU
tluotien in the value of human lives ro re
uiren that the murdurer piy thn full
pun Utv for bis tra isjresiun
Itr.v. i. V. CnewLBv, of Ciuemimii, tuh
accepted an iiupertaut profesnerHtilp iu
MeuutSt. Mary's eollege, CmmittB'jur,
Slnvter VoeuucRs thiukfl Valley Furge
s'aeuld bj made a uatieual park, nuil de
dares that he mil me hw ell'ms in U in
grcas te maku it audi.
Meil. SmiCCI. a dletillflli8li.ll inmhr.r
of the Augustinlan order, it is said butt
ben uppuuued by the I'ope apostelio
uiiiu ie vrt-Huie ever tin pieniry council
te be held in Philadelphia in 1H8I.
He.v. (Jkjh&e .1. Gejchicn, member ei
Parliament for Itlptiu, has aejepted the
opeakershp of .he Heuso of Commens,
and SjMiaker Urand retires en a puuaWiu
from the government of 5,000 per aiinum.
Rlv. Jeii.NiIahi'EU, the coleiod proaehor
who Ins acquired seme notoriety us tl e
author of the theory that " the huh de
move," has been excommunicated Irem
the Haptlst church of Richmond, bajause
his chureh had lofnseil te icoegni.j the
ether colored liaptlst oliurehos or his
vloluage as slHter ohurehen
Mattiuiw Aiinelij Hays : " Kmeweu's
poetry U sold jin eithei simple ei aonsueus
or itnpahsloned. In gencral, it i.ieks
dlrcutntBS. it lacks correctness, u lacks
entw. He is net a great wilter: hU
style lias net the rcqaUlte wbolenoss of
geed tbsue. ' It would be lntiireHting at
this junoture te have Ralph Walde enwixu
from his tomb and give oxpicsslen te bin
opinion el "thonpestlo of sweolneHs and
Ames Kiaaerr, who leit this county Iu
18-17, has been spendiug u few days vstlli
his old frlendH nt Qnarryvllle. Mr. 15
lived witli his undo, Jeseph Klllett. who
up te '-10 was proprietor of the Spuug
Greve lietel, Dnunore township. Tiey
went west togethor nnd this is the llrnt
time he has visited bis old home. He is
largely ongaged iu lumberiug in Wlsrjeusln
and fortunelias favored him. but lm iinriu
most of the acquaintances of early diys
I ilead.
HUllDM.MI lllll IIMUI'.I t:tl llt"llM.
Lin". IV. Kclil "ant In III" IIP HI in a
IWilnn) 1 mln til I xrliril I et ul
rspui(er" 1 lin .tin in 'd
I niip
llr!a cl H itll lid, the vim.; Rid
pretty ili u"d ifoef t'liiileM IteM, n
hrakem'iii rmplevetl by the Phtlidnlplcit
and Readlng rlreid empnv, het him
In the head en a train neir Wall ic street,
Philadelphia, en Salurdiy night. Reul
lias biwi eniplevrd en the railroad for
several jeir if e i a son of Or. Held and
live with his f.ither In WestC nh lU'h'ken
Iu ISSil be wn.i mart led te .Muearet l,t
t ml. from wit vn In was dueuvd i i Apnl
if list ynr. aha is 80 jears old aud lues
with her priiits In Kit ComheUoakeu
l'he duore is ebumed iin tin uriuiml
of lneempaMbility of tonqier. She wa
jealous et her he'b.mlan.l Ainiiyml him
ty the in'rett h'je took in li mereirriit
away fi wi henn After th-y noiedt
vore"'d ah- ler a tlan nil iwe-l him ti go
Hi boil' eatcbiurf. In Aiuut laat she
vw liim walking wrh a yetiig wi.nm in
iwliihiielien. Tln reUiudb'd b(r'um
bin g Hie of J.'ftleuy and rh rvpeVedlv
b 'givl hrii te n'UtiU Inr He refii'ed
She grew augry a: d totlewid leni day
i'i i day.
In Augusfl it she told an unmirned
worn in named L'zzie Fitler that if lieid
m irriud n,;ain fh wool 1 kill the woman
LiUr en alie told eMier p pte tliat if lie
divorce i h'lbitKl did u t make p-aep and
ri'ini.i.v her she would kill him. He
ridu'i'd" t e her and waeu they in.-t en
r-. a-iet' ,r at t''s deiit whu-U fhr
li.nnied, in C nsl i K''tiM, h tiri.t I Lii
Iwk or hei. Fer erm weeks he ha bum
piym ientien te a young tr .train named
Clils' ilii lives In Msutrunfc. lis di
vorced oife beard i f thiHin'imai an l has
tinny times I.nt week e. deavend e ee
ra at the C nsheli .tkeii or Pnilartelphii
mittens. Held' fellow tain h m I kept
h r out of lm way On Siteid iy t njhi lie
min a brak.-man en a train that N due at
the Grtvn street depot at S 5S. Whi n the
ti.iu tepped at Columbia avenn tatnn,
Misa Harzard, envelop I iu a blmk aa'iu,
ur lined circular a"d veiled te-ik a ae' iu
tlie rear car. Uid wi talkitig en the
platfe'iu te Charles Mellen 'iuh, the
speciil I'tB-er of the t-vn. Thfygteu
the forward cir, wliru It id lett MeP u
euisb aud went te th btek p a firm e' t'e
hi'idmest ear torero n the red i "l
lantern which hung ever the bumper.
He kneel'd en the pint form te unit" the
i , '.Lit e'-a il the LMitcrn. ivnin ri
'liar p-pitien, wi'h hia ti t'ie be l el
ttiu ear, the dxir wna epered wrh a buiw
that stn'tered the (Ua' l.i it. Keid
his he id and laced his e.iraea wife, wtie
steed in the derwy with a pistol . L.-r
hand She H'ed Inatsnt'j nrd t'ie ball
eu crv 1 the ll-.hnluve h.a I -ft eye and,
pii ' around undfr the akin, lifted lw
hmd h's luft ear. Il-ld fell, fee ferwnid.
en the platform nud the worn in stepped
;uek m:u the cir and da'ibentely titsd
ai ether tih.'t a: htm Tin wemJ ball
glaueed en the jamb of tbe deer ard ill I
ujt atul'.e the target she a' II; t'lis
time the forty ether eccupauta t tL. cat
were en their fret acd wildly excited.
The cir roreunded with tin sbreln of
women, two of whom faiutel. Half a
dozen tnea ricevcred tteir prperceet
mind and rushed forward t d nrui Mi&
flszzird. She ran out en t'-.e p'at' -mi,
topped ever Retd's b 'd.v nnd sj-mng off a
short d stance aeuth of Wallace sr-'et, aud
a in ece i uibd the !!! rep- ln tr i"i ran
en audabe M.-arcil. 1 be police nf i be ti U
ditnet wero net tied, bu' up te midri'Qilt
lw nuht she eluded arr ". It iJ sii lined
eiT the platform uud la d in the lisle of ti a, wheie he remained mini the tram
reacht d the (ireeu street depot There be
was attended by a liy-.u au au 1 an b ur
or se la'-r was rem n jj t h.n honse in
Coiikhehoo u His weuud isLet hLuiy te
can v.- diaih. Held Is 80 yeais old.
A l.K.vr. r.M'llif'.S AllEM.
durili U'uuiile.i, Ue 4iiecp4.lutly Hetirn
u n .itiriupt at Kuuberjr
A' Cenutb, Mips , a daring attempt wu
made at four o'clock jenterday marning te
rob A. McWilh.iait", the F latbern express
ueiit. He had just placed iu a aafe a large
amount of loenoy leceived a few minutes
previeualy from au east beuud tr.iiu, whie
suddfily .i m! man cnten.d tin iem
with a di.iwn pint l arid dem.iuded I maafe
key. Without waiting le-- u leply he flrel
mi .M.Widiams. the ball atriking t.-nr
I ic'i"s billow tbe right uipple. il Wil
liams iLrew n lighted lamp at the reblwr,
drew his p He uud flrcd three hh e, het
with what oil et is net known, as the man
disappeared aul has net been eeeu since.
It is thought that two persons were en
gaijiil in the coutemptated rebbi ry, ma
urre eaw two men ruunniv n r-v fiem the
expresn uillce aftir the hu'.ih. Ciiuiii
Fmher has elTeteil a reward of WOO the
arrest of ihu rubbers. Mr. SlcWilliama'
wound is fatal.
CO 11MMI I) IMUi'itllt I'll .
.VbihNuKi ullnimil lur ijuluk Udtllnu
Advices f i ein Se u ih Ainerim atule that
tbe lubjrers en the eaual at Paiaue, bave
pt.uek for 2 per day.
Wui. Hume & Ce.'u aaab, der .md b'iud
i.icterv, tu iMiikealj, WHCenam, wis
bu.ued jcaterlay 1jh, Jl1,iJ0 , liuur
ance. 30,000.
Tbe question whether a wennn, other
wise ompeteut, is debarred (rem the
mas'eiahipef a atcambent by r-aaen of
her set, has been referred te tha r
of the treasury.
The right of way through t'ae Inlian
terntetv. which will be asked of (JenruHS
ly the (juT, Colerado aud Santa Pa rail
read uempauy, is from a point went of the
ertiturn beuuiUry of Cook county, Tux is,
net Galveston county, as whs stated.
The beiler of a locomotive en the Louis Leuis Louis
vllle and N'nshvdle railroad exoledod at
Montgomery, Alabama, jesteiday 'i'lie
etinineer was bully Bcaldcd .ad wi 1 j.rob j.reb
ab!y die. The ilrunian. wai bidlv nnrt.
and a man named Allan, who was standing
near by, was killed.
The trades assembly, tit its nnuual
meeting iu New OrleatiH yesterd iy after
noon, reelected .1. V. Hammend president,
Petidel Hirne vice president, and Paul
Aloxander Becretary. It is said that the
arbitration committee "has leiobed a
aatlafaotery iigreemeut for the ailjuatniunt
of the tro'ible botwren the railreid olll elll
clala aud the freight handlers."
Tin supervisitig tnspeoter general of
steamboats, In Iuh annual repe t ives tlie
number of vessels inspeetcd during the
ar as 5,3:10, and of eillcers licensed as
2:i,'i0'i. Tin total number of aeddeuts en
steiitn vcssbIs waH 31, involving a leis et
281 lives. Tlie whole number of pissun
geis enrried Is cstimited at 'lT'i.OOO 000,
making the less of life 1 in 1,7'jO.OOO.
I.uliur .Nnlcj.
Tin yiar manufacturers of L'Iiioike
hae dcdiled te oleao their shops nguiimt
the tnembeis of tbe Uigannakers' union,
bceause the latter refuse te work
witli tbe members of tin ProgreHsive
union. Tin Cigarnnkers' uuleti has 2 000
members. The lock out begins te day.
ihuhtrlkoef the empleyes of the Texas
and St. Leuis railroads oentttiuod en 8 t.
urday. Tite oeiupany ollered te pay ene
month's wages, but tin men lusisted upon
two months pay. They nre willing te
take the mails through, although no eider
In that direction has been glveu. A com.
pany is being formed iu Pittsburg te trans.
peit oil Seuth and We by muaiH of bulk
beats instead of plpee
lleyuca mill ' ilr Hosiery.
Jnmes J. Wilkin boekkoipor and oou eou oeu
ildontlal olerk of 1 go I It ikm, m m.mer
nt the i.ioetiop. 1 11ss001.11 .'i of i.jv,
1 Yerk city, disappi. .re 1 ea S citb, aftei
embezzling fundi te the ntinunt el ii,CM
belonging te Ids enipl ner by means of
forged elieeks. He was tr.n.vd te Ilaviea
and arrested en Pud iy I st He will he
liriimrtil li.mlr n r,hi 1 ns tin ettrnditl I
pip-rs can be prepared. Th nuns Pmter,
a nni'nss nnnl IniriJltr. was ihith
New Yerk jest pl v 1 r Invu tn
ltr niitprnit tlm 1 enlil toeru el
Dvlel Wailren, n'id bj io!eium 10b bed
her el mere than il t worth of Jenelrr.
II M. Hall waa an. st,d mar the In
oil line and leds- .1 n the Nei t H""
tlunpshlrO jillen h g atri'ins
ahrgeii'timtityel . I f..mlr !'.
Se'blue el Ciaremeiit
Me-tnlOn irili
Ueiieinl J.-remy P Oiltinr, .ur 1 1 1 '
West Point and an x Cenftderale . ilie r
died auddenly 111 Sivumah ou Miindit
night. At th time el b.s death he was
president of the Siivanmu Ihnbghf 0 in
pn and a dneei.v . . the tloergia r.ii r.ii
iead. William Kel! . aiiperlutendent ..f
brulaes en tin 1. 1 al . y railroad,
died in Kisten, Peiin 1., en S mud iv, 11; I
thelJUbtye.Jhth Ne Vnk Velu iw... '
d'sl in NeV Ye.k en r eira l.v at tUe a,-
of 37. He was in h. t'lh ear when tb
T fnira 'aiitti fi It' li'ii i ivm.
I,.?.. np I11..I... .mi hut. ufler iniicll 01 Ul
eulty. leg-t lnm-'lf aoeeptcd as
a recruit for the I ui 1 ll served "U"J
llioelosiof tin nir, J 1 1 t igiesgri n- I
him a medal for brste.).
nr iiii'i'i
A ortienof the Paiell b'inikiat. !i'C:e
was hurued euSi'mU) ain.-ueju. It was
the portion oeoopiod by Meiz'er Hiethen,
notion doaler, aud IJ k Uaeher, f-1
liOM. The lattei tu.u:e)i-l .'i0 girls, ajeu
73 of whom wtie iu tin buildiug a', the
time, and tve et thjsv- lvii'y Hilgeit and
Fi uiees FnirtiM'l e-i ie killed by filling
from a tire eei V . I s of preprt ia
nbjut IMO.OtW. Ajt -he siiue tiun the
Ertnmg Jmrmi'. 'mi' i. 1 ' n tin mme eity
hid lis utijHl tun buiui I "iH The
Journal company ! v nearlv its w!i 'e
working outfit, ae I the .1 IJ. JeHn.) p mi
( oempauy '. 11 a.l a tow' les
The JelTrey company's less 1 J'W 000
iiaiiKrs ul I.hiki Hnr
Twe boys, iiaim 1 He I audMaCend
we,re drowned while skitmg atTrev, N
Yerk, ou Salnidav nlti moon. William
Hpoderaea, ojlered. n is la'ally Itijureil Iu
Hillimere, en Sa'.iri iy, by the csplosie'i
of a soda water firi'i 1 11. which he was
chimin? Thepchj '"'i S IJ. Frank 1 11,
tre-n Philadt Iph 1 fm F I river, with coil,
sruek O ntwny It "k i Siturdny moru meru
uig, . d ww tewi I 0. t v' w biy, fnui
Islaad, wbTt ahe a-iuk The eebtHJ.ier
Itflniaui'u Haste'.r, tre-n Charleaten t'er
Peite Rice, wi.h larab'r, wis t. 1 1
wiecket en n uer Ci'" u tht 1 m-,,.
lLr erew were a.m .1.
Puu king's t'ie iul .r t it'p rolilen.
Feu Siej, who h i-l 'jv'c-i aetinr as In'ei
p eter between P -t " irvev r M"rttn, at
San F.anetsi'it, an I !' 1' ed b g 1 'rad
ers from I'h'Ji, '1 is . v rined fie eed.e r
of that pert that lie is .rril i an, longer t
perform hia de'ies. "Ilia in'erpritati ms
have been ae fa.hfu! as te bring upon hrn
the wrath of bia countrymen, who wai.t
the I'bineae landed .s traders Thy haie
hired 'hUhbied-'.s t lnle(T Feil mg,
who lives In 111 ' I'ntaiy expec'.atieu of
death "
llpnn"j Kmlnitl sir i-l'tiiien IiuOmgll,.
At Louden the mail, us of Hartiugteii,
erretary of ataw f ir w - m a speech ut
S2 tngten yea'erd ' itud that the
B.itub hil rec.-ivcd an iuti
ma' en from the i rmaa gjveromeut that
it is vn!l'iii( te cooperate with England
1 1 pr tect their aub 'c'a aid iatercst.s in
Chii.i in tha evcut ,t far betiveeu (Jb t.e
a:.d Praa...
Sir CiriUl.' liplulDuu.
Mr. f -r le's opinieas have never been
coueealed. They ere new, however, re .e
than ever before a matter of geueril in-t-rest.
llefote his nnrai was breJtr'it
fuwird beneu-ly as a taudidate for tl 1
peakeidnp ba and .
In the bread nnd w-e;iuN' e'0e whii li
urt iiw of the te-in ", nerally implies l am
mt a t.te trader. Of to'irae that isuiutci. 1 1. At least it should be. I will ad I
iha iu my jadgment it will b years yet
b-.fore an) tldug ie the n iture of fie tra1e
would be wiec or practioab'e for the Pnitcd
States. Wliuu we sj enk of this aubjct we
refer te H'jroxiniite fiee trie, nlnch has
ue idea it cripphng the gi wth of home
industries, bat aim pi v f b:ihn d mn tin
the ti.iqoitiea of the tarirt aehedule,
wbere they nra u'.teily out of rre
pert! m te the demands of thit
growth. After we hive caim'y a'ljed by
at.d allow monopolies te prow fat we
h uld net be askid t 1 tuake them ble.nti d
Our enormous auriilus rewnuea are illen
eal and oppressive, it Is enttry on en on
Oemeoratio te coetiuno these burdens en
the people for years awl years after tin
iftjuirements of protection h-are brcn nnt
and the representatir . of these indinOties
have become Inctus'ed wrh wealth. This
is tbe gencral preposition en which 1
stand. Tin rest is mere ma'.ter of deta I,
te be sottled with judgment, discrotieu
and ciutlen, but at the sntne time in a per
fee'ly fearless spli it. There has net been
a time in tweuty yeais when tin pople
weie se thoroughly uinncd en this sub
juet, and it is the true pehey of the Hem
ocratie party te main Us appeal te the
voting masses nnd meet 'his hydra heeded
monopoly in aelid pl'al u,x,"
1K. luKlflU A1UIN Kjj IUIl.l.
inn Jury rrenminelnu hlni (luliiy i,r rol rel rol
nenliii; Ills Will) mill .llutliur in Luw
Iu Philadelphia at 0 o'clock Hattiinlay
night Dr. Albert tl. K. Geers.n wn de
clared guilty of murO.'i in the drat degree.
About thrce years age deerhcu married 11
girl who had just 001110 in posseaaieu el
Heme property. Iu kss thin a year sbe
whs dead. Tendiis befoie her inelbur,
who lived with them, had died, Anenie
was tbe cause of deu'h in both canes. The
theory was that Cem seu poiaeuud them h i
that he might get pjssestien of their prop
erty. The llrst trial resulted in a couvte
tien, but a new trial wus granted UI) t,ue
ground that thn judgu t-iied iu his obarge
te tin jury. Ter two weeks Ueersuu bin
been en trial for the second tune, datur
day bufore Judge Ludlow took bis Heat In
the new court heusu tin pimuner was
brought In uud placed iu the deck He
was dressed in black and was clean shaved
but his lireau face wasasdoveid ofexpies efexpies ofexpies
hien aud feeling as though he was tbe leant
interested in the proceedings. His mother,
his little brother, and hia two grown sisters
came early and leek sent te the right of
the deck. After tin el isiug arguments
and tbe judge's oharge tee jjrers retired
Whtn the state house el.nk struck 0 th it
evening and tbe oeurt ho.ue was crevTd d
the jurors walked bluwly down tbe aisle.
The piisoner turned as they approached.
He read iu their faces bin fate, uud In
coveiod bis face witli his bands, In reply
te thn usual questions tin foiemiui iu iu
bpended. "Guilty of murder in tbe ilist
degree." Qoersuu nevcr looked up nntil
ids yimiigur brether touelicd him en the
Mho Toek Tan Urenii,
Pmi.AiiKM'lUA, Dee , a. The woman,
Margaret Iliv.zard, who en Saturday shot
ClmilcsM. Iteid en a train en the Phi la.
dclphla & Heading railroad is eald te have
taken parls green nt her home In Kast
Consliehockcn and is new in a critical
Htrlks ul .Nailer.
IIuauincj, Ph., 'ec. a. -The nailers at
the nail works of thoPetistown iron com
pany, at Pottstown went en strike this
morning refusing te submit te a reduction
of 12 per cent., notice of which was ii
ccntly given by the tumpany,
Iii tll'JMl'P.NKII I HI'HSItal IfTI'.ll.NUM.N,
M itKei Vie iiitiiiiitiiiiK -ip linja 'piy
11 Cl II - I 111, 1 III iMlimi, .SutiapitfP
' .OlIKt III.
I 1 he llatriii market, eicctid en the atte
of the old Indian (Jueen Intel and one or
two ether properties, cornet el Inst King
and I'lniieh atrieta.haa been completed uud
will b thrown t.ii te tbe publle en
l'luiiMlay afteniihin nt I o'clock, nnd
lUerenl et en riituada), Saturdaja and
Meuda.ta it tin same hour.
1 rim new market bntise in external up
jioarau-'e itid Internal arrangement is net
unlike .In Northern and Western inirkets
I with which all our oily and many of our
, oeiiotry reioiersare It la 11 brick
rtUiirttuie liavlng nfrontage of 81 feet nnd
extemliiig iu depth I0"i feet The market
lntisn prepsr Is only one-story in height,
but the dut inee from the paved 11 ter te
t ie nre'icd ceiling li about 10 feet Theie
a n four avenues us In the ether new
nnrket houses, containing 103 farmer alalia
' ' w usua size. and pattern, nnd II double
t-'lla, ttpial te 23 alible euea, for the tiaoef
butobers MI the bu'eher atnlls aud nearly
all Urn ethers hie beeu rented, showing
that marketmen have a keen appreciation
of tbe business likely te be done in tbe
east end et tin) oil). The Past King
atieet front of tlie building contains u
lefty and prettily deslgued tower and a
tbreo-ateiy biick dwelling etiluble fur two
families. Ptn ground II wr of this pert ei
the structure has beeu tltfd up as n atom
room, and has been leased by H. L Slieuk
I'lie biieincnt under tin Kast King atreet
trout will bu iiiyil os a inatauiaiiU 1,0 the
freLt wall above tin miiiii entruneu
Is pHced a large tuaiblu slab ueu
idiiiiii; the words ''.eiu Mmkut," uud
ou either aide smaller slabs containing tin
d ite of Its erection, " tSS3." The reef of
tin buildiug, which Is of tin, is supported
br a serif el llowe truss arches. The
building is admirably lighted, having
skyliv'nts 111 tin reef, 11 large number el
lelty windows Iu each of the witllc, mid
sixteen glas doers four en Kist King
s'reet, four en Sbipp.'D, four en Middle
ami four en the private alley ou the east
side of tbe building , nnd in oaae it should
b needed gas has been Introduced into tin
buildiug. The market eempiny nlsoewns
ou the cast side of the buiiilmk', u let el
ground extendlng from Kast King te Mid
dle street, having a lrontefOO feet 011 Kast
King and 45 feet 011 Middle Ou this let
h u been created extoustve shedding for the
aojemmodatiou of the horses ami vehicles
of persons intending market.
Tin plan of tin new market heuse was
tarnished by .lehu Kvans, architect, and
eieoted by .1. A. Uiirgur, carpenter .mid
nttdder. The building committee, consisted
f J Pred. Seucr, chairman, Martin Ktei
der, It J. Houateu, .1. IJ Ftey and W. K.
Liit, together with Jehn Kvans whi
MUK'iiuteuded tin work for the company.
Following i.s the beard of dlreeuirs
Nlutm Ktelder, president , Allan A. Herr,
secretary , Geerge K Ueed, treasurer ; .1.
Pred Sauer, James IJ Prey. Rebert .1.
II nisier, V. E Lnut, It. J. ileGrann,
.1 hu T. MncG mlgle, Tobias Krelder, 11
It. Suiuf! r, Mile II. Herr an 1 Adam
Following are the principal werkmeu
aud mechanics who asistcd tu tlie erection
of the building Poe! 1 Bres., brick -makeis;
Ualaley A Price, bricklayers;
rsctit r Ures , .umber ; Urbau A Burger,
mill work ; Jehn F. Lein;, painter ; An
draw Walter, tinner ; Lern. Bachler,
p'umbcr; II S. Oiler, cutbiug; Chailcs
Mackinseu, marblu work.
The new market is net only an ornament
1 1 the eastern part of tbe city and a great
onvenienco te the citizens, but will de
much towards enhancing the value of real
es'ati iu iU vicinity, and will iutluce prep
eny owners te erect new btnldiugs ou tin
. xi.eu8leu of tfeutli Shippen aud ether ad
j teeut streets
Iu view of the mcreased market fjciii furnish. d by tin erection of the
euaufru nnd westeru markets aud tbe
or peets of tbe speedy ereciieu of a
aoutrern market, it is te be hoped that
tee market committee of councils will
abate tbe crying nuts 11100 of "curbstone"
markets in C-ntre Square nnd King,
Oacen aud Dake atrects. Thore is new n
exe-isii for tbeir longer toleration. They
uie untidy and uncleanly, block up the
treets and fill tlmm with garbage, impede
travel, and interfere with business en the
principal thoroughfares fe' aevcral hours
of the beat business dajs In the week.
The pittauoe recjived by the city for the
t'litef curbs and pivcments belonging te
puvite citizens, (and which it is very
dmbtftil whether they bave a right te
rent) ;s a tntre bagntolle compared with
t'ie levenue which will Hew into the city
tu istiiy iiem the enhanced value of pro
perty iu the vicinity of the new markets.
)m central mariiets open every Wednes
day and Saturday morning rarly ; the
northern market every Tuesday ami
Suurdny meruing as late as 11 o'clock.
Thn westeru market en Tuesday nnd
Saturday aftorueou at 1 o'clock. Hore
then nie comfortable uud convenient
matltet beuses open live days iu every
week, nnd at almost every butir from day
break till dark. There is no lenger nuy
excuse for rnnrketlng In tbe streets, In the
dint and dirt and raiu aud auew. "Tin
curbstone markets muft go."
l.tst ul Uiiulnliueil Letters.
The following is a list of lotters lomain lemain
ing in thn postelllco for the week ending
.Monday, Docember !), lbSIJ :
bulit? List Klla Burk, Lydia Clynch.
Sadie A. Clay man, Sabilla Gearbait, .Miss
Pannle K. Godsbell, Miss Sallle Oiirllu,
Mrs. Klizn Molhuper, Mm. Oee. Miller,
Mrs. Itesy Sellers, Miss Lzzle K. Shirk.
Genu' LiitCintuB IJ. Dai ten, Antheny
Ilrubaker, Jehn II. Durkhelder, J. II.
Clark, Jehn D. Gerley, Cbas. Hebeii (for.)
Samuel W. Kdilemau, Mil. P Praim,
Ooergo Oarfiner, Isaae GreII, Azre A.
Hadley, A. Hallliider, Jehn Hoae, Jehn
Heur, James A. Jerdan, J. U. Latulls,
Jnck Levnfre, Geerge McUlure, Charles
Nelan, A. E. Hebra, Fr. Schaofl'er, J. It.
Shaub, Getlieb Shunt, G. A. Smith, Allen
S. Striekland, Brethers Teny, O. II.
Thompson, Charles Woller, (ler.)
Tlilril anil l'eurtti ula Atatter
yird ClatilAzza H. Dlit7., II. A.
Coats, Geerge W. Clark, Kev. J. H.
Copland, It. L. Fenatermaeher, CyniB
Heek (3), Jehn O. ltoeso, II. Btearim.
Fourth Cum II . A. Coats, J. McOse.
i ll.VKN HUiniKII,
Hall lluaan (low reriab In tlie Klmnes,
A disastrous llre occurred about three
o'clock yesterday afternoon a mile north
.Maytown, en tlie read te Kllzabotlitewn.
which resulted in the total destruction ei
tbe bin 11 uud coiiteiitH.liioludlng live steak,
of N. L. Peek. Tbe (lre wasdlacevercd iu a
straw stack ie front of the barn by a Htnall
bjy, seu of Mr. Peak. Thore was a heavy
gale blowing at tin tinn, aud the adjoin
Ing buildings, were only mived by tbe
exertions of tin nulghbeis and tin lertu
nate fact that the wind blew from the
heuse. In an hour aud a half the barn
was totally destroyed, togethor with a
halfdozen cows and a uuinbur of pigs,
reaper aud wagons, tbe entlrocrep of bay.
oern, OOO busbels of wheat, tobacco and
straw, Mr. Peek was Herleusly burned
whlle engaged in untying ids horsen and
cattle i his ilnanelal lets is only pirtlally
covered by insurance
I, eg llruknu.
Last night as ex-Oonstable Andrew J.
Flick of the Ninth ward, wus ou his way
home, he foil upon the truck of tbe Doal Deal
Ing railroad near the Lotnen street oressing
and breke his leg. He was carried te his
home, and tbe fractured bnn set by l)r.
A I'AlltDI.OsMI.
A lattl thal.ncky Minimis.
On SaiurilayoTenliig thefilref i oHeus
or Amerlei in Expelslerhall ulosed. Theto
was u I'ligonttrndance and tin iiutnhet
of votes for tadi uiltnle wua ua fellows :
Deuble ll.11 lulled Gun Ooergo Drone Drene
man. (131.
Cigarmaknr's Toels .laoeh 11. Landla,
III , Cb.11 lea Stnher, IK1IJ ; Win. Hhnclter,
Gents' Sdvrr Wtnh .loins tleilaml,
10(, Hiuylleik, Dili, Jehn Uhrsprung,
Hey's Gun Chat Ies Pewdrti, 110.
Geld llr.iivl.OH Marv Drimemaii 201 ,
Viela Miller, 70 ; Miss Palmer. II.
Unit's G i I Watch I). P. StanlYer,
'."! ; Samuel LMilumau. 077.
Sourer Sawing Miohllie .I01111I0 Kuller,
UW ; Mrs C. Deen, 1118.
Demestic Sewing Machine Mrs Christ.
Deen, 2UJ. Mrs Edward Sty or, 21).' I.
IJIo)elo-A. Deterlcr, 23IJ ; Win. Pal
tuer, '
Set Dishes Miry Stape, Rl ; Mrs
Emma Kmitz, 170
Child's P. irriuH M mini Kissinger, 80.
Digati L Ihu llistiitk, 2.10 ; A1111I0
lleualer, 100 j Mrs. Lelbfrlrd, 50.
Chilli's Ca nib Mrs. Pauny Slnnk, 8,
Mrs. HuilttuiH, le ; .Macule Statillur, 100
Salakin Cap Win. Hollim, llrtj.
Wat CriMs -Sidle Pliek, 511; L'zie
:ewatt, vij.
Child's D0II--L1II10 I rban, 2.1V, May
L Weaver, 101J j Ada Weaver, 151.
Sliver Cister Mrt. Jae )b Mobew.lO.J
Mish S.illie Potts, 5
Wax IJeuipnt Goer,;o Stains, 223 J
Mime Wise, 101.
Geld Htiig Aniiie Mlllysoek,82 , Margie
Sehled, 80
Tlie fair will be open this evening. Thore
will be ue oliiree fir admission. Tne
coupons lecmved nt ihu deer, which eu
title each u.e te a uhliuoe at the ling, will
be placed iu tin b ix mid the .inky one
drawn. All articles net disposed of will be
reld nt auction. The lull- baa beeu 11 sua
chs, but it Is ImposAible te tell yet bow
much tins bteu realized.
KM (I til's or l't IlllAs
I'rntsimil Vmt tu l'srliMUuri:.
Seme thirty members 01 Laucaatei
leil;.'. Ne. OS, K. of P , paid a Iraleriial
msii te Petiu ledge. Ne. lUe, nt Pnrkes
burg, Chester ceitutv, ou Saturtlay even
lug, leavlug this city ou tin 0:15 ttalu,
tast Uu urilval at Parktabiirg the visiting
knights were met by Brether Kiiightn
Skulteu aud Smoker, of I'euu leilge, aud
esceited te the ir east te hall, ever tin
7tmroill'e, wbeie, the regulir business
of the lod.e being closed, tlie guests
were boueiul by theso elllceis of
OS iv be were ptes.iit being inducted
into the elllcial chairs of lO'i, and
the m sieu t f the leditu was turned
iu'ii an informal fraternal meeting. Short
spteehes wain inide bj Messrs. Pioudfeot,
llanweitb, Smoker, Dossier, HoU'ten and
Keuuiily, et Petiu ledge, uud Pa'.naebt,
Liclity, Nell, Yeung, Vegan, Holteu,
Aumeut, Shoeuliergei, -icher, Schcetz,
Bitten, KuiKlit and ethers of Lnucister
lede. Aflei Miflleuiit time bad been
censiimtd te admit of the completion of
arrangements iu another qunrter. line wah
formed, headed by tin Paikusburg oercot
binil. aud the visiteis were marched te J '
W. Wiight's Datlread house, were all sat
down te a Hue act out of cold turkey, bcer,
chicken sit id, etc , cte , washid down Iu
radical Chester county, of course, by
cedec The repast was temptingly served
ami much n-jeved by the then hungry
knights. Tbe Lancastrians returned by
Paollle express, west, nt 1 Ue Sunday
tneriiiug, well pleased with their visit, It
being In return of ene pild te OS last
spring by members of Penn ledge, all feel
iug ilia: audi occasions strengthen the
fraternal tie that, binds. Peuu ledgo is
new 111 a ti nuhhlng condition, with a
membership of ucaily ene hundred, beiug
tin leKiill of a consolidation of what woie
at one time btrtlgghug aepaialft erganiza
tietia nt both l'.nkesbitrg and Atglen, and
rrtaitjiu; the litter's chattel.
lis re, Itiern nuil I'l rj utiere.
'IheY M. C. A. will elect efiUfib
the monthly nieiting te night.
"Heughing!'," guen iu Fulton Opera
house Saturdiy uig'at, was a peer play,
with jsiep'r p-ople uud bcvetal educated
Tin LieduiLrauz, escorted by tin C-ty
baud, will match from Schiller hall this
1 titling te take pusofgienof the new
soehoy he idu irtars in the re ir of Keapp's
Simuel Hess A Sun, utictloiieeis, sold at
public sale ou Saturday.fer Warren Bailey,
atEpbrata, 11 head of Kentucky mubs at
an average piica of $2SS 50 per pair.
MissSaiab P. Harkius, 11 teacher In the
pulille schools leit Lancaster ou Siturdny
te enter a cleistered uiinuery of the order
of St. Deminie, at, N. J.
Tills inerniug as Peter Amnion, of the
Keystoue beuse, wus driving out of tlie
yanl attached te tin hotel, the axle el the
buggy 111 which be and a friend were sit
tiuL'. bioke. aud both gentlemen were
tin own te the ground, but uaeiped serious
Plus morning .1 uaitutrymau tied his
herse te a small Hindu tice, iiearMulburry
and Lemen atrcets. The herse took (right,
jumped backwards aud pulled the littn
tree up by tbe roots ; thou jumped for
wards and broke loeso from tbe vehicle te
which In was harnessed and 1 an away
with the shade tice. He was capliuud
after a sheit run.
Huns nl Interest from Ilie Country.
Ofllcer DIek Dojd.efYork, en a hunt
through bis ualiie county of Lancaster,
bagged 57 labblts, if partridges, 3
pheasants aud II fcquitrnls,
The Dobrerstewn baseball tilue lias
geuu into wluter tpiattets niter beating
tin Salung.n elub M te 1, and a picked
iiltie from Sahiugn, Drytewu and Landts Landts
ville, 13 te 1, au'l thus winning eevcu out
of thn tun games of their season,
Fullv a tbeusind people attended the
imtnoislen ceremonies nt the peel of tbe
Baptist obureb, near Kirkwood, Celeraiu
township, ou Satuiday. Tbirtyfeur
persons wote Imniersctl, the Hfi vices being
oetiductod by the popular, euorgetio and
successful paBter, Dev. J . B Seulo, late
of this eity. n
On Saturday as Benjamin Braekbill was
carrying a basketful of corn out of the
barn of Abraham Harnlsh, Pcquea town
ship, be slipped and foil, breaking three of
bis libs mill dislocating 0110 of hia shoul
ders. Dr. I. H Mayei icudored the
necessaty surgical aid.
m '
Till'. rOUr.TKY 8UUIKTT.
I'rrpsralleii lur llte Annual .Slien.
At the poultry association meeting this
merulug tbe following membcrs were
prosent t Jehn E. Hehum, W. A. Schoon Scheon Schoen
borgor, F. It. Diffcnderfer, II. A. Bhreyer,
Prank Hiimphroyvllle, J. IJ. Ling, Peter
B. Goedmui, Cbas. Lippold, J. D. Llebty,
of Lanoaster ; J. L. Bruner, Mount Jey ;
J. A. Steber, Bobeoncck ; Gee. A. Geycr,
Floreeoc, and Mr. Btauffer, Daroville
The osccutlve committee was iustiuetad
te have the 11 ecus ary help, put tin room
iute proper bhape te leccive tin exhibits
for tin poultry huew, and William A.
Sobeeuborger was tlocted Biipoiiuteudont
or tbe show.
Jlessrs. 8chum, Bruner and Bhreyer
were appointed a uommitteo te assist the
Judge in receiving tbe poultry.
Seoretary Leng reported that svcnty.
two kbares of stock hail been subscribed
and that tbe annual oat.ileguo had heen
prlnt"d and sent te the prominent j eultry
dealers through ait the lO.iutry.
uu. vivi.ii.iit: nitiuiu.itKit in ,iaii.
A tjaluiili J siin 'rraur.i) uu lulitilln Htirst
One Sinn nialtes a I riiiiiiniM SiMt
101 .Iniiilirr 1 tlrtin el aiit-
tHkMi lilnntltjr.
About one o'elook Sunday morning in
Geerge ( iiiwfeid, Piederlck Miller and
ClitrlFH Eveiliarl wer walking along
Middle atrcct, below Deckland, Albeit
Gardner came out of .leliu Wiley's saloon,
near by, nnd sunn w 01 ds passed between
tlie pm ties, whereupon Gardner pulled oil
his coat nnd hwoie he could ''lick the beat
man Iu tbe party," uud, iiecetdltig te the
statement inade by Miller, al once ad
vanced upon him te put his ihteat Inte
execution. Miller put up his hinds te
defend liimself anil anting tint Gardner
was brandishing a knlfe, oalled out te Ids
companions' te hole out ler themselves.
Gardner atruek lit Miller, but enlj grazed
his Unguis with tin knlfe. He then
advmiced ou Crawford uud atiuek him
with the knife 011 tin left qlde or the neck
Just behind tlie ear, cutting a gash auveral
Inches iu length, si vcrlug ene of the
branches of tin Jiinular lelu and almost
reaching tbe wind pipe
With the bleed streaming from his
threat, Craw fir d ran iiwuy,nud was nsalat nsalat
ed te the eftlct) of Dr Shlik, hi Seuth
Oiteeti street, near Vine. Dr. Shirk, ns
slated by Dr. Boleulus, dtesscd bis wounds
and he was carried from tin olllea te Ids
home ou North Mulbcrty tticet, where he
lies Iu 11 precarious condition, though the
doctors have hop.'B of bis recevery. His
vest was also split open fiem top te bet
tern by tin blade of Garden's knife, but
luckily ue further damage was done.
Mr. Miller. In tin datknvas, mistook
Gardner for Will, am liiudei, and made
complaint of lelonleiis .issiult uiul batt-jry
against hlin. Alderman h.imsen Isaiied a
wauant for Hindcr's urie-st, and he wua
urreatrd at hia home about 'J o'eleck Huu
day morning. He was erv aiek and has
been sick with a pulmeiiaiy ditease for
seme time, and neither the alderman nor
the ulllder believed him te be the guilty
psrsen. He was, hewevvi, held In ball iu
the sum of 1300.
Immediately after cutting Crawford,
Garduer returned te Wiley's saloon, wheie
be washed tbe bleed fiem Ills poison, He
bad bis coat off and one of his shli I sleeves
wns saturated with bleud. Wiley went
outside the ir loon, picked up Gardner'
coat from the p ivement wlicre he had
thrown it aud u uu m d it te him. Garduer
acknowledged that ln did tin auttiiig, but
n.Ud tin ether party had llrst atlaiKed
Mr. Miller haviug ascertained tint he
bad made a mistake in uhnrglng Hinder
with tin cutting, made complaint uiiuist
Gardner, m d he w.i- arres'cd ul his home
011 .Middle strce. in u Christian IntwcmiO
and 10 o'elnck this morning, by Olllceis
Weidler and Merunger. He waa taken
before Alderman Samson win 10 Miller
positively 1 l iitillml him and slated
tbe facts of the ntTair substantially
as they nre abeve giveti. He denied
that be 01 nuy of the party made an
attack uu Gardner, whoseassault uu Craw
ford was unprovoked. Uasducr 10 assert
ed that he was ustuiiiud bi lore be used
tbe knife. He bad one of Ids hands tied
up, saying that he was cut across the tin
gets. Alderman Samson committed
Gardner without bail te awai' tin result
of Crawford's Injmus.
lltl.ll. l.lhl
I'ntre aiunlrr Cics lr Meat ItecK.
Au adjjurued court el quarter sessions
will begin uaxt Metidiy, Judge Livingston
presiding. The cams set de 11 for trial
are ns fellows
Me.mut, Dee. 10 Ln uanl Dent, for fer for
iileatiou aud basUrdy ; J. W. Jinks, car
rying concealed deadly weapons ; James
Moere, bigamy ; V. .uekvin, Kirby, ilis-
turbing meeting , Rimue' U.ieler, otubez etubez
lemunt . William Williams, fei meat ion
ami biatardy ; Jeseph Miller, felonious
assault uud battery ; Heury Leidy, aswault
and battery ; Jehn Burke, cruelty te aui
mals ; IS. Liutuer Hess, violating auction
laws , Clarence Warll", felonious assault
and battery , Samuel Turner, receiv
Ing stoleu goods ; .Mary. It. Sul
llvan, felonious ns'iiult atd batter) ,
Edward Get., lareuy , II. ram Balmer
soiling without itceusu ; Jae ib Eborsole,
burglary ; A. J. Molehe., f ncihle entry ,
Jeseph Senscnig, E.lwin C. Splncober,
Daniel S. Lausch, Simuul T. Walker,
Henry Horuer. lornieVioii and bisfardy.
Tt r.sinr Geerge buiilb. murder , Win.
(hid Smith, murder , M. P. Hildebrand.
niurder ; f'red. Derstlui, et al., Hiram
Winner, et ul. , neglnet of duty.
Satitudat Henrietta .Moere, aurety of
peace; Jehn C. Willaur, I) iiiiel Itice,
I'eter WlnebBrger, David Ohie, desortieu
Ueiirtul Uiiliiiiiiin i'luH.
This morning tin second week of com
meti pleas cemt began with Judge Liv
ingston presldlug. When tlie list was
called It was found tlmt twenty ene cases
of thirty were ready for trial.
The following cases were settl-d : Jehn
M. Daiteh, for the use et Samuel Iliuck
hart aud Frederick Bucber, vs. Samuel
Bewers aud Stephen A. Dinner, vs. James
A. Brobst. 'Ibe Drickorville obnreb case,
which has been tried Nweral times, was
ceutinurd. Ne ones were attached this
morning fei tral, and tin jury was dis
charged until 2 e cluck.
II. H. Snyder, who wn e invinted of
llbel, was sentenced te pay a Hue of $150
and costs of prosecution. Geerge Hupp,
who was convicted 011 two charges el vie
latint: the liquor Iiw, gave additional bail,
pandlnj; tbe motion ler a new tiial.
VOl.tMltlA NKWH.
Kreiii titir Urjalnr tliirres'
Man badly bejten In a Union street beer
saloon light en Satuiday night Company
G Inspection and Riverside, Siuquebuuiia
nnd Conostega ledges, moetlngs te night
The Old Lutuiau piepeity Is being tern
down and a new building will shortly be
oreotod. Yuung folks Prcsbyteiianobureh
festival te morrow night Tbe Citizens'
baud Inoreases in prollcieney " Cetifu
sieu" nt tin opera home next Baturday
ovenlng j "Ranch 10" Thursday evening ;
Ualrd's minstrel's le night. Tbe Suudny
school ei Ceukmau's M. E ubapel is tin
largest Iu Columbia.
Pennsylvania railroad car movemont
hore for November : Eustward, leaded,
40,030: empty, 1,025: total, 43,201. West
ward, leaded, 11,272; empty, 00,000; total,
41,281. Grand total. 83,543, Decrease,
as oemparcd witli October last, 1,500 ears.
Dccroaae, as compared with Novembor,
1832, 1,200.
Jamea Kiscaddeu wns thrown from a
buggy en Union struct last evening, and
had ene of his arms disloeatod nt the
albew. The buggy was overturned by
going ever a pile of building stones. Ne
signal light was tllsplajed at the place.
Eight tramps were taken te pilseu by
Ofllcers Gilbert and Wlttig this morning.
Tbe jubilee exercises at tbe Datlicl
Church of Ged ynstenlay were well attend
oil. Tin suppers held by tlie Tiinlty Ro Re Ro
fetmod and United Drotbren ohurebes last
woelc were soeial but net financial sue
ceases. An enjoyable eyster mipper was
given by Mr. II. P. IJruner, ou Saturday
oyeulufr, te the crew of Pennsylvania shift
lug eiiglin Ne. 410.
A Heavy mew,
A stiff gale of w.ud passed ever this
eity ysterday nftorneon, but did no
damage se far as known, except blowing
down two heavy pieces of east iron that
braced the top of the stack of Autiadale
factory, corner of Chestnut and Puim
Rtretts Tbe reef of the boiler house,
upon which the Iren nnd a few dozen of
biieks fell, was slightly dntnngcd.