(0) terau$tetfi rtteUigett8e Tolmue XXNv. 7t. LANCASTER, PA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER a, la. Prlre Twe Centn. f tleuim. G ItU, VAIIMIMrOUK. "" - M ' ' -" 1 KU. rAMNKMTOUK, HAIIl'S OLD BTANI), HO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANCAHTKIl, l'A. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, in Great Variety, A Full Lliutnt I.iiillm' niul Chlldren's COATS, CI.OAP.8 und DOLMANS alwny en linnil. Silk Plushes by the Yard. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Out Dress Making Pallers am en tlie second niul third floors, whero llrtneii, Ceat Cloaks niul Delmans nte muile at liert notteo. Perfect (It ami satlslactlen guaranteed, wheUiar goods are purchased liuroer sent te be made up (ram olsew here. Geerge Fahnesteek, 14 EAST KING STREET, - - - Lancaster, Pa. rLVMtttNU Ann a ah rimiru. AUNOLl). J....N PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tSTFinest Werk, Beat Workmen. Leuve your Orderu at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nee. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. MKIUVAL. HUM AX UVANU. ( 1 ItAMUBU KKUTILIZKIt CO. J HUMAJNT GUANO. OompeBod of Pure Human Bxoremont and TJrlne. Unrlvaled for Wheat, Tobacco, Grass, Cern, &e. BOM) 11 Y WM. II. JON KB, Ne. 1,621 Market Btroet; C. II. UOUKI18, Ne. Itt Market Street ; UIIAHAM.KMLEN A PA8SMOUE. Ne. 631 Miirkut Street , ,T UlllEU A HUN. Uratictltewn Philadelphia, ami responsible dealers generally. OFFICE.-N0. 333 ChOHtnnt Street, Philadelphia. auglStmd O. MUSSBliMAN., Agent, Witmer, Lancaater county, Pa. HOOKS AND HTATlUNritT. JUST ul'KNED, AN ELEGANT LINE OF NEW Steel Engravings, Etchings, Photogravures, PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored and Plain. at riiK noeiisTour. or JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nea. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN BT., LAND ASTER, PA. -IlrilKK.I.KH'S UICBIBDIIM. BFNBIBL0 MEN Anil Women knew urn this Hint of tliti tunny illscesi n mill derangements or tliu bedv each low a separate cause or origin, ami t.ml each nocdsailllieront method el treatment tn order te iilli'Ot n euro, anil a moment's icflectlen must convince Uutlany el Uie fUiirkiieitruins foisted upon lliu public clalmliiK te en in nil el r number el illuinutrlcally dlllorent diseases must prove fallines, even II we ile net cull tliein humbug. POOR PEOPLE ami people el me lorute means, ami oveu poe ple wcill. to-de or wealthy, find that tlie cner meut charge of practising physicians am a sorlein burden te tliem, and also find tlialnltei paylhgUieuiHolVes peer tlial no bonetlt has ac crued te tliem, tlmtln tact they have tlirnwn thelr money uway. Ie overcome theso evils woellcr HTieefcr'j A'e. Mhttre llemedttt te tint sick and sutlei lug one Remedy ler uicli ills ills euse, without for u tiiemunt claiming ttiat ene remedy will euro any oilier illsuiua than tlie ene claimed ler It, ami an theso remedies have sUietl the test el yearn wlllieul u single fa'l iire, we agree te refund the money paid In eveiy Instance whom u euro Is net positively cllected. The remedies are entirely vegetable, can ile no harm, hiiiI will poiltlvely euro overy illBuasu ler wlileli tliuy ure preijcilbuil. RHEUMATISM, 0(iil, l.uiuununet JelnlH, Sciatica ami Nuu. iallaururelluvil alonteumlpoHltlvulycuivil by tlieumi of WIiceIiu'b Ne, IM llliouuiulle Humcily, We say boldly Unit In tlie worxtet cunt" or no niulter bow lena itnnatng, hew lerleut, or hew rmlnjut, we i-un net onlyclve rullul but petitUelu cure ler ull tlinu. Kiililnit te de till, wa will peiltlvuly Hifundtlie money paid rnr thotrcatment, ami II your ntillrrlnKH ure net podllvely hleppud for all tlmu you liavu net thrown your nieniiy awuy hh you would en any ethur limn tln-e KUiiriiuti't'il rumedlui. Tn irlcii of Wtii'idrr'H Ne, ll Ubuti Ubuti matle Itumndy la onlyfiectmUi.obtuluablutrniii any ilniKlHti.er nnt In u by mall en receipt el prlca. StampH tukitn. BUPPERINQ WOMEN. Many a lady, oudewod by nulure with a nietty taco, beuiilltul fluure, fnultlcw complexion, K will rn tlie Hweuuist of tompera ami futiltletB mental fiualltled ltewh prumaturuly old, Kruy and wrinkled, nor form leiun Its purfuct contour, tlie complelon becomes gitllew, tlie enKOineun leavea mu nj u, n icuuuk ei ninii(ir takes the pluce el the ence buoyant splrlta, an Irritable nerveiiM tractleiiHiuins mukes llfe a burden, tliliiKt that mail weru trlilei weny her until lilt becomes unbciirubli. All this iHilriK e mood by tlie physical ilerani!euiunt se comuien te women, which llui Intuitu inediiaty el letnlulne n lit ure prevuutM tlielr making known, unit el wlikli the Iqnerance el the liiedlcal proteislou prevents a cure. ImiIv Header, jxitite ami ceniliti r, 'Us a duty you ewe yeurmilt, your luiiilly and your Ued, Unit you mieuitl cureyourHuueiiueso irimiiien nun ence morn leel tlie i!lev el perlect lica.lt li and spirits that uiituie IntnndiHl SPEAKER CARLISLE. tiik (ii'hAKi'.tiimr or tiii: neus, IIIVKN II) KKN1UUKY, VUAX.. 6. I. MAUTIIt wriiolertaloaiid lleUll Duiuer In all kinds el I.UMUKU ANDCOAh. -fnrl: Ne. I'J) North Water and rrliae rmitM rtlKivn 1,0111011 IancesUir. us-lyd 13 AUMUAHUNKllS H JKFrcHlK. COAL DEALERS. OKKICK). Ne. Tl North yein BniErr, awd Ne. Ml North 1'rihck Btiiuet. YAIIDH. Nertu rmc Htkrpt, nraii 1Uai ma OireT. l.A.NOABTKU, l'A. HUKlVtM IOAI. 1)((L,I j Tlie undorslxneil luu rer sale, at hU Yard, Cor. Andrew and 8. Water 8ts HlurKe assortment or the very bust kinds el Ocal for Family Uae, which h will dellver, carefully weighed and ereened, toauypartel Uiucltr at tin) lowest mariui raius. uruers ey muu or iipuuiiu rmi.ir uiNUKit. IIA1H AN It UAYH. II A1S, t.ll'J, c, -AT- fllled promptly. JulylO-tld MANUUK AN1I DUAL, New Yerk and 1'hllailelplila llerea Mo Me Mo nuie by tlie cur lead at reduced prices. All tlie HKbT UKAUE8 OK COAL, Meth for Kamlly ami Stnam purposes. OKMKNT by the barrel. HAY and UTltAW by the ten or bale. Yard 315 llarrtsburir Tike. OaniRiL Orriea 'JOH Keat Uhentnitt street Kauffman, Koller Ss Oe. uert-lyd i lOAt.. M. V. 13. COIIO (ISM NOUTU WAXKUHT,, Utncwter, m. Wholenalo and Hetull Uoalera tn LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Taleplioule ISiclitttige. Yanl and Olncu Ne. 890 NOUTU WATh HTUKKT lebW-lvil AMBE'S, NO. :$0 WEST KINU STREET. Bletfaut Sealskin Bacquea. Elegant Fur-Llned Olreulara. Eleeant Bealskln MulTd. Elegant Bealskln Oapa for Ladlea Elesant Bealakm Oapa for Gents. Elegant Imitation Muffd and Oapa Qent'a Fur Qlovea and Mufllerd. Ohlldren'a Fura. Fur Trimmings. AM. AT I.OWKST I'OISIHLK l'ltlUKS - S'uiUkln Hnciiuus and ITur I.lueJ Clrcu liirscaietully madu te measure Fit, Duality and l'rlces upeelally Uuarautued. ill-lmd J ler leu. Wheel- er't Ae. DC l'retci (ptlent aie pleanant and pal atable te uiku, contain nothing of an ln)urleus naturu, niul may be taken by all unci, atul times and In all condition, wllheiil rMif(df( Uy of ill iffcct; and will positive! euro any el the peculiar illsvasm te which lumulei are sublect, Kulllut; te produce a perfect euro the proprletots will rejumtthe money paid for the treatment. If you hae ii tallow complet ion, censtml or lnwumlttuiil headache, back ache, restleesncss, lem el appetite, suppres sions et monthly Hew, or Irregularities thereof acceuipaiiled by headaches, nervous ncs, hysti rla and -lmlliir symptoms, HVterf ert Ve. H I'reicriptlen" Jl" will positively re store you te hunlth. If you liavu a sensation et heat and thiebbliiK m the buck, liequtml lalnllHKi'lel!s,I.inicoirliu!iei whltu discharge, painful or scalding HenBatleu in urlnutluK, reUUlhli or white deposit In urine, het and dry skin. IIViMier' A'e. 60 rretcrlitten"V" will ulve Immedlatn und laitlii r)lut. The prlcoel Wheeler' Ne. 'JO l'leicilptleni "11" and "0 "are .'0 cents eacli, ebUilnablu from driiKKltitserseut by mull secure trem elnei- vullen K) i pain ou receip in price. iusike etumpjtukeu. CATARRH. it i iii.hiI1ims te dei.ctltm lue HMunteins of this nauseous .Uhciuu Uiul U Hupping the llfe and strength et only tee many el tlie lalrest and best et both noses, old and yeunu, uullet Inealtku trem thiipolieuou4 drlpiilntt In the threat. Urn polseuuiM u i il iiUi-hurtfc-i. the feted breath and kuitu1 weakness, debility ami luiimier, aside fiein tliu acute sulterlnKS et this disease, which it net checked can only end In lett of palute. weakened tight. Ien of memory, ileafnett, and premature death It net checked liolero It is tee late. I.ubei, study and research In Aineilca, Kiiropenml e.aturn hands have resultnl In U'heeler't Xe.vCIn ttant Jtettrfnnd Sure Cure for Ctitat rh, a rem. edy which contains no hutiutiii tUKtudlcms, und that Is uai untied te cum oveiy cjise el ocuteoi chuiiilelJat irrhei money retiinded. Wheeler't A'e W Inttant Relief and: eure Cute for Catarrh will cuie eveiy hvsj el catarih, buy level emmUiiiiu. pilce 1 en iier packaKO, from UruKKliiH. or sent by in ill postpaid en receipt el prlre. ,..,, Wheeler' Ae.SS .Sure Cure for hulney and I.iKtr 'trouble cuius ull iwukuess ami soio seio soie netsol kldnejs, iutlauimatlen or kidneys or llvnr, prlce ll.oe. 7irler'i IVerm&f Pill is the only rein- edv that ernes coiiHllputleu, ulvlliu natural r. . .. . . ....:,... .......,.n... iiniinn ei mu uuwuis wiiuuuk 'iijpitui lnu, KrliiitiKerpalii. 1'ilce J5 cents, et driiK' Itsiulter tlie Uenincratle Oauciu at Wn-li- liiKteil, Maturdny KvenliiR Jiilin II. (Jntllnle Meuimateil wllh 10(1 Vetes. At WftMiltiRten, 1), U., tliu Doineoratlo oaueai iissemblcil nt 7:30 o'clock, ou Siitutdiiy evening with ulercd iloern te nomlnnte n sjMjakcr ler the IIohne of Itop Itep ncntntlvrH (Juti. Itosceratii oalled tliu Duinocratle caucus te order. Mr. UeuMch, of Olile, was Holcetcil ns cliiilrnian niul Muhih, WIIIIh, of Kiintuckv, run! Dlblile, of Seuth Cnie linn, wero cIiORen doerotarlcH, nntl Messr-H. Caltlwall, of Tonnciwpe, ami Hteckslsigur, of Iuillatin, tollerii. A tell call disoleeoil the jiroHenoo of enn bin ilrcd and olKhty elKhty olKhty feur nietnburi. Foiirethcr muinbotaeiitiiu lu nubKcquently, makltiK tliu total attutid attutid attutid auoe otie btiudied ami eighty eii;lit, McHBr. CnillHle, llandall and Cox worn abHeut (rout the caucus and occupied the roerrrt of tlie couiuilttee en appropriation.-!, tboeotntnltUooti wajHt.nl means and tliu (orelin alTairH committee as their leu pre tive boadqtiarterH. Ah heed in the roll call had been compluted Mr. Dotsliulmer, of New Yeik, ellurcd a resolution providing that the votes In thu can en. s ler tietnliia ting a candidate for the Npoakernhip Hlieuld be viva voce. TIiIh roieluliou was BRrccd te en a illvlbien by 101 agultmtHO, but the yeas aud nayn wure tliareupeu demanded and Mr. Ntohella, of Georgia, offered nit ainundineiit in thu natute el a Rubitltuuj providing that the vetca shetild be bv ballet. Thu roll was called en thiH amondmeut and It wan roiected by a vete of : Yew, 75 , nijB, 113. Mr. Uoreliuimer'u rcHoltitleu was then adopted without do de bato. Carlisle Neiiilnuteil, Nomiiiatletm for the npnakershi wero declared te bu in order aud cimlidatcs were tilaoed in noininatien an fellows : Jehn U. Carlisle, by Colonel Morriueu, of IlliueiH J Satnuel J. ltiudall, by ex (lev. Curtin, of renusylvaula, and S S. Cox, by Goneral Bloeutn, of New Yerk The roll was called by statei and the progress of thu voting, as oaeh successive member atmwered te his name, rtas watched with keeu Interest. Frequent ines.i.ies iepe.it ing the foetiugs of private tally lists from time te time weie dispaohed te the re siioetivo candidates eutside the hall, and it seen beoame ovident that Mr. Carlisle hail wen thu contest. At the conclusion el the roll call the vete steed as fellows : ;ar Rtate. llile iM.ib.ium I ArkaiMis f Culllernla -' Connecticut ' Delaware 1 Herlilu 1 (leeigla s Illinois Indiana 7 Iowa ' Kentucky 3 l.eulilanu 1 Maryland Massachusetts 1 MichlKuu h Mississippi f Mlsteurl II Nfivada 1 New .1 pi soy 0 Miw lerK " North Carolina i Ohie ... - Pennsylvania u MHttli tiuelum I Teunussee " Texas 1" UiHtiiti . . ..1 Vt Vlrlllli '- Wisconsin. .. 0 Itau d.UI 4 IJ 1 U (I 1 0 1 e e l l 0 0 e ii 0 1 7 t II I ii I u Cox. 1 0 :i e e c ii 1 l l 0 u 0 1 0 I 0 II II (I e e l 0 0 0 0 30 H AT HTOHK. ADVICE. Never buy what yen de net require, llecuuse It Is erTered you cheap ; 'Twill be money thrown Inte the fire, 1 lien where Is the profit you leap T Hut should you 'ure wish te Invest n n iiarKain uoeiuoiiiy " iat," ew Hat. J ust call ut our store any day. Aim invest in n aiymn a rhrlrr AVn in 7en(e ler mental itenrm slen, less of manhood, lanuu ir, weakness or ever taxation el the bialn is InMiluablu, price 11 cents. WE GUARANTEE Cuii'sln eteiy canoerwlll relund the money paid. We pluce our prlce eh thoeiouiedlon at less than ene twuntluth el tlie pilce asked by ethers ter remedies upon which you take all the chances, aud we tpeclally Inilta thu patron uire el thu many purbens who have tiled ether remudliH without ellnct or deplelecl tlmli nut sei by pnjIiiK doctor bills thai hoiieiUiod them net. VAVXU llAHtilnutl, 40. IIIAKKH W. FRY. OUIl LINK OK Dade Window Shades Is larger than any eoasen beroteloro. We have them In All Celers, six and seven leet lenit. ThesflROOdi are very stjlUh and popu lar. Special BUe made te order. PLAIN SHADING rtv the varrt in any nuantltv. larse windows and store similes. rldtlm let Tin and Weed Bnrlnc Hellers. Alse Cord Fixtures. Shades umde up promptly and Iiuiik In best manner. wide w Diuxiua. Alse Cord YOU CAN (JKT TIIK hATKHTSTYLK, run JIKUT QUALITY, Tllb MOHTU UR A 11 LIS HAT, CAP, or Sealskin TURBAN 1 1 AT TIIK LOW KST HUCE ANYWIIEItE. A Few FINE DRESS KID GLOVES. SHDLTZS ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (UUNDAKKU'B 0I.U STAND,) LANOASTKlt, l'A. tiiar27 lyd.tw NKW 1'ATTKUNS OF WALL PAPEES Ol Kvery Doseilptlen. Common and Gill l'uper at Lew I'rloes. llorders, Vilezes, ten ten tre rtoces, 4e. LAOE CURTAINS, In Cream and Whlte. I'oles, Cornices, Iliuidp, Leeps, Ae, PHARES W. FRY. 07 NORTH QUEEN BT. UUIHjRHIKH. T UUUbK'n Thanksgiving Groceries. Whlte Kim Ida flrnncrpB. Iluneli Ualslns, raper Bhell Almonds, I.uiky'u umvmiHAi. fiLt: bUt'i-usi ' TOUT. A sure euro for overy lerin et I'llos.luternalaud external. Hchlnir or bleed. Ine, and Ieiik ntundlnif oesos. It lias never tailed even In cases as Ions standing as ii te.Hi years. This Suppository Is cone shaped, easy te apply, sa'e, neat and clean, and possesses every advantage eyer ointments and salves. I'liyslolansuae It In their praolice. Give It a trial, and you will be both relieved and con. vlnced. II your Urugu 1st does net keoe It or Ket it for you, accept no ether, but send for It by mall, us It can be sunt any where by mall 1'rlee, Coe per box rrrpuiml and sold by ANDKKW U. VltKY, Urugglit, Ne. 29 Eait orange St., Cor. Clirlstiau, vM7-iyitwi nawwr, re Uiaps, Choice Imenils. EnitlUh WelnutB, rilberts, Cholce liellofleur Apples. Alse lluldwln anil llambew Apples. The Choice I'AUAIIlHK MEADOW CUAKI1EU UIK8. Cress & lllaekwelt's Tickles and Sauces, Cexa's aolatlne, Chocolates, cocoas and Ilrema Flavoring Extracts. Table Oil and Dutchhead and I'incapplu Cheese. Alie YOUK STATE CIDKIt. AT OUR BRANCH STORE, CHESTNUT AND MAHV BTIIKKT8, we keep n Full Line or all kinds et greceiles, and sell at LewKBt l'rlces, BURSKS, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. BUANCII-CIIKRTNUT AND MAUr STS., LANCASTKU, l'A. P. 8, both stores Lare Telpheue Connection. A(KMOWIiKIIUKI UY ALL JUIIUUI that the VrJlew Frent Sc. Havana Clear ...1. I.A lU .., ..r " JU1'MA d KLLOW FUONTCIUA'U HOW TO OBTAIN lliese leuieilliH. (In te your diuuulsl and ask fur them. It they have net hret them, vt l Ite at ence tothepioptletoiH.uncloslnn the prlce In money or sUimps, and tin y will be sent ou at oiueby mall postpaid. Coircspumlenio solic ited. Am it'd plainly. 1 WUEKLKIl A CO.. Ne. mi W. llaltluioreSt.. septJ-lywAMAFlyil HALTlMOItE, Mil. IIIIKUMATIU avitur. A Limb Saved And a Family Made Happy. Mr. l'hlllp Moeio, et West Wobster, Menree Comity, N. Y.. says. "My dauBhter. new elKhteen years old, lias, ler lliu yasi oikeiutii iiiiii.tii?, ben allllcted with rheuinuttsui In a very severe lerin. One year age it Bettled In the knee, tluce which time hIhi has been unable tn touch her toot te the iloer or move her limb without sulteiluK thu mOHtuxciu cluttni; pain. Iler limb was last KrewInK out et shape, although we wetu deliiK ler liernll woceuld, Imv liiK used all the remedies we could hear of and that w ure i ecnminundbd for rheuinatlsm, nonuet which ben lilted her lu tliu least, llorcase was pronounced lucurublu by the phy. slclan and by our nulKhbeis.anil ull believed that she would be a crlpple all her days, and that her limb would never be restored te Its eriKlual shape. Hut I am happy te say that te-.lav myilaughter is entliely Iree Hern all rheumatic pains, and that she Lliu walk with pel lect ease, hav ing thrown aslde her crutches, and her limb scums us strong and per lect us overt all iriini thu una el your wonderful modlclne " Itheu uiatle Syrup," which we censldei ene of the best medicines ever In. treduced for purllylng the bleed, and 1 only regret that all etheis who are allllcted wtti rl.euiuatlsm can net knew of Its superior uieilts. Yeu are at liberty le use my nainu It It will de you any koeo, and 1 aimll he enlv toeuladtotelluiivand overyono what It lias done ter my wauBhter." l,mui.M00IlK. Rboumntle Syrup Isjthe greatlat llloeil I'urlflei known, and will de all that Is claimed ler It. tend ler pamph let of testimonials and teudel thoe who have bten cured by its use. HliciimatlcSjnip Ce., Hecliuster, N. Y. Fer sale by ilniRgMs I'rlc 11 no ner bot tle et u bottles let !". . OCU-u Aw Total 1W S2 .11 r. C'nrllKlu lllrus llinnks. The result of the voie having b en elll eially announced, Governer Cdittii moved that Mr. Carlisle'! notniuatien be made uuauimeus, which was immediately dene, and the chair appointed Messrs. Hiudall, Cox and Curtlu as a cdtnmittce te notify him of the oaueus' action. Mi . Carliblu'H ontrance Willi the coinmittce was greeted with long continued cheers Du being es es ceited te thu speakei's chair, hu Hjinke as fellows : " Mr. Chairmati aud getitkmcn of thu caucus, your oetninitteo has just formally netilicd me of my iin.m imitis uoiuinatieu for thu oflleo el npcaUci of th? llouse el Ucpref-entativcs for tlie Hth Cutigrcss.atid I am UOIO tOlliailK Jim very unni; umi very earuestly for the contidenoo you have roeosed in tne If this had bceti a uiore personal oentost between me a'lil either of Hie tliineil!Htlniiil!-licil geiitlumeti whose uames have been nioutiencd in counectien with this noniiuatieu I hlieuld have had but little hope of siilccss They are all lieutleiucn of great abtlitj.leng oxpcriciice and undoubted Integrity, and I abcure thorn and thelr friends that this contest closes se far as I am concerned, without tim niiuinrut. ihaiiin in the irleudlv person. al rolatieus vshich have heretofore existed botween us. Goutleineti, I trust you may never have reason te icgret your actiju this oveiiing aud that w lien the I ibers of the lStb Congress aie olesed you may be able te congratulate yourselves that no mntnri.ii ininri'ht. of veur party or sour country has boeu injuiieusly nfluoted by my administration of the onieo ler which you have tiomiuated me. In fact, 1 may go a step farther and venture te express the ceutldnnt hope that evury substantial Interest will be advanced aud ptoineted by llm iiiiltil niVnrts of the IKOSlditlg OflleOl and the Democratic majeiity ou thu lloer. Sueh reault will iusure lotery in the great oentosts yet te come and guarantee a long line of Democratic executives, with au lionest, oeonomioal and oenatitutional administration or our puuue auairs. uui, sir, you have yet much ethor labor te per por per ferm and again thank lug you for what you have already done, I will say no mere." A Mpcecn irein llandall. Mr. Kaudall then addresscd the caucus. He said : Amalerltv of thu Democratic Hepie Hontatlves of the forty eight Congress has secn lit te desiguatu thu dlBtiuguUliud crontlemnn from Kentuckv for the exalted position of speaker. His adtniiiistiatieu shall have my llrm, llxed and honorable suppeit. Te my friends, the minority, who may be disappointed at this result, 1 touder my gratitude for thelr support, which was aetuated by a noble, disiutor disiuter disiutor estod friendship, based en the highest considerations of duty, as they believed, betb te thelr nartv and te their oeuutiy. 1 bow te the doelulou of a majority of my colleaguos, The duty imposed upon me by my constituents will bopcriertncu witu oaruest zeal for thelr intorest, for the triumph of my paityand the real prea perity of my country. If In the future thore be any service I eati retidur that will tend te theso ends, it will be perfortned with oheorfulnoss that no ether eltUeti can exccl." tvVpplauee.J Mr. cex .loins lu. Mr, Oex, of New Yerk, thou took the lloer nntl said : "Itondermy aoktiev. lodgments te the gentlemen who havofaveied me with thelr confldenco aud especially te the plxtcen gontlemen from the Btatu of New Yerk, and I have te Bav that I am rolievod from the rospenBlbillty which possibly might have fallen upon my frail shoulders. I sympathlze with the distinguished gentlo gentle raan from Ivontueky who li te bear the burdi" of tlm "mat t ii in . f speaker, In ke fai a way he i villi llml uioready us u wadjutei et the distinguished gentleman from reunsyl vanla. The future of our party depends largely upon its action ou lineal questions. They outiueet thomaelvos with the liberties of life, with trade,with commerco.wUh the magiiaulmltles of public life aud with the grandeur et the republic. While thanking theso who l.ave sustained me during this long sioge I confess te feeling somewhat wearied of being en my feet during the last two weeks. Ktghty-feur dopeuds en the wisdom with which we oxeroiso the duties of this Congress. Without a wise forecast aud discreet horesuopo we .will be lu the future as we have been In the past dorellot, beaten, doubly discomfited. Hut I hepe better things and shall endeavor in my humble way te de something towards framing legislation ou a higher and purer tone Kotnembor that '81 depends upon our wisdom and discictien." Applause J The Oilier Ullliflrs. Candidates for the clerkship wote then placed in nomination and, the viva voeo methed being still pursued, were voted for as fellows. First roll call Jehn 1). Clarke, of Missouri, (It ; J D. C. Atkius. of Teiuiosseu, 0.1 ; William Martin, of Delaware, 0 ; total 180 ; no choice. Beo Bee ond vete Claike, 93 ; Atkins, 02 ; Martin 2. KxoCetigrcKamati Clarke thus rocelvod a majority vote and the noniiuatieu. The caucus nomination for the position of BcrgeatiL.it-artns was thou conferred upon Jehn P. JiCedem, of Ohie, by aech matleti. The next loll call was for duurkeoper. It resulted in the choice of J. G. Wiuter smith, of Texas, by a vetu of 03 agaiust G2 rer W. C. Fluid, or Georgia, ami WM ler U. U. Celt, of Connecticut. Six nominations wuru undo for peit master. During the roll cad it bcc.vne apparent that L. Daltou, of Indiana, present Biiporititeudout of the document room et the Senate, bad a majority and without announcing the vete his noniiua neniiua noniiua teou was made uuauimeus. Hev, Jehn S. Lindsay, pastor of the Protestant I'piscepal church, Georgetown, D. C,, was unanimously nominated for chaplain. On motion of Jannral Slecuni, of New Yerk, scceuded by Goueial It noerans, of California, it was uur.iiitnuiisly resolved that the fourteen crippled aud disabled L'nie'J seldiers new home ou the soldier's roll under doerkoopor of the Heuse of KopresoutaUvcs shall be retained en said roll, subject, however, te dismissal for a just and sutlloieut cause. The caucus thou at 12.80 a. in., adjourned siue die. inuwlug Hey's Uralus Out. At Ualtimore a distressing and fatal ao ae ao cideuteccurud Sunday afternoon, involving thu insuut death of a bright aud promis premis ing boy of ten years. Petor Garvey, the proprietor of a livery stable, was cleaning a gun, ami i'eter UallaUan, tue oey was sUuding lu front of him. Garvey was pick ing at the nipple, and while doing se the weapeu exploded, the outire contents en tering the head of the boy, soatteriug his brains ever the fleer. Garvey was arrested but after an investigation it was shown that thu sheeting was purely aoeldeutal aud he was discharged. i --- The lat it novelty lu bonnets has a crown et alligator skin. U in wearing tlwin the ladles tuke told, we Bay te tlieui O'Uitldeullal ly tin le Is no belter remedy let coughs ard coins lean in i.uus i,euj;ii r- nip. a i'et.tcuiiAN'.s uurv, 1'olU.einau Uil. K. Heath. ."J North Stud I'eiUaud, Me.. May 11, 1M, w rltei - "1 have betu trouble I fei a K,oed many years wltli Iniliuiinatlen et the bliddei, dat. liiK ii3 tin bn.li. as diirlutt thu ttuie I was lu the army. I suibued with dull, heavy pilns lu the buck and kidneys tee loten-o ler mu te do de si'llbe, ami tried seveil luiuedles tli.ll wee iecemuiemlul, and was exnuiliiud by ene ut out best phjHlclaus, who pronounced It In ll.iuimutlun et the bl i Idei ; and I went te llm hospital lei tic.itiueut, but nil medloiue and truitiueut h id seu med le tall, luusiecoui luusieceui luusiecoui uieudrd te tiy Hunt's Remedy, as it had been used In suMiial such eises hoieln I'erUand aud vicinity I puich ised a bottle at Smith's diUK stre hole, aud leuu attei usiiiK the Hist bottle tint It nilli veil me ie.it I y, and ulti'l U!,ln! neveul be lies letlild Hull 11 did me mm ii tfeud Hi in all elliui inodleines and treatinenl I have ruudved combined. And le add te my geed opinion of Hunt's Keiniidy, I lieg instate In closing tint my w Ite ban been fei u longtime doubled wltliu weakmssaud Intliiinm.illen et the til.ul ler, with a compli cation et ethei dlii'iises peculiar te weinun. Alter usiiiK only two beltlns alie has been completely cm ed : and I eiusiiy tint my wlle Is loud in puilsu et this wetidtnui uieiiiciue, ami 1 would highly lucemmeiit it te all who uieBUltcilii,' Irnm kidney dlsetses ei dlseilHi'S el the blaildei." Puiin.AMn, Mu , Slay II, IsiJ. 1 heicby (.uilll tint 1 knew the laclser the sickness et Mis. E. K. Heath, and that Ihey uie cenecily stated Initie toieBOlnji ceillll cate, and her euie was accomplished by the use of Hunt s Kuuiedy A V SMITH, DlilKRlsl, Cm. I'erUand aud (Ireun Blieel. MKinVAI,, VLUiaina. fAiinv'n PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A lloiurheM Artlele for Vnlvetsal ITamlly Use. TPta A na 4-aa Fer Scarlet and Typhoid JtljraQlCabea Fovers, UlphUiorie, Sail. vaiien, Ulcerated BetO MAI A D I A Threat, Bmail I'ex, Mwi- lun.Ufl.lrViSii-s, nml all cnntAKteus Dlsoases. Persons wait Ing en tlie sick should use It rreely. Scarlet Fever he,i never been known le spread where the r luld was used. Yellow Fever has been cureil with It after black vomit hail taken place, The worst cases el diphtheria yield te It. Foverod and sick per- SMALL I'OX sons inlreshed audi und bedsoies prevented,!'! TTINU . el Small by bathlnii with llarbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and pint- lltd. Fer Seie llneiit It Is a sure euro. Coutaulen destroyed. Fer Frosted teet, Chllblaltis, flics ChafliiKH, etc. lllieumatlsm cured. Belt Whlte Complex Ions soeurod by Its use. . , Ship Fuver prevented. Tel'urlfy the llreatii, Cleanse the Teeth. It can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved und cured. Erysipelas cured. Hums relieved In stantly. Hears prevented. Djsentery cured. Wounds henied rupld Beuivey cured. An Antidote ter Ani mal or Vegatuble l'el sons, HlliiKs.etc. 1 used the Fluid din ing our present af af nictlen with tcarlet Fuver with decided advautaite. It Is ln ln ulspensuble te the nick room.-WM. F. HAxreRD, Eyrie, Ala. I'ex 1'KhVENTED. A member et in v family was taken with Small I'ex I used thu Fluid; the patient was net delirious, was net pitted, ami was about the house eKidn In three weeks and no ethers had It. .1. W. I'AUKIMSOH, fUHllllel- phla. Ull'HTHEllIA l'UEVENTED. Tlie physicians lioie uae UiirbVH Fluid very successfully lu thu treatment or Diph theria. A. Stollbk Stellbk wbrck, Greensboro, aie. Tetter drtd up. Choleia prevented. Ulcers purltled und hcalud. In cases et Death It should be useil about the corpse it win smell. The wives -will dress the Tur keys and If you will permit its te dress you in our Pine Clothing we will be abundantly thankful, while you will net have cause te complain. Our Overcoat stock is large and worthy your consideration. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Gbestnut Sis. 1'UILAIJULI'UIA. u.S71wd BCAItLETFEVEU (JU11K1. The eminent Physi cian, J. MAUION SIMS, M. !., New Yerk, sa. a : "I am con cen con vlnced i'rel. Darby's Prophylactic Fluid Is a valuable disinfectant." Viwnrmill.T tlMiriinMTT. NASI1V1LI.B. Tellll. 1 ustlty te the most excellent qualities of I'ieI. Darby's I'rophylactle Fluid. Asadlslii lectaut und ilotereiit It is both theoretically nml practically ksuperler te uny preparation with which 1 um acquainted. N. T. Lurrew, I'ref. Chemlstrv. DAItllY'S FLUID IS ItKCOMMKNDED UY Hen. AI.KXAKDBR II. STBriiuss, of UoerRla. llev. CiiAS. F. Dbkmj. D. I)., Church of the HtniliKCls, N. Y. Jes. LuCenth Columbia, Prof. University, B.C. H. UKUltAUT. Uev. A. J. Hattlb, I'rel.. Mercer University. Ilov. (Jko. F. 1'ibkck, Illshep M. K. Church. 1NDISPEN8AIILETO EVEItY HOME. Perti'ctly harmless, useu iiuuriiauy or externally ler Man or lleast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tesUjd, and we have abundant ovldence that It has dene everything here claimed. Fer fuller lnrerma. tlonnetot our Druggist a pamphlet or seiid te the proprietors. JuZK1MNiC0 Maniifacturlnc Chemists, PinLADBLriifA. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, DruKRlst, 1)7 and 13'J North Quten sliest. anll-lyeedw TICK'S OilKUK lEUTOUAL. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. OHVILLE, OHIO, ncpt. IU, ICTU. fflf Ti3 "Ilavlnu been sub)ect te a bron bren tULUJ.cijiHi direction, with trefjuent colds, for a number et years, I hereby certify that Atek's COBRnr I'RcreHAL gives me prompt re lief and U the most etluetlve leuiudyl have ..um- tri.Mi. .Tames a. Hamilton. Kdltoref The Ceuranl." Mt QILBae, Onte, June M, 1832. PfilHltK " I bave used Aues Cubrht pko pke pko UUUuae,TORAI, thi4 spring for a sovure ceuah I and hint' treuble with geed ollect, and 1 am I pleased te icconiuiendlt te any ene similarly . mr ... iri.l. II .,,,,. .M 1 HUUUieil !, .w ... Proprietor Uiobe llote." riiKrAKKD nr Dr. J. C. Ajcr & Ce., Levu'll, Muss. BeldbyallDruKRtsts. dec3 9 lyd.tw SPECIAL NOTICE I I hereby Inform theso In want el a FALL OU WINTEU BU1TOF CLOTHING, That 1 have new In stock the LAUGK8T AND FINEST AUSOUTMKNTef Woelen3 for the Fall and Winter Tract i That has nver been exhibited In the City t Lancaster. A great vailety of FALL A WINTKU OVEBCOATING 1 kop NONE DUT THE 11EST of Foreign and Demestic Fabrics, And all Goods are warranted as representc t H. Gerhart's FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LANCABTElt. PA. Ml M,VII.KIAI. UllAMIh. Ihls Is te ceitlly that l have used Hunt's lluinedy 1m the kidney complaint, and de nted much beuelll lreui Its use. I have been ulUlcted about ene jen, aud rn eelved deatment Hern the local physielaiis, and used a uuinuei et sivcallud specltlbs with out any material help. I am liappy lesay, attei using Unco bottles or Hunt's Ueuiudy, I was completely cuied. 1 neMit lull toiecommund It, and you aie al llbeityte use my numu In any inaiinei you maydeslie, Jenn W. Joiinhien, .Sekhuu, lemn., May 7, ls:a. lUlwdM.WAFAw Ne Deception Used, It lssliunKose many people will continue te sutler day utter day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constlpatleu, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure nteur BtoreSUILOH'B VITALlZEIt, Ireoef cost lilt does net euro or relieve them. Price, 75 cents. Beld by II. II. Cecluan, 137 and 1W Neith (Jimeu stieet. Lancaster. lodll-eoilS irtll' l'l.ABTKIt SHARP PAINS, Crick, Sprains, Wronehos, Kheumatlsin, Neural(jla Selallea, Pleurisy Pnliii. Stitch In the bide, ItucUache, Swollen Joints, Heat t Dis ease, Sore Museles, Puln lu the Chtst, and all pains and aches ellh r local ordLep-seated are Inslautly relieved and speedily cured by the well-known Hen Platter Compounded, as It Is, el hxtmets.lt Is indeed the beat piiin-Ullt-Inir, stliuulatlnK, soethlnK ami stieuKthuuInK Pereus Plaster ever made. Hep I'tattm are sold by ull druKKtsts and country steies, cents or llve ter l.0O, Mailed en receipt et prlce. Hep Plattti Ce, Pioprletois aud Man ufacturers, liosten, Mass. HOP PLASTER, nev2VlyiKlw(2) AiNK!I.l.KH. "ISMS" THE WOUST " ISM "10 DAY IS RHEUMATISM. KUEUMATIBMIN THE HACK CCIIBD DV 1'LUIIY DAVIS'S PAIN K1LLK11. D." HOSTETTKIt a BOM. Clethms- CleiB.i UUEUMATISM IN THE KNEES CUIIKO 11 T PEUUY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLEU. UHEUMA1IBM IN THE MUSCLES ccnie BT PEIIUT DAVIS'B PAIN KILLEU. UUEUMATISM OF LONG STANDING cunxu nr PEUUY DAVIS'S PAI.V KILLEU. We claim te have the best and laiuest ill ety of $10 SUITS lu thu city. SIX (O)dirre.unt styles of MEN'S All-Weel Suits at $10. Grey Mlxed, Qroeuand Brown Mixed, Blttek and Blue Mixed, (Steel Mlxed, Dark Brown, Light Pla'l ALL AT THE LOW PUICE OF 110, and et our own liianufactuie. Holts actually w 01 th Hern 113 te 111. Overcoats. - Overcoats A GOOD, HEAVY. UNLINED OVEIICO VT, IN 1)AUK AND LIGHT SHADES, As Lew as $6.00. AND AT ANY THICK UP TO 118.00. D. B. Hostetter & Seu, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEU. PA. In Celluloid truuies. They are handsome, Hunt uml shook and nlve hotter satisfaction tlmu ether h. u-iUussiw. Fei sale by all lead ing Jowelers und Opticians. ds lwdeed The surest Darbys Piophylactle tuylen. proventlve against bmall Pox Is i nun. IldeslioysLen. llueklen's Arnica Salve. The Kroatestmodlral wonder of the world. Wairunted te speedily cuie bums, llrulies, Cutd, Uicurs, Halt Itlieiiui, Fever serus, Cau cms, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tolter, Chapped Hands niul all skin et options, Kuaranteed te cum In e ei y Instance, or money retunded, a cunts per box. tin sule by Ches. A. Leclier, loiV-lyeeilAw HHEUMATIC SUFFEUEUB, buy et Any Druggist Perry Dayis's Pain Killer di-lydAw etniKits bootees el 1'rellt. Theio ure many seuices el piellt te theso who aie liiKouleus und eutuiprUliiK. Jlurdeck llloed lllUcrs aioaseiitco et prellt lu uvery av. '1 hev build un the health surely, speed ily, aud eltettually, which Is sayluu a Kreal dnul. Fei sale by 11. II. Cochran, druuiUtt, U7 and U'J Ninth Quien stieeL A Great Discovery, That Is dally brlnK ley te the homes et thou sands by savtiiKiuany of their ones tieui uu early tjiuve. Tiuly Is Dr. KIiik's Nuw Dis covery for Conspmptleii, Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, llreucliltn llay Fever, Less et Voice, Tickling In ?jiliieut, Puln lu Slde and Chest, or any illscTCMTt the Thieut and Liiiiks, a positlvecuro, (liianinteed, Tilalltelllei liee iitchas. A. Lechei's Dim,' Stere. Laige sire II tw. RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Is a ploesant, sale, speedy and suroremedy ter Coughs, coins, Hoarseness, ABiiuna, in Uueiin, Sereness et the Threat and Chest, lirenciiitis, AVhoeplng Cough, BpltUng et llloed, Iutlammuilen of the Lungs, and ull Diseases of the Chest and Air Parages. l'rlce, 25c. uuil 60c. u Hettlo. Jrliropared only and sold by CHAS.A.LOOHER, N0.9EABTKING8T. auuua Aifu ut avien am. first Olaas liiiiuiiiice. Inline with Thomai' Kclectrle Oil. It Is the cheapest ami best methed el lusurauce we kuowet. llylts use you are sum te ticupu many gii'leusiU'liis and pains, Pelldi- " obtainable at all diugglsts In the rertu el bet- iiii.ui . 111 milu ii i,.l .1 ..ii.li Vim- uii li. li 11. II. Cochran, iLiigglst, 1J7 ami U'J Neitu gucen I 8UCUI. OOllOOl. llOOKH aud SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT TUB LOWEST RATKS AT L. M. FLYNN'Siiip CHEAP UOOK AND 8TATIONAUY 8TOUE Ne, 42 West Klnff Streot. .us i. I!. I'OKKIIAMI "t I.A VIM! WID'1 ( IISS'llO I ll I UAU1-IAA 2 1JILLOW FIIO.'U' Cili .. "IITK AK15 UIVIHU EXTRA BARGAINS -IN- FINE CLOTHING. We are etTerliia the Greatest Uargalm lu FINK OLOTH1NU that have ever been shown in this city. We bought heivlly at the recent great sales lu Nuw Yeilr city. Amongst tin many we wish te draw your attention te a HANDSOME, SATIN-FACED DIAGONAL SUIT at 120, wlileh equals uny 130 fcult In thu cny. in OYBEOOATS We lead the market. Our stock; U the largest and most varied. We fit large or small, fung ar short poueus. OUIt PRICES Are Uie LOWEST. Glevea, Undorwear, Hoslery, Knit Jaoketa, Noekoar, TrunkB,ValIa8S,8hawl Btrapa. EXTKA INDUCEMENTS IS SOAUFa AND el IT e t lirsli & Brether, reiin Hall Cletliins Heuse, Ne3.ai NORTH QUEEN STRBBT, 1 i.AOASl'BU.X'A.