-mrmrii, -.-. A- V V LANCASTKK DAILY 1NTJELLIGJ31S01CK SATURDAY DECEMBER 1 lktf. :. tt ifi 6 ! Eanrastcv. 3Jntcllfecnm " HATUUDAV 1TVBNINO, DEO. 1, 1B03, MIUIAI. tVASIUNUTON. te vimt ftu me anrpreimtnin et Capital l.tfe l uue. Atlantic, The social ide of Washington hns nover bcen rnlntcd. Thore have liceu truthful Bkotehcn of certain f natural, but nil at tempts te portray the life led by the cUver and refined pcople have been unfaithful. The misrepresentation of wliteh the capital has been the victim in due larpely te the great hotels atal their environments. The bent Mde of the city cannot be studied in Jtfl publle places. It would be unnecessary te say this of Husten, or New Yerk, or Philadelphia. Ne ene would think of undertaking a study of the Inner and best Jlfe of any ene of our prcat business com munitien in the vestibule or smoking room of his hotel. It U po.slble that Washing ton rcceives a different treatment because the publle has an Idea that the city is composed matnly of congressmen and treasury dorks It euiTcm from supcrllcial observation. Te a stranger nothing is te dlstraetlng us the bustle of the great ciravanserie.i that are the centres of life redolent with surface politic, noisy, showy and misleading, and with all the cheap pretentiousness of shoddy f.ishien. Inte thlscoarse and glaring activity very often fall the honest, worthy unsophisticated ceuutry member and bis wife he fre quently a man of strong head and s.ilid accomplishment, and nbt .1 modest, tmatfiil, icnsible IvmsfWife, whose am bitien is satlsllcd witu her husband honors. This mingling of the vnlgar ar.d the lnr.e:cut helps te maintain the deccp tleu, and does much te Induce the casual observer te bellcve that he is seeing the true essence, wben he is looking at a very bad imitation. Almest all the writers of fiction who have fluttered, mothlike, abiut the shining subject luve been tee much attracted bv the ulare of the public phiccs. lttakcs tlme and opportunity te learn that the men who are most in the newspapers are net nceMri1y the most prom inctit in society. CItAKItlMi ni:ni 1. 1 III rs. Dsnelnc Anions Dutae n Loieiy Maul mi aiutrtltcnH Itee ter b ituttrttly Chicago Tribune. "Come hither Beryl.'" Stuyvesaiit Nut weed spek iu kindly tones te his daughter, and yet the girl no ticed, or imagined th.it ihe, did, a labt tremor In am voice, but thinking it was i iluote the Inveluiitnry Ijoseuiag of hi1 false tceth gave the matter no further attention. She crossed tbe room te whcie her fatbsr was sitting in hi great arm-chair beside tbe window. "I have neMv, d a letter from Kipi-i. Hollingswetth, llery'," be s.iui. I The girl gave a widen ran. and a w.iv? ' of crimson swept evei tb r'i-i sweet '.v: but sbe did net speak. "Can you nut ctiOfi, ' he cutitim-l 'what the purport of bis l"t.r is?" Beryl ceu'rt no longer ) hi' in her fa'Ui-i'i face She kuew full we'1 why Rujcr' ilollingswerth had writte.i 'Yeu could never guts., little one," said Stuyvesaut Nutwood, a merry twinkle in lib eyes, "why Itupert ha written. Da you think you could ?" A dcoper blub oreraprcad the pretty face "But I will tell yen," haoeotinuod, "be cause you two woreat tcoMe;e together fcjtill perhaps I had better bi sileat' and again the laughing light came into her f.ithor'ceye. "Tell m 3 pip," whis.oiel Bryl, n.i 1 ler ab'.j te ce-ic-ul li rraiiics.', "a i4. he has wntten." "He wautr. sjmilliiug." na.t l In' iejly. Can you net gues what it i ?'' Krery flbre of Beryl's b.iing is tbrebb.i:.: with espsctancy e )w. B.'a lrit' tLd rlv ever his aau;etcr, stnyvvsu' ritrw.i' whispers with infinite p i'h u lieria "Twenty-flve dollars, t un h -u w:'!i ' mlltil I 4II, vis- u, i- .. llu; :ei- H 'd vll'c!.oelH. .'cj.i- .. I ' lllKO ClU'i'Se, J ii irh ehep-c ri . Turkej, live ... elcuui (Jump, cluai.i-1.., ;.ee. 1 . .. . i u.. i IMV.1 i. ....II M. I !...' up il .. Viv(-U !! lM .. 10 Cli i'ki-iis n pair " V plec (UM ) . (Oil -III ntcenni, V VT liiict", ileanud pn pi i HltKHLI. WIHOt " Apple IliitUi p.;i. . k. K.'saV'les ji h lloneyperft .- LnrilVBi t.ic iillncu Meat fl ft i ,(. Chestnuts V i.t ,.v Walnuts t hi pU ;f.e. bhi'ltbarbs i t , niL-ii h Cr.inburrlispci mi ,l tirupusfCi liitiJ.- l'ears V K lk miij.'i Apples, VH Ph Itttu llananas 1 plic- 'j:, Coeiunuu each ... -i:l Currant. dm.il, V ... ... .in Drleil Applea V ll ,t " l'ouclies fl ijl i.t rriuicnpcrt sijlik l.i'inens V Jes A.Mi'c Oiausiw SI dei . , ; j;- VBUNTADLIte lluuiis, l.lina, 1 m ... , iv Carrots V bunch .. ,-lt Cabbajfe, 1 head ;l(i. llWlllHilltlll i.j',, Onions Jpk jut I'llUltOlW ?1 tj pk i,Qv " lbu -i4.K. Hwcut l'otateiw H pli i ,,sac Kaillsliea 1 buiiLii. 5c Soup Itean V lt 14: Mulsuiy 1 buucii -(.! Tiirnfiw V pk ,v Aillolmkert l if pk ,. I'eppera V .'e i, ,t. ri.H. catilshTl tb i.-i ieicii ItlKlfc ISlnak lM6.. Halibut .. l.iC ...is. .. lie ...lL .. !'. rike.. Hnunlsll Slavk Trout I V . lluet Steak. 9 D.. li.JJf Reust I rib) ft II " (chiiik)yv V.UIUUU. 1 X, lifHC urieii. ji j. rii 'I .. 'c Itoleitim dried . I'resnuu deuf pei c. Ilacen ip tt Calves litver Ham, sliced, W a Hum, wheluV & Hprliig ItinbV B Sunrllntr Mutten ft 1'erkV a Bhouliler p tt Hauwge W & ' sinekcil m tt , Veal w a. I'uilitini; ei. CernV bin Cloverseoil, w mm rieurvqr... Cern nieal, t) iii O.itmenl fc' llayTluicihy 'ttuin .'le llll J'C .'Il . .I7((litc Jl) Ic I' . IJ H c . . .'., . . IIli v IU. ....Uaifie iw .....'lljljl c ... in te; ...7ri.e fiO Ill ... .mi;j .. . 50ft Ve . . . .iiSG'ite .l.'.i'KHiSI ...dbd.in U41D VI IIU3 Ityep hu. uimetii) Seed W him l linn . dhh KllMSCCll, V bus .... .:.. i. - - ' .Tl m iiuiiKHi'iin, yi inn 1 v. Orchard Urasd, V bin '.'.!.; te j.uitir, fi uiiDtMiiiii ,,, TJ m llerit (Jrasi, 1 pus ;i 75 ItapoHeo I, 'if biM i r,i (f j te p m . Itfasalrtttie Luiitry ifurtei 1 cettliu te b 1 taslitouuble unit in 11 cli worn; hew this 11111 be, we de net knew, but we de lairm tint nvery body Is usliu Or. Hull's lieuuli yrup. ter all catarrhal airectienj, I Vlit Everybody le ttnerr. Ilnv. tleprge II. Thayer, an old citizen 01 un vicinity Known te every 0110 us mnest innunntiai eitizun and clirlstt.ui lnlnbter the SI, K. church, Juat tin ineuuuit utopneil i'hJ" "iU5H, f- ." l wl'" everybody til kite that I winalder tint both mynult ttu'l wltn 01 ........Hiiiui uuiiuii nun cuiisii.in liiiuiHiorel id In oiew :,XiliV,f?,t,fiUel,',i UeuHnKS e"i euro"" it U bavinn a tronieiuinn. -n.. nv., ., .,..... ,,.,. anil Ii KivtuK porlect wtl.t .ctlen In mi m 01 hung Dbeuaet, g,,eh u nethl ! eUe 1 na itone. DltS.'M Ai'CII KTT t KllNOI'. lionxitev.liiil., S'ny i, -7 ' "ul HelilbvlI.lt. Oeein mi ,1,,, . . ..,-.. 11 Mnnli ll,..,.l.r .'."""' ""?" I"'" , Ne . ........ .,.... wtt .iiinniiei . tOhUecUt In Small l'ea, Hearict hiti r m i 1 lnhtiTiinn II4.I1VJ irnrirli,.lln I. ......"',..' l'lllllOriB ......... v v,.., .,. ,,w . llllll H 11 uprt'vlel the im etien mop tie ititlllVAIj. llllUWN'.S IltON IHTTKltS. BAD, BAD, BAD BLOOD. "einn bleed l had liccaiitia tt Ij pour mid weik. nine Hind because tt ceiUulm luipurb lle. Seme lncnlinve such bud bleed Mint ttie wonder i It ileei nod poison the niniiillec4 wh i cotne te blte them, Tlun loll rcl color el geed bleed Hening lithe iron which Is prrnent, lloel which has net enough Iren In It la always unwUHtnotery. The pomen In whoe velm It circulate can net i.e said te enley koeI health. The oirert et expert chcmHH topreducon picparatlen el Iren which enn lc iHilmllated with tlie bleed have resulted In tlmt ported preparation which I un linpertnul pirt et Itrnwn'n lien Illtters. It I the only ene which ireely enter Inte the bleed, it H the only ene which nccetnpinliei Iheilcitreil geed. Menk, peer, thin bleed tuny be made rich niul strong, ntul impure bleed inny heputlrled bj the use of that lircal Iren Medicine, JrenN Iren fiuim. The Man Who Talln Much. We want te say a word te you who make ft IixIiir with en r tongue. A en certainly mut lme iiclear, lreng volcelo pngngv yeui ll'S ll'S enrr. IT. Tftemut' Kcteetria Oil ter ero iiiie.it, j il.l.. ami lioar.ienv' I tinoM-elled. rp uml mlmlre. Korsalebyll. It. Cerhrnn, ilniH''l.tt, la, nmt 3) North (Jncun street. Well ii i:rr. I.eltlr llnwnril write lrem lluirale. N. V . ' My fetl'ln borauie urenllr ilcbliltntcHl tliieush arduous protpilenal ilntle". sntlor sntler ixl tmm nnue flck lieadache. nil J bllleu- nc. Trlinl Jlurderk Jtloed Itittm lth ihe ' met lienctlclal pfl-ct. Am wrll n evpr ' ter 8.1I0 by II. 11. Cechmn. tlrngtst, 137 anl ) North Qucen street. Dr. Donsen's Celery nnl Cnamomlie rill-, t.'i tlipcureet Xeumlglt nre a tuecpss." lr I u IMIeimn, t hrt'tlanbnrg, Va. 50 cent i I ill nirfflt. ' .V.i tkln, vlneh hat been eerered t i1 f(i7 -rf Am bteemt elean, ttnoeUt amt ? at n j aily't ity hamtt were cercreif rilh tittle tlri i 'eat. TTietl have iinip;x ired aur l' better ftnn I hme f)r for tirrnlv tenrt, mi'iy pt. Itemen't Utn O re A. Jl. Neble, Selma, N c . J aiy s, is:. . Steuipr ! Slethcral Oletbcrn Are you llturlHMl at nlrfht ami lirekrn Ot yenr rest by lctJ chlM iurrertnu nnl crj'lnit 1 will, theuxrruclatlnf; pain or cutting teeth? It -!. no at ener anil cet a bottle et XtKJ. WIN- M.OWS SOOTHING SVUUl. It will relieve t no ier little sutlerer Immediately dervnil upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There I net a mother en earth who ha ever uscl It, I who will net tell you at ence that It will r.'rfuUte the bowel an-l gUe rout l l .e ' i i it Kr, ana rellel in 1 health te the ehll.', or. r- I'nrr like mttffic. It tt perfectly sate u ue t.i ill c.ies, nnl pleAsaut te the tale, and I i i prescription of eae et the el ! t .in.l lient l nalc ph)5lclan In the I'nlte I ""fate. ei i eorywhere. 2S cent a bettlB. m .rl-M.W.5A ! ae.uic.ti.. h ' KlN UtICK. AVem the Heme Jei.rnat. A Remarkable Discovery, A REAL SKIN CURB. THIlt 19 HMT eib AMI 1IIA1 Willi snil'I.KNiMi: Uc are nt Importer, pirate, or any tld a. ttrle w Well new u IJpnly cUlm te W let Ti.. y luve ".pen tilpit antl found wanting, whl e ttil 1. n t e n pre-eil a lrtuarkibt ' LI . e roupers aub. Thii 1'ur.illve ni'U no pompous or lncem irihenlTe title el (Ireek or latin te tuitaln tt, hut Iu simple KntfllO name npiHMUs di rectly te Hie people. And tbe p.ople are 1 n illy; luanllejtlnB their appreciation nt this Iranknesi, by lelectlngand ntlngDr. Ilonen'n kin t-ai la preterence te nil ether irefeel ri n.i'dles, t)r c. W. Uonsen has long lpe;i well known a- .i i iccu.-sful pbyslcUn and surgeon an i 1.1s If. i'u 'y l.s been the dlcxoset the ni rwus s - in and et the skin; tnee he liu Kn 1 ("'uadiHl te put his New llcmeily and i- veilte riesoriptlen as a " Skin Cu:c " en the I i .irket, aiiens thing luve pruni; np into 'litence,er have woke up lrem the sleepy it I-, l.i whiu i they were belere, an I new iImi te In" The Grertf Sktn C"r. ' ay Ueware et tmliutmni, or the v.ir.eu-t r II. en which have Leen adverll-eil or yenie in iiriirfu.til aleiij. having no real held or ii -ill en the public, th.it new cnJoaver te k -; In ii I above water by a lvertlln them- i ' ,i s :m ' The ureat Skin Cure" .Nene . milne ami rell'ible excepter. C. W. Ilun- iii -tiki i cure. Kach package and Lettie l im hi llkem 8 internal and external rem- y, iwe lii.tli" In one pai'kir I'riee II m, .it J "ur ilru,(ilU. KMKI ler all OipriTetkeu Itrnm. CAl'SB ASt ITK, lir. l. V . iloneu' C'elcO' and Cli.iineiiille I'llle n ie , iluabte for dcIieuI children who inlh v Irnm i irveuj heai.aches caui 1 by an evi rwe ked briln In their studlet, and I'.r all cU"9i i nt hard brain worker wli-wevertakd n. vinn teniri need repair and le.latlen. Viiens tremor, wrakne and paralj". ;ire t. in' dally enrrd riy these plllt. They ur r. ietlvnei4, but are net purgallv . 1'ilce lent, or lx het li-s for SiM, p is'hijp tr. e, I i un'. a Idri'm I'er .ile by all diunl-d, Hep il, r..iltlmine, Uil w here t.ie dectcreun be i. ddll med. IHI'11 Of IllHUlry lie Iv Vl -mi r. I. i . N. CRiTraNrev, Sew leik. l the Wi.n'e ile Agent lef W v. .iunn's remedies. i'Ctly-lindll.WA.S,t OH UM.tt Olt JtU.Xl inn til W v.. l.tiiti till i Iri 'Aim In 'Mil. Cll t ec mi Apill 1, li-l. A t . 1 1 s In J. SI. Ill ItKK, Ne. North Duke strut. nil tl I t)LI!I.IU NAI.K-ON TLIIttO.iV, l(hCl:.1l I Ilhll I, lu, will Le sold fit I he I.eepatd Hetel, it let el ureuiid, ltuuted en the ninth side et fust Vine ntieet, ne.ir Diike tdreei, liniitliiK.'i tool and In depth ni lei I In 11 I lern wide (Oiuiiieii alley, en which it i rcete I 11 iwnitery IIIIICK DlVKI.I.I.M., Ne III and! ent ly llilck lluck ciilldlnv, iiud ulliiek V nte room. ulu te eiiuiini nie ul 7 e'i leek , londilleiM 1 ..de known by Slt-iSANNA HuKtllt. ' '111 I1SKT ,V bllTOM, AllCt'. lUI-i-Ul IIOII.I. I'tJK IlKM'. llll'. I'ltDlT.Kl t , 1 1 liielmlliiu the two !ery Itrlek lleuti- tin iiiedi ilily a.11 idthehiiu 1,011 l.iut Mut(ilieui between Lhuiili and Middle ntreet. Liuiein ter, I'a , known a the Cencml Jackmin lleti I will be lentdl trem April I. ll, ler Un luriu el one rill Tlil he 11 uuleln tlie new an 1 ihiidld Euntern Slurkel ileimi )im! ereeteu nt a teit et SSO.Uiii.auil 1 u most nlliflble locu lecu ll'iil ter a pa J Inn biialnun in the liamU et a competent landlord. Thern 111 be 1 recto. I In the prliiBa bilik slable tee with the lleti I, 1 with 11 eip'ittiy ler Werli) horxea. (Jthcr lin- 1 pieveinents will aimi be ui'ide. It ds will W 1. ci im'.i iiem 1 nti'i'iin mltlim up 10 Slon Slen day, Hi ifinliri HI, i-m, i, ntch releruliee . niuit Im Kiveu il-i te eompetmiey, naiue id i-i entity or rent, and 1110 ainnuiil el lent I Dirnxi. Kent villi I hi pijuble monthly, llu , .t(ht te 11 'oil ,1111 or all Idds leierved. Ad Ad ilieiKbldMte , SI. SlAt'l.O.S'llil.r., I n-.,i,'ji,ll,.lMl jii, I.. oration nt. I AlMlll)llNi:i) OKI'IIANS' ClllllIT MACK el leal eat.ili.'. On SATCHDAV. HKC. 15, im, In iiuiNiiuiicu el 1111 oiiler ni tliu or pliiiin,' court el Liiiicanliir county, will he nelil 111 pub leaalii, lit tlie lU'jtleun Hoiire, In 1 tlie Clt et l.nneuter. tint liiilewii(; (IU ,.,. tatuet I'atilek Kiuui. dee'd., te wit : A let or pleoe el in.niiiii uliuule 011 llm miuih nhlu el I West Vtulnulbtriel. In I.ancanter CIH. ren , bitnliiK Iu Hunt II loot, 3 Inclie. nnd in depth ll lout, IM Inulieu, mill nutiiheie'l -iX, 1 11 i'.'l'Vi J,V"i'lcV,u.'!""h,"l' HI'ICK DWhI.L. INO llOUsl'.. Wollel wuter with pump en the preiuUCM. ' ' MUe toeoiiiini'iieo utTo'cleik, p. m., when atlunilancewlll be KNun and term et will iif.nli' known ii III.NUV .1. lllJTI.KIl. Kin iiki.1 A ht i mi, Tru-tiii in Hull Aucllmiei in. njl.dl.B IM IN 1II.A1IV AMI I'lll'.K. .Call ter a copy el TO I'.VI'.ltV- Our New Oity Catalogue. iiu DWKI.l.lNUS. 13 IIUH1NKH1 1'ltOI'KH TIKS, riUIJUIll.III.NU I.OIM. TUUCKINli r-AltMS.SUllCIlllA.V HKM1IIK.NCI.B, Ac. KOU BALK, III ull parti el the city mid nt all pi lees, horn iiea te i,WJ. HeiuuthiuK te Him every buj or. New proportion belim onternd ditllv und u Blippli iiinnt te our caUiloKue lued every few wceks. Jluiore buyliiu ye what is lur fiilu. Allan A. Herr Ss Ce., UKALKSTATEiinil INSIUANlK AUENTB, ' 108 Bast Kinpf Street, i OP8-3BH1 itr.hitnev.i. 11Kl.imeH.l'.UVIl!hS Wll.l hi; hki.u l iu tn he lollewlnir churi'he te morrow. In tmi niernlnit nt lu3J. tn the evtnlnir lit !:ls. Sunday oheol nt I IS p. in. N hen the hour Is dltlerent It l ipeclnlly noted. cellgue t'liAriiL. ltev. .). . batehell, paler Klrt SI. K. church. SBv.Mi Kv. t in Bin (Kiik.) Mulberry street. ltev U N. IVeruiitn. Miudiiy school nt 2 p tn ei.ii SInNiiiiTBu-ervlin" en Minday, Pre i, at S p. in rrenrhliiK In lieth languages. st l.rM'n Hek hmsi t'KtBi ii Martett'i avo ave avo nue. Ht'V. H m. K Liehllter. Mimlay school at 1 p. in Halkm I'urnm or iion-Uev. .1. Nelsen Pot Pet ter !t. J. us l.i nin -llev. Mylvanu Still, lietuahl in!len n.' limit at -i p in. 1 irst lti:roRce Ciiriutt kpv. .1 A. rotor. Olivbt lUrriwr Ciicrpii Y. SI. C. A. Kncin. Iler. M. Kiayne. Snndiy school at S p.m. jt l'lri-'e llEPenvKii lu-v. J. It bhuiuakei, I). P. riunTTERtiii-Uev .la. . .Mitchell, I). 0 Sarrainent of Hip l.enl" supper In the morn mern Incr. I kien lltinii ISp.a. 11. l.enc Meswiis-I'ev. J. Sla llnrk. Suiiilny n'liii M .it i p m. communion In the evening. !T I'Al L'H M. V. Kev. A. I. Cellem. "ir.iie In Untwnlil chapel, rt'est Jame .triH-i. livinorrew (Sunday) eM'titnif i.t Jli eVIikb I n iiehing by Hev .Mr. Aurniid t .iwk li (.. 1 . Knight, rooter. le$ a. tn., I.llanr im-I Hely Communion , tivj p. m. Ei Hint; I'nii'i vi.uritiM. M" JW . ICATIIKUM. OVERCOATINGS ! ClUNCHIl.l.As H It IIKAVKKS- WIM KK KKlliKS ' Kl.slANd ' C "sIMKitKS K1UKK9I SIKLIOSS' CHKMOTS! IM ,OSALS CllAMIK? i'a brt.- 01 the uretet beauty nnd cxcol cxcel 1. n e, which we cut. line an 1 trim ep(jintly, and tell at uch low Iti?ure u te nttract the attention et careful dres'i-p. n wpli a thoie nt an eponemloal turn et mind OVERCOATS. 1.. 11V hUi 1 1 T- we hn . urn extPQlve imertmen: ter Mi :i, 1" - an I children. We 1 me lliem in low l 7n - ,lI. bllCOATS as u re in''. atuimeil te i'.!ei 1. man who must in ike eer dillir ee 1 it, an l hr cnrei mere I01 r. a i.i 1 wuu' p. mi men -... our 1 l.e.ipt't Ceat a-e l.epi 1: through and trire'igl 'I'll '1 uit ' 1' t 1 nuke iyer of f ie w 1 r m 1 , ,' . MYERS & RATHFON, l.KAl'iM. I.A.St V-iffclt Cl.OTIUKKd, NO. 13 EAST KIN'G STREET. UflilV.lL, puit-:s TONIC Mothers Spiuuing Wheel. Cencerclrg One Artlcle That Was Net Fer brtie, und Anether Which Is Cheap nt Any Price. Ne. -lr, 1 wouldn't tell yej that ler uny money . thul aplnulnir win I wan mv mother'. I:iimi d iv. wnen ih nu Kini;in like a lark ami m.ikln : thli old wh. 01 hum. that my imiiiT. men a yeunc uic'iirii siurpni, anor aner wui a tanner, fe.i in love with her seinu n:iy year .i:e ' -ermke the tiieii.ielur et a reuirti bit et t.niu land in I Nter ceuniy, N. Y, t' 11 relic liunter. und ' mother" -'lniilii(Jr wheel ie mat nod ..nienij her cUildrvn and Krnndchl. dli :i Sly ui.ilLer," willellyv. J. W. I'llulp-i, r.i.tei nt t. raul' Si. K Church, chleaice, ha nnd I'Aasin'd IONIC, and wlfhm me te H&y mat he Im found It morn Hei He ihaii anj thin i-he ever mid ler lnvln iritlnn and trngtnenlns thu y. tem debi mated by miUrl.i. She deilru. me also especially te uiontlen ihe certainty with which it Ml ilbjv-dlen and overcome ex ex l.auslleu. ' Ever ilnc. the Het hou.elield ivus e-itiibllsh-ed," moth !' ' eptnl m ban been mera potent In till w.iri ! iiian that of Judije. Jurtt or phy ti I in Ib'r hand hji alwaj 4 oeled the fever a'l't her voice haa been Ulied with hope. With iuihdtt' dicilne J'AltKKIS'd TeNIC II lie if.imnK tnnri item-rvedly popular with the w. ni in wiii L'nard alike l.utbaml anich'i. iiren Utiadicaie uittluiHl jx. Hen Iren, the blefil. irfi n whleli ir.eru in new such wlde- prnad si.tb rtnir IMiain fili.erM- lilt I'AUKKirS TuNlCI tinf na ' iPfiiif. It Ii a ciniiblnatlfm of ei iiil ln(re Itriita, lf idf Ii none i-iii-ly cm PIeiIucl un ttiin- ilki itn effict. t 01 hiilney, stomach and I.lver ireublea it 1 the it-anard and unt di u,( retucly. In two slzei Se cent and II Tl -latter llm 1 henpfti, Hisoei ,t Ce., ' t neiiil-t Nc.i leib deel Imdeed I IM: I SlAl'IC Silll v A Limb Saved And a Family Made Happy. Sir. fullli SIfK.re, of Went Webster, .Menree County, N. V., aay Sly huiKhlei, new ilKhleeu year old. ha, ler the paid eluhtuen month. i'ii mini leu wnn 1 lieiltimll.itn in u i ry ei-rn leim. One your ni?e It Mstlledln t lie I; nee, slnce which tlme idle lim been iinnblu te touch lier et in tin, iloei ei move her limb wit I, out HUtletlni the iiient nxcill. ciailnif pitln. Hei limb wuh faul lel Mowluueutoi niiiipe, uliheuKh we w.,1.1 iiiiniK iui ueriiu woceuid, nuv I1.4 um1 nil the lumedluj we could linui el und Ihatweie recdinmenilLiI ler rheiiiiiutuiii, iioneot whluli bun. titled her In thu hum. jlercuHO win prnnouiHeil itii uiuhle by the phy. victim und bj our iieluhhuin, and ull iii'liei ik i ti.ia hIhi would Im ii crlpplu all het dttjn, andthnt hi r limb would niver be leiti led le lis erlKlruil Mbnpe Hut I uin h.ippy te iiay that te- luy m iluugluer l.i entirely Iree from ull thi uiuutle puiiiH, nun tlial nhi'cnii walk ith perfect ente, liuv liitfilu wniiHiiie lier crutchuN, iiud her limb Beems an HtrenK niul pur iect na ever: all lrem the tieu el your wiuiilerliil lnodlclne " Itlinu. matte ftyruii," width we cenilder oue or thu iKMt tiH'illcliii'.s ever In iriKlucMl for purltjlnt; the bloe.1, mid 1 only reumt that nil ethui.whu ure ullllcteil with ri.uiituiituin can net hneu uf in mipMiur meriu, I en iiintil llberty te inn uiv iiiime II It Mill de YOU lltIV L'OOd. niul I nhnll be only tee uladiuteiiuny nnd uvoi-)eiio what It hai done for my ilHiiKhlei." l'HIMl'MOOltK. Uhourantle Syrup N.tlie Kieatut mood I'urllkr known, and will le all that In claimed ler It. (-end ler pamph' let of liatliiienlulsiiml rcadel tl.ovewhohavo In en cum 1 by its lue. lllieiiiimtlcSjriip Ce., Heclit-Htcr, .. Y. ..e::rull.!;:t,t,L,!,r,.,,:J.,, ,,ric" iea ectblydiw A IIINMUIUIIOU IIALI,. " "" .indboa:!H,1,;4ha,w,,b,9,n,'edie'?c ra.W,V,8c' M'alyS!1 iM", Kiirtermii'iml luiiher piirlliulaiii, nimlv te II. nKltllAliV, ' I'leililcnt Mmniii'ie.Kii Hull AsuicluUnu IMVtl M.MAI.I, IlAMl.nilDK HAVANA i i iifiu ier renin ut IIAKTMAN'8hl,l.OV STOUK IKONTCUIAU J"" N 8. IHVIiKlt. FINE TABLE LINENS AND Table Cleths and Napkins in Sets. Fine The Hrtmlpomeflt Aeportment evor shown In the city by nny ene Hotieo nt Surprlelnirly Lew Prloen. of thorn ninkonniu.Heruo Holiday ProEenta. Come early unci sotOhelco PntteniB. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, iit noun CPKUIAIi irAltOA". WATT, S11AN1) it 00., 8 and 10 East King St. WINTER DlllNS GOODS In nil the I'epnl it SPK.clAI J Rt Le MS". l'l lie A Hi FIGURED DRESS GOODS C'.c mil' I'Ol'I.lN COIID3 tn A.. CMieri. UV ' x '"' UKKY Tt II Oil) ltKIcKS Uc i aril. SEALCHI SUITINGS, M cents a yard, uuni price W cenn ?-Uirtl All-Weel UIIK-? SKUCiK-i, Ilea y Weight, '". .i ard. A.SOTIIKlt LAUi.fc I.SNOKK Ol l.ADIKS' D0I.MA.N3. COATS. JACK hi"- . 1'I.l'Bll cevr ClltCl I-Al'.-. AM .NKHMAKMirs, llle4' and Chll In LOCK" In iill-U CO VT- A NO II A E . ir. ' cjuilltie. Winter Underwear, her Ladles' Cient.' ni siren a ud y i w ah- y. 1 C 111 du II .: Priev" ii In .11 NEW YORK STORE. NO.UiVSKASTKI.VUST., LANCA'lKi:. I'A A 1 KTZOKlt Jt ll.UUint.lS. SHAWLS -AT- & Ja i Special Attention. BLACK TIIIHET BLACK THIBET BLACK THIBET D.'L'BLE ElAVLS DtTBLE SHAWLS DtiL'BLE HAWL. At ii.i, ".i. t:.! in no. in, ft: in. AM. hl.VDS Of BLA'KKT SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS, At the Lewest Prlcee. IIANIKSOMK PAISLEY SHAWLS. PAISLEY SHAWLS. -AT- & 'S Cheap Stere, 13 WEST KINO STHKhT, Xe. nutweuu the Cooper Ilouse and ".rniel lloise Hetel. LANCAblKIt, l'A. N iHXT IHIOK 111 TIIK UIIUIIT IIIIISK, FAHNESTOCK'S SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS, In Quautttlei, at FAHNKiTOL'Ii's, Nextt'oer te the Court Ileimi'. l'AIHLKV, l.enu and (loeiln nt Lew 1'rlccd. S'tuaru, ilamisome III.ACK TllllIET hll.VWJ.I. l.enir and SQUAltK.ntlesutlmiueijulariiilcca. III.A.NKKT8IIAWI.S. I.nni; und Square, In ull thu popular coloring, lirey nnd 1'inln. hll(JUI.UKUBIIAtVI.S In every Variety. 8I1AW1.8 liave iilnais been u 81'KCIAI.TV with us and we l'ave them In quauttuca, I.AUQE STOCK of I.AUIW Hi. E. Pahnesteck, LANCASTI.lt, l'A. Next Doer te the OourttHeuso. i-i'.w iietkE. "" " New Hetel Lafayette, llread ami thu-tiuit b(,ii, PHILADELPHIA. AMKIUOAN AND KUItOl'KAN l'LAN. Location unaurpamed , r.ewly luinliheil ami Improved, with 800 lenuu, eifer attriictleini Biiporier te any hotel in I'lilladeiphlu, k; ne!" l" M'TlV, I'ropiltiter. nepr-;j!i!dVA3 ' uur twevM, itc. S. G1VLER one nucE Dnraoens nersE, MVMOAL V.YSl'KIMIK.YTA. OUl'Kllltllt tJUAI.ITV, llltllt UI.A!SH ..IUSLC BOXES. I NKQITA1.I.KI) in TOM: nnd Dl'llAIlll.lTV. Sold by the bwt lbuiler throu;heut Eurepe and new lntroiliii'ed in this Ceuntrv tllrect liy lhe.Miuiiilneturer-1,11 IfAeufiu.'rrmnlinfjircyllj. I.AIIUK IMl'OKTATIONS. E1U I IMV l'lllCKS KOIl CASH. Send two-cant stamp for t'rlce l.lst. L'. tiiititsi'liKV Ce., Stct'reK.MTllzeiiunil. SAI.K9IIOOMH AT 1018 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OI'l'OSlTK THK Ol'KltA llOl'hE. Cellriirly for feed eeleilten and nveld null of Holiday. ect?tldAw W" COX WtllTK -TUK- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warcroems, NO 152 EAST KINO STHKKT, H. H. LUOKENBAOH. Aceat. A Kull Afljertliicntcl the varleuj slylu.1 con stantly en luiuil nntl ter sole en the mint llu- enii tonus ier uean or Bumll Jlentlily in in stiUlmentH. The public Is most certllnlly Invited te call and exAinlnu these lnatruiueiit.i, which win Ui found te Ihi very s-porler In Quality and Modernto In l'rlce. Having (severed my connections with the Ktey Oriran Cempanv, I tuke thH mothel te Inform tny friends In Luuciuter ceuniy, I am new seliluiranOnran equal te nny and ur ur pe.ue.1 by nenu. rieaje call and oxamliie ene et tlie inejt beuutlful-tniuit Organs uianu tucturcd In the Unltdl Suites 11 r. l.uctcenb&ch Is tiUe nent ler the laineu ' Knnbe," MePhall, Vose & Hens, Grovenstoln &z Fuller, Hnllet & Davie, And soveral otl.er Hoslrable prices Iresn tiX upwardn. tcblMtd I'tanoleries, at MIAMI l'A tt I.O Its L 'S PIANO PARLORS, Ne. SIM Nertli Sixth Sheet. XKAU I'AItl' II, I'llILADlil.rill V THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY. NO STORE RENT TO PAY MAGNIFICENT NEW PIANOS Fer $225, $250 and $275, PAR SUPERIOR TO THOSE SOLD IN EXPENSIVE STORE3 Fer $450, $500 and $600 ONLYFIRST-OLASS M A.KERS NO CHEAP TRASH. Kcad thin loiter Just received lrem a i-'oiitle-mnn et high stundlnx nnd well known In thlri city SJ18 I.AM'AHTKR AVCMCS, I November 15, Is8.1. Ma. Ueores L. Walker : The tour Hanei I purcliaied lrem you nt dltterent times thrce ter Irlends unit the last one ler myselr have proved te be liiiiuiilMcent lnitrtitiienti. Tnev liave Klvcn the moil ior ier rect yutUtacUen tn every reipect, and they cannot be Hiirpesied ter bcautirul. clcur. rich, full tone, line HnHh, unit HtunillnK In tune. 1 havu formerly betiKM plunei en Chuitnut itreet, piihl a much hlBher price and did net receive anything like a line Inxtrnmuntd. I shall ndvlne nil my Irlenilii ter thelrewn beniv lit, w lien they aru In need el a I'lane, te pur pur chase rrem you. Kcipcctrully yours, H. 1.. lUtu I have received hundieiU el letterH similar te thin, which I will iliew wlthplcaiurc. I MAKE A SPECIALTY Of Receiving Pianos from FAMILIES FORGED TO SELL, LIST OF GREAT IIAltUAINH : SroOSqmireOraudFlnno ?G75 Stiuare Grand Plnne $OOKichIyCarvo(irinne $1000 Upright riswe $750 Upricht Piiine $'200 $UM) $175 $2e0 $200 $G00 llBHutll'iiI Kaby Upriglit $175 $i50iranlsoiue Kosewooil riane$UO WltlieloKantembreHorod covets anil 1'lunli Btoela all Mtandard uiakuei oaclilnbtiiiment warranted for live yuiiM, A call will tatWy you that thU U the beat place te buy a I'lane OltKllll'l I.'ltKY'M UMVKItHAIi 1-I1.K HUI'J'OII 1 TUllYi A stire euro for overy lertn et riles. Internal ami external, ItchliiK or bleed In it. and Ieiik tHandlnir case. It has nevrr laded even In cases aa Ieiik BtandlnK im 'il te S.1 yearM. ThU auppoaltery In eone Bhnpeil, ceay te applv. biUe, neat and cliun, und poirtemen every udvuntuBO evor elntiuunlH und milyej. l'liyslcluniiuseltln their pniclice. Ulve It u trial, und you wilt bu both rollevod unil con vinced. It your ilriiKulBt does net keuu Iler net It for you, accent no ethor, but neiul for it bv mall, unit can be sent anywhere- by liinll. I'rlce, We per box- I'repureit and sold by ' ANDKKW U.VUKV. UrilKKltt. Ne. Kast Oraniie St.. Cor. Ohrlstlaii. RnrZ7.lvd.tw2 LnncasUir, I'a. 'itAMiiriu. POOR, WHITE & CO., HANKEHS. Ne. 45 WiUl Streot, - New Yerlc. Hiokers und Dealers tn Hallway niul ethor sccurlllSl II .A IL WA V 1NV KbTM 1SNT8 a epeelii'ty. In thu selection and o-jUmiite et w hlch tliclr leni! coiinectleii with " l'oer's i..::r....i ... . ,.n,.,i 0 .,ii,. iliein Hiieelul ml vanuiKea. Correponiloncii Invlled und In'iul rlea uiihWOIc Oil iiejieaii uuuuiiiii" in - ...... lnteiefll allowed. PUIH'U,IIVM. A If II A Uin IN WATUHIM. UI.OOl 1j Chains, ltlnifs, Bpectacbw, Ac, AC. uepainiiH el nil ktiulH will leueive my lien lien LOUIS WKIIKlt, .He. I50 N porMenni uiieii erth uueun ntreeL Itemiiinber namii. ami nnniber. in lecily opposite City lloiel. near reiiiuylvaiiii rillrettdiiiipni, ilenivrf I". ItATIIVilN NAPKINS, Towels and Tidies. Any & CO., LANCASTER, PA. fH.VTMAU. KOIAI. Ml TlfiiMllTnM Aflll III ItltllS BKIBMAN'S, (TIIK SIIIIIT.MAKK1I.) Gouts' Furnishings Stere, It no longet en .Neitli Ijueeli "llleel. but Is new nt Ne. 17 WEST Iii NO SVKKKT, CM polle the Cress hnys Hetel. 1 Ml. .I.SMAI.lMl. Fall Opening. I linve this day opened line el the llne.it n lingo und eleel Foreign and Deniesllf Flrics, adapted te (iontlemeiri wiar. ANO WINTKlt TUUM', whli plenspil te tinve you euiiHne. ler the KALI. i I would le A full line el LONDON OORKSORHWS, In all the l.iite-t .shinies A beniiMfiil aseil lnuntel KAI.L AM) VVIM'UU Ovorceatiugo, TrouaerlnffH nud Fancy Sultinse. I employ none but the host weiktm n unit KUiiruntee piirtcet ini'.lifurtlen os te Mvle, Kit mid Werkinanslilp. MymimpU iiiiuieiit w III be en exhibition In a tew da) s. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAIL.OU.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( ivl Kloer.J I.ANCASTKIt, l'A innHMydTu.1h.lS pi:.iih.Min:i Large Stock ! Bosc Quality I A.sn LOWEST Pli ICES! OVEECO ATS ! OVERCOATS ! SE.LIMt .YOU" M KN'jI O V KI1COA li ut . aiKS'lOVBItCOATSiil. JIKN'S OVKIlCOAT-i nt . MKN'rt OVI.lttOATa lit. . .:M. north 15 1. .13 i"i, worth 1'i.oe. , ..Jlui worth I7.J0. ...11 in, worth l'i 11. V, worth Vtiioe. ..I; i; worth n.i. ..IT.'.1, worth 112.00. .).i.7 worthlll.re . J'l en, worth IbVCO llu en. wcithtie.Oii 1; Mi:S"t OVKHCO TM al .. .Sill... ,TSnt... MEN'S UVKUt'OATS ill . MKS'.iON KIICOATSut ., MliN'i t KllCATs at And all llni'Bt propeillon Men's OVerreutu hiIIIiik In J5eyH ami Chiltlien's Overcoats In eiulleiii variety at prlceM le ult mix. inery body. Chlldren' overcoat nt II M. ijie, liW' I3.U-I, up te lrt.W. IIey' overeeuti nt 11.7V l.'.W i.'j, f J oe, 1 1 wi, up te I a. Don't tall or uiUi llu piejtul oppertunllv te buy chcipiiinl well uiade overee.iH ul half their real value. L. Sansman & Bre., The l-'aihloiinble Meiclmiit (ilethleix, Tullen und os. (5(5-5S aOUTII UIJKK.N STKIIiri, HlRhten the detithiVHst corner of Oruiitfn nt. LANCAHTKIt l'A Net connected with any ether Pletlitny llou.-e In the city. -tirii.i.iAmauN .v I'esTiut. TIIK D RM AND reit- OVERCOATS TIiWmuiseu hiu been vury actlvu unit with each blast el cold weather thu demand li urealer. Itliatbcun our xpoelal endimviT le procure ler our customer) overcoat fnt ar comlert lihlen. well ui faililenuble Krhuds loll 111 Our OVERCOATS CI KO. Fit bt'ltei an l aie ehuipui t uin evi i lioleie Certain II li our paliiHtnkliiK ,lu kcleetleu lim net 1 eon In vulii, )iulnltu,' lrem the nuinber we have bold Our r.saeitinimt lirludes all Kr.uli'H niul our pileeH are n'wayi. tl.e LOW. K8T. ViJliamsen & Fester, 32, 34, 36 and 38 KAST KING Street, LANCABTKU, I'A. Jl U U KM AJfV H XA T10NKU 1 b OIIOOL HOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT TUU LOWKST BATK9 AT L. M. FLYNN'S CIIKAl' HOOK AND 8TATI0NAHY BTOIth Ne. 4fl West King Streot. YJt.t t Kl,r.ltti u VI nt, 1 1 ANIJAMTK.lt ANII H ll.l V1VMVI l.l.K . 1 1 car run an follews: lieavn i.HiiC4iter cr, 11 ipe'.;, nt 7, 9, t.1.4 11:10 n. tit., nnd 1. 1, il and p'i i-. 111., iixe.-i.t 1 1 bnlunlny, wt'Pi the 1 vt car iwivii nt ti-w p 1, JaiVe iltlliipivl . (lower end) at A, H, ami, ir. iv, St., ami I, ,., A unit J p. in. Rrun inn di 1 v iiiii ive t'i'i njcepi oil 'inn day. "IOI.U.1IIUA A fllltl OI'.rONIT KAIL TlStK TAII1.K. . IIOAII' TreltiH new run inaiiliirlv en II10 Cnlumbla 1 1'ert tiopeall ltnllread en Ihn following tltnn t ' BOUTUWAIW. r. M, A.M. A.M. fi:W lu P 10.) 11:12 10-.H7 7.1W una ... . 7:05 lltw 7:03 11:41 7iW 11:27 717 11-32 7.W U-..11 IM U:5'J 7U 11:.' il 7:.V) li.itt 7:10 f:l 12 SO 7r.'7 V.M. j:13 IS.S.II 7.S7 8:l'ilil0 we i;u !.'ji MTATlO.NH. NOIlTUWAlllI A.M. H-JI f M 3.0.' ;l I'.M.Il' M ....C'eltltnbll.... . .WuihliiKleti. ... ClosBWell .... ..Hale Harber... .Hlii'iik's Kerry. l'tHltlt'II ..... YerkKiirnncu.. ....Tupuan..... McCntl'ii Kerry . .Ute'n Kddy .. .KUhlnBUreek. ..I'etteh llottein. . . . COI10VU(:e ., Oclernia ... ...l'eit Kett.Mlt. ... rerryIlle... fl:W..., WO1... ft mi..,, Mi ... MS.... rca ... 7 le 7l 7:.ll ion r.m iv, i (i in I .31 I'll 7.M 7:10 7.i l..'i7 nil 7 i 7.--' 7' 7 0:37 Iff); .1 M 3-II I R J1AII1NO 11(11 ItKUIA It. H UtltANOEMKftrer t'MJiliNlU-l UUNIIA1, OCTOIIMi Vlllli, It'll. NOllTIIU'Altll. Lulvb. A.M.I V.v r. h j (.Si, llll, I SOI I III ! iuair)'Viilt liucailur, Kliifc-Bt LitutcaMnr Clilckles Atnrletta Junction Columbia... IRKIVK. c:n 7:U 7i) 7.i0 7i 11.15 li I H ueaaing . I 3 i 1 V DUUtTIWAlll). bim. HculliiK AW.tVS. Jlnrti'itu .liiiictten.., ChlckleH (,'OillliltiU Ijinatiter ,. Lancastur. lUut it.. Uuarryvllle t-.H. . I T.si liu- i 0:15 ! u.l Mil U:l ... 1 i in Mi : ii i . O-.SO 1 I ' li ... i li ... 'II Trnlns connect nt Un.iiltni: wuh 'i ' from l'htlicileliihla, I'ettuvlllp, Harrlmri. lontewn and New terk, v'a lUm.i ' lloute. At Columbia with trains te and in u llanover, UuttynburK. Krralerlelc at d mere. a M. WILhen, )KNNM I.VAtl I A ItAII.KOAO- J HCIIKDUliK On and .NOVKMllKIl, is. ivti. trnllie Vi.rln llatlread will arrlv I., i.t-n'e ami rhtl'ideipliiu Kastwahp Rltet l en : ii ,i .in.i : et. . I.. , III-.'1 Matt r.riirutu l'hllailnlphtn Kipn' Test l.lne llarrtahnrtf Kx'm Yertt Areelur.'Oda.b'll i.irtr Lane i-ti" Acteini ini.en ilvet. Cnl'iiiit' i Aereii, j. ten rredurlck AccommihUtleu rrl.ei. Leck Union I'. viin BuDiUy Uiill Jobnutewn KipreM Day Kxprexs Harrtiibun: Accouiue-lnUoi' Hanover Aceemuu nation ne. . i at iJUiCfmUn with Magarn Ktp.. will run Ihn, i,h . Hum ,m i'a. 101 e ! r v. : sunaay. rroibirlek A ir.-. itii.. . . t I j-.nr - iteT win. t uat Lie.. . i un th i uch te F , tertclr iVmrwiu). tev.n Kxpress Way ras-ietik'cr Mall Train, Ne. 1. vln. ItL.ley Mull Train, Ne. 1, via Cetuinbla,li a eu Niagara Kxprct llanover Accemm" la'ien leaviv.... l l' 7 I rant Line Ifroderlelt ArtouimeIuiJoii t,uve.' Hiirrtjlnujc AucnmmO'talleii . .. I.atiuuiter Ai pomiuedttiion lewvei CeluinbiA A -emur ''ivien Ilarrtahiirrf inreNi Wiwti rn La ivu 1 .1 l'at lllc Kip: Ilr.rrl burx i:re, whtehleuen I. ni .1 ul. tup m., 1111 dirix-t conneclleiiB (i.tti ctianz of eirni tj C l luibU nnd erk. re. Line, weil, en "r.n lay, win u il ir ir toeit l:ownlnirt'Own,'eiiU'ji llu i'i burr IeuiitJri, K" .ii-o.-nwe i : ti i liy itxprise, ik-i I .iu, Si'vril xj. Truln, Ne. 1, Wi ter ' ti r.'-"i and l'v ' i prew run dtllv. The tlmuhure irli-i 'i I A'f ru die . " eltheTSth meililUn. nhlie It 1 luln.iii .i .ectiii.li fimter thiin thtl her' ten i-. .1 no i i.j ii9, .ic K V1 BTIIAM MUM: AN'U BOILER WORKS. Call and examine our terU i I Kn ne-, n ItolleiHRlul get pil'ei. Portnble Englnea, Horizontal EnuineB, Vortleal Eiiftlnen Saw Mill Pumpn, Mining Maohinery, Pulleys nnd Shftltliig. 1IJ0N AM) HKASS CASTIN.S. STEAM FITTING JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. Fas! Fulton SI., I.AM .Ne. 'II. hl Kit, l'A. 1'. O. U, edi'uiiid.vw j JA II lilt:, XV. ,)'" IN 1'. SOIIAll.11. FURNACES and RANGES OK AI.J..K1.NIJ.1 REPAIRED. Call ami co thu Sew lmpieiLd WUOL'iilM IltO.H COLD CAHK Radiating Portable Furnace, Thu Cheapint und Iteiit Market. KUKNACK In the MANUKAOTUUKD KCI.UH1VKL IU Jehn P. Schaiim, 24 Seutit Queen Btroet, lnb'.7-lyil LANCAHTKlt. l'A I'llUTOUUAI'US. J. 11. ItOTK. Tlicru lini been uticli a duimind for LAHUK I'lIOTOUKAl'lLS Hint I win compelled te Kft a VKItV I.AKUK CA.MKUA I10X tnineut tlie iieinand We can new inafce you a rile'IOi.t (imill iu the Hiimilcat lect;ct will held up le u n-lnch Ilea, in tit un idi:.' Prame. J. E. ROTE, Ne, 100 North Queen .iine2-tM i tri ei.