w le wtvCKM 'tr. I MUvAAAl v I lvvVf Volume XX-Ne, 78. LiVNOASTEK, PA.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER I, Itwa..' Price Tire Onte. H'lNMH ASH J.1UUUUH. E .STAIU,ISHIU 17H0. WINES AND LIQUORS! At REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE, Ne. 29 East Kil Street. 1ST CALL AND EXAMINE. EI We li.ivn Just tecelvcit direct Irem llie Island et Mnderla thu tallewing Wines i Vonlcllie, Yintnge 1870 ; Herclnl, Vintage 1840, Wliinli wn eiler te our custeitmrs, together Willi our old 1S00, 1811, 1317, HIS and IW SIA. IHHHAN; mill HNLOLD HIlKltHIKii. HltANDILH us ieIImvs! Vlntnsn IhtO, 1W, IW., 18C0. Ma. Finn Olil IlYK W1I18KIKH, JAMAICA SI'lliriW, N. K. HUM, AC. FHKNCII COItDlAI.3, IIiliffilitillnH anil UlnratH. We limn thnlellnwltig Champagne WIiwh i I'elper lloldselck, (. It.Mtiirim ,t Oe.'s Dry em-tuiv mill Kxtiu Dry, I.. ltncdeicr's Cnrtn lllanche, I'emmtiry Sue Veuve Cllqtint, Yellew vibel Hiy, Mug ,t Ce.'h I'llvutu Utivvn, .lulus Champien, Ami ilia GHEAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Plennant Vnlley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. 'I Ills 14 tlm Finest American Wlnetn tlm market, having been awarded tlm highest honors tholelloMlng Kx luminous- At I'urls 1107, Vienna 1873 nntl Philadelphia 1HI0. H, E. Slaymaker, aeknt. S. CLAY- MILLER, Wiues, Brandies, &ins, Oia Rye Whiskies, &c, Ne. PKNiV SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. l'J.U.VIIINU ANII UAH V1TT1NU. tot- r 3c ax x -. UN I. AKMM.II. .) PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters, raTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Lciwe your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, I'd, le .AST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. II V MAS UVANU. ( MMNdl'K I'.'.. lll.t.f.ll t HUMAN GrUANO. Cemp'80'1 of "'uie Hiimnn Exoremont and Urlne. Unrlvaled for Wheat, Tobaeoo, Orawj, Cern, &e. -t4UI.il iiy i II. JUNKS, Ne. I,l Market silent. C. II. HOOLUS, Ne. 133 Mnrket Plied; (jIlMIAM. KMt.KS I'AbSMOUK.Ne ftll Market Hticel : .!. IlIltKIt A HON, llranetitewn I'lil ndelphti, ami responsible doalers generally orFK'K.-Ne. :M Chestnut Street, IMillndeIpliin. Illljlll 'Mill O. MUSSULMAN, Agent, Wltmer, Lancaster county, Pa. IWdrtH AND HTATlUSrJtV, I I ST ul'I.M'.li AN ELKOANT LINE OF NEW Steel Engraving's, Etchings, Photogravures, PHOTOGRAPHS, Colored and Plain. a . mr. iioeksi .1: ok JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST , LANCASTER, PA. i-'i.ii.. I MAI.nn i. W!i .. .. .e .ui i -i . i. . uutUur In Ail miuih ut IAJU.IKU INUCUAU -,;! Ke 11 NerU. Wat! kd J'rdllt ,i, I i ! '. ,S-u lu-lvil i; .AUl4;.tllM5U'4 .H-.KKr.KIKH. GOAL DEALERS. I'll It. t -. NO. il NeKTll Ql'KSN STIIKBT, AMD Ne. Ml North I'mst-u hTinturr. Alt in .Seuth I'iiincb Stukkt, hkaii IUap- 1N(I IJKI'OT. I.ANUASTKi:, l'A. ,i.i:ivtM 'vi.' i;.iai.i V 'I'l.e iiniluutituuil hut ler t-alc, At lila Yard, Cor. Audrew and S. Water Sts iiluiUUiiuhertmi,nt of Urn very best Klmltj el Oi.al for Family Une, v . it M lit' will ilullvur, c.'iipfnlly wt'lcheil unil Kt H-uni'il, leiMiy imrt et tlm city nt tlie lowest inm hut rutin. Oriliin by mull or tuloplieno ilium iiiiiiiiptly j ily'.n IM IMIIIJI' U1NDKK. s. r.lNUUI AND CHAI-, ii New Yertcunil l'tilludulphtit IIotje Ma- iiiiie ly tlie tnrleml nl rt'iluceil prluiM. All tlit) DUST llllAUKfc OK COAL, liniii ler Kuiiilly unil fliLMin piirpesnt). CKMKNTIiy tip unci. IIWliliil HTHAW bi tint ion or lulu. aui .ll."i HurrUbuiu I'lltf. Uvnuilii. Oirfieu vii hint (Jliedtuul strnet Kaufftnivn, Kellcr & Oe, i.ii-lyii M. V. li. GOHO ,-, . (, 'CTJi h tTI'.H at., Wiiwrcr, ra. WlioleduUi utni lletnll Pnulera In LUMBER AND GOAL. I'uiiiiButlnu Willi tlm Velvpliuiila ICietiaiiRC. Yiuil ami iHwe Nn XUNOIIT1! WATK bTKKKT tftl.-mu-' HATH A flU VAl'.S. IT AT hTtJltl. ADVICK. Nuver buy wliut you ile net rmiulre, llucmie It li olUireU you clieap ; Tvill bu meniiy llirewn Inte tlie Ilrt. 'I lien wlicre la tlie prellt you reap t Hut MieulU you 'tre wish te Inypit In a biirKiilu ilecliliHlly " tat," Just c ill nt our Hteru uny luy. Anil Invent In u filyliih AVu' Hat YOU CAN II KT TIIK l.A TKHT STYLE. TIIK 1IKST QUALITY. TIIK MOSTU UltAJILK HAT, CAP, or Sealskin TURHAN AT TIIK LOW KST I'HICK ANYWIIKUK. A Few FINE DRESS KID QLOVKS. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (ClUNDAKKIfS OLD BTAND.) LANCASTKII, I'A. iimr.'71ilw MK1HVAL. nUTIUUIIA HKMKIIir.H. BEAUTY SOAP. Te l.c ii tlie pores open, tlie oil i;lnmlriiinil ttiliul nrllvn, unil Hum lurnlali nn outlet ler Impurities In tlm pi'nplrnUetiiinil bleed willed cinne liuinlltnltiiK liletclies, liliicttlirnilD, unil miner Hkln lilemlslica, enpeelully et InmnUt te cleiuipe, lillen nml benutlly tlie Rkln.ic mevn tnn, Irrckle, sunburn nmt oily inutuir i te keep the hands son, ivlilti anil iron trem clmpt unil reiiKlini'fli, prevent cnntncleni Hklu nmlficiilpd'eciitrt nml I lprovlde nnux'iulqlte kin beiiutinur nml tnllut. lint li unit nursery Hiiuntlve rednlent with tlnllrleun lloweredoru nmt ctrrtiviiA. heiutuK linlsutiin, uae tlie Curt il'iia Hoai'. lnileieeit by jilij lctuii nml cliain liMumilueliiiely pure nml lilglily medicinal. BnliM lwi.2 l.ixw.tKWcukcu. ' THEERITAQeirWOE. " MlMiry.Mlianiu nnd aanny oflen bc'iiicntlinil iimuuoIe lunacy te ulilldrnti by p.muits, H ncKleeted Hcrehiln. Te cliniue tlie lilend et Huh liPieilltiiry poison, nml tli't.i reinove tlie meit prolllle citii'ii el liutnnu AUITerliiK. te clear iliiiilun et illsll(;iirliiK liuiunr', Iti'luni; tortures, liumlll.it n erupilnim, un.i lentli HOineHiiHHcaiiBi'il by tl,te purity iiml benutlly tlie nkln, nnd restere tlie Imii be Hint no truce nl tlie lllwaml lullllllllH (.t'TH't'RA Uimelvuxt, tlie new blned purl Her, illu.etle nnd npurlunt, nnd UtTti l't'.A nnd Li'rirtrii Vekv tbe grriit sklu cuie.t aid benutlllerH, ure Intnlllble, I HAD SALT RHEUM In Hie liiedtuuKrnviiled lerm for tlulilyeim Ne kind et ttuilmeut, medlcines or doctor did me any tmnntment ttend. My frlumln In Maiden l:nexv bow 1 nutTurpil. Wben I lieuan te iciii tlie (-imctiiiA ItKXVniiM my llmln were he raw and IvnUer Hint I could net bear my welglit en tliem without tlie nktn cmckliiK nnd blcedlnK. nml wni obllKed le ke about en erutelieti. UhCdtlie Curiam a. Iuukdiih llvu mnntliH, nnd wn completely nml permunently cured. MIIH.H A ItltUWN, Mnlden, Miw. Uctorcnce : Any citizen et Maiden Mas'. OOPPER-dbLORED. I luive been ntlllcteil wltb troubleeiilo nkln dlienmi.covei line nl tnoHlceinplotolv tlie upicr pnrtetmy be tv. caufln-r my sklu te ninunm itroppnr-celoieit Imn It could be rubbed oil llkii ilumlrull. nnd nt times enuilns Intoler able HcIiIiik and ttie mint lutensi Hiillurlnir. I liave used bleed purlllers, pills, nmt ether ndverttied reuindlei, lint utpcrlencnd no rn lief until I precuiud llie cvticuiu Itii.MCUlKa, whlcti, nlttiuuKli uted rnruleisly nnd Irreitu Irreitu lnrl,c'ireiltne, nllayliiKllint trrrliiln Itclilm; and rcilerlnu my hI.Iii telu natural color, l inn willing te m ill" nllldavit te the truth of thtl ntutemunl. Jlllun, Mtcli. S. u. l.ri).V bold by nil drii(.'clslH. l.uncuiu, .V)e.i llraoi, llraei, vknt, II; meai', .', l'erreii iincu AnuCtiK'i tctLt'e, Itoilen, MiiM. imiiI ter" lluiv te Cern Miln DIM ue." CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. Tlie (Jtnit llnl.ainlr lll.ttillnlleu el Wltrh Hazel. AiiitIcaii I'mr, (Juninlbiii I'lr, MitrlRidit, Lluver lllrtiseui. ate, ler tlie liiiuicdlAte riilet and ruriiiini nt Curoet every form et t.ntarrli, liein u slniplu Head Celd ei lntluenza lelbe I.' -" nt Smell, 'luxteund lleirliiK, Ceuh. Ilieiii ttmu 1 In olpUnlCeiHumpiioii, ltullet In ilui mluulns In eich kinl every cnu. NetlitiiK Uku It. (ir.itufiii, t lurtnt, wholedeme. Cure begins from tlit application and U rapid, rudlcul, pnrmnuent ami never tulllnir. Onutinttle It-idlcal Cup', ene llex CU'irrhal Snlveut and inferd' lululer, u'l In w P ickujie, lermlni; a completu tre.itu.ciit, et all druKKUtH ler 11. Abk von HAHD7fiirii I.MI leAt. uuiic r. ttkii iir.un and mixmiuai. we., ItoMeu. A MOTHER'S GRIME. A (UlAMTl.Y lIKlil) AVITI1 A UA.OK. ic OOLLINS' FlllSlB. for Uie nltel niul pieveiitlen, the IiihihiiI It li.npi.lleu et Kheiiuiatlim. NeurnlKla, Sulutl en, C'eiirIih, CeIiIh, WiMk Hack, htemacll and llewrl. !-lioett"K I'liln. Niiinbiicm, llysterla, Fom.ile I'bIiih. l'alplUitleu, l)yiepsla, Llvnt Complaint, Itlllem t'ever, .Mularl.i and hpl. ilemU'i Uie Collin' I'luMrre, (an tllertrlr itnttery cemblni'd iltti u I'.ireu l'liKicr)nud lauuhntp-iln. 3Se. every whole decl-lydW.3,.Vw l)fcNMI.N'!l rOKIIIIH fli.tSTI'K''. THAT SETTLES IT. ItreiiRlu Inte Cuuip'Xlll'iu Mltli the Werd llie Itrft Urtr'li'ull Itie llennr KllllUK Iter Tite l,ltiIe DttUulitcrs unit Out tine Iter Own Tlireni rtn Awful Tragedy In Itnltlinern. Mrs. Laura Mall, the wlfe of Mr. Jehn Kla.ll, residing nt Ne. 270 West lilddle ntroet, Baltimore, killed lier two Ilttle tlatihters Frltlay mernlnp, cutting thbir wrlntn with n rn.er, nntl thou out lter own threat. Tlie mether nntl lier two children Ijetta, n pretty nntl Interesting irl Hve years of age, nntl Helen, nued two years occupied the front loom en the second lluer. They went te bed nt the usual hour Friday night, the mother nnd children occupying the name bed At 0 o'clock In the morning, Mrs, Mnrnh, the mother of Mrs. Mall, went te her daughter's room nnd inquired hew alie felt. The daughter nahl hue did net feci very well, nml it scorns that alie had been notnewhat India India peacd for sevcral days. Mrs. Matsh thought fehe dotcetod the tmcll of gai in the room nnd be remarked tohcrdaughter. The Intter replied that ahe did net netice nuy smell at nll,but it is new thought that the children were elrcndy dead ami that it was their bleed that had Impregnated the nlref the room. Hilf au hour later Mrs. Marsh ngaln cntored the loom, nnd her daughter anid ahe would take seme colTeo, which was at ence brought te lier. lleth times the room was dark nnd Mrs. Marsh could barely nee the forms of the children In bed. Thus the ftltimtlen tomaiced until half past 12 o'elock Friday, when seme ene rapped en the deer nnd rocelvod no answer. TIiche knocks wero repcated and no tiUHwer being received Mrs. Marsh became nl.umcd and Mr. Ohcw, a relative of the family, being in the house, went te the Northweatern pollce station and reported hm stidpiclens. Thoeulcers went unstaltH vwtli Mrs. Marsh and Mr. Chew, and after rapping again broke opeu the deer, Thore steed Mrs. Klnll in lier night dress, with a bloody razor In her hand nnd her threat cut from ear te ear. Her face wero a wild nnd haggard expression nud it wasovulent that, crazy witli the thought ei the dual murder she had cetnmitt'd m.tl net wish ing te f.tce her husband's friends, hIie had just tuaile the attempt te tike lier own life. S'ie reeled ever te llie bad, while, bleed was Mewing from the ghastly wound in lter neck, and droppe 1 the razor te th ; Heet. Under the lied c'e'hing lay llie two children, pale nnd ghastly. Tite bed was aturaid with their bleed. Mrs Mall tallied a little nnd said, as alie turned lier eyes en the children, that hUe had dene it. Slte made a motion us if alie wanted te write, and a pencil nud a piece of papjr being given her, she wrete in a very in vlllgibie hand : " Ask the doctors If 1 can live." Taking the paper again hhe wrete : "I don't want te live,'' and Uk"i tere the paper into fragments. The dosters state thatthe ehlldicu bled te death seme tiine during the uight. Their left wrists were out nnJ tbuy looked ns if death had becu palulcis, ter thore was no couterlion of the muscles el the limbv. They evidently made no outcry, unci', if they had, it would doubtless have been heard by h into one in the hotue. Mrs Hiall is about twenty eight yens of nu'e and lier husband U about thirty - four cats old. As soeu as he was in formed el the tiagedy he teUirncd home heartbroken, alumni ilriven te despsr i tlnn. Ile is a travelliu,; balastuiti, repi" acuting a New Yerk ji.ij cr houe having au agency in ll.iUiinoie. He is away from the ctiy en buair.ess much of I In tlmeaud for weeks at a tieu he d i nei see his family. His wife f rcipieutly oetn -plained of his long absonce. Ne evidence of insanity, he far as can be learned, has ever be shown by her and the cause of her sudden determination te take the lives of her Ilttle children Is wrapped in mystery. She was alive Friday night, but thcie is no ptebability that ahe can recover. Four years age Mrs. Marsh, a distant, relation of Mrs. Mill, whose maiden name was Mart-h, killed her four children with a carving knile. juutii: MueuuMirr dkau oirctes of nil wosterti nations. And who loams anybody anything about anybody In formal " soeloty ?" What de we evor leatn of each ether at such gatherings? We morety go through the parade in due form, Moreover, these tnore or less distinguished ntrangeis are en such occasions here the principal guests! 1'oeplo are Invited te "mret" thorn. They are en exhibition te the ether guests, and the ether guests tire en exhibition te thorn. What Is the "meeting?" An Introduction, n languid handshake of seme scores or seme hundreds, a few words, "delighted te meet," "charmed," "hope," "always rometnber,"-and se forth ; nnd this repeat ed a dozen times in the principal places and two or threo times In the miner places. Of what slgulllcatice or itistructivencss U this? It Is net at such ctitortaiumctitH,ernt formal (Honors, or even ut less formal breakfasts, that n poeplo is te be studied in its habit of life, Its t.one el thought, Its meralr, or even its language. Te de that It Is necjssary te llve among lltem, and te live among thum uurumnrlced ns a notability nud a watchful stranger ; toseothciu when they are off thelr guaid, and net when you are en parade te them, nud they are, or wIbIi te be, en parade te you. 1'rob 1'reb ably the most ignorant man about any thing essentially and ohatccterioally "American," who h at present In the county, is Lord (.Vilondge ; and ae he will deubtlcs romale, exempt as te what may be fiecn almost ns well in photograph as in trality. The tigllshmati who, accord ing te my observation, is most capable of all of his living countrymen te write with understanding about tbe country, told me that aftar having lived hore a year and n half he was obliged te threw ovetboard all his thcerlc'i and the opinions he had formed, nnd begin again from the founda tion M.SL I'iuiI.h. l'nrlt jih Hirlan, li.n ntruiud, the Kronen Acvlrmv the sum et 3,out te ieiiihI aprlze ter the dltcovery el n cuioler itlphtheil'i. Ile hu evldentlv ilet heard of Dr. Hull Ceiifjli Hyrup. whlnh Inn cured Imn- licd't of cii'es erihlsnwlitl dlicatu. tlllUVKMKN. AT Illlltllt'.S Thanksgiving Groceries. Klerliln OmiiKtH, Whlte llinpei, Cliolee Hunch Itul'dns, t uper Shell Alinunds. Lngllih Wiiluuis, I'llherlH, Choice llellclleur Applet. A'm) ll.ildnln and lliunlnw Apples. The IJlmlce I'AllAIUSK MICADOW (JltANIIKU- Itli'.H, Creat llluekwcll's I'lcklcs nud Ounces, Cuxti'M (inhii.ne, Choeeluluit, Cocom nud llieuin Kluverliik' KxtiaitH, Table Oil mid litilehl.riul unil Tin ipplu UheeHO. AUe YOIIK UfATK GIDKIl. AT OUR BHAKCli 8T0KK, CIILSTNUT A.NUMAIti hTUKKIH. we keep u I nil Line of illklmls el iirncntlcs, and nefl ut Lewest l'l ict ;. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. IIUANUII-CHE8TNUT AND MAIIV ST8.. LANCASTBIl. I'A. V. 3. I'.elh stores hnve Ti lephone Connection VAi'KU iiAntuntiH, ,er. pttAltlcs . iritv. OUU L1NL UK Dade Window Shades la larger than any sossen heroteloro. We liave them In All Celers, six ami aoveu loot long. ThoseunoiU art) vary slj lljh and pepu lar, special sizes tnnue te eruer. PLAIN SHADING Hyiheynnl In any quantity, wlde wldtlu ler lar!e windows und store shades, Tin nnd Weed HpiliiK Honors. Alue Cord Fixtures. Sliudvs made tip promptly and littnif In best manner, NKW I'ATTKIlNfl Or WALL PAPERS Ut hvery Do'ctlptlen. Comuieu und tillt 1'nperat lev rtices. noruerj, i rii'tw. i, itu I'lecei, .e. LAOJ3 OUHTA1NP, In Ctenin and Whlte. Poles, Cornices, ltand, Leeps, Ac. PHARES w. fry. 67 NOHTH QUEEN ST. AttliQKical C'oiitennlal Lxlilbitleu of 187", the IcadliiK pieduets et nil lln brandies et the World's Industry wote nsiemblcd at l'hll uilulphtit Tn can etr u prUe In tlm tueoef lli.il tiomendeus compiitlllen vu a link el no ordinary dllllculty. Invenllem and prepain prepain liens ler llie ullevlallen el jinln unit lln cute el dlueu-e woie pii'svut In llie gieatst pe8l bio varlety, ropteenllng the skill nud tUopie leiimlcft study et the nge, and It may be et ltal luipoilunceto you, porsenully, te knew tint the highest ami only inula! ulven te rub bur I'meus piasters, was awatded te the man utae urci'sef lll'.NSONM C.YVCl.VK. I'OltOUS I'L.ViTKK, by llie lollerliiB Jury ' lln. WM HOTII.Surseen th ucril, I'nisilau A riny. .1. II. TIIOMiSON. A. JL, M l , IVaxluilrf. ten 1. C. II .1 111 I'll", M. D , New Or.eiins KUS KST FI.KlbCII, M. I).. AllStrlu. I'he iIucIkIeii whs ultenvurds coulliined by llteiiiudlcil luiyat tliul.wt l'arli Kxpejltl.m liuewlUK t he value et such hUh and uubliutd ti'silinnnj, the med leal tialornlty.beth In tlie Unliui! ''InUwnnil In I'.utope, quickly lluetv iishlti the old sleiv-actliiK pmsleu they had lit en lining, anil adopted Hensen'H In their, I eguliil' practice. Tli il tiliyslclniM nnd sui genns of tlie bieadcsl leputiitleiiH did this, distinctly pr ien the Intilnnle merits el lb nitlele Itlanomeie than lust le uddlhal theaiei'. use physician of te-duy U net dominated by the prejudices which letauluU the process amlmeitllled tliesuecesius of hit piedecessers el net mere than twenn live yours no. Ile accepts hints Irum all .piatteM nnd ondetsos andailoplsdeuiena r.ite.t healing timits wher ever he tlnds them. Tliotlhtet Ilensen's capcine roreus rias ti i te stand ut tlie head et nil external npplt npplt fuMens wliulMOuver, ler the mitigation unil cuioiitdlseaM', Unelnnuvr iitostlenoil. Ltt the put clias-1, however, be en his guaid luruliibt liultitlens. Tlie gonnlne has ih wenl CAl'OIN'Ktirrlulh'ijnlddle. "fftiniiy Johi'xen, Climulsts, New Yerk neJ.'.,w.lW.SAw i riCf HI rKKtrttlft-.HH AM OUN- l . s hits. All pursntu are lieiehy lerbtililen te tiiL-puxs onanyel Iheliinili et Uu. Lom Lem wsll or hpeedwcll estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster couutles, whother Inclesed or un Inclesed, cither ter tlie purpeu el sheeting ei tisldnif, hs the law will be riultlly eniorce auiilnat all ttespnaslng en "..Id hinds et tin. uuderslRnnd ntter this netice, WM. COLKMAN KItKKMAN It. t'Kller M.llKN, ICDWAUD C. KIlKKM 4N. Atternny ter ll, W cnlt-iu m' u i, elHJi!w VAUUlAUr.lt AV. ri'UB Standard Carriage Werk OF I.ANCAVIKll UOl M'V. SOAit'.riMlCH UATAUKII IM OAUHKD HY the Inhalation or Inspiration et Irrllnlliik' dust, tituies and vapors, wholher by aectiluut or In tlie pursuit et ordinary avocations, Dlseases of the Kye, Ktir nnd Threat -oIhe, Cancers, Tumors, Hklu nud Clitenlc nuoates - Bucce&tully treated by DHh. II. I), and M. A. LONUAKKH. Oinee 13 Kast Walnut stroet Lancaster, fa Consultation ftce. nlejtiUw AOKNOWLKDUKI) 11V AI.I. UlllKIKH that the Yellew Frent 5e. lluvmitt Clgur Hikes tbe lead nt IIAHTMAN'B YBLI.OW IHONTCUIAIt EDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, HAHK1CT S'1'ni'.f.T, UK Alt 'F CLNTUAL MAUKKT UOlBF.s LANCAHTF.ll I'A WoiiuLe ovary ille llugn .ud ' airla't ileslreit. All W'OlU tlulslied In the most coin- inrliiblx.tnd eiOKi-.ni f iyi' ' i ui best si-leeu-d material and eui) ' enl ;ne best nuieliaulcs. Fer quality ei work our orlees arethe chrtpi-Kt in th-rtate v I m ler Ciis'i aii-l sell en the i.imI iiHiiiiiiiu trims. Uive us iitall, All tu it w.n.im.M' UliliutllllU lUOIUPUV intend. 41 tl JIH net i' nrhuien i-.neclnl'v emiMei.Mi tei thnt i.n The I're.litent .IiuIke el .Morear County I x plres Altera llnct 111 net tils Cnreur. Arcus MoDermltt, jircsldent judge or Morcer county, died Friday morning at seven o'clock, at Morcer, after a brief ill uess, nged nbeut sixty years II is death resulted from typhoid fever. Judge Mc Dcrraltt wasanatlve of tin oeun'y and was educated in the common schools and the old Mercer aoademy After teaching school for n number of years, he read law with the late Charles Sullivan, of llutler, nud was admitted te the bar them in 1840. He was admitted te tlie bar in Mercer county in 1831. In 1S.VJ he was elected county treasurer. In lh7l he was nominated for judge by the Domecratlo party, was oHetod nud took his beat Janu ary 1, 1875. His term would have expitcd January 1, 1833. HoBervcd most accept ably, his decisions being given with clearness and force, aud th" fact that out of nitie cases nppealcd iiem ins cenn te the supiome court eight wote uturiund, the niuth atill remaining und. eided, is sulll eleut evidonce of hlsabillty and judgment He was in overy p.utieuUr a soil inaib man and raised himseli te distinction threuch his ewu unaidul efforts. His funeral will take pla Sunday at two o'cleok. James A. Stratiahau will be reoiin reeiin iiit'Otlctl for appointment te till the unex plrcd term of Judge MuDctniitt m-m- - lllHTINOUIHIini) I ItAVr.l.lltS. (inndlltnu of Amcrlcui Sucmt)' iih eeu l) foreigners et Nt. Allunllc. aonerally, howevor, it U trua that the European travoler and the moie surely if he Is Uritish aud a person of any nete leaves the Btates quite as ignorant of thorn nnd thelr poejilo en all ciiuuii.u points ns he was bolore lie cronulihe oceau, and with his iguoi.tne at oneo ojii ejii fuscd and centlrmed nud elevated into conceit by inlsajipiehciifien of thevety little of eny real algnilloatice that he h..a bcen alb te bee. Fer the distinguished travoler secs, indcrd, llneugli no fault or bin own, eiy httle that roveals te him the ual condition of " Amorlean" aeclcty, in wuieh he louehos only en the surfuoe at a fuw s.thent jielnts. All tlie vast iqvci rangti ueiew, net, te any the yotunderlylugutial.i. i- hi Idt-u from lisoyes. If he isain.u -i -uy inue in poltties, literature, .ut .. siwiety, his arrival Is anneuueed by tlu-puss j hels lutervlewed ; he is Bei.cd upon by vuiinus peeple, who, with social, bu-.i: . is or ether metives, wish te use linn let theit- own pttriieses. Ile In entuit tin '. fetcd, taken te this, that nud the etlar Mislitutieu," where he is oxpecU'tl, and indeed almost leitnlred, te "maku a low tuiiurks." He jiasses evor a great runny miles of ceuutiy shut up in a railway car and Hiiriuiiiuli'd by his "patty," He sees a b.g water fall and Heme mountains, a president .mil seme goveruois watcrlallsand mountains lllcnalui r.rncfiictnrn. W'lR". u beard of otnluent phslclansnnd chemists announced the Ulsceury lliut by cemtilnlng Heme will known vulu.ible roine- dies, llie meat v.eiuk viol uicdlcliie was pre- iliited, which wool I cure such a wl.le raiiKO of dlii'iisiw thai n.eunll ether leiiini. t (euld be (llspensi-.' with, nidtiy wire nltpi.tal j but pruet et Us merits byactmil til-il hi.e ulspullcd nil doubt, and today the dlsteveiers et that grout mi. Heine, Hep iilttets, me honeioitanit li'i-'sed by nil as buuelncters. '1 lies Hltturs are rompeuuded Irnm llept, Uuchu, Malt, M. e.rike nnd Dandelion -mil oilier eldest. h e' ...i i most iMlunbloiiietUclht-s lit ti.e nerht an. c-e , atn all the liuit nnd nnut liumIIve prepet. k et all ether medicine:, being the Hi'catiijt .Heed l'uilller, Kldne und l.lier KeKtiUte:-, nud Lite nnd Health llcitteilni; Agent en eat' li. Ne dirt -se or 111 health can possibly long "ilt whi'eihese Hitters m used, mi vuilcd .m I ported ."i. Ihtlr opera tions, Thin lve new It..- n .d vljpir 1 1 then,; -I . nl liiutui. 'le nil iihose euiplemuiits eai. liietfuiurlty et the beneU et miliary eruuli . or who ri'utilrniin Appetler, Tonic nnd Mi'.i Stimulant, ihe.-u Hltturs ure Invnlunbln. beln highly cuiiittve, tonic and BtlnniliUni,', wlili out Intoxicating. Nomnlter what your It elli -jiu symptoms me, what the dlsuisa or mini, it is, use Hep IlltlOIH. Ileii'lwult ttlltll .'ll tl i hick, but ll you only feel bad or inUei.i .e usj thu Hitters at once. It may ae your lite Hundreds have been wived bv se delmr. ff-l500-Gtt will be paid ler a ctis'j they will nut euro or hele. De net sutlet yemseil or let jour friends sunei', nut usu anil urge ineui in n.e nep mi 1cm. HeuiPiul el . Hen Hlttus Is tlie unrest anil bet ii edlLlne ever made; llie " Invalid's Friends nml rope" Ne person or lamlly should be without tliem. " I was troubled tei many yian llh terleus Kldm-v md I.Iver Complaint, Ot.ivel, etc.: my blend becauii) thin ; I was dull nml Inactive ; could hnnily crawl about, and wax nn old wetti out man nil ever, uu I could (jet nethliiK te help me, until 1 get Hep Jllttutx, ami new 1 am n boy uiriiln .My bioeJ is pure, Sidneys are all ilirlit.aml 1 am us active in u man el .10, ultheuglij I am 7-'-l''ATiinn. Fer ten ve irs my wile was coullned te her lud with huuIi ii eumpllc itlen et allinents that no doctor could lull what was the matter or cure her, mid I uim'iI up a small Ini-tune In hum'jug i-tull. btx men tlu nje I siw n II. S. tl'u with Hep IllUurs en It, and 1 thought I would boa tool ence mere, and I '.lied It, but my lelly proved te be wisdom, and two bottles cuied her. shu Is new as u ell and strong as uny m m's wtle, nud llcest moenly two dollars. II. W ., I utielt, Mich. nl11Tu,Tli&3 MEDIO AT.. T UKU Simmons Lifer fieplater Fer Dynrtepuln. Costlveness, flick Hnadsolie, unronie iiiiirriieca. Jftunoice, iinpurny ei the lltVJ X1I1IIUI1U U tl(U Illoed.Fovornnd Agtte, Malaria nnd nil Dis eases cautnd by lioraiiKemont et tne Liver, uewcifi nnd Hluneys. , HYMl'TOMB OF A DtSRASED MVKIt. Hed brcstlt t 1'aln In the Hlde, sometlmcs the pnln Is felt under the Bhoulder-bladn, mis taken ter Hhaumntlsini genernl less of nppo nppe nppo tltet Jlowels cenerallv ensttvn. omnttmen alternatlng with lax t the head Is trouhled with ptlii.tsdul! nnd heavy, with conslderablo less or memory, nccnmpanlcd with n pnlntulson pnlntulsen pnlntulson snllen et leaving tindone something which ought te hnve been dena t a slliibt, dry ceunh and lliiHbed taco Is setnntltnes nn attendant, often mistaken ler consumption t the patient complains et weariness auddeblllty t nervous, eiiNlly sUirtlcd : cold feet or burning, somu semu somu tliuesnprlcklysensntlou of the Hklu exists i spirits are low and despondent, nnd although satlstled that cxorclse would bu benellclal, yet ene can hardly summon up iortltude te try It In tact, distrusts overy lentndy. Sovemlof the above symptoms ntlend the tllscase, but cases hnve occurred when but low of thorn ox ex lstni, yet examination after death has shown uie i.iver te liave iieeti extensively iieranged. It should bQ used by nil persons, old anil young, whenever any el the abeve symptoms appear. Persons trnveilnir. or llvlnir In unheallhv locAlltles, by mklng n dose occasionally te Keen the I.lver in healthy action, will avoid nil Malaria, unions attacks, Dltztness, Nausen, Drowsiness. Depression of Sntrlts. etc. It will Invlgorntellko a clasj of wlne, but Is no In toxicating boveraue. If veu have eaten nnvtblnir hard et dlires- Hen, or feel heavy alter meals, or Bloeples at nlht, tnke a dose nnd you will be rollevcd, Tlme and Doctors' Hills will be saved by al ways keeping the KoKUlnter In the Heuse I Fer. whalover thu ailment mnvben thorough ly Hale purgative, alterative and tonle cun never be out of place. The remedy Is harm less and does net intorlero with business or pleasure. IT IS I'UKELY VKUKTA11LK, Anil Iiilh nil the tiewer and eftlcacv nt Calomel or Quinine, without any of thu Injurious niter etrccts, x oevEiiNon's TssnueNV. h-lmiuens Liver Ucgulnter has been In uce In my laintly ler moiiie tlme and I ntn sallsllcd It Is n valiiaulonddltlniitethoiucdlciilHcloiire. J.UiLLHttetrrKR. Governer et Alnbnma. II in Alexnudrr II. atcphens. of fla., says liave derived seme bmu-llt trntn the use el hlmmens Liver Uexubitnr, und wish te give It a lurther trial, ' The only Thing that never falls te Ho He Hove." I liave used many remedies ter Dys pepsia, Liver Altoctlen nml Debility, but never have leutiil nnythtng le bonetlt me te the extunl .Stiiimeus Liver Ucgulnter has. 1 sent Irem .Minnesota te Ooergln for It, nnd would h ml r.u tiler ler such n modlclne, and would advlse all u he uie similarly ntlected te Klveltn ttlal as ltsecius the only thing that no or tails te rcllove. 1', M. Jannuv, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W Ma,ensai's: Frem actual experi ence In the use of Blmmnns Liver Hogulaler In my practice 1 have been ami mil satlstled te use and prescribe It as a purgative meal, cine. Fer sale by II. II, Cnchrun.ilriigKlst, 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. 43-Taku only llie (tciiulne, which always has en the Wrapper thu red '. Trnde-M nlc nml Slgnuiuru et .1. II. ZKILI.N S. CO. FOltSALU IJV ALL DUUOOISTS. lintMyoetlftw OLOTHLriU, The wives -will dresa the Tur keys and if you will permit us te dress you in our Fine Olething we will be abundantly thankful, while you will net have cause te complain. Our Overcoat stock is large and worthy your consideration. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sis. 1'HILAllKLl'llIA. n-271wtt '1 MttKH iVV. Dr .1. MailOiiSlms, N. 1'iopliylnclle riuiit. mij V.. ondeiscs Diilbys .dveitlsumuiit. Yeu can tliiew n p.ilr et Celluloid Ljo Lje tllust IraiueH en the pavement without break ing them. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers und Opticians n'.''i lwdeed Ne Deception CiCil, It 1- itratiRO se tunny poeplo will continue te stiller dnyutter day with Dyspepsia. Liver Cnmnlalut, Ctinultiiatlen, hour btemuch, Ueu- ei al Detilllty. win u they tan procute ut our store HIULOH'b VirAI.l7.bll, Iren of cost lilt dens net cure or relieve thum. I'l Ite, 73 ccnU. Held by II. 11. Cochran, UTuuil I'l'J Nntth Queen sltoet. Lancaster. ltoliPeedS lllieRlun's AriliOH Mlilfe. 'I he u'l eat est mei leal wonder of the weild. W ill I. lilted te npeedlly euro lull lis, I'.lilHes, CuU, Uieera, Milt Ithuiim, Fever Mines, can cers, riles. Chilblains, Cerns, Teller, Chapped Hands and all sktu e iipltens, nuaiunteed te cute In i-seiy lnstaneu, or money lulumle'i. j c ins per i.ex. roi-N'iie ey lias. a. i.ecner. ln'i-HeeiAW The dlslteilng feeling el wearlnesj, et e. e. li'iustleii without cffeit, which makes llie u but den te se many people. Is due te the (act Dial the bleed H peer, und the vitality conse quently loeblo. It you nre millerlng trem such lecllng Ayers Sarsaparilla Is lust what you need, and will de you Incal' eiu iuie koeii. Ne oilier pieparatten he cene.untiatei and co i blues bleed piirltylug, vitalizing etuloh etuleh Inir. und InvlueratlnK qualities us Ayeii's t4AltlirA1IILt.il, VHK-.'AnKU nv l)r. J. U. Ayer A; Ce., Iiowell, Miihs.' Sold bv nil DniKglst". tl.tlr bottles ler S. nev.i) dec-JydAw A OIIHAT MUUUKHi. HOP PLASTER. This poieus lilnsier is famous ler Its quick ami hearty action In curing Lame Hack, lllicu mutism. Sciatica. Crick In the Hack, Mdeand Hip, Neuralgia, StlllMelnts and Miuclcs, Hore Client, Kidney Troubles und till pains eraches either local or doep-spiitod. It seethes, Htrengi liens and Stlmuhite) the parts. The vlttuesel hops combined with gums-clean and ready te apply. Sup.uier te liniments, lnlleiis and salves. 1'tliu, il cents or B ler 11.0). Sold by drugiilits and oeuntry stores. Mulled en receipt et prices. Hep l'latler C'oiu C'eiu tianu, I'toprleters, Ilosteii, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. uev.K-lyit.tw )YIN Itll.t.UK. TT OK.KIIAKT. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 1 hernby Inform these In want et a FALL OH WI.NTKIt SUIT OF CLOTHING, That 1 linva new In stock the LAHUKOT AND KINKSTASSOllTMKNTer Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade Ti n ever been exhibited In the CItyeI Liu . or. A great varlety of FALL AND WINTKlt OVERCOATING l ke .p NONK HUT TIIK 1IK3T Ot Foreign nntl Demestic Fabrics, Ami nil Heeds mew nrrantcd as roprecntod at E Gerhart's FINE TMIMIHQ ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., I.ANCASTF.lt. I'A. I"V II. UObTUTTKltaHO.N. Cot in Clothing. ( ISMS" Miillrecn el l'rellt. There are many seuices of prmll tnlhone who uie liuteuleus and ctiterprldlm:. Jlunleck Dteml JltUert niouHeurco et prellt In evtiy way. Thev build up the health fit i ly. upend Ily. ami i ttectually, which It ti.iylug u hi eat deal. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, diugglid, I :i7 u ii I la'.tNeith Qui en bin it. A tlrcat Discovery. That Is daily biliiuley lothehemus el thou. sands by suvlngniany of their ones Itein mi earlv grave. Truly Is Dr. Klug't New Ills Ills ceverv for coiisuiiiptlen. Coughs, colds, Asth ma, llrenchltlj, lluy Feer, Less et Voice, Tlikllng In tl e'l lueut, I'aluliiHldiiamlChest, m uuy dlseasu et the Tin eat and Lungs, a poslllvucure. liiiaiautecil, i ll.il Hollies Hee ut I Ins A. I.erhet's Diuk Stele. I.nige nl?u tlnn. I lrt tlluss limiiiiiutii lliaute w lib Themas' JCeleeti iu Oil. It Is the chrupedt and heal uietbeil el liisuiuuce we kuowel. Ily Its use you uru nurn te tbcape innny grovleus iicIumuiiiI pains, 1'olleles are obiiiinable at all drugulsts In thu t.irni of bet- TII1CWOUST "ISM" T01IAV IS RHEUMATISM. ItllKUMATISM IN TIIK HACK cunsti ii v I'UllllV DAVIS'S I'.UN Ktl.LKIt. ties at 'Oeimts and tl Cochran, drtmulst. 1 si root. ouch. Fer sale by II II. :I7 and Wi North tjnten 1 r avise ll nnd ItllKUMATISM IN TIIK KNKK9 t'UltKU IIV I'KIt lY DAVISM PAIS KII.LF.lt. ItlllUJMA'llSM IN TIIK MUHC1.KS CUIIKD II y I'KltltV DAVIS'S I'AIN IU LLKII. ItllKUMATISM OK LONU SPANDINO CTI1BI1 IIV I'KllltY DAVIS'S PAIS KlI.LF.lt. UIIKtni.VTIC 8UFFK11KH8, buy el Any DruggUt werten nOH t, .i f..w .IMCffi.Vi.'UI'. lll-.SOI.VIH I'Altl'M ItMIll 1 1 Una ii inly eloped the iientnut Ml eel lien Works, t ilestie te liilnun my old pali'.'in nml llie public ut neially, thu I lam Mttll In the buMliit-HM.lii-iiig located In tliel'enn lien Cempiitiy's Meiks, Ninth I'ltini Mtiei i, whine I urn making Iren and H itfcs Lnsilngs et very iliKtrlptiiiu. ut win tie pieasu i te g 11 who may tin or me with ihetr patron. a h'niii in joarsexpniteneo tn thebui'luess ui 'i a in; Uie best man ltd nnd employ lug the I.. i nn liaulus, 1 uu huh lied 1 cun guar aute.i. itim Hiutnt.ietten t'iDllngs inniK Iiem a mi xt me et lien ami mm t widen nre mere ie ie linble tot tringUi nnd durability thnn the host ta t lien known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and tell. a ( mill win 1, -.pcclalty. Cast Intrs made el vi v neli liei , snd brass cast- L.itset overy iL. i rl inn, l hnve nil the iuI unsnt the well and i ..nrahly knevii Me .icr Cern and Cub Cm dier, te int. l i.iiitttupretc'i, Albuen hand.iulllscouipletiiy tilled upn. i.i p.ir-s, le luplate old onus whlelt hnvu liei .1 In ui ter ycuis. Kiminnteelng thein te ;tvt bat bat Ul.icilen. anell-tlii'i' 11. (J. Mut.Ui, I. in. Perry Davis's Pain Killer iliiyu.vw I OUIlMtH UBNOWNBD COUGH CYRUP 1 ii pleas mt, s.ite, speedy unil suruiemcdy let reuuh-., colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, ln tluenza, dnieiicss et llie Threat nml Chest, Itrnutmitls, Wlwieplng Cough, Spitting ei Illend, Inllunimatliiu of tlie Lungs, nud nil Diseased el the Chest nnd Atr l'u&sngcs I'rlce, lJ5c. nml 6)f.n Uoltle. "I'nepared only and sold by CHAG. A.LOCHER, I NO It ICAST KINO I'. 1)I.NNSVI.NANIA tltllAttM I'HO. 11 Ail , I hitndrt'dupwnrdsat IIAKTMAN'H U'l.uV fhllM'tlHAIt in tlielr own way ; and this is ml. Wliat docs this toaeu blm of tlie soeloty of tbe people'nmong wbem be bas bjen 1 hnter tnlntncuts, parties, roceptlons, among poeplo of wealth the only poeplo with wbem be Is lllcely te mix are much tbe Butue upon tbe aurfaoe In the superier IjlVintiUAItllS.rUOIIttl I Cnsilne cards, truni a'. per (. ut Kill. HAND ,ek upwards, lltW'l JC tlreul Luiilluli Remedy. II A UT MAN'S VKLI.OW MIOUi: I I ONTCtUAU ii'l'l VKNS IIOltHI. O UIIAMNU ANII IIAIH DltLSSINO BAI.HON. tlued Miiiiiiuviuen uti-l ptlcestatmi us etiuu saloons. II W AON Kit, my is-tin MAiinuet sficeiriii Air.itiutnr.. - Til K An Ji..alllnt' eura ler Impovency, und all DUutuej that fellow Iecs et Memery. Universal Lassi tude. 1'uln in the Hack, Dimness el Vision, I'tematuie Old Age, anil many e'.her diseases that lead le Insanity ei Cen Bituipt'ennnd n Pniiii'iiure Omvc rtul p-r- ticu .. In our pnniplet, whlc'' we itcmroie ey man 10 overy en me epeujin.- a.t i.i ti- te ever Modlclne U sold by ull ilruggUls at 1 per puclr a-iu or U piu-Kagiii ierJ. or win no niu. ' by uisll eri the lecelpt et tlm tnoney, by ml vltesiilng the agent, , , Ii. II. COCIIUAN, Drngglst. Nes. 1S7 mid UW North liueun sttcet, Lance3. ter, l'a. On account e! counterfeits, wa liave tulopt tulept ul the Yellew Wwpiwri il'oeiilyKonuini. TIIK Ull A V MKD10INLCO., sprW-lyil.vw Huttftle, M. K. We claim te hnve the best nnd laigest varl ety of iiesuits Hi theclty. SIX (tiriiiirorent styles of MKN'S All-Weel Suits at $10. ' Grey Mlxed, uroenana brown Mlxea, Blaek aud Bltie Mlxed, Steel Mlxed, Dftrk Brown, Light Plaids, ALL AT TIIK LOW I'llIOF. OFlf), nndel our own manufacture. Suits actually worth irem (11 te til Overcoats. - Overcoats. A UOOI). HKAVV, UNLINKI) OVKUCOAT, IN DAltli AND LIOHTHIIADKS, As Lew as $6.00. AND AT ANY PKICK UP TO IIS.CO. II B. Hostetter & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKU. I'A. y r. aiik (iivimi EXTYiA. BARGAINS -IN- fine clothing. Wente nir!rlng the Urititcsl Uurgalnstn FINK. CLOTHING that have ever been shown In tula city. We bought he ivlly at the recent great sales In New Yerk city. Amongst lha many we wlh te dtaw your attention te a HANDSOMK. SATIN. FACKD DIAGONAL SUlTiit)), whleli equals nuy t3u mil In ttie t-lty. In OYEEOOATS S '-ailtheinnrkfiL Oursteckls thu lursest in. nest varied. We til large or smnll, leiqr ui otlert persons OUll ntlCKS Are tliu LOWEST. Glovea, XJnderwettr, Hoalery, Knit Juckets, Noekwear, TrunkB, Volleea, ehawl Btraiw. LMItA 1NDUUKMKNTH IN SCAUFS ANU lirsli & Brether, i cun llall Clothing Heuse, N03. 2 and 4 NORTH QUKBtt STREET, LANO AbTKU, I'A, I