sf i mMM , W-ARk .j- SK Vl IAvA- l , , c 5Ssr-- Voluine XX-Ne. . LANCASTER, PA.. TUKSDAY. NOVRMIiBK 120, lrt-tf. I'rlue Twe Centfl. ghxMlixj - MwJft? Vw. i-:'( fvi'U'"nrt.twrT zrr,r T!WWSffl.SWft II.INIi A HUKNKMA.N. niOVKh, t1KATKUH,JtV. -llAMIAINS IN- STOVES AND HEATERS. WK MUST IIAVK HOOM l-'OU UUIt CHRISTMAS GOODS, And ure OITerliiir S IOVES und HBATKHU ivt LOW PRIOEB te Rodueo Hloek. FLINN & BEENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. IHtY UOUIM. ( 1KU, KAIINIC.IIOUK. 1 KO. I'AIINK'lTOOK IJAIH'B OLD STAND, Ne. 14 East King Street. AmSfOMCEMMT.'" '" AMOMCEIEUT. Our tlrriM iiml Clunk Mnklnit leiu tiucnt Inn this wuc k becr. ttiuiuiiKlily ro.erKnuUod.unil Is new umlur the jicroriutitliccllei nnd euro of Miss Stella Steele, Who, Ith u eei(M of competent lUisUtuiitH, U initiated te inake toerder lit Mieit nnllee utlil muiiuruln pilcrs. In tliu newest iIubIkiis und -1 y li-n. Ladle' Drupes, ( outs, Clenkt, Wnifii, ute. Perfect nts and i-nllMni Hen giiniHiiteed wlietlier materials uie urcliii-.ed hole or runt te us Ireni ulsuwliere te bu Hindu. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO 14 EAST KING STREET. I'l.VMIHSU ANIt il.ilt riTrixii. I tIIM I.. AIINIII.II, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters. C3TFinest Werk, Best Werkmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JIV3IAX UVAtfU. MKVtVMn ( UUNIIKIl I'KUTII X r.r.ii co. HUMAN GHJAJO. OorapeHod of Pure IItimin Exoremout andTJrlue. Uurivoled for Whent, Tobticeo, Graea, Cern, &e. -SOLD MY WM. II. JONKM, Ne. l.fljl Market Hlieet; C. JJ. ItOUKItH, Ne III Miukct Htloet i OIIAIIAM, KMI.KN A l'AhSMOith. Ne 0.11 Mtrkt't Sttecl , J. IllUKK A O.N, llrunchtewi) t'ldlitdetplita, und rcsponuble dealers guni'tally. OKFlt'E....Ne. 'm Chestnut Street, riiilaileliihiu. n iKlsCnut O. MUSSELMAN, Afc'ent, Wltruer, Laucaater county, Pa. HOOKH AXIt STAIHtSFItV. J HUM HAr.tfM MINS. SCHOOL BOOKS. Scheel Supplies and Stationery, LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, AT TUB HOOKSTOItK OV JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST , LANCASTER, PA. l'Al'KU JlANUinuH, .re 1)UAKKM W. KltY. eun link or Dade Window Shades Is larger tlmii nny ennirm heretofore. We huve tliiuii In All Ce lern, six und i-evuii I cot ImiK. These weeds ure verv stj llsh und nopu nepu lur. SimjcIuI hires inndu te order. PLAIN SHADING lly theyunl In uny euuntlty, wlile wldlhs let liii'KU windows und atom shades, Tin und Weed Spring Itollera AIhe Cord Fixtures, flhndcs inndu up promptly und liuii In bent luimnur, NKW I'ATl'KUNSOF WALL PAPERS VUAI.. B. it. MAUT1H T "AUK Siiflii Liver Replater Ker Dyepcixtn Ceidlven -i. Hick llendiiclie, (;liienln l)liirili(i:i, .luiiiidlcii, lliipmlly el lliu llloed, Keviirnnd w, Muliitlu und nil IHv i'iihch cium-il liy iuiiuii;"inunt el tne J.tvcr, lien cm und KIhiiiimi. , HtMITOMHUl'' A DISKAHKI) MVKIt. Ilud bicnthi I'uln In iIikHIiIe Miinidlinee tlie tiiiln H f( It iinilir tliu Hliiiuldci-liluili', inli inkuli ter lllii'iiinulhiii i m'linnil l-.n et nppie HUM llewcN Ki'licrally cimtlvt', oemi'lliuct nllitiniitlnir wltliluxi tlielii'iut In tveiililcil wild piiln, In dull und l'iiy, Hllliceilfildcruljlii Iecs otlunnery, iicn iiiipmlcil wllli u pilnlul mil. JlltlOll Ol lOttVllIK IIIKlOIIU BllllllltlllllK wliluli niiKlilteliuMi Ih'dii iIihik i ii h liilit. dry ceiirIi und lliiilicd turn In feinctlinci un ultundnnt, orien tnlntitki'ii ler roiniiiiuptlen : UieimUcnU, compliiliiHel i Mir Ini'i unit delilllty nui veim, OHHlly nturtli'd) cold Iiml or linrnliiK, nonio nenio nonie llini'H npilukly Huiii-allen 01 tin, skin e.ililH i xplillnurii low mid ilrnpetidimt, and ultheuiili Hiillnflud Unit Acre I'll would liu liinii'IMul, jet eniirun linnllv niiiiiiiien up leillludu te try It In fuel, dlxtriiitM i-vury ii'iiii' ly. hcvfiulel tliunlievn ByinpteniH utieinl tliu iI'hpiuiui but ciiitfM Iiiivii eci'iirriid wluui lint low or tliiuii nx ItUH, jut iixiiiuliiiitleu iiftiir dentil linn nliewn tun I.Iver te liuve Itiirn eitifimlvtdy duruiiKcd. It slieuld he itud by nil purHeiii, old und yeiiin;, wliuniivernny el tliu ulievn Hympteuis iipiH-ur. roiseni tiuvullnit, or IIvIuk In uiihenliliy leculltlux, by Inking u dOKii eci'iiHliiiiiilly te keui) tliu l.lvur In lieultliy notion, will uveld nil Mnlnrlii, llllleim Hltiinltf. IM1.I11014. Nuiiid.i. UrewAlnciiH, Depiction of Spirits, te. It will InvlKorntulIke 11 ulim of Mine, but Ii no In In texlcntliiu buvuruKu. 11 you liiivu eaten unytlilint liurd el iIIku iIIku llen, or feel leiivy ulttsr iiiciiIh, or Hleuplim it nlKlit, tuku n dee hikI you will be rulluvud. Tlllliiitlld llnulern' HUH will bit Kiivinl by nl wuyn keejiliiK tint Kci(ulutur In tliu HllllKHl Ken, MliutiHci tliuull'iieiit inuy be u llioreiiK'li ly Diilu pnrk'nllve. nlluruilve und tenlu cun lievur boeutnr tiliiuu. 'I liu le'im.iy U liiirin Iihi und diH'f net lutuiluiu wllli liuelneai or pluiiMiiru. IT 11 I'UIIKI.V VKUKTAItl.K, And Iiiih nil tliu power und i-lllr-uey et Culeuiul or (Julnlnii, wltlieul any or tliu Injurious alter u Heels, a oevitnNon'8 tbitimexv. Sliiiuient l.lver lteulnlei Inn been In n-e In my tuinlly fin nenie tlinuuiid I nui n.itltilel It lit 11 vulunliUiuddUlen totliuiuedleulKcluiiue. I HILL Mmektkk. Covrruer el Alubiiinn. II in AbiXHiidi r II. 'itvpliuiit, et U 1., navn IIUVU itUllVllll SOIIItl I'llll'llt fllllll tllll IIHI) et MlmmeiM l.lver Ueuul.iter, mid wish IekIvuII a tin tbur trial, "Tim only TIiIiik Hint nevur t.ilN te Ku lluvu." 1 Imve iied iiiunv ri'iiiedleH ler l peptla, I.Iver Alleetlen und Iieblilty, but never lmve round anylliniK te benefit 1110 te tile (xtent HtiuineiiM l.lver Iteuluter bui. 1 lent from Minnesota te (ieerla ter It, und would Hiunl furtber ler teicli a lucdlrlne, und would uitvlin nil wlienie NiuiUuily ulleeleil te Ulvu Ha trlnl nt llHtt ins tliu only tiling lli.il timer lalltt te it lleve. I'. M. .tANNKV, MliioeapelL', Minn. I)r T. W Muton inye. Frem Mutual expert, mice In tlm iiee of eliiiliient l.lver Iteululer In my piuctlie 1 Iuimi been und mil h.UMIccI te Use und pnverlbe It lut a piiIKallve medi cine. Formic by II. II, Cecliruu, drugilit, 137 mid 13'l North Queen streel, l.anen-tter, l'n. "Tuko only tlm (Jenulne. wlilch uln.iyi hut en tlm Wrapper tlm ml Z Trndu-Jlark mid &liUuture of .1. II. .hll.l.N A CO. r'OIChAI.K IIY AM. DISl'liUlUTS. lanltlJeed.Vw MUMII'Ul.y AI.AItrtl IN 1'KfiInnll.VAM . WESTERN DHESSK1) VMV ! ;!' . fc1 Z0!" tTllneui fciiu np..it n fc.iu ka i.i.i, nui.iit nolve tliu problem. Hitch earu would R.tve tlie Iexhcb by HliriuknKO, liru'scH, anil (loath and tlie enormous expcime of liatulliiifr yardage, and feeding at tlie interincdlatu oattle yntdrt ; and If put into fast trnltiH, aH they and they only eeuM le, they would tollevo the reada of len llnnn of filew, I'liu'eRtiiiK cattle tr.tliw, which new ob eb ob Btrtiet their IiiirIucri, and would se fiwdi fiwdi tnte tlie handling of thin vast trallle an te he In the c.tse of caeh otte of the trunk htii'H rqulvalent te n third traek. Why are Htieh cats ccotieniy of wlilch It plain te all cenenrnct), inehuliiiK the railroad thoniRelvofl, net adopted'.' I it ho he causo HhipiierR de net want thorn'.' They de want thuni, for tluy eave ener ineunly te thorn, and ate new absolutely ticecRsary te prcRerve their bttsincRs Hyniimt the coinputitleu of dressed hoof. In it becattHe the publle de net demand thein 'f Cattle carried te ISonten in fitteli ears briui $10 prr ear lead mere than theso carried by common cart) iu the same train. The Ilitrten Hteck e.ir company of of Bosten, in a communication addresHcd te the HarriHburij Telegraph, allege that they britiK cattle te that tnurket in porfcet condition, fecdinir, waterui? and resting thorn, without uiile.idniK, ami the cattle mi brought Hhrink only twenty peuuiln per head us ajjaitiHt sixty peuniis per heail of cattle in ether earn in tlie satne train, and iliat the uattle in tliese earn neil for $10.;):$ tnore per cur lead than the ethers. TIiore are Htnpeudeua f.icU; if fnels they luc.iuul tlii'ru ih no reaHOii te doubt them. There can be no'ejeod reaneu why the lailie.itls should net mu ve tlie host iiitercHts of their htockhehleiH and cunteinetn by fimiishiiiK an itnprevcd ear. Hut a bad lOiihen may be itnaijiiied, ami it in certijnly a very bad ene. Are rohie rai'read mana i;crn suniciently intercHtcd in the stockyard swiudleH, whero corn Is eften Held at 2 per bUHhel, te account for their totuctauce te accept tlte only Holutien of the dilllcul ties which Biirreund tlie live sler.k trade and thruaten te kill it altogether V Tlie II.uriHburjj car iiianiifacttirlu coin cein pany has under way twenty. six of the Uurten carR. If this car does what it claimed fur it, let cattle men demand it from the niilie.ids until a butter, if hotter thore be, shall appear. Unless they secure Heme improvement, they are in (lnifei- of tit ter ttiiu from the competition of West ern drCEBed beef. Ol Kveiy Dmcrlptlen. Cm l'lipurul Lew rireeH. llerdui tru l'leccH, Ac. oiumen mid uui a, liieied, ten lu Cream anil WllMe Leeps, Ac. LAOE OURTA1NS, l'oles, Cornice.), I'multf, PHARES W. FRY. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. Wtu'leenlu and llutnll Dealer In all Rlnita el bUMIIUlt AND COAL. 4-rurd! Ne. 4'JO North Wuteramt rrtiiL -wits u ove Lomen liiicudter. nij.lv1 .vi).iiiiAittiNi;i(8 jr.Fi'r.itn.s. COAL DEALERS. OKKIOKS. Ne, in North Qukbn KTimirr, amii Ne. I'll NUUTII riUNL'U HT11KI.T. YAltUSJ. NURTU l'lllNl'U 8T11KKT, BAR llBAD' INO DKl'OT. LANCASTKll, l'A. niiXlJ.lldU 1)111. UM.tTIU aviltl'. A Limb Saved Aud a Family Made Happy. Ml. I'lilllp Moniv.ef West Wobiter, Men loe County. N. V., Hays : ' lly (luiujliler, new elKliteen eain old, liuti, ler tee past elulitei'ii iiieullis, bun ullllcted w lib ilitiiiiiiutlMin In a very Miwre form, uuu jer iiHelt mittleil In tlie I. nut, uliici) which tluie she lu been iinulilu te teueli bur loot te tliu fleer or move lirr limb ulllieut tiitUilni; tlie ment t'.xciu (talllli; p. nil. lb i limb wuu la.lt Kleuluf out el sliupe, ..Itl.eiijjll uu nulu delni! fur liel all wuceuld, lav. nK uHiut nil tliu ii'iiiedte.s wu (.eind near of and tliutwuru leceuiiiiuiulul ter rhuuuiutliiui, nonuel wldch bun lltled ber In tlie lea-tl. UurcaKu wai puuieuncDit liicuiublu by tliu phy. rtlelan and by our iivluliberu, and nil bulluvud that alie would lieaerlpplu all liur(tny,niultlat Inn lluihweuld never be lextnred te lLs Ol labial slmpe.' Hut lam happy te nny Unit te-, lav tn 'lani;lier In enlllely lieu lieui all iln uiiiat'c paint, and thai liu can walk with pi Ueetenae, liav- tiiK threw u unl in lier crutuhuM, ami liu t limb hieniH aa streiiK anil pel I eel iih eer: nil from tliu use el enr weiuluifiil ineillclne "Khun, leatle hyiup," which no venslilur oiuief thu liertt uiedlclIU'H ever 111 111 iieduci'il ter purllylnc tlie bloei, und 1 only reitiet thutull othenulie me ulllleieii uuu 11.0111111111-1111 cun net knew of Iih Hiiputter iiieiILh. en are at libel ty le ihe my miiiiu It It will de you uny Koeif, und 1 ulinll bu only toenbidlotullany ami uvurenu what II luia done lei my tlauulitur." l'lULll'MOOKE. lthoutuutle Syrup . In thu uii'iitlst llloeil l'uilller known, mid will de nil that Ih claimed ler It. bund ter p.unpli hit et terttlmenlaln and lead nl thoe whuliavu biuu cmud by lln use. ItliCiinmtlcSjriip Ce., ItiiclicMiT, . V. for mile Ivy diilKUlhtti. I'lke (I 00 net' but tin ei n bottles tei CS. eill lil.Jw ltlAI. I J THO UIJAI.I umlerHlKUuil has lur eulu, nt hU Yard, Cor. Andrew and 8. Water 8ts ulurtiuiiiHertiiiuut of the very bust kinds 01 Ocnl for Family Uhe, which he will deliver, cntufully weighed nnd Hcreunud, te uuy part et thu city nt tliu lowest iimi ket rntus. Unlurs by until or telephone tilled promptly. juiyiu-iid run, ii- uinukk. MAN1 Ni u by VAltltlAUm, itV. fllUB Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTKIl COUNTY, IIKK AM UUAIi. uw Yerk und l'hllailulnhlu llmse Mn- by tlie cur lead nt reduced prices. All tliu 1IKST UKADKH OK COAL, lletli ler Family und Hieain purposes. CKMKNTby tliubatiui. UA Y und UTItAW by thu ten or oale, Yahu 15 HuiilsbiirK I'lke. (iknkkal Orrica'Myt Kust Cliustnutstreut KttuQ'eictn, Koller k Oe. iiinl-lyd 11 Ol.AHH AX It (JUAMMMHA. Kill Al MAItTir. I t -AT- EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE (BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, UKAH OF CKNrUAL MAKKKT UOUBEa, LANCA8TEK, l'A, Wemnku evury style IliiKuy and CnrrhiKO ituslriel. All Werk linUlied lit thu nuwltoiie forUiblennd oleuntttyle. We 1110 only the bust sulucteil material and employ only the bust uieclianleH. Fer ipmllty el weik our prlcm ure tliu oheupust In 14 state. We buy ler cusli and gull im the 7neil ruuseiinhlu tertus. Ulveus a call. All terk warrant) il. KepulrliiK promptly uiteiuied te. enu sut et workuieit especially ouipieyiMi ler that pi r le nW.til iOAI.. M. V. 13. COIIO l.Vt fiOHTII WATJSH HT Lancaster, -it. Wlioleialo and IteUill Uoulers in LUMBER AND GOAL. i iiiitieutleit With the Tolephonlo UiehKnROr Yard anil Ottlce Ne. S30NOIITII WATK iTUKKT Ieb2-lvU CHINA HALL. We .lie new nreiiliin our liupeitullnu of HOLIDAY GOODS, -1N- Whltu (ir.iiilleaud l'ercelnln W'anw, KnlUh I'ltutudund l.iwtiu Wines. DKCOUATKD CHINA. IIISWUK waui:, MOTTO CU Pa AM OPALESCENT SAUCKIIW, QLASSWARB. I'liOTOUUAI'Mia. J. K. UUTK. Thrre has been such a iteumiul (or LAUUK I'lIOTOUltAPHU that 1 wits cempelluil te gut a VKHY LAIUIK CAM Kit A 1IOX te meet the ileiuniiil We can new inake you a PHOTO iw small iu tlie Biiiullcsl leeket will held up te a Much taco, te tu (an iixt: r i atue. Wu will show the luritunl assettmeut Our pile h ute low. Our waies iniiillje aatl'Im lei y or will bu uichaiiKuit. High & Martin, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANOAHTKlt. l'A. -J rilllf. OM1.Y UtSNUl.Nt, .. I neetlcut Utuari in t!u UAUTMAN'3 YKLI.O 1T0 31O0K UUM 1.11 for "Se., at ONT U10AK J. E. ROTE, Me, 100 North .Queen .Streot, iune2-ua I'ltf.A'S UNIVKHSAI. I'll.lC MJI'IMIHI 1 TOItY. A sure, t'uie for every teun el Piles, Internal and external, llclilnu or blued blued Ien. and lein: staudlm: eaius. It hui nuvei luijudevnii lu cusuHiis lenKsluiulliiKas ii InJi veins. This Suppository Is cene shupeil, easy te apply, sain, neat and clean, and possehhos every iidvuntuau ever ointments nnd milve-i. riiyslelunsuiiu It Iu their pruclice. Ulve lln ti lal. and you will be both relieved und rim- vlneeil. 11 your druuulsl does net kuep It or uet It (or you, uucupt no ether, but send (or It by mail, in It can bu sunt uuy whero by malt. 1'rlee. 6uu per box' I'lepim l and sold by ' MKIWti.Vltl IiMiirulstf Ne, 'M hnst Oi.iiiKO HI . (.or, liuuimn, ftprJ7-iyu&vri l.aucanvr, l'a, I'ltrmnis Tliruntmied with tlm llriiriieileii of n rtelltnlila lliinlneiKi V-mtit mid Pliiirr JlrnpntliiK AlHtter e( lliilvrrniil liiteirst MuriUbiirK Cor. U. Hun. The Intel ier towns of Pernie) Ivnnla aie uradually balnx alarmed by the firmly approaches of the jteat wetitern beef monopoly, he leii an tne contest between the two Rjfctciim of Htipply the I i-vu ivik! , the dead weh waned at a illst mee in New i:ti(;laml, New Voik or Now.leinu It win regarded with vety little intuieht i by theso here who were tneut ceucitued In the reKtilt. Hut new tlm overgrown Cliicae firms, which rdatiKliler by hic.i teinb.s and uhlp by trains, are puguiti", into all the Hinall marlEctH, Hcektni; te ilmjilace Kteck men and butctierR, ellceiually du fitreyiiiK the imtneiiHO local capital Invented iu the busliicHH and taking exoliibive pos fionflleu of it thcuiHelvcR. lleie, at the capital, IhoilrrpHed beef lintiiiuuloiiecierit headwuy. l-'or a while last winter it wan Used by roiue of the ImtelR, but it w.ih roeu abandoned. In Verk the history was much the tame. Hut ill Laucantcr and Heading enormous reft iterater storehouses have been created, and local oemputition is threatened with total dcsli notion. These are fair illustrations of the way it icies all around. Tlie towns ami cilien which uie attacked iu cnrtient by tlietret ineunp lj tire alarmed and excited thien.li all tlie brancheM of the meat trade, wlulu tin: rent euietly aw.ut their turn te bu as.nli il. Hut tlie projjreKM of the dre-mul bi cf trnile had a pecnlla' fti)nitleiii u te tliu airricultural roKieua of I'untisylv.uii i. Itu HiicceKH would destroy the linsinc.-s, net merely of theso who buy aud hell cattle, and of the butoberH and retailers, but it would deal a fatal blew te the profitable lniRitiem of i-t. 1 1 lerdinj; and l.tUeein cattle, whieh is a main tesuiiioe of the larmerb. The thrilty husbauduitii of tlit'He couutieH buya iu the fall as many stccrtt an his farm will carry; he feeds them through the winter, and tell them fat iu the 8iilli(,'. He has thus foil his corn and used up his utraw en the pl.ioe; he generally make a small preilt in money, but Ills Krcat aiu is iu tlie manure, which Kech back te the land, aud re.ippeam in the wheat, which in the only crop that he sells outright fur cash. Here is the bccret of the f (utility of theso counties winch are called the Kiudeu spot of tlm world. Itut ifeui beel is t be brought here en ic, aud if the eastern bujer aud butcher are te disappear, tlie winter oattle leedin of our fat mers must cease also The t'trmers' Friend, the Granger paper of the state, call attention most forcibly te this important consideration. 'i'he dressed beef poupte pioinise loner prices. Could this premise be mlied upon, it would eettainh tT,e a lng way te justify the gigantic- cut thteat operations of tliosie who are engiucetiug the enterprise. Hut when did monopoly cheapen its product te the helplcES consumer ? When this pre pos cd moneHiIy shall be llrmly established, when the Kasteru butcher plants ure broken up, when the Kastein cattle ilealer is driven out of IniNitiebr, will piices be higher or lesver '.' This niouepoly will be found te have just such a eouseieuce as the Standard oil ir any ether or rs kind It will put up the pi ice and put down the iU;ility. It has jui'. Un lega te stand upon new at the bar of public opinion, namely, this faUe prvloevo of chcaperiinir beef, and the lurbniiuis of the iireisCiit sstem of carrit)i: eat- tle ahve. This latter is the strong ' point. Wlitu the live stock men say that ' dresbcd beef is exceedingly daugei out) te inu puuiiu iiUiiue, una e. iu.i uc gmn ei bad, aud the putohaser rienu the wiser ; that it may be the llesh of u I w at ide of Texas riceib, aud may have bei u sl.mli luted whue H'ck, ui dn.'Sd al'tei a i.n'uial death, and thut the veiy lusi el fiezLii be of will taint the moment it pait.i I mm the Ice; whin this and a ler.g citegmy of uusaveiy charges besides ate rnade, the dressed beef tarn itn-peiul with thu natural intorrogatery an te whether the beef car lied ahve te the Has', i-. uny better or safer Until tliu live st k iii'-u are able te ellet a peili e' ly geed niuele themsolves they ate in i.e position te i.i) jut agaiusl that (ifl'ertd b their rivals. Hut what is the tiillh '! Sm I a ropnter nftheib'un te Chicago te leek in upon llie.i3 vast cslablishtncnli whote thousands el thing at all, send jeu koiue iuj startliug iuloiinatieti, as tli.it tliu stock is see mil or tliiid class, mostly Texas ; that the beeves are lushed from common e.ns, in whieh they have sullincd for man) days, ditcot ditcet ly te thu slaughter houses ; that all of thein ate famishing wheu they aitived, that many are sick ; that iuj many ure coveied with lingo bruthesaud ulc- is, .mil that, after their meat baa c me V. li. en ice, the pin chaser has no mcaus of del uot uet ing inipeiiti jn, or of punishing it hn had Hut Rend that b.uiie koeu i led icporter te tlie stock yatds und abbitleiis aieuud New Yerk audetin dnv's oli,eiv..tieu will yield celumus of horreis fei your iiadeis te breakfast upon the next morning. He will ice tiain leads inwhie'.i the peer creatures, hhut up tegether, nie I'uHtiug each elhei for individual hte ; he willsee home dead ou the lloer, somedyiug, he will hoc them all mad witli hunger and thirst, and gieat numbers burning up with fever anil cia.y with pain and terror. He may witncfrt another opeiatieu which, ler downright cruelty and Diui.d knaveiy would put a Digger Indian te b'usli. It is customary te salt these famished steers, and then give thorn all the watei they will drink just befoie they are wi ighed ever te the new puraha&ur, in euler te lestoie the weight whieh they have lest iu the teinbla passage east, which triekeiy and ciiulty avail nothing ; the less rnuiau.s, ami must bu paid for by somebud). Hut all tliese animals ate immediately killed, and their llesh is sorveil up te the go id pueplu of New Yerk as first class beef. Much of it is " ue better than carrion," and I have high authority for the niatement. Vi ur rejierter will, II he carries but ot.e oye te his work, tell you all this aud much mure equally bad. He will also tell you that east el Chlotge, tlie Icdeial statutu ro re ipiirlng cattle te be unleaded, nstcd aud led at certaiu intervals is a (lead letter ; nobody observos it except us it suits his private couveulonco. Thcse are the facts. Dressed bef U dangerous. Wheu the monopoly becomes established, it will dictate its own tonus te the transnorter an well as te the con sumer. It Ih no retnedy for thecijingevils of live carringi), as new in.in.iged, for it does net take the jilace of live oirriuge west of the filaitgiiteilug point, Ou the contrary, pressed beef as we new have it, i mis all the hazards of lne carriage west and of the refrlgorater plan Kast. And live carriage is what it h, a uisgrace te the age, cruel, wasteful, disgtibting, aud dangereus. If It shocks the sense of de ceney and humanity, it ule imperils the health and evon the lives of tlne who eat the beef without caution. It is thurefore plain enough that the metheds of live carriage rnuBt be returned if hve carriage is te cotiiinue nt nil, Liu- "I- j A be foil, watered, aud rested, aud lu which they 11 JUIUHVAI.. .1111 KlINKtVKIt, HALLS VKOKTAIILK 8I0ILIAN Hair Renewer. Tlie lleit U tlie Cheapest. Suruiy ! economy 1 1 Certainty el Weed ltestlltR ! ' ! TlieMi (iinllllci ure el prime Impnrlanceln lli suluetleu et a piupurulleu ler the hair. De net expui Imunl with new remedies which uiny le harm intliur thnn uoed i but preilt by tlie cxpurlunce el ethers. Uuy ami uie wllli per fect cenlliluncu nil urllelu whleh uveiyhedv kllO'VS tO bt) KOOll. 11 ALL'S II Alll KKMiWUU will iiotdUaiipelul you. l'llKrAUKI) nv It. 1'. Hull A- Ce., Nashua, Held by all Druggists, imvltl li25yitit)V N. II, f)K mar THE BEST Policy of Insurance Against Accidenls -13- p-d-tp-k: which U te say, Ferry Davis's Pain Killer Cuptuln Cliau. Allen, el Wcnciwler (Muss.) tlm llupartmelit, snys : "Alter tlie Doctersut the broken tiene, 1 used l'ulii Killer as a lini ment, anil It curud me In a short tline." c:nntnln I). 8. Ooeilel). Jr.. et Biarspert. Mnlnu, siiVB : " Fer brul-ui, sprutns mideuts. r mkiiiiaiit. I knew el no in. dlclnu thut IsmoreetTuetlvo." ;J David l'lurce, Utlen, N. Y.. Riiyn: " for cub), brultes, burns nuit sprains, It has nuvur failed le elleet uuuie." UhmtttNU,VNUKl WJKAlt, XV. r- ' -:T. r-T-J.-) X. xgg; The probabilities are that it will net be many days before a heavy Overcoat will be a great comfort. Theso net' already supplied will de well te examine ours be fore purchasing olsewhore. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sts. I'UII.ADKI.l'llIA. Ill3-JV(t An nee'dent muy happen te-morrow. Ut'Y I'i:uitY Davis's Tain Killbh texluy el uny Dtugglst, n I -lyd it w A hentueky lrl Klerlu.i In nlieadel hair wiueliUs'iveiity liiehiH long and vury inlck. Iml our thief ulerv In In the number of euros made reienlly by thu me (il Dr. Hull's Ceuttli Syrup, thu best remedy ler coughs and coins. Illtxiirui lieiinlarier. Whm. a lieanl or eminent physlcl'ius und ehunilitB unneuncuit the discovery thut by combining some well known valuablu tuinu iIIhh, the uiixt wendeilnl meillclnu win pro duced, wldell would euro such a wlde innRU of dlseases that me-tt nil ethui rutnctllus could be dispensed with, many wcie skeptical i but pioet of Its merits by actual trial lmn dispelled all doubt, nml te duy tlie dltcoerors el that grout medicine, Hep llltturs, uru honored and blcssud by all in bouelactors. Tliei-i lilttuis ure compeiinilud irem llejn, liucliu. Malt, .Mnudiake and Dandelion -mil elhui eldest, bust and most valuable mcdU loci In the world mid contain all the bun and imiil euratlre properties et nil ether medlclnus, bulug thu ureulcm lllued I'liilller, Kldney nnd l.lver Iteuiibder, un I I. lie ami Health ltusteilug .tgmil en earth. Ne itUeiwi) or 111 health can pntsibly long exist whuiu theso lilttuis ure iisctl, se vurlud and poi leet ure thUr opera tions. 'I huv Ktve .lew llluaml vliter telheugud und Inllrm. 'le ail whesn uuipleyiuunts enusi) liiertularlty of ihe bewuls ei miliary ert'uns. or who reiiulreaii Apl"tlxer, Toiile and Mild HlliiiiiUut. tliertu Hitters are Invaluublu. bdng IdUbly eiuatlve, tonic unit stlniulallux, with nut toleMcalllii;. he mutlt-r whut your feullnirs or symptoms riie. u imi tlm dlmttse or nlliueul Is. use Hen 1 llltlerH. Don't wnlt until you ure sick, nui n . you only tool bad or inliuiaOle. usu thu lilttuis 1 at en ee. it may hhvu your liru. Hundreds ' linvu beel) miv-l by se doling. J-j.U0jj will bu paid lei u cumii ihuj will net uiliu or I help De net sutlei jeuisell el let your friends Mittei, but use and iii-ru them le UsU Hep Hit- I em. . Iti-iiiembct, Hep llltleiH Is tlie purist und 'best luudli lliu evur uiiiile , I Iih IhnhIIiI's hili-iulH nnd I'ope." Me pi-ibea or inuiiiy sbeuld be wit limit tlii'lu. " 1 was iieiitdud ler mini vyiur-t with (.eileus Kidney and l.tVer l.'euip uliit. t.i.ivul, etc.: my bleed beeuiiie t 111 n i I was dull mut Inncllvu i could li'irdly ciawl ubeul, mid was un old worn out man all evor. unil could gut nothing in lmin mn until I unt Hen HUtuis. and new 1 uui a boy nguln. My bleed Is pure, kidneys uieuil rlixlit, und I nm nsuctlvuuuu man el an, ultheiigh I mil "i-l'ATUKit. Knr loe leirs mv wllu was eenllnud uc i u c-oiniuieuuen ei te her tun hd urltli ,..i ij ..... i.,n...i ...,.i i,...i ,) ,,i ,) ui munis ilia no itouier could ion wuui . IIIU Ollllll UUU II.M-BI .1 OI.III. UUU I - .... ., ..-.. ,P ,,.11 h-ti l . .. I.I. ... I nut IIIU iimifctJ. ... .,.., ,,., ...... - e will inub.iblv, it iiuiniitt'd le see any ,. u,,11,u toriuue in huuiiun; mutt. .. .. " '. - ... - !"- ' .-.....--- ..-.. '.'. . six months nire l saw u n. s. mn,' wun nep Iflttorseu it, and I th .UKlil I would bu a loel eiwii,iiwi-. mi. I I iiIhi' It. mil mv inllv moved t,e bu wisdom, und two bottles oured bur. sbu Is iiewus will mid stietiK as uny mun's wlie, and 11 oust me only I we dollars. II. W , Ilutielt, Mich. iil.MTu.Tli.ts II.17V AND V AM. llUI.I.'d OLIISTAMJ, HATS, CAPS, FURS, Wholcsale unit llelnll, Shullz's Old Stand, Nim. 31 and Ai N. tiucuii SI. The lamest stock niiiiaHioilinelitet Koslden- nblu Full und Wlnlur llut-s, Caps, utc,uer ell'eied te thupublle. The linex Silk and Delby liniuspecinuy. I'he only lint Munulnctery lu I.uncaster. All kinds et Hats made te enler. Itepalrlni; ilnne neatly nml promptly. Old Silk Huts made lujlilonnble. Jtlll.V 81IIKS. eiJ-lmd Successef teSHUI.T. .t HltO 11 AT STUItK, A MYSTKItY. Who Is this unt7" thu lndlus u.V, That almost overy uuy Ith style supurb nnd uebta air Cemes sauntering this way." The "boys" with eah)us envy swear And own tin bentu Ilium tint Tlie secret Is, lie dropped In hem And bought u STYLISH HAT. Wtilch has liiipattLd such mi nriilocrnlleulr le thu Kcntleiiiau that hu leeks llhe a million millien million alie. Wu have semu (t lliu same kind left, bTlMbll. IIUU.VI1I.I! AND LOW PltlCtS. HATS! HATS! HATS! SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUE1CN STREET, (GUNDAIiblt'S OLD STAND,) LANCASTKIl. PA. iuarJ7 lydw SPECIAL NOTICE I I hereby Inform theso la want of a KALI, OR WINTKll SUIT OK CLOTHING, That I huve new tu stock tliu LA11UKST AND K1NK3T ASSOKTMKJvTer Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has ever been exhibited In the City of Lnncnstur. A ureut variety of KALI. AND WINTi.lt OVERCOATING I keep NONE 11UTTIIK IJEST Of Foreign nnd Demestic Fabrics, And all Goods ure wunauted a.i roptesentoCl nt E Gerhart's TA1L0R1NQ ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St tMMilJlAI. IO ui.uTiuxa. it) Tn.iuiii.KS .vni) unions Tliu Celluloid i:,i-ijluws liuve steed the test, unit tlm theiismuN who new wear them pmnotinre lliem Me 6i-r. Knr snle by nil loud leud IliU Jewvluisuiid Optluluns. nlU Iwdeid IliuUlen's Arnica aalvu. Theitrcntest medlcul veiulur of tlie world. Wuri-nnliid te speedily euro bums, lliulsus, CuU, Uuier', Hult llhemn, Kevor smes, Oun; eerB. l'llus, Clilllituliis, Corm.Teitur, Chnpped llumls nml all skin eruptions, Kuuiunteeil te cuie In eveiy Inslaiiee, or luoney luliinded. t uulilj per box. Ker sale by t'has. A. I.oehor. loia-tyueiKStw I VVIidi l-Aerjbedy te Knew. UfV. Ueerisu II. Tliuyur. ail old ultlflil el this vicinity known te overy ene us it meit InlluentliU clll.ee and cleutlau minisiurei tee M. K. ebuicli, (list this memelit steppud lu our store te say, " I wish ovurybedy te knew thai I consider Hint both inysell and wlfu ewe eurllves te hlilleli's Consumption Ciue." It Is tiuvtnK a lioinuiideussiiluovur oiireeuntors und H HlvliiK perlucl satisfaction lit all eusus et LuilK Dlsetisus, such ns nelhlmt elsu tins deilii. DltS.MA'lCHKTT A Kll.VNLL. Iluuiinex. linl., May IS, '?B. Sold by II. II. Cochran, d mirulst, Nes. 117 and 1JU Norih CiuuuiiMlreei. lamcastur. lublluedl Hinnll I'ex driven Irem a community by Daibys I'rophyluctle Klutd. fcuu udvurtlsu uuint. Sew liu; Wild linipt. Hew many wnstu their tlmu and roseuieus In toellsb eipi iliucnlH, with nasty worthless iiiudlclm s Hint cm never de thuui u whllet iniiul. if veiiiiil. xlck nnd wuut huln iret u re- piiluhlu luinudy el cstublUheil muill. The uiirutlve vlituei of llunteck Jtloeil Jlltlers have nover beuu iiiostlnnel. Ker un uu teublud circulation or u weak sleuiuch thuy urespleiun I Ker snle by II. II. Cochran, druuh'ltt, 1J7 nml lit Nertn Oueen stioet. BEISMAN'B, H'lll'l SHIUTMAKKII.) Gents' Furnishing' Stere, Is no leutfcr en Norih (jiiueu Sticet, but U new at Ne. 17 WEST KINO SFUKKT, I.ANCATKK. l'A. n. " HOSIKXI KU A HUM. Coin l Mm. ii Oppejdtu thu Cress liuye Hetel. IHS1I it llltOTHKK. A Starlllm; DNcetury, PhyslLluns nrn often slnrlled by remurkuble scevunus. Tlm Iu't Hint Dr. KIiik's New disco 1 )!(( nnd Limit l)lce cry for Consumption and nil Thieul HUeiiites Is dully euiliiir putluuls Mini thev have ulvcll ill) te die. Is StUItllllU thuui le rtullxn their duly, und examine Inte the merits of llils weinluilul dlsceviuy ; io ie suIHiik In hiindiud or our bust I'hyslelalii'S uslniilt In tludi pnietleu. Triul bottles trc at Lluu. A. I.echui's Diutf Steiu lieitulur sue, I.U0. JN . . nil, NKiea.- iii AIV..-1. nsar.as .ixsi uuis- All persons me hueby torbldden te tresimss en uny et the luiiua et the corn wull or Spuudwull osiates, lu l.ubannn and Lmiwi-sterreuntlus, whuthur Inclesud or un-Inele.-iud, either ter the purpesu el shoetlllK ei rlahlnu, us the luw Will be IlKldlV entotcue nKalnst all trespa-slni; en suld lands el tin uniieiHinuen aner mis oeiuo. Wll, COLKMAN KltKKMAN It. I'KltCY ALDKN, KDWAIIDC. KltKKMAN. Aiiei uuy ler U. W Ueli-inau's Uulrs. H. iMAw nil) UANALWAYiif IN lTlli;i,A ltd I'.ST, . bust nml most cempletu iissnitmeut et W12 AUE SLLI.1M. OVERCOATS! nt nil kinds ul pi leus w hlchcnnuelbucii milled by uny establishment In this elty. Women Women Hen no specialties, us our prices aiealllew. A NKW LINK. OK THOSE SPLENDID TEN DOLLAR SUITS Aii'jusl in, und we cull your Hpeclal Atteu Hen te them thuy urn well weitli Jl.'l.ln) us ceinparuil wllh othurudvuitlaed JlO.(n) suits. CHILDREN AND Beys' Clothing AT KOCK-IIOTTOM PK1CKS. Qlevca, Knit Jnokets, Undorwear AND l'linilslilnc tieuils. At I. en oil Poijlble Prices. MBROHANT TAILORING ASPEOIALTY. OUU IMtlOKS AUK Till; LOWEST. Hirsli & Brether, renn Hull Clothing Uouse, Nes. 2 and 4 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCA8TKK, PA. Wu claim te huve the beat and IniRCst varl eiyetfin suits lu thecity. SIX (0) iliuerent stylus of MEN'S All-Weel Suits at $10. Qrey Mlxed, Qroenaud Brown Mlxed, Blaek aud Blue Mlxed, Steel Mixed, Dark Brown. Light PlaldB, ALL AT Til K LOW 1'ltICE OK 110, und Ot our own iiiuiiuf.ieturu. Hulls actually worth Irem f 13 te 11. Overcoats. - Overcoats. A UOOD. IIK.VVY. UNLISHI) OVKItCOAT, IN IIAieiv AND L10I1TSIIADKS, As Lew as $6.00. AND AT ANY I'UXCK VV TO 18.0O. 0. B. flestetler & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOABTKU. PA. TIHWAim, HUHAU.11. XV. IUIIN 1' FHRNAOES and RANGES OK AI.li KINDS REPAIRED. Cull mut pen the New Improved WHOUGUT IKON COLD CASK Radiating Portable Furnace, Thu Cheapest unil Hest KUKNACK luthe Market. MANUKACTUUED EXOLUSIVKLYUY Jelm P. ScMum, 24 Seuth Queen Stroeti I'.uihie, until ui 11 A u 1'ul.er und Cnsslmi turds te i'e t MN' 1 I IDA m'.ONTClJAU tlOUU.. llAKUAlttn IN AVATUIIIW. I dial ei. ItlliL'!). Kneclui lua. Ac. ItUU i nit kinds v."" r . ' .mrmmiil ntten OMIUIH ItepalllUB l.i it In IV r si i I I IUCIO OpeuaUl, i, rtxtlreail depot, inli37-lya LANOASTKIU PA. y liutvl. uetu Pe;iiiyiui4i4 I Illll7f) ANV STATION JtM1 SuiiouuiieiiiiM -An- SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT THK I-OWEST HIT ITS AT L. M. FLYNN'S CllKAl' 1100K AND BTATtONAltY 8TOKK Ne. 43 WcstT King Htroet. 'a vr.n riNis nki.kutiun" ei' iKKJe ui ( isar tiinoken ami IMpta at a -. . juuuiv i'tiu.M iviuah; aieuK.