Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 19, 1883, Image 2

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Eancnstct ntrlUgrurcr.
Mahone Finds a New Reason.
Mahene seems le liave extorted nn
anurAtice from thu atlmlnlstrntlnii. Un
der the stunning cffectH of Hie late ills
aster, lie reviled Arthur for remitting
aid and comfertin the late campaign and
allowing tlie liuccatiper party In Virginia
te no te the wall. Casting about for occult
reasons te explain the sudden return of
the Virginia voters te their setiBea, Mn Mn
hene gave the world te undet stand that
the defeat of his raiders was due te the
apathy of Arthur, Chandler and Ocr
ham. The adtnlulstratlen, bereaved of
the energetic Uubbell and the fertile
iJersey, left the light te Mnlieiiu and his
trained Janl.irles. The result proved
that Mahone'H methods could net l1
made successful with the tueugrc con
tributions extertrd from tlie offlcehold efflcehold offlceheld
era. In the first impulse of chagrin anl
surprise, Mnhone blurted out tlie truth.
Itefloctlen, however, fed by Insinuating
suggestions from Washington has given
ft new llgHte Mahnne's crushrd spirit.
Thr defeat Is new thiftrel te ether
tbnn the original grounds The
Northern heart is te be llted for the
contest of next jear ntn1,liMvtiis of the
truth told the day after the eltctler,
Mahone new Invokes the ceuntiy te tl e
consideration of a new cause for his
overthrew. It was " Hourbenisui and
tre color line." The odious Pen:
ecrats made the contest hinge en
the supiemacyef thewhitts, while le le
pudlatien under the orifhunne of a
" fair cot nt and fiee vote' was crushed.
An "nddief-s" with the obvious ear
marks of Getham and the thrifty factors
of the party efshnm and spoliation, has
been issued, in which the sins of the
" Bourbons " nre ct forth In the lurid
vigor Mahone Illustrated In tlm Senate
when Ben Hill punctured the strutting
manakln The t me has long since gene
by when the voters et the North can be
played i.pen by these fantastic tricks el
demageglsm. 'Mahene can hardly ex
pect even the most credulous of Northern
partisans te be decelveJ by the fabrica
tien of the Gerham " address." He was
beaten because the sober .second thought
of the Virginians revolted from the
methods by which the party machine!
of the state lias been used during the
Mahene dispensation. Northern Ho He
publicans can hardly take it as a com cem
pllment te their understanding wheti
Mahone tells them that his recent ever
threw was the work of fraud, terrorism
and chicanery when it is borne in mind
that the Republicans of Virginia were
leagued with the " Bourbons " for th
redemption or the state from the free
boetrrs of repudiation Fer if the
negrees were terrorized sit election it
must have been the work of the Repub
licani, siucethe gains made at Maheue's
expense were in nearl eery ease in the
strong Hi ublican districts. Liars
should have geed memories and plntteis
like Mahone should kep their wits
about them. Therecenttiuimpli "flaw,
order and decency in Virginia, was
brought about by the close union of the
Republicans and Democrats, and it M.i
bone impugns the lawfulness of the
work done, under orders f mm Gerham
and Chandler, he is simply stultifying
the Republican mlnm it in the state,
which was heart and soul will) the Deui Deui
esracy in wresting the administration
from a gang of political cuttlue.ita. It
may be that Mahone e,m be of service te
Arthur, but, unless he can make up a
mere coherent story than his amusing
address contains, he can gle the party
no material aid in the next election.
Sensational Sews.
The unprincipled editeis who leek
onlyie the inteiest of what they pub
lish and cure nothing for us truth, are
getting te be se many that they will
B3en need te be brought under the har
row of the law, that they may learn that
the license they practice i. net the liber
ty thai is granted thorn. They bring
great repreash upon their profession and
de a real injury te the members of it who
are unwilling te abiue tlie freedom of
flpeech which is conceded them for the
public advantage The peeple who
are learning te distrust the truth
of ever thing they read in the news
papira, bec-iiise they se often find it
false, will notdiscrinilnatebetwten these
who seek te say what Is true nud these
who care nothing at all for the truth of
what tlmy print, se only that it is enter
taining ; but they will discredit all
alike, and the decent editor must
suffer for the Bins of his brother.
Lately the people of this vicinage have
been taught hew little reliance is te be
placed upon the statements of tlie met re
pelltan newspapers as te events happen
ing in tnelr midst and of which they
have knowledge. Tlie breaking out of
Jail of the UuzzurdH and their retirement
te the fastnesses of their mountain
homes nt Ephruliiut ence suggested te
certain enterpilslng city journals that
here was an excellent opportunity te
manufacture soiisatleunl details of the
Buzzards' doings. Te have a gang of
Jail breakers take refuge in a mountain
aud bid dellance te pursuit in this
thickly settled country smacked of such
romance and was. in itself se rcinarkable
that the opportunity te illustrate and
adorn it was net te be lest. Then there
was a centllct between pursuing citizens
nnd the convicts, which added te the
Interest capable of being concentrated
In the situation. The consequence has
been that we have been entertained with
a great deal of information in distant
journals which was entirely original with
them, They have interviewed Buzzard
aud the Buzzareles3es and all their Bis
ters, aunts and cousins. They have done
it very conveniently in their elllces per
haps by the aid of n telephone in the
Buzzard cabin ; or possibly they have
dreamed a dream. There is no tcllng
hew these learned and enterprising
eJlters get news which no oue else
gets, If they get it honestly.
There Is that exceedingly enter
prising Journal, tlie Philadelphia
Frtss, which very often lias ex
elusive Information ; yesterday, for
Instance it informed us that ene of
the most respected families tlmtsejuunia
here uutil Christmas time lirul already
occupied their resilience In Philadelphia ;
and furthermore, the engagement of
marriage of ii (laughter had been en
neuueed, when the fact ii lint the
gentleman is net en the lady's visiting
list, and she has net e'ven passed him en
t'lesliiM'tfera year or mm e What Isthe
niimuif such enterprise ? Was It insplr
aUen that givetliH eJitiir tli i ii9's C
If se, it was from the father of lie.-, nnd
that sort of Inspiration will b likely In
the end te put theinsplied cdnerf ry low
down tmteed, and nieaninle mar earn
him a beet heel.
Randall grows mete confident and hi
ehnn-cs strengthen s the end of the
speakership fight draws near.
1 nr. who, hi the spcnkctship iaee,
puts up his iler en Randall against the
del I is nine in his gouctatien.
HiiNnv B. 1'ivxE, one of the Democrat c
members of the electoral commission, as as
eorts ns his nptuieD that Hofceo CenUmg's
speecb, delivered when all chauce of an
agreement between the members of the
committee of c mfereuce seemed at an end
saved tlii country from two presidents
and anar.'liy.
!'.iIen are Ilki'DOl DtMt t f.tntli Mil
Tin-slmlewr murmur whl t " ' ari
Se when ituVetlnn vlcld d' " .-ell ciin
The bottom Ii but Ii.ii, whein-t) tiirt
They thiit nn' rtrh In ort rnut nerilll
Tbey rue but peer In that which make
let vt
.Mr Walter Kalng.
l'oeu Kilb.iurti niuit try it ever ag-iir r.s
Judge C x has declared that the recent
verdict, el $00,000 In hi favor is cxceasivu.
After i he fifteen days' martyrdom oedurrd
by tLU governmental parnsite, the actum
of the judge tee cruel. Hnl'elt annul 1
take tlie lectin mz platform when bis u t
is concluded, aud gather in the shekels
by tlie rreital el hit wrongs in his iyropa iyrepa
thiziri; fellow ccuntrymen.
Mvunui.c In the Siberian mititu 1 f
a line very uuique feittutes. Wtien a
prisoner vrltnt. te join tl- rnnks of the
Bencliek", the only tbl-u- m "-tv for
him t le is te rti-ml iu an ,ipiiic.ttiei) te
the eter-f er, tvtie fertlitvilli allot bim a
wife. Three d.iy of probation are then
a'ioneil, and if any incompatibility of
temper seems likely te nrUe, the appheant
m.iy receive tweuty fire lathes and another
ife Should this feature of dealing en1
oerpoial punisbmeut be lutreiluced into
modem si-cicty, the occupation of the di
vjree lawjer would be forerer gene. huutlreil thousand miles of railrcvl
iu this country and Canada adopted the
nenr time standards en Sunday. Thirteen
thousand miles coetiuuo under the old ei
mixed )tem. Tbe map sheniug the
(our different belts of country fur the four
different stand ikIs nre colonel nd, blu,
gn-eu aud yellow, beginning from th
eat, and laitre.ul men, with that spirit of
abbreviation for nbijh they are famous,
h.iru alrcad b.nn te OdH tbe time fei the
Kxi'rm ;steru ted time testcad of tha:
of the 73th meridian. Trie uew time i
one minute aud three seconds faster than
that heretofore used, se that the adoption
of the new system will Uave a tcireely
appreciable clINrct Se this section.
AveTiieii nneident at 11 grade oressin,;
took placu at au early hour in Philadelphia
yesterday morning. As ou previous occa
sions the driver was at the same time con
ductor and tTas icside tbe car in the act
of collecting fares when a switching cugine
djiditd into the borse car and badly
injiiied ttve el its occupants. Net many
weeks liave elapstd silce an accident
similar in eliaractcr, hut mere tlissstreus
iu its resultr!, occurred at Atnericiu atreet
aud SuMpiebauua uveuue iu that city.
The uceeuity of -.afety gates will be
harped up m anew, aud tbe street railway
company will probably nheulder thoblame
oil the dnver who neglected te fclep his
cir and ue lervrard te uce that the cres--ing
was clear. It he emu a pity that sumo
of the millionaire railway men, who by
giving inadequate accommodations fatten
off the public, caniiet be made te ride iu
the death traps of their own invention.
McKek IIankin's real name is McKee.
Ucniiy InviMi reseivtu hn, lltmltt fei
UnnwsTKn, attorney general, ia mteiest
ing ns a piece of mcdlteval brie-a brae 10
the New Yerk Sun.
Husky Vii-laud's daughter itteuded
the epuia iu New Yerk the ether nie,ht
weariug a win te worsted breakfast shawl.
JtDOE Dixe.n, ami wife, of New Jemiy,
were recently guest!, at a dinner party
given te his successful opponent, (Jev. elect
JrsTii 1; 11 Aiu. in declares that the civ, I
rights bill is constitutional. Fortunately
for the country Harlan is in a hepaiebs mi.
Resa has been veiy ill f r
thtee weeks, and is new 111 u ciiticnteeudt
lien, fiem cancer, for thoiumeval et which
a daugoreus opsratien is uccassaiy.
W. T., secretary of thu railroad
time conventions, devised the time stand
ard which went into effect en the important
raiueaus 01 me oeuntry ou Sunday.
PiuwinE.ST AiiTitL-i; is hard at work at
his message. He wishes that he always
hail a iiH'ssagu te write, It irlves him Jsueli
a geed excuse for net being at home te
The aunouiicement 111 the I'tiiladelphia
Sunday ' of the ongngemont of Miss
Daisy Orubb, of Ltncister, is ttitlieut
the blithest foundation and is absolutely
Siii-.iiidan's predeoesaors as comman cemman comman
der of thu army have beeu f Jeuenils Har
mar, 8t. Clair, Wayne, Wilkinson (twice)
ivnaiiimiiuii, wearuern, tsrewu, Macomb,
Soett, McClellau, HallecU, Orautand Bher
Ars.vI)KKiN80N has decided airalu te
go en the leoture platform uniler tbe aus
pieca of the Knight of Laber, and declares
it her purpohe te make speeches iu all the
piinelpal cities 01 the country In the in
terest of that organization until the close
of the uext presidential election,
I. W. Enei.asd's haudsome icsideuceat
Parainus, N. J,, was destrejed by fUu en
Hunday loeriilng with all it centuuts, ex.
ccptiug a few oil palutluRtt. Tlie c.iiisj of
tbe tire is credited te niice, which may
liave carried matchea between tholleorlng.
Air. Kuglaud is publisher of the NowYerk
Jesnni E. McDonald is large, elean
iiliavcd, bald heuded; tins large uray oye
brpwH tuid blue cyer-, Ih fend of soeluty
nnd walklnir: lives nlaiul.v; admiies Uenh-
licjj nud Voerhoes.haB been married thice
times ; ntteuda the Presbyterian church
ft ,wl ll.n lltnnl.A, lanu n In... t.mnll.n nl Ann
000n year, iiud 'dees net talk abwtit his
chances for the prcsldcney,
A let M W If' Kl.SKHlf.O AMI III I Ml
-ml Nterj Tela l' it t eui iti nn liiempi
til Suicide nl llAlllmnir llrr llui-
lin, tl - Midlnelul -tfiO'l.
A woman nbenlQl venrs of ace, w he
ulvrs tier tiAttie ns 7, w Haywood attempt
ed uielde !Stunl,iy, at the .Mitimieu bouee
at IVtltimore f?be nitlved them c.uly In
the mernlnc la lenich el her husband,
Charles W. lUtttel, en aeter, who lie
sajs ibsrrtcd her iu Pbtladelpbii, l.t
Monday, leaving her penniless
1'p.m airWing at the hotel Mm Hy
weed pi'Hetinil te her room, nnd an heui
nflerwarilt four pistol het.s ttere beard
emiinalmu from tier chamber. The dinir
ttns feiced open and Mm Hayvtinnl-was
found lying upon the bel with retelver
by ber nld (iiiy one Abet iiKtk rllret
it entered her left bn-ast nud piMid en
lirely tlir.uKb her ttetiy, cemng out of bet
baeb. Tlie wound ! pioueiiiieed ftal.
Mr M.itviH.d telln n sad ttery of her
rpirr'i'1 liienf enlv three teait ilumtien
he crt a ber llUl!.d is eet.meted vuth
one nl ih" bent families in New Yerb, but
nan di-etidt d bv them seteinl years nje
lie ttas one of the eiidinal inembcrt of
t' e C'ipper q urtet, auil U;ely has eon
dueled a aiIihiii at tbe c of Twentieth
anil Norris stiiets, Ptu.'adi lphi.. Te
week- age hi effort were disttanied for
lent ati.l he bei-a-i ilrinkui heavily.
Lint Monday w.n d returned ti tlie
Great Western hotel, where tl- l erdert,
anil took away, durutc tier ab'tle all hi
e'et'in- i' d iiehs net secu him mkce.
Havi ; toeucv, sbeb itiewi d $10 ami .1
revolt ei. nite'.iiii j te sheet tier.sell iu
cite sb was uuu..!."!ul in limliu tier
busbii I. Shevtill d-e. he it p:tp
ttssh'ic iiid quite Intel litf.-nt She says Hie
uami of lint weed i.s their stae name.
Prier te going te the M 'ii.iei house in the
rnertnut! Mib. Haywe.l was nisulteti by ,i
. rewii of diuuben men, ami diew but
revolver hihui them amt ttne-aieiel te
sheet the first tnun who dared ' l.y
baeii.s upon her. llur parents l-ve m
HnvUljn. iirs. Haywood exiveu- 1 te
Ihp -me a mother in tw m 'tt..
180,000 UiHf
air. l.ill llnjr I line nnd t nu't ".'ll 1 linn,
(ll,f l'hcui A no j or Turenr Ihein mj
S. Y. Sun
Iii the earite of lb" ll.iuisli ti.nuer which came iut )it about a
month ae with a nre m ber b"H, wie
'.'50 b xes of eggt centu.uin titty dez m
each. The water which was pumped into
the vessel te quench the dimes became
heated it. tbe preeett aud hoi i il tli e-n
It was suggested te Mr W. II Kl i
that the eks wete still availble ler salads
aud liiidrtd ptirH'se. and be pun.bael
tbem el L. . SuackeubTk & C, !)?
Jluiry ar.ctt, te nhem tiny were ceu
s dned, (t HOO, intending te reia'l tlu-m
at a pi oil t te hotels and lestauiauts
When be Ret about retailiu ihein, h w
ever, be discovered that tbe forms of the
Swedish matches, te the spon'aueeu.s com
buslien et wnieh tbe tire en tbe iieuudal
was due, had imprei,-ua'.el tbe eni;s with
the odor or sulphur, and that the entire 1 1
of lSe.UWegtfs was uatalib;.
Net only wure they unsalable, but they
ceuM net be iiiveti or thrown away. When
h becan dumping them in the street for
Plunder WaKen or Coiumissieter Colo Celo Cole
mitti's cirts te carry off, he was threatened
with arrest. He requested pormissten of
the health officers te deliver the eugs ut
the eflal Joefa, but was told thit disposing
of hard boiled ii;t;s was net tucludd in
tbe etlal coutiactet's cjntrac'.. aud that
h'i- rtqueKt c m!d net be oeroplivd with, it
ttas addt.d that he minht durrp the onus I
at.) w here iu ew Jersey, out tn.U 11 Ue
deestted them within the limits of Nen
Yerk city h; would be prosecuted. He
tteut away deelarmg that he would cart
them about no leuger, but would thien
them in tbe first couveuieut, street.
Mr. E lis says he will mie Snaekeuberg
& Ce. te recover his J.'uO, bur, unfoiiu unfeiiu
n itely for the success et the suit, the bi 1
of sale merely delivered lW.eXKJ hatd
bulled egs, aud did net guarantee tbuir
beiuii tit for feed. What puzzles Mr
Eilia is hew the saruple eggs, wbu-h he
ate before purchasing the 130.000, all hap
pennl te be free fiem sulphur, anil u
awet t as it they bad been luut the day be
fere iu L u,j Inland instead of a i. -.ith
previous in Uci.maik.
1. tmiit Mil i:s.
Are Tlin-t, tUe
Ketults n! lleimbllear.
Diner Brethers & Phillips, It n mauu mauu
fecturers of Pittaburir, have suspeuded
operaitens in all departments except the
telling mill. A m -mber of the lirui said
that weik would seen In sin-pended in
that dep.utmeut also it trade did uet im
prove, lt is said that tbe exteusivc works
of Eversuu, Maui u 111 & Ce , nud the
L'uieti iron mills of Caruogie & Ce , are
piepanug te shut down ou tbe 1 itu of
uext mouth.
Iu Norway, Michigan, en faturday the
men of the I.udini;ten mine joined thu
Chapin miuu etrikera at Iren Mountain
nud paraded the streets nearly 1,000 strong
with a brans band, uutil they were forced
by the cold te disperse. Four huedrtd of
them then surrounded KujHiriutomlent
Meckbi.d.;e, of tbe i.udinten mine and
bout him until be premised te grant nil
their demauds. Thu mob then started iu
rearch of Supariuteudcnt Cedy, of the
Cbapiu mine, but he had left for Milvau Milvau
'ee. It is irobable that a force of state
miiitia will be bout te the scene,
.ilulioneio Ills rulltmert .1 Mahone, of Virginia, lias Issued
a leug addtesa "Te the Ituadjuster Party"
of that Kate, lis sets forth and advocates
Iteadjubter pnucieles ; justillea the He
adjuster policy and administration of the
legislative and executive departments of
the state ; nrraigns and denounces the
attitude and policy of the ' Bourbon"
party ; charges that party with being
tcspoiislble ter bloodshed and violeuco ;
atm asserts mat victory iu me rccent
election was the icsult of race agitation,
beru of despair, "when minder became
rampaut," aud the policy of the
' Iluiirbens" was "te buy all they could
and bully the remainder." Hoemcludea
by laying : ' Iho stiuugles iignmst Heur
benism is te be louewed honea
forth nud te the (loath,, unit, as
your chairman, I call upeu oyery
lejal Rcadjuster lu Virginia te iapy te
the standard and reform te light a new
battle against their old Bourbon roe in
the national campaigu of 181 Bearing
iu mind the old watchword of a fiee ballet
aud a fair count, we have a light te de
mand nnd expect support from the state,
and if need be, from the Fcdetal govern
ment, in behalf of the rights of man,
guaranteed by both governments, ami put
at stake te precure the ascendancy of an
unscrupulous party that sticks at nothing
10 acquire power.
Uoiitteller Klin i'ii Hupurt,
Extracts from the annual rope;t or
Controller of the Currency Knox, new iu
the printer's hands, show that the aggre
gate resources of 788 htate batiks iu
twenty-four states 1110721,170,01!). The
nggiegate lesources of fWO savings banks
are $1,118,700,011. Bome or the largest
saiing banks in the eity of Philadelphia,
ergauizcu uuuer eui onarters, are net
required te make reports te any btate
officer. Returns received diroetly from
four of these banks, having deposits
.iiiieuuiiuK 10 ?os, eh, im, nie included in
the returns from tbe stnte of I'ciinsylv.inta,
'The bavmgs bank dupeslts in tlie
institutions, based upon repe,n made te
fl.ate authorities, nre $1 03 1 h 1(1,7x7, and
the deposits of the state banks and dust
I companies weie Ce00,374.217.
I'll 1 1
enleini Viiik ter iMi Treasurer aid
Auditor llrnernl.
Tbe full vote of I'ennaylvanla for
auditor nud treastiier st the oUetien Lt Id
November 0, 1S3D, is a fellow ;
AiiOllnr e.enerni. Trrasuter.
i of MIR. I a . ' i m ! -
d 1 1 - i i
! I I f J t ?
a I as - I t.
Adams ' tt W.v II i: ."W
Aiieaheny . iwbi 3.; ...u s: .e; ; i.-.i
rmlimiB. wf Si' fi q '.J"? '.IT
(leaver tU K" t 1" -VSs
llr.lliuil .... M69 r I in I'M
Ileitis CMS l9t: f H, 1.11' i
iiiair ins 3m: :th ! mi av;
llin.ller.l : r7IO v .' .' !' M7I tail
Ouehs i (WH9 Tr'i I 9 9i is
lliillrr Mtrt I 3 'ii !' l- in '?
I nmblia .... HIT 1 "I 7' : SHI 1.77
I mnereii. 'MU M I i .W
i irben .... iT 97." t-S M t -Tun
I eiilre 7i t 4. s l .IIOJ
i neater .... 7t (('. .W li, III I 'l
(larlen.... liij li; in li "4"
t learned .. ttt n; 7 ?- 1W S
1 Hilten, lll 1-'. ! t !" I
Lelllinbla .. Il Jn-e" M 41 lSn V-0
ir.mfenl . (01 11,3 II! t.' 4WI 4 7"
fuuibeilanil m?l li n it i ill" 1117
liaiiphln . I1 7t M"! Ilrtl
Delatvare... It! 7 i It 111' it I
Klh Mr lil l 1- ' 11"
rile M 4 r.l .V V .VM li.M
Fayet.e 4tf7, ..-.i' "' 4t li "J'O
Keresl Mi ! l Ii7 PH tfi
I'ranltlln ... 4Bsl t,'.. I' 3 !. i.s-1
I'uIUmi . ... S rt 1 D.U SIS
Ureene I 7l Sii ' ... 1771 J a
lluntliiijilen 3tcU iwi i 1 1 v .'. 0 Si-vi
Indiana.... KJ lt ..' !i" SU 1 7I
.liirerntn. I ls !. I l 41.11 l'.ss
Juniata ....' isa 1 17 0 HW7
I.ncknti nn'a I 10 8 . .'".... UAt .-meJ
l.uncjwter,..! illTe Mil T U 1177 li
l.rtwrince..., tm lt.l ... 1771 1MI
1 ebanmi .. .1376 l! J , tat! pus
I.ehlBf aUl' 7 St " l M-JS 7i7
I uterne . 7IM "9.. ' U 7lT7 9-1 1
l.teemliit; . S-M I" 1 ' 21' i 1-4-J
tlclienn ... Jtt7 .u-ii J"- ie H7 nvt
Mereer.... 4111 4 .M '' 71 ll 4.1rt
Ml 111 In SN A M . li.tu
Menree ii Si.1! -Jl s
MentBOin'y j VSS-i 9 S: l 11 i' v:f
Menteur 10 mi- si Ui-i
Nertlininp'n 3S3 W V pi .1 (l
vertiiu red , ah,' i4i 4. tn aut uti
iviry I im ait. ii .... Jian Si
rhllmlepblfl 7iV 6IU0: il- K'"i 31. sJ
Pike I Itj im 8 .1ll luis
I'etlei I 113.1 in l4 IV
v-hii)lklll.. TVOe U i il MB, S
Snyder laati 107i I .... Uft .0-ls
oeiuerant .. 33i9! 1-v, i- I Mill lSitl
"ulllrun 47 "'. ' lt 4HI i.
?uiueh'n'n sai as.ty s 7 ! audi
TlOBtt 4f! 17j 49 197 ' 10 1SW
I'nlen.. . . l.Ml '. ..- 7 ' 1612 9M
Venunm'.... 2fc : ' ill WTv Jul
IV an tm ijl .ill -K.t 17 f.O 1S3
Washington Wis iv:: i-f-' ii Ml? 49.3
Wujne , . ?no, .it. "- 1: ; file sen
WestmoreM' 33711 4H -'1 M WSrt tM
lVenlnc..., 1133 li 1' 17 10
lerk ' i.s. ! .' I ft-J s-9'
Totals .... 319lt!r.''Ul .m'i Itii 32.0V HWJ0
J E Heward, I'lohlbltlen eai'UMate ter
iu'e treasurer, reeeltnl 6.'.7 tote, anil A. f
Msrsli, Ui-Lenback, let : in saim-effice, tw.i'l.i'il
1 Id vote.
Killed 11 a inn llniltead.
A fi eight train ou tbe C'ure division of
the Wabash railroad ran through a biidt;e
near Cressville, Illinois, en Satuiday.
Dne mau waa killed abd tw -e'liera slightly
Twe passenger trams ou the Illinois
Central railway cel'tded near Bradford
station en Saturday afternoon B-th en-g-nea
were haill? d imaged, at.d five ca-s
were bmnrd. Three lailread meu tvtie
kilkd and auumb'.r of pissengers weie
Near Malvern, I wa, ou Friday Juim
Kobinsen, eight yeais of age, stalled te
cressahiirh railroad trestle bridge apan apan
nieg a creek. A train approaehed, and
the engineer net seeiuvr her In time te
slack up she hid down between tha rails
When the engineer saw her he motioned
te her te keep tpi et. She kept still until
lYnr nar hid riASked. trhen. llrrikini thn
danger ever, she it up and was knock, d
inie inn crecK ana uaugereusiy irj'ip u.
Talking of dinner parties, a geulltmae
uet long since vias diuiug itub a tneud,
aud waa asked t take down n certain
lady. New there ttere two ladies preeeut,
ene a widow, tvhose i.uaband bail riot
died in tbe odor of sauutity, the ether a
married tromae, wIkse hnsbund bad gene
t) Ceylon. Tbe uuioitueate thought he
bad the married lady 0:1 his aim, but it
was tbe widett, and turning te her wi.h
b.s meat faseinatiug smile, he said .
" Nice day this has been."
" I)j you think a '.' It l.a been ..
awfully het '." replied she.
"Dj you call this het?" sn 1 bu,
aiehly "Why, it la ne'.'.nng cmpaied
te the place your huaban hat geue te."
Editor 1 Drawer, in ILirptr't Aliyazme f-sr
Aliuals ut C'rlinu
Carrie Roberts was shot deed by Jehn
11. Billingsby, iu a liouse of evil repute te
Nashville, ou tfaturdny ulht. Thu mur
derer ran out the baek w y and escaped.
J el) 11 Clair, superintendent of a miuu
near Wilkesbane, was bhet and fatally
wounded ou Saturday night, by Deuips
Reller, recently from Iowa. Ne cause is
assigned for the deed.
The tiial of James Nutt f r the muidei
of N. L. Dukes will begin at L'ulonteri,
P.i.. the first week of December. Daniel
W. Voerhrcs, of Indiana, vnllboecionl
tee counsel for the defnnce.
Ou I.aKt, Hinl Hen
The great gale ou the lakes, ttblch be
gan ou Sunday, the 11th int., continued
almost without iiitei nipt ion uutil tjatur
day, the 17th. An far as known 17
vmsels wero totally wiecked and from
SO te 100 lives lest during its centinu
The British steamer Conder, fiem Liv
peel, sank off Muiden, Helland, during u,
violent storm. Eighteen of the persona
en beard wcre lest, including the engi
neers, who were killed by the bursting el
the boiler. Eight ttore saved.
The British steamer Hyuiettus was
wrecked in the storm en the Dutch ceist.
Few of the crew were rcseucd.
I.eane tiy 1'lre.
A number of stores at Loriile, Miss uri,
were burned ou Thursday nijjht. Eisi-,
King & Messar's Heur mill, at Madisen,
ludiaua, was destrejed by an inoeudi.iry
ilre en Friday night. L's, $20,000.
A flre at Nashua, N. H , en Saturday
night, destroyed the old Washington
house, used us a iiiruiture faotery, nnd
two adjoining buildings, causing a )03s of
Tlie Sin Fernande cotton factory iu
Talraii, uear the city of Moxleo, was
destroyed by flre en Saturday, and llve
operatives wero burned te d -ath. The lehs
en property is $000,000.
A NlglK Ailvrntiirr in Ualiiiia.
Ctili'Jire Times.
A Norwegian stepping at 11 Chanilieilaln
held dreamed iu the night that he was
pursnrd by officers of tli9 law, nnd
without stepping te wnke up he
Jumped out of the window, alighting
upon the reef of an adjoining building,
sixteen feet below. When he had ro re ro
eovorod himself he descended thonce te
the ground anil presented hi.i npjlegics
for his appearance nt the front deer of the
house. He went into the Indian country
the following morning.
I)IHerieil byMcirlet I'eve..
The fomale students in tlie state normal
and model schools at Trenten, New Jersey,
have been sent te their homes by the prin
cipal, te mevent the possibility of centa-
1 Rlou from lue "Caiiet fever, which has
breken out en the young women'B bearding
,lll"', The four cuecs of fover iu the mnle
dnparlment are reported te be doing well,
All the soheols will remaln olesd until the
Monday nf ter Thauksgvine,
M Til)" BlUMMKU,
Ttlr Fltlft IH'll AOAIN l.isillll
lN)Oniei a II ur -Imiii; III' Mrpem(e At
lilnfll lu lupiji,- I'll" -liilj nell
J ill UrrRer -t iiiiiim lim "I
llip riiKitls
Eist i-sfrnliiej ptecistly at ft ..10 UeerHi',
alias " lid" ililmmer, the Ilre bug, ttli
made Ins pi 0 ipe iceeiitly, was landed in
his 1. 1,1 tpiartvis, having been recaptured
10 II irrisl.utg jesteniay afternoon at 0110
cVlii'',, Fer tome time It bad been se
peed., that lltlmiuer and Ike Buzzard had
iitHMi hi II irrlsbiiiii tthere Frank lli'inpei
hill, a lnethei lu law of the firmer,
ie-tdis h. nl) lat week Keeper Iliirk-hel-ler
sent Werd te the niltheillies of tint
I'lty te be en iue leek out for them. e).i
Monday inetulng Mr Iturkhelder leeetVed
a teleittam fiem t'hief I. nulls, of
lUiiisburg, asking that process for
ISinumir I.- sent up Thrte tas no ttalii
mini ll.e last line it 1 !Ti p. 111 , nud tin rk
holder coin-in. led te go te llaritsburg nt
that time Alder man Samson accompanied
him an I they arrived at the eipital sheit
l,bofiiie3 o'eleeh. I'lteu their nrnvil
theie they font d that Brimmer lad been
captured aed w.n in jail
ln lit, Was Taken,
It appears that en Thursday Mrs Brim
tn.'r, the mother el the prisoner, ttent te
Hart istnirg te soe her seu ; an ellljei of the
town it he knetv her, found that aim went
(otlieheu.o of Oi-mp'ihng, tthuh bus
been wa-etird ainee that Ume. Yestenla)
absut nihtu Clilet Landisand severnt elli
eeis stalled te b;w their gaunt. The house
of Oemperhug is ou Fifth street and as
the) iirand it. Biiiumei, ttbe sait them,
erattled out en the 10 t of a biek building.
The ettlc-tg told I im te mi tet der. but he
1 rinsed and tbe) began tiling. Biiiumer
bud a revolver nud ietiiri.t,l the Hie He
flnal'y jumped fiem the reef aud titeli
refuge in a iiu.ghbering beuse , he se.ui
left ei. d ran up a atreet, pursue) I b)
the efli.'-r, who e.i'iliuued Hri'ig en him
Aftei a cbasi of balfa mile Bummer 1.1.1
into a stable and hid in the hay mett tt line
be tt ts e.isdy captured, tthen the eflU- -r
ceaie'ict under the hay itith pitch forks
He as brought t this city tt ith mt any
tumble aud waa placed in an iron clad cell
ou tbe gioued Meer ei tbe prinm In
attt'tiip'iiig te eteape tieiu the 1 111 .-era
Bummer was tdiei ut the hand ; the
wound it slight, but la.t eteniug the band
was cons) lerably swelleu. Wlieu captured
a revelv.r, uz r am) knite vtete feuixl ou
IV he llriuiuirr In.
Brimmer is well known In this city te
all who irsiiln here and hiseireer has been
a bad one. H is the seu of respectable
parents tt be reoide en Middle street, and
they have been given a great deal of trt uhle
by bis bad oeudoct. He is but 23 years of
a. e but ter years ttas the leader of the
worst gang of firebugs that ever infested
any city, aud it was only broken up upon
his arrest. Iu the summer of 13S2 Biiui
mer was caught iu the act of tiring the
biruef Adam Ranck, just cast of this
eiry aud was arretted by Dr. James Fuz
pitnck. )n tbe same day tbe barn at tbe
poerh us wis burned aid Brimmer ttas
eenvie ed of both olienee Immediately
alter being I -eked up he began te
"queal" and imptiea ed a number of
etuers who tvete arrested for arson. Most
of them eseap-'d only en ucoeunt of the
tta'ute of limitations. Brimmer admitted
that he set tire te the Concstega uerk
weiks and charged Jehn Wertz with be
iii: au accomp'iee , the Utter as arrested
convicted, suntenced and tvas niueug the
late Jill bieakeis net yet recaptured
llrirumei e mfeased te a number of ether
tuceud.anes. )n 24th last he was
pentencr-d te 10 years ImprUoement aud
Wertz te 10.
Tim two rtmaiu.d u prison uut I ejte
her ldth last, ttben tbey escaped with nine
:hd bug tet m prisoner, iueluding Abe
aud Ike Buzzud, thu uotertous Welsh
mountain eutlaas, who tvore ssrving l;t
aid 10 y. art suiitene a rrspec'ively ler
bnr-lary; Jehn Fraukferd, the htrse
th f, who ttaa doing nineteen years ,
Aks L'lman, a four jear flie hug, nud five
live year burglars. The p.utieulars el
tbnr eecapes, which are still fresh in the
nimdt et the people of the state, if net
ihn eutire country, v,ere plauueil and suc
v -fully carried out by lire Buzzird, tthe
tt,.s m lutiraate and cku-e frieud of Biim
rnei's siece tlie day the latter was lirtt put
into prison Of theso who oseaped but
thtee have boa', recaptured, Alex Lnman
tta entrapped bv a min. whom hn snn-
pef d te be bis trieiul, at Cohee.s, N. Y ,
week unlore last and 1 11 med ever te our
nu'henties ; .latnet Clifferd, ene of the
tive year burglats. was urrcatcd the same
w.ek 011 tbe Epbrata rueuutatn after a
dtsperate light with otlkeis and citizens,
iu which Abe Buzzard was bully wounded
bu' managed te cscape ; nud new Brim
mer is tbe thiid of the gaug retaken.
irlimnrr's Story.
Tbe story of both Clifferd and Ales
Lcman have beeu given in thesu column,
aud that of Brimmer is, if anything, moie
intetestiug. Soen after being placed in
pusen last evening the young tlrebug was
visited by a number of reporters J they
found him sitting at a table reading by the
light of a tallow caudle. He had his
wounded hand tied up and said itgave him
seme paiu. He seemed pleased te tea his
visitors and shook hands with all. Heis
little changed in appearance, aud new has
a light moustache. Ou Ins right hand he
wears a geld ling. He said he felt
seiry that he had been luturucd
te serve out such a long snutonee
but as It happ?uid he must make the best
of it ; he li id no object new in being tin
tiuthful, and would tell a correct s'eiy.
ile then prncouled te make his statement,
which was about as fellows : On the night
of the esoape Ike Buzzard, who is a firm
fnend or lirlmmer, flr&t unlocked tils eell ;
in a short time ethers were let out and two
or three went te the cell containing Abe
Buzzird and Watchman I.utz ; the funnel
waa takuu out aud no pistols 01 auy kind
of weapjus were used te frighten Lutz,
who was almost seared te death already.
Merris Bncker was the only man in tlie
party who had 11 pistol and he was up
stalls at the time. The last mau te be
liberated was Jehn Fraukferd, and while
the otheis were in the corridor he made a
great noise, begging pitceusly of tlie boys
te take him along also ; Ills cell was dually
opened nnd the oteveh steed in the outri
der. Brimmer was at the head of the
party when they passed into the yard ;
the ' bleed hound " jumped upeu him,
but made no attempt te bite, nud scorned
nlnviul. After Datsiiijr out of the
Orange stroet gate, the keya of
which they had lecelvcd, the party
started down the G rolls te nu read nnd
stepped at the big rnllread brldge across
tlie OoneBtoga creek. Here it was agreed
te separate aud Fraukferd, Clark, Brieker
Orofi.Beek and Wntklus slatted down the
railroad tewaida Philadelphia. The ether
party consisting of Brimmer, Ike and Abe
Buzzard, Wertz, Clifferd and Leman
started for the Epbrata mountain, whero
they arrived at l'J o'clock that night.
Brimmer nnd Ike Buzzird kept toguther
all the time ami wero very think. After
speudiug llve days en the mountain Wertz
nud Lutniiu stated that they desired te
leave Aha Buzzard showed them tlie
read te Lebanon and they left for that
town, The ether four remained together
nud spout their time 111 the Lphrnta,
Bchoeuok aud Welsh mountains and
travelcd through Liueaster mid Leb.iuun
counties, They did net de the plundering
nnd thieving attributed te thorn by the
newsnaners. nt least uet whtle Briuuuei
was with thorn. After spending twenty ,
days iu the nbove places, moving nbeut iu ,
eidcr te koep hidden from the eflljers, Ike
Buzzard and Brimmer agreed te start en 11 .
trip, wliieh they did, leavlng Abe uiimul
and Clifferd, who, In this time, for Heme I
i-etiMiii, had becoine great fiteuds, Iu the
lipbt.Ua iiieiiutaln. Miey went te liite r
and vIMtcd ntlit'i cities in ditTerrnt pnits '
of the (ditto. At Scraiiten they seen nil
it eik ll.lmuier, who Is a geed painter,
ttasengiigid it lb it 11 ide until discharged,
, ou account of fcaiclty uf work, by his
employer. Tlie two then resumed their
'trip ami ttent te Allentown and thence
camu te Iiuiicastn county
the I'Unl tteur I phintit
I tin the day of the lli(ht lu the I'phratrt
mountain, when ('lillerd was caught, they
I tseie near thu sperm but weie 1 et In thu
1 fUht iintl did nut mt tl j they had just re
1 turned from Mlcutitwu ami had icircely
ret ou lb" mountain when they beard the
I tiring , they knew theie was trouble and
1 left ut 0111-11 On list Tuesday two weeks
1 iiiie they o.inie te this eit) fei tlie first and
I (tnlr it tiie since theii ixeupe They walked
In the t.itiir pi lie and passed tlueilgli the
iMt.eister cemetery, te Plum strtei, thence
te Middle ntreet te Bilinmei'.s home
Here they secured clothing and lull the
oil) by th same route. In the eeineteiy
Btisinl changed Ins elething, leaving
b hind a pm of pint it. ions mul beets At
Dlllerville the tun took a freight train and
tteut ttr.l Last Meed i) they linded In
llattinhuig 11 1 tbe last tup. Biliiiiuer
ttent ti Ins S'steis and llu.aid seemed
audi her place. On Wednesd t) night t toy
weie at the stock yniils and intended
leating, but Brimmer became si p.irated
from his ft lend nntl was unable te tlud hitn
He returned te his sister's as he wits feel
ing unwell, h iving 11 weak back , he ttrote
home for inenet . bis uietbrr being afraid
te sutl it tiy mill started up with It her
self, snd ih- it-hiilt vtas that hn was 111
rested. His Hraisirtiiee nt llmrlslitirg.
Bi iuiuier says that he was determined
11 it te be arrt sted aud for that reason shot
at tli" .lll' 1 ; tthen hn went into the
hnne in x' d 101 te that el bis luether iu
1 iw be sat down in the kileheu , the
oilier ran up stalls ttithuut seeing I1I111
aid be ttent out and flailed en a run ; at
the stall j wlieiu he was caught liecevered
tutus If up tt nh li ty , tlm rill mrsta-aiulied
every whom ler him, walking nv -Mils body tun , tliy finally luft and lit)
thought be rt as s.ile, but tbey leturned
anil b'LMlti sticking pitvhferks Inte tbe
hay, feaiing tbnt he would be sluek he
e.ime out of Ins hiding plaee. Chu-r of
Pi 1 co I. nulls p uiiteil two ptsUds at his
head and asked hint te siiriender ; nt first
he r- used, but, thinking he might be
kill -il, he gave up autl was lalien te
The itsnnru.
Them is a reward of 3150 for the cap
ture of Brimmer which was tillered by tbe
prison inspectors, aud will no doubt be paid
te the Hariisliurg police.
riniiigtii Tliry Hh.1 Aniiilirr.
.-si. rt I y alter thu dtspitcli concerning
Bumtnnr was received here, another came
from rt'eel'eu, stating ihat a mill had
been arrested at that place, who answered
the dfreripli'iu of Beck, ene of thu escaped
convicts. When Keeper Burlcheldei
looked at tbe mau 111 Harrisburg he said
he ttas tut Beck, who is 10 years joutmer.
The mau hid beeu held en a charge of
larceny and was held
Flintier i-artleuntii.
According te the Ihtnet et this morning,
Hairisburg was greatly excited ever the
arrest of Brimmer. It was Sergeant
Heckley who spotted the house of Oonip Oenip Oonip
erlleg , be lived near by, and it was he
who oil Thursday saw Mrs. Brimmer 111 a
artcet eir, from which she alighted aud
went te OemMir!ing'a. He a as acquainted
tt nh uer, aud at onee uppaml tliat her
son was in tbe town. Fiem that time the
house was watched, aud yesterday it was
agreed te make the erret which was ae
e.implislicd by Chief Landis, Sergeant
Heckley, Ollieers Solemon, Landis aid
Machrrman. Tbe particulais given iu the
1'itriet 1110 about tbe saroe ns related
abire. Brimmer tiretl tbreu shots nt the
efll jers, but bit no ene ; be showed him
self te bt plucky te the end, aud then ro re
lu.'tmtly Kiuiciideied Vfteiwards hobo hebo hobe
cnuo geed humored, aud out of id, which
he hud la his pojUet, hs troll') 1 t'10 jfll -cers
te cignis.
,vr Turcui'fiiiA nulla 1;
Ilelsu.l Iteeil ns IMek tiijtlie."
There was a large audience iu Fulton
opera hoiue Saturday oveiung, drawn
tbore by the appnaranoe of Mr. Reland
Ri ed 111 lus popular character of Dirk
vHyfir", iu the play of ''Chi ok." The
piece has In en gitcn hem bcleie, and
tbeatte-geeis ute acquainted with its
queer charaoieiistios aud enjoyable fea
tures .Mr. Reed has in no wise lest
vigor ami attractltencAS iu his cceen
trio role, which be personated Sat
urday evening te the Till satisfaction
of the audience, who wcre most euthusias
tia ever his parformance. Of oeurfo the
character is an exaggeration, but it is uet
objcetionablo, and the peculiar features of
it have made it popular, while the play
itselfhas nothing even mediocre lu the
way of dramatic interest or continuous
plot. Miss Bluiiuhe Vaughau ns Hell was,
as she always in, satisfactory and piquant,
aud pleases everybody, though she I, new
given te mero exaggeration iu her part
than heretofore. The rest of the company,
winch is substantially that of former yearb,
wero pistable.
I.auuaatflr Ulty tlm IVurat lineniler.
Lancaster Inquirer.
Tlie ImtrliiWenccr looked vainly in the
Instllute proceeding for "an explanation
regarding the strikiug factthat thopeoreet
and lowest priced toaeherH are put in
charge of the primary schools where,
surely, the best care, the best talent and of
ceurse the best pay ought te be had." II
the iNTCLUGKNCitn wants te strike hard
at this evil it neodu'tge outside of Lancas
ter city which eclipses iu this respect all
oilier districts of the county, quite a uum-
her of which pay primary tuaehcrs a com
pensation equal te that qf theso who con
(luut the moie advanced schools.
I Inn Cern.
Mr. J. A. Alexander, of Martie town
ship, has sent us two ears of yellow corn
grown en his farm near Mount Nebe, in
said township, which nre worthy of men
tion. The 0 irs are Oiah fifteen inohes in
length and lllled with large grains of solid
corn from butt te point. One of the cars
contains sixieun rows, with sixty graius te
a row ; the ether, twelve rows, with
Rcvonty-feur grains te the row, Mr.
Alexander thinks it will be hard te bent
the Martie hills, iu corn ouhure.
Au ear of corn grown 011 the farm of
Isaae B. Ma vers, of Coleruiuo township,
contains l,-l''.l grains.
A Large Kuucral.
'I he funeral of Fredrick Goes, which
took place yesteiday afternoon nt half past
two o'clock from the rosidenco of Ills
parenta Ne. 1011 Middle stroet, was nu
unusually large ene. The Lauoafter
Mienuorcher and Teutenia ledge of Kulghts
of Pythias, of whteh doeoasod was a mom.
ber, turned out very largely. The temains
were home te the ten Lutberau church,
whero the I uneral services took place, Ruv.
F.P. Mayser, pastor of the church, preach,
lug a funerul sermon lu German nud mnk
tug seme remarks also lu English, The
Interment was inade iu Lutheran
Ilnatli 01 lien ,1V. tlsilisr.
Geergo W. Garber, well known in this
eity, died suddenly yosterday morning,
alter but a bilef 1 lucss Doeeaeed was
one eT tlie youngest men that went from
this city te the war, through wliieh he
served as a diunimer boy. He was U5
ears of age, n slater by trade, aud leavei
oue breihsr. Uu, motherdledsouio mouths
' n;
tivKit ami TiiutiiNhu-iju.t ult'.H hKs-
,1 nil in l.tvinaMeU's till trun te inn llrnuil
.lury ifitliies I'ulls Mnieeiril hn
Ulan llrjttiiiiliig Iliu UeeH's
The November tenu el quaitur sessions
court begun this morning with Judge
Idviugsteii ptesidlug. i'heie was 11 fair
alteudaucii of spec ta tots and a full panel
of grand jurors Jacob B Ediliuuan. diawn
en the grand Inquest, was excused, asjhetiau
become 11 clllzuu of Bmks 0 mnty siucis
Ins name was put into the jury wheel.
Janus Polls, et this city, was appointed
foreman of the grand juty nud alter alt
uietnbera were swum Judge Livingston
charged them at leiigth, formally itisiruut
lug them lu their nrdluaiy duties It seems
that since last court lVift new eases have
beeu returned and 28 puseueis are new iu
Jul awaiting tiial, Including time n)tseus
ebarged with inutdei The members et
the grand jury were especially aaitlltnieit
net te let tbeniMiltes be talked te nbeut
any of the tn.itte.iH bteiigbl hefore them ,
they were exhorted te diligently
Inquire into thein.iiiaircinoiitef the county
instltiitleus, teascettaln why there Is net
mero maiiiifacturlng at the pi Isen, whether
or net the inmates there have tee much
libertv, nud concerning all things that
lelate te the ke ping thereof.
Tbe constables were called and the
ustiil Inquiries weie met with tbosimesto
reetyped answets.
there are n;e cases iinwn ou me nsi ler
ttlal. Nene was attaehed this foivneou
and cetut ndjoiliued te 2 o'clock.
inner Mlrtiek ,lurlr
This mernlug a Juty was struck in tlie
water tight eise of Abiaham K Belim vs.
Peter II. Leugetieekui-, down for trial next
mouth. Tbe neu composing it are as
folletts :
Jehn Cramer, Martie . Abim Donlln Denlln Donlln
ger, Strasburg tttp ; Theinaa Edwards,
Columbia ; Absalom Hamuli), W.
tan ; Daniel Kline, Maner; Themas P.
King, Fulton; Samuel M. Long.Driimero ,
Situuel M. Mylui. IVqueu . Albert Moll Mell
vuln, Paradise; Isaac Miller, E. Hemp
lleld ; Emersen Waton, Bait , Tobias W.
Warren, E. Earl.
Tlie jury will meet at hollers station en
the Heading fc Onlutubia rnilead, en Wed
nesday, Nev 2Ut
Tne water u. lit f.a-e of Joel L Light
liar, ussignru el Daelel Franklin, and
Jehn lima v.i. Oeorge Uciler, is down for
trial again next neck The following
jury has been sttuek for it .
Jeseph Clarksen, city , Abram Den.
linger, Strasburg twp ; Jehn Ferrey, W.
Hompfleld ; Lemuel llarlxr, W. Hemp
field ; Daniel Kline. Maner ; Ttiemas P.
King, Fulton; Div.d Knet, Salisbury ,
Samuel M. Ling. Drumore ; imuel .VI.
Mylui. i'eqtia ; Isuac Mll'er, .E. Hnmp
tinld ; Themas ri.ubbi, Fulteu ; Jobu
Slgman. Pequa. , . , , v 1
The jury will meet at the hotel of Nich
elas Danner, Paradise, en Saturday
morning uext at 10J o'clock.
r i -trui. AtiiiniKi 1 -I,
Lrc lludly llriikcut unit .sili Injureil
Jehn Heulig, iisidliig en Eist Fulton
stroet, this city, met with a very sevore
accident this morning while hauling stone
for a new building at Mr. L'tr.inger's en
Middle street. Mr. Heidig's horses took
fright and threw hu:i from bis seat en the
wagon te the gieund. He was caught
between the wagon and .1 wall and had
be'.h bonesof the l-ft l-u ludly fractured
near the ankle, his spuie itijured aud head
badly contused. Di. 1 L Herr set the
broken benes aud he was remeved te his
home. .Mr Ileldig sutlered a sundir lu
juty several years age.
roll rrem reildrr Wttmi,
Ou Saturday Win. Haiuos.ef East D.iue
gal township, fell from a fodder wagon en
which he was riding, and alighting 011 his
head waa se seven ly iniured 1l1.1t he re
mained unconscious for sev. hours.
The bleed spuited Irem his mouth, uise
and ears, and it wan feaieil hi Injuries
would termiuate fatally, but Dr. Harry, of
Mount Jey, who attends him. has hopes
that he will recover.
AilillttniM le tlinMUieiliiU'.
The following additions have been made
te the new tchedule for pn-senger trains
en tbe Pennsylvania railroad :
The news uxpresn will step at i.euiwuga
station, and make connection with trams
en the Celt-brook Valley nnd, leaving
Conewaga at 7:110 aud leaching Lubaneu
nt 8:30.
The way passenger Haiti west, which
leaves Lancaster at 0 ae a. in , will run
through te Frederick every day except
Sunday aud Monday.
Hales or HeHl KnlM"
Shubcit tb Sutten, nuotieneeis, sold at
public sale Novembor 17, at tbe Fountain
inn hotel, for B. Baumau, trustee te sell,
the property holenglug te thoestate of
Christian Streble, deceased, ise. 1, a let
of ground situated en the west side or
Seuth Queen street, with two frame houses
and shop, Nes. 5:14. OUO and ft;W, te Jehn
A. Smith, for 31,037. Alse a one story
brick dwelling situated ou Hife'h stieet.Ne.
t53t, te Je-ftpb Waeker for 515
A sjrriiieii te itie iirunii Army
Ruv. O. W. Sedheimer, of the Bethel
ohureh of Ged, preached nn uble sermon
te the members of Pett 81, G. A. R., last
evening from the winds found in I
Timethy, 1, xviii : ' Wav a geed War War
fare." Rev. Jehn Stank made the open
ing prayer. The singing was excellent
The ntteiidauce was tery large.
Dr. Fitzpatnek, health elllcer, rep wis
that there are only tive cases of small
nex new under troatment lu this citj
thrce of them being
hunted iu the b ime
nalghborheod in West Milllui stiect. Twe
of tbe llve nre convalescent nnd the red
flags will be remeved us seen as the prem
ises shall have been disinfected,
.tlei'tlnu el I'liysientiis.
There will be 11 meeting of physiuiaus
this evening at the ofllce of .Dr. Gee. R.
Wulehaiis, North Duke htrcut, at half
past eight o'clock. It is understood that
the object of the meeting is te form u city
medical association.
aiHy..r's Ucuri,
The mayor had only tliroe customers this
morning two of whom were ledgers and
were discharged. 'The ether was a disor
derly and was looked up for a term of tcu
Mala nl llnui,
S.imuel Hess & Seu, nuatioueers, sold at
Mlllcrsvitle, Saturday, for Bally & Baker,
43 head of dry oews, nt nn nvorage of
about $37 per hcid.
lied Jucurtltall
'Tlie tweuty llfth aunlversary ball of Red
Sioket trlba of Red Men takes piace in
Alcoiinerelior hall thU ovening. A gcel
time is expected.
A Hnnitk Tlilel's Until.
Oi) Fiiday morning a thief entered the
room of Dr. Freelaud, clerk at the Slevens
house, and stele ttiercfinm 1111 overcoat and
dress cual, both uew and valued at $48.
Tlie i:ieelrle Untie.
Of the 120 electric lights iu thu city the
potion report that there were !)0 out at
dlll'erent times last night.
Telephnue (Junueellnn.
'f he jewelry stere of Baumau & Muster
was conncetod with the tolepheuo te-day.