Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 14, 1883, Image 2

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I tw
' t
I,anca0tct tntrlliarnrcv
Ne Need Ter tlie H ratio or Hciierel.
"When In 1858 Philip II. Sheridan
found profitable. If net congenial, eccu
patlen In the Ohie canals, lie would
have thought lliu wonders of Alnddin
ceme again, If he Iiml been told that
there was a future for hlin when the
1W8 of tlie country would glve hltn
blither military rank and the treasury of
the United Stales would glve him a
salary Rreater than Washington's.
Almest last In a class of fifty at Weft
Telnt, the dull young lleiltenunt found
himself of little scrvlce In the army of
the United Slates, and llke his friend
Grant fell out te seek his fertune in
n less clroumseribed vlneyard. During
the first three years of the war his mill
tary education served him little better
than the lntultive aptitudes of scores of
ethers who had entered from civil life.
He was a resolute, but unenterprising
Beldler, nnd though he did his prescribed
diilles at iStoiie Klver, Perryville and
Chlckamauga, he did nothing that in
like cases ether soldiers would net
have done equally as well.
It was, hevvevei, his gel fertune te
coma Inte congenial relations with
Grant at Chattanooga net in the exer
cise of military functions or tlie display
of exceptional sagacity. In the fullness
of time he was translated te the At my
of the Potomac and, ever the gay diet r
of City Point, the geed impression made
In the west was confirmed. When
Early made the Valley the storehouse of
the Richmond rebels, the fragments ff
the misdirected armies of Hanks, Hunter
and Slgel were gathered into one effective
force, and, with the addition of two
corps from Richmond, placed under the
supreme control of the lucky raider who
had wen the gi tiff affection of the com
mander In chief. Contending with the
shattered corps and half starved maraud
ers of Enrlv'a restless array, Sheridan,
mere ty goeJ luck than peiseual ad
dress or atralegie combination, succeed
ed In throwing th intrepid raider en
the defensive and forever relieved thn
childish alarms of the headquarter
marplets as te a sudden seizure of Wash
iagteu. Fer this prowess Sheridan whs
by the indulgent partiality of Ins cum
minder given the highest rank
in the regulai armies of tl.e
union, and when the grade of general
was revived, Meade. Thern n. II inenck,
RKPeraus, Warreu, and ; halfscoie
mere et men of real military genius,
were ignored, and the rough rider
curled ever their worthier beads te the
distinguished pest or lieutenant general
Advanced thus te a fortiinesurpassing
hli wildest dreams, even greattr honeis
were te fall te bin?. Through tne re
tireieeut of General S.ierm.iu he steps in,
by vlr.ue of his li'ute;i.uit eeiier.iley, te
tie ' of nil the armies; and,
simultaneously with tins promotion,
the signal te prolong the gr.ul of general
for bun is given, by the rxdrlcians of
the Grand Army of the Republic. The
grade of general was created f.u Grant
aud wheu he, vacated it for the presi
dency il was continued fr General
Sherm.t 1, with the aciuieseeti,! f the
country. Tun reason, however, whieh
justified Us survival in hi cts; de net
enter Inte the proposal t' c in.tinue P for
Sheridan. Shurnr.iu's services during
the civil war were net second te Grant's
and iniy honor the country bestowed wns
well wen. There ute twenty officers
still surviving who performed mere
brilliant nchievments than Sheridan.
His fame is idei.tilled with but two or
three operal'ens, In neti of which
the highest qualities of a cunmander
were displayed. He has been ptld far
beyond Ills deserts in the r.i'ik et lieutei .
ant general aud given a recognition due
only te the foremost military abilities in
the rank of general in chief. It is in
genieusly insinuated that hcridaii's
translation te general will bring the
lieutenant ceneralcy te Hancock. Tins
is thrown in te prepesses the fiiends of
that officer In favor of the scheme. Hut
no friend of Hancock will be for a me
ment caught by this bait. General II hi
cock stands foremost in tlie hearts of
bis countrymen for intrrnld seldiership.
Ne promotion can give him mero en
. during fame : add, thorough Democrat
that he is, he would be the last te con
sent te the precedent involved in the
creation of useless guide? in time of
peace. We liave no armies te warrant
the rank sought te be continued in the
person of Sheridan, aud no geed citizen
will seek te perpetuate empty titles,
when they cost the public money and
add nothing te the e3leem in which
faithful services are held by the coun
try. Thk Democrats in the Legislature
have- taken the result et the election as
a popular intimation in favor of adjourn
ment. The hopelessness et expecting
the Republican Legislature te abandon
their " ultimatum," after having carried
the state In the face of it lu se apparent
thut the lower Heuse of the Legislature
wisely abandons all expectation of it. It
was a natural supposition en its part
that the people would take sufficient in
terest iu the position taken by the De
mocracy in favor of the execution of the
constitutional mandate, te justify it by
their verdict ; but they have net done
se, and it is wise te accept tlie situation
and te leave the responsibility with the
Seriate and the majority which has
apparently sustained it.
Tiik New Yerk Sun is nothing if net
peraiatent, and'Htill persistHin presenting
Mr. Ileluian us the man of men for the
Domecratio nomination for president ;
new associating Abratu S, Hewitt with
him as nominee for vlce president. Reth
are geed men and tllher would make n
geed president, Hewitt, however, being
In general estimation, the abler man of
the two. Yet, as w liave often Bald,
brilliancy of intellectual talent Is but a
miner requirement In a geed president,
who, If lie Is strongly armed with com
mon Bense, honesty and force of char
acter, will discharge Ida duties accept.
ably, though he has a limited Btore of
learning, or gift of ohiiueucc,
UNOKuaitOirNDeleetrlc wires wcre sue '
cessfully tried in Philadelphia last night.
It Is the only practicable system of
electric lighting, and upon Its surma
depends the use of electricity for ilium
lnallng purposes. It will be impossible
te endure the annoyance and danger nf
overhead wires charged with a death
dealing fluid. There Is mere reason for
the burial of electric wires than there Is
for the burial of gas and water pipes i
and the only objection urged te the sis
tern has bten that the eK"rh- fluid
could net be conveyed ir d i '.utid ;
which Is new shown te be a fallacy.
Tlie wooden poles must co.
TiiRovcieoatnndhls eamphar bed uimt
new part company until next season.
It leeks as though Monsignor Cnpel
would return te Euglaud with the belt as
the bjs polemical slugger of ihe ceutu
Dr.t DMiir.u .'Hli has been fixed upon ns
the day of the adjournment of the Lcgts
InHue. Why net tlx Thanksgiving day
for tlie same dite ?
When it is considered that the ptescut
Is the lltst ie ll cold snap, the conduct of
Boreas and his troop iu blowing se hard
would seem te indicate that fiicld frisk'
ness '8 rapidly running mad.
TlIK hours lengthen into u.tje, ute d.i)!
Inte wet ks the lluzzird gang wns
last seen, but the metropolitan dailies still
c.mlinue te print llesh creeping accounts
of the pursuit of the fugitives by ferocious
bloedhouuds nnd gere-lmbibmg citizen
TliF.ltK is an erroneous impression abr jd
that with he adoption of the new ttine
standard tiy the railroads en Sunday next
will eune the 24 hour system of comput
ing lime. The first roferra has nothing te
de with the second which is euly in ceu
temptation. Even If the latter were
adopted it would take many year bcfeie
It came lute getieiul use.
SIanvki. training Ins been introduced in
the public schools of It j toil with ouch
success for the past two years that the
city council has been asked M tipp- niate
82,000 te marine it a part of tte
curriculum -if the city schools. This is an
ennuently proper step in educUienal re
form. The trained hind must acoeuipany
the trained brain, if true education is te
reach i's highest development.
Tub I'hiladelphia & Reading railroad
h -s given $"),0O) te the Shcnaudeah suf
ferers. A few mero kindly acts of tU:s
kiud ly corporations would de ranch te
lesien the prejudice felt towards these
artificial jiersens. If the citizen who de
claim? se vehemently against the advanc
ing power of corporations would new
come forward with a sum equal iu propor prepor proper
tim te his menus te that given by the
railroad company, the cause of humanity
would lie the gaiuer.
li terns but je-terUay she itll. font j-far
lliivu Kitst sine then j tbc ivonarem ciiunifi
! tlme
Make-, great tlun Utile, lltttv thlng-t iili-
Ami ianctltl- tin dew e! dally tears,
stui tliwl, in nil iiint n ; no true ttpp. tin
in hielnry'a page, norsive In tnvmn ihyruu
or her, whose lliu w,u love, whose li.tiiy
Tius-l nuitly whur no icrrew me, mr
It seem but SiMtentny , uxtay t rwul
A lew snort lettr In Uer e ii ileai hau.l.
Ami ilunbli'il it 'teru true. Tlielr l.-i. K-i
Seeuis mitlaiit with nor life ' U:i ' cj i th-
iltn I
Thus in llilr Ktlera live t tle-l Hie knot
Ami Lueii tin. it -nu a, th'iuh t kli,e-l lie i
Karl e R )'
Evieiiciihe'is a gil thing w'joe
properly directed, bat it ea in t be s'd
that the purpne of a Niivv Yerk photeg
r.ipher, wiu.iiin.i'i:ji,i i wiuter af.iae
tun the pre lue'.Lin an 1 sa'e of the lilto lilte lilto
uesseHof l.uiioseilbrad th.-n bs.uty
itud prommeiit iu New Yerk society,
cjiues un lar this doieriptlon. Tins is one
efths Hijlis'i eas'.ius thai tlia Amandin
poeplo eta air j 1 t let ouveroly ale ie
Taopick.uresof bnuuHi w nun .fe cer
tiinly a pleasing sight, bat tbuir chiur
charm lies iu the veil of privjj by
which they are ousbreu led II iwk thorn
around th-j :rj)ts an I expiss thmn fji
Hiile lu the h!i ip-wiudjA-s, their bjaut is
marred aud they bjeme oily p:eajs of
morchaudise. TUa shrjw I photegraphor
who Is piiihiug this sjheiny, will Dud
himsell iu a very warm h irnst's nest if hu
insists upon etrrviu h.s pi iu into effect.
The new time, utatidtrd is going te
c.tuse a few complications bjfore it con
quers public proiudice. "Urewster,
attorney general" says that ati act of
Congress will ha icipiired baferuitciu
bu made oblij:,iter ou these department
eflisers fr un whom are ruijuired a lUed
number of hours et daily labor, reckoning
from the meridian at Washington, Thu
goiitlemou about whose neck will be worn
the hcmpeii cellar may at the appointed
hour.lecally oeusidorcd, duuuud thattheir
execution be delayed until the tunic time
uuuer the new standard ; or they in ty in
slst that they should he hung under the
old systsm when it is tee Inte, thus gain
ing another day's roprlevo. The maker of
a nete may present himself at the bank
en the third day of grace, in w li it aooord aeoord aoeord
lug te the new methed of computation
would be plenty of tirae te pay his
note, only te find the doers olesod against
him aud his paper alre.tdy geno te pretest.
Altogether a llvely campaign of law suits
will doubtless folio the inauguration of
the new syhtein.
Steulten lias a new dally paper Item by
Eat.0 and bnlliauey lu conversation ac
cording te the Pittsburg Tdtgr,tvh, have
bcoemo lest arts.
Mr. William II. Zellar, oeuuootud with
the Ilanisburg lttriet han accepted a
position en the Reading Times,
After Goueral Butler's uuhnppy oxpori expori oxperi
ouco with a druukeu euglneer, the Norris
tJwn JleraM thinks he should have n
warm side for the Prohibitionists,
The Alteena 'Hints concludes that the
odge of the Stnlwart kuife was rather keen
wlien it cauved Nlles' vete te fall short of
Llvsey's by mere than !),000.
W. K. JJuekinghiim, fonneilyef this
city, but later of Hedford, hits takeu
charge of tlie city daily circulation of the
Willlnmspert Sun and Manner,
The Philadelphia lleceril calls the cot
test for the speakership an ideal oue boenuEo
the'cs ' nil above
mean asplra-
Hen or j-a' msie.
ThA IM's')!!'): Oi'ittc't ueles the tb
pod,'- r l-.iiiii'tiv in the discussion of
tin Mibjivt of inuste In the public
Dien Het rirAtt.T finds lusprnt m tu
M v.ien Nti kki;en, of divot ee uotenety,
is thought te be inaue.
I'ner. Hrxr.RT's en Is attracting eon
sldorable nttrntien lu Knglaud as a pet.
Sksateu Ce'CK has firbscrih'd Si00 ti -wards
the rebel of the S icnnu h nh 1T r r
er.s. CONOIIESSM . KMON of C'e'iuiViJil'.ls
spoken of as a daik hnrre eindidate for
the sppakeishlp.
Cvr.K'0 Fe run peeps out from uuder
the Ohie wujk lerg oiieugh te sav tint
the Republ eau outlook is faverab'e.
iiusnv Wvut) Hrtucitr.u thinks the
putyei t'i" lutiire will be th pa-ty of
fiee ti.ide.
Iiiui:u has isMird a Tliaukr giving
procltinttien, but it was net lixpiied by
tlie Hay stnte ciiotieti return
Hi.aink tlnds writ ng eay and pleasant
work. He should vuite bi- reuiinia e .Cis
uf the Mulligan scandal.
Dii J. Mvnie.N Sims, a phvsiclan well
buewu iu this oeuttry nnd Hurepe, died
en Tuesday morning of heart disoae.
Hi vine has become a graudfa'lier ;
Conkling was three weeks nhund of him.
Thus doe rhe eternal law of cjuipousatieu
keep up te its reputation.
(?i:s. Mmienk teediM'es the bletnl
curdling deslgu of going "iiitiarety nnd
unrespivcdly into the Repubhenn camp."
Where is he new
Miss Ev .Mai KW.dnughU'r of Oenanut
Mackny, is just new undecided whether te
u xept ihf" coronet of a yeunsr English lord
ei the veil of a Saere Coeur nun.
i'ner. Tiiem s ti. Afi'i e, D. l., il thi
city, will l.'Oture bofero tlie thies'jur
ncademv, in Odd Fellows' hall, rubieus
bmy, Yerk county, ou Fulny cveniug
nest , subj ei, " Miuiuers aud Morals."
Mas 0 nnEir,wife of Jehn V.Oir tt,
president of the Ibi'truierc and D.iMriil
nxid, is in a dying cmdmu. th w,is
thrown from her carriage a low weeb ewo
aud &utTi?red a severe coueussleu of the
Jt irn t. Cut unv., of i.e r:ta, was try
ing an important cife t lie ether Hay, aud
jut as two attorneys were about te .irgtm
thn case he took up his hit nnd mri :
'Gentlemen, you may tilU about tbi e.ue
ns niueh as jmu ploaee, but I've get te go
home aud wi up s me p ve lip. Vb"i
ymi get thr jugh you'll my rtivi;en
wtit'en eui un the table."
rii ir it's ami i-ui.i riuiAs
li-J. cn4 llvrr Jlatiime'. UuitiiIhiI
l he Kieatest demonstration ever wit
nessed in Lynchburg, Virginia, te-.k
pi ice there ou Monday night, iu the sbnpe
or a meeting te celobrate et
Mnhone Speeches wero made by J.
itandelph Tucker, Jehn W. D.unel aud
ethors. Resolutions wero adopted gu iran
tccing the uogrees full justice before the
law, iu all matters, ami deprecating the
exaggerated und partisan rep trt.-,
of the Danvtlle riot as injurious
te the stat , and as n malicious invention
of Mahoue te exeiue h's evcrwheliniu.;
defeat Theie was a similar j.lbil.WMU In
Riohmeud, Virginia Huildings ueu. i!lu
miuited , a torchlight precession, inolud inelud
ing a colored Demecialic club of 00 men
from C'birlotte ceii'ity, ptssed through
the streets, anil it meeting was held nt
which speeches were made by Jobu .
Rat beer ; Ceuitrefsman Mills, of Texis ,
J. 11. Maples, of ivrih Cnre.itia ; Jamr
liarren Hepe, of Nile!k; Cmgri ama i
CaH.-lrtnd Jobu V. Ddiiie).
UniTii Oratle (u tleleat.
The I'uiladu'phia Kreumg TtUgraph is
still making a study of vlec'ieu ligiiie-.
It dees net find in them that euj ijmert
wbicb p)sscsscs many of its Republican
contemporaries. The fillewing table,
compiled by the Ttlegraph, (Ives the vote
for four yours past iu seventeen counties,
showing a norieus falling tilf in Republican
majorities. The conclusion arrive I a',
after a contemplation of the Hubjmued
figuri'3, is that the greiid old part is ou
the down grade :
Allegheny 13,111
Armstrong TJO
II. aver L.e'
UUlr . . I O-e
111 iiil ler. 1 J.iP;
llutler Ml
i.'ru'sloie l,3li
hrle -.'.iil
lii-llana i.ius
I.'ireiic j, in
Mclieiti f.ii
ili l uui
ii-nuelmnn ,ts
lniu i.iJi
omtlitfe 516
iVurrt-n l.iwu
W11.-I1I iglen Hut
IsSI. lSi-1 1-n:.
n,;; v,mi i..;i.
;n i"j u
tj. ii j i.i;
l,l.7 7Jl tk.i
ivii i,:u i, iv)
mi nj rrj
i.i".9 ivi it:
flS li Sft
AHC .',11.1 1,7S
' " I, ill
I l'i IMi V,
9J I '15 I ij
l.l V.I 1,11
: i:. : ?: :,i ;
117 '!
i i'i :i
771 17-J 1 .1
S,-J7 Sl,.7 I'. tt lt.
I ii-mecrutte. majority
'It will be observed," says the 2'tltgraph
"that this list embraces the tninnus
northern tier ami nearly all the western
counties, the sections in whlnli Repub
licanism iu this Ktute bad it.s birth, and
which, for 'i'i years, nover faltered in de
votieu te the puty ami its candidates.
Thu rojerd here shown Is, milee.1 a Htart
ling one, and it c.iunet wisely be ign ted ,
iieithei' e tn il be expl unud away.
HUllNII I.N TlIK SDI.ltl UI IlfcN.
iiiiilliltie Aerer D.inti tu l.aiicai'ler Utiiiuty
lliuilly KierT
Hi Helt Kree 1'ress
He is u young man with it thorough
uuderstauding uf the leading traits in
human nature. He dresses well, carries
an xtra cigar, and he drops in and pre
seiits a cud te the he U engaged
in cntivabsitig ler an embryo work te be
known as "The Kuojclei it ila of the
" Y e s, hut I guess I tleu'i care te hu1j
scribe," replied the citizen.
" Oh, but I don't want you te. Tlie
book will be sold ou its merits. 1 am
calling upon a few of the most emi
nent "
Here he makes a pause te allow the shut
te strike, nud then continues :
" Cituens of Detieit the most eminnut
anil prominent citizens of Detroit te se
euro briuf wkotehuH of their Hves."
" Ah "' stys the ether, as he begins te
rat I'.
"We desire te take (ive of the most
prominent citizeus of this county, lu tlie
sketches we desire tu bhew hew they have
risen from peer boys te great and honored
Here uceuih another pause te allow the
vietim te tlcklobl'Ubelf.
" Well-a-wull "
"Yeu wero the flrMt of the ilve selected,"
chips in the yetiug man. " My mission is
te hoeuro your photograph lu order te
makn n Htoel engraving, In the course of
teu days, I will ba followed by the gentle
man wuu wrues tue ui'igrapniGs. liave
j ou a photograph ?''
"Well-ab-I think se."
" We want oue which dees you full Jus.
tlce. The engraving costs us 35 each.
This we pay out of our own pockets, but
are compelled te make a charge of $5 each
for thu tint paper nod the rofermica lu the
iuilex. Let's see. What does the initltl
in your middle uaine stand for?"
it Invariably stands for a five dollar bill,
aud the young man leavos behiud him such
n pleasant impression that the victim
keeps crlutiliig for two weeks. At tlie
and of that tlme he becomes suspicions,
aud lu thu ceurse of a mouth he becomes
it dangerous muu toseoloty,
' I'lllll -t V,'IH MM. I. tVMA1 '
Kii'ph llrsmy's tri'K-i
llelle llrrtel Kliinl t
lrittr r'miii
i iirmii
Tenen p.
Emma Holle Ourte', one of the most
I leaittliul and ncc nnpashed yet met
abandoned women tu rt. 1. mi, whew
father, a pruiuiiieut ii'il wealthy citiiu
nnd sery large oenuac'. fi, banished hfi
Ireni her home six join .ig- osnie te a
tragic end Tuesday a' th.' hands et a in tu
nnuied Dunn, wiUiwli"e be was Iivin,'.
In a nit.irrel at tlm Imvikf.i tt tuble Ihl .11
tbiew n oelti'o cup nt her, stnhm lier
the no..e and inllicimg uli it looked bke '
small out Ileibeu went te bed an 1 t!i
woman started te the Feiu courts te get a
warrant, iler beautv nnd lady hk-
appearance gaiue.1 li r great syuipa
tliy arid she was attended in her
search for a waniut by a nunibei
et Itwyers and etIK'i.iUi Whle
the elerk of the euit was mik
ing out the decumeuis i- b.'s.mght him
te make haste, ntatliiir tint fieiuh the
w -und ou her nese bleeding slightly .
outwardly it had been tdvd.iw inwaidlj ,
!iuep it was causvl. wenk sti"
fell te the ground an. I w n itenily etuied
te the ejwu nir by tl.e clerk, who had a
vehiole summ.'iiiil i i wi i bjvj li-r
cirrieil te the city dip'i.s.. WUju she
rvaqtred there it wm tea id tat' she wis
dead, internal homerrh.we I m i'je b:a..i
bi'ti' the lUilse of her di it.i
Thn man Dunn, when am-, t .1 ou a w r
raut fei a.siult, tKtii ie t :e I Ins .'t an I
gloried in in, but wn n he was mfennel
that the wemau was d b t. ied te tak"
it back again. Only teu miuutca c'ap !
trem the uuie ibe we'tnti wj stiuek u u I
sae w is, buf I'l i h.s iii'Wtuile i'
had procured a I i t'ie aret id
her in u i de re r.
te lis lliirle.t in llrtitil ItJb.
Maiy Russell, the e ghtccn year old
daughter e a we. I te .1 i meehauie Uwui
in the Eighteenth wird, Pittsburg, die I
Hern the cllects of a d
e e' araeme takeu
Ml.s Hu-cell was
i-j vnplis i i f i a
a few hours bf re
b-a'itif'jl an I hi ;'i y
g'ri or uer nialien
'Inoyeniaae bir
ru t.lier 'tied, and
1 a '.ttl the hou-eheld
md t'irea e'der
since then she bis ma
ad'aiM id her fa'.h i
brothers. This prevented her from paiti
cipa'ing in n;ial pleimns ru a great ft
teut. She often e mp'imed of this te
neighbors, a-.d n'e -t that she w us
ci nelly treated seru-'nn b h-'r father
and brothers.
she received n'.tejti"j tretn
yeuug men, and some true a :e it was sug
gesteti te her that -he w.'uld bttter brr
cendituti by getti.ig mirri-d. A propeai'
came se i.i allot, an ii. ww aoe -ptid.
the wedding being set ter - iuu da) n xt
week Her prej...raueut wei.tll c iu
pleted a day or two ag . w li- u, it is u!k ed
her brothers, who knew aM ab.nit her
engagement long bcf.r-'. di.e' i.ed th-i' she
should net marry the nun ei her iiie..u
Shopretistod tint the neu'.d net ilr .
whereupon one of the liiethris, it,
ttwk upon Limself tae d.ity ei miermiug
bis prospective brother in law that llv y
had deeded net te allow Maty l be mar
Whcthir the yeui g env. accepted this
as tlual, ijuotkuea, 'hi, a-, all c veins a
few days age be cemin"UC d te make
threats that she weil I tJtie her nu I'le
unless lie was allow. 1 v msrry. 1I-t
brothers ceutiuued eljilura'e.aiid yeatenl.i
meruiug s he procured half an eiucj ei
arKCtiie from u druggist. Wheu her lathvr
eame h iiue te lunch she showed hi.n the ,i,nde, au-t, telling him it was
arsenic. mixed it wuli ivi'.it ai.dswa". ,i-.l
the falai dese
The father e.d net
pjwder wits jiomenous
bi luArt that iu
uutil the tlli.;
a ph)iuiau nui
s a. r val t'i-i gill
u rhe tij,r At I
We.-e etidid 'y
begnu t j appear, whea
siimme-iid, bu' bef jre I'
waa wtithing in agony '
o'clock her utl 'tin.s
deatn. Her bi"ljl i)
1 1 . s w ; ! u
i r
t'l.iieui a tiitr:ii I'isiiii.K
A iimh I'rjOAli'y i.'Mt Witn
A spiral from'i
steamer, Franc Saiub, .f
weed and Pert Arthur lit.e.
IIiip Hiifi'.rrtl
s.iyn : Tne
the t'el'tu;
lelt Cel'm'
weed iu the lit pait et
100 passeugers. r?he is
I i-tt. week, nh
overdue, nud ns
ne.hiug has been beard et h sr, aud a.s s lit
is old and net very stanueh, it is feared shu
wenfdewn iu the te:ui nl baud i night
with all en beard.
Yesterday morning tt West Shern r I
rend coustruetion tr.ii'i w t thrown i.etu
the track uear R'ehehir, New Yerk, and
three box ears full of W' tumblml
down nn orah.iukment. Thirty meu were
injured, several perhaps fatally. Thi
boilers in a sugar heuse at Hayou IJeeuf,
Louisiana, exjileded en Memiay, Hilling
the engineer nud two ether tuen, I h h
engmeur had been man Ml euly te
weeks. While the lab irers sv.ire pulling
down an old hiiek house in Richmond,
Virginia, yesterdny meining. part id a
wall fell upon four meu, fatally injuring
Drowned In tt (Ktleuti IIih L'lie,iiniiui.
The oyster schooner Wnbe V. Tbemus.
of Deal's Shere, was lest in n gale en the
Chesapeake bay at feui o'e.i ok yesterduy
morning elT James' Point, nnd her cap
tain and urew of niue meu wme drowned.
The captain was Preston Webster, of I.ti
tiiuerc. Tvfe of the men lest were And
Junes anil Jehn Wickes. The names el
thu ethers are unknown. The soheonor
had just left the Janus Point anchoring
grounds when she wns htruck by the gnle
und foundered.
The schooner Seaman's Ilrlde, Captain
Jehn Guise, was capsized in the hiiiie lo
cality, but all en beard were Kivcd by u
passing vcstcl. The oheunur U. A. ICir
win, Captain Jehn tt. Kirwiu, wasenp
ai.fsd, liut all, niunbeiing oluveu persons,
were rescued. An unknown schooner was
capsiztd and aunk oil rtautly Point, uear
Annapolis Reads, and it is net known
whether her crew escaped. Anether cap
sized and sunk near tlm Sevi-n-Keet Kuell
light house, iu the mouth of tlie l'atapsce,
nor is it kuewu whether these ou bj.ud
wero icbeucd. Ne report has, up te this
tirae, been made of thu unknown ve-mcls
nxcept the fact of their losses.
Klglitaien llrmrue.l iiml tlielr VeMtiln L.jHt.
The tug C. H. Stanford lift New Yeik
with the barges Ida Osprey, Dmitlerbirg
and I latteras, coat laden, for Provuleneo,
Pall River and Senierssest. When midway
between Cerulleld aud Paulklanti Inland,
the liawser butwoen the llit.t and second
barges parted aud the Ida Osprey and the
Duudorberg disappeared. The barges
woie owned by Ilndduck A a-.cel, el New
Yerk, The tug started ler tlie scene of
the disaster. The Ma was discovered
overturned and wreckage fiein the ethcis
was Been. Tlie barges ure total losses
aud the crowd, eight men in nil, re
drowned. The uainus of the victims en
the Osprey nre Captain Heury Cuuway, of
Virginia, and Jehn Muiphy, of Jersey
City; en the Dundorberg, Captain Hemy
Fresmau and two Oermaus, of HobeUrn;
ou the Idu, U. L. Bmitli, of Hutferd, an
ether man and oue buy.
rjtilclile by Aleriililue.
In Allentewn Prcdurlck ICarl, a Uerinan
tailor, 00 years of age, oeniiniiiod Mtleidu
bji swallowing 15 grains el iuorphnie. He
litul bcen greatly depressed for suvcral
tlays, but intimated te no oue that he
oentoinplntod sulolde. He failed te ihe tit
the usii il hour nud the lady with whom he
bearded weut up ht.urs nnd feiuul hmtloei
ejiun. She tried te waken htm, but he
was in a dcep stupor, and when a doctor
was summoned fuur grains of nurphlue
worn found in a bottle, which had contain
ed moie of the narcotic, All efforts te
iiSVlve hitu pievi'd futile nnd he dud lie
I -ft tu i!.v,tlnJ ferglve-i ias and doeoting
his b dy te ba buried lu a ejrt en let.
Km'. ' ns tiviee nnrrb'd nnd last winter he
nnHn .u a b i e'l of prenrse suit
I ,'Hir li Ker
Mary Wolf. iiie e' th la-lir, gills
vrhe jtllinel from a bun.l.ig building tn
Ofmrlasliiii, S.uitli Cireliui, en Menliy,
dlwl yeter.fav of her 1'ijiii a. tuau
Uend nnd Maggie tJuiiiliHiU are iu a critical
end Hen The iniu.ilns of Ijiura Orcen
,nd Abh'nlt lluv linveb.'U reeoverrd from
Tie ImtKliiiii. Sleinuier's oil works it
Norn-iiewn, were binned last eveiitug, I
w h t iH'O bartels of oil, nud nil the in i
e'uneij. I s, 875,000 A building in'
r.-rmte oeeupeilby the tailread supply
it.l ni.uuil leinring company, nnd by Jehn I
1'ei.e'ieii, dealer in oils nud pittite, wns
binned yesterday. 1. ss, I I0,0l!0
.iliintur Ihmn (limn ul uariU
While engiged in r. game of e.uds nt
ilflene, Fauipiler county, Va , Edward
iiartis (.tole-ed) drown mvoUeraud begun
an itidisorlrntuate tire upon his eoleieil
I'oinpauieus. James Gains was struck lu
the eye and l.uuly wounded. The tiotible
giew out et some dispute evor tin game
nes accused Hurts ir iliaitii anil
stui filing eards uuf.nrlv. As seen lis the
Hung opene I tin pi ivers, lull n ilo.en
in nunibei, MMtierid. Hints is tu eus-
I te.ty.
ililllillni;- lii'iiiiOl.lin.l by tlm W Uui.
A ternllJ wind st inn visited Malno lately
.The Summit heuse at Mount Knats.ige,
bntlt some thirty j ears nge, was eutiiely
I detn.dislied. The new wing of thu Inter-
vale beuse, 100 feet long, iu the projess of
j fwetuvi, and two iini'.ler buildings, own-
oil by J. Went worth nnd H. WiHidward in
t'enwav, wen- blew il.iwu.
i -ioneoi a iiiiiik Wooi. in.
I Li. e A. Eppeus, a school ti'aeh.-r at
. Mount Aubnen e illege, iu t'tnelniiati. left
i n ii.i'd en Mmid ty nutting that her body
I c uM I'e found in the pond In fren of her
bem'. The pond was drugged yesterday
nial her b.wlv found. Ne cause can he lis-
s .n d ter I he act.
, lue irtlmr i.jrnilimi.
, Iii C )man.'he,'IVxas,duriLg the shei ilT
i abspDOd en Sunday night a puty of
tl'ty armed and masked men bittered iu
the jail uoer, everp iwered the guards and
took out bioiheis uiui-nl Uadey and
hanged them te a trim in a grave yaid n
miie Mem town.
: utM'iir uurut.i-H.
llatlle.til Dmiintr, tu ht A.r..fil.
T'es ineruiiig Nana II. Rihu, Predeitek
P. tlassler, Ce. Wni. Treiler, Win It.
Ili.bstil Frelenelt S II irtmaii, nil of
lietks c unty. who are viewers tu the case
ei llrttry M Kngle et til. v. the PeiiiiHyl
.u n rail toad com pan v, te heat les
Mmeuy. (n this oase the defendant took d el plaiutttr for i siding and thn
ii an hi visited rhe ptemlses j'ester 'ay
. i- new .tSM'SMLg rhe damages.
a misii'K Jury
jurv eensistiug id the following get -t!
men. have been stmek tn thu water
n .lit eise of Cltar'es FeJIttal. of Fulton
t inhtp. ii. Kdwln Ilennett 1 1 al : David
(lender J , Ureokneels ; Jehn Cramer,
Martie : Abram Denlmger. Strabnrg ;
t dm Perrcv. West Hemptleld : (loergu
II indwerk. K.tsr Rirl; Petei Jnceby,
Kebrata ; llnurv MuMlemau, Hnrl , Albert
Mellvaiue Patndise ; JebnSigmnn, Pema;
Geerge C. Trego, Kphmtn ; David II.
We iver, L"ateik ; Emersen Walten, Bart.
The ease, oeuies up for trial iu thu lltst
wjck of common plens e mrt nud the jury
will v.ew thj premises en Thuih'lny id
nct week.
.vr.iiiiiiii(iii)ei .skivs
Keul star unit .icrw. tlm Cnuuty l.ltiej. lph' us ceiupl.un of abeil v. eight iftmeu.
'I l e t'eni in li'ie of (ne HiUitlrid, Phtla
('"Iphiit.Las dec did te iiariy en business nt
the old stand.
Mr A H. F.irtiuahr, the entiirpristng
and exteiiMv.. tunuiifactiirui of Yerk, has
Iei the sight el ene e)e and that of tl.e
o'le r is threatened.
'lue It & U. railrentl company have pur
.;Ua-.ed the well known Walten's Island,
te ihe Suquehanua river, and it Is stir
mi--eil will turn it into asiitu.iier resort.
Ie Philadelphia the nupeHtitaudent of
p r'ie schools ins bis lace turned in thu
dituctieu of the nimplillcitien el the
in llteds of teaching in the piimnry
14 ''tools
J ick llaieily, backed by Chicago cap
italics, propones te build immense theatres
m New Yerk and Philadelphia. " Mau
propesof.," &e.
lieorge .Smith, ji , of l.'uien teushiii,
liftks county, who roceiitly ligured in a
strn t cuceuuter with Cenirressinan Daniel
Himentrnut, lias sued the Phihidilplu t
7'ifaud It lading llirald for libel
Wlint i On In Uis l.uuur Kml
'Jsferil l're
Lincaiter county's Geed Templnr con
vention was held at Oak Hill, with
Rvcrgiteu ledge, lest Saturday.
.il ru. Ilauuah limiting lias nole lier rami
of )tj acres, iu Colcraine tuwrinhip, te Jes.
Penny, of Driiuiure township, for 470 per
Kdw. C. Phillips has seltl his ttreperty
of six acres with buildings, tn Little
Britain township, te Harvey Swift, of
Oxford, for 1,250.
A local toacherh' iustitute will bn bold in
Oxford en December, 13, It and 10. Able
day instructors will bu present aud lectures
will I e delivered by prominent Hpeakcrts.
Rv. J. II. Hvntt closed his four years'
pastorate of Perpica llaptist church oil
Suuday last. He gees te Pughtewu Rap
tist church, Chester county, te succeed
Rev. Dr D. It. L'uidis, who has bten
called te the iKreau llaptist church West
Clitireli ei (toil i:iilerstiip,
The Hast 1'eimsylvauia uldersbip of thu
Church of (ietl, which had been holding
its nuiiu il meeting in Aiioeua, closed last
evening. The statistics nhew that the
various churches aud pastors have mut
with great euccess during the past year.
Thn following appointments worn made
for Lancaster county ler the coming year :
Lancaster City, Rev. G. W. Sellhamer ;
Kohrerstown ; Riv. A. U Lang ; Cel
iiuibia, Rev. S. C. D. Jacksen ; Wash
ingteu, Rev. J. M. Speera ; Mount Jey, S.
Pox ; liambridge and Maytewu, Rev. S.
W. Nale ; Khzibutbtewu, Rsv. II. E.
Reover. Lancaster was soleeted as the
place te held thouext oldership,
Kleutluii Uititn Hnl.
Alderninu Rarr hist night heard the case
of Cem'th. vs. Win. MuLaughliu, jutlgelu
the Hcventh wnrd, charged with knew
Irigly refusing te roceito the ballet of a
ipialillcd voter at the late election. It wns
shown that the voter had produced a tax
iccelpt Issued lu the city of Philadelphia
for " personal taxes ;'' thu judgehnd held
that this was net proof that he hud paid a,
" htute or county " tax. as the law directs.
The alderman held dill'ureutly aud bold
Mr. McLaughlin in $200 bail te answer at
c mrt.
The Uinereuep,
Yeilc DWpiiUll
It cost Lancaster county 4,000 te pub
lisli the sheriffs proulainatlen auueuuciug
thn cleotieu for November d.
The cost of the ii.tine niiuouucaineut by
the sheriff of Yerk cnuuty was net evor
$700, it bjing published by teu newspapers
In the county. This is tpiite a dill'erence,
our iiolghbeis across the river being
mero liberal te the newspapers than heie,
but the tnxpayeis probably grumble
ah iiiacusrRsti.
This morning the mayor had flve ledg
crs and all of thorn wero dliehargcd,
H'RtHA A.NIi l.llNt'S.' IV 'IfmitLNS.
I'lill, llntzn. I rlutr en Itp.ltlllit;" llr.
it huh I mil i in .iiuriitua' HieU
in in In.rniiiljKiv
rttf.iy .jterneci Prel. IIoirer con
tinned hts talk ou "R MtHtn;," tiuil btilnre
iiuswerliig iiueslieiis which hail been
propounded, he mined a faugh by cnylug
ihat"phd.isepbin senietii'irMiisli tpiostleus
that IihiIs eitiiuet niiHwei," Oue iiiitstlen
ttslittl was, "Why de publishers of
ptuiers pny iitoie for the
pleltlies ihati for the te t tiny llhlstiate
if tlie plot it t es nn net of iuteiest '.' ' He
answered th,t the illustintieus weie of
Inteient ttud eften lllftde the text mere
elenr, but hu would net have loe tnittlt of
then', eithei in newspters ei school
books; he would have thw pupil rend books
that icipilietl no Illustration, but whoe
contents would Inriitsh the leader with
mental cxerele, with mrntal gymnastics,
sotefp'nk. in rcganl te class leading,
while he would qlve all the members of
the e'ass n ohm .'n ten. id aloud, he would
gtve tlm prelem oe te the poorer leaders,
lu eidei te impiove and ere tur.ige them.
In answer te n ipicittoe n te whether he
won't! have the Hil'l ' illtistiatetl, be
nnsweied that he faveiel the use of Hint s
and illiiHtintioue of uestuiura and of forms
nntf ceremonies new obsolete, us the lllus
ttatieti ftldrt the render te eempiuheutl the
text iiieiu easily. A number of ether
iticstiei. were n-ked ami nnswertd by
Pmt lletces.
Mus'e liy the Institute.
l'i linipli- nl I t.nrlitu.
Dr. Wblte resti ttted his leetute en
thn " Prlneiples of Teaching," llltnitrnllug
Ids neiirnl leluts by fermulus placed
up ii the blnekben tl. In legnrd
te class exeet.'H then ebjeets in ttims
iuui tlt be oiii.shleiitl Ttut-e are
in brief te iiiiplrt knowledge le liiMluC.
Tn imimrt skill el until or bed? by proper
iltl'l, and te lest the knowledge or skill
nlliitued by Irnpieui rxercise. lliu exer
cms of tbe cUse.s oei'i' el lessens nnd
I reidtatiers Thn nhns of the Iiwheii nn te
instru.'t and drill tbe pupil both by diieet
and in Ittect inolheds ; nud the object el
the filiatiens is te test the pupil's knewl
n'.ge et the lesseu given by lepeatnl dull.
The le.vling idea of Di White's uddruss
was Hint teaching and testing should go
h.u.'l in h mil.
'I he 4)l. sprlll H II. u,
A ) N. w pliei t.'ek the ulaiid and tn ule
a vigorous te'U, of the old method of
giving iiitiiictt"D in orthography by the
tife el tin- ep l.m.r boelt. He believed
that a .' r. ut tutsiake was ruiule when tt was
bami-bid f.em the scboe's Spelling is
oue of ttie studies pt.ivitkd for 111 the act
of Assembty relatiug te the public sahoeN,
aud tlm tescher who dots net toaeh it Is
net entitled t Ins milary, nud the
(iistuet thtt d.e- net msmt ou Its
bitig taught ti net entitled te
the state appioptuitieu Nerertht-less a
lee'uier b. loin l!u Ltee.ister c 'Uht
tesehers' instKu'e ivdy a J ear in twoiu'e
had dedaivd that lue spoiling books
ought te be gatbeied tegnther en a pile
aud burned ' Mr. Newp'ier said that the
gentleman must have hail a very dangeruii
nttnek of (Juincy. The disailvantnge of
the new wetd atnl sontenee me'lnsl were
then punted out by Mr. Nuwpher. There
is no svfttem iu it, ue lixeduess, no grada-
tteii from easy te diflhult words; words
et all kinds nttH thrown at thu pupil hap
bnzud. The toachers wh liave adopted
the new sftem bnve failed i:i teaching
erthngnidiy, nnd they will continue le
fail until the old spulhug book is rest trod.
He bill us"l it sirucflMftilly when hu wis
a t.Mchei nfteei ei twenty years age
Then) wis an adrau'age in having the
werils te bu ip lied arnin.;eil in Columns,
as the ej.) ij, inore ensily fectsrxl upon
them ' iti m this positieu. He favored
th- old sjitera el " irnppmg " in spelling,
giving thn best spi Ikrs a eh.n.oe te stand
at tlis held rhe e!as , tlm objection
Uiget t'tit t'us lid ti neltUliliess, he
nnswi ie.1 iliAt i' was no in ,re selllib than
it is fei u, t-a 'her te remove from ene
sehoel riistnet te nn jMier when a better
salary is olTerol him. It Is the way of the
iiiMtiMu Upiaien
Miss Welsh, of Columbia, siild Hint if
th i old fashioned fpelln g book had ttone
nil that was claimed for it, our fathers nod
in ithcrs ought te have been geed spellers,
but iu I i ik tig ever tli. ir co-respiindoucij,
we lind thi'v wet" f ir behind us iu that
re-pec t Tlie eht'.'iiu m thu Columbia
si. 100U t i day sjJ far bitt I under th.)
it w rut" hed than their patents did under
thu old Her method Of touching spelling
was te u.piire all werils in nil ucuaMeiis,
whether el geegianhy or ethor studies te
be preputly Hpullcd. and thu itcttatie'i is
net passed ns pufict unless this is denu.
Miss Welsh was se far from the reporters'
table that but few of her rcm.irkn could be
Prof, flueiirle followed en tlie simoMde.
He said he was iisteuibhed te hear nu
educator advucite ti lettiru te thu dis
carded spi lllng book, when fics demon
strata that oithegraphy is new taught se
much ineru -.islly by thu iia' method.
Tueru wni no foundation for thn state
ment that the districts which de nut use
thu spoiling b'Hik nre liable te leso the
state appropriation. The law docs net say
that the (.polling book shall be used, but
th it spoiling shall he taught and It is
taught beltei thlvi evei boleru.
Mnre A limit Ijultiey.
Pief. M intguiiury ule oxpressed his
asteiil.ihmsut that a preposition sheuln be
uiadu at this l.ite day te use the spelling
book In the schools. He has had u go id
deal of cxponence with both mutheds and
knows that under the new oue spoiling is
better taught than under the old. Hu
regards oral spelling as of very little value.
The werdH should be written upon the
blackboard, thou clearly pronounced and
photegrnphud as it whole upon the child's
unud, This is the plan iu use at Qulnuy,
and spoiling Is thus taught iu overy lusseu
whether it be reading, writing, grammar,
composition or ether studies. At the same
tlme all these brunches urn systematically
and logically aitatigcd. During the pro
fessor's visit te one of the primary schools
thu teacher brought Inte thu school room
a llvn eat iu it cage. Every oye was of
ceurse rlvetcd ou tlie cat. The teacher at
ence commenced a dcseiiptluu of the cat,
its peculiarities, habits, &j. Compositions
followed autl it was astonishing te nee hew
wull suuiu of thu little folks wnre tliJin.
The professor olesod by a ojiuplimentary
loferoucn te the Carlisle Indian school,
u here tlie uaine system of instruction is
followed, and wheie the mess nstenlshiug
pi egress is in idu by the Indian chlldiun.
Orul Iiintriictlen.
1'ief, Whlte concluded the afternoon
session by a brief nddress nn oral Itistrue -tleu.
Iu tcaehiug the tonduney Is te rush
te cxtiemcs. The recent revolution
ngaiust the usn of text books in the soheol
has eairictl the ceurse of study te the
ether extreme of oral Instruction. Reth
thu text book and oral insti notion liave
their places in the schools; and the judg
ment and tact of the teacher must fix their
places, He ence visited a school in which a
yeuug lady tcaoher wns greatly dlshearteii.
ed because a class of five boys had refused
te commit te memory u low short pun.
graphs about Oieenland. He seen leund
out what was the matter. The teacher
bud never explained te the boys what
Greenland was, they did net knew whether
it was a beast or a blnl they had no Idea
that it was a part of thu earth. He asked
them if they had evor seuiiahcil, and they
. answered that they had net. He told
them he had heeti oue, that morning lu a
i tank nnd described it te them. Theu he
. talked te thetu about com and potatoes,
and sheep, aud ether things well known
' to.them, and asked thorn if they knew hew
hn happened te think about tlieA things.
Of c.nirni Ihey did nut. Hu told theni
that the seal bieught thou thlnns Inte till
mind; thu people eT Greenland have no
com, potatern, or iinr such HiIiirh un we
have tieie, but they depend for tin Ir sub sub
slstruce upon the set', nud thu
fat of that peeullai furnishing thniii
with fund and its skin with clothing, Thu
ueys were Intuumted in thn story j they
new kuuw something about Gieeiilaud,
tiiul turning te their books, iu llvn niluutcii
mistered thn lemon which thu unskillful
teacher wnsunablu te linp.ut iu thicedays.
Text books may be und with prelll in the
pilmaiy schools, but l he te.iehet should
explain the lessen, and the lesion prvoedu
the i rcltrUlen.
The iiuuibei of uiiiiiibirs mmille I in the
iiihtltiile wnsieeiiul te be 701
Krtttik itrnrit'x I. Mint...
The opera heusu last night was densely
crowded te see and heat thu Chilk Talk"
of Fiiink Heard en the ' Mission of the
liiimeiist." Ills "talk" was liem begin
ning te end brimful of wit and his "ehulk"
of telling hltn. Urn piefnee was duvoted
te an explanation an. I analysis
in tun nri ei urawmg, which con
sists in lliu nrriiugiiuini.i of two per
fn'l lines, the stnui'.bt line nud the circle,
and two Impel feet em i, the nngluaud the
utlive. Prem theie putu es nnd llgure.s of
nil feitus nre c.mpeeil. Hu tlien very
rnitidly tlrew a irckycent hcode and an
ti'd oie.vh.tit of a heisi- te represmit the
pnect line theory, thou tlrnwing two
ii regularly shaped llgures net uitllku a
pumpkin, showed hew tlm power of luiag.
in itleu could 111! out these outlines with
veiy diir.'ient llguies, by drawing u young
miss In oue of them ami a " dtiile " iu thu
ethor. He next drew the magic olio e
which showed the neg ( e i i itiiemal and
isilitical), the ntmUM) dollar, n hugu
pumpltin nud flmtll hog. He called
upon the slit ;e Piei. McCaskey aud ro re
ipicted hltn te place upon thu drawing
piper Ilvo stars in any p sitieu he chose and
lie would take one star for tins head, two
tuore ler the hands nu I ;ln e'luirs for the
feet of a huirnu llgure. Pief. MoCnskey
pined the Ilvo stars lu u straight line,
diagonally from tight te left and iu it siir
prisiugly short tlmu the ttrtlst bad drawn
nu acrobat en it pale with his feet stretch
ed te the two st.tis farthest npirt, his
hands clutching thu lull at the next two.
anil his head at the middle oue. The
temale doetor, the b id boy, thn servant
girl, the iimi e-u tutu and the Cheerful
W'einau, all ndiiie.iU e jitciitnieii, followed
iu tpiick succcam i.i, a jd each was ncceiii
p.nuicd with mesi humorous explanations
nutl iclleetleiis. Toe nnt'-itAniumm was
a highl) enjoyable one, ni.d ulieili tl re
pealed buisls of applause.
lirtnM'fiitf Meminq. Rev. J.
Hark, el thu Moras iau ehiirub, epei
neil till)
institute by a portion
nf the
scriptures nutl elleu g piaer.
Mitsui by the iti'-tiiutu.
Dr V. V. Whrodevetol sumo time te
it review of the lesjetis git en -Ktirda
He said no gtrnter calamity can bet.til
pup Is than te have a teaaher who U
emtinually talking, from morning till
night, telling stories ti luterent te. m, or
explaluing the Il-keh-i that they them
felses shuuM repeat during the test id
recitation. It is better te allow the pupil
te sttimble through thu lessen iu his own
wny, than for the teacher te repeat it for
him in his way, even though that should
be better. Dr. Whtte's method of recita
tion were thu tiulz or oitneho'ic. The
advaniages aie luoieiijhnoss et t-st, but
the teacher must kuuw what tpieriieus tu
ask ; this is a great art . the question
must be clear, Cuiictee, s atetl in the fewest
posnible wuids , should itduill of lull euu
answer ; and sheii'd boleglctlh arranged.
Music "Flee ns n Bird U our Moun
tain." iJueMlenii met Aueifri
Prof. Ileigesnnsw. ie.I the iiuestleu hew
much ti me bIieiiIiI be taken daily In recita
liens, iu third nud teurlh it'.ulei in an
ungraded school of sity pupds He
answered that the i.ct men fli m d net
uxesed thitty iniuiite.s. lethe ipittstieti
"Mieuld English words be translated ml)
German from German slinking pirpib."
he niiswered that hu would net asniule.
The ehilti gets uuuugh Gertiun at home ,
ami the il tmei.tary sounds i f the two lan
guages atu se near alike, se m.i!i of the
w nds neatly a':k that uiunlly the sound
anil meaning of English wen!s can bu
readily nttaiucd without iia'1-.l.i'ieii. The
genius of the (birin tu langu igt n j'ist thu
reverse uf tl.e English in thu tieuuds of I, d,
b, p, v, f, w und it is the duty of t'ie teacher
te give i special liistiacti.n in c meeting
the pupil's pieiuliiciati. ti id l hi ie letteiH.
A German pupil nut) be t.itight in fix
weeks te proneutiiM c uroetly iU Euglish
wenls containing th.-se heui.tls. iu aimwei
te the iiiiestlen. " I) i )ou ret think it
necessary fei tl.e teach r te he able le
speak German iu giving Geimm lei-sous'.'"
he answered that It is batter let the teach
cr te be iible te speak German, but it is
net necessar ; hoknevis teaeliers who de
net r.peak German who me goetl
instiuc eis Iu conelu l:ng his ta'k Prof.
Ilulges saul that he did net think Judge
Teurgee'H oeuoliisious, us givet -i his
lccturu Monday uvuid!!.:. weie drawn
from proper bads e need uet lie back
the minus of our nejs nutl gnls ; activity
will net hurt them ; the mind Is always
active, and It Iiml better be .ic'ivu "n gce I
subjects tliiiu ou bid i-nos.The tin w .y is
te " give them a rest" Irnm tin. b tl anil
plenty of work for thn geed. Judge Tour Teur Teur
gee did net cxemplily his own method,
when, after lecliiiing nraily two heiirH, hn
took the cais for it juumui te New Yeik
nfter midnight. Wu want te leach our
boys und girls the Importance of labor.
Physical labor will give theni goetl, strong
bodies anil mental labor will improve their
minds. Twe things injure them mero
than anything else tin se .no cigarettes
anil oei dots.
Abllll) el Sullii it I'l-.ip.'r I.V
R. F. Reek, of Paradisj, opinei the
discussion uf thu question of " Peachers'
Duty te (Scheel Preperty." There is no
doubt the prepci ty is verv much abused ;
sometimes by accident, nutl that of ceurse
the tcaahur cannot avoid, More frequently
the property is abused by ctielcssues.s,
Wheie this is the case it is uvlilirit thu
pupils have nut beeu properly instructed
us te the earn uf it. Soniutlnies It 1h abused
or dcHtrejud intuntieiialiy. In this case
the ruuieily is te glve the pupils mera weik
te de, and if this does net ceriect the evll
the pupil should be bunded ever te the
beard of diieoters.
J. It, Wnlllek, of Conestegit, did net
holievo in turning tins nll'uullers te the di
rectors ; if they destroyed the piopertv
lie would insist en their paying for tlie
damage alotie ; It is the duty of thu teacher
te scu that the tclioel loom is kept clean
and iiiadn attractlve te the pupils. If
directors would glvu mero attention te the
school property thumselvcs, build com
fortable bchoel houses, previdn for koop keop koep
ingthem clean aud properly lurnlsh thorn,
there would he less complaint or damage,
Musle-"Shclls of the Ocean."
Nutliiniil llnnks.
Prof. (i. M. Philips, principal of the
Wes". Chester normal foheol, took the
platform and read the face of u $i0 nete
of the Farmer' national bank of Lancas
ter. He lliml rdated the rout inn te be
pursued te eigauizi a new bank, the
uuuiner of doing business in the bank, of
receiving dopeiits and leaning money, of
the i comity afforded nole holders and
depositors, thn responsibility nf stock
holders aud ethor mattirs peitaniug te
banking. ll3 nnsweiud n few ipirstieiis
given him by teneliers, hut could net
answer "what will broenio of the la ks
nfter the Unlted States bunds thull all be
paid oil'."
Ileveliipttieiil I.ckeiii,
Prel. E. V. Da Graff, who was au.
neunced te Icoture en " DeTOlepment