jANCASTEK DAILY IKTELLtGENCEKTljDAY NOVEMBER ltf. Ibaa tltlH may lie host tloue y tlie illroetors, who Hlumlil npiielnt n district sucrliiteiid. nut or doslgiule n tcnoher te innke the oxnmliititleti. Neiiuill should be tironietort te 11 lilRlmr ijrnde of school without npeelnl oxamlnntlen I'mirlh, tlie btntjUt rostilt restilt lu would biliiK ubeut a better under fitaiidlnit iiinenij toacherii mid mientH ; H would iuoiinnIiit"rrM.iiitheiil!l; It would let him knew what be wan nxoeotcrt te de, nnd in what tlme he wits nxpeotetl te de It. Tin. stumbling blocks in tlie Matlm of oilue.Uioii nre peer teachers and obstlnnte twnntn. The tnopesctl oenrso of study will certainly Imjuove the toaehor, will Impievn the pupil, and tlniH romevo oaime (or complaint en the part of parentn. He tiustrd tlin tliue wan net for dIMitnt when Iianranter county would be bound together iih ene body by roine such eourse of In struction. ... Tlie plan vuui endorsed by n iiiciubcr hut thete wrrn .lllllcultles in the way; Miiun putits r.-tild only atteud the Holieol for two or Ihii'it mouths during a sensen, nnd it would In) Imposslble for thum te kreii np with theso who attended hcIioeI reulntly. Tlie .clmels bcleiiK te the peeple, iii.d initie of the children eau be lept out of thorn, niercly beraiif n they can net conform te a set of rub a. Prof. Btiohrle ehncd the discussion. Unsaid tint I.. hip.h, Ducks and Schuyl kill count if h id sotue yearn :ig.e prepared oetirtrs of hIiiiIIch j tlie tcacbern of Nuurasltn had icceutly adopted the Le high oeuutv eourse of study. It Is n matter of Mirprlne, theicfure, that this subject has net reoslved inore attontlen in tun canity. In Lehltfh county the traelicra inak.i report te the county sitpor sitper sitpor li.teudeut or the ntandmu orevcry piijill in their soheols, iiieludlng the studies pu.Riied, the books ucd, the ndvance made, the undo held by each pupil, and a i- .py of tin se lejuuts me left In the i.oheol for their use. at next session ui the use of the ttnoherti succeeding them. As te the distrietRUpeiintcmU'iitei the appointment of a teacher te examine each ethers M-lm.ilir. ihrta la this diflleulty They annul receive compensation for tlie extiu .ili.r mpilrcd. In small emotion the i-eui.ty Riipeiinteudent could mal... the examinations. Music "Ke.v, Uea, Cheerily Hew." J mehrr'ii rriipnrntleli Dr. Whltn continued his dlsjoiirae en tlie " Teachers' Preparation." Hu 10 ieweil .it some limgt'i Mm plan I i!d down by linn yesterday The two main points hi tug . llrM. knowledge ; second, skill. The tiaehor'flknev.ledn nhuiild be thorough in all the hratirhOH taught; should be ceniprelunslvr, ik.tr and accurate, ficsh, the result el iiveni study, rys'einaticilly ,iul logically uir.nKed. 'I he principle:! lelatmc te tli" mi'teta taiuui. must be well iiidcint. d li.e methods of teaching .m-Ktr.-i.il .ii.il & mal, oensutiu of wil, i'ji.1 detcd re is'e, el is inunaKOtnrnt, hs4'eus ii.id recii.i'iuus, mid prepur ni rani;, m- nt "t tin' Icsenn These scleral mutlt rs of necessary kuuivlcdge en the jurt of tcachfis were discussed at -.line 'e i.'th ud apt illustrations of thi'ir v.ilii" pieu. II.' did net bcliove in i Li. p -.lit ii. into b .Mr. Touice last night ili.it a ehli i s mufti should net be pushed int.. ne'ivili .mill Union years old, but tu. i'.hI ebpet t . the cramming system; he ebj.-cteil te. ill ttinli nt iiunt.il arithme )ie atd Uoliuieal ciammcr i any but the Inuli. r L'rai!ch e( schools. Mu i-"S'.n llsef Oeiau." .M. i'.A.iy. " If.iilii; in Our Solieul," an tsjay by M.ss Auuiiti i L-imIis, Ych: Iiudis, was .ini'llc umIitiiI papir, and admirably mid. !She ifnrdcd rending an the most imper'aiit binnch of study taught in our mjIieiiIi. A fereijiu educator had said ' American eluldien nrogeot penmen, but i .t ijoed ti-aclers. ' Sl;e hoped that i i eat improvement hid been ro.ide in this ii. t ctlnp, ( r corr.et reading makes all .t..ni stu.lus iiiuri'i'.isy. In giving prlmaiy instruction In tips brat. eh she would Hist din et tin pupil' . iitien te an object .in.l then she w. iile .punk thu word that n-n K.'iitH t tin ii uiit.i t tin word upon thu hl.ii.ltli 'ii '. l!j Uiiii dlllorent oelorrd en lyens m 'i..u l.-ssem they may be tuade ui'.r.' inli ,i H'i'ig and the little ones will at tlie ime tunc If .it n the c Mers. When the i'Ui.Jkii make im-takes they should be e.nr, eb dkiii.lly but without explanation, Ii t their attention b dlstraete I from the lissu.i. rMevei.l) ui.iinci.itien may be i-.inecttil by te.u Ling them a fieorufce of tlie llpi a'ld fail". The boy oho U a geed riai'ii, tl.'ii.b uutaiigbt m etln r liiaiieheH, wil1 in-ikn a geed eltir.en, aud liie gul wim ni.t geid reader will llnd pi. .f-antei oinplejinont in bueks than in ttect or h..w:iIe llirtnesi or put pjedles. l'rul. .SteiiiK'Jini tj' KeinnrUi Prof. Menti. .mcry uentlnued hi re inarkh en primary iiistuiotlen. He cule. gir.cd Cel. Parker, of the luinty schools, ler thi) high stnii.i.ud they occupy te day. IIospul.e highly i.l the Qiiincy instheds and referred te the advantages iihich have followed thUr adijitien in ether scrteus et the cnuiiti lie urged the olec.ien of the best men as dircetcm aud tlie keeping of thorn in oflice as long as they will noive He cave a roview of the Iumseiih lie had heard l i a Quiiicy kcIi ml, ai d dwell especially en the intere.it liisjtr. d in the pupils by the fnshiicss at d v.u ity el the losseii'. giver. Tliore was no set programine or exercises, nt.il the ctiilurcn Mere Jtept en I he tip tee el expectation as te what was te come next. Adjourned. The tiumbei el teacheis iiirellcd as members of tbe institute up te neon te day was (197, a Uigur number than ever b longed te any te.ichui' Institute, in I.inua-i ter county, and linger, we bcliove then any .'er.utj institute in llu utate or United 'Hates Aud the enrollment is net yet completed. This ivi"iing, in tlie opera house, Mr. Prank Ileaid, tlie leutuuu uud caricaturist, will give an exhibition of his powers as a Icaturer, combined with his wonderful skill In ficu hand iikctuliiug en the black heard. Ills " Chalk Talk." as he calls It, is highly appreciated by all who Jiave seen and heaid It. I. Ill I.l', 1.IIUAI.1 Here, in it Tlirre Hint l'.Pij Hhrrn The electt le light It giadually Improving and last night it worked belter than nt any time bofero The (uncial of Jacob P, Iulliuger took place fiem liia I.Uoichldenco this afternoon. Thcre was a large uttouiUiice aud the inemherH of the city pollen force nnd Men ciey Lodue I. O O. P. worn tirnseut. The Interment was made at the Laucaster ceinclery. Win. Franklin ban been imestctl nud held for a hearing bofeiu Aklermati llarr en the charge of malicious mischief. It is alleged that the accused get en a drunk yesterday and breke the furniture belong ing te his mother. Yesterday uftorueou a sheeting match took place at Soheonborgor's park between Ilenry Gardner aud Charles Franoiseus There weh a large crowd present, but the day belujr uul.ivorable, ue geed work could be dene. Kaeh man shot at 15 birds, Gardner killing nine and Frauelscus eight. The Washington Fire association, late the Washington tire company, of Laucas ter, will be the guests et the Union tire company of Yerk, next Friday night, aud in honor of their guests the Union will give a grand complimentary ball In Fico'e hall. mUMIUA NEW.S. lllllt Itr.'UUI.AK ueuui:uruNiKMtr. vmiU iti.ui; tlin MiimiiicliftiniR Ileum i.t Inlrrrnt In iitnl A re nn it tlie Unriiiiuli I'lrkml up I'T llin Intnllt- K.nccr KriMirlcr. A ilrunkc;i canal boatman was brulally assaulted nud beliteti yosterday afternoon by Kllas Prey, at the U. ee C. lallread coal wharves. The lattet, who tes'.dcs uleim the tlde water canal, about three miles north of Mcl'airH Ferry, attacked the boatman, it is said, without the slightest provocation, and thou, nfter floreoly bent lug him, lied. A friend of the beaten man seen appeared, and, gathering a party of boatmen together, begun n hunt after Urey. The latter Ii.il hidden himself Fomewliero and could net be found. 1,'Ollclennrcl NiiKh I co coveted the gutters this morning. A skating club is en the carpet. Wild geese me seen Hying neulhward in cry day. At Wagnei's hotel tlicre is an ear of corn from which thu tern smaller ems have sprung. An empleye nt Brunei's coal yards wrm slightly Injured yesterday by thu break ing or n plcee of machinery. One drunk and disorderly iitrmiger rent te the county prison this morning by 'giiulm Pntteu. The Hiuqtielinuna wae execedlngly troubled yesteiday. Madauie Oiratd's Huglish novelties Meudaj evening next at the opera house. The following societies will meet te night : Chiipii'saluugn trlbe Ne. UJ, I. O. It. M. ; Ceiiiithl.in Ueyal Arch IChapter Ne. ".M, A. P and A. M and Putnam oireloNo. SHI, II. U. (II. F.)C. A. 1'riteiinl tli II. IliehaiVs is in Pl.lluVI- Mr. phia. Mr Oscar llelVman li. been appiilutrd te till the elerkidiiii m id vacant in the First National bank by thoieslgnatleu of Mr. Jehn Mussnr, of Meiintville. Mr. Harry Upp, teltgiaph opeiatei of tlie P. K U , has b. eu ti.itmfeneil from the cist yards beie te the olllce at Hrntoii Hrnteii ville, near Philadelphia. Mr. P.enjamin Lichty, of the Phlladelplnr. nllice, takes the vacant olllce In-ie. itev. S O. (.'. JauTisen, of Columbia, membei nf lUst Penusylimiia eldership, pieael.ed a brilliant minion In the First M. I' church, Ate.)u:i, en Sunday, ieirn .liiillns- Cempauy C. Intends nppljim; for a ehar tin te become u corporation On Thanks giving Day the company will give a street p.ii'idi ami have target piaetii'e. Tin. vlctm at the latter will rrccive a line inarkNiiiau'ii medal Mrs Susan Devlin, of Mnuntville, n .later of Mr. F. B. Uletr., of this place, died en Hunday at hei late resuleuce. The (uneral setvieeH will he held te morrow ( Wednesday ) at 10 o'nleok, a in., nt Mt'tintvllle, the remains te be interred lioie in Mr liethel cenii te'y. I'tic children connected with the Second utieet 1- K. I.utheinu Ciuicli pr.. ero preparing a Siuta C'tius eiutatn, te be n udcred hher'ly after the Christinai hnh days The coueert t be given bv the oho r of the n.iine e .men md be lie',1 en Tu. iday eivnuig. November -- Prof. U (liM and Miss Ad.lie Sin il', of Vurl. wll luke put. tiowspaperB that a let of goods had been recovered. Yesterday he c.itne le this eltv nud went out te 1'phrata. He took a leek nt the goods nnd lilentlllcd a large portion of thetn ns his properly. All that belong beleng cd te lilm be wan allowed te take away with him, A HiirctMlul Vminrr, l-lerlnt. mnce tlioeponlng el Ills grcenlieiisn utMJ West King stteet, by William t'ylur, hi) jjrew. lug truth) tins toinpiilled lilm te Inoieaje Ills iiccomuieiliitloiiH by tlie mltlltloliet another InillilliiK nmili) ceinptcti) by uUjLtie laellltles for snccenslul Meral culture. Ily tin erection ormiellior furnace, hiving ene te racliefhN houses, he Is enable.t te siiceesslully propo prepo prope IPite new plants mul nil in n laige collection el ilinlce IIeviim. The mennlieiiiirs me liualtil bviiienuii el terincntt i pipes Inld tlie outlre IeiikiIi en cue 1 1 kIiIe, At tills toasen, wliun the Illinois In ynr.ls ure destroyed by Innt, his place piosent a (Inn iippviinuicii, lielng Itlled with a eliolee election of rare mil beautiful IIoweih and plnnts et nil .IraerljitleiiH. Mr. I'vler malfeN llnrnl (leslRiis a npqclal lenlitie et Ids trade, nnd bus received, many cotninoivln cetninoivln cotnineivln torynoilecs el his work Irein l'lillnilelphln unit tonus tliiUKlieut tills county, mid In tills city i' tier.. Inn des mis h-iv i been ordered IS I, Mill. IIKOI.IC, llimlnifs Sliuiil Inr .Suln. .liKel. II l.nuj;, iiKenl ler tins executer el Clms. Ulllcmlc, decKiBOit, will ntrer nt public sale tills c luntng, ut iiiveii o'clock, nt tlie I'enpm liens.', West Klntf street, that valunble biislnmpiepcrtj', Nes. 31 and ."n Wat King mruvt. no occupied by A. N. Ilrencmiiu nsn sltei. stere. l'liuili.rn ltcliOHri.nl. Tlie tiiningei-s or tlie l.imcnstei I'lunlore eeinpiiny dcxlte n lull ultemlnncu et tliumutu bers at the opern linuiu, second llnei, tills uvcnlng te titie p.irt In tlie relicsral. Tlie work Mill tin iiuusiully linpnrtnm Alillirinnit Chci .." t)l cenici. tlicre will boucrewd In rutten epern lieme Sntuidiiy eventng, when It'll iti.l liecil iippenrs In hU tin enii ir.1 ir.1 ir.1 b'louecuutilc clinriiotei ns Did. timythe In Ills pluy of" iwlioek." Ile Ins Peen lioie befeie, unit tlie iiiiiiembr.ine)t tlie onjej nielli el tlie iluy will be aulllclcnt te druw n full Leam Muja tlie New Yeik ilenmy Journal of IIcimI : " llu lias elaborate. I Hits ifutlonte n point wlucli unities It pnirtlcully a new tiling. When lie lsen tli" stnu there la no dull moment In tie plcce. Ills amazing mm Jmlural linpti di neecnnviilsis tlie lieme" lil'J.VlAt, SOTUT.S rntiikN'n i.iuiii Ki'stten ; ndnilmtily ilcllciK. Ii.jnltli. or liee Teme promotes ill n l.iple I Inr loin i'ch In 'rngrftst. nlMiiilieil.Vw Lurge 'turnips. James Martin, of Buioketowu, Upper TiMicelc township, has raised three turnips which weigh 21 j pounds, Smokotewn ahead, n in. pint Hit Iii9iirtini e Cibe HUirtOtl. U. F. Davit, esi., counsel fe. I. oe.i.d Wuller, ban brought suit n;.tiur,t the L. B. Mutual Ail uoe'uty of LjIm-.e i, te iccovei i' 1)00 nisuraiiei. en thu liie of EliKtbeth Crimes, lately deceased aeth r e'JamesT. Orimis et Maiielta. The policy was written June 111, 1S77, te the use id' Qiimi'4, and about a year j ovieus t ) lier death it was hmht irntn lilm en a spe. ill it ion by G'erii' V Walten, iji Hairmbiug. and assigned te him. After her di nth Ui lines assigned .ill his intern t in it te Lii.ird Wallet, uhoelalms tlin inmirance money mi the ground that the merely speculative inteiist nciinred b Walten u eeuti.trv le pnbl.e pjliey aud te law. Tlie insurance ceinpin proposes te simply act as stakeholder uctweeii the el.iiin.inth aud pay the money into court, where the llualdetermiinti ni of the matter will be iwaited with inteiest in inuratice circles. A ltrplutli. Mult. Tlie l'enii (liobe gaslight company brought a suit of teplcviu against Juliu Hampe, a former mnpleye, te recover ten bariels of gasoline and ten empty birrels, pioperty of the company which he had declined tegiv tup when dischatged from the company's suivlce. When the slierilT served the iirit Hampe promptly surrendeiid the goeils te Diis liiteli, t'entei the eiiinpany heie Jium Trlnl lalirit I ur. W. It. Wilsen, ctii , eiitiiel for .lac b Gangway, the boy tram wrecker, oeiiMetcd at the last court, Inn obtained a ruin for a new tilal, t ) be argued In December. a w'ertii) induct ni Olmrlty. Tlie llerce llre that, raging at Fliounn Flieunn Fliounn deah yesterday, nearly wiped the little town out of uxi6teuce, will nerve te point tlie moral of the genuial uncertainty that surrounds life and urepcity en this mini daue spheie. I'Iieku who mtireil te rest en Sunday evening llttle dieamed that ere auother suinet would ceme ospesuro te the luting bl.uts of winter, with homes reduecd te ashes. This cilamity.it bcems, was ene which could net well have bccn anticipated Te be ante, the tlie depart incut proved in.ulcipaate.hut the municipal t uhuak ur a cdi.ii ii cuts u Unttie legul.itiens el n town iik stienanueati a. net supposed te jirovule agaiitbt a devalua tion llke that el Meed iv. Much distiess must inevitably result unless the eharilibly inellned ceme tuemptly t liie rescue of the suil'eriiig and hemeless citt.euH, aud ther1) Is no hotter way te prepare for a proper Thauksglving Ira me of mind th in tu hand Mayer MacOnntgh a subset iptieu for the destitute aud homeless people el Shenandoah. The Philadelphia oe Heading iailre.nl company will transport without ohnrge by itHexprctsmul lieignt linen tohiienantteaii, Pa., all coutributieus of piovitdeuK, cloth ing aud general Mtpplies, when consigned te thu cjmmlltce In eharga of the lelicf of the Hullerni's from the tlie of the X'i'M Inst, Subscriptions in cash or contributions in kind for the relief of the homelcss will be rcoeived bv the mayor ei at the iNrnr.r.t flENt nit otllce and will be promptly for warded te the responslble antbeiltli's. I'lremeu'M rrrsentatleu. The Washington hose can (age, te be presented en Thursday te the United llre company of Frederick, Mil., hau been handsemely ictltted nnd lepaiutcd for the ceremony. Kugoue Norbeck did the weik and when it was displayed en Centra Sijutue tills mer'ilug it excited very general ml miratien, Thu body, oiler, gilding, stnp ing nnd ornamentation are all in oxcellont taste. All the metal weik is bountifully burnished, nud a silver plate aflixed te the machine is luscribed, " Presented te the Uuited FIre Company, of Fioderlek, .Mil., by the Washington Fire Association, el Laneasteri Pa , Nev. 15, lSSIl," Adolo Adelo Adole gatlon of about S3 inomberH will take thr oarriage te u rcdoriek, en Thursday, lcav lug here at 0:30 a. in,, accompanied by a numucr ei CUI.CUS ami menus, uoturn ueturn Ing, en Friday, they will step nt Yerk and present the tluee hIIvit trumpets and six llre nxes of the old Washington eumpiuy, te the Union, of Yerk. Hteien rruperty Ilniovsreil About a nook age the fltore of Chailes Chaudler, at New Louden, Chester county was broken into and robbed of u let of clothing, beets, shoes, ecc. After the light in Kphrata Mr. Chaudler read In the Bletnem I JlteUiersl Mntlierm Are you dlalurbed nt night nud broken el your resl by a sick elilht RiitTerliig nnd crying will, the excruciating pain or outline tcethf 1 1 se, gout encn mid get a boltleolM US. WIN BI.OW'HBOOTIMNO SYUU1. It will rolluve tlin peer llttle stitlorer linme.UntPly ilopeiul upon It tliore In no inlslnke nbeut II. Tlieru la net n mother en earth who bus eer used it, who will net tell you nt ence Unit II will rogtilnte thu bewels nnd gte real le the mother, nnd rellel nnd henltli te thu rlilld, op erating like mnglc. lttsporluctlys'ile te use In all cases, nnd pleasant te the taste, nud Is the prescription or ene of the eldest nnd best loinnle physicians In the Unlled Slates. Het,) everywhere. 25 cants iiboltle innvl-M.W.flAw lliiA. l.oeAy AMiiMcCey.Tiavlngtltilshc.ltlierr course or loctuiea nt the epcrn liensi', lriic tnkan rooms nt the City hotel, where tl u Hick may consult them The doctors treat nil lerui of chionlcillserM.es, whether medical nrRiirgt. cut. Mctllcai Micutet. Dyspcpsln, illsensiw el the kidneys, henrt mid lungs, ilictium'.lsiii, tieurnlgla, pnmlysls el nny part or tlie body, cntnrih, screlula, wnsllnget the body, ere, ecsslve accumulation or the llcsh ; nil dis cuses peculiar te men and women ; nstliuui, tupe worms nnd parasites et every drserlp lieu Hint Inlesl the human stemnch un I bowels, plotirlsy,chetni, domcntlnunilciireiiu erniMljintlen. eurileiti )lietitci. Ulcerated or mlce e veins en the llmbi, hemorrhoids, threat ills easec, sqiilnt, hnre lip, clett palate, club feet, hernia, bow legs, contracted knee Joints, aneurism, removal of dead bones, 'pelypus, Illinois el any part et the body, hip Joint ills ills ills onse, stene In the bladdet, cancer el the lip, breast, or any portion or the body, torticellis or wry neck. All Important opeiatlons pcilormed iinilrr Surgeon Listers colebratod " Antiseptic Hpray,"nnd under untnUuejIn, 'I his inotheii liuinei the welt doing of nil tovcie wounds, nnd the patient ugaluU even I'm sllfilitcsl pain. Hump back, et itelerii.ltlRs et Ihu back bunc treated nud cured without cutllng ei Incon venience tu the suirerci. Kits el eiuiy de scription cu'ed. Special Invitation Is oxtenil ed te consumptives te lslt the doctor's parlern. The ravages et thU dlscise they arrest II they sen It In time Tliclra'thma euro Is without rival. They haven certain an 1 sure cum lereatarth. Acute rheumatism euted In Ireiuil te IS hntii's, stlb-nciite nnd chronle rheumatism In it oericHpomtlngly Bliertllme. Alldtseascs peculiar te lliONUxen iinpccldty. Tape worm removed in two le live hours nnd without pain. The llrst iippll iippll eatilBenllllctcdcurnd Iroeol chargu Tim doctors doveto the forenoon nl cacti Thursiliiy tesnrglc.il i))urntlens Thnte uf uf ferlntjrem turutcal itltctttcs will jifente rail upon the Doclert ntl the forenoon of ah3 Ttiursttai. e2nS.tMtld NJtlf AltriSUTlHBMBNTH, fllllK V1SKII1UT MTIM, HTANUM THAT X the bestn cant Havana Ulgais In the city In te be had nt IIAIITMAN'H YKM.OW KUONTOIOAU HTUIIK rANIKI.-A V YV cooking, Iren ei u small famllyj I V(I.MAn TO 1)11 TIIK renlugnnd ether housework yt uned lelerences rimiilreil. uml geed wages paid. Apply at tlili olllce, nU-tfil i.AUOi:sT. cnmnlntii ii9snrttnniit nt l'eker and Casstne cards te i.ilcet VOI'OAN AI.WAVSI'INIITII L best nnd mesl l.iielire, Irem ut IIAKTMAJrS YKI.I.UW Kl'.ONT 01 JAK OTIIIIK NAI.K-Tll FlMJNimV Of A Nil 1A- "VfOW (ll'KN. ONI', 11 (Ien ih, hall-wool, Ne leai el "iimll l'e ll Darby s l'rophylnctle Fluid Is i fed Ireely It destroys tin-very ,' m. I or l.:min Itielv, ame or Clie-it n"i hill I ..it's I'Oltellri l'1-AHIKK. Price, & cent - it i n II. II. (jcvcuran. 137 and IX) North ijneun .r.iit, I imcftMer. midioedt. ler wmnll t'e expese I) trbys l'lephyhictlc Hnl. 1 In the loom nn ! Hponguelt the pitlent tin It. 00- I wentv loin tieautitui colors et Mm IMu IMu inen.i Dyi'M. for Silk, Weel, Cotten, An., IU cts. cncli. A child can use with poi lect micci s. III. IIeiiBOii. hien enrels wlineut :l jH.cr. It ontulstdel liittinxli'runl nnd internnl trcat incti' nnd re-'" only tl ii -r pnclruge, at drug Ult " ueulilii't lie without Dr. Ilmten's Velrry ,i,( Chamomile l'illt f tty coil ft a pill. Then cured vie of neiirulam, of iei" i 'tniiil inu " .leutpli Snyder, I'axlens. I'.i vi els. pui l ix, ai druggists. Werlicil Menilrr-. " Mv tlmulitur wus very tint etr en ncceunt et n cold ati't pain In her tunas. Dr. Themaf Kelectrie Oilcuifd Iter In twenty four hours One nt lh Iievh Mils ennui of sere thre it. Tlil nieillclne bus worked wonders In me tBinllv." Alv.ti Plnckney, Mnlmnac, N'. V. Ker hiiIh Iv II. II Cochran, ilrncglst, I 7 and IS. Neitti tjneen stuet. I iiTeininend l.ndy L till. II i's -icietef Ye itli nn. I llenutv for tlm eomplexlen ns te in ! Inr Hup.-ilnr lean, mtlele I ". i use I. II ivuliily rciuevis I'iccMch, ani v. ill rcmove T tu In enu nppltetlen. t'l Ice .'K . V.u natii it nil ilriiggUts. MUM. I. UKN.NItHMlTH, i......m lM.t Vcwnrli. N .1. S lllcTtilrves 'J UtKiH.psl.i utid debility me two IiIb thiel e ; thev i men In nnd klcul our liuatlh ami coin cein coin erlholoro woLnewlt. Let us put it step te theli Invasions with a Pettle el Itimlaek Illoeil llitttr: te be had at nny drug "tire. l"or silo by II. II Cechian.dnigglJt, Iffntni III Neilli 'jueeli stn-et. I'en II- r'.'ier l nicemiiiiinil i:iy'i (renin il.ihn li enttrely ulloved me trem the tlrst iipllctit!nn; baie bt en a nutlet fort u ciiih, lining Hern home ami neglecting te tnl:e the ri'iiicdv, I lad nn .ittick; nflui ntarnlngl liiiniedlalily leso.ted te II ni.d lii.nnl Insinnl r lief. 1 lielieve, had I lietfiiu II us" eaillei, I .heuld uel have b...'n troubled. .1. elia'kk, (,'erlt, lis llrnwd Ft , lillsabetli, N. ily lirnilKr Myren nnd miMi.t teie both cnii'.t le nil nppeirancK, et ( et.irih nnd Hay trier hist .lull and Ailtfii( l-p te this d ite, li.e. JS i eltlnii have had nny ti luin el thuse iinutjUa. Kly'n On am itnlut was tlie niedl elne usel. 'JAiuitBt. KEPniS, t-pntieer, Tiega (,, ,s. y . o:-'wdeeuw Itrnuiin itiiusenni.l t'snains, I-thomeot ellecllvu I'aln Uestieyei Initie world. Will most suiely quicken the bleed i luiLlinr t.iUm InleiiiiUty ei app.lcd exter- nnllv. an. i timidity men- cnUilnly KEI.1KVB l MS, ulietr.m el.renle v uculu, than any etner pulti nlievister, nnd K Is win raub d duu duu liie the sin nglli than any ether si nllai prepn r it ion Itiuiea p. In In tin (M.ie, Hack in lleweN. 4oie ; r. .i l.heiiiualUtii, Toetliuche, mid AI 1. .lout S, nnd la Tin. Kient Ksltcver nl I'bIii MIItnWN'SHOUSI'.IIOI.Dt'ANACKA" ilienid be In i very liimlly. A tcicpoetitiil el t'i" Pun icon In n tumble'' el het will, r fwiet, in. I. It tiriiruiredl. tnlten .it ueilllitie, will DK.X Tll.l ( iucmkii In this city, en the lulh Inst, .leM.ph Cremer, In thu ilh year et hl-sage. 'lh relatives and filenilset the family, aUe Washington I.e.lcn. Ne l.'tfS.V. A A. M., nnd the Ir.itrrntty In general, nre lcsprclftilly lnvIU'd tenitend tlie funeral, from his late loldencc, OIeii ' hotel, corner North (Jitecn nnd Chesl nut streets, en eilneiilny utternoen at 1 o'clock Interment at Woedwarit IIIII cunu ery. 2t Wet.vKiimiiuiin. In this city, en Mnmlay mninlng, ev 1.', Henry Nmiinan. youngest con nr.les. A. and M I'liullue Welfi r herger, nged ;i years and it months. r' en end trem their residence. Ne. lie North Dnl.e street en IVedne'day at 19 o'clock a, in. .Villi .inrilKTHiEMKNIH. J .Ariil MIV (ll)tll) I'AIM'Kltf l i? eulreal ll Ne, JINUItTII IMtI.NCi:ST. 1,' e u it kn r iiwiit.iu.i: iinrin:. nlshcil looms, with or wllhniit liemil, In iiuiuire nt nl3.il ureutinluiid ilcslrable loc.itleu. tills nllice. X' 'UTItli: IS IlKltKltV J1VEN THAT AN uiinlliiitlen w Ulinmai e totunlievrruor. -... .!..: .... ... ,... .i... ............. il.niei ill.) nut t'l ituruiiimy in tint vi...,...... wuitllh nt relineylMinl.i. entitled " All Act ler tlie lncorpetntlon nud lteguhitten of Certntti Cnrpornttemi,"npprovii l April), 171, uml sup pllu.ents tliciele, leriieharlei et unintended eorpnratien te bneilledthe I'SITKII HTVI'KH KI.Ki.TKIC I.IUIIT ANIU'OWnilCUMfANY OK I.ANUASThll, the ohanieler and ol)ect el uhleti Is the inaniitaet tiling el Light (both lire and Incandescent) Ileal nnd 1'ower, by meuisel elei trlclty, nnd supply In; UinVuirn' te the elttzonser l.incisler ami te siieli p r r t.ens, pnrtiierslilp" mid eorpeinlloiiH .eslnlug tlieieln nnd ii'tjacent then tens may 1I1M10 the n line, te li ive and peski.is all the rights, bene Ills nud privileges centnr.nl liywnlcl nnr mid hiip.limi.tH theiete (,KO S. IlliOCIt, nU,'.'0'J7nt fcollcltei. r'li.te.s ni'KKi ittutsi . HATUUDAY, NOVUMBLin 17. 1883 Only arpearance here this sea-onel tlie pop ular young cenudlan l.Vlli 1' chlnn shoe nrennrtv of llarbaruer. lie. Cully it Ce., nluialcden West Chestnut street. An excellent stle for nmnutncturlng purposes, also ler tobnece warehouses for prle.' unit tonus apply te IIAU8M AN ,t IIUHN8 nlu-Stll ."se. 10 yv. Orange it. OA1K OF IIKHMH worth 20e.. at lie One 'ai.i) of Canten Klauunl, best ever neld at 8c. Ilrlght lintMvnnl I'lalds at lie , worth '21- per yanl, ATSWAltll'S, lebl7 lydTAH M North Qucun street. Ii'Oll ItK.NT I' The biillillug sltiimed at Ne. 120 North Huecn street, wlm n stern room In limit This billldltig nttends hick lietn North Oiienn street nbeut 1M0 lent, nnd has up te tills time been used ns a truslestore and organ factory. Applvte J. W.HYIINK. nil TnTliAHIttld Ne. 3M North Queen St. MAHOMU NOTIUK,-TIIK ItltKrIIUKN or I.odge Ne. 43, K. A. A. St., motcnucste'l te meetnt tiiulr hall en Wednejday utternoen t IK o'clock. November tl, is3, te nttend the funeral et llte, .lej. ctemer, a member of l.oilge Ne. 1, VI The brethren of I.ambcrtnn Ledge, Ne 170. nre lmternnlly Inillcd te he present. (li:0. A. M VltSHAM,, W. M llwitl H. 0 aiia. "eernturv. l.ancnster, Nev. Ii, ISil. ulMtll ISTAI'l! IIK MAltY .It. IJAMSKIt, LATK J el Lancaster ell v, deceased. The under. signed auditor, appointed te paH upon excep tions and todlstilbute tin. bnlunce remaining In tlie h.indHOl Win. I. Krelder, ailmlnlstia ailmlnlstia ter. 10 mid anion - these legally entitled te the same. Mill xlt let that purpose en Wednesday. November 14, lsjj, m, 10 o'clock il 111,. In the Libra! y ltoein 01 thoceiirt-llouso. In the city el Lancuster. Mheie nil persons Interested In n ild distribution tuny- uttend. i; K. MARTIN, 013-UdTu Auditor. fniiu i'iiit MAitiir.r AT TUB Parraers' Western Market Will be held en SATl ItUAY AFTERNOON, NOV.SlTir. At One O'clock. Kiiruicu me Invited te take stalls until Al'ltlLl. ISil, KltKKOFCIIAItUK. Aiipltentlens terstauda may ha nimbi at any tlmoteo. M. .ahm, atthe New Murket Heuse, these llmt apply Ing having the llrst choice nm'iir'nl&'itw SECOND EDITION. TUE9DA.Y" MVBNINU, NOV. T3, t09U. THE END D1MWS NIGIJ, TIIK I.KOIHLA'intlK TO AD.KIUItM Ttie Iteglnnlng nl the ICnd U110 More lClt'ert nt Apportionment lint nn Adjourn ment lletweeti TliBiiItglvlng ntul Christmas. HAiiittfliiuite, P.., Nev. 10 Tlie Dom Dem Dom ecrntlo members of the Hottse mid Sonate met In caucus te day te dovise means by which apportionment bills should be passed nnd the llnal adjournment day fixed upon. After a general dissuasion of tbe Mibcet a roselutlon'was adopted that tbe Legislature adjourn tine die en Dee. 5. In the mean, tltne oiTertH will be made te have appor tionment bills passed, based en the vete of last Tuesday,and conferonco committees worn appointed te meet similar committees of the Republicans, with that object In view. In the Hottse the resolution for adjourn ment en Dee. 5, was offered by Mr. Zleglcr and adopted by a vete of 1 17 te 12. Tlie Sonate bold u nhert session aud oenflrmcd sevcral noniiiiatlens.among them that of Adam Hey, te he jtitlge of the Ceutre district. liitciat. inddci:.ui-.nts erri:itKi in ij Ladles' and (Jentlomen's Kurnlshlng (Joeds Just received at very low prices. Ladles' dents' mid Clillitren's UnUeruear trem '.il cents and up. Ilnslmy and n great vtiltty of (.loves and it Its, Kult .JaeKOtis, I'antH, Overnlls, Over and Hack Coats ; ajeb let Irem a" tisslgnec's sale, comforts trem kj cents and up, together with u lull line of Notions, nil ehe.mer than evei. Please call and oxnuilne btileri) you buy. Trade Dollars taken nt pail , III: SUV 1IKU11TOM), Ne, 5 J North Oiieen Street. jrfcti;ii et I lie lllg Htecklng. teb.T-lyd T nACUKtlS' IMHTITUI'K. ROLAND REED, And an exiellent cemp.iny, In Ktinl. Mar den's New Comedy-Drama, " CHEEK." Licrylldng new end elegant, including u llewet Madisen Squaie, New Yeik, undei Ihu Kleettlc Light. Itielilenlnl te the pi i, Mr. Keen nlil Introduce lilt liitent i-ueii'tsiiil song, " I'm u I'll lect Newleik Dude " ADMIsmON .I.Sil ATyiJKNTfc. KKSl'.llVKD bBA'l'.S 71CKNT.S. for sale at Opera Heme Olllui. nl3.1l .) - '' ll.ll.DWICI.I. A2 CO. HvoningPresrammo Opera Houge. TUESDAY, NOV. H-Krank Heard. " (Jhallc Talks' "Tin' Mission et tlie numinous." WKINK3I)A1. NOV. ll-lleheit Celly m Hubji cl 'Trein Anvil te l'ulplt." Tllt'ItSDW. fOV.r.- Din Lewi- snbleel ' OurOlrls " ritlDAY, NO M-MIss Helen Peller, In her Uulu,iin luipeouutlen4. HJ.SKUVKD TIC'KKTx. 10c llAI.I.Ktty, , 'jc. ceunsi: TiciihTs, i no. (.'halt let llescvved eat will open ut 9 a in., en MOM) . .N IV. li, it reiiDersiullb's Heek htere Deers open 7 I'. I.uctuie uts. u 10 Ltd iv aki: thi. i.kae. nur unrv fiteM L iioiie, and all ludgusdeadmll 1 -ell the bust vj. Hnvann Cigar In tlie oily at II UlTM IN' Yl.LKIW rilOHl UlUA'l A llarilencd murderer. Indiana, Nev. 13. Sarver, who killed his father en Saturday last nud also at at temptnd te take the life of the heuse kcoper, Mary Kelly, shown no signs of rcmorse or fenr. This morning he was dancing and singing in his cell nnd said they could never banj; him because "He was a Democrat nnd se was Oovernor Pattleen." Tlie prisener in net bollevod te be ItiBaue. The Kelly girl is htlll living with chances of her recovery. Ilcr testimony has been takeu nnd shows conclusively that the murder was premeditated. THIS HlIKNAMUllAU fiiti:. when tirlenn nilvftiinit in with llve stock and cloted nt7aun. Dressed niiene wote fairly active Lambs ailOl!!e. " ve te-day, sympathy at 7avc l.lvn Stneft 1'rlne. CiiiOAno-Heg8-ltccolpts, 50,001 beau 1 tiin. hinntfl, 6,000 bead i market strong unit lera We hlglinr, packers ami shlppcM buying fren, lyi lucking, tl 204 70t panklng nn,V shin, ping, ll Mint light. II tflltfl 70 1 skips, Mm ' . battle ItifelptH, n,ece head t slilimients, l.COOt innrket brisk and 10fl3e lilaher. oxpertx, $1 N187 00I geed te clmtce ship, ping. l.lCOfje W t common te medium, fl f bit Mil! ItatiKe I'nttle tefSISc higher i grass Texuns, liwaiwi Aiiterlcrtn,$liW8J. Hhcep-ltecelpln, r.jotieadi shipments, LliMt ., J.ril l0ll,,v ,m'1 llencri Inferior fnlr. I2 tiaJte" ,K ' 1Ml"oleeiWlToxaiiMl Kadt LliitnrY.-Catllc-1lecelpts..-HI0 brad: matkctacitveand prices iirnie Higher thnti ...l,.0,:rt":".t'Fc,l,J?' 't '"-'''I t mnrket actlvu : t'l. Iiutelplili .11 oops in; Yorkers, il MftlO) Shef'p-llccetpts, 7.fioe iun.1 , innrki i tlrm nnd prices a slmde higher limn Inst week. Mneu ainritets. (Jttolallens by iten.1, MeUrnnn On, ere, Lancaster, I'a. 11 A. M liM, au.Ai.e Michigan Central uK '.UW New Yerk Central 117); U7JJ Nowderaoy Central Sl Si(j Onte Central :! Det Laeft. A Wostern.... 11776 H7li Denver ft llte Orande.... 2I?j; Krie K. ins li , Lake Hheit (.nicagnft N. vtem.... VXy N. N., cut. . Western.... !i)Vi M.raul&Otnu'iu .H IMclneMall Iltj; Hechiutura I'l'isburgli.. IS St. Paul H'O'.i 'tnnli If. M r. me uniniii)..., urn i&Texns UK UlOle 102'i .... ... . The Huttarcrs llelug Cnren for. Siir.NANtKutt, P.i. Nev. 13. The flte which was se destructive te property here is still burning among the debris, but no furthordnmage is apprehended. Financial rollef Is new nrrlving from ether places, The homelcss are being cared for by being placed with ether famillen. The lesa 1 1 fully half n million dollars and the insuranee a little ever enu hundred theus and dollars. A number of temporary buildings ero being erected. A Itatlreail Company's isolnttte (loneroHly. PiitiAnnLi'iiiA, Nev. 1.1 The" Phlladcl phia it Reading railroad company has contributed $5,000, for the rollef of the suffcrera by the flre at Shenandoah, yes yes terday, and will transport nil stipnlica te that place free of cost. A I'ellcninnii Ktiucke.l linivu. Wif.MtNOTON, Del., Nev. ?,. Sorgeaut Hugh MoCennoll, of the city poliee ferce, wns pursuing a gang of suspected thieves at an early hour this morning when ene of the men stepped and knocked him scnsclueii te tbe pavement. He lay unconscious for seme time but tlnally crawled te bis home, whete he new lies in n critical condition. His assailant.it is believed, used brass lcntielcles as the officer's fnen is badly cut. l'rub.ible Leus of Vesaals. Ciiicaue, Nev. 13 The schooner Arab with tbe tug beat Protection have net been heard Irem slnce Saturday wbeu they left St. Jesephs and it is consldered almost ccitain that they have geno down with all en beard. The Protection had oleiou men nn beard and the Arab soven men. I'm in. J. 'IITK'UIW uii.l-T.Tii.l'AW 'low le sciin-ii 11 mi H t. i -.i.iii.i utinnge t tint nnv enu will suiti r i e.n the many ileimigumniitrt bieughl en by 'i liupuiti einidltleii el the bleed, iv him b(JO . U.L'HsAUSAl'AUtl.L V AN DHTIL1.1N01A, il IILOOD AND LlVKIt SYKl ! will restore ! tletl lieullh te the physical oigiiulriitleu. It l liiibudHHtieiigthenlng "rnp, pi.i.isant te i lie, n id has pieven list 11 te be the beet III. ODD I'lriHFir.U eei illseeieied, utlei-t- unity em lug rieiel'.i.u, byphlltle dlneideiit, weakness et the lilitneyN, Kryslpelns, Mula n.i; all nervous dlseiders aud dubtllty, bll. I his complaints uml all dihciuict) Indicating an tinpuin condition el the Illoeil, Liver, lild , ys, hlen acli, Hlclll, etc. It collect-, ludl i ctlen A Mingle hetlltt will pieve te you lis i in It-, n i health nun r, ler It ALTs I.IKK A CIIAIIM, iipeelidli lieu thu ei mplulnt U et mi exhaustive nature, having a li in Unity te Iu..siin Hie n.itutal llget el liie hi iln and tier v.. iih ay stem, , ivlilfn PAIS I'ANACKA Ollles 11 p.llll III in. m uml beast, r'er ute mtiuiuilly and Inter nally. ItlSU HOItsI'. I'llVi'lll'.U') emu all .tUensus ' r ltnu, eultlu, sheep, hegd, pnuliiy mil all I.UiiMecU. A 1'OSll'lVLUl'lll',. .nuyit-a l-'et c iln nt II II Cee'irnu'ii ding nlein 1J7 N..i i emii ii kIiimii lieiiiys Cnrbelle rinlir. Thu best ,;.ile In the iimld ter ents.ln ulHea seien, ulceis, eall rliuuiu, tidier, chapped baiidii, chtlliluliiB, corns uml nil kinds, tit bkln eruptions, neekliis mid pliupliiM The H.ilve Is guaiaiitee.l le give pel lei t niiIIsIik Hen In eiery cacoer meuey lutiimled, llu suie you gut IICNIll'B CAUllni.lO HlLVK, IIS till OtllOlt) ure bill Imltutlnus nnd eeuului'lelt.s. 1'ilce 'ii renlH, bold In l.anaiMei it t nelir.in's Drug teie. i:)7 North Oueeii Niik.it. mvP-l Uuri'il Wliun I'liyiiLimiM illvn Up. " Our Uuilly pliyulclau gave up out child 1 1 dle," w tete Hemy Knee, emp, et Veillla, War ion, Ce. 'I nun It hint lltsj. Haumritan ifer inrir has eure.l the ehlld " i .V). II U iMilund&iv faun t.t Detiteue ter i Im uethUvuiy Iii gliintau.i t meies Tartar and t-ciui, hm.leus be tin in , steps ileeiiy uiet peilumus the bteat 1'i.fi ni.iuH tot sale ut nil di tig Kills 1027-BnulW Bronzes, Oleck Sets, & Decorative Ornaments, Our new things from liurepe are arriving in great quantities, adding materially te the attrac tiens el our beautiful store. Objects of Art in Real IJrene are new much in vogue, as well as Cleck Sets, Mantel and I'ed estal Ornaments, and ether Decorative pieces. Our collection represents the best efforts of all the noted makers of Paris, Munich, Berlin and Vienna, whose ateliers have been visited by Mr. Caldwell during the past summer. We desire te extend a very cordial invitation te the resi dents of this city who may be visiting or passing through Phil adelphia, te call upon us. Our store will be found te contain much of interest te every one. It will give us great pleasure te have an opportunity of showing attentions te visitors. J. E. Cauavku. & Ce, i)02 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. dm i.l it eeiii'iaes iieti-.l. BVI'MStl. N'lSLMIShlt U. all that iluahli) ltusliiiw. l'lnperty, situ- llted 2H)! 34 AMI 3'. WEST KINO hiltKKl, L.iie-.wter I'u., midway between Cent i e .". u.iii) ui. d Hteveus llniwuundIEer.il Ing ICiilltead Depot, mill opposite Cooper's lied Lien Hetel, uml new occupied by A. N. Ilten emun. It mis a frontage cf il fei t 7 Incies, lunnlng bade I - f-' t . Milh the right of uuy le tlie ti leet iilley en tin. west, wliile ever Hie ulley- the n'cnu.l, third mid feuitli steiles tx-leng le Ihu piepuity. making thu uhele trout Ji toot, 7 luetics, u.icltitdvii nt iheutley wliv. te wlikli It h is rlifhtet treelugiess uml egicsHiit nnv nnd nil times through te West Mltlllu street. This pinpeily Is In geed lepilr, nnd tin-, been used ns a Hhnc Mern iiu.l duelling fet ni-.it Ivu) jeurs. Bain te eeiiiuieni'ii iu 7 o'clejk, Mhence.i It It tlniWet s.ilfl will no made known by .IACOII II. LOSe, Agent f-r tin. Kxicutnrs of Clns. (;tllupti, Deec iHi-d HM I lla-iA -en, Aliit e.V.0.M.tnI,t,8,U I-ytir.i.iusii.t: ec v.ii.UAiii.i-; citv i'iie l'Lltry . In purMi mcoei an order et thu eiphaiis Coutt ei tee County et l.ancnster, will tin Held by public vendue en Wcdnesi'ny, tbe lltb dav et .Vevetiibc , A D. lwtl,ut the l.cepird Hetel, tu the city et Lancaster, the lOllnulug described valiiat) e teal lutein of Jehn Hiiurt, IntDOl a.ildcltv.deceiiHeil, viz A let el gmutiit homing en Kast King bt.. In siipl ully, id fenHK Inches ud In deiitb te HtMlMslieet teeiLstein benuil.irj '.'D7 teut, mid te ue-ti in beuiiihiry '.'11 leet, u.lleliilng piop piep eriv et the Widow I. Ichtv and lien. A. Heir hlnlth. Tlieie Is erected en mid piumlsc. a lingo two-still y Deiibbi riame Heiigh-Uasl llotue, Nes,OI7 and i I'.i Kast King stteet, con. vi nlcntly nrraugeil ter two laiutlles and u liyiliitutunilorceicruDil Irulltreosel vuileus kinds. Thlsptepeitv will be sold In ene or mine pin p. u ti te suit l.utcr.usciri I'ulsens ilestiing te Hen bald puinlsi- will pliuicall en Mis. -.u irt7, iiulilliig nl -Ne 117 Knst King lieu'. Nil ii te couiinnr.re nCoYleck p. ni. .IOHN W.-IAOKdON, wtlli will uiiueM'il el .lehii Tniru l'acllle Union Pacific Wubaah Cnmuinn Wabash Preferred Wcsl'rn Union Ti.leitmnti boulsvllle .t Niishvtlle .. S. Y.. ltd. A SL I Lehigh Vntley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania Heading l'.T. Ai llultaln Northern Pacific-! em... Northern l'acllle I'eef... Itcstenvtllu I'llPudetplliii A I'lle Nertneni central Undeigieunil (Jiinan.i Southern , en ................... Vcople's Pansenirtir 21!., -2v. ijivI toy. mm ) tnv; 5SJi in; 'M in ll4 B7 ur. 7i MX 70 1-1(1 kiS r7 n IK I'uiiniieipliln Ij.luUltntisliy Ashe fated I'rnss. StncUs steady. I'hlladelphl i tt Urle It. II Heading Itatlreail I'liiinsvl viin in Uitlrend I."hlgli Viiliuy KiUlre.nl United Cenuunlcs of Nnw.letuy . Sert hern Pernie Northern I'ncltlc t'tiitRrrel Seilln.rii Centril lt:dlie-nl Lnulvl. Niwhmlleu Omnp.in Nerrlntntn ll:dlrn ul Cant ml Trnnspei latlen Oeinp me. 1'lttSb'g, l'llUHVIllD. llulbltl.lt. It. Lttt'it 4-lin 11.111 ItrJIlmiil "Mi . 70 I'm . M ii); , no . 38 . l'i ,. (I.HJ Nrw vnfi" Qunlatlens DV IvjecLltiitltPrt-ss Stectn tilctnnd firm. Mcnny easy, New Verk Uentral i:rlu Uuilreiit Adams Kxnress Michigan Cetitnl It'illraul..., .MIchlKiin leuth.-rn I lallread Illinois i 'eu triil Itatlreail Clevel.ind & Pittsburgh llallread.... Cbictge.1: Itectt Island Itatlreail l'ttlsbr.r.iti A fort Wayne llillread . Western Union Te! iri n Leuiikiiiy ToVileA. Wnbisli New .). i-ey Cent t ul Nfw erl: ilnturMA. Wesuun fl ...nvi ... .'.-J ...1.T1 ... ei .. lwx ...i.ti2 ...HI ...12S ...1.11 ... 21 ... li ... '.'I l.nm: -noens !-. ilniidt llepertudby I. ll. t.euz I'ntnl llnller nxplixfeii. Ni:w Oiti.i'.iss, Ta . Nev. 111.- The beilets in Georno T'etnlely's sucnr beuse at Rayen lljeuf, Asaiimptieu parisb. o.x e.x o.x pledcil yesterilny, killing three men. Toe victims wero blown te atoms A Wlln uurilricr te no llnngcil Uai.ii'.w, N. C, Nev. 111. -Hewell Ityril, colored, ceuvlctu'l of the murder of his wire, lias been n'titotte'. 1 te b-. banned en Derembcr 15th I'. nun's Uase Utui.i.N, Nev 111 The jury in tha o.ibe of Jeseph I'oele, en trial for the minder of ,i oil n lConney, tliis aftenioeii atineiinrrd that they could net arve en ,i venlict. If. H. Adinlrnl 1'reigtiten Danil MoiiitiAiews, N. J., Nev. lit. Ad miral J. 11. Creichton, of the U. S navy, died Inne at neon te day of licait trouble. UKUIIIIU IMHUA1IO.NS. Waiihnoten, Nev. Ill Portlie Middle Atlantie states fair weathei, followed in north ami ieneru pet liens by occasional light snow si.iithmly te wefteily wint's lower baiemcter slight rtbe in tempera-ture N.linllitsti ii'n NWIIIU. IIUIIKKT A '111 A ucis. ) J7 lUVn 1 T.li'.tfl yir M.i.i , Mtt I'OSTilK. Sclinables Eur Beaver AND- EN'iLISH WHIPCORD OVERCOATS, I'uii bluik Minds el Nevuuiher mil.e ttiu IlLAVKll OVKUCOATS ll necessity, ami wu II i VI' OVBECOATS leriiipiily nil needs limn the Minug hit MONT lilliY te un Klegsnt HCIINAllLKS KDIt IIH.W hltei KNDI.IHII Will I'COltD l'tilllilpni ninrie-i I'liiLAliiai'iiiA, Nev. l.'l. Cleur quiet anil Meudy; Huporllne. I't ma.l fO: Kxtin de, lii JI e): Minn, intra, ." S.'.Sii, ltyorinur,w;e1J75. tl lieat unsetllcit i Nn '2 '.Vnelein lle.t, tl "'.; Nn .1 iln, VJ ; Ne. 1 I'cnn'ii ItOii.JllU. Cern In geed .letnuiid , Hill vellew, iIIRil'c; de uiUfil. saauie i Ne. .1 mUed. 67ft57c. Oats III in nud quint i Ne. I ll lille. liUc ; Ne. -2 IVlilte, .l7Sfla., Ne I de, :ilk,J.e; Ne .' Mixed. :H)i3e llyedull nt vie. heedM-Clever nt DJitl li)i4e , 'lliuulhy ilull nl II lOffl M ; Kluxsued at ll V.U I is. 1'iovUlens stiuntv. t;oed demaiul. Ilaeen Sinelted Hlieulders, OJiCi'le; suit de old. (iflViv; new, ..;(: Hmek.i I Hums, 119 UK i nlculed de, 1SH1-JC. I.unl atcaily i illy lelliied.tXfl'ie: loose lilltelicm, 7'il7V.t i piluiiiste.itii, t7 N7ds llultei' ucltve unit II rm ; l'unnu. uml IVehtern Ciuamuiy exttn, ajf.lle -. II. ( uinl N. Y. extni, lili.sct Western, '-MQilc. Itollsneircoiit 'iefj'ilc. Kggs firm mid uctlre ; PennVei tr.i. Mc , lee house, 37OVS0 1 IVentern extru, sue. Cheenii ill ui New Yerk lull cream 12Vi (Jlikce: Westeiu de, IIHOH'ie; de lull te geed, lUXGHOj l'a. pait sunns, lfj7e l.sne'ity s i, nu l.ivtii.lr.il-.'.. cv; . f (vsr c. In I '.rauynafs. ' ter ei.. soheul l.cae... t ' i.i i i.yn.irn. i " in j "i j- i-ir. " 0 " m H1J)npi Munhetm 'areu;jh lean ir.ecAf.HBec.1 srecan. Uinrr. t ':. '.: Mllln.Ni .11 .s;r, 1 1 r in.iu'i ! Prt ii ; ..ncrtuy , iia . mi "" i .. ,.;) . .., 3V.ii n Ilium. Ml'inds) Oelniut'tsOns Company .....'. Ceinm' li Wuv-i (.tnn in . u-inunli.1. ni linn ueupi.iy iti.rl .' I .te-vw.r" , Stevenii Heuse.... Sicily IsHind Knst tsn.n li wine x iVny iie-tit'i:... Ml'le ivt'.e Nerm cl"Vl ... Ve-i't -'fi Murkfil KI-KTU-MIBm 1 DI !(. ii , 1 1 1;. u.,.inii 11. i ul... i A Columbia U. U.ss in.i..." un t.njnt n.i'. ruui IH). itueln I ei 'A yeirs t lui'.te. ..nf I.l rlil. .ml hiinl Ce. i'u.. w. Khsteiu Murkut Western Market rmmriKutfTOcrn LU llllK . ih.ever Lii" .Illllgllll) I A Hei'U.llKK) , Oil.'.. In l . C'llnllllll Kill 'O'lll.ll. I ft IVil-llllllttOil I'OlUlllbtliA lllg Spilllg ,,,, Columbia .t Murlnlt.l iruyteMi A KllrulinUitewn Uuiuu-uir .1 KphraUi ' nnc,i. ..i A willow Sir- .t. .. .. J;,.-'uiif i Ulllpert SI .M. tta.v ! .ytewa it .rict't . Me mt l"v , Lane, Kllzibetbt'n A Mlddlet'ii..... iMiicivitnr.l KrullvtIU', , l i.nca'ti i A t.lttt. ijineister t Wllll;iuitev,-'i ..i iHiiBtxir Maner LencsBtsr t Matih.itm ..!,. isit'i . Miitleltu .. i..' .sjer A Sim lleltund Kutnrtt' tSns'iiiehitiin.k HANK TO ,Sll t'lrl.li 'nuimr... : .. r in in. i- Niilleiuil UaKk ........ full n 'i.itluual llnnti itinci County Natle.ia. I' Celutulta Niillnuul lliuk christian i National lUuk r,thrn'H N.itteii'il ILtnl: V 1 1 t :. I'.tenul ilr.uk. C u m '' first !la" i. i lU-.n, iu.i u u Urs S'atlei'il 'tan 4. 1mI-ii. . t'livt S'ft.bin I Haul, leual .le i.l. M N ale-! i' .In; iniiv. n Natien ii u....: in) i -rational IKnh, ! - .'. ) Vt.w lleltnud Niiiuns). ii .s . i.lin Vn'lenai Hank . ten li-) h) IOC' WO I'M ll(J itn 100 we Ml. te Nl ay 10(1 Last ,.w. tin. tli Vr 5 lft! IW Wu ICt VJi .: 40 !1 SO HI 50 WO 101 Ml BO CO te uee tee 2 5.2a 2111 6 1C I 51 105 IIH IK. ICO lOI 100 M '.tl 10J r.i 'St V M KM it, Is IB .. 2.1 .. 23 .. It) .. 100 .. Ul .. vs .. 13 .. 60 .. 25 .. 2S .. 100 .. J00 ..HU .. CO .. iOv 1 . .. ICO .. 1DU .. IV .. tee . ISO .. 100 .. itrt ... no .. 10-1 r ' , ns' inn ii is se It. 17 ll 21 00 31 03, M 75 1C0 1X110 (1 S3 85 tw 1I0.7'. 117 ne.;- ue !0i tu Hi iru .m 130 1-H IM 73 .ill '15 de lull skims. Iff Ike. I'etieluuui linn j llu Whisky ui fl V) lellued, ujjJSe tipd . Ouv Prloea Are tlie Lewost. 'I Hu bTOCK Is all NKW, and ter UT ItrJAUTY OK FINISH me unexcelled. New Yerk. Mnrketb Naw Yerk, Nev. 13 Fleur sleudv iiindei.iui ilumaud. Wheal opened SWe hlgliei , latr luled easier undleil most et iidvuncp : lilr sp'-rul i. live trading' Ne 2 llnd, Dee., tl I2il J: Juii.,fl U'i011.1! Keb..ll7b'l l". Cern epuued i!.itii" blghei : utlciiviiuls lest udvance and (lujllued ',(iie Mixed Wnstern, Hnnt, .V)(tH!e : de luture, tJlSfl.'e. O Its dull Btate, 3S(f l.le ; Western, KWl e El I'A I'll OK.V.AKY ItOCril, I.A.TK III' Lancaster cltv. deceased Letters nt ad ad mlulstrHtlen en till. I mtate having hcengraut d te thu tiuileiwtgne i, all piu'sen Indebted tlinieiouie icqiiestel te uiaketmmcdlatupav iiiutit, and tlie e having ulitlms or demands against the ime, ulll picsenl O-em without Iflll .I'l Mlllll 11111.11 IO 1MI lllllllllHinill'l!, IU- .Hill Mil. Ill, Adiiilntstratnv. eclil-titilTli .. illug In l.auciist..i I., li M ikriN Attein.'y . Mllltlli IS ID.III.IIV OIVKV THAT AI. IV pPuAtleu will be madu te tlm (,'euit et Cemuimi I'leiiset Luueaster ceuiilv en Mon Men Uity, .'loveuibut Vi, IsSI, ut tune'uleclca. in,, ler ttiu Im 'rporalleu nl tlm ttotliavllle Cortiet Itiind, li ' ebjnet of which Is the promotion et musv j. u v Hicuivri, ilt.l- Solicitor. and ktnriuKTii Tin: KTOuiiiiei.nr.UH or l TIIK M.KVNKUCIIOIt HAM. AHSOCIA TIO.N The heatil or dliucters ul the Mum Mum liuiebei Hall usieclatlnn having rcuelicd, with tlie ceiiHcnt et tlie Htoc.ktietilers, te In cte ise the cnpltHl stock otthe corporation irem fM,ei) te M'l.oeo, thu Increase te hu mude by the Usue et 100 uliaies ur Hteck at the p ir iiliui of t! each, the atocUhehloin el the said cer poiatten are heieliy nottlled that u uuettug et Htockhehlers ulll be held ter the mirnoseot cenahhiliig sucli IncrcuMi el iiipllal at the olllce el the corporation en North 1'ilncu nui i.Ai. Htreet. en MONDAY, the Sfiili day nt HKU.ISSI, at 8 o'clock n. in. IlKNItl t.Kltll.' sapvii steaw WILLIAMSON -AND- UT. 1'iealdent. FOSTER, 32, 34, 36 & 38 EAST KINO ST., LANOASTKU. IM. IVeitern ilrnin niarket. AI Teledo the receipts wcre 17,iei)UtHhuls et iVbi at, 11,0(0 bushels of Cem, 33,000 bushels et Oats The shipments were Se.OOJ ImhIiuIs et Wheal and 3,(iw bushels el Cern, At Milwaukee the receipts woie ltl.uue bbli. Fleur, 45,i oe bushels Wheat, :(7,003 de Iliuley The sldpiuentH were is.erni bbli Fleur, l (no bust. Wheat, It) no) de llailey. Al l'eet In the receipts wnro:w,eoj bushuls ei Cm n, 50,010 bushels tiats, llWHj ile ltye. Tlie slilptneiits woie 2I,oiie bushels Cem, i.i.ii u.te Oiiih, 'i.iiu de ltye. l'lilladulpliiu C.itlle Muruat. htuiiiiav, Nev. li The at rivals el iivl bteek al Ihu I'hUailclpbla stock yards wen) : ter me week --j.uyu ucoves, ii.uuu Hiicep, ii .ii hogs, I'toyleus weuk-I,5UO Ijeeven, is.uoe t)llliui, l.ueu iiuhe. , , , ... Iluul caitlu were In geed demun.l ami prle s a strong Ue higher. WequuuiaH fellows! Kxtiu, fi5eUie Ooed, SJiQCe t Medium, 5Q5)ie ; Common, HJIKe. nil cows wote In better request atuaiie Milch cows were In lighter xupply at W(f 75. Vi ul calves weru higher nt OQVe. Sheep and Lambs were In lulr ilumaud and in lets baicly steady. We quoin as follews1 Kxttu.S'.a.lVlUoeil, 4Set Me.lliim,3i 4ljc i common, 2Hfi3yiei Lambs, lJ0W. Hogs weie In peer lequrst and pifccHiveiu uiiHteady. Ill) IIUOIIIIU IOIIO.YB Kxtta, 7e t Uoed, JKe: Mwlliun, & 7e L'otunieu, nX5ic DmtsasD MSATS, City Dreed Hoeves wero Inacitve until T). Ivl.lt'n TONIC. Twists and Twinges, " My biutlirjii," Kheuted Dr. 'I'aliusRO eau nlillhlaulumnil Suiuliiy, " ho.e Is n lessen liem thu ceinlleld. Hed has iu ranged that thu ear and inu bus shall be pailnl. I'.very ihuuuiatic pain tsbiillhn tlitust et the busk ing peg, nnd eiery ueuiMlgle twinge Is only a lulolet the busker.' l'Onslbly ; but i o:edy wants In bu husked, tui all Hut, and ualu.u U aches in te resist tlie process, iburelure, weiiccupt wllbgrutltiule ivhatevei liulni us te supprcts tho-e very tlstsnud iwlngcs. Fieiti his plius.iiit he.ne, liroeiimonl. near blng blng, N,. V., M. Alliel llaer, a Krencli gentleuiiiu, writes : 4'1 hare sutlercd almost Iniolerabte torments titeiu rheumutliiu for many years. Ot the nuiue nuiue leusruinitlliviwliieli I ti lo.l.neuo benellteitiim. Hut I'AliKKiVJ'o.iie gavoinegie.it rntlstactlen, 1 cuitlly with pleasure Hut It roilerod my lieuiUi. Veu me ivelcotne te nnlilUii this mid ueemyiiamu," Metsrs. Ilwcex . Ce. call oapectat attention te the laet that tils preparation, which has buen known us I'akb.Ve Ul.texu Tonic, will liciwilter be adiertlscd anil sold simply under n.i .miiioet I'aukub'sTosiie. Asunprlnclple.l ilealoiBareeoiistaiitlydocclvinglliclrcustoni. ur by gitlntltulliig Interior proparntlem under the name et finger, and us gliiger Is ically un iiiiluipettiiit UiBrei'lent, we drop tiiijiiillcadltig weul. Them Is no chang'', hoivever, In ttioprepani. Hun ltacll, nud alt billies remaining in I he hmuiset dealers, wrapped under ttie iianiu et l'juiKini's (iiMimi Tesio, contain liie guuulun mediiliiutt tliuliiosliiille nlgnaturoel Hhcex ,t ( e Is ut the bottom of the outslde wmptr. nl-lmdced