LANCASTER DALLY INTELLIGENCE!! MONDAY NOVEMBER 12. 188& OOLUMMA NEWS. IIUU KKOUl.Alt UUIHKHrilNIKNIK iiU Along tlie humhidIiimiii I "' "' lutnrmt In nml Around thn lloreimli Picked up liy the lutein finnirr Iteiierlnr. liUtlinrinoineilal lervlees worn held nt u'l of ilin Lutheran anil tlie Motliedlst ohurche vesterduy. Tlie churches of thu J former deiiutuliintluii worn beautlfull dooo deoo doeo rated fur tlie occasion, tlie udiirtitiiunt of tliu Second struct Lutheran olmreli novei having been equalled en liny previous occasion. Tlie main fentllie tlioie wns u bluokbeutd containing u lopresetitutlnn of tlin llndlng el tlie llllile In tint nietiiiHtcry llbr.iry at Krftirt. Tliu Meral display was exceedingly linn, Tliu evening services woie dovetml te tlie children especially nml wute of universal luteiest. Tlie nddiess tiy tlie pastor was highly entertaining, and tlie choral services were beautiful, tlie choir surpassing their nniial cirertH In this dlructlen. Ht. Jehn's Luthurnn ohiireh was also finely docernted, u handsome painting of Luther nailing the ninety llve thi'ni'8 te tliu deer of hlsohuteh forming thu centtnl fouture el thuin. Anether beautiful decoration wax u large cress, te fthieh was chained an old IlihUi. The singing at thin uhuruh was iiIhe very tlue. Thu pastor's morning loiuieu was en the subject of "The Childhood or Luther," and his eventng subject was "Tlie Youth of Luther." l'urneiiitl. Miss Antilu Humphries is visiting In I'hlladuliihia. Mr. Jehn Wilsen, of llnrilsburg, Npent Hunday in Columbia. Supervisor Jehn H. Nichols ha returned from thu tour of inspection of thu l'eun l'eun sylvaularailiead. Mr. Ileraun lle)d in heinu from a tun dayn' trip te Ileckend.niua and Cutusa nia ftuies About Town. A few Htray snow flukes full thin morn tug. Locust street is buiug Improved by having hoiiie e( thu mud scmpml from it and hauled away. The led ion' aid society of the Methodist church will held an important uiisIiiemi meeting ut the paiseuagn te moriew at 2 p. in. A ueuplu of drunken young men cicntcd ,i disturbance at theHhuwneu eninu home en Saturday. One of tliem wat thrown out of thu building and allowed te vent hii auger en thu htteets. Thu new switches of the Penney Ivauia railroad have lud thu ell'eet of preventing thu usual number of slight act louts in the yards heie. Thu old swiicthc-s wuru net only sources of trouble, hut wuru abso abse lutuly dangerous. (.'onestega Ledge, Ne Hid, lvuights of Pythias, ill held a meeting te night, an will also Kiveriiidu I.edgu, Ne. 'J7, Ladles iletnu Communion, and Susquehanna Lmlgt, Ne. 8D. Thu uhiiiiI drill of Com Cem ptny C. will also bu held thin ovenlng. " Hretight te Light " proved anything but satisfactory te itH patrons en Saturday evening. A lair sued uuilleiicu attended thu performance which wan mere of a re hearsal than auj thing uIbu. The fnrce w as full of jokes of an improper character. List ul .Unclaimed l.utlnr. Thu following is a Hit or letturs remain ing in thu postellloo for thu week eliding Monday, November 13, 18311 : I ulu.i' List Mrs. Louisa Heiiuchcnur, Mary Hieneman, K.ity ltuskiu, Uhristiauti Ceu. (for.), Mrs. Kli. tbuth D.tvuler, Tlicri'M Fisher, Lmolie l-'ewlur, lleluu M. Herr, Mles Mress, ICoheo, Kuty Liudun, Sarah Maren, Floieneo MeUartle, Mrs. M. Kclmlt, Y.f Smith, .Miuie Corehur. Gent' .mi 11 K Ilii.ur, David lluek waiter, (for ), I. Clark, 11. V. Dor Der Dor hheimur, Jehn Kthluniiiu,.). Khcrly, LI. 1). HiHijiimtu It. FliokiiiKer, Chas Fraulleh, .lehu (lurllii, Theo.lero llaxuuer, Jehn llevui, C. V. Kamiii, Win. ICIiuu, Win. Painter, A. lrinle. A. L Schmidt, Philip Schneldur, Wilsen Stimuli. Themas Wet, ler, Jacob Wiio, J. T. Worst, Wubur 4V Ilerr. I'lilnl nml font 1 1 Ulna Mittlur. Ifurd ti Mm, Henry Troop CJ). Kieller, ICate Lufuver, teur'h rinmW, R. Peltei, Jehn F. Stonier. OHIIU.lKl. DvhiIi til hii K-liillcniiiuii, Jae)b P. lCilhner died at his hemu en Wtst Orange street en Saturday evening of uoiisumptien. DccuiiHed uas well known in this uity. He was cunstable of thu Fifth ward and it member of thu city IMilice ferce for about twulvu years. Lv.t year he was dofeatud for thu elll je of con stablu and Mucu that time has been it watchman at thn watch factory and also worked nt his tiade of carpenteiiui,'. He was 50 irs of ae, ami the funeral will take piaue tu-monew attorneou at two o'clock. .tinlilen lleHtti. Caioline Ilursh, of StrasburK, ".Tyeais el iiuc, widow of the latu Samuel Hursh, was found dead in her bed yesterday merniiiK at 7 o'clock by her daughter. Deputy Corener H. O. Heek held an in iiuest, Dr. Weaver makiuL' thu pest inei- tem. Thu verdict was death from apoplexy. Thu funeral will take place en Wednesday at 1 o'cleok. A (ait ult hihI llnllrry. Patrick Burns, IJuujamin Leamau and Fredoriek Giiel huvu been arrested ou n ubarge of assault and batteiy. It appc.un that Henry Wolf, Oustavus (Iroet.lnger ami Oscar llohein wuru HtaudluK talking en the corner of Vine and Duke streets en baturday evening when tbuae young men camu aiei'g ami attacked thum. One struck Mr. (Jroet.ingeran ugly blew in the face, Alderunu Burr held them for a hearing. It Ceiiw. IIIBl', but Me Rluat IIhvii It. It cost this county almost $2,000 te iu iu feun thn voters that an oleotlou would be held en November 0, This was for news news nows paper advertising aloue, Thu auditors are determined te stick : they are still busy, but nobody knows what they are Investigating. It is propos cd te hiru them by the year. Ilnril l'a 1 1. A few daj-H age Kmanuel Weaver, cai punter, was at work ou the heuse of Jehn M. Hanuinger, In Torre Hill, when he fell horn the top down between the joists te the first lloer, a distnnce of U0 fcet. He had a hatchet and saw in ene hand and, strauge te say, oseapod with but slight bruises. Male or lluiidtui: i.uta, Hhubert it Sutton(auetionoor8,sold at pub lie sale; en Saturday eveniug at thu Li-op. aid hotel, for Dr. W. Compten, oxeoutor of thoestatoof W. O, Kvaus, deceased, 5 building lets situated en Park uvoiiue, te Jesdph P. Zuek for 705. " Him m "l.ove nml Hell." ltev. Win. Oweub of Lancaster will do de liver a full leoture in Tomperunco hall, Htrasburg te-morrow oveniug, Subjeet: "Love aiaT Hull legicallag iclated j or, thoOneduossof Oed domenstratcd hi the death el the wicked." rilling UiaWlieel. TliU morning Judge Livingston and Jury Commissioners Ellmnker and Krb began the work or lining the jury wheel. Tliey will plaoe in It the namea of 1,100 niflii te serve en juries (luring the year lUSt. J M)ut'4 Court, The mayor this morning had but etic drunk und he roeolvtd a 10 day's sontenco. AtrMlMl In AltiiuiiH, A dlxpatch fieui Alteena status lint Jehn Cosgretu and a young man uauiuil Hull havu been arrested in that plaue nil thn ohaigeof hoisesleiillng. Ne parlleu Inrs or the nlhvd orlme nie glveu, One of thn names has been sent wrong as It Is likely Hair and net Hell. Twe woekii age young Cosgreva and Hair, both of whom hud been In the employ of Jeseph Hair, huckster left this city te go into thu truck hiudui ss In Alteena Nothing has been heaid of them and the news of their nr rest ou suuh u serious charge is a surprise. Thn Alteena Tribune el Saturday has nu account el thu stealing of it herse and buggy, but gives no names, as the parties weie then unknown. A boy who speku broken Huglish, nml Is believed fieui thu description te havu been Hair, hired a team at a livery stable last Wednesday ; he failed te letiini It, and the elIlcerH traced him nml a companion, who Is believed te boCesgrcvc, te Jtedferd, whom the herse was leceveied. The young fellows had already sold the property. They wero tnkeu te Alteena. 'I lis W einiiii's Clitlxtliiu 'letnpeiiiiice Union vtlll iiieul In tliu seiitli etiiiH-rneiii el tliu Duke street St. K. lIiiiicIi te moriew evtuilnn al tii It A WllNKI'-.UI'-lll. IlKIIWTII III llni Ulnlliln.'. Mnir, lint, nml rutMlaliliiu (liiuil llillllen. Iletnieiire tun lieuii fiiitilu In tliuiu (Oluiiius ul tlie inplil ctrliles lielug iiiiuli In this lluu el liiisliieis tiy tlie inU'i-rMiiK linn of Wllltiitii Him A KiMter, en Kant Mni; Htrnal. Tliiill' liiiillKMtut tliu piimiuit tline, in veil wilt neileii hj no mini Klancu ut any tltiiu In iitul among tliu uiiiiiy hmiiiis unit ilcpurtuientH. tlmt nil Iiu nvallnl'le spacu that can be had In tlie tlireu iteiy luillillngt el Noh. Hi. 31, M nml H Knit KIiik street, U lull ntiill klnils el guild, la tlilt line A iiurlect syntiiui Iihs Iiiiuii adeptud by this linn tiem thu ver boKliiiiluget tlielrbusliiii s euri'i r. One n leu in iill iiimI null only for (.mil. Te umiIiI iiilitnUet nil uneds are iixiimlueil niter they aiu sold hefeiu being pnsed te tl:u einituiiier. K.Hi'h ilepiiituiunt, nl which tlieru ntu four, liin Iti miiimitur and nupar.ile leicu el ulurkn, which n re only allowed by puriuliMuu te sell any wlieie el-n no they buee no llioieugtily ue I'lilire I with I lad i piittciilai Hue or i;oeiIh TliielOLhlng lit nil kept ou thu soaend mid thlid 'llinii, nxeupt thu Children' depart ment, It en tliti Mr d Heur. A cm d iicieiiipiutlun uatli garment void, cull lug the piMenN atteiitlnn te their eystein of iiiuire dealing, dntu el piiiuhain and the mle-muif niiinii w 111111181111011011-1 that should any et I lie he.iiiii ul tliu Karments J en have pun limed rip, or should the buttons lupin'ii t) cmiie etr ptiuiHU rut in ii tliu gariiiuuts te thuin unit thej will piemptly and ullllnitly lepuli It tree ul iiny ceit te von. Tim goods urn liimiiilueliii.'.t ullh meal cine, but occu eccu slunallv a pumlv ceved cciun will pim tin Ir tuipci tlim, ul littttiiK witu iniih uyei will cut iliu thin id mid lull oil two till dm Hint no one eau help but ttiuy client fully liuiku the nc y iupalrmid tliank their pitiuns for retiiriilni; thu ennui '1 lie -aliw In Hats mid C'iiH have lieeu larget lldi year tn in any pr. leim ycui. unit tliu de iniiiid lint lieeu ter uiuiu nun goods limn In loruiei year 'I hey me iiiloiiKentslei It. Dim. lap A I ' Ha'-, ut Nnw eik, and tl e llu. tun ten Hi'Xtbln, in well ni iniiie gendii that urn net iiille he line In tun uiiiku-iip, but tiy geed te MUI1 I'm oievei iiixl CellarH, I. up llulius and lllmikets me ule In tilts dupartiiient. In (ientV Kuriilililng (loeds you cm net anyililun juti vmit te wear, trem a Hcait l'ln I in line Shlrl, mid In abundance. 1 lie llieu llepnitment tins only been III op oration milieu hint Apill, tint a Kiand micceai In point et iiianutlut or goods tliey me nulling, mid ine.itly Hue kiiuIcp. Theru U no it' in- In the Imtfer i Itli-t Hint call hIievv Unci Itculj Made Wink Him In leiind In the Mux) li)prtineiit, and the hiuiiu Hiiinre ileullmr H practiced In Hut Mine Depii'uient til it tin lieeu no liistiiiinuuUil In building up tliu builium te its present at piopertlons A vlill te tills luuse wilt (,ad te intiid that tliele iiiuit be I'iniii nmk done tllu'c, ui lie twet n nainl Di Intuit- overy weuk nru leiind upon tlin piy loll, and tlm hIie window dec- nuthiiit Ii.imi lieiii eumiueiiii'd upon many llinei by .ii.cih by. ltdAw 1 recommend l.udy CniuelltN euciet et until and lleauty lui Hie complexion, iw lie Inn tar Hiipeiler te any uttlelu I evi i med. It peylllwdy removes Krei klei, mid will I online Tan In enu application. 1'ilcetOc. Km Mile at all diiiKglstH. HUH. J. KI'.NNK SMITH, tufl-iluiilM.V ' Nuwnrk. N. .1. 'i llm 'Ilileten v;. Hj npnpilamid debility me two tdg Ihlnw i , they en-op In mid Rteiileur health and oin ein lint belert we knew It. Let us puliiMtoiite Hull luviiH'eiirt wlllia bottle et llurdeck lllued Itlttert te be liiidut any ding ste'u. Kersiln by 11. II I'ei limn, druggist, 137 nml fi N'eilh Uueun street. ten Hay Key er I recnmiiiuud Kly' C'lenui Halm. It entirely relluyed uiu trem tliu llrit itpplliMlleii , have been a sillier let t. n ems. doing Iriuii hoiiie mid neglecting te take tliu remedy-, I had an attack ; alter ruturnlm; 1 liuiiiedlab ly revolted te tt, mid found luituut icllel. 1 betluvu, had 1 begun Its uiu em Iter, 1 should net havu been tleublud. .1. Celli Kit, Clerk, Us It lead 81 , l.lUabuth, .S. .1. .Mj briiilmr Myieu and mysuir vieiu bmli cured te all appearance, et Catauli mid liny Fever last duly unit Auniiat. Up te tills date. Dee. 'is neither have had any lettirn of the-u treubliK. KlyV Cieiim Halm was the medi cine lined, (i Allium, Kkiiius, Hponcer, TIekk Ce. N. Y. oi-Jwdeedtw llrewn n Itiiuneuiilil 1'itiiitreit. Is thu mnst utluctlvu l'ulu Hustruyer In thu world. W ill moil surely iiulckuu the bleud whuther taken luturnally or applied uxter nnlly, mm tliiiruby morn certainly ItKI.IKVK I'AIN, whether chrenlu or acute, than any ether pnln nlluvlater, and It N warninted don den tile the Htii'iiK'th thmi uuy ethur similar prep i i rat'en. lteuica pnln In thu mile, Hack or llewels, Hern Threat, lllieiimnttam, Toetlmcho, uml At. I. ACID'S, and Is Tim llrnnt Kellever el ThIii "IIIIUW.N'IIIOUSKIIOI.DI'ANACICA" should bu In every family. A tuaspeuntul et thu t'aiiacua In a tiimblur et het water sweet, ened, pretermit, taken at budthne, will IIKKAK Ul' A CUI.D. 'X ceuU a bottle. uiuyl-T,Tli,Kw llenry" Oarlnille Malve. The tiOMt halvu In thu weild lei cuU.biiilses seies, ulcm-N, salt rheuui, tuttur, chapped hands, chilblains, corns mid all ktiula et skin ui options, truckles mid pltnplm. Thu salve Is guaranteed te glvu purlect sutlsfuetluu in overy case or money luiundud. llu sine you gut Humiv's Cahuolie Salvk, as all ethers uru hut Imitations mid ceiintnrlelw. l'Uee u emits, buld In l.aucastur ut Cochran's Ding hIoie. 1,17 North Uueeii stieet. Hi Vi'-4 IlKSC'tlhl) ri(l).tl IIKAT1I. Thu lollew Ingstatciuun t et William J. Cengli lii.el Heuiurvllle, Mass., Is se ruuiaikuhlu Hint wu beg teusk for 11 tliu attention et our lend uis. llu says : "In tint tall el 18701 was lukeii wltli a violent hleudtmr et thu lungs, billowed by u sevens cough. I seen began te lese my appetite mid Hush. 1 was se euk ut ene tluiu that 1 could net leuve my bed. In thu sum mei ells77 1 was admitted te the City Hospital. Whllotiieiu tlie doctors suld I hud tt hole In my lull lung us big us a hall-dollar. 1 expend ud ever a hunched dellais In doctors mid med icines. 1 was se lar gene at enu tluiu a tupert wish mound that I was dead. I gavu up hepu lint a lilend told me et Dlt. WM. HAI.IS IIAI.SAM FUll THU I.UNUS. 1 lauglin at my irlends, thinking my case Incurable, but I get a bfttle te satisfy them, when te my sin sin prlseir il gratification, I ceiiimunced te reel iHitter My hope, encti dei.d. bcL-nii te levlve. anil te lay I leal In huttur splills limn I huve the past thioeyoum. "I willetllls hoping you will publish It, se that uveiy enu iilllleteil with Dluaseil Luuga will be Induced te take lilt. WM. HALL'S IIAI.SAM rUKTlIKLUNOH.nnilbocenvlnccd that LUN8UMPT1UN CAN UK 0IJIIK1). I li'ivu taken two bottle- ami can positively say that H has done me mom ceed Hum nil the ether medicines I hcvn InUen slnce iny sick uess. .My cough has almost entirely dlaap peaieilmiit 1 shall seen bu aldutOKOte work.', sold hv II . Cechrmi, U7 erth Uuuun street lUi.K'-t ll'diny et lloiehniiuil and Tnr rn I loves eugtii mucker than any ether medi, clnu. run's 'loetiiii hu Dreps euro In enu inlnute ul' tu.eriiiNu. Celdks's l.liiild Heel Tonic piometos in gestion ii'lmliably adapted ler luinalus In ilellcale lienlth. 1)1 diugsilnt. nl2-lwdeeilw De ou lltiliv It. That In this town thmu uru scout et itersens pncslug our steiu every day whose lives uru Hindu lulsnniblii by liullgustlen, Dyspepsia, Heur mill illxtlesseil Kteiiiucll, l.lver Coin plaint, Constipation, when ler "Ac. wii will sell Ilium Hhlluh's Vltallrer, Kiiitianlecd le euro Ibetii. Held by II II. C'eclirun, ilitiKilhd, N'H. 117 mid I.W North (J men stiuut. Ieh7-U(sli Ne linn elHuinll Put. II Daibjs I'lephyluetlc Klulil is i fed lieety. It destroys the very go in. Ker l.alne lltek, nldu or (;tiest Use Hill I.Oll'.H I'UKOUrt .I'LAKIKU Pileii, Vft cunt Held by II. ll.Ceclnan. I,'l7anil in Netth Queen tleel, l.aucnster. InldtoeilB Ker small I'ex upeu D.irbys I'rojihylnclle K old In the loom and speiiguull thepkllunl with It. rl ucnty loin buaiitllul colets el tliu Dla Dla uieiiil Dyes, lerHllk, Weel, Cotten, .Vu., 10 els. each. A child cm uie with purlect success. Dr. ileiiHen's Hktn Cure Is without a pear. Ilcoimlitset bulhuxliirnnl mid Inleuiul treat muni mid eeits only II pel pie'rugfl, ul drug gists. " WDutttit'l be without Di. Ihntun'M Cetrrt ttn it Chamomile I'lllt 1 thty coil ft n pfll. They cured me of ut iirriytif, of : irui i Jluml Jluml ei'." .lesepti Hiiydur, I'axleiiN, l'a, V) cU. pur box, ul iliugglsls Wmknil imiiIitk. ' My ilauglitur iw very bad etr en nc count et neeld uml pain In bur luims. l)r VAemui' Kcltctria Ollcmctl her in twenty-four heuri. Onu el tlm bem was lined et seru lids tiieilleluii has worked wonders In our litinlly." Alv.h rinrlttii-y. Mulietme, N. Y. KorH.ile I v II H Cechimi, drugKUt, 1.17 mid 1.1) North (J m en ntr cU I'uied Uliee riiynlubtim ilv Up. "Diir ininlly physlcHn gave up our child te iliu," wreli) ilunry Kneu, ii"i , et Vurllls, Wiir reu l II..1I-IIU. " It had tits. Namnrltan AVr eme has cured thu clilld." f I.5U, nit IwdeedA w MniunrK 'iiillinml .llelheml Aie you illslmbed ul nllil im iiiekiui el your lest by u sick child sullsrlng and crying will. Iliu uicruclntlng pain of cutting teettiT II no, gout unce llllil gel n lintttuet MUS. WIN SI.OW'HSOOTIUNU Bi UIJ I' It will rellevu thu peer llltlu sulluriir liiiuiu 'lately .lepeiul upon It i thure Is no mistake ntieut It. Tliuie Is uela iiiolheren earth who has ever med It, who will net tell you at onee that It will regulutu thu beweN nnd glvu rest te thn mother, und nillel and health te tliu child, op ep unttlng like iiiugic. It lsperb-aiy siitu te usu lliall case,auit pleasnnl te llm Uwte, and I the prinerlptlonef en- of tlin ul 'est and t-st lemale physicians In the I'ulte t "ilutee Sold uvurywheru. 'iiteiiis.i l.enin tnnvl-M.W.SA 11KP. I.niur AM Mi Cer.llllVlllglllllsllliltlltl eotirse el eelures at Hie eperu heusu, have taken rooms at tliu lily hotel, whuru tlie sick may cenmill them Thu doctors Heat ull lerins or chloiiledlseaes, wle'tber meillcal ersurgl cat. Mrillnil Wi'iun Kvi-pepsla, illsmisns et tlie kidneys, heart mid lungs, ilieiiuiu Nin, iieuralula, p.ualyslsnl any p-ut or Hid body, catarili, scretul.i asilii of tun limlv, in in. cesslve ueeiiiuiilatleu of tin) fli sli ; nil dls uitses peciillnr te men mid women , asthma, tuKi worms and pam-dtns et eveiy dcscrlp dcscrlp Hen that Illicit Hie human htemnch and bowels, pluiitlsy.ehei.e, deineii Ha nnd ch ionic constipation. aurttcnl Ditemei. t;icuruted in Miilverii Veins en tliu limbs, hemciri heMin, tlneat ills viwe', Hiiilnt, barn Up, elelt palate. clubriHit, hernia, Ijew leirs, contiacled kum leliit", mieuilsiii. rcneviil of dead bones, pelypus, tumniHet any p.ulet tliu body, hip Julnt dl uiie, stiiuu In the bladib-i, cautur el the lip, breast, ei my portion el tliu body, toillcellls or wry neck. All Important npuinlleiis pciietmed under Hurneen l.tstei s celubiuted " Anllseptlc Sprny,"and unibu animthu-li. Tills method lusuies the well (lelnu el all i-eveie wounds, and thu pktli-iit against even fie sllxbtusl pain. Hump back, or delenr.lltes el Hie back bone'd mid eiiind without cutting or liu.oli liu.eli vcnluiieu te tliu siitlerm. t Its et u cry de scription en ml. .special Invitation Is exlend oil te consumptives te visit the doctor's pallers. The r.ivngiw e' this dlsense they must II lliey seu It In tluiu. Tlicti a-tlima onto Is without ilvnt, T huv haven reilaln und Mire cine let tatJiili. Aculu rheumutlsin cuieil In lieui il te l- biiu.s, nub-iicutu unit clirenlu rlu uiii'iltsui In a coiiespeiullUKly shoililme Allilliuni'N peeullai te tliu sexes anpictalty. Tape worm i.iineved In two te live heuisaii.l wlthe-it pain The tlist appli cant be alllicled t med tiee ut cliui'nw, The doeleis duvetu Iliu loreiieou et uach Thursday te surgical operations, 'finite suf feriiia from mrgical tllsemet will jileiue cull upon the Devtm a en the fmenoen of each Tiursilai. O.M S-.lMtlit iiiiw Hi M'curi) llenlth, t seems struimu that imv enu will sutler liein tliu luauy iteiniiKUUiuuls bieughl ou by an bupiitu condition el iliu bleed, when bCO- II.I.'nSAHSAl- Mtil.l.A AN KnTIM.INOIA, or III.OOH AM) l.lVhll hlctl will icsteiu pi i lei t iieaiili te me pnysaaioiKaiiiaiien. n If Indeed a sticiigtlienliiR syrup, pleasant te iitku, aid Ii-lh pieveu Itsclt te bu thu bust lll.ll(ll) rtltlKIKK uver dUceVelud, utluct u diy eiiilnn i-eieiiiia, Syphlltlc dlaenlers, Wi'.ikiiess et tlm hldnuys, Erj"idpelns, Mala ita: all neiveus ill-eulurs nnd debility, till, tens complaints mid ull diseases ludliattng mi lllipuie iimdltliiii et thu llloed, I.lyei, Kid nejs,, hlUn, etc. It ieiiucIh ludl geitteu A single bultlii villi pievn te j en IU ineiltMiw i lietilth nmewei , lei II ACTS 1. 1KB A (. IIAKM, espeelully when the complaint Is el mi ehauilve iiaiuru, huvlmu tendency te lessen the iiutuial vlei et the bialii mid nur veils -yileni ., ivhll'S I'AIN 1'ANACKA cuius it pain III mail and beast rut use uxteiually und lutur nally. ltKD;iOltK reWDhlll cum all diseases Ol hone, cat llu, sheep, Iie'h, penlliyiind all MvuStiKk. A I'OMTlYBUIIIir.. may21-3 Kei sain at 11. It. Ceclmin's til uk slum 1.17 Nnith Uncoil stieet tlJlATIII: Kiciiman. In tills city, en the 1 1 111 Inst., Clmiles C, beu el C. r. and A.I. Klchiiian, aged ( months and I days. Dearest Charlie thou has lull us, lluiu thy heik) iv wu deeply Ii ul ; Hut 'Us Oed that bereaved us, lie can all oursnriews heal. Hene hut net terguttuii. Te meet his maker. The lehitlves mid friends of the luiully mu tespuultiilly Invited te attend the luneial trem his pill cuts' residence, Ne. SS Locust struil, en Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at ht. Antheny's cemetery. it lli'fses In this city, en tlie luih iiist., Mrs Jliiry liussen. lellct or the Inte Themas Hus Hus seu, In Iliu 851)1 year of bur sgu. The lelatlvea and Irlends el thu tauitly uie icspcctliilly luTllcd te attend llm luiierul limn her lulu residence, Ne 12 KustMltlllu stieet en Tuesdny ineiniiig ut s .!') o'clock. High Muss ut .St. Miuy's church at 'J o'clock! Iiiteimnut ut Ht. Mary's cemetery. lt Dkvklin On Sunday, Nev. 11, issi, Susan Devellu, uged 71 ) ems, D months aud ,r days. Funuiul lieui the tuildencu et hur seu in law, t-am .Matt Frl-ly ,ou Wedued,iy, Nev, II, nt in o'clock a. in 11I2 Jt HlLUMiKK. In tills illy ou the llllh lusl . Jacob 1', Kllllngui, aged A yems, I mouth and .i nays. The lelatlves mid filendsnl thu l.imlly, also Monterey Ledge, Ne. 212, 1. O, O. F., mid castui police, am respectfully Invited te at tend the funuiul from Ills Inte luslduuce, Ne. 510 West Oranite stiuut, ou Tuesday attorneou nl 2 o'cleuk. Interment at Lancaster Come tury. lv C'liKvmi In this clly, ou thu let tl Inst., .leMiph Ci cuicr, In thu lull year et hlsagu. Thu relatives und fi lends el the family, also Washington Loilgu.Ne l.VI.F, A A. M., mid thu Iraluinlty Inguuural, re respectfully Invited te intend Hie funeriil, lieui his late residence, U'eu.' liotel, coiner North Uucen and Chust nut strut is ou Wediiuiday utternoeu at 2 o'cleiK. lutentiuutal Woedwaid Hill come ceme eiy. 2l tirANTril-t'11 I'UI.IUK JiII,lTAHY in I valu citi V companies lliuiueu uml zens in tnl.u tin It clothing and uniforms, te bu iimowiteil and lep.ilied, te .Ilalpli Blinen, tliul.ondeiii I'.llilug lenovater. Ne. 111! Neith Daliu stieet mar I ul- it Flue dyeing a speila i NKH AltfKHIlHKMKNIH, DUIH.IU HAI.IC. ON TUKHIMV. HUV l.T uml I nt, Ne 72 Mlildlu street, otllniHeliehl aitctien riirnltum, ceiisistin in c'halis, Tables, Ituteulis, lleds, Cm puts, T tniinit China waie, Ac. nlO'.'td YOU CAN AI.WAV.SrINDTIIIII.MHIIiSr, busl mid most euuiplulu uhheiIiiiciiI el l.iichru, l'ekur mid Cnnslne cauls te nelccl Ii out al . IIAIITMAN'H YKLLIW Fl'.HNT (;l 4 A 11 s 1(111 K. IM.AtUVAl,. int. m. i.. imitit Hits rciiioved Iliu elllci te el'i.lmil WlNOll'lll DHKKHT. I.UIl HAI.K-rilK PuUNIlltY AMI AIA 1 ehlnu shop pinperly of llai lieiuer, 3li Cillly I C'e.,3ltliated en WestCheslnutstreel All uxeelhdit sllu for uiniiutaclui lug purposes, nisi) for tobacco warehouse Fer prheuud terms apply le 1IAUH.MAN A IIUltNH, nlO-3111 ""ilyf' 0,a"KU yt, UANII'.lt-A WUJMS- II) III! Till", yV cooking, lienlng and etlici huuscwerlc ela small family ; geed loleienecs reiiulruil, and geed wages pah I, Apjily ut this nillce. nli-tM I M VI UK. VII NUT II) IV 1 1 Fill nsr Natiunai. IIask, Lani astbh, I'a , Mevembei 12, )ss. The beiinl et directors el this bank buye do de clured a seml-nnnual dividend el II tu per cent., payable en demand. IIKMIVC. IIMtNKll, ItdAw Cttsblei. 1)OI.Yrl AnllUllANUI.ATIII.Nl OK Till! enrotten huvu their seat In theciitnil, but they uru usually accompanied by the satuu growth In thu deeper pails. Dlseusus e F.yu, Kar and T 1,1 e it-. also, Chronic Dlieiisns-sucresslully tie,i,eil b DltS. II. I), uml M. A. LONUAKKK. Olllce 13 Knkt Walnut MttHUl, Luncwti r, I'u Consul Censul Consul tutleu lree. litJ-atdAw NOTUJK UF.y i : TIIK mKMIIKuS KV SlUNri.. LUI1IIK. NU. -Ii I. ).(). F.. Vtlll m nt nt their lull ul 1 o'clock toluel low (TUKHDAl ) ultiirnoeii, lei llm iui posit or attending thu funuiul el our lute btelliei, .Jnceb L Kll liiger. LiiliCHStiir Ltiilge, llebel I.edgu nnd the order In genuiul uie re-necl. Illllv Invited C. 1. LAN IMS, N. I). Altesf L ItATUVOM, Secielury 11 MAHUNIU Mirillr.,-TIDi IIKKIIIIth.N et I.edgu Ne. 4.1, F. A A. M , uiuicfjucsteit te uieut nl tiiulr hall en Wcdnc-diiy nliernlien 1 1 I'A o'clock, Nevuinbur 11,11 .'I, le intend tliu funeral et llm. .Ins. Ciemer, a membei et l.eduu Ne. 1.V1, Thu bietliren el l.niuberten I.eduu, Ne ITti, niu frateiiiully Invited te bu present. UBO.A MAItsll VLL, W. M lluuil H. Uah. seciuurv. Lancaster,!, 1MI. ulrtltlt rPKACIIKHn' INSMTUlK, EvonlntfPregrammoOporu. Heube- MONDAY, NOV. t.'-llen. A W Timrgeu Hubjurt "Olvu lsu Itest." TUIJSOAi.NOV II rnink Heard. "Chalk Talks, ' " Tlie Mission of the Huiuoieuh." WF.DNKSDAY. NOV. ll-ltelitirt Cellyui aubjecl "Frem Anvil te I'lilplt." THURSDAY, NOV. IS Dle Lewi- Subeul "(JurUlrls " . FK1DAY. NOV. 10-Mls- Helm I'e.let, 111 her Unl'ine Impersonations. IIKSF.IIVK.D TICKKT-. Ille I.M.I. Kl , J3C. COIJItSK T1CKLT.-, Jl .10. Cliutl fm lleserved Heats will upon at 'I n neon JIOND VY, NOV. Ii. ut rouUeiHiiilth's Heek Stele. Deers upun 7 1'. t T IIUKK'.I Leulure ats. nlO'.l 1 A LA.RGB STOOK -OF- FJIESH GROCEIUEiS. inoOHullens Chiilee.Syiup. Ilikmms lleautltul t'uresuirais .'I iK) Cans Fiesn Toma'ees. I.eeOl.'uns Karly .liineanil Jlatiewtnt l'en 7,'KU B) lliolce Cetluis. SPECIAL. Wu liave a let Fell's S-.iiur Cuu et last year's pucklnir, w will sell at 3 cans ler 25 cents. Alotet lust year's Tomatoes, I cms ler 23 cents. I.otet last year h Cultleiiilafrutt, al 'in cents. Wu huvu New Heminy and Ne blinker Coin. At Bursk ,- e, Ne. 17 EAST KING STBBLT. I.V.N (.AS I Kll. I' J.'1 CAI.DVVCi.l. A: CO Bronzes, Cleck Sets, & Decorative Ornaments, Our new things from Europe are arriving in great quantities, adding materially te the attrac tions of our beautiful store. Objects f Art in Real Bren.e ire new much in vogue, as well as Cleck Sets, Mantel and Ped estal Ornaments, and ether Decorative pieces. Our collection represents the best efforts of all the noted makers of Paris, Munich, Berlin and Vienna, whose ateliers have been visited by Mr. Caldwell during the past summer. We desire te extend a very cordial invitation te the resi dents of this city who may be visiting or passing through Phil adelphia, te call upon us. Our store will be leund te contain much of interest te everyone. It will give us great pleasure te have an opportunity of showing attentions te visitors. J. E. Caldwtll & Ce, (je2 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. T),I(KRH'MTUMU. Twists and Twinges, ".My brethiun," shouted Dr. Tulmagu one bilglitHUtumual fcunduy, "here Is a lessen liem thu corntleld. Hed has auanged that the ear und the husk shall be paitud. Kvery rliuumallc pain Is but thu thrust et the husk lug peg, and uvery uuuialglc tw ingu is only a twist et thu liuskur." l'esslhly; but nobody wants te be husked, lei all that, and uatilie it itches us teiuslsl thu pieccss. 'thuruleru, we ncLtipt wlthgiatlttidu whatuvur hulpj us te -mppn-ss ttiesu very Iwlststiud twinges, Fjem his pleasant home, tiiunnineiit, near aingaing, N, V,, 11. Allied ll.un, a Fiuitch gentleman, writes i "1 havu sutlured almost liite'.eianlu turuiuuts fieui rheumutlsin ter luauy j cms, et thu iiuiue iiuiue iens leuiUi.les which I tl led, none bunellted me, Hut 1'AHKKH'sToNle gave uiu gieatbatlilacllen, 1 ceillly with pleasure that It ruileiud my health, Veu uiu welcome te publish this und use my name." JIeshis. lllscev A Ce. e.dl especial uttuntleu te tliu laut that this piupaiatten, which has been known ui 'aiimh's (iIniiku Tonic, will huiealtur bu ailvurtlscd ami neld simply under thu uuiuuet 1'AiiKim'sTeMi. Asunpiiiiclpleil dealers me constantly deceiving thud-custem-ers by substituting liileil'U piepaiulluus under tuu uatiiu et ginger, and as ginger Is icully an iiiilmpeiliuil lugiedient, wu dinp thu misleading weul. Tlicre Is no change, Iiewum-i, In tliuprupain tliuprupain tteu itsclt, mid all bnltleH le'ualultig in thu h nuts et dealers, wi-mmcd under llm iiuluu el I'AiutKit's (iiNemi 'lemi, contain Hu genuine uiridlclnc If thu lac slmlie sl;natuiu of IIhce A i e i at tin b'ltfm el tb n i si'iu ninppur, ' luidcud . j run hai.k en mwi. KOTI-.I, AND UAItllKN Hilt IIK.NT. IIK.NT. l'lepnsals will be ircolved until Decem ber 1, 183.1, by tlm undersigned commlttee ler the uniting et thu lamu und commodious thteu-slery Illicit Hetel nnd thn II nest garden In thn city. uilelnlng .MiDimciclier Hull, North I'llncn stieet Laticisier, for enu, two anil three years liem Apill i, issl UKOlUli; I'FKlFFKIt, HUH UltOK.TZINUEIt, CllltlSTOITLlCII. Ceuimllleu el l.iincastei Miunniircltei- Aso Ase elation. eW'iwtlMAS !)tJni.lCNAI.K-O.N ItlKsllAV K.VHNIMl, I NOV. 20, 1S1, will no sold nt thu Leepard Hetel, a let of Kiuiiiul situate ou thu south slduel West King stieet, IrenlliiK mi Went King strict 21 feet, moruer less, mid In depth te all loot wli'.e alley, en which Is elected a oiie-steiy llltILK DWF.LLINU. Ne. 62e, with lour looms, a Iiuku twosteiy tranie back building, containing tour looms, llydrmtl ireiu nun imi-K, mm pump. Hale al 7 o'cleuk cemmunis mime Known ey MRS II Sihimkiit ,V 8urreN, Auctioneers. FKAHC1L IIOVIOUUI NOW ItK.AIIY AND KIXK.K. TU IIODY.-Call ler a copyel hVKUV. Our New City Catalogue. 310 UWF.LL1NHH, 1H HILSINKSS l'UOI'Ki;. T1KS, Mu) 1IUILDINH LUT.S. TltUCKINU FAKMH.BIIIIUItllAN ItKHIDKNChS, AC. FOlt HALL. In ull pails el Iliu city mid at all pi Ices, liem ".ou te liu.uue. Heiiiethlng te sttltuvery buyer. New pieperlles being entered dally and a supplement te our catalogue Issued every few weeks. Iteioie buying scu what Is ler sale. Allan A. Herr & Ce., ItF.AL F.STATKand lNSUUANOK AULNT8, 108 East King Street. sepH-lind DHIII.IO HAI.K AT tluiTl'KK'M IIOTI-.I., I 1UKSDAY F.VKN1NH, NUVLMIIF.H 1.1. ull that vuluahle llusluuss l'tepmly, situ ated SOU. .11 AND ill WfchT K1NU HlTtLLI, Lancaster, I'u., midway botween Conlte rtiu,ue mid Muvcus Housu and Head Iiik Itulliend Depot, mid oppesltu Coepei's Hud Lien Hetel, nnd new occupied iy A. N. lliun uinuii. It tins u treutugucr 2.1 fen 7 Indus, luniilng back 1.12 leut, with thu right or way le the ttlcut alley en the west, while ever the alley the second, third uml fourth stories bclemr le thu output ly, malting thu wltelu lieul32 leel, 7 Inches, exclusive or thunlley wuv, te which It has rtuhlet Irculugiess mid egresi nt any nml all llinus through te West Mtlllln street. Tills properly Is In geed leiulr, unit has been used as a shoe stetu uml dwulllng let neaily oejears. Hale te commence, at 7 o'clock, whuli cuildl tluns ut s.ilu will bu intuit) knew n by JACUII 11. I.ONO, AkuiiI for thu Kxecuters el Clins. Ollluplu, Deceased. Sam'L Hesk A Sen, And e22,2'!,M.tnt,5,8,l'2 I )U III. It) HAI.K UK VALUAI il. 15 1TV 1 I'UOl'hllTV. Ill I'uisnance et mi elder ei me nrpn ins' i.euri, w in oeoniou fiiiiiiy, Nevuinbur lt, IhSI, nt tlie Kojsteito limine, North (Jnien stieet, tint following piopertlos , ii i, .in inui eeiiuiu iiiieu-steiiuil iilwiuiv DWELLING llOUsr: und ether buildings and let of ground thereto, situate between North Queen and Dutce stieuts, en thu North slduet hast Uinnite street, containing In ii out Vii loot ii Inches, mm elutidlut; In depth ulutiitt;) tcul nnd li liicbe', udlelnliiK propurtvel Dr. Reed mi the west nnd A. II. almeirer ou ti-eeast. Ne 2. A two-story llllH.K DWhLI.lNU IIOL'-K and plecu el ground, slttiate oil thu ninth side et Frederick stieet, un I iidjnlalng Chtlittau street, containing In Iruil PI tcel, mid cUuiiillng nerihwiud about ,Vjfucl,leu '.) lent common n luy. Ne 3, A two-story 1IIIICK IIOUSH nnd let el gi mnd.udjelnlng Ne I, having In t onion Mederlck slieet sevutilceti leut six Inches, mid In depth about llily-nltie feet, le thu bald common alley. Ne. 1, All that Fimnit Mussuui;uei'Tcuuuiuut uml plecu of ground thereto belonging, with FiiimuStubluthureeu, situate en thu vust shle et North Uuecn stieet, und udlelntug New sticeUui tliuseutii ; treiitlug en Ninth yueun street sixty-lour loot, utore or less, thence westwmd itieug New street seventi en lect six Indies, mere ei less; thonce iietthuest.viiril along Hid property nt I'hlllp (llnder eighty tour lent, inoiuerluss; theiicuciLstwaiil iihmg pionerty el Heniy C. Knoilt.sevuiity-enu feet, six inch suture erlcs, te N'eitli (Jneen stieet. l'erseiisdenlilii'r te sue thu irumlsu-) can de se by (ulliiigen the uudetHhuiud. hinu tuceuimuiitu nt 7 o'clock p. m., en mild clay, w bun terms will lie niinle known by ClUllfeTlAN .KCIlKlt. Trustiu. SllllllKKr.l M-TTON, Amis. oel2.ynevl s.12,11 1.1 11 A In AXU VAl'n. tllUt.T.'d ULUSl'AM), HA'J'S, CAPS, FU11S, Whelcsulemid Uutnll, Shultz's Old Stand, Nes. 31 unit J J N. gueen bt. The l.tigcst slot k uuiliissotttueiitel Fashion ulilu Full und Win lei lints. Cups, etc, ever etlyred te the public. Thu Knox Silk und Durby Hal il specially. I'hnenly Hut Munnbiulnry In Lancaster. All klmlset Huts muile te outer. Iteputtinj; done neatly mid piemptly. Out Silk Hats madu tnhlonuhle. JOHN HIDliH, e2U liiul Micccssei tuSHI'LTZ .t IIHO 1 I AT IlilKI., l A Love Seeno. W e went up te the lesei veli, W hen day was slowly dying : ml thieugh thu empty prist, u Puis The breeu was gently sighing. I lu-lted her te be initie she said l will, my iliu ling Nat, II you will go te Sliiilt.'s Bteie, And buy your wedding hat. She wanted him te leek nice, and that is just what every one does ; and they save money also by selecting from our large as sortment of stylish, durable and exceedingly low-priced MATS and CAPS. Seal Skin Caps Special bargains. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, Ne. 144 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (li UN DAK Lll'S OLD bTAND,) LANCAbTKlt, l'A. mil 27 Ijd.Vw uaiiMtrn, 'HII1) WAV i i;m" AA'D DUX'T I'UHUIWTUK I'LACK Cor. West Hliiiinil Water Sts. Every Variety of Carpet, Tlie Bust Comforts in the Market, Ami the Cheapest Oilcloths. Hin ONI K AND VOL' WILL HUV AliAIN. SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, COIL N L"1' Ivl MJ AND bTa., LASLAsTKU, l'A, T Mill VKHUIUT is II I.I, HI'AND.4 THAT thu bestacunt llavmia Cliruis in thu ctrv Is lobe had ut liAUTMAN'a YKLLOW KIIONT CIOAH HTOUK. iri:i,OUMI', FKUM 1'Hii KA8T, VVMI', IT .-sill ill nun nunill, ill till) lYOrKlllgllieil'S bteiu, whero a (lush supply et guasoiiuble goods can be bought ut led need prices. Ladles', Uents'uuil Ciitldren's Undiirwuarand llesleiy ii Bpuclnlty. Alse, HhlrU, I'auts, Uvurulls. Umbiullus.lileves, Mils Nuckweur, mid Notions. KxcBlalorCeinlorls, tree from shoddy, at Uie. and upwaids. Hlmikels nl tl pur pair, putteet, 1'luiise call ami uxmiiluu and save money. I'lninHul ter past favors. IIKNRV IIKCIITULD, Ne. ftj North yuuun stieet. 4-Slgnet tliu Hlg Mocking. Tradu Dollars taken ut par. Iub3-lyil rTAKi: Tin. i.r.AU, miruni'v Fiiti.n lume.jiiid nil ludgesdeudinlt I sell thu last 5e. Havana ( luiu in thu city ut UAHTMAN'S VKL1.UW FHO.NT CIUAU QXOKK. SECOND" EDITION. MONDAY HVENIIldr tOV. 7l3, 10U3. AFTERNOON TELEGRAMS, A HIIOKT CUI.I.KUIION OP NI'.WM. Court Olisplaln Htucker Nut Allowed tu ,. Lecture In I.enilunAgHltit Hie, lews A Ureal Mculptnr. Londen, Out. 12. Lord Mayer Fowler, in refusliiK te allow Dr. Htoekor, eliaplaiu te the court of Germany, te loclure in tlie Mansion heusu. Btated that lie could net disregard the feeling of tlie Jew ish com rnunlty of rAJtideit by Riving promliienco te Dr. Steckor, a man who lias oxeitod hostility ngalnst tlie Jewn. Carl Hllnd, the well known Socialist, In n oeinmutilcatlon te the paperH hore sayH that "overy mnti with a spark or humanity ought te pretest against Uetirt Chaplain Steckcr'H dotustuble crusatle agaltist the Jew." A Urest hculptern Wutk. The brouze Rtatue of Martin Luther, whlcli was uuvolled at lilsloben, Sattttday, Ik tlie work of Kudelph Slomering, of lierlln, who is making it Rtatue of Wash ington for the elty of I'hllatlelphla. Uigur llux Mkers en Htrlke, Ni'.w YettK, Nev. 12. About 1,000 elgar box makers, in en and women, be longing te the clgarmalicru' union, JNe. 1, of this city nnd vicinity, tire en a Htrlke bocaube tlieir employers deshed theni te work ovcitime. Sfliitencfil for (Murder. I'LTKUSIIl'IIQ, Vil., Oct l'J. B.lllllhiel I.uwls has been convicted and sentenced te Foventeeti years imprisonmeut for thn muitlur of Jehn Ilowben, colored. The murder was the result of a quarrel ever politics at tt political meeting nt South ampton during late campaign. A Htreet Uar Driver Shet. MiLu.u ki:k, Nev. 12. August Orethe, a street car driver, was shot in the face and back last night by highwaymen who attempted te steal his carh box. Whip ping up his horses he dreve a inlle te tlm car stables, wliore he fell oil' the car. His wounds are fatal. The thloves get tieth-lnR- A Hterni at Terente. Tonevio, Nev. 12 A violent gale broke ever this elty last night, lovelliug telegraph wires, fences, trees etc. A con siderable !iuantity of snow full this morn ing. The weather is oeld. A Snuiv Storm Ht I) Hen, N, . I'm a, N. Y., Nev. 12. A driving snow storm set in hore after flve o'clock this morning and continued throughout the forenoon. tVI'.ATUKIl INDICATIONS. Washing ion, Nev. 12. Fer the Middle Atlantic ami New England states, colder fair weather, btisk and high northwest te southwest wiuds and higher barom eter. lle Kusy mi The in, N. .Sun. It is ill jesting with a wounded heart. The Republican party has no cause for gratulatieu, and its present mood scorns te be a symptom of mental decay. Fer the Republicans think themselves happy lu that they did net Iche 1'onnayl 1'ennayl vauia and Massachusetts. They are happy beeatiM) New Yerk Is net Democratic by 103,000 again, because New Jersey has iucrcaactl her Democratic majori ty, and bccauBO Vugiuia's electoral vete is new assured te the Democrat ic candidates. They are happy becaiue they soe the futility of their hopes of carry ing North Carolina ami Flerida. They are happy bocausethov didn't carry Mary land, as they heped te de when they set up the otninetit rofermor, Mr. Hatt 11. llol llel llol ten. They are happy because Minnesota is still Republican. Well, they are lucky te be happy. IJur, tcaseuing from effoetto cause, it is hard te understand what they have te be thankful for. It leeks te us Iike a sign of weakness. Thuir minds seem beclouded and they are uet likely te be in geed order ler 1881. Failure ul tlie l'ustal Nete. Chicago Herald. Already the wail has geno up from Washington that thu postal uote must go. Heie is the routine they must go through : After they have been paid they are inade up into bundles and seut te the iiiouey order division. There tliey have to te bo counted te sce if the number corres ponds with the statement! which they accompany. Theu they must be examined te bee whother the amounts for which they woie issued correspond with the statement. They thou go as veuchers te the sixth auditor, who stores thuin in great boxes for refurence in the future, if needed. Te de all this work roquires a special corps of clerks, but, (is the clerks are hog allowed it falls already ou the overtaxod dorks in thu division. The postal nete certainly has uet accomplished what was intended for it, aud it is doubtful if it will beceme a permanent institution. Kreucti I'ollteuess. Te ptove that France ence deserved the reputation of being a pelite nation, the l'aris Liberie calls te mind that in days geno by the Due de Coisliu.altheugli very ill, insisted upon sceing tlie Hp'tuish am bassador, who had called upon him, te his carriage The ambassador wished the duke te remain where he was, and, te cut sheit a friendly altoicatieu, left tlie room nnd locked the deer behiud him. De Ceisliu, fearing lest Ftoueli politeness should be beaten by CaBtlllau courtesy, .jumped out of the window, and was stand ing, hat in hand, at the oarriage deer when his visitor left the heuse. "Yeu might have killed yourself, M. de Ceisliu," said the Spuuiard. "Ne matter," replied the dttke, "what was necessary was te per form my duty." An Auther's ITauknees. Londen World. Antheny Trollepo's fondness for hunt ing was little of a sccret. He uover pro fessed te be, and he nover was, anything but au iudltfureut rider ; and thore is something stiikiugly chaiactoristie In his admission that his devotion te the sport has caused him te introduce a great deal tee inueli of it into his books, oeutlod with the comment that he was uevur a geed horsemnu. The charm of this autobiography is that it is the mirror of the man ; and when his friends read his simple confessions that he liked a bettle of saund wine, that he sometimes fluttered recklessly a llve pound nete ever a whist table, that he was ofteu ng tiled by the rustling of n, they will recall re gretfully the memery of oue who, as he Hays truly, valued their alfeotleu abeve most ether possessions, and who, with all his roughuesH, hud se much lu hint that was gontle and geed, Oue weid in oou eou oeu ohisiou. Thore was no man of his time who perfermed such substantial aud evon gratuitous aets of kindness te his frieuds. Net ene of theso Is monttenod by him lu theso records. MAMUMl, POOR, WHITE & CO., 1UNKEHB. Ne. 45 Wall Streot, - New Yerk. HteUers and Dealurs In ltnllwiry and ether soeuritlus. KAll.WAY lNVKSl'MKNTS n specUily, lu the selection ivnd estlinatu of wlileli their lenir connection with " l'ecr s Muii'ielet lalimuds" el"'-' Hieui special ml vunlaguB, Cerica, i. luu ' " ui rlusmuneiud licpusll iicvuk - lUWrct i.vuvd. st-pllJ MAHHXrH. l'lill(lelpni .,! I'ltiLADBLriirx, Nev. 13 rie-irnulri sternly j Hnperllnu. J eusTi'i &e Lt'rx n and ini n i in." ivi mil .iiiiiii., nAiini l m I ill in iii n. i ltvn Fleur. .l 73. Whent steady Ne. 2 iVmtern ejti 1 07 t Ne. 3 de, irjW Te. 1 I'enn'il. Uud, II l(lV&t3l 71. Cern II r nit sat I yellow il'et de mixed, fibril.. M.. 1 ..,l.t KS1, uvtl'iiu , ..... u, i A7ki uuts unlet t Ne. I w te, 831 ih I Ne. a White. .17KO.1S0 t Ne, 3 ( '. ma U370 I , Ne. a Mixed, iMklMlU), live dull nt ma Boens-tjiover nl'JUtlim i.u i Tl Timethy dull at It lUftlAOt Kln.xsecilntiHiOl 17, I'lovlslens linn, lair ilniii'inil. Ilucon-sinekcil slioiilders, eKQfief salt de '...' W5!t .new, .iXei HinekuU .llnnni, Uff Ilk I nlckluil de, WAttliKe. Luti ;n nun t city reiliiud.t'KOs'ie loeso butuheis,7Ufl7Sci nilineateittu. 17 87S. iiuiternetlve, tending upwards I'u. ami Westurn t.reainery uxtm. aitt.Uetll. C. anil N. . extra, ilQisci Western, 2)ile. Hulls sctrcuut tfi'ilu. KgKS firm, talr demand Petm'a nxtrn, ale j len heuse, 1(70230 1 Western extru.tlOc Cheese steady) Nuw Yerk full cream HU Ol'iKcei vveiturn de, nuraimet de Is c- te goon, lOXWllet l'a. part skims, 5fJ7e de lull skims. lIKc, l'ntrnlmitu llrm Hull nod, 938We. Whisky at il ae Nuw Verlc Marltet Nkw Yenic, Nev. 12 Fleur iiuiel: lluu, .IO,l Mi ; Kxtia de, f.'l 03ft I il I Huner. Jlielce e riincy do,in,i(te 7J. WbeutKWUe butter; llrm hulciulult Ira 'e lnrgely siteculallve Ne a Ited, Nev., tl III?; Ol 10f Dee.,l liJjrtl 12 1 .Jan.,l 1 101 UK. Cern '-.fflKe butler mid rather iituet ; Mixed vtuaturu, spot, SStliJUKe; de lutuie, fti'Sfiiilc. U Hs dull i Stile, 3Sitl1e ; Weitern, 63013c. l.lvu stock frleea, CutoAeo-llogs Itecelpti, aLOOfl heailf Blilp ments, S..VK) liead t inarKul brisk ut the iln centdecllnui ull sold; reivgti packing, .') 9'i(ff 4,')U; packing inn; shipping, l fltfloe; light, IlltifJI WtskliM.WKasM. . Cnltlc Heccipls, 2.(Kfl head t slilpmenM, 4.U0U; iniirket steady, mil Ives nominal ; uxperls, CI '2VJ7 00 1 iroed te chnlce Bhlp. nlnir. (A I't0 lu ; common te medium, 3ye nt Hatigu Cattle strong; .Meiitiuas, fi l'i ; Toxin, f .1 le 1 4i. Sheep Hccelpts, 050 heads slllpmunts, 3,IKJ; market steady ; Infei ler fair, i.Hdl .wV owl. geed, fi ,10. hieiiK marKcvs. tuolntlensby Heed, McUrann A Ce, Hank urs, i.micasuir, i'a. 11 A. M. 12 M. 3 P. . Ul 01 H9K Ui . S.". fS . 4 4 . 1I7J4 lFrM . V94 Mil . J . 0i 1(2$ .... . ISOJS 127'i O.O.Al. c Michigan Central Nuw etk Cent nil Noiv.Im-Hey Central Ohie Central Del. I, aclt. A Westen Denver .4 Hlo Uramln.... lCrie .' K'lnsiifl & Texas Lake Hheie Chicago & N. W., ram..,. N. N Out. A Westurn.... bt. 1'iiiil A Omiilm Pacific Mall HncliesturA rbtBliurgh.. St. Paul Texas 1'aclllu Union I'licllle Wabash Common Wobesli Fioferred Wcst'rn Union Teleirranh Louisville & Nashville... N. V Uhi. A ML L Lehigh Valley Lehigh Niivluutien Pennsylvania Heading v. I'.T.A lllltlaln Northern rucllte com... Northern l'ucllle l'ruf... Husten vlllu Philadelphia A Krlu Nerttiurn Control Underground Canada Southern,.... OU .......................... People's PassuiiKer. U'4 llji 23 2J 90K 1054 aiji ai :n 31JS rd ri W risk m 12'4 viye low ns; 8 aei 12U 2!)i MX ii4; 1UW I'litlnitelpnin. guolnlleiisby Associated Press. Stocks llrm. I'hllndulphln A Krlu It. K.... 10 Heading 2f Pennsylvania Railroad i Lebli-li Vallev Itallre'id 7U United CoinpunlnserNuwJorsoy. Northern l'aclllc i Northern l'aclllc Piolerro 1 Noitlieui Central Hatlread , Lnntidi Navli.'iitleu Company 'J-4. . tilj ..... ...... y;,v n isorrisiewn itaiireau.. ...i Central Trnusportatlen Company 8j Plttsb't 'i;, Tllusvllle A liullulell. K UX LlttluHullllVlklll Ib.'.lrmul .. W MCW KerK. (Juotallens by A930clated:Presi. Stocks strong. tMcney easy, 2B3. Nuw Yerk Central US Kile llallread 29f Adams Express 13 ' Michigan Central Railroad Ul'.i MlcblKan Suullieru Hatlread 1W.' Illinois Central Itulliead ..132 Cluvulmid A Pittsburgh Railroad IS I Chicago Ac Heck Island Railroad 12.' I'ltulmrgh 'ort Wnyne llallread 1M Western Union Tclegraph Company H Tolrde. Wabash -"',i New Jei-soy ue nil in tn Nuw Voik OnUuIe.t Wc3teru u: Lecal miecks huh isenai Ropeitod by J, II, Leng. 1'nr Vftl. Lime CUy C pur ct. Lean, duu 1SJ1...J10U ' " 18.S3... 100 " itr... loe 1895... lf)C s pur ct. In 1 or 30 years.. 100 5 per ct. Scheel Lean,... 1U0 l " In let 20 years., loe " I " in 6 or 20 yours., loe " tl " In lu or 20 years. loe iluuhutm borough lam 100 Ki8().tLi.Ar(uectt srecits. yunrrvvllle It. H W0 MIliersvllluStriMilCar 60 Inrtutiur l'i luting Coin puny 60 Has'il and Kuel Company 2.1 Slevens Housu (tiemls)..., 100 Columbia Uas Company ,. 25 Columbia Water Company... Husouehanna lien Company. ...... 100 Marietta llnllowwnre 100 Stevens Housu GO Sicily Island 60 Kust liiuntlywinu.t Wuynusb'g.... 60 Mlllursvllle Nermal Scheel Northern .Market SO MIsCHLLAHUODH BONDS. Uiiarryvllie H. lt..iluulttu tlue Huiidlng A Columbia H. H,,Vs 100 Lancaster Uas Light unci Fuel Ce., duu lu 1 or JO years 100 Lancaster (Jus Light nnd ITuul Ce., lnelssn ine Kiisteru Market 60 WusUrn Market 60 TUIlNl'IKK STOUKH. IltuHiirlntf A Heaver Vallev t 2.1 Lust sale. 1103 IMJi 117 120 lun.51) ira 101 100 let 102 40 49 30 1 25 i 2 5.25 210 5 16 I 21 105 118 10") Ml 13 ' 5) 110 Ilrtdirepnit A Ilorusheo 13 Columbia A Chustnut 11111 2& '.'eluiublu.t WuahlnKteu 25 Columbia A Hlg Spring 23 Columbia A Marietta 2.1 y.iiylewnA Kllzabuthtewn 21 l.anciter A Kphrata 25 Lnncasiur A Willow Streot 2.1 atr.unuiig x Millport 23 Marietta a Maytown 25 Marietta A Mount lnv 25 Lanc.KlUnbetlit'iWlM'ddlut'n 100 Iincaster A Kriiltvlllc CO Lancaster A Lltitz 25 Lancaster A Wlllluuistewn 25 LancusterA Maner... 60 Lancaster A Man helm 23 Lancaster A Marietta 25 Lancaster A New Helland 100 is 20 IX &) 10 17 41 21 f!0 HI J, Ml 75 HO 1X110 41 SI M ma 15 110 75 117 lle.73 110 HW 14! 141 1HI lit 151 75 HO 113 Lancaster A Siisnuelianiuu aw BAHIC BTOCUO. KiratNHtieualbar.k 1100 farmers' National Hank 50 Kill Urn National Hank 100 Lancaster County National Hank., no Columbia National Hunk 100 Christiana National Hank 100 Kphrata National Hank loe Klrsl National Hank, Columbia.,-.. 100 rirst Vallenai HanK.ytrasburg.... 100 first National Hunk, Marietta 100 First National Hunk, Mount Jey.. 100 LUIU National Hank , 100 Miiuheni National Hank 100 Union National Hank. Mount Jey, 50 New Helland National Hank IPO Uau National Hints leu NUT1UKTU TDK HTOUKIIOLUIiIII Of T1IK M.KNNKltOIIOlt IIALLASSOCIA T1UN Thu heAtil or illrocters et thu aun iiuicher Hall association havlnir rcselvcsl, with thoceiibcnt et the stockholders, loin lein ci oasethucapltulstockof thu corporation from IJU.OO) te 130 oue, thu lucreade te bu mnde by the Issuu el lue sliaius orsteok nt the par valuti of til each, thu stockholders et tliu said cor poration ure heiuby iiotllleil tlmt meeting el stockholders will ifa held ler tte puriipM e considering such inoreeso of csplml nt thu mib-.i ni tlie corporation en North I'rincn ."LonMUNDAVtueVOthUay et NOVKM-HKH,Uw,nt8e-cU.ckiPJ(.nVaEUHAUTi l'rusldent. TviuriCK "au ftirjifjvitat.tia au UUN- IN N EH8. All persens are heruby lerblddcii te trespusa en any of the lauds el tlie Corn wall or Speedwell .status, lu iAibannn ami Lancaster countleii, whelhur lncleswl or uu uu Inclesed, ellher ler tliu puriMisu ei sheeting or tliu law wlltbu rigidly uulorcee auslual all truspasslug en said lands et tlm uudurslKiied utter this netlcu. WM. CULKMAN FUKKMAN It. I'KUOV ALDKN, ICDWAP.D C. KltKKMAN, Atteney ter U, V Celtjumu'i ilttn. MetMfcw