Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 07, 1883, Image 2

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lancastcr fiiitclligcnrcr.
Tilt' Election.
Election day lias ceme ami gene, and
amen Ivlcters and vanquished there
will be felt an equal sense- of relief. Ilie
norveua strain and wear and tear of ex-
clteracnt attendant en tne campaign win.
be gladly laid aside, and llie citizen will
return te his dally avocation, satisfied
that whether he is en the winning or
losing slde, the country is safe. Fer the
Democrats, the campaign which has
Just closed has many encouraging as
pects. In Massachusetts, a strong Re
publican state that three years age gave
Garfield 63,215 majority, a flerce per
sonal battle was waged between the
Butler and anti-Butler forces. The vic
tory of the latter Is significant assbewmg
that the people of the Bay state have
reached the conclusion that " the old
man eloquent" has gene high enough en
the ladder of political fame, and notice
13 distinctly served en the country that
the Butler presidential boom has gene
the way of all flesh.
In New Yerk the head of the state
ticket was largely cut by reason of his
high license record while In the Legisla
ture, but there is little doubt that the
remainder of the ticket ha3 been elected
by geed majorities. Over-confidenco ns
the result of the tremendous victory In
that state last year caused mauy Demo
crats te Imagine that no effort would be
required, and the general Democratic
apathy acceuuts for the closeness of
the vote. Had it been a presidential
year New Yerk would have answered
with no uncertain sound, as its pepulu
tlen is essentially Democratic. New
Jersey, whose inhabitants mere nearly
resemble these of New Yerk than any
ether state, auswered the Democratic
roll-call with a geed round majority for
the gubernatorial candidate, and there
need be no fear as te Its position in the
contest of next year. In Maryland, with
a bitter local light in Baltimore, the
Democratic stronghold, the slate ticket
has been elected by gee 1 figures; and in
Virginia, where the Democracy were
fighting a desperate battle with the He
pudiaters, entrenched in the efiiccs, ap
pealing te race prejudices in suppart of
their ticket and hacked by the Arthur
administration, the indications peiut te
Democratic success.
Iu our own state the Republican dry
tones were given a rattling up such as
they never before experienced. With
the factions united and political life or
death trembling in the balance, Republi
cans worked as they have never done
before. 1' et the returns slie w a decrease
of mere than 20,000 ever Garfield's ma
jority three years age. The Republican
gain was neticeable largely In Philadel
phia, where the greatest facilities possi
ble are given for Republican fraud. The
rural districts held tljeir Democratic
strength measurably, although the im
pertance of victory this year te give the
Republicans a fighting chance iu the
presidential battle tended te bring out a
larger Republican than Democratic
vote. All in all, the results show a
drawn battle in the skirmish preliml
nary te next sear, with much depending
en the wise action of Congress, wh'.cli
meets In December.
The Defect nl' Page.
The defeat of S. Davis Pase for con
troller in Philadelphia shows that the
much vaunted freedom from bossism of
that city is a vain delusion. With the
support of a united and nggresslve De
mocracy, earnestly favored bysuchitiilu
ential newspapers as the Times, the 1'
and the Ledger, and with the Committee
of One Hundred struggline: for him and
its own future existence, the bosses have
proven omnipotent ever all. The eidlct
may be ucccpted as a distinct tebuke te
honesty and non-partisan fidelity in eill
cial place, and an open letter of netu'.ea
tlen that the ringsters of that city have
returned te slay. Net that Mr. Jeffrie-.
Is personally a dangerous man te place
In this responsible office IIe is reputed
te be an excellent business man of irre
proachable character. But the pout r
that nominated and elected him is a
Samson In Its strength, and before iu
bllghtning influence tint w-w controller
must inevitably bow. After all that has
been gained en the side of leferin in that
ring-ridden city, pity It is that the
vitally Important outpost of the con cen con
trellershlp ahculd have been captured!)
the unscrupulous enemy. Fer the 10
suit the Democracy and the Committee
of One Hundred areiu no wise responsi
ble. It was a Republican victory, pure
and simple, and that party Is welcome
te the delicate morsel that It must cou ceu cou
tlnue te chew for four years te cjnie
has no validity is considered geed in
every ether but the mnrrlnge contract.
This, the most Important of all in Us
bearing en society, may be entered Inte
by the veriest children, and this undue
freedom seems te be at the root of the
whele evil.
Ik the poeplo of Philadelphia can
stomach JolTrleo, the rest of the state will
endeaver te held him down.
Nr.u Yeuk, New Jcrsey and Virginia
are a geed trio with which te speed the
going of the Republican party next year.
Tiik robuke ndmiulstcrcd te houesty in
efllclal place in the defeat of Page In Phil
adelphia Is the proudest feather that will
adorn the Republican cap te day.
Tin; Democratic stay at-homes who
cinuet be breucht te the polls in au " off"
year will all be out iu the nest campaign,
And then leek out for a Democratic tidal
lli:ni:Ar ri:n the retail sale of intexicat
leg liquors en credit in 1'iussia will be
punished by withdrawal el the Henrice.
This will bs n severe blew at the slate
Tug four negrees that wero killed en
Saturday ia Danvllle, Virginia, might
have voted the Mahene tioket for nil the
geed that it would have dene. The fall
of the Repudlater shows that Virginia is
awakening te a sense of her long tarnished
Rr.ri-nucvs majority in 1S30, 37,270 ;
Republics majority in 1SS3, less than
15,000. The " grand old party " has been
given a temporary reprieve ia this state,
but the indications iu the ether doubtful
states show that it has only one mere car
te live.
Vnu.iNi.v has nobly asserted herself by
repudiating Repudlater Mahene, and the
Old Dotulnieu, mother of prosideuts, is te
be congratulated that the blot en her f.iir
escutciicen will seen be entirely cllaccd.
The success of this unprincipled cenfeder
ate brigadier would have jeopardized the
interest of the state aud hit downfall has
ceme nunc tee seen.
Jldc.e IIeadly is averse te having any
unnecessary display ou the occasion of
his inauguration. Therein lie displays his
geed common wen se Themas Jcflorseu
rede t Washington en horseback and
tied his horse te a hitching pest while he
was taking the presidential oath. The
return te democratic simplicity iu
Headly's determination ia much te be
.u, me ' It was my childhood's thought.
If He slieuM make my web it bint
n life': tatr picture et delight.
My h'jart s content would dun ll right
lint eli, tliese waves and lritves.
When nippy mole Nrtturu Brieves,
Ne human ipwcli se beautilul
As their inuiinurs mine te lull.
On tlilj nllurUed hath built
I iiymy vanity and Kulit;
.Ver rnu can Heps or l'ruslen urge
Hearing tvf new the lefty dlrxe
Which blitils et Northern mountains hymn
Nature'' lunerul. high and dun,
;?nule pageantry et cloud".
Mourning tunitnvr lam in suranus.
Emcm n
Divorce Legislation
The alarmlug Increase of divorce for
onecauso or another has excited censld
orable discussion In religious elides.
The Catholic council of New Yerk and
the Episcopal convention iu Philadel
phia, both took u detei mined stand
against it, and the Presbyterians of New New
Yerk nearly went te the extremlty of
voting a resolution of thanks te the
Catholic council for the high ground
taken by them iigainst this must perni
cious evil. Dr. Leenard W. Bacen con
tributes au article en divorce leferru te
the Princeton Itccieie which contains
mnny sensible suggestions. The sub
stance of these Is that the dlvorce
laws, bad as they are, ought te be better
iiuuuuieitjieu, uim unit tne legal proce
dure for separation should be mere open
and deliberate, allowing greater chance
for peraennl persunslen aud religious in
fluence. This isu step In the right dircc
tien. The secrecy with which divorce
proceedings may be conducted const!
tutes their principal evll te society.
Unhappy mnrrJed people would make u
greater effort te hnrmonlze their differ
ences If publicity were given te all nppll
catiens for divorces. The scundnl that
might possibly result, It would seem,
would be mere than counterbalanced by
the greater geed that would come In the
making of the marital tie mere indisso
luble. Perhaps one of the best Plans for
ameliorating this unhappy condition of
domestic affairs would be the prelilbN
tlen of early mnrrlages. The maxim of
the law that the contract of un infant
Rnv. Dn. Tai.maee is te loeturo in Mis
Mssippi during September.
Heukeut Si'ENCEii's most impeitint
works have been translated into Japa
ntsa. E Lieutenant Pi.irrnu, colored, who
has floured in several army sonsatieuB, is
chief clerk in a laundry at El Pase, Texas.
William Y. Hcttes, the cowboy juec,
Is thirty years old, wholly without sdiica
tlen mid spends all his tlme ou the plains
The porn, it is reported, in new en
gaged iu reviewintr voluminous tinted en a
furthceming circular te the faithful touch teuch
ing the subject of philosophy. Pawcett, the novelist prefers te
de h s writing in a cafe or seme ether place
wheie he cau smoke cigarettes and sip wine
while working.
llAitm InviNe, Ellen Terry and Midarr.e
NiUen nil rcccived invitations te make the
Y.vtiderbullt heuse their home during their
stay iu New Yerk, aud all declined
thorn. Ahtiil it leeks thinner and
is semewhat piler than bafore his summer
vaoatieu.hays a Washington correspondent.
lie is working hard at his annual message,
but otherwise takes life easy at the Sold
iers' home.
James Watsen Wfiiii, journalist and
statesman, is the last link of a famous
chain of old New Yorkers which death lias
tern asunder Thurlow Weed, Peter
Cooper Horaeo Oroeley, William Cullen
Bryant, Uayaid Tayler. William E. Dedgo
and A. T. Stewart. All ate dead but Mr.
Webb, but he remains liale and hearty,
with all the strength of hia early manhood
clinging te him.
InviNti is net the only actor whose
' mannerisms" ou the stage have attracted
the attention of the audience Qarrlck
guttered like Qoergo III ; Edmund Kean
creaked hlte aiaven ; Jehn Philip Komble
had chronic asthma aud always spoke in a
high fahette ; Mactcady stammered and
gruutad ; Ferrest chowed like an ex ;
Uurke twisted his legs, while Charlotte Charlette
Cusbmnu had a broken voice Even Rufus
Cheato was ence referred te as a "monkey
iu convulsions " while en n lecturing plat
form. ess Doleotouki, the widow el the
late Cr of Russia, who has been wander
ing about Europa for the last two years
like an unquiet spirit has purehased a
large mansion in the Avonue du Heis de
Rouleguo. She does net intend te live
permanently in Paris, but it will be her
head quarters, ami she will roside thore for
a few months each year. The prlnoess
possesses au immonae fortutie, which had
been invested out of Russia in the lifotime
of Alexauder II.
DAY. .tmliohe rruMieit by Mm Democrat In Vir
Kli.U unit tliostnle Itcdrruied New Jr
py (ler llrinecratlr, ns no Mary
Mnil hihI MlMtMlppl New erK
Doubtful, but l'rubsbly Hem Hem
iirttttle rpiiuaylTAiiln lie lie
publlenn An Krcn ni
tidis et Ten SUM,
fire te tiKcti
Thorewero elections In ten states yes yes
terdaj', for various ollleos, aud up te this
morning the advices received indicate that
the honors wero about equally divlded be
tween the two parties. Massachusetts,
which many supposed and a few hoped
would re-clcct Ren Rutlcr, has defeated
him by placing the Republican candidate,
Robinson, In the gubernatorial ehalr by it
majority of about 15,000. In Minnesota,
which it a strong Republican state,
it Is altogelhcr likely that that
party has again carried it, al
though the meagre returns rocelvcd
thus (ar indicate that the Democratic can
didate for governor, who is a Norwegian,
Is elected, as feur-tifths of the Republican
voters of the state are of that nationality.
In Connecticut the Republicans have wen,
which is gonerally a forgeno conclusion in
that state. They have carried the Legis
lature, ptebably by forty maierlty en
joint ballet and probably have nlne of the
twelve senators, This will make the next
Senate stand fourteen Republicans and
ten n.miecrats, Reperts from throughout
Nebraska show that n fair vote has been
cist. The olectieu is for a justice of the
supreme court and four regents of the
state university. The reaeuts are con
ceded t the Republicans, but there was an
animated contest ferjudge, and the result
is jet vcrv doubtful. Virginia, Mahene's
state, has cjme up nobly aud
vindicated ita t? -uthern honor by
emphatically and implicitly repudiat
ing the methods of Mahene nn.1
liH corrupt following, iu spite of the open
encourageuiont he received from the ad
ministration. Mahene ts beaten and the
Democrats elaim the Heuso by 4 te U and
the Seuatu by 'i. Richmond city gives
the Demoerats 2,700 majority. Her whole
polled vete is ever 13,000, the larcest ever
cast. New Jorbey, tee, has shown its
firm and royal adlierence te the party of
the pcople by dealing L;ou Abbett, in the
face of a determined, continued and bitter
opposition, governor ou the Democratic
ticket, with the assembly Democratic and
the Scuate probably se. In .Maryland, Me
Lane, a Democratic governor, has been
placed in the chair by a raaj irity which
is undoubtedly very large, as he
carried Baltimore city by 7,000 ; ether
returns from the state are net yet in.
The,b ate very meagre advices Irem Mis
sWsippi, but what are at hand iudicate un
doubted Democratic victory by a swceplng
majority ew "terk is in doubt, aud it
will require all of te day te give a dctlnite
result, and both parties claimed it this
mermug. The Peughkeepsie district, a
most formidable Republican stronghold,
was carried yesterdiy by it Damecratic
majority of 4 000. Hendnx, Deru , is
thought te be elected mayor of Brooklyn
ever Lew, the Republican candidate. The
Republicans have carried Pennsylvania by
a majority of about 20,000. The returns
lecetved lrem the tirst indicated a Repub
lican victory. At 1 1 o'clock the Demo
crats had givcu up the sute. The com
pariseas were made with the vete for
governor last year, the Beaver and
Stewart vete being added I he aggrcgate
vete is small, probably net exceeding
000,000 iu the state. Thore was no such
scratching en the state ticket as wat
A t )tal vete of i30,li'iJ was polled iu
Philadelphia, a decrease of 10,017 from the
total vete pilled in Novembor, 1S92, for
governor. Mr Jctl'ries, Republican caudi
date for controller, received Oj.S'Ji votes
te OI.GjI for Page, the Democratic candi
date, a majority of 1,171 for the Republi
can nominee. Sir. Niles majority was
20,1111, which indicates that Jeflries fell
10,810 behind his ticket. The Republicans
Dolled within 3,023 of the combined vete
for Beaver aud Stewart in 13?2, while the
Demjcrat.s fell oil 12,5.J from the Pattiseu
fellow ing of last year.
I Im Slnte Ultlcnr I'-iuctrd.
Auditor general, Jereme B. Niles, Re
publican. State ticasurcr, William Livsey, Repub
I ic;ui.
The new auditor succeed-) Jehn
Lemen, Republi 'an, and will held the
ofllce for three years from the tint Men
day of M ty uext. The new Rtate treasurtr
succeeds Silas M. Btily, Republican, aud
will held the office for two years from
May next.
KKTtKN-llN Din. 111.,
, They
aierijeakit'a UeraetR.
Medjcska Is sporting a pair of
made for her by a Michlguu lliin
are thus deseribed :
One is et light transparent, line silk
belting oleth, aud with ull its beautiful
sill: embroidery and peiut lace trimming
weighs only live and u half ouueos, with
the steels, benes eyelets and buckles nil
included. The ether Is of cream colored
satin, lined with white satin, heavily
"f.uiued" aud otnbreidorod with white
sat' ; rich point lace cnolreIeH the bust,
anu cress the waist lu front Medjkska, in
the luim of letters which head her show
bills, l.i heavlly cmhroidercd lu white silk.
Upen the lighter corset the nanie In the
satne place and style of loiters is hand
painted. They are enclosed hi Bilk lined
boxes, with the autograph of the oeuntoss
en tne insiuocevci.
Starved te Heath.
Frauk Wilkes, of Zinosville, O., grand,
son of Coramedoro Wilkes, United States
navy, while herding shoep near Pleasant
Valley Htatien, Utah, get lest nnd died of
starvation and exposure, The remains
were Kent te Ohie,
I'ldlniatrii of tlie C.'euntlen In tlie Mlnte t.' te
Tive O'UIdck Wednexdu-r M liming.
The following table k!ve3 the estimates
of the votes of the counties of this state as
received up te this morning :
AllcKheny ,
Beaver ....
Bradierd . .
0500 Adams ,
300 Bedford ,
000 Berks..,
000 Bucks...
2000 Cambria..
100 Carben 4S0
75 Centre 1100
Chester 'J2.riO,CHrirn . 1"nft
Ciawfetd 200'CloarfleId..!!. 1500
Uolaware ..
Franklin .. .
Indiana . ..
.lell'iirseu . ..
Liucaster:. .
La wi once . .
Mclvc.iu. . ..
Perry .
HOOCIititeu 500
1700 Columbia 2000
000 Cumberland . . 000
50,Elk 000
1011 Fuyette 1050
(100 Fulteu 300
ItOO Oroeno 2000
150Juniata 250
250, Lehigh 1500
0700 Luzsrne
1200. Lycoming ....
1500. MitUu
250 Meer e
ISOiMoutj'eriiorv. .
North i nip ten.
1300' Schuylkill....
1)00 Sullivan
1S00 Wavne?
Union 575, West morelatul
V euaugii, . .
Philadelphia.. 20091
Somerset ....
200 Wyoming
uuu Yerk..
, Total
Total 50750
Apparent Rspubllcau majority, 10,100
I'xeltliu: Contest TliruuslKMit Vlrclnln
.tiitliiuiu rrelMtJly nortieii.
Amidst the greatest oxeitemont through
out Viriilnla the oleotiou took place
Tuesday. .Men iu all soatiens wero armed
te the tcetli, and the consciousness of this
faet inaile the oleotiou oflleors very cau
tious. Many ex -Confederates had their old
revolvers out for the first tiine slnce they
used thorn iu battle. Even soelety men,
visiting iu the cities in the night, streve
in vain by sitting en corners of chairs te
opneeal the pistols in their hip poekots.
Ivtiewing et all this the vlgllailce of the
poace ollleois was deubled aud overyoffort
was made te heoure the smooth working
of the oleetlon. In Danville, where the
jtroatest dlaturbiiea was npprohendod.tho
city was qulet. Mahene gave the nogrees
thuir orders net te vete aud they romained
away from the polls. Tills is mi aoknowl aeknowl aoknewl
odged part et the Mahene returning beard
plnn te threw out the vete of Dauvllle
upon tha plea of Intimidation of nojreos.
In ethor Boctlena of the state, whero the
black vete is heavlest, the Mahene mana
gers circulated wild rumors of the Danville
fight. In Nansemend, the county adjoin
ing Malic-no's blrthp ace, a circular wan
distributed, headed :
"Colored men, vete te-day and nvmige
the murder of seven of your raoe at Dan
Auether handbill addressed te negrees
was circulated In Augusta comity, calling
upon thorn te "Avonge the murder et
their race." These appeals were net un
successful tu drawing out a large negre
vote. The women el bith races were
unprocedentcdly eroded evei the cantest.
Negro preachers en Sunday threatened
their oeugrogatlons withth termuit of
hell If they did no; v.ite for M th vie. and
the women were equally eiriuMt
In Richmond and ether cities, beginning
nftcr 3 o'clock iu the ui'iriilng, lights were
seen iu first ene window nnd then a tetlier
of the houses of the rich and peer alike as
the men nrose and went out te take their
places in line, and ou the country reads
dimly detltied figures of horsemen were
overywhere moving steadily te voting
precincts. Never has there luen snob nti
upheaval. The lame ami halt, who hid
net voted for years, were brought out In
Hanover, where the il.h' between Wiek
ham, Democrat, and .' mw, Mahetieiti.
was sttetigest, lar;e parties of the armed
partisans of eaeh held barbicues all night
lenjr, and the negre followers of the two
candidates wero kept together by such
feasts of oysters as they never knew be be bo
fero. Despite Jenes' beasts and inoriey he
failed te capture the Wiekh.ini negnus,
who wero all tunes surrounded by armed
whites, who had premised te protect them.
In the LvuchburL section the Deme
crats were kept iu geed trim and
General Jubal A. Eirlv made a speech lu
which he denounced Malione as n traveity
upon the human race and a skulking
coward. Early in tlie in irtutig excitement
was occasioned by the discovery that the
registration books had been stolen by a
Mahonite in thi largest Demwratic pro
duct in Reauike.w'iieh is ene of the hotly
contested and ihMibtlul districts This
uecessitated the losing of this big vete te
the Democrats. Every ettjrt wa.t made te
discover the thief by nieu with the st
purpese of kil ing him, but in vain.
This election is for an entire Heuse of
Delegates nud ene hilf of the Senate. The
new Legislature is t'i roipp-irtien the
state for ceugrcnieu aud elects the
heads of the state departments an I the
low senators will vote for M iheae's sac -ccssortetho
United Sta'es Senate-. Ma Ma
eoeo leads the white Readiusters and the
negrees and the 1) em icratJ are all whiles.
Never bafore has the rae issue beeu se
strongly forced and the qjostieu at issue
by oninieu consent was whother the
white moil or the c d tred olement sheu'd
Mr. B.iibeur, clareim of the Demo
cratic committce, claims th it the Deme
crats have trained tifteen in the Heme and
two in theSsnite ml tea theasn.l m th
popular vete. If the c'aims as te the
complexion of the Lu slature are correct
Mahoue has 1 at both branches of the
Legislature beyen I a de.ib. Wicker
sham's electien in li d s'mc: s.eius te be
MAssAOtll'Sht (.
Untlcr lleiteu for Uoternerbj it lJnrli el
ever 1S.OOO.
The Republicans admit that Democratic
votes have defeated Butler and tin result
cannot be elainvd as a simple Rpnbliean
victory. It is i i atti-Bu'.le.- victory,
sharp aud decisive r returns up t
midnight iridic ite R)bi:isej's eicctieu by
fully 15.000. The city of Bosten, ns was
foreshadowed In thesa dispatch 's,le I in the
antl IJutlcr revolt with tlie largest vote
ever polled in the city. Butler's uujenty
is reduced from 13 350 t (i.OJl). the city's
vete beint; : Robinson, 25,727 ; Butler,
32, 32 Tne principal Republican ga.ns
have been in the cities, the country tewim
showing few Butler losies. Tue total v )te
of the state is within a few hundred of
3.10.000. The city was wild listni,'hr.
Te B.iy that this res-ilt is a surpris but
feebly czpiesses the feeling e:i leth sides.
Robinson's mijenty exceeds the tlures
claimed by the Republican statu commit
tee, and the jubilation of the anti B'iM'T
leaders is unbounded. The s'reet sceues
list night are altogether without parallel.
Washington street has bceu impassible
since four o'clock, and altlie.ih the result
was a foregeno conclusion au hour a;
thousands of people still cheer the stere
opticeu bulletins. The chief feature of
the demonstration is the Hirvard cheer
ever the defeat of Bat I r. Tha IU ! ra :
ra !" of the student i n r-.iin through
the lower half of tlie c.ty Faasuil hall
was thrown epen early nv tin Rjpublicms
and the old "Uraule of Liberty has set
dem ro:ked with such t. nuuJ mi outhu euthu
siasm. Speeches were indj by tuiuy
anti Butler leaders.
Governer Butler spout the evening at
his home in Lewell. He entertained a
few porseaal friends and rcccived tlie re
turns by telephone from Bosten. When
the vete of that eity was received hn re
marked quletly . " Well, if the., is true, it
beats Bn. Butler; but ucau't becorrnet
I uuesii we'll wait ler continuation." The
subsequent returns were of the satne sort,
and the govorner seen acknowledged the
electien of his oppeuent. Tuero was a
Re publican gain of 500 in L iwell.
Butler's organ, the Glbe, omeedes But
ler's defeat by ever 10,000. The Traeeller
claims 28,000 for Robinson, tun Adctrtuter
18.000 and the Herald 20,000.
The Republicans elect all live eonaters
aud 25 of 31 representative!. L.Ili",
Democrat, is elected msmber of the gov
ernor's council from Lewell.
At 1 o'clock returns from 232 cities ind
towns glve Robinson Ud.llS Butler. Si,
013 ; Robinson's majority 11,575. Thore
are 118 cltie3 and towns te hear fr mi.
NKW VOldl.
The DcmucrAta Ulnlniinc the HUta .,ioie
1'lKlit in Uroelfljn
At midnight it is impossible te jjlve ac
curate (Inures as the result of the election,
In New Yerk It has been a quiet day
in tlie eity, with geid weather and a
fair vete. The best tiguring and estimates
show that the Democratic state ticket has
a majority iu the city of 15,000 or 50,000,
save Maynard. the head of the ticket, who
runs from 10,000 te 15,000 behind. He
runs behind in all the large o'.tiei, thanks
te the cemblnud ilTjrts of the Catholics
aud liquor men, who fought him
savacely. It ia prebable that the
Democratic state ticket is olectod by 20,000
or 25,000, barring Miyiiaid, who will preb
ably squeeze through with 4,000 or 5,000
majority. It Is new vary prebable that
the assembly is lUpubhean, though it
oannet be said certainly. The majority
elther way will bs small. The Sonate will
be Roptiblleau, docldetlly.twotity te twelve
or twenty two te teii. In the city
thore has baen no end of cutting and trad
ing. It Is prebable that Heilly, the Dom Dem Dom
ecratio nominee for register, is elected by
23,000 majority. Uue result of the day's
work is that Ostieral Frank Splnole ami
his short cellar will net go te the legisla
ture next term, he having been defeated at
the polls. In faet, Tatnmaey has
fared rather pejrly whero it came te a
tquare tight.
Thore has l)2en quite as inueh interest
evor the contest between Lew and Ilen
drlx for mayoralty of Brejklyn as evor
any ethor local issue. Up te au hour age
tha Lew men claimed the uloetlon of their
mau. New the reperts my that Heudrix,
Damearat, is eleetcd by 1,000 majority,
This may be reversed iu nuother hour.
Lew was oleeted two years age by 4,000,
Cleveland get 30,000 a year age lu Brook
lyn. Maynard runs behind his ticket there
4.500, but the lest of the state tioket get
about 0,000 lu Brooklyn, hj that it is very
prebable that Heudrix is elected.
Tlie ' Herald's"
The New Yerk HeraU this unrnlng
says : The Indications are that the Dem
ocratic statu ticket is oleoted by from 15,
000 te 20,000 majority. Mnynnrd, Demo Deme
ernt, for secretary of state, runs far bo be
hltid his tioket, and his oleotiou Is legarded
as doubtful. The Sonate is undoubtedly
Republican. Frem present returns, which
have e line In slowly, leaving tinny places
still te be heard from, it appears that
thore will be 10 Republic m senators te 13
Democrats The latest indications sue
that the assembly may Im Republican also
by Hi te di Several districts are In doubt
however, Husted's (Wostchestcn ntneng
Tammany hall elects only one senator
from this eity, Jehn J. Cullen, who defeats
the county Democratic candidate in tlie
Ninth district.
In the beatd of Alderman T.immanv
Hall elects only six of soven members, in
cluding, as is very probable, the notorious
Richard Breker, of the Eighteenth assem
bly district. In the present beard Tain
tinny contrelsoleven members, se tliat she
has new lest her representation in at least
four districts. The beard will probably be
politic illy divided as follews: Tammany
Hall, 7 ; County I) jiu wr.iey, V ; Republi
cans, f.
lu the Assembly delegaMen from this
e.ty Tammany will I probably three
40,000 Mjjurlty in e VnrK.
Tlie New Yerk Sun of this morning
s:ivs :
Ry the election iu this state yesterday,
the Democrats olected their ticket with a
majority of about 20,000, except iu the
case of Mr. Maynard for secretary of tlie
state, whose vete was greatly reduced by
cutting, chielly iu the large cities, leaving
the result us te him in doubt. The Legis.
lature wil probably bj IUpublleiu iu both
lu this city the Democratic statu ticket
has ab mt 45.0JO majority. Mr. Mavuard
ruuniug 15.000 behind. Tne Democrats
have elected six of the seven state senators,
two of them being Tammany men uivl
four Auti-Tamnuny, and sixteen assem
blymen. Fiftoen Democratic iilderinen are beine Tammatiy and eight
Auti Tammany. Jehn R dlly, the united
Democratic ciudul.ite for rocister, is
elected bf'Ai.OuO majority ; and Ueorge P
Andrews and Charles H. Van Brurt are
e'oeteJ supreme enirt, and Chit
J. Nehrbas aud Edwasd Browne, justices
of the city court.
! JWillird Birtlett is elected justice of the
supreme Mint in the second judicial dis
Jenph C. Heudrix', Deuncratic caudi
date for mayor of Brooklyn is undoubted
ly victorious, though the returns are net
yet in for a complete showing of the vote.
His majarity is estimated at 1,000.
Almest it ('lent, snoop
I he New Yerk H(rW of this morning
siys : The returns received up te 1 o'clock
this uieruing show that the Democrats In
New Yerk city, have steed togetbor as far
as the state ticket is concerned arid have
rolled up a majority of evor 40,000. Mr
Maynard falls behind ever 12,000 votes.
The legislative d legation ts ,-iluies: en -tirely
Democratic, ene Republican senator
( Mr. Oibbs) alene being oleeted in the
Eighth district. The entire city, county
and judiciary ticket is elected by subjtan
tial majorities, aud the beard of alderman
will remain fei another year iu the control
of the Democratic party.
lliu Domecmtti Klert Abbett Out tuer.
The returns at midnight in New Jersey
indicate Abbctt's electien by a small
majority, probably about 1,500. It mav
require the oflleial returns te sottle tbe
matter, however, as the interior, northern
and many of the southern cmntles are
still unheard frec
Abbett has 1,500 majority, with S miei
set aud Union still iu doubt These ceun.
ties may poll Abbett's majority down t
1.000. Tlie Legislature is iu great doubt.
The Republicans will probably retain a
majjnty of ene in the Satiate, while the
Democrats have a majority of ene in the
Heus. They probably elect senators iu
the felh.ving counties : Atlantic, Cum
berland, Gloucester, Hudsen ami .Merris.
In this ceinty thev will less a momber,
Variderbllt's election bjiug conceded by
about 25 majority. They may also leso the
member in Ocean. In the Heuso tlie Re
publicans secure membjrs as fellows :
Atlantic, 1 ; Burlington, 2 ; Cumberland,
1 ; Camdnu, 2 ; Eisex, 7 ; Gloucester, 1 ;
Hudsen, 3 ; Mercer, 2 ; Middlesex, 1 ;
51 inmeuth, 1 ; Menls, 2 ; Ocean, 1 ; Pas-s-iie,
1 ; Salem, 1, and Uuien, 2 total, 20.
The Democrats secure members as follews:
i ;
1 ;
Indicate that the majeilty or MoLine,
Democrat, for governor In that city will be
7,000, whieh will probably oleet him. Re
turns from Queen Anne's county estlmate
500 Dotnearatlc majority.'
A IteintnlicAuuD nl,
llie following letiur was written bv
t..l X- .-,.1. ... -.. .. .. .-'
.huikc .sesuiHii, ei mnv n linpililre, In
rospeuso te au Invitation te u Wobster
evening " nt Exeter :
FuvMti.iN N. II . iij'. 22, 1883.
Fiukm) Leti.uivti : I uisuie you it
would give tne pleasure te visit
Exeter and see your Improvements, " nnd
many of the geed pjople with whom I am
acquainted. , ou nlludu t Mr. Webster.
Yeu knew, that he aud his geed father woie
much indebted te in inj of their geed
friends nt l.xeler iu a time el n'ed. I
refer te pecuulaiy aid When .liide Web
ster wished te help his b lys through col
lege he bad a lean of money
llrst from Governer Langd in. When
lu the course of Hid i evolution
of partv polities lu ISO I, and Governer
Langden c.iine near an electien of governor
and Judge Webster aud hit biys wero
found arrayed together iu the support of
Gov. J. T., and when in lfi." he
( Langden l was oleoted, 1 have iu my
possession two letters teiidluc: te show
that Mr. Litigdeu must Inte Ins money,
mid the note was in fact left with Charles
Walker, nsq , of Concord, for collection,
At this crisis Gov. Oilman came te the
rescue of Judge Wehstei, and leaned the
monev sutllcieiit e piy Gov, Langden.
And Ezokiel and Daniel an executers of
their fathers will did tint pay fiat nete
until about 1810. Here was one favor.
Afterward, in Hit, whe.i politics
drowned toasen, and worth was disre
carded, Gov. Oilman n niin.iteil Daniel
Webster fei ntterrey grneral. IIe was
supported by tlie oeiiuclors of I'licshlre
and Grafton districts, and the nomination
was vetoed by Hill, of ll' ;
ljuitles, ofStallenl, mil Pierer, of Hills
b rre. Other geed men wen1 nominated
aud rejected, including Geerge Sullivan.
A compromise dually brought iu Sullivan,
who lei many years worthily 1111 -d the
e 111 co.
Te morrow is my butliday. I expect
ii w, providence jcrmitting, t reach my
eighty thiid year I am new determined
te get relieved from s i-un of the cares
incident te mi of my ellljial stitieni,
that ii w ntlerd m in re lib ir than profit.
I e.inuet give you a visit u w, but at some
futuie sunshiny hour I m -an, if my II fe Is
spired t-ij-iv Exe'er a cill, but for the
present you must nllen the ad jurnui'int
of our meeting Truly jeurs, &3 ,
(ir.ein.r W. NKJMini
'. .V. Lnctrinj, eq.
m taciunii int. i.tiiirr
p E?fl it 2 1 m - B 2 e F iS i. efi .'
iB?!BpSi! ErSvrflpHfi
: r r- . f : 2 ' 3 ?B$
: " ::'":: : '"' " r-
vii 55 vzr JD n ns
fe 21BOI6B p 5S 55
Si s5s-Jg"s" Sg sr; $T:
k ssBB'iprtiirs
l. NO IS lliu siOIIM-v Villi!.
I (10 l'n 1 1 Vnle nt l,t u- in 11....
wiiii ihBM,j,,rmViTw".M,,""n
'I "
CIOVKII villi.
Isorgen, 1 ; Burlington, 1 ; Camden.
Cape May, 1 . Cumberland, 1 ; Essex,
Hudsen, 7 ; Hunterihn, 2 ; Mereer,
Middlesex, '- ; Monmouth, 2 ; Merris,
Passaic, :1 ; Simerset, 1 ; Sussex,
Union, 1, aud warren, S.
Itaturns at 1:110 indicate Abbjtt's oleo eleo olee
tiiu by 2,."03 majority. Warren gives him
1,500 majority aud Union 300. Sjmerset
is still in doubt and Ocean gives DU n
li'i The LsgUlature is a tie.
Tim r.c-imbllctiiH Ulnliiilnie tlie UIpcIIeii
1 netr (lovernor liy 10,001).
The olectieu iu Minnesota was for gev
erner, lioutenant goiernor, secretary of
state, treasurer, attorney general and nil
read commissioner. Eaeh county also
olects a portion of its ofllears. A large
vete was polled. The Ilepublicans renom renem
inated the ontire prcsent state olllcers,
with Governer Hubbard at tha head.
The Demoerats nominated for govorner a
Nerwegian, A. Iiiertiunu, aud, as ever
four-fifths of the Republican voters iu this
state are of that nationality, the Demo
crats hoped te make .1 0I030 tight for that
ofllce. Governer Hubbard had a majority
of 211,000 lust tlme and the leading Itapub
liaans claim 10 000 majority for him this
tiine Pew Damearats oenocdo him moie
than 5,000
I hi) Kf publicans Ulsiinlni; it (loeil .llKjurlty
lu tlie I.ecniliitiitc.
Tlie olectieu iu Connecticut was for half
the Senate, twelve members; nil the mem
beru el the Heuse of Ileprosentatlves, and
for sherilTs of the eight counties. The
returns at the (Jeurant ofllea show that
the Republicans have carried the Legisla
ture, probably by forty majority en joint
ballet, and probably have nine out of the
twolve nonaters. This will make the uext
Senatj stand 11 Republicans, 10 Domo Demo Dome
orats. Republican sherilTs are olected iu
Hartferd, Tolland, Middlesex, Falrfleld
nnd New Londen counties. The vete, for
an 01T year, shows marked Rapublican
."ilftngrit Itcturim Inillnstlni; tlie IJiiihI He He
puulletn Majority.
Reports from throughout Nebraska
hIiew that a fair vete was east. The
weather was favorable. The election was
for a justice of the supreme court nnd
fourregontsof the state unlveralty. M.
I). Roeso was the Republican candidate
for Justice ami James W. Savage ropres repres ropres
eutcd thu Demoerats and antl monopolist!!.
The returns nre very meagre, hut indicate
tlie usual Republican victory.
Mcii;re ltuturiis Sliinvlni; n HtveeplUB Vletury
ter din Dmuecmt,
Mo.igre oleetlon returns from Mississippi
iudioite a Hweaplug Demoerntio victory se
far as heard from. The olectlou was (pilot.
Mol.aee UirrlAi lltlilmera by 7, 0110 ami 1
Kleeteil (lovernor,
ReturtiB from eoveral wards iu Baltimore
riiul tlm n.ity en
O.uirnlUn tllliar
At Terente the D .minion .Millers' nae
cmtien, a Itrge and iiiliii"ntial body, has
tnadn an assiult up u tlte protective; t trill'.
This auti m is legardvl as sinitbt'it, as
heretofore the millers have beeu strong
siippi iter 1 of Ote iuveruincut nnd rarnrst
advoea'es nt luutect.en. This year,
however, th wheat crop 111 Ontario
falls far sheu of the ren.iiremeuLs of the
mirke', and millers Unit themselves unable
te proem- sufllcient wheat iu the country
te keep their mills mniiiu; te supply the
demand. A mcciiMi; was held this after
noon, when tlie quvsiieu came up for
discissien up 1 'He m.mbeis were uunni
m us tint it wis a s iluel ncejssary te
imtier wluat ler llmr.ue purposes.
They wire ,tls pwitivn that under the
prcsent pru"ecii7u tanu ei l uauts per
biuliel tUuHhortageof raw material uauscd
a discrniti.tti u Canadian millers
of 20 corns per barrel uf ll mr.
Twe 1 ropesiti ms wci- b.lern th-i moot meet
i 1 t iredtice 'he dulj en wheat by otie
half, or even t 1 -I e'nts or te mcroase the
duty en lie if te tha extent at whish Cana
dian millers weie at pre out at ads id ran
ta:e. The r.iaj . Ity were 111 f iv ir, 111 view
el tli-j prer ir.e-H i 10:10! the werk'tig
meu, of red'ieiuir the duty en wheat, nod
thus ke.'p the prie or bread rtt the lowest
possible ll,ure r-it'.ei th.ia t'i increase its
price by!ig the duty en lieur. A
eomnnttee was therefore appeinted te
wait upon the Doiiinieii i;..-rnui9nt and
uu'e upon the tlnanc t in i.itter the nocesnty
of 1 .l 1 "iu : th duty en wheat 1 1 7 cents.
(iiuirri'niluii Itruken I p
CliHttune B" (Ti-nn ) Times, Nev. S.
Deputy Marshal R iccr had (juite an ox ex
citing trio in Sequatchie V.i'leya few days
since, lie has a warrant ler a man named
Hak'.ns, who wa charged with ielating
theiutcina! retonuelaw. Le.iruing that he
was at church, whero a protracted mcetiug
was 111 pi egress, he pnueedrd thore and
endeavored te spot out his man. His np np np
psaranoe at the church deer had almost
the effect of an tinoxp:eted attack by wild
beasts. In uu instant nearly every man
in tlie building areiu te Ida feet and b.gan
searahiiig forhime means ofu.scipe, each
ene tearing the ollicer ha 1 e me ler him.
About the time half the congregation
bad succeeded in erawhnt; out of
the windows the ollicer espied his
man and emmauded him te halt.
Again the frightened men thought their
tiine had ceme, and each made a break
for freedom, jostling the screaming
women and children in their frantie eflerts
te gr.t out of the building. Tlie untire
church was in an uproar and the women
seemed crazed with fear. At last the
officer succeeded iu ;u rested his mau, and
when convinced that nil were net in
dan;;ei, peace boeh resumed its sway.
t'rttrl Arrivei witneat u llocuiuleii.
There was no beat 1 1 ineet Mine. Patti
as slie sailed up the hay te New Yerk lu
the Gallia Tuetdiy mermug, and the diva
was in a pet. Cel. Maploseu had chartered
two propelleis aid issued any 1:11m
ber of invitations for tlie occasion,
se as toglve her a "nioiister" recaptien en
her artlval, but the dispatch announcing
the approach of the Gallia failed te reach
tlie gallant colonel in tiine, ami. as 11
result, Mme. Patti and Siguer Nloelinl
wero compelled te remain en thu steamer
until its arrival at tlie pier in tbe city!
Patti Is looking e innidernbly brighter nud
improved tlmn when hhe was bore before,
and hasgaincd Hom'ewhat In weight. She
is te uppeir en Friday at the aeademy of
nimirus llrcsn Him
Londen Dully News
Heme exoltemont 111 stated by the Indian
papers te have bcjn caused nmeiig tlie
jieople of the Madras presidency by the
fact of tlie him having loceutly prcsentcd
a bright green apjieaiauce, paiticularly
near the time of setting. Prof. Micliie
Smith, commenting upon this phoiiomo pheiiomo phoiiemo
nou, say a that as far as he can discover
the appearance of a gicen sun is very uu uu uu
oemmon. Mr. Leckyer, however, ouce
ebserved the sun te Im of 11 vivid giccu
when seen through the steam of a little
paddle beat en Lake Wlndmore, and this
circumstance, lie thinks, points te a holu helu holu
tlen of the difficulty, and hIiekb that the
oause of the appearance is an unusual
amount of aqueous vapor lu the ntmoa ntmea ntmoa
phere, exlstitig ns actual vapor, and net
condensed into clouds. Serne experiments
with the spectrum, of which l'ref..Smitli,
gives the ilutnlls, appeal te confirm this
Ttiu 1'ilnue Vnn iteilirn Ilenil.
At lleilin, Count Ven Redern, grand
chamberlain te the erapcter. la dead. The
Count Vnn Rcdern is one of the last of the
remarkable group of statesmen of whom
the Ernpoier William and Prince Bismarck
have for se long bceu the oentral (Inures.
IIe was born In 1802, and In 1870 was
raised te the title of prhio..',belug already a
general of cavalry nnd a privy cuiiuelller,'.Utwiiiil.... ;
' 'id wnnl.... I
" 31 wunl ,.,,
" Mliwnnl
ithunni '
' TthWitrii....
" stliwnnl.... ,
" miiwiiut.. . '
Ciuiillce Kiisl ...
C'liRtllee Wl ....
Ce i-rnlli
Columbia, 1 until
" 'Jirnrtl ,
" Jwaril
( minjr
H011uu.1l K. sprl'uv....
" Jluyfwn
" Lincoln.. .. iv 11 r. 1 1 .
Uriiiiiore Knit
Knrl f.iint
Ktrl Wrst
IlKinp.l W.MMll,,
" .N.Wiwt....
" Nerw il....
" HSi ....
Hi :np il IS ltelir'Ul....
' limlUtllin
l.unpcler l'.nti
ltiiipntrr Wi-nt . ..
Iiucitster twp ...
l.Miceck 11 111)01
I.lttle llrllHin
Mttnheim Iwir ...
VI mer-Iinltnnl'ii .. .
Mlllerau V ...
UurtAltn ber
Mount ley bnr
twp I'
lUphe .N'owlewn
-s,h 11 . . .
Union se . ..
-' 9 IIIII .
Hr-isuniif. irp
Wailil'n ber. I' w ...
" I. w.
3-1 1 1
i nj
1 m
no. I
31) 1 1
211 1
2 iti,
I '.2
1 1
I -.'21
1 t
4 1
llnUnlitlti Ullinbtni; In Itntl.i
Mr. (t nil -ii 111, the geutlemau vthe is
about te atti-inp; the ascent of Kinchin
junsa, when last h-ird of, was still at
.Iheugri, nine dnyii' in.ireh lrem Darjed
iiig. Nothing, luiwv.'i, has lieim heard
of him hiiu'O !as month, wlirn lie
was desettrd by ill bis eoeltes exeej '
three. The Mipplv 1 teri"s ni d 1.10m
sen te him 't m Daijcidin ; was list
threiigii thu eati-l' fM.r h of a c,el.', alie
dropped the b uver 11 prceiplPii. ft is
believed thnt ih- party, censlstin:: of Mi
Graham, two Swiss p.tlides, nnd tlm
eertlies, have 11 w a itbiug te aubsn. upon
esiv'pt a atiick of n;e by tin
survey department. l''.ertuu,tti::v, that
stoek is Mitllolent t p'eteut any tlaugei of
starvation. Uvcry effeit is heing mnli at
Darlcelbii; ti dispatch I rush coelnsand
supplii'ii ; but ureat difficulty isnxpeiicnci'd
In the m.ittri, owing te the roliiet.tuce el
the hilluuMi toii.idertnke the task in 1 t he
exorbitant tonus whieh they d'jin in I
I'ail el y ltyan llitrkcd ler it t'iRlit.
A prominent New Yerk sputing .nae
BOtit te Sc.IiiuU, Tuesday, a piep
te h.ic'lt P.iddv 1 1 llflil. Sl.idu. or .nit-
ether man in America, for from iJ.'iOO in
Je OUI) aside, the tight te take pi t. 0 within
tOOmile.i of N'tw Orleans iu l'ibnia. .
On tills siibject, Al Smith, .Sullivan's
mauiger. said this nftorueou ' Sullivan
and Ryan will meet iu Ilosten with hai.l
eJevcH assuu an we get bask ; if Ryan is
hungry, hue 111 have it iu en our way te
San Francisce. As for the balance, it is all
talk. Si-no poaple are trying te get .1
little ehnap ni'Ty at the oxpenso of ethor".
The chances aie that Ryau will want n ith
ing te de with Siilllv.t'i, or Slade eith 1,
nfter the Bosten match. At present 11 h
a Hub eiriy t, till: about .1 mateh be
tween Ryan aid rtlade, though s unetlii.112;
inaj ceme of It."
,lt.tlr In Urnni llrltiiln
L'ud Chiel .lustice Colnridge emiiilU'l
Mr. Chailes Russell and ether lfadu,
mombets e' the '". .Ansh bar te day ic
gardiug the dtiluiences of proccdure in the
hiirh courts of justice el Kugl.tiid itnd
America. One of the points diaeusMMl
was thu admission of foreign lawjers te
practice in Knglinh courts.
It is prebable that the goveriiinent will
intreduse at the next eessieu nf I'.iiliu.
ment a heus' held Hud'rage bill, which
shall apply te both town nnd ceiintiy
throughout Creat Britain and Ireland. A
bill for the ledistributipn effieats in the
Heuso of Cem ipens will ptebably fellow.
, rrliitlni: I'rdts ler imllu.
The (iticiitivj commlttee el the
women's foreign missionary noeiety of
the MUhuditt lipiscenal uhtireh wtw
holding thuir annual fo-slen at I)e.s
.Moines, Ia , have voted te r.ilse$'J'5,000 for
the rhtabli.sbmeut of the first wemau'H
) in India David C. Cook, the
Sunday school publiidier, Imu glvmi 11
12,200 Cettrcll hteam printing jiteh.s te tlie
Amoiiean mission press iu India. This
will be the llrfrt Hteatu printing maehinu,
except these of the government, in iimi 111
India, and will neon be en its way.
(lelilnnl tu llttveit lintHii
Loinleii 'i'lmts.
About the inlddle of next mouth a Rtatue
offleldoni, the celebrated dramatist, will
be inaugurated In Vouleo, whero se many
of hiti pieces nete llret brought nut. The
stutue Ii.ih been medeled by Antonie
Zette and cast by Arquati. Tliose who
have scen it dtolure that it Is an ndmirable
reproduction of iveII known pertr.iitn
Inken when he was iu his piltue. It wPl
lie placed iu the Ciimpe San llaitoleinco,
oppeslto the Mercerla,
Uittliullrs te lliinur l.utlier.
Dr. Dolllnger, president of the Royal
Academy nt Munich, Germany, and leader
of the Old Catholics may take part iu the
festivities en Saturday next iu honor of
Mai tin Luther npait from roligieuii
grounds, because he did ee much for the
language, lottera and cduoatien of thu
country as te descrve the overliisting
thnnkii of all Germans,