LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE"!? TUESDAY. XOVICMHIQ1S (. 1,1, Lancaster tnlrlltgnircr. TOK8DAY KVBNINQ, NOV 0. iBU3. JHiigeHlinonten en the Kcrlnlen erTnxcs Judge Slmonten, of the Dauphin county court, lm.i been Indulging him self In some of tlmtjuillelal legislation te which JtulgcH nre I'renc. Tlie state baud I'er the revision of taxes, which Is empowered by law te ctjuullzu the state taxation in the several counties of tl e state, and which, therefore, naturally assumed that It had the power of In. creasing or diminishing the assessment of any county, raised Philadelphia's as sessment te some two hundred millions en the evidence of the recorder's books that mere than twlce that amount of mortgages were recorded in the county The ovidence certainly seems satlsfac tery, nnd the fact seems te be Indisputa ble that the money nl interest subject te taxation by the state in Philadelphia, has net been assessed at tee great a sum by the state beard. Judge Slmonten declares, however, that the amount of the assessable perperty is te be determined by the local beatd of assessors ; 11 decision which clearly seems te deprlve the state beard of revision of Its functions. "We de net understand hew he reserves nny powers at all te them, if they are bound te accept the return et the county assessors. He sajs that the state beard was formed te equalize the assessments between the counties ; and that It lias net acted equitably in Its Philadelphia assessment, becuuse it has net changed the assess ment of ether ceuuties while changing Philadelphia's ; that the whole assess ment of the stnte having been ninety eight mlllieus, of which Phlladel phla's was forty live millions, it was grossly inequitable te raise Philadelphia te two hundred millions without increasing the assessment upon the remaining counties But w hy se, if the state beard only had evidence before it that the Philadelphia assessment was tee low? If Philadelphia really has live hundred mtlliens of unsatisfied mert gages, she cannot complain of a two hundred million assessment ; and if her authorities think she is net assessed in proper proportion te the rest of the state they can easily show the fact bj the mortgage records of the counties. Neth ingef the kind was done in this suit. There is nothing te show that the state beard did net equalize the nssement throughout the state by raising Philadel phia from nearly forty five te two bun dred millions of dollars. If this had been shown Judge Simouten would have had reason te pronounce inequitable the ac tion of the state beard, and lie would have been right te correct it If lie hud the power; as te which there would seem te be a serious question. Hut lie is certainly wrong in herding that tlie state beard of revision cannot go behind the let urns of county assessors, and that the way te correct a count's assessment is only through the county authorities. 11 cannot knock the state beard en the hmd in such fashion ; the Legislature only can de that; a judge is net a law re pealer. , - Tender. Conscience. The people who have been wondering why the Legislature did net adjourn will And, litter the election, that it had cause te stay in session. The returns of the present election will afford the l.i'ejt and In -it li'Sis for apportionment. Tlie memlterset the legislator" have been animated by a disposition te de exact justice te the people in their apportion ment, and se have wait- d for the very latest development of the data upon which a true apportionment could le made. The lust election was a triangu lar affair, and there was a question as te the precise position of the vetetsnfthe two great parties. Seme claimed that Governer Pattison hud received a great many Republican votes, and ethers, said that Stewart had ben lafired with Democratic suppei t. Hut new that the I ndepeudent hogs have gene back te t heir wallew.t hue will be no dlfllculty, after the election, in deter mining tlie state of the several cetuitKs. When the I.egi-datun again convenes we hope te see the members se enlightened by the returns, and se sub dued or invigorated in spirit, that they will readily Kte hew the constitutional mandate, which they all profess te revere.may be can led out .The trouble all along te these geed men has been their consciences. The Republicans could net conscientiously see hew they could give the Democrats mere than ten out of eighteen members of Congress, lint, of course, If the Democrats carry the state at this election, they will see that they ought te have half the c mgressmm anyway, and tliev will hasten te such an apportionment. Senater Jehn stewait could net sleep a wink if he thought he had done injustice te any one. Great things are te lie looked for after the election from his tenderund enlightened conscience. Ne geed citizen should fall te vete to te day. The Issues te be decided in this contest are fraught with the deepest in terest te the taxpayer and te him who believes In the supremacy of the censtl tutlen aud Uae necessity of obedience te Its mandates. Tlie heelers and strikers, the henchmen of the ring and all of society's meat Irresponsible classes wllj be at the polls hi strong force te-day ,and It becomes the duly of the honest man, conscious of tlie responsibility that citi zenship imposes, te de all In his power te offset theirdeloterieiis Inllueuce. The evils of the treasury mismanagement and the stubborn dellauce of the consti tution shown by the Republicans in their determination te rofuae " an honest, just and true apportionment," Imperatively demand that every honest, thinking citizen should reglster his vote against them. Te the polls whlle there is yet time I m ft. Wiikn the polls close tills evenliig the ballet box should contain the vote of every Democrat who believes that the Interests of the state will be better enred for uuder Powell and Taggart than un der NHes and Livsey, the creatures of the bosses. Get your votes In befere 7 o'clock when the polls close, Tiik verdict In Pennsylvania today will be eagerly looked for, as the contest is being earnestly .watched in all the ether states. 0iler In particular, has her eyes en the Keystone state, in ex pectatlen that she will register a Demo cratic victory, as did the Puckoye com menweulth one month age. Hut the triumph cannot be wen miles every Democratic vete is polled. Te the polls then, Democrats, and make certain the condemnation that the bosses have richly deserved at the hands of an nut rnged people ' Oni: age the Republicans were driven out of the high places they had se long dishonored in our commonwealth, and fearless, honest Democrats were sent id in their stead. Keep up the geed weik then auspiciously begun and drive the (reasuiy leeches treni the positions where thej have been long fattening l the election of Taggart and Powell. It you have net already attended te tins ui gent duty, go at once and deposit jour ballet for tlie Democratic candidates. Tin: confederated lingsters who lune beeti manipulating the treasury in their own behall and against the people, will all he at the ieHs te day, and unless the independent, honest eitl?en attends te the duty of voting, the bosses may be successful. Vele while there is jet time ! Wr.t.ceMK tlie coming and speed tie parting quest ; in ether words, vete that the Democratic party must come, and that the Republican party must go' Tiik Republican party gets n geed fend off te dy. mint go. It Tiik pel's olese ut ' vetcit '.' o'clock . Have you H.Wh jeu voted ? If nut, thore is yet time, a the polls will net close nutil 7 o'clock. One vote may turn the tide. It y. u have net aheady east your ballet, put tt in for Taggart and Powell, and make uerta u tbe victory of reform. Feit'.KT net the importance of every vote. Should ten Democrats remain at home in each of the seventy-two election district of tlie county, mere than 700 votes will be lest te the party. Te the polls' The fair weather is in favor of the Democrats. The Republican vete is con centrated in a few centres e( population like Philadelphia, Allegheny aud Lmcas ler. The Democratic vete is mere evenly distributed evei the whole state and goeJ weather will help te bring it out. Shellu the Democrat be success iul te night, it will be a source of everlasting regret that you wete net enrolled iu the victorious army. If jeu have net yet veteJ, go te your polling place at once and cast your ballet for Taggart, Powell and the Democratic oeuoty ticket. Veir, when the heat and burden of tlie day is ever en your way home from work, and you can then with a clear conscience partake ei jour uveuiug meal, fertilied with the rellectien that you have attended te ene of the most important duties that alUch te citizenship. In the guburuaterul uieetiuu of 1S4S, when the total vete cast was 1130,310, Wm. F, Johnsten, Whig, was elected by a plu taliiy of only L'07. It is possible that the same manner of contest may he wituesstd this jeir, aud it will be tee late te-morrow te reiet tint jeu have uet voted. LVuie crat, te the polls, befoie thu sun gees Jenu '. PEKSONAL. Mun. Patti arrived at New Yerk by the Gallia jextentay. Uk.m.uai. Reiieiit Toemiis, of Geeigu, has recently become a member of the .Methodist church. Maiiqus ok LeilNK and Pi nice Louise aud I. nd Chief Justice Coleridge aruved iu Liverpool en Men la). Mis Jennie Jenes is tint e liter of a wild Democratic newspaper at Athens, Ohie, but she is described as "tlie wittiest and brightest girl that can be found bo be tweeu the risuig and netting of the sun." Miss Feiiu, of the Ir lift WeiUl is in Dubliu distributing te tlie families of the murderers of the L ml Fredetick Caven dish aud Mr. Ilurke the money collected for them in this country. 1'himkxiAmf.lik, the eldest daughter of the Ceintii de Pari", will shortly be married te the Grand Duke Alexis, of Russia. The Czar's advisers favor the union, thinking it will facilitate the restor ation of the Orlcanists and an alliance be tweeu France and Russia. Pem: Lee is very decided in his opposi tion te the wholesale expatriation of Irish men from Ii eland, and is outspoken in his condemnation of the course of the British government, which permits the Oiaugo Oiauge inen te commit outrages upon Catholics with impunity. ,le r.mmiHi ,et t'Uy At I !u Hale en Monday uight the Ae.ule my was crowded en the oecaslou of the first production of "Fritz, the Bohemian," the new play written forJeo Kramntt by Themas Kean, of the Hutlale Courier. The pioce is a oemody drama, with a pro logue and three acts. It differs iuall respect from Hmmett'a ethor plays, although lie is enabled te introduce several of his captivating songs. The plot is ingeniously woven, aim mrougueut I intensely intor inter esting. Fritz is given a horeio attitude at tlie outset and displays it until the end. During the porfermauco be was rtmeatedlv called befere the curtaln.and at the end of tue second net Kean was accorded the same honor. With judloleus pruning thore is no doubt that Emmet has a piece far superior te his previous ene. I his belng Mr. Keau'u llrst effort, he naturally feels much elated at his evident success. Ten htHt i:ifCtiuinTe.(liy. Ten states held oleotion te-day. Iu Massachusetts aud Maryland, governors with ether stat- ofllcers and Legislatures will be chosen : iu New Jersey, a. invnr. uer, part of tlie Bcnate aud a full Heuse et llaproBentattves ; Minnesota, a uover. nor and ethor eclllers : Couneetlout. mm half Its Bonate aud a full Heuse; New tern, miner state oiucera ami both brauohes or the Legislature ; Virginia, part of its Sonate and a full Assembly; Mississippi, a Legislature ; Nebraska, a justlce of the Htipruine oeurt and regents of the state university ; aud Pennsylva nia, an auditor goueral aud state treas. urer. An Intermit AtHciilne. A party of anarchists, Monday, expleded an ltifernul machine in fieut of the man sion of a wealthy merchant of Lyens, France. Immonse damage was dene te tlie building, but fortunately no one was hurt. NEWS ABROAD. a nrriiiti: in uet ur vmiui.i:. A ri.iili-niilittPil Mam lf.ll In ili r.mprritr tVlllUHi which will net reine en -Kim mil, ilir IliinairUii 1'Atrliit I n jj . What may prove te bn nn enibarrasiiig if iii t i cerieus, iilpture between the im pei id coin ts of Ueriln and .. IVtersbuig Ii.k just breu aniuniiiLVd. The Grand j Duke N ladunlr, eldest brother of the IV n i had nrrangrd te make n state vilt te the I Kniperer William at lleiliu. it is under Meed that there wax a poed deal el d 111 eulty In bringing ubnit tlie vimt. When tlie Cztr was leeenlly a guest of the kiln: of Deumark nnd attracted tlie attention of all Ihirope by the len.ih of Ins stay tu Cepeuli.tgeti and theeharaeter of the vix ters he ieceifd, Germany attempted te arrange a meet ing bet ween tlie (V. ir and the Kmperer William. This eent w.ix expeeteil te counteract the rumors tlmt the piineipal buxiuexi of the C ir and Mi . Gla Utene at C p'iiliaen wax the Im m i tten of nu itm-OuruMU .illi.iiK'e. The emp'Ter of Rnxxii no rpled the ouiperer et Uerminj x u,itMen te m-'et him atiii tlnx aeeptaiiee was wuiiiiy her aided in Germany's inteient Hut when. in response te Aleandei'x u ipiiry nx te the place of conlerenee, William nam d Kiel, in llolxtein, tue lexx ei winch n niaius te this day one of D'x in xt bi.ter grieaiiee, the Cztr promptly de eliued the couferenee. Heie the all ilr appeared te terminate. Im it toen leaked that the I zar eensideied the nainiinr et Kiel net only ax an iimilt te Irx bout nnd ielatie, the king of IVnmuk, but .m ef front te hunsell. inasmuch nx a conference there it the lime .oil under t no eucuiii stances would hae e.ili,ippd R1-.V..1 into an appaietit tuderemeiit el tlie pariuieu. lhls incitleut prHliieeI ,1 ilisjjreetuie coolness between Geimray aud ltaxi., which llerliu statesmen have ever tuce been attempting te lemeve Tue IV. ir Dually arranged te h.ive lux brother, ladimir, piyareyal viit te ti-imuiy. and this eveuf alxe larnei) her.Uhd is anionacel that the Grand Duke Vladimir has Mtp.ied his engagement with tin German Kniperer. The explau itien ettered is that Rii'.sia prefeis te avoid tli tuiKpprobeuxien which might be produced by the tuiuul taneeus prescuee in iterlin el the tiiand Duke ladimir and the Auttrian Imperial Rudolphe. both nx gnests ut the Gertuau Kinjxrer. It ix said that the Lzar when he ariaDed lavlinur v iit had no idea that his brother w, mid. meet the Austrian Pnnce Rudolphe. It is reported that Russia is greatly irritatud at the effusiveness of the receptien ace rded by the G ;im:in court te the Archduke upon bis arrival iu Uer I in ou Minday, and there is a siixpicien at the ltiismau court that Germany mtended te uiake ne of this dual vixit te iniluence public opinion as te the relations betuteu (.termauy aud Russi.t. ri-.IIIMl Allb.Alt 11 IlNJLI.V The Kreuclt Troop Ocvup; Kuiixiii;t-Yii Ait nlsliineut tu Ctnn, A Paris dispatch te the Londen ex change telegraph cempiuv xtatrx tlmt ou the day alter the meeting ei the Cumber of Deputies orders were sent te Admiral Courbet te push operations in Teqijuiu in order te make the Chinese government show what coure it intends te pursue se that France can take deliuite act. en. Dr Ilarmand, French civil couimixsienor in Tunipuu, announces that the French forces have occupied Keu nig Ven, some forty unlex uerthwest of II u Pheug iiud Niuli'Iiiuh, wluah h xeme seventy miles southwest et Hai-Paeng. French mes sengers have leit baigeu for llue uith presents ami decorations of honor fur the king et Anu.un The transport leiiijiuu, with Fremiti troops, lelt Miignpre ea the l'.ith ultnn te ruuterce the army ut il.n il.n Pheug. The Manpiis Teong, the Chinese umbas suder, has received a telegram from Tsuug Li Yamen expressing the utmost astonish ment of the Chinese government at the statement contained in the d.spatch of M, Trieeu te Prune Minister Ferry that Li Hung Chang did net agree with the course pursued by the .Marquis Tseng iu the FetKjti in matter. Iieth the government of China and Li Hung Chang deuy having expressed the slightest desire lint M. Tricon should rem tin 111 China as the French agent and testify their unqualified approval of the manner iu which the Marquis Tseng has carried out his insti no tions in the TeLipun question, M. Kuxutli I))URU Turin. Dispatches from Turin report that M Kossuth is dying in that c ty The Hun garian patriot has pasxed his eighty lirt veir and hat been breaking down physi cally for some time. He has lived for ever twenty years 1 1 an unpreen"'ix dwelling 111 the city and iu the scieiiiilic privacy, devoting hiinxelf chielly te siioutitle stud 'te., l'ue physieians say that M Kes-mth's death may ecjnr at any moment, en account of his extreme wenkues Irem old age. stOIti: I' rilllJl 1..VM) IS. Llirlil ICoiriiilurlleii nl Dick hllnw ' ut u e 11rK IliPittrti. Tne following is an account of Dr S M. l.audis, well kuewn iu this euy, iu his great and gory drama : " Dick Shaw, nuneuneed in th.t I). 1 1 te be ' a bleed thirsty, bleed curdling, ageiiuiug, se'il stirring, scene destroying, gere distributing tragedy, 11 thousand times mero bloody than "Riehatd III "was recently put en the stage of the Londen theatre, iu the Howery, New erk. It was written by Dr. S. M. Lindis, who nl.tved the unit nf " I )irL- Mlmti- " 'I'l,.. aoters did their best with i the llrst night ; out atterwnriiH ihey guyed tt and the tragedian mere and mero each night, until tlie stage was a scene of pandemonium ns long as the play lasted. At the llnal pir- fermnnen .1 d,iv mcle-i nrr tin, linui m u j immed from thu orchestra te I he reuf. A vanuiy iHirioriuauce prrccinvi 1110 tragedy. Dr. Limbs rushed into a throng of tip. piers in a bar room, making hideous iioiseH and mouths, and vowing that he would wed the daughter of 11 man named "Force." He killed a man who diller,xl with him about Rnmething by plunging a knife about a feet long Inte him. All dispersed, Limits foaming at the mouth, and the ncters laughing. Iu tlie next act, while the ether actors hung about the wings and reared with hughter, Dan Collyer, who played the secend heavy tragedy part, matle bohevo te forget Ii h part, and the prompter reated his cues at him. Miss harle Remington, who was supposed ti be in terror of her life, cut pigeon wings and pireuettes, ami when Mr. Collyer rolled out heroielovosonteucos she replied, " Oh, get out, you sassy thing ! ' The audience was lest in wonder at all tills, nnd did uet paroeivo that the aoteis were guying uutil the play has half ever. " I de net hob," said Miss Rem ingten, " what nil this has te de with saving my lather. Tlie flend will surely murder him," She had no father in tlie play. " Yeu can save him by keeplug cool." " Hut hew, eh hew, can I koep cool.'" ".Drink ioe water and sleep en the reef," said Mr. Cellyer. " and whim the time comeH bind ' tthaw ' te a cake of soap, set ilre te It, and stab him with a rovelvor. ' As Mr. Cellyer was about te leave the stagu something foil from his poelcot. P'ck up tlie keya of your diessing room," said ene 01 the aoters. Iu the next uet, just as the tragedian was arranging with a troop nf murderers te slay "Foice,"nnd whlle the otehostra was drewuing the tragedian's word with the most unearthly uelees, a party of tage hands seized npastnb ar I loeem ltive, until in another play, aid it onto the stage. It. stubbed against some lung and fell hind ' slde up, Ti 0 tragedian wax about te stab j 0110 of thu ulurae ets wh 11 the actor pushed before him the into he had killed iu the opening seeue, aud he killed him again. He scorned net te pr.coive nuy of the Irregulaiitles in the peifermance, but meiitlud ami rauted eei Ins tines. Toe erehextra was convulsed, and the manage inent stisxl iu the back p.nt el the hi use laughing linuiodeintelj Tun Siarin, who plni I coef, deinte te Dr Lttidis, walketl up tlie 10 alights and said te Robt. Ueeker.tlie muxieal direeMi, " Heb, play me out el Hie busiiifsx ; I'm disgusted." The autlieiwe h.gaa te nn deistaud the ptli'pe.e el the pl.tjets, and the tragedian was nfteiward atplaudd liumederntely, groaned ntaml saluted with lieweiy jells He pa it no heed te them, lint e mtiniied te kill 01 threate-i instant death te nl 1 around its beloie. A few persons nroxe te leave the houxe.'t go jet pleaxe ' s.tid S.ariu, ' in five inore nets wo're gi mg t kill 'Siiaw." Iu the laxt net the vi'h 1 s e imu 111 wear mg all sorts of properties St inn dressid ax"Miitn (Jlaux, and itu if weie eeggirs, kiiight, gentlemen 11 d exxmg gowns men with boxing go x en their hnuit, and ethers witli all the d Is and end of tlie d reusing re nn en then piens Mi Cellj ei earned n hainim 1 in place of a 'agger Though tbe sli u'd have talked in heroics, they engaged in a w ilk nreund nnd a Vnglnil reel and svu " The tlelden Mippers." Miss H-nd llirt and Miss Kirln Remington wen tenii lx el nppl ulxe fir their spirited dancing which was 111 tertupted by Dr. Lind , hi baisl into the throng w.iMiig his dagger and scream mg for bleed. The audience was te hjs teries wheu the eurtam 'ell "We ceii'd uet let th-m go tee far," said Mr. Donaldsen, lie m wager, "ii "ii calise we have get nev s- -.ies and we did net want any vegetah'e-i or 'gs 01 the stae.-' )r. Ltndis begiex a Wt-sleru tour as 'Hamlet" immediately. A UH'UI.SK, t'.ii, 1'err.uu lilllftO hikI thirty Wuinnlr.l- lliiliitlngx Iletri)nl terrible xceiki. of liettttitieu hiiii aitpr). A ccleue of teriiuc violence, mid at tended by a lout, estimated it nearly i-iW, -IHK), passed overSpnngiield, llreeu ceuuty, M ., Meuday aft. 1 uii'ii. Rilliug tlve pti s ins tniiruUt and in, 1 .tig thuty mere. I'tie nauirs el tue dead .11 : Mm Amltew Atlquisl, Mix Danlap M ss Sihielil moutlsen, Mrs. Fiuui-y, Mix. Henberless. rtiocjeloue, spp.eienmg ,11 the frm of a oleud moving clse te the earth lust, struek tlie north western put of the tewu, shortly after - e'cl .'. assiug in nu easterly directieu along tna uerthern pvrt of the city nnd the southern portion of North Spiinglield. Tue wind swept evei j tlung bafere it in ihe uorthwestern put f Jvnugtield. The city wiMlen mills, ewm ,1 bv 1 ud it Regan and employing fjity hands, were almost entirely wrechctl. The building was of brick, ai-d the up;er stones were demo lished. Ne one was fattlly luirt here, but several of then ,rkmcn weri badly bruited, aud a g rl ha 1 a leg broken. Iho lu icks were scatleied m eveiy d.rtcueu, The tire c impauy and numerous eitizecs were quickly ou the seeue, assisting iu remeving goods iu the mill te a p.aus of safety. Tlu rain was p iiinug dewu 111 torrents, whicU added te the terreis of the disaster. Immsdiateiy cast el lne woolen mills V. S, iiartlett's residence wjb enurely tie stiviyed. aud thodwellii'get W.II Peueell, nearby, was likewisu li m ilixhed. Mis. Penned had her hip b.okeu, an 1 Mrs Mary F. .iacksuu, wne eaaipjJ in ,1 tent near by, w ax d tugereusiy hurt.' The soda wa'er l.n'teiy null tank otlenging te Themas ll.ugreaves was Jistreyid aud the timbers sintteied mesery direction. J. McDelin's heuse was literally teiu te nieces from its foundation, aud thu rest deuce of .1. F. O'Neal shared the same fate. J. A. Walter, who chanced te be in the building, lecetved eeveiu weuuds about the bead, besides being bruised all ever the body. He is 1a u critical cendi tleu. Mrs. O'Neal s leit li'g was injured, and her little ebilil was itjuied about the h-atl . Iu the same buildiug Misa Saliie Kd Kd lU'iiidaeii wan killed bv tailing titnbei s A veiiig mail gained Kdiuondsen, a ceusm of Miss sailie, was piebibly fatally hurt. Imtui-diuely east of the O'Neil resi dence, oil the opposite slde of Doeuvil.o street, the cigar facleiy aud dvielhi.g house of C. A Heacker weiu completely destroyed, but the family weie lortueatcly abseut irem bone and escaped. William Cnliss' house and thesi et Wliliaui Prie-, Jehn IJ. liarrett, Leins Ieland, A. W. C.tnp, F 15. smith, Dr. Wear, I). M. Win twei th nnd ethers in tlie sime locality were partially wrecked, but the inmates, wonderful te lolate, cse.pjd without in jury. The brick Catholic church just complot ed, en Webster strcet. North SpriujtllclJ, built at a cost of j,uoe, wns ruined. Jnst cast of the church Arneld Arcquest was the dwelling house of A. 15. Campbell. The lady had jUBt stepped te call en mem bers of the family when the cycloue came up. Mr. Campbell was slightly hurt. Among the ethor houses destroyed iuthe satn j locality were these of L Headley, Judge .1 nines Raker Audu-w Aruquest and Sirs. Ryan. The hwath cut by the cyclone was about 100 yards wide, though the wind sometimes bouudidevei ebjtctdirec tly in its path. I'AKAI.IKI) llll'.DLd.l tK Hi A .xi.irrlnit einitii ICeinlnreil Uiil-eii.c dui friiin it niippittsj A,iu,t, Last Saturday evening, when IJlwatd O'Neil, a quarryman liviug near liriilgu pert, Montgomery county, returned te his home after work lw found in an outshed his wife half kneeling up in the lioer, spcouhleis and her eyes fixed. Her body was cold and low breathing alene indica ted that life still lemaiucd. Mm was car ried into the heuse and a physician was summoned. It was learned that beveral girls who had been walking in the same direction which Mrs. O'Neil took en Saturday oveu mg, en her retuiii from llndgopert, after having matle seme purchases, had been followed by a burly linking mill in and had been almost frightened e'lt i,f wits. The supposition is that .Mm. O'Neil was assaulted by the villi. in tmd that fright h. ipur indue ;d u ingestion of the bra tu I'peti being trui'ed for that in.ihly site receveind semewhat from her stupor. She was aula toutter u few words, but has 1111 recollection of what transpired 011 her way home from llndgopert. The muscles 01 the woman's limbs are less ilgid aud hopes are untortalned of her rocuvery. A Triiieeily In Mnl-iiiver. A mysterious affair li.ippaued at the feet of Western nveuue, Allegheny City, ou Siturday night. The engineer of a lit in en Liberty stroet, who was passing the place, Bays he heard cries of " uuirder !' and "help"' coming from a beat in mil rlver. Following the screams eainn the sounds of a Houllle, labored breathing being perfectly audlble. Just as he was starting for help he heard a loud splaRli aud in n fe seconds the gurgling sound of a porseu swallowing water. The engineer ran for assWtance and with several parties. lowed out te the spot. Here nu etnpty beat was found lleating down the stream. Ne trace of any porseti could be scen, but the bottom of thu beat show signs of having been lately occupied. The mnn did net notify the' Allogheny police authorities of thomatter until Mon day, The rlver will be drugged te morrow. I.ANt'.tSITU UOl'MTt. ite Inr IICMtrr nml strwstl t'einhli.rii. Following is n table containing the Pal Pal tlxeii nnd combined Iteavcr-Stewnrt voie of Lift jeai, which has been agreed upon ns the basis en wlileh ihe returns this year will bt computed : rl I'lsfRUT. U : i . . p : : a si " vll sj asi !: .im tl I IKKI SVti an SU . Ml le 5,11 XH.I 00 lit) 111 III 147 IH lit IU M vtX 171 lllii lift is? taj 134 7i ; 1.i Vll I 27S I M M S (I lix VM .11 M U7 "n Imi IX) 1 1 1 .W .is li'H M im r, VII .10 ) lis Ii7 lis M il UI I.I lit it Kl IRS 47 7; 17 M ."'.I 111 VI 177 1; i I 17 il III x lit till tx te? 2l 171 x 1 u -; in 1:1 il . I' IM .IX . .! s1 .1 ii ::i lul Jul ft 117 II till -.Ml .kl 1 .1 :w. -.ti tv lie :. 1 9. 77 If in Itm I.S7 .'I I I ,x .v.s X) .'7 1 71 IM I- J M 1.1 All i I tiH-a.x!tr,itttnrd ... t wnrvl .,, .Mwurtl.... itnwanl..., .MIumUO... itliuttrtl... Ttliwme xihwaril.... "ilinMint .. All IIIISIOMII llBit . .. . ... Ilrvcktiet N mrn u ten t luv I 0 uUce l-.iul I oeallee W et I e rutin 1 eiiinitilit, I wuril . . ' iitrl ... 3 wni'l lOIHhtOglt I OllOt Iienerful K ,il t .. Muiwti... " Lincoln ... H011t1r.ll W-lt II .. Prunw rt- Kill I Kn'l l.s-1 Ksrl Wt-sl KOfii KlliltlK-lll K I -ili. tlileun ... Kpbratu Fulton Ileinn.l W it illl .. N.Wtwi.. Servt tl .. . S, ,.. Ilcmp ,1 K ISelir'm... "IVteteii... Luuipt'ter Fist Utiii'ti'r Wet . .. lamcitx i-r twp I.,ntsi k 1. litsH k I muM.. I n l lliitsin Uunlnl 11 l"r Isp Mititer lii'llant'n... - Sew Miller ' .. Martinis uet Mitillc M'lint .le her IW I fit a 'l-e Pi 1111 !' 'I i it lre 1 .-ncr ISiiplie Ne 1 11. -s s 11 I nlim fii. .. 1111 . . xit.l'ieiry x,illt.uiy ti.ubuitr twp her W itslit'n Ixir. f Lw..., Want l, k Teitil ut I, On tlie lUliy MHlka." I, iWe Misrp, In He'ialt Krfti I'ri'xx I rccetveti a very impeaaut letter this week. It cenuiutd the anueiiuccment that "The baby walks. ' It is with no drsiie te pun that I say that this is a gnat step forward for the baby. nf course this event has uotbueueii uetbueueii tlre'v unexpected in our family. I have been looking etery day for the news for some time past Our baby has been a remarkable baby from Iho veiy lirst, and a large number of his immediate relatives hate been waiting with bated breath for th-t tidings that his long j mruey had commenced. The parti cu'aisef the auspicious event arc net te hand, but I can t-ee in my mind's eye jiirt bow the wenderlul uccuireiice took place. The biby is out in the ceuutry staying with his "dieters ami his cousins and bis auuts" and I siippesu .f they had been near enough te a telegiaph tdlice they would have sent tne a dispatch about thu tupitme event. Altlaugli the baby's tat hgi tue ridiculously tturdy, he has had all along a great deflidence in ti listing te Uieui. New, last Sunday I held and still main tun that the baby teik one distinct step towards his devoted father. The new. w:im aoreduejs y rece v -dai beiug t je geed te be tine, and the whole family, from his giaudin ither t the Kitchen girl Celli cted around te se if he would tiki another, but thu little rascal seemed te thiuk it was the biggest kind of a jeke te brn.g h's father's leputatien for veracity into quest ten by laughing and heldiug ou te a chair, but refining all the while te move away from it. It vain that I held out and all the endearing was nit iu my ii mils inducements te tike t'10 I could te get hi 111 neens ary steps te corae te me. He would keep 01.0 hand en the chair an I reuch out with the ether ; but net until he had clinched Ins pudgy hatid areuud my linger would he let go the ehair. Once I had vuticed him in this manner te quit the chair, aud then suddenly withdiew my bauds from his, leaving him standing aietie. He lioteicd a moment 111 wavering uidt'ciM in and then instead of stepping sit emplialica y down nnd lexaimnl his favorite style of licometiou. He uevei orept as an eidiuaiy batiy would have done, but sort of hitched along. He would sit down, aud, putting a hand new one side of him and again ou tlie eth ir, his fat httle body swaying this way and that would hitch alenj with his littlu dumplings of feed ahead el him like .1 railroad cow catlier, and this way he moved ever the il jer in a sitting posture at a speed that was wonderful, Practice had made him se perfect ut this sort el movement that he evidently came te leek 011 walking ; s an ornamental mipmlluity. It was most com -jcal te sen him forge ahead iu the beat rae ets call l, with both hands full, holding tliem up from the lle ir ami swaying forward without any help from them. He occasionally took te his feet, and w ith breathless haste would work his way along the wall 111 a hand ever baud fashion until getting 1 10 elated at his new excite ment would upit and roll hnlplesily ever en the earpM. These accidents shook his oentldencii for the time being 111 the stt bility of things, but happily a baby's moinery is ns short as a baby, ami the perils of pedestriauism were braved again aud agaiu. Ofteu the peer little fellow looked Iike a battle soured veteran after his tumbles, but it is a lucky thing that babies are exceedingly olastie, otherwise the population et tins country would net be ns great us it is new. Anyhow, another competitor Ins entered into tlie great walking match : " The baby walks." uoiucirnce Meney. This nieuiing Win. O. Marshall, treas liter nf the Laucaster school beard, re. ceived an onvelepo, evidently addressed iu a disguised hand, and containing $18 In money. A piece of paper iu which the money was wrapped contained the words, " Novemberfl, 18S3. Scheel fund." The treasurer has net the slightest knowletlgo whom the conscience smitten porseu may be. The $18 will be added te thu school fund. Senlmiceil tu Ten Venn. At Yerk Henry Uolteuoy, convicted of murder Iu the second degree en Haturday last, was brought into court Monday morn ing for sentence, The prisoner had noth ing te Hay ami was sentenced te ten years' iinprisopment. Rolteiioy, throughout tlie trial, conducted himself in a rutnarkahly quiet aud unemotional manner, and he rocelvcd Ids fonteucn without evliiaiug the least tiellug Iu the matter. lUlMllll. Fiannk Diffendcrffer resigned ns mana ger of tlie Ironsides club yesterday, It is said that another elub will be or ganized hi this city shortly for next sea son. TLe persons Interested in it nre at work and state they will have 110 trouble scouring all the mouey nceded. They will play in McOrann'B park, AGUIUULTUUE. MRIII.MI IIK 1IIK HHIS1 slltlll.lV lluitts nl Ceiiiiiiliine iitup KKimrlK r-.MiiT iu rum OiillW.illiin iHlk nu Vt iilllitlliiii. A stilled inci tiugofthe Liucaxler county agricultural ami liotltetiltuiul association was held in their toein 1I1I11I Meer of City ball, jestetday nfteinnnli. 'I tin lollewing named iiieiubem weie pus nt : lleniy M. Hugh-, Mailettn ; Jes F. Winiii'i, Piiriidisii, S P. Rliy, oily; Calvin Cooper, Hud ill lliilnl , Jehn C Hut die, rtatixbuiy ; Chrlstaiu I, llilii. prekei,.Manhi nil township ; M I). Keudig, Cnsswell, F. It Dill'euileitler, mlj ,.l M. John-ten, city , Levi H. Retst, Oregon ; It. It It -U. ci) ; Di. Uolllnger, city ; Simen A. Ileishtj, Saliuign. The pttbldeiit bung nbnt'iit II. M. Dugle wits cnllid te thu clmii. Levi S. Reist, fieui tlie i'iiintiilt(ei) ap pointed te attend the Iterks count) fair, ti'pettcd 11 very line exhibit el apples ami prats ; of u tapes Ilir exhibit waslur; the wgftablti iiiiclinincl d. paitinciiis iiud the lite slot k wan itlne citdliilOle C. L lluusecker, fieui the same com linttee, made siunlai U'P"il. and adiird that the peulti exhibit wus noed, the trials of si eeil only eidinaij. M D. Kendig, liem thu coinniilteii that utteiuhil the elk count) fan, 10 lurried that en the day he was pieseut there who ,'0,000 people piesent ; live stock nnd niiiehliieiy dipaitiutnts veiy line ; the main hall tilled with Hue heuse held goods. The liuil di-patlinelit teiy tlne ; thu fun a giuat siieeiss. II. M Kugle and I'asper lliller made similar icpeits apples ami grapes being teiy llue. J C. Luiville had atteudel the Octetaia society's Hist ui ioei t xlnlni 1 u nt Atgli-u. Tlie (mil and vcel.ible dixpi iy rt is t.'ty line. ttrup l('urii. .1. si 1 Ii F. Winner lepeitrd wheat loot; nu- vi ry well , no tit 111 it , the oerii ciep tii.t quite M' 1 11 go its last year ; no apples wni tli sprnking or ; potatoes tery fu'l ctep, 110 rl among tlntn. I'armeis were U.itiMl.illt late in son tug then tt hunt. M D. Kcmlig said the weather was l,t vmable ler wheat. The tainlall ler tlcto tlcte bei was .1 1-10 Indus. J.'hii I'. Liuvilie said the win at tvas un usually llue sewu late mostly 111 Ootebtr liuil such oitraeidiiiiiry ciepx el pota peta Uh?s that it te 1 id ui'ccsaiy te sell thein. The coin did ii"t ninture veiy well but mitiht be a loll crop. II M. i'.ugle teperlcd the very giKMl, corn net very wtll iiiaturetl; will nrebablv lunula in the cubs, clever Imiks vtry line, the potato nep Inte potatoes tiulbing lud y inches last month. Celli ( UltlllO. ei) lull but . Raiuiall -1 Casper lliller lead the te! low u g essay en coin culture 'We have again passed through a yiar's exMneuce iu corn culture, and we may bum up Hie causes 01 out lailuiesaud successes. We staitid out ill the enrly seakuu with uufatoiable wealher, and with a great deal of defective M-ed, indeed this bad seetl ut tlmt ncrieuly threatened the prospect of 11 geed orep, but ewiug te the favontble condition el the weathrr, the teplau'iug and tveu the 10 it-plant lug iniide .oine coin. There n, howuter, no qiirslieu, but that had the seed been 11 tu terinly (,"""1. we would h no miuiy 111010 bushels el co, 11. This qiestien el goetl cced demands our serieus utteutieu. " ( tir oern in the cribs is even 111 worm condition thuu it was hist fall, ami tery little will coiue out next fpiuig tit te plant, heed corn, if uet .tli'-ady selected, should be itttuded te immediately, aud should be put in n dr) p ace, whete it will thoroughly div helmi' tield wtatlut sets in. "I can repot t failures and miccessis this ytar. 'or main ( acu-s, ) may be tailed a lailiue. Cause, bait sued, some root lice, and seiieiis 11 hsU. Te the last thu main cauoeof failure may bu attiibuted (the let being qn te hilly. ) ' nuns early in the seitMu, a few weeks apart washed the ground se badly that it cnlil uet agitiu be put te geed con ditieu. Tins plot was a ulevei sod, ami bad about lour liuudrcd weigbl of Seuth Carolina rock per aere pluwml in was in fair condition te nuke about seventy bushels er aero. "Plot Ne ' in nearly and contains one aere. anety, l hi'e Went, et which I show it spii.iini.11. 'i'his plot was potato ground the pieviou.xseisou; gut ,1 dressing elh'Mj p-iiiiids el rnjuth C.irellnn ruck 111 the spring uml was planted with seed that was liuug up by the husks 1 tst (all, came up fairly had a sec of eni plant te about evcrv two feet ietv.s !1J feet apart. "This was te m.tku net less than 100 bushels te the ncre. Hut about August unfavorable conditions wetn inaiulest. The htnlhs became tee tall, lunsels tnaie ttair nppcaraucu and most of the stalks .showed no sign of citis Hut the ears dually in id" their appearance, and undei thu citcuiubtnuers made 11 tosn.':tableorop of leO bushels of ears. " Plot Nit. ', 0110 leurth note, lariety, Blount's Proiilie, yielded, II bisketll, which will shell at the late of 100 bushels te the aere. This was also a potato patch the previous season This plot was planted May 0, bad 100 p meds el b me and ashes cittcicd iu the row, aud ou June 'J had auethei IOO pounds of the bone and ashes applied along tlie rows. This was planted vuiy thickly two or three grams te every llurliO inches, but was alierwarils thinned toeuo plant. " I let Ne. 1, ene leurth acre, variety, Mauimeth Chuster, yieUled Vi bultuts neaily 100 biiHluds per aem. This plot would have m.nlu ever 100 bushels pei acin, but had the oiitside rows inteifeixil with by nursery rows of trees and also sullered sumo less by leplantiug. 'i'his was a 'dever sod and had a geed dressing el stable manure ple.vcd down. Gecd seed, geed soil wall plenty of manure, and geed ciiltme rarely fail In making a geed crop of corn. 'lint we hate net yet learned all about com. Can we learn why ene plant bears an ear that nearly innlces a quart of corn while its next neighbor bears n nubbin or in a robust looking plant befere a sign of ear '.' Can the seed bu unproved by cut ting out all defective plants hofero they se.itter thelr pollen broadeist evor tlie Held '.' If we can develop a thoroughbred seed that will preduce no barren stalks we can Increase the possibilities of our corn Holds vastly. Thousand of aores of laud iu this county are adaptetl te the prodtie tleu of one bundled bushels mid ever. Geed corn iiud net be se level as te retain hiufane water, uer se hilly as te wash off the soil." " Let me ropeat, geed seed, plenty of feitiliznrs aud geed eulturu nru the icquis Itcs of a geed orep of corn," " Plot Ne, !) has been in my time an abaudeiiid common, tee peer te produce a crop of any kind," Altai elisnteiiB Mnttnrs " Aiefaim homes preperly ventilated," a question referred te M. D. Keudig, was answered nfllrmatlvely : They are if sur rounded by pure nlr aud plenty of it, and all have open doers ami windows. 8. P. Kby thought thore was a geed deal of noglcet in this rnspoet. Many farmers houses were kent tee inueh closed, especially the parlor and spare hed rooms en llrst lioer. Modern houaes net se well vcjitilaied ns the old fadiioued houses, with open llrnpluces and central entries and stairways leading te the reef. Dr. Ilolhnger said the fliibjoet was n most Important one, ami had engaged the attontlen of solenllstu for many yearn j iinmouse Bums of money had ojen ex pended iu experiments, and yet nothing boiler had been found ihnu tiu i, fashioned damper, J. C. Liiivlllu tiinde a few reiiiarks nit the subject, raying among ether thlngH that the piaoilee of storing fitiltsiiuil Vege. tallies In tlie nf dwelling house was a pendulous nun, ami no doubt ultnn led tolntaldiseasim by lining the rooms with piilsenniiA vnpem. Mr. H. Vf Ijby, tiu, librarian, in aoceitnt- ng Ter the disordered appearance of the hall said that the Janitor had left, nnd when he eainn Inte It te day he found the Hear stiewn with straw, the eeal.kliiilllng. coal hed mid rduivi I gene, the stevn tilled full el ashes, and some of the dmlrs nnd pU'timscuiiedawav. Mr Kby thou went en a tour f discovery and found a nicking chair and it pair of twin bull, bMe'iglng te tl.n society in nu niIjiuiliiK telopheiio room, Ihese were p.iptiir, ftmi n,lllniel t their proper pluees. 1 M""' 1:i,y hnn iiiHtriintad te h.iv. Hi It a cjnl and kindling bin, pr, tided with lock and key se as te proto.,1 it from the mills of nelghbarlng guurrlllus. I'riitu en Kxti'iiiiien. II, M. Iliigle ntul son iiri'Miuii..,! .. 11... Roc'.etvspeelinetisi.f tin, following varie ties of apples and pears : The Savier apple, the Northern Spy, the IhiHsel, tin, lliibbaidstewn, tint Rumbo. t lie N"e 1. the Sw,tlt, the Pittsburg Pippin, the Khode IslniiUlrceiiltig nnd very Hut, npph, for a iia-nn tvhieh tin, eem milti'i, piope'i, te call tin, "Kitule." The verietus of pears ou exhibition by the Messrs. Kngh, wen, the Vicar, tint Kleller, thoAnjeii, the t'lbanlste and the Law- II'IICC. C,iper lliller presented specimens of the Lecaiite pear, (11 fruit that limits net 1111 1111 llke the p.ii,iw, ) thu Kleller, n beautiful fruit us legards si.n, beauty, quality and ptediictlveness, and tin, Ki.utser apple, all llue spocliueiis, Adj .iirnid. i 1 1 : l lie UnliHHTHlli) II1K0I. If jeu haven't voted jet go ntnl de It new A full Democratic) vote is all that is needed te secure. Dciiioeratte success Den t inakii u mlhtakn or allow any one te make a mistake for von se that j en vete thu wrong ticket. Tin, poll c,,x at 7 o'clock. Yeu liuvi still time te east jour ballet, but don't put if ir a tnlnute longer. The Detnoeratte tioket m what jeu want, nnd li-re it is, eeuiity and stale, tu full ', see tint jeurtlcket cerresji-iiids with it : " r I' Al'lll nH OBSBRAI.. ItOIIBItr I'Atitl Mlf, STtTU TnASl'RSIt. nisi.pii ruwiti.i,, llnililty rirlirt. UlStniCT ATUlt.SKT JOHN. A. C"M Lit. riimex isi-Ki-eRrt. I'lltLlP Kl'IILMAN JUII.S II. Mr. SAUljII I-oek birmrmiu II. K. 8IIIUI1, t.. II II t. lilt. OIUltTV Sl-Rt KVel. UOllKltr h ,M. imr.vrv ni.w. Ituiii 111 mtil uljiMit Slititir ilr. Jehn lifting str'ed for Ohm, nu Monday, en n visit te hit te sum who resule in that state. He will probably 0011 titiue bis journey te when, he has two mero tens living. Our farmers are busy husking ttn-ir corn. The yield 111 this s otteu is lair thau tt has been for a ntimlwr of yuats. "Musical .MuiUcvilh,'' is te letuish a strong candidate for tin, iHIm, of county HUpetiiitcndant. .Mntiu still objeets te taking a back sea. The Meth'Mlistft .110 liutiliug a sciies uf meetings iu the Mount Nebo church. Seme gecd has been tin, itt-ult. Our peil.igngiirn an. lneklii( lerward te a week's vacation wl'h a great deal of pleasure, and Heme at leas', will attend the institute during its evening Mission Mr. James Aikeiix, of Mount Nbe, raised a redbeet that weighed l'i pounds. This we believe, secures Mount Ncbe's claim te the front nr-nt. Iuthe stote of Jaokseu tV. Ilulteu, at Cellins, is te be seen a turnip which weighs 10 pounds, l'i ounces nnd uieaniiies '2(i Indies iu circumference, it was raised by Jehn Harrues en Benjamiu il rr's place lu Colorant township 1, 1st nl (liieliilnieil l.eltei. The lollewing is a list of letters lemaiii tug 111 the p tstellice ler thu tti-ck ending Monday, Netemhei e, IkS.J UiiV' l.ut: lv ite Aldiceh Dera Hen nult, Mary Li.zic liicrciici. .Mis. Iluiguss, Annie Lberly, Mary llarlman, Auuie It. llcrr, Nellie Kcrmuu. Uraciu Iteiner, Llla Waller, Mrs Lirie Wray. (ItnU' List: Jehn llhchiuger (for), Henry Day, Henry Deiiliugti. 11. J Deal, Kby A SeinlerB, P. W. Fay, Chas H. Fry, Ames Ooed. A J. (liuff Si Ce., M trtui W. (irell, D. L. Hatulsli, Jacob Ht-ilmau, Jacksen Hlies, J, Layman & Laudis, (ioe. N. L'ifever. IJ. 13. Lemau, Jes. W. Mdlei Ci), Oce. Mehei, li. Fiank Heist, Jeseph Ruttii, Win. ii. Shelt.bargr, V. M. Simpsen, I). (J. Siiader, Vtn. fs.elts, Chiih. Slet, ilplnaim Sti.tub, William O. Stent'le. L. Vtckeuheiser, llenij Vogel, Abr. Warner, (Uorge Woith, Jehn . m m uierman. AUrm 01 Pint. 'Iho alarm of Iho I. is' m.lit was e iilsetl by the imprudence el a buy who ilmpped a juece of pap-r into a large iron tank pai tly Illleil with walei aud IteiiXiun in the rear put el the Iucpilmr punjisinug company building. 'I'.a-In 1 ..' . Il atmg OU top of thu water, iiisiaull) 1 -k Ii i.-and ninde .1 big hluite but nedauii'i- was Uune. Thudejiartliiciit wits pieiiipu.t ' ha-' ' t their servicus weie Het ueud- I A kmii 10 He in Michael, the six yi.u old seu of Mr. Charles Mai tin, lesidiiig Hiitith e' Jenes, town, L'tbinen e unity, jentfidit ittter ittter ittter iioen fell fieui Mr. Dunel Kraal'11 hay mew, striking his head 011 a plow, siixiaui. ing iujuiles which prevud, the child dying shortly alter the sad accident. Thu accident has uiuhmI tt deep leeliug et i.adiiesH throughout the ueignhjrhiKid. '1 uliitc'iie lluruml Thu tobacco house en the farm of Frank Pouueck, at Aiidiew iltidge, Liucaster euutity, wus buriii'd u low nights since. The contents, the pioduce of six and a half iiores of tobacco weie ewened by the teuiint, Samuel Klalr, who Inst all his crops recently by the burning of the barn en the farm he occupies. Theie was nn lusir nice ou the tobacco. llirtlulity rany. Miss barrio Iiaker, 115 oliureh street, roaehud the iutciesling age of seventeen yesterday, mid hur young friends assem bled ut her father's losldenco last evening te colubrute the event. There woie about llfteen couples present and they had ij geed time danciug, singing, chatting aud feasting. Mibs Hiilier received suveral valuable pr'sents. ilin 1'rmuit liiPiicetuii. At the meeting of the prison inspectors, after treiinaeiiug the business noticed in our columns, Messrs. Weaver, Hageu, llitjser and rtpreul were appointed a onm enm onm mitteo te take the annual iuvoiiteiy. The inspecteiH had a long talk about the cigar business, the preposition te have the prison photographed, cee. Ne dciiuite action was takcu in either matter, Hettirn the Majer. This morning the mayor had four lodg ledg ers aud all were allowed te go free,