"i LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE Fl.lDAY. NOVKIMHKH li. 1!!. Ik jlancastct Intclligcnrcu. VIUDAf KVENINO, NOV. 2, 10U. Our Armjr. General Sherman, in his final teperr, an general of tlie army, flays that he con cen aiders " the Indiana ns substantially eliminated from the pieblem of the army." By which w e understand him te mean that the Indian will no longer occupy the attention of the army, lit' says that whlle there may jet hi- ucen sionel alarms, such Indians warsas h.we' hitherto disturbed the country am inl probable. IIe considers that General Creek's management will keep the troublesome Apaches in eider; and that the covering of tlie plains and hills with farmers and miners and the crossing of the transcontinental railways have made thowhlte man the unehalleiigid masterr f the country for all fiiture time. He recommends that the army shall be gathered in camp at a small number of pests en the lines of railways, and that the many small pests new existing shall be abandoned. This recommendation Is nnleubtedly wise. As the army is maintained net fur present needs, but for futiiie centlngen cies, It can be nnre elllcicntly and econ emlcally managed w ien massed to gether. There is no fcense in hnving t' e commanding elllcers of a regiment se i arated from their commands by reason of the scattering of the companies in diffen nt places. The reg iments at least should be kept together. Under the present system of putting u small garrison in many places diillcult of access the cost of supply is greatlj in creased. A large number of pa.wnusteis nre required, who are obliged te carry currency with them te the different pests at great cost and risk. N ith .1 small number of ests tln administration is greatly simplified in its work and lessened in its charge ; while the forces are in better position te be kept in a proper state of etllcleuc) ami discipline. They will be mere open te public otrvatieii, tee. We can see what they are doing . and after awhile w hen we observe hew assiduously they art' doing nothing, we may conclude that the whistle is net paying ler its cost, and we may remand the soldiers te the industrial occupations of private life, under such previsions as will enable them te be gathered tegptht-i speedily when needed as an army. Une Thing at a Time. While the tide of Democratic success is rising en every side, and all the hull catiens point t a grand reform wave en which the part) of the people will ride into political pewei, it is net surprising that much speculation should be indulged in relative te the Democratic candidate in tin piesidentinl campaign of next year. Tlie New Yerk i:un has for .some time back been ringing the rlumges en Ilelman as the man et tlie hour , Mc Donald, Bayard, Thurman and a host of lesst'i lights have been named as worthy of the party's honor in this connection, and the talk of leneminutiug the old ticket seems te have met with some favor in certain circles. It is pr iper enough that the important mitter of naming the u"xt president of the United Slates should thus engrma public atten tion, as it in lie Ut 3 a healthy condition of the body politic when the pc pli, the real source of all the governing power, thU3 carefully scan the merits of the candidates en whom they may be called te sit in judgment. That this deep inteus m the matter of president-making really exists is evident from the large spice given the subject in the public pi ess of the day, the newspaper being the iniirei iu which the signs of the times aie read. Hut the advice of Aliens tus Ca'&ir te his friends, ' Jtstin i mil," may net he inapplicib'e in the present situation of affairs. The convention that will name the, next president will net meet for at least seven months, which ought te leue ample tiru for tl e consideration of the merits of the arieus candidates d03lreus of acting us the standard beirer of the pnty. In the meantime It would seem the part of wisdom for the Democracy te address itself sternly te the quest ions new up permost iu the public mind, en the answers te which may depend its ulti mate success next year. The tvh Congress, which meets iu Ddcembei, with its large D mecr.it ic pieponder piepender pieponder ance iu the lower Heuse, will be ex pected te deal wisely with the liuancml question, which has new become an en grossing topic by leasen of the contrac tion of the curiency caused by the surrender of the bends by tlie banks consequent en the rapid i eductien of the public debt. The silver question, the surplus, civil service leiei in, the tin iff and tlie counting of the electoral vote are a few of the mere impeituut matters upon whleh tlie next Congress will be required te pass, and It becomes the duty of the lower Ilouse te see te it that Democratic supremacy is net inipeiilled by any hasty or ill advised action en these very urgent pieces of legislation. In view of facts of this kind may it net be justnswell te postpone president-making until these pressing problems ure solved? The ind'-j endent voter Is quietly watching both pintles, and unless the Democrats clearl prove te his sutlsfac tleu that they are abundantly capable of taking the reins of government, specula specula tien ever the next occupant of the presl dentlal chair, be f.ir as Dpineciats are concerned, will be worse than useless. One thing at a lime. Calmly L'njejlng Himself. Senater Cameren Is net coming home right away ; he has laid out for him self a continental tour, which no doubt will be prolltable ami pleasant. We will cheerfully spate the senator te complete It. Semu pcople persist in say ing that though absent in body he is present iu spirit In this campaign. Such people cannot sleep unless they can raise a Cameron bogle te Illustrate and adorn their dreams. We have ue reason te be Hove that the l'euusylvanla election Is occupying much of the traveling senator's attention. It Is tee bother some te coniempnue, wiuie miieh inore Interesting things Ue nil around for the ongagement of himself and his geed wife. If he does leek evor here, he will see that thiisu he has left behind him have been phi) lug the deuce with the party that used te be his own and his daddie's. Xew it has get nevet.il small Toms iu the lead ; Cooper and Stewart, and such timber. The Cam Cam eeon tree did net bear very geed Iruit but it had at least a tough oaken llbre te it; while the legs that are new rolling mound aie the veilest cut 'en ed stuff. Stewart did up pe.ir te be something of a man ; but theie never was such a fall from an tip pearance of sturdy nnuhoed as he has exhibited in the year iu which he has dropped from the leadership of the lnde pendent Kepiiblic.ni sentiment, protesting against unrighteousness e( all sorts iu political affairs, into the close embrace of the men and things he deueuucul , and all under the lure of the United Mates son.itershlp, whljh he hopes te take from the traveling Dan. Senater Cameren probably is calm under the threat as he stalks the cathedral aisles abroad, content te knew that when he walks out of his senatorial place.'a Dem ocrat will walk in Kioto innet grew from thistle, i,or oipabte stite tteasurers from treasury ring 8)11. Mri T lI.umiMiUtu . A watch dog te guard the treasury department Ne treasury nug canities need npplv. Let it net be forgotten that a man may in by emission as well as commission Tlie Peiu icrat who fails te ote ou Tur day next will oenio under the former cate gory. Tut: Domejr.itio mass meeting in Mori Meri Mori Utrebur hall te morrow night will be the tii.it ami list gun in the local campaign. Kiniucttt shakers vvill address the meeting an 1 there sh mid be a full turn out of the county I)e merracy . Thk frtreim oiuuet be pure when it has its seurce iu impurity. The faode slave oiunet he honest wheu his mister is de beiiert, iu.l thetofeto it that I'o.vell and T.iggart ought te be eleoted ever he slated cmdidates of it e irrupt party. IKniNt. the last two or three years the average dsertieus from the at my has amounted te as much as fifteen per cent, of the number of cnlitttd luuu. Vet we are net threatened with foreign invaieu, uud, no tar as is kn iwn, the j;everumeut at Washington still lives. Fntu Doielass struck the key note of the colored mtuatieu in his popeh in Ddiiteu, Md., ou Wuiliiesdiy, wiien he said that lKtceu colored man, ewuiug Ilfteen geed farms well tilled, would de mero t roinevo prej i luj und olevato their oil's thai the electuu of one el them te Cangiess. The truth Is sometimes net pleasant te hear, but it is always wholesome. Jehn Stewart iu his lV.tsburg spauch last eveu iugtlew ii'i i vi le it pissittn in Ins at tempt te aukwer fcecretary Stunger's allegatieu of the lie Independent letder's tro.iiea te hin old followers. The shoe must h ive p nolie 1 very badly, judging from tin ra inner ri which the senator writhed under the accusation. Tiih diucng misters of lbs Uuued States pr ipjsj holding a convention neon in I'liil.idflphi i for the pnrpest of sjeur ing ii'itfermity of teaching aud of keep ug u;i the t in l.ml of dmciug in this coun try. Ijt'ie intoresr of the nuiusi'iueut nuiusi'iueut levim public, it is te be heK.'d that thn ceuvdUti'Jii will net lu held with e eaed doers. The eiht of a piroel of grown mull civirtieg around tgethir te tbe s'laius of sweat music in the mterest of the art TerpsioUeroau ought te make lha gods weep. Tut: Philadelphia lre'jre with its Untie of Nevember 10, ojeiib its sixth volume aud sixth jeai. The succeis of Pregrtu has bcen meit llattering ti) its editor and equally pleising te its readers who hav 1 )iig rroenued its worth as an able and brilliui' Hoeiety journal, which is net afraid tj deviate iretu the beaten track te present u variul lecerd el ulucatteii, social events and nil that appertains te a piper such as 1'reyrtts u L'nder the manage inent of Mr. .1. V Ferney It has bcoemo a settled institution altogether necessary te the list of Philadelphia journals, aud ene which merits hearty coiijjratulatie'is. On Tuesday next elections will he held iu teu States .it which will hi choseu four governors nud boven legislatures which elect United States dmuturt. Missiehu setts, Xew .Jdisey, Marylaud and Minne sota choeso their chief executives, and tlie tlrst three together with New Yetk, Con necticut, Virginia nud Misamstpi also oleot legislatures. In all this wide extent of tornter the Domeoraoy are lighting a hopeful batt'e, with the chances favoring their ultltuate success. In our own state two Important olllces nre te be lllled and If we wish te sce Pennsylvania ourelled with her shter commonwealths iu the Democratic ceiuuin, tue miivuJuil Demesrat must see te it that the full party vote of his dis ti ict is polled. It' O'Denuell is reilly inuejdnt of th'l murder of the Infermur, Carey, he stauds little cliiucu of an acquittal since the stirung up of a ll ied of angry pissleus in the Kugllsh breast by the recent dynamite explosions in L union. O' Donevan Kjssi, upon whom explosions have the same ell'ect as a i oil llig waved bjfore u mad bull, lUHlies into print te say that he kiiews all about thu matter, and with fei vent ihoterio declare i that the under ground railway oxples eai are raorely biu biu face ovldenoos of the deep oxtermlnatiiiK policy that the Fenians propose eirry ing out towards Ihigland. He chaiged has Hessa bdoirae with dymmlte tint ene nced net be surprised at any tlnie ou liearlng of bis explosion ns the rbsult of the coiicuseion produeod by his own voiue. t'lmiiil Utility ut llliirilBrlng Her IIiibUhiiiI. IIi.Nn.MiDON, Ind., Nev. JJ Oharlotte Ejips was found guilty of murdering her husband last June by admluistei lug poison. Eips was au old man and wealthy luuhe ler, and was married te the murderess two months preceding his death, she previously having served him In the capacity of house keeper. Uer nunlshmeut wasilxed atlni- I prleonment for llfe. I'KKHUNAl. Mu Huimvs uuneu iCir his pui pi mi te wlthdtnw liein i i.uyit .s at the exptrutten Of IliM plt'St'llt 1 1 1 111. I'ewnv Fioens new palace mil be u tw fini and Imminent siruotuie el lUOx 100 loot eipe.Iiji.il area. Purs I.i n s hraltli is fat fietn Imprev ii. u. .txl it Is thought that the anxiety evinced during the past two yeuis for Ill's wolf.ue is ell gieuudcd. O'Denmxi. has achieved the waieii immortality wherewith Mine. Tu'saud rewinds the heroic hnudful who have rais ed IhouKelves abee the Jiiek by i-ellti'?, preaching, plundering, or pistol. Colen ki.Jeu.n W. Dn.vM.Ne, lelt oue graudil.iughter $1, another $10.01)0 and u tlmd nearly 8100,000. Hut the will tins jutt bcen broken iu favor of the ene dollar heir. .Ions Bmellr devote a great deal of tune te the pieplratieu et lin i)piteUe.s li ku mmi te be his habit te go te the ceiiutty and lecite repeatedly lu a lr;e barn attached te his pl.ioe his great Hpeeches belore ventuting delivery m.nkteii JusEi'it K. Huew.s, el tliergi.i, who ih eccentric, teeeiveil a letter aikmg for his uydMance in the building of a IS.tptiit rhiiich. IIe replied that he could net h'.ne the Senate long e'loegh Ij be of much Kei vice, and that he w.vs net t go id etjiieiu.ieu, any w.i. Mi Bi.iirur. t'uewi t;v, of Depecit, N V. dreamed thiee uights lu suecesMen el her uncle's death in Texas linpivaned with her itie.iins, tw nddreeed a loiter te huu. The letter loll into the hands of his law or vi I j j tietitli'd her last week that oho had lallru hen te 56O.000 by her untie s death. 1. 1 TliF.n Srv.NDlXO Utvit iu of the famous Meu. ohlel wliOMt nauie he bear, hasgoue from the Cirbsle, I'.i , Indian school baek te his home In Dateta te cnlitt raore liulinn clnldrt-n as pupils in the meet, lle is new 19 yeais e!t nud has heea nt the school four jears. lie will io ie tmn thore xeiin and flnih learning hm trade that of tmuer and plumber. IIKUII IS C'I.MI .5I lln- Armjr Ch iui;i- I. II. ctel Ulilmut l ,.r niHlltj tlvtirrnl slieriimii'a I'itt lug Wunl. At Washington, P. C Osncril Sher man en Thursd.ij reluiiiaished cuumand et the army te Liouteuaut General idierl dan aud afterward accompanied ht uc coei and Secietary I.iucdn te pay hw rofpeits u the presiden'. In an t ill ml order he thauked the officer aud meu el the army ler their fidelity te the trust im M uHti them during his incumbency aud assured them that he wen'd watch their future progress with pirenil vi.ici tmlc. I.iouteuant Ocnenl Sheridan's erder upon assuming command aim nineeil the fact and the ompiitien et his per per seual stall, as lollewii : Majer M.eh lei V. hcIllllu, assistaut adjutant ceneril, Midi tary secretary , Ciptatu .1. Velkraar, tifth cnlvar, aide de emp ; Captain James F. Gregeiy, corps of ongiucers, aide de-cinip Iu general erder relinquishing e un mand et the division of the Miseun. (Jeu. Shendau thanks the ollleers and men for the supp irt anil coulldei.ce given his ad ministration during h.s feurteeu years iu euuibency. General J M. bihetlcld, iu a brief order, nnneiiuces his assumption el the command vacated by General hhtri dan. Gonerul .Sherman's annual report te the seeteiary of war warml) praises tiie ud ministration of tbe military acvluuyat at Weat Pe.ut, the arti'.ler slIehjI a' Feitress M mtoe aud the school of instrue tieu for cavalry aud mfautry at F .rt L -an uwetth He regaids the Indians n nubt inti idy elmmated Item the pnbletn el the uitny. Thore may he spasmodic and temp Tiry alarms, but such Indian wars as have hitherto disturbed public pae aud triuq'itllty are net prebible. He advisps Congress te adept the sjiiem et pos's te conierm te the recent develop ment in the West, urges extra oempeusa lien te noldiers ler extra work eutsi le of slncily military duty, believes Cennies should make previsions te home b'a'ieus alter . i reasonable period of set vice, and reue as former recommend Ulcus ler a i organ! itien of the nrmy. lixt Monntner (Jiel Here 1 i.r. Int, rvl. w in Hi t. Leuis I epubllcan "I believe Mgr. Capel has never st.i'nl publicly the re il object of his v;su t Ami uca." "He has simply said tint he was here for the puipoie of preaching and lecturing te advance the iuteicntn of his lehgieu." "I!ut that is net all. He is here upon a special mission. It is simply this : It in propeseil te held in December of uoxtyeur an KciimMilail Council, at which the hibits, style of dress aud general depirt depirt meut of the priesthood w"l b dme-usseil There will be a number of ra he il changes made, tbe exact nature et which I h ive net beeu advised. I kue-v this, that the cenn oil will be oliuet the most important evei held ami will create as miu.h interest tlinugheut the world as the Council of Trent or the council at which the degm i of infallibility was ndepted. New Mgr Caput was commissioned te ceme te this country and cjnfer privately with the bis h ips for thn purpose el asaert lining their views regarding the several ui ituus t be brought before thu council." i Ureal iieinticrullu llslly ut t.rie. The biggest meeting of the citnpaigu w,is held by the Democrats iu the ej era house at Krie Thurtdiy night. A ternllc ram storm broke ever thu city as the torchlight precession was msviug te escort Lx-G jvoruer Curtin te the opera Ilouse. Torches were quouehed and the precession was routed, but reformed seen after and with undampeued ardor marched te ihe place of meeting. The large theatre was crowded. Lx Governer Cm tin, Chairman Ilenuel and Senater Kennedy wcie the speakers. The audience rese en rn.isae when Curtin c.unu ou the btage The speeches wero in substance thn same as reported all along the political roiite and designed te tear down thu arguments made by Ndes, Livsey and Leu at the Republican meeting or. Monday. Loek te uur 'iree Labels, ii nuinlewn Teleirrnpli, This Is the time of the yeir, or iather when whiter is near at hand, also just before you begin operations in your gardeu iu the spilng, te overhaul your tree labels, and renew thorn when they are mis, ing or requite lining up. Tlie l-Ht label we hav yet tried and have used for Unity years, is made of zinc. We take a sheet of this, out it lu strips half an inch wide aud two ami a half inehus in length , bera a hole lu oue und, and wnte the n.ime of the tree with a goeso quill, which is the best for that pin pe ie. Hut common Ink will net de, as It would seen wash oil. Veu must in iku au ink for yourself, wh'eh is eisily done, as fellows : Qe te a dnig- gist's and get six grains of sul phate of ojpper, which mix with ene uuiice of water, dissolve and add thrie grains of Balammoiiiae aud twenty dieps of sulphuric acid, ami you have an ink that, if well put en, will remain legible for twenty years, Hut we lorget te siy that you must use copper wire of stiltable thleknciH siy Ne, 17,18 or 11) with which te fasten the labels upon the trues; but plenty of room must be allowed for the trees te grew, m thu wire will cut through tue bark, aud bometinus will destroy the branch or oveiy tree te which it may be applied, He hiue net te in.iku a mistake iu purchasing the chuinleals. The uext bust Ir.bal is. iu our opinion. the old oue UHed by uuisery mnii as long as I we can lomembor the piue strip painted white, written en with a hud poned and fastened with oeppor wires, SAVANNAH'S KIKE. HAD lit HlT. Ol' UtliMMiU i Fl.tMl 1 I ii r t.ist i,r l.trn ii n . il in i:ijtlit liilti)a CiiihIIIiim. i iiif ltiiilli- I lie M. n,'.r. Search nuieng the s el Wednesday's Hie at Savanna!). Oa , ln-, as prrdieti'd, swelled the nuinbir el the victims ie eight. Follewng mu list of tuoe iv!e have been Ideiv ,tl il .lamrs Cash, whit , A' zander M"iire,, Moes Cestou, Bltti'l II ntst m llget, Pell) WiUi.iu s, Mrs. G cel ied. The uuidiMitilled tun mm tee t!i e leicd woman. All the bodies were I'diiet'd te Ai'n i ceii, all se et a bit el hours and fraguieutai.v pietesef II sh, ami their identity was istablishpd enlv by knives, watches n I etlii r personal ellrcts of a similar nature which wrte found by their side. Pelly Will inns was ovetcenn en the thresbheld of hi r house While per sihtuig in u foelhatdy ei deaver t leniie her lurtiiture All the ethers pMishedln thowaiehouso in whu'li the tire had its origin. The t iptditv with winch the ll imcs spread urccluded the i m .iin by the eat eru deer of the vvareheuiH', which was the only one open, and tl u n. I chance lav in reihuga stud iu the wistun put of the building, or feicng i p n a locked de ir wb.ch was also nuted tlere. Twe negrees rc.iclud the hel an 1 1 sciik-iI, but boteio their eniipmi usc m d fellow tlietn the pejt by which they had climbed up gave way, nnd retnat u ttiat direction was forever hepeles. The d or was thcr euh reniulnlng chanc- MeimH) nt their bidding gi pel Ms way te the e 111 je and secund the key. but Jiist when sifety rcmed lit Inn ladiaft I imu'd the ll.imes into iner, ,i-d luiv. and nil were eve e vne within a few t'-et of the goal. The large key te 'hi1 de u w is found nnieug Mouree's chnru d bones and hfip-d te reveal his identity. It is new developed tint 140) bal's of cotton were destroyed, msteid of :t,000 as repir'cd. Last night's estimate of the looser, aed tnsuru c lemaius unchanged, ba. owing te tlie reti.-ei.CB of the agent and the impossibility et tiudi .g the losers, accurate tlgures are in m mv iastanc s un obtainable. It is certun, he.vevi'-. tint tbe insuranun will no be a thud of the less. tlauiss m Oiler I'lsces Tm stamcr Kitiii P K mat, tiem Ar kausas ct'y, was burn 1 e i Wednesdiy, twenty miles abjve New Urleaus. Tlie leat andcuge were vala-1 at $s)i)ej Ne lives wcie lust. Tli steamer Ci'v "f T ir ri'e was burned yes'rtrday at Pe-t li'ijeusi, Ojtan Les j !0 (KX). The Cliff tleune, in 'Ue ! 'y riv.r, sis miles fr m Cleveli'i I. O e was buiued jesierd iv. Less $"e i Oe Tlie p.pr mill 't V sw. 11 A C . at Packard s Falls N--w Hmpshire, was burned j.sterdiy. I m i 13 OeO Tj women cmplevtd -i i ttie mill wtre balls buiued in the face and arms. THKhl. tail' IIKlts Usui L'hib el I ,at Irt mi 1 mi r. itiic rrk r.ie i 1 1 it V .n ig . i,jt pnl,, a P.ev ideucA it. I , Tjarsday bjtweu the double teums, trotter and runuiiig mate ewued by lames ICeeu m. of I) steu, aud J li Itarn asie iV: Ce , of PioviJeucc. was an oxeltiug oue uud was u ieJ for tit things the nceid for such teams ..tl, madit by Yellow Deck aud uiei' j iu 18"i, wasb.ek-,u an i the three heats wjie the (antes', ever mude iu n race. Tuc match wvi I i i e 0 iu 1 thi c u tsiants were 11 It Wiuship au 1 rui.u-r Hiram ISruce, and Fri'ik a.i 1 mate .le'm ay. 'J irtly before i e el i? . ta ' urn w.- c called up. Frkbk wis Rt;liii faventu in lb-) peels ar live 'e four, but disippoiuted bis backers by behaviug bully. His run nor was placed en the efl-si le. nn t Frank pulled nwiy tr iu) biai a id kept bieiking. Iti the tlrst beat W usbip had n little the best el the band oil, aed Frank unkiug two breaks, one at tbe turn nud another at the three quarters, thu black wen e.ii.ily by ii lengtii iu 2.10. Iho saoeud ht-tt wis tbe best and broke the record. Fiank w is nhiltcd te tue out side and went much beuei. Wiuship iiad a little the best of It a- the wed, an 1 .v theqiiilvr in a.! led by a length aud ii half. G neg up thu back stretch Frank begin te let nut and earned steadily uutil un the uppar turn he was ueek aud uuuk with Wiuship aud both tenms were llyiug. As the three quarteis waspisned Frank again mide n break nt tlie satne fatal pi ice, while Gelden still oentiuued te send Wiu ship nt a 2 07 gait nud he dished uuder the wire in 'J. 10 loadei et the world iu like trials of speed. The third boa' wussuuilai te the ethers, Frank keeping a poed sec md until the three quarters, mid then breaking and falling back while Winship wen eisily in J, Uj. After the lhst In' it peels sold in Wiubhip's favor 2e te 1.1, aud after the second heat tickets went begging. TI1K riAUUfi's MJt.l'IlUtV Anj itant Oaueriil lirinirn lt-inrt en tlie Condition Hiul sieeUs et llle Armjr. General 11. U. Drum, adjutant geueial of the aimy at Wasluugteu, has subuutted his atiuual report te the secretary of war. He says the reports of the elllcers detailed te inspect state militia encampments at various points show that t..e steady im provement in discipline, seldieily bearing nud knowledge Is undoubtedly due te the generally excellent temper and character of the statu troops and the closer lolatieus maturing bet,voen the regular army and the militia relations productive et tlie best results te both services. Helen ing te the competitive drills held in ndditieu te tlie regular statu encampments, the ad jutant general says that, besides the drill, competition should bu had m camps in cleanliness iu the kitchens and niesEes, in discipline aud conduct, en guard nud out post duty ; iu ether words, competition should determine which are the best troops, instead of the bust drilled meu simply. In a sopuMte repert te tbe geueral of the army, thu adjutant guuural gees into do de tail ou the subjoets of desertion, enlist ment, education aud recruiting. He says the nutuber of discharges Ireui the army during the year milling June !!), 18SJ, was 0,050; deaths. 221; desei liens, ii,?l$, total casualties, 0,710. The total number of eulistmuuts made during the year was 8 -'J'M. Out of 7.0J1 aoeepted roeruits, 4,8.13 were native born, 3 OlM of feiiegu birth, 0,1(11 white ard 1,470 cel jird. The laige number of men presenting themselves ler enlistment (10,7.JS , who were rojeated ou ncoeiiut of mental ei phy sic il dis quabhea tieu, evidences that the olllers detailed ou tills important and dehcite duty nre lully ahve te the interest uutiustud te then care. Lveiy ellbrt was main during the ont're llseal year eudlng June 'J), 13SJ, te ehtiiu suflloient men te till the army te lis au therucd strength, hut notwithstanding these efforts the total eulwtiid htieugth of the aimy ou that dat ) was only 'ii 811, or 2,110 less thui the uati )u.id uumbur. A Jeweler's sirunge story. Tliemas lleag, a jeweler, who disap. peaii'd from his place nf business at Ne. HI JO Ureadway, New YuiU, en Soptembor t under ixjeuhur clreunntanccs, arrived .u the elty from Canada, ou Thursday and gave the following acceuut et his disap pearance; "Whlle I was standing iu trout of my stere ene morning in Soplcm Seplcm he i, n well diessed man nppieachcd me and said he was an old aipmnUnce of mUie He Invited met) go mi e a h r room te have a glass of ale, We drunk oue or two glasses tegether, and then everything ' was a blank te me. When I mme te tuv ' soil I was iu Louden. Hew I get thore I don't knew. As seen as possible I took ipissgofer Amer.ci by the steamship Can.ula Aftei a thlity llve dujs' passage we rea.-li .1 II i ii i 1 ndiik my n inev il . was the it. mil of con pracy." HtMiiiter -t'nvriMi Sunl .uiilii A' Si Fiaiei'et. Miss Agie 1 1 ". elitnilii'T te lie Mis. rthnien, has b eu.-nt sua lu the superior com t ngamst r mi tui Shai en. for a divorce, a division of com in n prepei ty ami alimony. Her claim are bus, d en willul desertion and lepeated u its of adulter) She says th it whn stie was m lined t the suiater he wis deeply In debt in d tha' his property was only worth t OOO.OOJ Under their joint m in lueiurni as in m and wife the setnter is no worth JT' ODD 000 SUe asks tint mi iicvnunt he taken of nil business truiisae ttens since their m image, in or lei tint I'm value of the oeiuin in property may be determined aud ripi illy divided. .t I'ppnii iihii IiIpk nt m iiHiiuiniii s linn-, .s I inn s. It, p Phis jeat's politic il canvass iu Pennsyl iiimi has been proteruaturally ipil-t. Tim Doiuecia's have been pursuing a " still hunt ' policy until ipiite receutly, and the Itepubheuis have ilispliycd a pe euliai itisineliniuien toaetiMiy ei any Kine. Thete is no antagonism apparent, bet the ilillleiilt) will In' te btiug t ut a full vote. I'he leading " Hegulais" and "Independ etits " of last year seem te be ngreed upon the piepostereus Pennsylvania policy el distributing the siiiplus reveuuu . I ulins they have semetlnug better than this te agree upon they hid hotter lein.iin at odds HhvIiiic v nicrr I Hblisuv. I., i iiinmn I cli'rui'li Theie arc seven. I mttheds usually given about this time of the year te preserve mbbage through winter, and we have tried nearly or ipiite all et them. We prefer the oue we introduced nearly tliuty jeais age, and with which we lnve always succeeded in keeping our cabbage iu p'rfeet condition until lute m tlie sprin T It is simply te ctc.ivate slight trei'i-hes side bv side ou n rising or dry spot where the water will readily diaiu oil in which te stand the eabbige just us it grows, siukiug It up te the head Tne rows eau be as closely put tecether as the ni.e et the heads will admit , ever ever with ceru (odder, straw or beau haulm Then set four pests se as te f. mn a pitch, placing the he id ngalust n stonewall or bon-d fence. Ou these form a reef by beau poles, when beards are net at hand, rd cover this with cornstalks or sti.iw. If ordinarily well done, tlie c.ibbige will keep as long as may bd desired, hating usually preserved ours sound and ftcsli mi il the end of April or thu beginning of May. We tire aw are tint it is commonly no 'inniended te place the heads of the ei'jbdge in the ground with the root sticking up ; but, having tiled this way, svefeuudth.it the eiboage kept frcslur and bettei as we recommended. Te ptove this we have hail celdslaw in May. MMuummiieun sews. t.vrlits .e.ir nud Acton Hie L'eunlj- l.luri). F. 15 lioweii denies false the statement that com puny had obtained as uiiqualiliedly the Staud.ird oil control of the r.dewntr pii e I i.e. .'elin Thumps i), a colored m.tu bv in; nt Harnsburg is ue living with his fourth wife aud hi Is nlse thu father of thirty children, twenty ene of whom are new living. He was in days gene by u Mary land slave. Jehu bhewnll, a colored boy, tiled lut i i rewd of boys wuli a pistol ou Hallow Lve night, wounding Chuiles 1'eilic, a whtte buy, aged fourteen y. ars, living ou Tbird street, uuar Nortis, in West Ches ter, the ball lodging iu the fl-ishy part of the in m. ishewall eseiped. Jehu C. K Heine, the lawyer of Head ing aecuseil of i-suing checks when he had no in uiey iu bmk, who was repotted iuns. ing, yesteldjy was iu Harribburg a'l day. Hr registered nt the hotel aud made ue eJeir ut eoecealraout. He denies all the charges aud Miys he does net la the least fear ariesc. August Llbus, si German, was convicted ou Thursday ler thu burning of the barn of Nine tspaekmau, in Cam township, sic retey el the Mutual lire insurance com cem pinv of Chester cuiiuty, en twptembur 10 He was seutenucd te the Cistern peniten tiary ter ii term of ten jaars Hn was also sentenced te an additional term of ene yeai te thu penitentiary iei cummittiug au iirtMUlt ou Georjje Irw n, of Cuiu town thip i.uiii i.du.si.s Au giMl L.uU' aintlierar- sjiiie Ktieut Ilouiierles, The stere of Isaac Zihni, about-! miles north of Lititz, was robbed en Tuesday night last of clothing, beets, &i, amount ing te probably $100. Mr3. Kluibcth Miller, of Warwick, held a birthday assemblage en Fiiday last, iu honor of her 07th anniversary. Mrs Mil ler, walks, talks, heats and sees conipnr cenipnr tively well for her age. She leads little, but pasM-s much of her time iu knitting stockings iu the old fashioned way. She hardly ever gees away from home, prefer ring te remain iu the house iu which she has sj long lived. One daughter, four sous and their wives and utimorieus grand children, were present ou the fobtive oc casion. On Tuesduy night robbers eltectcd an entrance at a window of thn residence of Abraham Lehn, nt Warwick. They get into the kitchen, dining room and cellar, took a de.cn nud a half of silver tea spoons, a d eiuu silver tabic spoons, und n dozen knives and forks, besides ball a decn eggs, several pit s nud tome ml'k. P Jtir young men, wull diessed, wero scen loitenu in Ilulliuger's weeds all day ou Tuesday. Their actions looked suspicious and they were seen iu Lititz after dark the sjtnediy. They nte supposed te be the guilty parties. llnae Hull Niiten, Tlie Pittsburg Putt states that Mr. Tay Tay eor, of Allegheny ball club, was married i u Tuesday night te .Miss ltesa Garrity, of Laucaater, Pa. A syndicate that has takeu charge of the Allegheny base ball club paid oil the liabilities yesterday aud thus placed it en a liim iln.incial footing. The actives, of Heading, havu been uo ue uo gei luting with ilve California play up, aud they will hi all probability be secured, as the papers were sunt te thorn te sign mero than a week age. San Francisce papers glve these player? seme wonderful records, and the Aotive management con sider themselves fertunntn in securing thorn. The necessary papers have also bi'fm sent te Friuhl, of this year's nine, aud he will sign. Buyle, Jnoeby, llalpin, McLaughlin, Grady ami Suhappert have already signed. Tlie directors are looking around for a geed manager. The grounds will be greatly unproved aud the preseut pavid m rcplaced by a new ene consider ably larger. The dliuoters say that next yi fit's club will be the strongest Heading lias ever had, the salary list footing up nearly $2,000 monthly. Citlllu Ue Seltleil. The lop'evln caae between Bteaey, Kan Kan Kan seme cc Ce,, vs. Jehu Shillew and redding lu und around Marietta for seme e.ittlu, has been settled. Yesterday the mau who purehasul the steers for the plaintiffs oinieon from the went and went te Mari etta with Mr. Btuuey. IIe easily Idontilled the mttle although thore wero a number of ethers. The defendants then agroed te tllrtt tlm nnlmnte Aims Kiilmn ttinti lmvi n law suit. This was doue and Mr. Stoaey atoucesold the whele let te Christian Steltz a butoher. TILE SCHOOL HOAUD- IT MKi:i3 till! Itl'llllillS Viltl.N. . Iipiiiiier iili'-lleinlilliiiii l.iie I'ensl I i'i)tiiiil) lUmiiiinmis ti,r llnee I lie Mit.iillng litliiinlllr. Tim beaid el school directors of I, annas tei uitv school dlsniet met lu emnium council cliamhi i last t veiling at 7 o'clock ler the puipise el teuigamr. itleu. By an unauiiii ms vole .leliu I. II trim in was clieieii tempeiai y eh ilrm in and .1 M. Johnsten tempo iir, secretary. .Mi 11 iitm iu st lied that tlie Iti.iidhut iiiet for teeigaiiir men, uud that the liist business in enlei would be the leading el ihe ii turns et the I ite election for sehe n ditect irs ie .iscJrt.t u u he had been elected se that the twelve new meniiiers might take i lull seats. riiesecietaiy teul theietiuns signed by the Judges el the eeilit and attested by the protlieuoiary from wiiidi it appc.ucii tint Dr. Jehn Levnrgeisl, Petei McConemy, Adam llblen ler, Hi. H unci Mct'ormiek, William Jehns iu uud I hn O ilis lluni Ci.its, ui.d l' F r.'ii'rui in, Jehn I Hut in in, .le p'i Siiiiseii, II. It. Hieneni ill, Jehn H. U'ailel .u, Dr. M. L. lien, lieputilicius, hut been duly eleeted I'liese tegetlier with tlie taenly four lueinbeis holding ever, constitute tlie beird. l'ne i ill was cillrd and the folio viug imsw-ueil te I lieu names . Messrs. Hiker, Hroiiem in, ((resins, llvrne, Cirpentur, Cecliriin, D innstelter, Kbeiinac, Kvaus, (last, Hutmnti, J. M. Johnsten, Win Jehnsen, Mush ill, Mc Mc Ceinsey, McCenumv Morten, MeCetunck, Oblunder, Ohs, it nib, Iteimuusuwlcr, Uicli.iuls.ltiugw.ilt, Schwoliel, May maker, Sineyeh, A. .1. hnydei, K. G, Snyder, W.irlel, Z.eher, Levergmd, president. O.i in itien of Mi. llvkei. Dr. Jehn Leveigoel was uilainiil ulslv cliis-npu in meiit J ie-i.li'iil of Ine b a e, ml en motion el Mi Waitel,.! M. .1 ilinsteii was unanimous!) chosen piiinment sccreiaiy. On motion of Mr. Morten, Win O Mar shall w.u clieseii lieasiuat. and .1 11. Loucks jaint.ir for the ensuing year, by mi unanimous vote (ly mi un mini ms vote tlie silirieset tl.e secretiirv and ntilter ire tixwl at the same sums paid last year I'lie pcim.uicnt ellleprs took their scats and tlie roil was ngitin cuieii, ine same mi'inbeis being pienent. 1'iin reading of the minutes of Inst meet in j w is dispensed with Mr Mel'einsiiy cengrultil ited the presl dent nud the beard tint by nil observance of the spirit of tlie sche d laws i satislae tery erg iu z it mu of the beird h id been ellec'ed wit'ieut a struggle. In further auce of the same sp'rit of concession, uud te make the buru as far ns pmsible u nen-pirt in bedy.be eilercd the lollewlng resolutien: " lltn-i'rtd. That hereafter when a va ciney occurs in this beard through di.ilh, resigi ntien or removal of a member, the pjlitic il put v e winch such mnu'iei lie kngid i-nall lill the vaeaney.'' I i.i n sulutleu wasuuamieusly idiptid. Hie -it4inlliig ileiiiiuttieie The prcsideiit announced the fellow ing standing nnd visiting cemmitti.es." Sip'riuteti ling Cotnmittee Wi'inui JlcCeui-ey, ehairmau ; J. II. W.irfel, Itev. C. Itolmeiisnyder, Luther P.iehirds, Wm A Met ten C iinmittetiea P.-xt Itoeks and C itirse of Instruction Di. M. L Herr, Di. D. McCertniek, J. W. Ityrne. Fin nice I ouimtttee It. A Kvaus, chairman, Dr. Henry Curp'titei, Adam Oblainler. Committee en Sahoel Huildiugs and Grounds 11 L. SI lymaker. chairm in ; Jein I II irMu, m, Christian Z'jcher, Peter Met' uieinv, Themas Ii Cochran L un in it tee en Furniture and Appintus loseph damson eh i un i i, C F. Hbor Hber tn in, Mtnen W. It nib. Committee en Sulieis' Oiplnns and Heme for Fneiidiess Cln dreu A . Kiugw.i't. eh urm in , II. It. 1'renumin, A J. Snydir. C'nitiii t ou N'igh' S-'i ils Willi nu .1 ilinsnii, eh.i'innn lljeigrt I) irmstatter. Dinud S'neyeh. J jliu Ojbs, H itiry G i, A. K. Spurrier. .lU'ltciary Committee I). G. Hiker, Marriett Bres us, J II ly Brown VIMting Uiiiiiinllters ler eviiiiitr, llecem tmr unit .ItiiiiMry. Northeast Division K, G. Snyder.ch iir mm , Heury Oast, S. W. Haub. Southeast Division Dr. Daniel Me Cernuck. chairman , Charles bdiwebel, D. G. Baker. Southwest Division A. . liiugwalt, chairman , ('. F. Kberinau, Mainett Bro Bre sius North wen Division A J. Snydiu, ehairmau , Goergu Diimstattur, .1. Hay Brown. Mr. Marshall thanked the beird for honoring him by a ru election, uud in his own name and thu name el tlie secietary elect, he iiwited tlie bend alter adjourn ment te repair te II del Copland te p.ut.ike of luncheon. Ou motion of Mr. ll.irtmau thn beard piececded te till the vacancy cailMid by tin. death of Miss Annm M. Htter, et the List Lemen street main secondary school. Miss Lulu Zug was uemiuated aud unanimously elected, .Miss Pluming was uemiuated and unanimously ulected second assistant in Miss Spiudlei's West Chcstuutstrcet com bined prim it v school, iu place of Miss Hannah It. Finger, transferred te the vicancy in the Lemnn street school canted by Miss Zug's piometion. Adjourned. saai'l. uk l'usfcn. A 1'rtiiin I'livnrlce nt llin Opern lluune. Mr. M. 15. C'uitishas firmly established blmsull iu thu appreciation of Lancaster theatre goers as Nim'l In his play of "riatn'l of Pesju," which was pie senteil last evenlug lii Fulton ojiera heuse te an audiunce that complete ly filled the building. Mr. Curtis' impersonation of the geed natured and sharp yuutig Hebrew is new se well known and admired that no extended oemmottt need be ellbred. The ohtraeter gives Mr. Curtis dim oppeitunlty for the duliuoatieu ofthepeculiar traits which abound in it, and they ure all given with a perfection that never fails of adequate nud hearty recognition. The freshuces and englnality which mark the piece nud the humorous aspects with which it abounds have au at tractiveness that cannot be otherwiso than enjoyable aud which nre supplemn.itud by an intelligent rendition of dialcotie acting that is particularly n ivel nud planting. Mr. Curtis, thou h he Ins been playing sover.il years In "Sam'lef Poseu," will for a still Ieul.01' time, lemnlii a laveiltu wherever he gees. Hissiippeit Issulllout Issullleut ly efficient, sitice thu interest which sui sui sui louudsthe chief pcisouuge el the play serves te detiuct attention trem thu ethers and also hides the vvoakuess of the plcoe itself, the success of which, as all knew, has bcen altogether due te the flnu noting of Mr. Curtis. Miss lhebael Iloelh as llelecen assumed the rele this seasen the (list time, but it was a Judicious cheice which placed her iu it, since she Is altogether competent te inturpret it with all the goutleuuss und arehuess which It rueiiirus. M'lle Alblua De Mer as ,1 lie Celete glvus her wull known strong and iutolllgeut rendition of the p irt, whlle all the rest of the oempuiy meet their re quirement very well. llaiebtll Aiming Mtinleiiti. A gamoef baseball was played yoster. d ty en the college grounds botweon the Franklin and Marshall academy and the Yeatcs Instltute elubg. whleh resulted, i ' '" ll,,ulns we.r0 V'wrtfr tlC0v? "" ln fn'er1r lUe f?rlu0'fn '"'wii0 ' Barao wsw 'v"c,l ou aoeouut of darkness, Sills el lteul Cmln Bhubeit A Sutten, re.il estate agents sold nt nubile sale nt thn Leepard hotel ou Sat urilav, Tuesday nud Wednesday evenings, Oct. 27, IIO and Dint, th') following lets be bo be lenging te the estate et Divil lltitmiu, deci used : i in sini r srui'.itr. II and U, te A. J. Kberly, at 6103 caeh : D and C, te Henry Well ut flOtl uaeh : 1011. 170. 171, te Julius Lieb nt $8.1 each ; ui, no, ue, te .leim hehi nt if ion cneh ; I7d, 170, Peter I) lleiibiugh at $100 each: H. te Gee A Mirslnll at )ll)i), 181 te leliu S It-ngiet. 401 , 101,10.', te A J. Hbeily ateilWeacli ; 1S7 ItH. leGustiviii Waltz at $100 each , 10!) 2i)D, te Hunry Frank, at $111 each ; 20.1 201, 2' 1.1, 200, te II ., Illinois ut gUJminh; 207 200, 210, te P. II. lliiiRlngut $1011, $101 $101; .Ml. te llenry Stiuib nt, $l;i ; 211, Ie lleuiHlict Beillide ut illO; 217, le Lewis ltHifmyder at $111 ; 218 210, 22 ), 2J1 2JU, 2J7, '.'J8,te Gee A Mush ill at $121 $12J $1(5, $121, $125, $1.11 $U1; 2.10, 2111, te Henry Frank iit$U1 each ; 211:1, 2111, 211, te Jehn P. Wei.lir at, $120 each ; 21.1,210.217, 201 2.111, 2H7. te Gee a! Marsh ill at $12 J Jl.'O, $12), $101. $101 $71. M VlttON STIll'.KI' Nes, 2r,2S, 20, .1 ), te Goerg.i A Marshall at $10, $U0, $ri, $57 ; ill, ilil, te William llnnsel at $17, $I1S , 11, 51, fit, 5(1, U Ge A Mirslnll at $IV), $in, $11, $ ; II, I'l 17, ti Geerge Lmim at $1'), $17, $11, is, 10, te William llmmel nt $10, $5,1 ; 50, te Geerge Leman at $50. I'llKSTNIT STUKf.r. Nes. 58. 01 01, 05 toGeorgoA Mir sh ill at $13. $02. $72, $30 ; 03, te Goergu MMitnii at $S0 ; GO, Ac, te Wm. Ilensel ut $107 ; 7.1,71, 77, 7s tiiOome A. Mnrslnll at $1211, $112, $153. $I.M , 70. SI. te II. , llhe.itsat$i:iil, $111 , Hi. 80 S7. 83, te Geerge A. Muslull a- $ls, $1.11, $H(, $170 , 01, te Geerge 1 1 ll mm in at $200 : 171, 17.1, 170, te .lehn Best nt $100 each 111 Lis, 1.11). Ill, tolLie.ge A Mushall at $201, $t7i), $170, $JU.l; 1 U, II. . ltheids at $101 ; 1,10. te Audiew Kirk at $171; 151, te It J Hvius at $101 ; 1.12, 111 1.11, teChrisilin Killer t $10, $10.1, $101. 117, 1.1. tell , ItheidsiU$l8, ill's , 10), teP Dili" uinn'i nt $120 ; un, 101, te A. J. F.bsrly at $120. $120 ; 100, 107. top. C Snyder nt $121, $125; 1(58 aud A., toJaneb II irimr, $111, $111. W XI.NtM SIIIUKT Nes. :is'.l. Tl), ti J is.pii . nk at $11). $75 , JJ1, iUJ, .10 1, t) INter Dillenbiiuh at $01, $58, $10 ; I'll, te On is. F. Itongler at $71 , tun t , v W. itussiil at $(10 ; 107, 103. te Ob is F It .r a'. $70. $00 ; 101), toil. A. Ddler it i'l! , 110 IU, te Chas. F. Uengier at $01, $1) , II.', te Hirry A DilU-r at $55. HVttTVI VN's Lirs en MAIttilN HlllKKl. Nes. 21. te Amis ritapleferd ut $102 , 'M. te Win Ilensel a' $10') ; 1) te Jehn Wies at WO ; -I I. t Goerg.i Letn iu at $102 ; 5.1, te Wm. Wan, at $,1. CM I.SIM 1 SlIIKKT. Nes. 00 te leh-i ll,stat $122 ; 02 01, 00, te A. .1. Lberly n $115, $111. $101 ; 70, te Geerge Lmu tn at $101 ; 80 te ll. .. Uheadsat $lJt ; SI, te. I. II Geed at $111 . Ill, te II. .. llheads nt $171 ; 15.1, te Christ. Killer at $18.1 , 180 (Fulton stroet), te Peter Diffenbiugh at $10(5, 190. toGus'iive Wnt. it $100, 201, 202, te Heury Frank it $111. sill , 2J7. 203, te i: A. Hiusiug a' $101 $100; 210, te Lewls Itolfsuyder.it $111 , 221, te Geergo A. Marshall at $115 , 220. te Jehu Hest nt $100; 212, 211 te F. Gretwald at $95, $91 ; 200, t Win. Heusol at $90. rui.reN STUKKT. Ne. 231 te F.nes HVcy at $01 ; 230, 283. te Jehn Best at $(J0, $75 ; 291 te Goe. A. Marshall at $95. wu.vrr snir.nr. Noh. 291, 290. 297. 293.000 te Charles F. Itengierat $100, $100, $100, $100, $30, ti02, H0J, :JU(, te A. W. Kuss-1, at $101 each, 007, te P C. Snwlei at $91 ; :103, te Jehu d. Itengier at $91 ; Oil. "W2, 3.W, Ml. teChailes F. lteng-r at $L!0. $130, $128, $128; UJ.1, 3J(5 337, 3J3, te Jehn F.ibel at $V, $!1C, $150, $110; 339 te Chas. P. Itengier at $01 ; 310, 311, 3t5, 350. te .lehn Libel at $1.1. $78, $77. $S5 , 317, te It. J. K.n.s at $100 , 3.il, .;.', '.' i"i, .t.iii, .'.i7, and a let I et uiiin bored, a triangle, te Jehn Hridig nt $110, 51H $119, $111, $111 $21)0 $91 ; 3H, te te Jehn Hest a $1); 119, n Charles Hoehmo at $10 . 300, te H irrv K Ilermlen at $10 ; 3(51, 302, te A. W Hussl at i it!, $50 ; 30S, te Geerge A. M.usliad at $52 , 309, 370, te Jehn F. Weuhr nt $00, $02 , 373, te Harry A. Diller at $0! ; 371, 375, 370. te A. W. Hussel tit $01, $01 ,$00 ; 380. te Geerge A Marsh ill at 370 ; 331. 332, te A. W. ltussel at $00, $50 , iK5, te Geerge A. Marshall at $0.1 , .is", ,wu te Jehn F. Woehrat $19, $(!n Jeseph Penny, who is new iiinuiug the Pusey ville mill has bought at private sale from Washington Paxseu, the I'.non farm near Kirkwood, containing 30 acres for $70 an aero. Chas T. Lehr, uuctioueir, has sold fur thu executers of Jacob Hcukur, deceased, a two steiy leg framu heusu and let el ground en North Charlette street, te II. A. llcaler for 1301 And the blacksmith stand with full let ei gieuud with barn, &a, comer el North Chsu lotto and Giamby streets, te 1). I). Hnnibjrger, for$l KM). S. P. Smith sold his two steiy d willing house nud half a let of ground, fioutitigeu east side of Neitb Prussian stieet Man helm, te Mrs. Martha Oher, for $1,050 Jan. II. Mace, en , sold his stoic stand with 13 acres of ground and twedwullings at Pennville, te Cyrus ISoniberger, el Petin township, for $7,b00. 1 he I'list nimir. The Hist s'iew of thn sniseu (ell te day. Thore was net much of it, but neverthe less it mieietd and the event is notewoithy because it furnishes us with the important information (if tlieie is any tiuth In tlie wise saw of the ancient weather prophets) that we ure te have twenty eight mero snow storms this winter. '1 he prophcey ruus thus : When thu flistsuew fulls iu Novemhei thore will lie us many snow storms dining tint winter as tliure are days remaiuiiig In tlie mouth after the first full of snow. As this is thn 2d el November thorn aie twenty eight days remaining iu the month, and we must thcrofero expect twenty eight snow storms befere the giecn leaves ceme again. IS.ililiIU nun l'rlrliltf. Ycsteiday was the first day for killing ra bhils, mid gunners turned out iu force. A number from this city spout the day iu the country aud all met with line success. They report rabbits plenty but birds scarce. A party consisting et Couard U ist, James Stone, Peter Nngle, David Mylie, Dana Graham and Mr. Martin killed 57 rabbits and ene partridge. A i'rtnteit te .Supniiilmuluiit lluehrle. While Pief. It. If, Uitehtle, superinten dent nf the publie schools of this elty, was attending tlie Luhigh Instltute at Allan town en Wednesday, he was presented with Reger's i.ew group, " Neighboring Pews," as a mark of oateem, by Ellis 11. Llglitonwaluer. formerly a pupil of his, and new piuctielng law at Macungle. 7" Arm llruKeii lienjamiii Sheuk of the Ilrm of shuuk & llaiismau, iiiGiuauce agents met with au accident ycsteidav nt Loek Haven. IIe was about (maiding a train for this city when he slipped and fell en thn platform breaking his arm. He came home en a later train. Ueurt Te-mnrriiir. Court will meul te morrow mmiilug at 10 o'clock, when oleotlou watuhers will be appointed nnd ether business trans acted. Turnplue llprueil, Yesterday morning the eempauy began collecting tells en the new plke Lotwcen Lititz nud ltothsvllle.