LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER in. IXs:?. fr lUncastct IiitcIHflcnccr WEDNESDAY KVBNINQ, OCT, 31, N383. " Jtlnlne nml llie Siirph" Kerennc. Tlie speech of ex-Senater Wnllnce nt Yerk, Inst night, in which he exposed the surplus rovenue distribution propo prepo sition, should be rend by every voter in Pennsylvania who cares te knew the details, and the meaning of one of the most insidious and dangerous political schemes presented te the country during the present generation. This ultcrance neglects nene of the brandies of the question. Its unconstitutionality is Im pressed with nil the ferce that logic nnd precedent can impart te it. Its danger te both the general government nnd the state, te local institutions and te the individual, 13 presented in the simplest and yet In the strongest language. Its pktce in the general plan of consolida tion se perseverlngly pursued during the past twenty years, i3 set forth se that no Intelligent man can mlstake Its de sign and its effects. In addition te all this, the remedy is suggested and en forced that the only way te distribute the surplus revenue Is net te collect it. This question passed the limits of practical statesmanship the moment it was suggested. Us very origin taking it out of this category. Wat it new appears from Mr. Stewart'a speech that is in vested with personal significance net heretofore admitted. It is simply pait and parcel of a scheme te nominate Mr. Blaine for president. The " plumed knlght'is found te be strutting under the tiwdy and bfdrnbbled feathers of Whar Whar eon Darker. The Pennsylvania Rvub licans nre simply the decoy which shall bring game te the aim and leaded gun of the historian from Maine. Wack of 1? ir . ker.back of Kelley, back of Stewart, hick of harmony, stalks the writer of the Mulligan letters, the l't. Smith rail read bends, the convenient sunstroke, the pyrotechnic prize policy of the dis appointed Wlainc. Little, parhips, did the Stalwarts of Pennsylvania think that they were conferring power upon their worst and most vindictive enemy when for the sake of harmony and te oblige theso whom they stigmatized as cr.iuks"and "dudes," they endowed this propesiti jn of an apparently harm, less crank. Hut Senater s-ewart, the new spokesman of a united party, se cilled, lias exposed the whole scheme, and in spite of the shadows et the Stalwarts they are marching te the most familiar of the Blaine terms But such a scheme comports with the intuie and the methods of the M une a'atesman. As is the individual in lis private affairs se he will be in his rein rein ten te the public. Fer years slnce his eitrance into politics lilaine has been collecting u surplus. Hew it was ib. tiined is notorious. Hew hcj turned his elllcial position Inte personal power and Inte money need net be recounted. B it successful as he has been in collect i .g n surplus he 13 net anxious te dis girge if the government can be again drawn up m te pay his bills. Hence lie liC3ilates te distribute his own surplus until the effort te pay out of the general government for his btmetU has failed. It is psrfestly natural that he should b in this scheme. It has money in it. it 13 the giving out of money belonging te the people. It ha in it the elements of splendor and whatever Maine does must have in it the glare and glitter with which Ills tawdry life has bsen made up. He knows nothing of the quiet work, the gradual siviiu, the pinching econ emy which have crea'ed and preserved the material progress of the country. Therefore, it ought te have been ex pasted th it he would be found behind the policy which proposed te continue te take $10 annually from the head of each family In the country in order te die. trlbute it for education for which there Is no need, and te fe3ter public extrava gance and its accompanying corruption Democracy s. 1'cdcrnliMu Ever since the organization of our government by the adoption of the con stltutieu of tlie United States, there have been but two patties in the country, the Demeciatlc nnd the Federal piuty. It Is true that parties in opposition te the Democracy, have at various tunes and in various places sprung up, but their prin ciples se far as they contended for any principles of government, were essen tially Federal in their character. When the old Federal party of Hamil ten and Adams was formed, its tendency te impress a consolidation and ceutiali zatieu of all governmental power in the general government, led it into the attempt te crush the reserved piwtrs vested by the e institution in Hit' stales and In the people, of which the alien ami sedition lawn were the me3t prominent results. It lest its held upon the people and gradually sank out of power In nearly every state In the Union. Upen Its disruption as a national oigunizatien, the "Whig party, under the leader ship of Henry Clay, rese in opposition te the Democracy in Hemu of the states -. in ethers, such a3 Pennsylvania and Ver ment, a party was organized in opposi tion te the Democracy, under the banner of nntl-Musenry, but It seen btcaine merged with the Whig patty, whebe principles were tho3e of federalism ; the granting of upsclal privileges te the few at the expeuce of the many, In the shape of enacting high protective duties en foreign Imports ; nnd concentrating the meneyed power of the country In the general government by menus of a national bank. When in turn the Whig party had lest Its power, thepilnclples of federalism, with which it was leaveued, appealed te the religious elements of the country In opposition te Catholicism ; which resulted in the formation of the Kuow-Nething or American party, secret oath bound association, whose only principle of action was te gain power by appealing te the prejudices of the people. The iniquity of the alien nnd sedition laws of the Eider Adams, were a mild species of despotism compared te the ends which the Knew-Nothing parly had In view. The geed aense of the American people refused te confer power upon a party whose principles were based en religious fanaticism, aud Knew Keth Jngism died away as rapidly as it rese; but only te be absorbed by the llepub lican party of the present day, which In Its principles nnd practice has shown itself te be direct scion of the Federal party, nnd its legitimate heir. "Ne as sumptien of power was tee great for it te exercise no limitations of the censtl tutien were a restraint te Us design of legislating for its own continuance in power. Its leaders, drunk with their success, boasted that the Democratic party was forever dead. Vain delusion ! The Democratic party, Inspired by the true Jnterpretrntlen of the national con stllutlen, can never die while that Ins'rument remains the chnrtcr of the liberties of the people. The signs iudicate a near disruption of the Republican party. But with its disruption, the Federalism of the coun try will be organized into some ether party and contlnue its baneful effort toward centralization. It begins te leek as though the Repub lican senatorial address would be a boom craug, the roeoll of which would serve te heap up the Democratic votes en Tucf diy next. It Is semewhat noteworthy that while t'ae aggregate vote for governor In Ohie was 718,100, thore were, as the ollleial count shows, only elevcu Battering votes, all the rest being given te the four regu larly nominated candidates. Tin: thelt of the prcsldency by the He -publicans in 1S70, the corruption tint uttcuded the auecess of that party in lSO' and the gcucral demoralization and apathy tint Is new prevalent among its once anient adherents all conclusively preve that its race is run. Tur. Republicans arc all alleged t be tinder uue reef this year. Tha peliti cal weather must have s idly ad'eeted the condition of the reef within the past few weeks, for there are a great many holes in it. It is hut poorly prepared for the inevit able delude that awaits it in Njvembjr. Hit i.r.TT Kilueuun wants $23,000 jer day fet the tifteen dayr during which he was immuied in prison by order of the Scrgcaut-at Arms of the Heme of Reprcs entativesat Washiogteu. The modesty of the de maud shows that Mr. Kilbourn is net seeKiug a rnemed vindication. Oeiisev has gtven $5,000 te a college in New Mexico This waste of money when it is se wefnlly uoeded in circles is tej hid. Tue astute distributor of "seip '" in Indiana should see te it that the inst. tutien thus benefited by his de nation uses an expurgated history of the United States, in which the story of Dor Der sey' complicity with the S:ar Koute frauds will be religiously emitted. !ema time The mouth was October, the treits haj come down, 1 In- woeillatiils were cirW anl yellow nnl brown ; Tl Imtieus neru iratliereil tlie nUlil-. liivl Ktenn chill. Hut w arm was the tlay en the south et the bill. 'Tivas there w Itli our bags and ear baskets w a went. Ami semcnlng the dry leaves w s bu-tlly bent, liiu cbertnuli wure bl, the beechnuts worn small. II ul b-tli sorts are welcome, te boys In the UU. Ami w lien, lit the usliea benuath thu bright ll.inm, tin oves ei ie-mbur. nltb laughter unit name. Tlie sweutiiienUiire reulml, we recollect still Hew line wiin tlie itay en the south nt the hill. St. yichetai Twe Lmden railway stations were shat tercd yesterday in a mysterious maimer, aud as with all things olse that de net admit of immediate explanation, the out eut out rige was promptly attributed te the Feniint. It is hard ti timhrst.and hew any orgauizitien ctn rocegniz crime as ene of its Icjltlmite mstheds of operation, hut English hostility te Irelaud aud every tiling Irish tends te blind for a tinp the reasoning facilities of the peeple. If. is i reported, four dynamite cartridges wen' found near the ccene of ene of the oxple si einc'usively proves that the direfnl work was dene by a few irresponsible llcuds, fcuch as iierpetratcd the l'uaaix Park assassinations. Te say tuat all the acts of d'jiparate tneu en Kauliah soil, that can net otherwlse be explained, hava tbalr root in Irish bttrcd of Hnglaivl is te reach a cjiichi-iiea uet warranted by the prcmlsun. As wel' mihf i'. bs said that Jacob Oaug.away, recently convicted in our courts of wreck ing attain whereby a life was lest, is a revolutionist snekiug te destroy tlie noin nein noin meuwealtli. FBATOKES OF THE HIATB PRESS. Tlie Wet tJboster Republican has a new attack of the Frankford malady. The Ptiiladclphi i Press is haid te have increas.d in circulation 14,000since Its 2 cent reduction. The Ciiambersburg Valley Spirit asks for an aflldivit from Niles as te liis peBl tieu in the ISeivcr campaign. The I'lttsbiug Ttlvjraph has reached the cnnoluhien that te live a few milea out from a small town in order te get a half dozen acres of grenml bad policy. The l'hilalelphia Keening 'leUgraph thinks that of the Stalwart senator ial athliess outfit'., te he sent te all the institutions In the tttate for feehle iniuded children. Thenuli only soven weeks old, the Sun day editleu of the Pittsburg Duputch haH already re.ached the phoneinoiial circula tion of 17,000, a tribute te iti merit.s as (ratifying as It is doservlug. If the actual Is evor te ba improved, nays the .1irrtri(i;i, it must be through the ideal. Te try te hoparate the two, in life or in literature nlike, U te attempt te soparate body and soul. The Suiihury Daily has lucreasjd Its sl.e and revolutionized its appoarnnee, and it is new a hatidsome nheet, creditable alike te its owuers and the town wherein I' is publisbetl. Tli Pittsburg DUpiUet, Hep., observo taat i.i i peeple who have kept traek of the npp irtionraent light will be able te judgoeftho Republican senaterial atate ment by Its true value, whieh is of n neg. ntive qnallty. Hiij-i lie Will Heat Tuuner. EAsrejf, Oot. Ul'. Small, the hersa thief, hoganthe twonty-feurtlt day of his fust this mernlug, in thu liolvldcre, N. J,, Jail, His pulse was C4. He obtains very little sleep and has lest thirty pounds slnce his incarceration, Smull saya hn intends te beat Tanner's record by ten days, LONDON SOARED. TWO Sim I.TANKOUs KXPI.OSIONS. NnmtiMn of atunclcd rnMMiRf r rminit Th (liilriice Cliarsul te rcnunn- Ottier Lrtte Na About t o'clock Tuesday evuuiug a ter nble explosion occurred near Pr.aed street underground station en the Metropolitan railway in Londen, Eugland. On the tlrst alarm a strong cordon of pollen was sum moned te preserve order, te keep the way clear and toeotive wounded people te the hospitals. Passangers who wero en the train at the scoue of the explosion say that thore was suddenly a loud report like that of a camion, thou a sudden darkness, the gas lights from the front te tue rear of the train being put out. The glass was broken and splluters of weed llew about the cars, cutting and wounding many passengers. Abeve the diii was heard the shrieks of tlie li'Jured aud panic stricken peeple. All occurred in a momeut and for a while con fusion reiuned supreme. The tra. n, which was crowded, contained principally country visitors rcturnim; from the Pishenes exhibition. After leaving the station the tram traveled steadily ahead, though the e ncus4ien smashed uearly all the lamps in the Pracd Street station and caused much damage te the permanent waj. hen the train leached the uext htatlei), Kdgewaru read, the tlrst ell'ert was made te rescue the wounded. Seme wero dreadfuliy burned, but mero were prostrated by fright. All the doetors, surgeons aud dispensaries in the neighbor hood were called into requisition. Tne ilrst impression was that an explo sion of gas had caus'd the disaster, but later mi'itries teud te show malice. The two rear carriages wero damaged the most. They .it e mere skeletons, One theory is that th. explosion was caused by foul gas accumulating in the tunnel. Thls.howevor, is untenable, because ue premonitory symptoms were observed. The geunral opinion of tbe railway etUcials and of ex perts is that the tltsaster was caused by seme explosive material, which had been placed p. eh ibly in the rearmost carriage. A searching inquiry is proceeding. It is bolievrd that about forty persons were injured, seme of thorn dangerously. Almest simultaneous with the Praed street aflair a violeut explosion occurred en the I ndcrgretiud railway, botweeu Charitii; Cress aud Westminster stations The windows et the signahug stations in the tunnel wero shattered and at Charing Cress the glass reef of the station partly collapsed. The report was like that of artillery. The effects were hke theso of the Praed street explosion. Carriage lamps windows, etc.. were smashed. All traffic was suspended for a while. Tueugh both explosions are mtttcrs of the greatest mystery they are generally thought te have been of Feuiau origin. The shocks of both explosions are de ocribed by elllcials as very similar te the shock of explosion at the local government elliee last March, in which Dr. Gallagher was implicated. It was stated that four machines, similar te reckets were found in the tunnel near the Praed street sta tion. Altogether six carriages were shat tereil by the Praed street cxplosteas. Though about forty persons were admit ted te the hospitals, many mero were injured, but they were seut directly te their own homes .1UH1 MiTK3. Item or Intercut UediIcukiI. " Immense crendt " el locusts are le le pertcd te have appaare 1 in the Mexican state of Pueblo. The llcr'.tu A'erfi German Gazette denies the existence of an aggroasive alliance and declares that the powers have only united te sccure the pcaca of liurope. Henry .lenes was fatally shot by Thes. Matthews, in Dinwiddie county, Virginia, a few days age aud is reported te be djing. Matthews escaped, .lenes was tee intimate with Mrs. Matthews. Flaxter Sttngley, city marshal of Saltda, Colerado, was fatally shot a few days ae by Frank Reed, a cowboy, whom he was trjing te arret for stealing cattle. Reed escaped. Asovere of eut'iquike, acjitn panicd Juy subtft ratio in rumblings, was felt as Ivituioutec the etptul of the gov gev gov ertimoBt of Podeha, Russia, .Monday oveniag. The shock UUed thirty secends. At Halifax, Neva Sjetia, yosterd.ay, Jauies HeUnns and William Hraoken were committed for trial in the suprome court for hwiug dyuamite aud ether dangerous explosives in thei.- possession. IJ id was refused. The Hansom cab company of Chicago was organized a week age. It is an nounced that tin company will have fifty vehicles in the streets by tbe tlrst of January and iHty nure s ion after that date. A soeond cise of "acib" having ap peared among a let of sheep in Montreal, destined ler nhip:nent, the Canadian do de do partment of ngnoulture has ordered the slaughter of tlie whele let. This plan will be followed in all uch cases, in onler te proveut Catu la from being " sched uled " by England. At It jtue Cardinal Hoheiileho ha3 writ ten au apjlegy te the peps rogretttug the false statements that had bsen made about himself, and stating his willingness te returu te Rune immediately if his holiness se desires. According te a special dispateh from Dallas, Texas, te the New Yerk Keening J'est, thoie was no foundation for the rumoied iiogre outbreak atOanse, aud the governor is soveroly censured for sending tioeps there. The place is only a cress toad. The fair of the Maryland agricultural soeirtv began at the fair greuuds at Punlioe, Md . Tuesday, with "the ilneit display et stock cvei semi in the state." Thore are 15 herds of JeiBey cattle. At a meeting el the Independent coleied eteis of ii ihten, Tuesday night, a loiter from Wendell Phillips recommending thorn te vete for Ueiijaniui P. Iiutler, " ene of the best friends tha colored man has ever had " Ariichftuf iiuorperation of the "United htaU-s Central railroad oeinpauy," capital 75, 000, 000, wero lllcd ycstertlay in Don Den vor, Colerado. The company is a consoli censoli conseli tlation of the Sin Frauoiseo and Ocean Shero. California Central, aud Denver, Het Springs and Pauille oempauics, and tlie read will inn from San Frauoiseo te Denvor via Hanta Cm. A pjrtien of a freight train en the Jortlieru railroad, consisting of 17 plat form eirs loided with ore3stles, foil threigh a tiotle bridge 15 miles from nariesten, Seutli Carolina, yesterday. j: giucer P. IJ. titration was killed and iuiuu uoiercu men injured iiie cam caught flre fiem the oiigiue and wero consumed. About 200 feet or the trestle was destroyed. Tlie llrt hale of cotton evor picked from tlie Held by maohiuery was shown at the u.itten oxehaugo at Galveston, Seuth Car olina, yesterday. Its condition was pro nounced as geed as hand pioked oetton ei the h mie giade, nnd it was oenoodod that, if plaoed with ethors, It could net be dls tlugti shett from hand pioked oetton. The mnchiiie is operated by ene herse aud ene man, and will harvest 2J te 11 hales a day. aOVl.Il.N3IKNrl, MATIHKI. I'liliiK I'erUlnlUK te Ulllces nml timcery, The president bus reoegulzod J. R Plunteu as consul general nt the Nethor Nether Nethor laudsntNew Yerk. Commedore A. O. lib. I ml was icsterday prometod te be icar admiral aud will he plaoed en the retired hht te day, Captain Jehn II, Russel was ycnterduy promoted te the rank of commedoro and !...,. ...1 I .. f . f . 1 n. ordercd te command the navy yatd at Mare island, California. Jehn C. New assistant socretary of the treasury, yesterday rolteratod te an asso ciated press representative that " he docs mrt coutemplato rcslgnlug." K M. Marble, commissioner el patents will leave lilsotllce te day and lleiijamln lhittcrwerth, his ttiivosse:, will take charge te morrow. foerotary Felger, vterdiv appolntetl Milllln Kmlen, of IVs M i.iiim, Iowa, te be supervising arc! itect of tlie treasury, in tilaoe of J.O. Hill, resigned. Mr. Hell as nrohltcet of tlie capital buddings at Spring Held, llllne, nutl Des Menies A cabinet meeting was held yesterday. It is said that ene of the mattem consider ed was thn advisability of ordering courts of inquiry te intcsthrate the eoudtiet nl Commaiider Wildes. I . S. N., and Lieu tenant Oarllngten, l . S A., In the recent Oreely rollef expedition, iti ertler te llx the responsibility for the failure of the ex pedition. In n dispatch te tin depirtmeutef state the I'lilteil Stites minister at Honolulu re ports a meeting of the Hawaiian cabinet, when .i resolution et Apr. I l. l.), pre testing against furthci i. ion of Chinese laborers unmigri'i n of Clitnese laboreis into the Haw aim islands, was rescinded, and a resolution adepted tustcad authorizing the immigration et such labor ers under certain icsttu'tien, at a rate net te exceed 000 in any threo month-. It is said a large uumbei of Chinamen return te China nt the cxpiratieu et thmi con tracts, which is given ai a leasjn for the action taken. A UT.U.l.lMI llttHK. A .tturtlcrpr Cenlrnnliil t tlie llleuily Ulotlie- el IIU Victim During the trill in Pml.idelphii Tues day of Charles Hriggs for miirdcriug his alleged wife the blenl stained clethes of the dead woman were presented, ciusuig a decided sensation in court. Hriggs. sit ting in the deck, stared at the awful sight for nearly a minute and his Inu Is tremb led. Then he shut his eyes for a while and wheu he opened them again turned his gaze te the ceiling and kept it ther while the besmeared garments remained in court, The murdered woman's child told a very direct aud circumstantial story of the crime saying that Hriggs sent he- out te get seme cuter aud en nor returu Mie met him coming from the eMIir with a bloody razor in his hand. " He aid te me ' 1 have doue r .' and I asked him what he h ul done, and he said ' Ge down and me whit I have done.1 I went djwn into tin cellar nnd I saw my mamma ou the ll ei en the right hand side of the cellar stain. I oame up stairs and ci led, and ln taken out of tbe heust and I weu tj a lady's house next deer. Hefore I wjut Mr I)w, Basked Mr. Hriggs what hi- bad done, and Mr. Hriggs said, ' Let mewipe the bleed oil my hand ;' but Mr. I. wis wouldn't M him wipe his haud." The defense set tip tin tin mm as Insane. l'estal Ilcrcnurs for me I'm! Yenr The estimated amount of reven ues for the tiscilyeir begiuuing en July 1, next, including l W,t00 os'.imr.teil receipts from money order bajriesa is 17, 10-1,07. The cstim.ited expend. ture for the same tirne is $e0,0t,J,l,Ol which will leave a deficiency in revenue of $2,9V1I1 In his message te CeugriS. loejmmeudiug a reduction of the le'.tcr ratj te two cents, President Arthur exp.-isoed tlie opinion that a reduction w mM c.i.tie a detic.eucy of $3,000,000 m the tits, y.-ar, an 1 rhe etll -cial estimate just riveu shows hu estimatc te have bceu withiu about ill, 000 of the deficiency ai computed npjn the receipts of the department. 1 r.en tlie two cnt rate was tu pra:tteil epj.-ati m PeJtmister Uuidokeper. of Philadelphia, who was at ene tirne strongly eppjjed te tin aioptien of the two cent letter rate pistige, new declares that thj wisdim of tin change has been amp' prwea by tha lnireasad business in his etlij i aa 1 tha he no longer doubts the smcess of the tin lei taking Tnc ISrlilozrejin t'uiucth .iet. Kugone Lynch anil .Mary Mulcahey were te have been married Tuesday morning in the church of the Sacred Heart, nt New Haven, Conn. The church was tilled with people and the street line I with carr ages in which the guests had com, the parents of the brtde beiug well te de and of large acquaintance. The c.ewd waited for an hour beyond the appointed tune for the bridal party te appearand wete finally dis persed by the news that tlie bridegroom had run away. He arose early in the mernlug and left the ei.y for parts un known. Hohasbmiea geed reputation. It is surmised that he had inisiepresented his financial condition and decided net te assume the responsibilities of married life. The lady has the sympathy of her many friends who are vety indignant nt LynMi's conduct. .iiim Terrj'n -ucci Mr. Irving aud Mifs Terry appeared last evening at the Star theatre, New Yerk, in " Charles I , " and were wel corned by a larce and friendly audicnoe. Mr. Irving continued th! gi ed impression he had made en the inM evening. Miss Terry received n most c ,rdia! reception en her entry, and made se exjellent an 1m presslen upon her audieDC", h ,th by her charming perBenality ai.d In r ndmlrable acting, that long before the evt-ning was ever she had llrmly establish? herself in the geed gracas el hr new publie, who mero than ence at the fa'l of the curtain invited her with ecry enthmintic mark of approbation te corn e before tha house te recolve in person Its acknowledgments and congratulations. Her suceuss was unquestionable. I'EltaONAL. Hen v no Sf.vmelu thinks that the coming political issue is the tat ul issue. Caiii. Sairiu oxelaims that the rumor that he is te quit tin New Yerk Pett is absurd. Kn Shnateii S. W. Deusky, new Hung en his ranch in Colfax county, New .Mux ioe, has given $5,000 te tlie University of New Mexico, without ejiiditiuns. Yeunu Ut'eiutr: Gen.n is papular among the club men of New Yerk and rumor saya that, tlinui'li he Is net a Mnnniltlirlff ),,, spends cousldernblo money. Kst vi.M.s 1h a new Paris tenor with a hurpasslngly ilue veice and great nlcill in using It ; but, alas, he Is se short and fat as te be ridiculous hi the horelo ml, u of grand opera. Sr.NATOit i:, of North Carolina, in spcakimr of his career in Washington. .nul rucHiitlv t "I was mnhtv il.vwl .. ,mt here, but I'll be hanged if I'm, net Higher ueau te get, away . Mn. Simmuumn, a Fleiidan, known as "Ivini? of the Crackers." U nnn .r tin. richest oattle owners in the state, ene of its most ccoentrio oiiaraetors and the tlrst Amerlcan born in Flerida aftei the state was ceded te thn United States govern by the Spaniards In 1810 Mo.Nsievoii C.M'i'i. thus spaaks of the American peeple whom he has met in his trave's : "Fer mero than twnnty years I have had intimnte relations with many of thorn, ami I find a rethiement, a dolicaey, a gnnoresity existing in tlieir character which mauy foicignern have failed te acknowledge" Wn.uti: Cei.i.tNH writes most of Ida novels with his own hand, but new and thou lhoumatle gout glves him such pain that he cannot held a pen, and thou he otnpleys an ninanuensis. The latter must beceme acoustemed te the IiewIh of pain with which he occasionally punetuatOH his dlotatlen. A TJSUlUBJiE FATE. THIS ltt'.t'BNT tlVNAMITi: f.M'MISlUM. I'nrtlirr I'nrlltnUrs Uenrrrnlmt tlie Arr - ilent ut I'eiilliifiics rtii Itnlireml rmiiblfl nt l.rb.iiiiin Net let Atritticril. Htttiilicds of people visited the scoue of the dyuamite explosion at Drunk's tunnel, nt Ciiutlueuce, Pa., Monday. A piece of a human feet was ploke I up half u inile from the shed ihere tint explisive was stored. A linger was found in another place, ene side of n man's was found ledged in a tice, nnd bits of clothing and small pieces of ilesh were found in various places. The shed was reduced te splluters. Where It steed thore is n hole In the ground U leet deep and !U) or 10 feet in eircuuiferencj. Lirge trees woie tern up by tlie roots, and pieces of rock, seme el them weighing as much as a ten, were hurled in all directions. The Mioek caused by the explosion was felt nt a distauoe et 10 miles. Many persons thought it was an earthquake, and hurriedly left thetr houses Three of the t, ictlm were laborers empliyed in widening the tunnel.-, the ether two were part of the crew et the graiel train. The wero neatrd In the dynamite house around n het stove, when the heat became se oppressivo that two of them left the building and went across the river, the ether three remaining. About this tune Kugiuuer Gee. Reynolds nnd Flam.i'i Chai'es Tissue oame through the tunnel from the west with their gravel train, ami rait it en n siding in order te permit a freight train which was following te pass, l'he freight tram did net cime up as seen as was ex pected, aud Reynolds and Ttsstie walked towards the mouth of the tunnel te see if it was approaching. Seeing that he had a few minutes te spire, Reynolds en the ground with hts b.aek against the building, and, taking a uewspipjr from his pjjkct, began te run 1. Tissue steed near by. .last then the explosion occurred, nnd building and meu disappeared. Hair of six colors was found, levdiug te tha bel.ef that six men perished. int. t.r.o,Ne it u. nuiii iv.ui l'he DilUetilly -till Un.cltleO. The forces of the wirring Cornwall and Lebiueu and the Cornwall railroad com panics are resting en their arms. Tuesday the c mrt grante 1 an Injunction restrain ing It. H. Celeman from building the Cornwall and Lebanon railroad thremli that portion of the Celemiu oatate that is controlled by the Frceman heirs. The line of the new read tuus from the Middle Ore Hill te Lebanon. Last week the empleyes of Mr Celeman laid a quarter of a mile of read between the Rig aud Little Ore hills. This put of the work was completed las. Saturday aud that opening three hundred men employed by Charles Freeman swiieped down aud destroyed it. Tracks, ties and timbers wero ripped up and tumbled down an embankment When the Hungarian troops of Mr. Coletuau returned te work they found Sir Freeman's Mileri in sap pers aud minei.i in p iisassionef the held. I'lie leaders ha 1 great diuicully in prevent ing b!e)dsbed, an i it was only nfte. u lebg wraugle that the Cornwall nnd Lobaneu men retnated. The stemiy weather pi e vented the Celeman root, from renewing work, a. id en Tuesday when they were ready te light or begin lelayiug the tracks they were stepped by an injunction. A detachment of workmen in the employ of Mr. Freemau guard the wrei'kcd rea lwny n ght and day. Mr. Frceman aud Mr. Celeman, the bust known heirs of the famous Cornwall iron estate, are young meu and cousins, The Cornwall railreid was p.ut of the estate and Rjbert, who controlled three-fifths of the stock and managed the read, disagreed with Mr Freeman. The Freeman party get p issesjieii of the old reid and tin u Mr. C tleman c ineeived the idea of build ing the new read from Cornwall te Leb anon. When he boc.ime el age he built the tlncst furnace in the state at Cornwall and a railroad from the ere iniues te Couewago, en the Pennsylvania railroad. This is known as the Colobreok read. The Cornwall read for several years re turned an annual dlvidcned of 30 per ce-.t. te its owners, but latterly the loweriag of freight rates cut the pretlts down one half. The main line of the Cornwall and L-ba uen read is completodbctwoen the furnace aud Eighth street, Lsbauen. It is Mr Celeman's intention, however, te carry the read through Lebanon te the new b lit and pike works, and engiuccrs several days age survoyed the tioighbirheod through whieh the extension was te In made. The Reading railroad eimpany tearing this and, it is said, bsdlcving that the ex tension of the Cornwall & Lebanon rail read was te be made in the Interest of the Pennsylvania company, at enca set up a bloskade. 'I ke or three switches wero primptly run from the Reading railroad belew Ihghth street directly across the Inn surveyed by Mr. Celeman's engineer. These sidings are carried ever a crrek en piles of cress ties ten feet high, and the tiacks en top are laid in the most careless way. On thn traeks stand lines of dilapi dattd coal cars. The Celeman peeple say that tlieir trasks will be carried around the town if they are blocked out of thii thii eriginal roil tc. still lilt I sis for Henry ulay. Lliu lunatt Cetntnerclul (iazu'le On the streets yesterday ene might have seen an ap.ud gcutletnan whose hair llewcd in whlte waves evor his shoulders, while his heard was bushy and long, and his wide brimmed he ft felt hat and strange garb told that he was a stranger. He was Judge N. Haunieg Norten, from Dallas, Texas, and years age he was a violent Whig. When Henry Clay made his Ilrst, great race for the presidency, Judge Norten selemnly vowed that he would never cut his hair until he saw his leader in the White Hetise. Hut Henry Clay never reached the White Huuse, nnd consequently for all theso years, since 1813 the judge's hair has been growing aud growing and will still contiuue te grew until the baud of death cuts it short. Sulclde Ireiu u Within a few minutes nftcr thu Seuth ferryboat Pacille left her slip en the New Yerk side of the river, Tuesday ovening, about 8 o'elook, ene of the passengers, a well drcssed man, about twenty six years, steppjd ever the chain nt the Mem and sprang into tlie river. The act was wit nessed by soveral persons and an alarm was raised. The ferryboat was promptly stepped and life preservers wero thrown toward the man, who wns quickly dis appearing in thu darkness, One of thu small beats was also lowercd by the dcek hands, who made a clese search for the miit), hut without avail. Toe occurieiicn was lopertcd te the Uroeklyn police Hlioetlnic ou lliuliliitiil l'ntHtes. A Mr. Dougall, writing te the Londen Ttmet, en the rise in the value of Highland ostates, says that up te oine 40 years age the priviloge of following Held sports had little or ue value in the mnrket. It was even considered a ruile thing for a pre prioter te rofuse a day or two's sheeting te any stranger who might solicit the priviloge. New the Scottish shootings have a commercial value, if oipitallred, of nut less than 12,000,000, with an annual value of soveral hundred tlieusaud pounds. Mr. Dougall montlens various instances nhewiiig that the rlae hi the value of spott spett lug ostates has net yet reached its highest peint,btit will contlnue te go en paripatm with the Increase of travellng facilities. I'ltlKNltl.KSI 1.1111,15 OMI'.I. A l'riMollleii te Tnnntir tlie I'anpnr Will Will (Iren el llerUs County te the Hteirtm Heme. ItendlliR Kugle. At their meeting at the nlmsheusn en Monday iiltorneon, the peer dheoters of llerlts county dismissed with the county eoiuinlssletiorn the preposition te eroet an home for tlie pauper children new ut the almshouse. I'IiimIiioiMeih een eluded that the ehildicu ought te hu in moved as seen as possible, but as no pro pre vision had et brcti made for the meet Ien of stieh a liottie, and as the grand Jury will Hi Mt have te leoemitietid It nt the Nevetnbei term of court, whleh will postpone its building until piehably neit spring, it was decided te net In tlie mutter at once. The p ler duootois,thoio dueotois,thoio duoetois,thoio fore, Instructed their ulerk te wrlte te the L.iuc.utrt autherltes, who hae such an Industrial home, asking whether they will take tlie children fiem the Heiks alius alius heuse until our own home is completed. If a favorable icply is leeeived, the chit dren will be transferred, Herks county te pay the hills for their keep in; The net passed by the Lcgislatiue doeit net con tempi ite that nvrry county shall build its own children's industrial heinn but sovernl counties may combine, and It may be thnt the lemeval of the children Irem thn Hrks almshouse- te the Lancaster institu tion is part of this plan. in: i.nw liiterrfttttig (lifurO "1'iri. Iiimik Unltle lljltiK Ultti Splrule I'atfr. Themas Griest, of Fulton township, this county, has sold te Isaac Hiadley 5") acres of laud ut 841 25 per note. Muddy Run 1. P. church, In Maitie t iwushlp, is sud te bi. the llrst church of that denomination in the I tilled States. The prtvsetr church is the thud ene elected at or neai the place. At the raising et the new barn en the Pouueok l.irin, at Oatorare, ou Wednesday list, 135 men and 35 women partlelpitetl. The latter piepued the feast of geed things. All pieved etlletuiit helpers. There stiuds en the farm of Jehn Wil Wil eon, esq, t'n eldest miuiu Driitnere township, near Couewiugo lurnae. an old chimney of a hotise ou winch Mt. Wilsen htmself put a reef sixty jears age. The root he took off wns said te have been en 8ix'-Mve ycirs. The legs of the house aie being used in the construction of a new house en a site en the same farm. As te the age of the legs no ene knows. Hill Davis, of Ojtorare, this c mnty, hits been unfortuunte with n 1 it of stock cattle roeentlv pinch utid. lie obtained 30 luad of O.iie cattle a. West Liberty and had then shipped nutl lauded at Lis farm about two weeks age. Soen after their arrival several wire attacked with spicule fever and last wool; seven et them died. Several mere are sick, but Mr. Dims is doctoring them and hopes te he able te arrest the disease. .Limes F. Turner, a neighbor of Mr Dans, also bought 41 heal at llie iiait.e t'.u-, nnd R. H. I'.tucrseu 2 ' he id, b i the were of a diffeiAht let ami none of them hive been nfldetcd with the diea-e. llfltPii Unt etuat fit re Harrl-Lurrf l'trle. The Pennsylvania railroad company loses e Msiderab'e m mey every "d iy by the non arres riorsen who steal tides en the freigV tram b tweeu this oily and Lincaster. t'hiire is net a train en the lower division but what comes into the city well fieUh'ed with thesj trespassers. Yesterday aftorueoo ou two trams that passed a Patriot rep . U :, in the neighbor heed of the Paxteti ire'i rks, no less than oighteon ride xteatus were feen. Twelve el them were en one tram. This is earned ou in di) light, and by pirseni who are uet tramps by any ineatis -at least they wear go- d e'jtl rs and are tidy in npp. .intuce. Hill liiiprueiiitil- Gvorge Reller has recently completed seme important imp'ovemoutn at his Pt'qiua lleuring mills. He has had the the old Hnruh.itn turb ae wlien-l and psu psu psu stoeic take ii out, a nnvr patistoek built aud two of Wm. Morcer's " Conestoga" tur b; ie wheels put in Tuesj wheels that are 13 inches .u diameter each, are found te take no mero witer than the old 51 in.'h wheel that wai lo.nived, while they furnish just (louble the amount of power Tha old cig gearlng of the mill has also bee i i vn we i and ropiieod by belting. His II unt nl llcullli. The beard of h"n!th met last night, but h'.tle busiDciib of impnrtanoe was trans acted. I'hey discussed theapp nntment of vacciue phyhiciaus nml also thought it advisable te bring suits against ihose physicians, clergy men aud etlicrs who de net make tlieir (juartrly repeits Dollnite action was postponed until next woek's meeting. Dr. 1'itzpatriek reported but thrre rises of binallpex under tioatment. j'ftllre Uurs mayor had two customers The this morning, betlt or whom woie arrested for drunken and disorderly c mdti'it, aud bilh of whom were diicharged en payment of costs. Alderman Samson committed Philip Petitz for 15 days ami Lizzie Klltie ler 10 days for diunken and disorderly conduct. dme Mali. Yesterday the aherifl sorved thu papers ou the defendants residing in ami around Marietta in the replevin case for cattle, which are allegrd te have been stelen in Hutl'ale. Jehn Shillew gave bail in thn sum of 41,200 for all of the cattle, which it Is Haiti the phiutiffs have dilllciuty in identifying. I'nx Kllleil. List night Iiluii and Prank Mehalfy, Charlea lvatilltuan aud Frank Slguian were out hunting fei skuiikh when they started up n fox which was caught nnd killed by the tlegn near Harnish station. The animal was very laige, and hn cer tainly wns oil' his base wlien he get in that put el the country. .1 Heavy nliirigairr. Tliis ineiniiig a $11,000,000 moitgnge was iecs! veil at the recorder's oflbe. It was given by the American Rapid telegraph company te the Hosten safe and trust deposit company, aud must be recerded in all counties through which the telegraph line passes. Tlie Hiiutlirrn The pii)siect for tlie nrcetiau of n south, ern market is taking deftnite shape and te night a meeting in te be held at Oeoige Wall's Seuth Queen street, when the com mittee who were appointed at last meeting te leek after a Riiitahle location will re. pert. Hales el lteitl Kstutc. Shubert &, Sutten, uuctionecru, sold at public sale, Oct !10, at the Loepard hotel, 01 building lets balenging te the ostate of David 11 rtman, deceased hltiutud ou Rast Walnut and Cliostnut;trcetfl, nt au average prlce of $128 per let. Helmut itcmril .llceinii;, The Linoaster sjIie l luard holds a meeting this evening te take action en uu lluiBlied hu lines i Tomorrow ovening the biard meets for reorganization, when thu twolve inenibsru nleuted or ie elected in Februnry will take tlieir Beats. Arm Hreken. Kltner Hear, wm of Jacob Rear, of ' Ilrownstewn, ha I au arm brolteu a few days age, by belug thrown against a fonce i by a runaway herse I COLUMBIA NEWS. OUH Ul'llttl.AH tlllllHI3Hl'l)NIH'.MtjC, Kvints AlmiR tlu Hinuiiiilminm ltpnn ,,t lnlorel In mill Ariititul tlie llnriiiit;li I'liKril up liy (In, intnlil. Rnnrcr llniiiiiifr, Tue iliiiukeii and dlseidpily coleicd men, ariisted bete lafct night had iiheaiiiij. befoie 'riqulrtt Yeung this morning. One of them named Jehn W. Moero, had 11 house key h ou his pctien, Tim meu stated that they lived hi a aliuuty nt a stenn quarry near Huminolstenii. The keis wcie evidently net carried about without seme sinster object in ilew, nnd If uuy pern-n is aw.ue or robberios having lutely been comniltted In the Lubatieu might be well te liave Moero examliied. He can be found for the next ten days In the Lancaster county prison. ion was disoharged Irem custody. The shanty occupied by the meu, whero thnlr etlects still are, might also roveal seciets worth knowing If U was examined. Ait Olllcliil llxptiiiintlnii, A member of the read cuiutnlttea of council state I te the Inii.i.muiim i mo me mo pet ter till morning that the boreueh stiporvisei was net te blame for the recent ncclilent te a team at tlie upon tllteh en the Columbia and Washington turnpike, hut that the fault was tlioassiHtantsupervinorB who had noteb?jcd Instructions te pl.ue lading en either Mde el the dangerous passage. The pars in whose team foil Inte the dltah has presented te the read committed a bill for damages, which will be laid before council at its neil niretlng for action. l'rridiml. Mr. J. F. Hlack.ef Philadelphia, u ns.t iug Columbia. Mrs. Isaae Hongentuglei and tlatightei Flera have returned fiem an extended visit te Pittsburg. Mr. Harry Dounan, of Peaeti Hotteiti, is visiting Mr. Win. F. Cenner. Iliiriitisti Uriels Orien ledgo of Odd Fellows meets to night. Twe youthful train jumpers sp-ut last night In the lookup. A considerable number of Democrats will attern! the Domeoratio m.iss meeting in Liucaster, ou Satuidny evening next. A canal beat captain" mimed William Wills fell evei beard at the Clilouies hr.a.i en Monday aud nearly diewned before assistance ariivul, Rabbit huiitlug is biug iiidulged lu by many. It Is yet illegal te sheet this game and subjects elletiders te tlie iiinishtnei t of tl'e law. Frem all nppiaraiices the Orphean inn-i-oile u a thing of thu past It has gei.e te Mn many ether defunct erganiziti s which ence existed here. Harry Rjwe, n Columbian of the Petit sjlvanla railroad crew Ne. 110, had his hand crushed )tsterday while Coupling ears He v,n. ,1 iah the read ou a trip with his lr tin wli.'ii the nocideiit i c u red. The l igllant tire company will h"l 1 us monthly meeting te moriew cveiiln, i -stead et en next Tuesday evening. Nemi natietis of ollheis ler elcctieti will ! tin most Important weik of tlie meeting Next Thursd.i) ovening ivcake walk wi'l be held in the armory for the Icrclit of Gcerge Jacks nt by his c deu 1 ii.ei'U The deem will epen at 7 o'clock, and the oake wal'i ojtumences at 0 o'clock P i r ttcorge deserves t'lis n'sistanoe, :is h.- is ,m invalid nnd is tinable in .uii'v, luoi-elt n the least. The boys and girls will m.iieth) .i. lively te night by tlieir Hallow R'eu pranks. It is tebn hoped the) will n fra.u from throwing ll mr aud lampbl.iek u people, as this go;s beyond the beir d f dm. Let there Iip tiotie of it. The "cloak man" scare has nuikui uxcitement up te a feverish beat at the upper end of town. It is no bugaboo, hi.' a solid fact, that ?eni rascal is e.uisiug a real reign of tenor among the women and children of that part of town. Ne puuish ment could be t.e-ev- tofertich a wret. h. A speaking tu'.e ii the itMpit h.w.n t rolling mill eIHjc, whic i cenii.-cis au upper and a lower room, furnished music Nituila te that produced by an iu jlian haip, ts tcrday during the time the wind bh a -strongly. Anri'ew opposite the h of the tttbe was open, aud through tin cime the power which made the swet sounds. CharleR Shillew, nn apprentice at th. stove works, was severely burned en iii of his feet yesterday aftorne m, by ih. evertuiidng of a ladleful of melted met tl Anether apprentice named Ilmhl is accused of having overturned tie lil!' bscause Shillew tl ilined his turn ni It Ii u' his ladle with the metal i f the cupola A l.ancjstnr 11 .mil. 11 ise iiu The Wisconsin StaU Journal I "s it in day His : "Sherift Hechtcl relurned f mn Lan ca'trr, I'enii., last vieinug, with a young man named A. M. Currau, charged with having ralsid while employ, d by the agency of the Singer Sswing maotuue of this city a nole given by Leuis Johnseu Lea el L:clrt, Columbia county, fiem live te thirty -11 ve dollars. Currau was hefnre the munieipil enirt this morning and t dd a penitent story, uhieh touched the hearts of theso who hi aril it, about having lest his young wife au I child a short tini" age and that he hrcitne very lonely. While in this s.Un the thought Mttuek lilm that lie could raise tueugh tuoiiey with which te go te his home in Pennsylvania by simply changing the value el a uetu which he had from llvt te thirty tlve dollars, intending te reui't the ditrerenen of tlurty dollars as neon as he was able te de se. He acknowledged his guilt an 1 t ild 'us ntery, as he said, net for the purpein of receiving olemenoy, hu' because he felt impallrd te the oenfe-isi in in justice te himself. An he could net be sonteiiccd until Information had been tiled, the trial was postponed for ene week. The penalty for the ollensols frfinone tes'ieu ye.u.i' impiiKuiimcnt. " - -An l.iiltei' ll'iiuti Tlie editor of t'ne Columbia C'uitrant wns veiy mad last wool; bcoause the " Quoeii'h Lace Handkoichlef " empmy did no' glve him any oemplimontary tiekrts, He predletcd that the show would bj ,v ft md for that uase'i The oempaity uppniied en Satuiday evening te the hugcht and most fashionable audluneii Uelumbii Ins Been for a long tlme a'.d soered a big hit. Thoeditor is no (leubt mirprisid that tlu company did nrt disbind after his free netice. This work he eays he sticks te what he said Lint week. I'rutrrmil Visit. ChicqiioBaluiigatilheNo. :J9, I O. R M. of Columbia, last ovening paid a friend!) visit te Can as sa te go tiibe el this oily. Speeches were mode and long talks In dulged hi, Alter the counelt Urn was quenched, the hi ethers repalrcd te II re Schoenheiger's wigwam, whero a supply of corn and vonlseu was In waiting, te which ample justloe was dene Hengs, recitations aud toasts woie the onler el tlie ovening, and an enjoyable time was had by all preseut. Te-morrow' Itscm. The last raoea of the season will come oil at McGrann's park te morrow, Thursday, afternoon at 2 o'cleok. Some well known horses have been onteicd and iuteiestlug contests may be oxpeotod. Following are the entries : O. ll. Hunohbergor outera b g, It ill v ; Isadore ftowniauentors b. g Is j 0. X Rote entcrn b. g. Tem Scott j T. Heugh ten onterH b. g. Joe ; Frank Maogeuigle outers b. in. Lyde ; Dr. R. F. Grell enteia b. in. Helle,