14 . e LANCASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE 1! TUESDAY, OCTOBEU 30. 1KJ. I rfii' 3 Lancaster JntrlUgcncct. XKMUVAU TUK8DAY EVENING, OOT. 30, tOUB, HrilNK rlUIIT. Tbame) llenueMy lijliia Irem Wmiml It, ecirtd In it llnlll Heiwnen tftieet Itnirtllfis. The latest Tlotlmefstono fljjhU In the Btroets In Philadelphia Is Themas Hon Hen Hon nessy, twolve years old, who Is new lying nt the Pennsylvania hospital, 8uflerinr from a compound frncttire el the ukull. Among the mimoretts Rutins of yetinR roughs that In Cent the southern part of the elty are two known as the " Glasgews " tttiii the " Flat Irons." The ' Qla-Rews " coiiRreRate abiiut the neighborhood of Twontleth find Federal fttreets, wliile the " Flat Irons " swarm npen the lets strelchlnK from Twenty sixth street te the Selitiylkill river. Uetween tlu-se rival clans thore exists perpetual w.r. On Sunday aftorneou seme youthful morabers of the GIssrews Invaded the territory of thelr onemlos In search of lurrels and boxes te burn en olcetlon night. The Flat Irons nttaoVed thorn ami stones and ploces of brick beaan te fly. YennR Hen nessy, while leadlnR a squvl of boys at the corner of Twenty sixth and Dickinsen streets, was struek en the beail with a larRO stone. The bejs who were prrsent say that the Htene was thrown by Ferd, oneoftho loaderH of the opposite faction and familiarly known as " Ferdio." Henuessy waR carried te his home. 2037 Federal street, whero his wound was drossed. Yosterday he boeimo se much werse that he was taken te the Pennsjlva nia hospital nnd several pieces of the frae turcrl bone wero removed. I.iwt nipht the boy was ufleriiiR from a hiRh fever ;iud was In a very critical condition. 13 KIHVN'fl IKON IIITTKHN. Wern, Weary, and Wretched. ' An wrnkimn, cat " in mi expression ttequciitly ucd by debilitated ntrercis who are trying te tell hew lorlern they feel. It l an Ineemct expression, ter a cat t one of tne most, iiKlleitixl vUoreua animals In OAistence. It would lie mere correct te say. ' wik n a limp old rajc," ler that izlves the Men of utter Inability te held one's lt up. "I tie weary person who feels thus la generally w ern, w errled, woeful, nnd w letched. feincttmes It ts n cue el overwork, niul tometluie of nnperleet nnuilitimetu. The bloe I In the vtcm et ft person who lVns wink iu a raR" Is tu n wretchedly llitu rondlilen. It needs iron, te Impart tldinessf, redness, nnd MrenKth. This ts te tie liml b) taking HltON N'S 1IION HITTKltS, the only around proper preparation et Iren in eonnectloii with nentlpaiid powerful tonics. The physlelan ami the itruuBlst can tell the worn and wear hew valu.vhle nreiuidy IIIIOtVNs llie.V III ITKUS lin tieen found In actual even day ue. 1LK It Is ft well respected maxim : " Accept the ndvleoet competent Inst rw ters and heculded thereby." It. Hull's Cough syrup is I lie only sate remedy rer ceuyh anil colds. It cost only 83 cent. All Ailiiilrr u llumtniiifi 1's.ce A pure, cleiir skin w III make any face hand some. Manifestly anything w-Meh strengthens and caliches the bleed will directly nllect the whele person. All eruptions et the t-klu ills nppcarwlien Murdoch JUoett Hitler s nre em ployed. They uru ft vegetable letiuMtyef lr cstlmahlu vulne. ter ilu by II. It lecbran. itrurelst, 137 and 1JJ North Queen stioet. De ou llellnTA It. That In this town there are fireres et persons passlnu our store every day whose lives are mtiite nilsLt-nbte by Indigestion, liyppepttn. Sour anil distressed stomach. Mm r com plaint. Constipation, when ter 75c. we will Mill them Bhllnh's Vltnllzer. ijuaranteisl te euro them. Sold by II. It. Cochrun, druixctst, Nes. 147 und 13t North (jueen HtreeU feb'-eeiti The Krcatust c-on'nulen destroyer ever known Is Purtiys l'ruphyiactlc Hunt. It pre vents Muiall 1'ex. l'uatuiHSirr Mtin'l A. tlrnlti, Ot itonteiey, Mich , deliver') hlm-elf In this wise: "Fer cid.'s, burns, oero threat, una riieumatlsin, Ttemm' Kcteetric Oil cannot tie beaten. 1 fay keep It np te the ,-landnr I. and It will gatldly Hit! peepln. I nh.ill .send ter a new enpply seen " Ker vde by II It. Cech ran, driiKKlst- 137 and I3ti North Queen strict -'v Jlrewirn liausetiitm I'mincrn. Is the most ottcctlve Tain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely Quicken the bleed whether Uiken Internally or applied exter nally, anQ thereby mere certainly 11KL1KVE PAIN, whuther chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, ami It Is warranted dou ble the HtrenKtU than any ether similar prepn prepn ratien. It cures pain In the ,l.m, llHck or Hew els. Sere Tliresit, Itlicuruatlfiii, Toethaci.o, and ALL ACHKS, nnd ts Tlie (ireitt KelipTer of I'Hlu. ' Itl'.OWN's HOUSKHULIl PANACEA" should b" In every family. A teaspoentul el the Panacea In a tumbler et het water swts't, eneil, If prulurrml). taken at be-ttlnu-. wtd 1JREAK 11' A COLD, a cenU i LKtUu raavl T.Th.KAw Ker II iy fever l tecemmtnd hl's cream Halm. It entirely relieved me from the flrst application; have been a sutler ter t n yenr. UnliiK treiu linme and neglecting te take the remedy. I had an attvek ; after rttirnlni;! Itntni'dlati-ly resorted te It and found .ns'itnt relief. 1 IihiIiivu, hail I bewnn lu u-e eUrller. 1 shenld net have been trenblml. .1. Cellykr, Clerk, lis llrevl St , Kllcntniih. N. J. .ily brmlier Myren and mjbelf were both cured te all appunranre, et t.uUrrli ami liny Kuver lu.t duly anil Auciut. Up te this d ite. lee. '.(I elttier have lu I any return of these treiibl . Kly's Cream Halm w:ls th medi cine Use l. (Aiir.iKt fitnais, hpencer, Tiega Ce. N. V o-wdce,ltw- iew te -renrn tuiiiili. t scorns Htranue that anv one will suder from the many ileniiiKuuiiints brought en by an ttnpii'-e condition el the blied, nhpn SCO Vll.L'SsAllhAPAIUI.LA AN I) -Tll.l.INUIA, or III.OOI) ANl l.IVKU SI Ul'l- will restore perleet health te the physlial nriranlrjttien. It It Indeed a stienuthenlnu nvrup. pleasant te take, a id has proven iu.-lt te be the Intel lll.DOn PrillPll'.i: ever dUreverwl, etleet uully curing creIulH, syplillilc illerilers"' Hviikiiens lit the Kidneys, hrjalpela-. Mala ria ; all nervous disorders and debility, bll leus cemplaltilH and all illtea.ss linllLatlni; an Itnpuie comlltlen el the llleml. Liver, Kid lieys, Stnniaeh, Ml;ln, me. It eerreeu In. II gostlen. A uliiKle bettlu will pieve te jeu IU meilts as a health tenewer, ler It AC 1'S I.IK K A CIIAUM,enpeciallv when the ceinpluliit Id et an exhaustive nature, havlnifu temleucy te lessen the natural vlKoret the brain and nor veus aystein. 4. KKIt'8 PAIN PANAChA cuua a pain In man anil beast, r'er use externally and Inter nally. KKDiIOllsK POWIJKUS cum ull diseases orheio, cattle, heup, hefs, poultry and all Llvnhleck, A POMTIVKCUUK. mayil-a Fer Hale at II. It. Ceshruu's. diu store 137 North Uueeu utieet iei: n.ti.t: ok iiK.M. V"W ItKAtIV AMI rtXKK Til MKIIl- l lti)l) Call ter n copy et Our New City Catalogue. JIO IIH I.I.I.IV(i. 1 IllINK,sS I'KOPKU riKs. tirii.iMsu i.tir. nit cMN'u IAI!MS.St lll'HIt W UK11H-.NCE. Ac. lOIl SALK. In all parts el the city and at all price. Irem Altat .. M 1.1 ll W.l iiAlliln .. ...ai.K.iV.I. t...r New prom rite beiuir entered dnlli ant a IllUlllil stippleini tit te our catalogue Issued eei few weeks. lW-tere biilng sie n lat Is for sale. Allan A. Herr & Ce., UKAI. KSTATKand 1NSI KANCE AhNT!, 108 East King Street, neiv-.lnid UUHI.IU-'AI.HUK IIIKSIC'OKANN HOt'ir. r pi:ei'hin. en TiimnA. k k.n- 1VU, MlVhMllKIt 15, s3. will be e,il al pul lie sule nt the Cltv Hele', en North Quit u strn-t. the pieperty censi.tinit et alarKetwo alarKetwe alarKetwo ter HUlcK III ILIUM, with two-li ly Ititck Hear Attaehuient, Imntlni; J." h-t en North (Jmvn stn. t nnd extending westward SIMiet te Market stti el, known as 1 no Ale limtui Heuse," and sltuatid Nes. lli-and ls Seiih tjiievii street. Lancaster. Pa. Has Stere. -tUoe l and II lloetns, lias, two lly drants tu anl. Ale n Larire I'linne Stable, (hcldlnii lieisi). sltneteil en the Atarket street front el same premlses. ' I'in-esslen and title will be given April 1, lfl .-ale te cenimeiu-p nt 7K o'clock p ui efsaM day, w hen terms und comlttlens will be made known I v II UsMAN A HL"11N. JliXiUUlMHKEK AUCt e.l,; i'..J,K-rt ??, til Mi.it.is I AlMII-tT.triltl'S Hll.K II.N VTt'U I.V. SOVKAlHKHle.lN-il.nl the Wash Wash InKteti h 'ue. 'trivburtt boreuah, tl.e under signed. In putsiiance of an onler et the Or phans' Court, will sell at public sale tfce late iel leneeef Dr. llenl. Muser dceiMisist, situ ate tu ai.l i oretighof "'rasburK, opposite Ma-sa-elt Ha I. and adjelnlntr the sinisbutg Na tional ItiinK building, consisting of a I.anre Pouble 1 rout Twe-story UlllCK in KLLINU ami lluslnes Property, with two-story tiack building und pti "Irian's olllce ntiaclteil, eentnlnlng In all 11 V"un, balli nHiin two eellai-s. Ac. Het nnd cfld water In bath room and kitchen Well with pump, and cistern with pump neni kitchen deer. Frame, barn, eairlage nouse. Ice house, tern ejK. woeil lieiisn, Ac, nil I'l first i lass order anil conve niently arranged. I he let ls.MKx.nt trot, and welinucd with choice gru;e i lnei and trull trets. The ler t toil Is one et the b'sttuthi bo-eugh ler either buslnrs it re-ldencp. Ila bii-u use1 ler Hi yenrs a a physician etllce. ?a.e te vemmeiue at 1 e'chk k p ui. ALLLN A. II Mill ami KNO- II. WKAVhlS. Administrators of Hen). Mn-ser, dee'd. ILUew.MKV.Auct. ectl7-td.lw iKI'llANVCIIl'ltr SALE UP V.VI.U.VIII.K V KB VI. EsTATK. On SATL'KUAY K KNI.NU. NOV KAI HKU IT. l.ss.1, In piirsnance of an orderel the Orphans' limrt of I.ancas'er County, w-tll bvsildat Public Vendue, at the reuiitalu Inn, eutli ui-ii street, I tine.isler Ity, Pa., tne te low ing K-al Lslutoei Christian strebie, deceased, te h it Ne. 1. A Let or Plece et Ground ltu:ite en the west side et .-etith Ijucen street, lu the ll.V or Umcaster. uleressld. containing In fronton ud street c: feet 10 Inches, and In depth westward 21V teet te Iteavt-r street; tieunde I en the norm by land et ne'rg W. Cormeny, ami en the senlh by land et llenry "h au" The linprevi-tnetiu ceni-t et two on en story Leg VVnither-lleardisI Dwuiilng lleu-es. and aone-s'ery hop. fronting en al I -euth (jiieen street, an I re-p'i lively numbered 5J I, 5.anil'ii. lids Is a large und valuable let ter bulliilng pu-pess. having a tie .t en seii'ti ijueenuud iu lle.iver stieets. Mi. 2 A let or pliw of ground. t' u in- en the northwest si. lent High strtet. Ini.l1 city et LnnLster. ceiitatng PI teet tn IrentaiKt e. lending tn di plh -i'i lent inoie or less, te ground laic et (.'. Illuinonste''k, dl uulng ground et s.il'i c llininonsteek en northern und northwest nivl tiy late .VI mil ire en the southwest, 'I he Improvements are a one story' brh k house. Ne II, en said High street ; trutt trees, and en er Improvement. l'rs;09sten and title will be given en April 1, ll. ale te commence at 7 o'clock p. in , wttt-n due attendance will be given and tonus if sale made knew u by II HA I' .MAN. Trustee upp-dnted by the Otph.it. s' Cem t te sed sulM real estate. bHt'BSRT A sfrrey. Auuttemurti. eP-ThS 'f.ITII HAM CUMK, THE DUDE. Club llntiM', I'rlnre Trek, (irciiauluc, - tints. TIES. -AT- EEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 Weat Klni? Streot. Opposite l rvw Keys Hetel. -I MI.J.SMAUNU, Fall Opening. I have tht dav opened llneel tin fliieyt a large an t clecl Keriaii ami Ueiiu'stir KahrifS, n.Upu.l te iieatlemen's wen. br the F VI l vsii VMM'hll III vUK wi.li n 1 would Is. nur uoev.1, irs. .v itiieiitru. I I A OKU READY-MADE CLOTHING. An unusually I nigeM,-., k of FALL nnd WIS IK IU I OTHINtl or our own tnantlfacttiie. In MKN and H()S' WK All ami L'lItl.UltKN'H tl ll'S, m.iileiivui tan in t iiesm Matin la sand I'll.iiMu.l In Heed tle. OVERCOATS. ATTKNTlON IS I'Al.I.Kl) Ti A t'OMPLKri: MN'K OF OVKUCOATS, HANlWOMH AND W'VA.L FMTINO. MEEC1-1 AN TT AILOE LNG. This Season we elTei the LAIIuKsTiit.il FIN 1.8 1' SI' UK OF FOHEUIN and IIO.MKST1C WOOI.ENsef I.ATFST HT LKs for DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, OVERCOATS, Wiilili will be ma le up p'eiuptl) and Perfect Fit Uiiiuuntred. MERINO AND WOOLEN UNDEItWBAU. FURNISHINO Q0OD3 IN NEOKWEft.lt, GLOVES, LAUNDUIED SHIRTS, &e. THArnitKUn' uvint I AHl'AHTKIt AMU l I LI.IIIIHVI l.l.TliT. I I Cam run n. fellow i I.IWVII Lanci.ler IP. It lene'. at 7, J. tti.u llijuii. in., niul II. i. ft ami Bd&p.iii.,eiiui Jn Hiiturilny, when the last car lenvw, tit ((..nie . i.oave .MiMnrsville (lone euil)atv K nil I n At., and 1,1. nnd 7 p. m. ' '' Cnr run ililtv en e' ive llme incept en Hun a. dav. lUI.linilllA A 1-tlHT DM'OHtT V UUAII TIMK TAIII.K. Aiiiiun new run 1 ItAII,- lltirnlut-Iv t ti iiiA .. ..I.... . Pert UuhKhil C . V.V.: V' '" .' tlmei " " "'" """"' HAGER & Ne, 25 WEST KING STREET, BROTHER, LANCASTER, PA. I lAlttlAI B 0 V E K S NOS. 26 & 2S NORTH QUEEN STREET, & HUE ST, wtrviivwiijiMjjjifA'i'riiiJg. f ..Columbia,,,, . .WaHhlnglen... ...Ctesswell .... .Mate HarlMir... .8hiink' Ferry.. .... .Poe ilea ,,,. "'" r iirnnce.. ....Tuciiuan..,, MrCall'i) Furry . .Klte'a Kdily ., .Fishing Creek.. .Pencil llottem. . .Cone lnge... r. M. A.M. H:2ii 10:'ji n-.:w le.ai ! IO.S-1 710 10:.vft 1M 11:1X1 7;(W 11:0.1 7iU ll:n 7il7 11:10 7iii iitir 7:S7 ll:2il 711 IIKW 7:M 11:3)1 8:TO 11.M V.H. 'IS I2:(V1 M: li:IA 12.Su 7il0 7:'i7 737 H.H) :'J0 HHIITIIWAIIU r.M. ....Oct,. ,,.,. ,,, ... Perryvlllu.,.. a.m. r.M. S.-'Al AIA (l.tf I ViV M.IW 3:W 7: IS .Vttt 7:IU 3(11 7:WI l:H 7:3s l:.VI 7:'JN 1:31 7:il 4:47 7:10 4:3(1 7.en 4:3.1 (1.37 4:3 0:1 1 4:11 tl.ffJ inn tlnW SAV 3:11 4 7:.Vi 7..Ki 7fis 7:17 7:f 11KAIIINUAUOI.IIMIIIA II. 1 AUIIAMUKMKNTUrT'ADllKNUKIlTUAIMb KONDAY, UUL'lllKIl .nn, 13. LANCASTER, PA. asist te have you examine. A full line et LONDON OORKSORBWS, In ad th- Latest uades V hetiltttul anil imutetFALL AND WI.NTKIl Ovorceatltiffs, Trouserlnra Fiiucy Sultlugs. iiurt 1 etnple) none but the best workmen anil gnmnnlee pitett atttctlen a- te tb'. Ht and VV erkmanshlp. Msmuli i' .. ntswlll be en elillltlen In a tew da s. I JNO. J. SMAL1NG. I (TAILOIl.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( 1 Fleer.) LANCA-Tfcll. PA n... '.i-lvdTu.ThAS I l.'IIH 311..N OK (AMI. TO lU'.Al). ! That no man l VV'LLL lllr.sKl, w nose garmeub. no matter l.eu Hue th' iuitrrl.il, nii'i liishlnnable Hie cut, hit net artistically fitted te the form el a -I1 e'U.ill V seb-cti d In culer, ,tc , is a ran loe i .1 known te be ills puled. I fiietl't'ng of girments, selection et style nnil isi or, is hs iuui !i tin AltT u the proper bieiiillng et colors anil gieuplng id ebieitwln i u iandsi-aiM) or ether painting r.T Attls'.lc I us ami cuotce .uaienaiD can ou LADIES AND QF.NTLEMEN, we hwe new epen nn Ittmiouse Stock el LiuIIeh' Whlte nnd Scurlet Morlne Underwertr, Wen a Whito.Qrey nnd aoarlet Morlne Uudorwenr, Ohllaren'a MurluoUuderwour nil hIzoe. 'Ihose Ooeds ttvve n Lurge 'invde nnd you will llnd Prlces Right. Our Stock of Lndles' toen's nnd Chlldreu'd Hoalery embrncea overythlnK from the LoweBt PrioeB lu Cotten up te the Finest Qunltty lu Uishmore. We effer n Specltl Bn.rnln lu n Lndles' Floeoy-Llud Ootten riose nt 10 Oanta, Full ReKtilnr ;Mnde worth 35 Oenta. We hnve only n Few Dozeua. the 1 mt of n let, which ncceuuta for ua beIIIuk thorn be much belew the prlce We show nn Elegnnt Line of Flnuuels We Hhew nn EleKtint Line of Ojiuferts, from 00 Oenta up We show nn ISleirnnt Llue of Blnnketa from 81 25 up We luti'e an Immonse Stock We nre Beiling p. grout tunny goeda, nnd if you will obllge tin with u call, j'eu will be couviuced that we nre aelllug thorn geed nnd oheap & HU RS T COLEMAN, L. G. ARTISTIC TAILOR, And be sultttl properly. 51U. COLKVIAN ha Just reclveil a splendid assortment el the c lielect L Li 1 II, c Aal M h II hs and t. KNTS' Dlths OOUlls. et the latest styles, ter rail and Winter suits. A Urirervnrtel) of ullltms oannetbo leutid In the market Suitings ler the mlllleniire and artisan, the iMiiuMte and prnulU'ul ii.nn, all et wlik n will be I urn Unci at rennnbie rates The reputation et Jilt Ci )1.K VI AS as nn artlt In his prelusion Is Umi well known te need comment. Call und exauilue bin luiuii n?u stock at' NO. 524 1-2 PENN STREET, Jmilee.1 liE.VIUMj, PA. MY Kits KATIIFHA. BOVVERS Nes. 26 & 23 North Queen Street. rim.v . tii'Li:K LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GOATS. NOltTllWAHl). tiJ'J 1M) 7:li' 7:'A) 7:30 7:Wj .P LBAVB. Uuarryvllle Lunciulvr, KIuk Ht Ijuicttsler Chlckles Mnrluttn Junction Columbia. AnniVH. Ueadlnit aOUTllWAUl). LOAVm. KetulInK Anniv. Marietta Junction. Chlckles Columbia ,, Lancaster Lnucnster. Kin St. Uuarrvvlllu a rains connect at lleailln wl inuu iiiiiaiieipiita, 1'otlnvllle, I lentewn nuil Nuw Yerk, vta uuuiw r. m r. m. ... ':3U ... 3.10 1M S.M .... 3l .... 4.(01 1:U 3.40 3:3 6.M A.H 7:'" .1 0 l:Ve A.M. M. I r.M 7r;f. I'i.K)1 6:1 WI.V r.M., V.Ol .... U:I.V ... 8 3'j 'J:l 2:1b 0:i :A i.U 8:13 (Mi ... 8- IttU .... 9J) 11:30 111 trains teauil IlarrtsburK. Al. Hound ilroek At Columbia with trains te und tnnn Verk, Hanover, UettysutirK. Krisbirtck and Haiti morn. A M. WlLhON. Mtipt. )KNNtiVI.VAM,l 1. HC1IKDULF. On Lancaster, Pa. 1 r.O. F. HATHVON. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES IN THE CITY A.VD- LOWEST PRICES. KAll.KllAti HKU hint iiff.tr Ull Mil A JIAY Will, lbM. In.lliB en till) Peunsvl. yanlii lUillrtKul will . ilve nt and .mm th Latipsslei and Phllndi'lpli'a U"ielsaH fellows' lUivi Al 'LunlPhll Kahtwaru. Mall KipmsH Philadelphia K.vpress rust Line HarTlsburK Kxpm Verk Accouiiueila.lou arrives Lancnster Accemi lailen artlves.... Columbia Acceiu- i Jen rmlnrlck AccommrHtatleu arrives. ea Short) Kxpreru Sunday Mall Johnstown Kxpreus Day l'.xpre.ss HarrUburi: Accomineilatlou A.M. A.M II: Pi J'.T 8:1U 8.10 8;!WV 0:1(1 P.M. 1I-M 12A i.v: XX 815 IM 4! 7JI IOTA) ILIA 3 16 P.M. 5 th 7-r. 9 lf Unnever Accommodation west, oenmiellnir At LancusUir with NIhkuiu Kiprims at U la. will run Uiruuub aununy. te llauevur dally, nxcept JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., ONE I'ltlCE IJ15Y GOODS HOUSE, Ne. 25 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. Jl V.tlVAL IbSTUVJlWia. itifk uuxmn. w 7"1LCU. JS VVHITK J.1" 31.1IT1.S CD. INVESTIGATE. ISV OIL, TK .'i nn Mi in. .Mt; i) t v.i i.. HOSTETTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS ji is at i.i..ixt:e u.t T tun np.hT no. iianu.ji.vdi'. Havana ClL'iir in the cltv nt ilAllTMAN" KI.LillV r'llD.NT CHI A H HIOItK V nlUKOKl. . We will pyy the ltllillKVl' MVItlibT PHI.UK for HICKORY BUTTS, iryonliave any te sell drop us u card and we will come, see it. AtldrcnH, Philip Lebzelter & Ce., Ltd., ill North Queen Htrcet, aug7-3uulTuA3mw Lancaster, p. ItUAIIK IIIILLAUS WaN'IKII IN K (ihanuoler Ladles nnd deiils' ITnilmin. Weitrinir Pauta. (JvuridlH. sintts. Uleves. mom' SutpenilciH. lleslui v, Neckwear, Cellars, Ceui-t fertH. Uliibiull-H, Notions, Ac. Nearly nil el the ubevu (joeds ate beunht direct fiemlliii mannlnctureiHiuiil ari)t.eliinte.vtleiuelysiniill prellW ter cash. Pluime call and exiiiuluu Ui Ui luruyeubuy. ItKNlll lihCll'lULI), Ne. ftj N'eith Utiueu huei-t. 4Af-8lKii et the lltt? HterltliiB. Choice liuild liuild nirstenu and hihuI ter tttlu. tnl'3-lyd CUPKIUUU UUA1.ITY, iTlUH UL.IM MUSIC BOXES. UNKQUA1.LKH In TUN K und DUHAIIILITY. Beld by the boil Dealers tlireunliuut Kmenu and new Introduced In tills Country dlruct by the lUnuliictuiers,uiieuf liia-ruicKluiciireKs I.AItUK lSIPUUTATlO.NS. VKKY LUIV PUICLS KOlt CASII. eml twe-cunt stump for Pilcu List. V. UnnlscliKV Ce., KtoCreIxwltxcrliiuil. SALKSHO0M8 AT 1018 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa OPPOSITE THK OP151IA II0USK. Call early ler geed uuloctlen ami avoid rush Of llulldnya. ectWttdAw "NTUTIUK MITIUiriH III ItKIIY (IIVKN xy that an application will be niude te the uevurnur uniiur inu .vci 01 Assembly or the Commenwoaltli et Puniisylvutilii, entitled tttiaottepioyldo for the lnoorporatiousiin lneorporatiousiin lnoerporatiousiin provtul April p. 17I. anil supplumeulii terit S'Sfr?1 "''''Vu'Vltil coriierailon.lo.be onlled "Tlie Llectrle Ltuhtmid Power Company, el LuncMtuF, Pa.." tlie character uml iitileci et wlileh li tin) eiiKiiulnK lu uml airrylmr en th i liiuiiiiiuniiire in i.iKUt. neat H,f I'ewrrby Hiuan ofeleotrlclty, umliiuppiyinB tlie same te thacltleonsetLanoulor.anil te such per- In chronic dyspepsia und llier cuiipmlnt, and lu cluonle i onstfpatlen and ether obsti nate diseases, llostetiur's Stomach Hitter Is beyond u'l comparison the best remndy that can be taken. As a means of icsteilnj: the strength und vlt.u enertty et persons w he aie slhkliiKUUdei thuilebllltallniulleet el pain ful disorder, this standard veKCtublu Invito Invite rantts ceutessudly unciualcd. Ker saiu by all DrugKlabi and Dealurs iren enilly. ol-lmdued.tw It I- ilw i a i i d plan in I e'ei. in tklni; putt li i-,- et i man wiii will uet IME'ClnlTK Is pn'tt sure te iiiuki inHtukts. IN V l.t I lit ATl-iN leads one t.) think, and te tlilnR Is te learn. Ilv IN'V K'TIli VTl.Vii en i stei-k you an bmiml te keep posted en the Inwe-t mi rent prltiis ler Jlr.N'a, ! Y ' ei LlllLDUfcN's CLiiTIUNli We don't ask you tn come. In and plank down your money without looking. Ve iiskjeu te 1NV Ks riUATb te se ourae.iils te (fet the pi lees, n ml limn uiake oeuiia'tson with the UKsI' cLuTIIINli jeu knew et. Uriel and te the point V hiti-ier sum you cnntempiiite Inventing In VVKVIlINii AP PAItKL always be i-ure ou're U' ttlntf the llhT ll ;w ill buy. Invi-tlitatlen pest- jeu. Try It I uur stock contains every desirable labric and pattern uee.iud te ui ike a nent ami hundieme itpiniarunce. l'u'. made anl tilm med heiu under our personal superv Uton. We Kuarnnteu each Kiument te be pteilsely as It Is represented. We haie all the Latest Novelties In H.NK and .VlhlMlM (.ItAliK WD )LKNs lnrtl'-i TOM TAIl.UltlSii. MiMJurcnient" taken and Qui guarauti-u 1. MYERS & RATHFON, LKADiMi LA.NCAbTLU CLUTIIIKitS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET. II ATM A.M) VAl'.t. t'llLLI.'s, OMIHTAMI, HATS, CAPS, FURS, neicsale U'lil Kit III, Shultz's Old Stand, Nes. Jl ami JJ V. tjucen ht The larncst stock und assert metitet KusHon KusHen KusHon able Pall and Wlniti Hals, Caps, etc.evur eirered te the public. '1 he Knox bilk and Duiby lltitnspeilnlly. llie only Hal Mnnulactery In Lancnsler. All Winds et Huts mudi te order ItepulrltiKdeuu neatly and pieinptly. uiil "illk lints ni.iilu lashlonable. JOIIS' KIOKH, eJ'J.luid huccessorteblll'LTZ A ItltO. -TUfi- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 KAST JvIXtJ STHEKT, H. H. LUOKSNBAOH, Ageut. A r'ull Assortment of the vatteus styles con stutitlv en hand and Iei sale en the imiit lib eral terms ter Ciuu or anr.ill Monthly In jtalliuentH. The public Is most cordially Invited tn call and examine thest lnstiumeiits, whlih will tie tnund te be verv t potier In yuality and Mednrate In Prlci- Having i-everi-l my connections with the Kstey Organ Cempaiiy, I take this nnthe.1 te Inform my friend In Lancaster county, I am new seblnii aneriian eijual te any and sur p:Lsse.l by noue. PleiiM- cill and exumlini ene et the most beautltul-lMneit Organs inanu tacturcil In the United stiiies. UNDERWEAR. W i are liew in nn Inn n-ni Line et White, l,rt v. scarn t and ram I :ileiwtui. Norfolk and Nimv Brunswick ulir Vli.le l ndenvear lu Scarlet and IV hlte, a specialty HOARLET Mllie, fl, Ui AU-Weel lu scarlet All sizes UNDERWEAR H w. ', ti.et np in htrt ut f ..u. All WHITE UNDERWEAR At i c, J!c, lie, i". T.'e, f ui and up. Special llniirulus ut inc. Blue Flannel Shirts At All Price- and In All bUts ter Ueis nnd Men. NECK WEAK Prominent Manufacturers In Mr. Luckcnliach Is idse aent ter tl.u famous 1 Knabe," MePhall, Vose & Sena, Qrovenatoin & Fuller, Hallet & Davla, Frem the und Plat bcarts. HOSIERY lu K'-'gular-Muile. Seamless, All-Weel Putf Merine and And sHVeral ether Desirable Pianoforte,, prices irem I1J? upwanls. Iubl7-ttil at J, u.iufaTa. VVI'U Tll.iN r.Vblt. II AT bTUUC. THE l'HICKS AT ent, paruiuriiiips am corpemtlons tCslifliiK therein anil adjacent thereto iwumy deslrethu IU nnd prlvllek'iia contorted by Hani net ami applouieiit. A.M llALllfillSTADT. eccruuiry. ecU 3tdTu Shirk's Carpet Hall, L'er. Mcsl Kliiic anil Wuter sts. BETTER THAN EVER T11K G001) AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, CO. VVKST KISU AND WATKUbTa , IfANUAfiTKH, PA. Call nnd examine the itoeds und befoie purctiiiHliii)luuwhuru. the pilcu "l.rAIH HALMA.Ii. PARKEIt'S HAIR BALSAM. A bunullclal dressing prnferred te slinllai articles becausn of ltu puilty nnd rich per. Iiiuiu. UUKbTOllKS TO IIUAVHAIU T1IK yOUTIlKUL COLOH uml prevent ilandrii uuillallliiKOtthu liulr. U)eamlL0. I11HCOX A CO., N r. FLOKESTON. II. S. SHULTZ, Kxcelii the tlnest llewur in tlelinuss Dell cate, very lantlnij. Ne odor like It. lle sure you Ket t'LOUKSTON ColeKiio. Higualuie el lllxcex A Ce., N. en uvery label, a nnd 7S eenls, atditiKiilsta uml itcaluru lu pertuinn, 00L0QNE. ais-lywoewAtlTu We are receiving daily the latest styles of Fall and Winter 1 Iats and Caps direct from the manufacturers, and are selling them as low as any in the city. Buying for cash and selling for cash enables us te give you a bargain. We have control of the celebrated Yeuman's Stiff Hats, and have also a fuie assort ment of P. & Y.'s fine Seft Mats, the finest in the market, which we arc selling as low as possible for the quality of the goods. Call and examine our stock. Ne. 144 North Queen St., (UUKDAKKK'd OLD HTAND.) LANUASTP.lt, PA. IIAPiKIM!. ' POOR, WHITE & CO., VAN KK IIS. Ne. 1B Wall Streot, - New Yerk, llrokem and Dealers In Hallway and ether ecuurltle. ItAILWAV lNVKSl'MKNT." a spir-lu'ty, in the Holectlen ami estimate ei which their lenir connection with "Pem's Manual et railroads " nlves them special ml VBiiURes. Correspondence Invited und limul rles ntiBHoreil. UupeuU ucCeuiitH received i nil Intoresl ullewcil. KoplUmiied ptANOS. GEO. L. WALKER. Piane Parlors, 836 N. Sixth St., near Parriah, PIIILAUKLPIHA. SAVK TIME AND MO.NKY. THK ONLY PLACE IN PHILADKLPHIA WIIKKK PIANOS CAN J1K llOL'tiHT AT ONK-IIALK THK PllICKS A8KKD IN KXPK.V HIVE STOltES. Call and soe the munltlccut stock el new and HUceiuMianit planus by the tollewln cob ubrutud makers : SoluAh'encyof the WPrldltmiewned OHRISTB & SON PIANOS, The Popular R. M. BENT & OO. PIANO-3, The Standard GEO. Li. WALKER & SON Pianos. These iitune't have luw ciiuulp, and urn nur nur paiised by nenu ter nupei-b tone, clct'ance et btyle, limul!, uml great durability. BOLD ON KA8Y MONTHLY PAIMKNTS. 1 AMUK0K1V1NG DAILY HL1C1II I'l.t - UBKD PIANOS, KI10M KAMI- LIES KOllCKD TO HELL. J. B. Martin & Ce. COIL WEST KINO A PltlNCEHri., I.ANCAhTKU, PA. gPKi CIAI. HAKUAI.NS IN DUKSS DUKs.S DHEfeS OOOD3. IiDIIDB. uoeua. I'Al'HJt HAXUlJtuB, St plAKK. VV. KKV. OL'll LINL OK Dade Window Shades Is I ii kit Hum any season heretotere We have tin m In All coleis. nix and neven feet Inn Ihoseuoo Is are v ly sUil-h aim popu lar, special Mze made te eracr. PLAIN SHADING lly tlie yard In any iiuantlty, wide- lurifu windows ami slore xhailes. Idtlis let 1 1n and Wixxl Murine Itellers Alue Lord Fixtures. hhudes mailu up promptly and linn In beat manner. NEW PATTKItNSOP TI7ATT vv n.i h PAPERS i risiuricK AComiiniHiniien, wtsl,ui. nn unit at Lanciinter with 'ast liuu, wmt, at 1 16, will run through te P-edurlck. lAr. bllLan VVkhtwaud i La 'Pa News Kxpref Way PaMHuiiKer Mall Trnln, Ne. 1. via. ML Jey MaHTrnln,No.2,vlaCeltnubIa,lcuvui MiiKura Express Hanover AccommtMlallen leaves.... re.st Llnu Crederlclc Accommodation louvce llarrtsburK Accomineiliitloii Lancaster Accomuienatiou Icuvun Columbia Arcomtrcxlntten IlarrlnburK Express Wiwtern Expresa Pacino Kiprexn A.M. 7:0u "7:ie lls r.M. 2:11 Vii 5-40 tf.Ufl A.M. B:iV 8:30 9.M) VM 9 .60 r.it l-v, iv 5AJ 2u10 7UiU 7:10 11 10 1:5 5 iluiesuuiK rAinnv, niiei, Mk u.nj i, ui.. una direct connectleiiH (wltlioutchungeef cars) te Celumhli and lerk. Fast lilne. west, ou Huuday. when will atepat l)ownlnytev,ii,co.iti'svllle, Pur flaKijuO enat l)ownlm:tev,ii.Lo.ili'MVllle. Turk burK, Mount Jey, kllxnbethtewn and Mlildle fit. town. Day Kxpruss, t ant Line, News Kxprivu, Ma 1 Train, Ne. 1, Wcitern Express and IMi lite Kx prwss run dallv. B nun. tun, su. lihT MTKA31 t.MUNK AND Ot Ollt Kvurv Descrlntlen. (.eiiimnn hiu! Paper at Lew Priced. HorJers. Prleres. Cen- ire Pieces, Ac. LAOE CURTAINS, In Crcum and White. Poles, Cornices, Hands, Leeps, Ac. PHaRES w. fry. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. UKULKltlKH. These pianos nre warranted In perfect old. r. 1 1 never take ene liavlni; any detects. as PIANOUTIIATCOtT PUOM W.100 TO WIOOO I AM HKLLINO POH l!J3, 0130, 170, 100, Eti. STEIN WAY. OHIOKERINQ, WEBEI?, KNAB DEOKER, Anil Other Well Known Makers, JSfJIavliiK no stern lent or heavy expenses, 1 am enabled te a II ad Inutrumiints ut leia than luUr the prices asked en Chestnut St. REMEMBER TUB LO0AT1ON. GEO. L. WALKER, 83U N. Sixtli St., near Tarrlsli, lMULADKLPUlA. WATT, SIIAND it 00., Oiler nn Immense Assortment of COLOUKD CASHMEHK8, CLOTH SL'ITINOS, OTTOMAN (iOODS, FUENC1I8K11UK3, In ull thu Popular Celers at Lewest Cash Prltes. A Special Unrein In LUPIN'S COLOUKD MEltlNOS At 50e a yurtl. OUR NEW LINE OK BLACK CASHMERES Is Hccnnil te none In Celer, Quality and Plnlsh,uud the prices are ul ways tlie lowest New OpcnliiK, a Choice Llue of Children's Goats, In ull Sizes, Styles and Qualities. Ladiea' Goats, Ladlea' Jacketa, Ladiea' Delmans. Neatly Trimmed tn all thu Latest Styles ut LewcHt City Piices. NEW YORK STORE. 8 and 10 East King St., LANOAbTKIt, PA. ji.ivtitxr.nv. I TAVINO JJL and DINHOLVKII l'AHTKI(Sllll' pctmiiueiitlv closed thu Chestnut btreul Iren Works, t deslru te Inform my obi patrons and thu publte Kenerully, thut lam still In thu business, beliitf located In thu Penn Iren Cnmpuny's Works, North Plum street, where 1 am inakliiK Iren uml 1 1 r ass Ciisttnus otuveiy iledrlptlen, and will be pleased te servu nil who may favor me with their patron, age. Prem lOyearsoxpeileuculn tliubiulness and usIiikt thu best muUirliil and employing the bust inccliunlcs, I utri sail lied I can ttuur iinteu entire siitlstactleu. C'ustluus inniu from u mixture nt Iren unit steel which are mere te liublu ter struiiKtli and duruhlllty than thu best cast Iren known. V teeth loll pinions, rolls and lelllni; mill work a specialty. Cusl Iiiks innde nt very sett Iren, ami brass cast liigs nt every duscrlptlen. 1 have nil thu put teis at thu well and invembly known Mewrur Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, Alsenn hand, mills completely lltteil up or In parts, te leplucu old onus which have been lu use ler years, KuatanteeliiK thum te elye sat isfaction. aull-!ma It. 0. McCULLEY. Fine Groceries. Ileclujr's Self lalslnir lluckwheat. Nuw Klin DrWd ternBMeal, bhumuher's Akren Oat Meal, New, W'lillu Orupes 20c. It, New Prtuch Prunes, Nuw I-Iks, New Citren, New Lurrunts, New Kali!. Ins. A Jeb let or Imparls! Louden Layer Ualslu,ut linll-prlce, n bl iliirnuln. SPLENDID SYUUPnt 2e. ijl, UOOIlHYKUPut IDa.qt. CHEE3Klit8e. Si. PINE COM!! HONEY nt2.'e. ft. This U cheap. We have a laree let and want te move It quick. At Bursk's, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCABTEIl. PA. TtHWAUISJtO, JOHN P. HUUAUAI, FUMAOES and RANGES Or' ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call and see the New Improved WltOUOHT IUON COL!) 0AHE Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest and MurkuL lieat PUUNACE In tlie MANUPAUTUHKD EXCLUSIVELY IIY Jelin P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen 8troet, bibfl.lyd LANOAHTKK. PA. DAHIIAItsn IN WATUIIK1. 1 Chains, Itlntrs, Spuctueles, Ac 'in ULOOKt ltenalrlna el all kinds will recelve mv liursenal atten tlnu. LOUIS WEIIEIt. Ne. 1MU Nerlli Oueen street. Itemmnber nainn und number, Dl tuctly opnesltu City Hetel, ueur Pennsyivana railroad depot, tloe ii 1 yd BOILER WORKS. Call and evumlne our "tock et EtiKlnn ami llelluisund ijet pikes. Pertable Engines, Horizontal Englnes, Vertical Englnea. Saw Mill Pumps, Mining Maohluery, Pulleys and Shafting. IHON AM) HHASS CASTINGS. STEAM FITTING. JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. 3.W East Fulton St., LANCASTEU, PA P. O. Hei. Ne. tu. eitl 3md.tw 'ui.auh 'an it e ur.r.Ntit aha'. H 1UI1 ai mAUTIN. FANCY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. WE HAVE NOW OPEN A STOCK OK VEIIY LAIIHE Fancy Goods -INH DECOHATEI) CHINA. KNUL13H PIIINTED WAUE, HOIIKMIAN (ll.ASH, HELLEKK WAIir.' VIENNA WAUE, Out and Engraved Glassware, AM11KKMA (JliASSlVAHi:. We iireuddlnu' new unit novel articles con tinually. Heeds must bu ui recommended or will bu uxehuiiKud. High & Martin, 15 EASTiKING STKEET, I.AMOAHI'Kll. PA rilUTmiUAVHH. J." Kim:. Thrrn has been such a demand for LAUUK PHOTOUltAPIia Hint I was compelled te j,'et a VEIIY LAltUE UAMEKA 1IOX te meet tlie uemuml. We cuii new imike you a PHOTO as iiuull m the smallest locket w 111 held up te a 5-Inch face, te tit uti lsx22 Prnme. J. E. ROTE, Streot, Ne. 100 North Queen une2-ltd eiwma