Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 30, 1883, Image 3

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dHbmeii Hint l'uilr Unmiiitltfid I I'rUeii
mill liiiiuediUfiiy llmclnirgAil,
A few dnjs rtie WUHntn H.isonfeld,
Charley Blltikinarr ami Mutt. Trnpland.
huekmen, nnd Geerge Hurteu nud hdwnrd
Clark, luitel porters, wero arrested by
l'ciunlvnnb railroad olllcers mid takuu
boleio Alderman MoOenotny, en the
charge of leliiR disorderly nt tlie I'cnnnvl
viiuln mitiend pnfsonger depot. The
henrlng was held en Saturday nml
tlie nldeimau reserved his duulnlen
until yesterday. In tlie afternoon
II. K. I'lhleman, esq , oeurmol for the do de do
fetiduntft, went te the nldcitnan nrulunkctl
lilin what he Intendrd deimr. Tltu nldor nlder
timir said tlie licensed would Imve te pay
the ousts. Mr. Ushletimn k:IiI they would
piiy no costs mid the nldermnn n.tlit they
would thou Imve te go te prison. Mr.
Kshleinaii claimed that he umild net
send them te Jail nfter ordering
that they pay the costs nnd he
advised his clients net te go with the
elllcers. The commitments wero made
out, giving all of the parties 10 day ex
cept Traplanil whose sentonce wan rnadu
vO. Ko-umleld and Hllukman took the
ndvtcu nfoettusol and skipped out of the
olllce, getting away. The ethers inade
resistance hut wero finally put in jail by
Pennsylvania Railroad OfllcerH I'yle and
Kciuu'dy. Tlmy wero scarcely inslde
of tlie prison until 'i cab wan mint out
for them. They wero brought down
mid takuu bufore Judges I, Winsten nud
l'attsrseu, en u writ by whom they wero
discharged en the ground that the com
mitments did net nut forth that they had
been oeu vletcd of nny oHensu. The prison
keeper was nbe eidercd te dHch'rge
Iloseufold and Sliiikmnrr in cacothey were
brought there. Lit or in the ovenlng
Bllukmati wan nriosted by ltallread Ollloer
I'yle, mid ns it was raining he ngrced te
take the ollleor with him In the cab te the
prison. Arriving there the supposed
prisoner went Inside of the gate mid tlie
ollleor started for tewu. He had hardly
gene out of tlie jailyiird when the biiek
driver wan free mid again en hi Htat
driving down Kant King street.
There Iuih been trouble butwunti the
b.icknien and rullread elllcers for sotne
tiine. There are certain rules, at the
depot by which the fermer me only
allowed te go liiHide en curtain condition.
It in e'tilmcd by the etlljers that they vle
latutlii'- i uli Hand become disorderly and
annoy tr.wolerti. Oa the ether han I, the
hacknieu claim that they obey the rules an
far as they can, but thore nre se nnny
bosses at the depot that a number of dillor diller
cut orders ate given and no olio under
stands thorn. In this wav, ii is elatuiud,
they me constantly being uuuoyed by
the elllcers who arrest them ou the nllght
est provocation. The hotel proprietors
say tli it they de nut think tlieir porters as
bad us claliued mid they would like te
knew what rights they have, as it would
save them considerable ..ouble.
1.IUHT Ul't
iur Ji-w reti Olllce I'oerlr l.lBhteil
The new pet ullice, which is ene of the
very ImwUemest buildings en Neitli
Queen htreet and which is fitted up iusule
very beautilully ami conveniently, is
noverttieless at uiglit one of the 1110M
dreary looking places between Cen tie
riipiaru mid the railroad, simply because it
is net properly lit up. Tlie otlise is pro
vided with a suflleicut number of gai
burners te Afford the in. oiled llluiuiua
tieu. There are three chandeliers in
that part of it devoted te the publ.e one
near tlie front deer containing three burn
ers and one ou oither side of the le:l..
boxes containing two burners each, making
seven iu all. Net mete than tliree el
tltcke burners are ever lit, ami niierably
peer burners they are, probably consum
ing net mere that four feet of gas per
hour, and furnishing 11 weak, sickly,
yelluw light, net much better than the
old stvle penuy dip candle. The ofllce is
supposed te be kept open all night ter the
benefit of the public and oi'peeinlly for
the benefit of the four hundred renters of
tlie lock boxes. True, the front doers re
main unlocked, but at S o'clock p. in.
when the postmaster and his olerks It ave
the place the 1:11s is tin ued down se low
ami the (llke leeks se dark that timid
persons would no mero think of entering
it than they would of geiny up a dark
alley. Oely two gas gets are allowed te
lint 11, and they are 1 11 med down se low
that they atl'eid about as much light as a
taper in a sick room. It is almost
imposMOle te sce whethcr there is
or is net any mall iu the leek
boxes , and if a router should icceive a
letter alter 8 o'e'eck he would need vel y
geed eyes indeed te enable him te read it
by the light turnUhrd by the poateflke,
and if Its contents weie imp ji taut and
reiiuiied un immediate answer, he would
have te go elsewhore te write n reply.
The hundreds of people who the
postefilco at all hours of the night deserve
hotter light. If the United States govern
intuit c.iuuet afford te de what a private
eltiz"ti has doue build a convenient post pest
office fei our city it can at least afford te
pay for gas suilicicnt te light it up. Lut
us have light, uverr if a few of our recent'y
discovered able bediid pensioners have te
be stricken etf the pomdeu rolls and the
amounts heretofore taid te thorn be tumid
into the coders of a buffering gas company.
I'rer, I.liiut'it l'.xtilUilluu.
hast evening I'ref. Llppett, the woll well
knnwu magician and prestidigitator, who
is keening a hotel at Maytewu, nave a line
open uir exhibition ou Saturday everling.
A tromendous orewd wero preaent, who
heartily enjoyed it. Iu the afternoon a
larue pipar balloon was sent up. Iu the
eveniug there was n display of fireworks
and another balloon was sent ill) Te it
were attached all klni'sef llroweiks, which
were exploded in llm air, making a beau
tlful sight. Olliaers Uratner ami Herr, of
this city, ntteuded the exhibition, winch
they report n being veiy well conducted
and free from nnydisnider. The Maytewu
baud furnished the niusie
Tliey HUM urn llieiu.
A gentleman of this city who i-pent
Sunday in Hphrata, says that Abe Buz
zard and " Tld" lirimmcr were in Souna Seuna Souna
dervillo. KpUrata township, en Saturday,
lluzzard was well known te the parties
who saw him. The story is only given
for what it is worth, as Uriuimer was been
en the same day at a half dozen ether
haunts with several towns te hear from.
Tlie IrnnilileM lluspball AtsoelHtluu,
The Ironsides baseball association held
a meeting last evening at which it was
decided te levy mi assessment of 45 per
share en each of the CO shares of the asso
ciation. Tire olebo of tire sctifeu found the
club in debt te tlie amount of about llfiO.
The assessment lovled will pay this off and
loave a balntrce in the tieasury with which
te prepare for the next season.
A nieuu inert.
Yesterday morning; while the Inquest
was being held en the body of Frank
Ilrceht, nt his rosideneo corner of Middle
ami Duke streets, soma thief slipped up
stairs and stelo $U 50 cents in cash from
a drawer. There is no olue te the thief.
Dlierderlles Arrested.
This afternoon Ollloer Daily arrested
l'hlllp 1jiice nnd Ltezie lCline for drunk
and dberderly oendiict en North Cluls
linn htreet above Frederick. The were
held for a hearing bofero Aldciiiun Barn,
Ne. 053,
Bllzibeth Vatter, en Roekland street,
secured Ne. 05". us the winuiug niitiiber
for the silver ice pitcher, given nway te i
thu holder of uu admission tloket te the 8t,
Bteplmu's church fair nt Excolaer hall.
Anil suinn nf It I'rcullitr OMrr valines
Te morrow evening Oatober :tlnt Is
llallowe'on, or All Hallow's Ev6, n festival
that has for centuries been invosted with
moie superstitions than cluster around
nny ether soanen of the year. The festival
Is supposed te be a rolle of pagan practices
hut nothing definite Is known of Its origin.
One of the old oustetnn among the young
folks was te plaee tliree nuts ou the bars
of a lire grate, naming tlieni alter their
levers. If a nut cracks or jumps away,
the levor is said te be unfaithful; If it
blaz-'s nud burns, he loves bis lady, and If
the two, named after the girl and her
sweetheart, burn together, they will be
Anether singular observance is that
known In Scotland its "The Tlnee Lug '
gles, or Dishes " One dish of clean water,
another of foul mid the third empty, nre
placed slile by side, when the oxperlmou
ters approach blindfolded and dip their
fingers .nte one. If the eleuu water, they
nre te marry a inaldeii or u youth ; if
the dirty, 11 widow or widower ; and If
the empty dish le soleeted, u single life
will be the fate. As oaeh person takes
Ids tin ii at the "higgles" "great
oare Is taken te sce thorn duly changed,"
se that the test may boa fair one. Anether
ipialut custom, still prevalent In the " old
oeunlry," nml perhaps In the rural districts
of New Kngland, is that of pulling the
stalks of colewort (a vailety of cabbage),
Tlie young people go out hand in hand
(hllndfeldeil) into the gaulen, mid oaeh
pulls the llrst stalk which alie meets with.
According us the Malk is big or little,
straight or crooked, se will the future wife
or husband be; the quantity of eaitli
adhering te the stalk measuring the future
fortune and the taste of the pith denotes
the temper of the future life partner.
In this part of the country there is but
littln oh.iervai.ce of the day, except among
children, who ammo themselves pulling
ilner bells, throwing shelled corn agninst
windows, or removing doorsteps, signs,
&e., all of which are mere honored in the
hrench than In the observance.
' Denirlnry Hiifukn.
Last night three suspicious looking men
were si en toenterShreiner'scomotory, ene
of them having a bundle with him. Officer
Iturns w.ismit'fl''d and nride n soareh, but
found neither the men nor the buu.
die. At a later hour one of the
men was seeu te leave the ceme
tery, carrying the bundle with him.
It is surmised that it may have been the
body of a dead infant that they wero en
deavoring te conceal.
OlliptHllll lllllllllMrd.
The complaint el assault and battery
made by Adam Ditlow, against Officer
Smith, wasne inl by Alderman Samseu last
evening, and dismissed, it boieg shown
Ditlow was drunk, en tlie race course, en
Thursday last, and that Smith used no
mere foree than w is necessary te eject
him from the track.
aiieilixr ithiii .liiintinr.
A' ether ill yi ar old boy was arrested
ler jumping mi the trains of tlie Heading
railroad, en Water street, and was commit
ted for .1 days.
rxll Cusliliiii ijimrierly.
Siiinl ncimlx te Stnnvljrlilgi: A Clettilur, ler
the Autumn (Jtuirterlu, l-i piKes, J.OuO lllux
tnitleu-, l! valniitiluurtlctui en milijeets etln-rerin-l
te lsilles: tiltie, 11 'lU'simakerV (iikd.
Kveiy ilcsprlpilun or dry geixN llluntruted
mid piled, ter ntieppun by 11111II. Tliu music
liy W. W. illlctirlit, tlm euleliratuil coinpewr,
Nhliiiie north doulile tin prlce et tliu book.
u irly sii'iseripllen, 5u centj j ii cents for clx
uieulln SulncTltie new. lOOlit
" J'np' HIcp'h surprise pirty mini puny will
iippuir linen Uv iivenlier In Kulteii opera
liotise 111 tlieir iDllyeptnitleciiuicdy et ''Pep.-'
Ttili bmicli of fun wilt given In New Yerk and
l'Hiuiltiihl. n cnilly, ilrmv crowded lieuses
unit win very d itluilnuly spoken or by the
pre Kim mid Id's et tt rules the uvunlii
when " Pep " Is k'vcii.
''.S'iIiii'I I'men" Mr. St. It. Cut tin, wlie
neuds no iiii'Dimiieudiitlen, will uMln belli
l.une liter, 'lliuradny eveafng. Everybeey
knows un 1 llkei Ham't, mid uverybetly who
lusii't suun ti 1 111 should h 11 tliem te tlie opera
Heuse n hen tie enmes.
Driiiorriiue bt.itti Tlrkrt.
HON. JOSKI'II l'OVVKI.I., llraillerd Hi.
(Kiiuily Ticket.
JWIIN. A. (J( I.K, I.tuieaier.
I'll M'lll.M VN. I.BncKter
I'JIIS II. Slb.NAUli 1, Mt Jey.
took oisKeroKs.
II. K. Sill MP, K. Cociillue.
(J. It. II Kill'., Mlllursvllle.
ii)lli:UT KVA.N. Kden.
.iyf.fl A I. NUTIUK.
Siiiull I'm uinille.iti'd, S11111II l'ex uined,
fcnmll I'er plttluijs liiuvented by Dmbys I'm-pliyla-tle
Dvitki-tie mid Nervous people, "out of
sort."," Celiltin's l.tnutil Heel will cure. Ask
ter CWdrn'j, take no ether. Of dniKKlslfl gen
nrally. oft-lwdeedAw
tlMiites AneniniiunMit.
"Completely prestruted for days wltli Indl
ijuslliiii and billens fever. Tlm oiTeota et two
linttles of ltxrileek llloeil Hitters me; vlslblu
Improvement rlKlitntr." Mr. N011I1 Hates hi
mini, N. Y. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran,
uriiKKisr, ui ami ixj .lerui uueen sireei.
Ilnn'i wear I'lnuy or ladeit things when the
ten cunt Diamond Dye will make them KOed
us new. They me perlect und cost but 10 ets.
Fer l.uine llxtk , Mile or uneat use 8111
I, Oil's PimOUrf 1'l.A.STKIt. Price, B5 cent cent
Held by II. II. (Jeclinin, 137andi;l3 Knrtli (jiitHin
iruut, l.uueaster. leblteedti
llrnrys llnrbulla Mnlve.
The liest Halve In tlie world ter cut.s.brulses
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped
liiinds, chllbhilus, corns and all kinds et skin
uniptleiis, freckles mid Jilinplus. The salve Is
Kiiiiiiuiteed 10 k'vu perlect satisfaction In
every case or money refunded. He sure you
get HuNiiv's L'AiineLiu Salvk, us all ethors lire
but Imitations mid cntintertelts. Pilco 25
cents, f-eld Iu Lancaster at Cochran's Drug
steiu. U7 North Oueun stieet. mvi-4
Pie is.itit, heulthy Krlns are seen only en tlie
Incus el huiillliy perrens. The dyspeptic and
ilebllltated cun hiiiiIu only In a h.ilt-lieiuted
way. I'm lly thelilneil. tone the gieuitich. mid
streiiutlieii tlie tissues with unlock Meed
Jlttleri,ll you wish te laugh well ami elten.
Fer sub) by 11. 11. Ceeliiau, druggist, 137 and
1U9 North Uueen street.
I Ainrs who possess tliu finest complexions
are iimeiiK the pitrnus of Glenn's Sulphur
Heup. Hlll'4 Hair Dyr, black or brown, iu cU
I recommend l.tuly Cauiella'd Secret of
Youth mid Ileauty for the complexion, as be
lug far superior te any uttlcle 1 ever used. It
positively removes Freckles, tun! will reruove
Tun lu one appllcntleu. Price tee.
Fer sale at ull ilrtiuirlsls.
e:j.CuulM&t: Newark, N. J.
Jl inner Aluttiersi Alutlierai
Are you disturbed at nlrfhl and broken el
your rest by a sick child Hiifferliiu and erytnu
wltl. the excruciating palu of cutting teeth t
II se, ire tit eneu ami gel a bottle el MUM. WIN
8I.OVHf)OOTHlNU8Yl(in 11 will relieve
the peer little Riiilerer Immedtatel ilepend
upon It i there Is no mistake about It. There U
net a mother en em tli who has ever used It,
who will net tell yen ul once that It will
regulate tlie bowels und glve rest te the
mother, and ic Het urn! heallli te the child, op ep
urutliiK tl'ie riingie, Itlsperteetly sate te use
in alt cases, unit pleasant te the taste, nml Is
the piiHUi'lptlonef oiuief thu eldest und best
leinale pliystuiuns In tlie United Htutei. Sold
every wliete 2 ei nts a buttle,
mail M v .
It. H l)llt let Atternry Hprnlm,
Cel. II. Walters, V tt, l)latrlct Attorney,
Kiinrns City, Me., sutl erlxcs the folio Inn
tntuinuiit : " HnmnrUnn Is'ervlne 011101I my
nleieet ipisms." (let nli'iiiKftlsts. tl AO,
elJ0 IimIceiIAw HlO.ll liltATII.
'I'lie lellnwlnn BtAteinimt nf Wllllntn . (,'eiikIi
111, et Heinervllle, Mass., Is se remnrkiibln
we beg tennli for 11 the iittiiiitteti el nur ruad
ers, lie suys - "In tliu full el 1S7HI was taken
with a violent litoedlnK el the Iiiiiks, fellewed
by n severe cough. 1 smiii began te lese my
nppettte mill ttush. I wan se weak at one time
that I f 011I1I net leave my bed. In the stun,
nn-r IHIH77 I wiisiiilinllteiltetheClty lltmpltiil.
Whili tliem the doctors said I hail 11 hole In
tin lelt ltniK ns tilg us n hiilNlelbir. I expend,
ed ever 11 liuiiilriid ilelhirn In doetors mid mud.
leliien. 1 was ke Hit Kiinn ut one time a report
wi ft around tlmt 1 was itead. I rruve up hope
lint 11 mend told 1r.11 el 1)11. WM. 1 1. I, IAS
IIAIUAM Hill 'lilt: l.t'NUH. 1 lailKhe lit
my friends, thinking my cne Itiuti ruble, but 1
get 11 If tliu teHiitlnly them, nlieiitemy sut
prison' d Knitltleuttnii, 1 eipiiiliiieieed te feel
better My dope, nnre iti'hd, bi'Kiin te Invlve,
n d I', lay I leelln liutler npiittH tliaii I have
the past three years.
" I wrlletlds hepliur you wl'd publish It, se
t nut every etienllllele I wltli IH-.ti-v.I I.uuua
will ii irt'liiiKil le tike lilt WM IIAM.'S
1IAI..1AM rUK till. I.l M. void imi 011 vlnceil
have liikun two bottle- unit eiin positively suy
thst It has deixi me 11111111 i;h'kI tbnn all the
ntlier medicine I have taken since my stele
ness. My cnm;h lias iilmnsl entirely dlsiip
peiiri'il ami I liull hueii In. ublete nole work.',
-elil bv II II ( eebCHii, U7 Niiiili Utieiiii rlreut
llei'KINS. Ill tills city. OU tllll Villi lllt.,
Iliiirlei D.vl'net . v . Hepkins, III tliu Pith
yeuret her nu.
The tclatlves mid rrluuds et the Intiilly urn
lenpectl'illy Invited te attend the luneriil
Irem her late reslilu ee. Ne. I 111 Ku-t ICId
street, en TlmiBilav ineriiliiK nt II o'clock. In In
eo nii'iil nt l.iuiciuter eiitueteiy. .Neltnwers
IIC130 21
JlTLiw Oetelinril, I'M 11 1 s'ew I'rovldnnce,
Laueniter eeinily. I'n. Aumi s., vlfj el K'r.m.
cts M) Mil. In tier (I'll y nr. tmiii tliu reildi'ii"e et her liti'liuiil
en Wedni'-ilav, Oetelicr II. at 10 e clock a. 111,
Het vires and luterinent nt tliu Aliiiineiiltu
meelliiK.heiise, In New Providence, lit 11
o'clock 11. 111. Iteliulvs mil iiluncM uiu In
vited tenttiind without liiither notice. It
ItliKCHT -Oct. '."i, IMt, In tliU oily, Knmk
llreclit, 1 1 tnn 'litli year et lilt 110.
'I tin relative '1110 Ii Iciul-i el the f.nully ure
respvctlully Invited toutteinl tlie luneriil trein
his la'c rislilenee. rerntr of Duke nml Middle
Htrcets, en iV e Inetiliiy ntternemi in J o'clock,
lnterini'Ml nt I.mienster teineiery.
A All .171 Jl'Uf'J Ml A 7.
VAt I lll.f-: AllKII U'ulIlM v.NIS A
kltutitlnn u iiAsl' took, wnnlilnic or
any kind el work, w lllti te work by day or
week. Apply at Loncerd itlley, :i I dour Irmn
Walnut street.
XTIU Illr.-THI'. MKlllll.K1 !)- llA.V'.-.
L H x-TK-til) rillUK, Ne. .1(1, I. ). IE M.1110
liereliy no Hied te iiiei at tlietr Wluwnin
((Jrand Army Hull ) -i WeilniHduy iilteriiiiini
at o'clock, for the pm-p i-e of iitlemlliiK the
liinurfilel our late brelhnr, Kiimeli ltreuht.
Mstninera Trlliii Ne .1, K -liuli Ite-aiu Trllxi
Ne. "W and It.- I i.i ket 'l'lllx' Ne. II, nre cor cer
(HilIU Inxlte I teMlteud.
Ily outer et tin- tribe
WM. U ttliUWN.iiicliem.
rtTllO-N .1. llHOH N. U. Of It. It
1.MTATK III' .1.111
j nt l.uncastur city.
I.. 1 II III. Kit, LATH
Ii eensuil. I.ctler-l tes-
tiiineiitai-y en Kild uslniu IuivIiik been
frtinted te tlm iiudMixtueil, nil persons In
diibted tliei.ite uiu ic'iui sled te make Inline
il Inte p.ij meiit, nml tlieni) h ivlntt clntms or de
mands U'liilnsi tlir Huini), will prieent tliem
wltlieiit ilnliiv ter settleinenl te tlie umler-sIhiiu-I,
res illn In ihi-cltvel I auennti-i-.
l)U. . llrt'OUhMA.V,
UK I. A I. WhllH.hlt,
II. t-iUNK Kbiu.k.MN, Kxerutert
Atleriii'V. elJ litdeaw
' !'
l'KIIIM.i 'ItlllUldl., - 1I1K
VJI Uu.u
tiniUi-ti An untalllii
'."in ler rmpe(.uc, uinl nil Dlscasis that
nilew less et Memery, Unlvernul I.asil.
tilde, I'nlii In tli- ll.ich, Dluiness el
Vbden, l'riimateru Old Ake, and many
oilier illsi-.wns tlmt tisut 10 lasaiiHy or Cen
sumptien aini n I'luin iuih. Uiuvu. ('nil p.11
Uculars In 0111 ii.iiiip'm, wlncli wu di-Hlru tt
Miinl tree tii iiiuti te every nnu. Tfte Spuelflc
llcd'.i'lnu is iid I b ail 1, 11 (Kidta u. JI pur put
ut;, erslx ptii kiiK1'" lr n nr tl L11 sent Irui
e mall 011 llii- ri'ieli l 01 tin. iniiey,bv ud
dre'JSlnK the it- VV StKI)l('lv C .
Iliitr.ile, n .
Un account et c tim-1 1 -Its, wu liuve ndupt
eil tue Yellow Vim,i,!e : HiiienlyKenulue.
Sold In Uiiie-imer y II. II. I'.vduun, 1J7 mid
1IiNiii.1i (Ji.- -i nin-' , uent ler l.iilirnstui l.iilirnstui
eeunly. nprlJ-l)d,.w
U On MONI)A h. t
r.M.Mj, NOV. 5, ISM.
will be sold ul public sulu, ul 1 1 hi Franklin
Heu'i), l.iiiuuiitei' city. l'a,llie loliewtn mil
estu'c, lutu the properly or Hi, h. I.tlewiium,
itec'd., te wit
Ne. 1, situ ite Ne. 1.17 beuth Prince street, lu
tliu City el l.iincastur, consisting et a two
story brick DWKLI.l.NU HOUSK, Willi two
tery tniuie back-bu ldlni; nlluelied ; n new
one und one half steiy bib k coppersmith
hlioe. Thu tieusu but lately been rumedelud
uud llltud with wutui pipes conveying Hut,
wiiiur iniiiUKii uiu iieusc ; u uyuriiiii. in inu
mil mid till in llrst-cliiss condition. A Mirlety
et clielcu trull tiecs uud Kruno lties. A let
el mound, (routing en Smith Prince strtel
.VH tU'-t, inure or less, uud eltt-lldlllg lu duptli
l.e teet.liieiu or li-s, le u 7 net wide nlluy.
Tuts piepi-rty Is new eeeii, ilcd l Oeorge J.
Ne. a, sltiiute Nes. ill and ii: K ist James
utreut.lii tnu uiiv el l.auc.utei, uenslstlu et
ii iteublu two story FltAMK DWKLI.l.S'li
IKiUrtK. an t ether iincessary outbuildings, u
lijdiuiit le-iu thu due-; ulel et irreund trout
luu en -ulil hust Juuiesstreet Vl leut, ueiu or
less This prnpurl) Is In geed condition.
Ne .1, ttiiatu Ne. ins tnst Fulton stict. In
the Lily et l.iiiu-astLi-, censlsiliiir et u two twe two
Mlety HH1CK HUM. I. INU HOl'Sh, wl.h
tr.iuiu Mtctiuii ult'icliml und let of kieiiiuI
treutlllK en wild Kisl 1 ulteil s.leel lii lei I,
mere ones, und eituiidtnu el ihat width In
iiejilli s ft-rt moie or les, le tliupiiipui-ty new
I or lute et .leliu H. Melunaii und llumy lleuli
tetd. Tills property Is also in koeiI comlllleii,
1 tlm hmisu Ii.ivIiik been built wlttiliislt uurs.
l'ei eiis v IshliiK te vli w i-liiicr et tliuiu
pruuiisi s ..i.l pieiise cull ou tlie U mints ie
bldliic tlierceu.
Hutu te ceiiiiiiune.'ul Tu'ileck. p. m et s.ild
day, wluui terms w III bn iiiadu kimwu by
A C. II.U,
hxecuters et Or K. J. Hewm in. dee'd.
.Ions, Aticlleiieer. eJ ,nl,.id
vttirri'i-; tii iiik ii
TION The beard el dliecters et the iliim iliim
nerehei Hull iis:eeliittnn liuvlnu resolved,
with the consent et the MoekhoUleis, te In In In
eiuasutliiicupltulstoL'keftlie eei iorntlen Irem
IJU.UUi te tJtl.tiOU.ttie lttere.ipe te be miidu by
Hie Issue et HXI siiiues of stock ill tliu p.n vuluu
of il uach, tliu stockholders et the said cor
poration ate hereby untitled that a meeting et
stei'kliniitms will bu heul ler the purpose el
lOiislilerlliK such lneieuse et cnpltul ut the
filllcu et the c.orpei'iitlon en Ninth l'rlnce
stieet, en MUNIlAV, the With day el NOVKM
HKIt, ls-J, ul s o'clock i). m.
sopt27-8teuw I'lestdeut.
I.ANOAHTKIl, I'll., Oct, IS, IbSJ.
Te the CUIiem of l.ana uter;
The lle.itd el Health liispeclfmly culls the
iitleiitleu el lliecltlens nt l.nucitstci- te the
lollewlm; section et our Heultli Ordtuancii ;
"And be II liii'tliei'imueted that all liuiuntM
uud miiiidlans shall came thilr children und
wards te bi vacclnuteil belnni thuy attain thu
UK" et one year, mi I that thu lle in I et Heultli
shall uuiulle nud unleicu the vuccluatleu et
nil pi'isetis ri-slilliiK In the city et Lancaster,
and never buimu vaccinated."
Thu suld lleaul el Heultli de hereby direct
and reiiulre tlieMieetiiatlnu et ull pursues iu
the city within tl 'teen dns from this notice,
ns llie previsions and )i)iialtli'H p escribed by
sum oidintinee ler in violation, win no en en
lercud. lly outer of tliu Heard el lle.utti,
V ll.itKOW-N, M.l) .
elO-CldTllTh.VS BfCletuiy.
I)l)III.Ulh.l.liOl'VAldl.lll.lil!l . V PICO
J PKItrY. In piiisuiiucuei tin Older et tliu
Orphans' Court or the Comity et I.iiik aster,
wl I lie sold by public vendue en WcOnesiluy,
the lltli iluy et N'nvemhi)-, A 1). Iks.1, ut tliu
I.iepanl Hetel, lu tlm elty et l.uucusler, the
tolleivlug described vuliitib.ii real islale el
Jehn Hwiulz, latent said city, duceused, vl. :
Alotel uieuml Ireiillmi en Hiut Ivliur ml.
lu sahl city, Bl feeUK Inelics unit In depth te
(irauiKiiuul te eastern beiiudary 'M lent, mid
le we-dtin boundary 211 leet, uillelnlin; prup
urty ut the Widow blclity and Hen. a. Herr
Uiiillh. 'llieiu Is erected en said premises a
liirite tw ksteiy Deublu Fraiiii) UeuKli-t'iisl
Heuse, Nes. SWumUltl Kant King street, con
veniently ununited ter Iao tuiiillles und n
liydliiut under cover und et vurleus
kinds. Tills property will bn send lu one ei
moie pin purls lOHiilt .uiciiisers.
Persons ilusliliiK te see said piemlses will
please call ou Mrs, riwartz, residing at Ne 517
East KliHf kliee1.
bale te ceiiiuieiiLe at o'clock p. m.
Adinlnlstratur with will iiuuexed et Jehn
bhuiixht A surrew, Auci's.
vi ,n iin, 7,u,u
riiiiKVF.iuiriiTOi' ai,i .lunoi-MeKiiiiini
X Cl'tms. te that tlie Ae, Havana Ulunrs at
ItAltTM A H'f, Is the best In the city.
WANTKII-AN l'XI'Mtlt'.Nurl) III 1(1. Ill
de xencral honsewei k. A jily nt Ne, .13
Knst Guiinansltcut. Uoed rctertnte wanted.
IUlll'V rutin MINK Hill' TAKK TIIK
lend mid sell the bestAu lliiviitiu Clunrs In
NeruiK. a mrirvriNii or nir, im'.mii
criitlc t;ity Kxeeullvu C'etuuiltteu Willi).
In-Ill at the Jiir.'ihen rlub looms Tlllt
( I'UKIDAY) KV12NI M ill 7k e clock.
I. l&l'KINMI'.T
lias removed Ids olllce te
r.ns laver.ible te the erection el nHoutli nHeutli
eru Mm ket lleune will b) liehlut the hotel or
Ucnrue Willi, Miutti tjiieen nil cut, in. morrow
tWli,lNI-:siAY)evinliir, ill 7i oVleek. All
who favor tliu piejccl uin In vlted le iittriul.
Id .IAn. K. (1AHVIN. -eeiutnry.
(Jlmirs for Scents ul
Heed .leiiriiuviiiun mid pilie. hiimh as mhui
siKxnis. II. WAllXKIt,
mvl-ilt MiMIIIKIT.
Orftci: or Comituei.i.kii ok run OruniiM v, t
Wasiiisoten, li.c.Out. J') mi,
Wiilueas, lly aatlslactery uviitencii pi-Kent-ml
te thi) umlnrslgniMl, It bus been nmiki le tlmt "Tlie tin irryvillu Niitleiml Hmik,
(juurry vlllc. In tlie Uuuuly el L ineuster and
SUileel l'ennsylvanli, Ins ceiiiplli-i wltli nil
tlie previsions et tl.erevlsid stunites el tlie
United htates lequlrml te lie compiled wltli
boleiii an association nil ill 1m ivitheilze I te
ceimiienciitliu limilnesef b.iiikliiir
New, TllKlirrertG, I, JOHN .1. KNOX,
Cnuiptieller el thu Cuiirncv, de hereby
certtly tlmt The (Jiiuriyvlllu Niitlennl Hank,
Quarryvllle In tlm ;euntv of l.uuujs'er ami
State of l'uiinsylvanl-i, Uaiitherlzud te ioiii ieiii
meiice iin 'iuifti"tnnf bunking, as prevlduil
l'i section lllty-enu liumlred und sixty-nine et
the revised statutes et til t'nl'u I States
In testimony whereof witness my linnd mid
seal of olllce tiiMtMlh day oreatotivr, iss.1.
.IOI1N .1. KNOX,
Complre leret the Curiuney.
1)301 tilAimw
II you study sour Interest prcpiie ter ttie
severe cold days tlmt will seen be here.
We have a very large and earu'ully selected
stock et
Fer en te select Iru'ii. Ter Ilia IU nml work
manship wu bold ourselves responsible.
Should prove unsatisfactory we 111
cucerliilly exchange or refund tlie money.
32, 34. 36 & 38 EAST KING ST.,
I.AM- WKIl. 1'A.
INOS, OCTOHKIl tli) AND JI, A. II. lhl,
will, lu pursuaiicu et mi outer of tlie Orphans'
t' 1, uiu u.-dur county, lie sold by public
Vi-uduu, ut lilt) l.cepml Hetel, Kut Kln'
stieet, in the city e l.iiueastiT, tliu lollewlnu
itesliiib e re d es'ate, lute of l)a id,
deciused. te wit :
Ne. I, A two-steiv bitck DWKI.I.INU
llelJ'iK with tw. -story lnle i Pack building.
in l : i- Htnble uud ether improvements, nud
iet or piece el itinuud idluiitu en the wcstsldu
el Nertli (Jueen streei. In tliu cltv el I.uuciw
ti r uteieniilil, ceiitiilnlin; lu limit ou said
sticut, 47 leet, :ii inchua und uxlumllng In
depth 2I"i ieetie lurkut s'leeli beiiniled en
the ueitliby Ktetind et Jehn D. lleiln, ou
ttie south by cieund of h 1-:. 11 illuy, ou thu
uasl by said Nmtli Queen stieet, and en the
west by Market Hreet, uieies'ild.
Ne '2. Tlm following lotser pieces el ureuud,
sltiuil i In that iurt of tliu elty et l.iincastur
known as thu " Cliisluut Mieet Tiuct," a plot
or dmlt et which Is ou 111 lu ttie Hecei-dur's
Olllce of I.uucuster county, te wit- Lets Ne.
21, 32, 12, 41 nnilM.en iimthslileel Kast Marlen
btrt-ul, 22 leet llent by Us deep te a II leet
wide alley j lets Ne 00, 2, 1. 1, Ml. "il, 60, 8 1 Kl
und 'JO. en south side et Last ciieiinut street,
eaeliSI lent trout by US teit deep ten II leet
wlduaUiiy; lel.s Ne. IJ7. Ill und I.M, en ninth
side et Kii3t Chestnut street, eiieh 22 leet trout
by 'JO leet deep, te a in feet wide alley; lets
Ne. UO, HM, ail, 1.02, '2U7, 20S, 2111 lit d 221, oil bOlltll
sldeet hast Fulton stieet, lieiiiluj; 22 leet by
DO leet In depth te u 10 leet wldu alley; lets
Ne. '!fJ, '211, iM, 2til, '202 and ii.'.). en net Hi side of
Kust Fulton street, eueli ii leel Heni ny i -2
deep ten 10 lent wlde alley s lets Ne 3J0 und
312, mi south slue et Kust Walnut sticut, euch
2-2 leet lienl by 1M tent deep te u HI lent wide
alley. uud lets Ne. 3M. J. 7 uud .IT4, en iierih
sldeet Kusi iilnut street, euch 'ii fuet limit
by 120 leel deep te iiiiethei luteel wldu ulley.
Alse ul the Mime time und place, will be sold
the following lets el ground ou suld Chestnut
street tiuct, which suld David llurtiiian held
lu trust at Hie tlmuel his diuth, le wit
Nes. Hi, '2?1, '2'J, 30 'iM, II, 45. 4u. 17. IS. 4'J, Mil.
31 mid M, euch trentillK 22 feel en Marfmi
street bv US (eel lu depth ten 11 leel wldu
u'ley; Nes. 1W, 01, III, 01, M, 7J, 71, 77, Ts, "'', HI,
tw, SO. 87, SS. Ul unil 100, euch (routing '22 leet en
Miutli side el hast Cheslnul stieet by US lent
lu iieplh tesuhl 14 leet widen lev t u let en the
southwest corner et Kust ( liestnut and
Fiunkllii streets '22 by 00 feut . Nes. Ill, 1.W,
l.'U, 141, 14.1, ISO, l.M, IS'.), 151, 151, 157, IAS, HW, Hit,
105, tee, 107, les, eaeh treutlng '22 leet en north
side el Kust chestnut street ny W leut deep te
a 10 leet wide alley, and adjoining Mild Ne. 10S
mi thu east 5 lets et unuie stze net niimbereil ,
Nes. HW. 170, 171.174 175 170, 177. I7S, 17U, 1S2, l-l,
101, PJ2, 1117. 1 Ji, 193, 2U '2uJ, i 1, '201, SHU. m '210,
211, 311, '217, 218. '2PJ, '220. 225. '220, '227 and 228.
ii'euiiiiK .; rem each ou seiiiu bine ei r.usi
Fulton street by '.HI teetdtep, te u 10 leet wldu
nlluy r Niw. '2.H). -231. '2JJ. 2JI, ,i 215, 210, '217, 203
2M1. '207, 281, 280. 288 und -2U1. each fronting 2-2
iceieu ueriu suit or r.usi rmieii street nun
exleiidliig U'i leut te a 10 (eet w Wu alley i Nes,
8UJ, '-inl, KI7, StW, 800, 802, 3)1, JO I, J"7, WW, 331. 3.12,
3 II, 311, 33V S3 1. 8J7, 3.18 330, 3)0,311, JI5, 310,317,
351,352, 335, I!31 mill 3.17, ruth lienl llg'22 leet
en south sldu el Kusi Walnut sticul and lu
depth 150 feet te a 10 leet wide alley, und ad
joining said Nc.357 en the west a let net num.
Duied, (routing about M teuten suld 10 leut
alley ; Ne. .T18, mid unjeining It en the wust u
ti'tangiihir let net niiuibeiud ; Nes. 31 , :0),J01,
.102,308, 300,370,373, 374, 171, .."s, Hi, 3SI, .18-2,31,
J-5, 5srf, 380. 3'JO, till, 302, 301, It 5. 100. 4u7, 118, 100,
uu, iiiuiui ;, cucu Heming a let-i en inu
neitli sldeet Kast Walnut stieet by 120 teet
deep te another 10 luul wlde alley.
These lets ure eligibly lecuttil lu u rapidly
Improving part el the elty und mount rute
opportunities jer prelltuble Investments,
Titles will be uiude Apill I, lt.
bale te c mmuncu at 7 o'clock p. in. of said
day, when due attendance will be given und
tonus nlsale uiude known bv
Kxecutorel the will et D. Iliiutmuii, dee'd,
Trustee ler lets held lu trust by suld 1).
lliirttnan, det-eusud.
Slet the nbeve lets 'have buen Beld at nu
average price et 17a pui let. '1 he must desli
able lets Ht'e unsold,
i'uiu. . OC129A8I
Ki:w Aurjcttrmiitr.STH.
rmtlll tlllllll WAMTISD-UOOU WAUKH-
V-. Apt
Apply at
L pletu assortment el Kuohre. t'oker, und
.. v.. HTAurFKii, oeodvllle, l.niieusler Ce.,
a. Muniilncturcr of Fine Pennsylvania nml
Demestic ClKnts.
Orders )iiemptly attended
Wedding Gifts
s lltiil .AIIM'9 COHNKH.
I H. O. OK.S'SKMKIl, Wholesale nml Itetnll
l.lituer Dealer, tins returned te Ids old nnd
well known stniid. NO. i.l .SOUTH Q17KKN
HTItKKT, I.ANCA8TF.H, I'A , Where lie will
be pi en sed te welcome his old und new custo
mers lu his Una nt business. Cull und si u me
ut my old new Htaml. ectlVlwd
I Club will
meet nt tlieir Club ItoeniH.
luieiuis iiiiiiiiinir, en I lluusi'AI riril,iu,
NOVK.MIIKIl 1. nt 7K o'clock lluslness el
Importance will be tinnssctcd. The club will
also incut next H.iliinltiy livening, November
3, ut 7 o'clock.
Members must present their tickets nt the
e;r,Ct 11. J. McOUANN, President.
t ten Fliinnels, printed en one Bide, only
'10e per yard : Dress Uoeds worth 23e., ut Me.
and IPe , Koeti dark styles. Tlid best .Vic. Cor
set In the city ; also heavy blue mixed mnte.
rial ler blankets, CO Inches whlu, only Via. pur
yard. Hluck Itlblieiisat hair pricu r Ne. net.
teimiii millions at 10c our 6)e. and ll.oei Shirts
are a Imgatu ATSWAltlt'S,
Iubl7 lydTAS ,10 North Queen sticut,
i el I.nucasterelty, deceuscd. The under
MKnt iiuiltter, unpeinted te piwsupen exce exce
tleiisaml te itlstillnitu the balance rcmalnltiK
Hi the hands el Win. 1-1 Kreldcr, ndinlnhtiu ndinlnhtiu
ter, te uud iimemr theso legally entitled te the
same, will nil ler Unit inn po-e en Wednesday,
November II, IbS.1, ul ldo'e'eck a. in.. In the
Library Itoetnoi tliecotirt-lleiise. In theclty
el l.nucnster. where all persons Interested lu
said dlsltlbutlun may ulteiul
oil udTu Auditor,
OAl.OUICt.I. & CO.
We asK the attention e( pur
chasers te the Importations of
bine Diamonds new arriving.
Te meet the demands of the
most critical, and consequently
the most prudent, we confine
ourselves entirely te the sale of
such diamonds as may be pro
nounced strictly first-class in
Recognizing the fact that in
ferior stones have little intrinsic
value, it has been our business
aim te offer only such Diamonds
as we can unhesitatingly recom
mend as a judicious money in
vestment. In Rubies, Kmeralds, Sap
phires, Cat's Eyes, and Rare
colored Gems of all kinds, we
have been fortunate in securing
many beautiful specimens.
We desire te extend a most
cordial invitation te our custo
mers and ethers in this city te
visit our store, new rendered ad
ditienally attractive, by reason
of the many elegant goods of all
kinds constantly arriving from
J. Ii. Cau)Wi;ll & Ce.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
KU'lllll TAlSAtHJV T.S.
WKDN'USUAY, OUTOflEUill, 189a.
' I'er Uoeilnric Sake Peii't S'ty I Told Yeu."
Kugugi mentor the Celebrated Pep.
ular KtiverltcH,
In tlieir New nnd Original Mele Dramatic
epuiullc Comedy Meliuigu, entitled
" P O P."
(Flist tlnie In thh elty.) Pr iducuil with
erlglmiliiud selected music, by KDWAKD K.
HICK, lutieiliielng the Cell brutcd Comedian
Ami an exceptionally strong cast. Pietty
UU Is. Cilgluul Music. Pleasing Comedians.
tar The li'inarkuble success of this ceinpuny
lias been plicuemlu il having played " POP "
six consecutive weeks lu ban Francisce, te
everlll.iiOJ. nnd .111111 cuiisucullvu weeks In
New lerk Cltv te$I.50J, muli lug ever 10),000
In llltiun weeks, a suceuss never excelled.
POl'in.AU OllDlNAltY PltlOKS.
Seats secured at Opera Heuse Olllce. e27-H ni'i.KA iioeaii;
TIIUUSUAY, NOVKMIIBU lsr. Kiigagcment of the Popular Ceiuedian,
Mr. I. B. Curtis,
Huppmted by Ids own exeullunt ceinpnuy In
the remarkably successlul comedy,
As Played by Him Over 1,000 Nights.
lteserved sentM, 7J
Opera HeusuOtllre.
cents. Ker sale
at the
(North PiluceHt,, LancaUci),
Satunluy EvehIhr, Nev. :), 18S3.
Addres'es will be delivered iu bchal! el the
olcctlen of the DoiiieciatloStalu Ticket, by
t'ei twenty yiius a Itoprcsentntlvuol Puiin
svivanla In Cenuresh and for tliruu terius
Speuker of the Heuse,
'llie Klequent Duniecrattu Advocate, et Pitts
burg. JAMES M. BECK, Esq.,
A lllslug Orator el the PtiUudelpntu Ilur.
W. XT. HENSEL. Esq,,
(Jlmtituuuet Uu- Dtjinncrutle fltate cemmUtuu,
nun uiuuiHi
'1 here will also be iidilruases lu (jurriiau by
Plter. JAMKn 11KLLAM, or I'lilladelphla,
uud nlburs.
There will be special trains run af'er tlie
meeting te Uiiarryvllle, Columbia, nml points
en the It. A C. it. It.
Musle by tliu Ctty Cornet Hind.
Democratic lass felii
COUNTY and nil Imlepundunt citizens who
me opposed te Itlng Itulu and Treasury Mis
management are cerdlully InvlU'd te itttend.
The speaking ut Mienneiolier Hall unit Uar
deir will begin ut 8 p, m.
ciWt CUttliiaaa Detii, County Cum.
A nntlrlrnl Occurence llluitrntlve nt the
Negro's Kstlinntlen l the Ornuil
Old llepubllmn l'arly.
IiAi.TiMOttP., Mil,, Oct. 110, A special te
the Sun from Kasten, Mil., says that n
large Itepitblican mass mcetiug wne held
thore yesterday. All the colored peo
ple of the county took a holiday
and oame te town. Tire BpoakerH wero
attentively listened te, hut when the
meeting was nt Un height a fellow with
thtoe trained bears appeared upon the
Heeno and the nogreos nil left the meeting
te see the bears danoe nnd elltrrb trees.
The spcaklui? was neatly stepped. It Is
cliarftctl that the Domeorats ompleyotl the
man with the bears te break tip the
meeting by drawing oil the oelorcd
Krectlng a SlniiMnii en Itlstnrlcnl OteuiiiU.
Fr.itNAMDiNA, Fin., Oct. 80' Yesterday
morning ground was broken by L, M.
Merris, of IMttaburg, Pn., for the new
granlte mansion for Airs. Lucy Cnrnogie,
also of Pittsburg, ou the silo of the bin.
torle ruins of Duncenss en Ciimberland
Island, Ooergin, the fermer residence of
General Natbatiiel Green, of revolutionary
futne. The ccromeuy was porfernrod In
the prcsence of a large uutnber of persons,
among whom wero Andrew Peebles, Arch.
Itcct Satntiel A. Steel, Archibald Alsten,
of Pittsburg, nud E. G. Patterson, of
Quluey, Mass.
itfturrectlenlsts Arrested,
HitiiMONt), Va,, Oct. HO. Christ Uaker
and Wm. Hnrtiett, colerotl men and profes
Blennl losurrcctlenists, wero arrested this
morning while moving the body of ft dead
pauper through the streets en n wlrcol wlrcel wlrcol
barrew. The body had been stoleu from
the morgue nt the city nlnrahouse. David
Parker, the keeper of the niorgue, was
arrcsteil en a oharge of oeuspiraoy, but
liave been bailed. Uaker nnd llitruett
were sent te jail.
l'oljened by u mcxtenn.
Oalvksten, Tex., Oct. 30. The Ntm
Colerado special says : At Snydcr'a Stere
25 miles mirth or thore Mr. Rurnels was
fatally poisoned with arsorrie placed in his
collce by n Mexican uuepltcril.
" Llttle lluraes " Itngnti I'aiileued.
PiiiLAi)i:LPiii., Oct. 30. Heraco Hegnu,
alias " Little Herace," who was serving a
thrce years scntonce in the oastern perri
terrtiary for burglary, has been pardened
by Governer Pattison nud upon a warrant
issued by U. S. Commissioner Edmunds
was taken te Washington last night. The
pttrpose iu pardoning him was te obtain
Ids testimony in the prosocutien
of the Washington dotcetives, who
nre charged with conspiring with
thieves, of whom Ilegau was ene,
te rob the Metropolitan bauk of Washing
ton, the national printing ofllce nud com
mit ether crimes. Should Ilegau net
keep his word with the governruout and
tuake geed some of his statements it is
understood that he will be forced te trial
as a defendant.
A Illc Clre ut lloiiiBiileml.
PiTrsiiuite, Oct. 30. Homestoad, Pa.,
en tire line of the Pittsburg, Virginia and
Charleston railroad, terr miles from this
city, was visited at nu early hour this
morning by a 11 re which ttiroiteticd te
burn the whole town, but whieh was llually
controlled alter boveii stoics and dwellings,
all frame, hud been destroyed. The less
is $5,000, ou whieh there it a partial iu iu
Birrauce. Twe men Lote tnelr I,lvs.
PiTTSiiiua, Oct. nO.-Ktefcraml Stiofel's
tannery iu the upper part of Allesheny
City, was this morning the scene of
a terrible affair, tee men sacrifle'ruK
thelr lives iu an unsuccessful attempt te
save that of a fellow werkmau. Christian
Dlckseu, tin empleye, weut down a well te
raoasure the depth of the water when he
was overcomo by the foul air, Predmand
Schrader and Charles Schultz attempted
te save him but both lest their lives in the
Mho Itnllreuil (Jiurrel at l.tbunen.
Lkiianen, Pa., Oct. 30. lu the rnatter
of the railroad qtrarrel nt Cornwall, which
has for several days throateuod sorleits
results, Jutlie MoPhersou late last night
granted nn injunction lCHtrainitiK Ilubt. II.
Celcmarr from building u branch of his
new Cornwall & Lebanon railroad te the
ere hills, through the property of Mr.
Frceman, manager of the opposition rail,
read. The c.ise will be argued en Satur
day. They Weren't Outtle Iluyers
MiDDM'.TOWN, N. V., Oct. 30. Karly
this morning three strangers ontered the
stere of Abram Heme woek, Ulster
county, said they were cattle bttyers nud
asked for small bills for three $100 notes,
Mr. Oray proceeded te count out the
chauge when they threw home liquid iu
his face, nearly blinding him, nnd ran oil
with all the money. They have net bcerr
113 hulls lireuglit Agnlnst a Ceinpaiiy.
Easten, Pa,, Oct !I0. One hundred nnd
13 suits have been brought against the
Pennsylvania, Slatingteu b New England
railroad company for wages due workman.
Sixty of the suits wero onterod yosterday,
the ether aome tiine age.
An Oriiiigemaii Meiilencud te l'rlsuu.
Qlabsuew, Oct. SO. The ring leader of
the Orange riots at Ceatbridge, last sum
mer, has been sontenced te two years
Imprlsonineut ; another notlve participa
tor In the disturbances, te six mouths
Vulture nt n Large Knglisli Uuttuu llrin.
Livitiipoei,, Oct. 80. The oitten llrm
of Merris, Hanger & Ce., one of the largest
lu England, lailed today. The failure
e.iiiscs great oxcltemont,
Tlie l.euliiiiture.
IIahhisiiuhe, Oct. aO. Beth branehes
of the Logislature were In sessten today,
but no bitbincss of importance was tratm tratm
aetcd. Twe men Klllnl uy raiting.
Duuuqui:, Oot. !10. Edwin Allen nnd
Charles Van Moter, carpouters, fell from
a building yosterday. lleth wero killed.
Wahhinoten, Oot. 110. Fer the Mlddle
Atlatitle states, fair weather, westerly
wiudn, rising barometor, etatleunry et
alight falling teniporature.
All Kngllili Kinlgratlun selieiue.
At Dubllu the Fretman's Journal de.
olares that a goveniment circular just
Issued contains suggestleus te the Irish
oralgratieu oeramltteo proposing a whole
sale Bhipment of Irish ponple te Canada.
Every faellity istobeolteredto the beards
of guardians and te the olerks of unions te
nrometo oinlcratlen. Ne work heuse
pvuporaare te be sent. Itrge con ti
iiave bcerr rnade with shipping eumpatiiea
for the conveyanoo of emigrants. The
Canadian L'overnmeut is a party te
soherno agalust whieh the Frttmvi's Jeur
nal warns all lriBiimeu,
l'blladelpliln jnnrnet.
PiiltADHLVUtA, Oct. 3 rimir quiet
live r lour, j j "a i j.
YUuau i 71 tw. 4 Weiteiu wen '
1 07X 1 Ne. 9 de, II ( Ne. I l'enn'a. Het), It Iri.
Cern dull, but steady it ' yellow, GOifllet"
de mixed, 57017X0 t Ne. A mix d. MWvl 1,
Onts linn but quiet t Ne 1 Wl 'n.SSei ,10. fl
White, 30f (JJOe I Ne. 3 1I0, 81..?"!" He, 3
Mixed, 31
HuihIs-Clever ilrmntB 10 1 Timethy .nil ut
i u(iati riinHueunri 11 11 ii.
I'rovlslens sternly mid I
Lard steady,
liutterflrm 1 Pit. nnd
extra, iraasoe 1 II. O. and .v
I'unn'a. extra, 15((r.'e.
fair demand.
eslern Ure-xmnrV
V, extra, satiric;
neus uiuifiMe,
Kggs II rm.
Clieesn llrm nml quint.
Petroleum dull Ht-nnei SUOse.
Whisky ut II 20
tttiw Yerk fttnrkeu,
Nsw tertK, Oct. 30. Fleur aulet nnd un un
cliniiKed. Wheat opened nsliatle lower, subsequently
becatuu strenger nml roeovorod Irem ft do de
cllnr, 1 trad 11 meilerntn) Ne 2 Hud, Nev..
ltl2$flV'J' IH0, " 10''101 nl jBn'
Cern timl'i y.QXe lower 1 Mixed Western,
spot, fi'irWe 1 de mtum. MtKS59a
e its dull and a trifle lower 1 State, 370
I3e i Western, 3,10 He
Western Urnln Market.
Pr.enu. Cern was quint t high mixed at
47l7Xe t Ne. 'i mixed at t')HI7u.
Oats were steady and firm 1 Ne. 3 will te nt
ilye was firm 1 new Ne. 3 at A3fP3c.
MiLWAOKBB Wheat was qulet nt tMXc for
cash und Nev. j 0)0 for Doceaibori Ole nr
Cdrn Nothing delnjf j Ne. 2 nominally at
Outs were higher i Ne. 2 nt 2da.
Hye was neglected at OCe for Ne, 1 5IH0
ler Ne. 2,
ll'irlnv wiw dell nnd lewer r Ne. 2 nt 000 j
extra No.3utrec.
Dktkeit. Wheat was In sellers' lavert Ne. I
white, tali, cash and Oot. utllOl U( Ney.nt
$1 0IX 1 December ut 1 v.V,i t Ne. 2 de at WHO t
Ne. 2 Ilea winter, at HMVf t rccelpts, 22,000
bush.; shipments, 4,oue bush.
Cem Ne 2 at sic.
Oats-Ne. 2 white at 3JXe j Ne. 2 mixed at
Llve Htoek I'rlces,
CiHOAoe-lliMS-llccolpti. 18,000 head I ship
ments, .50t) liead : maiket tinner und 5O10e
higher; trndu brisk, packing, tl lOQt 4):
heavy, II OOitt 05; light, tl 4001 00; skips.
Ii 7VJ 75 ; closed tnme, ami net nil receipts
Cattle ltecelpts, s,(0O liead ; shipments,
2,:xri head ; uxpei te scarce and llrm. 0 toen 01 ;
geed te clielcu shipping steers, lit 50Q0 81 1
eommeii te medium, ft fi. Meulaca, It M..7
150; Wyoming, 14 23.
Sheep Hecelpts, 3,e03 lieail 1 ehlpmenls, 200;
market slew at waaic lower; Inferior te fair,
Vi 2.133 30 ; geed,! I ; ohelco, II 23.
The Journal's Liverpool special nuotes
higher p Ices ler American stock; cuttle, Xe
hlghct; 15c )1 pound dressed; sheep, le higher
best grades IHe ijl pound.
Kast LtnmiTV-Ciittlu ltocelpts, 3,023 head;
market dull and lortl.'e lewer.
Hogs ltecelpts, ,Me bead 1 markat dull;
I'Mladelphlus, 3ti0fta23; Yorkers, II is-84 75.
Blieep ltecelpts, 3,Coe head ; market dull
und a shade lower.
Skkk niurKeta.
Quotations by ueed, McUranu A Ce , llanl,
ors, Lancaster, Pa.
11 A.M. ux, ir,s
Michigan Central
New lerk Central....
Nuw.Iersuy Central.,
Ohie Central
Del Luck. A Western,
Denvur A Kle Ut-iinde
Kansas .t Tux us
Lake Short)
Chicago A N. W., com
N. N..Ont. ft Western
1 10
bL Paul A Omaha 30
Pacific Mall 38
ItecliesterA PltlsburgU.. 15
Si. Paul
Texas Pacific....
Union Tactile
Wubash Coimnen
Wabash Preferred
West'rn Union Tulcgmuh
Louisville A Nashville...
N. Y.. Chi, A St. L
Lehigh Valley
Lehigh Navigation
P.T. A Ilutraln
Northern l'acltle Cem...
Northern Pacific Prof...
Philadelphia A Krle
Northern Control
Cnnaitu Southern SI;
OH 110
People's Passenwer ....
Mew verK
Quotations by Associated Tress.
Stocks ulet ami Irregular. Jlcney, Q3c.
New Yerk Central IIS
Kile Hull read 23',
Adams Express 120
Michigan Centrul Hal I read J1U
Michigan Southern ltallread 1)3 y.!
Illinois Central ltallread lilOK
Oluveland A L'ittsburgli ltutlread 1.-V1
Chicago A Heetc Island ltallread VXlli
l'ittsburgli A Fert Wayne ltallread isel;
vestern union -leiegrapii company.
Teledo A Wabash
illlCUIl.X, ituuiuiii -ii
New dersey Centrul S1K
New Verk Ontario A Western. ?0)i
(jiiobillensby Asdeclated I'ress.
Stocks wctilr.
riilladelphla A Erle II. It 15
Heading Hullrend tVi
I'uiinsylViinlii Hullre.ul 59
Li high VnlluyUullreud CMC
United Ceiniuintes or New Jersey 19412
Northern Tnelilc , 2!y
Northern l'acltle Proferrol 3
Nerthurn Central Hullrend... 6311
Luulgli Navlgutleu Comeany VM
Norrlstewn Ualliead
1 e
Central Transportation Company,
l'lttsb'g, Titiisvlllu A lltitlale It. It.
l.iiuu Bcmiviiciii tuuirean
I urxi srecKsnuil Uenrls
lleperlud by .1. 1!. Leng.
t,in." riiy a j-r ci. Lean, due 1882.. .1100
" J8HB... 100
" 1390... 100
" ISM... 100
3 p.iret.ln lerSOycars.. 100
" 3 per ct, Scheel Lean.... 100
l " Inl et 20 years.. 100
" 1 " In 8 or 20 years.. 100
4 a
" 0 " in 10 or 20 years
Maubelm borough lean
Quurryvlue II. It
Inciulrur Printing Cemcany 0
Uus Llg'ituiul Kuul Company 23
Slevens Heuso ( Henda) Ke
Columbia Oaa Company... 23
Columbia Water Company
Susquehanna Iren Company 100
Marietta ltollewwaro 100
Stevens Heuse..... W
Sicily Island M
Kist llrundywlne ft Wayneab'g.... R0
MlUersvtlte Nermal Scheel
Northern Market 0
OiiuvryvlUu It. K.. due 1803 lien
ltuadlu H Columbia It. It6's 100
..ancajiur Oas Light and uel Ce.,
due In lor'je years iqu
Lnncastei OU3 Light and fuel Ce.,
due lS:tl K0
Eastern Market... ft)
Western Market W
Ilia HiirliiL' A HeJivui- Vnliuv 1 25
llililgupert A lloreslmu 19$
Columbia A Chestnut 11111 25
'lelumblaA Wushlngteu 23
Columbia A Illg Hprlng. 2.1
Columbia A Marlutta. ............... 2r
1!M 10
11". "3
Mavtewn A Kllzubutntewn a
l.aucasler A ICptmitu
liiincastur A Willow Street
Sirasuurg A Millport
Marietta x Maytewu.... .....
Marietta A Mount .lev
Lane.. KHzabtitht'n AMlddlet'n
IjincasterA KrullTUIe, 60
Lancaster A Lttit 2 ta
Lancaster ft Wllllamstewu 28
LuncastvrA Maner Nl
Lancaster. Manlielm.... 23
ijincnsterA Marietta 23
Lancaster A New Helland... 100
Lancaster A Susauehannu. S0Q
first National bans. 1100
Farmers' National tlitnlc 50
Fulton National Hank 100
Lancaster County National Hunk.. 60
Columbia National Hunk 100
Christiana National loe
Kpliratu National Hank. let'
KIrst NutlenuUlanlt, Columbia..... 100
first National nuns, tnru-suuru.... ;
rirat NuUemU Hank, MKrlutta...... 1
First National Hunk, Mount Jey.. 100
Lllltz National huhk....
llnnli.,1 .. r.ltn,ll It.ltllC
Union National Hank. Meuut Jey.
New Helland NUlteuni uuiik
Oap Nutleiiul llauk............
1 HI'S
lii J. in?J
23 aii
21 2J
irft 121H
m s.v,l
33 :i7
15K i4
972 07
23K 'UU
1'A )
5!) M8K
25Ji 25
0.3 Cl'
IN tillOAtleit will be inade le the Court et
Oeiiiiinm Pleas of l.iincastur ceuntv en Men
diiv November lt. H. at ten o'elook a. m , ler
iiioMiicerporatloii el lUe llothsville Cornet
llund. tlie object of wldelils the proiiietlonot
music. J.HAi llllOWr.
"stut' solicitor.
ThU Is te tretliy ttie. publle tint tlie new
und beautllul ball will new bn rented ler O-n
certs, Operua, Halls, Scheel KntertaliiiiieuU,
I'nlM, l'ublle Meetings, te. , ,
Fer terms and lurlher particular, epply le
11. OKltHAltl,
l)iitinl Kf.s. sin inhnr lluli Anaocl:illen.
U7I aw.ulnuiJU Ne.OKMt IxtUSItWDt.