'frTir . LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!. SATURDAY, OOTOBEB U7. 18SU. fcancastft Jntrlliacncrv. MKltWAh. BATUliDA? FVBNINQ, OCT. 27, 1003', LBAl'INU IN TltK rbAMIM. Tne Shocking fdilrbt. or Yeuiin.Mati I." Ohie Town A opeolal from Kent, Ohie, n'jmrts that ene of the most horrll1esulc!tlen en rccetit occurred thoreyostortlay. 8.muel Ilielil, nccil 21, wlie had been werklna for u week at DAy, William & Oe.'a rI.vh works, wm utandlnjr bjr the fitrtiace In these vrcrksJimlhlterA retort hid been placed In If, when ene of the workmen told him te stand aside, as he wished te t;et nt the furnoce ' Se de I," Iliehl roplled, nnd threw Inc his plpoen the ground he plunged head long through the ring whence the rnolted glass Is taken, nnd paslng ever the ret landed en the liitciucljr hoi coals thitteiir round It. Se sudden nnd unexpeetd wero the movements that no nHbrt could be made te restrain him. The heat was se great that death must have been Instantaneous. A single breath drawn In that llcry ftir ftir nace would shrivel the lungs. There were but a few fragments left of the body. ihe.Jnpanee still believe tint the first man was net Adam, lint Hii-Mnir It may lie se. Th first Iviililmnte liouidield remeiy ever ettered te a sittlVrinit public n l)r Hall's Ce nuti Syrup, a sure cure ler cough and celils. DrUc lie and KfrlilK 1 aillr. These laiinl I, tlro-emo sensations, cnninp you te leet ttvircely able tn be en your tret . that constant drain thai te taking tretn yeui system nil Its leruier elasticity t driving the bloom trem ye.jr cheeks; that continual tnln upon your vltnl leiccs. lenderlui! you trrltv bio anl frellul, con Uy It wi eved bv ihe use or that marveleti remedy. Hep llttter. IrrvRUlarltl and btruc;tn of your y tcm are relieved lit ene. while thppcrll cansecj periodical pain nre p-nnancn l re moved. !one receive much benefit, nnd none arc profoundly Rrate'ul and Miew snob an In tcrcst la recommending Hep lltltersa women t'reu inline Ackii "My mother walul tin) a long time wlih Neuralgia anil a dull, heavy, Inac Ive cnmlt cnmlt tlen et the whole cj teiu : ueailaciMt, nei v en prostration, ami was uline-t lielple- Ne phrstclans or medicine did lirr any ce-wl Three month ase she betn te use Hep lilt ters with such poed diet t that 'ie seem anil feels yeunj; acatu, although en cr Ti) years ul We think there t no ether medicine Qi te u.-e In the famil ' A lady, tn Providence llRADreRD. Pa , May si. 175. It has enrel nieef s-everul (itson-es. such nerveuni . hcHik at liw- stemn ti. raouUi raeuUi ly trouble, etc I b-ive net seen a Met day In a year, slnce l took Hep Hitter All m neigh bers usetbe-u. Mr. FamkIjse( ttfKte Lest. "A tour of Europe that or t me 11,001. done uie le geed than one bnt-ic of Hep Hitlers ; they al.ecured tny wiloe tlft vn years' nervous weakness, slreplene- ai.il dyspepsia " It. M Anbuin, N. . llltu Authority. Hep Bitter I net In any ene, an nleoheltr beverage or liquor, n.nl e mbt net iw m 1.1 ter use except te persons desirous of ubUlnlne a meOlclnal bitters. Ubkkx U. K.vcv, V. 8. ( eni. In'.er'l Itev. ie. HioeMtoviiJJt, O., Mty 1. Ti. liu1 luve been sullerleg ten yeai unU 1 trluil your Hep Hitters nn-1 It lone me meri geel than nil the iloctera. Mlis . s. I'.oemi llHbf .swil I Wuarose thanklul tesay that our uiiiIuk batiy wus permanently cured el a dangerous anil pre' racled comtlpatlen and Irreulailty Ot thw bowel by the ue et Hep llltn-rs by Its mother, which nt the same tittle restored her te perfect heilthatid stieath The rarents, Itechester, N. Y elldmTu.Tli.- All Admire it llnmleiiie tHen A purt". eleirxhin will muke imy fuce hand slllu. Mniilletitlv tttiythlne i.lch tr iiKthfn nnd enrtt li.rs the liUmd will dtn-clly tilt, tl the whole pM "nti All uriiptleti et Him pkln ill appear when llurileck Jltoeit Hitler t uie em pleyed. 'I ln-y iimu rftetul!e leuimiynr n. cntltiiabUi utile, her Mile by II. II. Ceehruu druggist, IJJ and U.i North ijui-tm ln-t. lle iiu ltlive It. That In this town Hutu are wtinu et persens passing our steiu uvery ilny vliiwe llv" art made nils, ruble by Indigestion, liyapepste. Sear and UUiretsitl simnMeh Mer Lein plaint. Constipation, when nr 75e uuulll w-li them blilleh's VltallMT. uuaruiiteuil te lire tliutn. -old by II It. Ceelirm, diugxl-l, Nes 117 and I ft North Uueeii nirwt luliT-'hij 1MtlVN'a lMefcfJllTTKIM. Wern, Weary, and Wretched. " An wi alt us a cat " Is an expression IreiUPiitly ued by debilitated sutlerer who are trying te tell hew lotlem they led. It Is tin Income! expression, ler a cat I ene et the most SKlle niiil vigorous animal In'existence. Itweuld be mere correct te say, "a weak a a limp old nirf," lur that gives the idea of utter Inability te held one's sill up. '1 he w eary person who leels thus Is generally worn, worried, woeful, ami wietched. Point time It Is a ra et ovum erk, and totnetlmu et luipcrlcet neurlsluneut. The bloe I In tliesystein et a poreeu whels "as winknsa rag" Is In a wretchedly thin condition. It need Iren, te linpnit tlclincss. tiilnes. nnd strength. Till Is te be had by taktnu HHON N'S lllON HIlThll', Hie only niteubd proper irepnratlen el Iren 'n connection with Kentleatul IKiwerlnl lenlis Tbn physician and the druglt can te'l the worn and wearj hew valuable a reimdy II III) H N'd IKON 111 tTKUS ha. been found In actual eerv day use. I ci. or it i.m. The lit and general style of our Clothing has gained us much popularity ; occasionally, how ever, there come before us odd and unusual shapes, for which we provide a department, where alterations are satisfactorily made without cost te the customer. stt;nit:.ti 1 H Nsd.V HKl.S et UK I) I Vemi the Heme Journal. A Remarkable Discovery, A REAL SKIN CURE. TltSKK IS ONt OSS ANOTHAT WITH SIMl'I.K NAM K lie ate el liupestvrs. pirates, or any old ar-tli-le which new suddenly cUlm te be lwt Thej have lieen tiled nnd mum! wantlnc. wbl e this Ins been proved a rcmnrkabU iu ces. ye rojivecs mxh. Tfcii curtlve neMls no pimpen or tncetn-pr-hrnlvr title ettlreek or latin te sUtaln It. but Us imple hnglls i name ni'i' ll rvcl y t the people And the p ep'e are lij n illy m inltestltiR their appreciation of tld trankne by soleellnj and u.lnc Dr. Heu-en Kis ( ci s in pretemnce te all ether profeel rem wiles. Dr. C. IV. llensenhis 1 nc beeu well knew a a. n siicce'-f al pnyslelau and surgeon and bis dfes'ud lias been tbedleo3ei the uerve'i semandei trie gktn : stnee he ha ! ,nrim 'et te put ht Ne Hemrsly aud . ve lt. I're-rriptlen a a skin Cu'e " en u narkr. varlen thlnir bae prunK up iu..i (xlunee ei have weke np trem the sleepy state i McT tiiey were betete. and new claim te tn) The Great 6kin Cure$ - iuwie et imitation, or the various ar- tiei.-' hieii nsve bsrn tulverUset loryeei ertnn'd aloec. having no real held, or in rlt en th- public. UiU new -nieaver te iki-rp n ad abeve water by lvertllni: lbeu- ''tvtteaa 'T'.m ereat kln Cure" Nene Is i nulm- And rellab e t-xctjpt Dr. C . lwm-en's)n-i cure. Kara package and bettl brars M liken t internal anl t-xtemal retn el. tw txtil- in one packii?e. Prloell.oo, Ce at )eai Jrujjlt.. ItelKI for all Ui worked llrme. OACiK adccrk. Pr l VT HenMn's Celery and Chamomile I'llls are vnlnable for school children he -nllei ireui nervous hea.achc caused by an overworked lirili lu their etudtiis, nnd ter all da-e elhsr.l brain workers li MoverLuknl - r vTTTT'Ca "NTTTTSl A li1 A T nervous entres me-l npalr and seilaUen. VjijU V Hit, iNiljUiS.WiijB.it, Nervous tremor, weakness and paraljsls are belntf dully cured ey these pills. Tery cer- rect eestlvtnes. but are net punrillrs. l'rtee 'and the different nrti-les news'ary for the slants or six Det les for U5J. p-ta-e trre. Luen' ue. we would rvtiect ully a-k you i'r ...i he nil .Iriitfcl.t. He eal ei. us en.i tn.p-cc tne iirge line Keoet. Ilslllmore, I1 , wnere the doctor can roil n.ii.t: en ui:m. 1 MUM. AM) I'listf lt)li M.l.r..-IIIK j ellyet Lancaster will sell tit publle s'lle at the Water Weiks n l lll'H-D . Mil . I, li&LutSp. tii one second hand horizontal en. cltie IS .y ai, link no. lien tine ptiinple, by tO double Acting One tutblui- waler vrliei 1, made bv K. tleelln, teet in dlameler, with w heel cfiamber and Iren ; nsteck. fcexeral larueKcnr wheels, leuudiitlin plate, cenilult ldpes, liirue air el, laiue wheel hin, bells, etc. Tun enutiui. pump and ether article te be sold cm be si en nt any time en tin- creutid. I en 'Itlens et le w III be made kniin n en ilnv of win llyoide el Water I ominittee. . ... JOHN I. Mai aOMlil i:, ev.Mils Majer I'K l I' VIII, K l'l I iin MUM) . Oi'l'ulIhU it. l'Jfl, at tin- KliinkHii liens,-. North IJilii II tin'i I niirii.ti i (it. in miisii tnee et mi oideret the utphuii i'eutt, will t elil at I'tiUlle Mile, a I tint ivilaiu l.et or I'liei-ef tlreuiiil situated en lli tvisl si le el .eilh 1'rlneestieet (Ne ll-M btneen DriiiiRe 'itid Cli:t!iul slice! I.inu sler UKr. and contain centain litir In li-ent en suM I'rlnci luet, aiK tiel. mere or les, and it iiiilmt In deplh east want, 1M.I leet, tneu i' -. en hieli Is eioet-i-diiOiie-MervllKH.lv DWhl.l.lMI HOI Sh. vr b Fnimu h'ttehen allielie. ANe livdintit 111 thevard, Inilt tn-. s. t ip.- Im-s aud elhi r tmpreveinent. This ptepnty i centrntiy I willed in one el the 1 1 -t ihmuoiiseI i lie city al te I'enntieni-e ut 7 o'eleeH 1 la, Inn eitiillllen will l iin,.i known bv til Mil I" S IH 11 XiluiliiUlmtere t i ..I D old liult. ice d -in nrnr -t i niN, A u i- mil II l. ,v .7..U 1)11111, te SAt.l. I ritei'Kim. .11 1'Ht VU h I A VII U M KX T.S. w f II.UO.V .V) wiiiti; -THK- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 1.VJ KAST KINO STKKKT, H. H. LUOKnKUAOn, Agent. VOV- ltKAIM kl nei v.ul AMI tel t rsfi: i pj i te r. r.itv. Our 'i'Y City Caiakmue, : e tv ri I IVUX. '- HI -INK' PKOfUl- UK-. ! in n in M, i "r- i in i hi Mi (AUMs.Ol III KI!S lli'lllK.M.h., ,te tmi VI. K. V1.V1 lll.SO. UN it. vn UentK, Til.t YKtif.tl- ! I II t I I' I, THE DUDE. Club llotise, Prliire Tttk, (Jretiuilltie, -r'liilx, Tiiliiilur, 1 TIES. -AT- A full AsKirtinenlel the vaiteu stj leseen stantlv en hand and tot sale en the met lib eral lerin ler Cus'i or Httiall .Monthly In- 4,il1it.mitri. Hie public Is inesl ceullallv Invlleil te call nnd examine tlii-M Instruments, which will be leund te be en . -pel ler In yuallty and Modemteln I'rlce llavlnit Miveied my connections vvlth the Kstey t iiuti" lempinv, 1 take till method te Infeiiii inj trli-ndslu Lancaster ceuntv. I am new seiiliiif nnOrijan eiiial te any and sur nassitl t,y ni.ne Pleae call and evntntue one et the most beiiuttlnl-l 'lied OrKans uianu tactiirud In the . nltcd Mute. VI r. I.iickenbach lsiileuK0iit tortlie tameus "Kunbe," MePhnll, Vope & Seiib, OrovetiBtolti & Fuller, Uttllfjt & Duvlfi, And viral ether t)elrnble I'tanolertos, at price from IK.S upwards, tebli ltd EBTSMAN'S, Ne. 17 Wettt ICIuk Streot Oppollel ress lievs Hetel. ,1 Ntl. ,1, S.MAI.INO. Fall Opening. I have Oil dar opened line tit the finest a lai'rfn an 1 tolecl I N AMTK.H A I C'aiR Inn ns tell n Lnnvn Latiividset tr u t"sv,, i,i ;, j, Ml, II -..te a. m., and 'J, I, ti aim f ip. in., iiuiini ei, Batuntay. when tint Inst uir lenve m j-.wi ,,, I tuivu Mlllnrsvllle (leni'i end) al A H,snc, a. St., and l.S, (IkIhI 1 p. m Cars run (UHvetm1, ive tlmeoteopl en .inn ilAV. ClOMIMIIIA A ItlHT lll.l'OHlT ItAII, UOAD TUIK 'lAlll.K. Trains new run leuularlven Ihn Celiiiulilu IT l'Utl l'OllOUIt IlllllllSlll (Ml timet the tollewltiK In ili ptrts et the i Itv -i f.' IO lAUU). !S I l 1' 1 Nevi preH r Ifs l, ini; snppl, iiu-nt te inn i i i-i's Helere bnj a ; i ' ni ail price. .Iie'ii i . ti nt i-vi iv Ot.v r i ni 1- -I 'I itlV nil I 11 ,' i. i-ud evei v lew I a i.t I ter sale. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut SU. I'llII.AIlK-. l'ltl.V. el'-lwd Allan A. Herr & Ce., I'.KVL K.-TATK 11.1 IN l itVM K AOKMS 108 East Kiug Street. etvs-.ttnil Iytliti in sALne) i n.t ett.N inir-r. l'UOI'Kltl -On IHLIIiDAV. KV1.N IVU. NOV LMItsU l'i '-. wlllli -ii dill pub lie sile at the l In Het, . en Ninth Viueen sireet, the propel ' J ceii'stiii et alaiKe'wo--tery UltlLK J. I II DIM. wlin iwo-.tery llrlck Iteur Attaihinent invntlnif 3t !! en North emvn stre t und enn Unit v,,t.anl (M.vilv 1?O.K Vt)UK V1TKU SL1T1.V Uf UNDERWEAR, of be addressed. Letter of Inquiry freely an- aenjd C. S. CRtTTKTTeM. New Yerk, 1j the Whole sale Agent ter IV. C iten-nn's remedie-. ()Ctl9-ltndJl,W.tS.tw rortlieisier lalll'l A. lli-witl, Ot Monterey Mich, delivers hlin-ell in thl wise: for cilds, burn 'irn thieat, uud riieiiuiallstu, Tliemat' tyiectila Oilciimiei be beaten. 1 Hay keep It tip te me stiitiditr 1, uud It will nullsty the people. I shall -end 'or u new tiniply Heiin." rnr snlii bv II II Lech ran, driicutst. 137 anil 1.53 Neilh (Jueeii stuet The llnesl lenses iiiiide me l.clnir liieunled In Celluloid 11. inn's. 'l'l- utn handsome. Ilirnt Mid Htieni; nuil (lie Ijolte si'lsfictlen than ether Kye-tl O'se. Km s.de by nil lead tin; Jewelers and optician. eii 'w.lwui ItlU.II) Ot'.S. Rki.uiieU' i-'.itvit)i.-i vvti.i. in: hi i. ii In the tolIeivliiK e nirehea te mo-revi, tn ttiu mernliiK at le.l In tin- ev iiIiik ut " Hunday soheol at 1:11 p in. When tin iiem la different It Is specially neted. l.'OLLKOB CIIAfKL. IICV III', Th Appiil. Union Hktiiei.. Itev v . eilh uner. Halku CUl'KL'll OK lioe- lillACK I.UTHBKAN Mirth (Jlle. II lleV C. hlvln llnuiit. 'iindiiv school t .' p in. T. I.vuks I.Kir iimhii i iii am M iriutt i ne line. luiV. in, K. i.luhlitur '-uii'l ij-B.hoe ut'.' p. III. bBce.Ni) Kv. CiiLBtu fKnir ) Jiullmrry nlient. Jlev l. N. Werm in inn i tv school ut i p in Fikst HureitviEj Cui'Hiii-.Ne eve ul iiff oi ei Vices. OLlVKT llAITISTIJIIUncll-Y M. V. A. Iloenn. Kev, .VI. Kruyne. 'mid ly s 'Ini il ut i p. in 8T I'ADL'a ItHKJUVIKIi-lervlees at in sj u. in. KvenliiK. Huvs- ' A. 1'etera and .Lis V. Mitchell, D.l. West Mission Itev Win. I'mviuk. l'llLSIirTBIIIAN liev. .Ins. 1. Mitchell, D. 1 1 Se survlce In the evenlnjj. et. .leiiN'a I.vtiieiia-v -riiohiieraiiiunt or the Lord's .Supper morning and uvetilut;. Moravian Itev. J. .Muv. lliuk huiidaj school at - p. III. rBiaBrrsiUA" In vrtL -Itev t: n Heller. bT Javum-Hely Uoinmuiilen at a a, in Kvenliij; Prayer ut iyt p. in. " TUiWAiU:, .cc. -pvititrit'M re.MC T3LL1NG IT VERY SHORV. " 1 te 1 It. sir. In few words It I can. but tue story would till a Loek It tusltce was iloiie te 'urely. Mich icl, nut put tt short tnl- time se's 1 cun so.uei.ze it Inte a pirfe el letter iiap-r ' ... llin JI'U Hit'. -II. l.H'1,, .H.'. . I....... '" uniUet hei1 herein hill jhaitlpten, N. l. mLie will lestity t the truth et wn l 1 s.iy. Uj iiuuie l vlitlinel uullleyle 1 urn seventy 1 ieurje.ii- old Fer ubeut ntn-v year iwu ,i most shut out trem t e vrerld bv rheunm Usui. 1 had iif.ldlwl small wares in Hie city tur jean. ami liad te stun ultOKeltier. At the lil l OI lllUeH 1 miUlil UIIIJ nuwuiu iniaciw.,ij ulieul with iny cane. I wus bunt nen:iy den uie wlin pal ii and vieakness and my hands were useless te labor vllh. 1 m but the ivxir iei a el a once streni: innn Nene el the inedlclni-s usually lveti ler uimtlcliie did mi the li'isi isniHt, -Ir. My old irlends ami custeiiieis tutgul uie as theujjh 1 wuic under ground, Wit'i i he end ei my 1103 ami the llpset mj tees Turned up te the roetn et tLe daisies. My days Mill iiiuht-iieie deletul and painful 1 hud iiolietic i xei'iil In death That li lied's tiutli. and Ml Mosher, lu i-. knew- It. 1 t m't tell you hew. but 1'aiikhiis le-vici cuied inc. 'Hint w us t luce yeurs ae. 1'mlliely us a cricket no a, sir mid go my buslnees leund every day. ruin or shine Veu may lu 1 1 Ills te all the werl 1 aud rufur I Ini doubt er te inn." This piep.'iratien. vv nun nas neon Known us PARkKH'avslMllillleNII, Hill U CUlIO'l sltliplj I'Aiu.Kii's TuMi . 'lhlsclisnwe Is liiadii lortwe reasons Klrst, lucniseulinnil IsM) unimport ant iluverln IniJie lleiu. and secondly, ho he caitse unpi'lncltile I dciilers deceive their eus teuiei-bj siibHiliiillin; liiluiler prcpirutloh prcpirutleh iiinli i I he niiinu et utiiiccr. Theio i neehaime. hOAUver, In the piepa riitlnn u-e t and all billies lemiilnliii; in the hands el dealers, wrapped uu.Inr the naliiii el rAUKEiia i.imikii revii', cenuilii the uuuulnu uiedlcliiell the tsc-linlle sl,;:iutii'e et lllscex & I e is i.t the bot.em el the outside wnipjier. ecl-lmd.tv We have all the different qualtllts -tvle and size-et t'NDKKWKAlt, at prices which cm net be equaled .NKCKW'KAlt in all the popular style at less tbau wholesale prices, as we have benhta lull line et I'UKK SCAKKs. FLAT aCAllb's. TIES AND BOWS, At one-hall et their cost ei manufacture. V e sell the DUDE CRAVAT AT 25 OENT3, In all Mimic. GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVE-, At one-half et their value. A new line J Hat received, ut the Perm Hall Clothing Heuse, HIRSH & BROTHER, Nea 2 and 4 North Queau Streel, COlt I'ENN byUAIlK : leet te Maiket t til-ltlll Heuse," .llld -North yiuen .-tn' More, aloen and II d rants in vard. Alse u 1 .irtfe I r mi heres), sltuaUil i n . ut same preiule I'u t.-slOll Ull I 11. K l-l ale te cemiiien'i at day, when Uiuis an-i Riieun ny JacoeUi pkR. km m ii is 1 tie ,iu .1 Ne, lle an I 11 ClWtl I, I'. I. lhiHUS. tills, two u Me I lis His Hy- (llflllllij sticet lieat 1 i nil rn April 1, -t ltd-. Market -, . Iih k p tn et suld i.nti n s will In- made 11 U ill AN A HI KN. A tut reu.N i. nuu.tiini. FURNACES and RANGES Or' A 1,1. K1NDH REPAIRED. Call and seethe New Impuivud WItOUUHT 1I(UNUUL,ICAHE Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapest aud Ileal KUItNACK In the Market. MANUKAUTUUKD UXC1.HSIVKI.V 11V Jehn P. Schaiim, 24 Seuth Queen atroet, tltltllMU SUI'i'l ICATION OK I UK. VI 11). j ie eur Is the altecilen hlch Is common ly ml led "a running from thmur "and which ha been se lltfMly TfKiirilud by the piolesslon th it i very Jear jieople dle Hum It-direct re soils, without the suspicion that theillsease of Uiecur, and et the tux alone, was the cuu-e of the'.r .ninth. Dl-euseset the l-je, Kar and Threat success lully lined by DU II. I. and M. A. I.ON'li.VKtlt UHlet U Knst Waliiui street, buneaster. I'a. Ceusii lalleil flee. e'i5 .llil.t ft VI rit I.I.V.MsUM .v ruvrr.K. e3.ltl.lt, MVat; t)UA w.ii t lOinu.iu.vi.i; eKWi iaui.i; t-t i v t'tte 1 l'KIITV. lupuisuaniOei an order et the orphans' Cem t et '. . imititv et l.anca-tei, l I t-.- -old bv put II v en Uie en VVtiliu-'aj, the K. i div'et Nnvi Til-e-. V D 1"' it the I.ipr.i Hetel, in t'n .In et Lancaster, tin tin tellnwliii; ilcscrtNd v . i ih e n .il is-ate id Jehn ) irtx, late et - e uity.deeiased. vu A let el ground ticttii'itf en Kast Klnu -t . In at.t Citj', M tei t O-j iiici.i s slid In depth te i.rsiil -'net te east, rn I. nin.lary jnT leet, und te we-t rn beuiutari- ill teet. h-iieIpIhk prop prep ertv id the W idew I.li lit v and Hen A II. ir smith, 'luriu is ereilid en s.itd lm uihi- laree tvr "sterj- Deuble r rum llenxlt-La-t lleine, Ne. si; and.-l'l Kan Klnij -tn-et, enn venleutly nrraiiRe I ter te tunllie and a hydrant umler cover ami tru ttn es et various kinds. lhl pieiertV will Lie soul III one ei mere purparts te -ult puicfiustirs Persons de-lrlni; tv ei -aid pretnlsis will pltasecull en Jlrs. ivsurti, 1 Jaldlnu at Ne BIT ha Klniretrw'. Sale te commence at e'i lock p. m. JOHN W JACKSON. Administrator with UI auneied et Jehn Swart I. Shchekt A srrreN, Am ."s. eJv,i;3..n.l T.le.U a U'm.'sisri: vteii's svi.k en iv-rim t DAY. NOVKMUti: id, lNl,at the Wush Wush tnuten lmnse, strasb.uu Isireunli. tl e under slitned. in pur-u.iucu of an order et the or phans' court, win sell nt public lale tfe lute r-l lenceef Dr. I.enl. Jlusi-r decea-ed, ltu ute in said t'orii'iKhef 'rusburs oppe-lte Mss-sa-elt I la I, an 1 iele riln.- the Ml.ui'.lll Na tienal itunk tiul.-iliiif, le'i-lsiinif or ii i.arve Deuble I rent lw.vtery Illtltli DWKM.lNl. and Ilusluew l'r.-peity. With twis-tery buck biilldlnir and p vs!cl m's i ilk.- nt ached teutalntng lu a'l P. r.itus, huh i.mi'u two lellar-, Ac. Het und old uati r lu bath risim und kitchen. Well nltlt pump, and cl-terii with pump neat kitchen deer. Kramu burn, c uil.iy Heu-e Ic house, nun crib, eml lieu-e. ,1c, all In tl r-t class order ur.ilieiiM nil utlj mr.iiiKed. 1 he let Is HHxilt li i ', und well rli.id with ihelce Kia e vines and Unit trees. Tne lec.tlun is one et the b it In tin borough ler either btialne-s or reside nc Has been Usel ter i'l ye us as a pliv sic Urn's eRUe. ?.ilc te 11'lliuw.iiu' at I e lie. k p in .U.l.tv A. Ilbltltiiiid tNO- II. V KAVKli, Adinlnlstiiiters el Hi n. Mu-si r, dui'.l, U Dewnlv, Autt iclli tsd.tw ItrilANS1 CIHKl'IAU: OF V.VLUAUI.K GEO. L. WALKER. Piane Parlors, 836 N. Sixth St., near Parriab, l'lllf.ADt.l.l'lII -VVh. IIMK AVI) UOSfeV TIIK ONI.V PI. Vch IN l'llll. vHh.l.1'111 V WIIMtb IM.VNOs CVN UK Hull. II I' A 1' ONK-1IAUK THfc I'ltlCh-i ASKKD IN r Vl'KN M K alOUKs. L ill and si-i the tUAtrlltftcitlt I'll n ni and -eeeud-hsn I pt.ines by tun lolieflii( cel-eni-tttt d uiakers- Mile Akcucj- of the W erld Honew in d OURI3IB & SON PIANOS, The Pepultvr R. M. BENT A: CO. PIANO, The Standard GEO. L. WALKER & SON Plivnes. T' e-i- pUne hive ten eijun s. and are ur-iMVi-l by n uie lm superb tune, elegance el at.v.e. II tush, and Kre.it tumblltty. SOI DON hV-V MON rill.V l-WMKNT. I AM IIKLBIVIM. D.VII.V SI.ll.ll I 1. 1 ISED I'lVNO-, UtOVI KAMI l.IKSr'OltCr.DTOMKl.t.. T.n-e piano are warrinted In tverlect order, us I nevi i Uke one hav Ing any ilefecU. l'l VN'OS Til VTCOlI lltOM KSIIO TO H100O I .VM bEM.lVO KOll Ht'iS. I30, 175 1U0. KT(. Kereisn ami Uenicrttic Fnlirii'.s, adapted teOeiilleineir vv i ar, ter the KAI.I. AND WINThll I It till.. lilt" i I vieilld lie pleased le have j en evamliie. A llill llnu el LONDON OORKSOREWS, In nil the l.ate-t '-hade V bnatlllliil a ort ineiit elK.VI.I. AND lNIKil OvoreorvtltiiTH, Troueorltiya aud Fatiey yultltiKt? I employ none but Hie bet vierkinen nnd uuatiiutee piirltit ulllucl!en a te ""Ivle, Kit nnd W erkin.iiishlp ,M ami le itartiif nisi vi 111 been uxhlblDeti In it tmv ilaya. JNO. J. SMALING. (I' A 1 1.1)11.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( M Kleer.) l.ANCASTKIt. I'A tniijiMjiirii.ThAS l'.M. A.M A. M 6:'JH Id.Jn fllAV le:ll tl II 10..fl 7m l:Vi ., . 7.IW ll:Ui 7:0.1 ll:u:l 7il'i 11:01 7:17 11:10 7:it II n 7i37 11 X 711 tl- 7.M ll: T-IO ten tin 7.;; CM 8.11 I2.0.I 7.17 8 Ull d.110 .... UM C'Ji " STATION". "7 KORTIIWAnh ....Columbia.,., ..WaihliiKteii... ... t'tesswell .... . Hate Harber... .Hlifiik'a Kerry. ... ,1'ciiui'ii .... .lerk lurnace.. ....Tucquaii..., McL'iiII'm Kerry . Kile's Ktlily .. .I'tshliiKUleek, I'eacli llottetii. .. Cone liie... ,....()CU',rt,h .... ...I'ert I. p.mll,. ii. ..-.... In.. ... . Ui, i . lllll.... A.M. P.M. .-) ri-.: de i ft;'il (UN B:ai ill Mil 7:(U nui 7,l i-tei 7l3l I'M 7:2 I.M 7:'fl 1:17 7HI) l:3i 7.W 4;u il.f.7 I: J. Hill ill! ASM 1. 01 fi:) 3..W 8:11 ,. . 1.,. 1., 7:t 7-: 7rt" 7:17 7:m lVr.ADIrtO AlOOI.II.MIIIA It. H AUItAMlKMKNTUr"rAb!IISNuKI. HtA MONDAY, AIUIUHT IJtm, I -. NOIITI1W AUD. t ' I D. II. Illlll KTI Y It .(.' BO.N. FALL t.HAT. tiuarryvtilu bniicaMter, KtiiK HI. i-uiciuiKir Chlcklc Marietta Junction ueiummn,,., ARUIVI. lUvaillnK.... ..AVB. UoedlUK ARIIITH .Murlulta Junction Chlckles Uetumblu Lanuuiter. L-mcasIer. King at uumrj'YMiu a.m. r. r. m OX .. IM 7:31 .. E:4n 741 I-e 1M 7:'J) .... 3 311 1M .... i.en 7U l-.H s,U 0 JJ 1 lA' lIID. a.m. Kb Ull tl.ll u:i .A I): 4i 10-.U v I r.M 1.W 6 CM C 01 ... 8.3') MO a, a 1.U 8:11 ... 0:2ft .... f& A. M O.lf tf:i r.M STEINWAY. OHIOSERINQ, WBBE3, DECKER, OPENING. spi.h.MHD I.INhs OK Deffl8liciilIiiilelliiiiliDs, Treuserings nml Ovorceiitin. The I' ties of Men's V out lis' it "id llej ' ( l.i i I'll! Se we u-e new uianutnetuilni; anil .ilxi'lnu en eni tulili s are nii)Mtrter te hiij me nav e j et eirured, und our Custom Department contains ull . b Oheltsisi Ku'irb-s, ireui w lib h i- iiiaKi ev r desi ilillen et lull un nt- te order. 4rf-V, aie re i Iv le:- en andnlll illn mil 'lock at such , ib-es u. si 1 liisiiin anulj sale. 0. B. Hosteller & Seb, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, an &-J6 ft :s, i rains connect nt lleadlnu wlin tndm teutul from l'lilladulphlii. I'eltsvllle, Harrlaburvr, Al. letitewn run! New lerk, via Ileutnl Broek Uoute. At Columbia with trains te and Irem Yerk, llanevur, UettyMburir. Krederlck and Haiti mom. . M. V U.8UN. Sunt tt.Vll.tlOAD NKVt mill uttr HIINUAV MAI l.ith, lueU. I mi us en Ihu I'uunsjl- vanlu ltiillreiul will j rrlte nt and .ivtive th l.e.iicisti! and Phllailmpiila .lopeuui toil .wi1 I ) r. N N s, L, VA It I A I HCHKDUl.K Ull Kartwaud. Mail Ktrjiress I'hlladelplila Kiiv- Fruit l.lm , Harrlsbtiri; Kx"-ii , Tork AccemmOila.lnn arrives Lancaster Accenir laileu arrives..., Columbia Accoinued Uen , rnvlerlck AccoinmeilaUon arrtviii. ScaSliore Kxpreas Sunday Mall Johnstown Kxpre-s Day Kxpre Harrlsburi; Accomuieilutlou l.V! Ar I.anll'hu A.M. A.M 11-11 SM i'il 4 21 5.1V 7Ui s-.pi ler.X) :le ... dA . . J 10 lilt r.M. tl-IW ... lill' J 1ft J 4 1 11 V " sv ; i- KNAR'"", THE BEST Vt UK VI. Kl AIK i; OUlllSU'H RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Is a plu.ts.iut, stle, speedy uud suruiemedy ler (.ehkIis, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, In fluenza, beruncb el the Ihreal and Chest, llieiichltls, Whoeplnj; Cnui5h. Hplttllis; et llloeil, Intlainmatliin of the Iuni;s, and . 1 Dlaciiics el the Chest and Air Passages. rrlfe, Hec. nml .10c. a Kettlc. rl'rrepueil only and sold by CHAS. A.LO0HER, si i tl.l NO. 9 K AST KINO bT. viAnuixu. YKIW A tt.VTHKON. M INVESTIGATE. ALL -"WOOL SUIT TEN DOLLARS. In uddltlen te n very larue varletj et'lKN DOI.I.AIt "L'IT3. we I uvujust pluceil In our Salesrooms two NKW TATTKltN'S, niudu te our evpress order, the material et which Is excellent in nuallty ami sritlCII.i AI.I VOL)l.. We present them us specialties and Invite you le uu Inspection et thu BEST ALL-WOOL (SUIT FUll- TEN DOLLARS. WILLIAMSON AND- FOSTER, 32, 34, 30 & 38 EAST KINO ST., ()ns.Vl'L'l(l)AV hi KMNi. NOVK.M I'.Kl. 17. 1M, In pursuunceef.nl erd. i et the Oiplnns' Court of I.aiic.vslei- County, will besedut Public Vendue, lit the reuntiilu Inn. Mliitll Queen street, I aneaater i Ity, I'a . the te lo le 1 UK Heal hs'.utoet Chili'laii -trebli , deceased, te wit Ne. I. A Let or Piece et I, round situate en thu WLSlalde et MnUli IJuii-u street lu the CHv et l.iincister, ulen s,.d, centulntiiir In fronton natd street C feet 10 Intlns, nnd lu depth viestward 21J leet te Hi aver street, beunile I en the north by land el enri;e VV. Cermeiiy. und en the south Ly Und el II. ury "In air. The Improvements consist et two one story l.e- Wtuthci-lleu led liMelilm; llen.ea and a one-s on'shep, frentliiu ensiil -eiuh (Jui.'en strcet, und re,! Un iy numbered Ml, Is-, and W. This is u lui.'i- and Valuable let bir bulldlnt; pu-iisi-s, imvluir a no it en south (jueeuund mi lleavei stieeis. .vn -'. A let or ptei i in ie i in I, si uiiii-en the northwest side of HUli street, lu sl I city et l.iiticuster, eenialna K. te-t lu trnntitnd ex tendlnir In depth J., lei t meie or lias, te around lulu or t lll.imenste.k, mil. lining trreuud et AHld C. IlliimeustiH'k en northeast and northwest and by lain Vdutn ivUonnthe southwest. The linprev. inent aru u (mo (me story brlek heusn. Ne ' H, en said IllKlietii el; And Uthur Well Known linkers. Ui-llavtiiB no store rent or heavy expenses, I tun iiiiubleil te II ad lnstruinuiitn at Ida than halt the price- asked en Chestnut et, KSaaMBBR TBS LOOiTIOS. GEO. L WALKER, b'M't N. Sixth St., near ParrMi, t.ANOAriTKIl. I' I'llll.ADKl.I'lilA elJ2md fJI'l.tll.VI. lint miuun HAItUAI.V", l."S DllKSa l)UK.!( DllK-3 OOODS. HOODS. UOODs I I Or.llllAKT SPECIAL NOTICE ! I hi'iib infeitn these In wuntelii KAI.I, OK W IN I'KIt SI IT Oh CLOTHING, llanevur Accommistutlen west, cennectiiiM at I Jin caster with Niagara Kxpress at 'Jl1-, will run through te Hanover .latly, xi pi Sunday. rrclerlck Accommodation, wirtt.ciiii line at Lunawtur with r"ajt Line, west, ai , , will run threiuh te F-eluricX. Wkbtward. News Kxpress iVay Vassunifer Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. lit. toy... Mall Train, Ne. 'i,vlaCelumbln,leaves maKnra express , Hanover AccoinmeilaUon luavea That I b ive new In stuck tl. UNhar AsSOlllJlhNTet l.AltuhST AND t r ii tt ttees, and ether tinprevemunu. tidi.T-lyd I.ANIAHTKlt. HA. STKVKNM IIOUNi. HIIAVINd AND HAIlt DUi;H31NU HAI.OON. QoeilJoumuvuiau unit pilcessuuiu ns eihm Baloens. II, WAUNhlll, mvlf-ttd Manairer VBW tlUTKL. New Hetel Lafayette, llread and Ohestnut Btreetn, PHILADELPHIA. aMKUIOAN AND KUUOl'EAN 1'LAN. Locution uiuuriiANe I j newly lurnUlieil and Improved, with JuO looms, eitun iitlructieiig Kuporler te imy hotel In riilludulphla. .. ,wai" U UA"'l'V. 1'ropiietor. 11 1-. always u k.diI plan te INVKSTlu ATK beieii, in iUIiik puiehiises el CLO l'lIINli. The nun vi Ini will net IV VKITli, ATK Is iiretty sure te iniik-i mistitlccri, IN V K-U'lti.VTlON le ids one lu think, uud te tlilnlc I te learn. Hy 1NV KSTHjATI.NU mir Hteelc you are bound le keep posted en the lowest current Wri'Mn'iir,,"'1?' !,0V'1' '" Cllll.DUK.N'.'t UI.Ol'HlNl). Me don't uak you tocemu In und plank. lewn your iniiney vilthoulleoklnir. u usk you te IN V KU lit. ATK-te sue our uoeds teuet thu prices, and then initke comparison with the HK8T 0I.OTIIINU you knew 01. Ililel and te thu point : ivh.it.iver aum you ceiitumiilutii Invcstiiii In wkmum.i in. PAItKL, ulwnys be biire yeu'ui uettlnu thu ltK8Tlt;vvlll buy. Inviistltfatleu pesu jeii. Try It I Our Bleck contains every ileHlinible labric und puttern ncmlcd te luakii a neat and haudsome appearauce. Cut, iiiiule uml ti Im nied huie under our puisunal oupervlslou. We Kiianiutcii each Kaimontte be piectsely us It la represented. We have ull the Latest Novelties In FINK und MKDIU.M UHADK W00LKN8 ler CUn '1 OH TAILOItlNtJ. ileasiireinunts tuken and lUsi;iiuniiiteeil. MYERS & RATHFON, LKAU1N0 LAN0A9TKU CL0T1IIKUS, NO, 12 EAST KINO STREET. LANUA8TKII. I'A. uumjKitir.it. I KKSII Fine Groceries. Meckel's belt ralslii) iltickvvhe.it, .Nhw linen (.eni eJtcui, Kiln hlllllnilkiir'rf Altnn jai. nicai, .iin, tv nun iiiniii's vile, ft, hew Krench rruncH, New Hkh, New Citren, New Ciiiniiits.NewUuls. Ins. A Jeb let or Imperial Londen Layer Italsltis.iit luUt-prlce, n blK Uargalii, el'LK.NDlDriVUUl'at 12e. qt, UOOl)8YUUl'atlUe.iit. (Jlll.r.SK.IltSe. B,, FINK COMH IIONKY ut V.c B,. This Is cheap. Wn have a larcu let and want toiuevultiiiilok. At Bursk's, Ne. 17 BAST KING STREET. LANCASTKlt, I'A, I'rs.esalun ami title will be ulveu en A pi II !, lsl. hale te cominencn at 7 o'clock p. in, when due ntt.iuihi.ncu will be ulven nnd terms et sale ininlu known by It. IIAHMAN. Triistenapinlnled by Un Oiphacb' Ceuit te sell sal. I real estate uiiniaitT A Suttex. Auctl. incur. eiVTbAs AfAI.AUHI.K Bill. I. IMIOI-KHIV AT .11. Mt.N'hK'S POalTIVK. HAI I.. On TIIUHSDA). NOV KM IIK.lt I, I'M, pursu ant te an enlur et the Orph in Court el Lan caster county, I'll., the undersigned 111 sell nt Public Hale en the pt.iulse, sltnali in I'ara ills.) tow iishlp, alxiul, 14 mile neitnw. st fmtu Paradise nnd ii mini aeiitli Tem imrilenvlllij station, en the I', li It .niltlmt Valuable MILL AND WA'IKIt l'OWKIt, with truet el land ceiitulnliiK about TWhNTY .V KK-). tiline or less. The .MILL H A '111 It UK HTOItV KIl.VilK. liuwi leet, with tour run et tuirrs and ull the neei ss-n j machinery und fixture ter a llit-i l.i.-i Men limit and lirlit Mill, with one el the best Water Powers en Peiitieu creek, und In a rli h und thickly settled iii-lllt borheod. A larue two-"terv HTONK MANSION HOHSK, Willi Mtone Kitchen at tached, Kmme bbibluuiid ethei eutbtlliillnuri, a never tailing spring of uter with pump m thu kllchen, u vuiletj et Kiull rreusaud etliur Impinvcmcnts Ne 2 AlseLit the s Hue ttinu, n let of (rrnuiul ailleliilnj- thu illn ive. reiilnlnliiK 'UllthK yC.VHThUSOKAN ACHK. whoteeu Is erected a double twostety blONK 11UUSK, with slate i nor. On thU let thuru Is an excellent Limestone na ('tiarry. Ne. .1. A tract et land nilJelulilK Vc 1 uud '2, cniibiluliiK 7 ACKKS and M PKIlCHh-Set llrst latu LlliiCHteiiu Land, with u iiniill Hticimet water pussluu threuxh the saine, and Is a vmy itesli-iihlu Unci ler tiiuldlni'ei futinln;,' and llttck purposes. Any poison vvlslilnu te vluw the prnpertUa beteinlhuday et suln can call en Urn iinilin' stuned, or en Daniel llrun, lcsldliiK en Ne. i. bain in temmuntuut J o'clock p. tn. Terma madu known by JUKI. L. LHiHTNLIt, Aaslttlice. ectOBAWAJtw WATT, SHAN I) i CO., Oiler un Iuimciise Aeittncnt el COI.OI.T D CASHMKKE, CLOTH M'lTINti-i, OTTOMAN I.OOIH, KIlh.NCUbhltUK, lu all the Popular Celers ut l.ewial Cash Prices. A ""jiutlal liarguln lu l.L'I'IN'd COI.Olthl) MKltlNUS AtVle a yard. OUlt NKW LINK OF BLACK CASHMERES Is second te none lu Celer, Quality uud Finish, and thu prices are always thu Ien est New Opening, a Choice I. tue of Children's Coats, lu all sizes, Btylts and Qualities. Ladlea' Coats, LadlOD' JaoketB, LadleB' Delmans, Neatly Tilmined In nil the Latest Htylua at LewCHt City Prices. NEW YORK STORE. 8 and 10 East King St., LANCASTKlt, I'A. Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has (jcr bt.n vxilldud In theCltyel LanciLster. Aitiiut Vurlels of rAI.L AND WINThll OVERCOATING 1 keep NONK IILT IHK 1IK.ST et Foreigu anil Deiueslic Fabrics, And all OeimU hie wai muled as represented at H. Gerhart's FINS TAILURINQ BSTABLISHMKM Ne. 6 East King St., rn.it Line rrederlcli Accommedatlou leaves Harrlabnrg Accoinmrstntlen Iincastcr Arcomiueoatiou Imivin. Columbia Accomtre-lat' en HarrlsburK Kxpress Western Kxpress Pacific Kxpress Harrisbunc Kxpn-. .st, at n w p. I le. Ar. 'i'hlll.an A.M. A.M. iSi) :'i6 iu A.' 7.IW B.JU ... . 7.1" D-il V.V) r.M 11:06 f" .... 1V r.x. '2:14 J 'A) .... ftw 1:11 70 5.il 7.W tl-.ilfi II te 11 J I 35 line IOA LANCAThlt I'A. Ns.Vt.VN .V IIKO. HOYS' AM) MEN'S J'llOTOUJtAI'llN. -r r r. s J.K ItOTK. Tlirre haa been mich a (lutDund (or LAUOK PHOTOUltAPIH that 1 was compelled te k'et it VhUY LAUOK CAM Kit A 1IOX tem.sit the ilemanil. We can new inuku you u PHOIOas sniiiU lid the smallest locket will held up te a 5-Inch latu, te tit an Uxil Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Streot. lunu'MM l'AmJl llANUltHiH, ite. 1 HAH KM W. l'KV. OUK LINK OF Dade Window Shades Is lariter than any season heretofore. We have them lu All Celers, six and seven teet Kink. Thusoueods uie very Htj Hill anil popu lar, Rpecial blzcs uiade te eritur, PLAIN SHADING lly the yard In any quantity, wide width) ler larrfe wimlewH ami store shades. Tin and Weed HplInK ltollen Alse C'eril Fixtures, nhailcs madu up piuinptly uml hunt; In bebt manner. NKW l'ATTKUNSOF WALL PAPERS Ot Kvery Uescrlptlen. Common nml (lilt Paper ai Lew Prices, llerduru, Frlezus, Cun lre Pieces, Ac. LAOB CURTAINS, In Cream and White. l'eh9, Cornices, Hands, Leeps, Ac. PHaRES w. fry. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. CLOTHING. I'Oll KVKIITHIY HlTSINKbS AND DltKSSWLAll. Wu are lully up te the marie with our Heys' Cluthliii; Hits seusen Homeheiv thelitis ucilsp, smart set up about It that the people like, und wu uiu fcullliiK n.oie el ti Uuu evei buturu. A Solid (ioed llejs' Butt at f j.5U. fj,ti, fise, . up low. A .-lellil Heed Uilld a fcult ut 1.7J, li.23, IJ.75 f.l, ll.upteiA.IU. A felld deiHl Heys' Overcoat nt $.', tlZO, 3, II, up tell 50. A solid lioed Child's Overceat at 11.50, V, U 50, ti, up te 50. Atlelld Uoed .Men's Suit at tl, t.1, M, $7, up te A Helld (ioed Mun'a Ovurceat at fiM, tl, $1, $5. G, 17, up te 117. A Helld Uoed Pair SI en 'a Punts at $1.25, $1,75, $.', $J50, $3, upie5. Kverythlnu In lteiuly Madu Clntlilntr el the built quality, LverythliiK at the lowest prlccri. MERCHANT TAILORING. We have a Larife and Select Assortment et (,'oeils In the piece, ami maUiiHUlls toeularut iiHllklilmlriiueu ever out ready.iniidoclethtnu en thoteuiiturs Fer further tuferonce leek at our luifu wlnilevva, u all our (join is ure marked lu plain and clesu llyurcs. L. Gansman & Bre,, THK CAS1II0NAIILK MKHCUANT TAII.OHS.fc ULUTIIIKllr, .os. 00 08 Miimi QUKK.N HTIIKIU', iltKhteu tmi Ren th win t Cerner et Or.itwu Hi LANCASTKlt, PA. tirTliu Cliwipest Heuse In the City. . HAKOAIlsn IN waTUIIKI, Ol.OOKi Clnilns, Klnt's, HpecUicleu, Ae. llepnlrliiK et nil kinds will reirlvu my personal utten Hen. LOUIS WKHKIt, Ne. lS'Jt North (Jueen atluet. ltemnmlier naiiie an. I number. 1)1 idcUy oppesltu City Hetel, nuar I'ennsylvuua rjUlread. depot, Uec'iSlvU direct connections (HUlieutctmnue id cans) te Columbia and Yerk. rast Line, west, en Sunday when I!iikci , will step at Downimr'ewii.Coutcev'llo, lrkrs. burs, Mount Jey, L'ltzabethtewti and Mlddiu town. Day Kxpress, Fast Line, News Kxpreas Ma. 1 Train, Ne. 1, Western Kxpress and Piiclrlc t. prwsK rim dally. JII'ltlVAI.. 1 1IIKUMATIU sYItUl. A Limb Saved Aud a Family Made Happy. Mr. 1'hlllp Moere, el West Webster, Menree County. N. V., .ijs - My daughter, new elulite. n years old, has, ter tun past . IkIiIcui months, ben allllcted ivlth rheumatism In a vi ry severe leriii. one yeat nue It hi'ttli'.l In thu knee, since which tluiu she h.iM hi eu unable te touch tier loot te the lloer or move lirr limb without hiiircllm; the most exem clatliiK pain. Her limb w last irrowliivreutot shape, nltlmueli wu vMirudelin ler lierull wuceiibf, nav thK used all the remedies we could hear of and that were icceininemli it ter rheumatism, noiieot which ben lilted her In the least. Hei ease was pronounced Incurable by thu phy sician and by our neighbors, and all believed that she would buacrlpplu all liurilnvH, nnd that hurlltuh would nevur be restored le Us erUlual shape. Hut I am happy te say that te- my my daiiKh'ei 1 enlliily lite trem ull Uu utniiUe pains, uud that she can walk with perfect ease, hnv Injt thrown nsl e her clutches, and her limb seems as Htriiiix ami per tiel as evi i i ull Ireui the use el your wenderlul medlclne " lllien. matle Syrup," width we consider one or thu bust medicine ever In troduced for puilljliiK the hlneii, and 1 only r.'Kret that all et hum who urn mulcted with il .iiimnttstii can net knew of Us sup. rler merits Yeu are at liberty te use mv nuinii H II will de you any iceixl, m'l 1 shall lie only tee flailletclliiuy and everyone what It ha done ler my ilaituhter." I'HILIPMOOKK Rboumatle Syrup lHthOKruull.t llloed Purlllir known, and will (leallthatlsclnlineit let-it. S-eiul ter pamph let of testimonials ami teadel tho-ewhohivo been cured by ItH use. ICIieiiititttlc Sv rtip Ce., IteclicBtcr, N V. ectl-lydAw VHAY'M Ht'KUIVIU nMIIUlMti IHK VJ Ornnt KiiKllsh Hemedy. An unlatlliiK euro ler Hnpo'ency, nml all Disease that fellow less et Memery, Universal Lassl. ttidn. Puln In the Hack, Dimness et Vision, I'rumatuie Old Aku, and many ethor diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen sumptien and a i'rumatuie Uruve. Full par tlculars in our pamplet, which we desire te send irce by tniill te every ene. The Specific Medlclne Is sold by all ilruirKtstsat 11 per pack age, or sis packanus ter (5, or will he sent iree by mall en the receipt nt the money, by ad dressing thu uuunt, 11. II. Cochran, 137 and 13'J North Qneuii struiil. On account el count. -r-leitb, wuliavoiideptetl thu YoJlew Wrapper i tboenly geiiulne. Ouarantein olqiire tssuisl by us. Fer sale In Lancaster hy II. H. Cochran, DruKelat, 137 and 13.) North IJtieen stretiL THKOIIAY MKD1C1NF .. N I UVlVAwUk jHAVMNitUV. btieel anil pctmanciilly closed the Chestnut .. 1.,,!. WAriia. i.leslre te Inform mv old - J1I kUt MM...-I- . . 1,. .,,.. II. t patrons anil me puuuu kuuuiuuv, mui am itili in the business, belnu leeateil In the l'enn Iren Company's. WerKs, North l'lum st -ITAVlNfl DISSOLVKU HAltTMCKhlllf XL I illten worKs.i.nieii" i" "" ins uml the publie trunerully. tin m i no business, hen located In tin Un.. CinilllllV'S VY OHIS. IX Of III illltll fltrCUl. vvhure I am maklm; Iren nml 1 truss CiwtliiL'S el every (le.tiipllen, anil win no plcasmt te Burve all who may tuver me with their patron uue. Froin4ti)earriexpeilencoln thebuslncss uud iuIhk thu best niatcrlal ruut employing the best mechnnles, I um Ratine.r 1 uin guiir guiir antee entire satlsliictleii, Castliik's maue treia inntxture et lien unit steul which nroinero re liable ter stiehKth and-durability than the best cast Iren known. Vteotluell pinions, rolls uml rellliiK mill work a specialty, -Cast-Iiikb madu et very soil Iren, uml brass cast Iiiks et every description. I have ull thu pat ters u ( the well and Juverably known Jlewtcr Cern anil Cob Crusher, re tilted nml Impteved. Alse en hi'tid, mills completely tltteil upei lu patls, te leplute old ones which have been lu uue ler y cms, uaiantoeltiK them te glvesal lstactlen, angli-Ouiil U, C. MeCULLKY.