Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 27, 1883, Image 2

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Lancaster friitrllignircr.
The Itiulread .Suit.'
The contest In the Jersey courtnever
tlie Jersey Central lease leeks) iw though
It was te be a general engagement be
tween the retinsylvnnlii anil tlie Head
Ing rnllrends, and thelr rcspucti ve eillcers
aad attorneys. Things nre getting very
warm nlready, The two leading counsel,
Messrs. Oewen anil Cenkllng, ile net
get along together any better than the
corporations they represent. Mr. Cenk
ling Is se nccustemed te be the cock el
any thing hill he happens te be tramping
that he seems te be unable te ncconnne
date himself te the society of anethei
who also Is used te bslng cock of the
walk. Mr. Cenkllng has long been noted
for the oiTetialvenessef his strut; and has
wen the name of the t urkey gobbler. A
man of great ability and of geed iuten
Hen?, nnd most amiable te his friends
and followers, he lias tee much self
esteem and confidence te be gracious te
opponents. He has ceme across, in this
Inquiry, a witness whose testimony is I
most damaging te ins cuenis ; aim eat
urally Mr. Cenkllng undertakes te
brew beat nnd abuse him. Of course he
exceeded his privilege us counsel and Mr.
Gewcn Bought te protect his witness.
The two counsel came in violent colli
sion, as was te be expected ; for Mr.
Gewcn is a bad man te attempt te ride
ever rough shed, In Mr. Cenkllng's
favorite manner. The war, however,
was but ene of words, Mr. Gewen beit g
the victor because he was certainly rigl t
in defending his witness ; he is quite the
equal of Mr. Cenkllng In combat I vents?
and self esteem, and his superior in
judgment and self control.
The respective counsel seem te le
aulllcleiitly aroused te rip open the bowels
' of each ether's eases if net their own;
and perhaps before they are through the
Heading and I'ennslv.inia railroad com
panies may be turned Inside out ; the
proceeding is ostensibly te annul a lease
made In the Heading, but the Inquiry Just
new seems te be as te the integrity of the
Pennsylvania railroad management. It is
net easy te see hew this can legitimately
come within the scope of the investiga
tion ; or hew K will affcet the lease of a
railroad te the Heading railroad te
prove that the l'ennsvlv.inia railroad
gives Ilerwlnd, White A. Ce. or the
Standard oil company lower rates of
freight than It gives te ethers in the
coal or oil trade. And if these matters
can be inquire J into there u neapp.mut
reason why any transaction of the Penn
sylvania or Heading nny net be in
quired into. Mr. Gewen laid his ground
by proving that the two railroads were
rivals and that the less of the Central
leise would crush the Heading as a
rival ; he alms te prove that
the Peunsjlvania railroad is the
active party in assailing tlie lease.
Hut even ir this be se, the diawbacka
inquiry deei net speni te be pertinent
te the issue. The public, however, have
no reason te complain at the irregularity
of the enlightenment they net. Thedis
coveiyef any injustice in the manage
ment et either of there srtat corpora
tions ill be a benefit te the people, and
they can bid the contestants in this suit,
with hearty geed will, te discover all
they knew or can llnd out about each
ether. The savage onslaught by Mr.
Gewen shows that he has no quarter te
give or take, and if the Pennsilvauii
is guided in its course by Mr. Conkling
it is cprtnln that it will net ask or offer
It. There is evidently te be a lirst-clnss
conflict in which old sores are te be
opened and new wounds made, and the
fight thus started is te go en until one
party Is overcome Tii public will nap
the advantage.
The Unnecessary Surplus.
The two calls for .'! per cent, bend.-,
the second of which matures December
15, it has been ascertained, will contract
the bank note circulation of the country
te the extent of $U,000 oeo, unless some
ether mere costly bends be substituted
for these which have been called This
evil is the direct result of the tee rapid
payment of the national debt, ami its
remote consequences may be the de
rangement et tlie currency and the
causing of much llnaiiclal trouble. It
has ever been the policy te
maintain the enormous and unnecessary
internal revenue taxation which lias
brought about this embarrassing state
of affairs, and .Jehn Stewart, the con
fesseil leader of the lilaiue movement in
this state, sounded the keymte of the
party's action in next year's nitienal
campaign, in his recent utterance in this
city, favoring thu distribution of the
surplus revenue among the indigent
states. The Democracy, en thu ether
hand, would cut down the taxej te the
necessities of the g ivernuieut byabil
ishlng the internal revenue, which was
devised only as a war measure ami which
is about equal te the annual surplus.
That party, ever mindful of the interest
of the people, e insiders that it is batter
te leave the hard earned money in the
pockets of the taxpayers than te accuiu
ulate an enormous surplus as a tempta
tion te government robbers, and that it
Is the wiser policy te payoff the public
debt by slew stages rather than cans-
financial distress by an uncalled for haste
in its liquidation.
Tins assurances of Cooper that IIet
will apeak at Wilkesb.trre, are ground
less. He will 'net, apeak, because if lie
were te de se lie would skin the Cameren
dynasty and Cooper had enough of that
when Stewart proclaimed that Hepubll success this year mount the nomi
nation te the presidency of Ulutiie,
whom the Cumorens have twice cheated
out of the presidential nomination. Ne,
brethren, ox-Governer Ileyt will net
sneak for Nilea and Livsey.
Judek KKM,r is te make a speech
for tlie Hepubllcans in Philadelphia, In
which he will advocate the-doctrine of
the Daruecratic platform, the repeal of
the internal revenue tax, while at thu
sumo time Jehn Stewart and "Wharten
liarker declare that the success of the
Itepubllcans In Pennsylvania this fall
means the maintenance of the Internal
revenue tax, te rates ?13r,000,000need-
Icsa supplies for :i " ittvhle " nmeng the
slntcs. '
JrsTtci:, of the supieme
court, declines te be considered n candi
date for the presidency. Justice Harlan
probably would net get the tietninuth n
if he was a candidate ; but et It Is very
proper for him net te wish te Le
a candidate. Ne one should er
be elevated from the bench te a
political efllce ; and particularly Is it
objectionable te consider members of
the highest com t as presidential candi
dates Justice Field Is known te be am
bilious of this preferment. Te secure It,
or a chance for It, he needs te resign
from the bench. The Democratic cor cer cor
ventlen will consider his judicial robes
is a positive bar te a political candidacy.
The politician wle Is put upon the
bench should consider himself te bete
moved from the political Held as ubs i
lately as the nun Is taken from Hie
world In putting en the veil.
Twe New Yerk musician, Uauip.tuuii
and Vianesi have had a disagreement. It
is thought that thu vituperation will net
go further th.iuealhug each ether ".sharps"
ami ' lilts."
Gewux and Cenkliug bandying the
epithets " blackguard '" and "scoundrel "
in a court loom is net a very edifying
sight for the country te beheld. A small
dese of imprisonment for contempt of
court might re oil these gentlemen te n
sense of propriety which they have
ently forget.
AcconntNe te t!u oi'eula'.ioiH e
Haltiuiern Hun the Democrats aie u
tb'ye'rliin of 200 v ites lu the ei. .i
collego, which number is eight mere than
that tu'cesury under the new app irtien.
meat te elect i preside it. la ttiis es
nit te Ojie, I'eatisylvuiin, Wisconsin,
Michigan. Cilonde, Missaahnsetts nnd
Connecticut, .til of which went IKmi
cratie last year, miyb giveu te the Hi
publicans. Ttie Republican who cau ex
t'nst any comfort from a aintomplatien
of th. se bleak facts v mid have caused
the eheei ful MarK Tapley te hiile his he.ul
m shame.
Tun servant girl problem is ene which
seems te defy all efljrts at solution. Tin
young ladies of tiie homehold disdain the
drudgery that must be goue through with
te eb: nu a co iking uspunouce null prefer
te live iitnler the abject tyraurjy exercised
by the 4'ieau of the kitchen. Why this
should be sj, ue ene can explain. That
it is se, ujuaj will doey. Hit perb.ipt
a wersj statu of alfiirs might result if
theso imperious uiistrossej of the house
hold were tJ take up their beds and walk
Out in Oregon and all aljiig the north
western east serviut girls are paid at the
rate of J jur woek. It is te be hoped
tnat this information will b kept veiy
ipiiet, for stuul.l a general exodus te that
st'Ctie!; of the OMiitry het in, uastern cvi
liziti ti weul I fade auy like a myth aud
the reign of chus bs tu indurated.
Tin: Protestant Episcopal convention,
which ler tiiretj weeks has beeu in session
in l'hiiavlelphia closed its deliberations last
nveuiug. Seldom has a mew representative
b nly el churchmen assembled, aud rarely
h ive thn oenvouiions of any church been
marked by better judgment aud gcueral
geitl feehug. Tlie ricjlla and C'harybdiaeu
which it was predicted that the convention
would split. High aud Lew Church, was
happily avoided, aud attention was con
fined uxclusively te the revisien of the
prayer book aud liturgical enrichment.
The deliberations of the convention cannot
but have a wide intlueiice ler geed in the
world of religieus thought. Though es
scutial'y a conservative b jdy.the Kpiscepal
leaders have shown in their discussions
that they appreciate the necessity of a
bread tolerance toward ether sects and the
duty of conforming their church te keep
pace with the religious progress of the
diy. Thu harmony that pervaded all the
proceedings of the convention can no', hut
have the elV'jct of inducing a gradual
reconcilement of the diffuruuecs of the
various hcc'.h iu the tight against the
common enemy, infidelity. Se niote it
Puiimiiknt tiiicvv has just received
a proseut of a big pauther Irem an African
Fit ink IIaui'Ch, thu nwnur of Longfcl Lengfcl
In a and Ten ltreeuk, says he will net take
clUO.UOO ler either herse.
L'.sei.i: Hui'i'S Hatch complains that
everytimu an Englishman eats a cracker
he w mta te " take a bawth, you kuew."
PituKKjseii IIum,i:y does net think it
tl.e duty of the state te ptotect the public
against modieli quacks. He bolievus it
inoie wholcaemo ler the publle te leek out
for iUelf iu this as In all ether matters.
Caudi.nai. Manning ro:ently told a
wealthy congregation, that an attempt te
reach the masses aud te provulesomui.rui!
for thu sulfeiing of the peer, was of moie
nojeuut thau au endeavor te raise a sjcend
Westminster Abbey.
Loud Coi.iutiDeK iu his ieech te thu
New Yerk Leaguo club, alluding te the
prosenoj iu this country of Huury Irviug
nnd Mittbew Arneld said : "In tlm rising
of tliose great luminaries it is high time
that the English justice should ge: him
Muy Andi.iise.n's ploture taken in Lin Lin
den sttews the young actress in prollle,
with very seant raiment en her bust. She
docs her hair up new lu the most pre
uouueod Ltugtry style, and has already
ncquiiud thu English m.iuuur of looking
Tin: Phim-kss Ler hi: will have a fare
well reception at .Montreal, for whleh
20,000 roses Jacqueminets, Souvenirs,
.Marshal Nells, Bareness Rothschild, lien
Silenes aud ether varieties an 1 'J0.000
oarnatleiis of dilloient oelors have been
orderod. They will icqulre a special car
from liosteu.
Mus. Kati: Chask Si-iiauui: is said te
be aging fust ; tu faet, ene who Haw bur
years age would hardly knew her. The
lines of care left by a llfe full or treuble
are plainly visible, and her former beauty
Is hardly perceptible new. Hhe Is very
ladylike and retired In her manner, beL
(loin speaking te auyoue unless addressed,
but If her lormer history Is touehed upon,
hcreyes tiparkle and her old lire returns.
Mems 0. Haiuiis, editor of the Morning
Jforsiahee, of Het Springs, Ark., Is writing
his oditerlal articles in jail and en Friday
evening last a large multltude lieaded by
a brass bind assembled at the jail aud ten.
uuieii nun n serenade, no made a speech
lu whleh he said that his imprlsoiiuieut
was In violation te thoriglitef free spoeeh. what it wns has net as yet been ascertain ascortain
He was committed for oentotnpt or oeurt ed. It Is said however, that the beer nud
lu eritlclslng th" aets or Judirn Weed, liquor lutercst are pledged te support Mr.
Ullea' oppeuont lu every honest way, and
inrrsMMH nt mi- ii'ihmmi mails.
a ' Imi 1 1 UeiirtPiices liir IJillrK
lir iiiiiiiK ii.t treutilrs hi seicrKl
I'oime-lltlirr I'ltrngrriuli
Kfghlceii liuiidied e iiiHit()rs 111 tiie job
itriiitlnj and weeklv newspatHir etllces lu
New Y'tk t ruek en Thursday for higher
wages, and all but 150 had irsumed j ester
day nieriiiiig.theii demands being granted.
The terms demanded eiubr iced a unifeim
scale nfpilees 10 cents a thousand ems en
weekly newspaper, and fmm 7 te 40 cents
ou book and j d work, wi.h $1S as tlu
lowest weekly wagi-s. lu all the h ps
whoie tlie men r turned te work they
dii fe with the understand the trm
union men employed in thuin should join
the union at unce, and the results that
about :10J new names have been ivUled te
the roll.
A majority of the Mvitchtinni in Kansas
City struck en Thursday night. A tele
gram from that place says that Friday
morning the rallreuls were receiving
freight iih iisuil iu the swiieti yards of the
Chiciite A; Alten, the Fert Scott, the Gull
and i lm Council Blulls railroad. In the
Santa Fe yards nearly all the m-n reported
for duty in the morning Iu the ether
yaids a few ccittervd men weie at work,
but the etUji.ils siy they will have a sulU
eient force iu n day or two.
Nearly TO mim engaged lu the loecnl
tnku at the railrevl y.irls ia Eist St.
LetiiR have been indicted and 1" of thein
arrested Some of theso arrested have
giveu bail. The strike has ended, and the
busuu'sief all the reads ban fully ro re
sutnid Kitty operators hi the cwl miuosefSf.
Clair county, Illinois, hive becn indicted
for vie' itieu of the law rciiuiriug scales fei
weighing coal te be placed in each miue.
Acrlen.t Hint Dnltn
Cap'aiu.I. K. Didd. of the si op S. H
itepe, was drowned in Lewes ercek, Dela
uars, ou Thursday maruiug. He fell
overboard in a lit.
Fnuklcr Hrothers otrriue top factory
and Flaherty's agricultural warehouse in
Dubuque, wero tiiirue 1 yesterday nierii
lug. I,iiw, SW00O.
'Ph.' electne lactery el A C I)ivs n
the H day heuse, Mirvlinl, wn burned
last mght. L iss, $30,000.
The I'eiipln'K nilway euipanj, of Chi
etge, yesterday began run against Wilbur
F. Sterny, proprietor of the Tmut, ler
half a nrlli'ia of d!lirs dinits ler tl.)
pubhoatien of mi arilute latimatiug that
the concern was fraudulent.
Marshall Harris says that h killed .1 jhn
1'icgett, who was found dead ou the
street in Greenfield, Ohie, en Thursday,
but asse-ts that he acted in self defeuea.
The murdered bodies of Mr. and Mrs
iteorge W". Williams were found yesterday
at their former rosuleuce near Wauseen.
Ohie. A man named Jehns u, wli had
Willnms' watch was arrested.
Uiiimiirrclnl .ilnttfrs
It was reported iu Tttiisville, Pennt.,
last evening possibly for speculative pur
poses that thirty oil wells iu the Alio Alie Alio
gheuy tl'dd had stepped (lowing.
Ivery ilau, budder of U t in, his mis
psndcd, with liabilities ai d a-us esti
mated each at bstween savonty-tlve aud
e. e hundred thousand dollars.
Ij9wis IJres., liquerde.tiers, of New Yerk
mtile an assignment yesterday, with $11,
000 preferences.
The director geueral of th world's in
dustrial cotton centennial exposition ut
New Orleans has invited designs for the
m tin building, which is te embrace one
million squtru leet. The tieur spaca is t
cost J2e0.000. Flans will be received until
non of Nevember 2(5th. Tue premiums
eilercd are ?l,O0') fei the bet plan,$.)0J for
the second aud $250 for the third.
The comptre'ler of the currency yester
day autherizu I the following national
h inks te begin business: First natieuai
bank of Texarkana, Teias, e ip'tal 50 000, bmkef Loucerdte, i.iusas.
.10,000; liuarryvilie natieuai bank, (Quarry
ville, Fa , $iV),0tW; Mirshall national bank.
Umenville, Missouri. $',0,000; Whitney
natieuai b ink, New Orleans, $100,000,
.Sllncelinueeiis .nutters.
The trienniat fcessieu of tlm ctiajteret
the Franciscan opler of the I'nked States,
at Trenten, ended yesterday. The follow
ing superiors of convents were elected :
Kev. Leenard Keich, for Sv mouse, New
Yerk ; Key. Cesar Cucchaer, Utiea, New
Yerk ; Ujv. I'eter Jachettli, Cuamhersburtt
Feuua. The ether places will be lided by
thu provincial.
The pre.sideui yesterday sigued the c n
mission of lleuj imiu liutterwerth as com
nussiouer of patents lu place of Edgar M.
Marble, resigned. The president has ap
pointed Max I'al.ichek te be consul at
Ghent, and Jehn S. Techer hecretary f(.r
the territory of Ment, mi, in place of Mc Mc Mc
Cutcheen, resfgned.
Theuipsm II. Murcli, ex-Greenback ceu
gressm.tu from reported te ba lit
ing up a go-geeus drinking saloeu In
iiosten, which is expjeted te rival that of
the pugilist Jehn I. Sullivan. The
Intter's place is "areuud the oernor" from
The Marquis of Liusdowne has tecon tecen tecon
sidered his determination net te receive ad
ilresnes of welcome as goveruor general of
CanaJa from the nitienal sucin'ies. He
will receive addresses from thu St. And
raw'n and M. Jean liaptiste societies en
Monday next.
Lord Coleridgo and patty visited New
Haven yesterday aud where the guests of
President Perter of Yalu Colloge. Lord
Coleridge addressed GOO of the students in
the Marquand chapel.
The Marquis of Lurue nnd the PrinceKs
Louise will sail from (iiebcc for England
A repert of the Mermen missions in the
Saudwich Islands, published at Salt Lake
City ou Thursday, shows a membership of
:i 000. The church owns a large sugar
plantat en lu Hawaii, and the king was
present at the Septembar e inference.
The colored Free Masens of New Yerk
gave a reception iu Irving II ill last even
ing iu honor of the colored Masens of
A we in mi llacheil te I'lccc.
The llnding of several mero parts of the
body of n woman iu the Erie canal in the
oastern part or Koehestor, New Yerk,
hews beyend a doubt that oueor the most
horrible murders has beeu committed in
that vieinlty. The body was hacke 1 ami
cut up iu thu most horrible iiiauuur. The
murder Is thought te havuboeu committed
iu a canal beat. The guueral theory is
that thu woman was the wife of some canal
beat captain, that a quarrel ejcurrid aud
tlie woman was klllcit ami that te get rid
of thu body it was out up into fragment
and thrown into the water in the hepe
that they would sink. The all'ilr has
created considerable oxeitornont iu the city
and further developments are awaited with
IIir llrruem 111 Amu AKUliut tlie llrpuUll
cmi Uunillilute ter Auilllur lleiicrnl
The leading bruworsef Philadelphia nnd
savetal from neighboring cities iu this
state met en Friday evening nt Concordia
hall, ou Ctllewhill street, Philadelphia, te
discuss the campaign and te take notion
as te the protcetlou or the liquor and beer
intarcsts lu the lutuie. There was much
discussion as te the candidates, but ou all
hands and from brewers te all political
fulihs there came bitter denunciation of
Jereuiu II. Ntles,the Hupublicati candidate
ler audtler goueral of thu statu It was
urged that Mr. Niles was fully Idontilled
wuii uiu prohibition movemeiit. There
was seme talk ns te llii.tnelal matters, but
that in the event that money is needed it
will be forthcoming. Hefere the mmlng
odlenrned a circular headed "Niles as a '
piuhlbltlenlsr," was preptred. Itgivosthe '
record or iiiteeit of Ids votes, which were
in dead opposition te the be nud 1'ij'ier
Intorest and urges th it bi,:ety and ihiber
ality nre destined te rein the country.
It was rumored last mght that centribu
tiens te a campilgn land had beeu undo
nud that en.i brewer Im.l contributed very
liberally. The ctreul.u will be widely ou eu
riilatrd. Vell MeltKftS inrlti.liir,
Count Ven Mellke eelnbr.iled hiseiglity.
fourth birthday at lleilin. Frul.iv. Mets
staving en his estate at IvreUnu iu Silesia,
leading a very simple life. He recites
fiiends in the morning, plays whist in 'h'
afternoon and weiks 1,1 the evening, onti enti
eiziug thn pipers siibiuitied te linn by the
heads of departments and writing en the
margin notes i etiuti t able for their beauty
of style and precision of thought. Next
te the emperor, Count en Moltke is the
most pipular man in iWniauy, his birth
day being a nati nnl holiday.
Till: UI'KltA
MrHiiKB' "(Ju-en l.iiee llsu OUrretilet
The brilliant nub me which crowded
Fulton opera house list ev u tig and made
"standing riKiui etil," n pieniiiim that it
might witness for the tl't time iu this
city a presentation e S raiHs' e imi.iopern.
" lucen'ri It iiiilkorelner," was
scarcely disappointed in any of its ex lo
tions. The emiiirni eemp.wer meets
varied tastes, nud iu the delicious tlew of
melody and rhythm, which are the chief
characteristics of his muie, the listener
preferring .something heavier will ii.,d r
new and then with a i.iree nnd beii'ity that
nre irresistible. If is. however, in the
dreamlugly air ttaui, the deiicieus
waltzes and the ien...rk ible rtnoelhtiess el
his music that Stra iss cilejIs, and which
gain for him honest nublie niioreli.itinii
This entraiemg vlv.icty and p.iuancy are
iu entire accord wi h thn seiise e(
tlie opera itself, which is only bui-lei'ic
and mirth, with seldom anything weightier
man a en inning i ve s ng. tint which y
scses a plot and tl of ideas net preumi
ently strong, but s;irkiing with interest
and hie. The many gems with which the
opera abounds are i-xuisit merceaux of
musical ceuceits, replete with deli 'ate
melody aud brilliant snostiveness. The
concerted pics el tlm " tjucen's Ltee
Handkerchief " nre n "'ably strong nud
effective and In seveial uiUucjk rise te a
maguitlceut volume uf teuu nud me'eJy.
The New Yerk opera cempiuy, whuh
rendered the jil.iy last evening, met
mere than uxpect.i'i us and weie np
preeiativelv received. Perhaps it would
be very dilHcult te dscevcr a troupe en
the read, with oue or two exceptions
which would present it umre striatucteri'j.
The Kmg was sung by Mii Fanny Ueil
dmg, albeit it is huiuj nppaient that
the chaiacter was net designed te be pei
senated by a female. Hut Miss Hedduig
displays many points of ability that eu
title her te appreciation. She excels
rather as an actress than as n voeilur. al
though her lenditien of the "Trulll-"
song was encored, and lit r interpretation of
the monarch is attractive and just Her
voice is net strong, but she supplies this
deficiency iu a geed degree by a rather
expressive tone and pleasing vivacity.
Mi's Louise Manfred, as the QuetH, is a
versatile little actress, with a beautifully
clear voice, especially cltective in the
upper registers and abounding iu grsc
and llciibilry. Hut it lacks complete
and tangible expression, nnd in several
marked Instances scorns altegether do de
void of sympathy with tlie part. Hut these
iltjfeeta are net notieeabie nt first blush ;
her line aclug in the different phase el
the role almcs". sjtves toebsenro them. As
D)unn hene Miss L"ine Searle is es-itain
Iy an nble artist with ,1 capabdrica
en the operatic stage and whu-U shedis
plated with c lus'.itnni it gra.M of aotien
nnd vocalic lucellcnc" Of the gentlemen
of the ctt Mr. C M. Pyke impers'natd
Den Ctfintt with net adequate efliui
eney as au actor, but his line
bauteuu voieo was heard with splendid
efT-'er, notably in theso parts which rrqaue
n tinge of pathos or ether marked emo
tion. The hit of the evening however,
wns Mr. Gustave Adelphi, ns Den Sai.'-fm,
whose make up and burlesque noting un
ited with a very tjoed tener veice, and a
most natural and luhoiteus tmxle et action
and expression, wen him great approval,
end Mr. Jes. S. (in ensfelder ns (i'tn:
WWtoOeiy. was another excellen' bud)
actor with many comic elements .tdvan
tageeusly displayed and with a me-.t re
markably low bass voce, whlc'c, however,
Is lacking Biifllcient plmblenesn te make
expressive. The rostel the cerupany were
geed, and the choreua was strong, iis
reuditieu at most times being suerb,
while the cestumes were elegant. Alto Alte Alto
gethot this was an opeiatie treat width
met with unstinted approval.
Orcmititlnii ut the "cnnei llimril.
On Wednesday evening next the Lan
caster school heard will meet te dispnEe of
all unfinished biiiiuess, uu.l ou Thursday
evening the new beard will meet for or
ganization. Theio ar live Dtsmejrats
whose terms expire en Wednesday.nainely
Dr. Jehn Lvergned peter McConemy,
Adam Obleuder, II. liheads and Goe.
V. Xocher. Of these Mussis. Levergood.
McCouemy and Obleuder wero 10 elected
and will take their scats in the icerg.un.
ed beard. Tne new numbers nre Or.
McCermick.Wm, Jehnsen nud Jehu Ochs.
The Uepuhllein members whose terms
expire are C F. Ebernun, J.I.,
Jeseph Samson, H. H. llrenemati, Jeliu I.
Warfel, Dr. M. L. Herr and Win. A.
Wilsun, all of whom, except Mr. Wilsen,
wero reelected at tlie late municipal dec
tieu and remain members of the beard
Mr. Wilsen was appointed recently te till
a vanancy caused by the resignation of F.
W. I lass.
tllgli fjehoel Lecture.
The curriculum of studies for the high
school, adepted by the beard of directors,
pievidcs for lectures en school topics he
I'eru the schools at such times as may be
found convenient, but nene having beeu
delivered for a long time past a loseiiitiou
was adopted at the last meetlnir of the
beard te Invite the faculty of Fi.tnklln
nud Mnishall collego te deliver a cuursn
and thu invitation was accpted. Thu lirst
of the course was giveu in the girls' high
school room yesterday aftornoen at 1
o'clock by the president of the c illege,
Hev Thes. G. Apple, I). I) , the pupils
of the bjys' high school nhe being present.
The subject of the locture was "Meral
Education," and the distinguished ice
turer handled it in a way te make it both
entertaining nud Instructive. An thu
pupils took notes during its delivery, aud
It will be made the subject of a luview
lessen In the school, it is thought bast te
give no synopsis of it here.
An Interfiling i. enure.
Last evening Hev. J. Y. Mitchell ojencd
the lecture eourse proposed by the
library nBsoeiation of the Presbyterian
mission iu the chapel en Seuth (ueen
street and for ever au hour ontertalned
the nudlouce with a description of Ids
trip through Wisconsin and Mlunesnta
during ids vacation this summer. The
speaker pictured the growth nnd Improve
ment of that Hcntien telling of the rail
roads, the towns, the llshing, hiinbering
interests, etc., with dates aud tlgures of
,,,,,w.r,,l l,ri,i!t At III,, nl. ..,.. t- II ,
Moere, who presided, announced the next
lecture en Friday eveuiug, Novembor 10,
Hugh H. Fulton, esq , the lecturer and
hissubjeat, "Licceln nud Garfield.
iti.uii.Ati ihi:ih:si'e.nii;m)i:
trvit., timi His "li.cMlrtlillltm Items
liiiHr,.,i in mill Afiiiiiiil the lliiretiKti
lnki.illii by tti e InlPlll-
Kiueer llrimrti-r.
'I'e night a meeting of Peimsjlvanla
eistle Ne. 70, A- O. K. el M. C, will be
Mr. Jehn Elliett has In his possession a
ied beet which measures its sides
'? inches nud weighs I'Jj pounds,
A IiUi;k tell from u r.ilhead
tiestte weiU siding nt St. Charles furnace
upon th back of it weikiuau named
Wilsen, injuring him severely.
Mr and Mrs Jehn Shrnber ixliiriiud
last evening from au extended dining tilp
thieugh Delaware aud eastern Penusylva
ma. l'heir trip was a delightful one.
Ames Wisner. who has a foree of llfteen
workmen emp eyed at the cinder batiks of
S:. Ch.ules lurn.iee is separating pig lien
fiem ciiule., will seen increase that imiu
her le lllty.
On Novemb.-r 1st tin empleyes of tl u
Hemy Clay nnd St. Ch.uhs furnaces,
loeiteil ueith of this place, the piopettyof
theCiiubbs, of Lancaster, will linvuthiir
wages reduced 10 cents jer day.
Twe luriie sui prise parties were held
Inst evening, eneat Mr. Jehu Weaterniau's
residence, and the ether at the home of
Miss Katie Pfeller. lleth were very phas
ant all'airs.
Te day has been a jubilee day iu May
town, and the little boieugli has been
oiewded with strnngnis. The exercises
weie te have taken place last Siturday,
but the Inclement weather lelidjred ,t post pest
hv eraent ne'csmry.
The ' 12 neil's Lice Hanilkerchief" will
he pitsente I nt the opera heuse this even
ing. A sprcial tram will be run te
Marietta after the out irtainiiient, te con
vey ji-ople attending the opera house from
Ilia pince te their homes.
Mr Martin Shultz died at his home iu
this plac- at an early hour lid i morning.
He w is 84 In u vriusel'agi nud his death
resulted lrem the ravages of age alone. A
large family of sous nud daughters ate loll
t mourn his death.
A resident el this place stated this morn
ing Hint he h id an interview last m 'lit
wrh Franklerd, lbs one eyed herse thief
a id i nl breaker, in ihii The noted
criminal expressed his iutoutieu of going
te puts whetoheis unknown, and there
lead a tespeciable life. Its ub mt time lei
a reformation.
Twe uewspaper carrier boys were pur
sue 1 en Bethel s'tcet by the "mysterious
stranger" last night. They saw his face
as he sprang ever a fence alter them, aud
declare positively that he is the m.uiri m.uiri
feiredte in Inst night's foTRM.ienMT.u,
as t e fellow concerned in several women
scanug operations here.
A arty of serenadtrs gaveau evati n te
n coiiple in Washington borough last
mght because they had reunited their
fortunes after a sap irati ju. Their effbr a
were net appreciated and they were obliged
t disperse. Most of them get drunk, aud
several dnftid into Columbia, whero they
weie seen this tnerumg. At that time
nene et them were able te " walk a chalk
Hit. C S. Gerhart will preach his fare
well sermon iu Trinity Itofermed church
te-morrow merulug. Ne services will be
hoi 1 in St. Jehn's L ithcrin cbirc'i Tie
Wrightsville Lutherans will visit the
Second street Lutheran church of this
pi ice tomorrow morning Itev. Lucius
M. Hardy, el Lancaster, will preach In St.
Paul's 1 E chinch te morrow. Services
will be hsld iu the ether churches as usua'.
Drnih et.'MI.. Aunle S. Ltlar.
Miss Annie M. Ettcr, atcacher itioneof
the Lometi s'rcet secondary public schools
of this city, died a the resideuce of her
une'e JaeubWa'U, Ne. 110 North Charlette
street, Or.tuge, tliis morning at :i
o'clock after a pretiacteJ and unusually
p-i ii t ii I illuus-, resulting fiem a ciucereus
tumor en the liver Miss Etter was a
daughter of thu latu Gujrgu E ter,
tailor, of this city, and siuce his
dea'u whic'a eccuried a few years age, she
has had no uoarer relatives living thau the
family with whom she made her home and
wheru she died. She was a dutiful
daughter, a successful teacher and a de
veut Chiisti.tu. Of her own slender means
she supported her invalid father and cared
fei him atiection.itely during his illness.
As a teacher she was beloved by her pupils
and was regarded by the directors as beiu
net euly faithful but unusually effljient
in impaitmg iiistiuctieu te the yeuug. Hei
funeral will take place lrem her late res
ideuee, ou Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The interment will be made at Woodward
Hill. The teachers of the public schools
a,e requested te meet at tlie otllce of the
city superintendent, in the high school
building, at 7 o'cieck this eveuiug te
take notion relativa te her funeral.
lx-Htli n( l.etierl It Unrien.
A telegram daicd Logansport, lud., aud
received by Harry E. Carsen, of the
I.vrr.ixier.M Kit. this morning, states that
his brother, It. H. Carsen, left Lognuipert
for en Thursday 2et!i, inst., tied
that he was found dead in a sleeping car
en the following morning. Ne further
particulars of his death have beeu learned,
but it is tiiippesed he died from heart
disease or apoplexy. His remains will be
brought te Lancaster, under escort or a
delegation of Knights Templar, of which
order he was a Past Eminent Cetnm inder.
Hu was uIm) Past Master of the Masonic
Ledge at Logansport.
Hebert H. Carsen was a son of Henry
P. Carsen, of Lancaster. He waB born
and educated hnre ; learned the trade el a
machinist at the Lancaster locomotive
works (new the Peun iron works ) About
twenty live years njje he remeved te Lo Le Lo
gauspert and took a position in the roc roc
chine chops of the Feit Wayue it Chicago
railroad company, and continued iu that
position until about flve ycais age, when
hu wns elected auditor et Cass county au
olllce equivaleLt te that of our prothono prethono protheno
tary aud held it ier three yours. Ou re
tiring from ofilce he went into business cu
his own account, and during the past year
was engaged in doing work for thu watei
dopartment of Davenport, lud.
.Mr. Carsen was -111 years of age and
unmarried. Ue was an accomplished ma
ehinlst, a genial, whole-seuled gentlenmr,
very well known and very popular with a
large circle of friends iu this, his native
city, and made friends wherever he went,
by Ids uuoustrusive yet cordial, friend y
manners. The news of his death is a tei -rible
shock te his aged parents and his
brother and sisturs, all of whom reside in
this city, In their (loop nlltictien they
will rccolve the heartfelt sympathy of thn
outlre community. Thu dispatch an
nouncing his death states that the body
would rcanh Logansport this (Saturday)
eveuiug. It is net yut dellnitely known
when it will reach Lancaster nor when
the funeral will take place, of which due
netice will he given hercatter.
Why lie Olil Net Umitest.
Mr. J. O. Goerge, of the Holermod The.
elgical seminary, this city, did net contest
In the tlve mile bloycle race in Heading en
Thursday afternoon, en ncoeunt et having
met wltbau nccldentatIMtriville)L')lilgli
county, saveral dajs previous. When
about 50 yards from the wlre, with every
thing in his favor, hu fell, took a "header"
and hurt himself badly. Ills arms nud
f-houlers have been sere ever since, and
Mr. Goerge, lu writing te a friend, said :
".My body leeks as il It had been iu a
cyclone " It is said that oveu if Mr.
Gcerge had appeared at the Heading races,
objeatlen? would have beeu made te his
starting ns an nmatcur,eu the grounds that
he had competod in a race agalns; a pro
fessional rider for a money prlze,
nui.iiiNAi. iiiMHtr,
Uxkss llnsril this term,
Friday Afttrnoen.--Cotu'th vs. Juriy
Diitignu, arson. The defense called suv
eial witnesses tu show that en tills day
Dangnii was with several men who had
tobicce In teAii uiiiil neon ami nt 10 mln
litis before I o'clock he was at his fathet'n
houe en Woedwaid sir et Divnl II iv
erstlek, Jr , was ree tiled nud he tcstilled
that from the position wheie Uracil was
standing In Hastings" stable when he first
he. ml the noise he could net see u man at
the deer ; the in in witness saw was nnudi
heivier thi'i il VII sod nnd did tint le ik
like him. It was ule shown that Gnu IT
had drank eensid 'ruble whisky ou that
day, but he was nut Intoxicated when lu
the stable.
Li'is NHy Instill -d tint he met
Graell ou Heaver street iu the tear of
Hastings' stable, right after tlie alleged
tiring ; lie scouted greatly exilted and slid
some oue had tiled te lite the stable ; he
said he siw the mill hut he could net tell
who he wis or what he linked like ; wit
ness was ou his way te w ik at tlie time
and it was u niutei alter ene e clock
when lie left home.
At tins p net in th' c ise the defense
d:' tunned te the iedic mint as being In In
fei me I that it di I net avi r that the build
ing atteiupted te b Ibe 1 wis a pirt of a
dwelling heuse or bdeiiged a l lining
th'rete, ns required bj the act of assembly
under which it was drawn. I he district
attorney moved te have the indictment
cm tilled Inte thu ou irter sessions lrem
eyer and lorruuer. This was objected te
by the de'ense, but nllew'c I by ttie oeint,
who ml i mated th it the charge against the
iiccus-d new was reduced te misdemeanor,
by which the accused would be a'lewed te
t'sMiy. The defense declined te acenpt
the situation, nud te be consistent iu their
obj'-cMen thev would oleso their testimony.
tituUiy Morning. The jury in the ease
of Jeiry Duugaii, charged with itiseti, the
Jury rendered n verdict of guilty. Sentence
tithe c.u" s of Daniel C WeitihnM,
charged with felonious entry, Jehn Deeb
ler, luhhery, IMiten Haeliinnn, larceny,
Aug. K imiurrur, assault and bittery,
Herbert Deebler nud Jehn, re
sisting i illcer, vordie's of net guilty were
C uu'ih vi Wm. Ftntiklin, larceny.
l:e delei'd nit was charged with stealing
two rings an I seme carpenter tools, be
longing te Jehn I'. ( illur of Rockland
street, this city. Some of the tools wete
reentered from Gcerge Westenbcrii aud
Stephen Ditus te whom they had been
sol 1 by defendant. Tue doleuse denied
having stolen the goods but claimed that
they found tUe-e gnosis that eass-d through
their hands. Phi jury rei.dered a verdict
of net guilty.
A tule w is gtauted te show cause why
two thirds of the costs imposed ou Mary
Jane Wilsen, the presecutrix in en ndtiltry
and bigamy c.ise, should net be stricken
Marrty nt 1'eai e n'lil llinei 11 in.
(.'iiinmeuwealtti vs Aaren Sterner of
Columbia. The defendant was charged
with deserting his who and failing te pro
vide for he suppeit. He was ordered te
pay the costs of prosecution and 33.00 per
week for the sup;uit of his wife aud ene
Cetu'ih vs. Themas MeCully of this city, Tae wife of the defendant tcs
tilled that she wis married te him In
February, 131. He deserted her
times and last left her iu June siuce which
time he has .loue nothing for her support.
The defendant stated that he had always
done nh it he could te support his wife.
He was out of employ meiil for s ime time
but new h is work and he was willing te
aiipprt his wife if she would go with him
The court erdered the defendant te pay
the costs of proseeutien nud ii jer week
te the support of his wife.
Tlie dse of Luther ."s.ngli 'en, charged
with desert'en, was dutntsu'd, as it ap
pears that thu deb nd mi h new supporting
his wife.
Frnukbn Sujd-r at.d .Jehn Christ were
charged with surety of the p -ace. E icil
oue swore that the ether threateLed te kill
him. Snyder was erdeted te pay the ousts
of ene suit nud give bid for geed ba ba
havier for six months The oase against
Chi 1st was dismissed with Snyder fur
YerdieS of net guilty wtre taken in the
cases of Henry D. Wilsen, carrying ceu
cealed wcapuis, aud Eli.ibeeh S'.euet,
soiling lupiers te miners.
laceinin TrKllnlcr r-0.
The luiiise of Jehn Header, of Waiwick
tern ship was tra isferrcd t U-tec:a
Hen per.
J lines A MoDertnitt was app iliilcd
minority iuspocter of the It ihrerstewn
distriet, iu place of Jehn Ivauffmau, re
signed. Mr. It., by the formation of a
new election district, becomes tlie inspec
tor of thu Lindisville district.
An ilper.-i Singer In tfnulile.
Fr d Hall appealed as fjrtergtu, minis
ter of p3l c, in the opera eumpiny last
night. After the entertainment was ever
and he had "Illl-d" himself with ' be, z,"
he still imagined that he was a policeman.
At a late hour he was walkiug up East
King tre"t with several fi lends and met
two darkies at I)ul:e street. Hall drew a
ovelver and frightuued ene of the coons
almost te death by pointing the weapon
te his head and tlueatening te
blew his brains ou A roil pelice
man lu the person of Olllcer Mer
ringer wjs standing by and he took thu
d mgoreus individual te tin lockup. This
morning the mayor's court looked like a
matineu performance, A number of mum.
brs or the company were presnt and
Ctrcanttt eT lait night's performance plead
the cas3ef his brother singer. Thoetlouder
was discharged en payment of costs aud a
Hue. An old customer, for baiug drunk
was Kent te J til rer 13 dajs.
Tun Jail l!lrH Aguln.
And new cames the lopert that "Tid"
trimmer, the escaped ilrehug, was seen
yesterdny between West Willow and New
Danville. A yeuug ninii went into a Held
where seme men wereut work and askid
rer a job hnskiiig corn. He was told tlie
corn was nearly all husked, nud that Ids
services wero net needed. In the eourse
or a brier convocation, the subject or tlie
escaped prisoners was roferred te, and the
stranger said he waB acquainted with all
the prisoner ex-iept Hrimmer. He then
lelt, but his manner and convocation led
the moil he wns talking te bulleve that he
was Hrimmer himtelf. Oue of them went
te the house, looked ever the paper con
tabling a description or Hrimmer, and as
it tallied with or the Hr.inger a party
went iu pursuit of him. As he seen ns he
saw thorn coming he toel: te his heels, nud
escaped in thu vicinity uf Ilarnish's station.
Attempt! llurglary.
Last night an attempt was nude te
break into the ollhe of the Lancaster and
Maulieim turnplke company nt the first
gate north of this eity, whleh Is In charge
of Christ Shenk, The burglars were heard
by a little girl, nnd she awakened Mr
Blienk, who at oneo armed himself with
au old horse pistol and hastencd te " inter
view " the burglars. They heard him
eitulng, hewever, nnd ran efTup the pike.
Mr. Short discharging his pistol after
them. An examination of the premises
Hhenudthat they had attempted te gain
nn entrance by cutting a pane of glass out
of the sash lu the upper part of the deer.
I.uillm Tract henlaty.
Thethlity fifth anniviriiai-y of tholadlea
tract society, will be held Sunday oveu eveu
iug, nt 7:15 in St. Paul's Hofermodchuroh.
Addressss by Hev, Jes. Y. Mltehall D. I).
aud J. A. Peters. All nre welcome, Seats
Itnat Kml llipsnliiita,
A Lutlier inonietlal servloe will be held
lu the New Helland Lutheran olnireli ou
the oveuliigs or Nev. 7th and 8th,
Mr. Jacob It. Stellzfus hits In his pos.
sissleti a linen bushel lug tlint. has
been lu ceiistanl usu for a period or 07
years and tins never been tern.
Mr. David Wald, sr , or llluklotewn,
made a mlsstap at thn head id thn stair
way ene night In the beginning of thin
week, and roeolved sueh injuries that he
men r ntiay morning.
On last Saturday night Mr, Jehn Myers,
of thn West End, lu going down some
cellar steps, made u misstep and fell te the
bottom, striking seme object with his sliln
an I bteaklng a lib. He lay there ferROtnn
moments hofero he could nrlse, although
1)0 was llOt tlUOOIlScInilS. He lm snllernil
considerable p.iln ever since, iu eonsequeiioo
or the lull.
A ClliuiiliiK At'uMnnt.
At ItawliiiKVllle while Mr. David
Crainor.iieeompanled by his little nephew,
was out gunning and walking through a
corn Held, he steeped te plek up an ear of
corn, and hi se doing the hummer or the
gun caught en mime obstacle whleh dis
charged the contents or thn gun lu the
boy's body and mm. Dr. Al. Deavcr only
succeeded in extracting ene shut from thu
little fellow. At last accounts he was
i est ing as well as could be excoted.
tlie Minitlisrn ,Mikt.
The S milium matket movement is
taking definite shape and the committee
appointed te leek for available sites nnd
ascertain what support they could cxct
fiem the peeple of the lower end nre
very much encouraged. They have n num.
tier of avatlable sites that can bu purchased
at fair tlgures, while the elfers for taking
stock are already nearly half the oxpeetod
est of the building.
I'lCfiin Ntiiiuiliig,
There was u match at Soheonbergor's
park Friday afternoon rer a special purse,
which resulted ns fellows :
Hurry (Innlner
Clmnus t'riiuciscun .
I, t. r Uniiiiiiel
Kreilerli'k Wnllc...
Jehn Snyder
.. e i i e i e i-1
. ..k l l 1 I) I i-c,
..i) n i ii i) i i-.i
...l e i i e II II-. I
...i . i e t e 0-3
On Monday there will he a match nt the
same place between Gardner nnd I'ran
ciscus te dctct initie their claims as
" champion of the county."
t elrijtimip (Jehiifrilunn.
The Heading express, corner of West
King and Water streets, mid Exchange
hotel, en Chustiaii near List King street,
have been connected with thu telephone
My llrgln IIiisiiipss.
Yesterday the controller of the cur
rency at Washington authorized the
Ojiarrv ville national bank te begin busi
ness with a capital of i00,000.
nle nl .stuck,
Jacob II. Leng, broker sold te day nt
private sale, 10 shares, Iinjuirer priming
company, nt -10 j per share
Hntiirilitr lmiiui; Mtrtntiln
(ieiiiiiiu A I'ennecU begun Ite-lr weeklvso weeklvse
chin ei ut Kclten lull luil Siiturdiiy night and
ttiey will be continue. I during the winter,
ntTeralng plenty et iimiHetimnl ler nil who
iteslre te attend.
" I'ap "Without ileuiit ene et tlie funniest
plnys that Is ou tlie Ixi.inls tliNseueu Is tlie
extriiviigiinzi " Pep," litcli will belli Kulton
opera house Wediieslay nvieiti g. It Is a de
lightful melange et tulrtli iuiiI Jollity unit will
be iipprccmttMl.
' 7fte MeteeTM. 'There will bn Inn nnd
trelli nt tne eptra linu-i, Meuils) evening,
w lien hvans, llrjiint A llnuy's melcers Inn
iirtlltiint olio, appear. Thslr rmneily sketch,
" riie lle'ik AgOiit,"ls certutiily nn extietnely
tunny thing nnd has wen unltersul nppruval.
The ' Meteors " sheulil lie i '.en. Aunvt-.a.
Diis. l.'wiis.isu Mc'.ev, liuvlng UiiUlnd their
eeiir-e of lettiues at the opera house, have
Uikuu rooms st tin. City lintel, where tlie sick
may cuiisull lliem '1 lm doctors treat nil leruis
nt etuenlu illsoases. wlictlier iiiinlltal nrsurgl
.yfeitlcnl JHirtisrt l)pepslii, dlsenses et
tlie klilnrjs, lieiiit and lungs, rlieunui Ism,
nenralglu, paralysis et any part of ttie body,
cutarrli, screlul.i, wasting r tne beOy, orox erox orex
eesslve iiecuinuliillen of llm tli sh ; nil dis
cuses peculiar te men ami women ; ustlmiii,
tupe worms nud purusltes et every ileserlp
tlnn luteal tlie human stomach nnd
bowels, pleurisy, clieiin, duiiienlliiuiidchienlc
nuriteal Plituiet. Ulcerated or vrleo-e
veliii, en tlie llmtii liemerrhnl les, ills
case", siiulnt, liuie Up, dull palate, elul) feet,
hurnln, hew lejjs, centnieteit knee Joints,
uneurlstii, ruineval of dead benes, pelypus,
tumors et any purtet the timly, lili Joint dls
u,ie, steiiM lu ttie hla liter, esneer of tlm lip,
breast, or any portion el tlie Ixsly, torllcellls
or wry neek
All iiiipeilunt opeiuttons poiiermecl iiiuUr
Snrgeen Listers eulebruted Antlsrtptlc
Spray," a ul u:ul"r anreulied.i. 1 his method
Imiiias tlm neil doing of ult ruvere wounds,
und Uiu patient ni'iUnit even Ibu ellRhtusl
Ililiup liiiek. or deleriiiltlus et tin li.e k bone
Heated mid eurcd without cutlltu r Incon Incen Incon
venlenee le tlie sutTurer Kits et ,-ery de
scription eu ed. Speclil luvUitlen Isuxlund
ul te consumptives te vl-.ll tlie doctor's
purleru. Tne ravages el this dl-eise they
arrest II they see II In time. Their .i-thma
cure Is without rival. 'Jhav luveu eer uln
uudsurocure let tai.iirli. Acute rheumatism
euted IntreinJl te IS hours, sub-ncute and
chrnnie rheumatism In u correspondingly
slierttluie. AltilHeisi's peculiar te Uiesujich
ii specialty. Tupe worm ruiunveil iu two te
live heiirsiuid wlllienl p.iln. The llrstuppll
cant senlllieted ('Hind lieuet chargu
The doelers dnvntu llm forenoon el ouch
Thurs'tuy operations Thate tuf tuf
ferinijiem tttrutcal dlsetiiei will pleme call
i;ie;i the Itoclera en the Jnrenaen of each
Thuritlay. e.'O-c'.tSltld
Celiien's l.liiild Heel Tonic Is mtnilralily
adapted ter temules lu delicate heiilth. Col Cel
le it' i ; no ether. Of diugglsts.
1 roceiniiieuil lidy .Canuilla's Kocret of
Youth und lleauty for tlie complexion, as be
ing fur superior te any article I uver used, 11
positively removes Ki Celtics, uiu.' will leinove
Tun In oue uppllcntlen, 1'ilce tOc.
Fer salu at ull druggists,
lun-CiiidM.VS; Newurk, N. .1.
IMuuiurH I Alntnersi Alutiieral
Are you disturbed nt nl((ht unit broken el
ynur lest by a slrtc child siilferlng nnd crying
with the uxcruclnllnif pain or cutting tenth T
II se, gout encuiiud ttetn buttle 01 St HS, WIN
SLOWS 8UUTIU.NU SVIIUf. It will relieve
the peer little snl'irer iiiiniedliitnlj' tlepeml
niten It i there Is ue inUtuku about It. There Is
net u mother en earth who has uver used It,
who will net tell you at ence that It will
regulate the bowels and give rest te the
inolher, nnd relict anil health te Uie child, np np np
orutlngltliemugic It Isperluctlysate te use
lu all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is
thu prescription of one of the ohlest and best
leiimlu physicians In the United Unites. Sold
everywhere. 23 cents u bottle.
llr. lleimen's Celery anil ('Imuioiiille 1'llls
contain no opium, iiilnlini, or ether hurmlul
drug and nre highly recommended for head
echo, iieiirulgla und uei veusnees, bO cents, at
I hml Salt Ilheum for 19 year i. 'jnr pack
mies of Dr. Jlemen't tiktn Cure entirely cured
vie."V. I'. I.uvullu, Muieud,, il. utdrtig
Kts. "A Celsbrrtteil Uusn."
It seems probubie that Mr, Michael O'Cen.
nor, et U.ilei'mrg, III , U nut related te the
celebrated Charles u'Cnnner. lie says :
"Samaritan AVrWne cured inn of dyspepsia
und general debility." o'.'.'Hwdeeditw
liuihu the hands In Durbys i'rephylntlr.
Fluid mid no contagion will uttaclc you.