Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 24, 1883, Image 2

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Lancaster C-nlclUgcnrrv.
Jersey Central Ullgallen.
The counsel imtl parties In that Jerfey
Central litigation seem te be having
quite an Intonating convention, which
Is anything but a. leve feast. The pro
ceeding was started ostensibly by one
Dinsmere, president of the Adams ex ex
mess company, te defeat the lease by the
Heading of the Central, in which he says
he holds 2.000 Bhares. the uuis aim
answers being filed, an examiner was up
pointed te take testimony, who has held
several meetings. Mr. Gewen, who is
noleJ for the dexterity and vigor with
which he can thrust his pole among the
wild animals in a cage.wlien he guts them
collected there, has new a splendid op
portunity for the dfsplay of his talent
and is Improving it. The ether side of
the animal show is represented by ex
Kpnaler Conkling, who lias nothing as
yet te de but Introduce his bears te the
J . It,.., n.,,1 nrnii-1 nt I
examiner lercA.niiiu.iuuii, ... .
Mr. Gewen when he proceeds te stir
them up tee freely with his pole. They
are an odd let of animals. Mr. Cassatt,
who was wider flre at the first session
was nn unruffled creature who .did
nnt. mini! tinklm? si bit. He ad
mitted that he had sold Jersey
Central " short " for a prellt, when lie
heard of Dlnsmore's suit ; but declared
he had nothing te de with bringing it.
Mr. Gewen's point is that the I'eutisj 1
vnnla railroad people are the real ins' 1.
gaters of tlte proceeding against the
lease, Dinsmere being uieir iiuumij -and
quite dumb Indeed does he seem te
be, knowing nothing about the business
of the company or even Ids own. He
appeared yesterday en exhibition, and
can hardly congralulnte himself en the
appearance he made. Apparently lie Is
of the class of men who deem them
selves very sacred ; a swelled up sort
of a creature, who. when prodded by
Gewen's pole, was speechless with indig
nation at the liberty. He declared that
he would net take less than a million
dollars a share for his stock and would
net abandon his proceeding against the
lease though the dividends en Ills stock
were guaranteed him. H was net te
be bought except for a million.
This high priced donkey was succeed
ed en the stand by Mr. William L. .Scott
of Erie, In our own sta'e, who has been
a speculator in stocks and thlug3 all his
life and get very rich by it. He was
one of C.issatt's associates in the bear
raid In Jersey, but he felt greatly ag
grieved that Mr. Gewen had charged
him with being one of the instigators
of the suit against the lease. He said
he had sold Jersey short because lie
knew it was going te be worthless under
Mr. Gewen's management. Evidently
Mr. Scott was very mad. He is a very
nervous and excitable Individual at all
times, and it Is a great wonder that he
Is still alive, in view of the nervous
strain and exhaustion which are his con
s'ant experience. In this case no doubt,
Mr. Gewen get the thing wrong when he
accused Cassatt and Scott of having any
further Intention In their short sales of
Central than te make a profitable turn in
the stock. Neither of them care siilllci
ently for anyone t ls-e te pull their chest
nuts het out of the lire for them. Hut
Mr. Scott should have taken the matter
mere coolly. It don't help a man te
exhibit himself in a raving state of
madness It was net polite in Mr. Scott
te say tu Mr. Gewen that lie was a slan
dereraiid railroad wrecker and that the
Jersey read would be worthless under
his management, and 'it was net true
either; nor could Mr. Scott have really
believed what he said, since he admitted
giving Mr. Vanderbllt Ins proxy en 20,.
OOOsharesef stock in the Heading te
vete for Mr. Gewen after the latter had
done all the railroad wrecking of which
he can be accused. Mr. Scott says he is
ashamed new that he did this ; and lie
has poed reason te be if lie really be
lieved what he new declares in his pas
Blen. Mr. Scott should cultivate mere
calmness of spirit, coldness of language
and justness of judgment.
Segletting the Law.
Attorney General .Cassidy has Liken
the sinking fund commission iute
court ou a demand that it shall be re
quired te comply with the law requiring
the investment of the state funds in
Interest bearing securities of the gev
eminent. At present the state treasurer
gets the benefit of this interest for him
self and his party, tlie shallow excuse
under which the law Is evaded being
that the Immediate investment of all the
moneys would be injudicious, and would
unduly raise the market price of the
bends te be bought. Hut even if this
was be the comnilFs'en has no
discretion in the matter under Un
law, which makes its commands
iu positive terms. It Is u matter
of course that the court will compel
them te de what they are bidden te de j
and they In fact have rendered them
selves Individually liable, also, for
uny less the state may duffer by their
failure te promptly execute the law. The
people will note the reluctance of the
Hepubllcan partj's representatives iu
the state efllcers as well as the state
Senate, te obey the law ; and It will net
be well for the party.
Wronging the Laber Interests.
The failure of a Republican Senate te
apportion the state in obedience te the
constitutional limmliite will fall heavily
upon a class of cltizans who have done
mero probably than any ether te estub
list) for Pennsylvania the splendid repu
tatien as au Industrial centre which she
has long enjoyed among her sister state?.
The great coal and iron manufacturing
districts of Allegheny, Fayette, Clear
field, Dauphin, Ltizerue and Lucknwan
im counties would gain under a new
apportionment seven or eight luembeis,
and the importance of the interests
represented by these counties te the
material development of the resources of
the state Justly entitles them te Increased
representation. On the ether hand, it is
seen that' agricultural counties like
Erie, Crawford, Venango, Franklin and
Hucks, which have net kept pace In
growth with some of tbelr neighbors,
will, under a redlstrictlng, each lese a
member, u v
Tliese are frozen faets. which the work
ing clns3es of the state will doubtless dt ep
ly ponder ns the day draws near when It
becomes necessary te choe3o between
the two p irtles. Th no who go down
Inte the mine, exposed te the deadly fire
damp and countless ether ills, as well as
these who labor In the forge and ma
chlne shop, stand nnre in need of Just
representation in the legislative halls
than perhapiuny ethr class of citizens.
Conflicts are constantly arising between
these horny handed toilers and the
capital that employs them, and If labor
cannot have Its representative voice, it
becomes an undisciplined mob, at the
mercy of Its stronger and craftier oppe
nent. It is, therefore, the duty of the
laboring classes, who are denied their
just rights, te rebuke the arrogant at
tempt of a clique of stalwart bosses, who
fear the growing influence of this ele
ment of the population te deny them
that te which they are constitutionally
' ... ,
Tuk Itepublieaus of the Senate propose
te detlne their position te tbu poeplo. Tin)
late. the handwriting en the wall Is already
Xil.cs dodged the vete en the Humes
bill ami it is therofero net reasonable te
expeet that if he were elected auditor
general, aud ine icte, a commissioner ef
the sinking fund, he would icsist upjn its
ouferceniout and tbe saving of the money
of the people.
Tin: enforcement of the Humes -'I.
which ttie Ilepublicau bescs are eh. . -tug,
wciuM save ihe state at least Slem 'I
a j ear. Ttiose who are standing in tt.e
way of this very salutary prevision may
expect te be greuud iute very line pewJer
when ceme tbe melancholy days of Novem
ber. Anna Dickinsen's theatrical company
has goue te pieces out iu Detroit and her
effort te secure u new ruanager have been
unsuccessful. This is i very sad stve of
affairs for the plueky Helle woman who
made her ibtluencc felt en tbe lecture plat
form ia tbe negre's defense in the dark
das el the war. 1'ity it was that she did
uet store away the ample nuaus of which
she was tbeu possessed for tbe raiuy day
that have new ceme up n her.
.Matthew Auneld, wh has just ar
nve I ill this e I'ltrry, app-)i-s t) ba iu the
greitcst l le: his niisseu 1)3
unsuccessful. Ue hasten te disarm hos
tile criticism by iu,' that ha is net se
irreligious as is generally supposed, and he
desires te rolievo the suspense of Catholics
with tbe inform itien that Ii is lecture ou
"Numbers " will net ba in auy way ag
gress've toward tbem. .Mr. Arneld will
giin h'.tle iu this futile attempt at con
ciliatien. If his lecture.' are worth listen
ing te he may expect large audienccs,
regardless of his personal likes or dis
Til. bM deliince with which state Baily and Auditor General
Lumen hive ignred the previsions of the
Humes act, requiring tbe immediate in
vestment ei the balances in the state troa trea
sary in excess of a stated amount, winch
sum new reaches the enormous aggregate
of Sl.OOO.OJU, has at last met with its
long deserved eheck. This vast sain is
new oudepisit in state aid banks
unsecured, anil bringing in net one dollar
in rovenue te the taxpayers of the com
monwealth. Attorney Uoueral Uu'sidy.
after giving ample time for obedienco te
tbe law, has no m ted am used the guilty
sinking fuu 1 e mimissteuers te de thuir
duty te the state whose laws they have
sworn te obey. Tbe itstie of the people
against the treasury ring, is new elearly
made up aud the comple-o annihilation f
the latter cannot be much leuger pest-
poue !.
Drt M.utv Wackeu will wear rubber
beets this winter.
J i' imp. Hevni.y get 2 majority at the
I) lyteu Soldier's home.
ItetiEHT I'attkusen his donated JI.OOO
te the L'rsiuus cotlego, at Uollegeville,
Montgomery county.
William P. Cei-lvnd, a well known
Washington j mrnaltst, died in Gorman German
town, en Tuesday merniug.
Senateii M uienk leeks much elder
than he did two years age. He is getting
somewhat bald and his hair and beard have
Lean CeLiniuti: Rays that overy cdu
cated spjaker of L'ngllsh mes at least
thrce different languages. When he talks
be uses colloquial English, when he wnti-s
he iibei literary English, and when he
reads bis Uible he uses an antnpiated form
of English, whijh, from itsrolitiens te
modern culture, may almost be called
sacred English.
Mattiii:w Auneld will remain in this
country about four months, during which
tiuie he will lecture under tbe manage
ment of D'Oyly Carte, principally en
politico economic subjects. He says: "I
mean te avoid talking outalde or tny lea
turcs I shall net ram mvself down
people's threat at meetings, dinners and
tbe like. In fact, I hale'speaking."
Colenll Lymn. of Massachusetts, ene
of the new members of Congress, is the
latONt aiiiiuieu te the mun et means in
that body. He Inherited great vrealth.
Washburn, of .Minnesota, lias routed Den
Cameren's house, and will give lavish
receptions. Of the new senators nearly
all are rich. Hewcn, of Colerado is a
mining leul. Sabln, of .Minnesota, went
from Connecticut twenty yeaisnge nnd is
new very rich. Deljih, of Oregon is a
thrifty corporation attorney. Colquitt is
ene of the best te de men in Georgia, and
Gibsen, of Louisiana, Inherited wealth.
Iheioarenot many peer tnen left in the
Senate. Count out Ulair. Krye, Kenna,
Joues, of Flerida, and Huhlloberg and the
rust are accounted rich.
David Dt di.ev Field Is Indignant about
the growing disregard of Binokers for the
rignts ei tueir non smoking fellow-belngH.
He has nothing te say against the use of
tobacco as such, hut conflne himself te
the assertion that nbstalnerH have rights
whleh tvjry smoker who pretends te be
inoderntely oensldorato of otberH ought te
rcspeut. He asks hew the smoker and
non Hinulcer can roeonoilo thnir respcotive
piotenslous. Nothing Is easier, he thinks,
Let the smoker smoke unto lilinnelf, but
let oue who does net smoke or take to
bacco Inte his mouth or blew It out of his
uestrlls, be free from any nunoyaueo. The
neu sninkers have tlieir remedy in tlieir
own bauds. Let thcra resist overy on en on
eroaohmont ou their rights. Let thorn
refuse te frcqueut places of amusement or
take passage in conveyanco whero they
nre protected ugaluat tobaceo.
I lit le ctillilreit l.usn lhelr l.lieis Hint tltliei
in it I'jmg t'eiiilltluu .Mrtimtt Nuril'
lip tin IS tuning
Kingsten is a small mining Milage ene
mile west of Wtlkesbarni A little factory
cilled the Excelsior t-qnib works has
been engaged In turning out npi-ln for the
use of the nimeis. The work is net hard
or diftl jult ami milv young people are em
ployed at it. When work was began
fuisday morning eight girls and boy.
whose ages innged from eleven te sixteen,
were at their aoeusininetl places. Among
them was Mamie Norris, a girl of sixteen.
.Inst befeie the diuner hour a little-bin!
flew into an upon window a- d alighted en
Mattie's shoulder, l'he girl was very
much frightened. She regarded it as an
ill emcu aud put en her hat and went
"Methei I am going ti die," she said,
as Mie puslud the th-or open
" Why, what Ins happened?" asked the
startled woman.
" A bird came hi at the wind w aud
parjhed ou tny idieuldet. h Is a doatu deatu
warulug. I am going te die te day. I
knew lam."
She ate her di-vier with gloomy fore
bodings and weut bick te work.
A loud report, followed almost instant
ly by another et longer duration, startled
tie people of Kingsten shortly after ene
o'clock. The rep irts resembled the iimse
of a t Trifle blast. The men In the mines tbem aud dropped tlieir picks aud
cime te the surlace. The pjople in doers
heard th.-m aud rushed te the streets, tear
ing a h u;b!e mme aoeidout. The ex -tie
raent was inten.e. These in the sireets
.saw a bugs cjIuium of back siu.tke pulf
up into ibe air towards the western linn's
et the lutle village There was a rush te
the spit. Whathalbeeu the Kxce'.sier
squib factory was a pile el ruins and the
blackoued DvmIie.s or eight empleyes ei me
works were scattered about the greuud.
All woie seriJiiily lejurcd an t th "if means
aud cries were piteous. Hest of them
cannot live. Their names are :
Mamie Norris, aged 111 ; she was terribly
mangled an I died daring the nUht.
James N irris, nielli; her brother,
badly iniured.
Mary tninu, agel 1 " ; she wi'l die.
II it'.ie il h, aiid 13 ; bt lly b irne I.
Jehn Kraut, agetl It ; bully bu.iiw-tl. He
is drad.
Jam?s Steele, aged 17 , b id'y burne.1 and
canuet live.
Lizzie Edwards, aged M ; bu'ued.
Mattie Jame : 8be diea J wing tbe
The OToitemout at the s-'ene of the Stu
dent was intense. Toe beJius lay in all
d'rectieua and the debris was scattered far
and near. Willing hands a ded tbe little
sutiaiers. lhebidirs were all horribly
blackened aud distigured. Little Mann'
Ntrris the most terrible agony
The tein ti-'.li hun ' in shreds und her
clothes were stripped aud burnei lrem her
body. Sje begged piteously te be thrown
into the ereek nar by, te relieve her of
her sutTjrings Tbe ethers also pres inted
a sickening appearance and portions of
their tlesh were burued te a crisp. the
sufferers wero remeved te tiieir homes as
l-nekly ai iwssible and me.lical aid wai
summoned. The ccenes in their homes
woie very touching. In some instances
the parents of the uulertimite children
fainted ever the forms of these who only
a few minutes before Idft tuejn in geed
epiritt ler their places of employment,
ilattie James, whesj body was a omplete
crisp and tilled with powder, diad in great
ageuy. Mary Qainn was burned te a crisp
aud will die. liattie Mess had her feet
burued a'id was blown into a oreee. Sae
will reeve-. J Uu Kans was se badly
burned that he has mom ilted. .las. Steel
will die from bis terrible burns L'zzie
Edrrard was Rrieii4'.y barued, but may
live. Mamie Norris wis a nn;i of se tri
fled fli'i. She died last uigbt. Jebnuy
James was terribly burned but he may
reoever. It is thought three mero of the
injitrcil Whl dia bsfere morning.
Tae explosion was etused by a spark
freii a stevj drjppiag into au epan keget
DriJiYiiinc ut r.tcht .lien l'ruin tur
snootier lleli-u M. Urimtij.
The llshiug soheonor Northern Eigie
arrived in I isten, Tuesday, hiving m tow
the seine beat of the schooner Heleu M.
Cresby, which dispels all hope ler the h.aftey
of the eight ineu ropertcd separated from
her in Sa unlay night's squall in Uarn Uarn
utable Hay. The Northern Eagle herself
had a narrow escape from wreck, and only
held her anchetage by putttug out mldl-
'.lenal cables As it was, her main boom
andgaff wote carried away and her foresail
Eirly Monday merniug, off Plymouth,
the Nethern K.wle picked up tlte Croby's
neiiie beat, whiah was stern down in the
water, etused by the weight of '..' koine,
which was made fast te tlu Rt'jn,. E.l jrts
wire made at eucn te recover the
seine aud float the beat, aud, after several
hours of bard work, the crew of the
Northern Eigle wero suq&MiuI in raisiug
a portion of the seine and freeing tbe beat
of water. The condition of the seine and
beat leaves no deub: that tbe sq jail drove
tbe niackeral into the rushes, and the
heavy weight of the tlsb and haiue, togoth tegoth togeth
or with tbe high sja which was running at
that time, cauied the beat te turn ever
and tbe uufortuuite meti te be thrown
into tbe water aud drewiied. .Several
ether dmasters are ropertod in thy fishing
licet, iu one of which the captain and
twelve rnuu, out of a crew of llituun, wsre
drowned, and ether sad tidings are oxpuu expuu
ted when tbe (loot is fully lieaid from.
mk. ni:i.utiKit n nivei'.ur.
The rruper llruiiniu (or nepuruilitu nuil tne
AinnrlCkii njulrlii.
Iluury Ward Bsechnr was asknd Tues
day evening at New Yeik, fei his views
upon the subject of divoice and the laws
gevern-ug It. Hu thought that there were
mero causes for invoice than the scriptural
ene of adultery. That was provided as a
protection for women from mere caprice in
a tune when a man had several wives, and
if oiieilip!casul him iu houie trivial thing
he could give her u writing of divorcemont.
" Yet dtverccH should net be facile ;"
oeiitiuueil Mr. llcecher, with increascd
earnestness, " the Bauctity of tbe family Is
the iiope of the world. It Is hotter that
two hbeuid suffer through life than that
tee easy a deer should be opened for these
led by passion or desiring license. The
boys say en tbe tram, 'Chicago thirty
minutes for divorce.' I heard that my
self." " A woman ought net te he obhped te
live with a deg. Drunkenness ought te be
cause for dlvorce ; se, tee, if a man not
oriously oerrupt iu any wiy, or if he is
convicted of a criminal elldnsu. Hut the
casuses should be very low. Cruelty
should b ene, but net mere failure te
agree lu temper. Laxity of divorce laws
makes great evil."
"What de you think of the diversity
of laws in diuorent states" '. waB asked.
"rhore should be a uniform Unted
States law If it wero possible," Mr.
Heoehor replled. "There ought net te be
ene law in ene state ami auother in aueth
A Travallur itubbea mm Aliniut .Miirilsrml,
One of the most daring attempts at mur
der aud highway rebbury that has taken
i,l inn in lVeBtii.nt.iit-1,,,1 V.,..,,., .,i....
piacu iu wcatuieieUiiil county witluu Hit
history was ropertod Tuesday from Geerge
Station en the Pennsylvania railroad, two
miles east of Greensburg. A young mau
young mau
from Johnstown
whose name tHcorrea.1
piindc tit was unable te learn, stepped at
tbe station te visit relatives. In going te
tlieir heuse he pissed through it weed
bordering upon MceI.m'h pond. Ax lie
was passing through thorn he was attacked
by thrce villainous looking men, who
wanted his money. Hi" fought them
bravely, mid the jobbers certainly used
knives In the light, for the Mctiin reoeived
severe outs en the bead, neck and face.
He was foiled te the ground and robbed
of $i, aud, after robbing him, his nsiatl
ants klcke him, rendering him almost
helpleiis. Iu this erudition he eiawled oil
Ins bands and knees near by, and gave th i
alarm. He Is still in a enticat condition.
I'liere is no elew. Tim Mllauts ate sup
posed ti have been tramps. He ha I con
sldrinble money lu another pocket which
was net touched.
ANOrtlMt 1.11 ICI.t.Y ltl)S.
l'lip terj ul nn i:n;Mireii Vwir
Old liny
J'lirttMiiil, Main
The Portland, M, Aw today pub-
lishes an article te the etlect that a young
ninu iu that town claims te be t barley
lless. He Is about eighteen eais old. tall
and Rlim, geed loekiig. his dirk oiew
hair tending te earl, tine forehead and
eyes. He cunt) from !l sten te Portland
four weeks age. lie intends t sae money
toUke him te l'hilali'lp'iit te eill en Mr.
lless He lonieiubj.s living in a large
heuse, being taken away bv two itien in a
carriage, bjiug put "i a vessel aud tiken
te Winterpert, le . wheie be was kept in
a dark room for three or four years mi ler
close Mirveillance. He left the room ej
caslenally, and was net abused by bis
captors. There were ether ehil Iren in the
heuse, but he rarely i v them aud wis
uet allowed te play wi,h them.
After stajlug there years he was
carried en "a vessel te Brazil. On thii
voyage he louued tint he was st ilen by
Jesse James, the Davis us and Pinkbani
In Brazil he eluded bis captors and
werked las tussige butt te this country
ou a ship. Siucj then he has bjeu at sv
most of the time h.rving as a cook. He
cn reul a little and ci.iuet writs, if be
stays bore he iuteuds te g) te evjniu
school aud obtain an educatieu.
' Hie OrluiK 'l l'ri
Here is the way a cible from Lmden
speaki", but it does n t voice the Mjntl
ment of the cultured class of our peiqile,
no matter hew iilluiiu may be the pifoe
spoken of ; nor does it elieti the appro
bation of thee natives iu i'aris which are
honorable aud pure :
"The Crimes et Pan." by GjirgeCui
quest and Paul Merritt, was proiueed lwt
night iu the S.nrey t'mitre, Lindou.
Amer'can admirers et E iglish int-ledrama
will be delighted with i for it Is preba
bly the wert play evor written, weims th in
' Taken from Lite," wero than " riie
World " It, is e-uicerned with the conus cenus conus
or tbe Viscount de Vi'm't, called ' The
Domei," aud Vjii'i I'irdet., ealled Tue
Detective." The demon robs, Htabs,
Iniwiis, fi rge a-id c imnius tiigmiy.
detective wears urn i-nsrab'e Jisgames nd
detects nothing. Finally the demon lias a
desporate ntruggle with the detective
The datec-.ivn knwks thd datn in down,
the (lemen knocks down the doteetive
with his own hindjuffs, and the dimeu's
discirde i mtress, entering, kjiiU t.n
demon and murlcs tbe detective.
The a.i'iioueo received the play with
wild enthusiasm. The gallery cricked
jokes, the pit cneked nuts. Tni nn-s
paper crittei sit in p.'ivaw betes and
nodded sileiit approbitieu with their
head, for they were asleep.
AU'tlrt in Ireliiuii.
Inquiry iute the niunler of n farmer
named Speec--, nor Cirk, Ireland, en the
leth inst. shows that It was tha result of
a private laud quarrel.
A new circular containing a "blick
list" of the jurors iu the Pbu-ait
park murdar trials and in the case
of tbe men tried for the atteinpt te
murder Jurer Denis Fiell, was mailed te
thousands of the inhabitants of Loaden
I he oenimwslon which is te try Jeseph
Peelo for the murder of Jehn Kennedy, in
Seville Placa, its gersien Tuesday.
Twe hundred specul jurirs have beeu
summened for this trial.
Fatally shut br It it
Themas Yeung, forrnerly a olerk in the
revenue department at New Yerk, but
who lately kftpt a l.q'i r saleja iu l)r -ok
lyn, Tuesday afternixiu delihera ely shot
his who in the aeJjuiiMi, lijihetnn; a
wound that will cause her death. Yeung
had bean driukitig heivily for sem time
past and his wile left li.m beui.u he b.v.t
and abused her. lie went te her mother'
where she was stepping aud deliberately
shot her down. Alter the tJioetiug, and
w'eeu he wai under arnst, he begged of
bis wife te say tUit the shoetiu was
A Court Scamlal.
A Louden dispateb te the New Yerk
Keening 7l(jrim sas : The reasons for
tbe abrupt doparture of the duke and
duchess of Edinburgh from the ball given
iu their honor by thedulie of naxe Oeburg
Getha, at his castle in C'eburg, ha7e just
come te light.
It appears that their royal highnesses
insisted tipeu the omivueu from the list
of invitations of the names of the wives of
two of the court efUcials of the duchy.
oue of whom was formally au actress, aud
the ether having hern divorced previous
te her marriage with her present huhband.
The duke of Saxe Coburg, net duerutug
the antecedents of the two ladies in
questleu sufficient ground for deluding
thorn, demurred, bir was met with n llrm
insistance ou the part of tbe duke and
duchess of Edinburgh. Tbe duke of
Saxe Coburg thereupon gave orders pre
hlbititig the attendance of any of tbe court
eflictals. Upen hearing of this decision of
their host, the duke aud diuhess abruptly
left the c.istle.
As the duke of E hob irgh is the heir of
the duke of Saxe-Coburg, the opisedo
may bad te some amusing complications.
The Ciilnr I. Inn.
At Galveston u spaeial dispatch from
Austin says Vice Promdeut Hexle, of the
International railroad, lias written te Gov Gov
ereor Ireland that buiiiuess will net justify
thu running of sepirat i coaches te accom
modate the negre. L'nder the recent civil
rights decisions he says we can new make
colored men take the scats we ddsire. The
govorner replied that the dilllaiilty in
volved the psacn of society. Thure is but
ene remedy, and that is te provide co.iehea
for each color. I le sincerely regrets
the read will net de whatreums reasonable,
nnd what ether trunk lines iu Texas have
JM attern lu Sjiiin,
The Madrid cabinet has resolved te
summon the Certes te meet ou Decoin Decein Decoin
ber 1.
A teyal doereo has beu issued providing
that henceforth goner ;1 nfllcem shall held
stnll' appointments for only three years.
The enforcement of tins decrce will involve
thu resignation of ene u iptaln general,
sevnu Houteriuut i, live field mar
shals and forty brigndiers. This is the llrst
step of the Hohemo for the reform in thu
iKinvmiileiin ill thu lll.clpluii nt Ulirlnt.
The thrce national conventions of the
Disciples of Christ, with 100 delegatus,
some from foreign countries, will meet hi
annual session iu Cincinnati this week.
Of these the Christian woman's beard of
missions begati its hcsIehs yesteiday, The
all'aiis of thu beard tire in f.woiable condi
tion according te tlie Hhewing iu the
annual report. Missieiim are sustained lu
' 1'iuiii, uauiHiu.iiiiiu nui western sraienniui
, .,. ' i,, ,1... i'miip.i s, ., T,, ,iu.
! KJrMut" fwt
' n n ti,u f ire
I ZLtv v l. beiT
thoyear umouuted te Si J..
foreign Christian mlnHlnnnrv
Boeiotv will begin Its sessions te dav.
A fill. I. UAl.tC.NMAIt III'' llllt.MK.
A II inl l l)c"-lierlilK4 dlmrgmt Willi
llnliuiiK llril Uthrr I nlerrliiig
, Iho iM),
The Hinksoeuti'v Kit Unix trial wis
IulMiii at Aitinta. ti i.. ou I'lieidty. 1'ae
defendants are Jasper, James, Dilmus and
Neal Yarbreugb. Liivel Streitmau, Held '
K.iiery, State Summons and K H. (1 recti ,
I'.x v. engreMsiiiaii epeer iy
lied fei the
Wan en Hi) seu testllled that he was
evlled lrem his house ene night lu July
and beaten by a crowd of unshed men
'l'he mob swore vengeauej against the
uegrec of the locality who had voted for
ex t'engressuiiu Speer Hryseu was hit
en the bead with a pistol and otherwise
Calvin Hush testified that lu was taken
out of lied by a bowling m b, who stripped
liuu and gave him 17 lashes He was
stripped in court aud displayed the scirs
made by the I ishes.
Elisha Hroeks told hew lie was taken
out and wbipp-d tiy a crowd, who re
iinrVnd : ' Y hi mie whit veur d l
Smer has done ler veil." lie reeginl !
Jasper Yarbrough in tbe mob, an I Y ir ir
breiigh said : "If you knew anybody in
this otewd and tell ou him. III put you iu
our giave " Brooks was als i beaten
with brass knuckles.
lien S Hinders gave an aueuiit of hew
lie was idiot three times by a mob ami left
for dead. The evidence will prebibly be
eonnluded te morrow. The defense will
endeavor te prove an alibi and will con
tend that the case sb ml I bj tried iu the
state court.
I tin l'.itli nt Crime
The trial of the Hanks county Ku-ktui,
eight in number, was continued yesterd iv
inAtlatiti. The evidence will probably
close te day. The defense will set up an
alibi aud contend that they should be
tiied in a Mtate court. --At the
eli me of a it.cus perferuiaucs inNish inNish
ville, en Metidiy evcuiug. Hebert P. HiN-s
was shot dead by James P. llrierly. Twe
shots were tired, ene of which wounded a
bab) that Hales bad lu his arms, i tie
murd -rer was arrcstad. His eriuie was
tue result of au old filed.
Twe negrees named Held- u aud U xqier,
were shot in w iiKinseu ceuuiv,
Georgia, ou Monday, iu an allray growing
iut of the Htealiug of a hog by Itelden.
Ttiinia3 Conners, of Ne i Pell street.
New Yerk, was fat-illy nbet yo-terJay
umriiiug. Ne arrests were made.
Itinse Walten .shot awl latally wiitml
ed H. .1. 15 irkl y. in Ch mute, K ms is, mi
MejiI i) night. Uirkleyhatl beti court
ing Wal'eu's sister agaiust the w mints of
!i- r tami'y. aud it is allogeil, hid maliucd
h T cbaiacter.
The l.ilci)iKl Uiintriitliin.
l'he Kpiscepil general conveutioii held
1' eighteenth day's Ri-ss'en in tbe e'liircb
vit the Hely Tritntj, Phdadelphia, jest.-r
il iy. la the boue of deputies iu the
nmrniag a large amount of business e-i tt.e
calendar was d.niKtied of. The beaid
of misniiius met in the nftcruoen,
when tbe Mexican c innuissien pie
seated a statemeut of the conditieu of
the Mexican church, and rejierted that
thy had, with tbe el the house
of bishops, reqio-ded the lit llev. Henry
C. Hiley, D. 1) , bishop of tbe valley of
Mexico, te resigu his fiinsdiatiea. it is
net yet ku iwu definitely whether he haif
de ie se The beird took no action In the
matter. The Hev. W. I) Walker was
elected missionary buhep of Seuth
Dakota by the heuse of bishop. The
bishops held a night session te consider the
proposed changes m tbe prayer Doek.
It l All in tne fnmlly.
Ai tides of merger aud consebd itien
were filed yesterday in the state depart
meut at Harnsburg, between the New
Yerk, Lickawanna fc Western railway
company, of Pennsylvania, and the
New Yerk, Lackawanua & West
ern railroad company of New Yerk.
Helders of stock in the first uamed
lotperation are fully reimbursed with
the sock of tbe combined reids, 'he
capital uteck of which is net given. The
directors of the new read are Samuel
Slean, Wm. C. D'Hlge. Percy 11. Pyue,
New Yerk city ; Jehn L. Hlair, H'mrtea,
N J. ; Gcergu Bliss, E. S, Uigglns, lien
j luiiu S. Clark. Jay Gould, Sidney Dillen,
It.issel Sage, Jehn F. Dillen, Walter S.
(iiirneenud Silon Humphreys, of New
Yerk. Tbe schome is an absorption of
the Pennsylvania cetnpauy by tbe Ne
Yerk company.
Aliice uiiil Mltctiell Sail
Jem Macn, Charley Mitchell, Jack Davis
Jack Bright )u, and Harry Mentaue, tbe
basiuess manager of the Mace combination,
were passengers en the Oregon, which
sailed for Liverpool, from New Yerk,
yesterday. The Mace parly are hooked
for a serics of exhibitions en the ether side
aud Mitoiiell sajH he Is gelug te "try te
Hud a man in England te match against
Bdly Madden." Harry Hill went down
te see thetn off, driving a team composed
of a linn large Hamblotenlati mare aud the
little camel-back herse Curiosity, The
team attracted great attentien along
shore. Sitnuel Watsen, the equestrian director
of the r erepaugh show, also sailed en tbe
At Oswego, N. V., all the Canadian
'longshoremen employed by Kithbuu&
Ce., except fifteen moo, returned home ou
Tuesday night. All is new quiet. Tbe
oitizeus' corps is uniler arms. Kithbun
& Ce., it is said, will bring evor ether men
te take the place of these who left last
night. Serious trouble tiny yet ousue.
At a meeting of the Yorkshire colliery
owners at Shellicld, Kng , Tuesday, It was
resolved te rofuse the advance of fifteen
per ceut. in wages deniandcd by the
aiilnlnr lu HtruMiurg.
A great sousitieu has been caused at
Btrasburg, Germany, by two mystorleiiH
murders, Oue of thu victims was an
apothecary's assistant, whose body was
found fearfully wounded. The ether was
a military ssntiual, who was found lying ou
thu greuud near his pes, with his head
crushed in. The metives for the commis
sion of the muidirs are unkuewu. Ne
arrests have yet been made iu connection
with the crimes.
filial nuTutloiietit iimi
Ye have a saying that charity begins at
home, aud It has been added that a great
deal or the charity that begins at home
stays there. Of this narrow seit of hone hene hone
veleuce, tee, we find examples among the
animals. There is the barhut, for instance.
It is a solitary bird, aud sits most of the
time iu morose silence en a twig, watting
for its feed (lu the shape of nn insect) te
llv bv. Sometimes it is said te reuse it-
self and make a descent upon the nest of
some smaller bird, au I eat all the little
Certainly, ene would net leek for any
sort or benevolence from such a bird ; nnd
yet it offers a very striking and beautiful
example of the begin nt home und stay
there Icliid.
Thu eelebrated naturalist, Levaillaut,
who has told us se many interesting things
about thu birds of Africa ami Heutu
America, says that he discovered a barbat's
nest iu which there were live birds. Four
ia:eu. .
WIICII I OUO was pillliuu vue uaH, i."
peer old bird could only leek nt It long-
ugly, without havlug tbe strength te drug
itseil within reach of it. Theu it was
that the younger birds manifested n Bin-
.... n .... .i.n Am.. .1...
of them were young mid vigorous, but the ' 1 tne iieauiug i.oyeio leiiruuu.m.., ....
fifth was se old aud weak that wheu iti'ihursday occur the names e O. .
was put In 11 cage with Its comrades It . (broiler and C. 11. Weaver, of this c y.
euuli net move, hut lay ilylt.g in a corner eung ,1 regresses , hn '"d ilU
where it nan eccn p
gular spirit or kimlness. Quickly, urn
even with nil air of tenderness, ns
It soemod, they eaulrd fend te the
decrepit old bird, ami fed It as If
it bud been only a tledglttig. Struek
by this Hp:ctnch, the naturalist ox ex
iiniliii'd the nest, from wlibh the birds
bad been tnki n, ii'el feilint It was full of
l,i, nml tin, iiim.illm nf Ill.ililM. mIieivImi'
plainly that the old hlnl must Imve been
,,, ,,..i.,IiimI n Iniiif tinii, liv IIh vli-iirniis I
11,mi11,1H wi.i.,1, ri,i,..iilv wein ltn own '
(Viprlug I'liiilier study of ether biids I
nf the name hihvii-s e invlncei! the natural
it hat it was tics custom for the old and
Willi in buds te be eared ler by the young
and ntreug.
There me several iliil'eieut species of
barbels found lu Africa and Seuth Amor Amer
lei, ami though net graceful In shape,
many of them are exeeeedlngly beautiful
in plumage. They get tnetr name ei
baibet lrem the French weul lirbe,
meaning ln-anl, bi-oune they hive tufts of
still hair nt the b.ue of the bill. Natural
ists place l hem iu a genus called llueee,
and some persons call tlietu pull lilids,
because they have an odd way of pulling
out the feathers all ever the body, which
then leeks mero like a bale of feathers
than a lilnl V- ,i "lieiure!tnt llinli.'
by ll'iM ll'.Wi'nifi, in .. An-Aitfiu fir
I lirMlinl Hint WhUiiiI.
(erin lutiiu n 1 ulegrniiti
The growing of chestnuts aud walnuts
upon a farm we regard as a crop of con
niilerable imp irl.iuce, and tdieulil form a
branch of every farm whero the laud Is te
Mp lie, and where, as tu theeiseupiu
almost erery one of any size, there es
pectally Is land of a retih iutuie wheie
the general crops of the farm cannot
be raised with any profit, but which at
the sime time Is well adapted te the
walnut and chestnut. The late Dr.
Ivtrtlaud, of Ohie, u pomelogist of
a great ilea' of note, r used in his g id in
from the seed the French, Itihan anil
Spanish ehesUiuts, which, when large
enough, he transplanted, and when ten
years old oe'iitumioei! te tuir. He ro re
g irded the pre loot as plying very well,
and even ad-ted te the ohestnutx thu shell
birk hickory nut. He Mated that these
chestnuts were ab mi of equal size and
quality Hut tu this we de net agree
wiih him, inasmuch as we e insider the
French chestnuts t) be Niiperler te the
Italiau ail Meiuish but iioue of them
equil ti ei,- in- vi eh-Mtuul-s, th m ill
two or three tim-s larger. Hut Dr
Ktrtland sa d u itliing ah mt the eu'liv i
tieu of the Eiigbn'i w limit, which can
be easdy grotto iu tins latitude. I'pen
almost tvery faun theie are some out of
the way iwrlieus of it which are worthless
for tbu usuil fuming purposes, which
would lu very mnlab'e ler growing the
Euglish walnut. Iu fact, walnuts will
grew en aim ist any laud, however rough
and ste'iy. The tn-. grew readily.
atleids rti) shils, w I Ijdm ti yiel 1
tegular crops et fruit in ab ir tenyeirs,
which will iu. -re iD as the tree
mere isn tu s,z). l'n irtut is niac'i sought
after in its green state for pickling ; and
in its ripe st-i-.e is really every oue is fend
of, and thj pncj it oeiimauds at tee
fruiterers will doubly repiy the trouble
and oxpense attending the gathering and
We de nit km' oueugh of tin shell
bark te roeiinii uid its cnl'.iv.i'ie i, except
perbaps in plices whare the lau 1 is uet
required for or r.J pt I te tbe
orepi of tlu farm The troe demands rich
lam), an 1 than it will grew only hIewIv
and require from 1- te te years before it
would yield a crop, aud that is by no
means a regular oue. The tree should be
grown from the soed, and be raised whero
it is Intended t remain, as il t dillbult te
grew when transplanted.
Even if net Intended as oreps for mar
keting, there ought in be a tree of two
of each kind pliuted for home use, as we
contetxl that wh it'-v r the right te raise
upon the farm for ethers te consume the
f has nt least tqual claims te a sbare
of it ; and as te some things it hIieiiI i be
pievnlcd with chone articiea exclusively
for domestie consumption.
A .NIHILIST Willi WIlOTi-. in IILOllD,
Urliiin ler Whirl! .Snlriixlcn I UjlHK In
rmrujinvlevtky Kortret
.Serf erk Sun.
" Did you see the news of your chief
published iu te-day s paper ?" was asked
yesterday of a Nihilist residing iu this
city, who years age was thrown into the
same prison in which bis leader Neiehaiull
is new dying a slew death.
" Yes, I saw it, aud bolievo overy word
or it."
" Even that Netehaieirs letter was
written iu bleed ?M
" There is nothing strange iu that ; iu
fact, that is the only possible means of
writing left te Nrtchaieff. Ink, pencil aud
writing paper are absolutely beyond his
reach. It would be easier for him te get
dyamite. Se far hu has yet ieuit bleed
in his veins, and he is tbe man te use it.
A weed splinter he could easily get from
table or window frame, aud if by seme
happy accident he could get a ploce of old
newspaper, thou he would pessess all the
writing material he needed."
" But hew could he transmit his strauge
mossageto his comrades ?"
" Ob, that Is easy te explain. Did net
you sce iu te day's papers auother Item
of Russian news htatiug that even a public
pretecutur, aud a number of thu officers of
the army and navy am implicated in the
Nihil. st conspiracy ? The Potrepavlovsky
fertniHH is guatdud by the military elilccrs,
ami it would he enough if oue of tbem
were in sympathy with our brother
hood "
" What has NoiehaiolT doue te incur
his horrible fate t '
" IIe was titu first Nihilist who shot and
killed a czar's spy. He was the llrst man
whe.iu the czar court, before a numerous
public, shouted : ' Down with your tyrant! Leng live the national assembly
(Zernsky Beber) 1' These two crimes auf
llced, Hu was condemned te 20 years or
hard labor in Silnria ; hut be is kept in a
nariew, datk, cold and ever dripping uu uu
dergieund cell of the Potrepavlmsky
teilless, htaudlng just opposite thu Winter
ptlace, ever the Neva. It is a wonder te
me that lie Is ullve."
Never Mteml by tun l.abiirlii: Slim
IlurtUhiirir 1'utrlet.
Nilesln his stumping tour Is making
strong appeals te the labor vote te btand
by him in his oxtremlty. But Nlles uover
steed by the catue of labor iu the Leglsla
ture, aud of this fact the worklugmen are
generally apprised
ItejitiillaUil by Ilia Own I'urty.
Alleiliu Tlibi:ue, Hep.
It is our private opinion publicly ex
pressed that the less Senater Jehn Stewart
talks dining this campaign the botter it
will be for him anil the Hepubllcan party.
rrlmilmii Atiitult uiiil lliitlery.
Emanuel Ilelslemau was arrested last
night by Otllcer llerr ou the ehargu of
felonious assault aud battery, preferred by
Jehn Wagner, who alleges that be fired
hevctnl shuts fiem a pistol ut him nt a
paity In tbe northern part of the city ou
Saturday night. Alderman Spurrioruom Spurrieruom Spurrioruem
mlttcd him for a heailug
Tne Heading lllijcle Itnceii.
Among the entries iu the three mile race
..,-....j """ r::'.-l,e,i, nn.i
nt,i,itiii,-iiiv Titn 1 1i111n.iHi.ur uuivuh.iu,. mu..
-...,.-.. j . ,., ,,lnPn nn thn
will be given a l'""."''"
pregramme for an exl lb it Ien or remnrlc
able feats lu the raauagoment et tue
UKtMinAii ueutir.
Umn tliril lliM Term.
'Juiliiy Afttrnoen Iu the onse eT
(Jem'lli vs. Jeseph Miller, charged with
maintaining a nuisance, the Jury ronderod
ii verdict of
In the eases of Tdiie Williams and
Liener, eiuirgi'ii wimi Deing common
hoeUIh, ami Lereuz Nolde, with resisting
lltl elllcOl', VCnllcts of net irillltv wnrn
t'em'th vs. Jeme Sayler, rehhnry.
t-viileuci) for the oetniiionwiialtli hIiewimI
that en ene night lu April last, IlufiiM
Uerlueb, with his bmlher, of Maner town
ship, were nt the hotel of Audruw Kane,
iu Washington boieugh, and met the
defendant and several ethers ; ns the twi
brothers wcie about leaving the house,
Sayler caught Unfits around the neck ;
seen afterwards the latter missed his sll
ver watch, which hud been lu bin vest
pocket ; he iiiiule known his less, but no
ene gave him any Natlnfaotleu oenoornlng
the property ; the defendant was arrmted
iu Wnghtsvlllii ; he went with the olileors
te Ins home and gave them the watch.
The testimony for the doreuso was tint
ou this night the Gerlech boys wero very
drunk while nt Katie's hotel ; after thev
htatted for home llufus letuined and said
that hu had lest bin watch, or t-ome oue
had stolen it ; shortly nfierwards the
defendant nnd another man procured n
lantern and weut te leek for the watch ,
they found It lying along the sidewalk ,
accused did nut give the watch te the
owner that night en account of his con
dition and did net thiuk him capable or
taking care el It ; he took it home, whero
he left It, giving his mother orders te give
Il in the owner lu case he called for It and
told her te whom It belonged ; defendant
was arrested while at work a Wrighu
vllle aud upon gelug home turned the
watch ever te the otll:ers. A number of
witnesses Instilled te the geed character of
the defendant for honesty.
lKifdMiifdj; Morning lu the case of
Jeseph Miller charged with nuisance the
jury rendered a verdict of net guilty with
defendant te pay two-thirds of the costs
nnd Michael Smith, the prosecutor, ene
l-i the case of Jesse Sayler charged with
robbery large number of witnesses testi
fied te thu geed eharacter of tne defendant.
Several ethers tcsiuicd that thu Gerhicbs
were drunk en that night. In rebuttal tbe
commonwealth called witnee te hIiew
that they worn sober. Tne jury rendered
a verdict of net guilty
The next cae attached was that against
James Dennelly ntnl Isaac Leatuan, who,
it was alleged, committed an assault and
battery upeu Masen Miller, et a!,, HiiAsian
Jews, residing in Middle street, this city,
some time last summer. Verdicts of net
guilty were taken the prosecution b lug
iiuiblt) te Ideutlfy th nccused.
Cem'th vs. Mary Green alias Stewait,
colored. I he deli mlant, who fei iniirly re
sided iu Prevideiiee tnwuidiip, but is new
iu Ibis city, was cbaiged with adultery and
bigamy, it was hIiewu by tbe common
wealth that nan was minted te Henry
Green en January 1st, YSTi she lucd with
him for 10 years and had several children.
About a year age she went te live with
Jeseph Stewart and told a number of
poeplo that she was married te him.
The defendant mimi'ted beiug the wife
of lleury Green hut denied that t-he was
ever married te Stew art, or guilty of au
act of adultery with him. Beth tbe woman
ami Stewart admitted that they lived to
gether iu the same beuse tu thn country
nnd are doing tin- name in ibis city, Stew
art, it was claimed, beiug a boarder of the
defendant. The jury rendered verdicts of
net guilty with defendant te pay one
third of the costs nnd the presecutrix,
Anna Jane Wilhaus two thuds.
' rtie I'ljliit Huirhiiinn."
There was a very small audience iu Fill
ten opera house te wituuss the play of the
" Flying Dutchman," last night, aud yet
the play and theso who presented it weie
untitled te a geed stznd heuse The piece
is uew rather old, but it has uet lest its
iuterest, and we predict that wln-re it
again shows, and wnere the poeplo are net
be fearful of being cheated of tbelr meney 's
worth, it will have a large house. The
play is geed and interesting, is roll of lifts
and beauty, and has splendid scenie
tltec's. the phantom ship being especially
re.lln.tte. ' The Flyiug Dutchman" may
be heartily lud irsed, and thoe wh miss
it miss a real theatr'eal treat The troupe
is llrtt class and fully desi rv-s the
greatest support. Tbe company is thu
same which presented it a short time age
te crowded beuses iu New Yerk, and we
heartily endorfe them aud the play. They
are worthy of imppett anywhere.
IlitrMiuml Vnu lleuevurml.
David W. Martin, of Earl township,
this county, two miles from New Helland
has recovered n herse and wagon, which
he says was stelen from him ou the night
of Ootebor 12. Jehn A. I'eehin, of West
Wblteland, Chester county, found .1
strange herse ntiu mill wagon in the let
back of his bun 011 the morning of
Ootebor 1J. The herse was uiililtohed
from the wagon, and had the brldlu and
cellar ou, while the saddle, harnebs aud
ether parts or the gears wero thrown Inte
the wagon. The herse looked lagged out
and thewed slgnser being badly used. Mr.
Pecliiu at once advertised rer the owner,
and .Mr. Martin succeeded en Monday In
obtaining his lest property. It is unneees
sary te state that this doprcdatien is also
laid at the deer of the escaped jail birds.
-I he I'lle Jre."
Our sprightly nolghber, the Lauoaster
hut, n. tin, enlv German daily news
paper in this city, outeied upon its sjoetid
year yesterday. Whr-n Rtarti d a year age
there wero semb doubts or its success, but
its euturprlslng publishers and editers
have pushed it along until it new stands
en a firm foundation. During the year
many additions were made in the incchaul
cal department, the latest made only a few
days age being a new in wer press en which
te print the paper. We wish the bna
Prestc abundant success and buspealf for
it continued and increased support among
our German roaders,
(I A. It. Kute rtiiliiiiient.
Thern will he an entertainment iu the
Gue. II. Themas pest room, en next
KVLInv nvnnlmr. Ont. 'JU. 1 11010 Will no
nddrcsses. songs, loeltatlons,
ulmcu nn,l r,.frpHllMielltS. TllO
doers will
be epen at 7 o'clock p. m., when all mem
bers of the pest, their wives and elilldren.
are Invited te be present. Children will
euly be admitted when aocempauiml by
their parents.
Hev. Baily, et Ulrd-in Hand, will leoture
for the Barevilln and Monteroy tonipor tenipor toniper
anco tlie B'iroville M. E. ohureU
en temporance, en Friday ovenlng, Oat.
20. Communlealious from ether secle i les
or friends of the oause eau he addressed te
the corresponding, aim. ". h.
Batten, orBarevillo.ortho presldent, W.
3S. Hlnkle, of Greirs Stere postefllco.
Het se Herlous.
It having been reported that 11, 8. Trout
had his arm amputated aud must have It
amputated upalu, ewlug te Improper
treatment, Mr. Tieut himself Informs us
that under the Buceesslul treatment of
Dr.Sheiik, of Itolierstown, he hopes inn
few wenks te use his arm as well as before
the accident.
Me Mewl,
The prison efllcers have heard nothing
from Akren, Ohie, sinoe the photograph
was sunt and it is uet knewu wbetber the
mau captured thore Is Jehn Frankford or