Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 23, 1883, Image 2

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iUncastrr tnicllfgcnrcv.
Meney In Politic.
Ex-Senuter Gwln, et California, who
has rcnclictl the rlpe nge if seventy
eight, be ing nt present sojourning in
New Yerk, has Riven his vlews upon the
presidential noinlimtlen of the IVmcc IVmcc IVmcc
raoytea Sun leperter. He Is for Til
den and Hendricks, and seems te have
but ene particular reason for his prefer
ence. He says that Tlldcn'a money in
1870 was tuore potent than many are
willing te acknowledge. Ills i coerd as
a reformer undoubtedly had its weight,
but men of discernment knew that
U wouldn't have ameuntid te much
were it net for his inceme of
four hundred thousand a year.'
Mr. Gwln declares that ,l Dersey's
disclosures give the key te the ever
powering element in modern politics
It Is money. 2s e man can new be an
available candidate for president who
cannot control a large sum of money
It was the million spent by Gailleld'b
managers that defeated Hancock. Meney
will be as potent a factor in the
next campaign. It is a fact all the mere
deplorable because it is a fact. All the
signs point te Ulalne as the Republican
candidate, lie would be backed by In
credltable sums of money. He would
swamp any Democratic candidate- who
ran en his rec ml and popularity aiene
Take your man llelman. A mere worthy
candidate could net bi found. RtMiie
my, frugality and honesty would Ik
Insured under his administration. The
business interests e the country would Le
far surer than under the administration
of a man like GardeM " Mr. Gftin says
that Conkling protested te him that the
great bane of his life lias been ids pov
erty. He avows that " every observing
politician knows that the llrst question
askfd concerning a caudidate is net, 'is
he deserving,' but ' hew much iihuhj
can he raise " ' Yeu can't shut y mr eyes
tethuf.ut, U sir, that u candidate's
money as well as character is te be con
sidered in estimating his availability ;
which he aJmits is humiliating,
but insists that it is true.
We note these declarations of Mr
Gwin ircause they are a frank avowal
of the belief entertained by many men
and perhaps the major portion of the
class whom the aged ex-senator describes
ns "observing politicians," meaning
men who take up p dities as u business,
te be conducted en busine&s principles
for individual profit. Mr. Gwin is a
first class representative of this type of
men. He believes that money, being
the mainstay of human action, must be
accepted as likowise the meter cf
pjlitlcal evolutions. And no doubt Mr.
Gwin is right in his conception of its
temporary power. Certainly Dirsey's
dis''ien of the Republican campaign
fund elected Garfield. Rut where i
D.ip-y new ; and where is the R -publican
l its 'i
Menev will net be tl.e prim" meter of
the trmnnetitly successful politic a)
party . r politician in this republic, in
the sitw of thre have taitl
in tins purity, strength and vitnlits
of our democratic ins' Uutlens. A
little while age it looked far unions
though tins country was te be subdued
by the money than It dot snow
The wreck of the Rcpubl cau pint yen
tills rock dispels the delusion. The tide
of feeling grossing up against the money
power points out te the truly " obser
vant politician " the need te keep his
party free fiem suspicion- f its inllu
encu. The future tiibune of the people
is net the man of repu'ed wealth, bu of
esteeuied poverty. The man of milliei.s
does net recommend liiniielf te the
people ; and this net because of his
millions huWbec use of the unpatriotic
and wrongful svass in which the millions
are generally get They are net the
rewards of honest tell of mind or body,
but the lesults of .dishonest conspiracy
against the interests of the people, sshich
cause their money te immoderately Hew
into private ceffeis.
The Democratic party, standing as thu
champion of the virtue, liberty and in
dependence which the. nation was
formed te proclaim and enjoy, will net
make money the measuie of its candi
Three If lack Creus.
The Republican love feast at the court
house presented thiee speakers comfort
ably abed together who a short svhile age
were kicking ene another violently.
Stewart get lit with Cooper because lie
had reformed Cooper, as lie thought .
Cooper was content with Stesvart, be
cause he had converted him, as he kutn ,
and Xiles was satisfied with both because
he wiib te o'ljey this fruit of the cembina
tlen If it bore any. Senater Stewart was
convinced that the Democratic paity
was entirely without principles ; but
did net seem te see that if se lie
ought te be svltli tlieui, since lie
has se clearly shown liesv lightly
principles bind him. Mr. Stewart de
clared himselt for lllalnu for president,
which was a very natural selection, Mr.
Blalue being the, most distinctly divorced
from principle of all the Republican
Htatesmen. The argumuuts of the ora
tors were net fres'i and hardly forcible.
It was insisted that the governor's earn
est purpose te secure the apportionment
or the state was a very bad purpese In
deed, notwithstanding it was in obedl ebedl obedl
ence te the constitution . Fer the gov gev gov
emor's ebstlnancy Mr. C issidy was held
te be responsible. Mr. Cassidy, being
the attorney general, la certainly a very
proper person te expound te the gover
nor the constitutions and the laws. The
speakers made it clear that their com
plaint against the governor is based upon
his determination te vindicate the con
stitution ; and en that issue net only the
attorney general, but will the ieopIe tee
be with the governor,
Oan'AUA te-day had her new governor
general Bivern iu.aiidnetwltliatniidiiig
the wild rumors which prevailed yester
day that Lord Lansdewne would be as
sassinated, thoceremeny of Installation
passed oft quietly this forenoon. Canada
Is becoming ns easily frightened as the
quoeu's poeplo nt home.
CoePGit and Steynrt par nebile fra
trum I
Biens multiply en every html that "the
treasury ling must go.
K.iTiNocrew tuny net be very delightful
te the epicurean, but'lt is often regarded a
necessary in the inteiets of Republican
" harmony."' rnilreal accident, this time nt
Fert Edward, New Yerk, sthere a train
plunges through it bridge, killing thrce
and it.juruig many. Absolute precautieus
for guarding human life scorns Impossible
of attainment.
Dm anyone hear Jehn Stewart explain
last eveulug why he refused te f.vtlter hi
own congressional bill, giving the Repub
licaus 17 aud the Domejr.its It congress
men, after it had pissed the Heuse and
was leady for the Senate's approval?
Is 18s0 the R'pub'ie.aus of Pennsylvania
polled 411.701 votes nod the Demooiat Demeoiat Demoeiat
407,423 votes. Yet Mr. Kites iu
(ivening's speech said that the Republi
cans were entitled te IS and the Deme
erats te only 10 c sugressmen. The Dem
ocrats have ollercd the Republicans 17
ciiigrcssmen, roservmg for thotinelves
only 11, but the prc-ctit infamous gcrry
mnudur Is te geed a thing for Repubh
oaustebs threw a away in the oltert te
bring abiut epi tl represent itieu.
Tin. oytiiugel the Motrepilitan opera
house, in New Yerk last oveuing, sas a
signal kuccess in iis-ery particular. The
build ing is b.ud U ha the tlncst tetuphi of
musbever erected by ihe hands of n
Alleviu somewhat ter the warm
the expre-sie", there Is ue ileubt tU.i
reopen. ug marks au imp i'tsnt era in the
ipsratie h. story of New Yerk. Iloretofore
the Actd-'iny has had the muneH1y of
Engl sh and lead in epara, but new com
petition, tint friBid of the public, will
lutoit-eue for the greater beuciU of all
It .sas a curious and remarkable fact
that with nil the tc!f laudation that
cbir.ieteriz'-d the l(publicau speeches lat
evi niu;, net a single sverd svas said cou ceu
c -ruing the vital issue of the etmipaigu,the
glaring mism ina,'ement of the publui
in meys. Mr. Livsey, who is
tkrojgbent th) leugth aad breadth of the "Chris Migee's man
Fiilay," wis presjut, but his veice was
net rt.-ied ri asHuranca te the peeple thtt
his ui vtien sveuld niake certain the en
ferccmeni' ei th-s Hums act a-id hotter
treasury in .uagoment. Indeed, had Can
dida'e Livsay se, the occaiieu
weu'd net litve been at all fitting for such
an announcment. Cooper peisisteutly
oppesvl t lis Humes bill.Stewart supported
it, while Nileii, true te his disposition te
be en both tildes el the fence nt the aarue
time, dodged the vote en the quostieu.
The assurancn of reform iu the mauage
ment of the state treasury cannot be given
wlul Chris M igfe's tool holds the public
purs strii-,. P'i treasury ilntr must
The Line ister New Era calls a halt en
th euiuubial iii"ide.
Ta.i Niini'ewa Herald clamors for a
fre postal delis ery ler that borough.
Tue peeple of Pennsylvania, predict the
F.rie Obatrter, will speak ia J.ickseuisn
t ucs in Nosembcr " By the Ktcinal, the
Cjnititutieti must and shall be observed."
T.ia D l-t nvn Dim rat ojniideri that
the importance of the nogre as a faa'er in
politics is a guarantee that his rights will
nat bo.lefriDgod.
The Webt Chester IltpubUean beheves
that it is t the credit of the Djiivwratie
party that Rind ill hu a tolerably nure
thing of the speakership nomination.
If the Chines j idea that a man's girth
is a guage of his wisdom be e meet, the
Eisten hiprnt desitcs te nominate Davil
Davis mluinter te Pekm.
Unless the tubuautnl utility of
tlen cau be demnnstrated, gays the Philu
delphia North American, geed morals and
common humanity demiud its preven
tion. .Sum t-rinii france.
A Paris dispatch says thai Gjiierul
Campoueu, in uister of sv ir, ssdl duvut
all his energy te roterm the system of
mobilizing the army. The prospeit of a
war with Germany, the disp itch states,
appears te be uppermost iu his mind.
The Gatilm says that Princu Jeremu
Napolceu is detcinuncd te publish .i
political manifesto.
The government has determiued te op
pose the demand that is t bj made in the
chamber of deputies for the expulsieu of
the Orleans princes.
Tue municipal ejuucU has adopted a
resolution thanking the niuuicipit author
it es of B iiten for the hospital reception
ncceided by them te tin delegates from
the Pans municipality te the Bosteu ex
position. At a meeting of the Externa Left Mnnday
it wasunauuujiisly decided te luiorpi'l-te
the government concerning its general
policy, the delay in couveking the oham eham
hers, the resignation of Geueial Tliibaiul i
aud thucmdiiat of the war iu Tenipun.
Colliery Kxiileaiuii
Ail explosion took place in thu Lady
Pitt colliery, near Stoke-upeu-Tiout, Rug
land, Monday, svhile a pirty of miners
wero trying te extinguish a llre. Six men
sveie killed by the explosion and threo
ethers ssere injured.
Anotherexplosiouof eal damp has oc
curred iu the Wharnehffe Carlten mine,
near Barnsby, while the oxpleiing party
svas h lurching for the bodies of victims of
the explosion of Thursday night last.
Sevnial of the explorers wero itijuied, and
it Is feared thattsve wero killed.
llmimrck Aruiued.
It is nssertwl iu diplomatic circles in
Berlin that Prlnce Bismarck is jealous of
Lord Dufferiu'slidhieuce ntConstautlueplo
aim me many courtesies extended te linn
by the Sultan and his ministers. In
speaking of the reforms nesv helng inau
gurated in Armenia en tlie recommenda
tion or Lord Dufferin, Prince Bismarck
dopreeatcd the hasty manner lu which
they wcre being put into offeot.htating that
the reprctontatives of ether powers should
have been consulted bofero such a step wan
Itlcli Uliluuineii doing Hume,
The Rie Janlore, sailing Wednesday for
Heng Kenjr. will carry away 1,000 Chin.i
men and $750,000 with them from San
Francisce. Klght hundred of them have
return certificates. It Is remarked that
many returning Chinese bring sseinun
whom they claim nH their wlves, Thern
helng no way te dlsprove marringe, they
are allowed te laud, and, In mostcases,aro
immediately set loeeo for immoral purposes.
M.VTTllKsv AiiN"M IheR .li'hpectnnd
Ciltie, nrrivtil iu Nesv Yerk en Monday.
C.siitussi. Aiu-nnsiter Mt '.'I. shy, e'
New Yeik iso'ghtstsse.
Mil. Iiisine's face Is completely destl destl
tuteef eolei. He Miiekcs cigaiette-. t .
ces-Hint t .
Mu.i sit the ereat V. igllsh painter, is it
frank, lebiist, fnsh looking man, abese
tlie medium height and nturdilv built
Csitsin Maynk Rf.ii. the sell kliesvn
neselist. died in Ijoudeu, en Sitndty esen
ing, nfter a brluf illness.
Mu J V Williamson nod Mm Marea.
ret Watsen, of this city, left fur I.urs.ilie,
Ks-., tediy.
Coi.rseN Meltki: l the eldest oem
mander in chief. He svas b irn In 1800,
and can make leso in fourteen languigrn Walim Rsikiisen's letter of no ne no
ceptance in reply te the tender of the
pulpit of the Second Unitarian church of
Itovteu is still en the files of that church
Mu. Ti:nnyien hn written for the
" Youth's Cunipinien," of Heiton, svhat
Is it.iid te be n beautiful lyric i he best
p.eee id svj.k ssh'eh he has d tee for sjme
MiLr.NS RniiMvsN sat up ib her
celll'i dm uii: the luneral sers ires ever her
b hIj nt Black River KalK Wl . en Sun
day. She had bjen in a trance, but te her
lataily had appeared as ouedcad.
"Mn CoNKUNe,"s,tide Senater 0v i n,
the veteran Hticbanau Demoerar, the ether
d y, "has felt mero than any oilier pronn prenn
ucut man the need of money. Poverty, he
recently told m, had been the grest baue
el his lie "
Ssiis Pkiimiiut einfee.sthit she tried
maniac only as an oxp"rimeiit, and thtt
she ha paid right royally for the luviry
of a hi.tband. His earriaijes, b iuiU0Fs,
ferfei's and extnts-.igauces ueuerally hast
driven her te separate fiem him finally
and absolutely. She won't try anethnrei.
1 rimentofthe ja no sort.
Chief Jitii-f. CetEniix.K will carry
humessith htm, among ether rre sous-.
emr, a beunet writteti by his crcat unele.
the poet, in the album of an Ainenctu lily
mero thau half n century age The lady
svas Mms Barbour, a daughter of James
Barbmr, of Virginia, who svas a, tti.v
time United States ininister te Oreat Bri
taiu. The sonnet was svritteu en the eve
of her leturn tj America nrd i..vs never
been published.
rl.l Mll.Ml Til lltllll A UltlDlH.
Ilircti lUllriMil I'H.trusrr Kllicil aud u
MlinUar I tritl 1 lijurrt).
A tram en the Glens Falls branch of tlie
Delaware X lludseu railroad weut through
the liridgn es-cr the Glens Falls feeder te
the Cbauiplaiu canal, about eighty rod red
north of Fert Edwards, N. Y., Monday
Tue ongiue crossed th bridge, but the
baiiuae and passenger cars vsvut down
into the water aud s ere tetal'y ss recked.
About twenty passengers seie ou tLe
tram. The cas'i sltie.s are as follesss :
Killed, Da las Crippen, of G'.eus Fl!s;
Mr. Wmcep, of Gioversville aud Jlrs.
Miehud Mimebau, of Glens Falls.
Wounded, J. B Thcise, fatally; Th-mas
E. Conuerf, nf Glens Falls, !e .bruken;
Patrick Heward, ilreman, h.ullv hurt in
ternally; Themas H-adly, tirakemnn, let;
broken and hurt internally; Jehu Jeukiii,
cenducttir, head badly cut, Edward Deal,
eugiueer, lnad cut; Mrs. B. Theise, of
Fert Edssnrd. arm broken and head badly
cut; Jlrs. L, M Rowland, of Fert Edward
head an 1 side injured; Mrs. Anna 'IVdale,
of Whitehall, Hlightly injured about the
chest; Themas L-smi bi-jcsgeman,
shoulder sprained; Chnrlcs S:hefTirs, ex
pressman, hheaVler dislocated; Charl's
Cale!..racki. feet aud head cut; James
L icmis. bruiNf-l ami cut; .lames C. M:ln
tue, let broken arid hurt tuternally; Abra
ham Wing, head cut; Mrs. C. W. Carr,
cut in head; N Geldteiu, pack ped ilur,
cut abeu1, head; Jacob Goldstein, slightly
Injured; J jhn',11. Mesick, lieicl piopnete .
of aratea, head aud chest injured, Mrs.
Floreuco Stoddard, of Fert Edward, limbs
mid head injured; Jehn Cushion, of G'ens
Falls, concussion of spine.
Every person en the train was icju'cd
except a newsboy.
Trylcc ! Kluw l.i l.enl I.ah..ih ne.
Alaimiug "specials" sent te New Yerk
papers concerning an alleged plot of dyua
miters te blew up Lnul I.ausdewne, the
uesv geserunr general d Cauaila, ciused
home exciteuient iu liuehee last night.
Nethiui: is known in that city, hestever,
tocentlrin the reports. I.Jadmc: Irishmen
proneunco theiu "ridiculous," and thi
only journalistic notice taken of them m
by a French paper, svhich "hopes that its
Irish friends will have mere seune"tliau te
make any hustile demonstration, and calls
upon all French Canadians te rally around
the uesv esecutive. Thn in w
general is expected te laud at "J- ji) this
morning, ami bj sworn in at 10 e'ebek,
after which he will leave for :tasva en a
special train.
ArrrnM lu thn U.uicn.e.
At Sf. Pctersburc a list of names dis
covered in the hoiise of M. Saratschell,
fermerly assistaut publie prosecutor at
Klell. who svai convicted in August last
of Nihilism, has led te numerous arrests
iu thu caucuses. Eleven officers beleni;
ing te a grenadier regiment have been
brought te St. Petersburg and imprisoned
iu a fortress. A number of ether officers '
have effected a compromise svith the au
thorities. The offenders are se numerous
that it has been found necessary te des
patch n special commission of inquiry te
the caucus is. Naval officers are also im
plicated, and a number have been arrested
at Odessa aud Nocealiof.
Ohie' Ceinpleta Vuta.
Secretary Newman, of Columbus, O ,
furnished the following totals of the vete
for goveruor ns the result of the late elco elce elco
tien :
Keraknr, ICi-p. . .. '17,'v.l lleailly, Dein I.u&'ji
tk'liiiin icker, t're S.SSI .JenlcliiH i7 5
'leuil set .... JJl.lM Una lly spiur tylJ.Si'i
I lleaill's uui'ty l,is.t
Tlie majertv for the judicial amondment's
is 111), till The second ameiidment foil
short of a majority, 39,5 Hi The regulation
amendment received UOIO vuter.
Centeulluii tit thn I. K. Church.
The seventeenth day's sohsieus of the
general convention of the P. E, church
were held yesterday in Philadelphia. In
the IIouse of Bishops Rev. W. I). Walker
was ohesou ns Mission try bishop of North
Dakota, aud was nominated te the HuiiBtt
of Deputics the repert of the joint com.
mittce en the book el common prayer te
far ns considered iu committee of thu
wliole svas adopted. A night session was
held by tlie IIouse of Deputies and iu
oenunlttcoof tlie svhela the resolutions
oevcring tlie new oilleo of the Beatitudes
and the litany wcre under considera
tion. An Ktiller fllieuu Iwu Bleu.
At Flemingsburg, Ky,, ou Saturday
night Charles McCartney ssas attacked ou
the street by James T. Fcnwell and Frank
L. Thompson, who wero aggrieved by
nublioatleuH hi McCartney's newspaper.
They used stones as woapeus. McCartney
drew his rovelvor and shot them both.
Konwell died yosterday morning, and it is
thought that Thompson is mortally
wounded. McCartney has been arrested,
Myers' (Irest Allle Keuuril.
At New Yerk in the athletic game nt
the pole grounds Monday L. K. MyeiH
beat all piovlens miming roeords for a
mlle, making four ijuarter mile beats, as
fellows : The first iu 51 2 5, the second in
55, the third Iu 03 3 5 and the fourth in
52 3 C. J. P. Murry walked a mlle in the
fast tlmo'ef 0:30J
Ui-picllng thn tlrnuiy nl the " (irniiO SMil
l'irljr" lieiiuicritrj lifimnm .l ana
HciMilillrniileii ultir llfl.
The niiieh talked of, long ndvert'sed
Republican miss mesting wis held lit the
court heuse last evening n the presence
oftignedlv nsseiuhlutte druuii thither b
the combined allurements of a drum e 'rp
mil bias band which pirnded the sireets
prrvieiK te thn mxetltij M irn a Be
sins, esij , presided ever tlvs au Mist us
emblage mid Count v t'aur ni't Rtebuik
re id it long 11 t of vims pmsi leirs an 1 see
re'arle a olll-ers el this b idy Mi
BrusiiiReu takiui; the ehalr took ikviiei
te observe that by a sitvnl rlv uiiferttin tie
turn in the wheel of Republican political
fortunes, n temporary Interruption in
power had been sintered ; but feelingly
added that the doves srere new retuniinc.
srith greeu ollve brandies in their beaks te
the ark of safety, te wit, a united Kcpubli
can pirty. He then itittelucsd the Hist
speikerefthe evenlUif Iho J. B Niles
Mr. files opened In discourse, svtueh
was of n rmub'i'ig nature, by
pointing out thn 'mpeit nice e. Iho present
contest in its bearing en the s'ruggloef
Issj The tegulatleii piiv plituule
alllrmi m th it Casstdj w t the real gever
uer a id that thendmiuistratieu bend
mg csery eneruy te ennpiss his election
te the Uuited States Sui.tte weie undo te
de duty for all thev svei i worth, aud
Senater Gorden in eimeinfei
seme very severe stue ires Most of the
speaker's time, hussnve.. was taken up
with the discussion of the U .public uipmi uipmi
tMiien iiucstie'i. He
claimed that the goverrer exceode 1 his
power stheti he exercis'il U s constit.itieu
tl prerogative of insistu .' I hit the lei;ihi
ters should de iheir du:t . He further s nd
that the ditloreuoo botwu.ithe tweputus
svas a fundamental out , au 1 insisted th it
population, uet votes, was the only usi
bails for representation. Iho stho'e bur
den of Mr. Niles' song ssut te prete tli.u
the Dernoeratsin thu statul fiey bad taken
had acted very wickedly, while the Repuh
Means pissessed the monopoly of all t' e
virtue that was going.
Tlie Keturli el tup l'reillcal
After Mr. Nilcs h.i e molude 1 Mr.
Brosuis lutreduced, in grand ue.iieiU
phrase, the ox-lndepiMid-ut leader, Jehu
Mewart, who becau b reuiackmc; that h
felt that nu ap de) wis due the l.nge
aud intelligent nudieucc ler his luaditi'ia'n
preparation for the diseussiea el the
issues, the exactions of business crowding
out the consideration of mi'ters pili'utl
Se far as n faithful ndtin lustratien of all ni
ls concerned it made little d tTere-ice svhich
side prevailed, as both parties had present
ed geed men. The spsakei dinned that
the Deinoerntio party was a party devoid
of principles. Semeruty ak -.vhy that
was net equally true I st til. He then
assured hw hearers thtt n poitieu et ui
neniuct lat year needed defeuse or re
tractieu. Then he differed svith his party
bectuse of its methods. New. he win
prepired te sav that ail these evils had
beeu reformed. "Why there's Cisip-r,
he's reformed," the sp'akjr sa.d, 'and
new don't tell tue the ml lilies net
move "
Mr. Stewart cntrged that the cilliug of
the extra session svas egregious felly nud
that thu mamer in wuicu the executive
bad insisted ou hiving tH-i eastituti mil
maud ite elned stes an unw irr mt.ible
interference. He then depi 'ted the heiri
ble result that would onue te the oeun'rj
in the event of Democratic triumph. Tue
pUt It in the Rjpublican platform concern
mi! the distribution of tht surplus revenue
met with ttiospeaker'aooiuial endorsement
and he hoped that Republican siiccjss this
fill weul 1 mike it one of tui iiittmm
issues in the next presidential elevliej.
Pieilic'iug the results el K'p'ibhciu tn
umph in the preent c ufes:, he assert e 1
that it wen d have the ell. ct of Inviting
lames G. Ill line te the presidential eih.M
Tu's aiiuouncemciitoaus'd the hopeful Mi
Cooper te elevate his eyebrows aud tiitium
in his chair, but the audience appeared
te relish it hugely. He c! ised by exh it
ing all toawake te the impjr:auoe of tbe
struggle new impending
Hie Sunt, swirt I rwiu nt Uiv"
In introducing thorn it speaker Chan
man Brosius alluded te the Davi 1 aud
Jonathan era in pditics that had been
inaugurated, and introduced the "golden
haired angel of reconciliation," Hun
Themas V. depr. That synonym of
hopefulness began svith the statement thai,
the tlrst disfousieus .that visited the Hi
publican pirty wnre bjrn in the campaign
of 137-2, aud that their culmination had
beeu reached in the defeat et the pirty
last year. Hu admitted that thure did
exist cause fur theso treublus. Tue
speaker did net cume te dtspute the viaw
of nuy man, ter as seusihle men, sse must
deal with tha world as we llud it. Afier
careful scrutiny Mr Coepar had disoev
crcd that Jehu Stesvart aud himself
had learned "the sweet, ssveet less m
of love." This "taffy " svas tlmest Un
much for seme of ins auditors and
considerable laughter w is eseked in
Thu election of Pattiseu, it was claimed,
had imperilled the principles of thu ev-
ernmeut, and the rnasm for this astound
ing .assertion was given in the fact that the
exocutive had insisted en obedience te thu
constitutional mandate onjeiaing appi:
tienment. He bitterly denounced the
allegcd oeerciou of the dear Republican
Sauate, aud claimed that Kibeit E.
Cassidy, as the speaker termed him, was
tlie catise of all the mischief. Everywhere
contentment was said te reign ssithin the
party lines, and the absurd claim was
made that the return of htew.irt te the
fold meant that the whole Independent
faction et last year uau eeeu harmonized.
After seme mero glittei tug generalities of
the same order the speaker closed by
insisting ou the necessity of individual
effort iu order te onsure party success.
A Mr. Graybdl uext nresu nud in an in
distinct voice read a sertes of resolutions as
the fonse of the meeting, which approved
the course of the Lineaster comity Re
publican legislators ou the apportionment
question, and denounced with awe-iuspir
Ing svarmtn every ininginai nau its origin
svith the wicked Dotnecrats. The meeting
was thou declared adjourned, much te the
satisfaction of matiy who ssere gresving
somewhat restivu under the lengthened
dese of Rapublicau oratory te svhieh they
had been trcated,
m rm
A bteauahli ou I Irn nt Me.
The Eteamsbip Helmdalli, from Scandi
navian ports, was sighted off Fire Island,
N. Y., Monday, signaling that alie was en
llre. Thrce flre beats svere nt unce sent
te her assistance. Just below Bcdloe's
Island she was run ashore and II jeded. Tlie
passougers, 303 in number, wero taken off
by the tug Floteher and lauded nil ut
Castle Garden with seme of their baggage
The llre was dlscovered amidships yestoi yestei
day merniug about 250 miles ut sea, but
knowledge of it was kept from the pas
senger until Flre Island svas sighted. The
llamcs are supposed te have originated
among a large quantity of matches. The
pisseugers and officers noted with great
'the Vlelliit el Muy .liutertuiien.
Daniel Shaw was Uilled by tlioeirs nt
Hoesiaok Falls, N. Y., yesteiday. The
deceased's llfe has been an unfortunate
ene. At various times threu wellH eaved
in en him, and he was unoeiisinous, Whlle
hiifferlng from fits he hasbuen pulled from
rndread tracks a number of tunes. Hu was
thrice htruck by trains and in one of tliesu
aceldents had an oye knocked out. Upen
his return home after this accident, he
was seized with a Ut and foil ou a red het
Miertilmi m l.uilli XI."
Peiladelphl.i's favorlte tragedian, W. E.
Sheiidan, hist evening reeelved n llitteriiig
ovation In Lim't'ler, the second city ill
wineh he his played since his return from
Austrtli t. I'lie la-hiotiable audience svhich
tilled Fulton epr.i house at once uncerded
htm their hearty appreciation, net heis
e.ut beiMtise of Ins triumphs last week,
hut from his intrinsic merit its an actor,
especially incegnizable lu his superb per
M-isal el ih i character of Aii'iM XI In W
It. MuUw il'ii nd iptaiiiin Irem the Fnn di
if l' i. lam du Ltvigue's dram i. Mr.
she 1 1 in has heretofore sh nvn his versa
tildy el talent lu the successful work
lie Ins ace unplished ill comedy, uielii
li nut and tragedy, but Ids Impersonation
of the Flench king Is se nobly c iinple e
'ha' te see In it Is te see hint at It s
bi st. l'hoeuu commanding stamp of his
ilrim.itic achievements is his intense
nnttiriilties. and Ids thorough subjec
tlen of peiseiialits. As .ci'S A7 little
may In observed of tlie oempict ligure,
iinl les heard of the full voice
which mark Mr. Sherldin off the
sta.:e. This rele In svlneli he appealed
last evening d ns net e.ill firth wild
bursts of rige au 1 tnilums as lu A'A;
i.'A or Km j l.ear, but the suppresed
pissi in, the' dissembling duineiue' a-id
t' e driveling, Insmuiting sverds aud
ictmns of the deci-epit mviarch are p ir
traynl ssith a subtle force au I intelli
genee that at unce pl.we the aJter te a
high pjint eT cxcelleuce. Tliore is n cjm
plexitv of features abjut the title rele of
the play that are conipescd of the worst
elemuits of hum in niture brought into
strong light by the strength svith which
the) existed lu I. en' ehiracter This
Mi Sheiultn recegnises in all its d tails
and pni-ents the king in the full sirulonce
of his hypocritical nature, falsi iu
beh his hatred aud likiug, for he
could net leve, and ready te order
te death, even at his prayers, these who
fell under his 1 1 rational dtspletsiire All
the abje.-t fear, the sh irt eutbuists el auger
tint ti mv and then serve te reel imu his
tuleas kiug, thn h irnbl.i e mfmel i'ie l
of death an I the rouiersj whuti fol'ewi
upm the ni'irduT of ininy of Ins sub
jects, svore dehneated svith a nituriliisss
tint svas startling. nhiUs.ill through the
unpersitiatieu is diimenstrated u Ilueuess
of expression of fuse and m i lu' of
voice thit is p'easstgly npp.mnt in
whttever p' the rele Mr. Sajridin
tlids hinselt. Ttu rest svhuh tin
tragedian gamed ever Suuday from
his arduous business el last we k catbird
him te appear last evening svith nothing
te mir the splonderef his persjtia'leii anil
the reception he received wis olio of the
m ist sign illy favorable ttiat any actor has
gamed in this city. The appltue was
tumultuous aud Mr Suerilan svis eilled
befeiethe curtain it the o'ese of every act te
be, greeted wiMi still leu iordeuieiistr.iti ns
if tpprevil. It svas pre'ty well kuewn
belorehaud that the supp irt of the tra;
etlitii was net et a very high enier, an I
w ith ene or two exe'ptie is merits no men
tien. Miss Louisa Dtvenpert as ifirit dt
Cem nt is doubtless au able actress aud
c imprchends the role, but it is
only at tim's that she rises above
an ttesympathetic almost cold in
terpretation of the part and clothes it
with a liltiu griteful is trtnlh. As U'ikt
di 2'eneur Mr Fredetuk llwk ssai
at times strong and siMsf.iHery, but even
he did net make out of the character whit
is in it. J. F. McDsuald as Count dt
Iirrui, and It. W. Mircellus as Vrian
I Ihrmiit, wero ptssable, but the rem v.u
dei of the cempsny were uet even that
.liietlinr Critic's View
Mr. Shcndau was rcoilled after
every act acu oelli play ami
player seemed te he outirely accepta-
bio le the audience. s e confess, bow.
ever, that sve svere net iu lull sympathy
uiirt sts stub tins teeliug. The p'ay is
.lie entirely without plot and iippareutl)
prr pin d dely with the view te pos'ure
the leading character. There is itttle of
,n!-iest and iiethfiu of frehucss in thu
duligue. L'uder thesj eircuinsttiices it
certainly argued cousiderable ewer in
thu ehlff actor who hid the whole
burthen up iu lnm of creating interest in
the play, that he made it interesting te
thu audience In the actiug of the
et'-er characters tl ere was almost
ne'hing te sunt liu it. But Mr Shetidau's
ji.'renat!iMi sve could net deem great ; he
did net deeply meve the feeling at auy
tune. A marked merit in his acting ssas
tnat it wis uet oversti alued. Hu did net
overdo his part, nor rant, or tear his hair.
V.'t would say that his acting ssas natural,
save that it did uet seum te ba natural te
t king If tha put presented had baerr
th tt of the low villiaiu of the population's
se im, Mr. Sheridan's conception would
have ceme cIore te it. We understand
tl a. Leuis XI. is intended te be portrayed
as n cruel, vindictive, unscrupulous aud
gi-uerally weak and wicked man, broken
down in health aud full of superstition as
of malovelocco. Bif still he was a king,
and there should his e been something in
the personatien te si point him out : but
it svas net doue by Mr. Sheridan in his
bearing or his make-up. He did uet even
wear kingly robes, nor have n clean faoe ;
nor svas hisdemeaucr te theso about him,
or theirs te him, consistently that of king
and courtier. Doubtless the weight et
this criticism falls upon the weak aud
manimate play as fully as upon the player ;
and ns we have said, Mr. Sheridan showed
manifest ewcr in making its 11 ttuers en
durable ; but wa would net say from this
personatien that he is entitled te pass from
the ranks of thu geed te the pedestal of the
great actor.
I. lit el UnelnliiKMl l.attter,
The following is n list of letters remain
ing in the postefllcn for the week ending
Monday, October 22, 1883 :
L'lrtttt' Lit Mrs Sally Antteu, Miss
Ray Benedict, Ahce Bigerly, Mrs M. R.
Reker, Mrs. Mary C. Fibby, Miss Mary
Fogg, Ilnttle V. Ilojver, Mrs. Leuis i
JohiiFen, Miss Rllie Kuight, Mrs. Emma
J. Miller, Mrs. Abbie Omnev, Miss K
Pur-Cell, Miss Mama Snyder, Katle Strel
gle. Miss Ratie Wltmer.
GtnW .Ut .las. N. Alfred. Mlohael
Bakeby. E. Render, Levy L. Brubaker,
Henry Charles, Jaek Davis, Stin'l Oaugh,
Jas. M. Gable, Christ. M. Grail, II. O.
Oroff, H. II. Foxaude, Wm. W. Ruber,
II. B. Meartuey, Samuel Miley, Caspei
Miller, II. C. Miles, Mdler Print. & O ,
Chas Pondleton, Jacob M. Rheules, Jaoeb
R. Ritter. II. A. Sohreloor, M, W
Sell waitz, Jas. Shaw, I), II. Smith, Jehn
Spermllld, W. W. Btopher, Btrimble &,
Hle ill lleul Ktite.
1) Hess Eekmau, en Saturday sold at
publie sale te C, M. Hass, the Spring
Grove hotel property, iu Drumere town
ship, tsve miles sauth of Qaarryville for
0. M, I less has setd at prrvate sale t) I).
II, Eekmau, tsve nud a quarter acres of
laud, with no improvements, iu Quarryville
for $700.
A Bhert time sluoe C M Hess sold te
U. U. Geiger, ene quarter aciu of ground
npnr the " Spring Heuso Quarry," in
(Quarryville, for $160. Mr. Giler alrendy
has tlie walls up for n creamery, and ex
peets te gut te business iu n few weeks.
Alnyer'i Court
Ellen Btewurt aud Mary Jane Patterson,
oeiorod, svore anestcd last night svhile
having a geed time ever a kettle of beer en
thn public stroet ; they ware committed
for llffeen days uaeh. Jehu Fiiuu, Ne, 1,
and Jehn Fllnn, Ne. 2, who svore drunk
nud bumming togethoriu the western part
of tlie city, svere arrested. Ne. 1, a long,
lank looking loafer, was sent te Jail for
twenty days, while Ne. 2, a short squat
fellow, was glven only ten days. Oue
doeont looking ledger was discharged,
tune, siiv.i) ash e rutin i iukki.h.
SVlint Itujris mill Srllrtn Mle llnlnu huh
ICilltiiri. shjIhb iSrw lurk .llnrhrl ler
thn AVeeU l.iiilliur Hiiltiritnj, Dnlii-
tirr "O, 10 n. in.
V. h l'olmcee J eiirtutl
This week svent along without utclte
tmuit nud flurry. Nevrithelrss, the busi
ness lianractiil mil) stell be u tiled solid.
t eensistxl Kierall) el sil-suf Irem 00
te loe e ist h te in initlai'lurer at.d J ibbers
People, are bi.giuuing te "pick." The
am unit of II m tiititicve is limited in
fact, is alu.idy li ginning te become
se tree
Agsln the 18SJ Piinnsylvaida took the
If ul With all thu noise au i bluster with
which this crop was ushered into thu mar
ket, the unanimous seiee of te day is that
thu bulk of it is by no ui'ans anything
rxlMerdiiiiry In yield ami e der. Quality
it has. It, is calculated tint among the
20.00J eases hell tn this city there are no
mero thau 5 0)0 eases of ieaUj line and
well weilh thu m nicy ill it is being asked
fei it.
Rut asi le ft i u tins the situation te day
oinphvtleilly aud undeniably establishes
the fact tin the steJk of line tobaiee en
li ind will thi exhausted before tins year is
out, au I the Sum lira en se morn will
wield Us scap-ie m our mirket. Nothing
better illustrates this than thu faet that
ene up'msii maiufaeturln; llrm this week
purchased tieuly MS 00.) worth of tsu
in a era.
Ttie presml excited puie'lises el 'Ml
tobice iu the eeiiuliy .at (iep iried) prices
lunch ab ive theso inw ruling iu the
market fur '8 i tobie.i i, nre. wholly tin
wanauted. When eompired ssith the
risks these investments arc le dish beyond
e imp iristiu. I.irgu in mill ic'uiers who
pincliase vir h'MV.Iy in ttifemutiv are
the ones wli push up pru s. Willi ihum
this risk is oeutpirutitrly small, sslidti
there act en Incites the dealers ti iniiti
tieti. It is net te be oxpeetod that the
grower will tike a 1 iwer pi lee for months
te come. He sold his '8J at prices uueu
wlnci the dealers reitltz'd large pretlt,
excep'ieg these win were uufert utiate
eoeugh e invest iu 'S) Connecticut. He
wi'i anil dies iii.sit up u getfiug mero
iu uiev this setr.
While this country r liars enough tebic
co it raises t si little flue 'obicce.
Thu transactions of the week store as
fellows :
Peiiusslvmlt Ciep 'i Odd eises , It
12 11 H nu 1 21 cents; tillers, tl te 7J
Crep 'si -2"iJ cases, 0 te 13 routs.
Nesv Yerk Siate Crep 'S2 -200 i.i es
Havana seed, at IS te 2d cents
Ciep s2 100 eases Big Flats, p t.
Wliwensin Crep '8i '.TiO cises Has-irn
need, at lii te 17J eeuts.
Crep's.' 10O uatives's-l, at 10J
C nuiectic H Ciep iJ 2i0 eases 11 1
vaua seel and Housaten.j, at 10 te 23
Crep 'Si .100 cises uttive serd, wrap
pers, 27 cents ; suceu-ls, 11 j cents.
Ohie -Crep 'SI aud '-sj OX) ctses.
in itly llllers, 3) te 11 cants; line 'S2
w rappers, la ciuts.
Sumatra Sties 500
t f.0.
btles, at $1.10
II wan i Salei 70)
cents, M.10 te it 3.1.
balss, at sj te
.S. . tobacco l.eut.
Ssed Laf Seed leif has continued in
fair demand, although the inquiry svas less
active thau ler a while pat.
Tlie aspect of alltirs is sueh as te war
rant brisk transactions, for the harvested
cr ip is net aa'ealated te burden thu mark
et of the country as it svis fe.ncd it w mtd
in the early phiiittng season.
Net idnei I have bieti c mi'cc'ed svith
the tobie i tradf," said au old tuner te
us, " have I s-eti such a scarcity of tine
goods at this seas hi el the yeir. Every
thing has beau gobbled up Of New Yerk
Big Fiats net m i j thau 1,000 cases ic
mini in tli ll'st h.i-ids, aa I tliore are u it
uiert? than 700 cis4is te th-i hinds of job
bcrs. Orders for uxperl are enmiii; in
every day, but otuueibj fultliled simply
because we have u it fie gei.ds te llll
them "
This cnlitien of things naturally
auses a linn feeliug en the put of these
who are fortunate enough te held prime
tobaccos el uny description, and tin isd isd
vatice in p ie-s is amjii the possibilities
of the iirure.
Uaiis' ISepurt.
Sales of seed leal teb icce reporteil by .1.
S. Giius' bon fc Ce, tobacco brokers, Ne.
HI Watui street, New Yerk, for tlie week
ending October 22, 18S3 :
1,0 X) oues 1SS0 Pennsylvania, HifTVJj-s. ;
150 Ms 1S31 de. 8J12j ; 300 ciscslSSS
d i. pt.; 310 cases lssi state Havana 22(j
2"ic ; ileO cases Itiil Wisconsin Havana,
12ra,le ; 200 esses 1SS2 Ohie, pt. Total,
2,250 cases.
riillnUiphl .tlnrket
Anether week of lively trade has been
admitted iu handling of manufactured
tobacco, especially for standard brands,
no' withstanding the advance of ligures
demanded by manufacturers, lip m tnijuiry
among j ibbers it Is iicely acknowledged
that stocks are 1 isv and short, aud from thu
dally demand admitted it would seem te
forcibly strengthen the argument by man
ufacturers that the picsisnt desire for
manulucturud stock must aud will continue
for borne time te ceme. At present the
advnntage of trade tends favorably le the
interest of manufacturers.
Seed Leaf It must be admitted that tlie
cigar leaf business is uet as lively the past
week as It has been for the past six weeks,
especially '81 crop, for the reason thet such
grades of leaf have luojine exceedingly
scarce, l'he same can be said of Wiscon
sin H ivaua. NovurtheloRS, our leaf mor mer mor
ehauts generally h tvu iu inaged te find
silos for cJiislderahle old leaf, with a fair
sprinkle of flne '82, at mueh better quota
tiens than former weeks.
Sumatra has increased iu sales oeusider
Havana inoves oil' qtilte freely ut full
I.uiicnatei TelMKiu .Sluruet.
Toe home market for the past woek may
be regarded its ra'.her quiet,, aud yet theie
wero 100 or 500 eases of '80 aud 81 goods
sold, and perhaps an equal quantity of '82,
svhich still continues iu high favor.theugh
the choicer packings have passed out of
first hands ami buyers new iuveuing lu
the crop must be content svith goods of a
lower grade.
Several buyeis are iu the held looking
at the '83 crop hanging en thu poles, nud
seme purchases have been uiiule ut prices
ratigiugfiem 1(1 te 26 eeuts for wrappers.
Havana surd has the call and we hear of
ene buyer who has purchased ever fifty
plantings of it, at from 20 te 30 cents,
Complaint Is made that the svarm,
muggy weather a sveak or two age hud
damaged the hanging tobacco considerably
the tips being meuldy, nud where thu
stoekts wero hanging tee olesoly together
en the poles, the leaf svas buincd. In seme
instances the damage was re serious that
the crop was remeved from tlie
shed iu which It was hanging, aud
re arranged in better order. It svas feared
that if the svarm weather continued a few
days longer, the damage would have been
very heavy, but luckily a oeld spoil set in
that has greatly improved the chances of
the orep curing iu a satisfactory condition.
Ruyers continue te see sad evidences of
"svhlte vein" svhile gresveis see nothing
but dark, glossy leaf, geed as ever svas
grown. Beth parties might profit by the
expariuuoe of the travelurs who quarreled
about thu color of thf chameleen:
"When next you speak et svliitt you flew
Think e lieis ten us well us you,
Ner wonder, it you Unil mat nene
i'reters your eycslslit te hls"ewu,"
t', tuitntT.
(Inns llrm e thi tnrtii,
Monday .fttrnoen Cem'th vs. Riclmul
Helllg. The defendant was uhaigetl svith
stealing two horses and a bridle from the
stable of Jehu B. Brit dtOhe has nluee
died) lu Riphe township. The htnsesweie
stolen en the night of March 22d and en
this next day Helllg was urreslcd iu this
cty by Officer Elohheltr. and Herr ou an
other ohaige;ho attempted te gut away
by jumping out of a window at the (Hobe
hotel but was unsuccessful. When ar.
lested he had a hridm lu his possession
which was Identltlfil by Mrs Brandt as
the property of her husband, hu also had
OiiiiRlderabhi horse hair en his clothing,
mid h id n I00 hill nud seme ether money.
I he dofense ended witnesses te show
t hat ou this diy he svas ariestud Helllg
borrowed a hum a man uamutl Nichols
ei .sii .my. iu tne btijwas thn brldle
which svas found with Helllg; Nlohels ton ten
tilled te theso facts and further tint hu
br ught this bridle with him fiem Nebras
ka where he purchased sumo horses Thn
defendant denied all ktunvlcdgu of thu
horse and also that he told Oil! 'or Rich,
lieltr that he found the bildle at Shober's
hotel this city ns the officer swere. The
urv rendered verdicts of net guilty.
Verdicts of net guilty sseie taken iu the
eases of Themas Green, charged with 1 ir
ceil), and Geerge Smith, uirrylng oun
ce sled sveapens, for svaut of ovldeneo.
Cem'th vs. Jacob Herr, forulisitieu and
bastardy. The presecutrix was Kite
Heak of t'onestea township The jury
rendered n verdict of guilty,
The cases or Jehn Williams nud Frank
MeCornnek, charged with Inroeuy, wero
net pressed.
1ieulnn Morning Cemth vs Jeseph
Miller, i'hls defendant who Is a resident
of Silisburg township ssiis charged with
maintaining a nuisance in obstructing a
publie read. The township of Salisbury
is gnserued by a special read Uw, passed
iu IS5S, by whleh the work en mads Is
given out by sections te the lowest
bidders te be kept in repair. In the eaily
part of 1833 Mlchael Smith svns given the
contract te keep lu order a portion of a
read svhieh was formerly the Philadelphia
pike, ruuuitig past the properties of both
the defeudaut nud thu contractor, sne
beiug en each side. Thn ovldeuoo for the
commonwealth showed that lu making
repairs Smith had made a ditch along tlie
front of Millet's laud ler the puriiese of
ctirying the water off that halng the
natui.M coins.' , tl e defendant dumped
stones in this ditch and as the water can
net run through, it gathers en the read te
its great damage.
Ttie defeuia svss that this dlte'i is uet
tlie natural' onrse of the water and is
eutiiely unuccfMai , they further allege
that Smith secuied thu contract for the
sole purp.ise of making this diteh In front
of accused property, .rid se txprcfselhtm
Richard llellig p'e.ul gvllty te thoeharge
of stealing a let el hidis from Rodseeker's
tannery nt Rlizihethtewii. Hu was sen
tencd te undergo nu Imprisonment of
four months.
DIvurLfil .
Mary Aim Gregg, of Lsae ok. wis di
vorced from her husbtud, Stmuel S Gregg
en the grounds of cruel treatment.
The Our Fjrett llimii Tlilrl tlin SVIuur
ilhuiiltuf lie unit tlin l'l
Fr.mkferd, this eau eyed horse thief
continues te puzzle the detectives by con cen
stautly appearing In the must uurxpicted
aud widely separated p'.ices. Tlie latest
dispatch places him at Akren Ohie, svhore
he svas seen yesterday, while almost at
the same hour he svis situ iu Maryland,
just south of Musen nud Dixen's line.
We are positively assured that he
is in Philadelphia while it is equally cer
tain that he has beeu In Lancaster nrnrly
all tha time since his ctoipe from jail.
He continues te steal horses aud hide them
in the hills west of Lebanon, and he is at
the same time carrying en buslnrss with
unusual activity in the lower end of dies
terceuuty. I' leeks us though Frankford
was ashamed of thu piltry revrard of 450
offered by our county authorities for his
capture and was duturmlLed te e impel
them te offer a reward cemrauiisurate svith
his talents and distiuguuhed services both
iu and out of jail.
Notwithstanding the ill success of the
pehcu iu their recent attempts te capture
Alex. Lenmaii, sve have "otdlive infor
mation," from the most " reliable au
therity," that lie is iiilewu aud iuteuds te
remain here ; that he is sehced by the
oimp.itiienidiipof his old aud tried fi lends
autl that he and Frankford and a few
ethers who assisted in locking up our
faithful prison keepers, occasionally visit
the saloons, promenade tlie principal
streets and inirchauce may insist en vot
ing at the coming election
Dr. mucin Crrle Ills 1'uliit.
In the prayer brek rovlew, new going
en iu thu Rptseep.ll convention, action was
taken yesterday en seme of the proposed
changes When resolution Ne. 3 was
taken up, Mr. McConuell, of Lwsimi,
moved te strike out claiue " H," n latiug
te the emission of the two versus from
Psalm xcs I , and the substitution of the last
four verses of Pealm xer. nt the end
of the Vinite He thought the change
was no eurichment, and that the
four verses S7ore uet In place
in the Venitf, and that It svns mutilation
te strike out tlie form svhieh has been
sung iu the church for ene hundred years.
The Rev. Dr. Knight, of Central Pennsyl
vanla, said that he had respeet for "old
associations," but icmiiidcd the Heuso
that the Venite had only been sung in its
present form for out) huudrcd years, while
the church itself vs as ever eighteen bun bun
dred years old, nud the Vautt was sung
In its totality in ether ages. Mr. MoCon MeCon MoCen
nell's motion svas uet agiced le
A Itnre newer.
Mr. Jehn P. Seliaum Ins new in bloom
at his residence, Seuth Qiieen street, a
specimen of the Stanhepia Tigrlna, the
handsomest of the genus le which it be.
longs. While tlie bread deep greeu leaves
gresv upwards from the basket iu whleh
the bulb is planted the bud stem grows
downwards, coining out nt the bottom of
the basket. l'he blossoms nre very large
of a pale ycilew oelor, birred and blotched
with deep chocolate It is a nature of
Mexico aud blooms In Suly, August and
Soptembnr. It rarely blooms se far north
ns Pennsylvania, and sve bulluve this is
tlie first spcolmeii that Iips bloomed in
I'Klie t-reteuse,
A veung mau named Charles Rarnhart,
svas a'rrestcd iu Yerk and brought te Laa.
caster, and ledged lu jail, te ansssrer a
oemplaiut of false protenso proferrod
against him by J. 3. Mastersen, of Mas
torsenvillo, this oeuuty the spoellloatlon
bulng that Rarnhart proeurcd a suit of
olethlng from Mastersen by falsely telliug
till,, Hint I... I,i,l mennv owing him by a
certain party and would piy hlni when hu
... I.. .,!. I, j, I, ... I rt
In party and would piy m "
is money, when iu triitli he hud no
iy coming te him but had boasted
lin was going te "stick" Mastersen.
ivnt- IiIh t,n,itiu Wlinil III Will" " .u'.
llmf Im wne imilllf
I..I.V .... ,... ftw..-, -- ,.f.. l,l,...
Ue will have a neariug uuiuiu iuutuuiiu
Spun ler, Filday morning.
.uuiiher Alurket lluuae
It Is new proposed te build a market
heuse in thn southern section of thu city
and persons interested iu tlie movement
will meet at Geerge Wall's hotel to te to
nierrosv oveuing.
Hale el Alulm,
Samuel Hess & Seu, nuotleneors, sold nt
publie silo yesterday, at Legan's sale and
oxelrsiigo stables, for Heward Bailey, six
teen head of Kontueky mules, at au aver aver
age prioe of $201,02 per head,