Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 20, 1883, Image 2

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    ftV" pwffi
Lancaster Enlrllicrrnrcv.
0A.TURDA.Y KVENINO, OCT, 20. 1008.
The Horrid Hangings.
It Is stronge Unit in tliis age of civlll.
zitieR we slieuhl still cniluru tlie horrid
Prlday hangings. In view of Iho fact
that the number of these Is steadily In
creasing, t he Judgment of legislators is
certalnly Invited te consider whether
this mode of punishing murder Is the
right tuode. It is a brutal exhibition
that Is weekly made, which Is net agree
able te the community or edifying In any
way. Seme may think that it la beneficial
in that its horrors tend te the suppression
of the murderous inclination ; butthis Is
net the Idea upon which the law,
which prescribes hanging as a punish
ment, is based ; and it is net a correct
idea, ns experience has show n. Te cU e
the exhibition Its full force In the sui sui sui
pressionef murders, upon this Idea, it
would be necessary te makoexectitlens
public; but the law generally makes
them as private as jwsiible, public liang
ings having been found te be evil in
their effect upon the peace of the
land. There seems te be no
ether basis for the law 'a decrte
that death shall be the punishment
of mi rder, sae the one that hfe is fei
felted in takmg life : a decree that has
been sanctioned from time immemorial,
and that few will be found te dispute.
But, admitting that this be s. and that
the deliberate slaer of his fellow man
cuinet complain that his Ufa is taken
for the bleed he has shed, tl.e question
occurs us te the profit te the community
In taking the forfeited life. We cannot
see that there is anj . U is a cruel pun
ishment as new administered , through
a long period of imprisonment ins
fate presses down upon the ceriv ict. and
when the last momcutsceme no thought
can de-justico te the horrible feelings
which attend him te his deem. Among
the last batch hung was one miserable
man in 2s'cw Yerk, who had been stand
Ing for ears in the shadow of the gibbet,
and who finally had his veins charged Willi
morphine te tnake it possible te hang
him without carrying him te the scaf
fold and holding him under the neine
Dees anyene suppose that there will lie
ene tnurdei less committed because of
this man's agony and the- public shudder
i t Its contemplation . If se, will he tell
in why it is that with these frequent
exhibitions murder is mere rife in the
land than ever ? The fact is that in the
druukenness or passion in which murder
is generally committed no thought is
given te the horror of the punishment ,
nor is such thought much mere influen
tial when the crime is prompted by the
het feeling or revenge or the cold calcu
latien of profit. Theso who are evil
oneugli in mind te btj leally deliberate
murderers are net the class of men upon
whom the horrors of the caff old exert
their liveliest force. And whim upon
such sympathy may be wasted, we can
still, in compassieu for emselves, desir"
te forbear their brutal hanging. Ln
them be done te death, if death alone
will de, in a way less offensive loot r
The Nigger in the Feme.
In the proceeding in the New Jer-ie)
ceurt8, intended te take the .Jersey CVn
tral railroad fiein the Heading railtead's
control, Mr. Gewen, in Ins usual aggres
slve way, is miking a lint entertainment
for the i eal parties te the motion. The
testimony wlucli has bteu taken shows
that the attorneys fei the Fenns)lwitiia
railroad engineered the proceeding
against the Central's lease te the Head
ing, as claimed by Mr. (ieweu in his
who is
te the bill of the complainant,
the chief uthcer of Adams
company, which is dependent
upon the favor of the Feiins)lwiuiu rail,
read elllcers for the monopoly of the ex
press business en its lints. Anether
allegation made b Mr. Gewen was Unit
Messrs. A. .1. Uuvult and William 1.
Scott, of this state, were eeiieeiutd in
the piecculing. Mi. answeied
Mr. (.iowen'squeationson this point with
apparent frankness, stating that he and
his associates had sold the thousand
shire s of New Jersey Central "sheit,"
wheii informed that the bill te cauet 1
the lease was te be Hied, but Im declared
that lie only knew of it upon the day
upon which it was te be hied. He tin
thennore said that he had neon closed
out liis speculation at a less Mr. ('as
Batt's operation seems te have simply
seized an apparent opportunity for a spec
illation, that premised butter than it
performed , it being one of these
opportunities which te the elllcers et
the Pennsylvania lailre.ul and ether
great corporations very often occur and
which they seize upon with generally
gratifying results and te the great en
liancement of their fertuuen. It is
these chances which make a confidential
relation te a big company a mine of
wealth te sluewd and but moderately
scrupulous men.
That a church Lell or chime of bells,
and their ringing is net iu .icr.iiiuhi
uncc, needs no demonstration ; it is quite
as plain and undeniable that the luces
Bant clauger of chinch bells or their
ringing at untimely heur3 could easll)
become an Intolerable nuisance which
should should be suppiessed by law.
This is equally true of facteiy bella,
steam whistles, locomotive- signals and
vaiieus ether noises which are incident
te Beats of manufacturing industries
and centres of population. The ones
tien of nuisances, generally, elopeiuis
upon the relatiens et things. What Is
lit and proper atene tlme and place may
net no at another or under dilTereut cir
cumstimces. It is nearly ahvavs :i miivt
tlen of fact, nud the alleged "church
bell nuisance " like every ether must be
determined upon the bread principles of
equitable consideration for the geed of
the greatest number which are pro pre
sumed te find lodgment in the chancel
lor's besom.
Sejik of the citieus who are plctuieJ
in the se-called Lancaster county history
ay that it cost them four hundred dol del dol
Iarategotln. Evidently the enterpris.
ing pubilshers'made their cbargoaccorel cbargeaccorel cbargoaccerel
ing te their subject.
Tun Pullman nuiace car cemp'iny
n nuface
made I) per cent, last j ear and laid aside
surplus earnings of about R per cent,
mere. This is tee much profit en the
operations of a coipnratien like that.
The railroads and the public suffer from
tee high prices for parlor and sleeping
car accommodations. It ulre id passen
gcr fires are exorbitant in this state
and when the I'ulinin car charges are
added te them comfei table traveling is
altogether tej expensive. It is net
often that the rail nud eeiniutiKs and
the public iiae a e minion interest, but
the alike are unduly taxed for IT- per
cent, annual preills of the Pullman com.
piny. The stockholders of the railroad
companies should inquire what interest
their managers hae in the Pullunu
Tin: cede of professional e hies wlnc'i
shall govern the New Yerk academy of
medicine is still the subject of het eon
tentlen among the members. These
who faMir consultation with the home'
epaths are in a large majority, but net
enough te amend the constitution ; they
h ive the pewet, h nvever, te admit new
members of their way of thinking and
the inmi' liberal iew is growing In
strength. The iron cla I rules of the
national association le net stem likely
te much longer govern the faculty in the
larger cities where the number of spec
I.ilists is constantly en the increase.
Mu-. I. says te a reporter that
she " had heptd that en my second visit
here some of these foolish stories would
be dropped, but it has elisheirtened me
very much te see thai the) are begin g
again in th same quarters.' i -.
Lingtrv refers te her telatieus w i
young Mr. Gebhard. if she wants the
stine.s dropped she should reform her
conduct. Mr. Liugtry is the person she
s'leuld have brought evor with her te
chapeiene her.
The eibinet at Washington la divided
agaiust itself, another premonition that
the ttepnbhc in party is tailoring te its
Thciek is an earnest denuu I fur lay
eont.ibuter- te the religious press of the
day. The educated busiues mm is
ospecmlly titteil for fetching through the
uewpiper, nud his valuable oxperietico
0 ight te he ery be ui 11 .nil in w ideuiug the
s.ihere of the lchgieus j tumil's inlluouce
for feed.
"llii.u" nud " Lew" church iirgutueuts
m the Episcopal convention aroeanspicnous
by their absence, but mtiny of tlie lay
deputies are agitating the question of
whether the L'uited btites should be
called a people, a einutry, or a nation in
the prayer book. Te the sobelarly inclined
this subject is doubtless of the greatest
importance . but among the jst majority
of these who will use the prayer book, tlie
decision el this momeiiteus question will
awakeu but little iuteiest.
1 in: towlei'dMiet resounds threuJti nlea-i ml
llie inapt.-- ttiv.iputen lliulr rul ami cola,
Tlie puiplu lue- uvetnp-t wueil un I weld
Ami malt, tlie lieiuull ,t thin lisik set' and
Tliu c im stnmU In Iho uliecU-t ter Intur
tee I .
I'lm oe Ktuzw lazllv hIeiir the slrenm .
llie ilWiaul uieuutulna hey much nearer
1 Inn w hun tlie inmmer beauaite' i tl. m
Tin urewlng colt frUlis gaily thieuitli the
Si tlilnl.if tntl In utore ter tilin anil im
A mi!Hli Id-lliii-cuIiih our nn ruv.
Ami nmki the niliiit te ili-uainy fancle kJ
I no Indian iiinininr has io('!ien pet
eiulliiur iheuirliui nud ifn. -. auil whit
Edvartl H. Oaemer
Ii has heeu attleii by the New Ve'k
Tribune that the seu.: of " Old Gntni-sis
I)iid" was writtun by Albert (". Greote,
who was born in IJ "je Je hUnd. l'ebru irj
10. 1SIU, aud ediuated at Drewn tinivei
say. Lpen le.vvinc that instituMeu he
followed the legal profusion, and sube
quuutly tilled the eiliws of olerk el the
muuieipal court of th-j eity of i'rovideueo.
and olerk of the onunen council "Old
Grimes" was a oille j unter, was mjme
whit eccentric, wero ' an old hrewn
coat," and was sty hid " Profasier el Dust
and Ashes" by the Btndents.
MtiNniM)u Cwhi. his bieu an atteu
tive obeivor el the projeediugs of the
lpisuepal cjneiitieii, ami in putiaular
theit disctissieu ns te the advisability of
oUinKintheprOiouttitloof the Pietestnnt
Hpiocepat church te tint of the Hely
Catholic cliureh. He new propelis le
cuter the hiktt. of oeutroversy with a
pimptilct in which he will dofend the
cxcIiihive claim of the Heman oiiure'i te
the title "Catholic" The moiisiKuer is
net lacking in the courage of his convie
feus when he thus throws down the gage
of battle tenn army of the me' iiivtnci
bio Piutcstaiit theologians of the lind.
Amhhi ii wealtliy suicide Ins ene evor
te the silent m j jrity with ueappirent
metive that would iuduce te the rash tut.
Chanty migents as a oause nieutil iber
ration as the reu!t of ovorwerk, but
there eleubtless oxisted lu tlie uufortuinte
m ui's breast deeper and mero poteut im im
pulBes te his despairing action. The
skoletoiiH in the olesot nra no rehpeoters of
poisons and they invade the homes of the
epuleut aswollasthe abedes or penury.
Tlieripplosef publie Hpoeulatiou will for
atirae be stirred in the discussion of the
Bid .iff Ur, but its recollection will seen be
swallowed up in thegulf orfreshor trago trage
dieu that are constantly occurring.
I.Uoike l.ttiv In Uliluiue.
LastKpring the IHIueIa state l.ogisla l.egisla l.ogisla
tute paused a liw llxlnK the prices of Ba
toen lleeiiheH nt ftnoe. The Chicago ouuueils
ought te avoid the operatiou of this law
by passing nn ordinance a Tew days befere
thelaw went into olleot, llxm ' the price
fei the ensuing year at $101. The oitt eitt oitt
zeus Inague has Miuoe been flglitiug the
legality eftlieHO lleeiiseH In thoeourtH, but
litis been met with dilatory taetics by tlie
ethor Hide. Finally, te hurry matters, an
action lu quo warratite wan brought
against a prominent saloon keeper, llin
oeunwddomurted, picseuthnr various rea
sous, all te the olleot that this is net tlie
preper method of procedure. Judge
Antheii) will rouder a deolsien outheiio.
niiiricr. ills oplulen is all but wiitteu,
except the formal ruling. In it he com
bats and doiiies the validity of all the
points rolled en by the demurring eeuusel,
and thcoeuoluston roached fromaperusal
of the doeumont Is that he will iule that
the method of procedure is a preper ene
Tills will bring the question at issue te a
tlual decision und will nfleet between three
mid four thousand saloons, Involving ever
Ilrr VVxriilei: irc Ii en llie llilli.i, -1 -
iiiiiiiii ui h llntintirr eilli, r l.rirtit
Oi i tirn'ni'P".
Matnii't llnriis, tlie enKnvd weuiiti
nln niuidited little I.ela hewis, was
liatigtd en Ftiil.i) ui Lallioue, e,a , in the
presence of a crowd variously t-stnii mil
fieui .l.VIO te J.WOO. The ptis uier ilnl net
test well during the night, She wasunabloie
sleep mid spent nuxtef the tiuie in pravei.
At 10 lu ihe morning she was taken from
the jul, under an annul dreit, mil carried
te the gallows, which was emoted Unco
qu uters of a unto te the inuth f tlie court
ui'ine. After siiigme ".Iimh. I.jvci el
My Seul," praer b lle. W I) .leliiisun
veolervel) ami the singing iif "tcet 11)0
au Uvr." she mmle the foil living st ite
"likMlFVltfi. I HUM MIHM'- VM
vi i I bone the oeugreirnliou will be
l net while 1 make this Ijkc iateineiu of
taetK in th'scev. 1 am geiut te tell the
truth before lliilt lie hoi) truth 1 hope
;n will all take warniutr trout ins fate
aud none of you ever tauti en the gallows
as I de ttiis'inernmg. 1 nm innocent of
the chirge I did net pemmi I. cla l.ewm,
aud I hi pe ta uicei lur in heaviui. M)
kinl people brought me te this and I want
them te pray te meet me m heaven, as
there ia ue paitiuj; there. 1 have heard
they sud tnugiug wan tee u.hI for tnc
thtt 1 etiitht t be burned I hope ihej
will rcH'iit like me aud meet me in heaven
for there Is no forgiveness here Kver)
tub inns', ntnud en btteiu here,
but up fiere I will get justice. I nm
innocent fid my peeple are te blame
because I x'ued where lde te d. 1 hope
you w II all raise your chi ilieu se as te
uifet in in heaven nud never stand ou the
callow a Farewell, all I am going le
die Farewell, nil , gited b)e. I must die
I hope this peer mau will be ileaisl. a
no t tuDAvnt before ll si lie ij iuue
cent "
Her sister was en the s.-ufell, nod.
tureiuc te her, sbe told her te le warned
by her fate " I want te be buried by the
side of my mother." said she, " but they
wilt net ai'ew it Ttiey d uet irv what
becomes of mv body iJoed bye ' Uood Ueod Uoed
bye, Mster. eexxl b)e ' ' All her aumieult,
were made m a cte.ii, ringini: veuv. though
at times si became incoherent nud re
pcvteil M'nteuce- ever and eir a'ain.
At ieven minutes nttcr lie clock the
trap ifai spruug and sbe was dangling iu
the an. Iu en;ht minutes tier puis ceiu-el
te beat, aud iu twen) minutes she was
declared dead. The fa. I w is mx feet. Her
neck ,w, is bteken and she died wah mt a
s'ru'i;le l'ue body vas turned ever te
her sister for luternieut.
.v Urlnie Oim My l'.illi, el li a I'd tl nuil mi
t reniiuii.
At Menree. Ga., Tiyler llnaut. oel
eted, w. is handed Fnd ly I . lt.leuijuily
assaulting Mrs K i-abeth . Searels, a
respectable white widow, ou tlie night of
AiU'iit Je I mt. The gallows w is erecteel
in a lic'.d one mile trein the court house.
There n -re ten thousand spectators
Bryant crept in at Mrs. beaids wiudew,
although she made an effort te shout him
with a pistol, which, however, Mtapped.
He thou choked her until she was
and left her ter dead. Mis. beards receg
mzfd her aesailaut aud when he w.u, eip
turcd ami brought befere her he at euce
identified him Only with elitli 'iilty was
theo-ewd dtssii&ded fMin lynching htm.
lie was brought t nil, in. acted by the jury u Saturday, beptcmbtrl, at
once placed ou tual aud the cvsc was
given te the jury th it night I he jury
came in early en Monday mm mug witu a
verdiet of uuilty and the judge
him tjbe hauled Friday.
a rree I'luilii it LIuirLli
Duriug an oyster upper in a .Metliedmt
church ut 15a)viI!e, Ljug Island, last
night, . I uhn Smith ami a gaug of leughs
eutuied the plice and umh btruck Capt.
backett, his brother in-law. A tiirht eu
fiied, duiiiiK which baokett knocked
Smith senselens with a saw buck. The
pistur, Mr. Tair. was kuicked iJuau.
' Indi-'h fainted Xearly all th fiiruiture
of the church was broken. Ihete wire
three hundred people in the hmldiui;, and
many were injured iu .utemplm u tcoape
by the siiiule exit.
Ilia Value lit 111,4 .IlllleiV lli.r
At Kisten in the casa of .Mai y Ami
Miller auuat btonheu Utek, an action te
lecevcr damages for breach of promue of
uuniage, the jury Friday afternoon
found a verdict ler the plaintilf in the
sum et iji.ius d.i llie i-1-.e w is a uevui
ene Thopirties were tirst oeiuins, an I
both have reached and pirtly pisLel the
prime of lite. The plaintitl was Iiouke
keeper fei the defemhnt and told hew he
had addrcs-ted her iu tlie usual country
style et courting When asked it he had
iver kissed her she sud, " te than a
huudied thousand tunes " Tlie verdict
she gained is at the rate of a cant for n
khss, with a litile liiterust thrown is.
Anntlinr C.tlt I'rtijett.
The jxist il tolegrap'a and cible e mi
piuy was inoerp a ueel l'riel ly at New
erk. The lines nru te extend throughout
the L uited bU'es, Cm ul.i aud Metie i,
aud Irem Greenpert, Leng Isluid, ie Lin Lin
elen, Liverpool and Pans. The cipital
steek is $1,100, divided into tifteu Miates
of 100 each, with the puviloe of iucreas
mg it. Tue corptraters are llenry C.
Gardner, Lutlier it Marsh, T. II iJupuy,
Audrew K. Ketit and Duumiit Clark.
A uetili eJeinU u en the ituud.
A startling tinedy eecuned thne miles
e.iht of Fert Games, Ga , Tliuisday eieu
mg. About suudewu II. A. Jester was
going te his home ou herseb ick, when hu
was met ou the read by it. F. Hudspeth.
There lias been a feud between them
Hudspeth struck Jostei with a feuca
rail. The latter stabbed his asaail
ant near the heart. HudHputh then diew
a pistol and tired two eheU, ene of which
sti'iclt Jester in tlie forehead, tlie ball
ranging under the skm te the bae-'t of the
head. Jester airaiu closed w illi his iinninv
and .stabbed him iu the iiRht breist, wlwn
HuJhpeth fell aud almost immediately ex
pired, aesier nas uet ueen arrehted.
Ulvll anrvlcB.
At tlie request or the president, the
members of the civil seiviee lonunlas.ea
called at tlie White lleusu yemud.iy an l
had a long interview with him. The ob.
loot of tliu ojiiferonco is mt known, .mil
the conimlssleuora are reticent as te wliat
Tlie secretary of state has written a let
te- te the secretary of the United btates
civil sorvice commission suu'i'estliiL' that
a special examination be given te all ap-
iniu iui,t viuu iuay wish te enter me depart
meut. was a great cievvd at the rooms of
me civil service commission iu washing,
ten yesterday, the applicants mere than
lining me space ailetteet te tlieui. The va
caucus iu tlie interim department have
liemi Idled by transleis from tliu ceiiHiia
etllces, where the force is being gre itly
Jlr Huait'eiit te lis VlmllLitteil
t e ... i , ..
4. i.erin ij. ncssieus gave a
eiiniier at the Uelavan house, at Albany,
te many of his friends iu that city, nud
oft at .) n'oleak Fjiday aftornoen for his
home iu Chautauqua county. It is iu
nioreil that his friends propose te make
his vindication complete by glviug him
the nomination for souater. As Ids dis
trict is stiengly Republican, a nomiiiatien
is equivalent te an election. There is iilse
some talk of iiidletlng ex-Asseniblymaii
ilradley for peijury, iu falsely charglug
the bribery agaiust Mr. Soasiens.
'llie Ueveriiment'a ronaieuern
At Washington, the report of the com
iiuoeiuiiur ui iiuiinieua ler tlie Ilseai vear
m"i nie ' H,l0"8tlmt tlleni woie '
uu,uv,j ouueiouurii en tue reu ai me enu or '
the jeni, the nntues of e.tuJ new pension
crs and 7110 whose names h id been dropped
previously were restored, making Jts.OIJ
ensletis added during the year, an excess
eif 10,013 ever the pieccding jeir. The
averaue auiiinl value of eii Ii pension was
$100 18, anil tlie iiu'Ciai; lie auiiu il value of
all pensions was ijli,'.' II l'i.'
Hie llultlnrii' Am lilleii
The Hccetid annual e invent ion of the
I inted States bottle is' proteetlve assoeui
Hen, aud the mcceiuI annual interti illuii il
exhibition of bottlers' nupplies, iinc'iiiu ry,
materials, ete , lias been postponed lieni
November SO te December It U 1 1 at el
1 I, l I, anil fiein Irving hill te Ami n
e in institute hill, New erkcitv. flits
chance h is been made Irem the (act that
living hall proved enliiel) t ie Hinall te
accommodate the mauy who h ive npplud
for space, ami thus u Inget hall has Win
secured, w tU a ej incipient ehiuge el
The m umfaetttri r, bettlerp and ile-alers
in miller il w iters thtou.tlieut the emtie
oeuutrv are taking in ictive tuteresi iu
the matter, ami the se si msef the eon v en
ti ui will be occupied with iniiiier mis
questions of vital interest in the trnili'.
Olinreii en l itlu itnil
On Sunday mernitii: nest the new It unau
Catholic church of th" itum icul.tte e ui ui
eeptieu, nt Allent'nn Pa, will In
dedicated Bishop Sinn ilnn, of Hairis
burg, will denlicite the church and
w ill iiNe pnMc'i the deiieitery sermon
llie celebrant of th" m is wi'l hi
the Very Hev.M A Wils'i, U. D . ad
ministrator of the aivii di hwe, assisted
by deacon and subdeiie n The in ister of
eeremenies will be the Iti'v. Father Mill
helland, of Philidelphn Werk was lui
gun ou this ehureti m re than ten yar
ttite, ind the cttriier tvee n in laid by the
I Uc Archbishop We 1 1 lie pi'iie evme
en. and the subeq ieu' teppai!0 of the
ditle-eut nnnufaet,rie wheicie niuiy of
the congregation were empleved. It ft them
w itbeut means te etup'ete the vv erk vrhica
they bad se j yeuly co-nmeneed
Th I."iuCAter t . r is diKUsU'd
w lib c il scrvic wfei'u
Vhe La.ten K:, v- I'nuk . it a j ity
te wealthy a tn&n s nudeibnt .s.ieiild
have lut'e bram.
The Pitubur .it ,i observes that
tl.e Ohie icturii weir mt se slew i'i c m
lug iu as the teturu.'. e' U.e ciikus
The Attoen.v ., i ic uotes tbut theie
his beeu woederlully li'tle lumlthreniiig
during the prmeut c inipaiga
The Norruetewu .., er s unei the
battle cry of " Ne qaarter te peliticiain
whi mike the laws n pluy thing and tLe
coiititatieu a jest."
'Iho Bcllcfonte ir' ' ii 1 vuliu tcTSiLe
information that the man wheca.tiesa
herse chestnut for luck is new looking
around for a (tesh one.
The great apathy among the clerks ami
efhctals of Washington, says the Dolaware
county I!tcird, is another elreadful wreneh
in Cooper's " hopefuluoat.."
The Marietta IlnjiMtr n-sks : "Hew long
would it Uke the county auditors letiniih
then work if they weu jail by the jjb
and net by the day '
The Clarien Din -it thus sums up the
Ilariiiburg Mtuatieu : "The Dcumuratij
lious-e would if it co t'd, the Upubh an
bcuite ceulel if it would."
The Iviuimt AJcuics tluuks teacheri
luatitutcs will be failures until teaching
in elevated as a profusion te the pl.ue f
law, umliciiie auel the ethei eecupaiius,
W'-iose followers set e u with tliu liiteutn u
of making them a life work aiidadeur
mmatien te master all the details.
I'i.i-iei-m Aiithi ii is rep irteel le have
had some eli'lereuces with reiim of the
members of his cabinet
I'kek. li hi G., of Leiuell
university, sayn thit a student nheuld
never tdecp less than eight hours nor study
elirectly after meals.
Ni.w Dew, the Piohibitieu lea ler of
Maine, asserts that in ten states the Ho He
publican party " occupies the jmsitieu
openly cjnfessedly of pio'.eetien te the
grog bheps, aud must go "
Kl.v. I". 11 GllLLV. et Clin-ige, preach
ing upon horse racing, said thit lie hid no
faith in a in iu who d i m uet admire a gee I
Iioke. The pre ichui deluudud herbc r um
but net the vices that attend it.
bl.N vieu Amimnv. leiks forward ivi'h
Heme unpatieuce te the reissembliug el
Cetigrese.when he hope te bu uble te tike
his seat in tliu Senate clumber ler his tilth
term of sorvice.
Mn. Bi.MUi.u sud iu Montgomery,
Ala , ene evening that the linn who as as as
horted that lie ha 1 ever said a word agiiust
oitlier the North or tin Siuth huice the
war is a " liar." II j h id bjeu person illy
attacked by a lejil pipui.
Du Pali. Giisn.iei who Ins been
oudeavoriug tiaseiul t'ie highett piak of
theCaili C irddleras, ladel te completo
his task owing te the supreme old, but
he was successful iu lakiug some hue
photographs of a very remark ible region.
Vi N.Nen the Canadian weatLer prophet,
haia rival in the bjiith iu a Prefessui
Cather, of Alabama, who publishes the
statement that the coming winter will be
distinguished by its " phcLO nenal seasui h
el told, interspirscd by parexysmil Hpells
et neat."
Hums Uenistiiii.u, of Frankfort, lent
a display of geld piate te ornament the
emperor's table at the btate bmquut given
theru iceently. Iu the middle was the
I anions eontie plece purehased from tlie
oltvef Nuremberg, is valued nt
t Iti 000. The whele serv co is worth evor
Ose u thus accounts fei the
reason he had his liair cut " fir tlie llrst
time iu his lilu : Hemg iu the gillnry
at the Leuvre, he h iw a bust of a yeitug
Itemin emperor. It was very beautiful
indeed. The young emperor had his hair
cut slant. Oscar wished te be hke him,
se he took a halrdrosser witii him te tlie
Leuvre nud showed him tlie bust, aud tlie
" artist " in hair cut tliu long-admired
locks of the " artist " in drefs, lu Imita
tion of thotie of the youthful emperor.
Gi:m:iim, SiiKttvtvN has rccoived asgifts
in the shape of houses and reteuts te the
value of 1.10,000 since he has lie el his
present place us goner il e the .u my, The
diamonds given te hie daughtur, Mrs.
Fitch, by tlie Khodive of Kgypt, since
divided up iu sets, a set for each of his
laughters, are worth mero that) $10,000.
Fer the pist tlfteen years lie lias roaeivod
a salary ef$t7,500 4ei year, which he will
oentinuo te receive as long as he livi s, as
his rctlroment does net offset It in any way,
"Stenj.wu.i. " JvihseN ence during
the war, whlle a lorrible thunder storm
was l aging, erdered General Malieuu te
tike his men und clnigu the Union foreos,
Thuti, tfrcd out, Jaokseti lay down uuder
a tree nud fell nsleep. been he was
aroused by ene of Mahene's aidn, who
siid : " Guneral, I am sent by General
Mahene for orders. He siys the rain has
wet the ammunition of tlie troops, and
wants te knew whother he shall return."
Hsplled Jacksen : " Ask Goneral Mahene
if tlie same raiu which Ged sends te wet
his ammunition will uet also wet that of
the oiiemy. Tell him te oharge thorn with
com steel." juauoue maue the charge,
Ill K UKI1UI.AH IHIIlllKSl'el.MUtMlt:.
- , l"in; Itii. Hin,iinlmiiiiit llins el
iilttfiri in nuil Vitiiitnl tin lliireitti
I'Kliriliili I J- Hie Inn III-
crm rr llr,uirier
The eorener'H juiy iu the muiilereie of
Heliiy Stliiek leiuleieil its vetelint las'
evening It was that Henry Struck mine
te hlit death I nun wounds Inllieted b
Geotge Smith or Winnie Smith, iu by
The ttittiuieny el Han) LoeKatd, who
th w lib the Smith toethers ut the time
et the muidii, as were nlee Jehn Hickey
and Divid K nit)'., shows tint the murder
id miii i iu ueiess the stieet from his
house te wheie the Smith boys weie tilk
in.; pets msiibeut the light
Winnie had hid with Chirley St l tick at
mi earlier hour of the evening , and that lie
had attempted ti stiiku Geerge Smith
with a club ve Inch he mrtieil Witness
h id been Ml i uck instead, an I is tumble
te xtate who' her Geoige binltli was hit et
Mt 1 he littei sptang at Struck, who
then retreated iciess the street er)ing
' uiuteler " I'he crowd quickly heparutcet
Geeree Mmlli and L ick ird going towards
the igilant eugiu ) Ii line. Oi the way
Plinth told his companion tint he Ind
stabbed btiuek, at the sime time pulling
out a link knife ami sivitig. "Dunn
hmi, this elid the business' I le pressed
Leeknrel te keep the bloody witness
et the ci itue let hun, mid he tin illy leek
it At the engine li usu It letiiruud it t
the muiilerei, and docs net knew what
tlie latter then did with it. Knit and
Hiekey stated that they Keparnteel Irem
the crowd after the trouble em Maner
stteet, net the i knowing th it btruck had
been slabbed. 1 hey only learned eT it
and his death the lollewiug morning. Ne ut u salisfiicteiry eh uaeler have
vet been given legirdiug the presence of
the iaity ou Matieu street at such an
ttuieasen ible hour as II o'clock at night
rin clothing et themuttlered man shows
deai ly that mere cuts wereatteinp'eel than
tinned w hictt cuised lus dentil I he pri
soueiihave waiveel a preliiuinar) heating
and have been committed ler a Sell
dtfeime will be the plea ou which the mui
eh r us crime will be de fended.
Vim i rliuar) s lienl.
At Intit mght'ie speeial mt tiling et the
se'ieil bind it was resolved I i establish
laelhet pnmary sjIkkiI. It will be
levaiet m the room in the Ch rr
street .school building new oeuipieel as nu
i nice by bupcriuteudeiit Ateos. A luultl.
ii g is te be erecteel en the grounds of the
t'tierry streets schools for the Mipcrintcn
den 's use. Mian Christ v has btvu appeiu
tel Uacher of p-ima-y Ne. 1 , .ml Mis,
btiueheiaer, of primary Ne. 11 K.iuhwill
n et ive a iry el $,SOer uie.itli. Mi I.
S Kby, of Liuc later, received the contract
I ii niipplyttig new furniture for fciveial
Itc'l I lis
II iiuti;ll Nilte.
Mi Gi) W. bcbre.der is viiitmg in
It ading.
i he usual beiv ices w ill he lit Id at all the
churches te tuorrew.
Officer Iveunedy, of the P. It, It police
force, took three train jump us tej ill this
in lining.
lit Bet'uel cemetery entrance has been
unproved by being repainted.
I pwatel of !f0 stoves are new bli g
bhipped from the Keely stove works daily.
The " Queen's Laoo liauelkoreliier,'' an
opera, will be prenetituii here next balur
day. On Monday evening Willi uu Stallerel
and nu excellent eeuipiuy will elay
' Bernee and Juliett" here.
A large ami very pl'asaiit Burprise pirtv
was held at Mr Jehn Power's tern lulice en
M in ir street last evening.
Ducks wete plentiful this merniug.
I tie run euistd tbem te tly low, and they
brci ne eaay prey te the sportsmen
The steve molders union liMlge hehl its
chaucitig last evening. Ticket Ne 7'J 1
driws the sleve, and ticket N IS' the
siltei watch
Tonight a "Musical Beeitul" will be
ht 1 1 by .Miss Amy Oberhn, ami hr
niiiMicil pupils at Fairview, beginning at
7 JO o'clock.
Mr. Peter en btettcr. who dieel it his
borne iu Irenville en Wedneselay night,
was buriesl tc- lav from the Trinity
(' tholle church, of tins place.
bhawuee furuace Ne. V, blew out te day,
ami the machine shop and foundry have
also been closed Theto titu idw lym en
the iron wharves heie 12,000 tens el pig
ireu, ter which thore is no demand. '1 he
weiks will be reopened when the it en
market warrants se doing.
A 1. 1st lit III); l.iicm.
At'lrouten, New Jersey, Friday, the
t king et testimony wis begun ter the
lefeucj iu the suit of William It Dius
m jre agiiust the Philadulphi i and ltuail
ing i ulreul, te annul its lease of the
Central railreid. Ceuusnl for the Uuieling
iu court wero Franklin B. Guwuu, A. G.
ltichey, ex Chaucullei Willi itnseu. Cotin Cetin
sol appeirmg for Mi. Dinsiuore wlie
(y'lareuee A. hew. ml, itscee Ceukliug ,
Wayne Mac eagh and Ldwaiel T. Gieeu.
Among the witnesses were Win. it. Hewitt
Win 11 Patters ju, A. J. C.u.satt and
Fiank Thomsen.
Wreikeil by u UyUone
A dispatch from Tyler, Texas says.
' Intelligence has bten received here el a
wreck ou the East Line Narrow Gauge
lailieid Thursday night, a few milts cast
of Sulphur Springs. Oue lady mid two
children were soveroly injured. Thore
wero a number of ether passengers ou
beard, suvcial of whom woie quite bully
hurt. The recovery of the laely is eleubt
ful. The wrecked traiu was moving nt the
i.ite of eighteen miles an hour, when it was
struck by a oyelouo and blew evor, being
almost completely demolished."
A mil her Hoinl-Leiilminliii.
The Baptists of Chicago are prepirlug
te celebrate the 10th numversiiy of the
planting of tlie first Baptist church hi that
ait). The lirst chinch was built ami oc
cupied in thu fall of 18.13. Its cost was
900, and it commeiiceel with a mumber mumber
shipei 15. At present theie are SOchurulieti
ami U missions of thu denomination iu die
city. Besides this theru nre two educa
tional institutions, the University el
Chicago aud tlie Baptist Union Theologi
cal Beminary at Morgan park. Tlie mem
bership of the churches is about 0,000. mid
thore nre ever 7, .100 children iu the llour lleur
ishlng Sunday sahuels.
'Iho KpUintml Coiiveiitlou,
The goneral convention of the Pretustunt
Episcopal church of tlie United States held
its 15th day's session in the church of llie
Hely Trinity, iu Philadelphia, Frld ly,
The house of bishops met euly iu the
morning, and the deputies met iu the
morning ami evening, the afternoon being
occupied by an uxoiiisieu down the Dcla
vvnre te Chester. The venerable bishop of
Mississippi took leave of both houses. Iu
the lower Heuse a number of reports were
read, and the consideration of the proposed
alterations in the prayer book lesiimed.
In the uveuiug tlie oummttteo of the whele
reached thu end of the erder for evening
Halt) ut Ileal l.itatu.
Jehn M. Witiuer yesterday sold at
private s.ile a two btery frame Iiouke and a
quarter aare of land iu Qtiurryville, te
Sarah Fiudley for 1,025.
G. W. II. Wltmer has bought from J.
M, Wltmer 100 perches of land without
auy Improvements neur the Railroad
liouse, tiuarryvilie, for 280.
'i ll r; iiiiama.
"limim ut link" nt llie liprrn 1 1 nine.
Jas. A. Heine's play, " lleaits of Oak,"
ns given lu Fulton hall last evening, provett
tint tlie elilm its author ileiuunleei for It
im a must nbs rbuig (ind popular drama
Is ueikiiewliiliiiel. Tills pitee has new
become se wutel known and uppieei itnl
that it would be siiperlleial te give it ex.
tended notice', and whlle heie and theie
tue features that ma) lay uudm tlie ban eT
objection mn criticism of it would nppeir As pitsintel last eveiiiug il
was a success ev ei y way. Mi Ileum orni erni
thines lu the spleuulid H'le eif I'm y ln
iiiiii, and time und practice have gu itlv
aui'iuetited thcetiliei exeelleuee el his
iiiin'tsoualieu el the leugh, honest and
ilulilul stilet Piebibly iiethtng
iiiiiiu it vt tit ul, without the olivletis
and ailillji il allu em its of the staxe,
uetliiiig iu no iiliiuly and s) iiipalhetle,
without ene ledum te suggest
it), iiiul uelbiug moie pathetic, without
the ailillces of uu unaccomplished tintei,
iu i) be seen upon the mimic win Id of the
st we th in the revelation el Itny te Unity
Pin i tint his kuevvli dge of Iho houerillilo
lutiinaev bftrtc. n tlm Iiitet and I'rrri i
wife All, gt tmr de void et any thing that
Is initiator il, from us veiy mi euit) it calls
feith the lull talent of an actei, and Mi
Heine renders it with excce'diugl) lualislie
mid i.ue ability. .Mt. This II t', us
In,!, f try, in ule quite il hit III Ills deliu
eiitten e( llie old in iu cli iraeter mill Ml.
P. Chippendale, us (iireri Uarrewy,
was especially sitisfne'ery. .Miss Mollie
Cuceriu us ''inl,il is a winsome little
lady aud lias a line conception et lur put.
whiih she leiuipiH abl). Little Mind
Tnempstui is leall) nplienomenoiiiis I idle
( ityt,it, lur en -e and e'nldish simpliuit)
making one of the most attractive leatuiis
in the play, while the Biby as the IUIi is
iu I ict, as old Oirtn si), u "stunner '
I ii et bal) l rs its purl te pet feotieii, tud
h iv nig i 1 v m ,1 t isles, il pie fern I sin k et
cimly te thu admit nig plaudits of a let et
grown peeple. The lemaiiieler of tlie
i unpitiy ate all fully up te requirements,
iii tliu no 'tK iv e institutes some el the
line's' pieftcnt it mi k Hi it i an be iniagiueil
ler the stage 'I he .UIiIieiilO Was el geesl
si. end ele.t.l.
n i.ieiuiieitiiiieni ."imii
l.vmitn .Srr mill niriun Hie C'mnilj e.lnrn
Iteedlng's dunking watur lias new a
tish) l.iste.
bix Kiirvivms of thu win et 1SIJ live iu
bekluiylkill c niuiy.
The "Geinian Baud" is ihe luiiu of an
irg)iii.ati in of 100 thieves who operate
ilmgtt'i L Ituueu Salley railroad.
The wheat leuse has again iippetued In
I erge numbers in tinny wheat tields in the
N trthern part el llerks ciiiii'y.
baruuel K ed, et H.urisb irg captured
.li epiissiiiii lie u thu pUee I Wedue.-.da
v. In di bad ten little ones m hei jHtcktl.
Drevers from M lllin, Diiiplnn, mid
iluutingdeii vounties ten utly puiuhased
1 Oe0 head of sheep In C utibria county in
i ue day
Many i . ik county fvrmeis are busily tit
work buskt'ig tluur corn. I'lie eiep is a
getd one. The ears are geuerally laige
and well fllleel.
A meeting of .Meuueuiles is in progress
at Snyder's chinch, near Martiushurg.
Itepusentntivca Jiem Lme.ister, Yetk,
D.iiiphiu and e.hi r oeuutiLvs uie m utteml
'Ihuprincpil busmeas of the synod of
I'euusylv mil, ueiv in htisiien at Pittsburg
will be ou the question of making the
body a elolci,ate one or dtvilng the
s) ihmI.
The Pcnnsylri.i railreid leimius that the
qu uitity of c il aile ike earned ever Us
lines fei the week ending Oetober 'nit. was
.u'l, ji tens, ei wiih.ii .mi ,'t'j tens weie
oil and iJ.'i'.H tens coke.
i no De.iru ei p.iuie.isul llurrisbtug yel
tnday ht Id a sheit session and decided te
leceuuutud Kdwanl Walsh, of I 'nil idol -phia,
te executive clemcncy. A latter
was rectived fiem the physician el the
Cistern pentUiitiaiy hinting that Walsh is
dying from consumption and can live but.i
few weeks louger. W ilsh was (serving a
term e f a year Irem l.nt b'ebtu iry for ,u
siult aud baUcry.
nil 111
lti Huuilrrtl
I'Al.l V
(n 1 lint siiay evening sumo et the gi oil
friends el Daniel BracKbill, son in law el
Jacob L. F.rb and ptoptttter of the hotel
en the elel Beading reid about eight
indes north of this oily, formerly Ferney's
old stand, set up a little job ou In in. He
was inveigled away from home en some
llinisy ptctoeHc, and when he returned he
was ,un ued te liuei his house luiireuiidul
by lull) ene hundred buggies and
cuniges, and twice that number
of men and women iimidu thu
house auel en thu balconies, dancing te thu
music el two bniKs bind. As .Mr. II.
attempted te alight from his carriage lie
was stned by hairade m biawny fellows,
who him aloft and novel let him
touch the ground uutil he wis satiluwn lu
thu midst of the multitu lu who hid taken
forcible possession of lus premises. He
was mero than surprised he was stunned ,
but Diuuy is a man who understands a
geed joke as well .n auyhxly else, and
wheu he It, id iccevciul his equanimity hu
sjt 'cm up till 'round and ui.tured heartily
into the festivities, singing, d inciiig, feast
ing anil fiehcking In. ing kept up until a
late hour.
I,. net tills Sleriilng
Court mnt this morning ut lOo'cleolc for
tliu pur pem el hearing current biiMUiss
and both judges, wero present.
Tlie docket was called at the opening of
court and seven judgments wero euteied,
which is nu umisually small uumbei.
btisau Kuiuoer, of Piovideuco township,
was divorced from her lmsbiuil Guergu
Iteineer ou the charge of desertion.
Maty Swiilu, who at the January ies.
siens of 18S2 was convicted of adultery,
waa brought into court for scntence. The
wemau Is greatly bioken down In hualth.
She is quite ftuble. and laiutcdiii the court
room befeie seu'oiiee was pteuuuucud.
On account of her condition the sentence
was made us light as possible. It was te
pay a line of $5 costs ami undergo an nn
prlsenmeiituf 5 dayft. It was the elesiie
of her former husband, James Swain, te
have thu sentence made light.
The argument iu the uiattei of tlie in
junction granted te Ii. F. Kshleman,
ugainst the Maxim light euuipiuy was
again ceutliniLil.
Dentil nl freilerluk l.ut.
Fioderick Lutz, a well known oitieu of
Liiicaster,dicd at his home en James street
last evening at thu age of 71. Mr. Lilt,
was born and lalstd iu this eity ami by oo eo oe
en pi turn was a butcliei. He can led ou
that bitslness for many jears. About
eight yeirs age hu nut with a soiieiia ac
cident in billing into a tub of sedding
water and never entirely recovercd from
It. In politics he was a life Ien,' Demo
crat, llu leavos a family nf font sous nud
two elaughters.iill of whom are grown, tlie
eldest being Peter LuU, tlie well known
mayor's Court,
Twe cases of drunken and disorderly
couduet were heaid by the mayor this
morning aud the olletidcis vvure both seut
te jail, oue ler llftoeu nud the ether for
thirty days.
Hemes Hlilppeil,
Fisi it Deerr, shipped this morning te
New Yerk, one ear lead of draught nud
driving horses , they wero nil purohased in
j Lancaster county.
Atii.aiu nut a vmu iikav him.
I lie 'Mill Willed h ImiiH.irr e iinirsi tnr
Itrlngs Agaiiml Ul.i I'M , l,i. K a , kM
I tin lliiilrurtil,
I'lllsbiiiK Dlnpitdi
II J Met! rami, nr Luicuster, who built
the Flushing nud Like Brie iiillread, has
brought suit ugiiuii. the eeuipiuy of that
name for 1U:I72'.M, with l.tleiest from
V'iVi".1 !i ,H7 '"'' total denmnil
d ifiStl, 107.57. 'Iho Mia was Inslltutisl
s. vei il weeks age hut the iillldavii of
elitiin mui nair. s-ttlng feith (he item mil
lu iletul woie no; n 0d until Thursday
tifti riiiieu
I'l.mi them Itnppein llnteii theS7ili
el September, 1877, .Mr .MeOrann entered
Intel a I'l.ntiiiet with the Pittsbuig nud
Like Lite inllruid uempanv, te build u
single tiiink reid, about 117 intlrs long
"Iieiii n point nu ihe south bank ul the
Me'iemgnhcli liver, miii Jenes , Luigh
lin's mill, ten eoniieetloii with Pewcis
swiieii, near Auurews' luriiaee, at UnrUt
ten, O ," u point Just this slde el YuiiugB
town. The ehiuaetet e( the wutk con
traeted te he done Is fcpccillcel iu detail lu
the centiaet, el which u copy islllul. Mi.
MeGiann was te ruinlsii all the material,
me licet te Like tlie ceiupuiy's rights of
way, ami lu a little mere than n eirro eirre
tutu them a complete- lailinud, te be ceiu
sti noted under the supei vision of llie coin
pan) s engineers. Fer this work he was
le icceive $2,500 000-t, 150,000 In money,
$ I, Lin. 000 iii llrst mortgage betuls of the
toad, and thu rem lining $200,000 iu
s e k.
Tins contract, the ptamtMl dcolates In his
atlldavit of ulaini, lie eluly enieied upon
auel faithfully perreimeil each and all id
the stipuhtieiis iiiul Kqiuituiiiiits, mid
lempleted and turned ever te the defend
ant mid the defendant e copied as satisfac
loiyaieael betwien the lei initial points
named in the contract, ami id the charac
ter therein named, except iu tins that
dm mg thu pregics, el tlie weikniiny
additions, alterations, elnnges and ineilill-
i..ii .-I nnu iu,uin uv nun at the exprtss e i nml trqinst and upon llie n quiic
iiientiif the dufeiiilaiit, nt a large uddltioii uddltieii
ul cost te him, te lie pa'el by the eumpuiy.
Then follewsa bill of Huns show ing iu
wlnt niauner this additional expense for
which recovery is Nittght, amounting te
j 111.. 172 .2.1. Iu addition te this nut
Mi McGrann lues n claim fei $IO'),00), fei
stock ptemiMtl him bv the bend of ellice
tms (or linishiiig tlie i lue river bridge and
running a tram of mrs ever it within a
vear from the sigt mg ()r tbe centrtet
This was accempl s . d at great ex hmi j
the contr.ic'er, but lus elaim fei the ;100,
OOOstoekwas tej inliatcd at Milk uent
but suit has net bieiij,lit en this
claim as )et
iu connect ion w ith the above it in ly be Heyneldie, of this city,
nud F. M. Mugre mid llnmptenvt Dal.ell,
of Pittsburg, lire tlie cetiumil euqileyril by
Mr. McGruuu in lu.i prose eutien ei t'e
A "KI'.l.hlllN l-.MIUVir.u.
VI)lecleu D.niiivrrjr Menr Wltiusi'a 1 1 1 1 1 c r .
This weie working in
Philips Uut.'s s.iinl I. ac Diller's
powder liouse, ou the l.aiiistir und, a
few liundrul )nnls In I ivy Wittntt's budge
a human skeleton was exhitiiuil. 'Iho were net sure whethti the skele
ton was that of a man or weniin hut the
bonus appcarcel te be thin oef a lull grown
person, and te have been iu Iho ground
(or mauy years There was a hide in
the front part of the skull, which looked
as though it might h ive been crushed iu
by nn instrument, though it might esm
bly Have been the it milt el its long muni
during in ihe L.tlth. The beck p.iitef
the skull, the thigh bones aud some ether
portions of the skeleton wero quite per
feet. There is no graveyard iu the
vicinity of 111" pl.UAi at which thu skeleton
was found, und tliu buly had uvi
deutly never been burn el in tlm
usual wiv, the skull bemg found
within two feet el llie s'ti face, wlule the
legs were nun h dei per iu llie ground as
though the hotly b til bin u placed in the
grave iu a silting or reclining position, ei
had been washed into the sand pit in which
II was ieiiiki ey boiue giuui imm lit in"
CeucMngii uet 1cm then a ilazeu yeais age
The city iiiitheiities were untitled of the
exhumation, but it is net likely that .no
thing positive will i vi r be known as te
hew tliu miliums happened te hu wheie
they wete found, or te whom liny belong.
A lisllie t'lli),l rHnlM
A nine lulling game efb.iMihill was
played ye.stcrd.iy alteruoeu en the lieu-sule-s
grounds, betwei-u Finhei's nlne and
Ainwaku's nine, ie.ultiug in a victory for
the Fisher's iiiuu by thetuuiu el 21 te II
'I he fnm lie baseball clubs annul In
tewu fiem Pettevilh) at 10 e clock lilts
morning, 'lhoywero driven aieit'id thu
city in an eiiiiiibiis tlue alte moon ami at
ti acted large crowds Their game comes
oil this alteiuoen, the tveiithur pe ruiittiug.
The I) eiintli sn, club of Mount .1 y, ibis
hu.iKOu, pkiyi d 18 gatuus , el tin se they
wen 1'2 and lest IS. The total el tuns made
by the Dauntless is 2VJ, by opposing clubs,
112. An average el Ki nun te the g.itne
for the home club l 8 iiius let tli u em
(iMilulii l.lrLlre
At a inuetiug of Ce. IC , fourth regiment
P. N. G. an election for captain was held
lust opening which w.n conducted bv B
B. McCool, of the eighth regiment D. P.
itusemiller, rsq , was unanimously chosen
te llll the position. That gentleman was
present nud made a sheit speech thanking
the mumhcis of the cempmy for the huiiei ujiuu him. Hu was at ouce
sworn iu.
mure ImetiCH.
biuce inn last nipert siilqiitias for
divercis have beuu issued iu tliu following
William Miiiisheuei vs. Maiy Ami
Ksra Mellinger vs. Jebephiuu Mell-
lltHrliill In tlin Wrong IMui n
A ceuple of ambitious clerks lu B ill A
Sheuk's bank wete practicing with a ball
in tbe building, when it stiuek a plate
glass "biukstep" and smashed it. It
was wertlt peihups U huiiduil dollars.
The VtIiiiiit ei me i'rl0 l'u.le.
lu thu II'iiiji ter telier, u inedlcil pupi'i
issued by Dm l.eiruii and .Mi.Cey, U a prle
puz.le, lei the solution et which tliu ileueus
ettered u lewiuil et live dnlheiH te wlieevcr
would send thelric i et reel tliuisliitleii. Out
el seini) lilt v ceuimuiilcallim.s i mil veil lime
vveiebiil Mvik eui'tt tiaildliitleiis. llie eoiu eeiu
liliinli itletiH weie itiiiubeiud and opeueU in
tlioetilel Otlheli luuiplluii. 'I lit. Itrtl i illicit
translation was by Mi. t.ue . lilevei, leiiuli
er et tlie llevs' UUli Selioel. The tcoemt was
by Mi. II. II llolten, et the tsri-.t lihunli ii
olllce,tliiiiiniby Mi. II. I.Hpeiie.ei, I.W North
HllkustlL'ul, tllefiiirAby .Ml. Kilw. It. Ilell
ehu, IWlVtst Junius site ul, mill the Jllh vviu
by illsa MtiffKle lleuiiiu. 101 Neirlh (uiuu
street. 1'iet. (Hever liavlnu sunt In the jirit
correct tuuiBUileii, is eulltluit te thu piltu,
Illoyuie llKees ut Heading,
Bpeulul theiip uxcutsten te llLillug ou
Thursday, Dutober ilth. Ituuiiil trip llekels
geed lei thieuilayH. Train leaves l.aiieaslur,
Kliiif all out, at 7 1, Celiiinhln 711; Chick Its
7 JO. t'uie only II 10. Leaves Mtinlitliu ut
S.17. Fare, tlie. l.uave Mill, ut II .'s. rate,
OOe. Leaves Kplimtil ut 8"33. i-'iiie, We, Male
and feinulu ildcts. .Miibie by the Kluggeld
11 end eW,,.'lAltw
Ills Legin und McCuv havu tulcen looms it
thu Lily ltuiel, wheiotlie s'ek. sutfeilug trem
ulilier luedieul or s u r leal (ll'umes, may con
sult tticiu. it