Bwttt H It it -'O" ''WW'-ViNvVf- WWjw" "" V Vl VVVV c Volume XX-Ne. 40. LANCASTER, PA.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 18b3. Trice Twe Gnitii. HTUI'JtH, tftAtiH A IIIIKMHMAN. LIGHT ! KOIt A HANDSOME PRESENT NOTHING 18 MOIIK OUIt ELEUAN1 Library or Parler Lamps. CHANDELIERS FOR GAS OR GOAL OIL. ANKW AND KI.ICtlANT STOCK AT LOW PRICKS. Steves Heaters and Ranges, Slate Mantels. Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Tin Reefing ami Sneuting. FLTN2T & BEENEMAN", Ne. 152 North Queen St,, Lancaster, Pa. I'hvaiiunu aku .P"" AltNUl.ll. PLUMMNG, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters. l?TFincst Werk, Best Workinen. Lcuve your Orders nt JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Ml) MAX IKANIIKIi KKUIII.I.KK CO hxjm:a.n g-tta-Ne. CoinpeBod of Pure Humnn Exoremont und Urine. Unrlvuled for Wheat, Tobacco, Qrusa, Oom, &e. SOLI) II v WM. II. JONES, .Ne. l.Oil Maiket Silent ; C. It. ItOGEKH. .Se. 13.1 Market Street; GRAHAM, EMLEN PASSMORK.Ne. Kll Market Hlrret ; J. HIKER A M)N. Ilrunclllnwn, Philadelphia, nml responsible dealers generally. 0FFICK.-NO. 3 Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia. augl.tcmd O. MU8SELMAN, Atfent, Witiner, Lunonster county, Pu HOO ANU HTATIOSFHY. rtlllN IIAr.K'M HONH. SCHOOL Supplies Scheel LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, AT THE HOOKSTOKB OK JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER, PA. T1H W A MS, JtV. rtlllN 1. NUIIAUM. FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Call unit scothiiNew Improved WHOUlilll' I HON COLD CASE Radiating Portable Furnace, The Choepest und Market- Hest FURNACE In tliu MANUFACTURED E.OLU31VELY III Jelni P. Scliaiim, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, fb27-lyd LANCASTER. PA. OHUCiSltlr.N. T IIUItNK'H. REMEMBER ! As tlie ceasen ndvances we will liave ull tliu New- Fruits, &c, As they Come Along. WE NOW HAVE New Cranberries. New Drluil Apples unil Peachos.New Valencla Raisins, New Citren, New Flerida Loiuens.bhumukorAkrou Oat Meal New, New Kiln Dried Cern Meal, New Ilenny In Comb ami In Quart Jan, New Cedtlsh, New Mack. Orel. Lake Whllu Fish, etc At Bursk's, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKIl, l'A. JUVMUAL. w ILUOXAWM1TK -TUB- WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LUOKENBAOH, Agent. A Kull Assortment el the various Btylea con Btantly en hand and ler nale en the most ill. oral tertns ter Cash or Hinall Monthly In. t&Umenu. ..... .... The public la meBt oerdlally lnvlted te call and oxamlne these Instrumenta, which will be found te be very ei'tporler In Quality und Moderate In l'rlee, , .... IlavlnK boverod my connectlenB with the Kstey Organ Company, 1 take tills muthed te inform my friends In Lancaster county, I um new selilnir anOrun equul te any and sur tiasBCd by none, rlou'e call and examluu one et the meat boautltul-lencd Organs manu factured In tlie United Htatca. Mr. Luckenbach Is ulse ageut for the lameus "Knabe," MePhall, Veae & gene, Grovenatoln 6c Fuller, Hallet & Davis, And several ether Deslrable l'lanolertca, at prices from fU upwards. I.AMVH,JIV, LIGHT! LIGHT! DLSIHAIILK THAN (INK UK eah fittisu. UVANU. BOOKS, and Stationery B. H. MAKT1H Wholesnlo und Retail Dealer In all kinds Of LU. Mil Ell AND COAL. -iunl: Ne. 3) Nertli Water and Prtnee lints ti'-evti Lmneu Luncu&Uir. u3-lyil I .U.1UIAltUNIUl.S .IKVCKKIKH. COAL DEALERS. OFFICE. Ne. 21 Nenni Qituhn Stiikst, and Ne. fril North 1'kini stkickt. VAIIIIS.-NellTH l'lUNCH STHKirr, NEAR HKAD- 1MI llHl'OT. LANCASTER, PA. nugis-ttdR 'uai. i ;.ai,i VJ Till) undersigned hua ler sale, nt Ills Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts., iilurgou-snrlment of tlie very bunt kinds ei Ocnl for Family Ube, which lie will deliver, carefully weighed anil hiicuiidiI, teuny part el the city at the lowest inuiket tales, orders by mall or telephone tllleu in euiiit ly Juljl'.ltld l'lllLll' U1NDK1C. T.1NIIKI-. AMI COAL. 1YL New Yerk ami l'lillailelphta Herse tin tin nuie by tlie carload at reduced price. All the IIKST OKADKS OK COAL, Ilelli ler Family ami Steam purposes. CEMENT by the burrel. 11 AY unil STRAW by the ten or bale. Yahu-sIIS llurrtsburg i'lke. Gknkual Omcic 'JJS Kant Chestnut Btroet Kaufi'man, Koller & Oe. uuit-lyd WAt,. M. V. J3. CO JUG 33M tiUUTll WATKU HT., Z,lwtrr, -a., WlioleUo and Ketall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uouneetlon With tlin Toleplninle KxcIihiik, anl and Oillcu Ne. IBUNOltTIl WATK tTKKKT lOlrtS-lvd OhAHH AMD HUr.KNHAlth. U1"" 41 UIAKTIJI. LAMPS ! LAMPS I -AT- CHINA HALL. We have new open u Lai'tie Line el LAMPS, LAMPS. IN l'OLIHIIKI) 1IIIA8H. KIIKNCII llltO.N.KI) ANU K1IONV AND HOLD KINiail. LUIUAUr LAMPS. 11 ALL LAMPS, CllAHDHLlKUH Fancy Parler Lamps, Glass Lamps, OLE VKLAXD NOK-KXPLOSI VK, HTUDUXr LAMPS. Kxauiliie our Stock botero purchasing. High & Martin's, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANIJABTKU. l'A. IIUUKti AMU HTATlONKUt. OCIIOUI, HDOMM AKU SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT Tim tOWKST BATKO AT L. M. FLYNN'S CHKAl'llOOKASU 8TAT10NAKV BTUUK Ne, 42 West KlngStroet. si mi hj n. c UTIUUUA KI'.MKltlr.H. OWK MY Itesteraliun le Health and lleauty te in it Cuticura Eemedies. L'rj 1 1 iikim Inl t a lloMen lii'.ly.) DISKKlUltINO llimierri. llumlllHlliiu Kitil Kitil tletiH. HchltiK Inrlnrri. Srieluln, Halt Itlinuin and liifanllln IIiiiihmh cured by tlie CimtUHA l(eiliedten. Ciillrurrt ICixilvrnt, the new bleed pull der, cli'ittiM' tlin bleed nnd peiKplratliiii of liupurltli-ft ami pol-ieniiin i'lrninnln,.inil thin leiuuvcfttlMi ctiute. cmlciirn, tliu Kri'iit Skin Cure, liiMutitly lluyn ilclilnu uiul Iiillaiinmitluii cleus the Hkln and Hemp, Iic.iH Dlreix ami hnies, mid union 8 the Hull'. UiillcurnHnnp, nil oililnlte Skill llcaullller and Toilet lteiulnlle, iirepiired iietn LurictniA, In Inill'puiiHiihlu In tnutliiK akin Dlneu'x, lluby llutuerei, Hkln lllruiMirt, Hunbuin.and ileiiKh, chapped, or Ureaxy Skin. Oulli'iiri. ilf iiinllr., me uImeIiUdIv' piirenml the only llloed I'm tflurn itml nkln licuiitlllm-", lueliem ineruiiry, arneiile, lead, zluu or any ether mineral or vegetable poison whatsoevor. It would require thin entlie piper IoiIeih tlce ten ilexcilplleii et the cure4ici formed by tlieCmiruiiA lir.viLVK.iT InterMi'ly, und ClTl- I'UIIA llllll C'UTILVIIA fcOAl' OXl'TIIMllV. i: zitiim or the paliiM ei the huniN ami el the endief the fingcri, very dllllcult te treat ami UMiially uenslili'ied liieiirable j niiiull patch h ei letleriiiid wilt rheum en the cam, ueiuaml Miles of the luce. nenlil IIeuiIh Willi le" et liiur without nuiii ber, lieailH covered with dauuriiir ami Hcaly eruptletiH, enpecially el till IM . fit unil Infants, inaiiy of wlikli hlnci) blrlh had bema nucsel buiUi ; iK'tiiiiL'. Iiurnltii! and ruilv bullied even relief Ireiu iirthmry reuieillen, noethud ami healed ax by limbic ; l'.iirHin, leprosy ami oilier IrlKhttuI lerint erHklu ill.eiHi'M, hcroluleiH ulccm, old Heien. and dtcharulii weumN. each und all el which have been speedily, peimanently nmt economically citi by the iitii'Uiia iIkmk ium when phy.1 'Iiiiim. he pltals unit all ether reiueilles faiie I. at prevrn by a vuit number otHWern lotlmeiilul In ourpe'Hesilnn which uu will cheerfully mull teuny add reus. fold everywhere l'rlee : CTticuiia, W cents ItK.i'iLVKMT. II. Se.ii), 1 ciintH. 1'etTKn until ami CiikiicalCe., lliHtnn, Jlus. Mrnil for ' lluw te Cum Ml III Dlneaxrii," TTT A TTfTtxr Ker lleiich. Channeil and XJUO.U1 I (ireay ikln, luck lleails, I'lmtilei ami bktu II eml-hui nie Cutkiiia Seu- CATARRH! Sandferd's Radical Cure: (loud Colds, Watery DHcliarues from the Nese and Kyes, ItliiKliit; Nolans In the Head, Nervous Headache and Fever- Instantly re lieved. Cheklnc mucus dlsledxril, membrane cleansed und hiMled, bieutlt sweetened, smell, taste ami hearlii); resteied, und ruvjyui eliecked. Ceuuh, llieiicllltls, DiOiplii,'a Inte the Threut, l'ulns In the Chest, Dysiiepsln, Wusl ln et HUennlli uud Ft nil, Less et nleep, etc , cured. One bottle Ituillial Cure, one llex Culurrhul belveul and III. SnilnnlV Inhaler, all In one puckuKe, of nil ilrui;lls tin (I. Ahk ren M iMIKfn'H ItAllll'At. Cl'IlK I'CTTKII Dllt'll IND CiiusiicalCe., Iloslen. COLLINS Voltaic Electric Fer the relief and prevention, tha luslaiit It iMiipplled of Hheumatlsm, Neuralula, HolaM HelaM cu, CeukIh, Colds, Weak lluck, btemuch and llewels, MioetliiK l'ulns. Numbness, HvhieiIh, Kemale l'alns. l'alill.itlen, Dyspepsia, Llvei Cemphilut, Unions Fever, Miuatla and hpl demies, u-u Ueiiliis' 1'im.teri., (an Kleetrle lluttrry combined with a reruns riHMr)und luiiidiut p.iln. every wheie nepii-iyu,e,w I h.aON'3 l'OUOU' I'l.Aai'KltS. LOG ROLLING. Wlilla UTenllliii: With i rallen Tree a l.iiinberinaii Kecclves Const aticutlal DauiHRes. While en n huutliiK excursion In the Kreat and weed legion near Carbondale, l'a., thewrlter met SS llliutn Cell, a lumberman. Accustomed le Hie ami labor In the lerest Ireui eirly imiulioed he was a tuie Knight el tlie Ax -. Miinyutiee had fallen beloie his I liming strokes uud tlcets ermtta had borne away te market the tawed products. Celt Is a character and II Oneur Wide Is rlKht In saj lug thatull inevcincnu In uuhlmlcred labor nie Kruceful, our friend llllitn, atiipneil ter his weik, itudattacklUK a tree its Ulchatd I. as saulted the heavy doers et Frent de IIieuI'h Ca.tle, must have picvcnted au adtuttable picture. Onuday houevor-bullet Mm tell thosteiy himself, as he told It te me : " 1 was out In the weeds, you knew, tiyliiK te start a !K down ti hill. TliluldiiK I could Ktt a better piuchue en It Hum the lower si le, 1 tau'ilud It there with my log-tell-ltiK hook and threw my wilcht en tlie lever. aiieBtaricd, sliedld, but ns tuck would havu It.befurel could KOteutnt the way, sliu rolled rlKht ever me. Kit hadn't been for a let el small limbs and brush lyliiK In the read, which Illicit her up, she'd a crushed me Hat, As It was I KOt up without a broken bone, but with sumo mtuhty bad bruises. " Then you were all rlfjht," said his auditor. " Net by u blamed sttflit, fitrauKer. 1 took cold, rheumatism ret In I hadn't hcaid el HKNSON'S UAl'UNK l'OUOUS 1'LAS TEUS uud used 'em, It's my opinion I should ncVer Inive made another chip fly. lint the capclnu tdek held (ulclc, and I'm 'bout aa Koedasuuw. Hut them's one thin;; you kin calkllate en : 1 shall never wraatle with another 1 unless 1 havu the advantage el the Kreund. Fur, as 1 told you before, IT It hadn't been lerthenibriishesl'dl con smashed he, you could '.i sold me for a deer mat." ThuCapctne Is tliethliiK ter iheumatlsui. It doesn't kuep you waiting. The word CAl' CINK Is cur In tliu ceutiu et the genuine. 1'ilce Scents, be.ibury A Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. r.MmW.SAw UAM'JSXtt, D (IN T WAIT I'OUTllKOlM.D Vl.ATIIHH HUT NOW AT llOUSli-CLKANINUTIMK, HO TO SHIRK'S PREMIUM OARPET HALL COIL WKST KING AND WATKU bTS., anii nuv A Bright New Carpet. NethliiK malt os a room leek as CIIKKUYIN TIIK W1NTKU as A (100D, WAHM, 11U1UIIT CAltl'KT, Such ai Ihey liave In almost KNDLKS3 VAIUKTY AT r Cor. West King ntnl Water Sts., LANCASTER. I'A J AHMA1HH IN WA1UI1I-., ULOUIt ItepalrliiH Chains, Rings, Spectacles, &c. ut all kinds will leecive my personal alien Hen. LOUIS WE1IER, Ne. 150& North Queen street. Uoiuemner iiainu unu nuiuucr. in rocUyepposltbClty Hetel, near Peunsylvnna railroad depot. iloe'W lvd THE CAMPAIGN. A MONSTKIt MUhllNO Irt I.IZIHINK. nieisrs ItHiiilnll, THRCnrt, lleiirl uinl Olhnr Dctiinrrntn rtildinai tlin t'eiipir in Kiitliutlnstle AuillDiirr, Tlie Democrats of Luzerne Imil nu I in inoime liiakH incetliii; nt Ihjv court liouse nt Wllkt!barre, TueAilny nlfrf . Kx-Spenkcr1 Ititiuliill, C'linlrtnati Henpl, Mnjer Tii-i Kiitt, Jesupli 1'ewull nnd 'Tji'imttir Kckley II. Coxe were tlie Hpeaker4,e( tlie cveiiitifc.! Air. l'owell wim the (ItHt HtStker utiil waJ tinrmly rncclvcil by tlioTI,ire uiidlonce. Majer TnKRiirt followed, ltim nodeubt about the iesillt In I'eiin-ylvanla. All that wan nocessary tvas it thoreuli oritii.i eritii.i oritii.i tleii mid a lull vete en election d ly. Mr Coxe called en nil DeiiiMcratB te take eir their oeatH and go te work. That was the duty of the Uomeor.toy, IftlM wanted t neciir'e victory en the 0:h of November. Mr. Ooxe then Hpeki) of hl8 VfTertH in hav ini; tliu obnoxious alip tickets rcpcaled, which deprlvcd tnatiy of the vetnrd of Lu Lu Lu zorne county of the rluhtx of mflr.ige. ile claimed that Its rccal would inorcaie the Detnoeratio vete Ireiu five te nix hmidred iu the county. Ile made ati earnest tip peal iu behalf of the Dctnociatie caiuli dates nnd claimed that if elected they would conduct the nlhilm of their olllces as they Hheuld be mid net as tlmy new are under the control of a corrupt rltiK. Mr. Kandall was rocelved with much cutlnislasiu and spuke forcibly for tlireu (Htartcrn of an hour, lie reviewed the oeurM) of the Kepiiblican party in federal affalrH and warmly advocated the repeal of the internal ruvonue taxes and the abatement of all ruvcuutm Iu excess of the wants of the trovenimout, cnonemically administered. Ile attacked the Hepubll can policy of extensive land grant and lavleli subsldieH, nnd, with le'aid te tbe tariff, Kald that the import taxes nncesRnry te be Imposed for the Riippert of thoqev. ernment and the payment) of the fcderal debt would ferycais te o'ime nlfeid all the protection that was neceieiary for the in (liistiicH of tlie oeuutry. ile favored a gennine civil norvlce loferm, whieh con cen con eisted iu the elevation te vflice of honest und capablu men, but did net beliuve that thiH was te be hccurcd by u ecbeme of per petual succession te the present incumbents ami their heirx forever. In the disoussien of Htate ihsues he dwelt upon the tnls tnls inaunKemcnt of the htate treasury und said theru would be no real reform until the HumcH law wan unforced m geed faith by Democratic, officials. Chairman lletibcl (elluwdd in a Hpccch of ever au hour, iu which Ru eulogized the Democratic state administration uud liouse for their fnithftilnvhste the pledgcH of the campaign of 1HVJ for tin abolition of uso use lehH ellices, economies nnd ether reforms, Uu attacked tliu Ilepublicau t-cltcmcs te maintain the existing unjust apportion ment in obtdicueo te sealed orders left be hind by Den Cameren when he Hailed for Eurepe Ile elaberated the Humes law and said he was authorized by l'owell nnd Taggart te hay it would be enforced if they wete elected. Ile ultncked Livney as the eieature of the tteasdry ring, nom inated bycoriuptnieauH, ler ring purposes, and dcclaii'd that Niles' teeerd en treasury reform in tlie L 'giHlature rendered him conspicuously unlit te be a commissioner of the hiukiug fund. A IIAi LOT. Air Mlfe' Krcurd lit I llif. llelleleiite WuUhiiiuu When Mr. Nlles' loelslative record is examined carefully by the taxpayers and nerkiucmcu them are but few el thorn, we imauiue. who Mill ceuMdcr him the pioper perxeu te place at the head of thu accounting depaitmeut of the utate. He begau his legislative career in 18C!) by wuikiug at.d vetiug ler what was thou known its thu niue million steal. He has been thu friend and suppoitei of corpora tieus and monopolies ever since, and while a member of the Legislature has constant censtant ly voted te oalarge the powers of corpora tions, and te reliuve them el taxation und has as peisiBienlly opposed every ineasute calculated te relieve the masses nnd light en the burdens el the taxpjjeis. It is a well known fact that there are millions of dellais iu the htate treasury that cannot be used under the existing lawn, In any way that will benellt the people. This mouey is given te faverite baukeis who use it for their individual botieflt. Under our present tax laws, this amount is constantly increasing, and the result, larife aineuuts of mouey aie taken from the dillVient county treasuries everv vear. te add te the amount tlie state Measurer has te lean out te his bauker friends threuuh ut the commonwealth. Te remedy this wrong, Heproteutativo Jen kins introduced into the last Logislature an net rciiulrlng that all tavern, restaurant billiard saloon im1 ether liceuse taxs, should be paid te the euuty treasuries for the use el the respective counties, and should be used for the payment of ordinary county oxpenscs. This would liave ro re ro lievod the tax payers in tlie dilTereut counties, just the iimeuut that the license taxes llgure up te, In Centte county it would have amounted te between two nud three thousand dollars a year, and would have enabled our commissioners te have reduced the number of mills levied for county purposes. This moasurefor the relief of the farm ers and ethers who pay the county taxes, had no mere bltter or outspoken oppenont in the liouse of Representatives than Mr. Niles. He speke against it, worked pri vately against it, and voted against it. At the same tlme that he was opposing the JeukluH bill, which was intended te rollevo the faruier by lessening his county tax, Mr. Nlles was trying e push through the Heuse threo bills, which he had intro intre dticctl as general rovenuu bills, nil of which nrevlded for the rcduotlen of the taxes upon corporations. One of these bills was ninondeil when en soeoud re.iding, se as te make money at iutorest subject te local taxation ; te make the man who used only his wealth te benefit himself, pay taxes ns well ns the man who put his mouey iu land or In stocks or in manufactories. As soeu as this amondment was ndeptcd Mr. Niles, iu order te save the mouey lenders of the state, veted and speke against it. Such is a part of his record. Uu nil the bills thnt ware iiitrotlueod for the purpose of protecting the laboring elasscs, he wna olther epenly against them or dodged the vete when the tlme for voting caine. Huch is his record in btlef nnd we loave it with the tax payers and worklngmen te say, if the chief accounting olllcer of the stnte should be the pat friend of oerpornto monopolies nnd meney lemlers, This he has proveu hlmself te be. Three Men Killed und fieierul Irjured, Tuesday ulRlitnt 11 o'clock a torrlble ncoiilent oceurrotl en the East Tennessee, Vlrglula nud QoerKia rallrcatl, two freiut trnlns oelliilitiR four miles weht or Clovo Clevo Clove laud, Tenn., while running nt n high rate ofspced. The killed were: EngiueerJehn Ilnlly, Flreman Win. Glanipett, Hrakeman Loe Qehar. The hijuiei wero : James Turner, oujrlneer, Blightly hurt by jump lug ; Ell Wilsen, ilreman, leg broken ; Frank D. Atraend. oeudtiotor.loK broken ; oeiorru nraKeman.iaw unneii uu oevuro ' Injuriea uu uv.ivi , u ... i4, stealing a rule, n oelorrii broken ami sovero W had nn arm broken. The ongines wcre nearly domelisbod and several cars wero damaged. A telegram bad been sontte Cloveland ordering the west bound train te await the arrival of the cast bound train thorn, but the operator nogleoted te dotiVer the order, though the conductor tvn4 In the tolegraph ollleo. The trains met at n sham ourve iu n deen out and the prtt'es wero within a fevr feet of oaeli ether bofero the torrlble faet was known te cither ctmlncer. HUIU1DK IN MIH IVKDDlNtl HUI r. Mhemlng UlnucllTlireueli ttmlleud limtrnil ei untuning ins iiriur. At Upper Sandusky, Ohie n starkllug was created Thursday night, by the doll dell berate luloide of Fewler licrry, seuinr partner in the dry goods firm of 8. F. lierry oe (Je. He Uressed litmseif in tlie afternoon Iu his wedding suit preparatory te starting at night for Cincinnati, whero arrangements wero made for his marriage te an ostiraable young lady of thntetty en Wednesday. About u e clock he walked ttitr lila nfnrn nml nffne nil arnt-n ftnnn tr in vu ir nvviui HtiV4 miwi ii nuiu fiytw j supper belted the front deer, went te the carpet room up stairs nnd laying ins head upon a small roll of oirpet, drew a 33 callbre rovelvor, nnd, placing it Immedl ntely behind his riaht ear, sent n ball through h s head.. When his brether Fcs Fcs ter returned from supper he was astonished at finding the deer fastened inside Upen the arrival of ene of the olerks a window glass was broken In the rear part of the store, and, going up stairs, the torrlble discovery was made. It is bolievcd death was instantaneous, as he still held tbe Instrument of death In his hand. The ball passed clear though his head and ledged iu the carpet underneath. A nete address ed te his brother was found at the bend of the stairs, whieh stated that he was washed, dresned, shaved and all ready for the coffin. Ile had even taken precautieus te button his overcoat clese around his threat and tied a hankorchief around his head te prevent the bleed from soiling his olethlug. When the news was carried te the home of his parent, who wero still sitting nt tea, the scene was heartrending. The cause of his rash act is unknown. C'UtlllKNUY FUlt UOICKA. The (luTrrnment fiirnutiliiu Hauiples of II Aluney te Oilier fiHtlenn. The Corenu embassader und his attend nuts liave taken special iutorest iu the treasury dopartment and its busiueps metheds, They carefully inspected the bureau of engraving nnd printing and had explained te thorn nil the precesses of making treasury uet.'B and geld and silver certificates. In oempllanco with tUeir ofllelal rcquest the secretary has orderod the printing of specimen copies el United States netes of all denominations, from ene dollar up te ene thousand dollars, for the use of the Cerean government. The Corean embassader stated that l.u would rccotnmeud te his government the ndep tieu of a similar currency, und he hopes te sce established in Cerea ut no distant day uu engraving and printing establishment similar te that of the United States treas ury department. Samples of our national currency and bends have been printed for the Russian government ut tha request of the Russian minister. FOUND lis A IIOX. M r. .leliu Kinsman, et Augusta, Me , writes. May iu, btU, as fellows : "1 have been ullllcted ter some years with a severe kidney trouble, and having noticed uu article In ene el our pipers of the wonderlul cures Hunt's llcmedy h.ul perlurmed In many cases of diepsy, blad der and kidney troubles, and finding a bottle In a bux et straw packing, I concluded I wuti'd try It, and cummanced te take It, when te my surprise, I found that the first bottle benetlted tne se much that I decided that I would continue Its use, and I kept en taking It until 1 had used in nil six bottles, und my appetite Is geed, all pains In the buck and side disappeared, ami for one of my years (I am new N) years old) 1 am uble te attend te my business, und um utieng und vigorous as many et my friends and neighbors can testily that knew me well. 1 beg te stutj also, that many el our nolghbeis have used Hunt's Ko Ke Ko medy wlttt equally as geed results, and ene et my Hlemls who hits lust purchase) a bottle of (Juppy, Kinsman & Alden, et Portland, says liu ' would net be without it at any price.' ,l Till-; llAKKU'a WAY. Mr. Allied Nadean, Ne. 01 Lincoln sticet, l.owislen, Me., writes us, May It, 1MJ: "I have been severely alllloted for a long tlme with Indigestion and liver complaint, and ut limes all that 1 ate se distressed me that 1 could net bear the sight of feed. I had tried a geed many dlllerent leiuedles ter my com plaint, und they ull lulle I, unlit ene day Mr. Martel, ene of our druggists In Lowlsten, re ro re cemmended Hunt's Kemcdy, as he knew et se many who had used It hore with great success for kidney, llver, and urinary trouble?,as well ns ludlgestten, and upon his recommendation 1 finally concludeJ te try u bottle, and com menced taking, with very lltlle faith In It. The first bottle helped me se much that 1 pur chased two mere, nud It has done me a won wen won eorlul amount et geed, and cured me et Indi gestion, lean eat alt kinds et loed new, and can ttuly recommend Hunt's llomedy ns a sure cuie ler Indigestion, liver nud kidney dUejBus." riCAOTlOAI. KXt'KUIKNUI!. Mr. (ieoiuel). Hates, et Ne Si cottage St.. J.owlsleu, Me,, a reliable and prominent citi zen, imparls thu lollewlng lulormatlen, May 11, usit " Having learned et the valuable qualities nt Hunt's itemeds In u practical niunner.l beg te stale that 1 consider It u remedy of great merit, and can most eheeriulty recommend It teuny ene troubled with kidney or liver dis ease. Mrs. Lungtry's llrst nppeanincu in public vat s u reuder i she read "Curing a Celd," by Murk Twain. Inn recent Interview she said that she docs net approve et his way, but ter herself uses Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, a suie euro every tlme. Yeu can threw a patrol Celluloid Kye-Gluss frames en the pavement without breaking them. Fer sale by all leading Jewelers anil Opticians. (113-lwdoed Dr. J. Marlen Sims. N. Y . endorses Diutivs Prophylactic Fluid. See advertisement, Uuekleu's Arnica Halve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted te speedily euro burns, ilrutses. Cuts, Ulcers. Salt ltlieum, Fover seres. Can' cers, I'lles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands uud all skin eruptions, guaranteed te cure In oveiy Instance, or money reluuded, 20 could per box. Fer sule by Clius. A. Lecher. "What Can't ba Cured must be Knilurrd," This old adage de's net sknlty that we must Hiiller the mlserles et dj spepsla, when a med icine with the curative pioperttes of Murdoch J Heed JIUUri Is available. It is ene or the most substantial und reliable remedlus sold te-day. Fer sule by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street. A Itun en a Drug Hlere. Nevor was such u rush made fur nny Drug Stere us is new at Chas. A. Lechor's ler u trial bottle of Dr. King's new Discovery ter Consuinptfen, Coughs and Colds, All persons nltected with Asthma, llrenchltls. Hoarseness, Severe Cough or nny atreollen ei the Threut ami Lungs, can get uTilul llottle et thll great remedyr, by calling at above Drug Btore. Kexular bIze. $1.00. "Soeut iflliy Dellar Iu doctoring for rheumiitlsm botero I tried Themiu' Kclectrta Ull, Used uM cent bottle et this medicine, und goteutluono week. Fer burns unit sprains It la excellent." Jas. Dur ham, East Pembroke. N. Y. t or sate by II. II, Cochran, druggist, 137 und 13!) North Queen street. STKVKNH MOUHK SHAV1NU AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journevmen and prices same as otuei saloons. 11. WAGNER, inyl&-Ud Manager, M1UHVAL. T UKK Sinus Liver Rmlater Fer Dyspepsia. Ceatlvenrm, Sick Headache, Chreuln Dlnrrhir.i, Jaundice, Impurity el the llloed, Fover und Aiftie, Malaria and all Dis eases enured by Derangement el tne Liver, llewelsnnil Klnneys. SYMl'TOlia OF A DISKABKI) LIVRIl. Had breath ; t'aln In the Hide, sometimes the pain U felt uniler the Bhoulder-bladP, nls nls taken lerlllieittnatlsin general less of nppo nppe nppo tlie i llowels generally costive, sometimes alternating with lux ; thehead Is troubled with pain, Is dull and heavy, wlthconslderablnloss of memory, acoempiiitcd with a palntul sen sation et leaving undone something whieh ought te have been done i u slight, dry cough and flushed lace la sometimes an attendant, often mistaken ler consumption t the patient, complains et weariness anddehltlly : nervous, esslly startled! cold feet or burning, Home Heme Home tlmesnprluklysensatlon of thu skin exists i spirits are low and dcspondent, and although sallslled that exercise would be benellclal, yet ene can luirdly summon up forlltude te try It In fact, distrusts ovary remedy. Sevcrai et the above svmntems attend the dlscase, but cases have eccurred when but tow of thorn ox ex ox lsled, yotexamlnatlon after death has shown the Liver te have been extensively deranged. It should be used by nil persons, old nnd yeunir, whenever any of the nbove symptoms apiK'ar, Persons traveling, or living In unhealthy localities, by taking u dnse occasionally te keen the LIver In healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, HIHeus attacks, Dltzlness, Naitseit. Drowsiness, Deprcsilen of Spirits, etc. It wilt Invigorate llKe a ulasj of wine, but Is no In toxicating buvorage. If you liave eaten anything hard of diges tion, or feel heavy alter meals, or sleepless at night, take a dese and you will be relieved. Tlme and Doctors' UUU will be saved by n! ways keeping tne ltcgulater ln;the Heuse I Fer, whatever the aliment may boa thorough ly sale purgative, alterative and tonle can never be out of place. The remedy Is harm less and deen net Interfere with business or ptoasure. IT 19 I'UltELY VKOKTAHLE, And has nil thu power and atllcacy el Calomel or Oulntne, without any of the Injurious alter elfecb), A OOVKRNOR'8 TKST1M0NV. SIminuus Liver ltcgulater has been In tite In my family ler some tlme nnd I am satisfied It Is u valuabloaddltlenlothomedlealscleiicu. J. Hill Shorter. Coverner of Alabama. II n Alexander II, stcphens, of On,, says Have derlved some bemdll from the use et Simmons Liver Ueguluter, and wish te glve II a further trial, " The only TIiIiik that never rails te Ho He Ho Hevo." I have used ninny remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Allectlen and Debility, but uover have found anything te beneIU me te the extent Htmmnns Liver ltcgululer has. I sent from Minnesota te Ueergla for It, and would send further ter such n inodlclne, and would udvtse all who nre similarly attocted te glve It a trial in It seems the only thing that nover tails te rollevo. 1'. M. .lANNKT, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. T. W Masen says: Frem actual nxpotl nxpetl nxpotl ence In tlie use of Simmons Liver ltcgulater In my practice 1 have been and am satisfied te use und prescribe It us a purgative medi cine. Fer sale tiy II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. -Take only the Genuine, which always has en the Wrapper the red , Trade-Murk ami Signature of .1. If. ZKILIN A CO. FOHSALK II Y ALL DltlOUISTS. lanlMyoedAw Yblt'SUllKllKY I'l'.OrOKAL,. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral OunviLLK, Ohie. Sept-10, IB,'. rz-vlz-la " Having been subject te n llron llren VJUlua, chlal Allectlen, with trcqnent colds, for a number of yeius, 1 hereby cer tify thai Aykii's ClIBCRV l'COTORAt. gives 111(1 prompt rellut, and Is thu most ellecllve rem edy 1 have ever tried. James A. Hamilton. Kdltoret TVie CVciccnf " " Mt. (HLUAti, Ohie, June 2il, lWt l" ruin Via "1 have used Avail's Cuutuiv VJUUgua.l'EiTetiAi, this spring ler a so se v re Cough uud Lung Treubln with geed ellect, ami 1 am pleased te receui. mend It te anyone slmlluily nircctcd. llARVKV llAUOIIUAN, 1'ioprluterOlobo Hetel." rRKI'AUKD n v Dr. J. C. Ayer ii Ce., Lewell, Muss. Sold by all Druggists. ectl5 21-lydAw ntailtV DAVIS'S l'AIN KH.I.KII, ONE BOTTLE -OF- Perry Davis's Pain Killer V IU Often de Weiuler.H for u WHOLE FAMILY. Purely Vogetublo Modlelno Internul and External Use. for The Oldest, Beat and most wldely known Family Modlelno. 25c. 50c. and $1 per Bettle. A MEDICINE CHEST " IN TtSELp". TRY IT. UAltltlAUKH, SV. riniK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE 'BUILDERS, MARKET ST11EET, REAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style lluggy and Carrlnge deilred. All Werk nnished in tiie most coin fertnblu and elegant style. We use only the best selected material nnd employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality et work our prices are the cheapest In the state. We buy ler cash nnd oell en the most reasonable terms, Glve us n call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set el woikmeu especially employ ed ler that pur pose. uSHtdiw PUOTUUUAPllS. J. K. HOTK. There has been such a deinand ler LARGE PHOTOGRAPHB Hint 1 was compelled te get a VERY LARGE CAMERA IIOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO us small ns the smallest locket will held up te a 5-Inch lace, te tit en 13x21 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. lOONeilhQuecs r".-0t. luue'MJU VTA11llHU,VNlKHWMAH, V. .-lii The lit and generalstyle of our Clothing has gained us much popularity; occasionally, how ever, there come before us odd and unusual shapes, for whieh we provide a department, where alterations are satisfactorily made without cost te the custo mer. ' A. C. YATES &. CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Stg. l'JIILAUKLl'llIA. ) eJO-lwd VI YKlte X KATUVUll, , 4 MERCHANT TAILORING1 Is u very Important feature of our basinets. Te It we glve much valuable tlme nnd atten tion, and the success that almost Invariably rewards well-directed ellorttnevery calling Is ours, te be nire. Te say that we nre busy In this department is putting it mildly. We nre as busy as "jiallers" mero se than at any pre vious season. Indications point te this being the belt Full within our CLOTHING experi ence u fact that teaches us our Fall and WInter selections of WO0LKN8 are meeting with public favor. Certain It Is we have nover handled mero 1IF.AUT1FUX PATTERNS, nor somanyef them, as new. Iluyers cxporlenco nedlillculty In making selections; there 1s variety enough hore te ptease every ianey, and, what Is mero, prices marked upon thejn make them sell. Hence the boom. We make CLOTHING any style desired, and guarantee nSUUK FIT uvery tlme, $10 ALL-WOOL SUITS. llrliigyeur cxporlenco te bear In Judging this suit examine Its make, the material, the trimmings nnd the sewing ilien make com parison with the best you knew of olsewhero at 112. This test never falls te make us trade. MYERS & RATHFON, LKAD1NO LANCASTKIl CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. TTIUMI .V IIKOTHKK. OVERCOATS -FOK- Jlen, Heys, Youths and Children. FOR MEN We are showing n splendid assortment nnd AT THK VKllV LOWK3T 1'UICE. We nuve n full line of FUlt HKAVEKS, MOSCOW IlKAVF.ItS.CHINCHILLAB.LlOHT COLORED fancy back, and the cheaper grades. rrices from $20 te $2.50. YOUTHS BOYS'' AND CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS Ot Alt Qualities, Styles, Celers and Prices. CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS us low US 2.C0 HOYS' OVERCOATS as low as 2.&0 YOUTHS' OVERCOATS us low a 3.00 HAVE YOU BEEN OUtt ELEVEN DOLLAR SUIT, 811.00, Werth 816.00. UXDEll WEdlt, NEQKWEAR, KNIT JACKETS AND GLOVES. LATEST STYLES, I1K8T UOOUS, LOWEST I'RICES. HIRSH & BRO., I'EHN HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, Nea. 2 and 4 North Queen Street. CORNER PENN SQUARE. IV UOaTKriKU Jt BOW, FALL OPENING. SPLENDID LINES OF ill Treuserings nud Overceatings. The lines of Men's Youths' nnd Heys' CLOTHING we are new manufacturing nnd placing en our tables are superior te any we have yet ofTerod, and our Custom Department contains all the Choleest Fabrics, from which we mutu every description et Gurments te order. S-We nre ready ler you, nnd will offer our Sleck ut such pi Ices as will Insure a ready Bale. QJioMrUen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOABTKIt, FA. FUKX't) UtIAHOUAI. E.UZKNUKD. Fer Dysitepsla, Indigestion, llesjrtburn, Headache, Had Ureath from smoking, etc., Constipation, Sour Stomaeti and sJl dUenlers of the Stomach ami Digestive Organs. Uelng a purely veKetuble, sate, simple and cheap remedy, It readily commends Itself te the public sutterliiK from the nbove disorders Try It. Price ide. per Uer, sent anywhere by moll. Prepared nud sold by ANDREW O.FRKY, DRUGGIST. vuE.Otnnge at-.Cer.ChriiUaa. apri7-lyu&w Ltuiauiter, r.