Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 16, 1883, Image 2

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,; ,irtyn
JtallerlBiu In Men England.
The contest for governor In Mnssachu
bcUb has taken the ahape of n personal
Issue between Butler and his enemies.
Ab he deQned It in a recent speech the
ene fllde declares that he must go, and
the ether that he mu3t stay ; who 13 net
for him is ngalnst him, and It he wins it
la his own personal triumph rather than
the success of any party or principle It
is unfortunate that the politics of any
commonwealth should be reduced te
this lovel, and it is especially pitiable
that a state of such boasted intellectual
exaltation as Massachusetts should
have ceme te this.
Hut it is net se much the fault of
Butler and theso who stand with him
that this is se, as it is of theso who nn nn
tagenlze him. Thoyhave been a stiff
necked generation. They have for years
affected ji political piety which became
as inteleiable as it was hypocritical.
They ran thelr state government en a
narrow guage principle nnd developed
a narrow minded and small callbred
sort of statesmen such as Hear
nnd Dawes, who new rattle around
in the senatorial scats of Mass
achusetts in the federal capital.
They ignored the new race of citizens
which has been engrafted upon the pep
ulatlen of Massachusetts within the last
generation and the new bleed which has
been Infused into her body ielitic
They crushed out aud kept down everj"
bady who did net accord with them
until they tried te suppress Butler
simply because he was Butler. There is
where they rnade their mistake. He is a
demagogue, a trickster and often uses
his talents te make the worse appear the
better cause ; he appeals te law passions
and invokes unworthy prejudices ; but
he has n genius, a scope of accomplish
ments, a resoluteness of will power and
a knQwledge of human nature and of
hew te play upon it, that very few, If
any, of his contemporaries in the state
possess. He brought these all te the
task of making hlm3lf governor ; he
Bucceeded and may de it again.
His administration has been very
obnoxious te the men ever whom
he triumphed and he meant that they
should have a copious draft or gall. His
revelations of the Tewksbury scandal
and similar borrow sent a cold chill
dawn their backs, aud no doubt Butler
exulted mero in thl3 thau in any philan
thropic purpe30 sarved. But te all but
prejudiced miuda Butler has the right
of the' quarrel ; and he has the sym
pathy or the country In his renewed
It does net fellow from this, nor will
it be the sequence of his re election, that
Butlerism has gained any foothold out
side of New England. The talk of him
as a Democratic presidential candidate
is absurd. He cannot get the votes of
three states in a national convention. lie
is a geed wattle te be laid upon the back
of Massachusetts, and as such the De
mecracy of the country take delight in
him. Beyond this they have no Interest
in Butler.
Mn. Jenx Swinton, an eccentric
writer of agrarian proclivities, who has
just stinted In New Yerk a weekly
journal te develop the peculiar ideas
which he cannot give expression te In
the Sun, upon which he is a writer,
advises his dally contemporaries te give
up their stilted style of editorial writing
and give their expressions " freshness,
pluck, originality and genius ;" which
is very geed advice, but very hard te
fellow. The dlfflculty with the regular
writers upon the dally press is that they
have te write whether or no they have
anything fresh te say. It would be a
great improvement In the editorial con
duct of papers if there were no editerul
columns appointed te be daily filled,
though tliere be no subjects of particu -lat
interest upon which te write. The
editor can at any time furnish an ess ly
upon a worn topic ; but theso are net
things adapted te the idea of the daily
newspaper, which should conlliie llsilt
te furnishing the news, illustrating it
and supplylnR it with pointed comment?.
The work of the editor conducted after
this style would be much pleasunter than
it new Is, nnd his journal would be much
mere agreeable nnd profitable te its
readers. When he has anything inter
esting te say he should say it ; and when
he has net he will be wise te bu silent.
The supreme court has net forgotten
that the United States Is a federation of
states. Since the wnr, the government
has been se steadily conducted up.m the
idea that the states have only sujIi
powers as the United States dots
net cheese te exercise that 'it
will be qulte a surprise te many
l8ople that the supreme court is
nble te declare that the states have all
the powers which they have net expressly
aurrendered te the United States. That
declaration is in the constitution, and it
should net requlre the alllrmatleu of
the supreme court te give it validity
When Congress enacted that all persons
should ba entitled te equal enjoyment of
all public accommodations in hotels,
cars, theatres, etc., and directed the pun
Jshment of all who disobeyed this law, It
enacted what It had no power te declare,
save In the territories nnd in the District
of Columbia. It was a regulation only
within the power et the states te make.
The only color of right In Congress lies
in ita power te regulate the commerce
between the states ; but It was net en
this ground that the right was claimed ;
nor would it have been a bread enough
basis te sustain it.
The United States supreme court has
decided the civil rights bill unconstitu
tional. It was a stretch of cengresslunnl
power, nn invasion of the rights of the
8tntes,nndn perversion of the censtitu
tienal amendment under which it was
awimed te have been passed. As the
passions of the war subside, the decisions
of our supreme tribunal teud mero te
accordance with the fundamental law.
Even the right thing works ill when
done the wrong way, Tliere may be
injustice und error tolerated uuder the
laws of many of the states; nnd no
two of them take exactly the aame vlew
of individual rights or wrenRs, but this
does net make it incumbent upon the
federal nutherlty te step in where it ha
no proper concern. The uiore of this sort
of thing that is tolerated or encouraged
the mero we destroy the symmetry of our
system and disturb the delicate balances
which were adjusted when the feuuda
tlonsef our government were laid Tune
at last sctsall things even, and no state
can nllew gross oppression of any class
of its citizens without in the end suffer
ing for it nnd being compelled
te adept an enlightened policy. But
each commonwealth, sovereign In lis
own sphere, must be left te find this out
for Itself.
A Loxbes dean proposes a eruside
against tea as the parent of revolution.
This would be vorysevcroonteototalors.
Biets are feared today in Ireland. Be Be
tween starving and fighting the Emerald
U)e Is pcrpetually unhappy.
Bits Bl'TTnnweiiTit, who is romemb.'ied
in Congress nuly by reason of his menu
mental Indecency, has been given n bcith
at Washington as commissioner el patents
The Democratic delu.50 in Ohie has taught
thoastute Benjamin that itlstlrae te swim
out of that regenerated commonwealth.
Tun towns aleug the Fruice. Spanish
border are new making every elfert te
demonstrate their friendship toward each
ether and ontire forgetfulness of the late
imbroglio In which the two nations were
Involved. This aotleu is eminently prep r.
Honorable pecae Is mere te be preferred
than victorious war.
Snceit IlonEseN's pocket was pick
ed two years age and tee vnnu
who became ball for the thief
is new bain,; hauled ever the judicial
coals. II the ox-sscretary hiaiulf t mil
have bacn given his just djwits w 1 u he
was picking the peck a te
the glory of Jehn Reach an 1 the detriment
of the Americiu navy, perhipi a suffering
nation would have hid ruoncauiefor
That truth Is strauger at times than
Action is evidenced by the thrilling story
that comes from Westmoreland county of a
madman at tie throttte of ai casino going
down gra.le at lightning spse-i. Au uu uu
fertuaa'c oegineer crazd by injuries r
Cjived in a railroad accident mount his
cagice, anl ere auyea' en prav-vj',
dasbes ever the rails with frightful rapi
dity. The picture of the ma Iraia covert', 1
with bleed, guiding his iron horweii'i
wild journey makes a startling break in
the list of monotonous tragedies, with
which the life of te day abounds.
Tun new heipltil, which willl open us
doers te the peer and suffering of the city
en Thursday next, suppliei a want in ear
community tint has long baeu recognized.
Te the sick man without fim'ly or frimis
it will preve a much desire 1 h iron, while
its large iaflasajj for gee i ia a'l 5711:111 4
the miseries of these who cam it c mmmi
proper nursing facilities at home will be
wldely fait. With mntfeu p.-ep-nty it
makes no distinction hi the nv:. c r
or creed of the npplismt for almisnea.
but with bread Christian charity the
doers are thrown epen te all. It is te be
hoped that this commendable work of
charity in our midst will be rewarded with
the success that it justly d-iserves
The Titosville Herald calls Jehn Sjc.
man the Mark Tapley of American politics
The Erla Obserter thinks the nest presi
dent will mere hkely be Tburman than
The Ilehdaysburg Standard fails te hear
of any fall in stocks en account of the
Oh.e election.
The substantial prosperity of a my da
ponds In a large measuie upjn the wisdom
of Its municipal management, remirks tbe
Scranton Republican.
The Philadelphia Chreniel ll.rald
deub:s the advisability of pntliug ihe
uewspaper in the schools, because of .ts
essential Inaccuracy.
The Philadelphia North American notei
.1 growing ssntitu'tit in favor of putting
the gevernment out of the banking busi
The Phil.idul)hia Inquirer, Hep , admun
Ishes the Republicans in this state t
watch the successful tac'ics of the I)Vme
' crat8 as tl10 cntl of the contest approaches.
Iho s x'h of hovembcr. f.;roseos He
Doylcstewu Democrat, will bury Cooper
and his band of inisorahle cenpirat rs s
deap, resurrection will never reach thMr,
If Jiy Gould is going te start a new
watering place, ihe Pittshurs Dttpitch
suggests that his old place in Wall 8tr e'
is loeitod favorably enough for his water
ing operations,
The Philadelphia Times warns the es
caped Lancaster convicts that if thy
don't step thlevhig they will
and put in a jail whero they will be
The Titusville Herald ts of oplnleu that if
Lird Colerlilgo wns in his teeus it U mere
than proiiauie that I10 would omirate te
this great country and put down e:l
The tirerni lllll 11clr.1tr.1l.
The Heuso at Harrishurg Monday night
overwhelmlngly defeated the legislative
hill of HeprcsontaUve Green of Herks,
which the frainnr declared would clve the
Hepubllcans thirty and the Democrats
twenty senators and the Republicans ene
hundred and eloven and the Democrats
ninety thrce reprcseutatlvfs Amerman
opposed it, maintaining that it was grossly
unfair te the Democrats, who, according
te his calculation, would get but seventeen
of the fifty sonateis under it. He -also
oentonded that It did net comply with the
constitutional requirement for cnupaet
territery In the formation of senatorial
districts. Nearly all the HenublinanH nn.l
a majority of the Democrats voted against
1110 eiuanu it was uoieateil. The Heuso
niljourued until this morning without do de
lu - any ether business.
TI10 lcjiice,nl Convention.
Yesterday the sossleus of the general
convention of the Episcopal church were
continued in the Church of the Hely
Trinity In Philadelphia. In the heuse of
bishops resolutions wero adepted for a
division of thd missionary dioceso of Da
kota, the ohange of the tltle of the bishop
of Niobrara te the bishop of Seuth
Dakota," and the erection of a new iurls-
dlotlen out of the territory el Wyoming
under thocbarce of the missionary bishop
of Colerado. The greater part of the day
iu the heuse of deputies was occupied in
the consideration of the proposed ehauges
in the Boek of Common Prayer,
ut.ii.Ai:Kuri) H:tM;esxiri-ruiNAi..
lltilel Ueejirrf. Itnllreml Cimipiunff,
."nt Liable i I'reiccnliun I r It. fusing
te Admit ;ilurril l'eriii te
l'Hiiil IccuiittnndrtUenii.
At Washingteu a decision win rendered
bv the supreme court of the tinted States
Monday In flve civil right cvic, bised en
the tirst and second Feet ions of the civil
rights nets of Maieh 1, 13". They are
respectively prosecution under the act for
net admitting ceitalu colored persons te
cipial accommodation and privileges in
iiiua or hitets, in railroad eirs mm in
theatres. The opinion, reudered by Jus
ti?e Bradley, Justice Harlan dtssenttug, Is
as fellows :
" Fust. That Congress bad no censtitu
tienal autlnrity te piss the Motions m
tpicstien uiilei either the thirteenth or
teurteen'h amecdmen of the cmstitu cmstitu
f.en. " ! 'eon i. Tint tee fMitteet.tii amend,
ment is prohtbs'esy i u tae states only,
and that th legin'A'imi nu'luuixed te be
a iepted bv (.'entr for cnloreieg that
a'nendme-r i . t ir.-ct l-'is!at:eii en the
nnf.ers t.;'ic'in,; v.hie'i the utii"" are
p.-iiubied fuun mikiLi: or enforcing
certii'ti li.vs urile.ui certain scis, but is
erred 10 lej sl.iti vi neeoeSAry or proper
for counteract. in and te Iressmg the
effeet of sae'i laws or acts ; that in for
bidding the s'-ites, for esampM, te deprive
any paisen of l.fe. librtv or property
without cle.r privesi ,if l.iw and mving
t'engrcss piwer U enforce the prelnbi
tien. it net hfeuded te cive (.'engrrss
p iwer te prevulrt riija proems of law for
the pre' sMiin of life, liberty aud p.epert)
ttvhieh w nld embrace almost u'l iih.cM
of legi! . 'e il bu' t previ 'e m mI.m of
redrew f.- iwit-H". n; t!i" operation
a1, left .1: state lawj obaes eas te the
p: hi'' iimi
"Ttnru. I'liat ihe thir'.'eutii ai'ieadni'ut
g:ive no piwer te Cn:reste pm the
sections lefencd t ieiusa tHa' .imesd
mrnt relati s 1 slave-y and inve'.untaiy
servitude, wtii.-'a it a'o'li.-hes, and gives
Cngrtwj p.mer Dpus law fr its en
forcement , that th. piwer e.ilycxUnds
te the snbjeet mi'ter of the .imen.lment
itelf, tiann.!,-. s-1 ivory an 1 laveluutary
(.rvttiule. aa.i the uec.'Mry iaculcnts and
eensequeuces of tb ie cividitieas ; that it
has nothing te d 1 with d ll vent racs e.
c ler, but only rcleis te lav.ry, the legal
eiUility of diuVre .: lace. ,iii1c'iju!
citizens bia. p-.lcl I r .a t 10 lnjr
teenth umetidmeu', r. prohibits the
states from anvtir.iu te in'erfere
with such equality ; t'a.r 1: '.-1 :. u'ritige.
met.t of the thirtccntl. ,r, jndment t re
fuse t. any parson the npi i a?cornme ia ia
tien auJ pr.vileges of 11 inn ".- .1 p'a. ) 01
public entertainment, however, it m i be
u alive 01 tmieai rijtits ; tna' it impese
npa him 1. 1 ba'l;e u. slavery or Live
Uiy serv.-uJe which imply maiue.
:: i
ubjest.i u 01' one p.-.aji te an )ther ad
the ineapacit),1. u- thereto, s'lj'u as
ta.jlulity tell 'd p. -vert, uiidu c mtr ia:s.
t ) be partus in c u.", e , r.iul iat :t tii
eri.'iuii civil n,'U- act which abolished
these i-.capicities m.U: b sjpp.ute I 'y
the thirteeuth aTi-'udmetif. . il -j :i t
thcreToie f.ii'.ew that th i act of I?" c ia b
suppirtcd by it.
" Fourth. That thi, dciea affects only
tun vilidity of the Itw 1:1 tbe states, urnl
11 t ia the territeri)s of tue D.stri'-, of
Columbia, where the leis!at..-a pwjref
Congress is unlimited, and it does net
undertaka te decide what Congress might
or tnibt ne: de m l---t'i pwer te rogu regu
late cemtiierc wirli ' rei'i i.atiens and
amnngit the t, ral n'a'.M, th nw Let
bcitis drawn with any vach view.
"Fifth. Thit th"icfer, i" if. th ep;ni
of the court that the tir-t a'vl moend ee
tinmef th'e act of Cngres vT M.rch 1,
lS7e, cutitled ' Ati -.j- i pret -e !t citi
E -11s in their civd .."d ieil nrhtu" are
uac )a-tituti')-i il .rj'l v id. aa 1 j lm'ti.
sh .uld be r-ti ler.d u;).i :1j ridu'iffnt
Jauice Uarlsa'a luCDt.
At the cj.c'.'i :.. of the rtvlin cf
Justu' lira Iby's opin.e-i. 'u.eii 'icrup.ed
mr) than an liuiir. .'.1 lie' Harlan si. d
that undtri li iaiy c .c'liii'ancs .r.d in
erdit.ary case 1: -l- 1 1 V'..ij,e te s t up
hii ludivi Jim! epini m 1 .i;ij, jiitien t that
of his t-i;ht celii..igiiv, hn , in viaw of
whit ha tt'-mbt the p'p 01 th s c a:i
try wished t a-.v nijih 1. eliat lb y tried
te aca imp'i-h 1 id whit tL y behave-l thty
h..d ac 1 upl ih' 1 bv tr 'aiiin; this leisU
ii--', h- mas: exp.i . I. is 'i s.ant I'man th
'pan a id" the- court.
H'j hal u L.tltinr' ,111:0 h-i.iug that te p.ep'ire s htatcment of ground 1
ec his dis-tUt, het he shen! 1 pieparj an 1
fi!e e-ie a- n 'i as pe.iihle, and in lue
meantinii' -or' i ' i ut uF u iceeril tail
oxpttMSien uf Ins individual judmtut
Fred D 'Ula..-. La in r )u.Pi A.
Gietuer and e-l r pi.-aieient eul ued men
aree in C usiJ. l-i. I a 1 : . 1 1 ..: ittei
for regict. I) iijlm tfiiulti t. is stt p
ha.diiv iid ..ed pi iecs tlj.' Uuitcd Mates iu
lb n'.ir el tUi i. . -I iia-i 11. s et C irep
und Aineil a I ; ( (lit V n.P, he
thieKS, be TiiUelie.i'itir'.
Miuister Lanst.m, ivuj
tbe civil tights li.: at the repi':5 et M;
funnier, sayh th u.ily tiling the colored
pa'iple in the s a't-seind 1 when cLpiuni
of the'r civil r g' te hiing ,n Kjtua
. 1 lei Iho e ni'ii i-i la a :u 'he ntale cearts
the cml iigV. .: ' h)ii .did i.'jt c .4
ler any n.-li's up .1 il.i- 1. A , d pa :,. t j ,
merely 1 ..u 'led 1.1' l , :i.t .ieeiaev.i i.t
1 1W1 e ; 1. 1 ' t 1 . 1 -h , 1, mi -
ipieutlv il.c (' 1
ilay did 1.0' taki
uuy rihta e .i'
1 f tt." 1 i'i. t e 1 M 1.1
1 ij I'.j.ii l.j ) c A i. d
t d 0 1I1 1 1. 10 1 tn
A 1 1 UltlllLt: A. -llC I MS i ill. t, All.
A Yuuuif We u u nod Thre l.ltlle L'lut.ire.i
Atllixt liiMlutl KllleU
T.10 L'-m 11.; 1 . . .id wi c' if hit 1'd.iy
was . ..;. 1 Mmiila) by a m ,i.
fa'al disaster. f..-.n o'clock Monday
afternoon the tat1 bjiel Meat Pli asant
accemmcxlaMjii en the Ualtimoie it (Jain
railroad s'ruck aud killctl n young yirl
and thiee ihildreii ,1' 1 curve jint inrth
of Cenatlsvill , P 1. I)v Farr.dl, a lad ul
SLVan rats, ai.dhis '..s. r Mary, nn tin,
wne instantly kllltd. Alice Kin.', u little
gii 1 of live, lived ub-w in imttitsiui 1 Marga
let Cunau, the elder gill, ;ig."d 17, v, u,had
the youngsters in charge, l.vid hat ub ut
an hour, Tl.ey had bee'i out vratkiu" auJ
n 1.1 e 1. uiiniii h ime nl i.ig tin railiead
Hack Tuey had htepped i,U tlm it te
tlllcas, tr.iek te avoid u ikiimiu' lieuht
triln.when the eit bound train ttmi'detcd
.ire.n.d the ciivu and eiuht them. Little
Alice Kiug waa hmlel high in the at r.ud
landed en the lniu of ihe rivT, 20 feet
below. Uue child wm huiled ever the "JO
feet tiubaukme'i nit thu river. IJeth thu
Fairel (.hildrcn had Ih ir skulls cm died
uiivl Mi-rn Cuirau rtl-.e h i'i her skull fiau
lured. The dead and dying weie hastily
picked up aiid taken te t urn.
Iv'ouei ruins I-ihir.
Telegrams received fiAtu liialnnd, I'a ,
say that the ltiobet'er and Pittsburg Ueeu'i T..O Was uopencd ye.i'er
day morning aud tint the B'rikeia had
net altoinpted t hit lere. This was
thought te be due 1 1 the faet that armed
Piukerten detectives o-.e irtcd the meu te
the mines, after whleh they were muignad
te ploket duty in t'm vicinity. Toe mince
at Dubois, operated in 0 ujnnottei with
the ltochester and P.'u.iurg miucs, oae
still idle. Tiiere are evv e:iu thetitatil
htnUers ut that p l it, aud the exo.'rinietit
efatartrig up is rerdul as huaidmi,
More detee'ivuj nvie tIeriphcd fai
The river oeal mluers, n coavemiea Iu
Pittsburg, yesterday ihei.led, utmost tin
nuiniuuily,a.Taliiht.-ub"i,iMug all qiieitiis
niishig b. uvceu . mp'tvi-i r.a I'lupliejiJ 1 1
the buaul of nibmaMen t r tuttivmeu .
The mines who are working In a number
of inities nt a less rate thau that ordered by
the miners' association, were sovcrely de
The Hwltohmen en nil railroads ootitor eotitor oetitor
nig In St. IjehIs iu East St. Leuis, entered
J en a general strike for shorter hours and
higher wages nt bem je-.teid.iy. lliey
demand ten hours at 11 day's work, extra
pay fei Sundays, nnd UO ee'nls par hour for
a'l tim ever ten luuis, bsldes J01 lcr
month for thl working days. The strikers
number about 000 meii. The strike will
probably oause a b'e.kid-" of freight in
Kist St. Leuis.
Ttie International socialistic werktuenV
association restmied Its sessieiM in Pitts
burg yesterday, only fifteen delegates
beitg present.
- "
elns. Laxqtuv will bt'glu her Bceend
Ameritaii tour at liurbugteti, Vt, Meu
day night.
SetrvTen Allisen te a Chicago vtipert
er : " Ves ; the Ohie basluesi takes us
Mn. Tii.ucs, cruislnc in his yacht Yog.
emite, enjoyed the autumnal glories of the
Hud-urn jleuday.
Hinn. Marwood's successor as public
hangruin la Kugland. declares he becomes
a haugmnn because Jte hires popularity.
Hen. Jehn Stueiim, who new resides at
Ne. 31 Seuth Duke street, is 00 years of
aga te day.
Mn Sm.vesteii. the Jehns llejiklus
mathematieiau, has been nppotuted profes
sor of liinthoiuaties at Ox feid iiuivcrsity,
F.n gland.
Leiii) IIekald Oei'Kii says that Mr.
Gladstone, even when en a pleasure visit
nt ChiAwiek, used te at -1 o'clock iu
the morning te work en hit budget.
Lit. Max Srr.xccn, the actress, who was
reported te have bee me imane nt Atlanta,
Oa., while playing iu " Artiele 47," en
Saturday uight, "was only prostrated by a
otcessive heat.
JrneB Aldie.n W. Tornenn who has
long urged the importance of uatienal
elucatieu hi the Seuth, has recently taken
up this subject with vigor in the columns
f his wcekly magnBiue, The Continent
Kis. Ai.voxse's mishap iu Paris, re
cilia tha tact that shortly after Qiieen
Vu'tei ia eame te the throne she was bused
and hooted nt Ascot, net by the mob, but
by le.ds and ladles, dukes and duchesses,
who called tier " Mrs. Melbourne."
W. E. Sheridan, the tragedian, who has
just returned from .1 most successful tour
of Australia, played in Shakspeare's drama
'ivuig Lsiu'' te an immense aud onthusi enthusi
astic aud;erce iu Philadelphia List uight.
Mr. Sheridan will appear iu Lancaster
he. : ly.
G . C'uesuT says that while Mr. Arthur
and h'i friends were crossing a dry gulch
a northern Wyoming ttny saw written in
ebareia! ever the deer of n vacant cabin
tbe ti llewiug : ''Only nine miles t water
and twenty nr.les from weed. Ne grub
iu the houte, Ged b'e'S our home."
Mr.Y AvDEits.iv was asked te meet the
prince 01 Wale b.r u lderstaudmg the
light .n which he regards actresses as a
ru'e. sha refued. S!ie slid : " I have al
ways maintaiued my dignity nnd fclf re
speet and would ne: place tnyselt iu a
p xitiea where I might have been cem-pa'l-d
te forget th'-m "
a nactvi 1.
I.Al ti.
A Yeai;: tnn Unittia.l UT t'04 Wlierl'.
Mirtin Reidenbaeh met with a terrible
death near Hamstewn yectcrday morning
about 10 o'c'eck. ll'i was employed at a
mitl a:td wcui- down stairs for the purpose
01 I'Vjitmg at tae mae'aiaerv in the pit
His e e;bm g waa cauzht between tw
! ir.;e .ren cog wheels between which he
was drawn. He was crushed te death 111
a few raiments and hh body horribly
nang'ed. Deceased was 20 years of age,
ur. 1 a sin of Huly Km lenbach peit nas
tcr at H'nl.let W3. He was married aud
bi-: !e-, a wife leaver 'te chil lren.
Uc:ii i.'nni tij.uupnenu.
OaSitmdav, Sept. 29. a live year old
s n of Jehn Well, residing neirSife liar
het, was bit'en in the left cheek and
should' r by a deg bolengmg te Jeseph
Waller. The wounds were cauterized by
!.. Ivcniit", veterinary surgoeo, an 1 the
euetm the shoulder healed rapidly, bit
the ethor remain l hore ()a Friday last little boy showed signs of hydropho hydrepho hydrophe
bii.i'id .it neirly hour 011 M mday morn
in he did in horrible agony.
The leg, which was a mongrel, was
s'i it ml knled, but net until alter it had
hi '1 -j - v 1 1'. ether de gs in the vicinity et
Ivvk H il. '
Thty Wuut te lu lepirateil.
.S'liipn. las for divorces have been if
si d In the following cases this week :
iJiiifl Hletteubarger vs Georgiana Hlot Hlet
titibrrger ; Emma Ilieh vs Jehn H. High
(11 .t the Rticrill nor anv rnlatieu ; Marj
l "F.idden vs Geerge MeFadilcn ; L zz .
U. Hentele vs. Harry Hontele ; Ehzabetl'
Sjhieiib'rger vs. Leenard Schrcnbtrger .
15. F Mouney vs. IL'ttie Mooney ; Johr
Martin Drewn vs. Emma Brown
T il is tin .last week for bringing di
vi,ree suits for the November term.
Celic,; Clan en 11 lour.
it- 4 Un- II raid.
Tbe sanier class of Muhlenli rg ellece
will ptart te day en n miucralemcal tour,
v.s ting thi city, Fritz's Island, Lane iser,
IJiaryville, Texas, It 13k Spring, Ml.,
I'lKD-ttxviila and Phila lelph'u. They wil
be abitnt until Mturday eve ling. Dr.
W. II. Themas, Ph. I), will have charge
of the cllEfl.
The ulil rlil Niitleum LonTemlon,
'Pais morning Win. It. Bnnten i.nd L
A Holad left this city for Albany, N. Y ,
te .'.'tend the sittennth annual uattiail
convention of the Chi Phi Fraternity, te
whieh they were elected delegatej from
the Lanaistcr ehapter. Mefsrh. Mlsh,
Cramer IiTt aud Eaby, also of this chap
ti r, -Atiit with the delegates.
illla ul I.He Miuvk
S.amuel IIe3 it Sen, auctioneira, sold
at public sale for Lintncr it Greih 011 Sat
urday at Alilluraville 22 heul of milk cows
nt nn average price of $53.20 per head.
They alw Held at pubhe 3ale yesterday
for Dau Legan, at hi sale and esohange
Mablca, 20 head of Ohie heiscs at nn aver-
age priei of 3101 21 per head.
1 1
Druntiinaesiiiuii Larceny.
J hn Tnompe-), arrcsted fordrunken
and disorderly oenduot at the Petinsvlvania
passtnger depet, was committed "for ten
days by Alderman Samson. A box which
he had In his possession was found tt ba
long te Conductor JelTries, and complaint
of the larceny wai made before Alderman
MeConemy. He will have a hearing after
his leu diya' imprisonment ends.
Uniniiiltteil lur Trul.
Heward Wostwoed, who hroke thn lira
alarm box, corner of Dnke ami Froderlok
streeU, had a heirlng bjfore Aldernvin
Bamneu, aud In default of ball wan com
mitted te ntiswer at cemt
Hemy Nelseu, charge I b bis wife with
dosertlon had a hsating bofero Aldermau
MoCeunmy, autl wa oemmittad te jail for
trial at court.
.Mayer' Court.
This morning the mayor bad feurcascn
before hliu, One drunk was sent te jail
for 13 daye, and two fur 10 days each.
Ttwi were discharged,
A IUe)tle Itiiu.
The members of the Lancaster hioyelo
tub will take n tnoeubght mu te Heb
lei. own te ii'ornwcvcnleg, starting ftem
the o,aje bete' at half past Huione'olgok.
Sufil Lent, Simmtra nml IInvhiih, lr Iho
Vrli l.nillng rlHtunUy October 10, 10
h. in -Unlet IUmtkeU I.imi M'erli.
New lerk Totiiiece .leurnnl.
The inarket was conspicuously iulet
during the week. Except In regular
fnctorlee, the inaiiufiiotiire of cigars In this
city Is nta stand still. The law prohibit
ing the inaiiufiioture of cigars In tenement
houses has thrown ever 10,000 people Inte
Idleness, and though a regulation of the
system, under cither a favorable or ad ad
verse court decision, will be new but a
matter of a short period of time, it iitfcett
the market te no smalt degree.
The few buyers that were
present lu our inarket purchased lu small
ipiatitlttcs only, making lu the main selec
tiens from the '82- Pennsylvania. They
nil agree that they found considerable
difficulty lu scouring from this crop sultn sultn
ble lets of really tltie texture and ipiallty ,
but, wlnitover they secured they paid
high prices, They are loud iu Its pralse.
The picking up of stray lets of '8 J Wis
consin with Its accompanying hue and
cry, continue , it continues lu such a eon
spicueus way that we cautiet help think
ing that thore Is a colored gentleman In
the fonce. The hasty purchases of large
ipiatitlttcs of '82 Wisceuslu seme months
age by soveral manufacturers, at 11 time
wben the best judges proclaimed this
stock as being net ut nil wlut enthusiasts
pictured It, it is said te have ylelded ro re
sults far from satisfactory , nnd new it
seems as it there is a precencerted move
ment in the market te re selt this stock
while its reputation still stands ipilte
high. De this as It may, we don't wish
te be quoted as making these statoments
upon known facts. Brokers repert sales
of this tobacco for the week as having
reached OiU cises. Net bclug able te
contradict, we embedy this in ourspeclll eurspeclll ourspeclll
catien below. The balance 01 the trans
actions was composed of nearly all the
kimls et stock od'erod in the m irket.
Sales of :V5 te 50 cases were in the ma
jority. Thore was a jump 111 Sumatra. The
apithy evinced toward this stock for the
past two months suddenly gave way, nnd
sales reached ever eOO bales. This ts due
te the unavoidable coming scarcity el tlue
t.eed leaf, a fact which we foretold seme
time age. which the uncenvcrtable pessi
mists iu the market new ceucede, and also
te the ruling prices et Sumatra, which,
compared te theso quoted in foreigu mar
kets, must be oalled quite low.
We specify the sales of the week as
fellows :
Pennsylvania : Crep '82-000 cases ; 12,
le te 19 cents for running ; 21 cents for
ene let of a uetcd packing containing 15
cases of tillers.
Crep '81200 C.IS0S ; 7, 0 te 12 0011 ts ;
fillers, 0 te Oj cents.
Wisconsin : Crep '82 f00 cises Havana
seed, at 13 te 18 cents.
New Yerk Suite : Crep '82-250 easM
Uav.iua seed, at 20 te 23 cents.
Connecticut : Crep 'S2 250 cases uitive
sled ; 10 te 11 cents for seconds ; 18 te
23 cents for wrappers.
Crep '32 2D0 cases Havana seed, p t.
Ohie : Crep '82 000 eases, at 5j te 11
cents ; tlne wrappery lets, 10 te 13 cents.
Crep '81300 cases, 5, C te 8 cents.
Havana Market active 111 llue goods.
Sales 500 ba'cs, at SI te $1 30.
-New or te Tet) j cee I.enr.
Seed Laf. Considering that there was
a holiday this week, the record of sales
would indicate a fairly active market,
although cot te be compared with the
preceding weeks of this nnd last mouth.
Of c jurse tbe activity which chatacterizeu
the market last mouth, as we then obterv ebterv
ed, could net be expected te continue
very long, for thore was net sufficient te
bacce 111 market. Thore is a geed detuaud
ler all grades et leaf at the present mom
ent, hewever, and there is no gainsaying
the fact that geed tobaceo te day is a very
dosirable preperty te held. The few thou
sand cases of Ohie, which were in tirst
hands a fuw weeks age, have all passed
into hands of jobbers and manufacturers
It was thought that Wisconsin had made
its exit, tee, but it ssems a consider
able portion of that originally purchased
for expert is betng sold here, netwith
standing samples of It are already en the
ether slde of the Atlantic Toe inueh
meney has bjen undo out et its growth
and tee geed a demand for It still exists te
permit Its passage into fereign hands. Of
course this action en the part of exporters
will tend te weaken home holders of this
leaf and may affic' prices sem wh it
This tobacco can all tiuta market here at
proQtable prices, even if that which was
brought for expert remains bore, and
holders of It need net fear. The 1832
Pennsylvania seem? te have been less
inquired for this woek. Many sales are
made, however, which through a com
l action ontered into by the buyer and
el!or ure never reperted. The 1831 te
aoces are being purchased cautiously,
ut a little is held overy week, and we
may yet llve te nete that the last 0 iae has
disappeared from the market.
riillatleliihlii market.
Mr. A. H. Feugeray, tobacco Inspeoter,
reports te the Tobacco Leaf a fellows :
The week just past has shown, iu the
handling of manufactured hard tobace ), .1
hvely and enceuraging trade, with prices
of nearly all grades very much ndvaticed lu
Ugures, which new seam Hkely te be fully
maintained. Quite a number of new brands
of first class manufactures have lately breu
oflercd In the market, which from appear
auce would indicate merit. They can and
must be acknowledged if a fair tiial is
etilv given.
Fine cuts are new beginning te assume
a formidable position in the chewing In
torest, This, of course, holds geed only
with A Ne. 1 stock.
Smoking tobaceo still shows but little
improvement in demand. It must be sold
halore dealers will erder. Prices as a
geueral thing held btendy.
Clgam Our leading manufacturers still
aokuewlcdgo a full complement of orders,
while prlcea remain steady and favorable
for A Ne. 1 stock.
Snuff moves moderately in quantities
sufllcient te 1111 immediate orders.
Receipts for the woek-078 bxa, 10,000
caddies, 12,210 cases and 110 palls of flue
Exported of manufactured tobaeco Te
West Indies, 703 lbs.
Seed Leaf Leaf aultable for cigar pur
poses holds a steady and encouraging hand,
While ilue leaf is desirable, still Inquiry
dovelops the faet that all grades are re
ceiving full attentleu from the ttale nnd
mauufasturera at prices which show a
decided advatice sluce the spring of the
year. At present the condition of trade
has the ring of a favorable future.
Sumatra soils In such quantities as im
mediaeo demand requires.
Havauu lluds weekly purolmerd at
paving figures.
Itoceipts for the woek--210 eases Con
necticut, 711 cases Pennsylvania, 323 cases
Wisconsin, 89 cases Yerk state weed, -19
cases Ohie, 30 balen Sumatra, 231 bali-s
Havana, nnd 171 hhds Virginia and West
eru leaf tobacco,
Sales have been 101 cases Couneotiout,
915 eases Pennsylvania. 20 easos Ohie. 211
cues Wisoenkln, 51 cues Yerk state need,
109 bales II a van t, v:i bales aumatra, ami
33 hhds of Virginia nnd Western leaf iu
transit direct te manufacturers.
Exported of leaf tobacco Te Llvorpeol,
per str British Crown, 0,803 lbs : te West
Indies, 1,2; "1 de j total, 8,103 lbs.
Tim Lancaster MrKct.
The week has bsen a qulet 0110. Isaac
Sllrk & Ce , have sold a packing of 300
cases of '83 and ethor smaller lets have
changed bauds about au equal exteut.
Net much has been dene here iu the crop
of '81, though 'the Tobjtee Ltef says:
" Eighty ene tobaeco Is passing gradually
but surely out of the market at ptetty
fair prices. We henr of seme lets selling
nt 13 J cents n pound this week. Hetter
late than ucier will apply." Net 11 great
deal of '80 is left lu this city, and the
sales tue necessarily limited. Swift
Bres & Ce , of Fulton lleune, tiave sold
te IMihach. Bahmiiti A Ce., 239 cases
of '80 nt It) cents.
Hepoitsel white vein lu the '83 crop
coetiiit.o te be made mil oentindlcted,
and counter reports will continue
te be made by the parties Interested until
the crops shall be bought and sold The
warm weather whleh has prevailed dining
the past week Is Mid te have had 11 bad
elfect upon the tobaceo In the sheds ; but
why Gen. lla.en, the chief of our weather
prophets, should, at this late day, Issue a
bulletin that the tobacco Ileitis or Pennsyl
vania will be visited by heavy frost., is ene
of thoie things tie fellow can find out, 11s
thore is net new iu nil Pennsylvania an
nore of tobacco standing lu the Holds.
Havana soed continues te be talked
about as the coming tobacco for this sec
tion of the state nnd big priens are
offered for the small leU ttiat have been
grown. The leaves are of geed slue, daik
and lustrous, and the veins very small,
almost rivaling in this tespjet the Siitnatrti.
it is Buggered that If our farmers socure
some or the acclimated seed,
from Trey, New Yerk, where experiments
iu Its culture have been going en for seme
time past, that they might glow protltable
crops of it iu our soil whieh U generally
better, and the eliiuate warmer, thou iu
New Yerk. And, even If its cultivation
should net tirove tirelltable it is believed
that hybridising Z with smiie et our best
varieties of seed leaf would greitlylni
preve the quality of the latter. The hy
bridising 0 mid easily be .we iiiiplishcd by
allowing a lew stocks of II ivaua seed and
a few stocks et seed leaf grew side by side
and miture, .11 1 thin raise plants from
the lesulting seed. Let seme of our
farmers try it, nt least en asm ill scale.
liitim' ltfert.
Sales of need leaf tobaceo leimrted by. I
S. Cans' Sen ft Ce., tobaceo brokers, Ne.
131 Water street, New Yerk, for the week
ending October Pi. 13 :
1,100 eases 1S82 Wisconsin Havana ISfSi
20.'.; 300 cases 1332 New England 1220e.;
200 cases lSt? state Havana 2llo2le.; 850
eases Hv Ohie 5.i,lfi e.; 200 cases 1831 de.
7el0j.; 100 cases 1332 state 1 lu ; 300 eases
12 Peunsyli.iula. 12 (0,18?).; 351 ea.ics
lSl de. iVe,12i Total, 3 501 cases.
I'lie IriM'.i.Rs 1 Inil ly DdcMlrO tiy t lie
Yesterday afternoon the Trenten club
played their third game with the Ironsides
and as usual defeated them. This victory
howeicr, was a decided eue,the home club
being almost shut out. The woather was
raw and cold aud a stiff wind was blowing
all dav. It was net at all ertaiu .it oue
time (lilting the afternoon that thore
would be a game owing te a ditllcnlty bo be
tween the manager and seme member of
the club. This was arrauged however,
and the club went en the field us usual. A
mero uninteresting game has nover been
seen iu this city and there was unthlug iu
worthy of a special notice HolTetd aud
Oldtleld were the battery for the home
club until the third Inning when the
former was badly injure 1 by beiug struck
en the wrist by a. het ball from the bat.
HittenhoUKe then took hi place and iu the
last two Innings Sweitz r went in. Beth
legular pitchers were hit hard. The home
team did net play with any I if.' at a'l and
thou err ,.s were fnglufu' They were
a'-e very weax nt the bit being uuablc te
de anything with the delivery of Fex.
The team of the Treuteu was tbe same
ixictly as up n their previous visits te this
city and they played a geed game, Sain
ton d ing better than usual behind the bat.
The "Only" Nelan umpired the game te
the satisfaction of both clubs The score
iu full fellows
inofjier-s. n. In r e a. c
Slvstnltli. c t 0 I l e
Ili-iily, I I 10 0 1 0
Snone, 21i t -i i l 2
iilltlelil. ( 0 null
Knenles, Hi 1 S 12 i O
RIU.'iilir.UM' r I , p., Kb 11 11 0 1
Sueur -r, 3'e., p U nill
lloller.l, p ,r t O 1 0 10
Zeclier, s 0 1 13'.
Total .1 7 S7 IS s
Ins, i) i i 1 .1 0
Lynch, c t i 1 I e 1
Uuiiiten, c 1 O ."1 - I
(jeinlinuii, 10 1 i 11 0 1
e'ltrtun, 3'j 1 8 I 1 O
lint Ian, '.'ti 2 : il 1 1
Williams, I.t -1 : u u 1
Smith. s 1 I 8 U 0
liriu'ley. r. r 3 1010
1 3
15 57 15
4 0
Trenten 0 6 0 1 3 I l 0 1 IS
Ironside 1 0 O 0 (I 1 (J 1 t- 8
Summitry lUsuim balls, liotlerd 7, Itltton Itltten Itltton
heu,o 1, S wrenger 1, Vex '1 I'litseil balls. Old-lk-l'l
I. UullilOli3 Wi il l'ltulit'S, KlUuntioiise
I. Deu.ili) pluy, oelic , Spunce uul Knewlcs.
Mruck mn, lioimlilei J, liuuten 3. l.ulten
batii. Ironsides 9, Tienten 7 Twe basu hltr,
spence, llotTeril, r'ex, I'lUfdre, Nnlnu.
Ililaebnll ."Ml ten.
The Blendes and Bruuottes, are playing
a game of ball iu Eistenthis afternoon.
Slanager Simmons of the Trcuten club,
will manage the reorganied Quickstep
club, of Wilmington, next year.
Many of the clubs in the country are
converting thou grounds into skating
The weather issouiewhat warmer te-day
than yesterday and 11 better game of ball is
On Saturday afternoon the two base ball
clubs of gltls who have been nppearlug In
the large cities, will play a match game of
hall en the Ironsides gieuuds.
Nelan Is playing with the Ironsldes tc.
day, Knewlcs having hoiie te Pottsvllle te
attend the ball for the benefit of the
Anthracite players.
The Philadelphia and Athletic clubs are
playir.g a game of ball for ihe benefit of
Umpire Jehn Kelly nt the Athletic grounds
te-day. Celeman aud Itltige ure pitching
and catching for the Athletic club, and
Mathews and Hewcu ure the "Pliillies' "
ether (Limes Vemerday,
At New York-New Yerk 2, Motrepoll.
tan 3 ; (ten lunlugs), Richmond, Va
Bosten 1, Virginia 0 ; Pittsburg Buffalo
10, Allegheny 3 ; Philadelphia Philadel
phia 8, Athletic-3.
List ut Unclaimed Leiters,
The following is a list of lottera remain
ing in the p istefllca for the week ending
Monday, Oalebcr 15, 1833 :
Ladies List Llllie Bewman, Sarah
IJrlarer. Mame Grav, Annie Hoepos, Mrs.
Mary Hull, Susle Koeport, Mrs. Annie
Kllne, Maggie Lee, Goergla Lewls, Sallle
Llnville. Llllie Martin, Mary Ott, Alice
Itoney.E. Buddy, Annue M. Themas, Laura
Themas (2) .
Oents' List Henry Burns, Wm. Bushy,
Duokwalter& Ce,, llenry Carrlugtou.Geo.
N. Oaffrey, Luwls Cohen, Prof. W. K.
David, Christ Frantz, llenry II. Fisher,
.las. M. Gable, II. G. Gall, Jue. aoetlloh,
Sam'l Hart, Ohitidler Humes, J. O. Kay Kay
teu, BanJ Kaulfman. Win. Kafieath,
Isaac Kocpert, II. J. Ivoller, II llsrmau
Kresln (for.), Gins. Jjgnhart, Jno. Mc
Laughlin, Jue. MeFad ion, Jnu II, Nell',
Jno. L. Raymond, Mr. Ksiuiiug (2), Jue,
Heeh, LjvI Smith, .1. P. St. Jehu, Henry
Williams, Jno Ziegler.
3d uuil Mil Dims Mutter.
3d CUm Mm. Mary A. Plum, Mary
Bin mu Hter.
4fi Class J, Oav.magh, Mls9 Ida Funk,
Hess. L, Mathelu.
fleiur. icoeimt of l.nuiiuter'a Uitett Uluirit.
nble Iiiillliitlini ,, , W(lt rr((
piiscd te bn Dunn.
As has been already stated In hr,0
columns, Bt. Jeseph's hospital has been
purchased by llie sisters of thu order or
St. f;iaueis who propose te beglu their
oharltable work lu this city en Thursday
next, the 18th tl8t. The hospital, ns l,
"uL !TV! ,l,1.'"loine strtiolure,
situated tit tbe net th west corner of Marl
etta and College avenues en rising ground
hat ever oeks the e.ty. The let en whip
the buldlug is ,,nee(i comprises In nil
about two aeres. The liwt In f,n i 1.
handsomely lM I out, .Urnvhig 0 ' "esl "
y sedded, new t ewcr plots added and the
fountain roteuohed nady ler opcratle i
The woodwork en the exterior of he
building has been f.u.hly painted, and
geueia nlr of decay that oliaraete'rlr I 1 .
place has dlsappnared under the sub 0
influence exercised by the ew proprietors
rim Interior Arrniisemnnti.
Within neatnesn nnd erder is visible nt
overy turn. The culinary department Is
In the basoment of the butldlug uud all of
the latest appliances necessary in conduct
ng an extenslvu establishment of th,M
kind have boeu obtained. In addition te
the regular city water supply, an nbuml
imce of well rater may be had by incim,
e 11 large hand pump placed In the
kitchen. '1 he entiru butldlug is heated by
sti-atu and lighted by gas ami having
been built specially for hospital purposes,
it admirably auswers that design. Cen 1
iiure riiuiiiiiK uertii ami south divlde eie'i
story, leaving rooms of convetiloiit n.e .-u
either side for the roaeptlou of patlenU.
I he tirst tl 01 r will be dovetod exclusively
te meii aud the second ll aer te womeu Oi
each thore nre thrce wards, or rooms in
which n number of patients can be nt
tended te in common. There nre also en
each tloer nine private rooms te be used
by theso desiring i.coluMeu. The thud
lloer Is te be appropriated te the exclusive
use of the sisters. It Is thought that there
will be accommodations for 00 patients
from the start. A corps often slstcis will
minister te the wauts of the suffering, and
a compcteut stalT of physleians and stir
geens, will be In attendance when le.
Me niitmctlun in Uii'.er or Lrffil.
It Is the ptirpisenf the sisters te r,r
oise n far-reaehiug chanty tha' will be
bounded only by the means nt their dis
pesal. Ne distinction will be made iu tie
race, color or eteed of the applicant bcek
Ing their geed efUces, but nil who nte in
need of their ministrations, rich anil j e -r
bluek nud white, old and young will b
similarly welcome. Persons aflhcted with
contagious diseases will net be admitted,
but en spaeial application nursts will b.
Kent te fuch patients In private hi us. k
Iu this latter c mnectieu it is well te stale
that the limited t umber of sinters will l.ut
admit of much outsUle. nursing lu the be
ginning. The institution Is Intei.did t..
subserve the purpose of a hospital ia:hn
than a home, ntd it Is net desired te hav
tee mnuy of theso piticnts nht 1 i
sutfering from lingering d. senses. Ii 1 1, ir,
way the capacity of the place might s n
he overtaxed and its sphere of uefu1nrps
The large eutliy required instaitlng in
institution of this kind, nud the t tai
abseucu of any regular ruvcuue from th'
patients cause the sisters te rel eui tlj
upon the geucre-ity el the eitiiS'iis B
ngrccrneut with the .Mether Superior b-.- a
sum te be determined upon, v bad may hi
fledicatcd te the sole us of a d-umr d sir
ing It. The pers 1.1 endewing sueh be 1
may designate any e?rupant for It that he
cheeses. The sisters will at interv.i's g
from deer te deer felieitiug charitable c- m
tributieuB of whatever kind, money, cloth
ing, groceries ecc, and a.l will be vuuc 1
alike, as the charity extends equally t
overy oitiseu. What is gathered en thece
visits will conduce te the greater cemf
of theso who are unable te keep themselves
and will assist in the maintenance of t'.e
Ucitlratluu Services.
The interior of the building has bic.
repainted nnd rejuvenatid from cellar t
attic, and all things arc lu readiness fi
the work te be entered upon. The h!..
ing of tbe hospital will take place ii
Thursday at 10a. in.. Bishop Shanahati, .
Harrishurg, cendiic'lu the services The
Cutholie clergy of the 01. y and in my vi r
ors, clerical ami otuerwiso, ireni riiiiaa
phia, Heading and nJjicsnt plaees wi'l le
prcsent. Iu the aftcrueuti the plar i 1
be thrown epsn for inspection by tli
public, who are ceidially luvied te .itieud
Oe the day following, Friday, the nistlti.
tlen will' be ready for the ireepti jii f
The sisters who hava iiudertaken th
work of ministering te the wants ut Lvi
caster's sick and need beleng te wha -called
the Third Order of St Fiancn. The
erder Is of German origin 11..1I w is inti
duced In this euntry ab-itit thirty ji 1 -age
by Mether Mary Agues, the pri sent
superieress of ihe erder In the United
States. Their first heuse, the preset,!
mother house, w.11 lu Philadelphia, in
which city they have uuother hospital in
ceurse of motion. 10,000 cases were
treated at the dispensary, iu that institu
tion, last year, and between 000 nnd 1000
patients were nursed at the hospital. Sin
cessful Institutions of thu order have
also bten established in Trenten, N. J.,
Heading nnd Baltimore, aud as they sup
ply n long felt want in Lancaster, the ad
vent of the order hore will no doubt be nt
tended with equal prosperity.
111111 Over nnd ir.ititlly Injured.
An old man named Nathaniel Wolf kill,
who resides en Campbell's alley, aud who
has been omplevrd iu sweeping the llrst
square in East King street, met with 1111
nccldent last night whieh tt is feared will
result iu his death. It appears tka'
William Hoienfeld, the cabman, hit
his herse and cab stand for a momeut iu
front of the Intulmiiunckii olllce while
he went inside 011 hustuess. The beiaa
Btartcd off and ltoscnfeld ran alter
It, overtaklng It and gettiug held
et the lines lu East King stieit, mat
Christian. The lieuu was trotting at a
pretty geed gait, and Me. Welfklil, wish
lug te assist in stepping him, ran out ami
caught hltn by the head The unfortunate
man was instantly thrown down, tiamplcd
upon by the heise, run ever by the cab
and loll iu an iiiieoni'elous condition. He
was ciurlcd Inte ltuetl & Sliulinyer's
coal (dllee, and t.ubsuqueiitly taken In a
wagon te his home, whero he was nttendi d
by Drs. M. L. Heir and McCeriulek. Ills
right ear Is tern nlmeht completely oil,
luivlug been trampled upon piebably by
the hoof of the horse, ausl there urn two
fearful gaehes 011 his head, ene near the
right tomple nud the ethor 011 the top of
the Lead. He iiistnlncd also serious inter
nal Injuries across the lungs nnd the nb
inen by being tiamplcd upon by the beru
and ruu ever by the cab. This meiniiig
he was in almost n comatose state, ami it
was fenrcd he could net recover. Mi
Welfklil Is about 70 vcais of nge.
Lecture en l'lijilolecy.
Dr. Legan entortalned a geed sUj I au
diouce last cvenlng at the opera lie'i-e,
with a dissertation en physiology and tl-e
advancement nnd dlscovcriei undo lu that
solenco. Incidentally the splual cord, its
structtire and functions wero toadied
upon, At the conclusion el the lce;u. 1
cerlus of questions concerning the matt 1
treated were asked, nud a high school
student narned Wm, 0. Sell was awarded a
copy of Huxlej's Physiology feransweilug
thu most questions. There will te another
lccturethls evening.