i , V y Voliime XX-Ne ai. LA.NCASTEE, PA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10, isai). Price Twe Ccnlu. (Ik 1UIY A MNIIU.NUKMBNT. GEORGE ( IIAIH'B OI.I) BTANII.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Itcspeclfiilly Announce le lilt Krlntnlii nnil Patrons Hint lin lin Opened Dressmaking Parlors, Wlthnn illlclent tnicnel competent empleyes under thu supervision nl MI'S KATK TAM MANY, mil will new l)ii nrnpiiruri le iiuiku Dressus, Wraps, Coit utul Clenk i ut Short Netlcuiind Moderate I'ltce. Tint Newest Styles and l'lirfcct t-'l'. satlsluctteii Uuarntitccd. An Elegnnt Line of Ladies' nud Misses' Rcady-Mnde Jersey Coats, Cloaks, and Trimmed Delmans, Wraps, Etc. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. UVUIKH, I. lI.I.NN A IIIIKISKMAN. LIGHT! KOIt A IIANDJOMK I'llKUKNT NOTII1NO 1H MOIIK Orii KI.KWANl' Library or Parler Lamps. CHANDELIERS FOR GAS OR GOAL OIL. A Nl.iV AND KI.KdANTSTOt It AT LOW I'lllCKS Steves Heaters and Ranges, Slate Mantels. Plumbing, Gas Fitting-, Tin Reefing nnd Spouting. FL:LNN & BEBNBMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Vl.UMlMSU AND ItMIN I. .MIMII.K. PLUMBING, (JAS-FITTJNG, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, trVFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. il('JM.V ( iiwamiki; iT.it rn.i.r.ii in jetumajnt Compcuedof Pure Human Exoremont and Urine. Tobacco, Qrasa, Cern, fee. -SOLD VM. II. JO.ShS, Ne. l.iiJl Stnrkut tatuet; C. H. UOl.KUS, Ne. 1T1 Miukut titriut; i.KAIIAM, KMLI.N A l'ASSMOUK. Ne 031 Market Mrcct . .1. It!lli:il A SON, Itmncntewn, l'lil'iuli'lplila, nml impensiblu dealers riunerntly. OFFH'K.-Xe. :!3 riipslnnt Strcel, L'ltilailelpliia. HU'l'i C.lllil O. MUSrtBLMAN, Aent. Witmer, Lanoaster county, Pa mm A.JI J OII.N HAr.ll'S SONS. SCHOOL Scheel Supplies and Stationery, LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, Al I'lIK U00K11'O.( OK JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nce. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEBN ST., LANCASTER, PA. mm CtM.UNItl V llilll. lilt WOHK-v Tlienitis Fail or & Seu, Preps. Wuure nrepiri'd te tuku uny kind nl Heller Weik Tank rtincks. i'lnlng or uny kind 01 sin? Iren Wuik, llulil or heavy, Kuinncu Werk 11 pcclalt IliivliiK hud mi oxpurlenco of :V u.ir our reputation stand joreii'est. KrpilriiM of nil kln.li promptly attended In iw.iksnl till) Sll iV.Kr.. ItDI.MNli Mll.l., t Ol. CM 111 A, I'A ectl-l' B KSl Ml J'.A.M I MIINT. A NO BOILER WORKS. C ill nml uxumlnu out Meck et Knulnes mid Helens mid ml pilccs Pertable Duglnea, Horizontal KukIueq, Vortieal Englnea. taw Mill Fumpa, Mining Maohlnery, Piilleya and Shafting. IKON AND HKASS CASTINGS, STEAM FITTING. JOHN BEST & SON, Ne. m Rial Fulton St., hASCASlKII, I'A I'. II. He. .NO. '.O. (ct.3iml.tw I'UOTUUIIAI'UH. J. V., HIITK, There Ims been sucli a itoiennil for I.AUUK I'JIOTOliltAl'llS Out 1 wa-s compelled te get a VKllt I.AUUK CAMKUA JIOX te meet tlie demand. We can new inuke yen arilOTOes small ns tlie smallest locket Mill held up te n 5-lncli isce, te tit an Ui'ti r rnme, J. E. ROTE, ITe. 106 North Queen Streot. une3-tta UOODH. NNOIINOKMKMT, FAHNESTOCK, AMI'S, ,11 LIGHT! LIGHT! HKSIUAIII.K THAN (INK OK UAH V1TT1XU. UVAXU, GUJAJsre. Unrlvnled for Wheut, IIY- STATION MY. BOOKS. TIN WAUK, Jf(7. SUIIAU.M. JOHN FURNACES and RANGES OK AM. KINDS REPAIRED. Call nml siotheNiw Impinvud WUOl'liltr IHOS COI.D CASK Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cheapen lliirkut nnd Hest KL'UN'ACK In the MANIHACTUIIKD KCI.L sl hi. Hi Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Qnoen Qtroet, leli.'7-lV'l I.ANlaiIKU I'A JIAVIHAJiUV. HAVINO mnSOI.Vhl) I'AKTMCllllllr and retinancutly closed the Chdxtiiul fctroet Iren Works, lifeslte le lnlerm inyeld palrmis and the public guneriilly, tlint I am still In thu business, being located In the I'tuitt Iren Company's Works, North l'lum street iiheiu 1 mn uiiiklni; Iren nml llmss CiisUiikh oteveiy ilO'trlntlen, mid will be pleased te I serve nil who may Invnr me iviiii their patron- age. Frem 0 yearn experience In thu business nud uslilK thu bust materUl nml employing i the best mechanics, I am sail -lied 1 can KUitr- nntee entire !itltaclleii. CastliiL's nuiln Irem n mixture et Iren nml steel which nre morn re liable ler btreuitlh and dnrtiblllly than tbe bust cast Iren knenil. tecttl loll pinions, rolls nml rellinic mill werlc a Hinsclnlty. Cust Iiirs tnnde et very son Iren, mnl luius ca-t-liiKset every description. I have all thu pat tersnl the well nml mvernbly known .Mewu-r Cem mnl Cob Crusher, relltted andiinpievcit. Alse en hand, mills completely lilted upei In parts, te leplnce old ones which limn been In usu ter years, iruaimitcelng tliiun te ctvc sat isfaction. . ancll-Ouu' K. C. MlCUI.UKV. lM)ll UNIIKIt 1Vh.AU ANIt UOMI'IIIIT tiOTO IIKCIITOI.D'.S and save money. Alse, a lull line of hhlrls, Working I'nnts. Overalls, Heainless llose. Knit Jackets, tllevcs, ehlir Mills, cellars, 'lies, Mispeiidcrs, i;iubtulla.s and Notions, AlU'tieap ler cash. Thuukiul for pat tavers HENRY BEOHTOLD, Ne. E2 North O.U ecu Street. 4aTrade Dollars taken at Par. leb.J-lyd II AVAMAANll YAHAOIOAIWONLY fle. tin, best for the money In the town, at IIAUTMAN'3 YKI.I.OW KUONT Cl'jAU 1TOUK. MV.mVM,. pUTHJlIltA ItlllUHIU'.N. i own my Itoslernllon te ircuUli anil Heuuty te Tin: Cuticura Remedies. I'lcsilinoniulet u Husten Imly.l I MHKKlinilNO Humer. llumlllfitltiL' Unit)- J Hen, ttchltu; Terturi-H, Hctnluin, Hull Illiiiiiin mill Infantile Humer cnreil l ttiu CUTICUBA IteUlCllIeS. Uiitlrtirii Kraelvnnt. tin, nuw bleed lilirl- fter, cleanse tlm bleed liii'l puisplrulleii of inipniiiiiH nun poisenoiu i'joiiieniH,iwiu inu.i ruinevuN tlie atuic. tjntlctirii, tlie crriil Skin Ctlle, ItiAtiuilly iillityw llelilni: nml Inllmninutlnn, cluirn tlie Hkln ami Hciilp, liiuiln CIcith nml Hercn, nml rcitercA tlie I In! r. tiulluiirnSiiiip, mi etiiulsltc bltlit lltautKIcr nml Tellet l(f3riililtelpri'pm'ril lieni Ctnicuiu, U lnllipciiiil)lii In iidiUIiik Hkln l)loiei!., Ilnliy lltiineri), hklu IIIumiUIiuh, Hnntiurii.nml IIeiikIi, L'luiiiiiuit, or Oininy Hkln. (Intli'iirM Itrinriltr', mn nliselutcly puremnl tlm only llloeil riirllluiHiuul Mkln lleiiutltlur, irre liein murciiry, iintntiic, liuil, zlne or uny oilier tnliK'iiil or vi'Ki'inlili)iohen wliulsoevor. It uuiilil ii'iilru tlili cntlre papur teile Ins tic iileu (IcRcrlpllen et tlm cm i4 performed liy timCt'TicuitA Ui:neLviiNT Intcrnmly. miu cni cum nml CuritvitA KeArnxii-riiullv. Kcfin tot tlie pulmt el llin limult mill el tlm widi et tlm linun, ury illlllcnlt te tri'iit nml UHiinlly ceiiRlilcrnil liidiintlilii ; Rlimll putelir-H et letti ruiiil Halt rltciim en tlie enrx, miumul slilujel tlie lace. .ithIii llimiit, Willi lets et nnir wltlient ntim Iht, liuitiU ciivdiml wltlj iliiuarnir unit ncily ,'i npllniiH, c-Hpueinlly et tlillilien mnl Inlmitn, mmi of wlilc It dece Ulrili liml lie nn miiMel bpI : I triune. uiiriiliiR mnl f.ciily I liiilllil evan ii'lliil tretn eiilln.'i! iemtiril nml lienlnil in by limbic i IIU'l tlul OIIILllll i, l'i(iil,., leptmy nml otlier frightful lertni nll:lii .M-iiimim, Duroluleui ulci'iH, old heic. mid .lcli;ui;tni; weiihiIh. i,:icli anil all el w hlcli liuvi' licnn Hpccillly, pcinmni'iitlv mnl I't'onenilo illy led by tin Cctktiia IIemk mm vhi'ii pfilcliitm, lieipltals ami all etliur ri'iiii'dl," taiii'.i.m pioven by a Vitel tiiinilier el niviini ti'-ttlimiiiliiU In otirpeHOtilon which i will chuurfully mull te any tuldreiirt. i!d I'li-rywhi'ir I'rlc" Lctiu'iia, 'm runt-, Hk.1 ii nil, it "eai, i, ii'iit-i. I'OTTt.n I iii it ajiii (. in. mi :. i.e., lioi'en, M.iit. senil tin " llun I., . nre skin hl.riiiri." BEAUTY t "i lin ,'i, t Imppi' i nnd c,M-:- siiin, ' l.n k IIi'iuih, riinpli") Jeif rid skin 11 i inl-lim u- LVTHir.A CATARRH! Sandferd's Radical Cure. lin id Ce iU, Watery lilsi haiiti". limn tlie NiKii. nml .)", IHnigliti; Nelr III till' Mi-ad, Nrrieim llitidiielin mm KnviT nitliiiillj io ie Hived. Cliekln. iiiutwt dlileildl, mi'inbrillii' clemiKuti and In' ili'd, lufatli Nivi'i'ti-ned, Htni'il, limn mid lii'iulnif rriteiuil, nnd lavf-gui hrckrd. CeiiKli. I'.iencliltli, lMepplnj.'M Inte tlie Tlire.it. I'nliiH In tin, elicit, Uyitnipiln, Watt lii(7 el hltrm;th nml Kn nil, Leis et nli'iip, etc , rnri'd. One lielllu Radical Cnn, emi llex Catarrhal Solvent mid Dr. Snnleril Inltaler, till In ene liackauc, of till drnBKlil ler 41. ak rem AHUKl'llIl' lUllll'AI. ClIIB !' TTKII ItRCll A!IU CiiuuualCh., lioilen. COLLINS i 1 or tlm ri'llil and picvcntlen, thn limlant It U applied id Itlieiimatiiin, Ncurnluln, .V'tn'l c.i, CeiiKln, Celili, Weak Hack, Meriuich ami lleweli, Mioetlnir l'alns. Niiinbnisi, llysterln, Kemiilu I'.ilni. ralplUitten, Dyipepula. I.lvei Complaint, Unions hover, Mulmla and hpt demli'9. ii-it CeilliM' ria.tcrr, (an IWeetrlci DilttiT) eemblm-d nlth a 1'nreus riailter) mid liuiuhiit p.iln. v!5e. miryiMimi) Septl-lydW.S.itw LOG ROLLING. Whlln i rctllu- With it 1'nlluii Trce n I.iiiiitieiiuaii lleeilves U.)iH(iiK ntlal llaillil'jej. h le en u hiintlni; eveuisluh In llui kiiv. (e.il and weed ict"!i iiuar (.uiliemlale, I' a.. llui writer met VN llltum Lell, n Inmbeiiii'in. Accustomed te II tu an I labor In the feruM Irem only manhood lm us a truu linlijht thuA.tr-. .Many u tie.n had tullen beleiu his rliiulii); strokes ami tleuti of laltH had berne nwii) te market thu tawed piedneis. Cell Is n eharacleriiml It Oacar U lido is lllit In sajlug Hint till ineveiiientH In unhlndeiuil labor ate iinu'ifnl. ma trluml Wldlun, RlilppeO for his work, iiiiilntiucleliii; n tre.i us Itlchanl I. its- Hanlted tlie heavy dners el Kren. de IIemiI's Ca-tle, must Imve iiresented an iidmlialilu pletuie. Omtilny hewiivm but lut tlm tell lheliu liltil-L'l t, tvi he told it te mi, " I wnsent In the woeiLs, you Knew, tijlnt; te Htm I a letf down n hill 'I liliildnj I could Kit a butter piiicliu-e en It iiem the lewei si In, I Hie -led It theie with my lojt-rell-liiK hook nml tliieii ni miIkIheii thn lever. Mn aim led, slin did, but as luck Mould have II, beferw I could Knl out et the un ,IH) lulli; l rlulit ever me. lilt h.idu't been leru let c small limbs ami brush lylni; In the read, which J lilted her up, sh M a ciuslu il inn llat. As It a 1 tt't up wlllient n biekim bone, but w lib - mm u.Uhty bad bruUcs. " 1 hi u you were all light," s.ild blsaudttei, ".Set by a blame I slht, sliaimu:. 1 took oelil, lheumntlsin nut In niid.ll 1 luidii l hcml et hK.NaON'rt CAI'llS'K rellUl'ri I'l.AS I'l.ItS .mil used 'cni, It's my opinion 1 slueild nevir have mJide unelhei eliip tly. Hut the lupelnu Kk held iiilcl, anil I'm 'Leut us gi'iil imniiR', Jlut tin in sone tlilnt: you nlu Cilklh'.tii en -1 sha'.l neynr wmstlii wllh miethiu' le imless I have thu ailvaiiUiuef tbe Rteiind. Kur, us I leld you belere. If it hadn't been ler Uimnbiuihes I'd eunsuiashed bi), you could 'a sold me for a deer mat." ThoCapcliie Is tlm thliiff lei rhuamatlsm. U doesn't keep J en waiting. Thu word CAT Cl.NK Is cut in tun oentre e the (eimlne I'rlcu ii cents. Seiibury X .lohnsen, Chemists, .Sew erk. sl!l-lm,S,tw VAICUIAII tin, atj. 'run Standard Carriage Werk UK I.A.NCAHTUU COONTi. EDGERLEY & CO., PINE OARRIAQE BUILDERH, MAItKKT 8TRKKI, UK 111 IK ( KNTT.AI. M.MIlih'I HutahM, I. MAbTKH, I'A. Ueiiiaku eveiy flylu l.iiKuy . . I Ciiiiifc'u leaned. Allerk niitsliud In me 1110..1 i i. lertublu and elivnnt style. W uu- mils tb. bcrft suleetei' uialerlal and employ only tl.r best mi'( Inintc. Ker quality el v, i.i I; 0111 prlies aru Uie cheapest In tin slalc. We bn ter cesh mid sell en the meat luiseiiahli terms. (Ilvo us n call. All work wmr.inl.d ItupalrliiK piemiillv attended te. One al cd weikmiin especially employed ler that put penn. n2M.tiiAw rvTAKr. auiTAitK, nm you can LtJ. tuy 1 tin bust Ce. Havana clur lu the iiinrket, at HAIl'f MAN'S YKI.I.OW KUONT CIUAU STOUl! A SHOT GUN'S WORK, A lIUUSi: DUUTOKDin'KNDS HIS UU.IIK. 'Iitii llrnnUcu men Atlnek I'rnnkllii Steti. roe'n llouieitltli .Stonnn-Oiie Kldilled itltli Sipilrrel Mhet About ene o'clock Tuewlay artcruoeii the llttle vULiKe of Ilunloelce, near Wllkcrtbattc, wne the sccne of a turrlble trngedy, resulting le tbe almeut Instant (loath of Batuuel .MeNc.il tit the handr el Franklin Jlonreo, a rcsiilent of the pl.ioe, and the narrow oscape of a hcceml man. The story of the tra(;(ly, as telil by Jlun Jlun Jlun roe and IiIh wife and gathuretl from theso itIie wcre In the Immodlate nolhberho Jil, In nn follewn : Shortly bofero ene o'cleulc i'Vanlciin Menreo, ft vctcrlmry aurnoen, wat at Waruer'ii hotel, tbe only entablishmcnt of Ha kind in the jilnoe, attending te noiue heniCH. He was in the yard et the hotel examlnhif; n borse when two inen, havlnj: the appoarance of tramps nnd uvldeutly much under tbe lollnetice of llijuer, aame up, accosted him and demauded hjiiie liquor. He told thorn that he would get nene for tbera, en whieb they hcoime Tery nbuaive and tbrc.itened te kick him out. He took no neticj of thelr tueuaces, heiv ever, and iu a few inlnutei they left and ntartcd oft In the direction of bin hutiar. Shortly after Menreo also lelt the hit -1 and went home. Just as he was entering the heuse he 8w the two folio v )itui tOA-anl him. Stepping hastily Imldj Ipj closed the deer. The two fellows, corning up te the liouee, called en .Menreo te com out and uttered terrible thre.itH ajjaimit hiB lire. Menreo nttemptcd te induce thorn te bi ijuiet nnd go their way, but his words only roudered them mere abusive ami threaten ing. Finally they began throwing- steues at the heuse, breaking the windows ami omUii',eiiug!theproporty inside, as well as Monreo'H family Fer a little whlle Men ree steed this bombardment, lint finally anger net the better of him uud, Bei.itig u shot gnu from the wall, whero it had been hanging, leaded for mom than a year, he I sprang te the deer, and throwing it open, stepped inst outslue tlie portal and com cem manded the two assailants te coase their attaek and meve off. Hut this two fellows maddened by whisky, paid no lieed te his words and replying with oaths and threats sent twoer three moie stones crashing through the windows. Knritged beyend ondurnnce at the wanton destruction of property and tlie danger of his wife and children, Menree threw the gun te his sLeuldcr and levcling it at tlie nearest man, who htoed some llfteeu feet away, be tlrrd. Witbaoryef agony the mau threw up his arms and loll backward te the greuud riddled with sipiirrel shot from head t kuce A fjw means and a gasp or two and all was ever, and Monne steed, gun in hand, gazing en Iho lifeless body of his assailant The sound of the shot and the screaming of Mrs. JlonreJ and her cbildren instantly attracted all in the neighborhood te the spot. The iumates and guuH of tbe Warner house, among whom wcre J. C. Wells and .lehn Bowden, of Ashley, hur ried te the place, arriving just in time te sce tlie man brcathe bis last. It was seen ascertained that the victim of the tragedy was Samuel MoNeal, by trade a black htulth, who has worked at various places within the county. Fer a time he had a blacksmith shop at Nanticoke.but his home is at Plymouth, where he leaves a wife and child. At tlie time of thn fatal occur rouce he was en his way te Shickslnnny, in company with this otlier man, David Heward, of Shickshinny. Fer n inomeut Monre.) contemplated (light, but a second thought showed him the felly of siieh a meve and, acting under the advice of Mr. Welk,ue bearded tbe next train nnd went te Wilkesbarre te fcunen der hiraiielf te the authorities. On reaching the OeUtt heuse he sought Jehn Dlnch aud the two held a long conversation iu tlie rooms of the bar association. Accompa nied by Mr. Diueh he then went te the oillce of the sheriff aud surrendered bun- eolfte Deputy Sheriff Gatignhan. After lurther consultation with his lawyer he was conveyed te the county jail aud placed iu charge of Warden Van Loen. A .MICK l '.'.10, All llecunU iu IlKriiem llenlau by the Yeung l'aeer ,lolineii. At the driving jiark at Chicago Tuesday all jtrcvieus records iu harness wero beaten by the young pacer Johnsten, The Iioipe llrst went around iu 2.22J, but iu the Beceud trial covered the rnile In 2 10. Thu porfermanco ovekod the wildest eutlumi asm among the spectators a' tlie track and particularly among the horsemuu who held their watches en him. Tlie horse made a line start and did Ids llrst ipiarter iu !32J seconds without a skip. Tlie half inile jole was passed in 1.011 and Mie tbien quarter pole in 1.30. Ills diiver then, as though Knewing bow clese he was te the beat tune, made by Sleejiy Tem, the pacci, and Maud S., the trettei, tmlnliml till, vnmwr nritm.lt Willi till, nllll, i The ell'ect waJi noticeable te every clesu 1 fcl.UW...' W., JUMM. ... ...... . .- observer, and while the pacer showed an accelerating and stiaining moveinent he maintained rematk.ible steadiness and pashediiudcr the wire with a tremendous swing, but moving as steadily as a loon motlve Horsemon el.umed for liitn ii.( !, which was the tim'i ene of the judges credited him with, but in order te In sure the oveu figures wero scored against him. The unfinished 2:20 pacing race was wen by Chestnut Star, Daisy I), second. Hest time. 2:22 The s'allien raoe was w mjby 1'hallas, Menree Chief hoeoml, M.ixay Cobb third. Time, 2:20, 2:20, 2:18, 2.10 2:23. Four heats of the 2.:10 race wjre trotted. Ottawa Chief wen the first heat in 2:25, Neva the Hoeond in 2-.21J, Kitty Van the third nud fourth in 2:2 1 aud 2:20 J. In tlie stoeplc-cha'o ever the short course Cattn- Ilarriseu beat Hell Hey. Miss Moulsey and Katb Creel, the latter ru fusing the eighth hurdle. CONDK.NMKIl .sim.H Item et lutrresls from .11 any I'urts X working medel, twolve feet high, of Uartheldl's ritatue of Liberty, was jestci day oxhlbited in the Bryant buildup, New Verk. Among these present wero (Iciifial Qraut, Win. M. Kvans, Jeseph Drexol. Park Gedwin and ethers. Hoveral speechCB vvore made. C. II. ink paid te , mp'uiii . the troasurer of the sta'.ue fund a check ' te. twimi for $2,000, aud lopertod that the Sunshine . company, of which he was manager, , authorized him te guarantee the further sum of $50,000. te he paid by March 1st, 181. ' Dr. Cechrau, Btate health efllcar, has 1 tolegraphcdfroin Ilrowten that thore was , ene death with black vomiten riunday and ene yosterday. There are thrce black vomit cases and nine ether cases of the prevailing fover. The death of Colenol K Ilrowten is ropertcd. Itjperta from Hrow Hrew Hrow ten, Alabama, give two deaths slnoe the 2dlnsr. and thirtien eiss under treat meut, Thodeoors think i'.iahomerrhagio malarial Tever. The nei;hbering towns are nuarantined. T.aius aie ordetod te go through Hrewtui Without Btepplng. Me bile was quarantiueJ yistcrday. Appeals in addition te that tlled by A. O. liell liaye been filed in the patent oflleo by ether patties iu interest against the decision of the oxaminer of intorferouoos iu the lelopheiio oase. That decision awarded te Bell priority of lnvontieu of the att of inoreasing and decreasing tbe strength of olcetrlo currents se as te pro duce the "oleotrio waves," and nijaiust the decision en that patent Kdtseu and Vnllccr have appealed. The state deaf and dumb Institution at Tronteu, New Jersoy, ordered established by the last Legislature, was opened for the reception of inmatCH yesterday morning. The building cost about $100,000 nnd has accommodations for 150. A flve yearn' course, and no lenger, ii allowed for oaeh child. Tlie patent oflleft yesterday issued 103 pateuts. Of the domestlo patents, New Verk, roceived ",", ; Peunsylvanla, -111 : MaBsachusetU, 31 ; Connecticut, 27 ; Ohie, 27 ; Illinois, 25 j and Michigan, 21. Tlie report of the national cotton or er or ehango for the mouth of Soptembar, shows the total niovamentoi this year'n crop te ports nml overlan.l te be :ifi2, 1IILJ bales, an increase of 21,000 bales evor last year. A special dispatch says that en Monday lightning struck the heuse of O. Jare, iu Travcrce County, .Minn., and killed two children who wero sleeping en the lloer and fatally injured a boy. It also struck the liotii.e of a blacksmith at Dcrmelly, killing ids wife a nl fatally Injuring two children. Ciilnred tniiliiteii n iciiuiiU. Theresa V. It. ICing, a colored girl, was refuscd admission te public school, Ne. 5, of Hroeklyn, nud directed te attend oelorod school, Ne 1. She applied for a writ of mandamus te compel l'rlueipal Qall.igher te admit her te Ne. C. Chief Justice Noilrten, of the city court of Brooklyn, refused the writ. Tlie goneral term of the city court afllrmed that (io (ie aislun. Vestciday the court of appeals nlTirmcd the lower courts Twe points wero argued that the exclusion was in violation of the fourtisenth amendment te the constitution of the United States, and mat it wan opposed te tee civil rights act of New Verk s-ate. Fer the dofence it was claimed that equal facilities for the education of the child wero afforded Iu the ojlercd schools, and consequently theru was no discrimination aaiuet her. Ohliift.e KrcularH Drleani.t by Krcncliinen It is reported at I'.iris Milt Colenol lladeiw, ceinm.ni.liug tlie French forces from Hai Pheng, Ins had nn eugagement with Cliinese regulars at llac Nlnli, ro re sulting in a defe.v. of the Chiticse, and that the Francii gnu beats will intercept their i circa t. I If the rep irted defuat prove te be well founded the French have oaptured ene of the most important straotie points iu tbe Delta. Mll'.tlirP'S KKl'OUT. Uimei dale or Hay lfi, 1S8.I, Mr ImiIhIi Cook, lermerly siimlll'et UkewlicKini, .Me. writes as tallews : ' 1 have I ecu nllllcted lerc.iur tnoil tneil ty (JO) put-, ii llh a weukneis et thu klilnels and llvci, and hare hid suvere pains In the buck ami .-I ! s, which were bieuitht upon me In the ttr t pi lit b uxposiiie during iny stay lu Call'ei nia during the enrly settlement el tl e lull t et I'.el'l. ' At limes my water tieubleil mu very uiucli nn I alter trying iimuj iiltlcr enl means wliheul receiving any bunctlt, I was Induced tu try limit's U mudy, aUlimmh I was much prejudice,.! uKuliiht It and all ether medicines lpuichascdabuttlu.it Cushions drui; sleiu, beru In .-l hCKun,aml I found that thu llrst bjtl e icllcvcd all pains In the back mid sldis ; and I liavu, In my tumliy. used live bnttlus In all, and have teiinilltu mudlcliiu et leal merit and of great vuluu, itml have u'ladly lecummeiided It te many et my 1 fileiils nml uel;hbeis, who unlverbiilly prnlse It Iu hUrli terms ou uruat llbuity te useiuy , naiuu ter the bcncilt at sullerlni; liumuulty.' Tiaitci.v aiiviui:. I have been tiuubleil wltli kidney dljcune mnl Ktuvt'l ler a lenjf lime, with sovere pimis In my limbs ami luck, with liillaminatleu et bhulil r. Sly hiitleiliiBs were turrlble. I tried several phjhlclans, nil te no puijiese 1 leuiid that 1 wus grewlni; very feeble. 1 was ills ills ceuuikciI, and le,t lalth lu physicians uu I uieeltlne, whua it liluud I rum Mulilcu, who hud beun cured by Hunt's Itumedy el xravul and liver complaint, recommended It te me, nml treui thu llrst bottle I commenced te 1m 1m 1m piove, and tlirce bottles have entirely cured mu, and 1 heartily thank my Irleml ler Ills timely advice te uu Hunt's Remedy, for all tiiupilns have none lieni my back, and 1 mu In exei Hunt condition, and I feel thntu word Hern mu may be thu means el Havlngsemu tileud that iimy be biilleilng ai I did, bcfeiu Inking Hunt's itemedy, thu bust kidney uud liver cure. Maul'i-.l l.liTHiiiiLD, .Se. lisi Washlnitten Htreul, May 1.', ldM. Husten, Mnes. IIOIMK KAll.ttllAll :dt:.N. Having occasion te usa a medicine ter iuii eial iieblllty lu my family, i was lecoinmnml leceinmnml i d by a Irlend te use Hunts Kcmedy. as that wus bilng used with .iunl success nil ever thu eeuntiy We liuvu ued one boitlewltn mark ed bi-nellt,uinl 11 lusl ils lepiesunteil, mid a meillcliiu el ureal value, and I cheerfully add my ttstlmeny In pials et Hunt's llemuiiy, (.1! mill! W. t-CDTON, Wutuiimuu Seuth llosten Car S tables. "-OUTI1 Hosten, Mass , May 1-. lns.1. e.V1miIM,WFAw 'I'lnuu h'judeil peeplu nre beu.imlng iiulte uumeieiis, they have a rl(ht hund.ii lull hand, and are nlwiis behind hand In taklni; Dr. Hull's ceiiiih .- rup m lieu thuy Lalth n eeld, '1 In com sons why thu Celluloid Kyu-U lasses are thu lust lir t, beeausit they me thu UijhUtl, Siceiul, buciiuse they are thu Uttml mjmt.it: mid T11I11I, bi'iause they alu thu ilre;iycif Kei utile b all leading Jewcleis mid (Jptlcltmi eS ludeeilAw A fcUMIlnc; lil.eoieiy. I'byslclausme elteii slurlle I by lem.iikable diseeveiies. 'Ill" luet that III. IUiih's New lu-ieeiy ler cousuinptleu mid all Tliieul bud l.ii 11; Diseases Is dully cm lug patients II1111 tin) have ulvi'li up te die, Is Hlmtllug them le riiille liielr duty, and examine Inte the iwi Its of this wenuurliit discovery i ru HiillliiK lu humlied of our bi at l'hyslclunes iislii,; It lu thru practice. 1 rial bottles in u at Clui". A lechei'H Ding Mern I egulul' tle, 11.1.0. 1 " Don't llurrj, Ouiitlemnii," I Said u nun en his way te be hutiKud, " theru'll bu no tun llll 1 1 et theiu." Wu s.iy te thu dys- 1 puptte, uerveiiH. and debilitated, don't liuriv 1 thoughtlessly ler seme lemeily et doubtful ' meilt, uneeit 1I11 el lullut, whin you out gut 1 iitthe druitulsl ter emi dollar llurdeck Jllentl Jllitcri aliiieit suru le euro an I certain te b.iuullt. I'er hiiIii by II. II. Cei.'hi'iu, dniimlst, j 1117 .nml i;w Neitli Queen atlcul. ttucklrn's Arnica Halve. Tim Kieatesl tnen leal wonder of tlm world. I Warranted te speedily euro burns, Ilrulsis, I C11U, Hieeiv, hall Uhuiiui, I'uver seres, Can1 ! cers, riles. Chilblains, Cerns, Tuttur, Cbaprcil Hands ami till skin eruptions, Ktiaiutiticil te I euro In evety liiHtuiice, or money luliindcd. I 11 euiitri per box. ter sale by ( bus. A. I.echur, i luil-lyeedAw t Neinpapcr, l'.illler. O, M. Iloleoiub el Ulenmvlllu, Ohie, rUei te Had tint lei rlblu dlsuise citurrh. unity years : eeuldu't taite or smell, uud heai lm: wus tailing. Themnt' Kcteclrle Oil cureil ine. These aie fact, voluntarily (ilvun aalnsl 11 teriiK'i piejudlcu et pitent medi cine." Ker salu bv II. II. Cochran, driih'rflsl, 1.17 ami 130 Net ib Queen street. I 1VI.li everybody te Knew. Ilev. uuoii;e II. Tlmyer nn old citizen el this vicinity known te 1 cry 0110 an n most Inlluunihii citizen nud einlittun minister e! the M. h. thu roll, Just H1I1 moment stepped In our suiru te say, 1 wish overybody te knew that I consider Hint both myhelt mid wife nwu our ltvcs te tthlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is leivliiit u tremendous mm ever our counters iiudU Klvlng perlect satisfaction In ml cumis el I.ihm Dlsuises, sueh us iiethliig else bus ilenu. DUS. MATCIIiriT A r UANCK. HuUlineH. llui., liny IS, '7s. Sold by 11.11. Cechiuu, dniKglsl, Nes 117uiid Ifj North OjiiciiHtrcct. liniiLsier. leldliiedl I eria" KiitOi'.T Tin: two I J vuiiaelKara ferflc, uunulne MM A 1,1. HA enulne article, at IIAUTJUAN'3 YKI.I.OW fUUNTUIOAU MB1HVAL. A VKU'8 HAKUA1'AKII.I.A. TIRED OUT. Theillstresslnif fcnllntfel wenrlucss, el ex liausllen without etTert. which ninkes Ufe a burden te se many pnople, is dun te tlie fact that the bleed u peer, and tlie vitality conse quently fceble. If you nm suirerliiK irem aitcli Icellngs, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is Just wluityeu necil nnd will de you Incal Incal culuble koeiI. Noetbur preparation no concentrates anil combines liloeil-nurllylnK. vltnllrdnif, onrlcli enrlcli onrlcli liiKftnillnvleratlniiimiitios ns Arcu'sBAn- BAI-AnrLLA. rnerAnBD nr Dr. J. C. Aycr A: Ce., Lewell, Mass. Held by nil nriitfUts i il, sir bottles ler IS. eetB-lMydiw )KIIKV IIAVln'ri I'A IX Hll.I.KK. ONE BOTTLE or- Perry Davis's Pain Killer 111 Uftrii (le Ii emlcrs for a WHOLE FAMILY. Purely VoKOtable Modleino Internal and Bxternal Uoe. for The Oldeat, Beat end meBt wldely known Family Modleino. 25c. 50c. and $1 per Bettle. A MEDICINB "CHEST "llTlTSBLF. TRY" IT. ectl-lmd.tw tiuv tun) nn. S1' KOI A I. I-AI.K -Ol BLANKETS -AT THK- NEW YORK STORE. Watt, Shand & Oe. UeiUlit 1.1 Cases or Jlt.ANKKTd lit the ureal auction snla In .S'ew Verk, nml new elfer them at less thnn manulncturers' pi Ices. 10 I WIHTh 11I.ANKKT3, COOapnlr, former prlcu, li"j. 10.1 Will IK HI.ANi:KT8,!..V)apaIr,Iormer price, 13.10. 114 WI1ITK I1I.AXUKT3, .17.1u pair, iermer prlce, IS 00. 12-1 WlllTK HI.ANM'.TS, 11.00 u pair, former prlce, li.w. 10.IUIIEY l'.I.ANICKlM, nw n. pair, iermer piicu, i:..V). 11-1 OUEY HI.ANKIlTi, 12.75 a pair, former price, 3.W, Tliesu ge3ds luvu nil beun uindu during tlie pastsiimuiur und are the bust value wn hive uvcrellered. NOW Ol'KMNO AN KNT111K NKW I. INK OK LADIES' (OATS and DOLMANS, Jeisey Jaolreta, Mowmarkets, Ohll- dren and Mlases' Coats and Havoleoku, A'l l'Ol'lTLAIl l'UICES. 8 and 10 East King Street. l.ANUASTKIt, I'A. UI.Aittt Alii) UIV -.'AT, II .Hi.. JJ.OU a R1AUTIN. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! -AT- CHINA HALL We Imve new open n I.ure l.tnu et LAMPS, LAMPS. IN I'OI.ISHKH HIlAHs, KKKNCII HttOt.KD AND Klin.SV AND liOl.l) 1'IMHII. I.IUHAKY KAMI'S. UAl.t. t. AMI'S, eUANniUAKRU, Fancy Parler Lainp3, Glnes Lamps, VU: VKl.ASl) NUS-KXlI.OHIVU, NTirDJS.Sr J. AMI'S l.xatnlne our Stock Uelere puieliinlng ligii & Martin's, 15K.18T KINU STUKKl', I.ANI1A1TKU. I'A I'Al'UU ItAHinmi.', St 1 )IIAKl:'S W. 1'IIV, OUK 1.1 Si OK Dade Window Shades Is larger than any eunnu l.eretolero. W11 have tiiciii In All C0I013, six uud seven Ret Inn. 'IhusuKOodsure very tlillili uud popu lar. Special SUus mudu te enfer. PLAIN SHADING Hy tlieyiiid In any iiunnttty, wldu widths ler larire windows and store shades. Tin unit Weed HprliiK Itelletd Alse Cord I'Ulutu, Shades inuau up promptly ami hung In bfit manner, NKW l'ATTKUNS O WALL PIPERS or Kvery Deicrlptlen. Common nnd (lilt l'nper at Lew Prices. Herders, friezes. Cull- tru t'lece, no, LAOil OURTAINa, InC'ieamttmtlVlitle. Poles, Cornices, Hand, Leeps, Ac, PHaRES w. fry. G7 NORTH QUBBN ST. VL01MNa,VNVKHrXAH, V, ""' ' 1 nmuv.MSVj, Fer the fastidious young man we have the latest styles, taste fully trimmed and made equal te custom work at about half the price. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Sixth & Chestnut Sts. PMICADICCl'UIA. OO-lwil IP 1IA1 UOMII. THE DUDE. Club Heuso, I'rlnce Teck, (Ircniiulne, -FlnlH, Tubular, TIES. -AT- EEISMAN'S, Ne 17 Went KIur fjtroet. Opposite Cress Ifeys Hetel. TYI!lls ItAI'MFON. OVERCOATS. The cel enap we new experience Is but a feiulantu et the colder days that nre swiftly roiling 011, nnd that will seen be hrie-a fact that suggests our sayinif seiik tliluir nl OVKU COATS wlnler ieiiilftlUM. We mean le uy It(iilckly, tee. OVKIICOATd me lieie nnd leudy ler thu trude-lirs et Ilium Inrger ns serlnient, butter qiulltlcs, uud at cIeer (Ik urCH than evor befere OV KUCO ATS for MKN, ter HOYS and ler Cllll.lJUKN. Maturlnls urn et real Innilsniue, attuictlvu nml eurvlceable pattcniK, nml each gnrment made us only sklllid work iieeplu knew liew 10 make tlieni. Tlie teat as te who gives best values ler your money Is te makii comparisons of (piaUtles and prlcus. We Invite It, ami respectlnlly solicit 'i call. $10 SUITS tispucl'illy. Neat, pretty mnl survlceblu pat terns, anil UUANANTKIJI) AM,-VOI)I. Kiiual te II net supurorler, te any tr.ult sold In Hits elty, Ceinn nml ecu tt, MYER'S & RATHF0N, I.UADiNU I.ANCASTKU CI.OTII1KH3, NO 12 EAST KINO STREET, W'l'I-'A 3is(N resTKit. BOYS' SUITS KOU- Dress or Scheel Wear. Our Suits ler Heys of all axes will be found complete and equal te thu wants of nil. Our selections have been made with ((rent caiuleKOt the me it uril il-stj lea anil ttie beet material ler the I.ewmi 1'rlces, with special nfurcniu le stroll, uerkinuuslilp. Cull ned Inspect them mnl be convinced ttiut weaiu siippljlni; the BEST CLOTHING AT THK LEAST COST. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34,36 & 38 EAST KINO ST., I.ANOASTKH, I'A. UUUIjJSItlKX, k t It U 1(1 It 'n. Thu llestBlioe lilack In tlie Slnrkct, Bixby's Best Blacking ! It ntves u (iiili'k polish unit keep the lesllier 10ft. lllXHI'HKOYAft. POLISH Hai nosuiwrler.probttLlr iieeriiial.lqr J.wllus irid (Jlillilreir Blier. It give tt liewnnbli nnil kip I lie leather oil. OIVK IT ATUIAU FINE COMB HONEY At Bursk's, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANOASTtlO'A,.