Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 04, 1883, Image 3

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( terlnl, but needs illJolplliie upon lliu fluid
'I'lie players nre yniiiij; mid iiinlillieiiii. A
llclit ouptiilnledlicot tlie work iBOtioef the
iieciIh eT tlie nine. 'I'liuy doservo overy bit
of oueuiiKiRCinciit tlie thriving '' I""
Ktosslve elty of Latin iftter tflvrs them,"
I, WtUAI.l
llrl Mill! TlilllO unit r.tlUJMIIllfl.
One limiilreil mill lllteen tluketn t(t Yetk
Willi) Hllllt tl) M11UIIfJ!M vl Itltijt llie Voik
county fair.
'I'lie fum for tlie round tilp belwein
I.uuMMer mill riillailetpiibi te pcuteiiK
.itteuillii.: tbi Unruiuu 111 Onti-iiiiUl Ijiih
been llxed ut J'J.71 tickets feed liiiiu lliu
llth te Utli. IiiM., Itiolusive.
A surprise mill bit tlitlny iirty w.ih nlven
te Fred. C. l.elnhiud, Ne. 107 Heutli (Jut (Jut (Jut
ollne street, by his ni.ttiy fiieiids. Ill)
iceeivcd iultn n nuiiiber of presents.
Twenty couples worn present.
II. F. Ilenu, iiiiotlenoor, heIiI yoiteitl.iy,
for 0. M. Iless, tlm property new occupied
by liltn, two nil'es Heutli of CJtiairy villi),
amttnliiliiK lOOuurrs, te Julie .(."Uoeil for
$80 an tuue.
In thoruce fur tin) 'J' 10 claxi ut tlie
Henillnir fair i'nti'tilnyl tlie bay mme
"l'uiity," null kirn a n in this section, wen
tlm llmt two heats In U HJ anil tf.l.)) Tint
dnikucss cemluj,' en tlie balance of tlm
r;ici will be trotted today.
LiHt evening about twenty fileiuls called
at tlie roMdeuoo of .Mr. .1. F. Wchr. Ne.
Ml Middle street, nud gnve u mi pi (he te
Mm Willi r, tlie occasion being lirr llflicth
blitluliiy. Anion:: the present wan a
D.lVls fOWHIl I Mill' 111 tin. A nlce tiine w.vs
The IViuisylvania tmilure state itssoei.i
tieti will held the'r hixth annual cuuvttii cuuvttii
tieu in lIuriisburK en Monday, Ootebur I)
A lecture will be ilnllvi-icil en Tui'sday
uetilnc by Jehn I). Nel.m, of New Yerk,
his subject belli,;, "What's New in Mill
ing." Ordeis I'm exclusion tickets in ly
be obtained ftem Limits Lev.ui, of thin
city, the secretary el the association.
On Wednesday evening next, tlie Hiilll
van Hladu uoinbinatlen will nppunr in the
opera limine Tlie party aie en tliutr way
te Hiu Praualttce and include Jehn L
.Sullivan, Herbert Sl.ule, Steve Tuyior.I'eto
McCoy and Mik (illleipie. Toe lithograph
of the company, with a incture of Hulhv.iii
uud the inen he has defeated, Is ipute
Lewis l((ibiUHiiti,the lloneybreok robber
who i rtMiii d with Jehn rraiikfuiil, the
hersn thief, and Dunn, nnother
thief, fiein the Went (.'hestur jail, and who
could net bit captured ulthetij'h u rrwnrd
of $2.") was tillered for his arrest, dollviired
himself up tlm priHen keeper of Went
Chenter l'ueiday night. He Raid he v.ns
tired reaming around.
l ettrt et Coiniiieu fie.
ni'.rer.i: .irtuu: myinohten.
Tbe case of Henry S. I Kir vs. Jauic.i
Keenirr ih yet en trial up Malm.
In the o.ihe el T. L. Thompson uud
David Havt-rsliek h. It hi-nb.ui in it Ce,
autieii te ii'cover for tobacco sold aud de
livered, a vordlet was takeu in favor of the
pi n nt ill" fei iUW :I7.
Michael A. MeUliuii vs. W. W. Brown
aud Kl m Biown, his wife, onueis and
iej uti'd ort inns, nci. fa. Mir. iihh:1i.iii!e'h
lien. Jiidineut .ih cutored ill favor of
the plaiutiil for $7..
IIUrOIIK It 1)01'. I'M IKltHO.N.
In the care of David Iiavemtick, jr., vh.
llei'tibaiiui A. t'e , the jury rouderod a
vcidlct in favcr e( tlie plaiutltf for 4530 'J!,
that beiug the full amount olaitued.
The case ufJajub heehriHt, for tlie uce
ei Jehn bchmaltz and IMward Schmaltz,
vs. the Fidelity society, wn
oentiniiod, as'tlie plaiutltf could net be
Auiitlirr Wrmllll.
Lvst niniiig Mihs, Kr.tie Hud, i-ldeitl
daughtrr of Or J. A. K. Herd, ami G. II.
CaiMH'i, of Haltimore, oie united in
iiinrnaue at the residonL'e el the brlde'n
lather en Oraugit hticet. TIiuh
ncre a luge nuuibcr of invited guettn
pri'Hcut, ineludiiig poeplo from I'hiladet
jibia, Haltimore and ether place!". Tlie
curouieny w.w pi formed by Uev. Or.
(ireenwald, of this eity, atsisted by Rjv
Lant., of Luck Ilavuu The
as Mis M-ibel (ablinte:), of Haltimore, L jirechitr, el this city, uh
groeiiiKinau. tloergo MeNabb and .1 tbii
Iteugiur wero tlie indium. The preveutH
were very many and valuable. Jea Letmr
wan the cateier of the evening and pre
patetl an oxeollont mipper, the t.kble being
net in tlie simps of a four leaf clevor.
ClllClit I'lllMMl.
The chiefs wero i .lined up in
CauauMtege tube Ne. liOJ I. O It. M , this
city, en Tuesday oveuiug by 1). I). CJ. S
ltyrun J. Hiewn :
1'iophet-O. A. I). Villa, j
Hachcm Wm. (i. Hrewn.
Hr. Sag. O e Kichlcy.
Jr. Sig. (leu. W. Leenard.
Trustee Jehn M. EKhlemau.
I). O.S., H. J. Hrewn raised up the
following I'hiefrt last evening at Motameia
tnbn Ne !), I. O. II. M. :
I'rophet Jehn fl. Slcbvrn.
hachcm Sainuel I. L'urtis.
Hr. Sag Jehn L. Zechur.
Jr. Hag. Audicw II. Hammend.
Trustee Win. D. Staufler, ebip
blrtttK by m lelr(rili I'ote
This morning the second section of fast
line east was htruck by a telegraph jole
which wan leaning ova tbe railroad truck,
ueai the ItitcrfreliO'i, last eT MitldleteMii
Kngine Ne. OeO, which w.w drawing the
train, was badly damaged, tbe headlight
being broken, aud the Hinolte stack b ut
Thovcutilaters of the cais wero broken
and the pipes of the stoves kuoekod oil.
A number of ethor peles wero tern down
and the engine becatt n tangled up in the
wire vihich hud te be cut ut dllleieut
points. The onglne took the train through
te Philadelphia.
Contract fur l.'uitl.
The bitls for furnishing twonly-llve tens
of Haltitiiore company and Lykeus valley
coil, for ue iu the station heuse and city
elllces em opeuud last evcuing. They
wcre as fellows :
ItiuiniKUHlmir . Ji IMch, i'K file .. fin
" nut " 4 4't
.(nines Stewart 4 Ben, vun " tu
" nut I is
Kaufman, Kellei .V O , uitu ' I'S
" nut " I M
The contract for egg slze oeal was
aw aided te Haumgurdner it Jell'ries, nud
for nut sle te Kaulman, Reller iM (Je.
LaauiHii I'lnee ileum.
II. II. Hehrer stmts for Koekinghiim,
Virginia, this evening, en n visit.
Tighlmaii Clomnen, the herse thief, who
was urrested nt Nine I'elnts en Monday,
sold a number of horses te dlft'cient peo
ple in this neighborhood.
Jeseph Aiken has contraetcd te de the
work uud II. II. Holuer te furnish the
lumber (or two new houses, ene of which
is being oreetcd by Mrs. Anuie Dobsen,
near ParadUe, and the ether by Christian
Horshey, ene rulle west of Learann Place.
The Lnrgeit Kxcunleii.
Heiiilmg Tillies,
The largest oxcurslen ever kuewn
en the Heading & Columbia rail rail
read passed ever the line yesterday from
Lancaster te Headlng te attend the Herkn
county fuir. The oxcuraieulsts numbeicd
1,810, mostly made up of poeplo from Liu Liu
custer, Manhelm rind Lltltz.
liuree HuiH,
Probably the largest bass evor caught in
the Coucstega was taken last night near
thu old faotery en n threw line by lienj.
Feidney, of Ohure'i stroet. It weight d
evor 5 pounds, aud when exhlbltid nt the
Inti:i.mui:.mi:u olIKewas still ulive uud
Mfniil jtlmiK llin hltaiUitliniiliiillniiiK el
litlnrrtt IiihuiI Atiiliml tlm IIipmhikIi
I'lllllill up lijr llie I ll twill-
Keiiecr llennttrr.
The ritinpiehanna Is en tlioilse.
'I'lie st'oeuil uttempt toerganl.oabliiyalo
club has lallid.
Osmtela trlbi of lied Men nud Celutnbla
loilge Ne. 'Jtffy A. F mid A . M , niccts
te-night. ' ' '
Dr. H. 8. Hituirr, bus uonneeted bis
iiIUje at Iieinllle, null the Columbia
trldpliemi i xebaiige.
The amount el ceiiHiliiicd during
H' pit inber by 1 P. It. Liigituvi passing
tills p ilnt was ll.OOO.HOO punul.
Mr. Williaiu (lilbert has eotnineiicod
digging the cellars of a double house nt
the Five Points. It will be of brick, two
stories high, mid will hue a Montagu en
Union M itu t.
A young seu of Mr, Theiuiis Martin's,
while playing iu his fathui's bain, near
town, loll from u second story window
and seriously iiiplurcd n bleed vessel of
the bend.
The Pas Time i.oeiul club's ball I.iim
night, held in Ceiittn hall, Mmielta, v. us a
perfict suceess. Certlnlia orchestra fui
nislail the luiihlc. Lverythiug passct) oil
Iu tlie most pleasant manner.
Luginis Ne. 71) mid 8.2, built for the
Ciiicliiuatl Heiithein railroad by thu Ilald.
win loeouiolivo works, of Philadelphia,
parsed through lieie last uveuing towards
their destination. Tliey aru toil wheeled
euifities el the ilrst clans.
The train taking excursionists te Voik,
left heie this nieiuiug with eleven cars,
some of them brtlng already tilled with
Lancastrians mid C il.imblaiis uud with
people from Intermediate point.
Mnveial gatdiMis en Cherry street me
n Ming a lull second ctep of raspberries.
S .itiu Mi.itMi ii- fi tin Mrs. ibdtli
Weaver's gaiden are of excellent if iver,
and of laii'e sire In the s.ntie gaiden Is
a cheri) tiee in full blossom
A coil I ideii tlmible canal beat bulei King
te the Kiixqut-heuna and Tide Water emal
ciiiupi' y, sink in the river at tlie leurtli
pit r nf tlie nver brulge (from the Yerk
canity hIioiei yesteitlay afternoon Ne
attempt te i.iiae the beat has yet been
in ii de.
Mr L'twirt L!e has bcen ajipeintcd tlie
Kcadiiii! V Culumbia baggage master
In-lit. The lel owing otiiei appointments :ilhe Iileii in. iile en this read: Mr.
Frank Mussel, late of Cehunbh, te be
ticket agent nt Cerdelia, ami the late
agent there, Mr. riamuel llorntheiiiel, te
be assistant ficiht agent here.
Tlm lac.) of Heward Stape was badly
dutlliiied hut evening by a r.toue wbiali
was thrown by mi itlier hey. This prae
tice of st inn throwing mIieiiIiI have a step
put te it, aud th,u host means of accom
plishing sueli an oh)eet would be te make
an ixauid of seu.ti of tint throwers.
Neatly l.sei) psingers wero oirried
into Heailnik' ui tin) which left here
)eti'tday at 7:11) a ni This untire niini
btrwas pncKul ii te ten tars audit was
almost iuiH)iMb:e loeellict tickets. The
railroad elllcials ilul net expect such u
heavy exclusion or ft laignr trim would been sent from hore.
About forty porseus attended a birthday
sin prire paityat Mr. 11. L. Wambaii(h'.s
ri'Mi'ouce en Walnut stret t, last evening.
Ii wasgivi n tocelobrato the blithdayuu of his daughter Hattte, and was
a highly eijivable affair. Urtines of
v.iiieiis kinds, ami the ilonielitlon of tlie
cemuits et an elegantly spread roficsh reficsh
m ut beard, seen the oveuiug te
glitle qutckly by.
Willi ducks nre becoming mere plentiful
tftl the Miitike from the f-pertimcn's guns
in ij be Keen dotting the liver overy morn
in. . unlit I Heed succLtded in bagging
leiutttii ml ntck ducLs this mnruini;.
I'Iiih in ul out the I iiuest number killed ou
ii single tl i, by oue parson, this souseu.
In ull pre' nhiliiy the in.uket will seen be
well supplied with wild ducks. The red
necks he'l icailily new at SI. 00 per pair.
Mr. Frauk Kr.un.i his returned te Phil
Mis Sarnh Douueu an 1 Miss Lucy .loner
ire the truest el Mm. W. T. Couuer.
Mr.s. I'mauuel Markel. of Shrewsbury,
Pa., is visiting ln.r seu, Dr. C. F. Mar
la I
M. M. haueiber, l.ite e( Lancater, will
luucafter fill n elerknlup at the Penusylvii
ma railiuad (reigbt tleput here.
MKIUIlllllltllOUIt M.1VS.
I tuliU ftntr itml Hie CeuillJ l.llir.
There ure OS piisonei.s in the Hcik's
county prison.
Tlie 1 1th auuual session of the F.ast
(iermnn conferenco of the elm eh of the
United Hrethrcii iu Clitlst is new holding
in llending.
Thu iiimerid piirchasi) of the HatrUbuig
'Jtltynijih by Messrs. Wright, Peaisen
nud rimalley, is denied by .Mr, Themas F.
Wilsen, one of the proprietors of the paper,
who says no sale has hceu made te any
one. There are vague rumors that the Pcnii
sy Ivnnia, Slatingteu & New Luglaud rad
ical! haschauged bauds, nud lhatbuildlug
operations will seen be started up
The trettiug Inn se of Samuel ltothermel,
of Fleetwood, was during fair week badly
hurt en the ItuU'ewu race eonrfee by the
end of ene of the shatts of a buggy pene
tinting his bieast
UI.rOU.MM Hi. MM).
riiu Uue limiilreil uud 1 lilrly-Sutuntli An
t.uitl Hriialiiii 111 lleuelufi.
The l.!7 annual sosslen of the synod of
the Kef ei tiled church iu the United States
mcctSjiii St. Paul's Memerial Koferm.
ed church, Heading, en next Wednesday
te continue in fecssiuu mi entire week.
Thin synod embraces the Lebanon, Phil
adelphia, Lancaster, List and West bus bus bus
iuichauua,Uosbcuheppoi.Tolilckoii and Le-
lugu illsttlats, anil iueludcs iu reunil mm
lie ik, 2'J5 miiiisteis, 050 cougiegatloiui,
evt r 70,000 members, -lSOO uuceuiliincd
muuibars, and 550 Sunday schools, w th
ever -15,000 scholars. At last report the
uhuiches embraced iu this suyed contrib
uted $1)7,950 17 for benevolent purpobes
and $201,130 15 for congregational pur
poses. The delegates who will be in ntteutlauce
fiem thu Lancaster district are Dr. U. V.
tlerhart and (leorge W. llcnsel, of Quar
ry vllle.
Tlie Aiiicrlcim inij .
The Allentewn Democrat, after s)eaking
of the recoptieu mid Its features of the
American tire company of this elty, in
AUontewn en Thursday, says : " The vis
itlug company took their departure for
home en Saturday nftorneon. Their geed
behavior during their stay, mid geed
appearance ollelted many compli
mentary lemarka from our citizens,
Upen the whele the visit was n
pleasing occasion for our elty. The
America boys paid their guests inueh at
tention, nud en this, as well as former
occasions, fully demonstrated their adapt
ability te the geed work of ciUeitainiug
visitors iu equally as line style, and making
them feel pertcatly at home, as of beiug
prompt te duty nud faithful te the inter
ests of the public. The citizens also took
a warm iuterest iu the proper entertain
merit el the visitors."
Mil j or m Court,
The mayor had threo cafes this nierniutf.
One was Jihotderly, who paid cost, and
two ledgers, who woie discharged.
td' Ii niiiKiul Dyes nre se pnilcct uud se
bountiful unit it Is u plensuie te use Iheiu.
Kiuallyiroe II- 1 '.irlc or Hrflit coleii. lOcis
' Hwiiyiin'sUliillilDlil"
i "Hwuyne'H Ointment"
Onte tlK most
"nwiiymrn wiiiiineiii"
'ftwiiyiin's Oliilniiiiil"
"Hwayne's Ointment"
i'.swnyne's Ointment"
'"Hwayne's Oliitineiil"
"Hwiiyiin's Ointment"
"Hwiiyiie's Oliiliiuml"
tiiiitiiuisi s of rliln tilt.
iiuHiUi aiieli m lel ter,
salt rlieutii.sealit licait,
lialiei'sltcti, sercn, nil
eriistv, scaly, IIeIiIiik,
skin ertiitleni, nml
"swayiiuseiiiiuieiii" n
1 )4 tvn i-iiiiii (II rt I in nnl' l L
enl illHtreDjIntf coin
Biviiyne's Ointment"
"flWaynn'H Oltitinmit"
".Swavnti's eintiiii'iit"
"Siviivnn's Oliitiiienl"
Uwfiyue' Oliilinent"
pliilnt, ItrhlnK plliu,
tlm only vtlectiuil cure
no mutler hew nlmtl
null' or leiiKHUiiiillnu.
Aulc for It mut tlie no oilier. It CUIlKfl
when) nil else lulls. Held by all ilriiKClstS,
A (IeiikIi, tlnlil nr Xtirn'l lirunt
ItiiiHiltesliiiliiedliite attention. A newlect Ir
ritates llie Iiiiikh nml mi Ineiiiatiloillfiuxe Is
often llie rietutl. "1)11. SWAiNK'H COM
POUND HVIUT WILD OIIKItllY " elites tint
most Severn coughs ami celits, itetsitlrettly en
llie liuiKs, l.iieat mut cUt-Ht. piiitilus llt'J liloeil,
iirifl ler In eiulital, list lunik, all pultiiemiry ul ul ul
tcctlonsel Ieiik uliindlim, iFtlliiilKHtreineily
evnr ilhcevereil. Price X tents uud fl nor
liel tie Tut- luri(ttNl.i) In me-it e'onetiileai
sum nv mi Ill-Hi iliiu-uletx II l-MWAKIVilAw
'I HKiuiHl pupulnr uud Irayraiit I'e. Iiliiutel
tlieilay IIACKMK'i'AtK." 'J ry It. Held liy
II. II. Ceelirau, diiiKt(let, Km, 1.17 Htlil IX)
Neitli UineiiHtietil fcli7-iM)IJ
I reeeintiiKiiil l.nily UitimilU's SticrT-rTif
i eiillniiid lleiuil) ler tlie Miniilfxlnil an li'J
Iuk Mt-Hiipuiler teatn in tlole t etir used. It
perltlvely removes Kiecklci, niu' "III leiiiove
Tun In euuiiiil lent Ien. 1'ikn flic.
Kei- aln at ull ill niiKl-its.
M113.. I. Itr.KMK SMITH,
ItWLi iimIM.V) Nnwark, N. .1 .
lleHiiiii )fi, It Is, that wu iiiiisI suitor limn
illi-ae, bin liiuil lleitlt DI'i'iiRO, neixeiiiliess,
nml sle('iileiil-s. Dr. (Imwii' lletitt llegiilu llegiilu
ter will give eit liiiiuiHllatq u-llut ; tlieiimtinM
nay se. flimi bottle at iliiti;ult-t.
Di. liraves' Henri llecululei uiiuhiiII feiniH
eflleitrl DlieiiMi, in rveiMlie3 itttit rliieii H4
miss. b.'u iiw
In Nut Unit lllliellj.
i.e (iiielully In innrliusInK inedlclnit itauj
ii(eiltel iriniultns em tvnik nieit Injure
are Hiiifn til til noun, lluriluik Ulentl llUUr
imi linicly a vrcteUilitit tnep trillion i llieainull
cxl child civil tiilin them I Hey I. Ill dUi-it-e mid
eine the ii it lun I In u h tie and bin Mv w. j for
h tin by II II. liuit, i:t; mid l.l'j
North Oueeu utli nt.
AIeiIicihI .llellmrsl Slnltiernl
Are you iltsturbed nt nUhl mid broken or
you next by it tick elill I uirrlii ami crjI.iR
Wltl. tlm exrruiMililiiif uttn or cnttllli; ti ('III T
II I'll, trout iinciMiml uet it b ittlent M Its. WIN WIN
sLen'uviiiirillMlsMUl'. Ilwlll relli ve
tint peer little Kiiltmer tniiiiiv.lliil.-ly depend
upon It . Iheiu Ih no nilql ike itlieitt It There g
net u iiietlu-i en nilb who Inn t-tei- lined It,
,h() Alii net Utli yiui ut oiile tlml It
rigulutu 111") bOweU uud j;lv) fill te tUO
inetliur, and relief and htultli te thu child, op-
liitlntt III." uiuie. It isi"rlitctly ilu te use
In all ontee. nml pli'iwiiet te the Unde, itml In
the pnwerl.illen ofeuo el llm el text mid bell
leiiiiiln phyHtciaim in the llitlled Mnte.. Sold
vi rywle-i-e. . cenu a liettln
in iM-t IV Htw
iluur i.'uriitiliti Sun e.
Th.' bil Ntlve In the t-.etlil for 0019,011111(03
(WuiM ulcii-, aH ihuitui. letter, climpetl
li.ilidH, chllblniiiH, tun I1H Itml ull Ulllds et skill
eruption-, Ireeltleii uud iliiiples. The huIve Is
Kimmnteeit te Klve perlict Hutlsfurtlnn In
every etbe or money refunded He sum jeu
set llKNitv'a i'muielii tAr.VB, in nil ethers are
lull linitaileii-i and cnunterleltj". 1'ilce ii
ci nv t-eid in I.uueititer nt i.echiii!rs Drug
iteri 137 North UIIihiii hi ieI m"W
HmitllPn, DlpliUierlit, 'euilet Kevnr, Yul
Inw Fiiv. i ele . imrt nxltl a.ieie Daibjsl'le
phjluctle 1 lilld U ll-c-il.
it it'll 1. 1 fin i?i ue-.Aiit
I i "lifiHuiKblatetiiontnrWlUmitiJ.Ueuiiu
te, I -iiiii"i life. Mu.v.. U be litutiirkable tnat
we i , um-tj ler 11 the ulb-nlteu nt mir read
i-i- II- . . "In the lull et 1ST!) I was
ti t 1 1 ih ni blei II114 el llu litr.-s, lotlemid
by u mvi-hi ciniKlt. 1 seen biKitn ui Iiw n.y
n, ," llie ind tleab. I it -an weiik ul ene tltue
thi.l I iiiiil-l net Iihivi) n.y bed. In tint stun stun
en i ei 1-77 1 i.iadiiuitiKl leihe I -ty Hospital.
Willi (hern tint iloulers -eild 1 hud it hole In
in) lull lniis il big us a 1 expe-id-c
I evnru iiuiidrul ilell.trb Iu doelen and nud
U no r t v. li mi liu Kiinu ut ene time n report
ui hi ireuiul Ih-it 1 was deiid. I pnte up hope
bit it Ull lid told 1. 10 et tm. V5I. IIAI.I.'S
l.'JMll tOUTlit- II MJS I lun.'lm ut
iny frleii.i", lliiiiKliit in ui- li.Liniible, but 1
tie u I nle te u-itl lytr-i-tn, lien te tuy Hitr
I uneii tl Kiulllltutleu, 1 (.imiiiii iieid te it el
belter M hope, einn de..d l iriiu te rt v Hit,
t d If. mv I leel In better iplr"- I in 1 have
tbepml itin'O jenw.
1 uiltothlsllepliiK you Hill pulillili
th tl every ene allllcted wllh Dleaed Liuiks
Hill be Induced te t.iUe DU WM. HAM.'S
UAl-hAM tonillhl.UM.S.iuidbeconvlncod
Mint fJONSUMl'TIUN CAN 15 K ClfltKU. I
ti ive tnltun two bottle-' mill can po-dtttely say
tliBt ttli.istloue me niore cnel than ull the
ether meillclnes I invve tnUen alnce my slcli
in r-. MyceuKii tiii almost entirely illsnp
pi ami uiul 1 Mi ill -non lie uble te ie te work."
ei -v II li i ei hum. I..7 J-erili Oiieeii streut
Uisi8-l i.ssuy October J, IMI, by Kev
.Inimn V. Mttrliell. I). I.,Mi Cuba W. Mjur.
m Jit i Luutea l'luney, both of Mils city !
Uii.LtPii-uiiAwroiiu-Sejit. in, 11, liy tii.
llev. 1 atlit-t Cha-i .Mi-MuiiUtIi, tit t-.lliihulh-te
n, r'ninl.-llii Dlllleh, or nil I itinpetei. te
Jll-t .Mm III i A., the only d nnjhti-l (it deoirre
Ul.tutel'l, e Diuuiete, all el l.iueuitei
l-eiitll), I li. It
IKiiutiirxlie Mntn 'llckl.
M.VUlll KOIIKItr l'At.liAltr, WurienCe.
8TATB lllKASI'liril.
HDS. .K)si:iMI rewill.l,, Itradleitl Ce
Ueiinty TILket.
IllStltllT APrellMtV.
IllllX. A. UO I.K, Uutcastei.
I'll MTIII.M N. I.tuictitei
lOilN II. MENAUU i, Mt. Jej'
loon tuitutmiiis
II. Ii. rflllMP. K.Cocnlke.
C. 1!. II Kllll, Mlllersvlllt..
eeUNTt seiivKteii, I' r.VA.SS, hden.
AJ.H AUV1.U lliil.Ht.Alti.
I .''Oil HAI.H-A HDtll), l.tltlili-Hl.KD
'Oiieiitnl" 1'iu'er Ucutur, In ll'bt-clitHs
eottdltlen. Will be sold ut nbniAulu if culleil
tnraoen ut.MS Oiuiik'u street. If
Stun iniAUT Mi;r-tii)T
ul Den It's -uloen. IiiM. ill nun 1M Neitli
unccn strict. Km-Itli-t's I.iiirer lleci en tup.
It J.. I. DOlOH.l'iiii).
nil. U. II. IIHOlVN.
llus ICuiuevuil te Ne. ii WKbTOIlANUKhT.
Kjeutnl Kiirtitnteil. Olnssesuilliiatctl. mi
penui apictuclLseu hand mid te order.
Itu'l Ijd'lh
II U It II til I'D 15 l.ll.NCIl.
1 sun I Kiaut this l rilUllbD Vl ) cven!n j
Oyptel blew ou Kililay evening, itml Suur
lUiiui en ritiunuiy evemiiff, ul r.xceis ei
Lemii one I Coins ull I
1ui.ieN ermcA mius.-;.
Mondoy, Octeber 3, 1083.
the Oieut Poiifciitlen of the Huvi Houses
Ciewileil i Nethlnir I, llie It Kver heeu : tln.nee
let Hcimeiy uud Klleets Aleuu. The Weudei
lul anil ypectuculut Druin.i, tntltlud
Willi Its MiiHiilllci nt Scenery uud i:iIertH.
Ceieiln;,' 10 WO lent et cunviis, uml eccup)liiX
thu enllie stuue ftem wall le wull with ltn
HiiiliiiiK uavesund leirlblu reallmu.
JIiiKiililceiu .MnniiUglit Panorama, touclud teuclud
liiK Hlth the beautiful effect , '! lie ijnen Upen
the l.uliit." The pepiihtr uoier, Mil. J .. 1.11'
TLI!, 8iiipeitcil by it ceuipuiiy of nckuoul nckueul
cdijed.ibtlltv. AUM1HSION 31, 50 75 UP. NTS
KK3l.'lVI'.!)Sl'.AiS ,....75Ch.NT8.
Fer salQ at Opera Heuso utllce. ULO. MOICItlfl MnniiRtir
.v t:w Ait 'ttu ris t:v ;.v i h,
WAMhl)-A l7lONtl HOY, WMeTtAN
itlvni'ded relorencont Ne, 1.1 Kust Klmr
Nil Cllt,
ritiitAi)i)i) piih hai.k. "
1 A Finn Ctep el IMI TebiiKO ini sale
Wu) stilt) Btoeli Jr'urin, West UhiMter, I'.i.
11)15 MAI.i:.
1 Let el DEAD llltKOlU 'lltKKSiei sale
at Wlii-atlaiid. Apply en the premises.
WANTRfwrtsei.Aiiii.s .i.iitiKN'ria;.
MKN te take eiileis ret llll.lH
MANUAL Al.ltUMH nml 111 llbKS, tin Mild
en monthly piynmiitn. H te Vi pur duv.
iiMwil JOHN HINU, City llelel.
Wedding Gifts
s.-i mid
nO.-sT KllltOl.T TIIIOTWII ptlitM.IIA
Vutia lifiim for f.C , ueiiiilnit iinleli, nt
'I1IIK lll'.ST AND fllOHl k as.
1 nertmiiiit el l:ncliie.
I'ekiu, C:i-dne utitl
ether pliiytn eitrili.ut
xrilll WII.Ij AI.W VM Kl
I. lliinel Ce lin-ttlLUt eljjurs ami I eiinthlli
r Inn l.ul. tubal te. ul
I WhKi nam ,
1 KUI. I. UMr. KltllAI Ar.
V up, st
s Kitir
Ml tlllill IlltOIJIl KOlt Klll-.IDI'.K'M
extin pure new lumlly
lilt n-IJIIll''l' Ulllt. OI..1I.
Circular te the triute mulled lien te I'etb-rs
AddiesM, J' II NO liltr lDICIt, ll.tnf .Mlllen
(i I eve, I'll nil innl
l.MM.Il IIIKrHIS IMIDltl A 1. 1. Mill-
Kj unit structures by bnliiillHtliietly nnd i
Keiitlully u new iitoeiict, never, tinder uny
clictiiiiHtiinre.s.uxIstliitr In it lieull liy stem
CANCKICS mid '1 DMOltser nM kind, cured
Mlllient pititt or iihIhk the knlb- hIe, skin
DLiuies, Chronic uud I'tltnte Dltiiues suc
ceMfully treritptl by
HUH. II. 1). nml M. I. I.ONiiAKKIt.
enice U Kits! Wuliititstieut, l-nneistir. Ph.
Consultation lieu. el-Jld&w
IlCltbll) At I.K !' Vtl.Utllf.r. OITY
I'KOI'Kim On MOVIl.Vl, l)i TiillKU
e)."H, lit tlm fiunkltu Ileiixe. ertllOui'iill
strtel, l.tinui-dct Cli. In pur-niani e el tut
eidi-r et the urptiutis' Conn. Mill be mid at
ritblle inle, a 1 tint, curtain I.el et I'lueel
Oientiil sltuitted en tlm t-nl si hi of ertti
l'rlncoslieet (Ne. 110) between Orunrre uiul
Cliestimt Htiet'ts. Lancaster Cl!, iiuil eontitltt eentitltt
line In tiniil en mild rutin-, lll lent,
morn or lc-. nnd t xtetnlliu; In depth list
nurd, 111 !- t nie-e ! lesi, en wluell Is i-ieet-ed
tiOit.-'iterv IIIIIOK DvKI.l.lNU IIOUhK,
wl l Fnitne Kilt-In ti uttuched. AIke liydmnt
In theurd, Iiuil tiee). Krape i lues and oilier
linpreveinentH. 'I his property Is centiutly
I eenled In one el the best portions el the city
Sule te ceiiitiience ut 7 o'clock p nt , ivlitin
conditions will be Hindu known liv
UlAltl.r.S N.-liri.l.
Admlnl-druter c t it. et I'livld-hitll.dec'il.
-lllPHEnT & ICTTfit, Atllt-. Oft l,ll.lS,.!i,i7,'.'J
1 Unit an iipplleutlen will tie tiiuiln te tlie under Mm Ac-tot A--i'inbly of the
I ninuitmw filth el I'eniisylv ml t, entitled
mi net te provide tot the linoipeiutlnus up
proved pril Vi, 1x71, nnd stipptemetilH leru
eliuiteret mi Inteintiil cot iiorntien.lo be culled
aim tile l.b! itiind Power Cetiin.inv, et
laitieaiter. 1' t ." tin- chutater and ebli-Jt et
whit h Is Mm eiiuulnt; In curry Iuk en th
mntiittnetiiitt el l.lxht. licit mid 1'ewrr by
metns of electricity, nnd HttpplyliiK tin) nine
te the clllrcni el l.aneisler, itti-l te utich poi
son):, partnerships uiul corperstloiis rn-liiltikt
Miereln and iidjuct ut thereto its may ih-MieMii)
Hume, te have unit pes-c-n nil the iikIiis, bene
Ills mid pilv llei.en leiituirnd liy stnl net uud
supplement A. M II l.llgll! ADI'.
ecliJldTii 8teret:tiy.
It will trite you u butler Idea el Mi" t iriect
Knllund winter stvli s In KeielKit uud Doiiteij Deiiteij Doiiteij
Me KubrliM tliiiu you em ktetln iinyotlier way
U e d i en ry unid or C'tuteui Tiillerliikf . from
KtHid te Mid tliicst. Our pilcus me e-irefully
xt-heil tiled, uud represent n u-usoiiuble profit,
ceil ittti ly Hk'uuiI urd lidded le the actual
co-it. The most f itiltli-is MOtkiiimishlp and
Mulsh. Keineuiber, no taucy pi lees.
Suits te outer ut, film
ixteid Cussliiiern nultH loonier ut Id CO
llteit II Ml-leil hllltfl te eidi r IS 10
I'm I Imi Worsted Milts te order 'J') CO
Hue hnnlleh Cerkiciew .miHh toeuliu, . :' U"
Kxtiu line Knallsh C'eik'ctuw toetdeiu
te 1 15 "I.
l'ants te ludei ut JTti, f I no, fiO-l, (. UD, J7.IKI
up te HI Ml
Ow-iceutM In lurije varli-tles ut tlie lowest
possible priced.
luspi cl out Htnak. I.enk nt Mm noikmait neikmait
ahlji. unit ut the usleiiMiin,; Ien pilces
L. Gasman & Bre.,
(i us MjKiii yui;i; sniEKr,
IllKUteu tUe 'Jeuttiweu Uornei et 'Ksaite m,
LANCA8I Kit. 1' .
of l'he ChuipuU Heme In the City
Uri'ss Ocetls ! Dress Uoeils !
Our u-Hortment of the-u- Koeds l-i new us
L'eid itstiitv In theclty tei price uml nuitlltv.
Is ih clieiip us the chutpi t nnd in roeiI its the
boil. We have u full Hue el Llet'i Diesn
tioeilrt ut low ns 25u , and iuiikIiiu' uiimui Is
te t 'il. We have tliim In eteiy iiiullty unit
In ull guides.
Wu luivu jiihi iLielved u full llnenl llludc
uud Celnied illKs, Unit e ititi i-mihled te Kill
veiy cheap. A lull Itnnel eolemut 7e ,
uroiiHKOed ns selil ulsowhtre ut s7Hc i uml
our Delliir IllurU nud Coleied silks unelulm
tobulhebiiM Unit muik OM-i ul own In Lun
OJster ter tint pilctt. Weliave ttiein r nn(lnu'
tipwiiids te ti 00 pet in .1.
lltesu Koeds ure new dully arrlvliiir, uml our
ie-(ittiiiiint Ih new criniilete In Kail Uoedn
I'lie Heavier UneiU me utitl conduit In, ami In
nbeiil ten duys me will In) utile te hIiew the
In st line et coats, Clieutars, Ac, tlthl uu.i evil
bIiOwii In Lancaetei-
M. II. HAbll & SON, Lancaster, Pa.
We new have In stoek n huse ami complete
stock et LudleH', Of ill's uud ChlUllcu h MK
Clillds Uiuteirililils from 15u up lleyn'n Me
i Inn Uuiteishtrtsiit i5n ,.ine, nml .',ie Hpvclal
liiiiHiilns In ;Ladles' MliIiie Vests at.u,4ie,
ami oue, ecaiieiunii aieuieuieii uuiierweai.
bl'a AN I) UAfdat Veiy Lew l'lliiu.
LiulU'-i', (leiit'd ami Children's FALL COi
TON HOSIKIIY. We Ktiaiantee our iirlte ''
be the lowest. u
A inn-it cemplete nfierlment el KID
Ol.OVhH. 'I line buttons, live hooks luclnir
or Musuurtalie. Katli pair wairantcil, Hpo Hpe
Llul baiktalu. Kitty ileiun brlllluut LUlu
(loves, line Kail !iii'w f worth Ve.) utiSe. u
pair, a mil asieiir.i uu et rinin coleied
lle-ilery r-".r Children iieui 10a a pair up.
We uie uUe eUy rei" .vlnij M) KI.T1KS IN
MlLLlNKIt 1101)1)1. Wu have beyond u
doubt the larKt'st m-eitinent or ituy btereln
Laue.uitel ceiinly Oui l ilci-c uie pealtHcly
tin i '
jvi;ir Anrr.ittisKMKNt.
iiii:umatiu MYitur.
A Limb '
And a Family Madeilappy.
Ml 1'hlllpMoeio.ol West Weluter,
Menree County. N. Y.. snjsi'-My
iliitiirhter. new eighteen venrs old,
bus, for tlie pKt elttlitemi inentha,
lien ntlllcleil with iheuinutltri In it
very Beveru leriu. ene yenr nite It
snttletl In tlii)kiiee,slticowlilclitline
she has bcen nimble te touch Iter
loot te tlie lloer or meva her limb
wll bout miirerliiif tlm moHtexciii
tliitliur ptiln. Her limb wuh fast
Id owing onto! Btinpe, itlthntigti we
woieilofiiK ter lierttllHocetilil, huv
liiK need nil the leinedles we could
hiinr of mid that were recommended
for rhcti mutism, noiteot which ben
nited her In the lenst. Korcnse wns
pretintint-eil Incuriible by the iiliv
Iclnii unit by our neighbors, and all
believed t hut Blie would be it cripple
ull lii ilnys, and that her limb eulil
never be lestered te Its original
uliii pe. Hut I mil happy te sity Mint
le-.iny mytlatiBlile'r is ontlrely Iree
Ii em ull rluiiiiiiatte piilns. nnd that
Rliucau wulk with perfect cuse. huv
lii(f thrown nslde hef crutclics, uiul
Her limb heciiis h Rtienif niie per
lect us uvcri nil lrein the use nt
your weiiilerttil medlelitu " Itlieti
mutlu Uyrup," which we consider
ene of the bent medicines e or In
troduced for purltyltiK the blerni,
unit 1 only regret that ull ottlrrnwhe
nre allllcted with H ciiinatlsm can
net knew of Its suputler merits.
Ven urn ut liberty le use mv ntime
II 11 will de you mi) k'oed, nml I
shall be only tee irlitdletellunyiiiiil
overyeno what It Jiiia ilone ler my
nill.ll' MOOUK.
Rboutnrttie Syrup
1 the RitallHt llloed I'tplllcr known, unit will
lenli Mint It clulmdd ler It. end ler pamph
let or testimonials unit leid el tliotiewliolinvo
liteii cnieil liy Its use.
Illieiim.itlcSjrii Ce., Itecliesler, .N. Y.
iikll li.l w
.X'".- "X..
1 s
i: UAI.DlVKI.I. ,v ue.
We ask the attention of pur
chasers te the Importations of
Fine Diamonds new arriving.
Te mdet the demands'ef the
most critical, and consequently
the most prudent, we confine
ourselves entirely te the sale
of such diamonds as may be
pronounced strictly first-class in
quality. ' ' '
Recognizing the fact that in
ferior stones have little intrinsic
value, it has been our business
aim te offer only such Diamonds
as we can unhesitatingly recom
mend as a judicious money in
vestment. In Rubies, Fmeralds, Sap
phires, Cat's Eyes, and Rare
colored gems of all kinds, we
have been fortunate in securing
many beautiful specimens.
We desire te extend a most
cordial invitation te our custo
mers and ethers in this city te
visit our store, new rendered
additionally attractive, by reason
of the many elegant goods of
all kinds constantly arriving
from abroad.
J. K. CAi.nunu. & Ce.,
902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
el 3mKii3iuSpceit
;.v rr.u iai nm vn r.s.
r' ufr.KA neubti.
PEtlDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1833.
with u iceerit niiw nlalits In New VeikClly,
ui Ml iiiiuppre.tthed by nil t 111 tint oiunlz.t eiunlz.t oiunlz.t
tleit, Mill preneitt OUbiit uud Sulllvuu's meit epeia,
Or, The Peer and Peri.
1. 1 uiul Otliilmil Ce ill pu ii v N'eu uml lltch Ce.-
luiiu.'i, Clieruit et Thirty Voices. Thne
le.ii -teetlier In this Company.
Mimic, Mlitlt, Merit.
IthbKllVhD Sl-.ATs 75 "
New ou sale ut Opera lloiite Olllce. e. it
Ult HAl,t..
l.'elt 11KN1 A 100 AOHI5 I.IMI'.slOnK
L Kiirm, 2 milts liein Luncaater. Alse 4
Acreiet laiiit In K'Klith wurd, Lane liter.
Hla-ltud UUIHII .t ItltOS.
T.MIIt s l,r. - I UK l!.NIU-f.lUN'CU 1VIL.I.
1 nell ut piliiite fiilu the Drtelllnt' Ilouse,
Lillet lleer suloen uud Itcstiiuitint, Ne. Ifitl
Mutierstiiet. i hu Ktuhlli wind election sure
liii.d tit this house. Ker terms npiuv te
BitpW-lwtl Ne.501 Jtiuier street.
PUIII.IU bAMC UN TIlIJHMiaV, eeit). il. lull, will lie sold at the I.eepaitt
Hetel, a Keed two slery KUA.MK DWKLLINU
with hall uml 5 toeim, tilth Irani') shed ut
Melted, situated en the eutlt ttlde el r'ulten
Htitet, Ne. li); let lioutsen Pulteu s.ieut, 20X
U leeti liydruut In juid Hull lues, grupt
Villus, Utli.
Sale toceminencoat 7 o'clock, when condi
tions will be made known by
SiiuiucuT A,6oneN, AucL 0J-711I
ijUlll.lO-AI.K ON niONDAV.OOlOHKlt
s, Hit, ut the Leepard Hetel, Liuicuiiter
City, lu put nuance et uu eulcr et the Oi plums'
Cem t, will be tiehtut I'ublle Bale thu fellow
Init tlcMCilheit Heal Ustate, te wilt All that
(.attain twoaterv IIHICIC DWKLLINO
HOUSK, Ne. sin, with one-itoi-y Hrlek IlneK
Uiilltlluir, iidleliiiiig, uml let et Kieuntl upptir
teiiuut tlituete, Hltuiite en thu uorttieisi utile
el Lew street, Luueuilitr city, I'a Sulil let of
ground lieiuluu along said Lew sticet It) lect,
and e.tendlnic In depth thai width 100 tent,
with grape vines mill ether Improvements
tie mm. Thciuisnn alley e 1 the nest utile
et tlioitwelllnir lioiiie.
Sain te eoiiiineneeitl 7 o'clock p 111., en mild
day, when U-rius will be ltiadu known by thu
uiideiMliriiPd. MAllTIN SIKHKL,
Jaceii (jUNlitKKit, Ttustee ti) fell.
Aiictieinei. Biinll-'.'lawilln
11 HODV.-Call ler a copy et
Our New Oity Oatalegue.
fte.. rOIl SAI.K.
in ull putts el the city uiul ut ull piltei, fmin
$600 10 J J 1,000. Hernet lilng te stilt nverj buyer.
New propel lies oeiiik uuiereii uniiy uml a
supplement te our cuuilogue issued eveiv lew
weulrs. Iletore buying see what Is for snie.
Allan A. Serr cSc Ce.,
108 East King Street,
Uoeil Jouiiievuien unU prices name 114 nti-ei
bu loons. 11.
uiyi5tM Muuutftr.
TO-uAVd Nutva I'liun'.uvwiiniti:.
.funics nlcSlcen Hstiued In l'ltttburs Te
tiny ler tlie Mitrtler el Ills Wile.
Pi rrsiitJiia Oct. 1 James McStcen, wan
hanged this morning In the yard of the
county jail for the mtirder of his wlfe.
The execution was oenduutcd ipiietly mid
was witnessed by !J00 pcraenB.
The deemed man retired early last even
in aud slept nil nlKht. At flve o'clock
this mernluK he aroae nnd after making
n careful tollet partook of n hearty
breakfast. He was visited late by
two sisters of mercy mid bis spiritual ad ad
vieor, Father Ward. Noneof his relattvcs
put In mi nppearanoe. At 11 o'clock he
left his cell for the HcalTeld. Attended by
Father Ward and tlie sheVllT. He w alked
orcet nnd nscended the scaffold with a firm
step. When nsked if he had anything te
say he roplled "no,"
The cap vrns then placed ever his head
mid his hands wcre tied. At 11:0") the
drop was spriiug and In the fall the nook
was broken. In eight mliuitefi he was
pronounced dead.
Tite Committee Met una Adjourn In t'hllu-
I'liiLADRfii'iif , Oot. -1. Promptly nt 11
o'clock this morning tlie memhers or the
joint committee of the Legislature en
the Standard oil Investigation nssem
hied In St. Geergo hotel te be informed
by telegrams from the two gontlemcu that
Auditor General Nilcs was sick with
malaria nud could net ceme te Philadel
phia, nud that cx-Btate Treasurer Hutler
could net roaeh the city before I o'clock
te day. Ely Patterson, of Titusvllle, the
accused party, was present. Ue stated that
It was certainly net h's deslre te be exam
ined until after President Gewon had left
the stand nnd as thin was rogarded an the
proper ceurse te adept the committee con
cluded net te cxatnine him until te-morrow.
Au oxecutive session of flve minutes
duration wan held nt which the oom eom oem
inittco doeided te subpmna Senater
Emery who wan the originator of tlie
tnovemeut ngalust the Staudard oil oeiu
pany mid has stroueiisly ndvoeated a tax
demand upon the corporation ou the lloer
of the San a te. The commltttce adjourned
te raeet at half pant two o'clock this after
neon te rcceive the testimeny of Mr.
He Denies the Vnlldlty et mi Alleged Mnr
rluce Ceittruct.
San Fiiancisce, Oot. -1. Sonater
Sharen yesterday commenced a suit
agalust Aggie Hill, declaring that tbe
alleged contract of maniage betvrcen
himself mid her (claimed by Miss Hill te
be in her ptmasiien) is a fraudulent decu
ment and that no such contract was evor
signed by him or a promlse of marriage
given. He asks the court te compel
Miss Illll te preduce the alleged con
tract nud te retain possession of it,
iu order thnt the fruuduleucv of the dee
utnent may be proved. He denies evor
having bcen married since he bocatne a
widower, and states that the object of
Miss Hill iu perpetrating the alleged
marriage contract is te lay a claim ou his
ostate iu the event of his death.
'llie l.pteiupul Convention.
Piiii.ADi.i.i'iu., Oat. 4. The goueral
convention el the Protestant Episcopal
ehurcli of the United States reassembled
this morning in the church of the Hely
Trinity. Morning prayer wim said by
itev. uoergo wortmngteti, el tlie ilioceso
of Michigan, and Rev. Oyrut l'.lvulght, of
the dioceo of Central Pennsylvania. The
benediction was pronounced by lit. Kev.
Alfied Lee, bishop of Delawnic.
Mut Uullty.
PiULAOKLi'iiiA, Oct. I The jury ih the
oaseofCapt. L. 0. linker, en'trialiu theU.
S. circuit court, charged with wrecking
the schooner Mary I). Leach, te day under
instructions of the court returned a verdict
of net guilty, the judge stating that the
evidence was net stillioieut ten arrant a
conviction. A uolle pros, was en te red
iiK)ti the ether indictments eliargini:
Darker with attempting te destroy the
l'reilitent Arthur's Tritveui.
F.M.i, Hivkii, Mass., Oot. 4. President
Arthur left West Island at 8 o'elook this
morning for New Yerk via Newport and
Wick ford .Function. He is much benclitcd
iu health
Piteviui'xci:, Oct. 1 Pi esidctt Arthur
arrived at Newpert from West Uland this
morning, and, ucoempaiiird by Private
Secretary Philips anil N. W. Cooper, left
en the steamer Eolus at uuen (or New
Irish Airulrn.
Di'iu.iN, Oct. 4. The United Ireland,
the loague organ, states that au ofllelaliu
tlmately connected with the doteotiou of
crlmn In Dublin Iiub been suspended from
ofllce. The cause of the ouspeuslou, it
says, is likely te ercate a scusatieu when it
is made public
A "0 Alluuta Hin-liin.
llAHIUSIll'ltO, Oot. 1. The Ilouse te
day held a session whieh lasted about SO
iniuutes. Dr. Uuttormero, of Fayette,
read a new honaterlal apportieuniont lull
which wa3 roferrod te a committee The
Iloube.tlion adjeurned until tj-mone.v.
Tite Hnlvaileu Aimy Must Ue.
Nr.ui-CHATBi, Oct. 4. Apublioineotlug
lias been called for next Hutidny te demauU
of the authorities the expulsion fiein the
country of tlie Salvation army.
Washington, Oot. 4. Fer the Middle
Atlautie states fair weather, followed
tewardH Friday evening by local tains,
rising followed by falling baremeter, a
slight fall follewod by rising tompcrature,
aud nertherly shifting te easterly winds.
I'lilludelpinit ntnruvt.
I'uiLAUKi.riu a, Oct. I. Fleur maihetilullaml
llye Ilour utfl 75QI.
Wheat Ne. i Wtwlein Ued, $100; Ne. Stle,
(1 t)2K ; Ne. 1 I'll. UihI, (1 ID.
Cern quint and steady s sail yellow, V.'a; sail
ui.ied, fc'JJtQW'e i Ne- -1 Mixed. 'Mtli
Outaeuleli Ne. I Wltlte, 37iSe 1 Ne. 'J
White. ittiKu I Ne. 3 de, 3i(Qoue ; Ne. : Mixed,
Uye iieuilnul ut G3c.
heeds uncll dlKed.
l'rovUlenstlrm, tali- demand.
I, urd linn.
nutter tli m ami tatrly active,
KgK tl rut ; fair demand.
Cheese steady 1 lair Ueiiiand.
Petroleum dull ; Itutlneil, SQSc.
Whisky scarce ut tl 20
New Yerk ninrkeu,
Nnw TtenK, Oot. l.-rieur state uud West
ern dull uml strongly In bujers' taver.
southern steady.
sv heat 'iBHie lower, unsettleil nud weak;
moderate speculative tradliiB t Ne 1 Whlte,
nominal t Ne. 2 lied. Oct., l lll iii 1 Nev.,
tl UMOl Hkit ec, l 1041 IBtfi Jan.,
fl ISUIISJh- ., . ... .,
UOril vlVnV KinUi nun 4HHIJ1 vfc'i t'iitn
Hiwtornspet.D.'ir.OHoi Ue tuttire. S7M6Uie.
Oats '4fii lower j Ne. 2 Nev., iU&fJJOe
l)co.,37(iei Juii., 3iVi08tate, 3701301 West
eru, Jlituc.
Hve Stoek I'rlces.
CUICAOO lleas Itucelpts. 18.000 1 ship
munis, head 1 niurket stoutly uiul uu
cliaiiKed : puektiiK, II W3iH) pai-klmrniiil
shlppliirt. IttWilSiOI UKlit, UtwOlkOj Hklpn,
fjuiuiis. ...
Cattle-lioeolpts, 0.000 lieadt slilpmenti,
J.1 ) hentl i cnnininii ut vl" lower 1 experts,
JetSfJU W . Ijoeit u . -vt. . , tn.f JUKI
common te medium tl eatfi no t tnium cnlUn
jtcailyt WyomltiK.ntei Mentnns Bafi-uweuS
II te ! Brass Taxan,n uv
Biioep-Kcceiptji, a,iixi hem'1 slilpmenU.WOt
itstKrntlossltenti oHiem nil i mrurler te
fair, il : V13 tu Btetl,J ft) J c.. ilee, H 7 'liiy
Kast UninTr(!nllle llr
IpU, I.OT) hrsil I
.9 1 lulr te Ktsnt,
tiiurki t nctlve prlinn, t'v
ii 7-irt3iJet common, nun
Heks Itecelptfl, I.Iihi lie ull nintkairirin ;
i... llllll
orker. l.'i Mtts ui
ii.iiaiieipinit.1, k .ngi-iau I
urus-ers, iS IS.
8hee lleenint, 0.4U0 t markotstewi
prime. ilMaiflji lair loeyil,W75ai J eom eem eom
men,:j3. llurAte Uattle Uccelpts, 1,700 head l
steady j mm i demand t extra stcers, te ISO
0 SJ i itoeil Milppers, 1.1 lOtM Wl llht te lair
Btieii, tiailTlfcOi biitclters'ceivs.HfiJiil.
hheep llccelpln, l.vue ticnili aulet tm
chittiK il.
Hims-ilncelpti, 7.r00hcii't j stonily ; fair tle
luatuit riiisI te ehelcti Yorkers, f123a.H1
common, jltDfil 9). Bend medium, J3eaiW
cliolce heavy, 111115 r1 ; plu, (1 60f(5.
hiticR niHticniii.
(Jiintatleim by iiend, Mcdrattn X Ue , Un
erd, Lancaster, I'a.
11 A.M. IlK, Sr. N,
L Ul A I Ulliltliintilllal . A. . . M
.lllchliran Cent rut sek
New verk Centml Ill
New Jersey Centrul w
Ohie Cmitml. "Vt
Del. Luck. & Weitern.... lJilf
I louver. I llie Urnmle.... w2
Krle Mi
IC I1IB.1H A Te-liis 'i4
Lnki) rMiern UH)
(llitcsKO N. W com.... I
N. N.,Ont.A Western.... XIJi
ht,l'ntil A Omaha.......... tfi
1'aclfieMnll .17'
llechuDter ft l'lilsliuiih.. 17L-S
Ht. l'uiil M
ittxai l-acina
Union I'licltli
Wnliiuh Common
Wiibnsh rreferred
West'ru Unteti Tuleurunh
Letilsvlllit ft Niuhvlllti ..
N. Y., Chi. ft St. L
i.(iiii(in vuiiey ....
LehlKll Navlrjatleu ISlf
I'euiisylvunli r.'jji
lleadlnK 'i)k
l'.T. ft lltumie Ilk
Northern rnclllc-tlem... ai
"H 4,t?
vy, -a M-lii
noriiieni I'uciue fiDi.
I'hllnilclphlii ft Krle....
Northern Central ....
Canada Southern
l'cople'S 1'iwsenunr
50U 5')
II tl
17 17
tjiietatlnuiby Assnclnted Vnif.
Blocks leverlsh.
I'hllrulelphln ft Krle II H
iteiidlni? Itullread
Peniinylvutiln Itiillte.i'l
United Companies of New Jersey. .
Northern l'ucina
Northern l'acllle I'reteinil
Northern Central Italltnait
Lentil) NuVleatlen Company
Nnrrlstmvn Uallread
, tS!i
1 .'Il
, 103
Central Tttiiisportntlen Ceminny 38t
l'Ulsb'ir. TltitHVllln ft Jlilllule It. ft llU
LHUe Schuylkill Uallread 0V4
flew xiirn.
Quotations by Asaoclnted l'rese.
Stocks lrrcRitlur. Kenny, 3e.
New Yerk Central ......IUK
Kile Itullread M
A 1111111-) Kxpresn ,.....i;"0
Sllclilgan Central 81
Michigan Keutliern ltnllreat ...C... SW
Illinois Central Itullread...... A... .'At..f.SSi
U'evnlunilft I'lttsburKh Untlrn.ul..vV.ArnUa
Chlciueft Ueek Island Hull read... M 120
rittsburKli A I'ert Wayne Uallrend tse
Western Union Tulegr tpli Ceuip my 7a5j
Teledo ft WutmsU SOVl
Nnw.Iet-fl'y CtmtrHl 8uVi
New Verk OiilurleA Wiiueru Z1V
Lecal Mtoens mm Denna
llnpoitetl by J. II. Leng.
I'nr Last
vnl. sale.
f n c t'ltyepcrct. Lt'tn,iiuolW2...tlue lit
" ISA'S... 100 lOOJi
" 1VK)... 100 117
" IH-W... IOC 120
Spercuin ler)yiinr3.. 100 1000
liperct. Scheel Lean.... 100 1113
4 " In 1 or 20 years.. 10.) 100
" 4 " In 5 or be years., loe 100
6 " 1'
Jlanhelm boreuRli lean 100 102
W OattAKUOUH ivroeuH, fW K.?f
MlllvrsVllln il.eitCi.r &0 83..B
ln-nurer riliii Ceiiii'tany r.0 45
dm l.tiftt ami Tuel Cenmanv
Stevens Hnune (Henda)
Columbia UnsCetupttiy...
Comineia w uu) r com 1 tun y
Miiiiueliaiinn lien Company ine
Marlottullellnwwaro IVO
Stevens Heme se
Sicily island &Q
Kast liranilywliiu ft VayiitwU'K.... W
Mlllersvlllt) Nermal bclioel
Northern Martcet
(MiatTyvllle It. It., due UUt 1100
ltiAilliKft Celuiulila'.lt. lt.,ti'i) 100
LiincatterUns LtgUtand fuel Ce.,
due In lerva year' l'i
Lancaster tins Light .imi l"tiel Ce.,
iIunlssH leti
Kusteru Market...., M
WesUicn Market W
IIlLrSnrlnift Ite.LVef Villlev I -"
jliiilneperl ft Horeshoo 13 )
Celumtila A CheHtnut Hill '
'Jeluinbtaft WashtiiKten '
llelumblaft lllff Hprluif 'X
t'eliimblaft MmliittA t
Mnytewuft Ktuabetliiewu 23
LaticoHter ft Knhrata 'X,
Lancaster ft Willow Sticet !2S
Htrusiiurti ft Millport
Murletta .v. Mitytewn tu
Marietta .1 Mount Jev t!3
LancKitinlvtltt'ii ftMlditlet'n 100
Lancaster ft Frtitlvllle. M)
Ltineti-itiir.t I.titls 2S
Lttnuuiturft Wllllaiii'tewn i-5
Lancaster ft Maner.... M
Lancaiturft Manlielm 23
Lancaster ft Mirlettn 21
Lanaiiter ft Nev Helland ion
Lunciutur Abuseueh-innn. U00
n.NC UT0OK8.
First National liauK (100
Farmers' National llanlc M
Fulton Natien il Hank 100
Laucaster County Nallemtl Unnrc, BO
Cnluinbln Niittniinllltnk... 100
Christiana National Hank loe
Knltnitn. Niitteiuil Hank 100
Klrst N itlennl Hank, Columbia..... 100
trst N'uttenai li-uiir, stiu)t)urif.... 100
First National Hunk, Muiletta KM
First Natteiml Hunk, Mount Jey.. 100
Lltltz National Hank 100
Mantiul n t. menul Hank 100
Union rfallenul Hank. Mount Jey. 00
New Helland National Hank. ...... KM
(Inn National Hunk b
M.i:.NMSHUllUlt HALL,.
Tht Is te notify tlie public Hut thu new
uud beautlliil hall will new bn 1 en ted ler Con Cen
turls, epiiniH, Halls, Scheel Eutortulmnenia,
Knlr.-i, I'ublle Meetings, Ac.
Fer tei ins mill further partlculais, npnlyte
1'itnlilent Mmuncrclier I lull Association.
al-.ImilW.V3lt Ne. 0 East KlngBtreet.
111 Liiiic.isturcity, iieceasail. Leiters el ad ad
mlnUtruileu en said osuite havlnr; bceu
irranted te thu uiidiirslRiicil, nil person") In
debted thereto are requested te maUe Imme
diate pa meiit, and these having claims or Uo Ue
inuiiiU uu ul nut the same, Mill present them
without delav ter setllemenl te tbe uniler
sinned, tunlUmir in tlie city et Lancaster.
" M. 1IA11KKI1U81I,
nltf-CttlW Executer.
" 1 tell It, Hit', In low words It 1 can. but the
story would lilt a took If Itistlce was dene te
" Stiiely, Mlohael, but put It short this time
se's 1 etui sqtiueu it Inte u page et letter
' lle'10 you nre.str, then, nml there nre thmi
8iindset peeple here in lllnglmmpten. N. Y
who will testily te the ti'tiiti nc wliit I say.
Jly iiutiie H Michael Uiillteylu. lumseruuty
tour years old. Fer about nlm years I vra.
almost shut out fiem tae world by rhouina rheuina
tlsin. 1 had peddleil small wares In theclty
ter yean, anil hail te step altogether, Atttte
best of times 1 oeultl only hobble miserably
about with my cane. 1 was bout nearly tleu
bio Willi pain unit weakness ami my iinniM
were useless te labor with. 1 was but the
peer wreck et n once streiur man, None et
the meiUclne-) usually Klven ler modleluo aid
ma the lusit Keed, sir. My old irleuils unit
cuateincra torKet me us though 1 wero under
With tlie end et uiy ness nnd the tips el wy
Turned up te the roots et the daisies.'
My tUiys anil nlitht wure tloletui anil painful.
1 hud no hope except Iu letith. That is 0 oil's
1 ,11 in uml ill-. MiMliur. here, knows It.
1 can't tell you hew. but I'aukkiib Tentu
euied 1110. That wastntee years uue, l-mnveiy
us a ericuei new, sir. nun ku my uusinmi
rounds overy tbty. ruin or shine, Yeu may
ted 1 Ills te all the world anil refer the iloubt ileubt iloubt
emtoiiio." This preparation, wlileli lias bcen known ui
l'AUKUK'HOlidiica Tonic, will be callea blutply
I'AitKEii's Tesio. This climiite Is made for two
reasons 1 First, bocuiiseuluuor U nil unlmpert
uut tlaverlng luuredlunt, mill secondly, be
cnuu unprluelplud dealers Uocelvo tbelr oui eui oui
teniursbysubstttutltut Inferior pnparulleiu
under the iiiiiue of itluifer.
There is no elianue. howevor. In the props preps
ration Usell, nntl ull bottles rumatitliiK in tlm
bunds 01 tieaicrs, wrapped unuur me uniue 01
rARKcn'aUiMawiT'OMie. oetttuln the Koiiulne
uiuillclnelt tlinuolmlle slifnatttTH et llticex
ft te is 1 tin liaitouiet tun outside wru4)ijr.
Ill' .Y