LANOABTE3H DAILY tNTJQJJjtGISNCU JiTOlJAY SEPTEMBER 28. 1838 i imUMMA NEWS. OUK IIMIUI..MI UIIHKKarONnKMUl'. I'.nl Along thn uniiiulinnnii ll interim In unit Anitiiul llm ItiiniiiRtl ricked up liy lli Inlellt- Kiiit-er ltnirtr. About olio bundled and nlxty poisons attended tlm ti.ill held In tlie iirtuery last iiijjlit tib-tit by tlie oi-'itiiniikeiH- union. Tim iillalr was well in maged nml (.very thing passed nil' In tltu most ptcutiuut nml agieoalile nianiiuer. Abe'it twenty dollars worn elciicd fiem tlie ilanclii-: tlekuls nml fiile el packages tlie latler tlie centribu Ilium el tliu ladies ntlendliig tliu ilaiu'i). Tin' exhibition uf tliu at Helen contained in the packages caused iiiiiuh umiisetueiit when opened by tlie piucliasem, Hull In rrerpecl. lawsuits will glow out, of u lllit which ect-un-d ijt u beer h.iIoeii en Walnut street lail ulgbt about midnight. Tlie nolse in, uli) during tlie light wuh such iui te IIIOUKO till) I'lltlll) uolghbeihnod UllL'll midnight scenes should be stepped. Cel tituhia In becoming te j uetuil in hiieh ie- HH!Ut. '1 1 Mm Alumni MtiuU liy Hut t'liin A te. mi which was dilven by a coleicd man was almn-tl Mt i tick at tlie Locust Hlroet crossing of tlie Pennsylvania tall itiii'l by tlie passenger tutlii due line at 'J.;iJ p. in., jesteiday aftorueon. Hail It net h in) 1 1 let tlie prompt application of tlie air brakes by tlie t'lurliiucr, Mr. Nicholas (lilniuii, tlie team with lis driver would have In en dashed te plows. Tim ItermiRli lliiilgflt. O.ieoela li Ibe el Hid Men elected tlie following olllceis last night : Prophet, li. II. Kiolierly ; s.icliem, II. C'luilonreth , iieiiiin i-ajjumore, 0. V. Hill ; juiiiei naira meif, S. H HteniT, AI I). ; 0. of It , H. IJ. Cleppor ; K. of W., Henry Nelle; trustee, Filbert Hiuith ; lcptctcntuthe te great cuutiull, h. 15. Cleppor. Ollicer Wlttlg is looking after a runaway boy fiem I'lilliulclphla named Flunk Kelly. He is about 1- or li) years old, about IJ feet in height, has rosy cheeks, li li.iililul iu nppe.ii.uice, is rollout, looking and when last M-eu wero :i daik Milt el clothes and a smutl hIeiicIi hat. Tlie Our Heys and a picked 1011010111 tlie t-choel will match Mi distil en tlie diamond held te motiewat ' p. 111. The mime will he played cither 011 tlie In In Htitute (-leumUni en Cighth street. Tlie haii net lull) been decided upon. Tliu who takes bin titipicul nightly Maud in tlie vicinity of Thiid ami Chestnut streets ler the piupimiMif annoy ing and frightening women and girls, nhetlld be nriestcd and pttuinhi'd. He in a resident of Seuth Walnut stioel, and hm iiame in known te a uilinbei of poisons. A practice meeting of tlie leoently or itani.ud eichi'itia w .1.1" held last evening. It wan a nient atiKfaotery meeting, having liceu conduct! il by the leader, .Mr. Jehn MiiKscr. The II. I) T. club mtt nils holding .1 monthly Miul.ible ami d.ineu in the armeiy iliirmc; the winlur. TIiim will t.ike the plaed el the proposed dniiciu school which int''l a llr.Ie in the umlcrtal: in).'. Oin of the bij; epma huiise trcaU of tlie diamatie M'.iseu will be the appearand) el the original New Orlcauu inmstieN ou Octnbiii I Mi. Minuul IMbuil, 011 Walnut iitrt'et, is I'litcrt. lining bin I'iiciiiIh, Met .sin. Albert llulln.iule ami (leori;e Liwber, of l'hila di'lnlii.i. Mr. W. K. Nnwlen h.tH tetiiruud from a weiik'ri visit te Ij.UH'.intcr. MeNrtrn. .1. Aldmi lvniht, of Ijowistewi-, Pa., ami. I. M. Ward, temporarily fiem Cliai'ilicr.iliui),', Pa , am here te attend the 1 111:0 which h lieuij; held at ChickiiH Peliic te day. Mr. Jehn Paine. a iiaduate of tlie Philadelphia cdIIuku of pharmacy, will koeii iiHMtme the iiiairiKcmeut of Mr. P. H. 1!iui;Ii'h uentr.d pharmacy. About thirty puineiiH ate teiidini; tlie ClitukteM Point " llsliiu; picnic" te-lay. A ni)al time its deubtlctiH new burnt; had by iIiemi prenut. The jiaity left eaily this mernin;,' 111 be.iU ler the ticoue of the lollilicatieu. OIive Iti.inuli lotle Ne. 1 77, tl. I'. I), oft). !' , IIK'OtH te-iiii'.iit. A cake walk in the atinery lei OcUibei I is talked of by the coieiod puople el town. Tlie Central pharmacy hi bcin u'p.uiitid ou its front and iutoririer. A $.rl) bone, the piopeity of r S. ttet. .V Sen, died ycM.crd.vy. The ptcbi'iit utate of the wcathei in con ducive te fever and a;;iie. Se hay the phyMiciaiiH. 'I'lie piaibe and 1,011;: nieelini; at the Mcthediht chutcli last oveuiui; wau latuly attemltd. I'lltllAT l.l'l'l IV. AMIhIiIe llentniyttl lhl .IIiiiiiIiik 'I'll in mnrniiiK about 7J o'clock the HUble of Hvaim tV ll.ur, lumber de.UcrM ,u Warwick, wart tlisoevored te be en Hie and 111 a hhett time it w.ik eutiiuly ceiihiimt'd, teutber with its contents, eetiniiitinii el a bnny ami a let of hay and utraw. Theio ueie two mules tu the htable. One Had hlH head no badly binned that he bad te be killed ; the ether liadly icorched ou the back. The Lititz band engine u.ih brought out and i-ervcil te ptevent the ilehtiuctien of biilldluK" cliwe by. The htable wan instired for $701) in the I'eim Mutual company. This will cover the h'Hi of the Htable. The ouiitentu woieimi iiiEiurd. All .ml Utititl Unttei. Jacob Heeci', of Providence township, m 8J ycaiH of iike. Uu has just liuiihud a oeiitiact te cut ten cords of weed for Themati droll, ut 87 V centH per ceid. Al though tliu weed wan el a kind that printout would call "lean," the old man bad no tlilliciilty iu euUitie- and ranking a ceid n day, unit illy milling liia d.ty'n work between il and -1 o'clock iu the afternoon. Fer thltty-nine yearH Mr. Hocbe lived en tliu Rime farm iu l'rovidence township, nml wh In the employ of three (oueratlotm el tliu Merr family U. 11. Ilerr, his father and Kiatidfather. He in iu geed health ami appaiently able le cut many, many mero oerdH of weed. hlriitU .liiry. Iu thu water ii(htcaue of CImiIeh Fell and liaehel Feil vh Kdward ltenuett,.Iesi:ih 1. Lee ami Samuel T Lee, which will be tiled week after next, the following juty has been Htrnek and will view the prumltcx ou Thutuday, October 1 ; Theman Haker, Celeraiu ; Win, F. C'larl;, Drumere ; E. CtH-iel, Kaphe ; S.unuel L IvauU'maii, Salisbury ; Baniuel 8. I'uturMliuliu, Upper l.eaeeck ; Levl I'ierce, Went Cocallce ; II. ',. KhoadeH, city ; Jehn II, Shouck,Matier ; KliaH IJ. Shearer, Haplie ; AmeH AVoaver, llden j Jehn H. Wallace, Kast Karl. AH Allej-eil ItnrRlnry. David Kutliurfuul wa.s arrosted ycator ycater day by Iil(li constable Isnlas Willis of Mulillotewii and breucht te this city for lieaiiti"; bofeio Aldernian Bpurrier. Heis uli:irfeil with liaving been coucetnod in the buiglary at the rcaidotice of Jehn Deir, In Falmouth, thla county, en the Ctb el .lanuuiy, nml alite with the latceny el $70 helunglnt; te Jacob Martin. He on en toted bail for the last liainud ollenco boferu Alderman Hpurrier nutt for thu burglary befote Mayer MacGouiKle his brother liL-eiiniln;; hln wtirety for Ills appoarance at ueiut, Ctiiitriiet Awurileil, The bids for the furtiiablng of coal use at tlie elty water works from Octelur,lH8:i,ti) April lst,188l,woreopQiied lait evening and they wero aa fellows pur le i : ,1 .eiiui htuwiltt.t .1011 , .$I7"i lliiuiiiuiitiliier X Jetlrlen..,. J 71 Ivii'iilimin & Keller ..... ,,,. li' l'be contract was awarded te the hat named llrm, TIIK .AMI'.HIUANb' VISIT. 1 liclr I'm Hile nml ttrerpllen In .lllciitiiwu. The Anu'ilcaii lltouempany, wIioke do de do pirtutute Allotilewn yedliirdiiy luta been alieady uetutl, an I veil at thulr dcntl nation almut neon and wme rcoclved at Iho depot by the AmetitM llre oeiiipany, of that oily, headed by the Allcutewii 1:01 nut baud. Tliu following wai the etdur of tuaicli : ltt'ceplieu Coinmiltee, 7 men. Chief Dllllnuer 11ml 0 AK.slMtantH. Iiouville Hand, 1 1 men, Amcilcau Fire Company, of Lauoaiter, ill men, C.iiii.10 bciriiiK .lelin ICesHler, e.iip, and Samuel II. Price, uni. Alloiitenn Ceinel Hand, SJ.T 1111111. Amiiilca Company, Ne. '4, Ti7 men. After the Htrcel parade, .lelin AI. ICeHxler, uhi of Alleutetrii, delivered an iitldrciMDf weleome te the vlsltltiic llromen. H.itnuel II. Prlce, eftliU uity, leipomled for the the vlnU(iiH,taUiii: ocenidon te pay a trlhule te tlie keihI iceiiid and rllloletiuy eT the AtuuiicaiiH of liXlleaiter. He concluded by formally pionentlni;, in btibalf of tlie vlMt 01c, the Iiobe eariiaye te the America of Alliinlewu. Tlie nHeeli iieeeptliiK the ulft w.ih in. nle by Mr. Kufoiler, after which the llut'H biuke and an opportunity wait nlven te 1 xamine the lft. All then icpilted te Ccutie Hiiuare hall wheina bouuteeiiH li,unuet wati uprcad for the IlLeirt entertainment. Mayei Mm t In welueiurd the Htiaui;eirt iu 11 brief ppeich te which Cel. Price lecpended. At the end of the b.iiiiuct Harvey Weller, eci,, pri'.scnti'd tlm vltiiter.H with a lare and llnely ornamented cake, heating two hamls joined iu friendnhlp, una (jilt from the Ameiica hese company for whom he aettd at HpekcNinau Tlie reception wai .1 hiiccdi.-i and the Alleulewii I'll; Item, Hpeal.H el the irtit iiiU liienun as "a line body of i;outlo i;eutlo i;outle iniiii." MjHiprliien l)lniirirniici. Tlie lelluwiii(,' disi itch was received at the Imt.i.mui. olllce thin aftcinoen fiem Philadelphia : Mr. I.euiha Peiiiier.reHidiiiL'.it IiucaHter. Pa., c 1010 te this city ou Wednesday, te appear an witmMaj;aitiHt MessrH. ICaiillmau ami mhi, wlioweie charged with peiiHieli fiaiuU Hlin waH piid witiieiei fcert and mileage, ameiintiui; te $S, ami he ban net been beanl Ireni mIiice. H' 0!: years old. Tlie iiuptt'Kslen entettained by her M'latives is thai sbe has wamlered away mid probably been drowned. I.OI llftt ltllMllllrt. Wm. II. lumati, ri'hidiiii; at tlie oxtieme r.iHteiti tml el H.iht KilliJ btreet, thin ineriiini; plucked from it locust tree ou his prt iiiim'h a beiiitmt of f radiant leciiHt blosiems t in net often that a noceml en p of these blni-seiiiH is mown during a hiiicln hi'.iKiui. The IIAwerN may be ttecn at Hiiiii ,1! A Ce.'n North tiuecn Micet. l.lnircnl Hull .tiliilltri. (IkiiIih Thompson, colored, bad a luaini)' belme Alilermau Spuiriei uviiiiex, ou a eluirne of adultery prefuriuil aijaii'Hl him, and in default of bail wan Ciimmilted te pnl for tnal at uetltt. le 1111 li;ie iiny ilenbti uu te tlm linpmw)- III! Ill lllltlln ll tllU pilplU III llltl'llllllllll' at tlm l.N(..bll.U UUMMKItttAI. (;ill,l,K(il'. tall 111 I In mould, Ne. lu Hiuit KIiik Ntititit, unit -.ilNly yiiuiHell. ijpeiliuuiu tit liiipinvi" llll'llt IUI t Mlll'llllltlOll. n'27-)t I. Ilium Ml .Hut let jr. Tile leulir nuiiillily muutlnu til tliu I. In 11.' 111 h iUt mil l,,i iieM tomorrow, Hiilni ilui uiti'iniiiin ut ii p. in. tl'KUIAI, hO I I lie i;r"iilct centitui'iu tltwlitiyei" ir lenirtiiN IIiiiIijh l'rnpli lut tic 1 I nit I It pin v nix '-in til I'nx. I'lndllAMi lltlllll "LlltltllllH l.lllll, lleel l ptitleiiliuly iisflnl In lilplilln rl 1, Kutui, .uiil 1 ei ilipriii)liiK iIIki uiti." h2 hvtlt'e lt ratal,!", Mno rnr. '.liui liulil;; snlleieil lei"l jearH4ltli p,t- i.iljnl '," itaya Mi. .Iiicpli altit, et rutviisiiii. New .leuey, " I wiisi'iueil by Ai'iuuriiiii .Ver. imr" Mi. liiili'a mil Inn l7ui tills ut itemenl. Uilll ilui'.'i'l-.t IvtH'iM It, H.'il: siVlHileeilittv 1 lie Hint if il akin i ere evei tllicovert'it n In. Ilui-Miii'it SI'ln Cure. It cunt all reii'-li Hint t-caly "-l.lii ilNciisett nml tlm nkln HtllOOlll llllll lll'llltliy. II IH llll Ollllllllltllt te any Iiuly'd lellut. "Dr. m.teu't Ccleri ttml Viiimaiiith I'llli rttntl my Hife imuictUtitcli e nricrc neurit Iff" It. M. C'ecMIn, Sliup'iiiiillewn, fa. . e ill li iikuIhIh. , rmict-iiiMii iirittDit ii. H r. I "Hint, meiiiliiii el police, Heentli lie nlliii;, I'll., Uill-t this .iy " Hiillei il Ni'M'iily tiem i litiuinivt 1-trii . iietlilm: ill'l nil) liny i-iiii I llll 1 tlleil VVhiiikm' Kcltclrlc Oil. It In h plumule te lit eiiiiiiuihI II." I'm miIii li;, II. II Ceeliiun, ilriiifKltt, U7 uml 1'lNeilli ('ilecn Htieel. aa"llieiU, la, illitieiiH nii'l any limey iiitlcliitt t.iu Iki niii'lii tiny telur witnliul with tliu IM.iiiienil I'yiH. All the popular coIeih till) Hllllisl pit'MlllllMI .IKUllIlt fill'. Ill l'l) H liinliMt I'repliylucUc I'litlil. It tUdtieyn eiiniauleii. Feil Muni! Illicit, nine te iimi Mill. I.OH'1 I'UUOUH ri.ASTKIt. t'l Ice, 'i"i tent "til'l by II. i:.L,'eclruii.l37aiiilU North tjiieen tititil, Lancaster. lulilltieilti " Sly nitulinr Hum lieen utliiK your Jluritech JUneil Jliitert utiilivi'i iiinieiiv, iiml II ml s tlitini M'iy ellliM t iiiih." Llnu Itn I., Alusweitli, 11 Viiiilii llleelf, liitllitn ipellH, I ml. ter ale hy II. II C'eclinui ill UKKlit. 1J7 Itll'l !"( Neitll Qneuil atleeL t'uuiell.i lleiitoue ter the teelli la very tut (unit nml timevi'd Tartar uml tcurl, liiinleus tlie uuiii-i, titeps ilccny unit livrtuinei tliu Ineiith. l'rlci), r0 tenia. Fer mile lit all ilrii! KUIh. JeJ7-bmilW UKATll MiLi.Kit lii New I'levlileneu, Wi-ilnesiluy, H-pt. M, riilllp Miller, In thu 7I1 ye.u et hli nun. The r. luttves -mil lilemls will meet ut h's l.ileii-ililunee, en Siitiinhiy iiieruliiK ut 1H o'clock, beivlcjs ut tliu Ituteiiuuil chinch nt II o'clock. 'ilil CliieKziMii.ii Sept i7, liai, III this city, .Jehn Uuiiv.Iiihci, Iu his J7lh eiir. I'he lelalHcHiinil filiinili of the lamlly me tiHpecllully luvlteil te iitteiul tlie tuuimil liein hH lulu leslilenci), M'l itnckluml btiti.T ou tiiiinliiy ullei neon ut 3 e'l lock. , Aj;' A IHKItTI.IHMtSNIti. i lANKn.U.lrtl.H, A I'UI.I. LINK KIlOM He. ''uaViTMAH'SI VKI.I.(I KKONTCIIIAK KIOIIK. HAI.K UKNTICK hlJUAKK lllUllllO of 1 Htme rieperty alii bmuuiii. ItltlVATI'l h. (IAIIA. Ne. IH)-, Knit kill),' blioet. it'l WANTI5U.-A WOMAN TO IM 1'I.AIN Conking, IieiiIiik' mid ether hoiiseweik Alse, ti young U1UI. te help with chlhlien, ' sktlil NO. IU NOKTU DUKIiSTIlKKT. Ouit iii.adk OAMiinir.iii'; iia.imit iik iiii.isseil. Out tl 5t ilhii'kbllk, il Inches wlilu, U ti llargilii. Wu wuiiuuluveiy pair et our tl.(H) Klil (Jleves. Our .We. leisuts me buiiiitli s i their Unmet' pilcu was 73c. Our l.ailles' KUchiis uml Chllilten's Cellins uie veiy pietty, ami me seIIIhk ruphlly, ut BWAItU'H. M Net til ('ULt)ii slieet IHHl MAI. K.-TII K UMIKIIIMIN Kll Wll.l, 1 sell ut pi Iviilu sale tlie llwelllim lluiihii, I. liner Heur million uml llcituiiiuiit. Ne. IMl Miinur Hliccl, Tliu Kluhlh waul eltietletis tire helil at thU house, ler lei ins uppiv te .1 A CO II bCHAIClKKIt. )iip.'S-i h it No.sei -iiuuerstu'"t. l NT.I-A t'lJHUINII ANI1 UICI.IA V bio tiiiiliiiH.iuiiinefexpeiluiici) touelus idtierul uiiuiit ter the Uliltuil Stiiles Dciilius Pi ilecltvii Asinelulleti uml Mnicuiltt'n Aeuev, nl Ne 1)1 1 Walnut stunt, 1'lill'nlel phli.lui l.iiueitlr nml siirreuuiiluit ciuu. tins I'd I In' I ii-'ht tuit v tlm position is weith tiiiintJ'xu tetiCOii per Hiiiiiim, unit purimi unit i ail in whIu'sh tlie general miiiuneriit luyll.ii' ii . ii'J m unit 13 te a ei a te iOII I, , lit t, I if Ueucial Mutuiitci. DTKAWIIUII'UK UMITttlKK, OFFICE OF STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, f. EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 25, 18837 TO THE PUBLIC: Kspecially of tlie stjitcs of Peuusylvauiu, New Jensoy, jUurylaud and Delaware We luwe the pioneuro le anneunce that our ai'rnngomenls for the buslnossef the preuunl uuitsen, leiur consltlerod and me3t carefully inacle, nre new completo, and we roepoctfully Invlle the poeplo from far and near te call en 113, and inspect our onlargetl faollltleu for delntf btiBlnose and the Qtiperb Stock we are propared te exhibit In overy dopartment. The Incroaeo In our busfnuss- which haa been larye and constant for year3, has been Kreatur than evor during the past twolve months, and ve have, thoreforo, felt jttstifled in nrikinf; extraordinary and unproeodontod proparatleno for the coming coaseti, net only in the magnltude of tlie stock, but in the facllitles for its distribution, as well a3 arruiiKomentu for the most prompt and careful sorvice of our patrons In overy way. Durini? the Suinmur we have added another building en Elchth Streot te our store stero storo reoms, and thia alteratien, just complelod, while It adds considerably, though net largely te our apaoe, onableo us te make certafn chatiK03 in tlie disposition of stocks, which ouenomiies room and in otlier ways adds largely te tlie comfort and convenionco of our patrons. All our buildings hcive been ronevatod and frouhenod during tlie Summer, and new, with the abeve alterations completod and our arranyoment3 consummated, In cluding the roceipt of the most magniflcent stock it has evor been our priviloge te gatlier, we Invite the public te call and inspect the buildings and oxamine the stock, which In the aggrogate and detail will, we bolievo, cempare favorably with any that has evor been placed en sale tinder ene reef in America. Tills liuge stock, approximating TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in value in DRY GOODS ALONE, has been most care fully solectod by a large corps of skilful buyers in the best markets of the world, and it isnocdlessto add has been purchased EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Every advantage that oxperionco, skill and abundant capital can socure has, we bolievo, been sccured for our patrons tills seasen, and coupled with theso advetntages is a dotermination te sorve thorn in such a way as te roceivo their constant and aJelding patronage It is our aim, as it is the aim of all buslness men, te make meney, and yet net se much te make money as te de buslness in the W way; te be successful In the highest sonse; te ronder the most off icient sorvice te the largest number ; te adhore rigidly te and te lead in our own special business; te de the largest and the best and the most generously conducled retail dry goods business in the United States; te lay the foundation of that business bread and doep and sure. Hore, in Philadelphia, the city of homes, witli its million of population, surreunded by a country unsurpassed, if equalled anywhere for fertility and cultivation, and pepulated by ethor millions el thrifty and intelligent poeplo, hore we conccive is the place te build up such a business -a business that truly serves the pcople and with overy incrcase in its sizeand facilities only mero widely and officiently ronders that sorvice te a groater number. We bolievo no large and pormanenl success can be achioved en any ethor basis than that we have indicated, of rondering hcllvv .srruice than can be had olsewhoro; of dcsertiing shuts by reason of rondering this sorvice faithfully ; of making it a cardinal principle te give at least as much as is roceivod; te onsure and te be satisfled with nothing less than a mutuality of bonefit botweon the house and its great constituency the country evor. This is our aim and purpose We ask the poeplo te join with us in establishing such a business, and we ask for patronage en no ethor grounds. Rcspeclfully submitting our claims le a discerning public, we horeby oxtend a gon gen gon eral invitation te call en us from this clate, te view the buildings and inspect the business metheds of ISS3. (Signed :) a ir imsmks in. VtlllSK WAftTI.II-llii'lK H-Ill,l, 1 I'n-c ut Ne. .11 Wtt C'lUHtlilll SUi'til. Apply ut onto. HJ7-t 4 hit A. e. hit lOUK IIKtlUKK. IMMt KKKIIIICK'S tin pure new (iiinlly IVllcN 1IK1HII uuii,.--iii. la C'liciilur te tlm liiiiln iiulleil lieu te ilealera A'lilrtt, .ItillV (J. KKKIIiKIl, itun'f Milten t.inve, I'll. B'Jl-llllil l.'IIK ltl:.NI A HUllK I.IMIHIONK. I Km iii, - miles It t n i I.iiiii inter. Alte 4 At H i nl IiiiiiI In Ki-hlli -.wuil. I.U'ichmIi'i. hI'MuiiI IIIUMII A IIIIOS. i,l.r.. '-'00 IIAKKKl.S UK VtiHIC I llll hIi AiuiIi'h ler snle ill the UeyaUnm lleue uml ut li'O Niutliuiist corner et C'entie Siinaie nil M.llKet ilaVH. :i KUKINKIIA NIMIUKK. rhi.iev rutin v (iitiAii STtnir, ai 1 tllll Oiietin H'lci'l. lii'iiiliiiniitirK ler ti,u'irUtiM1il,..iUy,.AiTMAN,a 1 -I1KI-.IINI1 iv Tin: DiMUGcnilic County Coinmitteo Will buhelil ut tlie .IKr'FKIlSON (-1.1111 HOOMH (lllieatle-)' llutlil till!). West KIllgHtlOUl, en Metiday Next, Octeber 1, 1803, At II o'llei'K il. III. .1. I., hi KIN M hi.. J7 il Clmliiniiii County Ccmmtlten. IiiVHUH ir aht. ,.,,,, I The .-Msters In (hill Kent Urn SCUM Itr.AUT ACAI)KM irspucllilllv nuuounie that they are nrepureil te leueli nil tlm Illicit kliuls uml styles et Kmbrelileiy anil I'iiIiiIIiik, mieh ai Keiislnitteii hinbreliltiry, lliiitiolliie l-iill.trf. I'nlllllliL' nil llnlsH. hllUt I'll tillliS. IMiutiiiM, I'linels, .te Alse Instrumental unit VoetlMusleiicroiilliiK te thu pilnclnles of the best musters. Tlmy Ulmlly iciiuestthiit iipnll iipnll catlen be iiiiuln by ileteber I, n class beln; lermi'it then, l-'ei luitliei p.iitlculuis please cull ut thu ucuileiuy, corner Anji uuU Uiiuiite stieels. nti-ei. Itlll HAMS. Valuuble Olty Bulldius Lets, hltuute en the nertlifust ceiner et North I, linn uml tames slit'tils. These lets will inuku iileL-nnl bullillllil sites. Iielllk' sltuntti I III II luti iiiipiinlim null et the city i-cu- liuthur iiiiorinaiieii i-iiii en Al.l.KN A. IIKKHA CO.. Ken! Kstute Annul), Ne. Ins Kasl King Sticut, l.uuciuiler, I'll. JillyUi'Kl.teuwt'Utt rUllr- KVl.MNU MI-iiMltlNb Of TIIK LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Will begin en MONDAY, OCTOBER 1. TheNIOHT SCHOOL Is ler the bunellt et I' uu, ii nml viuiiiLr'ueiiiuii , he Udllliel III- teiul Uieiluy teurBO uml fin these whose early tiilvanliigcs weie neglecleit ! uml ulse for Ihote who wl.ih in lmpievu ihcniBclves ami iiiiipiue ter tuner positions. Bu-iuniit- insuue insuue tlen In lloeklteenlug, l'uniiiaiwlilp ami Arllh- nietle. AniiK ut mom Ne. WSi Klll lvlllg sticet.niiy time iliiltng tun tire-unit week. II C. W KI, nil iwilll I'rincipiil. AIIIIIMSI'ltATOIl-H HAItK lN 1'ltlUAV, HKI'TllMIIKIl Vb, isil, tit tliu I.eepuiit Hetel, l.iiuc.isti'i' city, puisiiiiiil lean eritur et the Oipluns' court, will be selil tit public sulu thu billowing ilescilbeil teal cntuie, te will All thut ceilulu twosteiy bilek dwell ing limine, Ne. an Menth lltike sticut, I.aucus Uu ellv, lieiltlligai fceiai Indies en thu west nlile el slid Mnulli lluke stieut, uml uxtuml lug wi'hIwiiiiI Id met OJ Inches le it tilled loot ulii'i ; iioiiiiiledeu tlie neith bv tlie pre)ity el eoiiite et Anna llieiieiiiiin. ileceiwul, unit ou the Beuth by property et Mrs. Jessu I.uu ills, A On co-toot eouimen alley uliebiipurutes thisp'eperty fiouitlmtet Mrs. I.tiiiilh. The tiiiiperlv li eligibly located uiul contains 11 looms, 11 his broil itictintiy pilutiiduiid piipeiud Ihieugii'iiituml Is In the best ptn-d biu condition, Hale Iocemmoncoat7 o'clock p, in, en said day. when terms will be made known by thu uniluMiitiieil A.A.nuillihV, Adiiiintstiatei' e. t, u. el Jchii w Huiiiey. i e- tcasca. si1u,w,uila,asa Hli If .1 II 'WXtJBNTI,. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. A;i Allll II llSt'. Ml .M.I. ri'in. iir.vr ami "inivi i J Heiliiient nl I'.ueliiii. 1'ul.ei, CuMilne iiiiil eilntr iiln ine (iinls.iit IIAHTrilAN'M "I hl.I.OW ntONTCKJAK hTOKK TV I VK1U Ji HATIIKO-N. Te Clothing Buyers. Thu t'oel hti'isnii Leint'4 en ui e 0 anil In kiieplllK with tlie Hfiiien mil' tublus uml Sllt'lVtei UIU IIIIIUH 11111 111" lll"-l 'I'niimilii j ... ... ...... ,1, u.,1 lull.,,, 'I'llli ttlMllllf. I ihu lliiinetui, Iho .uilluitie, tlm leliuul, loin uml bink, luiKoei Hiiiull. lilt; tu till, eiiil he htllTr.ll, I en ever luitlilluui ei eviemtly (ihltu theli .usiet. We tire new in kiieiI shnpe le clothe evurybe ly Iu tlm must ueirect ttylci el he ivy ei Hit hi OVKUCOAT, :lIT,WA. Deulilti-lllf.ntuil 1'UlNCi; Al.lil.lir CHATS, Hi. I the latest p litems in ruutiiltxin-i uml Veil. (In CletbliiK Neiil liein i.iinliilly se lucleil WHOI.K.Nh el known Atiimlc.iu uiiikt's, exctillemly tl liiiiiinU uml -menly Miueil hveiy Kiumi'iil Kliui Jiileeil Btilctly tH leiuejuilteil. II buyliiK LLOiieiuUiilly Is uuy object, you should mil sptiml enu ilulliu lei Pall and Winter Clothing until you hnvei-unii eiit-ntuck nml pikes. (Iui Kiimls me (.enviiiiiimtly ui luiueil lei ejiiiiil iiiitlun nml the llKiirus in uliuil utieu ilium aie smli at will suit jeu, Ulve us a call. MYBR'S & RATHPON, I.KADlNU l.ANCASl'l.ll I I.D1 llll'.US, NO. 12 BAST KINO STREET, I., l'A. liri. Aiih ki:adv FOR THE BOYS, Willi iiii Immense stock. In aiitllul New stli.- only Inlii) lenl el ill. Kluiy ilt-vlcu te iile.ise thu veuiig lelks. Te ouch still we give I' VI UA 1'ATcllhH. Ne such sleck iiml no jiicIi uOW l'KlChb.uiywIieie. Fall Overcoats, In nil the l.tituH Stylis unit (iiulltlei. Thu pi lets i align li'inii filli) MI'.l.l'ON OVKIt COATS, KKIISKY AND COItKhCKi:WO KH COATH. All the l.utenl Hhinliti, thn bust et weikimilislllp, llust UeihIi ami Lewest l'tlcuj. rn TO MEASURE. (Iui viiiluty Is liuineiisi) uml iiiicuult)d. lltlliiKuml ma'uil.ils uml me the best. Our CS'Oiii' I'rlucs ure Alnajs tlie liinicsu & 'I'he I'eimliir Clelhlnj; Hoiise, Or' LANUAbTKK. Nee. - "i- uean Streot, HffiSH BROTHER A K II AltVKIfl INH.UKN'l. WAN I ICII A HI.Mll.r. niAN Wtltl HAM lent tittici tencti In the ciiioet ililvlnn lieiHi'ri, A t'tiimiin wlm mill lulk Knulhli pie leiieil. Mn-u ennui ell i"cimiini)inlLn. Apply linuieilliiliily, slVllilAw l!l' 15, COATKHVIM.K, l'A. W"-1 iABiatN v iu-t::k. JUVENILE CLOTHING. SUITS FORCHILDREN IO It Fall and Winter Wear reu SCHOOL OR DRESS. l'AKKN'Tb will llliil the titseitmeiil upon our ceiinterN le luveitibly coinpiiie 11 net ccllpoe elhuis In srri.u, fit. VITALITY OFFMI1UU, FINISH AND WOltKMAXSML. 4t)'lliu l'lictu wotlimiuiilce the l.ewtst. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 62, 31. 3G & 38 EAST KINO ST. l.ANUASTKll, l'A. j:n ti; k ta i sm kn th. IUI.ION Ol'I'.KA ltOUfJK. TWO N1UIIT8 ONLY, Monday nnd TueBday Evenluga, UUTOllKllt AND 2, IbSJ. Uiuiul pioductleii el the New uml Romantic WilllllU, HER SECOND LOVE. Written by leliu A. Hleetis, esii. Hl'KOIAL KNliAUKMKNTel thu beuiltllul, emotional -tetress, liss laud Granger, In lier eilglmil cioatleii or OJMA, supported by u Powerful Company of Dramatic Artist?. UbUAIi 1MIICE9. Uvsei ved Scats en tale at Opera llouae Olllce- S57-3KI SECOND EDITION. fuiday MVHNma, "amr. ae, teaa " GE11MANIA," A .IOVOUM OAI.A HAY IN Or.HSlANY. Uiivt-llliiK of tlie (irent Utiitiie tin tlie Itlitue A Ilmerlplleii of tlie .ileiimnent Olner AlTttlm Iu Kiirniie. WiKdiiAiiKN, Oeriiiany, Bept. 28.- The Knii-crer William and the German priticcn have arrived hore, All tliu hotels and IikIkIuk houses hore ami in the tioi-hber heed are overllowltiK with visitors. The streets are decorated with Hags banners and patriotic mottoes, llcsldcs the Gcr man princess, the princesses, the mayors of Hamburg, Dremen and Ltibcck and nearly every provincial town and military and civil Kovernmont will be pre-tout, The army will be well represented. Thcre will be also about 15,000 members of (he ICrlef-er Vcrolne, 1,000 members of various sinking Koelotles and 8,000 turners. Hit) .Joyeiu Ftttlierluml. Hinei:n, Germany, Bept. 281 v. m. Halntes from the battories hore and from the euns ou the hills are new being llrcd atineuncltie; the utivclllntr of tlie statue of "Germauia" en the J-flcdcrwuld. The church bells are ringing. Tlie steam whistles ou tlie steamers anchored in the Khiue are Reuuditii; and the whole vast aesomblage ou the Nioderwald la siiif-liiK the national anthein. Kumer IVIIIieliu nt Hiulnnlielii. Ruiii:siikim, Sept. 28. The Kmperer William and Prince Frederick William arrived here at neon ami wero rcceived with great enthusiasm and checting. Tliu Monument. Huiinsiil'.iM, (formally, Sept. 28. The total cost of the stattte of the uatlenal monument, " Gertuania," which was uuvoiled te-day en the Neiderwald, was ever 1,000,000 marks. A llmcrlnttiiti uf It. TheGcrmania monument Is an Inspiring feat two ou the landscape of the Rhine. Thu Nicdcrwald, en which it is erected, is etcr Heven hundred feet hij;h, ami the spot chosen overlooks one uf tlie most beautiful points of the rtver where tbe troops marched past into the war, ami where Kiuc William, returninc from France, ' saluted tlie Rhine for tlie llrst time ns ICalKiir." The monument attains the height of 110 feet, uensistiuf-; of sub structure, a quadrangular stene baie ceu taiuiuK i elief, pedestal ami the llgure of Oei mania, the latter being about thhty. tlneu feet iu height. Iu front of the sub stiucture there are sculptured the figures of Father Rhine and the nymph Mosello. The Mosello is represented by a young woman of ideal beauty, who Is receiving from the bands of Father Rhine a large watch born. At cither side are ligurcs of great beauty, the ene symbolizing " War " being lppreseuted by a young Reman warrtui, with drawn sword, call ing his cemrades together by the sound uf the trumpet te defend the threat ened father land. The ether statue is an angelie ligure representing " 1-cace." The two ligurcs illustrate the llrst line and the tefraiu of tlie "Wacht am Rur-in," " K biaiislein Ruf wie Denuerhall," and "Leib Vaterlaml, l.anuht iiihig sein." The urraugemcntK of the llgures is superb and the embellishments aie of consummate beauty and -skill. This arrangement was a very dilllcult inatter, but Professer Schilling acceuipiibbcd it with extraerdln ary upptepiiatctiess. Ileuctli thcielief aie itibcribcd tbe verses of the " Watch ou the Rhine," ending with the refiain : Keat slelit uml tien ille Wnelit urn liliclu. The two reliefs ou the sides of the sipiaie loprcBent "Tlie Departure of the War" ami 'The Rotuinei the War." Iu the first the onler for mobilization has been given. The rehef is divided into Unco groupings. Around the feet of the pedestal, en which the llgiite of Uermauia stands, are the arms of tbe various Geiman niuuarcbs. Abeve these is the following inscription : IS MK'IOIIV Ol' TIIK tNAMMl-US AMI VlcrOIUUl'S I1IB1MI III' TIIK tiintMAN 1'KOl', AMI TIIB IIL-I.-ilAIILlilliltCMr til TIIKIIIZIIMVN ml t'l UK. 1S70-1H71. IKIdll At-fAIKS. A I.Hiitlliitil Kllletl in niiiyn, Ire limtl. Bm.mna, County Maye, Hept. 28. Mr. Cretly, ii landlord, was sbet tltad tills inern'.iiK at bis resiilence in Klnnury park. IIe bad been wounded several Union, pre vious. l'lirncll Nut -ilint., Sept. 28. Tbe report tbat Mr. I'aruell lias been shot Is douied. The Krpert mise, Londen, Sept. 28. Tbe ropett of tlie Hlioetiuc of Mr. l'arnell ii false. Mr. I'arnell is new iu England. A HOHHIIII.K ACClllLNT. Tlie llutlnr ur it Mtrrtinnr I'xiilnilet Tlireu Men Killed null neierul li'Jiireil. Ai.iunv, N. Y., Sept 23.-At 2.10 o'eloclt tliis meruliif-; tliu bdiler of tlie nte.ui) or J . H. KobitiHen, vlilcli lay at tlie feet of Westurloe btreet, oxjiledcd with frightful force, instantly killliui: tbe captain, Ooerfio S. Warner, and tbe fire man. Willi ni Cleary, and seriously injur ing Fred. TitiKlar, tbe oiiKineor, who was blown Inte tlie water and narrowly escaped drowning, and Williard I.irand and Melvllle llyau, deck liamlu. Itlcbard Van Zint, anon of thu captain of the tug boat Cera, whieh was lying alougside, wea also injured. Captain Robinson, of the llattie AI. uctts, was blown lunulas puei butiHO into the wharf and soveroly lujtiieil. Soveral vcssels wero badly damaged. The Robinson sank immediately, carryiug Viitlt it the tireinan. Uue section of the boiler was hurled 100 feet ncaiust a building, crushing in a portion of the wall. Tin: l.i'uisi.ivrciti. Hcnntur (lerilnii (lllers u lulnt Itosuluiieu In tlie Henute. Ilvitiusiiuun, Sept. 23. Beth branches of the Legislature held short sessions to day, in the Senate Gorden elVered a joint lesoliitieu for a conference ou ill lie runt ap ap piirtieumeut bills, te oenslst of live bona teiHiind soveu representatives. It passed second reading, ami when en third a motion was tnade tu adjourn until Tuesday, but it was lest by a vete of 11 yeas te 11 naya, 'J I mombeiH bchif; absent. The question of absenteeism was thou discussed and the ser-,'0 int at-arms was ordered te bring iu senator Adams, uie (iisauusieti en me same Ntibjcet wes still proRressini;, wben a motion by Cooper te adjourn was carried. The Dierer teprcaontatlve apportionment bill (l)omecratio) pasectl the llouse Uually, after which that body adjourned. Huntingdon Failure. IIuntinoken, Pa., Bept. 23. The Iluntiiiirden car and car whecl works, Plain llres, proprietors, (ailed, Judgment wan outeiod by the Union bank for $00,000 Otlier claims will incrcase the liabili ties te $20,000. The assets are estimated at $10,000. Thore are 100 otunleycs who have net been paid for two months. Eltbrtii will be made te tide ever the oiubarras.stiietit se tbat -Aerk can be resumed ou Monday, A. large number of ordera are held by tbe merchants hore who with the entire com. munity will feel the effects of the failure. Storm ou i.uke Huren. DirnteiT, Midi., Sept. S3. Thore was auother sovcre gale yosterday en Lake Huren, and vessels had te Heek harbors for refuge. A sailor named Jehn LIuu was killed by u 2aluub L. i ' i Hn bin" H.ilu'ji. mnOlniilM lutrlcreit, HAiuiisiumn, BepU 23. Tbe becid of pardons te day rccemtnt ndcd n rosplte of thtce menltin, en the gr und of Insanity, In tlie case nf Jehn McQ nils, RonteuOod te be hatiged Octeber -1 for tlie murder of his mother in-law. Th govorner has granted tlie recomineiKl.uloii. A Trrrlble lirivine Acclilcnt. Dcnvkii, Cel , Bept. 28 A dispatch from H.iguche Cel. says : On Wednesday altorneon while Capt. Hawkins, an old gentlcmnti, nml two lltlle girls wero out driving all tbrne wme thrown botweon the horses. One of the girls natned Illanche Certln wan kllled. The ethor ehild eseap. ed with slight Injitrlei. Capt. Hawkins was picked up horrlbley mangled and will dle from the effects of his Injuries. lit Itev, Antheny Winon in America. Raltimuiu:, Hept. 28. Right. Rev. An An teony Wilsen, lord bishop of Rochestor, Ku-;laud, arrived hore te day en the steam ship Hibernian from Liverpool. He was met by a cotnmittce of gontlctnen of the Protestant Kptscepal eliurch and oseorted te the Mount Vernen hetel. Te night he will Hpcak iu Christ church ou totnper auce, WKATIll-.K INlilCATlONS. WAHitiiuvreM, Bept. 28. Fer tlie Jlld Jlld dle Atlantic state-, cooler generally fair weather, proceded by local rains In north ern -wrtlens, winds, shifting te nerthwest nnd northeast, rising barometor. Jt AltlCtnH. riillnilrlplilit ninrKet. l'liiLAiniLriiiA, Hept. m. rieur market Uull uml we ilt. Itye Heur nt() n23l 75. VVIieat qulut nml miner t Ne. a Western Itvtl. l esu ; Ne. a tte, 11 WX ; Ne. 1 l'a. KeJ. Cern Hteintv unit lair iletnnnil ; mlxeil nnit vnllew, ilQUJej salt m.jtcil, Mlc j Ne. .1 Mlzutl, fxinsyK- entx .iilnt: Ne 1 Willie. fiB37e Ne. 2 Willie, x,y,QMa t Ne. 3 ilo,3ie ; Ne. a Mlxeil, ai-UDiC. Seeils-Clnvcrnnii titSOKtTlinetlij steady ut II WOliVi: Kliix.xecil linn tl 1231 li. I'tovlsletis In getul ilutiinml. I.nril tpiti-L lliitlur choice wiinteil ; otliets ct tilt. h'eirs eii.Hler. I'lieeiu llrmer : lugoeil ilemaiiil. rclreltmtii iliill. Wlilskyiit II '.ij New Yerk Murkelh. Nbiv Tiiirk. bout, as. Flnur btatu anil Wetteiu "lull uml wlllieut ileehleil clinnjej Southern iiulvliiiiil imcliitiiKeil. Wlieut epeni'il loner, ulierwnrils stronfter unit uilviiiiecil JJfllet Inter full bick kej Ne. a lli'il.eet.. tl 1H91 U'H Nev.,$l 1340113Vti; lfiX. Cern U(vHa better nml tiulcli Mlxeil West West ei n spot, f7i8rVXe; iln liiture. A'lfgCilfc Oats wltlintit ileclileil clian-" t Ne. a Oot., 3.1 ; Nev., 3 ya Dec, 'I7ii;ej J an., 'We; May, lOJic Tlie Liuicruter Cuttle Olnrket. ASTi n bept, ai The receipts ut Slow Slew art's yutil ler tliu week ciullii-; te tlav. wero wt lollens- Cuttle, a,eil.J lieail ; horses, 71; hogs, ai'l; slie'p, 3,5iS; c lives, II. Ut thl-i tiumber '.'.lit oiltle. 1,07 sheep uml 70 lieas w ere con cen slKiieil te Levi senstinbt t ITU cuttle, '.ill slieep uml 11 culvui ttiityerft lllaelf j '.'7'J ciittle te e. V. l'jl sheep, 'il Inilla uml soine otlier HUckl().l.,M Bweljiit; ai horses te (ieerRO ttrnssmuii. I'J te Dim lei I.ekmi uml 10 te J. Knltz. The lititaiiLO et the stock Iu smaller lets waic()ii3l(ucil te u liumbai- et smaller tlculcis. At blewuil'u varils Slyer & llluck selil 391 heuil el entlu ut prices iuukIhk from 4 te 0 t-etits per peumt, uml peveiut ether itcnlew HOhl siuuller lets ut ubeut the sumo (Inures. II. MiiHurselil vri-) houilershecpalliilcanil .1. t Ituei-Helit . he--s ut H cents. At i-iitiBDiilK'rtyiiiM 1 ut I et e.ittle were Fehl-biillHsellliiK ler tegjl ; steckeis.Han t lOLilers, fttA-ld : llnt nulcher.s, M(3((); 1,711 slitep wcioseliliif. .'IKWIIei hi liejrs nt c. At Muntziir's yunls "W e.ittle wero selil steekersnml teeilei-s Irem 3i le 6c, anil fat euttle titnu 5 te b!ic ; Hi) Iiej.i1 et eouimen civt- iiosliieu ueeeiiiii. ei u. l'.ridiuiiu. uieukiii. tl SOff.'i (e pur humlieit weight, uml 'il bulls en iiccountef .I.Jl.bwel(,'iltt,tJ'iJ(JI (SOliegs woie sehl ut Ce. Altlieuuli thniccelnts uiul sale? at thusev- eiiil yunls weie mil se lur-u us the week pre vious, prltes uver.iKeil a lilKlier. l.lvu Htui'.k I'ricei. UiiirAnu Hogs Uecalpt?, 13,000 linail ; ship iiinuls, 7,ril heuil ; ni.ukelnliongrifJKie lilgher ler heavy : p.i-Jklng, $1 3)fl 11 ; packing unit slil--plug. ti 7ifS5 15 ; light bacon, it 73Q 23 ; skips, $.1 U0S 1 I" market cloaeil easier. Cuttle Uocelpts, 7,r00 heiutt sninmenla, I.Mlhuuil; luurkut bilsk ; geed loe higher expeits, tuai0; goetl le choice shipping, t u023 U0: eoinmen le liuHlluin, (IQ1U: riinge cittle linn i Mentunus, $5 U21j liull bicetls, tl 70 ; Te-xus, .! DJ131 3U; Wyoming, $1 ai. Sheep llccelpls, 2,IW heail; shipments, ai)0; ilull uml lower ter common ; inrorler te fair. liifj i ; ijoett, 13 7i i choice, ii W ; Texas, 1 1 SO O-l&e- Kast f.tnmrrv Cattle Uecelpts, G3I lieail ; nun kft llrm: prlme, $.'i73QU; fair togeoil,$3f :ia ; common, f 1521 7.. Hogs Iteeelptfl, a 4iie licuil ; market fulrt l'l.lluilulphlas, .llflisst)! Yoikeis, 15 1505 ae. Sli(ini Itcculpl-), we lieiul j nun kel lulr unit litlees u shiiiloslrengoi-thiiu yesterday. tjlOUK ttlHrKOtl. Qiiouitleus by lloeil, McOrunii A Ce em. l.-LiiciiMler. l'j. - Uanh. , UA.H. 12 m. 3r.K, Michigan Ceninil New Yerk Central NuwJursuy Ohie Central Del. Lack. .1 Woslern.. Denver A. Ille UiuiuIq.. Krle mil iii , ak , ai?4 , ak -u,,rt . ia.H 1I.V2 Kansas & Texas I.uke Uheie Chlcnge A N. W , coin M. IN., uui. . -vi'tiiniii.... ht.raulA.Om.tlia I'liclne Mull Rochester A l'liisbuigh. Ht. 1'iuil 111.! Texas 1'acllle Union racltle Wabash Ceinninn Watmsli rielerreit West'lli Union Tnlegrunll Louisville A Niishvlllu... N. Y., Chi. A nt, li I.elilgh Valley Lehigh Navigation reniiHylvanla Keuillng.... 1'. T. .t llulliile Nerthurn 1'ucllle Cem... Northern 1'ucllle 1'ref... Ilintenvllln riillailutphlu A Krle Northern Cc.Urui Umlerginuml Sif2 m Mi itI 59 'X 25 15-W .HI 11 Cumuia Seutliuru. mu ai'i 115 tax uu t liW U! I'oeplo u r wsonger. .. .... 1'lillniielpliln. quotations by Associated l'runi. Slecks li tegular. I'hlluilulphlu A Kile II. 11 ... ., 17 ueuiim'i I lull mm t.. .....A............. aM 'eiinsylVHUln Itallread WVt I.chl'-h Valley Uullread '(, Unlteil CoiuimnleaorNowJorsoy 1W Nerthein I'ucltlc ! -15) Nerthurn 1'ucllle I'lelnrrul (-)) Neittiein Central Kullre.ul 6JK benlali Niiviu.itien Company $i Norrlsiewn Itullieud .......lei Centnil Truusportntleu Ceiupuny JS)t I'llLsb'K, Tltiwvtllu lluttalell. ft ia'4 Little bcmiVlKiil uuiiieiiti ui Mew tirn. ('uoliitlein by AssecluUid l'lesar btecUs strenif. Meney, a02Ke. New Yerlt C'cntnd , .1154 Krlu Kiitlreiid ,-lHl Adiiuis Uxnress i MlchlKiin Centnil Uull read , f.i.U MlclilKtin Southern laili Illinois Central Uullieud Mlt f!1..trn1iillil .V. Ilttulllirirh Itilll rtlAll. UhlciiKO A lleclc Island llallrnud Vlifx rittsbiiritli A fort WaVne Hallremt lsils Western Union TeleKrauli Company w)V uurKU ituiireaii i , ihuul llallrnud ViiU . Wayne Hallread w)i TOieilOA YUOIUII... New Jersey Central ...............i... ........ t lll............t..t..t. "-H e .t Western wi mew leric unturie Lecal Hteciis nu lleuiU UeiiortedbyJ.U. Lei)-?. val. mile. LautvCUyOprct.Loau,duelW.:;llJ Ijig it 1BIU... UU 111 li l&A... 10C ft iwrcu In ler se yenru.. loe 6 Jier ct. Bolieol Lean..., 100 it 4 " In ler-ilyeaw.. 1U0 it i it in 8 or "M yours., lu ll u " in 10 or ai) yours, loe llaiihelui boieuKll lean. t MlB0lH.LAUI)UB BTOCUJJ. Ouarryvllle It. II.... WJ MlllonivtlleSlroet Car W inekilmr I'rlntlng company w uui LlKtitand Fuel Company ft) Stevens Heuse (IlemU) IW Columbia (lua Ceiuimny Columbia Water Company , SiHi-uelmnna iron ceiniuiiy loe Marietta llollewwaru... 100 1-U Hlnveim lleusu "v stciiy imanu ..f sv Kiwt Ilrumly wine A Wayneub'i;.,.. W til i Mi-. Nermal Bciioel. ...... t. M ..vlU, iliiiLul. 8JK 115H 121H! KIK a7J 17 3I 31Vi wx an VSrYc- lS5g UK ai " ia lt$ 17 laiVi HK ai'ii ae ' 2' Nl 7JK wis mi .... bH f ai o-ie it .... i t- - lee,V.' wi uu no 1IM tvta 43 2 203.23 0 w t 1