v?1 LANCASTER DALLY LNTELLLGENCER TIIURSDAy SEPTEMBER 27. 18831 Ma liOliUMHIA NKWS. (Mill lllCOULAIl ctMlllKUI'ONnKNUI KveiiIm Along Hm MiMiurliHiiun llniim ill liilcirniit In uuil Atinmcl Hi" ltrnili I'lcki-d HI' by Hm lutein gnnirr lleimrlrr. llieat ImptmomentsntOAOoii In IiuiimiIe In Hid tiiluiler or Company U'h iirmury, te bctlei til it Hi a i!iicu ler holding balls, fairr, Ve. Since tin) auditorium of Odd r'ellima llnlllm been taken for u 0. A. It. pest leinii, the armory lms beceinu Iho only place in town where sueh UiIiijh imii Ite held. Te morrow tlie work of repaliiii tliu Trout of the building will be com minced. One of tlie second nlery looms is also le he Illicit up an u rending mom for inetnbcis e( tliu uemp.iny, te bu iim'iI when nothing else I !" ptegicss in tliu building. 1'iirKiiiiHl Mr. Will llevt, or Philadelphia, son of Mr. W. .1 . Ileyt, in nt home en u visit, Miss (J.urin (liitiii, of Iiuiieuslci, Ik InSi Ititr Mim. Tayler (Inbln. Dr. .1. V. C'ottrell, el Watts Station, ban removed liia plnoe of lcslilouce te Washington clly. He ltift for th.it place with his fiviuily this morning. The tracks near the l'euii.sylvatii.i r.iil r.iil ie.nl depot w us blocked .1 Hhett tiine last evening, ciuifli.il by mi ero ear beltig threw n fiem tlie rails by a bout a.ile. A spread rail iluew three Pennsylvania iailre.ul Height ears Iretn IhoHusipiehunna telling mill siding ycstctduy. Tlie damage ilenu was seen icpaircd, lleriiiiuli Itrlnl". Osceola tribu of Uuil Men meets to night. Mr (leorge Kramer ImH npiiuctl tigiecury slote en Maner stiect. Anether voting muu a social club is being mgatiiml here. (lottlleb Yeung It pronounced tliu beet d, nicer in Columbia. Te night, beginning at 7:!0 o'clock, a urn.it prtiise meeting will bu held in tliu M. K. chinch. While using a large butehei kuifu lat evening, Miss Ada Ktape out oil Ihu end of bur linger. (Julie a crowd of poisons witnefscd and cntoved an impromptu conceit winch wii held in Pence's cigar f.ictety by a party of colored num. Anether " fishing party " will he held by tlie " Society el Sings " at I'hickies I'liliit te-morrow. A grand jollillu.itien will awaken thoceheeii of thin uh.itmiug spot when the party settles down te tlie uuje)iurnt of lUhlug ('.') Te-night the much t.ilUrjl i.r cig.ir makers' ball will bu bold in tliu annul y Tliu tickets will bn 50 ceutH. Geed mimic haH bcen prev.ded and uver thing (dm dotie that could maki' thn allair a micitm in every icspi ct. Four huudird eig.n boxes weru recently in. win in thiee .nid a hall bourn by Sherman Klddler, an nnploveof Ilcrshey'M cigar box factory. Tliu work wan duuu en a nail driving uiachttin which is operated by voting Klddrrs. The lollewing elllcers were elected at lust night's mictirg of Oiien ledge of Odd Fellows : N. O., Alfied 0. Iiruuer ; V. ( , Kdwaul Itillttt . assistant sccretaiy, Aaren Hell ; Trustee, iloe. Tille ; representative te grand ledge, F. 1". I). Miller. Mr. O W. Sujder will koeh begin the eieetluu el ,t laigu new baker) in the iimi ofthe buildinc en North Walnut Micet new occupied ler that purpose. The present bakery will be converted by him into a grocery store, where he will alie narrv en that business. Tliu main building and wings of the Franklin house are new being coveied witb.vslate i oef, and when this is com pleleil the front of tliu building will b) piut'd a lead color. Other improvo imprevo improve moiiUaio contemplated te the interior of the hotel. About twnntt couples gavea mirpiihO paityte Miks Katie Heilcnliiiiiiiui' at her home en Walnut street last evening. A delightful ovening was Hpent by all the gueht-s who woie hcrvcd with elegant le lii'hhmeutH before the end of the evening. The allair wan most hiicceNsfull) managed by Mr. Hairy Maxton. The l'enntijlvania railroad yardrt here aru te be remodelled and extensive mi prowuueiitM made en them. Mr. Wilsen llrewii and iieveial ether eivil ongmeerHof the company iimpectcd the yanU j enter day te decidu upon the nature of the nn nn nn piovemoiit.s. All the double, triple and live threw switches ure te be replaced by single switches, as these aie censidered the safest. 1"UKSI1'1KKIA.M IN n KIM ON in arts and seiencun, and Kldcr Jeseph I 'el roe In the commmilteo en tciuperntice. It was decided that when prcsbery adjoin n, it adjourn te meet at the call of the moderator or the staled clerk ut the meeting of tlie synod in Pittsburg next month. Itev. H. A. Martin, Dr. II. 1. Miles and elhi'is udi'icHHcd a meeting in the evening en "The Werk ofthe Hely Spirit." This has been a veiy Interesting meeting (if piesbytery, and the attendance was geed. IIIHTIJAItY. ileum iii rump nininr. 1'hlllp Millet an old and highly cstcetni.il citizen of New l'levldeuue died of malarial lever at his home in that village en Wed iu'mI.i) iveiilng, In the 71st jiuref his age. He was a tanner by trade and followed the hiiNiue.sM for the gieater part of bis life in Htiasbuig and I'lovideuce township. He was an intelligent, upright, honerablo business man ; a member of the Reformed ehutch and el the Masonic order. He was one of the founders of Washington ledge, Ne. lTili, of Drumure Centre, and was twice ileetedils weitby master. He was an active politician, a genuine Jeffersen Dcmeciat, and wielded a very considerable luiliiunce among his uolghheis. He leaves two sous mid a daughtd William II. Mil ler ami (leerge W. Miller, of Fail Held, Drumore tiwunhip, and Dr. Maty K. Wilsen, of tlusuitr. His funeral will take place at New Providence en Hatimlay uieriiitig at 10 :!(). Itev. .1. V. Kclieit will preach the funeral seimeti. The iutermeul will be made in the Un formed cemetciy at New Providence. 1III-. AIIMiOftltlMU I.AIVU'.ll III in tuTi. I I Ihi iimi nit DdllHrM Mtiurl. Nothing lurtbei has been heard or the wheicabeutH of Peler Hcrshey, ck(., of this city, who mvstciinusly (lisappeaicd some wen ks age alter having made an as hignment of bin propeity. It has been arccrlaired however, that he leek with bun about 'J,ei)il held by htm in li list, and that he borrowed from tlie Paikesbmg hank SI 001), from the West Chester hank I'JUti, from the First national bank of this city jT'iO, and fiem the County bank $1,1)00. There in a report that he ewes the CiMiesville bank i 1,000, and thuiu aru said te I Hint patties who have sufl'eied thietuh his lailure. Ills lainily loside en Ins I'hesU'i e unity l.irm. His wife was In Ij.iucastei le.day atitl Is, ofceuise, much disticsird by leaseu of his prolonged nud in stci ions absence. IILIKII.AKV AMI UOISIH'.KY. TlieWrmtuiliistfir 1'rtmlijiery Hi UiiiihhiIIihi III riirutlUe. The Westininstei- presbytery began Us sessions in the PiCHbyterian ehtiicli, Paradise, en Tuesday, at 10:'.I0 a in. A large uuniber of clorgymen anil lay dele gates from this and adjoining counties an in attendance. Thrce bos3ieiiH weie held en Tuesday at which business of import auoe pertaining te the installation of pastors, the organization of new oengM gallons and the Sablnth school work el the prosbytery was transacted. At Wednesday's meruing session the assessment cemmittee llxcd the rate at 10 per ceut. for each inomber, which was agreed te. It was decided te held the next stated meeting at Mt. .ley next Apul. .lehn A. Miilr, I.uwis F. Urewn, .1. A Hern! I ami It. P. Cobb were recommended te the bearil of education ler aid in pursu mg their studies ler the ministry. The attontleu of nrctibytery was called te the everture iriiin the guneral ajsembly ou the reduction of the number of mem I ors of the general assembly. This uiused seme discussion and it was dually agreed that the everture was net sullicieiit u reach the objeet whieli the general as Hembly had in view. Parties woie roeom mended te take suitable nutice of Mai tin Luther'b 400th anuivcisary. After censiderable discussion it was agiccd te dit-solve the pastoral relations botwien Kuv. Y1. Ii. iuwiiu ami ine Hellevue (Uap) church. The iittoudnuceat the 10:tJ0 serviccs was very large. A sornien was preached by Kev. II. V,. Niles, D. D., from the words " He Filled with with the Hely Ghost." Devotional seviccs followed, in whLh Hev. Dr. Stewart, Ucv. Gaylerd, Martin, Harber ami Dr. Niles mude short addresses. At the !i p. in. i-chsieii Itev. T. M. Craw ford reported en the beaid of iniuisteiial rellet, nud his repeit with its rncoinmeu datiena were adopted, ltoperts by the dillurcnt pastors of the condition of their chiucheti were then received, after which the onmiiiittee en installation, Hev It. (iamble, ropertcd It. G, W. Kly te preside and preach. Itev. Dr. Stewart te delivci the oharge te the pastor, nud Itev. Dr. Mitchell the oharge te the poeplo. The reixift of tUu commltteo en home inlssieus was accepted ami adopted. Tne cemmittee also icoemmondod that a home iiiissleu convention be held at Chauoufeid church, Yeik county, sometlmo next month. This recommendation was alae appievcd. Hev. It. j tlark was appointed moder ator of the session of the Stewartstewn and Itev. W. G. Can as el the Christiana churches. Tho;ieporta en fereign mls mls sieiis ami the meeting of the presbyterial weiiieu'H toeloty wero read by Hev. Dr. Niles, alter wlileh the commltteo en the organisatien of the new church at Yerk was named, and Hev. J. H. Turner's re pot t ou temperance was adopted. The following appointments wero made: Itev, O. W. Kly te fill a vacancy in the ruuniltteiMin foreign missions, Hev, 0 L. Mmtli in the cemmittee en the boa' d of polljt'len, Hev. 8. A. Martin In the committee ou Babbath fichoels, Itev. t . H. Cress In the commltteo en oxaruiuatien llrknt (llllce rtim l.'iKnr 1'nciery Kntileil. On Tuesday night tiie ellice and store of A. It. lleisliey, tit Silver Hpritig, this county was binken into by buiglarn and robbed el nei.il tlinin-auil cigars, a small ipianlitY l money, and some ether valua bles I'liu eigais were taken fiem the boxes and the empty boxes were tlnewn around htith inutile and outside the store loom. Mi. lieiflieyiHa cigar manufact urer and also rieket agent for tliu Heading t t'ehunhi i t.ulie.iil at their Silver Spring ellice. It m net known that any lailte.id tickets or ether property of the company was taken. A gang of lour or mere men who have been for some time past encamp ed in "The I.iurels" net f.ir away from tlie st.it ten, are suspected of this and othei inbbi nes tnat have been perpetrated in the iKiighboibeod recently. ninynr'K 1,'idiri. The mayor this morning discharged tive damps wh hid s-mght shelter m tin lockup I ml tnght. A brace of young fel low who get into a I'uht at the b.iMibill gr neils yesterday, weie discharged en pi) meet i costs, James Heaiiieg.ud, fur druiikeii and diserderh conduct, was com milted fei 20 days, August Slgler lei n daH, and .lehn Jehnsen, celiuul, fei 5 days. Ik j mi liiv(iiin iluiilils us le tliu linpiovii linpievii t ii i ni muilii liy the uplls In iitteiiilaiii'e ut tliu I. M..il ' It ( ).MJll'.litIAI. ( OI.I.KltK, call .it lli iiiiiini, Ne. !"! K.wl Klin; struvt, anil kiiHnly veumi'lt. fpiLlinen i el Iniprovi' Iniprevi' iiient Im i x.iii'liiiillen. s'-T-)t l..j k.11- it in I nuil tlu-.- luivliig a iledlre te iii'inlrii pielli li'iiey In It uiu tlml ample inmiiis ut Mi mil Ileal I Aeudumy, ter iiupiov iiupiev 1 iik iiml hiai iiIiil' nil tliu new stylus el pulnt liiK iiieli us Kuiialiirfteu I'liiuietilcry p'llntlnn en velvet, p.iliitliiK en u lilln vulvnl , iilse, Hie uiiiiiiuii el piiliillinr II iiliiittni; pottery, us Melt iispiliilliiKen OrL-ii, lieitnil gliis, plaeities, pinuls.utu. A tlioreiili UnowliMlk'e el int. tiem A II. (.'.te the Ihllililili,' stii'lle in Im a!iilri 'I In llns lien. Ii-tny. Ili're, ten, lntin iik ii Hit Hint MK.il iniHle ,im tniiKlit en Hm plan el llieciiiisi'i vntei ti s el Kimipn, "till the mint exiicl iiml eeiiseli'iillnns iilleiitten. I'et senj imm tliu clly weiiM ile niilt te call iiml lliairb ill I alignments liefein Hut. 1 HflWIAIi NUVItJKH. I'lie irreiltcsl roiiMgieti ileilteyer evei known In HuiliyHl'iepliyluttlt riiilif. ttprc ventnHmiiil I'ex, 'I'iimkiiash nlliwt- "C'elilim's l.lllllll Hi III Is piirtlcnliirly iisulnl In IMplitlieiii, Fever, unit every ilepie'sliiK illseine." s'JI Iwiliiel.tw l'lirnlyelr, Nlnn VnHtn. "Allei hiivlng HUiri-rml ler'.i jiurs with pn i.ilyslV'saysMi. .Imepli Vntcs, el I'liteisim, New .lersey, ' 1 was eiiieil by A'uiinirlini AVr line" Ml. TiitnH niillierles this l ileinenl. Uiiirdiiigi'.ll keep" 11, tl.Wi. Bi1-lwilee'l,tw iliuwiin iiiiiihi lii'lil rminirn. iHllieliiiHl ellncllve I'iiIii Dimliover In Hie werlil. Will iiiimI miiely 'inlelien Hie liteixl whether taken liilniiiiilly or iipplliKl extcr nully, nun Ilieieliy tiieie icitaliily KKMKVK I'AIN, wliutliui clueiile or nuiite, than liny oilier pilllinllevlater, hikI II Is wiuiiiiitcil ilnif tile Ihu BlieriKth tlnui any oilier bIiiiIIiu- ptepii- lllt'lltl. llcuiis pilti In Hie SM"le, Miieli ei liewels, Hele 'l'liieal. lllieilliMiHim, TiHithnclie, anil A 1,1. Atlll H, anil Is 'III" OirHl llnllnvcr il I'ulii ''ItUOWN'sHeUHKIlnl.Dl'ANACKA" Klienlil belli every liimlly. A teiispoenlnl el Hm I'liinii en In a tumbler el het water (swrut, mieil, II pieliini"t, taken lit licilllliie, will IIUKAK HI' A UOI.H. i'i cents a lietlle.. uiiiVl-TTh.FAw . I'liu llrsl K'll skin euniiiviir illceverel whs Hr. llciiKtm'srtUlii fine. It cnics fill rengh iiml scaly skin iIIsimsir unit iiiutnw tliu skin HiueeHi unit iK'iilthy. II U mi iiriiiiuiuiil le any lad) ' toilet "Dr. Itcmen'A frtcr) tiiiit Vlutmnimlr 'tth riirrdiiiti titfc iiiiiiiriltiilclii (i feverc uritritl (In " II. M.Cecklln, mii!p'iurtlliiM, I'll. .'c ut ilriigKlxtri. Fer twenty 1" irs I wtisu Hiilli-ivr Iiniii n till ill of Hie lieuil iiml Hiieiil In uvury UKgrn vuleil liirni, anil ildi Inn tlie slimmer muiitlis wllli liny Knvei I pteeili' 0 u lietlle el Kly's (,'lcutn Halm, unit ulti'i a lew ipilleatleim le lelveil (leelileil Iienelll was ( iikhI liclnru tliu bottle whs u-eil. Have li.nl no lelnni of Hie templulnl. CiiAiiLerri! Paiikki., Wuverly, N.V. One iiml eneliiilt Imtllcs el Kly'i ciiiun llutlii mitliely eiirn el liny Fever el 1'H yriiM'ritmiillim. Iluve tin I no Irueii ei It for tweiuiH Ai.maiT A I'KliliY.Hliiltliliine, N.V. Sllii-i) IievIhmmI I Ii ive lieru tinillilel with (.Html lijni'l Huy Fever, anil have lieen iiiuihlii loelitilll peliiiuiiutit ii-IIi I iiiitll I i iil Kly h Cieiiin ll.ilni. it hiisciiri'il me K. I.. tt.ti'K usi'.u, New lliutiHii'.ek, N. .1. I'iIch .M cents sI7'2iIi'hIw -l'i.Aiti I alk n.uM en. HWAVKK l'i Whom It Mil) fVmrrni; ItcliliiK I'lliw Is one el. the must uiitieyliii! eeniplaliiLi known te pliyal clans. Kvery eim cull tell ivliitthiir lints thus iilllleteil tiy elisi'ivlug the lollewing syiii- toms lnleiisu Itelilng, particularly alter gut ting uiirin. It Hceins us It pin weriiis weie ciiiwltui; in oraheiil thu leetiim. Minutt lumps seiiietlmes Inrin. Tim privu'e parts uieelten nltccliil. Tim iiinic jen "uialili tlie wnrse the Itchlmr. KnewliiK Hint iiiyeliitinent Is anper. ler te iinv iirlli In in tin iniirlint, 1 Kiianiutee It te emu tin- wenii cunu el llchliig piles III cxlst cxlst enen. HlKllisI, II.SWAVNK, M. H. Hi. S wii j'iui'h Hei lun in I .iilseiipli iisuiil and eiti'itlviu me ler ti tlm, licit, salt ilmuui, i-iy. blpcl.is. ParherV IH'li, plnipliis, ami nil scaly, cnut), Itchy skin eniilleu. bekl by all pieiMlN.nl ilrnnlst. or will t sunt tei .Mietj. (til !e itutnps), .1 benis, il.i. Aihliusa, Hr. HwiiyncA Hen, I'till.tilulphhi, I'iu lutll-lyill'ii.ThAAw NKW AHVKirtlHi:IKN1. OK HMAI.I. Chestnut Streel. wy MHHHI! WANllsU-HASK 11 I'ex lit. Ne. Ill West Apply nt once. hit ionic oueui'ti i'liu Kitr.inr.if.s IV. eitriipure niiw lamllv Kli.N HIIIKH (JOHN MUM, (Jliculnr le the tnnle miillml Itenle ilnilcis. Aililtess, .IUIIN U. KIlKIHKIt, Muti'f Milten drove, I'u. sil-linil MIII WII. I, AI.WAVH I'lNH A KUI.I, I llnnel (Jeiineellciitelgiiis uuil Fniiululu Fine (,nl tobacLe, nt HAItTMAN'S YI'.I.I.'IW KIIHNT UIUAIt 1'1'HIIK IU. H. II. HltOWN. i I'lllHlUlAN ANIlHt.UI.IHr, llus Itetneveil te Ne. W WKHT HIIANHI. s'. KVeiiuil Fair Inilteil. HhissfsinlliiMi'il, HI HI tiurler npceliieloHen li.itul ami loonier. Icl-lyilTh IOlt IHC.M A I OO AHlir. I.t Mf.SIOflK Fat III. 2 miles Itein linncimler. Alse 4 Acres el laud In Ktghth want, l.a'icisiiir slti-lind HtUsIl A lines. ANir.H-A HINIII.r, .11 AN WHO HAS Iiml experience In Hie earn el driving lieises, A Hetinmi wliecini t ilk I ' 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 pre- im leu. anisi come wen lceutiimeniici,. Apiny Imuiiiltiitely, 8l7-tlilw II0X1S. (JOATKVII.I,K, PA. SAD It ItltAUr I HNDII lllls Ki:nlN(l I want net less thiiu Ml men le paitiiku el my old tiislilnmul H uuil Kmnl liuieli at H.t e Met Hull, tiiml Klimstli'ijl, THIS KVKNINU Iretn S te iO o'clock. It" JOHN M. IHil'.NIIK.llHF.It I UliT ltl-.Ol'.lVl".l). A (JAIH.OAI) OFFAI.I. l'l'l,l;s II .KlShl'll lll;ltlKi. 1eit MAi.r.. ami iimitKi.s or vemc slule Apples for suhi nt the Keystone inn e mie ut me Neitueiisi corner or Lctiui) Hiitiute en Market duvs. il' HIlKINhll A. MI)UKK. WII f. N IT WAS IIKSIONIlltATKU Hint pus It is It in lrln net Iriim Hie ex tcmiil cm nn I, but liein Hm inldilln cm, Ills iisiinlly mi ciisy luk le iimviiirn Hm pcrnen alleeted of tlieduiigei (it a iicIclI el the dis ease. iseies el lit" Kjn, Kur mid 'I liriiil iilse. I'rlvute unit (Jliienlc DIhchnch HiKecsslully ticuted hv IMIS. II. II mid M A I.USH Ml Kit. Olllci 1 1 Kusl Wulnul HlicMt, I inii-txii-i, I'll. L'oniiltutleu tree. nil Itd.Vw Mr,r;i inh or Tint Dniicer.iliu Ceuuly CommtUeH Will beheld ut the .IKFFKItsilN CI.UII ItOOMS (llli'Mdig, Itnll.l lug). West Klni; "stiui I, en Monday Noxl.Oetobnr 1, 1803, Al it e'( lei'k a. in. .1. I.. HIKI.SMh'l.. si7 Jl t'liairninii i.niiiily (- 'iimittli c. SECOND EDITION. IHUI13DAY ISV1SNINQ, BlSt'T. 27. lOUU. MAMKMttH. POLITICAL. HKMOUK.l'llO AMI VKWT UKI'UIH.tUAN HON- KINS IeVI.lt J The Mil I II lllai'HSPP. ( tires thn most Hw , tm't iltiiiijcnt" ) ( n res thin "wnviii 's ointment" ,swu ne'i Hi ti tint nt" )ciiiliii-nea ") u, 'N (liniment " i ""Wiij 'ic's Hlillliiuiit ' ('IL", such "?WllJ.lli'sOlllHlli)lH"S .,..,... . , -wiiyiiii'siitntiiieiit"),llur""""' Hunt. Ol Skill ills- 'Swuviki'm Olntineill' SwHyne'sOlntiiinni" uwu no's Oliitinuiit" wnj mi's elnluii'iil" ' "siiiiynu'D iiiiiiiiiinii' as (ettei, sudd hcuil. habci's tlcli, set ns, ull ciusty, scaly, itchlui;, km ernpllens, mid ti at ilhdics'ittii? celli' sivnyne'sdlntliieiil") ",,",fi " "Mvnyne's Olntuii'iit" pliliil, llclilng pllm, wn. tic s inniinnni ie Ilwii) lie's Dliilnicul" S n Auk ler II mid i in'1,1 all else talis. matter hew ebsll uli i el Ieiik sliiiidtni;. up no etlmi. It LUIIKH Hn, hj nil in iiK,;IJt i, lis or A HI'. Sl'tcrs III Cllllluc el till HA.'Mir.H IIKAItT ACADEMY riisiutlilll V aniieiilice thai they are prepared te leiieh ull the latest kinds and styles el Kinbieldeiy mid l'ulnlliii.', such us Kensington Ktuhielileiy. Itmbe'tnii I'ettmy, i'iiIiiIIiik en llins. Frosted (iiuii, I'huiiiis, ranels, Ac Alse Initt anient it uinl V ec il Mn-le ucrerillnir te thu pi (in lples of thu liest musters. '1 hey kindly rciiiesltliut nppli nppli entlen lie male by OMeber I. u class bulnR lonne'l then Fei liilttiui piitletilins please call ut tlm in mtciuy, comer Ann mid eriinn stieets, si" It TUB 'I tin HninuvrsHa Allllilclinl Tic kl Nninml III riillmlelptitn The Nwr Vnrk hlute Uonvcntieii nt HiiIIhIe Thn lde- qntrs linriiinnlens mid Hfl- ly I.niiiily lilieered. Hi TKAU), N. V Hept. U7. I'liu New Yerk Deinocratlestato convention openod under very favornble auspiees. The dele- gales took thelr seats In a very orderly manner, each 0110 beitig niiinhered with a ticket te coireiipeml. Ah Mr. Kollventorcd the hall he wni ehtored by the Tammany and Irving Hall delegations In the gallery, The (lolegates in rived in a body, no preference being shown te any distinct body en admittance A, U, Clinpln Temporary unniriiinn. It was a nottceablo fact that Jehn ICelly was tlie only dolegato that was oheorod en eutering the hall. Daniel Manning, ehalimaii of" the state cemmittee, eilled the convention te erder and presented the name of Alfred (J. Chapin, of Kings count v, im temporary chairman, in accepting, Mr. Chapin, In a very norveiiH manner, addressed thn coin volition, thanking the mombers for the honor confericd. His lemarkH were mainly deveted te state aflairs. He speke in the highest terms of the administration of Gov. Cleveland. The speech was llstencd te with uiaiked attention, and was only interrupted when the name of Orover Cleveland was mentioned. Then thodolo thedolo thodelo pates ntmlatided. the Tammany and Irving hall men, however, inmaining silent. The tempeiary eliaiiui.iti then directed the calling ei the tell. Wheti the natne of Samuel J. Tilden, jr., of Columbia, wan reached the convention grceted it with long continued nppkuBe. Nbrnslii itetniiilliHiir. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 27. At the He publinan state convention yesterday, M. I). Heei.0 was nominated Ter judge or the Mipicme court The platform adopted lavers a. pteper protective tarilV ami a state railtead commission, advocates the forfeiting efuneaincd railroad land grants, minuses Wislatlen allowing cattlemen te secure large tracts of public lauds, endorses the administration of President Arthur mid iidvecates the improvement of the gieat rivers of Iho West and Seuth n .!.... .,.11,iiir,iiifl nt 'I fl'f'.blC MKUIUAU l'lillndstpniM mnrKct. PniLADBtniiA, HepU 27. Fleur market dull ami steady. Ilye Heur nt .! (IMtl 75. W limit lower and unsfltllcd Ne. 'i Western Itcsl, II W,f Ne. a de, II OJX ; Ne. I l'a. Ilel, II l!i. Cem steady ler IecaI trntle i null yellow, !ilkfii'.'et Ball m.xwl,tHyiWtXe Ne.3 Mixed, OatsqulettNe l White, 37et Ne. 2 White, ie j Ne. .1 de, 35f)3.1i$u Ne. a Mixed, 3.1HC BeedH uncliniiKcd. Previsions steady for Jobbing sales. I.ard quiet. Ilitller firm t iioeildoitiiitnl. ICggs firm talrdumiiiid. Cheese firmer I In geed iletiiuml Petroleum dull ! Kullned.siiHc. Whisky ut II ve New Verk Mn.rKet. Nitw Yimit, Hept. 27. Fleur Stale ami Wcitcriiilull ami sllghllv In buyers' luver. tieiitlieruiuleiiiml steady. Wheal c,'iuliiwer, heavy mi't umellleil s uieileinte spectilntlva IrndliiKI Ne. 'i lied, hcpl. M I1TS Hct.,11 1IKI lt,i Uern y,WAa lower i vuryilull: Mixed West West ern spot, Mili.2e de lutiire. MUQfi-.'e. Outs dull mill ii Hliiule lower t Ne. 2 Hept., M'i Nev.,3)4t aiale,aj0Hci Wustei n, Alts ilc. Live Steele I'rlcen. CiitOAOo-IIegs llecelpts, 1S,W liemt ship, inunls, D,(JXI lieud t market unsettled and lec lower I puuklng.ll 2IQI fMi packing mid sldpplnit, Tdff.'i 05 ; Klil, f l Teft", ir, ; nklps, H(n)ijl HI: inarKet closed stoadler, Hnttle iteeelptg, SiOO head! slilptnntits, '2,'w head! market acllve mid sleady , experts, liiQOJJOi gtxxl te choice shlpidm;, V 2DSJ5 71 i couiuien le medium, Hii'ieii; ratiBe ciltle from Texas, :i ilHil Hi lni.lt breeds, 1 1 00; Wvemliig, II 10; Mentumis, ft 55 fli te. Hlieen Iteielnts. 10(1 held: shipment!). 200: very dull and iie lower j Inrerler te fair, U 31 (ii 75 ; Keed, M ,Vl ; elinlce, 1.1 75 j Texas, tl betl 3 50. f.iimlis, IIQ.150 head. Kast I.innKTV Cattle ItecelpUi, ',).(I12 head market lulr i prime, f.1 75Q j fulr loge'id.Hf 5 r.n i coiiitnen, f iff 1 75. Hogs llecelpts, I.7W) head i market llrm ; I'Mladelplihw, I0if550: Yerkei-s, 15 wt5 40. Sheep llecelpts, 2,MX) head I inmknt slew ; piliue, tlfjl TO; lair togeod, ti 25UI75; cum uion,it('jeii. tiii ick in l TIIK M F.SN Kill HOIt II A I.I. STeilKlielillr.ltS III' ASOl.IA- T1')N Tim build of illnclen el Hie Man tiiirchnr Hull ni'oelatlen IniMng ir-ieliisl, with the ciinxcii! el Hie tocklielilcrs, te In ere ise I lie fipl till stock of the cel point Ien Itein fjti.lm) tv I In urn), tliu tncinu-n le lie Iillule by the Issue el Itxi shines (if Bleck ut tliup.il Milne of i"eiich, the stoeklieldcis et the said cer poiutlen urc hereby nelilleil that a uicctliiK or Mtocklieldnrs will be held lei Hie mm pnie nt eeiiHlileilm; such lnctea-e el (iipliul at the (ifll e el Hie roipeiulleli en Ninth I'llnee streel.en Mtl.NlhM . tlie'.saii day el NOVI..M IIKIt, 18-J, ut s o'lleck p. in. Hl.Nin l.l'.ltilAHT. epl27-seuw l'lesldunt. XTO'IlUl'. Ill THI-.SI'AS-T.ttS AMI UUN- L N KltH. All persons me hereby tnrutditcn lelicspiisi en any of the liinda (it the Corn wall or Spendwitfl estates. In l.ebmen and I.micnstiir coiiiitlne, wliuthei luulesi'd or mi mi InclesKil, elltmr ler the purpose el hIkmiHiik er IIbIiIiik. in the law will tie rlKldlv enltircee lanlnsi all trcspuNKintt ou said lauds et the undei iluud tittei this uelti'ii. i r.i 1. 1 ii. r..ii.i?i r ur.r ,ia It IM'.KO AI.HKN, hliWIIlhl HtKKMAN, A Lluiney lei It W. I iliimtiii's "' The this AiiiiiKmeiiir. " Un Seeimil l.me." Tills new ply by .lehn A. hlclelM will llll pleeclltc 1 III l llllOll epi 111 house .Monday mid Tiles luy evenli'i:- wllli .Mutidn (jimiKer us tlm lead In u lady. '1 Im play was put tin Hm beimls el Hie Philadelphia Ctic-diiiil ni reel theatre, Tuesday, anil Is being piesented toeiewded house i. Tlm suimie?m. pany, wlili Ii Hie liceeul saj Is an unusually Hlieni; one, will lender Hie play heie. Miss (iningei Is a faveiltu heie anil she nheuld be will icceived. The play Is ciy hiveiably spoken el, and l.mtcustci- will be only Hie third clly It has been pieseulud in. Among Hie cislutu Messrs. Lewis Morilseu mid Win. 8. Hm kins unit Miss Lillian une, uli Ilist'Class Ml lUt.S. ,l Oiemli, linlil or Hum Si iiruiit Uh,uIics iiiiiiieliultiutientleii. A ueitlecl Ir rll'tes Hi" Itiiifia and mi liiimriibbidl'fisn is mien II -nil "Hit fWAINK'S CUM- I'lit'Mtsl IH'1' IMM.'IIKItllV " films Hie iuiiI .eveie i ell(li and (.olds, llctsdllectly oil tliu Iiiiiks, llll eul mid iln:il, pniltlei tliu bleed, nud Im-bieiiililul. nsthlini. ull pulmonary at trition, i, I Ii nc sl.iiidliiu, lithe lie"! leiniMlj rim ,ll-i i m luil. I'iIii :', i i-nt-i mid I pel bellte 'I'lie lutK Hli-.ii HI m iiii is! im oiiemUiii rt il I I v ii .H ill iiL'i'lttti Hi-MWftHvd(v iiinir te ecur(i lltiiitth. I seems xlniiiuu Hint any one will sutler tiem tlm ninny ileinnemeiits lueiight en by an Impure condition et Hm bleed, when '-CO-VII.I.'dB.MtSAI'AUILI.A AMISTII.UNdlA, in 1ILOOH AND Ll Kll SYlllJP will restoie pi rlmt health te the physlcnloigiuilrutlen. It Is Indeed a gHeiigtheiiiiiK syrup, pleasant te tiikn, a id lias proven tlsclf te be Ihu best lll.nell PUIIlFIF.i: ever dlsceieied, etleet unity cnrlm,' Hcmtulii. plilllle dluerdeis, '..lini'is el Urn Milni'si, l.iyslpelas, Jliiln I la : all lieiveus dlsenlers lit id debility, bib Ien" ceuiplulntn mid llll dlneiises lndleutlm; mi tiiipuie connitleii et I Im llloed. Liver, hid iiiv-,, siiiiinicli. Skin, etc. 11 iniiects liidl ei .tteu. A sliiKle bottle will pioie te you IU iiii'iIIm ni r lieullh mnewer, ler it ACTS LlliL A ell MiM, irpeeliillv when the cempluhit Is el !: ! iiHUHiKe n.uiire, havlmsii litiideuey te lessen the mans il vluot'ei the bruin ui'd uer vetis Hysteut. 'J uif. i.vi'.nimj ai-.s-iis or rtiK hi'kvial xeriat:s. 'Ihu siiiiwl pieventlie iiKUlnsl Small l'e. Is Hattys I'lephylaclle Fluid. 11 deutieys contusion. tun Untie Hack, nine or unesl use Sill. LOU'S rOKOUt) 1'IiAHTKIl. I'llce, 25 lent Sold by II. ll.Cechiun,137iindlJJ Nertli (Jueen licet, Lntieiister. leblloedti d Heeds, seal Is, nbliens and any fancy in Hell's can lie uinde any color ituuleil with tlm Hlnuieml Dyis. All the pepuliu coleis A rollucieuii llruveil lip. I) V. Cellins, member et police, niieuth wind. Ili'inlliiK, l'a., lulks this way " Sullei cd siiveicly fiem ihuuiiiiitlsm ; iiethliik! did me any geed till 1 tiled Thamtii' Kfltclria Utt. It is u pleiisuie te leeemineiitl it." Fei sale by II. II. Uncliian, ilruKist,U7 und 13') North Uueen stieel. LANCASTER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Will bi'Klu ou MONDAY, OOTOBLJH I. 'I lie NIttllT .SCHOOL Is ler tlm beiiellt (it veutilt iiien mid )otiiii''weiiimi w he cannot ut lend tlm day timre and lei these w liee cm ly uilaiitii s weiii mgluLled; an. I ule for these who wlili totmpieMi thi'ltiielves nud piepmelei I etlci po-lllens. Sep ilabi llislliic Hen in lloekkeepliiir, I'ciiinuuslilp und Arilli uiiiile Applv nt loom Ne. ms la-t Mnt; Htieet.nny Him duiliiu H-e pie-i ul week. II. C W hlHLl.U. h.'I Iwdll r-iliiclp.il. l.l(l. OI'r.HA IIOUsK. TWO N Ha II IS U.L1, Monday aud Tuesday yvi OUT'OUKKl AND '.' Y.vt nliiHP, W3. liliuid production el the Sew and Heil.untlu 111. una, HER SECOND LOVE. Wiltten by Jehn A. slevens, etu. Sl'KClAL KStiMIKMI.N I' el tlm beuullliil, emotional autre:,, liss Maud Granger, In liei iiilglnat iieiitleu el Ol.U A, suppeiled .lI'.ll'H PAIN PA.NACKA cuus il piltl 111 ' . . ,. , nun iimi hciist. F.u u xtum iiiy am. inlet- Poweriul Ceiiididv el Dramatic Artisu. usual I'hk h- coiiNc.itien iidjeurucd at 2 o'clock morning. Tliu Mnrjlnuil KritiulleitiB. li.M.riMein:, Sfpt. 27 The Republican convention te nominate candidates for governor, cet.ti eiler aud attorney geneial was called te order this morning by Hemy Stockbridge, who in.ule an appre pri.it e address. All couutles and legisla tive distiicts were icprcEiitited. Hen. J. Me tiseu Harris was elected temporary chaiitnanaiid speke very briclly. Cem mittces ou credetitialaatid resolutions were appointed and a recets Uicn until oue o'clock. The lloiiuicrHlle Tlckt Named in I'lillu dnlpllln. ' I'lin.AiiLi.i'iiiA, Sept. 27. The Domo Demo Dome cratio conventions today maile the following iioniiiiatiens ler miiiiciiial ollicers ; City controller, S. Davis Tage ; coroner, Win. II. Iloepor, M. 1). ; clerk of the court of quarter sessions, Uce. It. Snewdcn. The district attorney's con vHtitlun declined te nomitiate a candidate, the nomltiatien of Gee. ri. (Jrahani, the luesent iiicumhent. by tlie Republicans, being thus endorsed. Ulil!.!!' NKWnl'Arr.HH. 'Iho 'lieiililu Over Hie Iteiliictlini In 1 rices In Null I urn, Xi.w YiiiiK. Sent. 27. Tlie opposition of the news dealers te the icduced prices of the daily papcis here thieateus te be come stieng. Neither patrons nor papcis me leaping a benefit, as dealers reluse te sell for less than 18 and 20 cents per week. A tncetiug of cast side iiowkIciiIeih was held last night te take into consideration thu recent reduction in the piice of daily uewspapers. Much Indigi atieu was ex prehrad against the Herald, which reduced its piice te two cents yestenlay, because it is proposed te give only a third of a cent pretit, instead of the half oent that was given before the price was reduced. The pteli'. en the 'lmn has been reduced Iretn one cent te half a cent. lijth Tribune and ''imfspcimit the rutin n of ptpcis nothehl. Sixty of Iho (leaieis present higucu a paper pledging thetubelves te charge thrce cents fei the lkrald en the stands, or 20 cents a week delivered, including Suudajt. They also agree te oharge 1H cents a week for the Tuna de livered ut residences. Committees wero appointed te act with ether organi..itiens, and an adjournment wan held until next Friday. Meck tnnrKeis. Hnetiitltins by need, McUrann ,t Ce, 'liuili nrj, Lancaster, l'a. 11 a.m. Mm. r. C.C.A.1. C Michigan Central KlVi 82K KM New S7erlt Centnil liftjj U'J,i H5)i New .lersey Centuil 81 w)i b'2 Ohie Central .')i Del Luck. A Western.... lil Ui; 121 Hunvet'A Ille Uiande.... '."I '27)3 2sU F.rle Il .tlti .UK Ksnsas A Texas i'V, B!iJ '.liJS Luke Shere iu: Wl UK!!., ChlcnKOA N. W., com.... luAl IWi N.N..OHI. A Western.... '1 li !KJS St. Paul. I Omaha II le'.i H I'acineMall 3SJi lis; WiJj; llecliester A l'lustniiKli.. n-H IS IN St. Paul IMJft Uri uuii Texas I'ai'lrlu 2-S VS !is Union I'licllle hi SSK Ki'sj Wabash Couiuien '21 "I " Wubash-Pmlerred !l :a6 3152 Wesi'rn Union Teleuranli 7!K "sU 7a4 Louisville A Nashville... 50 !.) MM N. V., CHI. A SI. L 8Ji LehlKll Valley 70 CIK my Leldull NiivlKUtleu lOi Ilk 45 I'ennsylvanl'i 5'JV? WW, !V.i lleudlng '.'5J 'iMI-lii Wy, I'.T. A llilltiile I'2 Neilhetn I'lielllc-Cem... IV 3i;; W, Nerthetn 1'aclllc I'mf... ifl MX W llestenvllle II II .... I'hlliidelphlu A Krle Nertneiu Central SJX :,l'i .... Underground Camilla Seulliuru MX 'i-'I HM nn us;; in;S U3H 1'oeplo's l'nas(illi'r .... I'lillitilnlpliln. IjiioUilleunby Associated Press. Stocks stieng. I'hlliitlelphlu A Krlull.lt 17K lleadlug llullreiid 25' I'eunsylvuulri Kallread , 6'J Leliigh Valley Kullreail OVi United Companies el NewJersey, 193 Neithern Pacific X4 Nertliein Piicille I'relerrel i Northern Central lltilireud 55V Lenlith Navliriitten Company H'j; Nerrlstnwn Hall read IK) Centiiil Transportation Company 3H l'lltsb'K, Ttltisvllle A lillllillell.fi Y'.V, i.iiliubcimviKiu i uiu roan ui MOW Villi. (Jnotutlens by Associated Piess. Stocks lower. Mcney, 2U7'2Je. New Yerk Centtal 11514 Kile llullreiid 31 Adams Express i-" MtrhlKnn Central llallread 8.1 Michigan .Southern Hall ie.nl W'i Illinois Central llullreiid l-i Clevelmid A l'lltsburgli llullie.ul l.U ChteaueA liecK Island Kallread 1--K rtltsburgii A Fert vvuynu uaurenii ii Western Union Teleirrapli Ceuipauy 78' Teledo A Wllhush , New .lersey CeiiHnl Ni w link On tin le A. Westuiu nully. UKHSIOIlsK I'OW HKItS int.) ull illheuses of home, cattle, slaep, lins, penlliy und ull l,H unlock. A l'OMTIV F.cl'UL. iiiiiy'JI-a let sale ut il. II. Civilian's limit stele 1.17 Neith Uneen silent ;iAHM Mll.LLU III Sew PiiiMilcuiii, VVeiliiLsiliiy, S.pl.ai, Plil lp Mlllei. In the 7lst e.u el Ids line. The r.lallves ami liliinls will liiecl at h'a luleicsldunce, ou satiirduy muriiliig at leJJ o'clock. SuiilLLa ul thu Iteleiined cliillihut llu'vleik ild II si I led Scats en sale ut Opeiu Hen .e (Jltku s.7-:itd Caiiielln Duulene ter the teeth Is very tin gi mil and uuieves Tartar and beiitl, liiinleiis the uuiiis, steps decay iiml pciliiuies Hie bieath. l'llce, ,'iOtentJ. Fer sale ul ull ding ylBts. Je.'7-t'inilW ncnry' Hiirbnlle Mulve. Tlie best Sulvn tn tliu world let ciits.bruises sores, ulteis, salt i Ileum, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, emus ami all IHiids ei skin ernpllens, Heckles and pimples. Tlm salsu Is giiaiuulced te give put led batlsluclliin in eiety ciioer money luliiuded. lie sine you gelllKHiiv's caiiiieliu Sai.vk, us all ethers me but Imitations ami eeiiulet lulls. 1'ilui 'lb cents, bold In Lancaster ul Cochran's. Drug stele. 137 North Uneen stieet. UlV.M-l ret. 1 1 iv al. Ilciiun lane mule Ticket, AVIllTOII lll'..Ni:il.L. MAJOR IIOIILUTTAUUAIIT, WuiienCe. STATK TIllCASl'llSll. HON. .IHSKPII l'OWKLL, lll.ldleid Le Cuiiiily Ticket, IllSllllCT A1TOIINBV. JOHN. A. CO LK, Lunuister. I'litseN iNsi'Kirreii.s. I'll. KI'lll.MAN. Lancislei JOHN II. MKNAUli i, Mt. Jey. ruea mtiKirteiis. II. K. SII1MP. K. Cocullce, C. II. IIKItlt, Milluisvllle. I'OUNTV Sl'HVKVOII. IIOIIF.IIT f.VANH, Kdeii. A i: II A It 11:11 7 IK KMI.y IS. .Uridll :i 8()5(J 'VA l.ucnl MtecK uuil nends iteputted by J. II. Leng. Par vnl. .tne . ion . ki . tec . iik) . I'O in1) IdO lee 1 tie ' My ntetlmr llus been uslni! your tlurtleck JUoetl Iliiien in a liver tonicity, and Itnds them very cllle i i eieus." Clmtles L, Aiiisweith, II Vance llleelt, Indliiiiapellrt, Iml. Fersiilebyll.il cecliinu itrugKlst, 137 anil 133 NeithUueun slieet, Bteiiiers I niutlieral nietlirrsl Are you disturbed nt ul,!ht and lueketi et your lest by u sick child surt'erliuf unit crying will, the exuriiclatlug pain et cutting teelliT II he, itoaleiieiiiindget a bottle el MICH. WIN SLOWWHOUTU1NU bVUUl". 11 will telluve the ieir little sullerur Initnedlatelj .lepeini upon It ; there Is no mlstaku about It. Thuie is mil a uielliei ou eaitli wlie lias ever used It, who will net tell you at once Hint II will Pallium Hie bowels und give lest te Hie me! Iter, and rellel und heal Ih te tliu ihlld, np. i.itiui; Hire iiiagte, It Isperlectly Sate te u-e in nl i ui .and pleasant te Hm tnsle, mid Is le en n, 'Hen or one of the el ten and best tun, ii I'l'inii eis in the United btaleu. Held cv lyni .i "is ti bottle, muyi M.NS.tsAw C AUK llltAUl' O Tlllb TIIUItsHAY KVKMXIi. at Dnieli'd Saleen. Nin, III mid HI Neitli (Juei u stiiel. Iiujntene liinnl; will liuuuii inuslu. il.il. liH'sCII, l'rep. lAHKS, ll.fI..S, A FUl.l. LINf. FUH.VI Oc. KJ up, ut IIAIITMAN'3 VK.LLOW FltONTl 1HAH SIIIIIK. s(jii,iii: luuilllu of II. H. li.VKA. Ne. ll'iH Kast hllln'HUeet. VN OUHINAMir. TO I'lO.l I'.M' 1IIUV lliL'OI UldliiKevil ill" II MICTION 1. lie It Ol dallied by Hie sclcit and ( imiinnn Councils et Hm city el Lunuisliir, that Hum uud uttei the pu-saiie el lids nidi liuiice unv poison ei pel suns w IiehIiiiII I hie or dihe unv cart laue, tn;eu ei etln i vehicle evi't III" hose while beliu iwl at el dilliliu u llin shall Im utility el a inls'lenii'iinin, and upon ceiivlrtltiii tlieieel shall be tlm d ihu sum ut live (f.V) ilellui, Ske. 'J. Any in- mbi ml the I'lru ""P n Itnenl can in rest uui jikisoiiei p ms tei cotiiiult cetiiiult Hng Hie iitmvu ellunsn. Sue 3. All oidluaiicesei' put- et eidlumii e3 inconsistent lieiewllli me hcieby n pealed. II Kill I.Y N Ill'ltxT, l'luslilcalel CelillllOlK Olllllll. Daviii L Dkkv. Clcik el Cemiiiun Count II. Ii !'.(. .VI. It III . i: It. l'Ksldeiil el ticliel Council. J. II. l.ll'KTV, Cleik Kelcct Council. Approved Hept Willi, l"! JNO.T MACOONH.LF., sep 27 31(1 Mil) or. 1)AMUN(.. POOR, WHITE & CO., DANKKHS. Ne. 1G Wull Btroet, - New Yerk. Iliekus and Healeii tn Hallway and ether seeuiltlcs, IIAILWAV IN V hsr.MF.NTS a npi'cla'tv, ill thu helcitleti ami enlllliutn et which Hiell len teuiieclnii u ltd "Pem's Manuel el iiillieuds" nlvm llieiii special ml vantiiKes. Conespiiildence Invited uud iininl ilesunsweied. Ilupeslt net mills in civ ed anil Inteieil iillewed. si-pllJiiiied i.veit ftlKN OF TAtiTK TO ItKAlI. I1IIIVATK HAliK llr.NTltl i nlere Piepetty ula biviuulu cpiV.'ild MrANTi'.n rvvw hihls iims nut dlnlim-ioeiii and the ether for up-stiiiis wink. Annlv ut' i'UUNTAIN INN IIHTKL. s.'il 'Jt beutli Queue blreet. lit! I'l.AIN uk A p tirANTKM. A W'OSIAN TO VV Conking, Hening uud ether houseweik Alse, a vuuug gin ie ueip wiiii (.liiiuivii :i,lld NO. II I. SOUTH HUKKSTUKKT. I.M1HW On SA lUllll.W niOUNINO, A 1i diipplu-giey horse, ti hands high, (1 years inn old turn te A liuuiul lewnrd will Im mild en JOHN r. SA1.KS Lnueaster, Pa. s u l T HII. Ht.sl AN1I Mm COXl'l.bTF. AM seitmeut ei F.uoiire, t'oKer, cusatne and fitniii iiiutiifu ciinis.UL HAia'MAN'3 VKLLOW F110NT GWAU ai'OHK, That no man Is WF.LL IHlhSSKH, whose giiriiieuts, no mutter hew line tlm niatuial, mid liishlenuhle tliu cut, um net uiltstleully lltted te tliefei m ei a sthcllc illy hclected III color, Ae., is u fuel loe wdl known te be dis puted. The lilting of iraiiiienls, .clettleii of slj le uud color, Is us iiuii h tin All 1' as Hie pteper lileiiillm' (it coIeih iiml u'l'innliiK et iilijiitslli a lundscupe in ethci iiaintlui,'. ter AtlUtle lis uud Choice Mutei lals call ou L. G. COLEMAN, ARTISTIC TAILOR, And be suited propel ly. Mil COLK MAN llus lust icceived u splendid uihei uncut et tlm choicest CLOTHH, C Ah'ilMKKI.a ami UKNTH' DllF.HS HOODS, nt Ihu latest styles, ler Full unit Winter Hulls. A l.ugci variety et Sultlmis ciuilieilxi leniid in tlm liiiiiuet. riiiuiiks inr thouillllenalKiamlatttsnn, the eMiulslteiiiid pructlv'ul muu.iiliet with h will bu liirntshed ut lessenable rules. Tliu icpnhitlen el Mil COI.K.MAN as mi at'lM In In- niolciilen Ii ten ! w. l known te need mmim ut I Call ami exiitniuu his liuiin use stock at NO. 624 1-2 PRNN STREET I'tlltl-.ION Ml. Itiinltiiii il Hie I'rencli in liimpilii IMlllT MltltfllH. I'vhis, tsept. 27. Advices fiem French seinces.datcd Hanei, Scpt.lli.state that the Hlack FlagB have abandoned Sentay aud the vlllage of I'ekuug, Lugue and Day, ami have retired te tlie left bank of the Red river. Several mandarins had given in their submission te the French author Ity thieiigh M. lliirtnand, the Fionch civil commissioner. Tlie French forces will iiiulertake no offensive operations in inl .liter the arrival of roiuferoennuitH from Fianoe. Theie is no mention made ofthe ropeitcil defeat el the Yellow Flags by the Black Flags. Blclliirtnntl I'unlliii: fur His l.lle. Iiivciii'iiei.. Hept. 27. .laiiicH MoDor MeDor MoDer inott, who was tecently onleiod te be (lis charged from custody tefuscs te quit the prison unless pelice protection is allonled him ns he fears that he will bu murdered unless thu authorities make piovlsieti Ter Ids safety. I'.mury Storm' Fine eiiiiuir. CiiKAde, Sept. 27. A dinner given last night by Kinery A. Sterrs in honor of Chlof .lustice Celeridge was the lluest thing of its kli.it ever seen hore. Sevcnty cevcis wero laid. Toasts woie responded te by Lord Chief .Justice Celeridge, Jehn A. Legan, Mur.it HalBtead, Themas A. lleudricks, Judges T. Lyle, Dlckey aud elhcis. Mlrllilnu- Mlnnrs. Pi itsiiliiu. P.i..Bept. 27. The htrike of the coal luineis in the noigliberhood of Cen nollsville thicateiiH te become general throughout that legion The miners are paid by Hi" wagon lead, which tliey new fk shall be of iinilerm eapucity of !J3J bushels. The operators are using wagons with a eipacity which varies from 112 te eT bushels. Lane Clly G pet cL Lean, due W2 ir(w., " 1M) . " 1RO.. ' 5 per cl. In 1 erSuyenis. " 5 poi cl. Soheol Lean... " " in 1 or 'Je years. " t " in 5er'Jlye.us. n " In 10 or U) years Maiilielm borough lean MIHCHLLAMUOIIS STOOHS, OmiiryvlUe II. 11 W MlllursVllluHtreelCar Ml lniiilier l'llnlltigCempiiny 50 Uns Llg'iliiuil Fuel Company.... 30 Htevens Heuse (lletids) 100 Columbia Has Company Cnliimlila Water Company HiiHtiiiehaniia lien Company iwi Marluttu Hollewwaiu U'l Htevens Heuso.. W Sicily Island 50 Knsl llnindywltin A Wnynesirij.... W Mlllersvllln Nerma! bchoel Northern Minuet MISOHLLAMKOCS HOnUS. qmirryvllln II. It., due in lti luu Can sale, IllkV li 117 jai l(m,V K lee llii) li)J lei fiSi 35. iV 45 215.S an n 1 1 Ul -lirilKF.LKIOi HI'.MF.HJl'.S. HFNSIBIiH I.IHN and Women knew erellils I it or Hm tnMty (llncusesiind (tcrangetneiitF i thu body vncti has asepiiratecntini or nt ,ln, ami l.mtcaeli uecdsa dltferent tiietlnsle, tirntmentlii erder te etlcct a ei.re, mid a unmicttt's rctlectlen it.iisl convince Unit any ul hiiiiuieknetritm lolsled upon Hm public cbilinliuf tecme allot a number et illaineHIcally dlirerent discuses miiRlprevu falliucs, even U we de net call Ihcm humbugs. POOR PEOPLE mid people el me lernte menus, mid even pee ple woii-te de ei' wealthy, Mud that the ener niniitcnnrpri ni pracii'iiiK puysiciuiis are n seihiii" bniilim le Hiem, uud also find tlmtaller piiyliigllii'tnsulves peer Hint no benellt lias nc criicd te thein, that In tact they have thrown their meiiev away, 'le overcome these evils weellcr HVirccr'n A'e, WAure Kcmedlei te tliu sick and sittterliig one Hemtity ler each dis euse, wlHioulfer u meiiieiit clitlinlng ttintone remedy wilt cure any ether disease than the one claimed ler It. mid us these remedies have steed Hie lest et years wlllieiit a stngle fa'l ure, wu agree te rciiml thn money pnlil In iivoiyliiBlunce where u cine Is nel positively directed. Tlie remedies me entirely vegetable, can de no harm, 'itttl will positively euro uvury disease ler which limy are prescrlbud, RHEUMATISM, Gout, Lameness el Joints, Hclatlca and Neil raluti are relieved ntontunudpesltlvuly en red liy lliuuse of Wheeler's Ne. ! Ilhinimalie llumeitv Wesay boldly Unit In llie woratet cases et no niutter hew lout ttamtlna,hnvr tcrteui, or hew pnlnjul, we can net only nlve reliul Iml iieiltlicly cure for all tunc Fulling le de tills we w 111 positively refund the money paid for tlie ireatment, anil II your Btilierlngs ure net positively stepped for all tlme you have net thrown your inoney away ns you would en any ether than these guaranteed remedies. Tlipilce el Wheeler's Ne. 00 IHiou IHieu uiiilic lleiiiedy isonlyfiOccnta.ebtiiliiablotrom any druggist, or sent Hue by mall en receipt et pilce. Mumps taken. SUFFJSRINCr WOMEN. Many a lady, endowed liy imttue wllli a pretty luce, bcautllnl figure, fmilt'ess complexion, as well s the sweetest el tempers mid futiltlets mental iiualltles glows prematurely old, gray and wrinkled, hnr lern; loses lis perrect, contour, the completion becomes sallow, the htlglitticss leaves the eye. u feeling el languor takes the place et Hm once buoyant spirit, nn Irritable neivuus Inicllousness mnkes life a burden, tilings Hint once were trilled worry lief until lttu becomes unbearable. All this being caused by thu physical derangements se common te women, which Hie Innate modesty el temlultie niititre prevents their making known, and el which the ipuei'iiiice et the medical prolcsslen pieveuts a euro. ImiIi Hauler, priMisanil consider, 'tis u duty you own yeiirHcil, your liimlly anil your Hed, that you should cureyoiirselfetthcso tumbles and once uiore leel tliu glow el ported health and spliltsthat tuiturn intended ler you. Wheel' cr's iVe, !W i'rmeifpf lout urn pleasuut nnil pal atiible le uike, contain uelliliig eran lnilrieus niilme, and tniiy be taken by nil ages, at all iiitit'x und In nil conditions, without vesilbll- Ity of III rccM, und will positively euro uny el llie pueiilinr diseases te wliicli lemulus uiusuhlect. Fulling te produce a perfect euro lliopiepilolors will rryieidfAtf money paldrer tlm treatment. 1 you have a tallow complex ion, constant or Inlet tntttuut lieadiiche, back back nclie, restlessness, less et iippcllte, suppros suppres suppros slens et monthly Hew, or lrregulurltlcs Hiereel uccempanled by lirudaclies, nervous ness, hysteria and Mtullnr Bympteuis, Wheel- is A'e. 00 Frcacrlplten" 11 " will positively re re re Btoreyou te he'ilih. if you hiiveu tonsatlen et heat and thiehblng in tlie back, ireiumit lalntliiKsiiells.LeiicoirheaerwIillodisr.liiirgo, puinitirer Hcahlliig sensiitlen m tirlnatlug. leddlsh or white deposit In uilne, lietund dry gkln. Wheeler's A'e. 00 lfeicriplten " C " will Klve liiiinuillalii und lusting relief. The prlioet Wliecler' Ne. ll Piosciipllens "11" nnd'C"iiri) 10 cimUi ouch, obUitimble from ill uuKlsts or sent by mull secuie Irem ebser vnlloiiiiestpuldon tecclpi, el price, l'ostate stauipslnkcu. CATARRH. It Is needless te desctlbe tne symptoms of tills nuusoeua disease that Is Bupplng the Ille uud slietiKtliel only tee many el the lalrcst and best el belli Neves, old and young, suilor suiler Ing nllke from tliu poljenotis dripnltig In the tliie.it. the poisonous u Mil discharge, the lotedbicath and general weakness, nobility and lnimuer, aside from thu ucittu sitUurlnKS el tills disease, which If net checked cun only end lu fej pofefc, weakened sight, lets e memory, ilcancii, ami premature iteath It net checked belore it is tee late. Laber, Btuily and rcseatcli in America, Kuroneand hustern Liudshiive le-ulttd In HVirWer' Ae. 00 In s'.uiU IleUrf and Nure Cureer Catarrh, a rem- eiivuiiieh I'enlnliiB nn liurmful lmtredletitB, and that Is guiiriiiitecd te eiuu evury cusu et iieiiteorchrenloCntimlior money rotunded. Il7iic(fr'.t A'e. 00 Intlnnt Jtcliefaml bure Cute for Catarrh will cure every ens.) et cuUinh, liny lever or iwlluiui. pi Ice 1.) tier package, liem ilmggisiH. or sunt by inalf postpaid ou .ntfill, ,,l iirtfn. Wheelers A'e, 0; Sure Cure for Kidney and lAvcr Troubles emus nil wuukness unit &ero uessel kldnejs, tollainmalleii of kidneys et liver, price ll.ee, HVircicr'j Veyctablc Pills Is tlie only rom rem edy Hint cures constipation, giving nuturul ucllen nl tliu bowels without pnyslcing, mug Ing, griping or pain, I'riee 'ncunla, otdrug etdrug lflstM or liy iiuitt . , . llVitcfcr'i Nervine 'Ionic Uiv mental depres slen. less of nianlioed, lungii'ir, weakness or evei tui.itlen otllie biuln Is Invaluable, price J." cents. lhi.M We 100 10S! wuillTyviiin iw. ib., nun ie.rj . lleudlm; h Celuuihl'i'.ll. K.Vs... LanciLsier uas i.nttiiuiiu t inn uu.. due In ltirW yeirs IW Ijiincaster (Jus Light and Fuel Ce., diiult-fl ion Kiisteru Mmket fid Western Market IM TUBNl'IKH STOUKS. lllit Hprlng A Heaver Valley iV M1. lirldgepett Alloreslieo i:t' 'ii Celiimhla.t Cliestnut IHU - Is 'leltiinbla A WiLshlnitten 'J M Celninlila A lllg Hpilni; -" Ir (.'eluinhla.t Miirlella -" " Slajtevn A KlUiiuotlileun '-' 1 LuncusterA Kplirata iV t . Lancaster A Willow Htreet 'iri H Hlnistiurg A Millport -i Miuiettu a ftiiiyuiwn :3 ii Muiletla A Mount Jey a Ji Lunc.KU.subt'llit'n A Vlldillet'n I'M Hi LunciuiterA Frullvllle. Ni Mj LuuciisterA Lltltz - ' LunciuiterA Wllllumnlewu AS lu' Lunciuster A Maner.. M Ut " Luucaster.t Muulielm H Ijinciister A Murlettii ' "-"i Lunciuster A New Helland 1U(1 71. Liiuuulur ABusilueli.1111111 Ml Hi DANK STOCUH. FlratNattetiuiimiiK fioe in,V 7. Funnels' Niitieuiii nniiK iu in- Fulton Niitlimiil Hunk UK) H.'i 60 Lancaster County National Hank.. M lilt ColuiiibliiNiitleiuilHulik im) ll'i Chrlstiunu National Hunk iml' lis Enhrnla National Hank ine 112 be First National Hank, Columbia.. .. ine II., rirst National llunn, lUrnsbuiK ... l' 13.' First National Hank, Martett.! U) -M 'J.V Flist Niitieuul Hank, Mount Jey., leu IM Lltltz National Hank lt0 IK Munhel n National Hank It") IM Union National Hunk, .Mount Jey. M) 7.V New Helland Nutletiul Hunk ine 13.V (lap National Hunk Kin VM rmnl l.xplOHinn el i ilirciher Heller, Osakis, Mian., Beut. 27. Yosteiday the steam power maciiiue ei ivey uroe. was tbieHhlug grain six nines in me ceuuiiy vvhen the boiler suddenly oxpledcd, kill liifj thrce iueii and injuring llve etheiw. WKATHIill IN1IIOATIONS. Waiiiinoten, Bept. 27. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, slightly warmer, gen gen erally fair weather, south te west winds, lower barometer. i n i I ) ttintvmv tuiiiiv nl the se-eulled all wool lliunkits me luiir colten. Hut If you want Iheiu In white et colon d puru wool wu hlivu them, as well us Hie ptuttleat and liesl houie heuie houie uude ( uiiiliirLs A black Bilk, il Inches wide watranti l net tocuteuly II aipei yttid.ut eV AUK e, leW7 lyTuKS Ne. W North Quceu Street Ki.HUui.il run in iikatii. Tim fellow liig statement et William J. Cough In, el Homei vllle, Muss., Is se icmurkuhle Hint we beg tousle for it thu attention et our read ers. lie says i "In thu tall et 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding nl Hie lungs, billowed by a severe cough. 1 seen begun le lese my appetite anil flesh. 1 was se weak at one tlme that I could net leave my bed. In the sum mer e! 1H77 1 was admitted te the Clly Hospital. Whlloiliere tlie doctors said I hed a hole In my leltlting as big us a half-dollar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars In doctors and med letncs. 1 was se lur genu ut oue tlme a report went around that 1 was dead. I gave up hope but a trleiid told me et 1)11. WM. HALL'S 11AI8AM FOIl TIIK LHNUS. I laughe at my friends, thinking my case liicutnble.but 1 get a botlle te satisfy them, when te my sur prison (I gnitltlcatten, I commenced te feel belter My hope, ence dead, began te revive, undteilay I leel In better spirits than I have Iho past tin ee yours. I wrltethU hoping you will publish It, be tliat every one allllctud with Diffused Lungs will be Induced te take Hit, WM. HALL'S ll.VLbAM FOltTHKLUNUH.anilboceiivlnced Hint CONBUMI'TION CAN UK CUIIK1). I hi vn taken two bottle and can positively say lliftt it has done me meiu geed than nil the ether medicines I htve taken since iny sick nt'kB. Mycemtti lui" siniest entirely illsap. lwuieilniullBi, unu i.nweik' JelU lv ' t. Le-urnn, 1U7 ffetiu Um-viu'.-'vi.. WE GUARANTEE Ciitestn eveiy case or will lef uuil tlie money paid. Wu pluce our price en these remedies at lesslluiu oiie-twenlteth el the price naked by ethers ler leniedles upon which you take nil the chuni.es, and we specialty Invite the patron nge el tlie ninny poisons who have tried ether lemedles without ellect or depleted their purse by p.i lug doctor bills Hut. benelltted Iheiu net. HOW TO OBTAIN These leinedlcs. (in te your druggist and ask ler them. It they have net geltliem, wrltuiit, eneu te the piopiletoiB.onclosIng lUe piice In money or slumps, und lliey will lie sent you at encubyuinil postpaid. Correspondence solle ed. Addn..sp..ln.y.iKKhKltACO( Ne.UJ W. llultluieru Bt.. BepiaiywAMAFIyd HALTTMOKK, MIL i)ahiu';k ion te. Telling' it Very Short. "I'll till H, sir, in lew words if lean, but the sleiy weii d llll a book II Justice wumlone te It." "Siiiely, Mlcliuul, bill put II short this tlme se's 1 inn xpiciu it into a pagu of lettur Hutu you ate. sir, then, and tlieronre thou sands el people licie lu llltighaiuten, N. V., who will testily te tlm tiulli et what I Bay. My nami Is Michael Uullleylu. lauiseventy I mi' years old. Fer alieut nine years 1 was almost shut out fiem the weiid by rlieuuui tlsin. 1 hud peddled small wares In tills city ler v cuts, uud had te step ultegether. At the bestel limes 1 could only hobble mlsernldy about w llli my cane. 1 was bentnearlyilouble with pain and weakness, and my hand wero useless te luber with. 1 was but thu peer wreck et it onto strong limn. Noneot the medicines lutiullj given for rheumatism illilinu the least geed. uli. My old friends and customers lor ler lor gel me, as though 1 wetu under ground 1 With the end of iny nese unit the tips of my tees .... Tiuue I up le ihe toots et tlie daisies.' My days and nights were iloletnl and puiuiiii. 1 had no hepe oxcept lu death. That Is Oeil s truth, and Mr. Meslier, heie, knows It. 1 can't tell you hew, but I'akuku's Tenie cured me. That was Hirce years age. I'm lively ns u etlckel new, sir, and go my bust ness rounds evurv duy, ruin or slilne. ten may tell this te all the weiid, and icier the doublets tome," . , This piopurrtlen, whtcU has been known us Pakkku's eiMiKa 'I eNic, w 111 be called simply Paukbu's Timiit This cliange Is made ler two leaseus ; Ural, luciiuse ginger is an mil uipuri aul llaverlng Ingiedlent, and secondly, be be bo cause uniuliiclpled dealers decclvu HielrcuB. teinerabysiibstttiitltig inferior preparations under the niiuie af ginger. Them Is no cliange. however, lu the ptepu rutleti llselt, und all bottles letnutnlng fn the hands el dealers, wraiiped under thunuiiioel Paiikkk'hUimebii Tonic, eentii u tlie geniilnu mudiclnu 11 Hm lac-slmlle t-lguatuiuel lltsixix A Ce. is at the bottom et the outside wrapper. Septl-luuhtw OIlUtlKUT et HU1 CON, AUCTIONEERS, Real Lstate ami Insuraiice Agents. KKNTINU OF HOUSKS. Ileal Kstate and Personal Property iehl ut Public saloon Iteasouable teniK. Olllce-Ol NORTH Uimr, ei.. Luncsster, l'a, Hl-ninHIl -UNFIUDAV, . ..u j.unrir Arf llS SAL.1S A Ii'l'i:K" W.IM. ul .the I-oepau I. Laneiiu'i-K..j.ij -v.-".---.- ,, f "l",V 'I ,.? i-Virt. will be sold at public s le the following doscilbeit mill cstaie. tp wit All that curtain two-story Urlek dwell Higieuae. Ne. W Seuth Duke street, Luiwu; ter c liy. Heming SI feet SVJ inches en tlie west Hiile ei said rteulli Hiike Btreet, mid extenu Inif west win it l met 4 lnclies le a three loot iilley t bounded en the north bv the property of esiute of Anna llteueuian. ileceaU, mill en tlie seuih by property et Mrs. Jee up ills. A tUietvloet couimeti itlley uheseparatrs this property from Unit el Jim. Landli. The pmperty laellglbly lecaUHlund contains 11 rooms. It lun bren recently pilntclanl papowiihreuglinutiinills In tne best peasi biucandtlleu. , , , .,, 8atoteoouimiSncoat7 o'clock p. m. en said day. when terms win bjmtide known by ihe unaeridgue'i. , A. -.11Vi'Iki,,.i. VH '.Hi' ! t r ?. t B et Jehn W lubbJiyJ' lubbJiyJ' c2aseu. eiiiM?i'"''u