t,. IiANUASTKK J)A1LY INTELLIGENCMCIi MOXD.VY, SBPTRMUMK 121, 1SSH. tf . Wl e: m rv litw h r. Enncnstpr JntfUiflcnccv. MONDAY ffVENINO, SEPT. 24, 1003, JIAllY f.MUl.St.. I'm In leve wllli you, Itnby Louise I With your Hlkcn hair nml yourreit tititc c : Ami llie dreamy wisdom that In llicin lies, Ami the taint, wcetiullc yn lteiiht tretn the skies Otxl'a sunshine, Itaby Louise! When jeti fold your lands, Itaby Louise ' Your hand's. Ilke n f.ilry'e, 10 liny nnd fall Willi e pretty, Innocent, tnlntdlku air, Arc yen trying te think el peme niiRcUrtiiRht prayer Yeu lrnrneil above, Itnby I.oulse ? I'm In leve with you, llaby Louise I Why, you nevcr r.ilfe your ucnutllul bend I Seme day, llttle ene, your check will grew red With n Hush et delight te hair tha words wild, " I leve you," llaby Louise. De you hear me, Itaby Lotilse 1 liave sling yenr pralse for nearly mi hour. And your lashes keep ilroepliiK lower unit lower. And you've geno te sleep llke n wenry Hern 1 , Ungrateful llahy Loulse I Margaret Hiriinat. utiitM.e te di-.atii. A Lml nnil Ibree ltace llnrsrn 1.00 Tlirlr l.lics In n I'Ire. A destructive conflagration, nttciulci. with tlie la's of ene life nnd the cremation of tluce vnltiable race horses, occurred cm the exposition grounds at Pittsburg Sun day night, Preparations had been made for n gtand pyrotechnic display Monday night, and several hundred dollars worth of llrowerks inteuded for use wrre stored in ene of the outbuildings adjoining a long row of Btablcs. About 0 o'clock, pcople living in the vicinity of the expoMtiea grounds wero startled by several explo sions, and almost immediately (lames wcie seen Issuing from the buildings wherein wero stored the llrowerks Au alarm wis quickly sent out and in a few minutes the cutire flre department was en the grounds. The buildings being fram. , their efforts wcroef no avail,and in n short time thesttuctuie, together with Ul)0 feet of stabling wcre iu ashes. In the latter wcre many noted racers, drawn there by the exposition races, which begins en Tuesday. All but three wcre rescued. Theso which wcre burned wero Maud It owned by J. S. Dusten, liosteu, and valued at 2,500 ; Pelka Det, ontercd by W. J. Small, valued at $3,000, and Kalam nzoe, a grcen home, the property of Dits Dits ten, who paid 81.0DJ for it ealy list week. A boy named ltedgcrs, of Ivalamazje, who was sleeping in the stable occupied iy Pelka Det, was burned te a crisp. Tl'e tire created much oxcitemotit, and, hap pening about the time the churches were letting out, thousands worn drawn ti the scciie. The less te the oxpesitiou socieiy will exceed 55,000 ou wliieh thore is an iusurance of $3,000. TI10 Tower fit l.uuitnn. The American Rcyitter has been leek lug up the history of the towerof Londen, and Iluds that se me euri ins cerotneuics ate still kept up in that grim old pile. That of locking up the tower e'nights is the most ancient and certainly the mt stately eue. A few minutes bjfore the clock strike? cloven, the porter, with mi artendaut, appears before the mam guard house, carrying a lantern, ami calls out, "Kseert Keys." The guard, suppl.ed ahvaysfrem the queen's hotiseholtltfo'ps, thou turns out and escorts "Keys" te the euter gate called the "spur, ' each sentry challenging as they pass Ins pest, "Who gees thore'.''' "Keys." After the gates are securely locked au 1 barred, the precession returns, the eutn.'i. exajting the same explanation an bc(-i-Whim they ceme in front nT the m.i n guard huiise the sentry stationed llict. gives a loud stamp en ihe grem.il Willi his feet and damauds, Wl. geih there v'' "Keys."' "Who.- ke.'" "tiueen Victeria's kej's. ' I'.ich. Qucuii Yio'.eria's keis, aud all's well ' The porter thou calls out, "Ged bU-s tiiueti Viotena '." te which the inun guard icspends " Amen." Toe guaid then presents arms, th 1 idllcer ki ses tlii' hilt of his bireid, aud the Isejs. ire dcpesii ed in the lieutenant's lodging. After tin all ingiess or egress is impossible. It seuiniimcs happens that strangers visiting the pile de net get cut hofero the tun comes for locking up. In that evuut they may have te sleep or kcep aw.ik 1 benches in the guild room. Finall Pox eriiUtabd. sinall I'nx !, Bilinll l'e. itltllnMs pti lenled bj D.uby . I'ie phylncile llnld. J Wish Ke?jbodrte Knew. KtiV. (ieorue II. Thajei, an old cllla-u 1 1 this vicinity k-uiiwn te every nn us u me-t intlunntlal elllzxu and christian minister m II hi M. 11. church, )usl this memunt slopped in our store te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that 1 consider thai both myieli an I wit,' ew our lives te shtleli's censuiiiiltnn t.ure.'' tl Is havlri'f a tremendous i-ale ever nurrniinti is iindlsitlvlm; pei'teel satlstuellen In ul u. el IdiUtf DUeiisns, mieh as nethlmr im-Ii, ilnnn. HUH. MAlCllhTI ' rt fltA.Si I-. llounneH, Iiid., May I.', 7s. Sold by 11.11. cechl'iiii, iIiiikkIsI. Niw HT.i.i.i J3U North jui i'ii Htieet. ljint iu.n r il,ii.in hi neil 1 1 1 111 iiight " I hnvii med Jlurtlevl r.luinl tlititi . and an happy te Bay they liaxe done me mere en,. 1 than illiythltirf yet. h n.l uliirihei iiu:uitlt QtdllCO." Tl.ls lliun W.u .1 s.llb .el IkiiiiiIvb DOlulil ler Iwcntv leuis. 111. .,. 1- i... iiuder J.tumli, und he Iim 1 .1! Alin nit Mb h Komale by II. II, Cot limn, iliuai-t, 1 17 ,, 1 13H North tjutun Mtuut. Matlsliii'tlen Uii. tarsal, "111 llni pj,t three, iiientlMt h.tie se:, ,., ,. hlllidliid nml sixboltl.sel Thnm' Kitir-nr OH. .Nevor saw 11 medicine In my llle il,it Kiivumuli universal sallslai tleu. 1 uied .m ulcerated thinut for mu In tttenly r.uii hums never lulled te relieve my 1 hlldien el 1 10111. " U. It. Hull. DniKKlst, l.iayillle, ill. rernil. by II. ll.t(i(.liraii, dtuKlst, 1,1; und !,uVi 11 IJllCllll BtllUt. Fertwuuty years I mubu sullen irem 1 .1 tairh of lliu liuml uiul threat in a m ry u,' -n vutcdlerin.iiuililurlim- Urn summer in. nti with liny lever. 1 prac.11r.1l a bottle et Ids'. Ureamlliilin, nml alter 11 tew tpplltatleni ie celveddl'Clilt'd b-nilll mucuiud bejern Hit. hotllett us used, il.ivuli.ui no u't'im el the ueiiipliiint. C'lunuiTTR 1'Annitii. llaveily N One mid eiRdmll bnltliH el l.liN iVi uin llalin eutliely ciirttl inc. 0i lluj K, , 1 ul . n years' Htnndlnir. Iluvu ti.it no tine 1 e it i,,i two yuan. Amui.r A. 1'kuiiv,iu Ithlmit). N Sluuu boyhood I luivn been troubled wllli CtUmih.iiudiliiyKiiver, mid Imiu been uu.ii.ii' tnuhbilnpuiiimmiiii milei nntll liscdHv, Cremu ll.tlni. It Inn cur. d me. u. 1 . ,, ernui. New Iliunswclf. N. .1. PMc, s,",,.,," ali-iii ileeil.v w low te nctiurti Iieuitii. iBcems atntiiHt) that nnv enu will suiter .mm ilia iniiny demK11l(lll,H , v," ' vi TJssiesu',!i!i?', V,u lJlue"' "" " erlll.OOl) AND I.IVKlt SVKUP ,v 111 res ten, perlect hciilth te the physical eiB J,, T b Indeed. 1 Htlungthcnlim syrup, pluiu.ii.it, ukii, in. Ha, proven luuii u, be th.. best ill.OOl) 1'UlliniClt ever tlUcoveied c,,. ll'illy eutliiK facteliihi, Hyphntie iliienl.TH WeakiiCBH el the Kidneys. i:ry.i,,0iS ZZ'. Ha I nil nervous .it-eideix und dubintv 1,11 lemt complaint 11ml nil iUschsub Indicmin',. ,1, liuptiie eoiidltlen el the lllnwi. I.Iver hi ibiy. Slemneh, UKln, ete. It coneeu 'imn Kwtleii. A mIiibIe heltlu vlll pievu te you 11L imultsiisiihealiliiiitiewer, lerli ACTh J u"j" Ayil.MtM.tspeeluIIy when the complaint i el 1111 uxhatiHtlve nniiue, JmvJuy u iiin,u,10y t v1yitem"tUtnl V,KOr t,,U "",1,,,lm1'""--rtKll'Sl'AINl'.vjjAOKAcurejttpali,!,, imny?" Vat U5 M,ernttU y "'"' '"''" llKDIIOUSK reivirKTss euro nn diseases orherso.cuttlo, sheep, m pm" ""T.1,? orale nt II. jj. Loehrmi'u .irui; stere i HvrU sjueeii struct h lere '" Mf.intAU pitOWN'A IltO.N lllTTI US. THREE PARTICULAR POINTS. Iitlhr lut. Itnew.N's lneN IIittkiw ts net nn Intextcftllng compound. Il Is n tonic medicine., net a drink. Il Is n skillfully compounded prcpanilten made te remote stnmjsth nml lienlthi iinln hovumite loteelil in nar-ioems nnd tivern. Vim, tl r Vrreml. ItRen nb lw litmus Is free Irem everything: injurious. Ttie most ilel. ,rite ladle nml the mint enfeebled inlunt may me It with perfect eti ty and with until ml vantage, Whllelt Is powerful Inlts remedial npenc)', It gentle In Its opcrnllen, rcsterlug Wrt-tril slienRthnnil ImpartliiR robust health In the most etlk-lcnl manner. ki the TAml. Him'WVs lei llmim In mnde liy tl'e llrewn chemical Company 01 Haiti Haiti mere, a long established liens, whom reimtalten Is well known 10 the business world mid the general reinmuiilly. There ti no risk- In buying such a tncdlcl ne Mt'.mUAlu i:.Ntll.NN.SKIM OU11K. . (Frem Antlrcie 3 Amtrtctin (iurrn CLEOPATRA Oil t'HK Queen el iShecba's Beauty was nt;r skin ukki'. The r'newncil Uuecn et fhtia, 1th all her r.iynl pomp, iniiunlOrent apparel an. I brllllnni retinue weull never hive nppemsl Mllliln I he present cel tlie xmndext et Ihe inennrchs nt the p:ii. hud she net nlw HMieit thnt niih it the crowning glerv of the temale peraen 1 skin unchallenged ter In ortentnl ..i;uc and Its almett tmnscendenttil puritv 1 leeputni, heli'.lng emperors nt buy, nml rul ing em plies by her word, had quickly let her charm and power by ene attack of blotches, or et pimples, or et horrid Inn and freckles. weM.11 ntt.ES tub wetu.n. ehiiricter. loveliness of dipeittlin and un-el flh devotion. Indeed, In the esttinatlen of I l.Tlinpi tee many men bcatty In a body tkis prcccdnnce ever every ether consideration, iieaii ty thin tertus an Important part of woman' " working capital. " without which teinny, (If net bankrupts In what rel:it s te Intliienee within the circle where they move), lire powerless for gre:il ! iroed llenej we ee net only the pre. lirlety but the duty et every lady preserv ' tng utlh zealous caie tliat wblcli te herlsct- I senllnl le suceess, and 1 11 tl in-nee, and useful-I nen In life. Ami, since " beauty l but skin 1 deep," the utmost earn mid vigilance are re- nilred te ituiira Ituunlii-t the uiauy Ills that , llesh is hvlr te. Among tire great and sinno sinne Ing enemies et bcaulV. or siTlicn SKX .1- well uii el cointert, lupplnr-i and health, ire these MstlfereiH anil horrid kln dNi i.pn i tellers, humors, ecxema (salt rhcuin), ieu,rh I and cily eruptions, iilvers, pimples, and til diseases el the hair ami scjilp. ter th cure' et all these. Dr. C IV. Uunsrn, et ll.tltliueii allereurs ct patient studyand lnvtlpitleu li-tetci te diseases et the skin, ut 1 1: brought terth his cel"hratid ?kin Cikb, vkj.it li Iuia already by Is marvelous cuivs, esUib- , llslitsl Itselt as tfic great rpmnly fei all dii ae of the skin, wtutevt r be their uauii or 1 h.nm ter. lis success has lm-n linmensa and un un turalleled. All diueglst have It II Is lr gantly put up, two Itetllcsln erep.ickajfM. i ternnl amt txternal treatment, l'rlr. JK' BVESYOXB rRAISBS. !lck headache, nervous hen lach, neuralirl 1, ! nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sUplfss. nes and brain disease nesiitvelv fiir.-dbv Dr. C. W. IHnsen's Celery und Chamomile Pills. 'I hey eenuun no opium, ijutnlne m etluT harmful drujj. "old by alt druift'lsls. , Price, fsicents per bittlu. II ter tue, i: ft, ter ' six, M)stai. fr.e Dr. t. IV. t nsen, Jlultl mere. Mil. I C. N. CniTrs.Trea, New erk. U the Whole sale .gent ter U. C. Dunsen's remelli's, , augU-lmdM.lv .ts,( w yiji.ii:iTa.M:itvi.NK nkvkii pii. SAMARITAN NERVINE! THB Gi.EAT NERVE CONQUEROR- I l.i enh known vccilcler hplli ptlr t- It- "ae C-.lis , ti .1 spasms nd t illinrf sii kin-ss.-a .Siieiis llmkiusi .(.ill kly r-l, ., ,n 1 1 Hied l-uu tllist li none In di'lliiiiiiiel tei-r.-6S 4b- Neull.tll.( sterol set ills, usi-s and -U km-s t uri's iitflv blotches and siubnern blots I s,,, s ( Ictuses bleed, tulckens slulsli cdci.latlen Kllmin.ttes Hulls, cnrbiiiicli s an I Srald.-(e Ci-l'ermauentlj und piempily tur - iiHiai)- sls. Wis.it Is utli.ii mln and he.tlthlul Apt-rlent Mlis Serehilaaiid Ulna's Kvil, tuln bi-i.thi-rs Jh tni;i s bad breath te neisi. r mev Iti 1 nis, sTS-lbiiits billniisni ss and t l-,irs rmnplexle 1 ( liarudiiK n selit nt nml m.ttcbless lux iti. It drivts Hltlt llcuil tthe like the Ind.-fca i!i"Centalns no drulie cat'iarlle or epl.tles l'lemplly tiiiusiheuuiutlsm by routing II -ta lb stouts llteitlvintf preperth s tetl.e bleed l nn iiiinii-id tot 11 it ml n 'rveumll-ird. is flirltellahle hen nil opiates Ull.'uu Itelreshes tlm mind and Invigorates the bedt . Lures disnt'est'i or tmmiv 1-..I1111.1.0I -.a JfiTKniliiisen In wiitlntr by eve: lllty thou sand l.euillni;physelunsln U. H and Kurepf.-4 l.i mllna clerKymen In L. n. and hurepe.-5tj Diseases of tin-bleed ew n It u conjiieiei.-a rersaleb ult IcudliiK diUKUlsls, fl Vi.-Au 'I he III. -i. A. Illclimend Mi, lltal I e. flops. si.Je.i ph. Ale fins. .S tilllen leu, Airetit, New ,,. , ,. . iiiill.)eiMl,lw (J llA'la ami ..j-j(. Clll'l.TZ'.'l !ttiNt. IF YOU HAVE FAILED Te 1 1 nil a hat thaLisjnsLwh.it you want, conic te set- us at once. If wc happen net te have tj in stock, a rare occurrence here, we can make it for you. Place your order new, and we can jet up anything in the hat line in a few days. This is a great advantage te a man with a very small or a very large head ; or a man who wants a peculiar style. There is noth ing like being suited exactly, anil here it will cost you no mere te have what you fancy than if you could find it en our shelves. Fer the young men we have te-day something new ant verv stylish, just come in, and will suit the young man who wants the latest. SlIULTZ'S SONS, Ne. .. North Queen St. mi '.' A "'" enie fui uvuiy lerm til files. Internal mid extt-inal lit blnif nr 1. Inir.and Ieiih Htan.lli nt cxsl's II K, .- ...,'" . .'. ' '"Mini! 11 in tlt r pnie.licii. Ulvn 11 , llt.ll.llli. I OII Hill l,.l bell, tUlll vi., l,l,,l ..... uel It ti r you. uuci-pt no ethm-, ml !,,,!,.! 'iNi.HIClVU.'nV V V.VbJ ,,,,'iSS Ur-K" CO.. UluTO upriT-ljil&w.' l.tincuslcr, Pa. N JNi5iiSi ;;, "f-'w .'vm tiMN. totiesniss en ','. ,' ',"".'?." " ,ru .'eiblil.lei, It. I'KUOl AI.DKN. KI)VAHD(.,.'llKrMAN o)e.tfdw0rnoy,m" w-"""' mm . llr tltltlDH, V,:V I'AI.I. ltlll.. Watt, Shand & Ce., till lie spctlil alii nllen d' Nett Kiill tliades In Colored Dress Silks At 'sk' . ;v , ji.im 11 vnrtl, the lust value we I He cvci owned. W e otter an K'i ant Line of BLACK PRKSS SILKS At 7. , 7c.. II 00, II.SJ, 150, l.7lil III III spectlen cordially tin lte I Vsii'lKCKS A I.I. .WOOL Dluek Cnshmores Bltick Oaahmorea Ul our en n Imp rtntlin ti sped il prices. Atlii'iti assoituieutet New Fall Dress Goods In New 1 eh-is and .Sen fabrics. ALL-WOOL SUITINGS lit l e 01s. Mixtuits and I'lalds lust opened a I 11 tee i- eilmenl et -lnle and dentile SHAWLS, F3ouver Shnwle, Blnnket Shnwls, Cashmero Shnwls, At I'HI'l I, AU PKU.M NEW YORK STORE. M)S. vS und 10 KVSI' KI.Mi ST. I I K.lllOl All 1 I. Its mm: l MIKKWKAIC MHKGHB & HAUGHM'S IIEADQl'ARTERS IIEADQrARTERS HEADQUARTERS -Mil- 'UNDERWEAR. UNDERWEAR. UNDERWEAR. i.rvrs MKIilMls.IU.li fi ' DIlvlVKItl at i'., 7S I'" '' C. T'e an 1 n .,. I'H'li MKItlM.sllllUS ti..tli: Kit-" Ut "s... .; ,i , I ,1., ' , I.- , " ,e. mi, I i in t II I I. i It K V . Mbltl.Mi Mllltl"s and I lUAV KK8 Iri'tn I."t (out - ti 1 . I. DIEt-' AND Uh.S li !Rcd llcdicaled Underwear l NDKt: Ul.i.l I. . I'itlCKs 4asiniAi. iiiuu m.n -imp cm ul uh.N rs'KtllJII tlillll.ls ind DltAU Mis ill Vi tents, only lull pi I , Tl 1 are tin- II. ss el I 1 IV, 11 1 I ,u H. t 11 ,. CHEAP STORK, ie WK.-:r KiNli tST LANCASTER. I (11 twemt 1 c.sip.-i lliiiijii all 1 serml Ilium ! Het, 1.1 I Tr..T IKIOIt Ml TltK COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S Ui .li .In te, ,,, l'.Jten-l, - ',,1 ..' ' t J 'ii 1 11 ir V' ry UNDERWEAR -1 Oil. Liiilics, (,'piiIn, Heys anil (iirls, lluiiKhi by n ir prompt cH n diirlnu Ihe siiinnii'rtunilvutilK. , hi, i,,.m,i,,.,1H ,,),., III. -in lit li - tlinn .,ur pi Ices. -Ol It- Blanket, Quilt, Comfert, -AMi. FLANNEL STOCK ;;ine.,!:;:A;':,;,ot;::,:v;';1iSel lluyeis should uiiike a net. 1,1 , "-'"' liuiKnliis ul iiue kind .,r another opened .iluiesl dally Hen, IM.IIel. Iplda and Neiv 1 erl. nut linn K hlt DAA llltlM.s SDMKIIIIMj SMV, 1 1 FAHluTOCK. I.A.NCAsTKK, i'A. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. C'UIAVS MI'l-.UIllll IHr.UluiriK. TI1K T (iient Kniillnh Itenindy. An unfalllliB ihee'fy'iliairei'a'a'SS by mull 011 u,u reuelni t uwmn 1 fv ,l J V." un. Fer Biilnln l.uiicnsttii byll 11 iff.r anrliMv.l"i""A h'ilN. ).. N1, I lill'ASilANll VAItA I.KlAllH iiv. 1. " MiKKVKWiKlTOsr Cftfl.M. HAIItl.ll.NS, "" - - BOWERS & HURST. Nes. 26 & 28 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pn. BLANKETS! kets ni' MrI,)1,,'i'i,r;!,'t!,.!.'',.V7.,i,lllieK 'l''.VN ,.i.K,,'S '".V" " " te ,,r'0' ',r l,n'"' llbmKels at Jl.i'.. Plunk-els nt tM. Illunkels nt f.. Illnu llmUeu nLinii m .ni..!: , .,' 1"' ,' ,Vi' J '.'.' ,.""V,,,,nt 'J-w- l"nl.els,,t (I 00. Ill mkets at f I Se lllanKcts at ,,"".. II "i.l'els U J "ft .. llmlTmn nm!n "ion . h.u W e"?T-,W ."L 1 '.V.1 vl AV?." P '" "'P " ' (' M K.Mt M A I... V M, K- s a. ,1'i ,., (l; per pair. Yen'it 1 COMFORTS. - - - - COMFORTS! ANI).V"slVn"ilfeveiyV"i-I,U ' ,0 '' "" '" " '' ' """'' '" U",l L'""co nlul CI"" Cotten Alie llpeiilui' NI.W DltCsa tlOODS. I1IA K's BOWERS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, .... LANCASTER, PA 1 lillllllt X ltllDVIII.lt. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT THE LOWEST RULING PRICES. llartlertl Meunielles, Mnlth'sMeujuett. s lllueleu lledy llrussnts, llnrtterd lle.l llrussels, (,rnei lledi lliussils, ler parlor-, llbni lles. climnbers, ball und stair, etc., tilth I lu , : I and 5 lleidert te inatcli . also, llebury I'npestiy, Hiienvllle "npestrv, smith's i:tni 'lniHstry. Jledterd Tape.try, lllgeiis' IMpestry, a 1.1 sanfenl's laptstry Cnrpetn. nil the bust and well-Miewn inakps, et hleh we luivn Ihe latest put terus. Hartferd and I.0111II I bree pl -i an.l Kxtni Mip 't- IMilladelphla Medluin Weel Ingrains nn I Cotten flint 11 Cnrpels WALL PAPERS. KlcnUe line et I'.ip. 1 linK-inK-i, l.aee luitanis sin hs and SluidliiK liesi pilii- lliilnneii Htm.' in the iiinikel HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JOHN s, till I. Ml MERCHANT TAILORING. We nre showing this eonsen the Lurg03t nnd Dest Asaortment of Wod1eiu iiilnpted te tite Mernhant Tnllor Tnller ing Tmde we hnve yet otlerod All the New Fnbrlca for Dress Suits, Business Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons. l& Evorythintrtiinde in the meat Subati-ntiul Mtinner, atLowei Prirrw thin ut nny Provieua Peasen JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., Ne, 25 East King Street, I It It .S.I l.i-.. .'Oil s.M.K. Ill AT W KI I. KNOWS Store Stand nnd Duelliup Heuso, Nej. IO and 117 North Uii. street. I.iinr.is. til. Pa. Mild prejnrt fients tit, teet en .North yui-'ii stteet, .ind extends ImcK -Jl 1 f. et te Christian street, tthu twosstery Krtine 0 me 1 ..use en tuu i. .tr. i ne trariitiu is pin n if .1 ttttli theeheltest trult tti 1 s. liriuseu-y for luttiiei pailicr.lurs apply te ( ll.Mll.KS USA IT, si'ptl!-:din.l Se. 11.1 K.t-t Kinds' '.l.l).ltl,f. l'ICtll'KKT AT I'llll.ll) 9ll.K-Un TI'R1U1, IK lill'.tl: ill. lvlat th. uni.e Hetel, wl.l be '.old the I nien Knclnu Heuse, Ne. I, -It11.it. 'd en the north west cot nt r el i.rant and SIurl.11 si reels, IrentliiK SI14 tot. mere or les. en Mnrbrt it net, and clti'inl Inula depth's t. et.tm nhli h Is erected a twostery HUH K Hul'sK. Mitia bin ler a wart leuis. or 111 inn factor, t, 1. and uater. with a water rleset In the bull iin... It nns very easy. Possession given en or I.e. lore Seveinber 1st .sale 10 (einmcnee at 7 e'tlneit p nt l, -i term- and eon.lillein will be in.ide known by II. K. Hl.W M Ah Kit, I'resi lent. Klet. llK'.ENtn. Serr.'liyy " ll-s, Auclleni et -li-M's.tMiM 1 H IH.IUSAI.r..-().N .MI.Ml.l,tlt;i(IIIHt I M-il, at the Leepard Hetel, I. nuns'. r City. In pup-nance or an order et tin drpimns' Court, will In sold at Public ."ale the fellow Inn diMilhcd Ileal Kstate, te wit All that eeitaln twustery HltlfK DlVKI.I.INd IIMISK, Ne. .Il, ttllh one- tery lltb-k llaiR lliilldliii, inlleiiiini,', and let et cietind appur tenant thereto, sltu.ttii en Hie lien heist side el Lew street, Lancaster ( liy. 1'a .said let of (round Irnnltni; nlnnt; s.ud Lew street l'j leet and . xlendlni: In depth Ibit width Hl leet, with Knipti vines nnd ether linprev. 1..1 i.lh th iron. Theri) Is nn alley 1, 1 the wist i,,. et 11,11 itwelllnir hnu e. Sale le commence ai ; o'clock p in., en said lay, when terms will bu mnde known hy the uiblerslfiii'il. JIAIITI.N blKISKI,. Jacuii (.LTtDAKEB, Trustee te rell. Auctioneer. bepll-Jlimdts 'V IIKAI. KSIATIt eW.VKKs. HAM I A,s OVIl WEU Catalogue of City Real Estate Fer Sale will be Issued A small net), e In it may brine you 11 bujer. Se durn unless sold. The Kroat duumti'l ler th.se .itnle.iies prnv.s their usjlulnes.". Allan A. Herr & Ce., KhAI. KsrATLund ISsI ItASCh Alth.N'lS, 108 East King Street. fcp'-amd lll'IIAN'.-l ClintTVU.IIel' VAI.llAIII.r, ) cm I'ltei-hiin. enTL'htiiiAV.si.i'' TKMIIKH ."., Hi! bj virtue el un alius order et til" Orphan's c. mi t et uncist. r county the iinderslKiied will sell at publh sale at 'the I.repart lletul in I un uttr city, the nnill vldud half pari of tint certain let m pieieet ground situated en Ihe north ride e Norih street, nnd en tint west snbi et weuth Dnku Mlrent.tii thncltv et I.iine.tslei,aiid eentKlnliiL' In Irent en mid North street lit tent. 10 liichi'M, mero or less, and xtenillnu In depth iiIoiiKttllne otKieund, new or late of ,le,n Hener, tleceuscil, nnrlliwnrd 3)7 ii-et, tnore or less te l-ecut alley, thence ea.st uleim s.iM illlny U feel. 10 Inches, mom or Ipss, te pieund new or late el Jehn K. l.en(, tliencn euih, -1) lent, mere or less, nlenj; thu line or irrniitiit elsald l.enir, thenciialen tliOKieund cf said l.tins ctwtwnnl '.'Meet, morn orbs", te .south Uiike street, nlerusiiM, thence alenu. .aid Houth IHikn street, Hiiiitiiwnril, 17 feci mom or less, te Neilh stiiet aleresahl. wheieen Is erected n two story I'.UIcli IMVKI.I.IMi HOUHK .list-is leet. wllli a two-sterv Uriel! Ultcliunl'Ji'.'Jti'ulattiithc.l. Alse, n oue.steiy Klt.VMi: DWT.I.MM, IIOU8K. .sxls lent, Kramu stable, p.xn, i't und ether liupieveineutH lleundeil en the west by prepei ty new nrhitunt .lebu s,.Ur ileceased, en the neitli by prepeity et .loin .enKiinil Locust ulley , en the 111st h .south liikoHlreet.iinilenlh(iHouthby NeitliHtient nfeiesalil. VhU properly Is situated in u verv ilcslnible portion et tin, city, nnd eilers 11 tine nppertutilly ler Investment. Bale te eoiiiiiiunce ut 7 eYIni k p. m when iittmiilaiite will bu flven uud tonus inadn Known by .MJH.v a. iikimim,, I'.sccutilx el Chilian A. ilepllnif. hUl'lllillT hlTTON, Ailtl. hh.15, ,!. j; lUHKIl'H RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP In 11 pleasant, mle, speedy nnd me icinedy rer Ceniihs, Colds, lluareiiess, Asthuiii. In lluunza, Hniencss el the Threat und dust, llrenctiltis, Wlioeplmr Cetiuli, Bplttlmr el llloed, Ititluiniuutbiii of the Limns, mid nil Diseases of the Chest nml Air I'lissuKes. L'rlcr, Wr. nml eOt-.u Itelllc. ici'riepiiteil only nml held by OHAS. A. LOOHER, hi; till NO.aKAaTlilS'llbT. lANKn, twnis rti'uu, iiNi'.ritOM no J up, lit IIAIITMAN'H Vl'.l,l.()l MiONTt IdAI' HltiKK iiy (Hivv-", ,r. .itintl.v.i. Ci i:uiai. HAi:ii.M. ASTRICH BROS'., ,, P.VLAl'K OP FASHION, Ne. 13 EAST KING STREET. il pn -ent bn-y preparing f"l lle NEW GOODS ARRIVE DAILY In every lepailun nt 0112 Ull.UXEHY Df.PMlTMKXT lsahcndy stetked with Sew ll.its, llenuets, r fathers, Itirds, l mas and llre.ist.s t lsueb an extent tint we weie ceiupe te tnnlte cer tain alterations. In eider le tlnd sullleent 100111 ter our display. es)iur Rtnm Is 111, iv lihii , In the m iilnjs with the AHXOUX KLKCTJtIC LK1HT, which h.u bei n unaiiliiimisly preclnlined the best ihriit t'fi r shown. Il iirinus out colors better thnii nayilitht. and Is perlectlv s tie ler matchlne; floods, llu) eiu rikmIs lull veil- Init, uud tiikii your lime. It Is hardly nicessarj ter us te say much about our UII) i,l.()Vs. '1 hemi who hum bought them tnun us knew that thev are iroed . ...... , , I,,,,.,, ..in jinn 11 ma 11 iney will hln.lli BlviMisatrl.il. Our assertmi mat pn s 1 1 nl Is met complete, and the prices are rtht j Wean etrerlnu n special bargains In -1111111 SlI 4 Sliel, 114 U'l, Il ivttlnitritftl I li... -- , .. ..... ... .. ,... .....,,,,,, ,,,,, nuuiir 101 A Breatbari;aln In Child's Knll Ueuiilur .Made Cotten IIOSK, Knncj, ,1 tei., at .v. Am tiler bariraln 7 tosiKeo.N, that used tesell as high ,M..'SiS'v!n.r a,c !" Liullus r'ull ittuular IIOSK. istrlpe.l or solid Celers, I'.e. 1 ialr I miles', in ntn' and Children'. .Mhltl.M) U.N OhllW I.Alt nl lowest prices. fTKCIA LTIKH-Just received, a new linn et DRESS GOODS. Cleth Suitings, In nil color... r, mrlim whin Oiiit; all wool. lil.ACK V. ASHMKIIKS. An Klegant Line and nt very Lew Prices A Special liarjaln. in Inches wide, COc. III.ACU Hll.hs, A Large Anseitwni.t and at least Je purcniil. Inner than can be beuglitelseivhere. cull und leek ut our Hue. Alse n Large Linn et KINK CLOTH SUil' INlls ut i.i and f :..?, In till cholce Shuilis. .u.''',!.1lSlf,t',fe, I'AI'IKSANUCIIILDIILS'.H J h lib hi ii. vm v Lheup. V. IUTK 1-LASNhLs. Wnh-iie lust hint In a Large As-01 tment et l hltij t hiunels Itein lijsjc up .VI'lt.SIU..i. JlAYMONII'l K.XlJI USKI.ss. RAYMOND'S Vacation Excursions. AU Traveling Expenses Iiiclttdetl. M GRAHDWINTBB TRIPS -TO- CALIFORNIA. Leaving Philadelphia Oct. 18 and Dec. 27. Te mrmtlis' sojourn .it II e Lb giint Hetel del Monte, Monterey, Oal., Ami 11 lurther tlme (Including a", davs' heard) le be passed at sun r iiiuclsce. Manlu llarlmra, Santa Menica, the Huna Madre VIII11, Hun Dlege, Ulvurslilu, C'olten, .Mtirced, otc.accenl. lug te Individual iIchIie The Outwuril .Innr ney win In. ever thu Southern Iteiitu (through Itansiis, Colerado, New .Mexico, Arizona mill heiillinin Ciilltertilu). unit thu returii by the Central und Union t'uellle lines (through No Ne vaila, Utah, Wyoming, .Nubiuskn, etc ) Hulu will be miide rer lust uiul sight seeing ut Chi cago, ktitiHas City, fiintu Menica, l.es Atige J01 unit Malt Luke City. Theentlm louiney le LalHernlaunil retiitn will bu nmile in pun. mini Palace Cms. In thine trlpi tii-i irenleni et liiilepumlcul action Is combined with the ml vantages et the party system el tiiivulliiL'. buiidercall lerdcserlptlvu circular. H. F. SHIELDS, 111 Cliesluiil street, corner Klflli Mtteut, Tleltet Olllce, I'lilliuldlphla.t lteadlngll.lt. a-W-31.1 I'lULADKLI'lllA. )ici:i'Af.i: fun a bieit.11 A.N I) (IO TO IlKUirrOMI'S A.nl secure 11 set of Unilerivcar, Khlrts nml UriiweiH liem '.1)c. up te the best Medicated. Uemtnrls, direct from the umniiiiietururs, rinm Mc. up. Working l'niils, Overalls, shirts, Ladles', lleuls'iiml Mbses' Hese, und ti viulidy et Notlem, nil cheiiper thuii ever, 49- I'liide 1) Hard bikini ut I'm' I1BNUY BEOHTOLD, Nn. Si Neilh (iucen Htrcut. Hlgu et the ll blocking. tub'Myil t Kl f. IIATIIVO.N. Lancaster, Pa. CI. Ol It I Ml. 1 YI1IW KA1IIKO.N. Ready-made CLOTHING foil Mh.V. HOI s ASH CIIII.liltKS-5 1,11.1, ASP l ISTI.lt KAIt I' in ids will 11 ti 1 here ter the llll'.MIn .luir is,, iliited le b k well and weal w. II -geed, slrmit; iniilerlil s. we.l slr.ng-iei the school room nd ' mini k-aheul" needs, ind thu MKS such as Is re. (Hired ler Iho mill, llir shop, or the farm, and ler both SI KN AS'P HOYs wi hnve .111 unsurpassed selt'ciieu ter rlVK Pith Ss IV I. Me IVeluve All Sorts of Clothing. SIeu- et it un I In tier ui ules thin Ilk., prices buy at any ether ibilldnit house In tlm clt). Klue and 1111 dliim vi ide OOI, KNS In all th l.at. Net elites and ms ,e In' Ie pattern ler Custom Tailoring. 'I he largest iisseitmant in ttie.iu Ulilng in ilitl. s go ir intee t, mil ti eh .ellcltnl MYERS & RATHFON, LI APiM. LM s'hie 1 Liil'lllhies, NO in EAST ICING STREET. I N(,AsI I It pa I NMT.LT Otii: KI.KU INT NEW STYLES FOR FALL The publh gem 1 illy 1 x ietin,r, 1 conemlcal un I erltienl but. h f i, i,,.i... .....' iiie,teille(all and examine inn lar;S stet-k e Reatly-Made Clothing', KOIl SIhN. Iims AND CIIILDItKN, careliilly uninnlactuied by our own werklui hands 11ml lit guui'iutc. d e.iial le cuslein work. We lead Pi iiuiillly, lit ami pi lies. SOMK OKOUie PieicKS Mi n's ( iisslmeie Hults, Mm). Men's all-wool Stills, Je, .Men's Htyllih Slixud snlis, fiiiim, .Men's all-wool Plagenal HiiIIh, fl.ttu. Men's Fancy .Mixed Wetsied c'eiksctcu Bulls, In all hh.ides. iivte. t.n.sncii .Men's Pan's at '.K)e tl.im, Ml, f.iin Un te f.i.fiii. Heys' nml l'liililitMis Cletlilut; Oil It liltHAT HPKCIALTV. As our space will hardly permit us 10 say mucin. f this well known ileparlimint, nil wn 1 uihii Is that our stock Is morn vailed than nt all pluvieus seasons, uud our utiles tlm lowest. V 11 have Heys' Suits at J'.'.r,!), f .7, f t, f , t Wilhlren"' Suits at jl.71, ti, "ii !, $.1 up le OiirCiisinm lieiiintiuent t'usteiiiers can se lcct liem goods In the plm e and luvn thuui imulu tixiriinriit 11 Mlluht iidvauie ever our goods en the commits. Hults te order Irein JlJ.irtnnd upwards All flesh, new goods anil weikmunshln. .Special miliiced barguliiH In llnys'tind Chll dien'H Clothing lorHitheol Hulls, L, Sansman & Bre., TIIK r-AhlllONAIII.hMKItCHANT TAILOItS A CLOrillKlt.S, iii-iis aehtii uuke siki:i:t, KlKhtnii thu seuthweet 'Jernor et orange Hi, LANUAHTKIt, PA. Thu Cheapest and most llulliiole Clothing ileiisn In the City. MAVIIIMJItV. ll AVINU PlHSOLVr-.H I'AHTMntsllli' und 1 cttuaneutlv closed the Chiwiinn htieellien Works, iileslie 10 Inleiin my old patrmiH nml thu public, generally, that 1 11111 still In the business, being located In Ui I'niui lien Cempany's: Wniku, Netth I'liuu Mlicel wheie I inn iiiiikluu Iren nml llruss Caslliii'.i olevury ilo'Ulptlen, und will t,u plciiiuil te serve nil who may tin or mu with their patron. age. from le yearn oiperleneo In thehiislueas und tiling thu best material and employing thu best mechanics, I un, satisfied I cun guar antee entire Hiitlsluctlnn. Castings mu 10 trout 11 inl.xtuie et lien uud steel which ure mere 10 liable ter Htiuugih unit iluiablllty than the best cast lien known. V teeth loll pinions, rolls und rolling mill weik n specialty. Cast ings; made et veiy selt lien, uud brass cast cast lngsel (ivi)iy ilet.cilptlen. 1 have nil the put Imsiitthe well ami taieriibly known Mowrer Cern uml (Jeb Crusher. 1 nil t ted unit Improved, Alse 011 hand, mills completely titled upet In piti Is, toiuphue el I ones which have been In usu )or ycais, f imiiintcflug Ihcm te glvosat glvesat Istactlnu tlliKlHu'i' It, 0. MeOULLlCV, (J utArKj.niib' uttim I tNOAHTKIt ANIi M I l,l,r.UH 1 1 i, , I 1 (.'iics run iu IoUewh '"''""' "'' Iieaie LaufutHcr IP. it liim,.' ,.1 v ,. . . iLiuiii. m., nml a. i ft ,:,.:, I A', Va. 7' 1'.,, Oatunliiy ' w l,,, Vl'ult ',? & ', ', 'l, !" ( Cam 11111 dally en ai.jVu tUuoexcopt 011 llun qe,.unn,,7,,Mf;,:!,HIT A1 MOTIIWAIIINJ hTATIONS. I nemnwAiu, V. M, C.1I (i::iA (1:I'J 7:00 7.IW 7.01 7:1'.' 7il7 7:il 7:.17 7 41 7. VI 8.0S e-1 .....C'eliiinbln..,. .Wiishliiiiien... ...C'lesswell .... ..Hale Harber... .Bhenk'iiKciry. .... .I'egueii ..orkr'urnuce.. '...'iiicitian Mccall's Keiry nie's K.hly... .nhliiKlJi,,(, I each lleltnin.. ...Cone-vln,;,,... .....Oct... .4; ...Pert l.ejVHlt.. ... Prrrjvllle.... A.H ! . r n'Xi s-a . M ,') K.tn H.OJ n.ai . ftrfrti... b.ep. , Ui ... iM ... 4-.M ... I 17 .. I .'' . . 4 II 7- ; 7:10 7'Ml 711 7:W 7:S1 7-10 7.011 er.7 n.l 1 11:32 li:-.li 7 Mi 7 1 1' I W I 7 ' il.V.l 7 1. a 11, 7 ' ni:.iiMNii,,um,i1(V Hu AllUANUKMKNTOrjJAHaKNHKIHHt.t., MONDAY, AUOUST 1 iTh, Km. NOUTIIWAHH. HlVl. ijuarryvtlle Ijtuicnster, KIiik1.... k;iniwtter Chlcliles Mai let til J tuitttttJii. 1'. . Columbia. AHRIVS. a.m. p. u ltl"JI Il'-al I0:3 10.M .... lllfti 11:03 11.06 11:10 11:1 11:31 U'.'K 1 1.. IS 7:10 1161 7:'J7 P.M. H.tU 7:S7 I'i IS K;UI V1.M H.'JI I'.K A.M t -a 7 ki s ii 1 ir I' w . . . 7 311 .... 7:10 lu 7 ."Oi .... ""n1 .... n' ii' .1 a. 1 i.i 1,1' lUxulliiK.... .e s a 6.fj' UOUTHWAltl). IliVI, lteftdlng Anniv. .Mm let t:i .1 unction Chlekles Columbia. LmiCsUter... ; Lancaster, KtngSt Uiiarrvvllle.... 1 a.w. .. r.M 1 7:'.5 tt.00 , ' IS V.M. S 111 WIS ... s ,, :' S tl H j a.30 2.10, HIS ' ti ... a i'i I0:lt' ....! 1M . J..?,i,.,i?..'!l,.1.0V . "t.''iln? wl n'Vi'in . .. ;"" ."M.iiiii, 1 eunvi in, iiarilsbuiir ai. iem.mil mm .Nuw rkl vta ,0,,!?,?1,"ifri- At Columbia with trains found ii..., .. Hanevur, Uettynbiirg, Knslerlcfc an iu,i morn, Vil. WILse.N. , MA) l.itii, lest. tnuus OI, Uln ,. -J1 yani.1 llullread will urrtie ut and iate ii, Lnncisle. nnitPhllailelphln.ieiHiUiLslei ,v.i l.i t Ar ll.an Pin. a. 11 AW lit:, f- .11. -i f. e 1 7 HI V .: 1 r u. n -! "I- VI ' KflTWAIlD. Stall Kxpressj 1'hlladelphl.i Kxptetts ". rH.it Line Hiirrlsburi; Kx's "... Yerk Accomir.Csheion anlvcs . '.'.' Lancaster Actemc lai:en an Ives... Columbia Aecoiciee Jen rtmlnrlci Arcniiiiiiosliitlen tnilvi. 8c4i8heru Kxprtm Htimlny Stall Johnstown Kxpren.1 .' Pay K.xprertj llarrlsbiin: Accnmiiintlntlen.,!i'.i. II 1. 1 I- HmiOVer ACCOIlltlloil.lUen Went, Cl'lnn,- 1 lit . Luncasttir Willi Mngum Kxprists ut .t, will run through te Hanover .tatli ., Stindiij'. ' ' Vreilerlck Accommodation, wi st.ien.,, "n, at Lanauter with Kusl l.lnu i.i . , nin ttireugli te r-isturlr-h IVMTtfAM). ll.e X ''lib I all News KxprittJ Way Pu.sm'11 uer Slall Train, Se. 1, via. ML Jey SIallTruln,S'o.2,vlnCelumbl!t,ieaM-s Niagara Kxpress llnnevur Accommisl.itlen in tves .. Fast Line... IA U I I I . T'i'l 7,' 1 " I II p u Ml III '. I' 't t. II J rretieriCK AccominiHlullen leii'.ns ... 1 ', . . P M iiarrisbiirg Accctiiinrslatlen Mi sj Lancaster .c(i)uiin'viu:ten liaves Columbia Accnimi 'AlaL'jn 1 11 ; narrisiiiir r.vpress '. I 7i n.Miern r.i press 'n. j ,, t'liunc i.ipnsis 11 j 1 m (Urn-burg Ktpnws, .1, hi ", , m (, , dlriwl t'tintiectlnu twltli'iiteliingii ' finis, te I nltimbl'i mid lerk. fist Line, westt, en .siiu.l. when llag ,1 will KlopalPewnlnglowii.CoaU st 1 1, I',,Ih-h burg, Sleuiit Je, l;iluUit;,te 11 i.n 1 si 1 e ten n. liny Kxpress, fast LUm, .Nn i r i , Train, Ne. I, M eslttru K jj r.ss ami 1' .. -prcsii nin (tal I v. Mhn1v.11... yu it :'N x t tut r. -rue V1LC0X & WHITE Parler Organ WariTeums, NO liVJ KAST IvINCS STKKhT. H. H. LUOKENBAOH, Asent A full AMiirttncntet the l in Ions sis. s Htnntly en hmul nnd 101 sale 011 the in. -1 " nml terms ter cash or small Slennui In stnllmenls. Thn public Is most cordially InMti I tt' en mid uxumlni! these lnstiumi uts, w hb h win 1 I011111I te be veri r':s'tlei lu lju til") an I Slednnitn In I'rlce Haling M'Veied my (onnectlens win, t ' I'.stey organ ( empauy, 1 tal.e this no iii.'i i" Infeiin my II lends In Lancaster cniintt 1 .' new sel.lmr 1111OIK1111 i'.iuil te ant niel ir passed by noun. Please (.ill and 1 xauilm . 1 . el Ihe most ht'uullliil-l nid Oigaiis u.u.u laeturcd In the t'liUed Mutes SI I. Luekenb.ich Uulse agent ler tin 'mums "Ktmbe," MePlmll, Veee & form, arovetistoin n Fuller, Hullet & Davle, And several ether Dcsliabl.i I'laiioleili . prlce.i tretn f-i'i upwards. Iebi;-tld OJ.AK.S Al 0,l)t.l:XtitiAHti I t Kill ta IWAKlls. -AT- CHINA HALL. A LA ltd h LOT OK Table Glassware, Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, .IM.IiVrUPH,,fEliliYVlJI.S, -AT- Ttigjn. & Martin's I KAST KINO STKKKT, LANHAHTKIl. PA. J. V.. HO fK. Theio hai been such a iluinnml fei I.AKMK PIIOTOOIIAI'ILS that I wai compelled te get 11 VKUY LAItUK CASIKUA HOX te meet thu (leinnnd We can new nmkn you a PHOTO as small mi the smallcsl locket will held up te a R.lnch luee, te tit mi 18x2-. I'rume, J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Btroet. lillle'Mld