LANCASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE! SATt'ltnAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1S8: Yk y juncastev MdUgcnrcv. HaTOBDAY BVKNINO, 8KPT23, 100U, A Smhlcii Decline. Mcn'fl cxjwctntlens nie be often disap pointed Hint overyeno la ready te rccog rcceg rccog nlze tlie truth of t-liu proverb tlintneth Ing is no likely te hnpixm us tlie unex pectcd. Thew Interested In tlie Northern Pacific railroad have particular occasion Just new te feel tlie truth of this saying. Tliey have been tiwnlting the opening of the rend ns an event which was te boom their stock : Instead of which It rocs down with frightful speed after the golden splke Is driven. A half million or mere of dollars wcre expended In n free oxcursleh, with abundant previsions and liquors, at which the Invited guests were big bugs from all the world ever. Tliey get across te Ptiget sound and back again te the meeting point of the rails In the wlldemea, through great dangers nnd with hair breadth escapes. Tlie speeches which, had been prepared nnd printed befere their departure and left with the kind newspapers in the liaat te print, were probably made though they wcre net published. The guests carae home with full stomachs nnd undeleted purses. And then some wicked men began te sell down tlie Northern Pacific stock. The "blind peel" that had sustained it seemed te have exhausted Its cash, and failed te staud up befere some ether peel, net se blind, that sought te hammer its stock. Just why the value of the read should be less when it Is completed the outside public does net knew ; nor does it com prehend tlie game of which tlie stock Is made tlie feet ball. It is true that tlie read has cost inore than It was estimated te cost. It is true, again, that these having it new in charge have shown their lack of geed judgment and reck lessness of expenditure in getting up this costly and silly grand free excursion, when a train full of reporters would have done tlie needed work a great deal better. It Is true, also, that this long and costly read passes through an unde veloped country, which is net yet pre pared te sustain it with its traffic. Still these things de net of themselves ac count for the sudden depreciation of the stock. The fact seems te be tliat there is a lack of courage, or cash, or both, en the part of these who control the read at present ; mid that ether people with mere dash and cash are after them te oust them from their birthright. It is said that Mr. Jay Gould is one of the plratee, and the style of his game is such as te make this probable. Vhi:n" tlie members of the Legisla ture reconvene in Ilarrisburg next week, the first thing the Democrats et the Heuso should de is te determluu whether or net they propeso 'te impress their party and the people of the state generally with confidence in the sinceri ty of the position they have assumed Ui'eu tlie apportionment question, and the continuance of the extra session. In order te de this it will be necessary for tlum te take immediate measures te secure the constant attendance of the members or that body and mere fre quent as well as natter attended sts nluns. Upen the last tell call of the Heuse en Friday Uiere were mere absenties recorded than were members voting en cither side of tlie question at issue Speaker Fauncu has ordered all the ab sentees noted and tlie Democratic news papers of the state should conspicuously print their names day after day. IJut the nspensibility is net all their.;. It is shared equally by thesa who, remaining at Ilarrisburg, yet fail te enforce tin processes of that bidyte secure the at tendance of their associates. Even the most steadfast friends of the policy el the Legislature remaining in session admit that the Heuse had far better consent te immediate adjournment than present the spectacle, which lias been seen almost uninterruptedly for tlie past six u-eks, of liavlir.' less than a constitutional ma jority of Democrats present at its ces sions. Tlie prajers of the chaplain, which constitute tlie main part of the dally business, may be pleasant and profitable, but they are net enough te justify the continuance of the session. Tin: war cloud that was only a tiny speck en the European horizon a month age, has Income somewhat largir than tlie typical man's baud at the prevent tlme, ami the greater portion of Kurepe may be eventually darkened by its shadow. Tlie France Chinese question is still a smeuldering volcano, which may become active at any moment, and se much fear is felt lest this untoward result may take place, that Hngland has been called upon te act as umpire for the disagreeing principals. The centa glonef war is abroad and the threatened i uplure between France and China lias caused initiatory revolutionary upiisings in liulgaria.Serviaand Spain. Tliel'nited States may well felicitate ihelf that it la net an European power, whose stabil ity may at all times be threatened by the troubles of warring neighbors. I'eihaps if there were fewer standing armies ai.d mere of a disposition te give ami take m the inteicourse of the nations of tlie continent, U might happen that tin world would net se regularly be plungul into a state of distraction by the an nounceuieiitof another war en the con tinent. Tun wenther wisa imert that a freit bsarltiR wave la moving from the neith west In n southeasterly direction ever the country. Tlie cold snap will bow bow ever ceme tee late te inateiinlly affect the crops, meat of which have been already gathered and housed. Tlie prognestlea Hen will therefore net have the effect that would have been given It In mid Hummer, when freat would have pjayed frightful havoc with the productions of the heII. It would be well, however, for theso fnnnera who ure looking forward te it further spell of warm weather te re member this warning of the weather prophets, aud he prepared aga'nst the frost nnd cold that caunet be much longer postponed. Uutm:ii, with his usual shroivdness, is conducting his own cam. Jialgn. He will speak for himself at the ilaBcachusnttH Domecratlo oenvoutlon. It In thought that the dlmluatteu In the national grain crops will be eiTtet by I he luoreasod demand and batter priced in the old world. Maveii Kine, of Philadelphia, is light in hi purpnse te clese overy peel room In that city, as tliey are nothing mere nor less than voneored gambling dens, which would lure tlie unwary te destruction. The gambling propensity of mankind is well enough dovelopcd, without obtaining the additional aid el the law's sanction, and Mayer King's action In closing these places of iniquity will recoive the cordial approval of all friends of geed order. The shah of Persia i very careful that the rising gonerutlon et MuMttlmeu shall net stray from the Mehammedan fold. He recently grauted pormlsslen te the Presbyterians in Teberan te erect a chapel but uuder the express proviso that Mussul man clillilren shall net be admitted te the chapel, aud that no ether Mohammedan, of whatever age, be allowed te attend scrvice or recoive religious instruction thore. The shah seems pressed with the belief that the heroic treatment as applied religleui dtscase is the best. Anvn r.s from Nordeuskjold's cxpedi tien te Greenland report that the party has penetrated a distance of iWOjkilome. trcs inland, or a little mero than 223 miles. Ne expedition horeteforo has geno se far Inte the interior. They repirt the whole legion nn ice desert, aud therefore eon elude that tbote is no open water inland These announcements will satisfy the curiosity of most men, bu" it may be con cen lldcntly predicted that befere long another leultiardy expedition will be sent te verify the s:icntiflc discoveries of theso who have geno before. It would seem that the Arctic regions have entered into a league with the cyclones, tornadoes, earthquakes aud ether planetary disturbances te de strey as much ns possible of the surplus life with which the weild is teetuiu;;. Tin: cupidity of mankind was never hotter illustrated than in the history of ttiu 125 carat diamond that is seen te be cut iu Bosten. It is the largest diam. ml ever sent te this cenntry nnd was found in u diamond field in Seuth Africa three or four ears age. Iho llneer was oue of a camp of diamond hunters in a very dreary aud remote district. When he ac cidentally stumbled en his great "find" he was overjoyed. Then a terrible feir tedk jHwesiiiu of hira, should his com paninr.s leam Unit he had such a vahnble Hteuu iu his H)sses4ieu. He endeavored te conceal his luck but his action.) betray ed him. He was murdered aud the man who murdered him met a like fate. Twe mere lives were sacrificed bofero it reached its present owners. The menied cost of the brilliant cannot be said te compensate for the less of human llfe that its uufertu- ate prosess.en has caused. tm i FKATOUESOF THE STATE PKES3, Yerk is seen te have a new HcpubPcau xeruing daily newspaper. Tlie Ilarrisburg Ixtriet premises that the list of legislative, absentees will be Riven te the public hereafter. The Columbia Spy sees two faults in Lancaster's new postefilce : it is tee dark and its ligatien ii net quite central. In the opiuieu of the Lancaster Inquirtr tue practice el iliillileztir.; jurors in enler tee impel them te agree la ene that ca-i-net be ahiudeued tee seen. Tlie Garraantuwn Independent laments that Byren is net allve te review Tunny son's poem en Ilrewu, the drceired gillie of the queen. According te the ilarrisburg Independent tlie iullucuce that is te accomplish geed Ter the labor iu this country is agitation without combination. The average Ma-sacliusetts Republican, remarks the Phildelphii Chronicle-Herald, d ics net no te bed these nights without looking under the bed te discover a short fat man with a cast in his cye. Tlie Philadelphia Xertt American ob serves that thn tumporature of the I'uited States can crowd all tlie four seasons into the narrow compass of a single week, and piss from summer te winter, or vice versa, within the 21 hours. Iu showing why luys should baoerno mechanics the Phllidelphia Imitirer re marks that ' the learned mvstar inoaha-iie must long hu iu America thetnjit needed, because, the most useful of her citizens Tnat is inevitable when there is h, much mechanical work te be planned and dene." l'EUSONAL. .Ii di.i. Ki.i.i.r.v has engaged pass igu te return en the Wyoming, which will sail Octeber 13. He will be in Philadelphia about October -C. Sr.Nen Aml'u, ene of the wealthiest men in Senera and the ewuur of the famous Trinidad initie, died of the fever at Herme. hiile enThuisdny. Maiumi'.Jsnii s UKh, thiidistiiiguishud tragedienne, has added te her repertolre Win. S. Lisjemb's Hue historical play, " Beadicsa." She will play in Laucastur in Match. l)n. Fiunk Hamii.ien advises lemping for girls as a substitute for oalistheuics, I he latter, he says, is (he Hhadew of health giving uxcmUo.el whieh the former is the Eiibstance. Very likely, as nature invented reiupiug, while nun cjutilvcd calisthetilcs. Alukiit C. HiYMe.Ni), of KastHarlleid, Culm , left cot tain publte bequests te take ellect ou the death of his wife, which ee euried Monday. Hist Hutferd will get $17,000 for n library, $7,500 of it for a fire proof building, aud Montville $10,000 for a library. I'uiNcr. Bisu.MicK, iu a letter te the mayor of Frankfort-en-tho .Main deelinlng an Invitation te a banipiut, says he Is only just beginning te recover his health and expresses his regret that the ordera of iiih inoiue.u atteniianl turbid his buin" prcfient. " Qiinuiiii. HunniiT E. LkkU te have a statue in New Orleans. The main tiinmi of the statiie the upper part of the torne he 'he ucek te the waist was east in New Verk yesterday. The hionze that formed the casting welghed iibaut 1,800 pounds. The total weight of tlie htatue will be nbeut 1,000 pounds. Mm Annip. O.iur.v and her husband nscended Mt, Wanhlngteu the othei-day. A heavy fog huug evor tlm meatttalu, and Mrs. Bayuiend, turning te her husband, remarked, " If tliis fog would only lift, I would fjlve 50 te the Maine- Genernl liespltal," It was but a short tlme bofero the fog lifted, and they bad a delightful vlew. Dos Des Dos ceudlng te tlie Glen heuse Mrs. Hayniend waH reminded of her remark, aud Imme dlately drew her check nnd sent it te a physician In Portland for the benefit of the hospital, A FLASH HIGHWAYMAN. UII.MMIMI WITH IIKINUA lUUtSt. Till Ki A (iporceeunlj- llriKKCil Youth Arrrttnl ll t Trrnlmi Tlie Day's Mew m Uriel rrem All rutin. Detective Siniousen, of Kosten, Fridt.y evening brought te the station house at Tieuten, N. J., a young matt apparently about 2J years of age, who, he sai J, was Peter Schmull. a notorious herse thief, whom he bad been following for several weeks aud bad just captured en a train at the Pennsylvania railroad station at Tien ten. Schmnll is a rather geed looking youth, with curly hair nnd a carefully waxed moustache. His blaek silk hat was artistically cocked en ene slde.aud a brown duster covered a fashionably cut diagonal coat and vest and dark pants. Other niticles of his attire were kid gloves, patent leather shoes, a highly sensational cravat with a glittcriug idn, a big buttonhole bouquet of red and white rese.s, a cane and a geld ring with a large stoue. He talked with great oase and ttuency of colleges, aristocratic connections aud riches. Wheii a lawyer whom be sum moned cautioned him net te say anything te criminate himself, he replied : " Don't feel yourself ; they can't prove anything en me , I'm all right." He ordered an oxpeusive supper brought in from a hotel, but was compelled te remain for the night en the hard beards el i cell. In spite el the prisoner's easy confi dence Detective Simonseu professes te knew him well as ene of the most daring and successful liorse thieves in the ceuu- try. ihe particular cntiie ler wuicu no is arretted is the theft of a hoise from Theoeore-Metier, of Still alle, Warren coun ty, N. .1., SI Vi being offered for his cap ture en this charge. Among his ether operations was the stealiug of two horses from Green llulge, near Washington, in the saine ceuuty, aud of a large number of horses areuul Easten, l'a. Detective Simonsen recently reoeved at Soranten a horse and buggy stolen by him, and also two ether horses which he stele from Haritsville, Menree county. Pa. He Is also charged ith highway robbery iu Northampton county. Pa . and with bemc a deserter from the United States army. He is said te have served a term iu the Northampton cmnty jail for larceny. He has cene uuder the aliases of Harry Kiofer Harry Dcvere and Harry Williams. .-imi:nki news, rarrtgraph' et Interpol In siuut. At St. Albans, Vermoet, yesterday Lawrence Hraincrd, A. O. Hramerd aud Charles Wjman, officers of the St Albans trust company, were indicted for aa alleged violation of a penal clause of the company's charter. There are 23 counts against Liwrcnce tiraincrd He gave bail iu $30,000, and the ethers iu 2,00e and $10,000 respectively. The fckoeuer Cerk I5erden reports that when oil Cape L wkeut she experienced heavy gaies aud pissed an uukuewu , schooner appirently sinking. Owing te the gale stie ceu'd render ue assistance. Next day she passed wreckage aud parts of a vessel deck held. Frank Doeth, a contractor of New Lan-de-i, Connecticut, was knocked down and rebb:d i-i one of the streets of Providence early yesterday morning. Tue police ar rested bis assailants and recovered his watch. The formal opening of the Central aud Seuth American tolegraph company' lines te Brazil took pie yesterday ac cording te anuounenucut. Thore is new direct telegraphic communication batween the United States and Brazil, via Galves ton and Valparaiso Democratic caucusu.s were held iu 15 s ten last night. Iu the Twenty Feceud ward the caucus broke up iu a free tight, anil lu the Third ward a l ilt occurred. All the delegates elected are for Butler. First Assistant secretary of Mate Davis has returned te Washington and resumed his duties as acting secretary of state. Attorney General Brewster Is expected te return te Washington next week. The nomination of E I ward Newman ai cxa miner of teas .it Sau Fiancisce, made by the collector of t' pjit, has been ap proved bj the secretary el the treasury. A hue granite b under placed iu the North burying ground at IVovideuce, Itho'le Island, as a merninal of the Indian Sachem Cienmcu, w.u dedicated jester day afternoon. l't-Geverti'-r Dyer pro pre sided, and Gimeial Horatio Itegers deliv ered an oration. At Provulence, Ithode Island, jesterday, .ludgeCarpenter enjoined William Spragtie Evan Itandelp'i and ethers'' from inter ference in tlie management of the afilairs of the (Jut Iniek company by G. P. Pom Pem Pom erey, the assignee appointed by the court." A cargo of Philadelphia coal delivered in Montreal has bee-i seiz.-d by the ens toms officers for nea p.ytn-Mit of duty. It was ceusigned te S. W. Heard. Cadet Jehn V. Hamilton, of the fourth ci.143 in the naval academy, has been disnns .id. lCIll.ltllOt'S MAT' Mt-i- iiul Daj'pi l'riieeetilUKS el tlie I.ulliarAU My neil el Knit renmj-lvanlii. The Evangelical Lutheran Hyned of East Pennsylvania reassembled yosterday morn ing in Trinity church, Oermantewii, IMul adelphia, the first half hour bemg spant iu deiotieuil exeremjs, inducted by llav. W. L Heisler, after which synod was epuiifld with prayer by Hev. J. It. Dimm. The premdmit appointed the following comuiittee en the papeis of Mr. Stine : ltevs. A. 11. Stiidebaker. Luther B. Albeit, I). I)., and Bind Meister, of Lan caster. Ilev. Eli Huber, treasurer of synod, ro re pirted that during the synodleal year just closed he received through the secretary of synod the sum of $10,307.97, making, with the balance of 1.252 01 of t'm pre ceding year, a total am mitt of 12,03!). MS. During tlie same time he had paid out sj.-oe.o'j, leaving in ins uamls the sum of S2,bOI7l, nearly all el whleh belongs te the beneficiary education fund. Tlie committee en the reports of the Lebanon conference prcsentcd a report, which was adopted. It stated that said cunforence has sucaessfully formed a new pasterale by uniting the Germau congre gation, located lu Libation, of the Atinvllle jiastorate, with the Myerstown and Mount .ion congregation, of the WomeUtlorf pas torate. The new pastorate is new served by Hev. M. II. Stoue, rormerly of Norwich, C'etiu. The ejtnuiitteu recommended that the new pasteratu be received and the natite of its delegate placed upon the roll of lay delegates, The general conferenco of the Evangeli cal church, embracing churches in America, Germany and Swltzeiland, will meet In Alluntewn, l'cnua., en the Ith proxime Twe hundred minlsters and ene hundred lay dolegates will compose the conference. The second ecclesiastical council of the Human Catholle province el Ne Yerk will epen te-morrow lu the oathedral iu NuwWk elty, Cardinal MoOleskey pre hiding, A split Is likely te occur among the Dutikards of Huntingdon iu regard te the piepilety of reuiimeiatlng thelr preaohers for services. Luther .Memerial meeting of the Fourth district cutiforeneo, and the ninth annual Sunday soheol convention will be held Septomber S.'ith te 28th, lu Qraoe church, Hev. O. B. Houpt, pastor, this city. t he ijuiu I'lreiiien, At the statu llremen's convention, held at Boranten thl.i week, Goe. V. Sohreedor. of tlie Vigilant Ure company at Columbia, wns named n ene of the oxecutivo com mittee for 1KS3 1. The oxecutivo commit tce organized by electing McCoel.of I'etu. vllle, chairman, nnd bchronder, of Celum blu, secretary, IVOItll " A I me I siillilltnii Ht Ollur.s New Hllllnnl Hull. Ail interesting billiard and peel eiblbi. Hen was riven last oveuing at Cllne's new bllllaul : hall, In which wvcral well known billiard ex pits ilguied. The first contest was a i-u-dneti e.irnm game between Jehn ('line, ul ibis city, and l'dwatd McLaughlin, cushion eai out champion of lViius.Iv.iui.i. This was easily wen bv McLaughlin, the score at the close standing 100 i. 41. During its progress many brilliant shots were e ecu ted which the audience vigoieusly applauded. Then billowed a p el contest, best eight in fifteen games, between Gee. Sutten, a well-known New Yerk expert, and William Wallace, champion of Peuu syivaula. The x first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth and thirteenth games were wen by Wallace, the balance being captur ed by Sutten, but fourteen games being played. 'Iho third event of the evening was a contest of peel, best two in thtee, between Sutten and Wallace, the Cenner plaviug with ene hand and the latter s'i v:ing "blind." Owing tojitsneveltylho game was much enjoyed by the lookers en. It was wen by Su'tteti in two straight gaim-s. The crowning event of the entertainment wa the fourth centest between Kdwini McLaughlin and Goeige Sntt u in a irauie of ;?00 peitits, stiaight bi'.'iitd This was weu by Sutten aftei wr hnl liant playlug by bote contestants. The ease and 'lapldity with which the points were rolled up, aud the skill with which the balls were nurted alenj the rail for long ruus elicited universal admiraheu. The best run was lOrt by McLaughlin in the 7th inning, Sutten just previously having made 103 The game throughout was markeil by the finest kirn! or btinant plaviug aud the average made by the wiuner, ;te peiuts. Is unusually geed, result bv innings Is given i . t i : - l Smten : e v -i i ' lift IJ 1 I MrUiniiiin l l" -1 .: : in. : miiieii - iii-Taew. Si : Xl I i ijhnn.ii' The -elSI il i.i; ii 1 1 At the conclusion of the games Mc Laughlin gave a fine exhibitien of his skill with the'eue. making many shots that seemed well uigh impessib'e. Sutten also performed some brilliant feats with the ' i mes," his marvelleus control ever the balls in linger billianls rseitiug in the audience the utmost astonishment. This concluded the entertainment, which was probably the fines, general exhibit-en of the bilfardist's skill that has ever Wn seen in this city. UK.M. MSl.UK SAI.l" CeDilen'Ccl from ttic luinty ruirr E. II. unit, esq., isecuter of tlie late Jehn HeuJer. deccarai, "n Thurslay sold the tarm of the deceased, at Blue Ball, containing C acres and 117 p.-iehes. te D. S Gnest, esij., for S107 in-r acre , 11 aces aud 00 perches of land without, te Samuel II. Musselman at $K'- per acre . 0 acres and 32 perches ul weed. and iu Earl township te Kalbieh A Uuth for 2J3 er acre; 1 acres of wemlian 1 en th Welsh mountain te Samuel Shirk fei ?10 2" nt acre. The property of Jeremiah Ualler, f East Earl township, decease. I, was eJcred for sale at public auction Trie hmise acd let in f.iii wile were sold te Jehn Uciiuiger for iJl.SlO, ten acres of wexllaud te Natbamal D.n!dsju, at eOO 50 per acre, aud the farm was withdriwa at 7s per acre L. D. (iallagbir, auctieaer, sold en Tuesday alternoen for Henry Martin, one aero of gra-.el lauil ou which is erectcd n two story frame heuse and ether improve ments 2 milci north of Mt. Jey, te David S Herat for SCO ; the farm of Naac I Kautlman, near Union bquare, ''2 acres I ami U'J paretics, te .leuas Mcuin in, ei Meuntville, for ijs',,2 3 per acr". Addison FlewcrH Mid his prep'rtv en Main street, Mt. .1 jy, t- Widow Hackmau, for S7W. Mrs. Zek, residing about 1 mile o:ith e:ith west of Vegansville, in West F.arl t iwu ship, sold at pubhe sale her property eon een eon ststiugef :i aeres nud '".) perches el laud with improvements for $1,017. Harmen H"itz, purchaser. .Martin Gehman, of Upper I.eaceck township, sold his farm uf PJaen, at pub lie sale te Jacob Burkhart, of East Litn petcr , for $170.10 p,-r aero. The executers of Solemon Ddler, de ceased, have sold te Mr. Elr.m S. Hershny, a let of ground iu New ilellaiid having a front of 100 feet en thn lead leading te Brubakci's mill, aud liiHi feet dcrp, ii'it qulte i of an aero for 5700. A MTONK KK1I1T A iunn Iiijurcit Uj llclng Strucl; v.ltli eMlinip. This morning shortly befere 10 o'clock, Henry William a colored rag picker, at tempted te start a quart el with Jehn Greg(r, a cripple b j itblack, who is also colored, at the corner of North Queen and Chestnut Btreatfl. A large crowd seen gathered at the cernerand witnessed the row. Williams was told te go away several times but he refused and finally Gregg struck him. He run into the street aud picked up a large stene which he threw at Gregg. It missed the man for whom it w.u intended but struck Jehn Seuber, an inoll'.-nslve German who was standing in the cr wd, a terrible blew en the head, cutting a gash about tliroe inches. The injured man was taken te Cochran's drug fctere, with the bloel streaming down his bid:, ami had les wound dressed. After ihe ntone was thrown, Gregg knocked Williams down and he fell en thostnnenof the gutter, when Oiticcr Cramer came and took htm te the lockup. When the stene struck Soulier the sound of the blew could be heard for sonie distance, and it is a great wonder that inn skull was net cnhed. UI'.M.lNKKl) -I'O .IAII. I'r llinlu-irj Hearing ul rilluinrii lltlileliruiiil. Millard Fillmore Ilildelnaud, charged with the minder of Henry Bshleman In the borough ei Stradiurg last Saturday night, was brought bclore court this morn ing upon a habeas corpus and a prulimiti aiy hearing of the evidence against him wai had witli a view te determining whether or net he should be ml mi tied te bail. The commonwealth was luprescntcd by District Attorney Davis, S. II. Hoy Hey Hoy nelds, B. F. Bshlem.ui and W. U. Heuuil; the defendant by M. llresiu.i and P. I). Baker, esq. The witnesses te the occur, reuce aud the physiciaus who made the pest mortem examination were heard, and the court decided that the circumstance! of the caiu did net warrant the admission of the prisoner te ball. He wasao'jrd wasae'jrd iugly remanded te Jail te await trial, It Hed en tli llallreiil. As the son shore express jcstciday about 2 p. in., swept around North Bund, the sharp curve of the Pennsylvania rail read bolweon Christlaua and Atglen.Wm. M. Broenier, one of a gang el hack ro re ro palrsmen, was working kemu distance nearer the curve than his associates. They sounded the alarm but he failed te hear them or notice the train's approach, and the englue struck him at full speed, knocked him down the bank and instantly killed him. Thn train was stepped and i-cercs of tlie passengcts among whom were Gov. P.UtlBen aud many members of the Legislature hurried back te the place of the tiagedy, but the man was dead. He was IS years old, a widewer and lived with his mother aud sisters near Atjdcn, llnrsrs Htilppeil, Ftss & Deorr. shinned this mernlnrr te New Verk eightcen head of drnlt and driv ing horses, Daniel Lcfcvre shipped a oarlend of heavy draft hmsuu from Bummer's stable this morning te Helemon Nnhrbaeh, New Yerk. lllll I.1NU Till; lUSEBAIil, AlUlliy Ol' ItllAIMMI 10, UtO.NHIIM'.Sll. I he Intrr State Ulnb Wins it (litmn 1'iein out Amitirurii, tun Iline Neililng te ItriiR ul llritsy HiittliiK mill l.imie I'lelillng The Active.) Intor-state club of Heading played thelr koeoiuI game iu tills city yesterday and wen by the close f core of 10 te '.. There was one of the largest audieucivs tif the season prcs cut. K'liie of the playing by both clubs was very geed, while there was sonie that was very bad. Beth nines did terrific work at the back, the visitors excelling lu the early p.ut of tlie game, while the home club reserved their strong work until the last inning. The Helding of the home tram was very loeso aud their ugly eiters gave the visiteis a number of ruus. Landis anil Fry were the battery for the visitors, Merris, the California pitcher, playing in right Held as Carrell, his catcher, Is laid up iu Heading with a sprained ankle. L.indis did ellectlve work until the last itining.wheti lie was pounded unmercifully Fry had a large number of passed balls which gave the home club several i litis. HoiVeid and Oldlleld were the battery for the home team for the first three Innings. The balls of the former were net put iu with the usual force, owing te the fact that he was sintering from a sere arm, and they were batted freely iu tln second and third innings. OldtieM did net have an error behind the bat nor dm lug the game. In the fourth inning Uittenhouse and Ilanna were put iu as the bittcry aud tliey did geed wetk. The game was called at :i-:ti) with the visitors te tin bat, and the first three wcre retired iu short order, the Iron sides sharing the same fate In the first three inning. Iu the second inning .laceby of the visitors took his base en balls, Hepkins went out en strikes. I'emley sent a nice bill te left field, but went out try ing te make third en Friel, while laceby scored. Lambs' two base hit bieught l-'riel m and the former scored en a three bagger te right field by Fry whose run w. is made safe by the hit of Merris Beyle retired tlie club by going out at first. The third inning was opened with a three base hit by Lirklns, who was put out at third en the step of J.ioeby s lull. Hatpin went out at first aud Tomley's ball was stepped iu time by Setico who threw badly te first and allowed .laceby te score. The same error gave Friel first base aud Tera'ey oame in en Holl'etd's threw te seeend, Landis going out en a foul. Merris scored the run for the visitors in the fourth inning after his ily was mulled by Keilli and a big hit by Beyle. I peu going te the bat this Inning Sixsmith sent a ball te Lirklns who made a bad threw te first, ltittouheuso bre.ight Sixsnuth in by a geed bat ever second, and his ruu was made safu by HolTenl's hit which pascd the short step. In the fifth muing Hnlpin made first en a fumble of K-illy and eime in en the hit el Limits. In th" sixth .n-.nug Sixsmith made his llrrt after his ball was stepped and S jvuiter put out at second and scored en Miller's tly. Neither club scored in the next two innings and little tune was .-icnt at the bat by them. LarkeikS opened thn ninth inning for the M-ireri by geiug out en a tly te Hof ford iu oenlie field, Jacoby followed with a two bagger scoring en a passed ball, llat pin'ii fine hit gave him first aud he was brought in by Friel ; Tomely weut out en strikes anil Landis at first. In th-- latter part of this inning the hone team distinguished themselves by tremendous batting. They socured six runs aud at one time it was thought that they would tie the viniters. The excite meut was ititeuse ati.l the audience was almes-. wild at the fine work by our boys. Six-.mith opened the inning by going te tiistetian c:rer of the catcher, Miller geui't out en stnkes, Uittenhouse sent a high Ily almost te the centre field fence, bringing Sixsmith in aud making second hinuelf, Hetibrd'ii ball was fumbled and Hittenhoiise came in, Ilanna and Oldlleld both sent grass cutters into left Held and Ilofferd came home ou the catcher's passed ball, Keilly upon taking up the bit sent a ball whizzing te the right field fein.e bring ing 'iixstnith and Oldlleld in ; boinide third himself and came in ou a passed ball. Speuce and Sweitzer put an end te the inning aud game by going out a', first. The scjre in full fellows iKeNHiDca. ii In r. e . c OMrt.-M. c.,r. 1 1 J t ii ii Iti-Uly. 2h 1 I i i-i iinuM. .in e u .i 'I a -.wciti'r. mi e 1 1 ii HU-nnlth. I. I .1 oell Sillier, in u it It II Itltti-uli'Misi-, e. I., p i 'i ii -i I HolTenl, p,c. I I J J I 1 llanim, r. I., c 1 lilt Total 9 lu tt H i Acrivti: Sterrla, r, 1 1 i u u I'.OllH. IU 0 1 1 II i l.aiklns.l. t 0 .' i ii e Jiu-eby, 211 a I -i ii e - l n l - Tomlev, su 1 i ll 2 1 Krli'l.c. I I ': O ii 1 Luiulls, p 1 1 e 1' n Kry.c 1 1 i. '.' :i Total Ill It ft !l 7 l.NNIMIS. 1 -. a r, a 7 S u Irenilili-s ll O 0 a u I 0 0 i. ' ActtviM e i : i i ii e i a-ie Suuiuiary Total lilts, Iroiulilei 13, AciIvdh 10 Hirer busii lilts, Kiillly, l.'irklns umi Kry two liase nits, Itlttuulinusu, lirklns, .lucefiy umi I. nulls : Hlruck out, Irenslilet I, Aitlvri 4 u--ml lialls, try S: Dim, en lull", AcllM'..i I; lull en liiu. Ireimlilus a, Acttvu . wllil, llollenl 1. t'uiplre, llyiuliniiii. Time ei k'iuii.', I lieiiran t I', minutes. inn Notes, The Ndes Grays of Nlles, Ohie, are an excellent club nnd they should draw well ou Mimday. The Lauaaster club have line batters new and they should all be put en in eaeh game. Next week baseball will have no opposi tion and the games should roeoive a large patronage. Of tlie riiun runs made yesterday by the Ironsides, Sixsmith get three. The day before- Speuce bad four out of ten. The cold weather has set bard ou the Altoeuas. Manager Myers rocelvnd word this morning that they would disband this evening. Iteilly and the big hits of Hittenhoiise did the work yesterday and almost tied the tcote of the eltihs. It shown that theelulm should have as many big batters at pnssi pnssi b'e The I'hiliidtdpliia Sunday Item pretends te be a tohable sporting pipjr,butlt never notice's the games played in Lancaster, which has one of the finest amateiir teams in this or any ethor state, but it devotes e damns te reports of games botweou un heard of nines iu that city. Myers, of Ilarrisburg, will manage the Lancaster Ironsides next year. Shctzliue is wanted at Lanoaster also Philadelphia llicerd. Ne, .Mr. .Myers will net ceme here ai Lancaster has plenty better men te matiage ball clubs, but he will go te Philadelphia te take eharge of a ulub, Shotzliueis tlie las', man iu the profession that Lancaster would want, as he has very low friends here. The umpiring of Mr. Hyndman yester day wai net as oerreot as it should have beuti. In oiieiutilug after two of the Ae live moil were out, a foul tip was caught by Ilanna. It was called a strike, how ever, and several ruus were afterwnrds soured. Mr. Hyndman says that he did net bear it, and that Is likely, as he would uet Intentionally de the home ulub an injustice Anether close decision was made at third when an Active runiier was declared safe while theso who were sitting near say that he was put out by Bponce. (Inities l'luyeil Klsewhore YesteriUr. At Bosteu Bosten 2, Buffalo il. I'rev idoneo Pioviileneo ((, Olevelatid 1). New Yerk New Yerk 10, Uhloige 1 Celum bus, Ohie -Metropolitan 0, Columbus 1. Cincinnati -Uiueluuatl 10, Baltimore 2. Louisville KellpMi 0, Allrghuny 7 : toil Innings were played. Mt. Letila St. Luuls 11, Athletic 111, Philadelphia August 1- lower II. Seiuiner i. I'hlladelphla Do De holt U, Philadelphia II Trenten Broek, lyn :i, Trenten !). I'OI.U.SIIIIA NI'.IVM. ITinii Our l(P:iilnr (liiriniiiiniiiit, Tuesday a week, late markets will begin, Mr. T. C. Stnner gave a veiy pleasant puty last evening, at his farm, near town. Heddy liwln wis locked up fei throwing stones, this morning. The new houses of Mr. Fred. Bueher, situated en Sixth nnd Walnut streets, ate finished. They are very neat lu appear ance. One bundled copies of the history of L.tucastur county, were sold In Celumbi.i, jesterday. Our cigarmaUeiii will held a ball In the armory en Thursday evening, Septomber 2;tb. The P. It. It. ompleicii exclusion fiem Columbia te Philadelphia this morning had Kcveti cars well filled w ith inn eltlcns, llev. J, II. 1'iilz, of eik, will preach te-morrow morning and evening iu Mt. Jehn's Lutherrti church. The funeral of Miss Kate dossier, whose death we noticed last evening, will lie buried ou Monday at 11 a m , from the home et her sistei in-law Mm. Geerge Crane. A woman Htippescd te be halfwitted, was arrested last evening, by Office Hod Hed etihelmer Her home is net known nsshe refuses te talk. What will be dene with her is net yet known. Hairy .McDonald, aed 10, while playiug with a companion yesterday was jiushud ever an embankment unit bad oue of his arms fractured and dislocated at the elbow. The Columbia lied Stockings cress bats with the Wrightsvllle club in that village, this afternoon. Martin Funk will be given a heating, en complaint of Ofllcer It idenheiser, for drunken and disorderly conduct, before 'Squire Frank. Officer Gilbert took , i coleied in m te jail for 3 days this morning for drunk and disorderly conduct. Tlie It.iint l'.iMri;uiiU8il The members of the old Citizens' baud formed a permanent organization last evening, and in future will be known as the Columbia coruet baud. The follow ing officers were elected President, Jas, D. Slide ; vice president, Andrew Kraft: treasniei, B. r'rauk Musser . secretary, Peter A. Kimhurg ti ustees. Jehn Woy Wey mer. Hairy I'nuiey and William Faley. They have several new members, and as a bright future is bofero them we hepn they will be successful in all of their undertak ings. lelnmtiU 11eliuillt i:ptfliii llhtirrti. The services te-morrow at the Mctlio Mctlie dist Episeep il church Will bj of an tin. usuilly interesting eliarieter. The day lias been i-et npatt for the reception of probitieners into full membership in the church About ninety per wins have been rweonimeuded ter reception. The pastei, ltev W. Humpliriss, will deliver a ser mon in the morning of special appreprla turn te the occasion. Subject . "Onward an.i I pward . or, the Foundation, Pro gress and Consummation of the Christian Character." The service of the reception of members will occur in the evening. It will be a great day Iu the history et Methodism in Col umbia. cllill lUIIUUIIIII Mils I lit mill Arm, tlie I'mniljf I.lnr.. Gypsies are plentiful in the interior of the state. Tue Oettysburg p.nking emipany has put up ITH, 100 cans of I'm it se fnr this ca.en. Tbe sixth annual convention of the Millers' stale associiUen will ba held In ilarrisburg en Tuesday, Oct. 0, 18't, at 2 o'clock p. in , te continue for two days. The jury at Chester iu tluo.ise of Win. Cellins, charged with the murder of ins wife, jcsterd.iy returned a verdict of mur der iu the Bicend degree. The murder wan eimnutted iu June last In a little hut en Itidley creek, oue nule from Clics ter. The story oemes from Pottaville that Miss Annie Stern-r, of that place, who has b;en atfected with spinal disease for the last nine years, aud c mid net walk even with the aid of crutches, had a dream lately iu which she was told she was enroll. She get awake, arose, walked areiiud the Heur and is new quite rccev ercd. David Shar.idiu, assistant marshal at the Kittztewn, Berks ceuuty, fair, met with a painful accident Friday afternoon. He was in the act of mounting ids lierse when the Arbntis land marched pas'-, en their way t ihe fan- grounds. The musie startled the herse ; Sharadin's feet slipped I rum the stirrup mid hu was thrown under the hnriir, the animal treading en the light leg and breaking the ankle. sr.w .iucn;i;i. sii;ii:ii. I' irne-ri In l.uiu Hierr unit Uticnter Cimmirs l'erin mi OrcimUatlim iVitiLlii-sier liluge Iti'tenl A new ngiicnltural and horticultural seciety has been formed in the western pat t nf Chester and eastern part of Lan. castct counties, which is te be known as the Octoraro Agticultiiral and Horticul tural society. It is composed of sonie of the most i reminciit and enterprising farm ers of the neighborhood, and its first exhibition will be held iu Atgleu hall, Atglcu, Chester county, en October 12 and l:, day and evening, Samuel W. Whitson has been chosen president and David II. Braiiheii secretary. There will be no exhibits of live stock or herse lacing this year ; tlie spoelalty of the soeioty lielug te exhibit farm and garden product, npccimeiiH of handiweik, curiosities, llewem, plants, cee. Argmiiniit l.'eurt. The court is still busy hearlng argil" meut iu cases, and current business. W. H. Pmkerteu was awarded an issue en an appeal from tlm award of vlowers te assess the damages by the epening of Shipped street te Grceti ntroet. Kate Wenlmrt, of tills elty, was divorced from berliusbatid Jehn Wenhnrt, en the gieunds of ill treatment. E H. Harr was divorced from his w ife Marp Ann, ou tlie (rounds of adultery. l.uncasinr County Oil. Mmletlii Ueglster. Henry Molehor, the man who discover ed oil in his well at a small village te the north or Bainbridge, was recently offered $5,000 for It aud ten per cent, of the pro pre duot by a Philadelphia parly, but he did net aoeept. The product et the well is called " rock" oil, belng liner nnd henvler than petroleum. smug tlm Kullreitil i:eiiuny. Jehn H. Fitzgerald for himself and the boteugh or Mount Jey has ontered thirty live suits against the Pennsylvania rail rail read company for violating the ordlnanee regulating the spaed of trains within tlie borough limits. riie Injured Ainu. Charles Bryan, tlm fakir, who svas struek with a hatohet at thostate fair by Hamnel Sproul en Thursday, is in about the same condition as yesterday, nnd Is likely te recover. Sent out. Wash Craig and his wife Mary, who are well known In poliue elides, were arrested yesterday for being diunk and disorderly. Baeh received a sonteuen of r days by Alderninn Forilney, THE STATE PAIR. ill. list PHI MIUIIiH OK Till KMMlllllON niini'.iiiiK ..iitm iii .innril Thn i.ii.iv Trials Itlilrri-Niimii Aitilllliiiinl rrriiin,,,,, Awiinluil, Vestetilay the atlimdaui-e at the hide pimdent state lull wuh nbeut 53,500. Thrie was nethliig tiaiisplred worthy of partleu lar uotlce except the trials et speed whleh worn mere elosely oentestod than theso or preceding days. Tlie !! Se i rt, At2 o'clock yesterday aftotiieon the hoi sen ter the Sfle trot were called up. Of noises ter me a seu trot were called the pntr les made only five nptioiue traek-" Is," MagR0 Boahelfe, Be Ned Lambert nnd Pat. In the tit cared en the . Bcssle AI.. lin tL.i I. . M..r 1...1 ii i.:.; ...".."'" ""', i i .1 uii ' i i "' ,"' wa, outside, but the latter having n Km)l lc,v! ,,, across the traek at the lower turn euttlm eir both Ned and Pat. Bofero w wlffi the half mile, bowevor, Pat .went te front, and kept that position until uear tlie finish when Bessie made a spurt and wei the heat by half a length Pat second, Ned thbd, "Is" feurth.aud Maggle neat I v -I distunee behind. Time, 2:IJ. V Iu the second heal " Is" took a lead at the lower turn and held it te the three quai ter nole where Bessie went te tlie Irent. She looked like a winner but lest her feet en the homestretch and "Is" pull ed in under the wire a length ahead, Pit third, Ned fourth and Maggle fifth. Time, hi the third heat Maggie Basholle was drawn, the ethers hail a very beautiful start. At the lower turn and aleni' iu, baokstreteh "Is" was te the ftcnt.'Ncd second, Pat third mid Besslo fourth, each separated from the ethers by about two lengths. At tlie end of the half mile Ned had managed te get te the rrent, Bessie, second, Pat third nnd "Is" fourth. Before reaching the three quarter pole Besslo had gene several lengths te the front, Ned having broken bdly. Bessie kept a lead of six lengtliR, but thorn was a very prettj contest among all eihets f.i- second place all of them belli lapped as thci passed under the wire Ned second, Pat third and "Is" fourth. Time 2-HI. Fourth lleit. The Wind was glven aftei seviral false statts, and Bessie took a siigiu lean, neiwitiistaiiillug a very bad break ns she rounded the lower turn. She led at tlie quaiter pole, with Pat second, Is third aed Ned feuith. Thin position was kept until after the half inile wa made, when Is broke ami fell back te fourth place, Bctsie winning the heat and race by four lengths. P.u second, Neil third and Is fourth. Time 2. 12. Follewinc is a nummary : Trolling preiiiliini, ti. nei or illil liotter tlum ii). ler lierr, II. ,i HiAile St., lr in., T. .1. Mlililugii, ' 1," . it., Iailnr Newiiiin. ., I'llt, 1 .g.. Kll. Sin Oilll;ltl Nii.1 Lambert, k . Aiiit. llhlm .. Sliistuli' lluilu'lli', Ii in , ll. I). Cnrter I I Or. mm' 1 ll. : l IS, .-1 II, .- tie -i via itt. Fer this event there were three entries, but only two st.utiiia lehn N. and Black weed Belle. The contestants get the wen I at the first scoring. Jehn pulled slightl) ahead at the lower turn and le by two lengths at the quarter iile. At ttie half mile Belle pulled up in, I lapped the horse, and hail a slight lead at the thre qiurtiir pole, The race down t1 e homestretch va well emtcsted, but Jehn passed under the wire a short length ahead. The inile was trotted without a skip by either hote Time 2.I1SI. Seeend mi. The word was again given at the first scoring Jehn haviug a little the best of It; at the quarter pole the mare closed en him, and at the half mile the two passed under the wire neck ami neck Belle seen aftct watds broke and lest three lengths This jioiiiieii was maintained until the homestretch was entered where Belli made an effort te close the gap. The race home was a pretty ene but the mare could net quite make it though tli wlup was vigorously applied, Jehn reach ing the pcore a short length ahead. Time 2:35 1 . Tttnt Hint. An cit'ii Mutt ; Jehn pul'i a a little ahead at lower turn, skipped at quarter pole but did net lest) the Icid ; at end of half mile he was a length ahead and at at ilircu quarter p de three length'i ahead. Iu rounding the upper turn Belle ran up and cellared the herre ami the) came dewu the homestretch together at a rattling gait, Jehn passing under the wu only a head iu the lead. Time V:M Following is a summary : Tretting priiiiitiiin el $n, lm li.r-i - thai iinvcr illil liultur llmit'J:'i. .Inlm N., Ii if, I". .1. AIIiI.I.imi.... I I I Ul.U'kwoet lleJlc, lir. in, Umi. A .Myers - -' ' 'II JSSX, -1V, -.- I.'. Tlie l.mly lllilrs. During tfie aftorueon the lady cquns triennes, Miss Mertle Peck and Mailame Marantctte aprearcd ou the track ineuiiti-d en vicious thoteiighhrods. Madame's sited reared and plunged and bucked until he finally threw her ever his head, liei long skirt catching en the pommel of hei saddle and placing the lady iu a ver awkward and dangerous position. Tin Tin Tin borae was iu.ed by two or three glooms and Madame remounted She applied the rawhide vigorously te the hor?e and dashed around the track at a high rate el speed. When she had thoroughly sub ilued the animal, she rede up in front el the grand stand and was introduced te the assemblage as was also Mir.s Peek, and their ten mile raoe wai announce 1 by the judges. The Independent slate fair closes tin-, afternoon. Thore was very little of inter est attaching te ll this morning and the attendance was small. Many exhibitors vcre engaged iu rimieviug their exhibits, and the greuuds pie.- ntrd rathui a dilapi dated appearance, being strewn with tens of thousands of oireulnis, handbills, e.uds, ifce,, that had been thrust into the handu el visitors by agents ami exhibitors, and tlnewn away and trampled tinder font by an unappieolative audience. The principal attraction Uii.s morning was tlm oxerolso of their horsen by tire huly riders who are te participate in the ten mlle raoe this afternoon. They speed ed a number thoroughbreds evor the trade, making veiy geed time, but nf course no record wns kept of it. Tlie following additional premiums are atieiiiicrd : Jacob Fooke for limn heating feet stme ami tobacco steamer, Adam H. nnd Jehn Keller, for bent dis piny of wines. Bets; it Itlchaids, for two free hand crayon drawings of animals. Israel L. Landis, diploma for patent fence and gate. W. C. Glndcr, diploma for farm gate. Geerge .elgler, (list premium for bctl Clalrgeau pears, F. F. Feiilk, Biownatewn, Lancaster county, flue cigars, first premium. The lair will oleso tills iiftorneoti with the races heretofore aiiuoutieed. It huii been an eminent success se far as attend attend ancels concerned, nnd whlle some depart ments were net well represented, the ex dibits shown were unlfeiiuly of a very superior oliaracter, Iliilere tlie Mayer. The mayor had threo cases bofero him this morning. Themas Housten nn old friend of the polle3, who has net been caught for sotne tlme was arrested by Officer (Jroamer whlle drunk aud begging. IIe get fit days, Frank Beeth, while drunk en Middle streer, was arretted by Officer Hteluwnndel nnd get 10 dnvs. An An other " boezor" who was very tlrid was allowed te go ou paymeut of costs, Inerrnie ul Unpltal Nteeli, The directors of tlie New Helland national bank havu decided te iticreare the capital stock te $100,000, r.n iuoreaie of 25,000 or 0U4 ptr cent. M