fi-f LANCASTER DAILY INTJ3l.iJL.IGl.N( 101. T nrri Y, SKPTWMIJIOH 0. li-8... Hi- i a i- Lancaster ititclUgcnrcv. TII01WDAY BVniN0,BBPT,20, 1BU3. The Knllreml Umpires 1'iinclleii. Commissioner Fink, wliose function it is te keep tlie leading railroads from cut ting I heir threats In their etniRKlcs for tliteugh business, te3llllca I)efore the cengrcailnual committee In explanation of hi duties. Ue regards liIs.i.ll.cens a bureau of information for the railroad companies sustaining it. He finds out evcrythlng of Interest te the movers of frclshts. He discovers hew heavy a charfie dlffeient kinds or freight will bear at different seasons or the year, and advises his companies thereof. Then he determines what portion of the frelRlit competliiB companies should carry. He regards his olllce as n benellcial one te tlie public us well as te the railroads, slnceit is important te business Interests that steadiness in canyins charges shall be established. And there isnodeult that tills Is really desirables ; though it i3 net deslrable te the business commu nity that It should luive n steady IiIbIi freight charge Instead of a steady low one. Mr. Vlnk, however, considers that frelBht charges will never be madoteo high through his bureau, slnce natural causes will always keep them down. He cites water transportation as one of such causes ; and a very important pre tcctien it is. There is also protection in the number of cempcthiB companies ; for although they are combined under the slngle control of Mr. Fmkas te llu-lr rates of freight, the higher these rales aromade the greater Is the temptation te each company te attempt te steal man' than Its share. Mr. Fink Ileitis it ut dlfllcult te prevail upon honestly Willi each ether. As long as there Is enough freight offering te Ktep them busy all around, he has an easy berth : but this seldom happens. The earning facilities are generally grea'er than the demand, and the tendency in a railroad company te setza upon what it wants is net te be restrained by its agreement te take only a part of the business it can get. Without Mr. Fink's office the different carrying companies would contend with each ether for freight until they were all bankrupted. Then they would be reorganized under a smaller capital and would be nb!e te de business at smaller charges. The country generally would be bencll'fd. Mr. Fink's duty Is te stay this natural process, and te enable the heavily cap italized railroads te earn dividends. While he is doing this ether railroads are being built, with tin; expectation of getting the business of the eiiler reads because they can de it cheaper. If their projectors would build geed ivad3 as cheap as possible and j capitalize them at their act tint cost, the) would net need te join Mr. Fink's poe! te get all the business they, can de. lint the temptation te make ia big profit speedily is loe great for them te resist and they get up an inside construe! inn company, which is very moderate in its appatte If it does net make mere than a hundred per cent, prelit en Us udven ture in building the railroad. Take Mr. Vanderbilt's low read, for instance, through Pennsylvania. Ii is te be built tiytl.e American construction company ; mid the mad h te give away a thousand dollars In its stock for every thousand dollars in bonde subscribed by its projectors and tln-ir f Howls. 'I bus in the llrst step taken the read is capital ized at dotible the amount it pays its construction company; and t here may be a still further prelit te that leeel" There i.s an explanation heie of the pro pre test made te lh' governor and Legisla tuie that the $10,000 of stock and bends authorized by the geneial railiead law neiiiu nut. uiiiiicu U) OIIIKl UilS le.ld, which it was said was te 1 lied at :tn enormous cost and nearly a dead level ever the hills uud valleys of the state If this read is ever built it will probably have se great a capital te earn lntm-nt en that it will apply te ceiu in undo, Mr. Fink's protecting wing and lu-g a pIiu re of the business that is going. Hut some day this nice way of making a ter lime by building a uiilread, leaving suit tequent owners te lese thulr's in running it, will come te an end. i is i,et a very lively business evi n imw. There ianetlung very inviting in railiead pieperty a rail, read projects. We have an ever suppiy, for the present. When Mr. Fink gi-ls in the end of his rope in his elfeil te give a living subsistence te his numerous hungry clients, they will go undir ii,i. auctleneei'j hamiiier and lailremU wm ha cheap. Commissioner Fink dots net want the government te own the railroads as tin j de en the Uiirep-aii continent. Neithei de we He objects because he thinks the business Is tee full or detail for govern nient management. We object because it is tee full or opportunities of stealing for government elllcers We knew by experience that they are net te be trusted In the American ii'ineiphere. The lieople are safer in the hands of private band of railroad rebbui s, who will fall out ever the plunder and give honest men a geed eh moo for their dues. Tun new postage law will go Inte effect en October 1 and the preparations of business men te take ad vantage of its mero liberal previsions are se general nuil exteuslve that it premises at an early day te se atimulate the postal bual ness of the country as te make it certain that the great Increase of mall matter will mero than compensate for the reduc tion of ratti. The drop from three te two cents for ordinary letter pestage is a very decided ene and will or course create an Immediate shrinkage of reve iitics from that source, but there will be many mero letters sent and a vast number of circulars, lithe graph and cepygrnph epistles, new asnt rer one cent in unsealed euvi. lopes, will be sent, hereafter nit sealed letters at the' new and cheaper r.ite, se that there will be ahirge Increase In that direction. Thegevernment has net seen fit te erder any reduction of drop letter rates, uud It will cost as much hereafter te carry a letter ncress the street as across the continent. This anomalous condition of things Is of course only tern. yerary. The government having sup. pressed nil local delivery agencies cannot afford te maintain these high and unpop ular rales te Ilia public Inconvenience; the ene cent rate for drop letters must come in the very near future. , " Philadelphia Politics? The Republicans of Philadelphia se lected their county ticket yesteiday ; leueminatlug (ion. s. Graham for dis trict attorney and W. K. Littleton rer clerk or quarter sc33leii3 j naming Dep uty Corener Themas J. Powers rer coie ner and E. Harper, Jeffries for controller. The strength of the nominations is pep ularly estimated te be about in the order wehave named them. Against them the Democrats are tolerably certain te put Inte the Held W. W. Ker or Cel Reltert P. Dechert for district attorney, Gen. Oeo. It. Snowden for clerk of iuar ter sessions, Dr. W. IT. Heeper for coroner and S. Davis Page for controller. The Itepiiblicans of the best pelltica1 judgment, appear te be cenlldent of Graham y election and hopeless of Jeffries'. Tills feeling arises mainly from the attitude of the independent Repub licans of the city, represaiited by the Cjinmilteoef One. Hundred, and fairly oppressed by the l.aljrr, which, in Its review of the situ itien today says . Wherever tbe uomineo in the ineumlitnt of the nflice for which he is new a eamli d.ite, has acquitted himself well, has acquired exorieticc, has proved his ability ami lidehty te the public service, he is entitled te the llrst placs in the voter' favor, miles thore is another cindi.iote who is olearly suparier in these dein te stratcd qunllllcatteus. fu otlier winds the c.vididote who i.s pat forward te tlisploce an approved, faithful and competent in cumbent should be. unmistakably liottei fitted for the ofllce nthorwUe the vetei should holder with firm grip te the faith f il officer he tins. This Idea Is suppose.', te slienglhen Graham and Page; it is net se sure that L'tlleten and Powers will net suffer by omparisen with the men whom Iho D.'inecrats will name as their contest ants, and imWd tip woele Republican ticket is one that encourage the Dome cr.its of Piilladelphia te make a hopeful light against it. The Lcdi r says that it is indispcusible that the cenl.vller shall be incapable of being tnlluenced by "friends," by politicians, by contractors, by jobbers', or by anybddy or thin;, except the law and his etlicial duty. This is well understood te rule out Mr. Jeffries, who is " Rewuu's man." In almost the siuie snse Littleton is " LpciIs' man,' aud Powers is ' I, tne's man," a relict of the odious city recorder's nillee. The people of Philadelphia have repc.v'elly shown of late Unit they are tired ei the llrem of Rewan, Lane, Lenh. A Ce Tin: New Yerk Republicans had a very tame and spiritless convention yes terday. It was distinguished mainly by a general manifestation of hopelessness in the election of thpslate uilicers renein inated, and by tin1 sticcesjfuleffert of the Stalwart factle i of the party te cap ture the organization for use in the res identinl contest next jear. There was net even a geed sized pretense at recon ciliatien between the Stalwarts and the Hall 1', and tby did net come te blows simply because, they bad nothing worth lighting ever. 1 1 is te be ebser vi il by Mr Wharten Darker and these who I think with him, that their f.umtis " dis tributien of surplus " idea was snubbed by the New Yeik Republicans. They sjem te ii?rei with the IVtimylviMla Democracy in favor of ' bringing Lixi tien within the lowest practicable limits, the reduction of the ferca of public elllclals te the lowest number consistent with the requirements of the service, mil the adoption of every practical means that will diminish tlie burdens of taxa tien ;" and " a system of tariff laws iindei which while revenues for the government is provided Amciic.ui pu ducers nie justly protected, American lab r elevated and home mirkets arc secured te home products, for the advantage alike of the ptndiuer aud labor r." Tin: ceuit approved the leceininen. dati tu el the Ijst grand jury for the elec tion of a hospital for pvtiutits MilTeriug from eint.'imiiHdide.iKc.s It must e i.ji FlleM the headleng baste with which the li-adiug Republican ceididatefi S2imp!id ..If tlie unb.iniateriil track in Masharlnin it it leek ai tb 1114U Alt in IJen IlutliT will liavn another walk ever. Wiuti; Rkid Ii.ih ambi tieiM and ii lutpefiil that lux unniiiia linn te thu I'uitid Status tfouate willinstitute an eim if feeling in Inn patty in New Yeik. Mr. Cuiikling hIieiiM 8.111I0. Tiik M.uyl.uid Demoeiati have dene the the host thiu peisibl.) in the prosent hlatu of juuty diMtiuQtien thcre by iiemiuatiiiu Robeit M. MeLanu fei g.jvurner. lie U a very able mid upright man, of lirge public fxpeiinnce as cengredimaii ; his Bolceliun will give genural fiatihfuoiieti and restore party hiimeuy. lll.suv L. Pikiicr doelhiod te take the Republic xii nu nuiatie-i for govcr gevcr ntr el M m'lohiHettH, which hii puty huiihl te f,trce upon him bec.iusu he fearcd en Mm nun M,i u u,rijl1 pers.'iuil warr.ire fieni Ibitlur and 011 ike otlier Rcpublieau troachery h- Ind voted axahiHt the consumma tion el thu electoral infamy. The trouble whicli the opponents of Hutler have in liiidinga nun te run a;mnt him in nn iudiciti.tu of increased stiength Tin: eia of cheap newspapers has nvi. dently hut in. The rcdiicliuu of the price of the New Yerk 7Vm from four t) tw.i ocnUhiisaheady eaused the Tribune te drop rieni four te three ceuts, and rumor has it that tlie Herald will ceme down te tv, mU.a-id tlie San will ere len-,'app.iar as a p tiny newnpapcr. Tliuse sweepliig ehanj'cs will hav tin toudmiey te revelii U011I.0 nowspaper prices 011 tlui hIiIe of 1 he Atlantic. It is te be hoped that U10 icduotien in prices will net oaiue dctoiler. iitlnn in merit in tbose pipers which Inve engaged hi the iuv depirtuie. Tiik secretary of the treasury has umde another call of th j !J jnr 03iit bjinls for Doe. 1, and pjwens who bold any of thin kind wlllde well te Heruttnlzi their niimbairt andlftlieyaroliwluded in thU Hut 1. jnre for thelr redomptlen In Decamher ; WO-migliial number 072 te original 1111111' ber 1, wa luobisne. $100 original iiumLer 0,720 te original iiiimher I), 130, both Inclu sive $500 original nutnber 3,07 te ordinal numbei .'!,U77, both inclusive. $1,000 -original number IS,07'J te original uumber 'JJ,li:.i bntli inebini. $10,000 original numbei 07,010 in mini ber 3d, Sin It ith iiichlsne I'.dal 915, 00OO0O PfciATUUES OV TnMiTl AT15 I'ttESS. The Columbia Ceuriint wants t 1 " let .left' Davis go." Whe'n holding him " The Ocimantewn Telegraph nlildly en earages crotnatlen. The 1'i-ct damns w 1 tit faint puiiKe the nomination of Jeffries for controller. The Mnnriiin thinks thcre should be railroad gates at ti)0 itrcet oresjingR in Imieaster. The liuUetm ealls Rv. liener Newton's testimony en the labei U.-nt phi "a lllght of fancy." M. P. Handy, managing rditer of the Vcn, has teturiicd from his Kurepean trip ami will it at the head of the table at the next Clever Club diutier. The Philadelphia lie,- rd think that thcre is mero piety In a $500 soup house than in a $100,000 ohureh altar. Hew much piety is there in $300,000 nevoe-story and a-tewer printing ertije ? The .VerfA .lifri'i;i is gratilletl t) hear that Philadelphia is really aud truly a city ofewrotio hundred aud soventy thutisaud heiisc- and mere than MXtoeti hundred, miles of public highw,i3S. The Pittsburg !'( thinks there liolllO lielllO tliing in the apprelionmeti thnt unless the slate is apportioned ; as the federal law commands, out delegation in the -('''.h Congress which will bi elecL-d next fall, will be jeopardized. The llteerd declares that thete is but one altcrnatiie for the Democrats of the Heuse, aud that i- te adjourn new or resign at ouce aud salimit the q te.stien be tncen them aud the Republican ma ml of the Set.ate te the people m a new elec tien of representative'! hi November. The Philadelphia l.tdjcr thinks the gov ernor's niessage ' is a streag p.-e.scutatun of the cciMiinible attitude into which the ebstructives an 1 f.ictioeists iu the I.gisla ture have get that bedy. has done his duty in calling the ntembers of the Legislature te de theirs. If they waste half a vear and hue Ircds of thou sands of dollars in failing, ueglcftiug or lefusiug te de it, tkey are neeetintable and net he." PERSONAL. i i 1. 1 s M S.K1.1 hiit, of Italy, greatly a lumen American women's (.we, and i-he has reason te, Lestch Wau.m k the actor, el New Yerk, is ill, but net wrieunly, 1' is be be eoved. Mit-. biNeTin will letnrn te I. tnden next week, sailtnif tlipnce f'r New Yerk en October 0 Mr..-. Knwi.N Adims, ividew of the emi nent ncter, is reported te be dyinrf of pir alysis at I.eng Rranrh. Mil Ikvivi.. the Kiilibli actor, will sail for New Yerk by the Hntantnc 011 October II. His eempinywiM '.:irt by the City or Reme en the 10:h. Mil SNI Mil- llF.Nin K. JollNsreN, arrived in New Yerk, en the Scrvta, en Tuesday, aftei vcr.l yearn nbsonce in Riirepe, and will be at Wheatland next i-iinilay. llr.Mn Pii ii. m.i.sfu, Riehaid J. McCirauu, Mijer Chailes M. Hewell, Jehn Keller, 01 Lancaster anil L. L. Rtih, i.f lbrd in Hand, v.jie gu,kU of C il Pallor, Pin-' Grove fnruice, Cumberlaud e unty, at an iliberate eiciirnieu putv fven tlifie by him en Woduesday (il'.NFitii. M( DpwKi 1 litelyennmaii'l'T of the military division el u , I'acille, was eer 1011 sly injured by Deng thrown from .1 bngy at rfau Francisce en Tues day. Hit ni)cin -1 aie cerebral, his in tid wanders and he e vision illy flsinea cem.ituse stae. Tiiiimvs Hii.iim invited all the people el the Rugby, Tenu., colety te n biuquet at the Tabard Inn Tlie feast was given 1 1st Friday night and thcre woregay timen. Mr. Hii'hea cxpeets te lem.tin with his m .titer at Rugby ler nhtitt amunMi, when lie will return te Knglaud. C11iKK.I1 -in k Ari-M.niN, of Miiinp, is the recipient of b.nni'.iets in that Htate jut new. He is nbuiit 10 utne front the bench after seivioe in the supreme court of a third of a century. He has been a m.imber f the Maine bm for mero than fifty yeim, and haa beiin chief justice for twoiity-euo Viir.s. Zei. v, the Pifiieli wnter, driiilss brandy and water while at work. Jehn Bright, tlie Hiulisli statesiiian, h.n net touched p rits for lei yiarn. and helinds his health iu.lireved. Canen F.irrar is a total ab ittaiuer. Pres! lent An hur drinks geed rye whisky during tin day, ami never le tSau a bottle of champagne at dinuei O'De.nniii.i., who inurderrd Caiey the iiiformei is forty five jcaisi.ld and in n iiiilite of Meraelmldy, county Doueal, Ireland. He Ii.ih been te Amerha several tunes ; .served 111 the war ; livid for Heme thnu in Philailelnliia. and kei.t. n public, house en the Canadian bor der. He invested hii funds iii miter milieu ami i-emnn bends and l,t l,m money. Crlinu'n l.'mniiilnr. l''ivt) Italian nivvin.q nnnwr,ml initn stabbing of n fellow l.merer en the Phila- uui)iiii:i, niniiigten ami lialtunme rail- iime, a huiiii uinetimii since, went tried in lllUillL'tnil. Del.LW.'llK. vnulfM.lnu I',.. dence was mibniittpil that 0110 of the accused identillcd by pcisen, but net by irime, was net present when tlie stabbing conned ; and ns tbe jmy had 110 meaiw e? miiiiiig eiil wueuier 1110 innocent man was Palito, Week, (ienie, Holette or Mercal (the nanmi guen by the partis), thev iirqiiittcd nil. The wife el Ruv. A . W. c. ...... ..... or a Methodist church at Ithiea, N. Y hiiii-cd hersell yesteiday in the garret of her heiiH". U irt Nlld that her Im.-ibl. tu peer. Jehn J.ii vis shot aud killed Cledius IllllllOV. ill PrineiiHS A mm .inme.. r .... illOflllaV. Iho inurdnrnr. vchr. i,m .1 1. at the time, and appears te have had no provocation, escaped te a neighboring swamp. Kin vielini leavei a wife and six Dlllitl I'll. Philip Sellurrt and his stopaen, Oce. W ISrOWII. foil. 'Ill lit. Ilm fr..m. I ,.. altlmore en I epsil.iv 11 li An.,.. .1... light .elleis was found dead en the Meer. i own nas neon arrcstcil. Tlie rirmiieii'A tJentetitlun. --' n nue.siuii in urn iiremcirrt oenyentiou atHoranteu was taken up with loiitiue biulntmi. It was decided that a 1111 .11111 ihiead forheso coupling for the enll.e Hlate shall ba six threads te tlie neh. '1 he president appointed the fellow itig oxecutlve ejniinlttei. for the uiubi" year: 11 UrvHen McCool R. A. ),rPf (J. iV 1 m ' -h-"jriii, h. 11. uern, Hchroeruer. I. P.'Wanger, S. Owe'n and s'. A. Bleel. '1 he convention adjourned shut 1II0 In the afleriiueii. TJ10 annual parade took phce te day and 011 Friday there, will be auoxenrslen ever the Moeslo hii-h POLITICAL. Tin: Mi.Mi.N.iiiu.-ss niAiti. M'.stkud.w Viirimis Stuie Cem entities Tlie nttirylattil tieineriiitic Tiei.M Miiinpii-riii'i LtiUfPtis i:,'iitbllr.ii)s. The Doinecralie nUte eonventlon el Mnryland met 111 lliltlniure and ergni)t!"'d, with iti. Philip 1'r.inem Tb 1111.IH ns peinrmeiit pieitleti . The following ticket was iieuiinatd : I'm gov ernor, Rebert M McLatte, of Maltimere ; attorney gencral, Charlen 15. Rebert, el Cairell ; controller, J, Frank Turner, of Talbot. Hx-Uev. Cirrell ptenentpd the report of the committee n H.soliiiiens which was adopted. I he platform den neunce the declaration of tbe election of Hayes in 1870 a fraud uleiit ; declares the tuotlieds adopted ler electing Uarfleld iu IsSOas di.sere.btable , denounces the Republican for making public taitd.ithe spoil of corporations, for Kiuatideiiug money bv uiaiiitaing a horde el idle placemen, 'for lueakiug up rum mcree and no nu. It demands that national taxation be limite I te the nui unit neces sary for an oeenoniioal abninntr.Uien of the govarument and fei the ledemptii.n of thodebt gradually. I' ihiiiu tint tbe Doniecrats have lightened taxation 111 lh. state, have fullllled all pt'ciiinuy obliga tions aud wi!l emleatei te remedy any unjust discrimination against local inter ests which may be pi.f'.icd byierp.H.i ttetis in the ittnte. .iluxailiusetis i;.-iuL1I('hi.s. The Republican state e mvetilieu of Massachusetts met yesterday in Bosten Charles R, Ced man was chosen perini nent chairman and made 11 long speech largely dovetod te 11 itermir llatler. He referred te Hutttt- an " a man of national noteiioty." Uoergo I). Robinson, of Chicopee, congressman ir.mi the Rleti-ntli district, was nominated for governor en the first ballet, he iceetwiK ''UO out of l,li I votes. Oliver Ames was nominated for lieutenant goveniei. Tlte ticket was completed as foil -s . S victn-y el state, Retry II. Price, el Abnigten ; treasurer, Daniel A. Gloaxen, el Med ford ; ntterney general, Rdgar J. ShciQian, of Lawrence , auditor, Chis. R .w., of Spriugtleld. The loseluti.ins begin by siylng . " Iu pre.eutinij te the pp'oef MiVhiaclm-elts its c.iDdid ites fe.- Btate etlie.'s, the Repub lic n party docs uet deem it neoeMiary thin year te elbsr any formal s'.atemcut of political principle'. Tin se pntuiplcs have been often declared." A brief summa tion of principles it tin n given. and the resolutions wiud up with a vigorous de uunciatie 1 of what m iv b. tcrtnrd " -lerism.' .Sew YerJt llriinbllrau. I'lu New Yerk ((publican st t-eoentpn ti n m -t nsterdAy at Kichiield Springs. S.mater Warner Mill.-r was mule p?rma-n-mr rhairm in aad a 1 .ressisl the e.inveti tien at great length Tite folletviog ticket was nemimted Secret iry of state, Jeseph H fair ; eontre'l.-r, Ira C. Deven jKtrt : treisuuT, Piiny'l. s -xteu . engui'-et Silas SjyniJiir : n4! ir:.e geura', Leslie W. RusM'll T.'" ra lu'ieas fav r " a ijstiui 'ii tariff I tsi under which, ultile reveille fei the g tvernnient is provided, AmeiuMit producer. are justly protected;" and als favor tbj Mibm,.MOu of .1 proli' preli' b.ti -it iii.i'r.dment t the popular vote. MAIIOSK IIKMII'.IVKII Sir lirinliirr l--si,re..- uu opinie et 1'elltlrs 'ii t irqlul t. Y.i liovcicer Charab iliin, of Seuth Carolina. lleW in New Yerk. Iiwirntfnn r leai letter teex Representative Doz-nderf, or urieiK, t.i regard te the sitaatnn 1:1 Yuginia. As .1:1 explanation for discu-is ing the ra'ijec: I'himbsri un say bi has, as a Repnblt"a'.i, caiiie 1 thi right te ex press bis viws freely up m m itters 0 in corning tlia w.'f.ire if V.a pvtty at the R-j-idjiite. or Mh .r." pu'y It'ave.ved an 1 ihanu-less tepu liati n at, 1 peMi'il aggraadueraent of ps leaders, one of whom is the embodiment of b.tai s-n Ma'-. n . h : s iy, ,j t' e punc- ..f hu -k ster in pubii'.iili-, m the Rj yp.ib! cm paityat Was'. 11 '...i h'.i ivr!)k-l or lided th's b-ji.i-,. h., v 'e 1.1 the S-!ut! ha be -t given in aid el some part'-a-i Mt.iuglc, ,ri I b?3au-,e of thu b l.ef tha' h.- pa ty 1 1 Virginia wx. break ing tip It Mirben ml He deneun'. . ...ich a pihe.i'il c!iims ths. M ihen ) vi I his fo!!eweis arc net R"pablican.. " It is 1:0:," Mr. Chambeilain says, "te tlu of "h" colored peeplj t ally themselves wiM. the RopiHiatieaistn aud pilitieil prestitu'rs. 'Iho mn wh 1 count thir votes for such ends wdl surely aband u them when tlfirewi , dtl.h pur pese requires it. This, howevm-, is n it the whe'e ei ih situation of Yirgiula The I):m .ati' party, hi- .says, present 11 hirdly mero reputable fr mt en the cpies Hen of pablle hmir an 1 ge.j I fa tb to.v te.v ard j uh'ie cr.wliterr.. It Ins recently deliixra'.'ly aban 1 m- I its for ner honor ablepasitie:). Trie friends of t ha public, thiefere. cannot supp ,rt tin I).m tcratle ,n:ty 111 Yuginia in tb" e imiu een'est. Tin- only ciurse left te pnr.11 1 is the ene Dezeuilerf i undorstej.l te I13 piirt-iiiug, a Mtcady. 11:10 unpromising oppeution te both Mab'iuoites and lm eaU, and all ' 1 "1 R'p tbbcais Hhei'd ref ise t ij n I the kui-i; te elthur of th, p ilul " K," concludes 0 Chaiub-ilaiii " the :di)in1str.iti'in ( W.ishingten is supp ti'iii' or aiding M.iliein- it is intoler able) hunnlUtie'i and wrong ai.d a spcei il ll'e'ice ii ,iinst civil servici. i, fei in " r-i'-mtrtAr i.arauini., A Tlire.Uui.Bil War ISutvviiiui SuiiIiiiiiidi cm mill l'r- nlu.ieli l.n u In u j.,iiu At an early bem Wcd.iesduv mernirn. the sopheiiiorcs ofLirnyfUe College went iiiiuiiKit i.asiun 111 nit.iu I). Kiles, HIICK- ing up postern dirreted te the Iresh nie't and ealculat. d te arouse their lie Tiie pest, rrt laid down em tain rules ' ir tin freshman te o'eservo and pr.nm fxl punish meet te all often ler. Tna fieshmeii seen were in pursuit of tlt-n-eplu and tore down all the postern they could tnt. A meeting or two occurred bolweun the inembers of the classes ami ene fieshuim was taken in ohiiige by a polleoman te rotret him fumi the sophemor's. Ssveral he-irs later the freslmieii succeeded iu giving a wide cir culation te a pestor containing iuattuctiens te the sopheiiK.rou fully as neil calculated te provoke them ns did the previous in sttuotiensrouao the fro.shmen. I! HU nlas.v.s tlit-n cilled a truoe and (l"eid'l te have a oane runb iu thnnftorneon. It Ciime oil iu tin presence of all the students niid many uitbsciiagatbeicd en tlm 0 illegu eampiis, A 0.1110 was placed en the ground between the two clasBes, and at a weid the men rusli"il for it. The sephs were llrst te giab i, and after twelve ami a half niinutcB or very haul work, in which (nothing was tern, bodies bruised and many struggles gene thieiigh with, the seplifi carried tlie cme through the liefibinen'sgeal and the runb wan ever. One man had te ba nirrled oil' tlie lluld, owing te oxhaiMtleii, and another lest nearly overy stitch of clothing UtulhOH lrutliiirs. 11. A R unsay, proprietor or the Vuic.ui iron works, el Halthnore, umdn tin an algninent yesteiday. lie states that his aHcls will be ainple te pty nil the debts The works nie olefod and nearly 'JOO men thrown out. of employment. It in reierted that Antheny & ICiihti, luowers, of St Leuis, have Hiispouded. Liabilities between MOO, 000 aud $ 100,000. The business will be continued. The principal creditors aie tire local banks and utaloen proprietor. Fairlngteii it Hummel, silversmiths, and Yeung, Thayer & Ce , dealers In baik extracts, both of Bosten, f.iiled yesteiday. They had 1 Iu-ih and it Is said a iio.enf the formei liriu was allowed te ire te pretiht by the latter en .Monday last , llradferd, Liwli & Sun, cotton waste and 1 u Ib.Mid nmimfuutiiieiH, el Walpole, Mum., hate l.illed (or about $.M),000. (Joiiilpmed Meles. Special Agent Kvans, who was scut by the ticasiiry departuiontteimpilro impiiie into tlie repotted smuggling of Chlnose Inte Washington territory from Ilrltish Columbia, states that in his opinion the reports are ev.iggeiated. 1 1u the lumbermen in that section employ a large iiumberef Chliianieu, and aie will lug te take atl they eau get without ti.tnl leg te knew whence they come trade tribunal iu Pittsburg yMteulay, it was decided te call iu an umpire and have him pans upon the question of wages nt once. A general convention will be called for next week, te eoiutel the payment of cents per bushel fei mining lump coal or payment for all coal mined without screening. The commissioner of agriculture has designated lb. I) K. Salmen, chief the veterinary division of Iho agricultural de partment, and F. I). Curtis, of New Yerk te represent the department iu the special commission suggested by the state depart inent, and aiitheri."d by the New Yeik chamber of cenimeice, te ascettain the fiietnw.lh regard te the reported preva li'tu'e of he- diiHURe iu tins country. William Faxon, who nas see rotary of the navy under Oldceti Welles, died .suddenly iu Harford yesterd.iy morn ing at the age of 0J. Jacob Hersch, a piomiuent brewer was fatally injured by being thienti front bis carnage, at College Point, Leng Island, en Tuesday night. Twe new cases of yellow fever, but no deaths, were repot ted at Pensicola navy yard yesterday. The yellow fever is reorted te be ing in tiiiaymas, Mexico. Typhus fever has appeared in . icite cas, .Mexico, and " ten out of every eleven eases pi eve fatal." The annual convention of the ear paint eis's association el the Tinted States and Canada met 111 Holtimero yesterday. Sub jects or interest te the trade will be dis cused. The convention will be in session until Friday. U recks. A e instruction train en the West Shere railroad struck 11 hand ear lour miles east f Syracuse, New Yerk, yesterday morn nig, and tifteeu platform cars, carrying 150 weikmeu, were " piled up in a muss." Twe men and a boy were killed, ami thirteen men badly inpired, four or live of tlieiu perhaps fatally. The collision was caused by the hand ear net steppiu ', 111 tune A coal train and a freight train en the Risteruanl Ambey railroad collided at Mound Broek, New Jersey, 011 Tuesday night. Ueth engines were wrecked, ami a number of ears thrown from the track. Mtimntiiitinie!) redO" ."our r.inl rtenu. itie (' ly l.lnei. Jehn Seek, aged 10, of Allentown, has received probably fatal injuries from the bursting of his shot gnu. Already oue theiia:iil citizens of Read ing h we signed a petit 1 in for a budget ever tbe Schuylkill, te 0 inneet Sixth stre t with the Morgantown read The annual exhibition of the Keystene agricultural society is new iu progress at Ku'.ztewn. The tot il number of entrns of nrticles of all descriptions is 'J.lU'i. A project is en feet te establish a dis trict home for the pauper children of Huntingdon, Blair, Fnukhii, Bedford and Juniata e unities, te be located in Huntingdon. Chiistepher Shearer, a Berks county man gathrred from his farm this year It, 000 baskets of peaches, SO.OOO pounds ergrapes tiOO bushels l Bartlett pears, 0 tens of tobicce aud 91,109 wettb or straw berries. At Yt omelsderf, llerks county, the hog ib ilera is prevailing. Jacob Hella lest :W head an J many ethers are still sick aud no doubt will die. Thus far no remedy has been found. The dUcase was brought tb.-re by western hogs in cold weather. Isaac Smith, an Kngbshmiu, went te West f " tnsheb ocken aud bearded with the family of J. .seph Walfeng, aud a few days I iter doped with W.llfnng's wile, who took with her ?le Walfeng says that if he had his ill he we.ildn't oire for Ins wife. The chief causca of the impurity of Reading's water are said te be n leak which admits tilth at the bottom of the tower in the Antictam reservoir and the dirty condition of the street mains. The water beard has undertaken te remedy the evil. Henry Je 10s, hailing Portsmouth, V.i , was committed te the Norri.stewn Jul en the charge of breaking into the dr.elhng house of Christian Snvder, re tiding at Huntingdon Yallev, Meroland township, en the 8th inst.. and taking therorrem a let or clothing, jewelry and silvorwere. The greater portion of the stelen property was found iu the prisoner's possession 1IAIITI1) .MATrilKS. fiem llnr nit. Niiuii Cirrmiiiiiuleiit. ene of the most unsightly structures of Martie is the Bridge Valley school boiiKe. Antiipiate.l 111 appeaiance, and perched en a high lull, surrounded by a pUygreuiid that is covered by underbill.!) and rjeks, it forms a very dangerous place ler the children te indulge in any sport. Thu directum that orcted this house evi dently thought that knen ledge would II iiirish where no farmer's crop would gain a foothold. It is about tlme th.rt the pitrens were agitating the subject of get ting a new reboot heuse erccted, as no perren who ever siw tbe present structure could entertain a doubt or the necessity or having a new heuse. The annual celebration of tbe Bothesda Sunday school was held en Sjpt 15. The decision was made enjoyable by deelama. tien, by the children, followed with nd- Ireiises bv the pastor, Riv. R C Weed, and Mr. II. Maish. On thoeveiiing of the name day jubilee services, consisting of essays.deolamatiens and dialogues apprepriate te the ocaasien, went held iu the, celebrating the payment of the last dollar of the church debt. Mr Sarnuel Oibseu has sold his farm te a gentleman by the naine of Knufl'man, from Maner. Jacob Hhenk is erecting a new heuse and Isaae Walten a warehouse Rev. B. K. Ilambloteu is contemplating making extensive repairs te bis rosldenoo. .S11I0 el iteul Katnte. . The farm attached te tbe Conewlugo 010 banks, uear Camargo, has been sold te Jehn dides, of this elty, Ter 401 .per aero. The tract as sold contained 1111 nema. All that part containing the ero banks and buildings was kept by R, M. Celeman, or Lobauen, who brought the whele property rer $le an acre about 0110 year age. The initie will coon be started, tbe well known oxcellenco of the ero will justify the run ning of It even at tbe low price of ordinary ores. Ki"t i'niiiisylvaiil'i H71101I Opening Sortl Sertl rr, The opining service) of the forty. heceiid annual nefsien of the Fast l'enimvlaula synod of the Liitherau 0I11110I1 wero held last evening In liinlty ohureh, Uortiian Uertiian Uortiian tewn, Rev. Dr. Albert, pastor. Theie were present about ISO delegates fiem the diircreiit eburuhes In the beard or synod, The synedical sormeii was nroaehed by uev. r. (.;. liiiiuoimer, n. i;., prcHKieiit eT synod. The business setslen began this morning. Kiiln n( Ueiva, Win. H. Murr, aiiet,, sold for .Messrs. Jaoeb Kby & Riunk, at the public heuse of L. R Rhoades & Sen, at Blid-iii-lland, en Tueaday, 11 head of Maryland oews at e.'il 10, and oue let for $.VJ.0O, UASKIJAIiL TIIK. Tltr.NTONM III 'I..M;I IllallO niiiiiiicerlliiiiiiiiiiK lltlugslits llanu llnrti In lie HiMitrn liyltiK Iriiimhlas-A K.llltl Clt.Mltil If the Trenten elub 11.111111 nn hore te have a pletiie in defeating i!, Iiensnle.i they must have been sadly dlsiippnlnled, for they were bully left They ate the tirst inter Mtate club yel beaten by the Ironsides. Although there was a treuiutt dens crowd ut tlm statu fair yesterday it did net seein te allect the attendance at the baseball match, whom there was 11 large assemblage. The Ironsides presented a strong nine with Ilollent uud Oldlleld m the battery, and Rellly oil bcoeihI base. Sw oiler took Zeeher'H place at nhert and Speuce nml Ritletiheuse, the no men from Rasten, made their Unit appearance en thin nine, the fermei playing bis regular position at third and the litter 111 right Held. The tisilms lust put in Will'.s and Bastien, as a battery, but the former was hit everywhere and In the fourth Inning Fex t ok his place, (Quin tan going behind the bat. This wts something of an improvement, but Fex was also hit bird, an the Ironsides had their batting clothes en. Sume or the eriers or the visiteis would have made an amateur chili sick, and at times they acted like little boys playing their llrst game. Tlm Ironsides played well in the Held and did uet have any errors until late iu tlie game. Tlie game was called at ':.M the Trim tens going te the bat. Fex opened with a big hit and Lynch brought linn in with another, O'Brien brought Lynch in and B.ihtiau did the saute for O'Brien, thus scoring three runs in tlte lirst inning. opened for the liousides and hit e or second, Rceuiig the only run of the inning en geed hits of Spence and Kelly. The visitors did net retro agiiu until the sixth inning. Iu the third the home club went in and pounded Williams everywhere. The visitors made all kinds of errors te asist them and they kcered live runs. Iu the sixth inning Lynch of the visitors scut a territic ball te Rellly at second who m.. le an admirable step, ijuiiitiui made a line hit te the Held, but was put out at Hiv end by Reilly's -itep el (ioedman'H ball. The latter se ired las nui en .1 pissed ball, O' lb ion going out en a tlv. The heavy hit ting of Miller, Swelt?er, Rrtlly and Sponce score 1 the ironsides three runs In this tu ning and that was the list mule by them iu thogame. in the f-eveiith inning the visitors scored three runs en heavy hits ard costly errors of the home team, following it with ene in the ninth. 1 lu-yalunul succeeded 111 teaching the boilie club and were in a geed read te uce;eil when nu unlucky foul by Lynch was caught tiud the side retired for the last time Tlm score bil low s iKesirrs 11 in , a OUlllel.l. 1 1, j U.-llly, il. .. . - 1 1 11 SwHiuer. -I 3 n 1 1 pn-f , .11 . ...1 t 1 1 ! K.'llt. 1 1 11 1 1 .1 -istnillti. it 11 i .. 0 lloirerl.i u 1 ii 1 l;itinliiui , r 1 11 0 1 11 1 Jllll.-I. 11. .... -i i 11 u 1 Total -i II :j 1 1 1, rmiress '"X. p i 1 1 .. 1 I.yncli.el 1 1 1 ii 1 gulu'on.e e i 1 j UOOUlllHII. in 1 u li II 1 i llrtrn, -lit I 1 j ; 1 11 11 i 1 1 Wlillitii , Sit J 1 1 1 11 Itra.llcy, 1 f In OOl smith, s e O u l 1 x a 'il Si 0 I si minis. 1 i 3 I .'. 0 7 S ' Ireiui.i. i l e 1 e e 1 ii u x i Tn-Dten J u O O 1 J i" I s Siimni-irv Tnui Iiusk liti, Ireinl.l.- 1 .. rr.-nt hi II Twe l(i0 lilt-. Utility. Oldflel.', im-iici "Ixenlth, I'm, o'llrten uti.l l.yncb. Mruek out. IreimlOfs I, TriMiten I. Tussi-il bills.'lilPs 1, Trrnteii ,'i Wild t'lt. lie, Hoitei'l .'. (ei :. I'mplri), llyiutiniiti Throughout the entire game the home club did the liner playing by far. The visitors at the start se med te think it a jeke te play hore ami they talked of knocking the lull ever the fone, miking home runs, Ac. Tho.e fra'R were net per", formed yesterday, preb ddy they will be at some future visit of tbe club. Tliu ineui bers of the Trenten are a shopping big let of tneit and have a number of line bat ters, espceially Fex, who struck for two bases almost etery time. Mr. Fex is about Iho only man en the nine who behaved in a decent tii.itiner yesterday, as their c induct during tbe greater pirt of the game was mere Inte a crowd of drunk e l loafers than gentlemen. The nndieiicn wero disgusted with their funny noting and guyed them until there was an mi provemont Manager Simmons was dis gusted at tlie conduct of his men. niisrtiall .Vetes. The Active elub of Reading will be here 1 1 morrow te try tneir luck with the Iren sldes again. The Actives of Maiiavunk a line nmateur nine, aie playing with Ironsides this alter neon, Rittenhoiise ai.d Hauna being the luttery for the home elub. The Tronteita wero tery funny in the u.irly part of yesterday's game, but they had nothing te laugh nt. after it was evor. The inetnbeii of Iho Trenten ninu say that the Ironsides are the lightest looking nine they have scen this year. They leuiid hew heavy they really are, howevor. Thern is a report tint the Antlnajite elub has geno te smash because of failure of tbe playeis te iccolve their salarlcr, Manager Sullivan denies it, but tbe rumor scorns te be substantiated. The Harrisburg nine refused te play with the Actives en Monday until Pry, tlm colored r.ateh. r, was taken from behind tbe bit. They said they played white men only. (lames l'liiyn.l Klnxwlirre. At Philadolphia-Philadelphia II, Bull'. ale.H. Cincinnati Cincinnati 12, Athletic !). Bosten Bosten :i, Detroit'.!. Provl Prevl Provl deuco Providence 7, Chicago I New Yerk (steppod by darkness) New Yerk ii, Cleveland 2 Columbus Columbus H, Allegheny .'I. Brooklyn Quiokstep 7, Brooklyn M. Harrisburg Harrisburg 8, Leatlville Blues 5. At Readiug the An An An thraolte elub failed te appear te play the (scheduled game with the Aotlve club, and the umpire dcoided the game in favor of the latter by a Boore of 0 te 0. Illsupppiiranan or n Lawyer, Petu HerMiey, a well known lawyer or this city, who resided en Walnut street, has disappeared, He left town about ten days age and has net been neon nIiioe. It Is supposed that he has gene Ter geed and iluuuclnl troubles are thought te have been the oaiise or bis lllght. ijome days age his brether Iu law, who rosides iu the country, rocelvod from Sir. (Tomboy n deed of assignment for nil his preperty. It was dated Philadelphia mid has been signed by his wlfe. Hcmhey has a preperty of me aeres, which Is situated In Lancaster and Chester counties, and It was supposed it was clear. Heme tlme age be gave a judgment te his father for $7,000. Hew he uoeomo liivoivei is net Known. When he left his wife was down at his rami en a visit. Iu his lotter te his bretiifli'-lu law he gives him geed by and Mates that I e will net be back, Utiurgeil Willi AS4HUU unit llntiny. .1 nil II bus bnnn llrrnaln.l f. .iu. ........ . ...... ..... wu.,(. ... , WIII wl, ,u n. sault and battery en bis wife anil will bi iieiii ter u ue'iriug ociero a merman McConetny. Uxmirtlnn tu riilliiuetplilit. rPlllu mnrltlllff l nvn.lratnn !.,!.. iclll. a.... ...... ....., , UAUI41KIIIII ,.... ...v.. thirteen cars of people from Yerk passed through thin elty en the way te Philadel pbla. COIAHIIIIA Nl.VHj ' Our ll..Kiili.r li.rrp..,ii.dri.t. I'lve la. Icr. from thin ,,en nt0 nMe, ing the tiilMliiiinry I'enveutl,,,, ,,f West nilu ster picsbytciy. whleh is new In sehsleu at Chestnut Level, u small town this county. Twe hundred delegate inn present, and lt.ehi.le ioiiieHei.tatlvY f,",,! ehu.e hen in Laiicnsier, Yerk, Lobauen and Dauphin eeunllei, ,r this M(.tc. nml ,, Mvijrnl or tlm nui tliem countries or Mary land, all or w hluh constitute! tlm West nilnlster prosbytery, the largest in the Phi udelphla rynmi. Muelt linperlant business will be Iraiisacted The eenven Hen began its so-Metis yeaterday. Ohviry HlriMit Ceniiii,, iit, Cl.eny street Is bound net te be outdone by ether ntrceti . re it Is announced It ne'wn0', ' e7'dt,,,Jt '' "l'' oreaiure known as a wire beater. The proper jilace rer mieh mi nmimtiieaiiieiit is l, inerler el ,i j,iatlce.H , l U.lyn." "t0 ,MMCII,,I,K '" 'imnerens In A Dr.civct Tilbnia The Columbia f,iriii f thu we,0 pays a deserved trlbuln te the . ia y Cs. nesi and social pialltl(!s r Mr. AM llsett, Kiiporintetident of the Readme A Celutnb a railroad. There are low b, g ness men iu Columbia with whom it Is me ,,f Mr Wlllieii" lra,""U't b,lM"rM ' with HUlmii iiirtti AiuiUnrsury About llfty ivcrseus assembled nt Mi. Ucoree De llllll'a .....!.... ,. ...'.' . i . "".xuiiru en tetiitli street, last evenlng, t oelebrato the num. Mr.-., i j ei ins iiiiiem tiirtiuiay. Drlu, t. evenlni' tbn ti-ml,, f tii..i... ,. . " '. S:re.SS.?'''. ............ ....w.u ku.h ncaticii canoenbo hair or the oeiislstory 0f ,ll0 cillireh ,,r w lilcb body be Is a inember. Numerous relatluis or the geiitlomeit were pre. mt rreui erk. The allalr was n v..rv,.,... one. ' ii.iretigti iitKiKm. Osceola triboer Red Men meets te night Iho Pennsylvania railroad will run i. cheap excursion te Philadelphia en Satut. day, for the bencllt of Its empleyes here Tlie Meutitvilln band is playing in tin, park where the lndepetideut state fair Is being held te day. Several new residences are in comic ut election iu Moutitville, and ether improve meets are contemplated. Mr. M. . M inner, of Moiintvltle, is new picking 100 ir tobacco, whicli are te be shipped te a buyer In Seu Fraueuce Cai It is of a superior quality. The Methedlss will held a big leui frast at their ohureh en Second street this evet -Ing. Very iutensting services will I... bold. Fotirteen carloads or excursionists num. boring nearly HOO iicople, passed though hore tcday en an exoursieu which is beiiti' run te Philadelphia by a Yerk church con' gregatlen. An oxcuisien will be held en Wednesday Oct. :i, by the II. iV C. railroad, te enable these desiring te de se te attend the Berks county lair. Round trip tickctn il.iri. The tiain leaves here at 7 '.0 am Kvctjthliig paed oil quietly at the l.irgodance which was held last night at the Geed Hepe inn, en the Liimistn pike. On Saturday nfioriineu tbe Red Ste.-i. legs, of this place, and tin. Vigus or Ntw. town, will again measure Mrength en tlm diamond Held. I'lie game will b.i idayrd en the Shawnee baseball Held, in Celum bin. The lire committee . I council will , . , i n chief dircoter el thu lire department it couiiectiou with delegates from the Shaw nee, and Columbia tire e inipenies te morrow evening. The meeting will be held in council chamU-r. II. C. Yeung, papei l.augci, hasmeivul the contract Ter p.ipeiitii tb. p.ut i.. nu in Odd Fellows hall, new being lilted up b (leu. Welsh pest, (1. A. R A letter recently i,cnicd here by friends of Mr. Phillip llaell'oer nnneuncts bis safe arrival in Jacksonville. Fleiid.t, ' where he intends making Ins luiure home. IVrsiinnl. Dr. C. F. M.i .In-1 is in i t biisini-.s tlip Mr. Tayler Ciewmhitdds hn ,;;uii token up his residence here. Mis Rebin Wisler has geno te Luth.-i mIIe, Md., en n visit te friends. Miss Itate dossier, who came Ii -te last Friday from Washington, I). C, te visti her sisterdu law, Mis. (ieorge Ciaue, u net expected te live, having yesteiday been attacked by diohetis. .Mr. Jehn Kelly, wife and sister, Mi-1 Aiinle ICelly, of Pitli.burg, were the s of Mr. Frank X.ieglcr, en Walnut street, yesieniay. ine geiiiiemau is a i...-n reporter of the Pittsburg Cemmerrvil ll.mpltiil li.r Ciiiil.ialna lilne.itrs The court has tiled its approval of llm report of the last giaud jury, ree immeii.l ing tha erection of a hospital for persons allectcd with contagious disc-axis, us fob lows : In the milter of an iullrmaiv et ' .- u tagietls ilis-asi. hospital," the act el At. emb y ii'ipiiiiug the appieval el the beaul of diieoleis of the " el employment," the i land jury and the e nirt efipi liter si'Nsieiui : The grand pny rep rted te the Aitgusl a nu t el quarter seKtiietiH, 1HSI1, that the grand inquest feeling the gnat impeitaiiee of having Mich a building, fai.r its no' lieti at a medeiate e nt, but before con traded for would recommend thatetlni buildings Intended for miiiIIii- use, h. inspected by the pi q or nuthoiities, that we will obtain a hospital ler centa gieus tliseuses built en the most apptevi d sanitary plan and one that will meet with the approval of the t p.iycts. Which said report in reference t Me erection of a building, " heipilnl far eon Uitjieu ilt.:ctie," tlie said eeurt new, te wll : September .'I, 1HSII, agreeable te the act of 17th of April, IROli, (I'lilt. L. p. 11 iipprece and roeotitmenil lite mine, and submit the same te the county com mis sinners. AlUatntittry t'l.immthm el IVf tn.liiHler I'ips Uylrry. A missionary convention or tlie Wist minster Prepbytciy began a two dajs' session nt Chestnut Level jesterdav Werk or much Imtioitauce te the mif.-.ien ary caiiF.n of the Prcsbytcilau church ni. large will be dene. About two hundred dolegates are proHeiit, ombraelng icpros icpres icpros entatlvos of all the Prosbyterlan ohurehos or Lauoaster, Yerk, Lobauen and Dauphin counties, or this state, and or eevera! el' the nortbern counties erMaiylawl. West minster Prosbytery is the largest Presby Presby tery In the I'hlladelpbia synod "Diivy CriiekPlt " Mr. Frank Maye drew a larger audience te Fulton opera house last evening than the night before, aud pleased all with bis excollent presentation or his play " Davy Croekott." Mr. Maye closes bis engage ment hore this ovenlng, wheu be will doubtless have n large audience. It Is certainly a treat te see ' Davy Crockett." 'liiloplieno mill I'lre Aliirin Wlrr, Manager Itcese has a ganir or weikmeu p'.itebiff crossbeaniH en tolepheno mid elty lire alarm poles, and feparatlng tbe wires. Iu a few mero days tbe work will be com pleted when there will be ue mere trouble with cress wires uiiIehs caused by uu avoidable circumstances, Jei)Krri;aIliinnI Council, The oeuucll or tbe Congregational church, whleh was announced te meet In Mt. Jey, en Tuesday, te adjust the treublu botweeu Rav. C. U. Whltcenib nml his rollewcrs, did net assomble. The tlme for Its hearing in the uear future lias uet yet beeu aiiuoiiuced,