Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 18, 1883, Image 3

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- "
hum belnu; furulslieil with geld or sllver
air. M. tlnlley, of New Yerk, exhibits
the olnrlemi mill ether ItiHtru
incuts, that miy ene can il.iy ni e.wlly an
tliuy can play limiil eran.
A lare cam of llue zephyr weilc ly Miss
HcltiHteln, attracts uttunlleti, m de also
noveral line casus of oinliielildry net
iimrkml, iiiul te which we m.iy lofer
The Ieiik room, partly under the setts of
llie Krimd Hiuiid, I oecitploil by llm sewing
iiiacnlnu moil, Ineluillnjj the Dnincstie 10
proscnteil hy Ij. II. Campbell; the New
Ilome by (J. l''nte ; the (luinilne Biuur by
J. .?. Hcli-jl); the Wlteelm &, Wilsen by .1.
K. MoMlehiiol. Kanli of tin-no ntents pre
neiitu number of ii!e;;;iiit machines, nml
nre veluble hi pi.ilse of their ittspeellvu
In this loom, also, Bteva .1. Oneim i.
hlbltH three tnu;iillli'ent k1i! ttin Helm
inaoker pinties mid two Ksty 'cabinet,
I'uttll fc Hamilton exhibit a number of
Lancaster organs, of line mid t jiie.
1. M. Keipur hits en exhibition semu very
line ,irler nod I'lniifr. room furniture ;
and A. F. lliunii'til hIiowaheiiio iiileii'slluc;
HpCOltUOllS of uiitlqtie fiirnitiiie.
An interesting exhibit In this room is n
pair of full blooded, KiiIImIi ptij; iles be
ieiit'iiur te 11. W. llirsti.
We Hud ounelves ruii'iiui: Inte he much
Npnoe that we will conclude te-day'H notieo
by uilvisiui! all who can de he te no te the
show te morrow whom thuy will see a
theiiMind things te interest thuiu net even
mentioned in le.ilay's piper, but noiiie of
whieh wn will pay our lespectH te te
morrow including machinery ntnl faun
Implements, oarrlath.Htevi'H.oooiur weilt,
live stock, Ve.,ic.,alI of whieli are largely
The bloyelo taut which win postponed
te-day en account of the bad condition el
the track will prebibly take place en Sat
Te-morrow the three iiiinute and 2;''
class trotting uventH will couie eir, and
will rubably le hotly oentcstcil.
Friiin Our Kesulwr Cerrcnpuiiiltuit.
ChiiiucsalunRa tribe of Red Men will
held a meeting te nlht. Putnam Circlu,
H. U. (II. F.) 0. A., will incut in thu lede
room this evening. The contract for
building the new Kliawnoe ctijjlnu heuse
has buuu awarded te Mutism, lleeliman and
Forty, at $J,1U0; this tlecs net luuludothe
cost of the brick mid work en the cellar.
Kev. (J. a. Uerhard, late pastor of Tiinity
Kuferiucil church haft resigned. He
will i;u te Ht. Stephen's ltufermud church,
Heading. Excursion evur It. it Ce. It It.
te I'hiladulphia, ThurHday ; tickets $2.39
reuuil trip. U A U. It. It. pay car paid
oil' empleyes hoiejo.stutilay. Four yeunij
muu arrested for ilruukenucss ; tlnee paid
costs. Information received hure of thu
death of Mrs. Charles Niiurse, wife of a
former superintendent of thu Shawnee
furnace hure ; she livcil in W.irtun, V.i.
J. W. StaulTur's new houses en Siuth
Ntiuct, are bulii(;"biiilt. Il'wunuu collector
A. .1. K.iull'inau, is visiting the ilifl'.ir-eutas.-dslant
e llleoters of Ins district Kd.
Uullitt, lately injuicd in lvauliman's tpiar
rius has a relapse. Jehn Witmur back te
Philadelphia Markets puerly attended.
Hetter -0 eHs "J-J ceiiIh, C 11. Morgan
of Irouville, k'eiiu te Ojboriie, ()., tee iter
a biihiness college. Irouville baud atejm
panics the Auieneati lire company en a
three days ttlp te Allcutewn, en Septem
ber 'J7tb. Mls'i Alice Kaullinau, of Cress
vllle, Pa., visiting fiiemls in Iionville.
Meirs. A. Juh.suI and M. Itauhuiiheimcr
in New Yutk. The following shows are
booked at the opera heuse for October :
Nun (i leans iniustreU, H ; Madisen Stiaie
theatre company, in "YeunfjMrs. Win Win
thtep," H ; IJ. S. Craue, 10 ; William
Stalhud, W; ' Flying Dutchman," HI ;
II de A. llthreau, 27.
ArKUiuciit l'iiurl.
A niiiubur of eau-h in common pleas
ciiuit weie aiKUed justuiday and te day
and considerable- current business w.ut
Vesturilay thu city of Lancaster, through
Us counsel, lili d an answer te thu alteruate
mandamus, ikmiciI le hew cause why the
defendants should net pay thu costs of
suit in thu uase of Frank A. Kicker vs. the
uity and county of Lancaster, a suit for
damages decided in favor of thu piamtill.
Thu city claims that a jjreat portion of the
costs aru dim from the county, and if the
city is liable te pay any pait thuy are will
in; te de he whenever an adjustment bo be bo
twueu tliu cjuuty and city shall have been
madu and replicant's proportion et costs
ascertained. Further thu replicaut alleges
that the tnandumus was net directed or
served en the pre)jr party and thorefo.a
they pray for judfjnieut against, lliekur
w i til costs.
Tliu llrli-kerMIln Jury.
YcHteiday afternoon at half iast three
o'clock the ttrii'kut villu church jury which
had been out for 14 lieurii sent word te thu
cemt that thuy dcsiicd te speak with thorn
They were bi ought into the court and
stated that it was uttuily impessible for
thorn tencrce, as they then steed exactly
ub thuy did whim they went into the jury
ehartjed. The court refused te dischare;e
thorn stating that it was the desire of all i
parties concerned that a verdict should be
At the tlme of our Keini' te (cess this
afternoon thu jury was still out.
In the c.i8u of Jeseph M. Jeiicf, N. II.
Forpusen, Jehn Keun, Win. A. West, .1.
i. Ilrewn, ,1. I). C'aruthen, uuil A. 11.
Dculiuger, vs Henry Hcliell tneremtile
appraiser, appeals from thn decision of the
mercantile appraiser asscsMiii! ) lalntifN as
venders el' muichaudhe thu appeals von
I eatli ill t'x.L'urimcr nilnhler
Isaau Ml hide r, latu coroner of Lancaster
county, died at his residence, Ne. 'JO
Lemen street, this morning at 10 o'clock,
of a complication of diseascH. Mr. Mish
ler was a native of East Coealico township,
this county, having buuu horn near Reams,
town. Hu remeved te this city ever thirty
years age, and went iute tliu transportation
buslucss butwoen this city and Philadel
phia, in which he was successful, Iu a fuw
years hu started In thu wholusale liquor
business, having his steru en North Quoeu
stroet. IIe uerved iu council as u momber
from the Ninth ward for thirteen years
Hu took a great intercut iu thu politics of
that ward, aud was an notive limn in the
ltepubllcan party. IIe was a caudldate for
Hherili' Hoveral times, but was defeated
after he had worked hard and ppent a
great deal of mouey. Iu 1879 he was
elected corenor of the county, and held
I no ouice ter inroe years. Biuce bin re.
tlretnent from that oflleo he has been living
iirlvatuly, and of late bin health ban been
During the time that he was In
the liquor business hu was for boveral
years proprietor of a stai;e line whieh ran
between this city and Pert Deposit. He
was twiue married, his llrst wife being n
lady from iviit.tewn, and his last,, who
survives him, a daughter of Curtis With.
ors, IIe leaves llve children all of whom
are grown. The doceaaed was a brother
of the late Dr. lienjumhi Mlshler, of
" MIshler'H Hitters" fame, aud of Henry
K. Mlshler, the htter belug the only
brother uew living lu thl statu. Twe
ethor brothers roside in Btonlieusnn neiiu-
ty, Illinois, and asieter In Heading. IIe was
in his 57th year at the tlme of his death,
and was n momber of Lancater leduu
and Wrwhlugteu oneamptnent I. O. 0, F.
and ConeBtoga counell 0. U. A. M the
iiiHiiiburs of whieh ledges will attend his
futiernl en Friday ufteraoeu at 2 o'uleok
(!cilp n llin ninnieiMl,
Hulllvan.ef Ihn Anthrneites, ewrs the
Harnshiiig club S0. The Anthraolte In
also Iu the Aotive'H debt.
Thin afternoon the Nloctewu elub, of
Philadelphia, ate playing a game of bane
ball with the Ironsides en their grounds,
The Uisten elub disbanded last night
and It Is likely that semu of the best play
mm of that elub will lu soeured for the
IimifilileR elub of this city.
Tlie Clnelnuatti huve wen tlie Rmlnn
from every elub In thu aosealatlon except
the Metropolitans, aud yut thuy will only
pull up a geed thlid iu the nice.
The Hirtvilleatid Augunt Flower clubs
plajud tlip'e luiilngH Iu the llrst gamn of
thu ehamplnmdilp oerlos at II irtvllle park
ycsteiday without cither sldu getting a
i uu. Haiti slopped the game.
It is new piebablu that a Hlenk biseball
company will be organized iu Heading for
next Kuasen Thu shares will be $100 each
nud the uipltal stock $5,000. Tlie enter enter
prise bids fair te be n "go," and most of
thu prrsutit Active playutH will probably
leinalu thure.
The Amuriuati nns iciatien elub averages
up te September I, show Athletics te
iu batting with an avurage of .271. Ht.
Leuis with .259, U second ; then fellows
Cincinnati and Baltimore, a tie, with .257
each ; L'liiinvllli), .251 ; Allcgbeny, .251 ;
MetiopehUo, .218 ; Columbus, .2lil. Ht.
Leuis leads the lluMIng with an average of
919 ; Cincinnati Is second with .9J11; the
Athletics aie sixth with .878, and Haiti Haiti
mero has the worst llehling nlne with .95!!
Hums, of the llartliibingclub,)usturihiy
morning entnred suit for crlmliial libel
against Jehn Moero. of thu llarrisbntg
TtU'jram, bofero Alderman Price. The
Hiiit uceiints iu sub.stiucu thi charges
madu against thu plaur in thu Inst issue
of that, journal nml Mr. Hums brlngw it
beeaiiM! hu feels hu has been most
wllllully aud maliciously Injured. Moetu
gave bail in the nun et $500.
They tell a geed steiy about the father
of Lairy (Jurceran, the Chicago pitcher.
The elder Coteorau Is a "flne old gcntlo gcntle
man," who Is very proud of lit a boy Liiry
ami never fails te ree him pitch when thu
Chicago club aru in New Yerk. Wlille a
gaum was roeently going en belwcun the
Chicago aud New Yery teams, two gontle
tuuti, sluing in fionteftho eldurCorueran.
woredisoiiRiiiig L uiy's mei its as apitchur.
Hald one of ilium, "Coicerau Is a geed
pitcher, but he has uever been supported
prepei ly." "Yer a liar," shouted Cor
ciirau pure, springing te his feet in high
dinli.'1'en. "I've suppeitcd thu b'y evut
Hinee hu was a bieth of a lad Iu swaddling
clothes. Ne man d.ire say " llure thu
two gentlemen Inteniiptcd and uxplained
their ineai.lng te the ni.ithfnl father.
Oiiiiip rmjnl tc.lcnlny.
At New Yeik Cleveland 0, New Yerk
5 At Leuisvillu Kelipsu 2. Hallimere 1
At Ilairishurg Ae'lvu 1, llarrlsbuig 2 ;
gami) ealli it en scvi-tith Inning en account
efr.iiu htenu. A Ticiiteii (Juiekstep 2,
TieuUm 7 At Iticliuiondlireoklyu I,
Virginia 2. At Puiladulphla thu giwne
betwncn Hie Hallaluand Pniladelpbla nines
was s'tepp-.'d.
imi.iiimi.mi uui:.
An ; iHrrtHtliliii: DIciMlrn llie I'enplx
el ilia lluljr l.uiiil.
Aii onjejnblu literary ontertaiiimont was
given lasteveniug at 7:15 p. in., iu (Jrace
Lultetan i lunch by two uativu Syrians Na
geeb .1. Aibeily aud his brother llabeeb
Aibeuly, both of whom have been spending
four jeais in the ollege of Marjsville,
prepirateiy te their return te the'r natve
laiidnsCliiisti.inmvsienaties. Nagceb, thu
lectuier, is an looking ;u!lii:(
man and is a master of six languages lie
spoke in a char tene of v.neu, iihinjf at all
tunes excellent Huglish. lie was Intro
ductal te his auclience 1j C. Llviu Houpt,
pastor el the church, and imuicduitely
launchi d in ii a dusciiptii u of the hcuso hcuse hcuso
held mauneis and commercial customs of
thu 1'ast. A visitor is always expected te
taku his shoes oil aud keep his hat en.
Instead of tobacco thu natives use a dried
heib called " timbauce " for smoking pur
poses, and their pipe nr " argcely " has a
rcoeptielo uentaining water through which
tliusr.iekn passes buloruieaehiiigthomouth.
Thu peculiar ceiumeuy of an Eastern mar.
riagij was alce ilwelt upon at length. A
comparison nf the tempciate habits of thu
Hynans with of mero Christian lands
left thu balance largely in favor of thu
former. Representations of the dllfereut
costumes of the people weie given and tlie
entertainment closed with a brilliant sword
exercisu display by the loeturor ami his
brother. This eveniui; thuy give an on en
teitaitimunt iu Harrisburg. et UnclMliueil Luttcrs,
Thu following is a list of letters remain
ing iu thu pustollieo for the week ending
Monday, Suptutnbur 17, 188J :
.mites IM. Mis. Ada P. Arneld, Miss
Kmma Hrubaker, Mlbs Hlauchiu Downing,
Miss Agnes Dullinger, Miss Martle Filseu,
Mies Ivatu Gorreclit, Miss Lizziu Heir,
Miss Mattie Hess, Mrs. Sarah Hill, Mrs.
M. Miller. Miss Esther Mycin, Miss Sallle
Snyder, .Mies Mary Whltu, .Miss Annie
Ucntf? IM.i. H. Alexander, Jno.
Ileuar, A. (I. Hembergor, F, M. Hewinan,
Harry Hiuebaker, C. It. Carter, Pat Hot Het
ter, I'iinauuel Kuglebutth, Chas. M Fisch
er, Richard Flsliur, Milten Greve, Hunj,
Hreir, sr, Daniel Grolf, J. W. Harils. Win.
A Hestur, J. C. Kayteu, Jno. Kettier,
Hen) Lufuver, Davitl Myers Hos-Ke.s Pal Pal
ICe, F. C. Hti'Kar, II. 8. Hrealt, Jno. 11.
Annual Mentliif; nt tlm W. V. T. V.
Thn auuuiil meeting of the Pennsylva
nia W. C. T U. will be bold nt Hollefoute.
Centre county, October 10th, 11th and
12, 1883. It will be composed of delegates
fiem thu 225 auxiliary unbns iu thu state.
IlusidcH Mrs. Wittuumyur, Mrs, Hannah
Smith, MIsh White and ethers of well
known home workers, Mrs. Hunt, of llo.s lle.s
tuu, and Mis. Haldwiu of Trenten, aiu
expected te be present, Women of this
statu Interested lu tunuiurauun work,
though tint connected with our union, will
be inaile wolceinu. Forerduis for excur
sion tiukuts, solid net latur than October
5th, inclosing uuvclope properly nddrchsed
and stamped, te Mrs. Ellen M. Watsen,
112 Suiithlluhl stroet, Pittsburg.
Filial Acclilenr te A liny.
On Friday Jehn Alexander, aged 12
jears, seu of Jehn Alexander, wlille
attending Hridgu Valley school climbed
a tieu te thu distauee of about 20 feet. A
limb breke en wh'e'a he whs standing
and he foil te the ground crushing his
skull. He died shortly atterwards, The
funeral took placu uu Sunday and wmb
largely attended.
Artieln nt it I.itncAtter l.nwjer.
This week's copy of the Central Lute
Journal of St. Leuis contains a long mid
intorestlng nrtlole en the "Liability of
Joint Promisers as afl'oetod by Payments
tuade by ene of thorn," by Win, T(lirewn,
unit, of this elty.
Hale nl Hume.
Hamuel IIess & Hen, auctioneers, sold nt
publle yesterday, for Dauiel Legan, at his
nale and oxchange stables, Lancaster city,
Pa., 17 head of Ohie houses, at an nvcrage
pricu et tj.'iu for Head.
Asinuit nml ltidiery.
James Hogers was arrested yestrrday by
Ofllcur Smith, en thoehargoof assault nul
hattciy en William MeLaughlln who was
beatmt by him en Batuiday. Aldeiuiaii
Ferdi 0 held him for a heating.
fllflllfn billu.
Theshenil te iluv pisted bills for I he
sale of prepi rti j. -ua pcreenH en Oe
tober Oth,
A Mill" ().
uient two years age .teii,iru Miniiu
hlred ftinule from Je'-n Faeglny and sold
Instead efj letuinlng it. Ycsteiday he was
arrested at HiwIIuhtIiIe, en the ehargn by
Ulilcnr Wnldler, and Alderman Baiiirten,
will dispose of the case.
'Hiii en.
The ctnplojes of thu Reading railroad
company lu this uity weie paid oil jester
day. Mhui' Court,
Tills morning thu mayor held thice
eifles. One drunk was sunt te prison for
20 days and two ledgers wero dieebargrd.
OxKililay eViMilug next thu Minion club
will helit ii griiuit bull nt Miiiiiiuuclier Hull.
Thu Clly limiil his been seumeil te iluy for
thu pieiiieiui'ti).
U'lnillMlreNUAMP, Ne. '27, I'. O. R. et A , will
helit u lulr lu Kxeulster Hull eeiniiienciiiii Hitl
unlay, Nev. i, neil iiiiillug Dec. i.
The liiicheleis el Meiiiilvlllu unit vlclntl)
will helil u plrnlc In KIiikIi's drove, tienr that
vIIImki', kii hiitunhiy uvenllig neit, HeptLinber
TlitiiR t tin nun m the fxlr.
At the liiitepuiuletilstiiti) fair at MeUiniiu's
I'ark limy be seen the most npleiiilht ilUplny
erexhllitts, thu r.iceiiiinil llm r.ieuti'Hl vuiiely
eruiiiiiHiiitieiitseverHiieii In l.niiiistur. Klist
elass niiinle every iluv.
" JIiii ij Crockett " Frank Maye, of whe'O
uetltiK uverybeily Is he well pleuieil, opens his
lime nlKht stiinil In fiillen "opera heuse, this
evening, In his chatinlng piny et " Davy
Crocket " 'I heru need be no hentlutlen leltns
le the worth nf thn play or thu actor, ter both
tutve wen the hb;hi'Ht lippiobiitlen. Mr. Maye
Is se Hpluiutlilly eipilppeil In iippeuniiicniiiiil
se null tltteil In ublllty te )ierseniitii henesl
iai.v tint It Is otieel IhoRreiileslel pieiismeH
tewlliuws hlsperleriiiiiuei) Thu jilay has plen
ty of neiisallen unit He, humor unit beauty.
The wiitiileiH el ineiturti elieuilstiy UK) up
pitrent In the buiutlliit llhuiieiiil Dyes. All
kliuls nml tolere el Ink can hu iniule lrem
Contiiuleii ilentiuyeil by Daibys l'ioih)hie l'ieih)hie
tle Klulif. Sieuai.vtrtlseuiuiit.
A hkmkiiv ter InilliHtlen Ceiimiiiiptlnti,
Dyspepsia, Witiikues. Fever, Abuu, ete., (Jeb
Inn's l,iitil II -ut Tonic. ilO-lwilee UXw
My Wife' fioneii. Alteeliini,
Wn hail cea-eil te liepu that my wile's
iiium'ih iillVitlen ceuhl lie euruit." rites Iluv.
1. A. Killu, et Heaver, Pa. " M my phyxlcliiiis
fatleil te ile her koeI, but tnmitrltiin Xcrvluc
tmseuieil hur." slti Iwitumbtw
V km tliu neat p is anneyeil witn ilamlriitl
Ulenii'x Sulphur Sieap will buleiiml Infallible.
Hill's 1 1 sir I J . IiIiick or blown, titty cent.
Fen Mime lliieir, Muti or Cliesl usu 8111.
l.nll'S 1'OUOUiJ I'l.AHTKK. I'l Uu. S3 cunt cunt
Hebl by II. Il.ueehniu. 137 anil 1.7.1 Neith Queiiti
trettt, l.uneaster. lenlleeiltl
Dr. .1 Minion Miiis, N. ..uiulersiis D.nbys
I'luphyluetle Fnilil. eeeiulvuribenient.
Hai.s.'h lliiiiny el lloieheuiiil unit lur will
iirn'it ever' nilmi'iil nt tliu luiiRS, thient, or
ehe.L I'lke'j Tentliichn Diepi cille III one
iiiliiutn. sl-lwileelil w
'l)i. Ui'ii.mi'-i i.'eleryauil ('hatneiiillu 1'IIU,
iiieMiulli tln-li welijht In i old In nervous ami
nick hua!arlic."-Dr. II. II. Xelillcliter, el llab
"I'm itecdn i . iteenit e meilictnc , imttltrf.
Hi: Jlcnmn'n XUn Curr hm ilriirii unity all
tf-t''ffeiit nml I'm nearly uell " lila U. Yeung,
Ihimtlliiti, Ills.
'I lii (IlilnrKii Mini On
Aii-I in 1 1 t iii-iii iili;l I ihkI llieiiiualUin,
iv lien Hi . Tlmnnti' J.'cUitrtc Oil iittuekH theur
Tnl-i iiinilleluit Is a iMuivi-luni pie.liier et In
Kriilniii tliiiintlil liny II nml try It. Fer sale
liy II. I!. Cochran, Omgtal, le7 uuil VSJ
Sertli yueeii stieeL
u:svn .'siilpliui Miap polities thu skin.
"Hill's Hill uuil Whlikei- Dye," JO lenls.
I'IUl'.- ti'iilliaehu Diim iiiiu III enn uilniiln.
rm tiienly )imi4 I wiw a siillerer Mem Cii.
tnirli of Hi : uui'l mi'l lliieul In a very uggni
luteil liirui. nml iluilei; llm hiiniluer meiitlis
Willi lluj Fnei' 1 piei-iir l u liellle et ICIy's
Cr iiiii Halm, nml utter a lew 'ipplleutleus lu
eelveil ilecliteil benelll Hiisiinuil beleiu the
betth) Han uieil. Hiivuhail no lutiiiu el the
uuuipliiliil. CMAliLOTru I'aiu.eii, Wnveily, N.Y.
One unit unu-hall bottles et Kly's Cieaiii
11 ilia unlliely ciirnt mu et Hay Fever el tin
years' ntiimHiiir. Hitvu hail no truce el 11 for
two ji-ai s. Aliikkt A. 1'kuhv, biulthbore, N.Y.
Hlncu boyheoil 1 have been troubled with
U itiirrli,uml Hay 1'uver, anil huve been unable
tneli'.nlu permanent ruliet until t used Kly's
Cream Halm. It lias enr'd tne. K. L. Click
k.skii .Vew llruuiw ck, N. -I. I'rleu SO cents.
An I xi'ellrnt lUpnrt.
Hen. .In-. H. Hoeilrlch, el llioeklvn, N. Y.
willes thin: "Cannet express myselfm sulll
elriilly iiniliewmtliy turins, Jlunteck Jttoeil
llitta s Inn n lined ler the past two yu uu ; keep
my nteiiiiieh In splendid trim." Fer sain by
II. II. Cneliiuu, ilniKitUU 137 anil 1?J Ninth
Queen Ntli'el.
'I'lKilollewliistateiiiunlot William J. CeiiKh
In, et Mnuervllle, Mass., Is seremaikablu t ti ill
we beg tiinsl: fur It Ihu attention el our read
ers. He says : "In tlm tall el 1S7UI was Uiken
with 11 violent blei dlim el the Iuukh, lolleweil
by a severe cough, 1 simiii begun te lesu my
appetite ami MchIi. 1 was se weak at out) time
that 1 ceuhl net leave my lied. In thu sum.
mer el IS77 1 wusiiiliiilllciltethcCIl) llespllnl.
Whllelhere thuiloeteiu said 1 had a bole In
my lull lung as big 11s a hiill-itelbir. 1 expend
ed evei 11 hiiiulieil ilellurs In ilocters ami med
icines. 1 was se lur gene at one time a leperl
wer.t around that I was dead. 1 gave up Iiiuhi
but a Irleml lehl 1110 et Hit. WM. H.M.I.'S
my ti lends, thinking my ciu-e lncuiiiblu,bul I
get a hi ttlu lesiitlaly tl'.em, when te my sur
prises tl KiiitlUcallen, I eeiiimuiieuil te feel
better My hope, once iIi-kiI, bejtun te levlve,
ii'iilte hiylleullu butter spirits than 1 luive
thu past tlnee yeam.
" 1 wrllulhls hoping you will publleh It, se
that every eimalllleteit with Diseased I.iiiiks
will be Induced te taku Dll. WM. HA1.IH
HAI.HA.M FOU'llli: I.UNHM.iinilburnnvlucuil
have taken two bottles ami can positively say
lliui it has done mu morn uoed than all thu
ethnr uiuillelnea I taken slnee my sick.
iless. My eeugli has almost entirely dlsa)-pi-iucil
uuil I Hhullsoeu be able te ke te work.',
s-ililln II II l-eehnin, 1I7 North Uiieen street
lienry'" UBrbolle halve.
The best Sulvu In thu world ler cuts, bruises
suies, ulcers, salt rhuiim, tetter, chappeil
lianila, chilblains, corns ami all ktmls et skin
uriiplleiiH, deckles ami pimples. Thu salve Is
guurimlueil te glvu perleut tmtlslactlun lu
evury c.isuer money lutuuileil. He sine you
gilt IlKHIlV'S CAtlUOMU HALVll, US till OtlKllH 1110
but Imitations anil eeuuturlelts. Pilcu '25
cents, heni in l.iiuciLstur ut Cochran's Drug
itrn 1:17 Neith Oiieun streut. invu4
nietuers I nietlirrsi Olotheral
Am you disturbed at nlslit ana broken el
your lest by a sick child mirroring und crying
with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t
It se, go ut once nml get a bottle nt M U.S. WIN
SbOWHSOOTHINU 3YUUP. It will lulluve
the peer Ultlu suileier liiiuiedlately ilepend
upon It 1 thuiu l.s no mistake about It. There is
net a mother en earth who has uvur used it,
who will net tell you at eucu that It will
regiilatu thu bowels uml glvu test lu thu
mother, and relief ami health te thu child, op
erating llltu magic, it Ispeilectly sale le use
In all cases, and pleasant te mu taste, and is
thn pruaoilptleunf ouuef thu eldest anil bust
lemalu physicians lu the United Mates. el,
every where. i3 cents a bottle.
I'eurt el common l'lcaa,
I irceuimeiid l.iuly Cumclln's fecict at
YeiHhaml lleauty for the complexion as be
lug lur superior te any 111 Hi lu I ever used. It
positively reuievis Fieuklus, ami will icuiove
Tan In one iippltcttluu. l'rlce tec.
Fer sale at uil druggists.
Je'3-0milM&3 Newmlf, H, J.
Hkin )Ime.
"Hwnynu's Olntuient" ) Cuius the mint lnvet
"flwny mi's Olntmeiil" ' uratmiiMcs of hUIii iIIih
"hwiiy mi's Ointment"
'.Iwnynn's Olnlineiit" unaes, such its tuttur,
"HWIiynil'sOltltlllltlt"'kl.l HlmllM ...,,! I !,.., I
"Hwnyne'H Ointment" '- bubui's lleh, serer, all
"Hwnytiu's Ointment"1! . , n,.i,i,,
"Hwnyiin'sOliilmi)iit":iUu,"v' "'" iMnXi
"Swayiie'sOlntineiit" skill eitipltuns, nnd
"Hwnyiin'sOliitmunt" .,,.., huii-.hI,,.. ..,
"Hwiiyne'sOlntmunl"!11 ia "'strnaslnii tern.
"HwuyiiD's Olntuient" plaint, Itching plle.s,
"Hwiiynu's Ointment" ., ,., ,,,,.
"Hwuynu's Olntiiiunl" !i Ul" "l,ly c,,;ul,a tutu
"fiwnynn's Olntimiut" no nmtler hew nbetl.
"Hwnyne'rt eitittnmil" ) niitu or Ieiik Hliinillnit,
Ask for It nml uu no ethnr. II (.t'UKS
wliere all else lulls. Held by all ilrugiilits,
A Onncli, Uebl or SurnTlirmit
lteiiilrcs liiiiiieillatonttniitlen, A neglect lr
rltntes thu lungs anil an Incurable dlxniLie Ib
often thu lesilIU " lilt. HWAYNK'rt COM
I'OHNDHYHUr WlbDUIII'.ltl'.Y" cures thu
most severe 'eiikIis uuil enhls, iietsilliei tly en
tlieluiiKti, thrmilnml chest, purities llm liloed,
unit ter bienehhil, iisllmiii, nil pulmonary ul ul ul
tectlonsel lung stiinillmr, lstlinbestietnuily
evur illHCevureil. l'rlce 'St cents unit fl jier
bottle. Tlie large alie Is the limit economical
Helil bviill best ilmuittstH. 119-M WAFlVilAw
M. Ill It I AUKS.
MuCeiiklk IIatte!. Onfeplember 10, ISM,
by thu Iluv. W. T eilinl, ill Ills lcMdeiico lcMdeiice lcMdeiico
Ne. Ml Kust Oriiue street, Mr. Kliliinuel Mu Mu
Cerkle. nl I'eiiiien, le Miss C. Ililtlen, nt
Lancaster city, It
ItATiiVen brAt's-KKil. In AllealienvMIV. I'll.,
A pi II 3). 18S.I, by Kuv. T .1. I.eini, Vllllam It. Deliver, Cntoiiule, anil I'.lla M,
Buiuirer, nl thU city.
lll'iiv. Ill this eoenty. en thu IHIIi liiHt,
Chrtnlliiiia Ituily, lu Hid SM yeur oilier ugu,
molherel ilie. v. Cniriey.
Thu rehillves nml Hleiulsel the liuully uru
respectlully Invlleil Iniiltuniltliuliiciiiiil lrem
her latu resilience, Willow Micet l'lku, neiir
llnlllniier'H Tiiiinery, en Tliurstliiy iiiiirnltiK
at lUo'eleuk. liiluimuiit at Meeliuiile bur.
MiriiLEn September IH, isxi In t'-ls elly, Mlihler, iiK"il M yeius. inentlM uuil 5
Thn relatives 'mil H lends, also l.aliciKtcr
ledge unit Washington encampment, I. ( e.
F., nml Cdiii stega council, O. U, A M.,uiuie
Hpeetlully Invlleil te attend Hie luneriit Heni
h's bile rishlence, Net ai Knst I.eiiien stiret,
en Friday iifterniien ut l! o'clock. 3lil
llnineerMtlu MlHte Tlrliit.
HON. .lOSHl'H 1'Ott KI.I,, lliudliml I n
Ueuutjr Ticket.
JOHN. A. COYI.K, baiieaslei.
I'll. IUHII.MAN. l.niiejFlet
JOHN II.MhNAUt. I, Ml. Jey.
I'oea DinBcreiiM
II. K. HIIIMP. K. Ceciillcii.
C. II. IIKItlt, Mlllersvllli.
A ll .1 It V HKTl Shit r.NTH.
;a-tki- oeiio cook
M. 110
Minn iniku street.
tlie best ler llieuienin in tin) tot n, ut
VV mi Coats ani: an nppr nllee. at
hud exneilence In the caioel illlvlnj;
hnih h, A (i'i Ulan wliii ean t ilk KnglNli pre
lened. Must ceimi well ceiimicnili)'.. Apply
Ilium dlately,
ClAnr.M.OAnl.'), A I'Ui.l. i.lM'. t'KO.lI r,e
) uii, nt
h I II It V.
r.i.r rnei'iisAi.s, i'kiii'iis i.h m
tin til 'It bi-i. I ler tlm l.uncunter tininlv
I'll'im ler tniirnientli-.. will lie n-ri-tvi-it uiihn
pi Neil ii) le ID n'clnekiu m Ol.TellKIt I, ls'l.
liy oilier et the biianl. J. V. MSSLKY,
sujil ItTu aecieluiy.
XT K V Hi.AMtf.lS. V.Y
Cellar'. Sew
1 New Flelms. New lane
libt (lleves, New WliiiUei 'lie', Umler-
ivear In bearlel, Wlille mid .Mixed, New Mlk
Hiiudkeret lels, anil In Met, ever) tiling new
ul l,mv l'l lees.
lebl7-lyTuAs Ne. Ce Nertb yiiien ttreel.
ll'HDlOllM. AS A ItUl.K lllKlltOtlllWlll
1 Is inedeiHli'ly slendy, but slew; lliey
llnall eaiihuileath, illber inpltlly as lnre
iiluple, b) sutri.einleii ul slenly.Oy I In- lice He
el exiiiiiistliiii nml mln.
CANCKItS mid TUMOIIS el nil MmU cuieil
wltlmut palu or usliiit Hm kuile; ulse, bkln
Dleaes, Cluenlu and Pilvale Diseases sue
ccrslully liealnd by
Hits. II. I). mid M A. I.ON.J KKIt.
Olllcn II Kal Wiiluul ntieut, 1 uueMcr, Pa.
(Join-illlalten lieu. sl7Util,Vw
r that w 1:1.1, known
Store Stand and Oh oiling Hohbe,
Nei. Il'i and 117 North IJiieim street, I.iincns.
ter. Pa. alii piepeltv fieiits -UK lent en
Ninth yiieeii Htieet, nml extends baeic i 1 feet
tnCliiisHiiu stieel, witli a two-sleiy Frame
Wiirehnuseeii Hie tour. 'I tin isnideii Is planted
with thoclie eesl Unit tues. Jennaeiisy. rer
furt her paiilculars niinly te
septl3-.2ttili.Oil Ne. Ill Kast King St
Ne 40 Wall Streot, - New Yerk.
Ilieldls uuil Deuleis in ItHllnuy nud rther
Hecuillles. UA1HWAY INVKSl'MKNTs a
spichi'ty, lu the seleetleu and estimate et
whleh llielr loin; connection with "Peel's
Manuel el railroads" ulves them special ad
vw Hinges. Coiie.'peniteiicu Invited und liniul
rles answered. Deposit nee units received uml
Inteiest iillewetl. seiilUmeed
lu of I.aueastur City,
ileeM.l.utliirs el iid-
iiittilstratleu en sablestiitn having iieeiiKiant
eil le thu uuiluislgued, till persuim luilebted
theioteuru reiuesied teiiiake Imineillatn pay
ment, and theji) having elitlius or demands
una list tlie same, will pie-nnl llieiu without
delay ter settlement te tlie inuleislgiieil.
w. 11. 11 iiuchirs.
A. C. lUiNeKiir., Aduilnlstiiiter,
Attiiiuey. iilli'ililTu
Asaeta evor ONE MILLION, TWO
Inaurcs Prupuity at Ciiiienritute.s.
beceua Prmnptly Settled ami Paid.
Ne.;iO Eat King Sttoet
A Greut Fair Attraction.
WEDNESDAY, Eept 10, 10& 20,
Tliu lCmlneiit Auler,
Supported by a Company el
lu his dull;liUnl creailnnel .Minilocli'dcli.iiin .Minilecli'dcli.iiin
Ing backwoods ldj I,
(A HvarneN v ev I.kavks ami .Mosaic )
New lu its l'itlt year et popularity uml unit tin
piecedented giiecesj. 1'iesente.l heru with
Nuw uml Plot uresij no Kcencry, nil can led by
thu Management,
AUMH3S10N UJ, 50 75 OKNTfl.
tf-3cct3 new eiifialiiut Onera Heuso elllcn
Thuailvt-iibiiitv nf s.'miiinif si'Hts curly la ru
Stylish Neckwear
P. M WALTON, or Phlladelphla,
and J. 8. LOWItBY, of
. New Yerk.
Our Gents' Neckwear
I'll IB FAI-b
lias been caieliilly relucted Hern thu NKW
IiH I' DKS1UNH el thuse milkers and thu prices
aru thu same its koeiIm et a lower standard ute
sold at. In addition te thu bull wu keep a
ehelcu vailcty of till qualities.
32, 34, 30 & 38 EAST KING ST.,
Airtitaci.i:ii'.s kkmkiiip.m.
and Women knew ere this thai of thu many
diseases and dcrnnneineiils el thu body each
has asepaiiitecttiieii or eilglu. unit t lut each
neiilsu itlllerent methodet lieatnienl In order
le ellecl a and 11 moment's reflection
must eeiivlnen tliatany el Ihu quack nostrums
tutstud upon the public claltnlm; tecmu all et
a mi inbcr et diametrically illlfeiuul diseases
must print) fal lines, even II wu tle net call
them huiiibiiKs.
nud people et me lorale means, nml ucn pen
iln well-to-de or wealthy, Und that Ihu cuer
tiieiij chttrtict of practising nlivslelaus aru a
;erloubiinleute them ami nlsellnd llmtnlter
Iinylnir themselves pour that no bcnelll lias uc
erueil te them, ttiut In lacttlicy liave thrown
their money uwny Te overcome them evils
w neller Whcelcr'i Xe. 00 hure ilcmrdlcj te the
sick und sutlerliiK one llemcdy ter uicb dla
easu, wlteuiitfnrii moment claiming tlml ene
itmiedy will euru any ether disease Hum thu
one claimed ler It. uml us thesu reiiieillu- liave
steed thu test et years wllbeul a sliiKlu fa I
uiv, lveiutren te refund the money jmlil In
eveiy Instance where a cure Is nul positively
ellecteil. The 1 euied les me entirely vegetable,
can de 110 liarni, anil will positively euro
eery disease ter which they are juuacrlbud.
Ueut, l.iiinunesset Joints, Sciatica and Nun
iMluiiiiieicllnVKil lUenceanil positively cuied
liy Ihu use of Wheeler's Ne. !l IHiuiimiitlu
Uiiiuedv. Wu say boldly that III thu worst el
cases et no iimiter hew leny ttaiulhnj, hew
nerieui, or Hew pitlnjul, we can mil emyulvu
lellut but iieiillicli cure ter nil tune. FuIHiik
te de this wu will positively rulunil thu money
paid for thutiealmunt, anil 11 your siillerliif;s
urn net pe-ltlvely stepped ler all time you
huve net tliiewn your iimnuy uwuy us you
would en any ntlier than thesu uiiaranlced
1 eini (ties. 'I'll in c 1 et Wheelur's Ne. ' llhuii-
matle Remedy is only Wceiits.elitntnulile lrem
any ilruitlsts, 01 sent lieu by mall 011 leeclpt
oipiiee. niunps liikim.
Many a lady, endow ed by ratine w lib u pi city
lace, hcuiilitul Uuu re. faull'ess complexion, us
t II is the sweetest et tempers uml fatillluts
iiieniai ijiiauues Kiewa premium ciy uiu,
Kniv and wilnkled, her lern, lesus lis perfect
contour, tlie completion becomes sallow, thu
in lit illness leaves 1110 eye, a leeiin 01 languor
takes tlienlaeu et thu eucu tnievant soil Its. uu
ltiltuble nervous Ir.ictlensness makes Hlu n
binileii. tbluiiH Hint eucu weie til lies worry
her until Hie becomes unbearable. All this
beliiK mnseil by the physliul tleruuKuuiunts se
coiuineii 10 women, wiiien inuinmiiumouesiy
nl lemlnliie lature erevunts thutr making
known, uuil et which thu fyiiernnce ut thu
meilleiil prolessleu iiruvunts a cure, f.nily
lleuiter, jmiuc und consider. Mis a duty you
own yeniscll, your family nml your He. I, that
you should cm 01 oursciret these tumbles und
eucu iiieie leel Hid clew et perlcct health uml
spirits that mituiti Intumleil ler you. ll'icrf
er'i ie.ii I'rect tptteni me pluiisiinliinit pul
iitablu te lake, contain nethliiK efiiu luurleus
iiuluie, ami may bu taken by all lines, ut nil
times uml lu nil conditions, toitheut jwaalbll
(ly of til tjUTecls, uml will positively cuie
any el tliu peculiar dlsuusus te which leuiales
1110 sulilcct. Fiilllm; te lirediicu a perfect curu
the proprleteis will rrjumlllie money palilter
inn ireHIiueni. jj you nuve a siiuew cuiiijhci cuiiijhci
(en, constsiiler Inieimllbiiil headache, linck
ache, lestlessness. less el uiiDulllu. sunnres-
slens nt monthly Hew, or Irregularities
liiuicotiiecouipuiiicii ey nuauacnes, nervous
uess. bvstt-ila ami similar svmnlems. IIViccJ
era Xe.HO Pretcrtptlen" II" wlllpesltlvuly ro re ro
steruyoii te lieilUi. If you have a sensation
et hcni und thtebbliiir in tlie back, ireuueut
lalntlim spells, l.eucorrheaorwhtto discharge,
paliitul or scalding sunsatlnn 111 urlnutlug
icdillsh or white deposit In mine, het ami
drv skill. Wheeler's Xe. SO I'reicrlpllen " ii "
will glvu linuieitlati) and lusting lullul. Tlm
price el Wheeler' Ne. VI Piescilptlens "II"
und' C'aiu te cunts each, ubtuliiuble frem
druggists or sent by mull sueuiu lrem obser ebser
vutlim pest paid en receipt ut price. Postal. e
lllsneudltss te describe tne syiiiplems el
tilts nauseous disease that Is sapping Hie lite
unit Hlieiigttiet only tee many nt thu fat rest
and best ulbetn suxes, old and young, sutlur
ln;ulllu from the poisonous tltlputng lu thu
lilt eat, thu poisonous 11 sil discharges', thu
luted lu until uml gnuuriil weakness, nubility
uml luiiuiier, iisldit from thu iicutu siitluilngs
et this dlseiise, which It net checked can enlv
end lu uji pulnte, wcuhenctl tight, lest of
memory, tUtinen, uml premature Uciith II net
eliecked buleiu It Is tee latu. l.aUtn, study
ami research 111 America, c.uroneumi i-.usiem
Hands have lesulteil lu Wheeler's Xe 90 In
3'ant licllrf and Hure Vurefer Valitrrh, a luiu
edy which ceutulns no harmful Ingredients,
and that Is gual antced te enie eveiy ease el
uoute orchienlo l.'iilurili or money lulumleii,
Wheeler's Xe.00 Instant Jtcliefanii burc Cure
for Catarrh will uuiu evury cusj et catarih,
buy lever or asthma, price II. ee pur imckae,
tinui iliugglsls, or sent by mull postpaid en
iccelptel price.
Il'ieefervi Xe. M Sure Cure for Kidney and
Liver Troubles cuius all weakness anil soiu seiu soiu
uessel klduu)n, lullumimilluu el kidneys or
liver, prlcu $
Wheeler's Veiictalila 1'ills Is thu enlv rem
edy that uures constipation, giving milunil
action el thu bowels wliheiit puyslclng, mug-
mysicing, mug
i cunts, et di'ug-
mg. griping or pain, rnce -ice
gisis or uy mini
Wheeler's Xervtne Jonle ler niuutul tlunies
slim, less of manhood, languor, weakness or
ever taxation el the bruin is Invaluable, nice
i'i cunts.
Cm cs In every case or will ruf uml thu money
paid. Wu placu our prlcu ou thesu remedies ut
IcBStlian enu-lwimtteth et thu pilee aslied by
ethers ler lumedles upon which you taku all
thu chunces, und tee specialty Invite thu patron patren
iiku et thu many persons who have tried ethor
leincdliH without ellect or depleted their
puruus by pa Ing doctor bills thai bcnclllted
thuiu net.
These iimicilh'H. He te your tlruuKist ami usk
ler them. It thuy huvti net net llieiu, write at
ence ie me pioptieioiB.oncioiinK iue price iu
money or slumps, and they will bu sunt you ut
niKuby mull postpaid, Currcspenduucu solic
ited. Adiliess plainly,
L. WllKKLKIt ft CO..
Ne.yc W. HaltlmeiuSt..
st))l3-lywAKftriyil 1IALT1MOHK, MD.
New Hetel Lafayette,
11 read uml Chestnut streets,
Location unsiirnassed i newlvlurnlshml und
Improved, with 3u0 rooms, eifun utti actions
I superior te any hetul III Philadelphia.
- . mria1" v' MaWJY, Proprietor,
i pvijjiuu u aw1
Tlie tluvernnr Hay It I Nut I'ulitiltiitletial
Tlm Hennte Hiistalnn tlie Vein nml
tlie llmue Tables It,
IlAititisiiuiHi, I'.i., Sept. 18. The kv-
orner te-ilay vetoed the concurrent reselu
tien instructing appropriations commit
tees of both IIouses te repert the appre
priatien bill for pay for senators aud
rnembcrB up te and including Sept. 10,
and te repert no ethor appropriation bill,
except for ofllcers and ompleyei).
I he governor withheld his approval of
the roselutlon en tlie greuud of utioenstl
tutienality and called attention te the
fact that "the law provldes that mombera
of the Logislature shall roeolvo ten dollars
per illem at oaeh adjourned or special
Hoajien.nud that It Ir net within the pewer
of Legislature te dimiulsli that oomponsa eomponsa oemponsa
tlon." Hmtalneil njr tlie Snuitle.
Wlien the message was rcoelvod iu the
Bonate a vete wan taken ou the question,
" Shall the resolution pass tiotwlthstand tietwlthstand
lug the vete of the govorner '.'" and re-
suited : Yeas, 20 ; nays, 13. As two-thirds
of the mombers of thoBcnate failed te vet
in favor of the resolution it was defeatcd,
aud the governor's vete waa sustained.
In the Heuso the veto mossage waa read
and upon motion waa tabled.
Scrretnry of Htate KeliiiRliuysan lluekeu fur
Hi Uuberunturlul Muinlnntlen.
Tuknten, N. J Sept. 18. The Repub
llcan delegates te the Htate convention all
arrived by 10 o'clock te day. The con
test started this morning whure it left off
last night Judge Nixon is largely In the
lewl, although the frleuda of ex-Cen-gruBStnan
Hill are mauy aud are making
an active canvass in his hehalf.
A. tnovement lias just been started iu favor
of Secretary L'tuylliighuysen that promlsea
te ncoempllsh something. A dispateh was
rccclvcil uair au hour nce lrem Uoergo
Jenes, of the New Yeik 7 t'mf, stating that
Mr. FroyliughuyKen would accept aud
advising his nomination. Thore will be
Oil delegates in the convention. Ex.
Senater Ilebart will call the body te
order aud William Walter Phelps will be
the temporary aud probably also the per
manent chairmau. The platform will
advocate a high tariff, will onderso the
present natieual administration, oppeso
convict labor wheu itoeulllcts with skilled
labor and will strongly favor the taxation
of raiheads, after the tnautier of the tax
ation of personal property.
The Conventlon in Session.
liATKH The dolegatos met at 12 o'clock.
Iludfceu, in caucus, had cast 77 votes for
Dixen and e" for Hill, and Esi'jx county
had a solid vete for Dixen. lux-Senater
Ilebart called the convention te order.
Congressman William Walter 1'liilpa
was in ado temporary chairmau. He
niade u vigeruua sioech, iu the
course of which he attacked the
Pennsylvania railroad ami eharged that
corporation with defeatiug Frodcriek
I'etta iu 18S0. He said that corporations
had lest their inlluouce aud that the sus
picion that any niau waa under obligation
te a corporation waa the suiest means of
hia defeat. IIe did net think thore could
be any corporation interference iu the
prctent campaign. After appointing the
regular committees for routiue work the
convention adjourned until :'W with
evury indication that Judge Nixon will be
the nominee.
Odd fellows in session,
I'neviDKNCi:, It. I., Sept. 18. The
Severeign Qratid Ledge of Odd Fellows
met hure this niaruing. A memorial lrem
the grand lodue of California iu the cole-
bratcd Robinson easu, which hna been be-
lere tlie Boveroign Uranil Lodge.sinco leau,
was presented nud with Robinson's pretest
waa referred te the cemmittee en petitiens.
Lettors from Past Oraud Sirs Glenn
aud Durham regretting their inability te
be present wero ordered te be recorded.
Several iiuostieus nud resolutions wero re
ferred te cemmittcca as well as a large
amount of routiue business from various
AloUeriuett lilsctinrced,
Livr.iiPoen, Sept. 18. James MoDor MeDor MoDer
mott, who left llroeklyn recently for
England, aud who lias been examined
tliree times bofero a stipendiary justlce ou
a eharge of conspiracy te murder
public efllcials iu oeuueotlou with
tlie ilynamitn party waa again
brought before the court te day, and
was discharged, the ovideuce against him
being deemed lusuiiioieut.
O'Ueunell lu Londen,
Londen, Sept. 18. O'Detinell anlved
here at neon and was met at the railway
station by a large ferce of pelice and
taken iu a priseu vau te Millbauk jail.
lie Declines,
Hosten, Mass., Sept. 18. Henry L.
Pioree has writteu a lotter declining te be
a canilldate for governor bofero the iMasa iMasa iMasa
nohusetta Republlcau convention te-morrow.
It creates great surprise
Wasiiinuven, Sept. 18. Fer the Mid.
dle Atlantic states, light raitia near the
coast fair weather, in tlie interior slightly
cooler tiortherly te easterly wlndH higher
liaiemetcr iu southern portions.
1'lillHilelplUa narnet.
PiilLAnKLvniA. Sept. 18 Fleur market dull,
ltyu Heur alf.1 fcu,3 75,
heat weak uml dull : Ne. 2 Western Iteil.
JIOWjNe. 3 de, 41031 Ne. 12.
Coin III lair demand j sail yellow, i;f(illut
sail luUcd.COX&OIKc; Ne. 3 Mixed, 3S(Q
Oats eulel and steady i Ne, 1 White, aQ
30c i Ne. 2 Whltu, 3li(J3u ; Ne. i de, SU&ii)fi ;
Ne. 2 Mlieit, 3IHe.
Seeds unchaiiKed.
Previsions iiuiut.
Lard quiet.
Hetter ilrm.scuree and wanted.
KKKS siciiny.
Cheese Qiilutand lltm.
Pu releuin llrui ; Hullneil, b'MVic.
Whisky ul 12U
New Yerk Market,
Nbwierk, Sept. 18. Fleur dull, heavy unit
a shade lower.
Wheat iiOJia lower, weak and Irregular t
moderuto business, mainly in options t Ne, 2
Uuil, Kent., fl 10 j Oct., fl 10JM1 UH;
uern -yiniyia lower, uuavy nun iiiieeunii i
Mlxud Western spot, 55tJolie j de tuure, MS
Oata dull ; !4QWe lewer t Ne. 2 Nev.,
33u; Uce,, 37e; Htutc, Maiiaj Western, iKi
Western (Irani Market.
Milwaukux Wlieat was lewer at Ule for
cuaii i yJH ler Oct. t osjie for Nev.
Cern was dull and drooping Ne. i at I'Je
releetue' atlSKc.
Oalswuru netjluctedj Ne. i nt SOJge ; Ne,
uliltn nt. "RMe.
ltyu was lewer l Ne. 1 at 33e j Ne 2 at SI)(e.
Ilurleywas In lair demand j Ne. 2 cash utii3e.
l'sentx Cern wen lower i hlu'h mixed at
48XOI9et Ne. 2 mixed at 17ai7e.
Outs wero active but lewer i Ne. 3 wltlteat
" liye'wils quiet t new Ne. 2 at 51(1310.
UirrueiT. Wheatwasilulli Ne. 1 whltp, tall,
ler cushat II euki September and Ooteber ul
1 1 OH Nev. at fl 07 ( Ne. 3 de nt fl Ol No. Ne.
ludwlnier at f 101. Thu receipts weie 17,000
bus i shlpmimUiuOiLua,
Corn-Ne 2at3ie.
U:tlt(-.Sv. 4 rtfiUvat 3.c. e.SftlW,
Btoeic men.
CltlOAUO-llogS-UeCOlptl, 13,000 hcl t thtpv
ments, 0,500 liead t inarhnt nry ok unit low
I5e lower tiineklng, fl M(M :ii paeklnn und
MfiOttl ft) I cloned staiimut ' '
Cftttle Uocetpts, 7,noe heiil i mitpmimtif,
l,U hiiad j market ijuletaiKi weak njimrW
In limited deniand ut f.l tiji 00 u'iel Ce
cholce shipping, f3 lefjss;. t common te mix
ilium, ft IM3I b ran go iittle Hull i Wynm.
liics.fMOfJl 70 urass Tctans, 3 7301 30 I
Amerlenns, fl I0Q5.
Sneep Itceelpts, 1800li0'ilslilptiioniji,tienn
market steady i Inferior le fair, fi 4UQ3 73 t
Roetl.ILl Ml p.lietcn, 1.173.
The Journal's Liverpool cuble advices lutrk
a downwind lemloney In lerclgn markets ter
American cattle, prlrrg having dcellned He lit
. t top griidi-s. He V is cs luiKteiI deatl weight,
sheep Imvu declined le, best grades soiling at
Kast Ltnnnrr Cat tle Uecelpln, 4,109 head t
markut very dull (pi IcdsUOHe oil lrem lesL
week's cleilng prices.
Hogs IteceipUj, ntMl heeilt mtirket dull I
rhllndalplilM. fDieaOM i Yorkew, 10 203(1 03.
Bhoep llpcelpta,'i.iuoiieail market slew at
about lust weuk's doling prlcui.
Meer ftiftXKeui,
Quobillens by Heed, McUrann ft Ca, Hank
ura, baucaster, Pa.
C O. A 1. C. .... ....,,... .... .... ....
Michigan Central 81 83W Bill
New Yerk Control 1I0M U0)i ii7i
New.leraey Central 82H Wi S2W
Ohie Central vl
Del. back, a Wostern.... 121 latt m
Denver Kle Orande.... 'Si 'Wi S7U
Krle 3? 21 xiy.
Kansas ft Texas vn 'I'M iv.
Uke Shnre Xy Matt 10l
tliilcatte N. W com.... 123 'n 127i
N. N Out. Western 2.'btj
ht. Paul. t Omaha i'Hi
PaclneMall 3W 35li 3fl
Hechusturft l'ttuiburirh.. lBW 18H
guraui 7.... itwG K leek
Texas Pactne -ajl VHl 80
Union Pacine in tww nje
Wubesh Common ni -iiU 'Xiyi
Wabash Prorerred 3-lU 31)2 B3U
West'm Union Teleirrunli 1 82;jj 8.1
Louisville A Neshvlllu... a T filji
N. Y., Clll. ft SL Ij.. .... ....
I.ehlKh Valley (J7Vi
I.ehlKb Navlnatleu 13!
PennsylviuiU MJJ t Wi
KundlliK V, 13-10 23 iri0 23 1-ltJ
P.T. ft lluttale iy.
Nerthern Pacinc-Cem... vvx HM 4e4
Nerthurn Paclllc Pi-or... 7IJ 73)j; 7.1)4
Hestenvllln ...
Philadelphia ft Krle
Northern Control
Underground ,
Caniulu Beuthern UK UW tS'S
Oil 113 113 UK
People's Piuaenirur..., ,
IJuotatlensby Asseclateil Pre-s.
Stocks Irrexular.
Philadelphia A Krle It. II 17
iteadliiK llallrend '-it
Pennsylvania I tall read Ast
l.ehlgh Valley Kntlriiiid TDK
United Companies el New Jersey 19Ji
Nerthern Paclllc 40
Northern Paclllc Preterm t HY,
Northern Central Ua II read bli
I.uiiIkIi Navigation Company I'Ji
Norristown Hal I read 100
Centml Transportation Cempauy 3SM
.... 3Stf
.... 01
l'llteb'K, Tllusvllln ft Itutlale It. 11.,
Utllu Schuylkill llailread
."Sew tern.
Quotations by Associated Praia.
Stncka dull and loner.
New Yerk Central ....117
Krle llailread Si
Adams Kinross vu
.Michigan Central Itallreiul 8)J
Michigan Southern llailread let
Illinois Central Kallrnad 1K
Cleveland ft PlttsburKli IbiUrnad 13.1
Chlcaiteft Iteck Islnml llailread... KSi
PltLslmrnh ft tort Wayne llailread 130
Western Union Telegraph Company 82
Teledo ft Wnbasli 'ilV
Nuw .lerxey Ceutiiil Slyi
Nuw Yerlc Ontario ,t Western. ..... 'i".l
l.oeai.iinoKi mid llends
lleported by .1. II. I.en j.
Lune-l'lly b per cu bean, due lrs-J... 810)
" lf3... 100
" ione... loe
" ltWJ... 10C
6 perct- In I or 30 yeara.. 100
" 3 pur ct, Scheel Lean.... 100
" 4 " In ler 20 years.. 100
" 4 " In Ber20yeura..l(i0
" 0 " InlOor'ieynani. loe
Mauhului boieuirh lean 100
Onarryvllle It. It f30
MUluiuvltluHlrenlCar f0
Imiulrur Pi IntliiK Company 30
Has HlKht uml Kuel Company 30
suivens Heuso (bends) 100
Columbia (las Company
Columbia Wnlur Company
Buaiiuehanna lien Company,..,... 100
Marietta llollewwnro loe
Stuvuns Heuso CO
Sicily Island 30
KA-stllmndywIneft Waynesb'i;.... M
Mlllersvllle Nermal Scheel
Norlhern Market
Oiiarrj-vllle It. It.. Hue ltfil fl(K)
Ueadlm: ft Columbia:!:. Itn's 100
Luncustur Oas Unlit and Kuel Ce,,
due In ler 20 yuars 100
Lancaster Una Highland t'uel Ce.,
due 1880 100
Kasturn Market 30
Western .Market 30
ffif -
S!W 5
HlK Spring A Heaver Valley f 23
I 10.
JlllllUM,U ,X I1IIIU111UU......
Columbia A Chestnut Hill..,
'leluinula ft wasliliixten.
Up t
275 .
f 205 73
113 60
142 U
201' 25
oeiutnmaft uiir apring
ueiiimuni x niiirieiin ,
51 ay town ft lCllr.abothtewn
Lancaster ft Kphrata
Lancaster ft WlllowSlreot
Struseurtt ft Mtllixirt 25
Marietta Muvtewu 23
Marleltnft .Mount Jnv 23
Luna, KlUibetht'n ftMIilillet'n 100
Lancaster ft Prullvllle. 30
Lancaster ft 1,11117. 25
Lancaster A WlUlaiintewn 23
Luucusturft Maner CO
Lancaster ft Munlielin 23
Laucii3terft Marietta 23
Lanciihter ft New Helland 100
Lancaster A Suumieruinna. 300
niNS STOeua.
rirat National nan k 1100
runners' National name
Fulton National Hank
.... IM
...a ivu
Lancaster Cnuntv National Hunk.. 30
Columbia National Hank 100
Christiana National Hank. loe
Ephnita National Hank ion
First National Hunk, Columbia..... 100
irirsl National llauir, Strusburi;.... 100
Klrul National Hank, Marietta 100
First National Hank, UounlJey.. 100
Lltltz National Hunk..- 100
Manheln National Hank 100
Union National Hunk, Mount Jey. 30
Nuw Helland Nuttenul Hunk inn
Han National Hank 100
eiiuitmir a sorrow,
Heal l'slate mid Iusurauce Agents.
Heal KnUte nml Personal Property told at
Public sale ou Keasonable tunue.
Lancsster, Pa.
li el Lancaster Oily, dee'il. Letters testa
tauientary ou said estate having been Krautetl
te thu undeialixned. nil poisons Indebted
theiele are leiiuested te make immedhitu set
tlumunt, uuil tuoBebuvlnn claims ordeuiands
iiltalnst theaaine, will picsent them without
delay ler siittleinent te tbe uuilorslirned, re
sldliiK Hi City or Lancaster, Ne. 'ill James
Oil AH. K. UltOOMK,
BiM'L, II. PntCB, Kxocuters.
Atterney. aliWUlTIi
Sltmitetl NOS. 31 AND 20 WKST KING
BTKKKT, Lancaster, Pu., midway bolween
Centre Sit iiarti anil Stevens Heuse and Head.
Iiik llailread Depet, and opposite Cooper's lied
Lien Hetel, und new occupied by A. N. Uren Uren
eniun. It lias n lrenlatii cf 2.1 feet 7 Inches,
runntiiK back 132 lout, Willi the rutin of way
te the u leut alley en tliu west, while evur thu
alley the second, third unit fourth stories
beleiiK te the preiHirty, making the wnole
troui3Jtuet, 7 incuus, uxciuuivu i ineujiuy
wav. te which it has rluht et trce Inkrcsii ami
egreas atany and till times through te West
Mlitltn stroeL . . .
This property Is In Reed repMr, und nus
uueu usuil as u shoe steru anil dwelling ret
neatly 60 years.
rorturtnerinieniittiiuii kimmj m
JACOUH. LONU, eni.H' 'Jjy"v..
Ne. 0 West JCtnu SU
1.1 1
8. m, at the Leepard Hetel, Lancaster
cttv in rmrsuance of an order et tua Orptim'
Cour"w"lbesolilut l'nblle Sale Uw fellow
lna ilcbcrlbeil lletil Estate, le wit i All tlut
cerb Hi two-story Ulll6lC DWKLLO
HOUSK. Ne. 3I. with onu-teryllrlck Back
liullillntr. adlelulnir, and let et ground appur appur
tenant thorelo, sltuute en tlie nertheatit We
el Lew street, lincnster City. Va Said let of
irreunil trentlni; ateim said Lew street 18 lt,
5ml oxtendlnir lu ileptli that vldth loe leet,
with Brape vines and ether Iniprovemenu
thfreen. fhera U uu alley en thn wcit nlde
et the dwelllnir heuse. ,
Sulu te cemmenet) at 7 o'eleok p. 10., en said
day. wnen terw will be maile known by thu
unilerslgned. MAUTTN SlieUISI.
Jaoeu UuwPAKttt. Trun te Rell.
CVllWVVri ;i'flMawtlti