LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!? TIUrHSI)AY, SEPTHMKEli Hi, 18tW. r aancastrr. Jntelliflcncct THUIWDAY ffVENINO, BEPT. 13, 1083, TUB IlRSKItTKII UIIUKUII. UlRh en ttie llehcned ledges, ltke A lonely ict-lewl en Its perch, Hlewn by the celli 10.1 winds It stands Olil (Joapert'a quaint, rorinken cluireh. Ne (ilcn Is left el nil the town Kxcoptnfew forgettun gravel lint te and lrotliewhlto sails go niowlyBero!8tlioBllttctln wavej. Anil summer Idlers stray about With curious questions et tlia lest And vanished vlllaze, and Its moil. Whose beats liy thsie name waves wrre tessed. I wonder It the old church dreams About Ita parish, and the days The flslier people catne te hear The preaching and tlie songs of prnlse. neugh'handed, brenncd by nun imd wind, llcodless et lashlen or et creed, They listened te the parson's words Their pilot heavenward Indeed. Their eyus en wcek-days Bought the churcli, Their surest landmark, and the giit'l" 'Jhal led them In lrem far at sea, Until they anchored safe bcslde The harbor wall that braved the storm With lta resistless strength of bieiiu. Tliesa busy fishers all are gone geno Tha church Is standing herj nlone Unt still 1 hear tlielr voices strange, And still I se3 thu poeplo go Oror the ledges te their homes; Tfce bent old wemen's toetstcn sle i The faithful parson atein te glve 8ome timely went te ene astray; The llttle children hurry en Teh-cher, chatterlng et their play. I knew tlie tUie sea covercd some, And ethors In Mie rocky ground Found narrow lodging for thelr bones - (JchI grant their rest 'a sweet and 90 id ' I saw the worn repe Id;e hung licslde me In this belfry brown. 1 nave the bell a solemn tell I rang the knell ler Uoiperl tow n. Harper's Manazmr ritOKlTAULK KAKMIMJ. Hew It May lie Eflectctl With SucreM. Germantewn Telegraph. We observo that our article seme time age en the question wbetlier fiirnilti will or will net pay, attracted a roeiI deal of aUontlen. The point that we maile was that se many lazy fellows who call them selves farmers ought net te succeed, and yet that it is just this BUit who are held up te the world as the great illustrations that farming will net pay. It occurs te us that a few words farther, why seme fail who are net altogether of that abominable class, may uet be amiss. Tbore are tee many men who put their all lu a siagle venture, ami if that falls are utterly used up. Then In perhaps no business whereln "two strings te ene bow" Is se important. In almost all ether pursuits tbere are certain rules which bave been founded en experience, ami whieh the shrewd man of business can take advautage of with an almost assured ceutaluty of e access. But wu cannot de this. We canuet tell what will happen te our crops. Sometimes it may be evor dry sometimes ever wet ; sometimes weaie plagued with swarms of insects, at ether times we are alllictcd with blight and mould. Against uone of these de we get the slighest hint. Out we dwell en this'elsowhcre in speak Ing of the vaJue of diversifying our pre ducts. Trcuble nevcr strikes everything alike. Some will succeed. But lmlenpjn dently of all this, the yeuug farmer should never be cast down by tnWfortune. It is hore whero be many fail. We knew one oace who had made by city work senui eight thousand dollars He had rrigiually been brought up en a farm, and hid al waj s made up his mind te return te It ai sjuti as he had accumulated enough te wai lantblm in making a start. Uut he pur away $2,000 aud invested only six in tin-' larm and stock. It se happiucd that tu. iiext two years found him in tcrrlbl.i losses ; but they brought experience ar.d he fell back en his small rcserve, and thu with his new experience gave lain a new and geed start. It Is uet te long age , but he new oensidors himself worth about $25,000 and is ene of the most ardent ad voeates th&t farming icillpay. UlTerMlled Agriculture. The amazing 8uoeoss of American agn agn agn oulture in the last quarter of a century is very generally attributed te tlie una of improved machiuery as applied te the cut ration of a few leading crops, but our unit Impression is llrm and strong that no small share of this work of suosem h.w been caused by the enlarged development of mera dlversltled crops, especially in tlie Northern and Wcsteru states. Iu New Yerk state the inttoductien into the rural distrieta of cstabllshnieuu ou an exten sive scale for the manufacture of uiUtei aud cheoRe, has produced results of m mueh importance that Minlhr erganizi tlens are new found in New Jersey, I'enu sylvanla aud tuostel the Norluwestei n States. On the ethor hand, the immetihe grain grewiug intorests or the Northwest have developed en a pruligiem scale a system of loeal grain elevators eitahlislied by the railroad cempanies for tlie storage, purchase aud sale of giaiu crops, which priuoiple will 110 doubt ultimately boeomo universal In all the great grant preduuu g districts of the republic. Inbmalil'ex.sicutlet rover mid Plphtheila Darbyn Prophylactic Fluid will step the sprmd 01 thu Infection. Havuil me liuby "My baby, aged II I teen liinuth. was attacked with eretiii, but wuh euieil th two dex et Aeniai ' hclcclrtc Oil. Imve used th'H iiimli. clnuinr tlie elder chlldrun. Ilavnihu gieutest UIii!.U; wMJ"' J),l"lul M,"1. w Seventh t , llnllule. N. . ter salu by II. II. Cnehiau. druggUt.mandU'j North queen utieet. 1 Willi e. very body te lUiew. "" tMluiV.S?rKS H 'thayut- '" old clllzun el this vicinity known te every one u uiiie,t the M. K. church.Just this memunt Hteiimtii in our BUire te nay, 1 wlnh everylm. ly 1 J 'k ,." our liven te blilleh'n Consumption Cure." It ."..' i'".1:.,11 liiiuiideu (.ale ever our ceuutiiu Si i1?.iJlv,.V u'cl Mtluractlmi In all cases el liiing Iliac uses, such a untliliu' 1 h has done. IHW. MATCUKTT A r 1 A.Nu'. HoumieK. Ind.. May 15, 7. 1 w'Sl1!)! J!' "' '"a". daugglst, Ne. 1 17 and Lfi North liiieungtieut.LuncatcT. leblleuiil I.eubH llnucit. limi,iL'ft,A1i,tnt!l'tMPt)," ,ll.ce somehow leeks lmnuit. A heiau thief or burglar bhIiIeiii car ries HUiili u face. llurUeck llYoed Jlltte", ,V , e Urn Hkln a peculiarly line texture 1 1! d c mi nes. They strengthen and enrich tlie rlrcu S " Kor8a0.e0bv W'T nft" , W." e" bS," . imi .:rJNenh0uyuUUnllit?e00Ct:ra,, ,lr"',,, U7 STKVKNH 1IOUHK H11AV1NO AND UAtll DIIK331NO .V.,,0ar"evmun n"'1 l,rlc'U3 ""'he w nttiui iV?Sik nrt " WAONEII, inyl6.tld Manager Sl)lltltllUH-i IIA1II) l)ANUhn''lt7?"Al parently n rapid, type, Is elten leund In elderly romsle. ipeclafly the unmarried or ttieiii who, If married, bave had any chlldien InthlscasBu tutnoref a hard nature IshuiI. rtenly discovered in the breast. OANCKIIS and TUMOUS or till klndvcured without pain or using the knitut ulse, akin DIeaeg, (jhronle nnit 1'rlvate DlBtnses huc ceislully treated by nffl.JVit "; ib ?"" M' A- J'ONO AKKIt. Onice-W East Walnut street, J nneister, Pa. Uonmltutlen Iree. nl0 3tdxw Nt?JS? 1",MK'Aa.jta ani uJ. NKU3.-A11 pernnns are hereby forbidden totrespuHs en any of the lands of the Corn Cern wall or BpoeUwufi estates, in Lebanon n ml Muieaater counties, whether Inclesed or un un un luoleeol, either ler the purpose et Bhoetlngor numig, aa cue uw umbe riguily onferceo lift alnst all trespassing en eat iu . lands et thu tn.ilAMIunA.1 a f, -,,,, a tm, Inn Wil. COLEMAN KJtEEMAN U. l'KUOY ALDKN. KDWAUD U. KJtKKMAN, Attorney ler U. Yi. Celeman's llelri. plt-tftlAir JUVlUVAh. pilOWN'.i IKON IHTTI'.ltH. J I Reasons Why Jiccause your sletnnch Is net doing lt work properly. fieeaunc your liver l out of order and wanti tlglilirig. Jtecause your Meed U thin, nn.l iiretl Iren In It. Ilrcaiiie you are troubled with ncrveu aches and palm lleemiie yen nie vexed with languor and debility. All Uiese llpiisensl'ttii lieh'rt AMde liy the use or llrmiii'M Iren Hitter, ulileh will Tene iji your rnfecbled stetincli and help It te digest. ltcfrcih your wearied liver and put It In splendid order. Knrlch your watery bleed and glve It a rich ml eoler. Valm your worried nerve aud glve tliam restful peace. Strengthen your whole syttvni and drive debility and languor out. CnnldcrltiR that any man lielia a dollar may buy el the nenret drugglM a bottle et ltnew.N's Iren IIittkiis, llicre Is no ".ion ny the tun el It. StKtnVAl.. HGSTETTER'S CELEBRATED S ln lever and auue district. In trepleal and ethor regions visited by epidemics, and ln dtvd In all localities where the conditions are unfavorable te iiualti, till famous vegetable Invlgnrantnnd alterative Hosteller's Memai h Hitter-, lias I eon found a potent -.ateguird even te feeble constitution and Inutile frames, while as a run1 Ot lndlgetlen. bill 111 net" and Klnduei eeninlalntr, It li Itheiu .1 llvtl. Knr sale by all Druggist anil Dealers kuii crUly. .lm.leedAw VTl'.VKK SAMARITAN NERVINE. " YOf U. AIM TOO Jlfcll ler wAriTi .SmtTiNK." .iy 11 ihi-ptle "Hew c-m rtnc incil incil Iclne tie a Mireltlc ter Kl'll.KI'i, 1)SIKI' MIA. ALM)I1()I.1SM. OI'll'M KATI.S'G. ItllKl'MATIiM. SI,KHM,VTOUi;ll.K.ortb3t SI,KHM,VTOUi;ll.K.ertb3t INAI. AKAKVKS-5 and titty ether cum plain'' We claim It h iectilc. lmply he he enue the vlru tt nil ill-cast urlt x from the bloe I It NerUne. KimeI Alterative, and I.axuttve prepertlc meet nil the condi tion herein referred te It'j known m.rM u-Ute S3 THE GBEAT lerve Conqueror. It quiets ami compose the patlent net ty the Introduction of opiates anil drastic cathartic, but bv the restoration et activity te the tem uch and nerveu ntm, n la-ruby the brnln 1 icilcveil of mnrblil fancies, tthlcli are cre a'n-1 1-y the caiie dove refer. el te Te elergj men. Lawyers, Literary Men, Mer- hunt. Hunkers. Laities, and ull the-e whfue 'identary empleMuent causes nervous pros tiallen, lrr, gularlta- of tlie blutxl, Kleiiiach. liowi-lser kidneys, or who require a nerve t- nlc, npp,'tl7er or stimulant, Samauitan MnMM is luvaluible. '1 ll(iujlids preclulm t'. th( most wonderful Invluerunt evi 1 sustained the Hlnkln syst.nn. l '0. Snlil liy nil DniKUlriL The l)lt. S A. UIC1I.MON (1 IKI CO., Proprietors, SI. -Ineph.jn. (.HAS. S CIMTThSTON, Agent, New lerk Cltv i'2l (I ) I OUIIl'.llS RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP I a iilciisant, sale, -pecdy and sure remedy ter t.oeglis, colds, lloar-eness, Asthma, In lliienra, Hoienes et the 1 hrear and Che llrnnchltls. Ulinnplng Cough, Spitting IIIediI, lutlummatl')ii of the Lung, 111M . 11 Diseases el tlie Lli stamtAlr Passives. l'rlcc, t!."if. and .'dip. a liettle. "I'rnparei only ami iil hy OHAS. A.LOOHER. 1 it Id NO. 9 KAhT MM, SI' 1 J'.A MI'KCirii; AIKIIIUINK. THK J Ureal Kngllsh Ueme-ly. An untatlini! cure ler Impnumey, and nil Diseases 11 i1 lollew less of Miimery. t'nlversal tinlu. 1'uln In thu Hack, Dimness 01 Vision, Premature old Age, and many ether dlseiu.e.s that lead te Insanity or Cen sumptien and n I'lcmultiru t.iave. full par Mcuhm In mil pimplet, which wu de-diete i ml tree by mull leevuijr one. Tin- Sc-clllc Medlcliu, Is Mild li ull di'iKKlstsat 1 pei pltk -i;u, e- Iv package lerj.'). in will In eui tri 1 y m til en lliu itctdnl et tlie money, lj ul- iriissiuu tliuiigunt, II. II Cochran, U7 and It Hnrth Jut en stntt. en aoceuut 01 (emit, r-li-lli, we havi, ivleptftl thu Vellow Wi-nppvr lhei)nlyyei,ulnt. Lumranlfi's etcum Issticd hy ih Fer snlii In I. .nes.stt-i 1 y II. II v 1 n. Iruglsi, 1 17 und 1 It Noun iMi'im -T.-1 '111 t- IIKAY V I- 1 I lf '. s i.'itf.vs ii.nivi:h,ai7 fii.i: m-itiini- 1 TDin. A sure cum fin every let m nt riles, hit, mill and external, llthin or lileed Ing, and lung slundlng cisus. It h-cs nevnt tailed even In eases as long standing as 2.1 10 15 ThH.Sniipo.sltery Is cone shaped, easy teupplvH,iii, neat and cle m, and possesses every ailvuntiiiii) ever eliinnmits and i-ulies. l'hjsUlaiiHUse it 111 their pracinc. Otvn It 11 til il. and you will hu heth relieved mid eti. vlnciiil. II yem di ugiflht does net keep It or Mel It let you, accept no ether, but suinl ter it liy m. ill. w II e 111 lie Ment uuyuherc h null I'llre, Ww ; i-rlmt I'lepaled and rcl.l Iu AN DIIKW l,. Kill--' , Druggist; Ne. .". Kust (irmgu tl , lAnr. Christian. .iU'J7-lyiH.wJ l.iincaster, 1M. 1 OU HA l.i:. 1l Li:.l. KIl'ATK liffNKlW. IN A M IIAVS Ol'lt NKM Oataleeue of City Real Estate Fer b'ale will hu Issued. A small nollce In it may hrlm: you a bujei. Ne cluugii unless sold. Thu great demand ler these catalogues pievis hell useliiliifsH. Allan A. Herr & Ce,, ItKAI. KSl'ATKlind 1NHUUANCK AUKNTS, 108 East King Street. Iium.iij hai.i.-(in wi'.un i:siia v'ntT TKMIIKU l'J. h-sJ. ulll , se d hy t'hn V. 1. ilurblgned, at the icnldtncu of r. ii,r,ij si, ' ber. 11 tlMi Imreugli nt titrasbuiK. thu pe bciiiI greds of said ileienH'd.vlr. ' ' u"" Tlitc'i beili ceiipliitui two bureaus, mm,,. Iie-hiI, Bi-tiuiH secretary, illnluir. bmiklnst am iiintrn t.ibltn. t e waidrebiH, was 1 "til ids ami towel nii-kB. kltchun iIkmui, Heur e licit deughtray, ietileiator,eleihiis(irt.e,chi'stN one conk Ktove, nlpu uuil lUtuitH, ene cook Btev.1 and pipe, with water b.ekt iiDenlihi,.,, ileiin chulis, hugu lt t ,UB ,, Kmlll c ,y. .lIL" Hi"1!?' ,u" c'0'""'lf. vi iiiliierH,wasi lmwlsainlpltthi-iH,(ueenHivaiu, and n luru vurluly el hoiiM-lield and kitchen luinli lie nothuteeiiumuiiiled. Alse about l.tim pound, et leallobacceiimlalololHpluhlnian'sPiituil Muat Cheppeilng .Machines. tale te louimeiiee at o'clock p in,, wiu-n terms will lie mude known by ALLAN A. IIKItlt. KNDrtil. WKA Kit, It Downier, a. in. AiiinliiHiwiiiw. II. U. HOOK, ClurlC. Bll.tMll.tW fPIIK IIKUT AND flIDST Ctlini'Lr.TI, Art- I HOrtllKlllt. fit Kttehrii i,l,.i. "..-..i.... ... . rr, " "iA.V... ' ""ii wuaciiiii mill ui.ii.ji iiiii,ii)i ,-aiiis,ai. IIAKTMAN'rt 11CIJ.OW KltONT (Jill Alt H'lTIHK, TOUCH BITTERS Yeu Peel Badly. poepio siieum continue 10 leei unuiy, nisi inr rMnd&w ltttv a turns. J." MA 111 IN A CO. NEW GOODS -IS- Queensware Department. Fancy China, Fancy Glassware, Fancy Lamp?, LAIN AND DKCUltATr l TEA, TOILET AND DINNER SETTS, Fruit Jrvrs, Common Tumblers, Qobletfl, &e, J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. Prince and Weal King St, I.ANCAM'Kit.l'A N,v KALI. (i(HM)s. Watt, Shand & Ce., Are Ne I'p, 11 In? New Fall Goods IN rLin DhPAUTMKNT DRESL GOODS. DRESS SILKS. CASHMERES. SUA Tr.S. IIONIEKY AM) UXDEinVKAIJ. Flannels and Blankets. Jl'll.TS AMI I HMHllfT', At prli- te suit th lltn-'s 1 piece All Wen French Cashmeres, Ot our own Importation, at Lew, t ( ash 1'rlcn.s ; nlse upwitnl of I ixdezeu JiAM.iSK rOlVBLX, Of our etn importation Ht 2V eapb, imiaily selil at tie and .r7V- I Iff piect 4 All Linen TABLE DAMASK M I Ue. i,ctr."iie, 'i,r, unit 7V. The I et valm m-liae eer ntteieil. one ense I.IXEX TAULK DAMASK. In rl.nil li ntlis Mm !i unter n-'.lul (llcrs NEW YORK STORE. .VOS. s ami 10 KAST KINii ST. Tl- f HIIIIU Ml -I ft !: COURT HOUSE. iiMHNESTOCK'S W .li -111 lu . h TM.ll ?! It! 1 t "i 1 y UNDERWEAR -kei:-Liulit's, Gouts, Heys unit (lirls, lliMight by us hr prompt cash during tin. Mil miner te ail vuntage.tvhleh enables us te eirer them at l,- than re mi ,r lei-j -HI IS- Blanket, Quilt, Comfert, -USD- FLANNEL STOCK Was never niurly -i Urge us at tin 011 .ent time, and at piii- ffitt.-i 1 m'i I.. I. .re liuyers should maki a mile 01 thu, llargalns el out km I m anellier 01 ened almost dally Ire.n pl.d -li Iphhi and Sew lerk unci leu. l. Kin D O IIUlNljS VlMKTIIIMi NKH R.E. S a, I'A. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE- Oltt)Li:itlKti. A 1 IIUIlSK'.i. FINE COMB HONEY. In Twe-Pound Frames, i;alhere I10111 Cle ver and Locust lllossems Try the Elastic Starch. Yeu leund the uamplu illitrllmte.l, ueihI. t e b'Ml It EPP'S COCOA. Yeu si li It advertised every whuie. It is 11 geed article, unil we null It. Hams, Hams anil Dried Hoef. " MACIihllh.L by the kllei nuattei haunt. BTJESK'S, Ne. 17 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTKII, I'A s I'.B WHAT lOtlUAN in-v I'OUATUADK DOLLAIt. At lie Mun's cliteld's Chi'jip Hiere 1, 2, .1 or I nalr llniweiH of li,i.i..,i,,V...' ........ l''"r 10I1111 .1 1 . -i 111 ;j pair Working put , M ,m,f . .', i'l..1?"' .M. "r? """,. '"' dhi.r Mini's IU pal bliiplu exam) iHriuVroieVeM Cuy. "' '" uw "" u,," I1HNRY BEOHTOLD, flitll el Ihu lllKSleeklHg '""VdTljU FAME TOCK lIMVr.M.t HtlltST. BOVVERS NOS. ?,6 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Extra Bargains in Black Silks. Our llt.ACK HU U nt Jl.Oicinnet tie siiipased. weusk ter them 13LAOK OAailMBUKS, ull-woel, from '10c up , ill nmrkeil low. OOLOttEIJ OASUMHRE3, In ull the New BhiKlen. liADIKS CIiOTII SriTINllS, IN ALL THK NKW HHAHKS. IJvi rvtliliiK 111 11 ke 1 exti.-nii'tj low toetleel Ulik'ilt BOWERS Nes. 26 & 28 North Queen Street. I.I .V C L O 1 We olTer Ter thin Fall and Wlnter the Inmost mul llneat ateck of Forelirn nnd DoniOBtle V7oe1oiih we linve e'er shown Especlnl nttontlen la ulse onlled te n lnre Une of FANOV WOUSTHD BUITINCIS In Blue Mlxed, Brown Mlxed, Qroen Mlxed, OxferdB. Alse, Solid Colore in Blue, Brown Qroen nnd Olnret Thoae mnterlulB will be promptly umde te erder In the meat Bntiafncitery imwiiier. The Ready-made Clothing Department ia woll-Bteokod for the coming Bonflen wllh OlethlnR of our own nmnufitrture for Men, Veuthn, Bey nnd Ohll Ohll tlren. A full Hue of FALL, OVEUCOATS. Furnishing Goods : H.A.G-ER & BROTHER, NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. "TIUIN 1. I Kit r. H 1 IIVIIN. MERCHANT TAILORING. We nre new rcudy with nn hnmoiieo fcteck for the Feil Trnde. All the Lutoet Stylea In Suitings, Pantaloenings, Fall Overceatings, &c, A FULL LINE OF NECKWEAR, HOSIERY & UNDERWEAR. JOHN Ne. 25 .East King Street, It A T.i .I.Ml l-AI'1. 8 'llfl.T.'M Miss, YOUNG FELLOWS Who always want what is new and want te lucl sun that they are getting nothing else, will new be able te see a full line of hats for fall wear. In thr citien, principally large shapes an- running. Nearly all the stales are nicely pro portioned and, we think, prettier ami mere sensible looking than they have bern for many sea sons past. Of course there will be smaller shapes worn, and knowing this, we have them tee. SHULTZ'S SONS. (i.uudakL-r'i old Stain',) 144 North Queen St., Laneoater, Pe. Ja-Tt-rmaCaMi, nclii-lyi-ly. marST-lyditw tril.MAM1(IN A 1M1S1KII YOUNG CUNTS' STIEE HATS Full Till- Fall Season Aim imifli hlj;her in tlir crown, with wldur brim and hravy mil. VVu havu nle alnrttu M-liirllen et uirliidlve myln at piln-n rmijliia lrem $1.50 TO $5.00 IN FUR, AND 75 GENTS TO $1.25 IN WOOL. JM-8ULL' ADKNTS KOIt D1;NLAI"S AND STKTSON'-t KINK HATS. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 30 & 38 EAST KINO ST., . I.ANCA8TKU, I'A. at a en iA7; I-. I 1 and I ctmatiuntly rlescit the Uluvslimi Mii'nl Iren Werl.n, I ili'fllie te liuurm in void luilieiiH and thu pulille Kxiiurally, Unit I am Htllt In thu lniHliH'Hs,hi)lii; liieatcd In thu I'uuii linn Cempany'H WerUs, Neith I'liiin Hlicet, Mheru I mil liiahliiii'lreu und llnisn I'uhIIiibii olnveiy ilc trlptlen, and will Imi iiluamid te Huneiill Mho may laver me with thulr patron patren iiKU. Frem 10 jciu-.iuxpeiliincu In tlmhualncHi mid il s 1 ii ;r thu luiHt niatDilJl iiiuliiinpleylni; thu hunt iiiechnnlcM, 1 11111 Ball IIimI 1 can (,'tiiir (,'tiiir iiiitriiiintlreaatlihictliin. distliius inaue trriiu n iiiLxtuie el lien und Htiwl which arnineruri). Iiulile ler BtiDiiglli und iliirahlllty than the bent niit lien known. V troth loll plnnuM, ieIIb nnd telllui: tutll wmk a npuclalty. Cast liiKti niiulii et very eelt Iren, und lni! cuut- IllKH Ot llVfll'y llCHOllptlOII. IhlVOIlll tllll put huh nt the wuil mid favorably known Mowk-i-Cern and Celi Urimhur. reiltti'd tiudiuipruvuii. AIhoeii hand, iiilllHcninplDtuly tltted Jipm in pin Ih, te ruiihiLO old enes w hluh liave liei-n lu URoleryrim, wuiiiiinli'OliiB thiiin te kIvumu lulartliui iinitlliiii'' U C McuUl.l.KY, unv tioenii, .te. & HURST Uui III ALU SILKS at Jl.VW !''. t-?H & HU RST. Lancaster, Pa. IT ING. 1 ill N.neltle. in NKCKUKAU, t NDMtVt HAli t.l.t)H.s, tULIAIts, S. GIVLER UI.UTIIIMI.'ll.ll.l.NH. Fall Opening. I li ii thH .lav eHniil a laii" an I -oli-ei llnnet the nniMt Foreign and Demestic Fabrics, adapted te(.ntli-mi4i'4 wuir. tnr the KALI. AMI WlNThUl ItMIK. w hli h I would If lilo.iel tn liavr ynu riamlni' A full linn el LONDON CORKSCREWS, In all thu l-atmt ih.ul.-s A lii-iiitltnl iii-ort mi-nt et KALI. AND S INTKlt Ovorceatinga, Troueerlnfts nnd Fftiicy SuitluKH. I utnple) neni- but the ln'st vvnikini'ii in-l Buaraiiti',- perln t 'iitutartinn in te lt If, Kit and Workmanship. My i-amjilr Karim nil III hu en exl.lldlliiu In a tow ilays. JNO. J. SMALING. (TAll.Olt.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., ( M 1 loer.j l.ANCASThlt. I'A. may-liilTu.Tii.t.s N.i i km: in rin: runt. id A NKW Tailoring Establislinicnt. I would reupi-ctluily notify the rtlDi-n el Lancaster and vicinity that 1 hae epi-nuil this day u Uwchant Tailoring Establishment 129 antl 131 North Qneen St., And la-opeu hand a lare iL-.-tertiinmt el ttie LATEST NOVELTIES -UKTIIK- EDROPEAN MARKETS te it Men's Wear, Whlrlil MAKI1TO DltDKIt at Short Nollce InlheLATKirHTVLKH. Tim wnrkinniMMp KI US I'LL A8.S only. ' W Terinn Strletly Onnh. Jehn G. Haas. itiiL'li-:iind A 1 I'ltlVATI". MAI.K. lluvlin,' dlHoesod et ineni el my Btncl; el ODDS AND KNDMut I'uhlle Sain, 1 NOW OKKKIt FOR ONE WEEK, -AT- PRIVATE SALE, A1.AUUK I.OTOK DKSlltAlll.i; HTYI.LS Ol' CASSIMERES -KOlt- jUKN AND BOY'S WUl AT ONK-IIALK THKIIt VAI.UK. THB3K GOODS MUST BE DIS PO0ED OP AT ONOE. S-Call Km ly and Hucuie tholce el Sleck, ul NO. 121 K0UT1I QUKEN ST. J. K. SMALING. LANCASTER, PA. "JiwdUiiuun all eMra noe,t for thu money lllh, Ai- MrUINO AND MODI. 81 CO., Lancaster, Pa. VLOTIUXII. IIA I'll. MI".. THE DUDE. II Cltil) Heuse, I'riticp Ttck, (irrnailliip, - rials Tubiilar, I TIES. -Al- EEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 Weat KhiK Streot OppOsltllt IO-i. Lejh lleti-l. 1.1 IlKltllAUT SPECIAL NOTICE ! 1 liiTcliy inliMiii tlm-c lii want nt n r ALL lilt WlSTKIt SI 1 1' m CLOTHING, That 1 hae new lu nlecl. Hit' LAItllKST AM) KIN KST AMSUItT.M KNT nt Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That ban iur bii-u iixldbltrd In Ihu City et LauciLstiir. Anient varlxty or KALI. AND WINTr.U OVBROOATING 1 keepNONi; IIITTIIK IIKVC el Foreign and Demestic Fabrics, And all (ioetNarniMirranti'da-4 rrpiusmili-d at H. (rerhart's FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St., LNCABTKIt, I'A. NNIT.CT OUIl KI.KOANT NEW STYLES FOR FALL. The public Ki'iierally, nxiictlnir, Dconeinliiiil and critical buycrH Included, inn iiigcntly ru. (tui'uled te rail und oxainliie our lurcu hiecIc el Ready-Made Clothing, I'OU MKN, 110YS AND CI1II.DUKN, caii'lully tnanulactiired hy ourewn werltliiK ' hiindi und III Ktinnintiii-il equal te ciiHtem worn. ve iciiu in iiuuiuy, nt uti piiuui. UOMKOKOUIl I'lIICKH Mill's CuhhIuioie HllltH, IfiK). jil-ni, nil"" "-'", .-""". StimMHtylUU Mlxed Unit, tlOdO. Men's all-wool Dliienal HiiIIh, $1.11(1. Muii'm Knnny Mlxi'd WniNtud I'orkni'ieir UiiltH, lu nil Hhadi-H. Il.vm. Men's rentu ut Wc (l.,fM',, unto I.1.WI. Ile.v.s' and Cliildren'fl Clothing OUR UltKAT Hl'KUIAIl'r. Aa our space will liatdly tieriult iih te guy inuclierthlD well known iliipiirtnuiut, nil we can nay Ih that our Htoek U niore varied than nt ull piuvlcua season, and our in ices thu leu cut. Wn Imve Uey'StiUHHt $..), tl.73, J, II, U III) le I'.). Uhlldien'rt Sulla nt 1.75, f, lirti, fl up le $5.W). OurCuutein Depaitmcnt Oimtoiners can de lect lrem koeiIh In thu iiloce and liave them made te nuter at n hIIkuI iidvancu ever our uoedHon thu ceunleiH, bults le order Hern ti'i.03 and iiiiwiiriH. All liesh, nuw KoedHiuid werkinunxhin. Hpeelal I educed liarKaliiH lu lleyn'mul Cllll dren'H Clethlni; ler Uelioel HnllH, Jli-n'iiall-woeiuiiH, s.uu. L, Sansman & Bre., TIIK KAHIIIONAIH.KMKUCHANT TAU.OH3 A OLOTIIIKItS.B (IIJ.118 N0KTII yilKKX STIIKKT, hlghten the Seuth wcat Cernur el Uiiiiik" " LANOASTKIt. I'A The ( heupust and mint UelUile tlelhlnn iloine lu the City, TitAvai,r.ii!f uii in AMIANTIMt ANII MI.I.MIh 1 1 1 1. 1 t uais run an ioiiewh : l.mvn liiiiiriitiMtr (I". It iimini';, ul , .1, ID.tOu. in,, mid 'J, 4, (i ami 1 .Slip, hi., ttxi-.n'ii 1.1 Haturday. whim tlie liihtuti unven nt 'lanii. n. I.eavu Mllleiivlllii (lewm end) utn, H, iitul.D a. M, ,nuil l,:i, t. nnd 7 i, in, earn muiliilly en uiivu tluionteeiiliin Hun day. Citu.iinittiA a iekt ur.i'OHiT haii. ) UOAD TIMK 'IAI1LK. 'imlnHiinw run iiiKulurlveu the Columbia l'ett Deiuislt itallreiiil en thu follewlne tlmei BeirriiWAiui, 'AlilJI MTATIONt. I MenTllWAMII r.M. 0:'Jii :SA A.M. I'.M.Ie.ll Columbia..,, ...NVhiIiIiikIeii... .... (JtCKHWell ,,,, .. Hutu Harber,.. .Bhunk'H Kuny. ...... IVfi uea ..YorhKuniace. V,Triiiiiin MeOnll'H Kntry ...Klte'HKddy.,. .MihliiK Creek. .lVaeli Ilottem.,. Oct. .,.111 ...I'ert l..iMiMlt.. ... l'erryvlllti.... H:'AI ,1V m fi'i'ii.... H.lf.' ns).. 7:t r.itt .... 0 41 7:t) 7:0ft 7trj 7:W 7:17 7:'1 7::t7 7:10 Mill, 7:.Ti I..Vt 7:31 1W. 1: 1:.M 71 4:17 7:11) lilMl 7:41 71 l:.1l 7.W H.Oft (Ui7 iM 7W1 u:u i:i'i 7:.i(, 8:1 j : 11.12 (l:ai Id' S..VI 717 7 '"ft S.II li:AlIN(ilOI,lirilHIA It. II. AltUAN(IKMKH'r(rTAflSKN(ir.lttUAit MONDAY, AtJUCHT llrrit, IM.1. . . NOllTinVAUD. Uuarryviile ,;:a; ljuicestnr, lilnuut 7.iu .lP?",',r ' Chirk l(-H... 7..) Marietta .liinctlen 7-."iu Columbia. 7. ARlUVf, lUuultnK ;.: A.M. A.M. iu:ai le::" le. !: ... . U:U0 ll:l ll:tV 11:10 11:1ft lM 1I:-W HiM 7:10 1151 7: r.M. H.lO 7:S7 11:1ft 8.UI IU.3U t):X A.M. 7:::u HUUTIIWAllll. . lAVt. ! A.V. P. U V. M, ... 2.5(1 ... 3.11) l-.U. S..V1 Ull ....I 1 IXI III, S'li UimdliiK 7:Vft Anmv. Minlettii Junction U:I0 Ull uiucklei.. Columbia Lnncnater , laiiuiuiter, KliiKHt... Uimrrvvll e M ft'i lU.ld . -1-niiiis connect nl Headlm; wlih tmli, m d rrnm t'liiiuiiniiiiiin i.i,t.,t.iir.. nn.....i.. . . leutewn and New elk, vlt lleund tlroek itoute. At Celitmhta wlthtralni leund lien. -uk llunevur, Oetlyaburir, Knlerie!c ind I, oil ",,lr"- ' M. WILSON, r.111 t. I.. ,,1',t,'1' l.aj3'... lrnlllB "" Ull I'ontmvl I'entmvl vanhi Itallread will arrive ut and liave th Liinrnli'i and Chllaileltihi.i iliipetfliv-t follewri I Levi Ar l.anl'hl A.M. A.M Kahtwahd. Mall Kipren.1 I'lilladelplihi K.prcn Kiut l.lue UurrlAburK hi"'"iji terk Arcouirreda. inn nnivnx .... I.unciuter Acleii.. hn'en nrilvi.. Columbia Accem .. Jim 1M 112 5tft h tl I 1 U.ue P.M. 12-a 21: 2:'J' ta CIS ft 1ft If! i5 il r Kreilerlck Accouiiiiedatlon arrives, tasiieru Kxptejt 3 1& r.M, e . ft ft 7 2S li H Bunday M&I1 Johnntewn Kxnre Day Kxprusa Harrliburu Accommodation.... Hanover AccomiiirHlnllen neat, connecting ut Lancaster with NliiKiira Kxiinvw nt t 1?. win run through te Hanover dally, iixuiet Bunday. Frederick Accommodation, wet reiii,-, hhj, ut Lunciuter with Vast Line, wnt, ut 1 a wil run threuub te K-ilnrlck. I Le. I A.. "till iMU. WlUITWAKD. A.M I. -te t 7 te A.M, t 1 ,. -i' t!) i) ."A il IA 11 r.M I 1 Ml New t) Kxpruij Wity COHMiinirer Mall Train, Ne. 1. via. Mt. Jey Mall Train, Ne. 2,vla Cel u nib la,le4ive NlnKarn Kxprei-.i Hanover Accomuunlntlen leuve.i Line ITrvilerlck Accoiiiniikhitlen Iciivim .. HU'. r.M. 2 It llarrlibiirx Accommodation IiiiKiiitiir Accninmoiiatten liuvui Columbia Account . lal'-jn ilarrlsburi; Kxiirem Weitern Kxprimu l'liclftc Lxpre 1 11 ;. ti a if 7 i net .1 in 11 a 1 10 llfirrl-Uiirx Kxpn-vi, wi-it, ul mu t. m , Un direct coiitierlleiiM ( IUiniiirmne or cnni) te CelutiibKiiud Yerk. Kiwi Line, well, en Miui.luy, when llHiud, will i-Uipiil lliiwnlnt'liiwii.i:e.'il.-ivllli', 1'arkHH. burn, Mount Jej, K.IItahi-t' leun iin-l MI.Mie. ti 1.. Da K.tin,.n, liwl I.I 1111, NuwaKsmiti, .Mm Tinln.Ne. I, Weat.irii Kjpiima and r.ulilc r 1 pre-u run dull v. llllttll-.AL. .WIS Willi K 'I IlK W" WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 FAST KINU STltKKT, H. n. LUOKENI3AOH, AKent. A Kull AHsorlinvntel tin-MirteuiHtyli-s con Htiiutly en hand and lert-alu 011 the most lib eral tenni ler CilsIi or small Monthly In HtiillmuutH. Thu public H miMt cordially Invited te cull and examine tin-He liirttiuineiilH, which will be teuiiit te be veri M 'iieiler lu Quality ami MrHleiate In Price HuvliiK reveled my (ounectlenti with the Klcy OrKiiu Ceinpany, 1 take H1I1 inetheil in Inform my lileiiiU In Lancieiter county, l uui new Heliluir tin Oiifiiu ciiual te any mid mir-IiaiHr-d by iinue. i'leae call ami examine one el the uiext ijrautltul-ti.iH'it OrKanH lnauu lactiiied In the iJiilteil Mules. Mr. I.iickiinbach Uulse ui;unt ler the tameiiH "Kuabe," MePhnil, Veee & San, OrovenBtoIn & Fuller, Hallet & Dnvis, And several ether Dclruhlu I'Innnlerles, at pilcen fiem IJ'il upwardi. Iubl7-tld tll.AHti AM) UUIH-.MHtlAJlti. 1.1 Kill A niAHXIM -AT- CHINA HALL. A l.AUOK I.OTOK Table Glassware, Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, .iKiiiiY ours, JKiiLY curs, -AT- High & lartin's 15 FAST KINO STHKF.T, I.ANUASTKIl. I'A J. I'.. ItOTII. TMfire has hueu such a ileiunud ler l.AUOK 1'HOTOUUAl'lLS tint I wm compelled te j;ct n VKllY I.AUUK OAMKUA 1IO.X tement thu ilemand. Wn can new tnake you a l'llOTOim Hiiiall in the Hluallcst locket will held up te a Bdnch luce, te lit un 18182 Knune, J. E. ROTE, Ne IOO Nertli Queen taet, une2Ud . 1 r.M. I'M 0:10 r.M. Hill ... ,;' aiC h .... 8-n .... II.W