Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 12, 1883, Image 2

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llancaster tmclligmrcv.
A Call Hint .Must Ite llcanl.
There Is a neneral call throughout tlie
country for the suppression of the
vroeden pole nuisance in cities. Tin?
Action of the commissioners of the J)Js
trlct of Columbia In notifying the tule
graph cempaulrs that the timu has ceme
when their wires must go under -round
Is warmly npplauded by the press cveiy
wherr. The practicability of the under,
ground system has been fully deinenstip.
tid. Chicago lias successfully used It
and an has Pittsburg. The Dispatch of
the latter city claims llnib It " has led
the ether cities of the land by establish
ing a subterranean conduit for electric
wires which lias been proved te work
with great success ;" and it demands
that all the overhead wires shall be taken
down at once. The Washington corn's
pondentet te-day's New Yerk Jlmilil
Congress was tlie first te condemn the
unsightly masts by prohibiting Ihelr creo cree creo
tlea en or nnywhere near the capitol
grounds. Fer soveral years evcry wire
running Inte tlie eapltel has been through
underground cables, and thoe familiar
with congressional sessl- ns new knew
what a vast amount l elegriiphing i
dene from the ueuate unit Uotie g.illcrks
and at tbe offices in the public corridors
It hnsncTer becu ncccssaly te take up the
oables since originally laid, and no com
plaint has arisen te interfere iu prompt
transmission of business. The cxample thus
established by Cengrcs', it is understood,
will be enforced by the commissioners,
and nt no dtsUnt day all of the telegraph
companies will be required te put their
wires underground. An application is
nlready bnfore the commissioners te in
augurate the movement by laying an un
dergreund cable for telegraphic aul
tolephonio uses between the capitol, White
Heuso and all of the departments, thus
dispensing with the unsightly wires which
new disticure the buildings Tbe success
of this oiitcrprise will hasUti he reform
which the commissioners haie determined
te en force.
Iu this time of general duiunclatietr
of electt ic wlre poles, the councils of the
city of Lancaster thieugh a pre-erui
uently stupid cemmlltif has entered
into a contract for the lighting of the
BtrcetB with electricity, which it is claim claim
eJ confers upon a private corporation of
Philadelphia speculators tlie privilege
of putting as many poles upon our
streets as they ple.rsc. The number they
intend te plant they say is six hundred
and fifty. The contract, though can
lessly drawn, does net, iu 0111 judgment,
authorize the ce-iustruetiuii that the city
has surrendered te this company such
an unlimited privilege. It la still within
the city's power te forbid the company
te put up its clcctiic wires iu an obnox
ious way ; but even if the city restricted by the contract
when made, it need be .se no longer, its
the time has leiig since p.ssd u hen the
lights were te !e erected, and the con
tract is clearly forfeitable. The city
authorities, however, stem te have no
desire te forfeit it. They have con
tracted a strange love for the Maxim's
ugly poles. That which is lovely in them
te these men is conceited from the mas3
of the citizens, who see nothing in them
of a tedeeming character. The lamp
committee and the councils, however, go
en as though there was no hereafter and
no people te be faced at the election polls.
"When they come there they will learn
what is thought of their btevvardship.
Meanwnue uiey cnoe3o te abuse, the r
power and undertake te force upon the
streets the 050 pests which its people de
net want. The chalrmin of the lamp
committee has seeu lit te shield the
llaNim company and te make complaint
against these who cut down lis peles.
He Is ns rash as stupid.
Pkesidknt lit ( iian vs. encountering
the firm resolve of Judge Black te re! use
bis approval te the president's reply te
the Southern commissioners, surrend
ered the draft te him for correction ac
cording te his own vluws, declaring that
what he had said had come from his
tongue and net from his judgment. The
objection in brief of .Judge JHuek te Mr.
Huehsumu'a paper was a3 te its
totnperizlng character and its fail
ure te state clearly and positively
the views that the president held.
Mr Buchanan agrevd with Judge Black,
as he says, and as was no doubt the case,
in his opinions ; but he failed in the bold
aud emphatic- expression or his views
This was eminently characteristic e
Mr. Uuchanan. He was ery wise in
ceuncll.but feebler in execution. He was
a constitutional compromiser. But he
naturally surrendered te the vigorous
action of his secretary of state. He was
net In a position te refuse any cenees
slen te secure the support of the North
ern members of his cabinet. liven though
his judgment had differed from that of
his secretary or state, the circumstances
in which he found himself, would have
Invited its siciillce; but when they
agreed in that and only differed as te the
expediency of clearly saying whip, was
meant, the deniaud of Judge Black for
an uninlstakable utterance was net te be
Piiem 1870 te 18h0 the total number
of farms iu the ceuntiy increased from
2,059,0S5te 4 00S,0u7and iu Pennsylvania
from 174,011 te 21.,51'. Throughout
me southern states theie was a very
large percentage of iticicase. In our
own state the greatest Increase was et
farms of ever 100 acres, showing that
the iiiciease was due te new land being
brought under cultivation rather than
te a subdivision of that formerly made
arable ; at the same time the average
ske of farms has decreased in the statu
fiew 103 te 0.) ncrra and iu the country
at large from 15J te 131 notes ; this Is a
very satisfactory exhibit, as improved
and closer tillage undoubtedly biings
better tesults new from the farm et
reduced size. The slight appaieut te
duutlen iu tlie aggregate- value or
Pennsylvania farms from 1870 te 18S0 is
of course due te the depreciation In the
market value of real estate, owing te a
return te the geld s andard, rather than
te any decrease iu Its productiveness.
The Jtepublicau senators think they
have secured command et the situation
by the resolution they liave adopted in
caucus te meet every Tuesday and
Friday, adjourning each time as seen
as they meet. It Istjulte a pretty plan,
if they can mljkeH wurk. Uefere start
lug tills game, however, they propose te
approprlate the very largest sum for the
cost of the session, that their cry against
their opponents en account of this cost
tnav be iu loud us possible. When these
gentlemen get their money they may
laugh. At present It seems altogether
1 robable that they will med a two-thirds
vote te see the color of It.
Wnrr.r there Is net much beating of
the tem-toms throughout the state just
rrew, the Democratic state ceininittie
teperts active and prompt cerresimnd
ence with the local organizations and an
unusually well sustained Interest en the
part of the working iKilllicians iu the
elllclent discipline of the party. The in
coming of and satisfactory results from
Democratic administration at H.urt.s H.urt.s H.urt.s
biirg.theoulr.igeeuscourso of the Kr pub
(leans en the apportionment iiuostteu.thr
treasury luisiiiinageinent for yours, the
defiant retusal of Republican state mh
clab te enforce the Humes law and the
high character of the Democratic nomi
nees en the state ticket this jiur, hae
all combined te create a hurmen and
aggressive energy that the Republican
opposition and captious ctltics of the
part.v have ulTected te think weie nt
possible. They will find their mistake.
It is net prudent political management
te hunt with a brass ba id at least tee
early In Hie game ; but who calculates
en a disorganized or demeralised Deme
cratic party in the state this year,
leuuts without his host.
As the time for the election of i n.
treller of Philadelphia appreache ie
is much cuiiesitv manifested te s h i
manner of man the Republican politic
ians of that city will put in nomination
for the place which was dignified and
lifted into importance by Mr. Paulsen's
fearless and intelligent exercise of It.
His successor, Mr. Page, appointed by
himself, has followed in the path the
present governor marked out and he will
I); tlie unchallenged nominee of the Detn
ecralic paity Against hi m and hi3 con
duct of the office neither the Cemiiiittte
of Oae Hundred nor au ether Republi
can authority which preftsses te aim at
geed local giver nincrrt cur ledge any
complaint There Is no likelihood that
lib Republican opponent will be a man
who will merit or receive the votes of
independent men. The McManuses and
Ruinns .ire rallying for K. Harper
Jeffries, whom Mr. Pattison beat tl e
last time. He is somewhat better than
his .issociatiens, but they arc bt longer
than he and he will have te suffer for
their disrepute.
Thk pi cent weather is only tlie advance
guild of an army of storms that the
equinox will seen be prepared te Inn 1 at
uufertunite humanity.
S-eme one has beru unkind enough te
suggest that the "didn't kne.v it was
leaded " ought te be sent te tbu L-g
is'ature. the diameter of the electric
light pole at its be as oue feet, the num
ber of pnlcs being 050, it is uasy te ascer
tain tint the total surf ice space actually
nccupied by tlioe unsightly mists !u tbe
city aggngVes 515 square Teet This
large surfacj area is cheerfully guen te
the ulectric light cempuy by the city in
return for what .' Abselutuly nothing,
but the epeiltug of thu appearance of the
htreuts and the interfureuce with the cou ceu
vunieu e of citizus. Tiie wooden poles
are net o'feutial te the electric light
undertaking, anil no geed iiusen cm be
glveu agiimt thelr itmnodiite lonieval
from out HiL'uts.
If iLrnieiin'i big cclebiauen ntems te
have tlie elements lengiied against u
The iiiagnilleuiit pyietechtuc disjilaj that
was te have taken place in honor of the
ariival of the Lord Proprietor of the
colony en Tuesdaj was piMpened until
thu evening en ucceuut of the bad
weather. Pun-out appeaniuccrt fcoeui te m
dicate that this ivuuiug will net bring
with it any chaiu'e for the butter. On the
contrary the rain and its attendant glentu
leek as though thuy c ime te stay. In
wnv of tlm great i-xpunse which the un h.u, involved, and the conspicu
ous MiccecH that was already assured it,
the niblaver which Jupiter Pliivius is
showeriug upon it is much te be regietted.
Man premises, hut the disposition of hi-,
propesiti jus is net withiu his own contie'.
Tur.iii'. is perhaps ue ceuutrv iu the old
world te which the ejcb el nation are at
present tuore directed thau towards
France biuce C'letis pi mted the Freuch
monarchy iu Gaul and Phillip II. estab
liBbed the supreme authority of her i ulers,
aud through the perieds iu which the
people, aroused by insult and awakened
by icaseu. raisul the banners of i..-.
dem upon the only uucouscieus f.irm of
tyranny, until 'te-day France has hcen
a conspicuous aud powerful tiatien. Hut
history has demonstrated aud events have
continued the fact that hoi weakness lias
been diboverablo In her vaoillatien and
iucoustaiiey, characteristics originating
fiem the temporament aud inclinations of
her people, aud because of thuui she lias
bscu stronger aud steadier under the firm
and generally unscrupulous direction of a
King, t'essiuiy at preseut she is
lug this unworthy distinction, sin ti,
Htiblhtyef the third ropublie has bcen
Hiiltlcient te nit only eutlive soine and
Hiippicht othei of the claimants te the
throne, but has euahlnd lier te or
tend her oeinpiobts into ether lauds,
la the face of inenaue aud opposition
from the most potent governments iu
i:urope. Tlie daily dovelopmonts of tlicse
timca iudieate that these impediments are
beiug increased, for France relleets serau
faint rays of llberty from eui own land
which new and then lllumiuothediiiigcouH
of ilLtpetlsm and oxclte the monarch
about her into fits of Jealousy ami troplda treplda troplda
tleu. Germany is particularly exasperated
aud Bismarck, whoreilcots if he does net
direct the governmental policy of Kaiser
Wilhelm, watches oveiy meve of France
with an anxious aud wary scrutiny, lle
recognizes that the French ropublie may
greatly aid in the diffusion of liberal ideas
of government throughout Kurepe, and
the man of Iren tremblcs at the Idea of tbe
establishment of new republics or the
perpetuity of old euca. IIouei by hia
crafty diple'ii itu nryeti itt i s, Bismarck a
secretly formulating mi extensive alliance
Willi the stronger iiionarehlcs te unite
ajalnst France whenever the occasion
seems te warrant the action. Te ceme
through witliMfetv and honor thedangeis
which new threaten the lepublie and w hieb
portentously increase, will be a splendid
gler te her suppjrten and a nob'e
eirucst of their sincerity of purpose and
The Philadelphia Insurer truthfu)l
says that the peel iu the case of high
tte hear the hiuvier p.ut of the lead.
The Bitten Ktirtt ndfecates the plac
ing of a libiary of well selected books iu
cninty prisons.
The Pittsburg lt beheves our schools
ate top heavy, and tint tee much care and
expense are devoted te the luxuiles of
The Philadelphia I'tt nn li!tijr.ij'i calls
attention te the fact tint the general com
arei of tin- country is south of the hue of
the cnrlv ficer'iig teported
The Kne Her ild is sine that the sena'e
rial and icptcscutative npportienmenta
ceu'd and flicuiM have been pissed two
jears ace , but then, as new, the machine
ultlmiteni was " uoapperttonuiout "
The Pittsburg 7'.-i 'i is ,l,id te kne.v
that .Iiule Black was oue of the most
eneit:iic Mipperteis or the I nieu in its
time of need, and that his eoure at thit
time wen for him the honor of the undy
mg Inutility of .leitersen Dvis.
Apropos thoeiemi'ieu mevem nt the
Readme lints teels n..-uiel that though
the funeral pvte may be all right as n
theory, but thcroevidentty is ue dugi of
our cemeteries growing lean f r want of
bodies for some time et.
'1 he Pililidtdptiii llteerd fireiblyaud
truthfully sivs " with m rn e mil lenoe in
the principles which thv profess en the
pirt of the unj nt) an 1 mth less
faith in the pa or of tin cerrym vaJer t )
defy the popular will this fcaudaleus eli
struct ion of apportionment at llarrisburg
wjiild never lnve been vitnesed "
Dii I'lmuvs G. An ib. of this city,
wi'l deliver the nddreM at the n n
of the gollege of Northern Illinois, at Da
kota, en the l'.li nisi.
AnviiliM. Pihlilic, who reliirned te
France a few das age from his cenimaiid
of the Frceeh tleet tu Madagascar, died a
TuemI.i) fri -m albuminuria.
Dii II Wn.TFii .TtiMi, the t liio:ige
phy-iiian who lias given ttpapricMce
w ort h sn ihh) a vear for nuelher mau'n
wtfi and elepI w ih her te Austniii, is a
graiuls hi of Neah Webster, thj 1, ice
S. ft v iinivi.i tbe caneci-i, i'f Ulcus
Falls, N Y., who recentlv startxl ou a
cjast vey.igs of two thousand mile!, in his
caii-e, the Atlanta, bis abandoned the
vej ige, en account of the iinfortuiiate
IIr.M.1 death at
Pans is announced, was tbe famous Flem
ish nevttliAt. vvho-e verks have delighted
'he English reading world for th pvst 25
or JO years. He rw i very prehtic vtntir,
having published his 100th volume ri l-Sl
III n HvTiit. who a e'erk iu a
sletn at Rockfeid, III , thirty ear age.
paid a ll)iiig viiit te that town en htiuday
Ue went te the el.l church and played thi
old erg iu that he used te play v
ipuirtei or a cuntury age.
Pr.r-siDitvr Am in ulris issued a procla precla procla
matieu declaring that "the World"
Industrial and Cotten (.' Kxpisi Kxpisi
tieu will ba juienctl en the first Monday in
December, 1S31, at the citv of New
Urleans, continuing uutil the !lst(d Slay
Dn. Rvi r bishop et Liverpool, has
startled English churchmen by preaching
from a Presbyterian pulpit in Perthshire.
He wero neither olerieil gown nor Kpisoe.
(ill robes, but appeared iu ordinary walk
ing dress, aud'heceuihii'ted the entire ser
vice in the nual Presbyterian mede.
K vreii Jen n, f L uusiaua I inked
from toothpick te journalist and from
journalist te toothpick ns he ssid te an
inteivtewer in New Yerk eaterdiy
Butler Oh, no , aujbedy but Butler.
Ue is net considered a seuuus candidate ,
he is net considered hardly."
II. H. BvhmeKr, thb California histor
ian, has geno te Meire i Central
America for oue veai te study documents
and antiquities. He is accompanied bv
three asittants and prepi-es te carr en
his hiiteiiuil work without intermission.
He is a scholar ami is ahead of the printers
with his history of the Pac tie sta'es.
Sb.seit Ge.s vi.F Teitm.s, the first c m
'U'frera Columbia te Philadelphia, m n
New Yeik en a visit of a few days before
coming hither ti assurne his duties. He
sas that the people of his c nintry are
tired of violent political disturbances and
that the nra anxious te iiicrcaee their
commerce with all countries, butesiecialIy
with the L'utted States.
Giivkii.seii Bi.n Biirisn'h stables are
the finest iu Lgwell. He keeps imie
thoroughbred horses. Among them is a
hLO pur of chestnut mares presented by
ex Governer Sprague, or Rhede Maud, a
pair of Black Knox horses, a pair of thor
oughbred blooded bays, and buggy, saddle
an 1 phaeton horses In his raun stable
is ke t the old duekskin herse which cir
ried the general throughout the war. Ne
beast has a mere eniovableoxistouco in his
old age. He has the tree run of the
greuudu gees In and conies out when he
pleases, he has all he wants te cat, and
adselutely retbing te de.
Ueitth by Al.ulHeiu,
By a collision botween two trains en the
Leng Island railroad, nenr Hunter's Point,
list nveniug, two men were killed and
eight ifjured, ene of the latter fatally.
I we passenger trains en the Cumberland
v alley railroad collided last evening near
llairtsburL' lintli i-iw.i.i.w .. ,.r.. .1.,. ....i
but no persons were injured. Twe freight
trams en the St. Leuis A Iren Mountain
lailnnd cell.dcd en Monday night uear
Wyaudotte station, Arkansas Beth ou eu
KlneH and many of the cars worn wrccki d
but no person was injured. A tnlegraph
operator te whose negligence the duaster
is attiibuted was arrcsttd.
A bellur used by oentraetors iu buildui"
a bridge at llerr's island, uear Allegheny
City, Pa , burst ou Monday evening, iu
juring live workmen, ene el whom Is net
expected te recover. Karl Karstel utul
Lewis Garner, bwcdlsh sailors, blew out
the gas m their room In a lodging house
iu New Yerk en Monday night. Ycster
lay morning- Kaistel was found dead and
his oempaiiron insensible, The latter may
lliey Wetu lry In lli Tli.ilr llutj.
At a caucus of the Republican btate
senators Iu Harilsburg, yesterday after
neon, It was resolved that "21 sonaterH
shall be present and then Immediately ad.
juni te 1 riday. Then meet en Friday and
iidleiirn te Tuesday, au.l ueltlier make
1'lM.eehes themsolves nor allow nuy te be
iiiade by ethors, nor entertahi any propo prepo
sition ei resolution whatever. Nine sona sena sona
ters are te be rclloved alternately te re
home or de with themselves us they ,oe
preper. Iwonty-nlnesenatoiH are te he
present ou Thursday, the lath, te finally
pass the appropriation bill," '
irii: di.v uius vv.MM uk iiih wimu.u
Cteelsiil liitrtmt xiiil nl Imln (lieurtt-ei
VIlM elluimm Sr Iriitll fllitnjr
riitrpn I'lmilriiKf it.
President Vilhud's pvrty reached Peit
laud, Oregon, ou Memlav night. They
will be iceuivcd by the piople of that citv
with a precession, iecclic and biniiieis,
and will rem ilil there seveial dis. I'lie
citj is gaily decorated in their lionei.
Lord Celeridgn and putv uirived in
Liwell, Mass , vesteiday mil, after ui ui
spfeting sumo or the mills, dined with
Gov. Butler.
A telegram fiem Bittlile says tint the
Lehigh Valley i.illread cempnuv vesterdiv
suiveved a line for a track ncress a let
owned by the Bull de, New Yerk A
Philadelphia railreiil oeuipiny, and the
litter immediately began living a switch
track aotess the line. I' reuble is expected
when the Lehigh altej begins te laj its
J, L Diiuu, a w a'lliv oe'oio 1 mm, rei
ding in Windser, I maiU, has applied t
the supreme oeiut t the 1 revlnce l
Ontario, for a man"' tiiius te compel tin
authorities at iinter teiiiliuit his (laugh
ter te the eentriil s 'lioei Hhe had bt-en
ecluded from the slIi -il bv the p'liuipil,
bee.iuse the white pupils tebelled at her
presence theie.
Tlie opening of tbe lift v. fourth annual
exhibition of the Peniisjlv.iul heittciil society at Phil idelphia took place
list evening. It is e msulered bv the
miiujgeis te be the tiuest evei til ide b)
the society .
The ?0'li iiumversir) of I'env's victeiv
ou Like Kne was celebratesl at Kite, Pa ,
en Metulav. The Antheny YVa.viie block
house at Protpie Is'e vv.i decorate I, and
there vv as a parade ei I he Ki ie lire dt p irl
A istil meiie eidei convention be
tween the L' mted states and the Hawaiian
islands was sigued vestetday by the p-t
mastei general and the Iliw.iuiu in mster
in Washington. It will go into eileet en
the 1st of Jauuiiy uet.
I'liepvleut ofllce has this ve-k isMieil
171 patents, designs, libels aud trade
marks. The uiiinbi r of femgu pa'euu
issued was lb The iniuib.-r el patents
itiicd for the lltst qu irtei of tlie pienent
fiscal .vear v as 5, HO against 4.W for the
carrcsnitidirnr quarter of last year.
The Master M.vsens' ass iciatiennt Ham
liten, Cauad.v, lias decided te reduce the
wagesef their workmen tiem $ i te 5 & 75
per day.
1'tie New Yetk beaid of railroad t n
missieners ves'erday pissetia resolution
requiring all ra lrea-1 c-nupauies tounke
quarterly teperts ei Uu r tlnaucul emli
ailMal I. 111. i. rttm iti.i..-.
Tlie I'reilu ilif nt nl I'remlue t rtlti,e
riMi Urr
A dispvtclt from It- iding i-avs Hie
breach of pi emise CUM1, in which a welt
known miuistei of Peiuville, who In rete
foie has borue an irreproaeliablu ch irneter,
and a verv reputib e veutig )ulj of Berks
count j are luvolved, caine te a sudden
ending there en I'u sdiy The parties iu
the mi it are Rev. Alevttidir t K-iser, f
Putusville, a-ii Mis Klizabeth iliil. r, ei
Bewers, lLrks l unity, aud new of Puila
delpbia. .Miss Miller fenuerly icsnled in
the family f Rev. I). K. Humbert, at
Bewers, vlule .Mr. Keiser was a then! lu
teal stiiileui and was paying his adduiMg
tel.ei. 1: is alleged that they were en-
gaged, and that Iveiser weut te college
V neu no linl completed his cmrse he di i
net tu.ury the vuuug weunu, but shortly
after was wedded te a huhly accetupl.shed
eung lady, locating iu Pottsville. Miss
Miller brought chaiges against Mt.
Keiser before a convention of min
ister's of ins own d Humiliation,
and lie was d'qxM-d He is new a b Kik
agent. Miss Miller is dieidtdlj geed
looking aud of pleaiiug address Rev
Mr. Keu-er is a demuie loekiug gentleman
et geed address, liav 1 ig daik brewr. bur
aud clo-elj cnipiieti be.ttd aud moustache
The child, a boy, of which it is alleged he
is the father, is sis ytara old, a-id was in
court te day calling .Mr Keiner papa. Ou
a table in the court room wero lying a
number of jrti.-les which it was stale I
the accused had given as presents te Miss
.Miller and several hundred letters which
she Lai written during their ceuitship.
Rev Mr. Keiser was represented by .( H
Jacobs and t x Congress man Rjen, el
Poltsville , Misi Mdler by C. G Riter
and 11 Willis Biaud. lnopirtiei had
ceveial conferences, aud tiaally, decided
net te go ou with the tual, Mi-s Miller
ceucltuiul te aicept the $1,UUU damages iu
ad ntien te jU0 alieady rtceived. Keiser's
liiendswill mike up this sum, as lie in
north uethiug.
Anullier Cleruyui iu'j 1 reuble,
Mrs Dr. Henry Fieedley, or Spring
Mill, was airested en the 17tb et Augujt,
fei slander, by Jeseph K Itvpp, a 10
Hptcted coal dealti and d.-ac ui in the
Baptist church, or Norristown. lesteniav
the church pro'ieunced Mi Hipp net
guilty of the slaudereus charge of aitulteiv
with a Green street "widow woman," te
whom Mrs. Krcedl) sud te Jesse W
lleudiicks, Mr. Rapp was obliged te pi)
4500 te sive espusuie.
ftlKKIlNIl Or rt-SlLtAT10,
Tlm KiiIkIiIr lciiiiiliir 01 .Sew .lertey In
The 25th aiinu it 0 mclave of the grand
cumuiaLiieiy or Knights Templar et New
Jersey was iu session vcsteiday at Trenten.
The following eillcers wero elected for the
ensuing year : Grand commander, Kdward
Clift, of Bordiiitewn , deputy giaud ejm
uiauder, Themas W. Tildeu, of Joisey
City ; grand geueialissune, Jehn W.
Ackenuaii, of Jorsev City , grand captain
general, Isaae A. Roberts, or L imhcrt
ville ; graud prelate, Rev. James K, Wil
son, or Burlington , grand senior warden,
Edw. W. Price, or Elmhcth , grand junior
waideu, Isaac C. Gitlieu, or Camden ,
graud treasurer, Frcd'k G. Wiese, et
Bordentewu , grand recorder, Clenics
Beehtel, of Trenten , grand standard bear
er, Jehn W. Lindsay, et Trenten , grand
sword bearer, Charles h Lee, of Newatl: ,
grand warden, Albert D Wiufluld, of
Pattorseu ; captain et guards, Ames
lien ell, et Trenten,
The fourth biennial convention of tba
"bupieme Ledgo of Knights aud Ladiis
or Hener" met yesterday lu New Yerk.
Thirteen states were represented, among
theiu Pennsylvania and New Jeisey
"Tlie Supreme Protcetor," Harlan P.
Gage, read lutt biennial repnt. The 10
pert of the suproiiie secretary was aLe
read, showing that $ 12d,(j(VJ bad bueu (lis
bin scd during the past year The balance
new remaining is 417, Bill, The total
membership is 'Jll,5t7. Forty eight dele
gates from thirteen states w 10 picsunt at
te-day 'a session.
tiurniHiii' iiik i'i. 3ii.s.
Hiivjii vture ilciilim rin (inii(i irmii the tan.
ilinmll riru Itiiins
After digging and scraping for eight
days mid nights Iu the smouldeiiug heap
of ruins or the Dreman tag warehouse at
Cincinnati, which was burned ou Monday,
September I), the workmen Tuesday leuiiil
the Inst seven eT the nlne bodies or these
who perished in that furuace of fire. All
these eight days uievvds or poeplo thronged
thatHoeuo and gazed upon the ruins. Last
Saturday night the letnalns et oue body
w ere round, Theso of another were found
Monday night mid the seven Tuesday,
miking nine, aie believed te be all. The
city undertaker's establishment en Sixth
street, vvliore the remains of the victims
wero taken, was crowded by cuileus pde
ple and relatlven of the victims. The
charred flesh aud bones ei the peer girls
were pill iu sepu ite b vies and placed side
by side lu the situe room. It w.isiiu
iillcctlng scene 11 brother, ustei or piient
viewed what remained of the victims
Maggie an I M.ny llessle Grady,
Resa OCeniiurs and Chits llucherinaii
liave been identified te the mittsfueti ill 'f
friends. Ol thite ethei, Burke.
Man Lynch mid . bum Whri lei. there aie
ue 1111 aus or identification, and there 11 n
net bkel te be any. In all e ises the bones
aie seittered and tlie skulls were Inte and
st vi red fiem iliobedits.
1 in-.
tins OltlV
I'm it it in N
KrUhlltil VlerUIII lit tlm
In i letter te the postmaster geuei d
the postmaster at Petuiceli, Hi, de
seniles the veil w fever at the Pens 1 -ill
navy vauf as "a reguhr Vera ( m
vomit" of a veiy nnlig'iant tvrie, M pel
et nt. of the sick dv leg. I'he eit el Pen
saoela. hew ever, is saul te be retnarkably
heilthful, with net a single eisoefsiek
iiess, lu answer te the request id the
ptistin.lstei for permission te lining ite the
units fiem the navy yard, the superin
teinlcnt of the 1 itlway mill service his
autheiui-d linn te eihmi the tied mail
at lliveu Ri Ige an I luinigile the 111 in it
tint place. Il the packages em beltittu
gntttl without breaking seals mid viol itien
et their contents, the p.Kstnnster isgrauttd
liberty te de se.
All Mill -Sl. Sill IILll.r.ll
VVviiili-ll riillllis ami lltlier (irrrtilitt krr
.VKiiliiKt UU" Till Veur
The Bosten JleraUl t- d vy sa.vs At a
nueting -if a few of tlie chief men of the
Greenback putv vcsteiday afternoon it
was unl that Wendell Phillips hid dccid
t d tu it he 0 nrl.l 110 1 mger henestl) stipp irt
Builtsr for goviruer 01 for any elllce
having become convinced that he, tumpiid
bj the hue et the presidency, bad ubiu
deucd the cause of the werkiugmcti aud
allied his political fortunes with the
uieneved men. A prominent Grcenbackef
l.ailer 111 1 oiatei, lien. Me,hl Boynton,
eeiitinus the ivpeit. Desertion b etlnr
Gret ebickers ate tepettetl, oue that of a
gentleman who was once a cindid.ite en
the sime s'ate ticket with Butler. LeuL
mg Greenbickers here consider that the
aliunde or Mr. Phillips will make a pro pre
found impression upon Butler's Greenbick
Libir followers.
1'euiiirti 1 eiiit
I he Prohibition convention of l.iuerue
0'iiuty met yesterday and made the follow
ing uomii.atieus Fer sheriff, Janus
W.kmIs, of Miililenburg , recorder, Ttient is
Tambljn, of Wilktsbarre , surveyor, 11.
II Walker, of Huntingdon , corenei, I'r.
A. B. Th mias, of Pert) fort.
The Republican convention of Ment
g imerv tAiuntv, Pa, met yesterday in
Norrtstewu J. A, Mressberger wis
nominated ftit district attorney. K. .
-t.ihluecker for sheritl, Niptiinus Kerbtd,
fu tteisurcr aud hitnuel Aiken for cere
Kx Governer lleudrtkks, of In Iian 1. was
g ven a public nceptieu in Council Blulls
e 1 Monday innht.
A Latum II nl rrrlttle
A council of Cithehc prelates will en et
III ISilliuiore te day "te lerfeet arnmge arnmge
inetits for their visit te Reme and te decide
en the matters te be presented te the
pepe." It is eptctt'd thit there will be
piceut Archbishop Ceingan of New
Yerk, the coidjuter el Cardinal MtCles
key, Atchbisheps Pieli.m el Chicago, Wil
luims uf Bosten, and Heirs of Milwiukee,
Bishops Ryan of bt. Linns, O'Hara el
crioieu, and Ch it.ird et YuiLiuues, ami
Rory Rev. Dr. Walsh, aduiiutstriter of
t e arcbdiocLse el Pliilailelphia Aic'a-Ui-hep
Gibbens of Baltimore, the pnmate
et thu church 111 the tutted S'ate, will
pn'ei !e
Ila4ii,e4 t-ulltires
'I he fuluie is reported of .Mrs K. Mm
s 111 aud seu, pn pneteis of the B ly tow
house a. Peirj Beach, and uianageis et
the Ocean home at Old Diehard and the
Ai gitsta Iieiisi at Augusta, .Me.
I'ailip Matka), silk manufacturer, and
Jean (' Rle A Ce , threw steis, of Pater
sju N. J, failed yotterday. MacKay's
liabilities aie estimated at 470,000, aud
tho-ieof Ryle A Ce., at41H,000
I lie lit tiirmem ut Werk.
'I he first fall meeting of the Committee
el One Hundred, at Philadelphia, was held
yesterday. A resolution was adopted urg
i' g councils te continue thur investigation
el the mandamus cases, te direct the city
solicitor te bring suit agaiU6t the propel
pirties te collect tlie moneys illegally pud
n.'l te request tlie district attorney te
biiug te trial thoie wh 1 have been criinin
ally ceguuaut el, or parties te, any 0 in
npiraey te defiail 1 the city, before birted
by the statute el limitations, Philip C
Ganelt was re elected president.
I.iikk by l'lre
The beuses of J jhu J. Alsten, at Physie
Hill, Maryland, and Jehn O. Moere, at
Cincinnati, who burned 011 Monday, after
neon. Toe less ou each is estimated at
515,000. A llre at St. Paul, Minueseta.
yesterday morning, destroyed Wilseu A
MotikheUH' plaiuu.' null, Jehns n Broth Breth
ers' furuiture factory, Bjernstadt'n stiur
building factory and two carpenter shops
Less 4 50, 0'JO Breaker Ne. 2, at Upper
Lehigh, near Wilkesbarrn, was burned last
night. The less is estiraated at 450,000.
UaniHKe ny iTeet.
The Chicago Farmtr'n Review lu te-day's
issue, referriug te the fieits which have
occurred throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Meutaua, Michigan, Northern and North
western Iowa and Norlheru Illinois and
Indiana, says it will ba mfe te estimate
the damage te corn in the territory named
at 25 per cent, or the estimated crop.
"Other miner crops, sueh as tobacco,
tomatoes and ether tender garden vege
tables, as well as grnpes, wero greatly in.
jured or eutirely riiined."
nun .vi 1; vviiii itiv iiii.siiA.Nu"
An Old I.Hly reiiiul Head Upen ller IIi
IiiiimI'm nrnvn,
Tuesday while AVllllam Parker was
walkiug through Porest Hill cemotery nt
Napolren, be found the lifeless body or
Mrs. Frances German, aged seventy five
years, beside her husdaud's grave. TLe
old lady was friendless ami alone fir the
world, her husband having died some time
age. Her only consolation was in visits tu
the grave of her husband, which wero very
fiequeut. During the night she started
out, telli'ig her neighbors that she was
going ever tlie river aud would hardly be
back till morning. Ou the way she met
Undertaker Musser aud stepped him say
ing : "1 am going te die aud I want you
te bury 1110 with my husband '' Mr. Mils
ser thought it was the raving of a child
i ih old lady and he premised bur he weub',
assuring her that hu hepad it would be a
long time yet bofero she tiled. Whcre she
stayed all night is net known, ns It is
baldly possible that she could have lived
througbthe long, cold night in the open
country, aud the doctei gave it as bis
opinion thatulie had been (lead but a half
hour wheu found, and the cause was hcait
disease, ,
Turney Hint Amurlcii.
General Wall ace, the UultodStatei min
ister, has notified the Perte at Constant!
nople that be is willing te nocept the uuw
license law, provided Amer leans
be placed ou nu equal footing with sub
jects of ethor nations. The Perte has re
plied that it has ue intention te make any
discrimination whatnvcr en account or'
nationality. The question is theicfore
considered fettled.
Vlctlmi of tlie Klttme llurieil.
Or'crNA, Serit 12. The remalns of
flve of the girls who perlshed in the flre at
Dreman's rag warehouse, wero burled to
day, A large orewd ntttmded tbu fuueral.
inn U'll.ll haek or Tim Ninvr.s.
.Slurps of r.trteuii BlPteimm, l.iiutmt utul
Mtirnt'it-Mutiltr in staittt ihltiRs
llre llrlweru Uliltm illnl
Reports ui tbe rioting iu Canten, China,
mentioned Iniefly in list evening's ills!
piteie-, haveeteatiid agieal sensation lu
all U rules at Paris, and will. II Is feared,
result Inn collision between the Pieneli
and IhliiPMi Dispatches liem Heng
Iveug say the mob ut Cant,,,, buiiud the
houses til seveial European ineieliants.nud
alselbeii wharves, causing great coaster
nation among rhe foreign residents, most
or whom sought 011 beaul vessels in
the river. The mob, it Is sild. tlir Mm
eeirliitrjH of the buildings which lliey
attacked upon the wharves mid lueted
them. Ne violence was olfered te persons
and a force et Chinese tioeps was called
out, which ipiickly dispersed the rioters.
rue iiutivi Hiiro se excited against foreign
ers that a renewal of the treuble Is me.
inentarily expee'ed. Oa ilm n celpl of the
intelligence at Heng Keng sevetal gnu
beats went Immediately scut te Canten te
alhtril protection te Inreign niereliaiils.
The British admiralty baa been inform
ed by telegiaph of the occiirieueo of the
disorder, but un orders have been turns
utltted te the Kugllsh lleet iu Chltiose
waters lu oenneetjou Mtenmttb, the
admiral iu coin 111 mil being lei t te net ns lie
thinks best uudei tlm uiieuuistatices of tlie
c ise. It it st tted th it the Manpiis Tseng
who has arilved In Londen, will have an
Interview wirh Leu! Granville, sccietary
or loreigti atlairs, bofero returning te
lli-t llur Win Itlnl.
At four o'clock yesterday morning when
tlm steamer Han Ivow arrived at Cauien
witli pisM-iigers, some beanling lieusu
iiiuners attumpteil te force their way en
beard. Oue of them was accideutly
drowned A large oiewd Immediately
gathered and began te threw stones. Tlie
flan Rew east oil lier lines and drepied
down sticaiti I'lie crowd iucieascd iu
numbers and thou set llre te and burned a
r. umber of houses 011 the vvlnrf. They
then get n I irge nu.mtity of kerosene oil
unl set llre te several ether houses. Kight
were burned tn the ground and many
ethers gutted The feielgn residents lu
eluding women and elilldieu, sought
lefuge en the ste imers Hau Kew, Ning
Pe and Iviang Chew, lying away Trem the
wharves. The mob, however, did net at
tempt violence te any parson. Five heuiv
I itei the Chinese troops arrived and drove
oil the mob and restored elder Tlie
feielgners ure leaving Caut ui, and three
gunboats left Heng Iveug in elder te afford
protection As seen as the Kiang Chew
brought the news the telegraph wiirsvvete
A dispiii'i irem Pun te the Kxoli.mge
tolegraph 1 nnpuiy slates that M. Tseng,
prier te leaving Paris c imiiniiiievted with
M. Chnllctnel Lieein, tbe Pn uch luinis
ti'i of fereuu alTaiis, rel.iliv te the rem
foreement of the I'lench feiees 111 Teinitin
I u reply M. Ch illume! Laeetir says that
he cannot step the disatch of icluforce
meuts while thore iv danger of war, and
tint rlus can only be removed by the
settlement et a basis upon which a treaty
can be made.
It Is reported that the successor or King
Tuditc, of Aiiu.un, will tt-ceive the grand
gonleii or the tegteu or honor from thu
French government, and tint the two
iiuulstcis who sigued tlie treaty of Utie
will be made commanders of thu order,
llin Ainstlr.iii AtbltrMllmi Humer.
At Washington careful inquiry Tuesday
failed te din-ever any foundation for
rumors of Amerieiu athltratien 011 Chinese
all urs Tlie atlilud.) of this government
en the Chiurse question would slum
te preolude the idea tint we could have
much itilluonce 111 that ipiailci.
- COS I I.V 111. I Mil IC
rim Krtla "nt u VlteltHiile! l-ritiiil."
Thu Goyeliu )iiiuip and water wheel .110
being removed fiem the city mill te make
room for the new Worlliiugten steam
pumping engine recently contracted hjr by
the city authorities Frem the day the
Geyclin pump was put into the city mill
te the day it was taken out, it tins pieved
itself te be a "costly bluuder," as it was
dabbed by the Isri'.i.i I1.1.M m mere than
tun years age. It intended te be run
exclusively by water, but its warm
est fi lends, Mayer Atleenud tbe editor
of the old Expiui, were seen couviuced
against their will that at a water pump
it was a "mechanical liaud." Then il
was hitched te a Ti-hoise power ougiiie,
but even with this assistance it was a
failure, as is cost as much money te keep
it and its connections in repair as thu
pump itself bad originally cost It ih
net new pietuudtd that it ever performed
the weik it was guir.mteed te de that is
te raise into the resaivelr 1,000,000 gallons
of water iu twenty four hours. We have
net thu figures at hand te show the
amount of money wasted by the city ou
this "costly blunder," but Irem thu fro.
ipjeut, almost constant, alterations for a
long series of years, it probably cost a
gieat deal mere than the 0 000,000 gallon
Worthltigteu pump will cost. It is new
beiug dismantled and piled up in the
grounds adjoining thu city mill. It will
most likely be sold for old iron, ns it is
gejd for untiling else. Hiiporiutenduiit
Halbacb, who assisted at its christening,
is chief mourner aud even his giief is net
ileal Kstnts Hnlfli.
Tlie rollewing real estate has been sold
withiu the past week by Auctioneer B. F.
Rjwe :
Wednesday, Scptetnber 5, ler Ellas
Klehihaiisu 8 acres ami 1- perches of laud
iu Btrnsburg township, without improve impreve improve
ments, te Samuel Boek, for $175 per aero.
Thursday, Boptember 0, for the exeeu
ters of Isaae lleuser, deceased, a pieoe of
laud or l aere aud 81 p-rebcf, with Im
provements, situated iu Wet Limpcter
township, te ElU.ibeth Frudich, for
aiturday, boptumber 8, for Baibarn
n irgess, of Providence township, a farm
of U8 acres, with improvements, te Jacob
II. Liutuer, of Mauer township, for $85
per aere ; also, a tiaet of IU acres and
111 parches of land, with improvements,
te Henry Hoiiiey, for $1,101 , also, a weed
let containing 5 acres te Adam Larovre ter
$41 per ncie.
lirllllaut f.xperis te t'ltty.
This morning Mr. Jehn Cllne icouived a
lotter from Edw aid MeL uighliii, or Phil,
adelphla, champion billiard player of
Pennsylvania, saying that he -would be lu
Liiticaster en tiaturday evenlng next, te
play Mr. Kllne a gaine of billiards at his
opening In the new pest ofilea building.
Sir. (Jllne has leased thoseeond steiy room
of the building and has fitted it up iu ex.
cellent btyle, being handsomely papered
arid furnished throughout. The loom Is
Hi) Ttet deep and 15 feet wide, bulng oue
of the largest and handsomest iu the state.
Iu the room thcre will be 0 billiard and .1
peel tables, most of which are new. An
interesting; centest may be expected ou
Saturday evening, as both the contestants
aie well known experts at "rolling the
Mayer's Uetirt.
Ills honor the mayor had half a dozen
customers this morning, threo of whom
had been nrrosted rer drunken and dis
orderly oeiiduot and three wero travelers
who had. applied for lodging. The dls dls dls
orderllos were sent te jail for flve days
oaeh, and the tramps were discharged. 11. vi, 1.,
IV Inn a riiilmfliinul 'I Hii,, linn te Hsy
Almtil 11.
As the Judges of the ceutt, tlie grand
jury, county uomiiilssieneiH, piiseti inspec
tors, udliers, icputfis and ethets have
given their views lehitive te that part of
the county Jill known ns "BuiumerV
Hall," It is only fair te the professional
tramp, who has enjeyul Its comforts, that
be, tee, should say his say about It, us he
does In the fo.lewlug coiiimunicitleu :
Bulleus iNir.i.i.iei.Nii it It seems
the authorities who iiiiiuige the ullalrs of
this- Aiidersonvllle of penal Institutions,
the county Jul), lnve lilt upon the Inhu
man mid barbarous prae',100 el staiv.itioe,
as a means or uiiitallitig the population or
that citadel of misery, lags and wietdied
ness, classic illy known ns "Bulllluer,
Hall," the tenants el which are the siijt siijt
pesed dress nut! rofiueof society generally,
of 110 use te anybody except the various
aldermen of your city and eun or two
justices of llre pernie or Columbia, when)
Iren mid tint remarkable brand of utigle
feet known as the "Hummers Varlely"
abounds; and who succciil in
keeping front their own bodies the tilth and
vermin with which the tramps, hnblllmeuu
are presumed te be covered, by the miiuu miiuu
fucture or legal tlckets which commit
even the icspcolable eitUen te take up bis
abode lu the demicilii as the Impecunious
tratrrp, who is supposed te be Lit g.11110 ler
imiall fiy olllcers who, te the writer's cer
tain knowledge, whleh he cm verily upon
11.1H1, hnvti filled the bottle upon the con.
tents or which the lousy bum Is supposed
te beeouie rlpe (et transportation te that
institution wlioie tlm muideier or rdun is
fed 011 geed reed, while the
unfortunate wretch whose only crime eon.
sists lu trying te obey tlm first law of
nature , namely, self presorvatlen, aud
begs fowl te satisfy ills hunger, when
without money te purchase It, is thought
te h ive committed se hetiieu acrime that
he must tie denied tlie same nineuut or
Teed given te tlm convicted murderer 01
felon, aud take for bis p irtien 11 limited
supply of bread and water. And all this in
the richest ceuipy lu thu United
States, the inhabitants of which are with
out jwers iu the exercise of that ablest attri
bute of manhood siimuud up In the Gelden
Rule te "de te ethers as they would liku
te be tloue by." While tlm w riter eaudid
ly ticknewlidgs that hu is what society
turns n " professional tramp" and eates
very little for secbty's estimate or htm he
cannot iimK-i -.t md why citizens of your
county who ure veieis mid have cum
niitted ue greatet clli-nse than having
partr.keu a little tee freely of the "ar
dent" are forced te subsist 011 bread and
water, along witii the rrsl of us unfortu
nate bummers, while the garrison of the
main citadel, from your "eneeytd Iiorse
thief " down te the 1110 meet sueak thiel uf
the tot aie all will fid
PlUU-l.ssiiiNW '1 i.wir.
Tin: i.uiv 1:11 r.Nn
liiirreMhij: Itetiin Cviiiiri.rtitiig IIih -nut ir-tn
Sci lien Irem in,, titliini i'im- '
The cattle (Use ise 111 Urumeie t .viiidnp
reported te be Texas fever, is abitiiig A
farmer named Shaub lias bad four te die
iu addition te tlm fatal t.ifs aliiady re
ported All the c.ttile alleited are of a
let of young animals, one and tnoyeftr tneyeftr
lings from the Wist
A number of gentlemen of Little Britain
Piesbytcrian chinch, assembled at the
resilience of the pas tei, Rev. J B. Turner,
last Thursday, aud besides erecting a new
fence gave the ptrsOuage surroundings a
thorough renovation.
Jacob Wtiltseti aud seu of Fulton twp ,
were thrown out of their wagon last Sit
unlay evening by their liorse seiriug while
driving home from Wakelidd. Beth
wero severely iujiiii.-l The former re
ceived a serious cut en Ids head from a
whoel of the vehicle.
Kirk H. Lewis se'd at public sale en
theJst 111st., his Tarni of 1) acres iu Little
Britain township, te Harvey Jamisen of
Falrmetitit, for ? 1.000. Tlie administra
tors of Olarkseu Cejk, doeia-tcd, Fulton
township, offered at public silo ou Sittir
day Ixst the farm of 1 15 actes It was bid
te 815 per aero aud Withdrawn.
The following improvements have been
made iu the lower end Frank Parson, of
Ellin, has built a new stable. Ellis Brown,
uear Wilghtsd lie, is electing a low
beuse. J..eeb Kirk, of i,ittle Britain, has
made considerable improvements te his
heuse and added a new perch te it.
Jeseph .l.iiuiMin, el Little Bntain, has
erected a new addition te his barn iu
which te store tobacco Abm r Blown, of
Fulton, is building an addition te his
heuse. Gilbert Maxwell, of Fulton, is
having his house anil perch nicely piititcd.
William Wilght, or Wrightsd.ile, is erect
ing a new house.
M1IKMIV SlKKl'l.Sll.
Kiltlilli.1 istlc
OitttierliiK til
A mass meeting under the auspices of
tbe temperance comtuittve Salisbury
Friends was held in N. Warner's weeds,
near Christiana, en the 8th Hint. Themas
Baker, eleik el the committee, presided
and at 11 opencd the uicetiug with an
nppropnale address rclatrve te tlie object
which had brought the people together.
The sjieakeis of the day weiu James
Blaek, of Lancaster ; Kdvvin II Ceatcs
and Wilmcr Wilkins. of Philadelphia, mid
William Theme, of North Caielina, all of
whom dealt with the temperance subject
in nu eloquent and ab'e manner.
The hospltnble ladies of the neighboi neighbei neighboi
heod came amply provided withappetUlug
refreshments and when the meeting ad
jetirned Ter dinner all were i.wly te
pat take with zest and n Ibh The literal y
onteitainiiient which expected in lint
afternoon was emitted rer want of time,
and at the close or the meeting the uletk
announced that theso who had ejuin pre
pared with essays and reoitatietis would
deliver them at thu general temperance
eourerenco held at Salisbury 011 the arter
noeu or the next day. The meeting
adjoin ued lltrilly at 1 p. m.
l'rejldeiit llclniuti Delivers tlie Allium I
, Ailure-i.
The Hist a 11 nil il session or the American
pharmaceutical association began uiWasli uiWasli
ingten, en Tuesday. Commissioner West,
or the District or Columbia, welcomed the
association, arter which thu convention
proceeded te business. The piosldent,
Charles A Heluitsh, or this city, delivered
the animal address, and the various com
inlttrcs undo thelr reports, After ap
pointing a noinmittee 011 nominations of
officers rer the ensuing ycais The ceu
vuiitieu adjourned until Wtduesday,
Thu committie ou iiomiuatleus met and
agrcLtl upon a list of cfllces, who will be
voted for te day. Following aie tbe names
or thoje suicided for the meit important
ollices : President. W. B. Thompson, id
Washington , Hist vlee president, Dr.Ohas.
Rice.orNew Yerk ; Mioend vice president,
T. f I Masi, or New Yerk ; third vice
pic8idetit,K. I). Sm Francisce;
treasurer, C'has A. Tufts or Dever, N.
II,; rioriiiauentsocrotaiy, J. M. MnUcli,et
Arremeir ter Miinniy.
01li liUpiiUli.Tucsihiy.
Olllcer Hetrluk went te L measter this
mertiitig and auusted and bieught te
Yerk Btnphen Lovereul, an, nc nc
euscd or larceny en August 25. The uase
was beard by J list leu Shet weed, and the
charge felonious entry and larceuy of $11),
tlm preperty of Gulseppe .lanoechle. Ue
was held In $1,000 for his appearance nt
the justice's office 011 SUurday next, wheu
a hearing is te take place, Mr. Christian
Wuuncr went his surety.