v Imttft: 1 ' I VeluniM XX-Ne 10. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY. SElJTEMBElt 12, ld83. Prlce Twe Cent.' Oik FMIV1T.IAHH, .'. I.INN M llllt.NIIMAN ONE OAR LOAD OF CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS, WIIUI.UhAI.K AND HKTAIL AT IIK8T FIUUKF.B. Iren Pumps and Pipe at Reduced Prices. OUIl MAKE OP TIN WARE THE DEBT IN THE MARKET, A Linge Htncknt TINWAU12.TAHLK KNIVKS, FOKK8 iitnl Bl'OONS limn New Yerk Auction t mvirli below tliu test et maniilucturlng. FLINN.& BEENEMAN, IIUUHKFUHN1SII1NU HAItDWAHK, Ne. 162 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA 1)111' UOUDS. O 1 KIIIMlK KA1INKSTOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( IIAlll'H OI,ll BTAND.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. Our newly arrived Juntey Valta ure very alliri-rttiit (lurmeiitM f 10111 tlioeidlnary nrllclu of tli At iiume. 'ihuy don't" lit We" up tlm bank like the hull cotton geed. Tlie celni lug Include llliick. t'nnllniil, (liirnut, Wine, Nnvy, Myrtle, and the uilte N f J 5"i Hint W. W). We lmve nn tutia quality ul Black Jerseys, with Pleat Cellar and Bew, at $5.00. I-A HlKrV .1 F.ll.SK I S In nupurlnr koeiIh lit l, fl Ml. 17 Is 50 mid lie 00. (Jilt I.DUKNh' JKU8KVB. 11.75 ten, HicenlliiK tealze.Ac, .te. .IKIf-Kl CLOTH by tlie ynul in all colors. Ladies' Kid Gloves, in ih.ai k mui in kau.hhadks huj ieuu. ALSO, A L.WtUlS AHSOHTMKNT OK WOOLKN UOODS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS AND COMFORTS. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EAP" "IINQ STREET, LANCASTER, PA. I'l.VMHIMI AND UAH riTTlNH. AKNOt .I""" PLUMBING, GAS-KITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, carfinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leuve your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LirXltY HTAIII.K. II UUIIIITIIM'H. HOUGHTON'S New Livery 'and Sale Stables. FKIST-ULABS HOUSES AND IIUUGIES TO IIIUK , ALSO, OMNIHUSSKS l'OK PARTIES AND PICNICS. HOUSES UOUOIIT AND SOLI) AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, x-. ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. HUMAN III' AMU. G HiA.NOKK KKHTILIZKIl CO CoraprBed of Pure Quninn Exoremout nnd Urine. Uiirlvrtled for Wheut, Tobacco, Grass, Cern, &e. -hOLD 11Y- WM. II. .IONK8, Ne. 1.6JI Market btroet ; C. II. KOUKllt. Ne. 1S3 Miliket Btroet; OKAHAM, KMLF.N I'ASSMOllK. Ne. C31 Market Street ; .1. ItlllKIl A SON, Hranchtewn, l'hl'udtilphlu, anil responsible doalets geuciully. miglJ fluid OFl'lCK. --Ne. 3US Chestnut Street, LMiiliulelpliiu. 1IUOK1 ANJl HTATIONFUY. J OHN HAr.lfH HON3. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, AT Til K I100K8TOUK OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Nea. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. VUAI.. 13. II. MAUTIH Wholesalo and lluLall Dealer In all hinds el LUMUKIt AND COAL. -ranlt Na 420 North Wntemnit l'rlnee t roots abevu Lemen laiicasUir. nS-lyd IJAUMllAIlDNKIUi At JlUTl'.IllKS. COAL DEALERS. OFFICBS.-Ne. '-1 North Qukiin Btukkt, axu Ne. Ml North 1'iuncb Utiixbt. YAKDS. Nebtii l'nrrieK Btiibkt, nkah Ukau- IHI DKl'OT. liANOABTEU.l'A. JUlKlMMIl CWAI. UUAkl ) The mulmnlgnud liiw ler kiiIu, at lila Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. W er Sts ulnrKOusBortmuntef tlie very Inibi. i. mil et Ocal for Family Ube, wlilcli lip will Uullver, cnrefully wolulieil ami scrconetl, te any pun el tlie city at tlie IowehI iiiuriiui, raiua. unitira uy UUiu IllleU piemntly. JiilylU-tM or tolepliunu l'llll,!' U1NDKU. Tlii W All K, SO, J" UN 1'. HU1IAUA1. at If DIVA I.. i 1U1IU0HA OUTIOURA REMEDIES, THE GREAT SKIN CURES. Te ulfinnitn ilm Hkln, Hcitlp nnd llloeil el IIcIiImk. Scaly, l'liiiply, Hrrer ileux, Inliciltml, nnil C'lmtfiKletiH IIiiiiieih, IIIihxI I'oiHeiiH. UN corn, AlMtitM, iiml Itiliiiitlln Hk lu 'lertnii'H, tlieOuttcunA l!KMKinm me Iiilullllilu tfTi- ttlllA IlKHDLVl'NT, llll) IIUW llloeil l'llllllLT, III- urutlu mill Aparlt'lil, expciH illsunte i iiiih r em 111- bleed mill pfirxplriitlen, iiml Hum riliieV(iilliir(iiMr Oiitii uiia, tlm (trout b kin cult', liigtiiiitly iilluyd ItLliliiK mill liiMiiiiiuiii Hen, cluuis tlm bkhi unit Hcilp, licuh t'lcerx mid Bet(8, riMleiiH tlie Complexion. ,irri il'iia tfeAr, mi ('Xfnilslin Hkln llcatillMermul Toilet l(culnlle, li liiillH)iniciili u In IrciklliiK Hkln lllii'iivn, mill ter HeiikIi, Cl.npil or (irtaxy bkln. lllucklicinl., Illotcliefl, mill Iluby Humer. cuTiutuiA IIrmiim eh me tliuenly In lullllilu bleed pMillluit mid Hkln beuutlllmH. :im. iiiiiiEhten, i-,i , luwyur. 'ti Htitte Htim't, llenliMi, ri'peitdu 1'iini, el Mnll Itheiiiu iiuilur bin obitiTMitleu ter ten vnrj, wlilcli cevurcd tlie lHtklil',1 body it il llinbi, uud le wlilcli nil known m tlieJn el trrntinunt bad been applied witlienl bunidlt which with coin cein coin ptetcly ciiicil teiuly by tlie Cutu.iuia Uk.mh cien, luav.iiK it clunu uud liualthy Hldn. Mr. mid lira. Ktnrelt Mrbbinii, llolclior llelclior llolclier town. Mam., wrlte s ' our lltlle bev niw turrl blyiilMlLtnil iv It n Si'ieliibi, bull Itliuuiu mid Krynlpiiliis I'vtir Bliici) liu win born mid notli netli liiif we could ulve liliu hcl m1 Mm until we IrlUlt CUTU'CIIA ItKMKIMKrt h hlcli wnidiiiilly euii'd lit in. until he In new nn lull us miy child. II. r.. CHrpnntrr, llondiiriien, N. Y., cnired et ', reorluxN.er I colony, el twimly vhiih' nUiiiiI ICKMKMK.4, 'IIIU IllOdt WOII Inu, by CirricuiiA durlul euro en ircenl. A duitnuii full el Hcnlm fell Irein liliu i nlly. I'liyalcl inxmid bN Irliuuli iheiiKlithi) tuiMt ilbi uure nwnni ti befere u Jiutlur et the pt'Htu mid lluiidurden'ii moil prominent clttr.ein linn. Win. Tnjrler, lleiltli C'oinuitsslencr, llmteii. siiye : Aller tlme ineiitlm' use el tlie CUTItTtiA ItKMKiiiKri. ii id twelve yeura et uh ceiiHtmiliiiiruilnitlXMii ScroluleiM Humer el tlie litue, neck mid te-Upm was ever ondiired, 1 cun Htiy that I mu cured, mid pronounce my cine tlie ineit reiuui kuble en record. Sold by all ilnisnlsl.M. Cuticuiia, 50 cents I ItltlULVKMT, tl l ei. -A eentH. I'erTun lllll'll AKbLllKMICALCO , Ho-deu, MUH4. beiul for " Mew te C'lirn Skin l)lsa.iea." WAlt HISTORY. nitiitr. in'- Tin: lltlltlUIII.AUK vn-w. in r Kit- FURNACES and RANGES OK ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Cull uud Hi'O tlie New IliipiONOd WUOUUUT IllUN UOL1) CA31S Radiating Portable Furnace, fTrTTr0"" h.i. AiMeiutciv t.ure '-"-' lilithly iiindlclii.il, Inderied by liliy alclunii. nriilcrri'il by the ollte. Sulca, lusl mid IW l,(X),00 cukes, bold evcrywheiu. catar"rh7 Sanferd's Radical Cure, Tlm Ori-Ht llHlotmle DUtlllntluu of Hitch lliwel, AinerirHii I'lur. Ummdlitn Fur, AlHrlKiild, Uleter lllowieiiia, nle., Fer Ilm limn illnte relle'mid I'cruiiinentCiitu or every form el i ntntih. Irem uSluiple Head cold or lnllucnz.i te tlm l.ea el Hine I. Tunte, mid Hearing. Coui;li. Iliencliltli, uud lnclp lnclp lnclp lentOoniiuiupllen Itellet lu llve liilnutci In uny uud ovary cine. Nothing like It. Unitc- iiii, intKnini, wiioiecnine. Cuie heKlni limn llistuppllculleu, uud li rapid, radical, perma nent, and nover lulling. One bettle llndlcul Cun . ene ln Uutiirrliul Belvenl uiul llr.H.iureiil'it Inhaler, alt lu ene packiiKi,. or nil drugi:l.sn nn . ak run. CtANnriMID'H UaUICAL CUHK I'l TTKIl IIRUU AHD CiirMicALCe., llu3ten, COLLINS' Voltaic Electric Kei theiellel uud pievc nllen, the limtiiut It Inamiltril el Uheilinatliin .Seuiiili;l.i, hi il'l ca, Ceiifjle. ( olds. Weak lluck, htemitLh and llewcln, HioetlhK I'alim. NiihiImu'h, Hj-mie la, Pinnule Putin. Palpitation, DynpepHta. !,lei Ciimpliilut, Dillons tever, ,M alalia ami l',M. demlcM, iHe VeiIIiih' I'lantura, (an ICIeilrlc lliittery combined n Ith u I'lrcinn I'lanler J mid luuuhat pain. -.". every whuie Hepll-ljdW.b.Aw 1 Jf.NSUN'.l 1 Or.MIS I'LAhl'l.ltS. BEYOND THE RIVER. Away Acmu Ilm MlaMsdpp! Kit or Is Held n CeiiviiicIui; Couveriatleu, ' I lull you sir, that llicy nroenool tlionout tlienout tlioneut ohI ceinbinut Ions ever pteiluced, and uiycx perlcncoef tnut Hurt et tiling bus lit en wide eneni;h te entitle uiy Judmncnt te nomeio- HJIPOl," "Oh, I deu'l knew," loMpeudcd tlie Hist Hpcukei'ii lilcnd, with u llllleyiiwii.il!) though he didn't tuke much Intercut lu tlie subject, "I liuve never been nole te Bee uiucli dllTcionie In'those things. Tliuyure pietty nearly tlie guine size, uud iiiude et about tlie natnu Htnir." The talk, et which tlie IoickeIiik is a tiun uicut, took pluce lu Oallatln, MIfseuiI, net lout? tiKe, In the hiuik olllce el Dr. M. 1'. Flow ers, ene el the leading pliyalcluiib ul the titute, who followed up the vein In which he hud In troduced it substantially lu these tterda. " Nensense, that b the iluuiarole et u boy, or rathei, et u iiinn who cither dni'Hu't knew or doesn't cme what he euyf. These things, rut you cull them, uie lust m illlleieut an the moon Is Irem K'eun cheese. New, lluluicntf), lotions and ointments me very Koedlu most cusca ler the lelietefpaln or Inllummutlen. Hut, lu the ilt'jt pbice, tliey aie uiicleun. They soil the hands mid the linen, besides belnnalwajs out nt leach when they uie nient wunlcd." " Well, my dvur doctor," hIkIiiii! the traveler from the North." wh it would you liuve 7 ThN Is a vtictched world mihew, and nothing Is ever ut hand whun It Is wanted. Yeu cuu't HiiKUist iiuythliiK -" " Yeh, 1 can," broke In the doctor, thumping the table with his tint, "I can biiK'i;e.it UKN HON'U OAl'OINK VOKOUa l'L AST Kit. I huve tried ll en my patients, mid X huve tiled it en myeelt ler mt attack et l'neumenlu, and In nil cusea relief lius lollewod in Irem tluce te lorty-eltthllioura. The old (dusters me hIiike couches the Cnpelne la a telcKrupu dlspateh. I or Inataute, lu cases et Nctuuli;lu, Muscular Itheumatlsm, Lumbuce, letmded action et Kldneya, enil " " I Klve It up, doctor, and lu case of uoed I'll buy lIeii8en'H,"Bald the traveler, pleasantly, In tliu centre e tliOKenulus Is cut the wnid CAIIUINK. Heubury A .lohuaeu, Cheiulsls, New Yerk. uugl-lmW,Sftw 1 mf ,? i1, T Wein Seuth Oirellna decn net bear raeta IT I. ' ?,. ' , ' conBtree'lon, anil this, an I urdeMtaud, is hall btauil by me te tlie t,ln nnIv .'-., l,ntTCfM, Meuth Care- Tlie Clieapeat unit Market, Ileal rUKNACK In the UTANUKK AND UOAI.. jjL New Yerk and l'lilludelphla llorse Jin Jin iitue by the carload at reduced pi icon. All the II EST UKADUS OF COAL, Iletli ler Faintly uud Steam purposes. CKMKNT by the barrel. HAY unci STKAW by tlie ten or bale. Vahd 315 liarrlsburp 1'lke. Ukmkiiai. Okkick 'J) Kast CIiestnutBtioet Kuuffmnn, Koller & Oe. anrtdyd pOAL. M. V. J3. COHO eai NUIiTll WATISIl MT,, iMnnuur, m Wholeaalo uud Uetull Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Vflltx the Telophenlo KzchauiEO, MANUFAUTUKED KA0LU81VKLY UY Jelm P. Scliaum, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, VAUU1AUKO, XV, lebW-lyd .ANOAhTKU, 1'A. lUtUKM AMU BTAXIUNBUl, S' Yartl and Offlnn HTUKKT NO. S30NOIITH WATK 'Hl.'AMVi1 U vi T rillUIKT TIIKTWO NMAI.Ii IIA .. yK!"i.c,nj"' lor6e Konuliie nrticle, ut uAiiAaxAN'S Xisi.i.tn W FllONT CkIaU HXOUK. OIIOUI, 1IOOHH AWU SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT TBB tOWKST IIATK1 AT L. M. FLYNN'S CllKAl HOOK AND 8TAT10NAUY HTOHK Ne, 43 West King Btroet. 'I'llK Standard Carriage Werk OF LANOASTKll COUNTY. JiDGERLEY & CO., PINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET 8TUKKT, UKAU OF CKNTIIAL MAKKHT HOUUEb, LANOABTKH, lA. We iniike overy style lluyy and CarrlnKO deslied. All Werk llnlshed In the most com. rortabiennit oiOKuniHtyie. vye use only me beat selected material unit employ only tlie best nu'chiintca. Fer quality et weik our pilcca are the cheapest In the state. We buy ler cash mid Bell en the most leasoimble lernis. Ulve na utall. All work warrunted. IteputtliiK pvempUv allenileil te, One set et worKiuen ojpeciuny pesiu YOU WILL AI.WAV8 KIND A l'Ul.l. IHioetCoiinoctlcutclftara and Fountain Hunt ul tobacco, ut UAUTMAN'8 YKLLOW.FUONT C1UAR 1X011K. 1 employed ler that jiuin njnin.iw BAlUIAIMn IN WATUIIKH, ULOUKt Chains, Ulnk'S, Hpecuielea, Ac. UepalrlUR et ull kinds will receive my iwrsenal atten linn. LOUIS WJSUKU. Ne. 1S0K North Uaoen Btteet. llomembor it una and number. 111. ,,res lectiy opnesito uuy iiotei, ueur;i-eniisyivan i ""; railroad depot. (IveWlya luilun llhtck'ii A id. nun el Ilm tablnrt Kminef 1H(I(-Aii luttrriilliii; Uliiiliter et Wnr liuiea. We Mlbjelu tlie fellow Ini,' fin thnr extinct from tlie account of Mr. Ilurr of his Inter vlew with Jti(1i0 lllauk u week liofero Ilia (le.illi, Tlie ntery in told hy the .liidffe for tlie llrnt tlme : "The most p.iliilul incident of my lone; iiHHoeiittlon with Mt. IJtielmtian took place the day utter he had ruad his answer te tlie Seuth Caielina ceinmUtiluncrn in cibi cibi net meeting, en the 2'Jth of Duoemhcr, 18G0. 1 recall with great distinctness the sceno In the c.iblnut when that papur wait read. It fell upon me like the kick of u intilu. The Heuthcrti memherH wcte ul most na much dlttuthnd. None of tin H.iid n great deal iibeut It, becauas nil of its knew by experience that whoa Mr. I)uch nnan itiade up IiIh mlud he was Immevable Ne man evor llllud the presidential olllce who knew better hew le onferco tliu te Hjicct due te bla position, and I knew of no ene meto teiiacietirt of IiIh opl'ileii when hia Jtidjiincnt wau llxed He wuh abae Inte tuiiHter in his own lionse. Thore fere, when that cabinet inceliiig nd nd jeurni'd, I did net beliove it possible that our official tol.itlens could coutinue. I !)Ciit tlie most mherable mid icatlve night of my life. My mind wan in wild tumult, and I urose the next morning de tcrmltibd te reaign bofero night. I called en Stanten, Helt nnd Teticey nud ex prea.scd te tliein my excelling diaajipolnt diaajipelnt incut at the presldent'a letter nud autiemiccd te them that I alienld that day Icave the cabinet Stanten h ltd he nisi) ahettld go, nnd Helt would bave gene, although he did net hay se. WhatToucey would liavodeuo I de net knew. When he entered the cibinet, and through his entire aervlce, he fuutned dolermiuod te lmve no opinion cie-a wiae fiem tlie jircsi detit'a. He might bave stayed. Ah boeh as 1 parted with Toucey be went te the Whlte Huuse aud informed the president of my Intentions, nud of what had taken place botween Stanten, Helt and mygell. Mr. Hucbatiati at once requested my pres ence; but I hesitated te go, for I knew the temper and btteimth el the appeal he would mnke te me. I felt that he would place his domain! that 1 remain hy his bide upon such greuuds of personal (rieudship that it would make it utmost impossible for me te loave him without laying myself epcu te the charge of having deserted a friend who had groatlyhenorcdand trusted me, at a time when he was under the shadow of the greatest trouble of his life. He sent a second time, aud I went. I found him greatly disturbed, aud his find words were : " "Ih it ttuu that J en aie going te duseil meV" " 'Is it ttuu that I inn going te lctiigu,' was my icply. " 'I am (iverwbeliiRd te knew,' a.iid he, 'lhr.t you, of all ether men, are going te leave me in this ciisia, Yeu .no from my own htate, mv olesoat political and personal frimd. in these troubles as I insist that you iih: Olid. "He then reviewed our association aud made sip li poiueual appeal te me as I knew he would win n I tespended lu Ins HUintiieiiK Allei he was through I re plhd: " 'Mr. pieMileut, fiiimtlie stmt 1 had ileteruilticil te stand by yuu and with you te death and desti notion, if need be. I premised myself that as lung in tliote was a button en your coat 1 would cling te it. Itut your notion lias taken every btttteu uir-iiid diivcn me away fiem you.' " ' What de you rofer te '.'" said he. " 'Your reply te the Seuth Cateliua oeminiasioucis. That document is the powder that has blown join cabinet le the lour winds. The S.mthern members will loave because yuu de uet ceuccdu what they ask, and your conclusions make It impossible for them te stay. The paper is even harder upon the Northern members of your political household. It forces the Southern men out at. d you cannot ask that we stay. I Wutihl net leave you for any earthly consideration, se long as I could stay hy jeu with sell i eapcet, but I can not de it if the paper you have prepared is sent te the gentleman from Seuth Car olina.' " The president sueiued surprised that I took this document he much te hejtrt, and I confess it took all the determination I had te aunoutice te him my decision with relation te it, for hia n. miner toward me was kind, and his appeal te me oaruest. ucsH iuelf. Te my biupiiae, he did net even argue the points of my objection, as I expected he would. He heaid me with out a wep), aud when I had finished, Haid : "Judge, you speak tlie words of my heart.' I rocegnlzo the ferce and Justioe of what you say. The letter te the Seuth Carolina commissioners my tongue dicta ted, net my roaaeu. Hut 1 feel that we must net bave an open iiipture. We are uet prepared ler war, and if wnr is pro voked Cengress cannot he lolied upjn te sttengtheu my arm, and the Union must utterly perish." " 'lint Mr. President, you must stand by your position, aud boldly, with jour judgmeut.' He did net hositate a moment but turned te me aud Bald : "'Your resignation is the ene thing that shall uet be. I will uet, I cannot, part with you. If you go, Helt aud Stan, ten will loave, nud 1 will be in a sorry atti tude bofero the country. This ia the greatest treublu I bave yet had te bear. Here, take this paper nud modify it te suit yourself ; but de it before the sun gees down, liofero I sleep te-night I roust knew that this matter ia arranged te your satisfaction." " I left Mr. nuchunaii and went directly te my ofilce. I confess that even after what the preahlent said I had net much hope that he would adept my radical vIewb ; but I sat down und wrete a mem orandum giving my objections te the paper, nud Stanten copied it for me. I sent the original te tlie president uud re tallied the copy," This important paper is new of peculiar historical significance I oeplod it from the paper when writing the original artiole that has called out Mr Davis' rospenso. It ia ouderscd ou the back lu Air. Stanten's own handwriting : "Uusorvatleuaou corresponuenco rrosi rresi rrosi tlentB. C. Cem.byJ. B. H." Here ia the full text : "JfY-meratidum for the J'rcslilent ei li ud Jeet of the paper drawn up Uu Mm li reply ta (he Vumnkiiitenert of Seuth Vuntltna: " Firht, The Jlrvl und the ceimludlug paragraph both sceru te aoknewlodgo the right of Seuth Carolina te be represented near thin government by diplomatic officers. That implies that alie la an lu lu lu dopeudent nation, with no ether rotations te the government el the union than any foreign power. If such he the fact, thou Bhe una acqulretl nil the rights, powers nud responsibilities of a soparate govern ment by the uiore ordinance of secession which passed her convention a few days nge. Uut the rrcbident ban always, aud partiaulaily lu his latu moeajge te Cen- umvi rn nti. :j oeoosaion nun asscitcd that ile btute could threw oil' her federal obligations In that way. More evor, the. proaident has always very dis tlnetly declared that even If a Rtate could sccode and t'e out of the union nt pleasure whether by revolution or lu tlie uxcrcise of a constitutional right, he could net tec. ognlze her independence without being guilty of usurpation. I think, therofero, that overy word nud seiitouce which Imply that Seuth Carolina In in an uttltude which enables the president te ' treat' or nego nege nego tiate with her or te rccolve hur commls cemmls sinners in the characters of diplomatic ministers or ngenta ought le be stricken out nnd an explicit declaration substituted which would reassert the principles of the message. It is stirely net enough that the words of the message be transcribed if the doetrino there announced he pratically abandoned by carrying en n negotiation. " Second. I would strlke out nil ok prosslens of regret that the commlssleuois are unwilling te proceed with the negotia tions, bIiice it is very olear that there can be no negotiations with them, whother they are willing or uet. " Third. Abeve nil things it is ebjee tlonable te iutlmate a willingness te nogo nego noge tlnto with the state of Seuth Carolina nbeut the possession of a military pest which belongs te the United States, or te propeso any adjustment of the subject or any arrangement nbeut it. The forts in Charleston harbor beleng te this gevern ment are its own nnd cannot he given up. It is true, they might be surrendered ten Euporier force, whethcr that ferce be in tlie service of n sceedlng state or n fereign nation. Hut Fert Sumter la impregnahle nnd caunet be taken If dofended ns it should be. It is n thing of the last im portance that it should be maintained if all the power in this nation can de it ; for the command of the harbor uud the picsl dent's ability te execute the revenue liws may dopeud ou it. " Fourth. The words 'ceirchig s fuute by ferce of arms te remain in the con federacy, a pewer which 1 de net bouevo the constitution hascouferred ou Congress ought certainly uet te be retained. They are tee v.igue, nud might have the oiled, (which I am sure the president does uet intend) te mislead the commissioners con cerning his sentiments. The pewer te do de fend the public preperty, te resist nn as sailing ferce which unlawfully attempts te drive out the troops of the United States from ene of the fortifications, uud te ube military aud naval forces for the pnrpose of aiding the proper ofQcers of the United States in the execution of the laws, this, ns far as it gees, is coorcien, aud may very well be called ' coercing n state by n ferce of arms te remain in the Uuleu.' The president has nlways assertod his right of coorcien te that exteut. He merely donies the right of Congress te make offeusive war upon a state of the Unieu, as such might be niade upon a foreign govcrument. "Fifth. The implied a? Bent of thcprcsi thcprcsi deut te the asottsatieu which the cemuiia. sioneis make of a compact with Seuth Carolina, by which he was bound uet te take whatover mo.uures he saw fit for the defense of the forts, ought te be stricken out, aud a Hat deuial of auy such bargaiu, nlcdue or agreement iusertcd. The paper slgneJ by the late members of Congress have been their conclusion if the president bad acknowledged the koruel of the prin ciple they wcre contending for. My ob jectiens te the paper wcre that it dallied with the onemlos of the governmout, Im plied certain diplomatic rights of Seuth Carolina that could net nxist and yieldcd points that wero uufalr te the ptosident's jiosltlen. They wero in tlie same seuse such an ollcnce against mv views and the principles I was contending should be maintained, that I could net with self-respcct have romalned in the cablnet had they bcen sent out as the judgment of the administration. Hut my objections can be fully read in my memorandum te the president upon this subject, and uowhero in it will you find an Intimation that Justiilcs the assumption that Mr. Huehanan ever re cognized the right of a state te sccode. "The president accepted tills paticr and framed his answer te the se called Seuth Carolina commissioners te avoid the points I had raised against it. Thus the crisis, the grcatet iu all my publle serviccp, was safely passed. The reply that Mr. liuch anan made te the se called commissioners wan such a robtike te their protensieus that they returned au answer se iusultiug in terms that the cablnet unanimously sustained the president in uet receiving it. Very boeh after this the Seuthern rumnbers went out. WogetGencialDlx aud Her. atle King in, aud we had comparatively plaiu sailing from thnt time until Uie Liucehi ndmlnlstratien relieved ub." MKOIUAIj, V A tl'.U'H UtlRKHY I'KUTUUAI,. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. -,.,. . -. " ORy'-tlt. 0"'. Brpt, 10. 1W2. -flOl.nS .'Haying Imen BUbJectUwi VyWJLiJLO.ltrenchlal Atroctlen.wlth ift- iiient cehli, for u numbur of years, I hereby certify that Aran's Ummvr rmiroKALKivi-fiine prompt rnilef, and Is the moslclleUlvo remedy I have ever tried, r Iambs A. Hauiiten,' Editor or 27le Vreieeyu."' " Mt.Oilbad, Ohie, June 20, 1S9J.. KjVJ KJ UrriOC'HKRnr rieTORAL tufa Mnrltiir for n nnvwrn emidi, and LuiiK TrotiUe with jtoed ellcct, and lam pipaaed te lecointnend it te unyenn ilmllarty ii ir cted. lUnvar liAueiiMAtc, riopnetor uiobe Hetel." 1'iiKi'Ansi) nr Dr. J. C Ajcr & Ce., Lewell, Mags. Held by all Druggists, KeplO lO-lyd&w I)I;KKV DAVIa'Sl'AIN KILLE1I. DYS ENTERY O LJ JLVJL cjet, OOMPLAINT the only transaction between Seuth Care Una and him which bears upon the subject uither directly or indirectly. I tbiuk it dceply concerns the president's reputation that he should contradict this stalomeut, since, if it be uudeuied, it puts him in the attitude of an executive officer who velun tardy disarms bimself of the pewer te de his duty, nnd ties his handa'te that he canuet, without breaking his word, ' pre set ve, pioteet aud dofend the constitution, anil see the laws faithfully oxeontcd.' The fact that he nledgcd himself in auy such way cannot be true. The commissleuorH, no doubt, have been no informed. Hut thore must be seme mistake about it. It arehO, doubtlesH, out of the president's anxious nud laudable dosire te avoid civil war and his oft expressed dotermiuatiou uet even te furnish nn oxcuse for nu out break at Charleston by reinforcing Majer Audersuu unless it was absolutely ucces sary. "Sitth. The remotest cxprossietm of u doubt about Majer Andersen's perfect propriety of behavieur should be carefully avoided. Ile is net niorely a gallant nud meritorious officer who is entitled te fair beating befere he la coudemued ; he has saved the country, I solemnly bolievo, when Its days was darkest aud its perils most extreme. He has doue everythlug that mortal nnn could de te repair the fatal error which the administration lias committed iu net sending down troops enough te held all of the lerts. He has kept the strotigest ene. He still com mands the harbor. We may still execute the laws if we try. Hosides thore Is noth ing iu the ordera which wero sent te him bv the war department which is in the slightest dogrce contravened by bis act of throwing his command into Fert Sumter, Kven if thoseordors, sent without your kuowledgo, did forbid him te loave a plaoe whero ids men might have porlshed aud shelter them under a stronger position, we ought nil of us te rejoice that he breke such erders. " Seventh. The idea that a wrong was committed against Seuth Carolina by moving from Fert Moultrle te Fert Sum ter ought te be ropelled as firmly as may be consistent with a proper rospeot for the high character of the gontlemon who com cem cem peso tlie Seuth Carolina commission. It is n strange assumption of right ou the part of that state te say that our United States troops must remain in the weakest pest, tieu they can ilnd in the harbor. It is uet a monace of Seuth Carolina or of Charles ton, or a meuacu nt nil. It is siniple self defense If Seuth Carolina docs uet attack Majer Andorseu no human being will be injured. Fer thore ecrtaluly will be no reasen te believe that he will com moner) hostilities. The apparent objeotion te his being in Fert Sumter Is that he will be less likely te fall au easy prey te his aEBallautH. " Thene aie the points ou which I would ndvise that the paper be amonded. I am nwaie that they are tee radleal te pertuit much hope of their adoption. If they are adopted the whole pajwr will uoed te be recast. Hut thore ia ene thing uet te be overlooked iu thia terrible crisis. 1 en. treat the president te erder the Uroeklyn and the Maoedouiau te Charleston without the least delay, and in the monutime U Bend a trusty inosaenger te Majer Andor Ander Andor eou te let him knew that his governmout will net dosert him, The roinferaomont of troops from New Yerk te Old 1'elLt Comfert should fellow immediately. If this be doue at onee all may yet be uet well, but comparatively uafe. If uet, I can soe nothing bofero us but dlsaster te the country." What the Letter Implied. " Is it true that this letter te which you objected roceguized the right of buces slen ?,r " Ne I Ne I a tUetiBAud times no !" said Judge Ulack, with great emphasis. " It is a gross libel upon the truth te nssume that Mr. liucuanau's latter acknowledged the right of eocedsion. This was a ques tion upon which his judgment was ilxed at the beginning of the troublea ami never moullied. The paper was se unsatiataotery te tbe Seuthern mombers that they wero bound te go, This oertalnly would net A YOUNO AIAN'd UAHK. Air. H. 8. iloilgen,Jr.,of Ne. 117 1'eik street, LTwIaten, Me., tolntes the following personal narrative, May II, 1883; "About Itrteen mouths alnce 1 had n severe attaelc el typhoid lever, was very latne, uud con lined te my bed ter eleven weeks, mid when the lever loll me 1 was in a very debilitated condition. My balk uud loins seemed te Imve no strength, and I r.ad no vitality or appetite. I tried various kinds of inodlclue recommended by my Iriendj, but leuiid they did net improve tny cendl Jen. 1 was Induced le try Hunt's Ite med y, which has bcen used with such ureal success here In Lowlaten thut 11 lias u very en viable leputatlen nt being u most reliable medicine. I purchased ene bettle, and can date my Improved health from the tlme I com menced using 11, and my progress continued very rapidly : 1 gained lu strength, uud expe rienced lesa pain In my back, my appctlte in creased, and atter using tluee(l) bottles my pains weieull gene, and my health cntliely restored, und 1 can most heartily recommend Hunt's Hentedy te uny who may need n true remedy ler debility, kidney or urinary troubles." A HOOD IilKOHANIO. Mr. I.. . I. .tones, or Ne. IU Charles Btroet, l'eitlutid, Me., write us these convincing lucla, May II, lbSl. " I lmve ler soverul years been Doubled with liver complaint and lndl lndl Rcatleii.mid have suirered at times terrlble illatresa, and have tried muny diireient cures, he called, thnt huve been recommended Irem tlme te time. 1 ene day noticed in one el our papers the testimonial of a person thnt hud used llunt'a Itomedy mul been cured of dis eased similar te niliia. 1 purcliused a bettle of one et our drug Htoie-i In I'ertlMid.und boleto 1 had uaed the first ueltle leuiid that 1 was Improving beyond my expectation ; liuve u jed lu ull six bottlea, uud 1 liuvu no treublu from lndlgeallon.ne distress or pain in buck iu 1 lonnerly had; and slnce I huve been cmed my wlte has used It for kidney treuble, mul It has cured her. We can both 8iy that Hunt's ltcmedy la a blessing te any that are tumbled with kidney or liver diseases, or in. digestion. We gladly recommend It te our Irlcmhinr te uny sufteiers lieni liver or kid ney diseases, nnd you can use this letter as you may choeiolor the best interests et fluf leilug Immunity." sMwdM.W&FAw The te la no t line te be lest when these we love nre taken with these terrlble itlsonses. The beauty of perry DaVis'S Pain Killer uu,al,tacU se premptlr, surely and efllclcnlly. Den'l be without 1'ain KillkrI Have il ready for Instant use I Kcep 11 with you at home or abroad t AL THE DRUGGISTS SELL IT. sepll-lind&w Ul.WJ II INU,UMKlttrXAM, JtV. -.-wt.-' fy Fer Small Fex expert Dureya I'ropliyiuetlo Fluid lu the loom nnd gpongeolf the patlent with It. II you uie annoyed by your lubber, steel or shell Kyo-Uhuisea bio iking, yen win put your yeur your Miireutol misery, and suve oxpense, by pur chasing a pair et Celluloid Kyo-Ul.isses. Fer sale by nil leading Jewelers uud Opticians. sKMwdce.l lluckleii'a Arnicu Mnlve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Win ranted te speedily cme burns, llrutaes, Untrt, Ulcern, talt Itheiiiu, Fever aores. Can' cers, Piles. Clillblnlng, Coins, Tetter, Chapped Hands mid nil skin eruptions, guaranteed te euru In eveiy instance, or money reliiuded. a cutita per box. Fer sale by Chns. A. Lechor. loil-lyeedAw What Due Dime Did. H. 8. U raves, et Akren, N. Y.. had Asthma or tbe werat kind. Toek ene doae et Themat' Kctectrle OU mid wua rollevo I lu live minutes. Ile adds; Would walk ten miles ter this medicine and pay Vi a bottle for It. It cured my wlloet rheumatism like magic." Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, W and 13'J North (juceu stieet. A (irent Discovery. Thnt la dnlly bring ley te the homes et thou Hands by saving many of their ones Irem mi early ginvu. Truly la Dr. King's New Die Die Die onverv for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, llieucliltij, Hay Fover, Lesa et Voice, Tickling in tlie Threat, I'alnlu Side and Cheat, or any dlseusu et the Threat nnd Lungs, n positive cuks euninutecd. Tilalllnttlea tice iitClms. A. Lechet'a Ding Stoie. Large sUu il.oe. Ne Deception Ued, It Is strange se many people 'will coutinue te suller day utter dny with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Heur Stomach, (Jen oral Debility, when they can procure ut our BtoieSHlLOH'S VITAL1ZKII, treoef coat II it does net oureer relieve thorn, l'rlce, 75 cents. Sold by II. II. Cecnrun, 137 and 1W North yuenn stieet, Lancaster. lodll-eodS Our preparatioae for the ap proaching seasons of Fall and Winter are completed. We cany a large stock of Pine Ready-Made Clothing, samples of which, with self-measurement blanks, will be furnished en application. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. I'llILADKLFllIA. b7-1wi!w n.u HOSTKT1KK a HON. FALL A Hail llreutli Is lnaulleiable. We don't like It, A poison with n strong breath must net intfRl) lilmsell very familiar with us. An linpiue breath Is etiised hy nn unhealthy atnmanh. Murdoch Jlloed JlUtcrs will correct thia evil. They are the best stomach medlcliie known. Fer sale by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 13'J North Queen street. OPENING. Bl'LlCVDID LINKS OF iSni Treuserings nnd Overceatings. The lines of Men'a Youths' and Heys' CLOTHINU we are new inanutacturlng- anil placing ou our tables are superior te any we lmve vel offered, and our Custom Department contains all the Cholcest Fabrics. Irem which every description et Uarmenta te VAVKU IIANUMUB, ac 13IIAHK9 W. fliv." " OUIl LINK OF Dade Window Shades I larirnr tllll.ll 1111V B01LS0II llOIOtOlOre. WO huve them In All Celers, six mid seven loot long. These uoedauro very stillih und popu lar. Bpeclul bl.es uiuilu te order. PLAIN SHADING liy tlie yard lu uny iiuuutily, wide widths ler Ituge windows und store shades, 'I In and Weed Hprlng Hellers. Alse Cord Fixtures. Hliailes uiudu up piemptly und hung lu best manner. NKW I'ATTKIINB OF WALL PAPERS Ol F.very Desciiptlen. Commeii nud tlllt l'apurul Lew l'tiees. ilerders, Friezes, Cen tre 1' luces, Ac. LAOH OURTAINP, In Cieaui and While l'olea, Cornices, lluinli, Leeps, AC, PHARES W. FRY. 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. we mulct erder. air We in e ready ler you, und will offer our Stock ut such prices us will tnsure a ready sale. D. 11. Hostetter & Sed, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. LANOASTKU, PA. VJLJtfMXB. b 8HAVINO AND HAII1 DHE3SINQ BALOON. ,. Ooed .Inurnevmeu and prlei ame as otner saloeua. IL VAU.nkk, uiyli-Ud Muuaccr, L VKW alOUK LKlfT. A Few More 1)0 Ceiit Ceuiibrts Are still ou hand at Shirk's Carpet Hall, COll. W. KINO. & WATKIl 8T8. Out leady or the cold nights br tiuylwc enu et theae eUeup comferu, and remember, top. thai nothing muxes n uuiue mure wiiiuiwiui liicoldweutlier than than te keep UlQ cracks In the lloer covered with A GOOD SUBSTANTIAL C'AHPJST. audi as uie sold at lower Ihjurw thau any any any wherociseat SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. W. Kins & Water Sta., , LANOABTKH, PA. JL KULL 14NBVKOM 50 UAKiy.vN'S VELLevy ruQNXCieAK; O Jr VUm f lAflKS, OAttlvy, J U(l( III e