LAH0A8fEK JAILY INTELLIGENCE! MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10. 18855. 1 0I.UM1UA NEWS. tllllt !" 1'1-AH UOIUIKHI'UNIIKMIK r. MUOllHOItllOOO NKU'H, l.ti.nt aIuiik llm hiisijindiieiim I Intercut In mill Ariiunil Hi" Horeiili I'luUml up hy lli lMtelll Hi)ifr Hctiorler. A slight frost gnve thlugs ii wintry np iiu.nauue pnily thin uiuiulnff. Owiii-in of iew Ixmtii me looking about for wlntrr nuartcm for their property. Mr. V. W. I'pi', of thin plaoe, lias 10 oeivnl thn contiaet for building sections Ne :i nml -1 r the new Schuylkill Valley inllread. .... Tlie number of ilriiukeii inen have net Intely been trcii en tbe Babbnth, owing te the strict survullhince new belng held ii wr the bcer saloons. Nil tinrrerin.iliin en the Unlit rone wnn given en H.tturtliiy evenlng by the ftllew who IiitmbugHed the people- the evening provleiiH. ASKiOheini belonging te Mr. Hnrry Ivllni', icaidlng near town, was killed yea tcrday by jumping against the brekeu haiidloef n plow, which iionetr.itcd Its side, The miintiil lingered sovernl hours bofeio death relieved Its sufferings. In n line ninteh game whleh was played bclwioiilhe Hed Stockings or Celtimbln, nml the Vinil. f Newtewn, the latter wt 10 defented In tilne Inning by n soero of into 8. Twe freight cam wcie thrown from a tuick In the cant yards of the I'. H. It. .cstenlay, by running down mi Ine'.lncd siding. Kome mischievous Ecatnps ouenod the biahrs which kept the cuts iu place, mid llndtng tJie cars getting bnyecd thelr control In the decent down tlie siding jumped elT the cars mid lied. In the nbsence of its jninter, the Hev. W. F. Kvans, the F.. K Luthernn chureh will net be upon the following two Sib latin. Mr. Kvans left for Dolaware te. day, where he will spend his vacation. Tlie Huv. E. II. tincath prcuohed' te a large niidiencn nt the Molitedist church last evening. The tnlsslenary collection nt the Methodist Sunday school yesterday was larger than It has btcn nt any ether tlme this year. A thlef twicn ntieiuptcd te onter the hese of Tobias Hutuh en Ilothel street last night shettly bofeio midnight. Eaeb tltne he was discovered and frightened eir. A fellow giving hut nanie as D.-.Uottlleb Haushenstriii, of Alanis cettnty, was cam mltted te jail for 5 d.iyn by 'Sipilre Yeung for being drunk a-i I disorderly en Fifth street en Saturday Mr. 11. H. Kssig Is building unowstable en Mt. Hethcl .ii.d .i heuse mid barn en Limlm strict. Tin- ntnble and barn will iL'pbcu thesu recently destrojed by Uie lire. On neat Widncml.iy nt 7.U0 o'elook, a. in., thn iniMiiboiHef O.ive Itrmich ledgo, (1. U. O oft) F, will lcave for Caihsle, wlirietliny will intend tlie grand parade of the order, Some of thuni will remain te attend thn gtnnd council, whleh will oenvciioaftirwatds. rroemti. Mr. .1. F. Hrnsseliuun, of l'hlladelphla, is in town again Mr. M Cnken, l.ite ene of tin? Columbia business men, ha geno Inte biuluais In Lebanon, I. Mr. .1. A. Meyirr and wile .r.i visiting Washing ten, . 0. Mr. F. A. IJenuett has goue te Fhil.i- dolphin ... ,, Mis. .1. A. Sl.ul.- ami son, Mr. .Inities I), nru vinitinir In and near Haltlmore. Mr. J W. Heyt, wife mid son, have ie turned from a three weeks' tilp te Dehv ware. , , Miss F.innie Fierce has ictnrncd from Ocean Greve. Thu Misses Mia and Muttle Couard, guests nl their Mster,. Mrs. James Fer iHiet, u.luriiedh m te Fhilr.delphia this nir ruing. lllllUlllll I IIUlUllH This morning a gang of Italian laberers who have been wml.'tig for Mr Koegb, thn contractor wh built the LitUs: ite Lexington turnpike, oiine te Lancaster te get thin mi M-y- Tl.iy claim that the contractor en cm ihiin several hundred dellais which las In cti dim s.iveial weeks and whluh they ha'l bun premised te day by .lehn 1'chtcriiai" i. who liu was mcicly tlmckcpr1' : but the Itnlianssuy he was rt partner of Mi Koegli. Mi. Ivoegh is alisei.t from lb city, attending te ether biisluei.1-, near Wilmington. He has bean telegraphtd f-'r, hut up te 1.):30 this after neon had net been heard from. His friends say that he would h.ivn paid the laborers promptly had the turupiUe company paid niin. Mi-anlimi' tlm Indians, euly oue or two nr whom Fpcak Ei gHMi, have been Mt ling neai ly all lay tit ihe base of the soldiers' monument, venting their HI will against the oeutractor. They nre without moiiey mid wuiild l.nvq, been without feed, had net sympathizing iass by "chipped iu " for their rollef. Tliiy came from the inland of C ipera, oil the cevst of Sardinia, only a few months age. DO HUT. KvrnlH niiKr Hint leriifii the Cmiiily l.lnm, The A met lean Inague of btoyelors will meet In Fiilrmeuut park en the 2Uth. Allcntewn linn - churehcH, 22 minister, 21 doctors, 22 hotels, nt lawyers mid HI mwspapcr publications. 83,000 will be dlshursed te F. .V It workmen In Heading us wanes for the month of Augunt. (Jolenol Jehn II. Lick, of Lobaneu, has olfercd te oeutilhuto 20,000 and ten neres of ground, eight mlles north of Lebanon tewnrds a uew oellogo. The l'hlladelphla nnd Heading coal nod Iren company Is mining 20,000 tens of coal dally, nnd Is hardly nble te keep up the demaud les. Ferk, of Heading, went out te ihoet pigeons Ttiey round him Willi n nole through his body, pronounced It sulclde mid took him bank te his wlfn mid two children. Illshen Ilcekcr. of Wilmington, Dela- iiwarc, has geno te Heme, mid It Is said he will he made an nrohblshep and will take part In the deliberations of the conferenco called by the pepe. Tlie synod e( the Luthctau ohureh of Wcstern Fetiusylvnula will oenvnno In annual session In thn English Li'theran chureh, Carlisle, en Wednesday, icptcm icptcm ber 12lh. Samuel Jacobs, of Cedar Hellew, Tro Tre dyffriau township, Chester county, has n large depesit of Hint en his property of a superior ipiality, whleh he is shipping te various points thoreughout the oeuntry. The uuiliirtakers or l erk and Adams counties will nicet In convention In Yerk en the 14th Inst., for the purpo.'e of or. ganlzlng an nstoclatleu, auxiliary te the statn nssoelatlou. Tlie I'ele .Mlikt lu," Thern Is mi clcottle light pole nt tlie cor ner of Eist Ornuge nud Ann strcels that " must go." Iu Its prutmnt positleu it I ii ter for os sorleuvly with the right of way of funerals held at St, Antheny's chinch between the pole and the lamp pest being ten narrow te admit of passage hi tweeu them of the carriers and the ueflln, and it will hardly be expected that the funeral precessions will lcave thu crossing nud step into the mud fur the aceammnd.i tlun of thu oluctrle light company. The company premised solde time age te icmevii the pole, but they have net dene se Father Ivaulsays " it must go." Jllnrtiter Ir. AtcUreniy. Dr. Mel'rtnry, resident pliytiiclau at the county hospital, has bceu se ill for seme time past as te be unable te perform his official duties and Is under treatment hy I)rs. F. M. MuHKermid M. I.. Hcrr. His itlucst iu net regaidcd as serious. Dr. Muiser has bceu temporarily nssiu'.ed te hospital duty. .Stiiyet'r Court Thn mayor this morning had uneral catrs. Twe young men who weie lighting en Middle sttcpt late Saturday night wcre madd pay the costs and a line ami scvural vagrants uuiu diseharged. .IrllerKeniiii ciiiIj J. S, Oivlcr A: Ce. have te the order of the Joirersenlnn club IHO yards of eUgatit Wilten cirpst with whieh tocaipel thelr club room In Hheads' building, West King stiert Tlie Kulr.NrTt Week. Tlie Hccrptsrr re iiertu any numliLi- el en Hies et lintsc. intlli. peii Hrv, rtRrlcnltiirul lniplemciiic, tiiustcitt liistruinciU; Irnltf, vpgutnlilvs, iipihIIh work, etc., etc. Un thnt tlie riiccs will lin filled. .1 muremi-iiu. . ." i." Tliu Neivark, N. ;.I , Journal In Hpt'iiMnc of tli lteliun com liiatlen plfilii Daly' laiiieiis ciinpily, 7-20 s eaj'M : Tliu company In ene el I'm Ntinnust tnivullni; ilr.unntlc nrKMilzntlenH we Imvi' xecu In this city for somullme. Jlnstnf inanageri travel liiK with u New Voile siiecest Ilke T-'.e-'', Bclect iiclioupceiiipuiiy ami iltpuinl en tliu reputa tion el the pl(y ledrnw tbuRUillenceH lion lien U liuiv tlie Kuliun cointilii'itlen illllurs Irem iiKxt of tliimi, unit ive nn plciiwd te rt cenl oncef llm laiRest nml licst cmcrtnlnc I nuill uncm nFiinililcil at tlie I'atK tliratie !iistnlslit le witiuvs tliu llrst pie Mictien In tliN city el 7 .'i-, that we iiavehnnriiMiittni(i." TIi'h penipany w lllioliereon Wednesday uvunlUK. The chart ter the sjIe of lcserveil catM npincil te-day nt the opera Iieihu elilcu. Only Miner's l)auuhier."'rhi power pewer tnl utniitleual play will lie prcionted id tlie opera heiix-1 thli evciilug. It has hnd great HiicPers throuuheiit llm country, becaute or Hh hluh merit unit t eelllrlent iimnmirlt U pluccd unit wintered upon thu hIki. Thn ilrnmu H glvui by the Fifth uvcniie company, which ' iiHtrenrrnnc, Incluillnir nineiiirlt sumo vciy promluenl and uhle urtMn. Thuru shiuld I e u large uiidlencu piiHcnt. tf"rLAIIIXALInOM l)ll.MWArilB-'0 ll'iem JtMnv Concern I Itehlng Piles Is ene ol.tjie innalnnneylnK complaints known te phyit claim, Kvorymie can tell whsther tin U thus nlllluuxl by observing the lollewlhg symi symi tetiisi Intutiiie Itching, partloulailyntler get ting warm, It seeins lis It pin worms worn crawling In or about tlie tectum, Kmall lumps sometimes ei m. The prlvatopattsare often nltectcd. The tneiii you seratch tliu werse the Itching. Knewing that my ointment Is super ior te any nrtlcln In the tfiarket, J giiurutitee It te euro the wnral cami et llelilng pllef In mist mist mist ence. IBIgncil, II.HWAK'NR, M. I). Dr. Hwuyuii'sOlutuieut Uuisenpli asiiiitnnd nlliiotlve auto fm tettur, Itch, salt rheum, cry. fdpclus, barber's Itch, pimples, nml all scaly, crusty, Itchy skin et options, Sold by nil pioinliienldrugKlsts, or will basnnt ferfiuets, (In 3c. stnmpi), :l bexen, II.M. Adilics, Dr. Owaynu A Ben, riilladelphls, 1'u. ectU-lydTu.ThA8w Tiik mint popular and inmnint roitiimeof thediiy' IIAUKMKTACK." Tiylt, Sold by II. II. ceehriin. drUL'Rtxi. wns. i.)7 unu ira North Uncoil Dtrcnt fub7-nedJ ilniry' ilnrlidllfl HnUe. The hunt miiIve In tlie world for euls.brulscs Hercu, ulcers, nail rhuiitn, tolter, chapped hiiiidt), ehllblulns, corns and ull ltlnda el ultln oruptleiiH, frcckles uiirt plinplcH, The pal ve Is guarniitced te kIve pcrlcct sallafactlen In uvery ciiBtier inotiey riifiinilcd. He sum you Kel IIknsv'h oaiuuiue 3ai.vk,ui nil ethors nre but Imitations and cotinterlcltK. l'rlce S3 cents, held Iu Lancaster at Cncliniu's Drug Hti)in. IH7 North Uncoil m trout. uw'Jf-4 ni.cin;i) ruiMi iihahi. I liolnllnvtlugKlntenientef Wllll.irii .4.eilgli In, ul fomervlllo. Mans., Isnoiuinntkuhleltiut we beg teimk for It the attention et our read cih. lift sayx ; "In tliu (all el 1S7(J I was taken with u violent blecdliK el tlie luiigH, followed bj u sevcru cough. I seen began te lo-ie my appetlte nnd llesh, 1 was "e weak at ene tlme that 1 could net lcave my bed. te thn sum miU' OI1R77 1 wasndmltteiHeiliiiCltv llnspltid. Whllcllicre thodectoiu witd 1 bad a bnln In in) Udlliingnsblg us u half-dollar. I expend ed nver n hundred dollars In doctors anil meii-l.-ilt . . 1 mis be tar cone at ene tlme a report w. nt mound that 1 wiih dimd. I nave up hnpe lji.t m ineiid Uild ine et 1)11, WM. II A I, IAS IIAIHAM MdlTllli IdlNdfl. I Initghu Ut my frleMdi), thinking my case li.curaiilp.but I get a t'Mtlu lesatlily them, whctile my Htii pthieii it griitlllcatlnn, 1 rummciii.'d te feel better My hope, ence dei.d, began te revive, n"dlr lay I led In txitter spirit itiun J luve thepiLst thrce years. " I wrltethU linpliiK yen wl'.l pnbllsli It, no that uvcr one nlllleluit with Dbeiucd Liiiikh hill liPlmluccil te tukn 1)11. WM. IIAM.'S IIAI.AM MJItTlli: l.t'Slls, iiidbecenvlnccd cuKsuMi'TieN can in: r.ui:i:i). 1 have taken Itse hollle-i and ain positively hay that It liaidvnu me tiicun i.'oe-l than all the ether medicine 1 Uiken since my sick ncsM. My cough Has almeat enttrely dlmp-pmii-ed mill I cliall meti be ahliiteK.i ie work.', -"i' l . ll.ll ( .'hi ,n. IJ7 nrlli Om en btreut IJreiriiK Jieimclnild r.uiiicei. 1 thu most oilectlve ,1'aln Destroyer In tliu weild Utll innsv euruly ijnlcltcn the bleisl M'hethur taken Intern dly or applied vxlcr n.illy, anu tlnircby mom certainly UICMKVU I'.Vl.V, whetlier chrenle or annte, than any oilier patn ullovluter, nud 11 U uai runted don den don blutlie strength than any etllvr almllnr prupi prupi ratien. f It cures piln In tin- blee. Puck or lieuels, Hern, ltlciimutlm. 'loetliuc: e, nud .VI. I. AGII' s, and l.s Itie ItelKner el I'Kln. " llltOWN'- HOlJSHlIOI.n 1'AKAUr-A" should be In every family. A tcaspoenlul et thu I'jtmce.t In a tumbler et het water sw cot, nnw', If pietPinxl, liikun at bedtime, will ISltK VII UP A Clll. I), it cmiti l bottle mi", 1 TT! F Nlilt AOrjiJtrJtlUMJlNTH, UIINIHIIKI IKIOMrt FOIt IIKNTI.KMHN, NO. M3 NOllTII OUKKN BT sepe-lWII- YICI.I.OW VUOttT UIOAIl HTIIUK, 21 ertti Queen sircet. Hesdipiartem ler thu next Mt ctirar in me city, m IIAKTMAN'H 18TATK OK .TAUOll 1IAHTMAN, LAVti TJ et Iho City of liancaster ilccuaseil Let tcrs tosliimentiiry en said estate having been uranted te the undersigned, Ml persens In uVbtodtheretonio requested le mnku linmn dlate payment, nnd theju havlnK claims or demands against the same, will prcsent thorn, without iliilny ler imitleinent in the undftr Igncd, iL-ninlnif in Hint l.nmpcter township. JUKIi Ii lilOIITNKIl, Kxccuter, ulJ-OtdM l'nradlsf. pAtsKn, wArs r.H, a full link meat Oe IIa'iITMAN'H VKLLOW KHONTCKIAU HTOItK. S1 I', WHAT KlIUOAN lltlY KOlt ATUADI'. DOLLAIl. At lleehteld's Cheap Bloie: 1, 2. :i or! pair Men's Draweis or Umleislilru, whlle or colored 1,2 or 8 pair Working l'anls i 20 pair Men's X Iloe,or4pnlrolxtraiiiullty ilrlllsli, 15 pair Ladies' nml Misses' llose, and ether stnple koeiIs In proportion. I'liiase call and uxnmlne beferu you buy. HENRY DBOHTOLD, Ne, 62 North yueen Htreet, Blgn et tliu Illg Htecklmr. tcia-iyd SECOND BDITIOM. MONDAY HVENINQ, BKVV. 10, 1U0U ""FeiieigfT aHairs". 1.IVK NI'.WI) rilOM Tilt: (ILK WOKLII. 51 SUIUKIIIIH "UAKIi (JAMJKli" Ol' Ap parently a rapid type, Is olten leund Iu oldeily females, uipcclaflv the unmarried, or theso who, 11 married, have had any cblldiun. In this casen tumor of a. hard nature Is sud denly discovered in the breast, (JANUKltS and TUMOU9 or nil kinds cured without puln or using thn kuile; also, SlMn Dlseiwes, Chronle and I'rlvnte Diseases sue- ceesliilly treated by I)lt3. II. Ii. and M. A. LONUAKKIl. Olllcu-13 Kant Walnut stieet, 1 nncastcr. Pa, Consultation tree, sl03tdftw IIUIU.1U HAMJ.-ON rlllDAV, HKITKM 1 HKI121, 18&1, will boseld nt I'ublie Main, nt llm Leepard Hetel, a NowTwe Story IIUICK DWKLLINU. and Twe-Story llilek llack Ilnlldlnir, with balcony, containing hall, fix rooms, hyd'ant In thevar.l and kitchen, t rult Trees, Ornpe Vines, etc. This properly Hsll uatcd en the eastsldoef North fhlppen slice!, north el Kulton street, fe, va. Persons wishing te vlew Iho properly will pltiise call upon the occupant el tlie prem ises. .... , yule te commence ut 7 e'tlnsk p m., when conditions will be inade known bv AMANDA COX, Admln.slr.Urlx el It. F. Cor, deceased. SucmsRT outies, Aitct. s8,l3,l5,lii.l,.i,2i,21 Attn I'lUK INSIIIIANCJK (MMII'AN V GIW OK tl'lULADKI.I'lllA llathe the hands In Darby l'reph lactle Hiii'l unit no contiiitlen wtll ultuck jrai. HI'KVIAI. .VWTIWIi. 'lolls tlie Trill Ii. "This meillclne 1 cut highly receintiicnd. Jlurdeck Heed llltlert urn the best bleed purl Hit lie liave ever lined." Chas. A Hurt, 15 Court atreft. Ilinrule. N Y. Ceclnan, dniKKlst, 1.17 and iu Nntth (Jnuin htreet. A ltujtr.iiv ler Indigestion, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Wc.tkucsi, Fover, Airue, etc, Col Cel leu's Liquid lleet Tonic. slO Iwdce 1 Aw AeHO'.a evor ONE MILLIO , TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL1L.ARS. Indines Propel ty nt curreni'ltutes. Louies I'reinpllj Relllcil Htid i'uld. RIFE & KAUFMAN, - auknts,:- Ne. 19 Ennt Kinrr rtt.roet. mlMimuM.WASIl Lit Cinir nud ainiqult 'I song I1UCUIS Cliliice.I'rnnre .IIhIIeis A Btnlf ment I'tonniiuceit Utirellabtr, Londen, Sept. 10. The Fnrls corres pemlcnt of the Standard regards the state inent made in the Figare et Saturday touching the propeslt'oa nubmlttcd by the Chlncse utnbassader for the settlcnicnt of the Teriiulu dlfllculty, n uurollable. The Cntue et a l'Mllure. A dlspateh te the Telegraph fr Madrid asserts that the Bpanlu agi tators In Faris sought te prometo n Using In Cuba, hut thelr schome failed owing te the llaKce in Spain, A llyiminller's loile of OetllnB Explosives, The pollce have discovered that a mnu named Tmonce MoDcrmett purchased In uiasgew two ieis ei giyccriue severnl weeks hefore the cxploniens thcre took place, and that he carried thorn te White head's factory in Ilirmlughara, whero they wcre probably converlod irite nitre glycer ine and used in the aitempt te destroy public buildings In Glasgow. Tlie Kratirn nud China Dlsiuntlen, I'Aitis, Sept. 10. Tlie Figare states that a second intorview took plaoe between M. Chalmel J,a Cour, the French minister of forelgn affairs, and the Marquis Tseng, the Ohlncse nmbassaTIer, at which the quos Hen of the location fit the frontler of Ton Ten (tilii and the iudepcudene of Annan wcre difcusscd. The conferenca, hewever, was concluded without any definlte result being atrlvcd at. Thn Itrcent liUli DciuonstrHtleii, IKiu.iN, Sept. 10. The demonstration at Watcrferd en Sunday under the ausplces of the Irish Nntienal Lraague wns attended by ever 150,100 persons. The cltv was nre. fusely decorated with llagn nnd cmbleinc, and thcre was an irapesltig precession with banners and bands of music. Thu meeting passed resolutions demandlni: " a parlia ment for Ireland net only in uame but iu reality," and dcelaring that " Ireland must have that which England by the necessity of the tlme granted te Cnnada bocause Canada was rebolleus." The adoption of the resolution was greeted with loud cheers. Michael Davilt, iu his speech, denounced thn land net as entirely iundequate te the needs of Ireland. He stated that net ene sixth of the land cases had et been heard, and that when they hnd been nil Retth'd the reduction of lent would net amount te ene million pounds. Illi: ClIIUAUO iiKAIN fl.AIOU'.T i I Cctcnls In MA Ull I-1 (IU:;. l'Aiii'KNii:a- I'AiTisiiseif. en Siiixlav, Sep. tuuiber ', at thn rcdlduiicn et the bilde's parents, bv l!ev. Helmes Dyslnger, ceupln el thn bride, Mr. I'orey Carpenter, le .Miss V. V. lMUcMen, both et lids city. U UKAT11S liLTU.t.iri -Iii Hits li v en thu sih liifd., .(film 51 ituUiillPk.liusUniid of Mary Itetnlllck, tiifil ejeix. the iil.itlvei unit Irl'luls Me icspeelluliy iiivlle.l ie ut'imd the llinniul, U Lite i.'-Meiir.-, Ne. I!U IllRh street, en Tuesday iii(im.1m' ut 8:S0 o'clecl.". Inleiinent ut ci Marj's eoieetory. sept -.'t VOhVJIV&l, . t. Tlie Hrlckerillle Church Cnc aiilri,rri I'Hiaril. This morning court met at 10 o'elooli for the purpese of icmtnlng the trial of the Ilrlchtrville ehiiich cam At that tlme the jury wcre all in und the hearing of testimony for the plaintiffs agaiu began. HrntoiKe Ter linullitp I'niiy. Ororge Sheff, Abraham Sheff and Uenj Geed, who wire cenvlc'cd of foreiblu entiy, at the l.ut imaitcr sosslens, wire brought into com t, en piecess, by the i.hcrlil', for scntonce. The court in patsing iicDtonce stated that it had been shown In thctiial thai the defendant had broken Inte the dihtillciy in Femiea township but once, nhile tliose who wcie sentenctd en Haturda had -ei-Mcd iu doing no He would take tins iu .1 the fact that thn jury tiend 'a rocemmciidatioii of nieiuy into consideration for pissing eonteuco. The defundniitB were then sentenced te pay a line of $25 and cots. In the case of Miry Ivllne (former!) Klssingei;, an action te recover damages, in which tlie jury leiinn in iiiver et piain tiff for $2,027, the defendants te day took u writ of cirorte the suprome court. LAWN TKKMH, Altoenn lletcats tliu' lleiilr ( tub. Oa Saturday aftornneon MessrB Thayer and Wadlelgh, of the Alteena lawn tennis elub, nrrivt'd iu this eity ami played a match game of tenuis against MeFsrs. Hrliitnu nud Dickey, of the home elub. The first gamp wai for thu best three out of llve Eerics, which the Alteena players wen easily, although it was hard fought throughout. The next game was for the best two out of thrce, whleh had te be ealhid ut7i o'elock en ucueunt of dark tiers, the scere tdnndlng at that tlme ene te oue. The visitors wcroesjicelally strong iu thu slove ami net playing, nnd play a very line all around game. On Tuesday afternoon the regular meet lug (if the elub will be held te elect elllceis and attend te ether current business. In Town, Itev. Unbelt .1. Nevlti D. D . of Heme. dipt W. W. Nevln, of New Yerk, and Mr. Hebert II. Sayre and wlfe, of Uothle hem, Fa.,.wcrogueBlb nt Caernarvon Flace, near Lancaster, yestcrday Dr. H. J. Nevln preaehed In the morning Iu St. James and in the evening In St Jehns F. K. church. A llaavy rruit, The frost premisod us by Gen., canie uleng last night, ami this morning the mrface of the enrtl; was wlilte with It. Temler plants wilted under Its touch and seme fear is oxprcsred that the late te bacoe, of which a geed deal remalm uncut, may have been Injured, llrmiirriitic Mute 'flcli. AUIUTOll Mi(l!3AL. MA IOK ItOllKKTI AIIO ART, Wiitif-n i e stati: TRUAsrncii. no. ieii:iii row i:i.i iiiadnmi te t nniity Tn ket. r ATTORNBV. Hil,V. A. CO LI., iJiiicafti-r. VIltSON UfSIUTOIlS. I'll hllllLMAN. I.ancistir IOIIN II.MK.VAt)( I, ML Jey. roeu iiir.iioreiis II. V. SIIIMP. i:. Cocsdlce. v.. II. HKKIt, MlilurdVlllc ceuwrv HcnvuTen. , UOIIHUT l'.VANH. KdCll. JVjKtV KAU.OIHIIIS, Watt, Skand & Ce., Are New Opening New Fall Goods IN KVBIl DKl'AtlTMKNT. DRESS QOODU. DRESS SILKS CASII3IK11KS. SHAWLS HOSlKiW AND UNDEUWKAK. FlannelB and Blankets. (JUILTS AND COMFOUTA, At pr.cea te suit llm times ISO plecr All-Weel French Cashmeres, et our own Importation, ut Lewest Ctih 1'rlcns : ale upwnrds el l.oeodo.on DAMASK rOWKIM, Ol our own Importation ut 2'.e each, usually heIu at 3le and VUc Kilty pieces All Linen TABLE DAMASK At Me, J3c. ,i7Ke. ioe, mViC and 71c, Tit. bcM value wn have evor mrciud. One ca3 UNEX TADLK DAMASK. I li rtiei t leitKtli- Much iiinler usual pilces NEW YORK STORE. NOS. S und 10 EAST K1NU ST. 'Iho l'r. UiiiiHiic the l'rlcrs Kine. Ciiicaoe. Sept. 10 The lloeis of the oxebange this morning were crowded with spectators and trading at the opening wns actlve and full of excitement. It was expected that the reports of frost which had been coming In fur the past two days would scive as an actlvti In centive in advancing the price of corn, and tills proved In a moasure true. October option iu corn, which closed at 50 Satur day, was rapidly ndvanced te 52 at 10:15 o'clock, uud appeared steady at that 11 ' ure. This is an advance of Oj ever the closing qtiutatieu for Friday et last wcelc. Oats in sympathy ran up te 28(ii 25,; j. for October nud 27.. for all the year, or an advance of ene ccbt ever Saturday's closing pilces. Whc.i, en the contrary, eascd off J. At 11:15 a.m., corn was 1 cent higher, eats ityi higher, 1 cent lower, perl: 15 cents nnd laid 10 cents higher. The weather was clear and cold. At lllsmnrck, Dakota, the tomperaturo was 33 degtecn. Ice formed In lewn nud Minnesota. Much damage In reported of tlie oern crop. lutnnt nml Adult Industrie. N. Y. Herald, It charms ue te bolluve that we shall prosently be able te ngrce with the Tribune upon the tnrlff question. Thnt journal admits that in many branehea et Industry thcre Is new overproduction, nml that this Is the result of protection by tariff. Hut it asserts that thore nre ethor branches of mauufneture '' that nre still wholly or part ly uudovcleped ;" "very many forms of manufacttire have net yet been protected at all, Id the proper sciibc, and ethors have been luadcuuately protected," and theso the Tribune thinks ought te be protected. Very well. New, will the Tribune pro pre sent te the publie a list of theso manufac tures which have been, as it says, sulll. olently protected, and another of theso which have net bceu sufficiently or nt all protected '.' This ought net te be difficult for it te de, nnd we premise, wheu it fur nishes such a list, te consider it carefully, with a slncore dcslre te ngrce with the Tribune's vlew if that, en the facts it pre sents, scorns just. Hitherto the protectionist leadors have demanded "proteetiou" for all industries, nnd that has scorned te us contrary te thelr own reasoning about "protection," which thev have always asserted is only justlll able as a mcansef helplng infant industries te establish thomselvs, Thore is hepe of reasonable men agreeing wuen tlie organ or the protectionist faith, the Tribune, admits that seme industries have been protected eneugh. That is our own oplnen ; and we await with Impatlonce the list which we ask the Tribune te pre pnre for the public use. a Filing Machlue. Mr. II. C. Linfield, the Inventor of a Hying machine, lias conducted an experi ment with his Invention between Coin brook and West Drayten, KnglAnd. The apparatus, which Is described ni n steam sailing machine, Is construetod of light weed, and is shaped like the frame of a four wheeled carriage, with two large wheals In front and two small onus behind. Motive power is te ue obtained by steam, which will work a tilne bladcd ncrew, and the Invonter'n idea Is te prepel the machlue by steam en laud until it attains a speed of thlity or thirty five miles, a voleclty which he calculates will be sufllclctit te lift the machine into tlie air, when it will be navigated by means of the nails with which it is ilttcd. Frem the result of his experiment he is ceulldcut that it is posslble te lly iu tlie air at the height of a mlle. Hy the permission el the Great Western railway company the experiment was made en the newly finished portion ortue railway te ataincs, ectween Colnbrook and West Drayten, nnd the inventor was accempanulcd by Mr. Tievlthlck, the locemotlvo superintendent of the company at Haddington. The maclilne was placed en a true!; nud con nected with nu engiue, whence the Btcam was derived, nnd thu gearing was maulpu latcd from another truck. The oporater succeeded iu gutting the maohlne lifted from the liuck Inte the air and oxpressed himself fully satisllcd witli the result of trial. 3,700 head j market very dull and prleea I0l8e lower for peer te medium experts. W004B 0 Mi geed tochelco.W 40OJW).' coinmnnte medium, II eurn oei innije cattie strong t Wyoming halMirecds. II feet Ut runs Tetnns, H73B I Mi wintered TMxaiis.tT ma 1 Ml Americana, $lrj7.V " Hhcop-Uecelpts.iuolioadi shipments, l.coei market plow Inferior te fair, J nfl.l ru! geed, si en i choieo, i 25 1 Tcxa.f.l neil iwi i lauibs.irnniiw per bead. 12 m. ?r, U toy. StncK mrKeif, yiiotAllens by Heed, Medrann A Ce, Hank um, iiiiuciiBiur, in, II A. C (J, A I, C....... ,,. ..,,. .... Michigan Central at New Yerk Central I HI NowJewciy Central ee)i Ohie Central Del. Laelr. Wiistern.... 12UJ Denver A llle Urande.... ttlK Kiie -am Kansas ft Toxes n Lalie Shern 10IW Chlcfige N. W com,... 12II N.NOnt. Western.... '21 ht. l'uul A Omaha 41 rncme niuii Uoctienter rittsburgh,, nu I. II III, ,....,.,.,,.. Texas ractrte Union Pacific Wabash Common , , Wutiesh ITuferred West'rn Union Tclcirranh Loutavllleft Naslivlllu... X. Y.-CIll. A SL L... Luhlglt Valley V,l'n Lehlgh Nnvliratlei Pennsylvania f7 HCAllItlg 'ilH p. t. ft iiurraie iy, Nerthurn ractnc-cein... n Northern l'aollle I'mr... 73( llestenvllle riilhidclphla .t Krle Nortliern Central iiniierm'euud Cannen Southern MX Oil .,,, ..,,,,, ,....... 1LU PfleplD'n I'asiinuar Vt& 101 2S se mm:, Mi I'nimrielptila. Quotations by Asseclstcil l'ress. Stocks linn. l'hlladelphla ft Erlu 11, H I7 lleadlng Kallread... ,. , 2iw Pennsylvania Itallread STJS Lehigh Valley Uallread ,.... 69T-Z United Companies or Nnw.lersuy .!J2l2 .Vorthern I'nclllc ...... 4 Northern t'actlle 1'iuferrut 71k Northern Central Hallread ..... Hc Leiibth Kavhratleti Company 4i Nnrrlutewn Uallread K'j Central Transportation Cempauj'.,.,.,..". !W l'ltteb'ff.Tltusvllle lluilalell. ft,..w.... ni Mttlertehuvlklll ltallre.ut ,.,.. l Sew verK. WuoUtieiM by Associated Vtiw. HtecKti jlreng nud hlghiir, Meney,'M2,Uc. New Yeik Centra) ,.llii! Lrln llailread Sejl .....IS.I S4 Adams Trnresa . Michigan Central I'.allreail. Mlchlitan Southern Uallread Illinois Central Kallread Clevnlnndft PlttslmrKli Itallreiel.,,. Chtcnueft Heck Islaiut Uallread.,,.. I'ltt8lir,r,li ft Fert Wayne lUllrend.. Western Union Telegraph Cempiny ioiciie a. iviin.isii ...... ..... .W1V. r.s ..t..lW .1...121K ISi a'i Sew.!ney Cenind ,81k Huw Yerk Wustcrn , :... 21J Smalt I'r.T.DIphtliuila, Hcarletl'evcr. Yellow Kevcr, etc., can', exist whine Darby I'rephy ladle Fluid Is used. "Viiss thu fcalp U itiiunyet with iluiditil!, lilenn's .Sulphur Seap u ill be leund Inrilllble. IIIU'h Hair Dye, black ei brown, iltty cents. mIO liidcelAw fun liulyriv(i years I have been uwuily iillttcted Willi Hay Kevcr. tt lille I was hiiITei Ing Intunsely 1 wns Induced, through Mr. Tlchener'ri tcslimental, te try Kly's tream Halm. The eireC wits mill velens It euableil me ie pel leriu my pader tl dulte j without the Hlti'htnsl inueavi'iilence, and 1 have escaped u letnrn attack. 1 pronounce K s 'n Cnum Halm neme for Hay Ksvnr. W'i T. (!.iut, I'rishy teilan Pajter. Kllx iheth. N. .1. i en teceinineud Kly'n Cicain lliilui te nil Hay Kever being, In my eptnl n, renndeil upon oxperisnco an I a mire euro. 1 wan ninictcl i Illi liny Kevcr for twenty-llve yiurs, and never liefore found, permanent re Del, W1211STUI1 II. IIabkimi, MiiihIiIIcM. VI. Court el Cninineu rie:m, I! rcceir.mend Lady Cnnulla'N tutiet of Youth and lleauty for the ceiiiplexluu as hi ln far gupcrler te any uitlule I ever used. It poltlvely removes Freckles, and will icinnve Tan In ene application. 1'ilcc tee. Fer sale at nil druuKlats. uitH.,i. ki:nnk SMITH, liirJ-CimlMAt; Nnwiuk, N. J. Allew V te Siiy That a geed deal of theBUtrcrlng in t'ds world ism bu avoided by pu rlinnlng Or. Thama KcleclrU' Oil. and using H us per illiecllniis. It Is uii lnfalllhle euro for all aches, Hpialna, pains. Fersnhihy II II. Cochran, drumslsl. 17 and 13'.i North (Jueeu Bit cut. ynti .i nrKirrisKJiKST. jiMCii'Ai a hev Aiienr in vkaui i of iiiju In miry hIoie lueulient IhNnlllce UN TtSH TA I ,V M UN TS. w fJ WAM'I.U. MTltll'l'KUH IVANTf.U AT lleeee'H Cigar Factory Alse a Ural clas 1lt U1' NO 11U SOUTH (iUKKN STUKKT. iiik iimi.iN'.s (imtmiirs tkmi'Mi unce ijnieii win unci i' i-moiuieiv V KM Ml al 7 o'clock. In the Icctiiio-ieoni et thu Duke ln it M. K. church. It 8 li Willi; HP, Se-. r m. e. a .ui.i ii:e. riii-.Ki; vvn.i, I , bean adleurnc l ineetlni el tliu Yeung Men's (.111 Utlin nsocUtleii this evening ats e'.Inek. DcluniiU's telliKHiiiii coniolloncoii ceniolloncoii conielloncoii vciiIiik at Yerk en the ilit et acptemher, will hu elected this in cnliiK, . It L'ULTON lll'UItA IlOIJhl. MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 10. UiiKiigeimMitnt the Itcmivned star Orgnnl'i- lien, the Fifth Avenue CeuiHily (.'e.S or New Yerk 3th Annual Tour ' Original htar cast ! On this occasion will be produced the (Ileal est Dramatic wenc ei inn ,ie, ONLY A ONLY MINERS DAUGHTER. Willi MUs Umma llnndil ka. Jllss Mnrll Crocker, Mr James Hatrlsen. Mr .lehn T. Mc Keever. Mr. Snencer 1'rlchinl. Mr. ( hiiB A ieil,nis I'Himly In. utile. Hui-'i'Ai.ii, N. Y., tjep. 10. Hichard Farmer, wlille calling at the house of his father, w.ih chased fiem the deer by Michael l,)iich with u butcher knife. Farmer took rtfunn behind a tree, and drawing a icvelver put tun bullets into Lynch, ;i third nun striking l.yuch's sister iu the ..roast. Xcither was veiy Bcri eusly huit. F.timer's father had married Lyuch's slater and the trouhle grew out of money matteis. I.vaiic'I'kis (loie le Ireland. Ciiit'.vue, Supt. 10. Messrs. Meedy, McGr.iunhaii and Whitlle, the evange lists, will lcave this country en Octobers for Ireland, where they ountemplato car rylng en nu actlve missionary campaign in the south of the island where, netwith standing the picpondcntnce of Hemnu Catholie sentiment, tiny nre assured a fair and inspcctnblehuniiiig by reason of their being Amnrieaus. An liiili'Denur.nt Colored Vtile, Wu.minoten, Del., Sept. 10. Au indo inde indo peudeutceloicd convention was announced te be held at Dever te day, buf up te neon no delegates had niiivid thcie fiem thin county aud but few from Kent und HiifMix. It is likely te prove a lizzie. llarry.JosciihMcKecve-.iimliiBch) t ceinpani l metropolitan nxceir ece. The Orlalnal Music, Klcgunt Singe Seltltn-H Act IVagm ( I new te heenre lleallli, t scums sininue tluit nnv ene will suder Irem thu many deruiigcmunts brmiKht en by mi luipu'e condition et thn bleed, when SCO VILL'rtSAltHAl'AItll.LAANDSTILLlNUIA, erltl.OODANDLlVKll HVHU1 will rcstore peileit health te the physical organlratien. It lsliiilcudastlungtlienliiK syrup, pleasant te lake, Hid has preven ltaelf te be Iho best 111.001) PUIUHKR evor dlscnviiieil, ellccl ually curing Kcrelula, Syphlltle dlaerdei i, Weakness et the Kidneys, Kryslpnlas, Mala ria; all nervous dlHerders nnd debility, bll. Ions complaints and nil diseases Indicating nu luipure coiulltleii et the iiiemi, i.iver, jvm iiuys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It eorrects Inill geatlen. A slngle boltle will preve te you Its mui Itausn health runuwur, ler It ACTS 1,1 KK A CllAllM. especially when the complaint la nt an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te legion thu natural vigor el the lira In and tier veus system, ., iiKlt'S PAIN 1'ANAUKA cuiva a puln Iu man uud henat. Fer use externally and Inter nally. UKDHOIt-K I'OWDF.U' euro all iIIseumis or herse, cattle, slicep, be, poultry and nil Llve Bleck. APOSITIVKCUHK. ma.'la Fer sain at II Cesunm' drug stere IS7 erlli Oueen etruui lllliH IV I I.I. III". IIKCI.H Kl) ATT.uOII I'll I) A sei Kanklmt IIeuhu up te 2 p. in. bep leinbcrU, it'll, ter 9) bends, or any part there et, or D3tnch. te be Issueil bv the Lancaster Soheo! Ileani, dated October I, ml, bcariuir I per cent,, payable itiartcily, beiuls navaeii' in ie y.ii", ih n uiunh imvi ., ve 11 h UOIIHUT A. KVANS. hle-:itil Chairman F. C, ei U. 11 UllAltS. ,l..STAi;Fn;it, Ooed.llle, L-incmtei Ce.. Pa. Maniilactuicr et Finn l'cuiisylvaula and Doiuestle Cleats. Order promptly intended ie. iiui(3 Jmil T(MIUi:-ALI. I.A11V AND l-.N 11 vee.illstH desiring le lake nail 111 the it I an I production ei (jiMieit A Hulllvan's chainilntr opera, " 1'lnaleru," en Thunlinglv liu: ovenlmr, will please bend their iiaines te VliOF. OH UIS. liritGKlt, Miisltal Director, Fulton Opera lloui-e. It I )UOI'l'SAI.S WILL Illi lir.OtflVJ.O AT 1 the Maver's olllce until Wednesday. Sep. tcinhtu' I J, IBS I, nt til), m., lerdlKKlug out ami Ulllnir c ueliilly back 1W) Icet, mero or U'n, of water trench en West Walnut nu out te l'lne ( also 'JW leet, mero or less, en Spruce Htreet. hutween .lam 03 and Lemen strcuts ; also 4m) fuet en Neitli Limp, north te Nuw i ulae sne leoten Kust Ohcstmitte city line Trenches te be 'i feit wlde, I leotdeiip. lllddms must ntate hew much per uublu yard ler eaith and hew much ler rock. Werk te bu denu under the direction, Hiili)rct tolliemeasiirimientnnd at the tlme Iho Superlntiindeiil el the water works may direct, The water committed re.- hhvu tne right te reject nny or all biuu. It .INO. T. MACliONlOLi:, Mayer. and l'lmerlul MmsAtteniil Klfects umliir tliu Ktiigodliuetlnne Mr, .1, T. Mclioever, form erly stage mamignr el llm Madisen i'innre Thintie Atlnictlenc. . . SyiiopsUel scenury niul i.vents . .wii-iii IhoMtue. Aetll Tliu gernimt Appeui-s, 111 A lllldcil Lire. ACI II Tliu Hln. Act V llotrlbutlen. PUIUF.S ai,aeft7.iCKN'lV. Scats soeuied at the Opura Heuso Olllce Bcptil It l.spi.lO Ol'KUA IKIUni:. ON'K N10I1T ONLV WediiOQday Bven'g, Septomber 12, KKHAN'SCHMIITNATION, IS AUtiUVI'lN DALY'S llltKAf KUL'ULriS' Anether ' Onln't - Ktiew-Ciiil. It.WnH-I.M.ultl I 1'i.Nr.niiOvi:, Sept. 10. On Sunday oveiing while Win. Humpa miner residing atOlierryvllle was uxamlning a rovelvor, he pointed it at. Ids wife t'i scans here. It was discharged and the la'l entered the woman's abdomen : le will die ritrm..i UiSiiNNATi, Sept. 10. The Hxculsier vinegar ai.d pickle works en Collius street, wns hiiititd this morning. Less net jet ascirtnlred Fiieman Hretslin waakllli'd, HI urn liuriied, Nr.w Oiilians, Lt, Sept. 10 Tlie Htoie nf M. Dewliui, oimmitslen inei S'Ti . Tlie (Mil I'cleudera Thu few surviving membcis of tlie As sociation of Old Delimiters of Haltlmore of the war of 1812, attended services yostor yestor yoster day at the Hreadnay Methodist Episcopal chinch iu that city. It had been the citf-tein of the Old Defenders te meet iu the city hall en the Sun day prcccdiug the anniversary of the hattle ei Werth l'emt, and alter matching uruuud Uattlu monuuient, pre cccded te church. Yesterday, owing te the nc,e and Infirmities of the uirvlvets, the mcetitb! was dlspimscd with, nnd they wcre taken te chinch from their homes in cnnini:eE under the escort of Wilsen 1'eV, (. A. H. riioie .Ttu tight survivors, srrr of whom wcre taken te ohuieh, namely : William Datehf ler, aged DO years ; Gee Bess, 87 ; Nathan Watts, 88 ; Saniu. 1 JenniugH, 80; D.ulus Wheeler, 815. nud .la.nes Movferd, 87 Cel. E Hanshuiy. 01, ami Ashbnry Jairet, 87, the ethor inembrrs of the associatleu, wcre te) in llim te paiticipatu iu the celebration. Mho Hied Urn IV Among the curletiB lawsuits arising fiem the Crtsnmicclelu enrtlKiuake is tlie following : A oiuiple of man if d people, (J. and F. IS., perished under the tuins, They were wertli about leu million francs. New tlie telativus el (J. H, sav that he died after Ids wife. F. H. The relatives of the wlfe say that she died after her husband. (J. II. llcnce the fight The exhunntlen of Iho hedies has been ordered, aud a stall of docteis willmaken nccrcHcreplcal examination iu order te dptormine who died the (Irst. (Mr tier Crown. An Interesting nml sueccasIuI attempt has just been nnde in Frussia te make ravens de the work el can ler pigeons. A few dajtiage three of thrse buds which had been rsrcclally trained for tlie purpuie wcie turewu up at uoeicniz, nun nil tnrce arrived nt Thurant a distauce of about thirteen miles, iu eighteen minutes. Their llight is somewhat slower than that of plcei ns but they am safer us oarrlers, us they aie less exposed te hostile attaeks. l.orsiMieoKB nun lluail. ltnpertud by .1. II, Leng. 1'ar VsL LunC-('Uy 6 nor et.Loftii.ilue liW'.,.il0O " 1A83...-1(I0 " lsisj... m in... ieu ' .1r.urct.ln ler Se years., loe Dtierct. aclicel Lean.... lea " t In 1 or M yuan. " 4 " in 6 nr 20 year.s. " u " In in or 'ie yvarj Mauhulm borough lean MLSOXIXAMIOUB fcTOOttl ipuirrvvlllu It. 11 r&0 Mlllor.sville Street Car Ml liinulrer ITInttnitCeuinaiiy M Utui Light nml Fuel Company.... 30 Stevcns Heuso (I!eml) ,,.... Iou Columbia Uas Company Columbia WoterCompany SusnuehanuH limn Cenniany..., Marietta llolleivwarn Stevens lleuac, , Li- ml. 1U4, IS?4 131 il IW'IHI lil 1J , IOU ItlJ eiuny L-ji.wv...... ......... Kast Itrnndywliii! A Wnyneab'g ".iniei-sviiie nerma: acnoei Neiltiein Murkct miou.aiii:ei;h hengs. uuarryvllle II. it., ilue 1PU3. inn Id) . W -vi no llbe IW letl lm Till' .V.. . .... ) V& , in - 'Ji , 'a . 21 . 100. iweiaiiK A VAiiiimei.'i.ii. nur. ...... i.snejiHiarOan Ll'tfhtnnd Fuu Ce., ilnuln ler'J Vcai- U-.ucaslerdns Llr;htMnd Fuul Ce., me nii Kaslcrii Miukct We-slern Market TUSt.rlUUBTOOirS. Illvt Spring x liuavr.i viy... tliiiluuiHirt A lleriwhe.... ...... Celii'iibi.i t Clie-slnut Hill..., 'iiiiim'iii f. WimliliiKten .. . iiliiibia.V -x -iprniK. ....... ceiiiuiina .v. .Marietta , , Mayle-vn .V KliKibuthteivn Laiicantcr A liphrutit .' Liincubtui'& Willow Streot rftiusuuni Millport ''il.'ttii .s Maytewu .'.:i-i.-iii ,V Mount .lev L inc. Kilz.itvtltt'n ft Mtddlet'n.,,.. Luica.slei .-. Frultvtlle. Liner. it ALIUtz l,incu"'.'i A Wllllainstewn Liucu.ti r .1 Maner Lmcnstei- je llunluillu... IJUHH'-'ei' A MiuletUl '.anc!L;er X New Helland .. i juicv.ti r jtHiiaeuclianna. ,,. 300 tuns BTOCU. First .Nittmimi naiiK 1100 Fanr.eis' National lliuik...... M FilKeii allniml llantr. 100 Line sier County National ll.iulc.. U) Cetiuuiita National Hank Chrldtlaua National Hank Kphuti. Nullnnul Hank,. ,,..,. First national Hank, Celuiubhu. .. Jlrsi National llauh, Stnisbiiri: ,, Klrat National Hank, llailultn., ... Flldl Niitlemil Hank Mcnnl Jey,, I. lilt National Hank Mantic! i. National Hum. Union eUlleiiK.' link, M ti itJev. Ne.v Helland .Natienul I'-au .inn N'a'lt.tiiU Hank K.U.! 4J !- '. t l! fl.Vfi V.'0 1 ill 100 V flln.tll IS" ii.i H. W' 'fif l 't. 17. II ii re 31 CO. se'-Sir" ' V 25 ITS M ! 23 100 100 100 ion ICO va ieu tee 100 30 ion tee Tt 10S 111.10 41 S. 7li 27J.2) A6 ur.7') IIH.M li; iu U.,1 i:m ii: IMtV.. Ul 1st 7& 535 I2U X'OU UALU. 7-20-8- chant, wai burn -d yeduday. 000. Less, Nii.Nfuv Casus ill Vcllnw IVliir. Wsiii.N(iten, Sejd. 10. Ne iitiw- caieu of fevir at the navy yard. T4.TUW (ll'l'.N t ut lijjc.t reduced Irem 2Jc. A Kiintitnoef llouie-madu ComteitH. WOItil'l.ll Oltl'HS (HIOIIS Alse an ele eeutainiiiir best whlte cotton worth ISO. u r It. Itnmein ber. we sell Illaelc Cuslunere ul bottom prices, mid ituarantee every pair et our l.fie 1(1 1 (llevcs. .l.l'.SWAltlt, lebl7lyl'u4 Ne. ftONeilh Uucen Stieet, The uiiillcnie was Inrge uud the humlder ellcltlteit was literally Inccssiuil.- .ew ierl. Jleralil. Kvery situation and ulinest every line Is piovecallvo et laiiKliter. AVie ler, ftrajiiic. This li wlthoutdenbt oue et the most i utiu tiilnlng pieces we luveHcen In New Wuk for ,i.t. n i-.-iii. V.UI VnvL Ttlenrum The aiidlnnce was large, fanhlen ihle and en thtiHlaktln, and we predict nu iibumhint sue cuss for the inyoterleus "."even Tuenty Klglit "Heme Journal. I'OX'ULAU I'UIOF.S. ADMISSION. 73.50 AM L'KNTS. ltF.3F.llVKD SKATS, - I.J. Sale or scats wilt open Monday, September P, at Opnrn lleuau Olllce. 7-3t I4"l)T.TON OI'MIIA llOtisr. ONK NIU11T ONLY ! THURSDAY EVENING, SBPr. 10 Ull A.N I) MA.IKSTIIS Sl'F.CTACULAIt KKVIVAL' Whlleley's Hidden Hand Company. iiiiinni llm; the Cliarmlmr Callinrnlii Coin- si Attn em. New VerK AliirVt-ts Nnw i. iiut, 1-ept. '.i -Fleur Mill and WihI em without I'tioinhle cluuuie: mndi-rnU In In enliy s SiiprtilneHtiite, l.l (Oii.'l hi ; uxtra de, .U0I20; ch' Ice de, II '.'.liM 0i; hincy de, in 10U7 00; leund hnopenln, t-'l Mill 10 ; ohelcu de, l .WtfS'i 73; .-iipirtlne Weslurn, 1 infil a Si: common ie uoeii uxtra de. II S0JI :in: choice de, l .HfSlM; choice white wheat de. I n.ielnlni the tttieve, CONTAIN INU TH11S.K llU Alll r.U3 or ajs aui.c. wnureeii is cruel VAl.U.VIH.F. MILL rilOl'KUTV AT AS SUiNKI'.'S SALK.-On TIIOItSDAV. SKl'TbMIIKIlSU, 1SS1. The unilcrrilgned ivlll fellut publie silo, en tlie premises, bttuute In l'ara ilsu township, about 'Jtnlle northwest Irem Paiadlsuuiid ene-halt mlle tioullitrem (iordenvllluHtutioii.on the V. II. U till that valuable mill and wntor-pewcr, witli a tract tit land. CONTAl.N'INO AllOHT 20 ACUK8, inoreorloss Tlie mill Is a thrco-stery tiame, 40i'O tet-r, with lour run nt burrs, nnd all thn r,ccesary miichlnery unit dxiuren ler u tlrst ehiNi meiclmnt anil qitut mill, lvlilioneot the water powers en I'cqiieu Creek, end Inn rlcn an t thickly Heltlcd nrli:hborheod. A liiriie two-Hlery HTONK MANSION IIOUBK. wllh stone Kitchen atuclieil. Framu Stnblu and ether out hullilliigii, n never.tnlllni: t.prlmrnt water, with pump In thu icttrhun, u variety el frulttrcosuniletliurlinproroiiioiiih. Ne a. Alse, nr tun game inne. a ioiei iireiiiiii Charming ouienne, KTf'.W IIOTKL. New Hetel Lafayette, 11 read ami Chestnut streets, PHILADELPHIA. Locilteu unsiirpHri ud r.ewly fuinlslieil and linpreveil. wltu :tu0 rooms, eitur nttiiictleiiH Hiuiui'ler te any hotel in Philadelphia, sup j,f r MALTHV, Proprietor gepS-lindWafl NERA VERNON. Pi i scnttng the only Correct Drumatlzatiea el the Ureal Story, entitled. THE HIDDEN HAND. Tlie only company having thn onilnrsemiint of thn authoress, MUS. K. 11. K. N. SOUTH WOUTII, and IntreducliiK the (Jrnnil Hcnllstlc Cotten I'lckliiu Scene. The Viryuiiu Cuhin Singers, 1'illOfc.S 73,30AMOKNTH. Seats may le secured ut the Opsin IIeuhu Olllce, sopie-u WI.ATllin. INUIOATlONH. Wasihnuten, Hept. 10. Fer the Mid dle Atlautie stales, generally fair weather, followed by rain in hentiuun Virginia, winds fiem north te east, with lewer bar emeternnd fitatienaiy or a i.llght ilse In temperature. "IIib Miiltlinere oriole. Haltlmore Is finishing tbe prepir.Uluus for her Oiiole pageant thii week, and the city Is last lllliug up. roiiewiug is a uo ue uo surlptleu of ene et the features of the grand affair : lu the ueadetuy of niusle an Oriental scoi'e is pictured en tue stnge in Rcorgceus hues and the llgur.iutes, in the i-trcet tableaux will, when they reach the academy dismount aud, entering the tho.i the.i tho.i tre by the side ontiuuce, take positions en UiOBiutfe. The curtiiln iMng will afford the sneutaters a vlew of the sceue thieugh u cuitaln of gaiiise Tills will thou be lifted and various hiilliaut (lowers of meohanieal construction will burst into bloom ami a number of figures standing around playing fountain aie dUolescd te the vlew. l.eid and Lady Haltlmore will fcall in a gondola upon the stngn nud a tableau U formed, theciiitnlu then descending. It rlset at d an iutriciite march is oxecuted by tlie llg urantcs, and Immediately afterward the ball will be epcucd with the Oiiole Ian cms. Cem Weithcr. A cold vave appeared In the Northwest en Friday nnd rapidly extended Seuth and Kast, i caching St. Leuis cu Satuiday morning. The lowest pelut. reached at Ft, Oarry, Manltcba, whoie the thormemotor marked 2.1 dcgreeB, or 7 below freezing. $1 'ilS'i ; southern all udy t eomme i ie fair , exir.i, fl liafiSSO; gee I te cholce itn.Wfj 0 73. Win nt 9MlH;u lewci, dull and he.i.y; busi ness mainly lu options ; Ne I While nominal ; Ne. 1 Ueil.Kept.. l .V1 l!: Oct., $1 K.'.W 1171', l Nev.. II IS'.nJIUJlil Hcc, (1 20'Htf 1 '.I5i t .inn , $l iliil '4 ; Apili, tl 27. Cern -XiVAe liluli it fairly actlve ; Mixed Western Hpet, flhJ.le ; de tluture.ilJiQtil, K.IIIliO lliuueri r-u II.L1N TfeVf 1-.',. ,i7e ; Novcmher. :i;iiea;ju ; Westein ul HfJIic. 2 October. Si'MQ Stule at wai'.'u Hill I'lillailelpinn nirtrKti. l'lilLAnBLViiiA, Sept, eu Fleur llrui. uuleti Huperllne. $J2.1fl3Ui; Fxtra. de, I I'enna'a Famllv. tin.1 2.1 1 Ohie and Indiana Family. M NiffO II : Minn. F.Mni clear, t.'iMjJi il te j de, sttitlttlit, t' llve rteur una iurs.i 75 Wheat easier and unlet : Ne. 2 Western llml. il 1H81 HU ! Nil. Ide. 11 llilC: Ne. I I'll. ltu.l.$I I7HI Ne. 2 Hill. lied. II IIKfl corn scarce nun iekiiiti uu vuihiw.uuu inlxnd, .'aiH)C! Ne. .1 Mlxud, KISt'40. Oats nrm nod latr demand! Ne l ivnite, te ', Ne. 8 Vt lllte, 3'lke Ne. S de, U3e. Sceds-'l liu ilhy nt II W)3l U-1. Previsions in ued demand ; Mens perk, 114311 M; h-uf hams, ilQ'lie', India met a bout, 1'Je .... I Itiron-smeknilluuns, HHtJl-1 pickled h.iius l3fJlKc Laid 11 1 in ; City rcllnud, 0fl)je loesu butchers', BUe I piime stiuiu. ss-1. Hutlur llr m und actlve t I'a. and Western creamery uxtra, '.'let WetiU-ru uxtia, l0 17c ; de koe i le choice, 12(1 13c. Knits tlrin i I'unn'a extra, 2le; Wcstirn exini, 25e, Chccsu qulutt Yerk lull cream, Ue; West em de, 'Ji-lQOXc I de I ilr te uoed, WM t I'a. pait nVfins, ItiOe i de lull mhIiiis, ltfiic, Whisky at 11 '20 Cuille Market. l'liiLAUKLreiA, Sunt. 10, Sales et llve sleck at thu West I'hlli'iulphU yards i Cntlle Sales, U.20 head 1 market (Inn : prliuu.OKQOXe: geed, 5'iMii'4e ) medium, ftji til5;e i common, i)(iJ.'ie. nhcup-Salcs, O.ieu iud ; market llrmi prtine, SKO'-Xe : Bend, SiiSVie t medium, W0I rci commeii, !HiJl0j culls, 24j;iu I lainu-, Iloi's-'-itlei.liOOhuadi market tali, selling at 7Si7e I, Llve Stoelc l'rlCB, CiiioAOe-Hoits-ltccolpU, 4,100 head j shlp- uiuiits. LtCOhciid i inai kel active, strong and hlghcri packliur, II Mfli up i packing mid:ihlp. ping, Itunai au; IlKhti II W9-I IP J""' 4 &0 Cttttlu-ltetelpU, 2.S00 heuilt slilpnients, iiilndoiiblutwe story Sl'ONB 1IOUSK, with rtlule root, en this let there t) un exccllcut Linics'one ling unarry. Ne 3, A tract or land tvllPlnlii: Nes laud 2, CONTAININO 7 ACHICS ANUD5 l'KltUltKSet ilmt-nite LluiesTaiie laud, with a suuill stream el water passing ttireugh the uame, and Is u very dcdrable tract ler building or tarmltig and truck purposes. Any pursnu wishing te vluw the nroperilcs bn oie the day of sale can rail en tue uniiur tinned, or en David Ilrua. residing en Ne, 2. tale te oemmonco ut o'clock, p. in. Terms imide known by .IOHL L. I.HlllTNKIl, Assignee. Leb. Dewniv, Auellencur. uug2J Hpl,l,8,U,lS,lSt2lw vKl'IIA.N'n COIIUTSAI.Km'VAHJAni.i'. t ) CIT1 PltOI'HKTV. OnTUESOAY,ai:i l'i:.',l UKIl 2S, lss.), pyviriuu elun nils s en ter id th Orphan's court el Lancaster cenn tv.thu iiiidersUjned will sell ut publie Btilu nt Hut Lrepar I Hetel In Lancaster city, the undi vided luil I part et that curtain let or plece of ureuuil Hliuated mi the north lido e North strecL nnd ea the west siihet Seuth DukH the city et l.ancaster.nnd centalnlmr In trout en mid North iitrcut lit tcet, in Inehca, tnnroer luds, aud uxtuudlng In depth alOUK lllllle OI uieumi, new nr mil m ueini Sciicr.diKctised, nerlhward 207 feet, .mero or lej, le l.ecu.t ulluv, thonce eait iilenir sMd alluy 5J fcut, 10 Incliea, mero or less, te ri oil nd nowerlatii el Jehn F. Leng, tlicuci teutli, 20 teet, meiu or les, nleng thu line of Breiiud et tald Leng, thonce ulenu the round or ald Leiib eastward 00 teut, mero erles. tofeuHi Duke street, aleresald, thonce along Seuth Dukii streut, southward. 187 lest, mew or les. te North eo'11fefYfllu1Xli;,rti0is-u erected a two story IlllIOK I'WKLLINI, IIOUSK 20xiw (out, with stwo-terv Hrlek Kitchen 12 lict '',J'1,,JI mv, , , Vii Alse, n onestory FHAJII-. I)Wfc.Ll.lMl HOUSK, :8xt8 teut, Frame t auic. inxiu leei. and oilier imprevements lleundcd oil thu westbyuropertynow or late et Jehn tfcimr deceased, en the north by property oNemi .un liu, ur r,.,. slrcei ufoiesald. This property u siinateu in a vry ileslrolile portion et the elty, andeltersn lliie LeniJ and Locust alley , en the test by r iiuite street, nnd en the south by North t ifoiesald. This property l situated In in ,i.iraiin nortien et the elty. and eilers a opperluuHy ler Investment.,,. enminfliice at To'elecktl. m.. wliOII attendance will inyen and u;rms liiiuln known bv JULIA A. IIKI'tine. Kiiuwi, Rxcoutl.UefOhriiA.lli'p.liur. furnsiiTAbUTTOK, Aaei. s, PNll KOHTK AND tllUIAN INhTflWC TION, Aum. M. Bemberaer, suplAU N " T K"u " S5Jf