3k Aanttt: w ,. f n vIIavA Volumn XX-Ne 8. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 188. 'Price Twe Cents. w iu8ffifiRiSS! F W l '" rfm rrri v f ' " 'iVr- y ' VKViTJAHH, it'. 1 'LINN ft llllKflKMArt, ONE CAB LOAD OP CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS, WHOI.KfcAt.K ANI lll'.TAIli AT IIK8T KIUUUKH. Iren Pumps and Pipe at Reduced Prices. OUft MAKE OP TIN WARE TH0 BKST IN THE MARKET. A l.ntKHliioket TINU'AKK.TAIII.KKNIVK!), fOKKS mill 81'OONS Irem New Yerk Annum tit much tiolew iim roil m miiiititiiciiirliig. FLINN & BEENEMAN, IIOUSKKUKNISH1NO Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, IttlY (i 'HOKUM PAIINKSTOUK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( HAIIt'fl Ul.l) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET. Our newly arrived Jersey Walitsiire vury illirerunt OiiiinenU tieici tlinerilliuiry mllclu el Unit nniiiu, 'lliey ilen't ' hike " up thn luck like thn hull-cotton weeds. TIiu colorings Incluile II luck, Cunllnul, (Iurn.it, Wine, Navy, Myitlu, unit tlie price, li iiM itml 11. Mi. We luivu mi mil iimllty el Black Jerseys, with Pleat Cellar and Bew, at $5.00. LADIKSMKIlSKl Hill superior (loeds ilttC, M'O, 7 IS M mill llO.m. CHI LDItKNh'.IKIISKYH, ll.TA te l, ucrenllng te sUn. Ac. Ac. ) KHSKY CLOTH liy thu yuril In nil color'.. Ladies Kid Gloves, in iu.ack aim in kali.shadks. t73 rem. ALSO, A I.AKUK ASSOUTMKNT OK WOOLKN O00D4, BLANKETS FLANNELS, QUILTS AND COMFORTS. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EA" -INQ STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 1'l.VStlltmi AND J.. I. AIIMII.II, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. WTFincst Werk, Best Workmen. Letive yenr Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11. 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LIVXHY rllUHIllTOS M. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. KUIST-CLASS IIOItSKSANl) HUGOIES TO IIIIIE ; ALSO, OMNIIJUSSE9 FOK 1'AHTIfc.S AND PICNICS. IIOHSKS NOUGHT AND SOLI) AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, ear of Old Black Herse Hetol. II I'M AN itiAHOr.K rKiiTii.i.Kic t:e HUMAJNT Q-TJA-NO. Compcued of Pure Human Exoremout and Urlne. Unrivnled for Wheat, Tobaceo, Grass, Cern, &e. -SOLD IIY WM. II. .IONKi, .Se. t.il'l Mnrket Streel ; C. II. ltOOKItS. Ne lit Market fcticet; UllAHAM, KMI.KN A l'ASSMOUK. Ne iHlMurkit Street i .1. UlltKIl ft SON, llrnnrlilewri, l'hl'ailelphlu, nml responsible dealers generally OPFICK.-N0. 333 Chestnut. Street, Phllnileliililn. migl.MJnut IIUOKH AN1 JOHN II.M-JI'S SONS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, AT Til K JI00K8TO11K OK JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 nnd 17 WORTH QTJBEH ST., LANO ASTER, PA. auAi.. 13. II. HAUTlll Wholcsale ana Hetall riouler In all kltula 01 LUMIIKIt AND COAL, wrarrt: Ne. ISO North Water unit Prince treats shove Lemeu Lancaster. n3-lvd OAIltKlAKDNKHN & ,ll'.l'rr.llll!.H. COAL DEALERS. OKKICKS.-NO. 51 NlllITU 0.UKUN HTHKBT, ANI .Se. Bill .Seuth 1'hinuk Htrkkt. Altll.1, NOIITII 1'RINCR 8TRKKT, NKAIl llBAIV imu Dsrer. 1.ANUAHTKU, I'A. i lumiMMlt CIOAI, I Vit.M.1 ) Tim iiiulcrnlKiicil iiai ler tuhi, tit liln Yard, Cor. Andrew and S. Water Sts iuiiruuortmuntef tlie very betl klmu el Ocal for Fnrally Ube, which liu will ilellvi'r, cairully wulhwlanil Ncrvunuil, te unyiwi tm Uiu city ut thu lowest iimikotiUeij. Uiilnrn liy nmi ur tulonheno iIIUhi promptly ' Jnlyiu tM rilli.ll' UINDKlt. MANUIIH ANI UOAI.. Nuw Yerk nml l'lillmlelplilu Heme 81 11. niiin by thu carload at ruilucuil prlcug. All thu XIKST UllADKB OV COAL, lletli ler I'mnlly unci Sicam pinpesiia. UKMKNThytluiliuirul, IIAYuiul MTUAVV by thu ten or bule. Yard 31S HunlsbiirK l'lke. Umnuhal OirrieK H K11.1t Clicattuit blruel Kauffman, Keller & Oe. iierMyq pllAI.. " M. V. B. COHO .' HUUTU WATtSitHT., Lancaster, m. Wholeaale ami lbitall Dealers In LUMBER AND OOAL. Connection With tlie Tnleplioule Kzclmuge, unXfSLnrt 0fflce Ne- 830 NOIITII WATE BTUKKT 1.I.VMV11 I JUST rilllllKT Till-: TWO HM.M.I, II A -1 '., Vfi!" 1ff for Be , K"iiiilnn ur lilu, ut HAIITMA.N'- VKM.UW MIONTUIUAU bXUJtK, II AUD W AUK, LANCASTER, PA (1UUDH. STAND.) UAH riTYlNU. HTAIll.K. (iVANU. STATION V IIY. TINWAHB, XV. JOHN 1'. HUIIAUM. FURNACES and RANGES OF AM. HI SDH REPAIRED. Cull unit no thu New Inipreinl WHOUl.MT DION COM) CAHK Radiating Pertable Furiiace, Thu Cheapest ami Market, licit KUItNACK In thn MANUr'ACTUIli:!) K.(JI.US1VKI.Y in Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Quesn Streot liiW7-lyd LANUAtiTKI. I'A. nuunn amv htatienkuw go,, eui. IIOOKH SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT TUB I.OWhSr llATKi AT L. M. FLYNN'S 0I1KA1 HOOICANll STATIONARY BTOKK Ne, 42 West K ln Streot. YOU v lllllll- WILL Al.WAYH JflNI) A rui.l. dCe ncttlctit clears ami t'nuiiiiiin rlnei ut lelincci ,nt n Alt'! MAN'S YKLI.OWJKHONTCJIUAIt TOKK MV.mVAl., Tyill'-HI.KH'H ItKMICUIKH. OFNSIBLB MEN .mil U'einun knew urnthU that or thu tunny ill.e.im'fl nml il(irunnm(!tilier tlie bmlv cneli has iiHoparuterntito or erlln, unit t.int I'neli nucilHiiilltlutnnliiiuthoilet liimtimint In onler te (illcet 11 ci.rr. unit 11 innnienl'ii ri'lli'cllnn iniiHtciinvlncn I lint nny oltlieiiinck unit riimn totaled upon tins pulillii uiuiniliiK loom a nil ut u number et illmnutrlc.illy illtluiunt illsuimvH liniHlitroie fulliiruB, oveti II e 1I0 net call tlii'in luimbtiKH. POOR PiSOPIB nml pt'Oploei 1110 leuiti' inriuis, iitnl mini poe ple woll-leilnor wuiilthy, Mini that Um ener mom chargei or praclHtnu iiliynlcluns nrn 11 fcrlem biinlmi te thorn, nml ulRellnil that ill ter pnyliiKthcintulve'i peer that no biinclll I nut no crtiL'il te thuin, trim In lact thiy have thrown their innnnviiwiiy. Te ovnrcnine tin-no evIU woellur Wheeler' t A'e, no ftnre Hematics te tlm sick nml siilliiiliiK one Itemctly ler inch ill. oaxe, ivlttionllerit meiiimit cIuIiiiIiik thntone leinuily will rnre any e her ll.im.ie than the ene clulmeil ler It, anil 111 Uichu rcinuilli)'. have steixl tlie tent et yearn without 11 hIiikIe fa'l nrc, weiiKrcu te rruntl lite mencu ivilil In ovcrylnslance whom a euro U net jienltlvely oirccteil. ThuramoiIleiiiiiiiiiiUroly vi'itutnble, ran Ue no harm, ami will positively euro evury illscnse ler which they ure pieacrlbsil, RHEUMATISM, Gout, lamcncise! Jelntn, Sclattcu anil Nan mini iirerclluvi'il itloncuuuilpeHltlvulycureil by theuaii or Wheelm'rt Ne. iw Ulmuiuatie Kunrdy. Vie tny behlly that In the wmitel coffier no limuer bow teny itnmtwg, hew trrfeni, 01 hew ;ni(nyii(, hii euu net onlyulve luliel hut petltticlt; cure ler all lime. KuIlliiK toilethln we will positively lefuiul the mutiny piikl for thetteatinent. tunl It your HiillerliiKs 1110 net positively flopped for nil tltnu you have net thrown yenr money away us you would en liny ether tliuil thrse uu'iruntce I remcille.'i. Th price et Whiuler'H Ne. in llbou llbeu inallt! lU'iiiiiily la only(i)centa,(btiiliiubleltiiiu any tlruKjtlit'i, or hchi 1. 00 by mull euiecelpt etprlec. atimpi tiikeii. SUPFBRINO WOMEN Many a Iu.lv, endowed by 1 iiluie with a pielty luce, beiiulilill flK'iie, liuilt'i - complexion, uh w.ll m thosweeteat of temper. unit f.uiltle'H mciitul Mimlttlei uniui premntuiely old, K'liiv anil wilukleil, bur fern. leiUH tu puileu' eouteur, tlie eeinphlnn heeemes Hallow, thu bilKlilneHt teavei the eje, a li'elliirellannunr Inkei thephicunl thu once bunyant Kpltlti, nil Irritable n-reui Iraetlniisuefi iiinlci'4 lite a burden, tldtii."" that once wete trllleq weny her until Illn become unbearable. All Ihw beliicinseil by thu pli (ileal deiiiiiKeiiienta he comiueu te women, wlilch thelnnulomeilesty olteuilnlre nntiini i.rcventH llielr inaktni; known, iimlnt wbleb tliu tinerancc of the medleni pretesiPui iixiventH 11 euiv. f.uili Jltttilcr, jiiiiMeiiuu eiiiiHlilir, 'IN 11 duty you owuyeuiielt, yem lainllj uii'i your Oe 1, that you xheulil cine joiirelleltlieso lieubli'H nml enee tiioie lei 1 1 lis i;low el perb et bi'iiltb mid nplrll.s that iiiitmii Intended lei tm. Wheel cr't ,i),' I'retnljilieni an- pleaimt and pal. iitnblu te uike, contain uetblni; erun lu)urleiH niituie, and limy lie taken by ml UKea. utull time!' 11ml In nil coneitlnni, uitieut pottlhd pettlhd III 0 ill tJTrctt, nml will pniltlwiy euro uny ut the peenli irdheasex te nblvii lem.Uui lilu Kiit)ect. r'ullliiK te prediiLU a peileet cure the prejil letei m will rejtuid the money paid ler thu itriitment. init hme i sdltnw complex ou, centiint or liilei mltt'iiit hein'iuhe, btck aclm, lestli'finej., less el appetite, suppres sion et liieutbly Ibiii, or iriiKiilurltlel tbeienf uceinpanb-il by headaches, 1.1 rveui iii'M, liym'-tla anil -Imilar Hjmptems, IIYircf cr Su. in! J'rctcrtptien" II" w III peidllvely le le le Hloinyeii te huilih. II you tnne a sunuutlim of lii'iitnml tlirebblnrr In tlie luck, Ireijuent lulntlni,'p''r-',l.eiioei rliea oi'U'lilie dbeliar(;e, palnltil or frcalillni; hensiitleii in uiluattiiK irdJi-h or whlle deposit. In mine, bel 1111 I ilrv kkln. Wheeler's Aj. M I'rcicrtptlnn" 'J" will kIve luiiiiiidlitte mid lustliii; rellet. Tlm prlruel Wheeler Ne, 1)0 I'lescilplletiH "11 ' nml ' C " nr.i Mi eents eaeli, ebtuiuablu fieui drnuKlitH or H.-nt by mall mieiife Irem obier ebier obier vatlen pet paid en receip et pi Ire. I'eitui it BlumpatnKeu. CATARRH. It U neediest te de-eilb.' tne HSinptetuM et thl nuuseeiis .:idciiie that It siipjiini thu llle ami htiuii;i 11 of only tee many id ihe fairest 111.1l best el both eui, old uinl ye inu. miller liiK nlike from tlie pnNoneui ilrlin Ini; Initie llueit. 1 lie iioUenoiu 11 -il .IN eiar,(ei, thu Ju id iiieiit'i ami guucrtl weaKinnj nenlllty 1111. 1 luiwuei, iimIiIe fr..n tie .1111. -utleilns et Oils ilUenre, which It net checked em enlv end In feji of jml'ite, H'CitLetirit ttiht. lie uj memory, tlitif lit 41, ami i)rcmuture ttcath ti net checkiil L'Otoie It lf tee lat.i I.a'e', Ntudy mid re'e'ircb In .Mneilei, Kurepeanil I'.iiHteiu l.amlM liiivn ieultiil III Wheeler's Se Wi In i tint llcllruntl Mure Cureer Otturrh, n 10111 edy which eeuliilni no harmful tunriidtf ut, anil that H ituatuuteeil te ivhp every ease el iienteercliiiiiile Oalnriher money rittumlud. HVifefrr'i .Ye. (. Instant lleliej ami tiurc Cure for Vtittinti win euro ueiy tin- el catarih nav lever or ivtitiiiiu. prim fl te per paek-ine, I10111 ilriutKiHiH. 01 eiii l mull pi Mtp.ttii en receipt 01 in Ice. HVircfcr A'e ! Sure t'uie fur h'ltlney and fAvcr Trouble euie-t nil wuii' nam met tern netuel kldniiH, Inthunm 1U.n1 or kid ejn or liver, iirlcull.ru Wheeler' 1 'euctiblt. J'.lti ' tlm only rem edy that cures cnimtlp'itieii, iiIvIiik nutuiHl action et thu bowels wlilinul nnHti'ln;, 1111 ti Iiik. rlpliit or p.ii.i. I'nc iiejuts, ot.lrui; et.lrui; ot.lrui; Klntner by intill Wheeler's A'ervine ionic ter lnunlal iluprcs sleii, Iim ut manhood, laiiuu ir, ueulcuussnr ovurtuxat'eu iittlie br.ilu Is Invaluable, price IB centB. WB quara Taa CurcMln ui cry cuaoer will re'uiul the money paid. We place our prlcu en the.u remedlei lit lehstliuii enu iwentletb et tlie ptlee nske I by lliv 0 nil etlierH ter leinedlus upon which you tali the chunccA. mid tee suectaltii Imitc thu Dtitrnn uifuet tlie niuny periHiiu who b ive tiled ettii r leuiedliH ivlthinit cllitit or depleted th ir purxu by pi)liiKlnttiir bllln thai brnell'ted thein net. HOW TU OBTAIN TIicaU leineillen. (ie te your iIiiikuIuI nml nxk for lliani. It they have net K"t them, wrileut encu te thu piopilulniH.euulo.lim tl,u prloe In money or xtmups, and they 11 111 bununl nu nt ent'i) by iiii.II postpaid. C01 11 xpenilenre nolle nelle lied. Aibties plainly. I,. HKlV.KIt A CO.. Ne. I'll W. lialtlmntn St.. nept.t liw.tVl ImI IIAI.IIllOltK, Mil. N r.vi:it K111.1 SAMARITAN NERVINE. " YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for Bawahitan Nbiivink," saysabkuptle. "Hew can one meil meil meil Iclnobeaspeclllolor KI'ILKI'dY, DYSl'KI' HIA. ALCOHOLISM. OPIUM KATINO, ItllKlIMATiaM.HI'KKMATOKItllAJ.ei'MI'.M- 1WAI. WKAKNKSS mid II fly etlei com cem plnlutsl" We claim It a spccljle, simply be be eause tlm virus et all discuses tulses liein thu bleed lis Norvlue. lteaelvent, Alterutlvi). ami Laxative propel tics luent nil the condi tions lietcln rclencd in. It's known uerM ulde as THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. Itiiulets ami composes thepatlunt net by the Introduction of opiates ami iliostlecathartlcs, but by the restoration of activity te the nteui neli iihtl nervous systuin, whereby thn bialii 1 relleved or morbid fancies, which ate ere a'nd by the causes above rururrcil te. Te clurirymuii, Lnwyurs, Llleniry Men, Mer chants, Hunkers, Ladles, ami all these whose cdentary uinployment Cannes nervous pins tuition, IrreKulurlties of thu bleed, stomach, bowels or kidneys, or who lequlte a nerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Hamaiutan Nkiivinis is Inviilitible, Theiisuiuls pinelnlm It thu most wendnrlul InvlKernnt that ever Hitfitiiliieil the sluicing system, 4i.r0. Sold by till Dl'llKKlsts. The Tilt. H. A. itICIIMONII MKI. Ce., 1'ioprlulers, at. Josepli, Me. CHA3. N. CUITTKNTON, Aucilt, New Yerk city. 11JI lyeeilAw (1.) I.Mtf.Y'H UNlVKIlbAI. I ILK MUl'I'IIHr- V TOItY. A snre euro for uvery lerm el I'lles. Inurnul ami nxternal, ItchliiK or bio d Inir, and lout; statiillUK casus. It has nevei tailed even In cases as lout; stmiillnir as 'ii I e 35 veara. This Bupposltery is eone shaped, easy te apply, sale, neat unit clein, anil pm.seies every ndvantuge eyer elutinunts ami Halves, Physicians usu It In their pruotice, Ulvu It a trlnl.anil veit will be both relieved ami con- vlnced. It your ilniKUlst does net keen It or 1 uei it for veu. accent no ether, but seml for It I by inall.as It can be sunt niiywhuru by mill I'riCC. oue in), mix t'teiiiiieii 111111 iuiu ny ' ANDIIKWtl KltKY. UrtiBuUt, Ne, 2U Kiut Orange Ht Cor Chrlstluu upr27-Jyd.w'J Luncastur, 1'a, A MYSTERY SOLVED. WHAT lll'.UAMIC OK JUIJOK AI.I.IMON, llfs tikrleteti Keund In a Cnbiu Itie Obamly lll.cevcry urn Party of I'rn.pert. or en Hnake Illvcr Tlie mystery sunetindlnj tbe stiaiiRe iliaapjicataneu many yearn nge of Jtiile AUIruii, nnce well known tlneiiRli nil Southern New llampslilre.lias been cleared up, nt last in a most peculiar manner. Judgi) Allineu, who, when a yeutiK man, wiiH ene el the old "Hldu Judges" under the old organization of tlie utate courts, lelt his home In Sunoeok tlility yeari age. Itis (llflappcatance caused a tilue daye talk, a few weeka' search and then he faded out of the memery of his frlends and relatives. Ilccently, however, a mail rccotved a letter Ireni a brother at Load Lead vllle, Hiving a Rraplile account of the lltid Ing of a ekcleteti in the While Itivcr raiii;e, James and Themas Caiman and Jehn Joliiifen wete pre.sjiccMuK In tint region when they lest their bzariugs n'ld wau dcrcd u the Hnake tiver te Kagle Hlvcr valley. Thcrj they stumbltd n naln.it a tumble down cabin, inside of which vvore scattered about in confusion a row decay ing articles of furtiitiiie.in old and crude client and an olil-faslileiuU musket en thu wall. Frem beuuath a mde table there "grinned a death's head," with a mat of hair eliugitig te the skull. Tlie skeleton waB hid by clothing, evidently thrown ever it after death. In enu of the pockets of the old coat was an enveiope marked, " Te be opened by my friends," InslJe was a letter, readitmas fellows : " I have chosen this lilu of heriiiltage in prcforenco te living were misfertune blasted. my inpiitatieu and business. My wife is dead. Shu had much te 1I0 with my tumbles, much te de in tlie making of them, but as I said, she is lead. -My house, nnd it was a beautiful house, was near Sune.wk, New Hampshire. I was a judge euuj and a happy man, Iw, but that time is long pst. I feet deatli ap ap pieachlug new. Thu etamruy hand ii upon me and tomehew I feel that 1 shall die iiunatutally. I have a nephew with 1110; he Is bad in heart and in temper. He thinks that 1 havu a large mud of money savrtl f) etn uiy former iiAtate, and when I told him I hail only two hundred dollars lii tyts Hashed mtudcr. I gave him plenty when I had it aud new when I have no 111010 1 think I ought te K-til him back te the states, whcie he can cujej his young life. I think thii Foeluslon is ilestreying my t-euses. What if 1 should become in hane aud kill myself. I'll never de that. Walter will stay with tne .mil who knows ene of thtsu day3 we may llnd geld hore aud ug.iiu bcoemu rich. If I could have get auy giutiii'i ut Hiuekeiiriilge I would have renniaed theie and tuiucil there. I Itl.-e tlr.s better. I have no children ; no body but Walter, and after all I don't think he would harm an old man like tun because he foolishly bellcves I am keeping money from him. Jehn .1. Allisen." Ne uieuiy ejuld lie found in the cabin. It is ciiiiu'.iiiled that Allisen must have bcuii murdered. in . count ni; r.vKiy. bluteil lur llie PieUli'iicj or rriinre Kienclinitn in New Yerk oil v expiens Lb" opinion that the Count de Paris will be the Lett piehidLiit of Piauci1 and that be will be true te the tcpubhe, blnoe the Mi i.atchistj', who have tp ether citidulute mil i-g'iil bun as their man, ..nil tbe Republic. i. .- u;il lis j rate '11 1 Hi him for hU le..aliy ti tliL Itepublie. ile lives at Ku, en the Euglinh Chauuel, wheie he has a beautiful chateau about 100 feet long, in the midst of a small town, and it is ntteu did by anjiudieu of hcivanu His wile is the d.uuhtei ei thu On l:e of Moutpcu Meutpcu s:cr, and is llie ilster of .Mureeties, late (Jueen el Spa. 11. Hui fathei ia very itch, and tlie Count dj Rim la also extremuly itch. He lias written lii.i "History of the Civil War in the United States" by a psetty aecm.ite knew! ilgoef the country, hiving bcen himself a btjff ufUccr with l,ifli,llf, fiiifl hi, I114 iravbitil ttlmn.l u.w.v...., ...... ..w ...w ..v ...... .. ...Jt every Auitricau goneral in 1-rance te oemo tiii'i uiiK wnn 11101, nun 11 s exiuiiuuii pi:r fejt hospitality nt his chateau General Sickles was oue of his guests McClullau has been several times his guest He is fend of Americans and proud 1 I his con nection witli this ceuutry. Net long age Ouiieial Iviiby btuiili and a liiund were airfoclate gues,s of thu' Count de l'urir, at Cu. Tuu lutint v, ,ih 1 hearchlUK for points about the Hed River e.iinpaigu of General llaiiks His guests ' say that he speku English cxcclleutl), I that then) weie about Unity guettf at the table, and that his wilu seemed te tpeak ' the English lauguagu with less twang than 1 liitnsuif. Tiioie arogeuci ally tit Ins tablu twenty te llfty guests, The Orkans fam ily new has thu entlte bupp.nt ut the old Legitimists. Aiuei leant; intluiate tlt.it llie t'eiiiil de Par's has hlmluit liein his mind the kii.gly traditiunii, and wlshis te be a lopuhheaii of tlie old school nf Washing ton and L.if,'.votte Seme tiaie age he atkud which el Itis Iiuuke he u'uai'hd as the ablest. He replied thai lie Mippisi d his grandfather, I,euis Phillippe, wan the , the ablest. An American guiitlutuaii pre ! sent said: "1 think thu old inuctitut I Orleans in tlie time of lijuis XV. was' the ablctt." Thn count latiglud and gently said : " New,,pcrhapB he was, but it eiiipiihcu me mat a citi.cn nt tne slum lupublie should thiiil; se, onn-'.deling what a gay old chap the legent was " ! 110 linuutit n ltu et Suiiuenii. Mi. Stuph i) S, Mitelitll, a Suco, M.ili.c, UrugL'ist, canto te lle-Uin, dieppid in a' au auction of uiiclaimud In inht and ptn eliaiid a huge box He took it te the I'arkrr house. Whrn Mr. Mitchell opeiu d the box he found that he was the oivuer of about two thousand mauiieript arr inuiis. Thefe extend ever a whole life time, oaeh having inscribed tlie datu and locality of its delivery. The clergy man employed a system of stage diieotleus and had writicu along tlie margin of his paes such suggestions as theie : " Deliver this pabbage in seleuiu tones," " Soemlul smile after the weid ' never,' " " I'aiue long enough te count twenty live alier tills pissage," '' Clese Iiible with violent slain alter this passage, " " Cuututnplate ccilixg in attitude of adoration at this punt," " Saroastie wave of haul," ' lttpiil gestine." Miiiiuetlpt sermons .l.i nut pesicss.i weiid eh.irtn ler Mi Mit elu it and he will dispose of them by giving line te every customer until exhausted, A Ulilcnj;e ISIopemetit. Soeicly circles in Chicago aie greatly agitated ever thn nniiouucemeut of tte olnpemout of Dr. II Webster Jenes with Mrs Hadelph A, lllgclew Di. Jenes was oue of the most stieJcisful physleiaus in tlie city, and hi) enjoyed a f.ishi uiable praotlee wtuth $!10,00') it year. He is a mau of iitiu.sunl eloquence and has hitheite boine nu unspotted character as a gentle gentlo gontle man He wasu raembcr of many of the eliibs. a oleso student, an enthusiast in Ills profession, and a ueneral faverite in fash fash fash iouable clrelea. The woman with whom he eleped, better known as Miriam Hoa Hea trico Dean, is young and pretty, and had made Heme local literary reputation as a I contributor te the press aud magazines She burled he first huslmud, was divorced from her second and has new left the third nnd a llttle girl behind. The doctor also leaves a wlfe, who Is new with friends in Connecticut. Tlie most oharltable con struction which his friends can place upon his conduet In saorllleing popularity, wealth and society Is that he had an in fatuation for the woman amounting te Insanity. One lopert Is te the 0 licet that they have geno te Kurope, and another that they have started for Australia. The cscapade has caused much oxcltemont A llluck Inbuilt Story.. The Dloek Islanders nre nearly all Hap tists, and very deveut. On a certain Sun day, instead of thelr beloved and familiar immcrsienist, the worshippers found a stranger in the pulpit, and he raade n very nnmsing apology for the iibsoueo el the Hev. Mr. Damp. He first said that "an aocldent had happencd te Mr. Damp," at which thore was constornatien. Ile ox ex plained that It was impessible for Mr. Damp te be present, and he (the speaker; had been asked te take Damp's place. Then he went en toexplaln that whlle Mr. Damp wns bathing en Saturday he had met with the great misfertune of losing his fatso teeth In the surf. He also Bald that the peculiar formation of Mr. Damp's mouth londerod articulation very dlfllcult without ills tceth, and that Mr. Damp did net feel llke coming bsfore his congrega tion until he had sant te Bosten for a new set of tect'u hence the presonce of the Rpoaker. Then a r-ormen an hour and a half long followed. Ilretlier Krunlt until te be Innocent, In Buffalo, N. Y. a sensation has been crsatcd in the case el Themas Waldren, elcrically known as Hrother Prank, who is serving llve years in state prison for out raging Hattie Carr, aged eight years. At the trial the ovitlcnce was 6treng and partly corroborated by Waldren. Had he been acquitted he would bave been shot in the court room, tlie feeling was se iutonse. Mis. Carr new makes nu allldavit that Waldren was innocent and" that the child wai compelled by threats te identify him. Hattie describes another man who she says outraged her. She deas net knew his narae. Governer Cloveland will be asked te pardon the convict. Other legal pre3ecdiiiKs will fellow. a veu.Mti .iian'm t;.tsi: Mr. .. s, IlodBiui.Jr.ef Ne. 117 I'.uk slreel, l.owlMen, Me., relates tliu folleiilu' peiHenal iiiiriatlvij.May II, liSJ: "About llftccn irieulhs blnce t had n hovevo attack el typhoid lever, was very lame, anil confined te my bed ter eleven weeks, and when thn lever left 1110 1 wnn In a wry debilitated condition. My bin k mid loins seemed te havu nebtienglli, ami I . ad ue vitality or appellte. I tiled various kinds et medicine recommended by my lrleiulri, but Liuiiil they did net Improve my condition. I was Induced te try Hunt's Itemed-, which has been use I with suali crcat success hcru In I.ewUlen that It has a vury en viable lopulatleii et being a me.l lellnblu medicine. 1 purchisud enu bot'.le, nnd euu lute my Improved health Irjin the time I com cem com iiitneo 1 uliif It, ami my progress continued very uipldly : I galued in slrengih, nml oxpe expe rlence.d lcjpalu Hi my bick, my appetite In creased, mid alter iiilnc tluej(l) be t os my pains weie nil ipine, anil my health entirely icsteied.iuid 1 imu most heartily lecetuinuud Hunt's llutuedy te any who may 11 ed a. true iemily teu debility, kidney or urinary lioubte. " ,v neon iir.uiiAMO. Mr. I. .1. .Uiiiph, of Ne. 10 Charles Hired, Portland, Me. writes us tliene eenvlnclliK tacts, May II, l-si 1 have ler suvuial years been troubled with liver complaint anil Hull Hull KiHllen, un.l h.ive hiilLirnd ut times tcrilblu ilUlrcHS, uiul hive ileduiauy illllerenl eurev, he called, that have bum iceeuimunilcd Irem time te tlm j. I 0110 d ly noticed in enu et our pa pets the tcntlm011l.1l of a pat'teu t lint hail used Hunt's llemudy mid bieu cured of illn illn eisessbnllai te mine 1 piireliaed 11 bottle of 1 lie el e.ir dt iif; iteie-i In I'etllMid.und bjreie I had ti-e 1 the llrl tl!e leiind thut 1 was Impievlnu' b'jend my uxpeelutlen ; have imciI In nil slv bittlns, mid I h ive no tieuhlii from In thje-dlen.n') ilUtt'e-n or p.ilu in biuk a I t irmerly hud; uiul sine J I liue been cured my wliu bus iisud It fur M lnuy tieublu, nnd II bin cured bar. We can both siy that IIiiiU'h lteincdy Is a ble-n.ng te any that me treublu I u lib kidney or ilvur diseases, or in- iHuiniieii. uulaily rcce iinicuil It toeui ,1)miier , suilurers irem liver or khl IlKeslleu. We gladly rcce iinicuil It te nui 1 ney ill.-case:, mid you can usu UiH letter lis 1 jeu may cheese ler thu bint Interests et suf I leilng huiuaiilly." m7-1wiIJ1,VAFaw I t'errimnll l'ei evpe.'e DarbyB I'rephylnctle Klithl tu the re'i'ii nnd spoiiReotl thn patient 1 with It. It 1 en me annoie I by your rubber, steel or shell l.yu Oli-bes breiklntf. Mitt can putyour putyeur bell out et uilsury, anil sae e.pmise, by pur pur eliusliiKa palret t'ellnlebl Kye-l.laises. for Hiln by all I cad I lit; luuclcrs nml Opticians. HlO-Iwilee 1 Ne Uecplluii Cieil, 11 IsHlruuKUSii iniiny people will continue te Miller day alter day with Dyspepsia. I.Uur Complaint. Censllputlim, Heur Hieinucli, lien etui Debility, when they can procure ut our Ktoie Hllll.OH'3 V1TAI.I.KII, treuorcest It It does net cure or relieve them. Price, 75 cunts. Held by II. II. Cechian, aimiil 1"'.) North (Jiieen stinet, Laue.tstur. lcillf-ueilS lliukluii'n Arnica Mulve '1 he ku utest muiilciil wonder et thn wet Id. Win milled te speedily eere burns, Unices, Cuts, llieerd, aIt Klieiitn, Kever soie, Cmr eer, I'lles. Chllbliilns, corns, Tetter, Chapped llnuds mid till skin e uptleiiH. Kimiauteed te eiitu In cvciy linUiuice, or money teliiiided. -5 centH pur box. hersalu by elms. A. Lecher. luiV-lycedAw Or. 1 miner's hliniiiieb. Dr. I. inner cutiitiily bin a Ktviil htemueh Kreal buctiusu el tti Htieni;th mid endiiratice. IV 0 liniv elf In Niiytui; that the doctor iimis llurdecl: lltoed Hitters, but If he ill en. his ill. tiesllve powers ilu easily iieeeunleil ler. tlur ilucl; Jllued Hitters I elili; a stand ml me llelne me held by alt driiKKlsIs, Ker nab) byll.il. Cochran, drumtlHt. 1:17 und l:r.i Nnilh tjueuir HtlC.lt A Orcitl IliKentery, '1 hit Is dally brliitr ley te thu homes el Iheii sands by nivIhk inuny of thulr ones liem mi early himvu. Truly is or. nines hew Dls. ceverv I01 Consiimptieu. Ceuh", Colds, Asth ma, lltencliltK Hay r'evur, Less et Voice, TleliUni,' In tt.e f I1111.it, l'tilu In bidiiiiuil Chest, or any illsctfe et thu Threat ami Liiin,'", a positive cure, (iiiaraiilecil 'I tlul ISettlns lieu ut I'liss. A. Lecher's Diitj; btete. I.iirnii slu II 00. A li.iptll .lIlnlHter'H Cxperlenci). " I am a IhiptNt Minister, anil hulore 1 uvim thought el be 1 111,' a eleryinau, I graduated ii medlelne, but lelta lueratlvu pr.icllce ler my piesent piotCHslen, 10 years iike. I wits ler inuny yenrsaHUIIeier fieni quinsy; "Themas' Kctectrle Oil cured 1110." I was also doubled with liiNirsencss, mid 'Aeiikm' J-clectile Odiil- iMiys teiievcii me. .ny who linn citiiii unit diphlheila, and 'liumrit' Kclrctrte till citteil llictn," and II tuKcn In tlnie It u III cute hiiviiii out et ten. 1 am eenildeut Illsa cute for the most, olntltiiite cold or eeiiuh. und If iinvnne I will take a small teaspoon uiul ball till It with 1 the Off, ami then puiei) the end nt the spoon In enu uesiiii mm iiiiiw iuewu ijiil 01 luu spoon Inte Iho head by snlllliij; as haul as they can, until the Oil falls ever Inte thu threat, and practice that twtee aweuk. I ilen't euro hew ellutmlvu their head may be. It will clean 11 out ami cu 1 u thulr catarrh, ler ilvalnuss ami earitclie It has ilenii woiuler te my certain knowledge. It Is thu only mciticliiu dubbed patuntiueillclue that I havu ever leltllkore- ceiiiiiieiiuiiiL, 111111 1 (tin very anxious 10 nee 11 In everyplace, ler I tell you thut 1 would net Im without It In iny house lur nny considera tion I tun new Hiillcrintr with a palu lll.u ihuuiiiatlsin In my 1 Inht lluib, und uoihlugie. Iluvus mu Ilke Themas' Kclectrta Oil." Dr. K. l CKANK, Coiry, l'a. Ker huIu by II. II. Cochran, iliurfylst. 137 ami lift North Queen struct. I I AVANrtAMI VAIIA CilO AKS ONI.V Oe, I 1 mu nes i mr iiieiiiuney 111 1 ill) 1011, at HAItTMAN'S YKLI.OIV Kl'.ONTCIdAll STOIIK. 'lllir. II KIT AND AlOVl CIIKI'I, X seituiuul el Kiiehru, I'ekur, Car KTII AM- 'asslne mul oilier imiyjiiu L-lirilti,llv IIAIll Jt 1 )Ult MMNI'LIOAU bTOKb, MB1HOA1., 4 TKK'H UMBIIltY f EUTOHAL. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " OnvtLLB, Onte, 8ept. 10, im. flfU TICJ "Havlnjr iMien sulUoe.ttea v-' yj XJlJ O . Ilrenchlal Airoctlen, with Ire. qtient colds, for a number et yeats, 1 hereby certlly that Avun's Chkimy I KoreiiAL mIvcs me prompt roiler, anil Is the most eirecilvii remedy 1 havn evor trled. ,1 AUKS A. IfAMILTOX, Kiilter or The Orescent." -, ."MT 0 "". O'ue, June SO, 188i yJKJ VJUiLJ.ciiKiinY l'surenAi. this , , , , , Hprliid for a sovero Cough nnd l.unir Trnuble with roei! ulluct, anil Iain plcasnil te recominetiil it te nnyenu almltaily iifTiCteil. lUnVKV llAuuiiuAx, Proprietor Olebu Hetel." I'RKHAIlBO riY Ur. J. C. Aycr A- Ce., liencil, Mnss. Sold by all Druggists. seplO 10-lyiIAw P" ItKV DAVI.V.S I'A IN K1I.I.KII. DYS ENTERY QT TIWTMER O U 1VJL nnt COMPLAINT Thore Is no llmu te be lest when Ihose we levn urn tnken with these tertlblC dlseilaes. T,,n "",l,,ty or Perry Davis's Pain Killer ,sin'11'"" se promptly, surely nml elllelenlly. Don't bu without I'ain Kiixkii! Havu It ready for Instant use I Keep It with you at home or abroad I AL THE DRUGGISTS SELL IT. septMinilAw VL07lllNU,USnKll-KAU, C. r.TK MAM CO.IIK. THE DUDE. Club Heuse, i'rlnce Tt-ck, -Grenadine, -Finis. Tiihitltir, TIES. -AT- BEISMAN'8, Ne. 17 Weat King Streot Oppoulte Cress lieys Hetel. t II. UUSI'ITI'IKKs.SilS. CLOTHING Never waa Cheaper. NOW IS THK TIMN TO MJ Y ! We have determined te clown nut Iho bill. ancoetoui-Sl'KINll AND HIIMMKIl STOCK, ami In order te de se will sell them out til a saerlllce. The prealer part et the nleek U et .Medium WclKht nml Biiltiilile let Full mid Winter. Nole tlm great rrilucllnus. Stiita Fermerly 810.00, New 812 00 14.00, " 11 00 13 00, " 10 00 12.00, " 9.00 10.00, " 8.00 ALL OUK STOCK 11 Reduced ia Proportion, AND ALLOKOUIl OWN MA.SUr'ACTUItK. The hl.'.es will net last leuir ut Hiusa prices, seli will bu toyeuruilvuntai:u,H IntiimiliiK te buy, te give, us iim early rail. e E. Hosteller & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, I.AN!.y'KII. I'A. Wu I.IAIMhll.N X KOsl'KU -III II- PALL OVERCOATS -AltK- .lilsl the weight te suit the Chilly MeiutllK unit l.iciitiiKH, aud the I'tlces nevnr wer Lewer thithitl piesent ler all nrailcs et READY-MADE CLOTHING- AND KSI'KCIAI.I.V TIIK FALL OVERCOATS. Our Heleelleu this mason cempilscs non.e Kxiulluut gnullltles et MKLTONS, TWILLS -AND- WORSTEDS. Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 3G Cc 38 EAST KINO ST., I.ANOASTKU, I'A. ItAltO.Mhn IN tVATUIIISS, ULOUK 1 Uhalnc UlnusSiiecuicles, Ac. Itepnlrlnii et nil minis will receive my personal utten tlen LODIH WKIIKIt, Ne. 1WV North Wncen Htieel. Ituuieiiiber iiiiinn und niimlier HI I ni 'Hy npiienlte ''Its Hetel, ileal I'elilinvlvuiii' 1 ralliouddupel, dee'iSlvd VLOTII1NO, f "' " " " i? nvfi i in .il-i ,t ntfc f Nil '3 Our preparations Ter the ap proaching seasons of Pall and Winter are completed. We carry a large stock of Fine Ready-Made Clothing, samples of which, with self-measurement blanks, will be furnished en ap plication. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. I'llll.AUICI.I'IIIA. 87-lwilAw -?iKf ' I... .'uf, ifr..f , N Ol'IOKTO TIIKl'UIII.IU. I' A NEW Tailoring Establishment. I weutit respectlully nellly the citizens el Laneuster anil vicinity that I have einineil this day a ' Merchant Tailoring Establishment 129 aud 131 Nerm Qneen St., And keep en hand 11 larg-e assortment et tlm LATEST NOVELTIES -OKTHK- EHROPEAN MARKETS FOK , Men's W'ear, Which 1 MAKKIO ORDKIt at HhortNetlco tar Terma Strletly Oaab. Jehn G. Haas. aueH-3mil A iTK.M'IIINI HOYS' ATTENTION ! Scheel Opens Next Week ! Km' that ocutilen you will noeil A NJiW ?.l.y.,.lM'.,lruwa,,l'f,u,ntellveiirirATHKUH, MUl'llBUS Oil OtrAKDlANS llmt we ItttVu uinilu up a Sl'KCIAl. LINK OF Suits and Single Pants FOK THAT OCCASION. ' StlllS KOItBU.OO-werth 11.75. surra keii 4.oe-wo:th 5e.' SUITS KOIt Sl.BO-wertll $'I,00V . SUITS KOII ma.oelwortb. t'teti. ' t Don't Ferget it, BeyBl Next week we will have a NEW L1NB OP OHILDRBS'S SUITS. HIRSH & BRO.. I'KNN .IAI.L CLOTIIINO IIOUSK, Neb. 2 and 4 North Quoeu Streot, LANUASTKIt. I'A. .- TNSI'KUT OUK KI.KHANT NEW STYLES FOR FALL. Tliu public Kenerally. exacting, economical and critical buyers Included, are urgently iu. iiueited te call uiul examine our large sleck et Ready-Made Clothing', r'Oll MKN, HOYS AND CII1LDUKN, can lully munulautiireil by our e-vn working hiiuils ami lit Kuaranteril ciiniil te cuslein work. We lead In quality, lit ami prices. HOMKOKOUIt l'ltlCKS: Min's Casslinoie Suits, $110, Men's all-wool Hulls, ts.ue. Men's Htyllsh Mixed Suits, 110 OC. Men's all-wool DhiRenul Suits, I3.CV. Muti's Kiiuey Mixed Worsted Cerkterew Suits, In all Sluules, tIS.OO. Men', fan's at tOc., il.OO, ll.M), .C0, up 10 f.YfiO. Iteyh' nml C'liUdrcu'H Clothing OUR (JltKAT Bl'KCIALTV. Asourspace wilt hardly iHirmlt us 10 euy iiiuchef this well known ilupiirltnciit, all we e 111 pay Is that our stock U ineru varied thin at alt ptevli its seasons, unil our pilces llie lowest. We have Heys' Suits nttAM. J.7. J, II, 3, U up te tu. Children's StllU at 11.73, V, f UO, Yi up te .50, Our Custom Departmunt Customers can se. lect li-nin uoeils in the nlecu anil bard I he m tiiuite te oider at a slight mtvanre evor our uoeds en the collators. Bults te enler Irem tl'f.03 and tipwanU. All Mesh, new ifoeilsaml werkmansliln. Special redueeil UarRalm iu Heys' anil thll ilreu's Clothing ler Scheel Suit 1. L, Gansman & Brc, THIS KAHlUONAIILKMKItCIIANT TAIL0113A OI.OTIIINUA.g 00-(!8 NOUTH QUEKM HTKEKT, Itlghi en the Seuth weat Cemer el Orange BU LAN0A3TKU, I'A. The Clieiipeftt ami most UelUjle Clothing Heuso In lha City. !