fnelegene )z mjCa$$ Volume XX -Ne. I LA.NOASTEH, PA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1883. Prtce Twe Ccnlg. rr- rr,'wWn77;.iiW- 'rV"7SP-: H 1'BViT.r.tHK, .'. 1 ,'I.INN HllKMKMAr ONE OAB LOAD OF CUCUMBER WOOD PUMPS, WHOLKSALK. AND RKTA1L AT IIRST FIUURI.8. Iren Pumps and Pipe at Reduced Prices. OUR MAKE OP TIN WA'.tE THE BEST IN THE MARKET. A LurgoHlnekei TINWAUK.TAIII.KKNIVKH, KOUKH nnil SI'OUNH Irem New Yerk Aticllen ill much below the cost et uinntituctuiliig. FLINN & BRENBMA1T, iieusKruit.NiaiiiNu Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, itnr nouns. i -y keiuik KAIINKHTOUIC, GEORGE FAHNESTOOK, ( UAKR'S UI.I) 8TAND.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, TO-llA . HKI'T. 1st., ntnrls the Kail beidness unit we arc pupuied with HARUAINS IN KKKY IIKI'AltTMKNT, vlK A llt.ACK DUKHHHII.K ut73e Hint until rrceully vnst always fl.Ul. A Kin i! Ill, AUK MAUVKI.OI A. ill Inches wide, nt II.V3 Hull wool DRKSS (.OOD3 nt like. Atiuil-woel I'LAID SUITING. i Inches wide, ut .VK A quality or LUPIN'S CASIIMKHKntSOC. (nil wool). A geed, fit-Inch, all-wool CAHHMKRKnl 40e. Aiioxcellulit IlLACK CA8HMKKK ( all wool ). iiiuril wide, ut Oe. A IILKAUIKD MUM. IN, lull yard wltl.-.at Hki llm bust wucver tint ut tlml price. The best nil-wool HKDTWII.LKD FL ANNUL wn rvitr neIiI ter-.Ua Tlie best qualities et (JAN HIV VI. ANN Kl ill KVie . no., luj mill like. Wn never cenlil null sngoed nliiui.l these prlci'N butore. An tU'ruerdlimry let (il imVKI.Sul i'c, I.niltcn', Misses uml C'llliiK'n'M .IER8KYM. 1 he l.mgcsl Stock In till Qualities, Slzts unil Celers Alse, .1 KIlSKY l LOTH by the ard. In iimkii yeurnwn. TIiuid meuther lels equally liilurtsllug lelm iiiniilluuvil unelliur lliuu. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EAT" ING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. I'l.VJIIItNU AND 1 Ull IN I.. AU.NOl.D. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. HTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Lcuve your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LIVKUX IL tlUIHITU.N'M. HOUGHTON'S New Livery and Sale Stables. FUIdT-CLASa HOUSES AND UUOOIES TO IIIKK ; ALSO, OMNIUUSSES FOR IWUTIES AND PICNICS. HOUSES UOUOHT AND SOLI) AT ALL TIMES. Stables I"T II V. MAN ( 1 KAM1KK FKItril.l.KK CO HUMAN Corapesed of Pure Humnn Exoremout nnd TJrlne. Tobacco, Grass, Cern, &e. -sold uy WM. II. JUNKS, Ne. l.Oil Muikul Slieet ; C. II. ROUKRS, Nu. 13J Matkct 8Uect; URAHAM, KMLKN A I'AhfiMOIlB. Ne. (31 Maikut bluet, .1. R1RKR A SON, llraucntewn, riil'uilelphla, mill icsponsihle dealers generally. OFFICK.--Ne. 3S3 Chestnut Slrcet, lMiilailelphiu. uuglliiind HUOKH ANlt dTATIUNKUY. I OHM HAtll'S MUNH. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, LARGE STOCK AT LOW PRICES, AT Til K IIOOKSTORK OK JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. CO AM. B. 1). MAUT1M Wholeualo ami Retail Douler In all kinds e( LUM1IKR AND COAL, a-rani: Ne. 2U North Water ami I'rlnee Irixila abevu Luinen Uincastur. nJ-lyd B .lUMOAUONKtlH & JKKFr.KIKS. COAL DEALERS. OKKIO'ES. Ne. North Quuin Btiikkt, ami Ne. Ml Neiitii riUNCK Bthkkt. YAHUa. NOHTll 1'JUNCB 8TIIKBT, NKAll ItKAP- me DureT. I.ANCASTEK.l'A. nuKlS-llilU CIO A I. UOAL.I J The uuiluralKneil baa (or sale, nt bis Yard, Cor. Andrew and 8. Water Sts ularBoii"Herlinuiitof tbe very bout klnil 01 ecai for Family Ube, which he will dollver, caiefuily wulKbeil anil scrucucil, te uuy part etthu city at tbe lowest market rates. Urilms by mall or tolupbeno tllluil promptly. JulyllMlu l'IIU.IP UtNUKK. MANUItK ANU UIIAL, New Yerk uml l'hllailelplila llorse Ma Ma uuie by tlie carleail nt roilitcetl prices. AH the 11KHT UltAUKS OV GOAL, llelb ler Kamlly and Sienm purposes. UKMKNT by lliu barrel. HAY una HTKAW by tbe ion or hale. Yaiid J15 iiairtsburir 1'lke. Ubnkkal Ovjriau 'aiyi Kast Chestnut stroet KauflYuan, Koller & Oe. unrt-lyrt IOAI.. M. V. B. COHO OH" NUUTH WATBUHT,, nneaj(r, lti Wheleaalu anil lletall Dealers lu LUMBER AND GOAL. UonneeUon With the Telephonic Kxcbaii;e, Yanl anil OOlee Ne. 830 NOKTll WATK HTIIKKT lPhW.lv ClAKft,OAl'JJ, ATULL i.iNB IfllOM Oe ; up, at UAliTMAN-a YKbl.OW FUONTCIUAU UXOUK. hardwark, LANCASTER, PA UAH VITTIftU. HTAIU.K. Market Street, ae Hetel. Q-TJA.NO. Uurivaled for Wheut, TIN W Alt K, .CC. J OIIN V. HUIIADM. FURNACES and RANGES OK AM. KINDH REPAIRED. Call anil nu tbe New Improveil WUOUUU'X lltUN CUUXJAHK Radiating Portable Furnace, The Cbuupest uml Market, Hest rUUNACK tu thu MANUKAOTUHKD KNOLUSIVKI.Y ll Jelui P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Qitoen Streot, lebJ7-lyd I.ANOA8TKII. I'A. HUUHh AND HTATIONXU S' uaeui. iioeku SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT TBH LOWKST I1ATKS AT L. M. FLYNN'S OlIKAl' IIOOIC ANU BTATXONAUY STOlth Ne. 49 West Kins Streot. ru II Willi AI.WAYH BJNll A 1TUI.U L linn et Connecticut cigars and fountain Kine 1 ut tobnrce, nt UAKTMAN'S iKM.OWJirUOKT CIQAR HI HI) H) At.. i 1U1IUUHA CUTICURA REMEDIES, THE GREAT SKIN CURES. Te elpnn.n tint Hklii, Hnlp nnil IIIciimI el ItchliiK. HCiily, riiiily,Hnref .leiif, InhviltiHl, iimlO'iitilnKl'Min lliniierx, lltoeil romens, VI VI cers, AtftnwxiM, ami liilntilllii 8kln TerinruD, tliuCuni'uiiA lUufdiim urn liilnlllbln Ltni itiiA UiuieLvi'.Nr. tlm new llloeil l'nrllliir, ul urolle unil Apurltnl, hxihiIh illafnnn kitiiih r inn Hi- liloeil unil iiiT.ilr illiiii, uml tliui i)i)iv pi lh.- riwj cuticuiu, Hid Kreul Hklri utire, liinUiiillyiillii)8iitliliiK uml ItiMiitnimi llnn, eli'am llm Skin mnl hculp, licalH L'lcem unit Hen m, rimlniiM tlm Oiiiplexlmi. ;uti iuhaHeai-, nil i-xiiiilitltu Skin IKuiut IMtr unit tellil Hu.mImUu, l-t IiiiIImhiiihuIi e In trcutlMK Hklii I)Ihi'iiu9, unit ler KeiikIi. Uluipiind ei (ImiHyHklii, llliiuklii-iiiK, IllnU'lii'rt. unit lliiliy llimien. (.iTicuiiA Hemke kaiiie Hid only In In litlllljle bleed imilllurx it.ii 1 1 nkln bvautllluix Vh. lleUKlitiin, l-(t lawynr. ill Htute Hti-uvt, IIehUhi, ri'imrtsu ciihe el Hall ltlieiim miilur lilt ohsuivulleu ter tun iiiim, wlilt-li covertxl tlie puii lU'riNHy a il llinbi, mill e which nil known tift lie.ln el iritmiiit hail I neli iipplliil wiilieut bmifllt v, blub wiu t'otii t'etii t'otii pletuly uiiii'J oeluly by Hid Lutiihiia Hkmk uirh, leuv ii it iicleiui uml liiMltby skin. Mr. nnil Mm, Kynrnit M.ililiin., lliili'Mur lliili'Mur tewn. Mam ,wille ' Our llltlu be wailuril lilyiitllutiMi witn Aunitula, 'alt Klicniii uml KrynlpdliiHuviirhlnculiii wkj4 born mnl nnlli lni wureulil Kivii hlin hi'l.i'.l lilm until wn ttluil Lt'TKUIlA ItKMKHIKH, Wlltcll Kl llll llllllV cnruil lilm, tiiilll liu Ih new uh lulr iw uuy ulillil. II. H. Oarpeutnr, II miitm eii, N. Y , cm I'll el PmirUiKnr I i-preiy, el twntit fatn'ntitml- lllK. I))' (Jt'TU l ItA IlKUKIMKH. Tlld Olt Willi- iturlul ni 1 1) en ri-cenl. A iliinlpiui lull el DiailMH It'll iretn htm i nil) I'liyiluirtiinuinl IiIh IiIiiiiiIh HieukIiI hi' iniMt i'ln. Ciiiuhweiii ti bleruuJullur et tbe pciicu mnl lluuiliTMOii'a luiwt preiuliiuut ultizvna Hen. Win. Tnylur, Me, llll totntnleiilonur, llmten. kiivh Atlur tlin-ii months' tie et tbe t'l'iiitiu lUsmiiiKH, ii'iil twulvu yi'iiri et us CKIIIHUlll tUltllllllUll.llll Sl'IOllllOllS lliimei et tlm liifi'. nick ami e ilp in wNivur iimluunl. I can m ij thai I mn uuri'ii, ami pi-oneuucn my ciuie tlm iniMt ri'inarkiible mi iccenl. 80I1I by all iIuhkIiIh. tirrtii'iiA. Ml tcnlH; Ukaelvk.nt, II : SeAf, .ft cents rerrttn Utife AKIILIIKMILAI. te, ltlHtOII, MllMS. henil lur ' New te ;tirn hklll llte men." nTTTT"1"1 Hiiip. Abieliiulv rnre vw xa bluhl inu 1 klu il, lii'ier-nl by lihy slclans. prcli'iriil b) tlm ulllu .'alft, 1m uml lwi, 1,(01. mi vukii. Held evcrj wlicte. CATARRH. 1 Sanferd's Radical Cure, Till) (IrCHt IIHI-Hllllll Dlslllllltlllll lit WIUII I1hbI, Aiimricmi I'lnr, uiiimdmn Fur, AlHrlKiilil, t'levrr IIIemiiiiii., ntn , Ker tlm 1 111 in ttlate ivllii' uml rcrmmicnt Curtt of nvi'ty Inrin el atari Ii. Irem 11 simple llt-at! cehl or Intluuiiza te tb I. ii,.-. nt hum I, 'lantu, ami Ili'Jirlnw, Ceiih'h, II101. chills, ami Inclp lent Consumption Ki'llct In II ve niliuiti'i In any uml in cry case. Neihlnx llku lu Urate lul, tiUKrant, wheh'MMim I 1110 begins trim tltsl application, uml Is ruphl, ruillcul, pciuia nent, uml nuvcr l.tlllni;. O110 bottle It nllcu! (Jun . enn llex Calm rlml Selvfiu ami Hi. h.uilDnl's lull iler, all In 0110 packiutc or ml (IniKKl-ls ler l. Ahk kdr BAMlKOIlirrt lUtltCAL CIIIK I'lTTKK llllt'O AND CiikmicalCe., Itoslen. OOLLINS Ker the rcllel ami prevention tlm Instant It l pilleii of Uhuiiiiiatlsm, Ni'iinilulii, hcla'l i, Ueuulis, t'nliN, Weak Hack, Meinurh ami Itewcls, MioetliiK ruins SumUucss, lljsieilu, t'limale 1'aliiH, ralpluitleu, liy-pepsl.i. I.lvci Ceinpl.illit, llllleiis I-ever. SlululU mill hpl. iluuilcx. Iioe Oeillns' llHteri, (mi r.lmtrlu llallrry iiimbliieit -villi u I'ernus riiisiurjulid Imiuhat piln. sSp. every whoie. leptl-lyilV.8,Aw )f..Nsu',i rollout i-i.ahikkm. BEYOND THE RIVER. Awny Acress tlm .MIindMliipl Kimt Is llcl.l n I'eiiviiiclni; C'eiiversnlliiu. " I lull you sir, (hat thuy uroenuol the neat est combinations evi r pieduceil, anil my ex. pcrluncoef Hint smt et thing has been wlile eneuyli te entitle my Judgment te some ro re spccU" "Oh, 1 don't knew," U'speuded tbe llrst speakers Irlunil, with a little yaw 11, im though he didn't take much Interest In the subject, "1 havu nurur bctu uhle te see much illirurunce In ihose thtntrs. Thuy nre prct'y nearly tbe suiue size, mnl madoet about llm sumo stun"." Thu tulk, et which tlm forcgelm; is a frag ment, took place In Uullalln, Mbsuurl, net loot; iiKO, lu thu HiiUK olllce et Dr. il. V. Flow ers, one el the leading physicians el the state, v. he billowed up thu vein lu which he hail liu tieduceil II substantially lu these wenls. "Nousiiiee, that Is the rltfmarole et a boy, or lather, el it man who cttbir doesn't knew or iletun'l emu what be says. Tbose things, us ou call thein, nre Just as illlleient as the moon Is from green chetsti. New, llnluients, lotions uml ointments are very gixxl In most cases lei the relict el pain or lullumumlleu. llm, In thu tint place, thuy nru unclean. Thuy soil thu bar ami the linen, besides being ulwuys out el :li w bun thuy me most wanted." " Well, my ilcut doctor," nlghid t i .eler from llm North," wlul would you lu - This Is a wiulchi'd world uiihew. uml nothing Is evcrnt hand when It H milul luu can't suggest auytldng " " Yes, 1 run," breke tu the doetei, thuiuplng the table with his IlHt, "I cun suggest IIKN HO.N'dOAl'OlNK I'OllOl'h I'l.ASTKll. I bae tiled Hen my patients, and 1 have tried It en my celt let an uttack el 1'ncuiiinnlu, uml In all cases icllufhius followed 1 Irem three te leni-elglit hours. Thu old .. 1 utu stage coaches thu L'upUue Is u lulcgiupu dispatch. Ker Instance, In casus el Nuuialgla, Muscular Ithmiinatlsm, l.umli.ige, lelauled action et Kidneys, and " " I gtve it up, doctor, uml lu ense or need I'll buy llunsen'B." said thu travelur, pleasantly, lu thoceutioo thegunulns Is our the word OAIIUINK. Heabury A Jehnsen. Chemists, New Vel I;. uiiglti-lmM ,8.tw iiUOLKHlKti. AT IIIJKlK'H. FINE COMB HONEY. In Twe-round Krumus, gnthcicd Irem (Jle vm mnl l.ecusi iiiosseins Try the Elastic Starch. Yeu (eimd lliu sample dUlilljiited, geed. We tell II. EPP'S COCOA. Yeu see it uilvuitlsud every where. U Is a ijend article, and we soil it, HiiiiiH, Hams and Dried Itcei'. Pineapple anil Magnelia llrands. NKW MAO'KKKKI bythu klteruuaiter haricl. BTJESK'S, 17 EAST KING STREET. IiANCASI'KU, TA. Ne. IN I 1 II OAr.Of.lt I'A 11 UtiTs I III; KIN Uf hebiHlv becoiueH et it dirty, muddy hue. either tallewy, e" tinged with mi olive or gteeulsh shade. This condition 01 the skin Is puoullurle Oanctiri It may exist curly, or 11 may, en thu ether hand, be entirely absent at till stages. UANUKItS, TUMOIIS. HMN DlSBiiSKS DlSBiiSKS nlse, Chrnnle nnil I'rlvnte Diseases success fully treated by DKS. II. I), uml M. A. LONOAKKlt. Olllce 13 Kast Walnut Btrcet, lnucani-r, l'a. CoutuiltnueuJrco., s3-3Ul&w FARM NOTES. bKAMONAIII.IC hints run nir.N. IIUMIIAM). I.aln HnlaiU Kciinumy en tne Ifitrm lbs Itnsulta r UnrnliiMnes Whwt It Ilia Mutter Willi M10 I'eaclmaT Ucrtnautewn 'iclegnipli. In addition te what we l.ttuly said of oertnln Karilcti crepn tliat can Ijo hewii l.ite ami Rtlll be In meakdii for t.ible use by the time winter heU in, we would moiitleti corn nalnd nnd itettivy uruss, which nheuld new be mown. I hey will be leuuu tu be very wolcetno in Inte autumn, when we nre without tularin In fact, they will cotne ctiite qh opportunely and he otijeyod wltli as inueli zt'st and heartiness as the luttuce we en much orave for in the early spring, Hpliiiich, tee, we (ecl :ih if we nitiRt iiKalti tiuuitleu for wu renatd it an the bout of all " grcuim " Mieuhl be new oewn for latu autumn u he ; uud nt;aln in October for early spring uhe, wheu it will be (jrcatly enjoyed, ax the earliest of f;ar den vi'etablcN. Hrmlug Keennmy, We liave HotnetlincH thought that if the universal advicu nivuu te the yeiinn men of the Athintie BtaU'H te go West and turn farmers', was properly examined by a din Interested ebsctver, it would turn out te be really mlvice te the young; men of the Hcabeard states te uome down te the most primitive form of modern civilization te engage in farmttiK en the frontier in the Hlmplcnt aud rudest Htyle for the sake of ecotietny, iu erder te et a fair stattin the world, it has also Hcemed te us that if any yeuugrtnan with 11 family te support weiu willing te live in thu Mme Htyle liure and te tuake economy aud thiifty 111.111 iiKcmcnt his eutiru btuily .ih a fawner by oetniui; down te llrst ptluciplcH, doing Ins own wuik, and Hpendiii) as little metiey as pessible for lilreil labor, tnachlueryand liv inn,he could lu tlie course of flvoyciiAniake out mero en u mn ill farm in the Mlildle states than lit the West. Hut thu truth is, that the H.11110 course of tcaseniiig will new nppl) te hiiuIi nt.iteii as Uhle, Indiana aud Illinois, as compared with the new West be,) elid the frontiers of Iowa. rarnilng 111 Sinitli .lemey. Withlu the p.uit twenty je.iir the poeplo of tlie threat citien of New i'erk aud I'hila delphia have exhibited 110 small surprise at thu leinark.ible extent of railway build lug- iu Seuth .Ictsuy, in regions that had let half a century picvieus becu censideicd :ih useless and hopeless ler thu purpose of ugriuultute, while tit the i-.itne titue thu capitalists of these cities wcre invustiu) enormous minis of money 111 cevetiu the whole Went with 11 perl'ect network of railways, uud thus giving tlioje states ex traeidiuary advantages ever these of the Hcabe.uii. Hut in thu meantime the com panics owning and controlling the Jersey railteads have m.ule uoimlrieiable prercs in thu dovelupiiieut of tiuck laniiiiig and grape cultuiu all ulen the routes of their lines iu Smiih Jersey. The lUoveLiunt, however, is slid 111 its infancy, wh 11 com pared with thu cxteut of the country yet te be developed, most of which is very well adapted te ti tick farming nnd the culture of grapes, he that uulesn we are very much mistaken thctu is a great future a ailing rjeuth Jersey. lie Oarclul About the I'reiulius, We liave en many occasions in going ever the outbuildings upon mme faruiK noticed a gna'. dtul of caiclcssnefs iu guarding against man tiup, scythes, edge tools, etc., which might prove veiy dau gcruiis te life nnd limb, if 11 knowledge of thu existence aud icmumbrauoe of tbem cre net at all times berne iu tuitul ; or of contrivances vtliote cattle may be hurt. I'absiug through farm buildings uome time age we catne en 11 cistern for catch iuj; water fren the reef, the lid el which opened iu a p ace which was passed evi r many times uvery day. On our expressing surprise, our fiieud weudeied ut the alarm " Fer," said he, "all about us aie trained te such careful habiU tliore really la no dauger. Ne oue would evor thiuk of leav ing the trap deer opeu." This roaseuinj; seems oerieut, and yet the newspapcm are lllled with acuttlents which occur iu casus wheie "all bauds." am huppescd te cxer 0U0 the greatest eaiu. Seme oue comes iu with a leaded gun and does net draw the charge. He knows hew careful everybody is iu handling Ureal ins, and yet numberf of poeplo die every year simply through for fer for getfuluehs en thu part el home feel (in the face, tee, of an act of the Legislature pro hibiting tlie handling of liiuarum ) that the attiele may probably be leaded. A man caincs the common dangerous matches that ignite with sciatchingugaiust anything loose iu his pocket, aud gees through the stablea aud evor his hay mew aud straw slacks. Heis imite htire that his careful habits will never let htm drop oue he that something may tread or fall en it, or a moiue nibble it aud a lire onsue. Hut some day the whole thing " gees up" aud thore is 110 end te wouder hew hucIi a thing can be ! We make a uote of these things new be eaiibe the season will heuu heliutuwhen tires will be necessary, aud with it the suaseu when things take llre fiein "de fective Hues" uud ether ticoitlents. Theso tilings never occur where pauple am really carelul, but the best rule is te te order things that no matter hew catoleHs people may be accideuts are next te impossible. 'Hut reach Yvllena. Shall we uevnr gut rid of the jullews iu the peach true, by actually lludiug out what preduces it and then of ceurse what will dlspose of It '.' Every "professor," it is true, knows ull about it and hew te remedy it ; aud whatever else will help, cutting oft' all the diseased branches and burning thorn is Hiiro te be oue of the re ro ro commendatiens. The best oause uud euro is from I'rofessor l'onhallew, after " a care ut investigation conducted at the expert ment statieu at Houghten farm," who de rides that yellows is net eaustil primarily by fungi or parasitic plants, although they may accompany it, and nggiuvatu it by their attacks en thn plauts weakoued bv disoase : nor is it caused by tee much dampness or heat in thu atmosphere, nor by oxcessivo drought, nor by unseasonable frosts or exoessivo winter cold, nor by want of proper drainage in thu soil, nor by the use of formeutable stable manuie. The primary cause he consideied te be a doileionoy lu the soil of certain feed eon stltueuts, especially potash and chloritie, wbieh nre supplied in the wen Known German potash salt, inuriatu of potash. Te this no adtled a great deal 01 uetaiia in explaining matters and things which a professor only would understand, aud thus lie proceeds te give " pessiblu remedies," which we will Hay nothing about, but go en te tilve the following mixture of oem- tnoreial fertilizers, which we suppose, but the professor does net say, is a probable remedy : " 25 lbs. UloEerlto, 100 te 150 lbs. muriate of potash aiH-150 lbs. dis solved beneblack, at the rate of six te nine pounds of the mixture te each trce ; if the trees are badly diseased Ube mero muriate, about four pounds te each tree. Iu spring befere the growth begins, and lu tlie mil spade the ground se far as the roots ex tend, muleh with the Inverted sods or straw, and apply the foitilizer en this mulch, thus avoiding tee near an apptoaeh te the roots. The ovldenco of this theory I el the k, ' ' jmt m the euros that lmve been ofTccted by tills troatmetit with murlute of )etaih." We publish thin (or what It Is worth ; but we de net bolievo with the iirofcsser that the preparation and application " are slmple," nt he R.iyR In nnother place Hut should it really be olluetual the roinedy may be, te Betne at lcuit, worth all the labor. 1I1TTKU WOEH Horrer en Horrer' llenil Accumulate In 1883. Chicago Tribune. Whother the oveuts of this fatal year of our Lord 1883 have any roferouco te the realization of prophecy or te the constru ing of scripture declarations or net, no oue will question that it has thus far been a terrible year lu its dostruetivo visitations upon poeplo, thelr lives and their property. Whether it has culminated In the disaster at Ischla, which lu the twinkling of an oye and without warning dovastated that " smiling Island," and swept thousands out of oxlstenco, remains te be Boen ; but thia Is only oue of many disasters which liate marched their blaek proecssiou across the glebo Last year waa considered a fatal year, but the fatalities of seven mouths of 1833 already oxcecd theso of the whele year of 1882. Iu our own laud iu January 18 persons wero drowned by the upsetting of a llatbeat iu North Carolina, 10 wero killed by a mlue oxplesiou iu this state, aud 83 lest their Uvea in the Newhall houseflto. Iu February Heeds at various places drowned SO poeplo, and 77 lest their lives ut Uraidwoed. Iu March 11 were burned at DroweHvlllc. Miuu. Iu Aptil It wero killed by the fall of a hetel in Texas, aud 200 lest their Uvea by torna does. Iu May 118 mero wero killed by tor nadoes, and 11 Uvea weru sacrificed iu the Brooklyn bridge panic. In Juue Heeds aud tornadoes killed OS. '1 his mouth the most fearful accideuts have been that of near Carlyon, N. Y., by whieh 17 wote killed, a id tlie pier ditaster near Ualtimore, which killed 7G. The casualties in the Old World have been iniltiituiy 111010 terilble, as will be seen by the following nppaling list : Sink ing of the Cambria, l'.tl ; Heeds in Oor Oer mauy anil Hungary, 110 ; burning of the circus in Poland, 20S ; powder explosion iu Helland, -10 ; pante in a wool factory at Hembay, 23 ; avalanche at Meuut Ararat, leO ; less of a Ithhing fleet 011 thu English coast, 373 : boiler oxplesiou nt Dizlur, France, 31 ; pewder explosion at. I'asse Corncse, Italy, 10 ; initie explosion atl'os atl'es sieres, France, 127 ; powder explosion at Scutari, 100 ; panic at Suudcrlaud, Eng land, 202 ; llre at Dervia, Italy, 47 ; the launch disaster at Glasgow, 100 ; flre In Hungary, 20 ; mine oxplesiou iu Sicily, 35 ; uud the Isuhia earthquake about 1,000. The total of thcse aud ether disasters uet necessary te mention tell thu story. Last year about 0,000 lives wero lest as reported by telegraph. Iu the first seven mouths of this year 7,100 lives have been reported ua lest, and if te theso we add the fatalities by cholera in Juue and July iu India, (12,000) aud in Egypt (0,212), the sum total of horror amounts te 28,343 lives sacrificed by casualty and epidemic uud there are yet tlve months of pessible I jtrer befere us. "llli: I'ltUMIAN " UllAI Lt-NUK. or Hyau or lie Wains te llux Willi SuIIItuii I'lUlit Mitchell. At Phll.idelhU Willian Blierlff, "the 1'iussiau," Tuesday issued the following Hweepiug challenge te the big boxers. " Some time age I challenged Jehn L, Sid 1 van te fight a private gleve contest for 81,000 (oue thousand dollars) a side and as he as uet answercd the same I new offer te spar with him or Paddy Hyau, four or six rounds, with gloves, Marquis of Quoeus bury rules te govern, the wiutier te take the full receipts or sei euty per cent, of the receipts and the leser the balance, whlchever may be agreed te the oentest te take place oither in New Yerk, llosten or Chicago, lu tour or flve weeks from sign ing articles. As the Mitohell and Slade affair is at nu end I will spar Mr. Mitohell en the same terms, or I will tight oither of them privately, witli gloves until oue defeats the ether, and I will bet which evor oue accepts this eiler, an additional thousand dollars en the result providing the match is private. I havu new flve thousand dollars iu Mr. Iluriy Hill's hands and would be pleased te have oither of the threo named cover it aud send articles te me at 033 Itidge avonue. First cotne first seived. I rticau straightforward business anil would like te rocelvo an unswer from the champion. If oither of abeve offers are net accepted, then I will fight any man in the wet Id at 153 pounds, with or with out gloves." TIIK V1HUINIA DK1IT. All InmertHUt Decision by Unlled StuttS Judge Uuutl, A docluieu of the utmost iraportauce was l endured at Richmond, Va,, Monday by Judge ISend, of the United States circuit oeuit, concerning the state debt. After a decision was roudercd by the United States. supreme court in the Virgluia debt o.tse oeuubul for foreigu bondheldors in Londen, through their attorney, Wil liam lteyal, instituted a number of suits iu the circuit court of the United States here, te test the conclusions which Mr. lteyal Insisted that deoisleu led te. Judge liend dceided thewt cases. He holds, ilrst, that a tend or of coupeus fur taxes is a legal tender ; that all couse quences which Hew from auy ethor legal tender flew from this, and that this is the ellcct of the suniome oeurt doaisieu ; sec end, that thu ellicurd of the btate will he oujeluod from levylng ou a taxpayer's property after it tender of coupons has been niade ; third, that as the question iu theso suits depends upon the oonstitutiou eonstitutiou oenstitutiou ality of the state's legislation, the suits arise under the constitution, aud that cir cuit courts of the United States have juris diction of thum without regard te the oitizeuship of the parties. Judge liend'u jurisdiction extends evor the outire state. If his decision is uet reversed it would be seeu that the state eau oelloot ue mere rev rev euue until she prevides for the coupeus. Thu Celluloid ICyu-lilassert uru made lu grad uated nliut, se that persons whose eyes ure either close together or lur apart liave no .11 r tlmilly In soiling themselves. Ker sale by ull leading .leweiurs uud Opticians. bJ-lwdeed Thu surest jirevontlve against Small l'ex Is Daibys I'rophylaetlo Fluid. It destroys coc cec coc taglen, lluclclen's ArniCH Salve. The greatest medical wonder or the weild. Wurrauteil te speedily emu burns, llrulsus, Cuts, Ulcers. Suit Rliuum, Kevor boies, Can' curs, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands unil ull skin eruptions, guaranteed te euro In evety Instance, or money rcluiidud. a cents per box. Ker sale by Chas. A. I.ocher. loJi-lyeeilAw Dr. lunner's Hteiimeh. Dr. Tunuur certatnly has a giuatstetnach great bocause et It sliungtli umloniliiiuuee. tVe mav err In saying that the doctor usus Jlurdeck llloeil IHlltrt. but If liu iltes, his ill. gosttve powers nre easily accounted ter. 7iir 7iir deck llloeil lllltert telng a stamturd medicine nre sold by ull druggists, Kur Bale by II, 11. Cochrun, druuislst, U7 and Hi Neith Queen stieut. AHMY OlfTHK I'OTOMAO. On The illilokaheinlny. Under date or May H, lw.), Cel. H. K. Tin 11 niTTS, of Devor, N. II., sum! us tlie lollewlng. " Whlluendutyln the iirmyel tbe l'otetnao In tlie swamps el the Chlcknhemluv 1 con tracted a complication et diseases that culinl culinl nateil In vplnnl trouble, paralysis' en ene Blile, nnil sovero illseasn of tbe klilneya nnd bind dur, lnt great urlnnl wenkneas. Ker along time I win under the treatment of tbe bust physicians, nnil tried many of tlie se-called rcmedliH, but received no puruianeut benefit. When I was lu the thug business In itnnten 1 heard Inverubtu accounts el tbe oflleicy of Hunt' Itetncily ler diseases et the ktdneys anil utlnaiy organs, nnil having decided te gtve It n trial, I purchased seme nt Wlngnlu's drug stere, I'nver, N. II , unil lmve iccelveil great rellur Irem using II. The sovure twins In my back are lomeveil, nnil I Mil nble te Hleep soundly unil obtain re-tatnlght-wbleli ler te long n time I ceultl net tte, uml thu weakness in thu urinary organs has been reiluveil, unil I greatly regret that I did net lest the grcnt tuurlbj of Hunt's ltcmeily wheu 1 was first tnken sick, as 1 nm cenlldent It would lmve saved me from Buvurul yours el sullerlngl unit 1 uui mero Btrengly convlnceil el this alter homing of tlie most remirknble euros cfluct cfluct eil by Hunt's lteineily In ucasoef llrlghi's IIIbcube Here In our midst In Uover, nttur the poilent had been proneuneoil Incurable by colebratod physicians." Mr. Tlbbttts Is arutlrud ilrugglst, lorinerly Iocated In lloslen.and Is a tlioreughly rolluble cltUen.-Cett. Kd. 1) H. l'OSTVt. HKUV1UK. II. H Wbllney, a isunt postnuu-ler, I'uN nam, Conn., writes ny3, lSil: "I have used Hunt's llcuiedy wit Iho best results. I have sutrured untold tig y ler olghteon nientbs with kldney nil 1 r complaint ; my wuter wus vuiy biul.ut til 1 actually passed bleed. This wus billowed general prostration. My buslnuss required te be en my Icet most et the time made mj e worse. I was uil vised te use Ilunt'M Hi y by u Ii lend who bad beun cureil by It, can tmly say It has ben. ellted 1110 inore tl II tbe elbur liieillclncs I liave used. 1 con It the bust iiieilleine ler kldney mid liver bios, unil clieurlully re commend It ienll nu31-lwtlM,WAKw A Klin Never was such 1 llrug Htere. sli niade for any Drug lias. A. I.ecbcr's ler a Btnie us Is new ut trial bettlu or I)r. Ring's New Discovery ter Consumption, Coughs umlCeldj. Allpursens utlecteil with Astbmu, Ilronchllls.Ilearguni-MS. hevt.ru Cough or any affection nt tlie Ilireut uml I.ungs. can get u Tliui Ilottle et tL.lgrent remedy rec. by eilllng at ubove Drug Steiv. Ilegulm size. 11.00. We Cluillenge tb World. When we sny we hullove, we have ovldenco toprnve that Shlleb's consumption euro la decidedly the best Lung Meillclnu niade. In us much ns It will euro n common or Chronic UeukIi In one-hall the time uml rollevo Asth ma, ltronehltis, Whooping Cough. Croup, and show mero cium or Consumption cured than all ethers. It will euro whom they lull, It Is pleasant te take, harmless te tbe youngest child unil we guarantee what wn say. l'rice, Ii)c 500. mid II.IM. II your Lungs ure aere. Chest or back lame, use Shlleh's Pereus flus ter. Sold by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Nes. IJ7 uml Wl North y uoen street. fob7-eod 1 A lluptut Minister's J!xirleiice, " I uin u llnptlst Minister, uml boleio 1 even thought et beluga clergyman, I gradualed In mi'illeltie. but lett ii lucrative pructlcu ter my present piotcsslen, 10 jears nge. 1 was loc, imitiweui-MiLHiiilciei-riem iiulusv: "Themar Kclcclrte UU cured mil." 1 was ulse troubled with hearseiiuss, uud 7iemiu' electric Oil al ways relieved nm. My wlte ami child hint diphtheria, and Tiemu' Kclrctvie Oil cuied .. ' a. a .. ...1 .. ,.. ....... .. a. ,111 ....... ..11 .,., I lUCHl," UUU 11 lUKUIl ill lllliu 11- " .,wr,u.v.. out et ten. 1 nm rentldent It is a euro for tint uioslebstinuto cold or ceugii.ann h any oue will tnke a small teaspoon uml halt till It with the Oft, nml then trtuce the uml et tbe spoon in ene nostril nnil UruwtheJOlI out or the spoon Inte the head by snllllng us hard as they can, until tbe Oil falls ever Inte tbe threat, and pruellce that twlce a week. I don't euro bow ollenslve thelr head may btt.lt will clean It out and cuie thelr catarrh. Ker tlcatness anil name Me It luis tlone wonders te my curtain knowledge. It Is the only medicine ilubbeil patent medicine that 1 have ever leltllkoio leltllkeio leltllkoie commending, uud I am very iiuxleus tocelt lu every place, ler I loll you that 1 would net be without It In my heusu ler uny considera tion. I nm new Hiirtcilng with a piunllke rheumatism lu my rlghtllmb. unit nothing re lluvcs me like 771UHUM' JCclectrle Oil." Dr. K. K. CllANK, Cern'. I'n. Ker sale by II. II. Cebrnn, druggist, 137 uml 13'J North (Jucun street. BlKlilVAl. 1 I Al.l.'rf VEOKl'AltLi: H1U11.IAN HAIR EENEWER. Tbe Heat Is the Chcape.it, Siiluly I Economy I Ceitulntyel lioed Kesults I These i.iuilltles uin or pilinu lmimrtnnce In iu selection of a preparation ler the hair. De net experiment with new lumudlca which may no hai m lutburthmi geed j butpretltby the experience et ethers. Uuy nnd use Willi nei teeieen II luneuan aillcle which every body knows te be geed. Hall's IIaiu iy.NBWi.ii will neL disappoint you. 1'IIKl'AIIBU nv It. P. Hivll & Ce., Nushuii, N. II. Held by ull Dltigglsls. suplD-lydAw. lyiiltllY DAV'la'Sl'AlN H1L1.K11. DYS ENTERY STTIVMER kJ LJ XVX COMPLAINT Thcie Is no time te be lest when Ihose we love uru uken will! these lorrlble discuses. The beauty or pQITy DaVis'S Pain Killer ,8UwUtttCl8 se piemptly, suiuly and. elllclcutly. Don't be without 1'ain Killku I Have It leuily ter Instant me I Keep Il with you ut home or abroad I ALTHE DRUGGISTS SELL IT. septl'lmdAw J. '.. 8TAUKKKR, (loeilvlllo, l.aneaster Ce., 1'iu Munulacturur or Fine ruuusylvuula uml Dotucstle Clgurs. Ordurs promptly attended te. ailglKlmd ikTHTIIIK 'IU 'll(KSI'ASSr.l(S ANU UUM- i N Kits. All persons ure hereby forbtdden totiespass en any of the lands of the Corn wall or Speedwell ostutes. In lyubanen and Lancaster counties, whother Inclesed or un un Inclesed, either ler tlie purpose et Bhoetlng or llBlilng, us tbe law will be rigidly onlercoO against all trespassing en said lands et the undoralgned attur this notice. Wit. COLKMAN FRKKMAN II. l'KKUV Al.DKN, KDWARD O. KRKKMAN, Atteruey ler H. W Celeman's Helri. "le.tfdw yl'.B WUAt"xOU OAN UUY KOR A TRADE DOLLAR. At ileohteld's Cheap Stere t I, 2, 3 or t pair Men's Druwuis or Undershirts, while or colored t 1, 'I or S pair Working Pauls i !W pair Men's H Hese, or! pulrolestniiiiinlllyllrlllsl, IU pair Ladles' nnd Misses' llose, unil ether Bteple goods lu properiton. i'loase cull uml examine before you buy. HENRY BBOHTOLD, Ne 52 NeitU Queen Street. Sign et the dig blocking. iube-lyd CLUT1UNU. 11 T YK1W A UATIirUN. Scheel Suits I Vacation Is nearly evor, nnd many nbey "'I? J.".?,'1.?.''.". ,mvea wltl1 n1" OI.O AllKS thnt 11NKW 8U1T Is indlspcnsnble. Once we wre beyB eurselves, nntt knew by experience the Bulla tactien or appearing ?.'!.. WHm.,MJ.,.,ntf rl?Kcd out becomingly In NKW OI.OTIIKS. fce we lnake enrly pro pre visions for our HCIIOOI, HOYH.nml nl ready the NKW KAM. AND WINTKHBU1T8 nroeu tbe tables ler the Inspection or parunta. Drluir along tlie IIOY8, for we value thelr geed will nnil lilm te jileasn thein.as we ex poet te remain in tbe CI.OTIIINU bminws alter they becrme men. , OiirOLOTIHNO is matle or KXCKtLKNT MATKItlAI.", Is WKbb-TltlMMKI) unil aKWKI)8TlllN(l, wlHi nvlew el giving he ItKSTI'OiHIIIliK 8KKVICK cennlstcnt wltli tbe VKIIY LOW l'HICKH ut wblcli Uiey ure tuarkeil, arfoinpnrlenol quallllcu and prices so licited. MYERS & RATHF0N, LKADlNU I, A.N CAST I'. It. C1.0TI1IKUH, NO. 12 BA8T KING STREET, I.ANCAHTKIt, lA. H. OKltllAKT. SPECIAL NOTICE ! I hereby Inform tbose In wnutel a FALL OR WINTKIt SUIT OK CLOTHING, That 1 have new In atoek the LAI.UE3T AND KINKSTABSOUTMKNTer Woolens for the Fall and Winter Trade That has evor been exhibited In tbe Cltyel liuncastur. A great vuilely or KALI. AND WINThlt OVERCOATING 1 keep NONK HUT TI1K 11 EST or Foreign anil Demestic Fabrics, And nil Uoeds uie warranted as rcprcsonted at H. Gerhart's FINE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ne. 6 East King St, LANCASTER, l'A. 1 IKN11UN I HOYS' ATTENH0N! Scheel Opens Next Week ! Fer that ocevden you will noetl A NKW HUlT.untlwowuntyeutotellvourirATlIKltS, MOTH 1C US OK UUAUDIANS that WO linye made up u Sl'ECIALLINB OK Suits aud Single Pants FOK THAT OCCASION. SUITS KOR HU.ao-wertli 11.75. SUITS KOR 81.00-worth $5.W. SUITS KOR 1.0O-wertU $H.OO. SUITS KOR 83.00-wertli f 7 te ti. Don't Ferget it, Beys! Next uoek we will have a NEW LING OF1 OHILDREH'S SOUS. HIRSH & BRO., I'KNN .IAI.I. CLOTHING 1IOUSK. Nea. 2 and 4 North Quoeu Streot, LANCASTKR, I'A. INSTKUT OUK lil.KUANT NEW STYLES FOR FALL. The public gonerally. ezactlng, economical and ciltii'iil imycrs lucludeil.are uigontlyre. ijuttsiud te call unit exumlne our large stock of Ready-Made Clothing, FOR MKN, UOYS AND CHILDREN, rurelully manutuuturoe. by our own working hands uml tit guaranteed equal te cusleiu weik, Wu lead in quality, fltaud jirlcus. SOslB OF OUR I'RIOKS ; Men's Cussttntue Suits, W.00. Men's all-wool Hulls, tS.OU. Men's Stylish Mixed Suits, 110.00. Meil's all-wool Diagonal Stills, $13.(0. Men's Kaney Mixed Worsted Corkscrew Bults, In all Shudus. flVX). Men'a l'uuis ut 00c., Il.00,fl0, (12.00, up te .W. a Heys' una Children's Clothing OUR (JRKAT SPECIALTY. As our space will hwdly permit us te say much nrtbls well known department, all we can say Is that our stock Is mere varied tbun at all piuvleus seasons, unit our prices the We liave Heys' Suits at UM, $2.7, (3, 11, S3, tfl up te 'J. Children's Bultsut 91.73. J, HW, W up te 5.50. OurCustomDepartinent-CttBtomoni can se ict trem coeus in tlie inu iluie uud havu them niade te erder at a Blight advance eyer our nikAild mi tliti nmiutnrit. " .i.-1 . .. ....... m nn nml ntiwiinla UlUJ IU UIUU4 IIUU& 4.w nun uiin. All fresb, new goods anil workmanship. Special luduceil uurgums in ueys-uuu mu mu dren's Cletlilng ler Scheel Suits. I, Gansman & Bre,, TUtoWeVSKcNT 00.08 AOUTII QUEEN 81UKET, Right ea the Southwest Cerner et Omnia Bt. LANOASTEIt, VX. The Clieaiwit nntt xuet Uollaule Clothing lleusu lu the City. DO NT VUltUKT THE TWO bMALL.UA vana ehcnr for fa. genuine article, at UARTMAN YKLUfiV rUONTClUAK UiUltiS.