LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I). 188! e & j u i.' b " Hamastct tfntcllfgcnccv. MONDAY BVENINO, SEPT, 3, 1B03, Cloaking Ambition. Tim New Yerk Herald affects 10 be- lleve that tlie New Yerk Sun's statement, that its authority for declaring that Mr. Tltdcn la net a candidate for the presi dency Is Mr. Tllden himself, tints a quietus en " the old ticket" business, and reduces its advocates te n necessary sllence. The UtraU considers this ferlu natc for the Democratic party since " the cipher dispatches, the Incoine tax suit, the various speculations, some of ilmm BiiulcIentW malodorous, in which Mr. Tllden has been engaged-all make him nu undesirable Democratic catull date for the presidency, unic?i the He- publicans intended te nouiinate Air. Cyrus "W. Field." Though Demecmts generally de net share the HtruhVt opinion that Mr. Tllden lias been smirched in the matters which It enu merates, yet' there Is no doubt that there is a great deal of truth in the opinion which it gees en te express that the acquirement of great wealth by a great many of our public men, which has been a notable feature- in political life since the war, has " injured them in the general esteem, and when it is pre posed te make presidents out of wealthy statesmen like Mr. Dlalne or Mr. Tllden or ethers whom we could narae the pub lic mind recoils." But only n part of the public mind recoils. There is no doubt that a great many Democrats have Mr. Tilden for their first presidential choice, and a great many Republicans would first choeso Mr. Blalne. Tliese Democrats and Republicans have educated them selves into an admiration for these mei and will bclleve no evil of them. Beth have announced their retirement from the presidential race and both would llke te have it believed that they are out of it. It is an unwholesome thing te be deemed a standing candidate for any office and especially for the pres idency. It is obviously geed policy te retire for a while, after nu unsuccessful venture, as deep into the shade as possi ble, te emerge at a propititeus moment. The enemy is lulled Inte a false security by the movement. His vigilance is re laxed ; opportunity is given for the sub sidence of resentments and the hailing of wounds. Mr. Blaine, te give a semblance of truth aud "don't care a copper for it" te his renunciation of presidential aim, has gene into the literary business, aud is playing a geed stroke of policy and business at the same time by announcing his prepartien of a big two volume book, containing his twenty years congres sional recollections, which he proposes te sell, te subscribers only, at seven dollars a copy. And a great many he is getting ; though he has no reputation as a writer his agents secure subscriptions for the asking. His reputation as a politician sells his work as a " literary cus3." His admirers, indeed, would willingly pay for the book If it had no literary merit. But no doubt it will net be lacking in this. Mr. Blalne can afford te pay for it if he cannot himself pro duce it, or if he is disinclined te the ex ertion. And with his experience of nun and things he will have little difficulty in getting up an interesting book. It a quite a Yankee Idea, te turn his no toriety Inte cash, while he kills another bird with the stone by putting a literary coat ever his political skin. It Is a rich vein for distinguished politicians te strike. They might each give us a book. They need net all fellow Mr. Blalne into the reminiscence line, but may strike off into a novel or a history. Disraeli was a statesman and novelist, and statesmen and historians have been abundant. We iiave net heard the announcement of any literary work by Mr. Tilden, who has been busy with house building ; which is an evidence that he is in geed mental and physical condition, house building beluga business that requires a sound mind in a sound body te prosecute successfully. We hope that he will lone enjoy the result of his labors and Hurt himself very comfortable at home. Tin: earthquake in Isclu.i aud the plague Iu Egypt overflow the cup of horrors which the present year has been heaping full. It was remarked some months age that lbS.'t had been the most notable year of the century for calami ties of nil sorts, but the tragedies of the first six months were comparatively merciful te human life in contrast with the awful disasters in the East of later occurrence, Human life has nnvtr been accounted here se cheap as there and this Is probably why the slaughter of 20,000 at lschla and the death from pestllence of 25,000 in India and Egypt de net awnken the melancholy interest which for the time at least attached te the Bruldwoed mine disaster and the excursion horror near Baltimore. TiiK Philadelphia Times has ue feun datieu for its announcement that If Ohie gees Democratic the Democratic chairman in this state will claim that perforce Pennsylvania will go Deme cratic. Last year, under such ciicuni stances, no such claim was made. The Democratic party here that the Issues iu Ohie and in Pennsylvania are separate and distinct. One does net Eettle, nnd scarcely affects, the ether Every tub stands en its own bottom this year. Ours i3 sound; that of Ohie seems te be u llttle leaky, and we de net propeso te go te sea In It. One of the meat effective arguments against the internal revenue taxation us It new exists us its Inequality. The cigar that can be made for SI a thou sand is taxed $3, or 75 per cent, of its cost, while the cigar that costs $100 per thousand Is taxed the same amount or n percentage ei; only 3 per cent. This Is an unjust discrimination. The cost of the peer rsavrn cigar is nearly doubled by tlie tax, while that of the rich man ia scarcely affected by It. Taxation should be equal. This Is net. Itmiistge, The universal demand is net that pur plusses be divided, but that they be abated. Whenever there is a national pr Btalesurplus as there is In both cases new the general government and the fltate should icliove the Individual and the community se that what they new needlessly pay Inte an overflowing statu aud national treasury may be directed te county and municipal purposes. Am: you reglstercd? Tun prluce of Wales Is said te favor nu Angle-Russian nlliance. "TiiK whining school boy with his sat sat chel and shining morning fane, crccph'K like snail unwillingly te soheol," v a conspicuous figure en tliostrcets today. It Is net te be wonderod at that the Seuth remains solid for the Dotuecraoy when Mahene, Chalmers and Cash are recognized as tbe political ovaugellsts of the Republic. party in that region. Tun fact that Henry d, the provi dent el the Northem Pacific railroad, was a journalist until nearly forty year of age, proves that the education obtained in a newspapcr ofllce is net such a bad equip ment in the battle of life. Te mv the posteflleo begins the Issue of postal notes, by which any sum under S can be sent payable te bearer at any meney order ofllce iu the country at a charge of only thrce 'cants. Meuey orders are also Increased from a tlfty te ene hun dred dollars maximum. Tiik last day for the registration of voters will be Thursday, September 0. The duty of attending te this matter is vitally important. Every voter should go peisenally te his polling place aud soe that his name n en the assessor's book with a tax assessed against him. Tin nswALuirrj. Te llie stately vllHs" iTlihil, Wltti Us feastlnt;. danee and mlrlli. There cutne a gray-rMlred Mnger One et the peer of ivtrth. Silver und gei-l am! jewelsi. The rich Kiieita brought nlen:; . Tlie t aril hail naught te eiler Hut lust ene llttle sung. Dust are the bride and bridegroom, The prom! truest lowly llu : Tlie ceitly gift. have crumbled Tin- ftiit C4n never die. Frederick !'. a lledtnttedt. That the presidential party is homeward bound and the stupendous fish stories which the public had ceme te regard as Its daily pabulum must be no ruore,is a subject for poignant regret. Yet there is a deeper deep of privation connected with the pass ing of Arthur from the uutrodden west. Colonel Mlke Sheridan will lay aside the littte pen which has dene such faithful service as a chronicler of the events of the presidential s ijeuru. The aching void which this eveut will create in the literary world is horrible te contemplate. Nevel writing, unless iu instances where authors have attained a world wide Tame, is net a lucrative occupation. The world will nevorknew thonuruberof valu able production that have been lest te it by the incempetency of book publisher.-) te discern a really geed work when they see it. Even when a book has achieved a reputatieu, the profits arising te the for tunate author are often oxceelingly meagre. It is said thtt Marien Crawford, whomade thestrlklng hit In "Mr.Isaaes ' and followed It up with "Dr. Claudius," in similar vein, has net realized en both weiks ever $0,000. Yet these uevels are re parted te have reached a silo in Engl ind, and the United States of 30,000 copies. The composition of these two books repro repre repro tents two years of arduous labor, aud wheu the peculiar genius necetsary for their onstruet'On is considerod, tlie com pousatien can ne: be regarded as inore than a mcre pittance. Paunem. struck the key nnte of the Irish situation when iu his recent public speech In Dublin he cautioned his hearers against supposing that Eeglaud would de anythiug for Ireland out of a spirit of pure uailenal generosity, and further said that no couceeslou had ever been obtained and none would ever be obtained that was net wruug by shesrforce from tbe governing power. Tirolesi pailiamcntary agitation of the Irish question must event'jally emtnand recognition, as constant drop ping wears nway tlie stone Toe much praise cannot be te Mr. I'arncll for the masterly Htyle In nhieh ha has led thu Irikh parliamentary forces. Frem an iusiguitlcant, discouraging handful, they have beceme a turbulent baud of clear headed agitators whose unllinehmg politi cal course uimm'ind the adtnira'ieu and enlists the sympathies et all fntnds or thu government The recent crushing defeat of the landlords in the Sligo uloctleu by the triumphant return of the Heme Itule ciudid.ite has c.uihed a big boom of Irish hteck in the political market. Thore seams te be llttle doubt bat that the next Parlliraant will contain elghty Heme Itule members, who, holding the bal.mea of power, will he able te spaed the day of Irish dellvcrance from English tyranny. i iir. rst:wf!:;.Niii.ANiu.i.K. kearr el Veuel Ntrkiiilecl Along the Cumt Atnnjr l.lve I.iiM. Reports are dally coming te Halifax from all parts of the ce:ut thewuii; ox ex ox tuuslve damage, particularly te hipping, by Wednesday night's gale Scores el mssels lie htranded alen the beacben, the majority of which are total wreck, while a small proportion only can be get elf with uoed prespecU. Four laree schoen ers and a brig went ashore and pounded their bottoms out within a mile of each ethor at Caw bay, C. It, Ulsauicii vessels and stoameis with car gees shifted or spar carried away are dally arriving. Fishermen Buffered terrl bly, and the less In Newfoundland U re ported cven heavier iu projtertlon. The number of flshlnjr schooners aud ether ei aft which went down with all ou beard, cannot, of course, yet be osttmated, at though the probabilities, especially ler thn bankers, are deepcrate, Lurce (lat!ierii)a, The home for destitute children of Nuw Yerk city, built at Mount Leretta, near Prtnccs bay, Btnteu Inland, by Rev. Father Jehn C. Drumgoelo, was dedicated yesterday. Archbishop Cerrlgau officiated and he also oeuflrmod 350 boys. The home will noeommodato 2,000 beyit, and about 000 will be placed thore next mouth, The exposition will oneu In Cincinnati en Wednesday. It U oxpeeted that the horticulture, line arts aud machinery da partmeuts will excel thoseot all procedluu exhibitions In thut elty, The Salvation Army made its first ap poarauceou Staten Inland en Saturday evening, wheu It held a meeting in a hall nt Pert Richmond. The fourth uummer encampment of the New Jersoy Grand Army of the Ropublie begins at Prluceteu Junction te day, NBWS MISCELLANY. SATCKUAVNUIHT AMI SUNDAY NKWS A Uonilenttte of Hecnnt K cot The Wy el the Werlil. Its Crimes nnd Other Delus. Stephen Raymond, alias "Steve" Mar shall, was arrested iu New Yerk en Satur day en thocharge of forgery, In altering nu'mbers en Union Pacllle bend coupons, supposed te be part of the bends stelen en Jan. SO, 1S70, from the Northampton, Mass., bank. He was recognized as a forger, who, in 187H, aided In plaoleg $73,000 of forged Erie nnd Buffalo bends, for which he was souteucod te tlve years In the penitentiary. At Scrantoe, Pa., ou Saturday, a magis trate heard the suit of a Mrs. Sytider, against a Mri. Kechert, for being Recused by the latter of " bewltchlug " nor ehlld, who died recently of marasmus. Net only Mrs. Kechert, but many of her neighbors, It scorns, bolievod that the child had been "bewitched." The parties iuvelved are described as respectable. He fore a court martial at Yancever, Washington territeiy, ou Saturday morn, iug, Lieutenant KoberUeu, of tbe First I'. S. cavalry, pleaded guilty te a oharge el duplicating pay accounts, but said he "had ue fraudulent intentions." The court martial reserved its decision. Jehn Connelly, a watchman in the treas ury departmeut at Washington, committed suiclde by shoetiug himself in ene of the vaults ou Saturday eveniug. "Family treuble '' had been the cause The cxocutlve commlttee of the Deme eratlc state commlttee of Massachusetts met iu Bosten ou Sa urday te draw up the call of the statu conventlon, which Is te meet in Snriugueld en tlie 2UtU Inst, it was said at the meeting "informally" that Governer llutler wenld boa candidate for re olectieu. The body of Mary, the eldor el the two daugters of Lewls D. Vail, who were drowned at Ivey East, N. J , ou Friday last, was recovered yesterday afternoon in the undertow, half a mlle from the place whero they lest their lives. Search for the othei body is contiuued. The boiler of a threshing machlue burst en Saturday morning near Franktert, Da kota, killing four men and injuring tlve ethers, thrce perhaps fatally. It is be Iteved the disaster was caused by pouring water into the empty heated boiler. A special dispatch from Younstewu, O., says that the Churchill miners have decided te return te work te-day at the old rates, and that the men of the (3 ar il eld shaft have returned te work en the same terms. It is also stated that no strike Is probable In the Mahoning valley. ICutlreiul Wreck Twe freight trains en the Western Maryland railroad collided near Baltimore early yesterday morning. William Abell, a brakemau, was killed, aud Jeseph Dersoy, a cattle drover, was fatally iu jured. He died last ovenlug. A fireman named Fleigh was injured, but net dan gerously. One of the trains were detained by a het box, and it was during the do de do tentiou that the collision occurred A coroner's jury last night attributed the disaster te gross negligence. A train en the long Island railroad which lelt Rockaway for Hunter's Point last evening, was stepped en u curve near Springfield station te put ou" a persen who had refused te pay fare. Wnile standing en the curve a train from Leu;; Reach ran into the Rockaway train, wrecking the two rear ear, the cngiue and first car of tbe Leng Beach train beiug also demolished. Twe men were killed and several passcn cers severely injured. Twe trains collided at Telchcster sta tien, en the Central ermeut railroad, en Saturday. Thirteen men were injured, and the engines aud tenders were wreck ed. A few Klren, L"friti2 te Avery's tannery, at Sandy Lrcen, l ., was burned with a larce quautity of stock and bark. The less is estimated at $150,000. Eighty persens are thrown out et work. '1 he Bosten beet and shoe factory .in NewO.-leans was burned with au adjoining building occupied by a hardware and a furniture stere. Less, $30,000. Half a blejk of stores in Colerado, Tex., were burned. Less, $40,000. A large four story brick building in New Haven, Connecticut, occupied by the New Haven staple manufacturing com pany, the New Haven manufacturing company, the Streng cartridge company, Jehn Adt, machinists' tools and manufact urers' supplies, and Chas. Brew, scroll hawing, weed turning, &c, were destroyed by tire yesterday afternoon. The less is estimated at 3100,000. A tlreman was severely injured A telegram from San Autouie, Texas, says that during the past two days in that neighborhood, "the losses ou hay, fences aud timber by flre is fstlraated at tfO.OOO. Upward of 15,000 acres of pasture laud northwest of the city ha.s b.seii devastated. The fires have beeu set." The Nutineinacker milling com pany's mill, in Milwaukee, was destroyed by tire last night te thj extent of about 473,000. About $15,000 daraage was dene te malt stored in an adjoining building. Muklec Dedge City Oetid. The council of Dedge City, Kauaas, en Friday night, instiucted the marshal te enforce the ordinance ' relating te gam bling aud prostitution " after theOthinst., au I adopted nn ordinance, te takeellcct at the same time, forbidding music in saloons aud dance houses. This action of the elty father is attributed te the persuasions of the officers of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, " who assured the city authorities that if an otTert was made toward reform a branch read would ceme thore, and that the company would atonce commence the election el permanent ami expenslve buildings. In the event that no such effort was m ide all their shops would be removed and the read taken te some ether point," and yesterday, for the first tlrne lu the history of Dedgo City, there was a wjinblauce or Sunday, all business houses, saloons, dance halls and gambling bells beliia closed. The decent Dudim eitUens are reioieiug at the chaue, whlle many of tbe disreputable me.n aud women are leaving the place. UN TIIK MKAM. Veutl U'recKeil-The Discovery et n lUn lUn Kreu Iteck. Commedore Iloulten, of the royal navy, who has been surveylug Geedigian perta the discovery of a dangerous rock with only three fuct of water nlmvn it lying directly in the path of vcesals ruu -ulug directly between Ktllaruey and Cel- Imgwoedor Owen Hound. It bears ap- jiwiiut.ijr uii. uy norm mree quarters north, distant 18 half nautical milim fn.m Lonely Inland light house, and southeast ey veuiu id mile rrera nearest point or Squaw Islands. The dornluleu govern ment will have sear buoy placed upon the rock at ouce, ami next Hprlng a bell buoy will be provided. The Hteamship Spain, at New Yerk yes terday from Liverpool, retHnU that en the 28th ult., Iu lat. 45.44, Ien 42 20, sl.e speke the Germau steamer Leasing from New Yerk for Hamburg, with crank shalt broken and wantiug assistance. Colonel May en Saturday Informal the authorities at Pert Townsend, Washing ton territory, that he had seen a beat oenUiulitg ID Chinamen pais Grean lauds, en its way te the territory. Other resident along that part or the border report a continued smuggling of China iiiuii iiuetuu united Biaier, Tlie British Halt shin Nnrthnmntmi i Hllllml Cm in Hi .Inlm'a Niiur..ii.,lu.,.i .... Saturday, for Croque, ou the northeast t (,3) 8',J1' MaV CIJ?"' VlllilB r.nk l'5wul f.f ll.-i 1..I I ... l" . ., .. Tl.ltlll llvilti .InM IfrA Sip till., a N 11 " nutrage rocently porpetrntrd there ey Frouchmen upon a British subject. All the llfe saving stations en the Atlan tic aud Gulf coasts were openod ou Sat urday for the season, which will oleso ou the 1st of March next. The stoamer .1. V. Thorp sank above Smlthland, en Friday. The schoer Yaukce Blade was wrocked ou Saturday morning near Skllagaloe Lleht at the northern cud of Lnke Mich. Igan. Her crew were saved, A WIITK'i) .HIUKNKY AND ITS HMD. Mrs. Ternmn'n Myttlmi iinijitrrAtice Irein lleine Win Mlii. Muritereil '.' At Marshfleld, Mass., considerable cxclto cxclte cxclto ment has been caused ever the reported finding of the body of Mrs. Miranda Telman. wlfe of Charles Telmau, in the North River, New Yerk, with a number of wounds en it of such i character as te give rlse te the opinion that death had been caused by violence The facts in the casa are substantially ns fellows : Mrs. Telmau resided at Marshtleld with her husband, a wealthy farmer. Last spring a young man named Resen Pezi, a Spaniard by birth, took up his nbode in the neighborhood, and he and Mrs. Tel man seen bcoame last fr lands. A few weeks age Pezl left announcing his inten tion te return te his home lu Malaga, Spain. He left Monday, aud en the fol lowing Thursday, Mrs Telmau disappear ed very mysteriously. As Per.l and Mrs Telmau were known te have been very intimate, it was supposed that they had met at seme place and were going te leave the country tegether. The uext evening, hewever, a postal can! was received from Mrs. Telman stating that the had arrived iu New Yerk and that she would return en a certaln date. Nothing has slnce been heard from her, hewever. Her husband recently visited New xerk, where he learned that Pczi had engaged a passage en the Italian steamer Aroairueties, Ter Uibraltar. no ntterwani traced him te Brooklyn, and succscd iu having au iutcrvicw with him. He denied any kuowledge as te Mrs. Tehuan's where abeuts, claiming that he had net seeu her siuce her departure from Marshlleld. It has been loarned that Pczi, who is well known in New Yerk, bore a bad reputa tieu. Mrs. Telmau had, It is said, wheu she left Marshlleld, a large sum of money aud seme valuable jowelry about her .orsen. The theery is that Mrs. Telman went te New Yerk and met Pezi ; tint idie en deavored te recover her meney ; that he learned that sbe had mere meuey, aud that he murdered her and threw her body into the river. FKATUKESOK THE STATE PRESS, The x-tra Legislature should make its x it, says the West Chester Jiepullican. The Norrlstewn Times hopes te sce the complete secularization of the Sabbath Indefinitely postponed. The Pittsburg Times Is pained te obscrve that the charitable purpose of a testator is often thwarted by a technicality. The Liher Herald advises werklngmcn te strike for their rights at the polls, where striking will be made te tell. The Wilkesbarre Ueeerd thinks it is high time te call a halt In tbe matter of building up Immense lauded and monetary estates in the West. The Jiauch Chunk Democrat geutly ro re miuds Arthur that Indiana "soap" will make a bigger boil any day than a dozen Yellowsteno geysers. The Titusville Herald bolievca that the legislative jury has been out long enough and having failed te agree, ought te be discharged. The Yerk Age predicts that tbe Repnb licau ultimatum will hang ever that party llke a funeral pall in the coming cam paign. The Philadelphia liecerd is certaln that there are very many poeplo iu Pennsylva nia te whom the cost of the extra session is of small moment compared with tbe rights of representation. What keeps many honest men in the Republican party, says the Wilkesbarre Union Leader, is the bdief in the Iugersell doctrine that thore is ue place of torment for the erring in the llfe te conic. TUT. ANN .IfllKCT SCHUOL IIU1I.D1NU. Tlie New Htructurn Completed and filled With llrlRht and ilnpiiy Children. The public rchoel building en Ann street, corner of Grant, was occupied for school purposes for the first time te-day. Like tbe school buildings rccently erected en James, Maner aud New Htroets, it U a two story brick, containing four school rooms, each capable or heating about sixty pupils, and provided with all the school conveniences pertaining te first class rooms, including "Keystone" desks and scats, or hard weed and iron frames, ample blackboard surface, admirable light and appreved ventilating and beating appar atus. The two down stairs rooms are used as primary schools, conducted respectively by Miss King and Miss MeMcllcn. One of the upstairs rooms is au advanced primary in charge of Miss Stall), aud the ether a scceuday hchoel iu charge of Miss Llchty. Thu new school building is about the same size, and the plan is substantially the Hirne as thu buildings abeve referred te, though there are seme Improvements that the ethers de net have. There is a front entrauce for thu girls and a rear entrauce ler the boys, and ever tbcee are erected neat porticoes as a protection te the children en entering and leaving school during bad weather. The stairways are in the centre of the building, se that they de net partly block tut the windows as Is the case with the Mauer and New street schools. The exterier finish and a roll I- toetural appearance of the buPdlug is also hotter than the ethers, whlle a neat cupola with ornamental guard of Iren railing surmounts the reef. The school grounds have been neatly graded aud the front enclosed with a substantial iron fence, the aides and rear being enclosed with a white beard fence. The grounds have been divided into two equal parts, ene as a play ground for boys and the ether for the girls. A portion or the grounds have been paved with brick, a portion laid iu beards ami a portion remain unpaved. The loeuiou or the usw school was well nolected, the ground being high and dry, lu the contreofa rapidly Increasing pepti latien, and the to'ieols eupply n want that has been lung foil in thu oastemund of the elty. The entire coat of the building and grounds was ever $10,000 $2,500 haviug been paid for tue ground aud $7,0 17 fcr the building. J. Adam Burger was tlie architect and builder, and he net only completcd his contract within tlie spscl fled tlrne, but did the work lu a workman werkman workman llke manner, Much credit Is due also te the biilldirig commlttee, Messrs. II, E. Blnymakcr, Christian Zccher, Jehn I. Hurtman aud T. It. Cochran, for their Intelligent supervision of the work. l.tut el Unolnliued l.tdlem, The following Is a list of lotters remain ing in the postefllco for the week ending Monday, Boptembor II, 1883 : Ladies' List. Mrs. Eliza Brcneman (3), Miss Lit! a Crelghteu (for.), Mrs. Llda Clinch, Mils Rubecca Hall, Miss Nelly Lewell, Mrs. Emily II. Bheafl. Gents' List Edw. Billet, Jno. J. Boucbeff, C. Risking, Jas. R, Blake, Jes, Brubaker, Jaf. Cunau, Jno. (Jlea. Isaae Duetsleir, J. Frank G roll", Jes, H.Miller Townsend, A THAfttP'S REVENGE. ATTKMITM TO 1IURN 'TWO Oil I l.tlltKN. Hliet by n Stiller Heme dwys llolerc, Iip Sels Kirn te tlie Mill. A Notite ltoiie In tlie Nick el TIiiip. A thtllllng sceno was witnessed Satur day night at the burning of a sawmill en the Six mlle creek, south or Westey, a row mites from Erie. One of the owners, Dallas Crnwfetd, diove from Ids premises a gang of tramps who requested feed and lodging, but were unwilling te work a few hours In payment. A vagrant who reluscd te go, and drew a deadly weapen, received the contents of ashet gun In his leg, He lurked around sovernl days, waiting for rovengo. After supper Friday ovenlug he saw Mr. Crawford's two llttle daughters outer the mill, en the upper lloer of which a play room lnd been part1 tloued off for thorn. Following them the wretch fnst ened the deer, hile the children worn playing Inside. Descending te the base meat he piled heaps or lull immable ma terlal in several (Mints nnd then set tlie whole ou fire. Tlie fiend's Intention was te bum the girls alive, iu retaliation for the shot imbedded lu his llesh by their father. In a few moments the lower por tion of the mill was ouveloved In Ihmcs. Ingress or egress nlike were cut off and the girls soeme.l deemed te die the most agonizing deaths. They crawled through a hole upon the reef, but were afraid te jump, aa the dis dis tauce was thirty llve feat and the gruiitid thickly dotted with jagged boulders. Ne ladders were nvallable, nor could the tl.uues have permitted their use even If at hand, The father and spectators tinned away sickened, momentarily expecting te see the rafters yield aud the children dis appear Inte the rearing dames. The mother, shrieking that if her darlings could net be saved she would perish with them, lushed te the blazing building, but strong arms proNented the execution of her frenzied resolution. At this itibtant n deliverer appeared, a young farmer named Alfred K. Bjnuell, carrying a coil or repe te which was fastened n strong Iren hook. Hastily strapping climbing irons te his legs, he ascended a tall oak tree near the mid. Iu a moment he steed en n limb high abeve the children, who gazed at mm wun eager eyes. Tlie young man threw the repe se precisely that the hook caught in the smaller girl's dress. Draw ing the cord baud erer baud, the girl swung clear aud was lowered safely into her father's arms. The crowd steed liku statues as Bonuell cast bis hook a second tlrne te snatch a human life from a death that but a few seconds before appeared Inevitable. He succeeded iu getting the repe te the ether child, who seen hung suspended iu the air, her clothing catching 11 re as she left the perilous place. She was saved, how ever, without being much burned. When the Intrepid hore regained the earth he sank down overpowcrcd by intense excite ment, nnd was carried away uet a second tee seen for the kafety ir himaslf and friends. The boiler in the burning mill, surrounded by a mass of glaring coal, exploded, the detonation beiug heard ler miles. Fragments of iron plates, red het farming machines, and llamiug timbers were hurled hundreds of feet, though fortunately, net a twrsen was injured. The incendiary tramp lied from the sceno of his crime en a stolen horse, and escaped the vengeance of the furious farmers. J'EllSONAL. Bismarck's health continue feoble. He leeks thin and anxious. Jasen Dewnev, ex associate Justice or the supreme court or Wisconsin, died in Milwaukce en Saturday, aged 70 years. GK.NKiur. MrCi.r.i.LAS and his wife aud daughter. Miss Mary, are at Richfield Springs, New Hampshire. QiKr.N Yicteiua has sent n magniflcent bouquet of lilies and whlte roses te Frohs Frehs Frohs derf, te be placed en the Count de Cham Cham berd's coffin. Hr.Nitv Vii.i.Ann'8 true name Is IIclu rich Hilgard. He assumed " Yillard " ns a nera de plume when he was writing Western lettcra te the Tribune. Will Caiu.eten is nearly six feet tall, slender, with a bright, rather youthful face, blue eycR, acquiline nese and short chin whiskers. Lenn Reseiikiiv said te his fried. Lord Leland Gewer, that It was worth having traveled around the world te meet Unde Sam Ward at the end of the jeurney. Patti Is engaged for two concerts at Birmingham and Manchester. She is te receive 1,000 for each being the largest sum yet paid in England for such a per formance. MaiiiseN E Cutts, ropresontatlvo in Congress from the Sixth district of Iowa, died at Oskaloosa, in Iowa, en Satur day. IIe had sorved iu tbe state Leglila ture und as atterney general of Iowa. 5Iu. O'SiiAUOiiNiisiv, the member fiem Limerick, has been appointed reglstar at Dublin castle as a reward for his sorviees in deserting the Parnollites and supporting the government. The Nationalists will contest the seat. Puinckss Doleokolki la at Treuvllle. She wears deep mourning, gees nowhere, and recoive no ene. The children walk about en the planks placed ou the handr, which form the fashionable promenade, and are followed by au enormous footman. Lenn CniKr JnsTici: Coi.eiudek aud party arrived iu Portland, Me , en Satur day night aud were received by the mayor. A reception tendered by the Cumberland bar association was fully attended. The party will probably remain until Wednes day. Qi ei:n Maiielt.iuti:, of Italy, holds her rccoptleus ou quire a domecratlo scale. Instead of the persons being led up te the queen te be presentcd, she horself gees around the room, giving her hand te oaeh ene accompanied by a few pleasant words of greeting. Unlike her husband, the king alie speaks English fluently. Maiiy A.smsuseN made a most succors. fill dobutinthe Lyceum theatre at Londen Saturday night iu "Ingemar " The lioiue was crewded, many Americans beiug pros out. Miss Andorseu met with a roceptlon of the warmest kind, and the favorable I in press' ou which she produced en the public deopened witlt each net. She had many recalls. M. Kknax had a narrow cscape from being killed at lschla. It was at Isehla that he wrete his loeturo nn " Marcus Aurellus" aud " Caliban." This year he was te there, wheu JiiIch Ferry porsuaded lilm te preslde at a distribution of prizes at Paris. The heuse in whieh he would have been but for this Invitation was demolish ed by the earthquake, and Its Inmates were kllled. Piiinck or Wamiock-Pvument was given the Grand Cress of the Bath by the duke of Albany durlug his recent visit te uermany, A liulloreus accident marked the ceremeny. The insignia wero nent te Germany by a spoelal msssonger, who took them by seme mistake te Berlin, instead of te Arelsen, and wheu the day came which had been fixed for the ceremeny of Investiture, te whieh all the notables of the Grand Duchy had been summoned, le aud beheld I thore were ue insignia, and, therefore, thore could be no investiture. German courts are always toueby, and particularly the nmall courts, aud the duke was almost boside liluiHelf with vexation. Twe days later, after a hundred telegrams, thn Insignia turned up aud were conferred, Kleven Hitllera Drowned. The bark G. I, Jenes, from Charleston for Falmouth, with phosphate, ha.i been totally wrecked off Penzance. Twe of the It, i crew were saved, but it is feared that tlie ethers, cloven in unmoor, were drowned. reut.Tiu. Mfrlltig e ttie .eel AUniirlnlleti Titlk Aueul thn Net Annual f.xlilbltlett, The Lancaster poultry association held a stated meeting this morning lu the ofllce of. I. II. Leng, RheadB' building. The following naiiicd tnombers were preMMit:,. A. Stebor, president, J. II. Leng, V, R Dlffonderlior. Charles Lip. peld, Win. Solnimbergor, Jehn E. Shaum, Jehn S. Huniproyville, J. S Wltnior.Jehn Holdemrlgp, M. L. (Irelder. Tlie secretary stared that only two bills Ter which the soeloty was responsible, re mained unpaid, and that thev would shortly be liquidated, Mr. rorerred te the notion taken nt last meeting relative toleanlng the soeloty n coops te the Independent state fair, and said that neveiat members of the society thought they ought te have the use or the coops iu which te make their own exhibits. Ou motion it was ordered that niembcts have the free use of as many coops ns they may need ler their exhibits, provided they take them te the ground, return thorn aud repair auy injury dene ttiem at their ewu expense. The secretary was authorized te take the necessary steps te have printed a cata logue of premiums, for the uct annual exhibition, with advertisements inserted, provided the same shall net be an oxpeuso te the soeloty. The beard of directors was dlrccted te prepare a premium list, for presentation te the society at its next meeting. J. It. Leng was appointed essayist for uext stated meeting. Adjourned. iiuusr.s miius, Heme and IttiKCy Sielnu, On Saturday ovenlug Win. Knox of Bait township drove te New Provideuco leav ing his home mid buggy standing outslde of the heusB of Mr. Smoker, in the village. Upen going out te start home he found that his team was gene it has nej. been heard of since. Thu animal is a little gray mare with a H,"ir en the lore head ami a thick knee. The buggy Is almost new with piano box and "spar" springs. The Bart vigilant association will pay a reward or $ii) Ter the rec ivory of the prepsrtj, aud $i5 for thn arrest and con. victien of the thief or thietca. Anether llermi him! lltiRRy Mnleu. A bay marc, buggy aud set of harness, belonging te C'luistiaii II. Fisher, of East Lampeter township, was borrowed from him ou Saturday by a man named Oliver Stirk, who had been working Ter him rer a month past. Still; said he wautcd te drive te L.tucastcr ami buy a new suit of clothes and seme ether necss tries, nnd would return Saturday evening. Nothing hasstiice been heard of either him or the team, and M. Fisher, believing it te be stolen, hai made c miplalnt against Stirk be be bo fero Alderman Spurrier. The mare is a bay, 15 hands high star in forehead ; the top buggy was m ide by Jacob Wenger, eT Paradise and has his name upon it ; the left shaft had beeu broken aud repaired w itli a plate, ai 1 a hew en the right side is also broken , the harness was an old, ret, stiver plated. Stirk, who took the team, is about ill) years old, r feet 0 inches iu height and weighs perhaps te0 or 100 pounds ; his moiiatache is light and hair a shade or twj darker. The llttle linger of his right is sMff and b'nt inward. Any information concerning the thiel or team may be left with Alderman Spurrier. SiiiiiMy hrnoel Uolebmtlou. The attuual uolebratlou of the Quarry villa Sunday school took place at the church en Saturday and tlie attendance was very hrge. The Sunday school was very hau lsemely decorated with flowers, overgrcons, &c, aud present-.d a line ap poarance. The exercises of the morning were similar te tliose usually held by the soheol aud they were followed with ad dresses by Rev. Mr. Andersen, of U. P. Ooteraro church, Revs. Brady and C. Le fever, of M. E. church, Rev. J. M. Seuder, of the Reformed church, te which the Sunday school Is attached, aud Goe W. Hensel, hiiporlnteudent of the school. The music, both vocal and instrumental, was a toature of the excrcises, as it was very flue. At neon the children inrtoek of a sumptuous dinner whieh was spread ou a tremendous table in the church. After doing justice te it they spent the remainder of the day as best they could. CeiKtnttrr VolKnleol. The fourth annual Constatter Yolksfest under the auspices et the Caustattcr Yelksfest Vorcinef Lmcister, comuiei'ced at Tells Haiti this merniug, nnd will be continued this ovenlug and all day te morrow. Tlie weather bjiug delightful great uumbers or " Swepe" and ethers from Fatherland as well as uatlven te tlie manor burn, liave availed thorn thern helves of the prlvdege of enjoying the fes tivities. The great fruit column, thirty feet in lidlht, is an especial attraction. That the refreshments nre abundant it is evident from the fact that 20,000 ra tieus of saurkraut alene have been prevld cd. Prevision bus been made for all maimer of games, including thu great Suabiau enterprise of hunting the hare. Omuihusscs run every hour botwecu the city aul the picuie ground. A Coining Lutheran Conlereiice. llnirUlmi'K P. mint. A Lutheran conference, iu which eighty dolcgates will ropresout the ministurium of Pennsylvania, incuts in old Trinity ehuicli, Lancaster, the 25 h, 'JOth, 27th 28th and 20th of this month. The German Lutheran church, this city, Is connected with the abeve inlnlsterlum. Rev. Dr. Greenwald, for he many years the pastor emeiitus at old Trinity, is lying very ill at his home. Rsv. Charles, J. Fry, assistant te Dr Greenwald, proached the seend anniversary aormen of his ministry yes terday morning, llu is tlie son of Rev. Dr. Jacob Fry.ef Trluity Lutheran church, Reading, and will iu all likelihood succeed te tha Lancaster pastorate. HIIKht fire. On Saturday evening about 0 o'clock a tire breke out In the dwelling heuse Ne, 420 Poplar street owned by Henry Powden. The flre originated among seme dresses bunging iu a room, which are supposed te have caught liem matohes that a small boy was playing with. The less Is trilling There Is an lusurance of $700. Engine Ne. 2 was en hand but was net ncoded ns the flre was put out by buokets of water. The alarm failed te strike owing te a elr cuit wire becoming detached from the bottom plate of bex2l. It was net until 8 o'elook Saturday ovenlug that the alarm was put lu erder. Arm llreken. P. Werle, who had been assisting yes. terday in the orcetlou of the fruit celumu of the Suablan plonle nt Tells Hain,Blipped aud foil from the steps of the platform, aud dislocated bis sboulder and broke bis right arm near the elbew. He was taken te Woehrlo's Troraent hotel, North Quoeu Htreat, whire he reoelvod modieli attond attend ancc. Domecratlri Uettnty Uummlttee A meeting of the Democratic county commlttee was held iu their rooms this morning, J. L. Btolumetz, esq , presiding, The nttondaueo was quite large aud mat. ters pertaining te the ensuing campaign were discussed, but nobuslness of a public character was transacted. The Way te touch Corimnulenti. Brie Observer, The Lancaster I.NTKt,r.un:NCi:it urges every man te cut down the pole for the electric light In front el his property. This 1 thu wav te teacb corporations that in dlvlduals have rights mat must ue re- ' spoofed, MSEBAMi. TIIK IHONMIDI'.S V.S. I'l Ki.D'.S (II, lilt Tim ItnadliiR liny lUilly lientau by thn Heme Tritin tlliid te atop In r.lKht liiiimcn Ham. Fields, of Reading, brought hlH club te this elty ou Htturday ami lu the afternoon, for the second time, tried his luck wlln tlie lrouxUleH clue. it win no remembered that upon his former visit te this elty, one month age, his club defeated the Ironsides by a score of 0 te 10 iu a very holly contested twelve Inning ganie. I. very ene expeeted te see nuether oleso gamu en Saturday nnd thore was one of thu largest audiences of the seasen present. Anether reason for tlie big crowd, hewever, was that Ihere had been no game In the city slucu Tuesday, and poeplo were all anxious for ene. All were well plensed with tlie result or the game, whleu. hewever, was net well played en the part or the visitors, who gave ene el the worst exhibitions ever seen hore. The Fields uliie was ome what changed from that el their Inst visit. At that tlmti, i'yle, who Is new pltoher of the Wilmington Quicksteps, lllted that position for Fields', the latter working behind the bat. The battery ou Saturday wan Merris pitoher aud lloisley catoher, whlle tlie remainder of the nine was as borero, with ene uxcoptlen Tem ley, the former short step, being absent. The Ironsides presented it strong team and played a geed game. Slxsmith and Ilof Ilef ford wero the battery, with Hyiiiau plav lug second base aud Mlller centre field. The boys looked well In their new uniform whieh are the prettlst yet seen en the grounds. The game was called at USIO by I niplre Jehn Malone, the home teatn going te the bat. The visitors distinguished thomsclves by mufllug every lly that ctnte near them and the Ironsides had ue difficulty In secm lug ene run, the visitors falling te get a" mail te first. Iu the next Inning the visitors Mtcoeodcd iu gutting ene man in by errers of Slxsmith who allened him te make his first after the thtid strike and finally came iu en a passed ball. The home loam scored two runs by the lieavy batting or OldlleM and Sehlller. The visitors failed te scere another until tlie eighth inning. Early iu thu game It became evident, that Merris of the visl ters could easily be hit and lu thn fifth lu nlng the hemii began pounding lum nil eer tbe field. Five runs were secured in that Inning with four lu soveuth. In the eighth n new man was put iu the box, and eight runs were made oil' lilm During there iunttigs thu fielding of the visitors was frightful and nt times they acted ns though they had lest their senses In the latter part or the eighth Inning Slxsmith begait te complain of his sero handr, ami really was unable te hoi 1 the balls any longer. Fer that reason Holl'erd pitched very slowly and the visitors hit lilm for four tuns. Ne mere than eight innings were pl.ijed, eh thu visitors desired te make the 0J o'clock train for home, and at the end tlie se re steed 01 te " ii favor of the home team. lltexsltisi. The score In t .1 1 u l l i 0 OiOlleld, r r... Schiller, Hi . Hweltzer, 31).. '.eeher, h.... Kelly. 11. tMxsmhh.e 3 llyndmitn.'Ju -l llotrerO. p 2 1 111...- n , 1 TeUll riit-uV. I.awrvnce.rf Helland, 3t Fields, lb Oswald, 1 I Mucan, 1 h Ilelsk'j-, c Cniuii,Mi Merris, ri Total SI It 2 1 ..0 ..l ..I ..t ..I ..I ..e ..e ..e ii :i I.NMMOS. I '. 3 4 i a s a IronsUles 1 -1 1 0 r 0 I s x-.M Kluld'd 0 l e e e 0 e I x - Summary Uiins earned, Ireml p R. Ilea I legs Threw huse hit, Mchlller. '1 we-lutsein, Uhltleld, t-twellzer, blmiulth. Total litt-. Iren Hides IS, KcadliiK ii Huse en tin IN, Ireuxides I. It. 'iiiting-. I.efl en tim'. Irenslduit 7. Uiiulliik S. struck out, Ireunldet J, Kuaulng . 1'nH.r i bulls. Ironsides 4. Kc.ullm: li. Ttmoef iMtne.'i hours and l.'iinlniilr . I'mpl.t Jehn Mitleni), On Sat ii I day thu Braudywiini club, of West Chester, visited Christiana aud de feated the club thore bp thu snore of I'd te 12, and new the Christiana club wants te play the Irenntdrs. A baseball club Ikw been organ zed at Quarryville. On Saturday they defeated a picked nine by thu tcore of 21 te 10. There are go d baseball clubs lu Chris tiana and Mt. Jey at present nnd of course parties from these towns think they are a great deal better than they really are. Eaeh ene it is said wants te play the Iren sides. This preposition is foolish as thu Ironsides would net think of playing either of thorn for a score of reasons. If they are both such flne nines why de they uet nr range a gamu botweou thu two uiues, and play it en the Ironsides' grounds, this city, with a Lanoaster umpire '! They would be certain or a large and impartial crowd and a fair game. Tlie Ironsides left (or Easten this morn ing at 7:110 and will play two games iu that city. The battery te day Is Holleid and Oldfield and the scere will be received this ovenlug at thn I.vrKM.teK.Ncr.u office The Ironsides, jr , went te Mt. Jey en Saturday where they were defeated by thn Dauntless of that place by the score el 10 te 12, The Quicksteps, a young club of this city, went te Mt. Jey en Saturday and dercated the Stars of that place by the scere of 21 te 14. (Inuiee I'l.ijc.l S.itunlny. Harrisburg Harrlsburg;5, Columbus 2; Philadelphia Athlotle 11, Metropolitan f, , Baltimore Baltimore fi, Cincinnati 7 ; Philadelphia Bosten 7, Philadelphia 0'; Chicago Cleveland 7, Chicago 21 ; New lerlt l'roviiicnce'i, rrew iorue; wetreu Buffalo 12, Dotrelt 12 j Wilmington Wilmington Trenten 15, Quloksteps 0 ; Broeklyu St Leuis 8, Brooklyn 7 ; Pettsvllln Anthra Anthra Anthra oite 5, Actlve 0 j Chestcr Housten ii, Ress 0; Millvillo-Orlen 2, Millvllle 0; Mauayunk (elght innings), Manayunk 12, Bemmcr 8 ; Philadelphia Hartville 2, Starr 1 ; Philadelphia August Flower 10, Continental 0. nn; utrnvKD-' iiai.i.. A Letter from IllineU Krcttritliii: Dm He cent llnlTorit-Ueaatou r.xperimntit. The following loiters recoived by Mr. R. J. Housten will doubtless he or Interest lu view of the attention being paid te the "curved" pitching iu the baseball field, aud from thoexporimont made seme tiine age by HolTerd, pltoher of the Iren sldes, of this elty, who threw a curved ball In a manner designated by Mr. Hous Heus Hous eon, aud was awarded $10 by the latter gontleman for performing the feat. The letters need no comment : Quincv, Ills., Aug. 27, 188 11. J. Housten, JCi'l , , Demi But 1 thank you for your nrnmnt nnd oeurtcous reply te my letter. and I uew write te ask leave te publish your letter or such portions or It as will de full justlce te your final conclusions, premising a possible modification of thorn by the following suggestions which I beg loave te submit te you . The baseball " curved motion," te my mind, Is of a plcce with perpetual motion, both of which nre In direct contravention of fundamental laws of mechautcs. There eau be ue perpetual motion until the law of gravitation is abolished. Ne curved motion (like that in question) whlle tlie " first law of motion " stands en nature's statute, te wit : " A body set in motion tall mete forever in a straight Une, unlets acted en by some external force," It Mr. HolTerd hss performed the feat