.1 W l 4NTCSTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1883. e !L r r .? r Lancaster .Intelligencer. WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUG. 29, 1883, EXfLUHlON OF A UUILKK. '4?? ( MJCOZOAZ. A TemH Disaster en tbeSteamtxmt Klver Uue at Hew TnrK. The boiler of the steamboat Riverdale, which plies between New Yerk and Haver, straw, exploded Tuesday afternoon while the beat was near her wharf at the feet of Sixteenth street, North river. On the ar rival of ambulances the body of Hn. Sis son, of Tarry town, was brought ashore in a beat. Her grandson, whose name is Cha pinhad jumped from the upper deck and was picked op by a tug beat. Captain Smith, who was in com maud of the River dale, stated that while en deck he heard a low rumble, and immediately the boilers blew up and the vessel began te sink. He could net explain the cause of the explo sion. Gee. A. Davis, a fireman en the Riverdale, was terribly scalded by escap inn steam. He was picked up by a tug. The Riverdale was an old beat and ran up the river te Uaverstraw and Cornwall. Of the passengers aboard some were blown up with the explosion ; but from the best ac counts obtainable their number was small, there being few in the cabins at the time. Ne exact idea can at present be gained as te the number of passengers ou beard or the number of lives lest. Accounts of the number of passengers ou beard vary from fifty te two hundred. The engineer was about te enter the eu- gine room te slew up, as another si eambeat was at their laediug, worn an omtneuB iue.ble was beard proceeding from the boiler, and in a moment a terrible explo sion occurred, blowing out the entire inside et the beat and leaving only a help Jess, fcinking bull. The force of the ex plosion was downward, and apparently the bottom was blown out, as the vessel sank quite suddenly. Hardly a minute elapsed between the explosion and the inking, in a whirlpool, into which the struggling swimmers were drawn. The river was strewn with wreckage cabin doers, beams, beards aud fur niture floating about, aud proving the feree of the explosion. Tugs and small beats put out in swarms from the New Yerk and Jersey shores aud be gan the work of rescue. The number saved shows hew efficient thpir work was. Accounts of the manner of the explosion differ. Tho8een the beat agree that it was sudden and entirely without warning. A policeman, who has been a boiler maker, who was standing ou bhore. states that his attention was attiacted by the sound of escaping steam. Leeking out en the river he Baw the Itivcidale going up stream partly enveloped in steam that escaped with a loud rear Irem her side. He saw jjeeple rush from the lower te the upper deck and mike ready te threw . themselves into the river. The next moment the ex plosien came. The Reliance, a ceai tar beat, was near the Riverdale when she blew up. and began the work of rescuing the drewing people. Other steamers and tugs also hastened te the scene, and se quickly did they reach it thai it is thought none of these engaged injury by the ex plosion had time te drown. The steam yachts of Jay Gould and Mr. E. S. J affray were lying at the feet of West Tweuty third Street at the time. Beth Mr. Gould and Mr. Jaffray had just gene ashere when tee accident occurred. Upen hearing the explosion they immediately turned about, and put ting out te the scene of the wreck in their gigs ordered their yachts te fellow without delay. Beth engaged in the work of giv ing aid wherever needed with great zeal. "When their yachts appeared all who were in sight iu the water had been picked up. The roseued were taken ashore and sent te their homes in New Yerk or put aboard the steamer Crytenah for their destination up the river. The injured aud dead were taken te tbe loot et w est 1 mrceentn streer, where the entire ambulance force baa been summoned. An uubuecessful effort was made by tugs te tow the wreck te Jersey City. Only three persons were killed at the time of the accident ; seven teen were wounded, of which several have died. FnvsiciAMs pressrite Celtlen's liquid llee Tonic ler the wick, ivern ami dyspeptic. Take no ether. au'J7.1wdued&w Uemevbbu! Glenn's Sulphur Seap presents all the advantages el sulphur baths at a cheap rate. "Fill's Hair and Whisker Dye," SO etc. au27-lwdced&w "DKOWWS ICON ISITTKRH. 1 THE PECUJJAB OLD MYSTERY. It was one of the peculiarities of the old-tasbiencd .doctors that never would tell their -- 1. r taj Kr-4t- patients what they were prescribing ler them. They said it would de the patients no geed te knew, and that it would only be gratifying a foolish curiosity. In order te keep patients irem knowing, thev would write the prescriptions in deg-Latin, se that most patients could net lead them. All that sort et thing is new ever. The patient wants te knew what he lakes. lie is weak, and wants te be strong, or he Is dyspeptic, and wants te dige.t well Or he has a troublesome liver which he wants te put te rights. Se he takes Brown's Iren Bittsrs about which there is no mystery at at all. This is the best preparation et iron in the world, in combination with gentle yet efficient tonics. It gives strength. It builds up enfeebled systems. It enriches impoverished bleed. It removes leminine weaknesses. It cats out debility. It is what you want, and your druggist has It. a25-lw!2 MJSDIOA1. B f.-NftONTi SKIN CUBE. Frem Andrew American Queen CLEO PATRA dotmehh. OB THE Queen of Sheeba's Beauty WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. The rjnewned Queen et Shsba, with all her ryal pomp, magnificent apparel and brilliant retinue would never have appeared within the presence el the grandest et the monarchs et the past, had she net also possessed that which is the crowning glory of the female person a skin unchallenged for its Oriental seltness and its almost transcendental purltv purltv Cleepatra, holding emperors at bay, and rul ing empires by her word, had quickly lest lier charm and power by one attack of blotches, or et pimples, or et horrid tan and freckles. WOKAS EUI.ES THB WORLD. by her beauty, net less than by her purity et character, loveliness or disposition and un'el fish devotion. Indeed, in the estimation of perhaps tee many men beauty in a body takes precedence ever every ether consideration. Heauty thus forms an important part et woman's " wet king capital. " without wh'c 1 tee many, ( If net bankrupts in what re! it. x te influence -within tne circle mien they move), are powerless for v.ir.A. uoeci llencj we see net only the pro priety but the duty et every lady preserv ing with zealous caie that which te her is e' sentiiil te success, and Influence, and useful ness in life. And, since " beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vigilance are re re aulredieguaia lta;ilnst the many ills that flesh is heir te. Among the great and annoy ing enemies et beauty, OP EITHItR BBS as well as of comfort, happiness and health, are these pestlrereus and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, eczema (salt rheum), rough andciry eruption, ulcers, pimples, and all diseases 01 the hair and scalp. Fer the cure et all these. Dr. U. W. uensen, 01 Baltimore, alter years et patient study and investigation devoted te diseases el the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated Skin Curb, which lias already bv 1 s marvelous cures, estab lUhed Itself as the great remedy ter all dlsease of the skin, whatever be their names or charac ter. Its euccess has been Immense and un paralleled. All druggists have it. It is ele gantly put up, two bettleain one package. In ternal anil external treatment. lrice, $1.00. EVERYONE PRAISES. Sick headache, nervous heaJaclic, neuralgia, nervousness paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless tii imd brain diseases, -positively cured by nr. !. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Tills. They lentain no opium, quinine or ether harmful diug. Sold by all druggists. I'rfce, 50 cents per bottle. $1 ler two, $ 2..V) ter six, postage fr.e. Dr. C. W. Bensen, Balti mere. Mil. C. N. Crittenton, New Yerk, is the Whole sale Agent ler W. C. Bensen's remedies. augll-lmdM.W&Sifcw DMT GOODB, C H AGEB JSKOTHKB. M AGKHR &d JBROT HAVE OPENED EXTENSIVE LINES OF Ladies' Otteman Cleths. , Ladies' Suiting Cleths. vma rmjumuif tit tut. 1AUaSTKlC AMU SlIULUtMVILLJt K. . Caw run as fellows : n SK lp-B fceP-:. 1. 9. an'. itEimrS!.2' 30p.ra..exw5t en MaMBjS'teww d)at.8.aHUl dl'.yen-mti ) timeeteepl 00 sua Cars ran dav. rK".UaUA a rOMT OKI-obit KAIL VL... OAD T1MK TABLET ?!W-3?Hfti2r,.V0n tne Columbia Sie , POr Railroad en the following IN NEW FALL STYLES. Trimming Velvets and Velvet Ribbons. LADIES JERSEYS. MISSES' JERSEYS. CHILDREN'S JERSEYS. OPKUIAL BARGAIN. ASTRICH BROS',, a. PALACE OF FASHION, Ne. 13 EAST KDHQt STREET. Te-day we wtll say a tew words about our WORSTEDS AND YARM Te begin with, we are prepared te meet our patrons with a larger stock anil lower price than heretofore. Our assortment Is most com plete. Yeu will find any color imaglnableln Zephyr Worsted, and of the leading colors, eucn a3 Scarlet, Blue, Brown, etc., we have every shade en nanu. UKRMANTOWW WOOJ in All Celers and Black. We have fixed the price lower than anything j ou ever nearuer. We make special prices te people buying quantities. SAXONY WOOL. Nene but tfe be-t. and all th9 colors are perfect, such as can be used for fine work. We will quote te you t he prices of the IMPORTED GERMAN KNITTING YARN, and if you can de any b2tter we don't care for selling any. Come and leek at it anyway. It you come te us ler any kind et Weel, you will see mere, you will buy cheaper, and get as geed quality as anywhere else, only you can get mere for your money. We are also boss en EMBROIDERY SILK. One cent a skein for any shade, and a full bunch et twenty five skeins ter '.0 cents. We have the best and largest assortment et ladies' and Children's JERSEYS, We sell the best goods ter the money. Wn have reduced all of our 12ic Lawns te 8c , our 25c. Salines te 15c., plaid and striped Ging ham from 12)c. te He., plain color Chambray from 12J4C and 15c. te 10c. White India Linens from 33c. te 25c, from 25c. te 18c, from 18c. te li!Jc, from 12J4c. te 10c. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS IN OUR Ladies' Underwear Department. This Stock is tee large te quote pries, but suffice te say that Chemise aud Panties range from 25c. upwaids. HKlrts from 40c upwards, Night Gowns from EOc. up, Corset Cevers from 20c. up. Children's Dresses. All cur Children's CALICO DRKSSKS re duced te 25c. And all the better goods at com paratively low prices. A SPECIAL LOT OF BLACK CASHMERES That we have just bought enables us te sell a GREAT BARGAIN in this line of goods. NO. 25 WEST KING STREET. HATS AN It CAPS. IHULTZ'S SOM8. DRY OOOVB. JCMiUCATIOHAI.. s 4.MAIUTAN HEKViNK KtVEH FAIL!?. SAMARITAN TITISS H. lvj. her school en Monday. 8c; a27-M.W&IT CLAKKSIIN WILLKEUHEN iptemberSd. at Ne. 114 NORTH PRINCE ST. LIT. JAMES' Burps in Straw lis. We want te get rid of the few the very few Straw Hats we have left. Te de this we call your attention te the following : Any Bey's Straw Hat in the store, 25c; Men's Macanaws, French Palm Leaves and Ma Ma nilles at $1.00; these sold at $4.00 early in the season. This takes in nearly every thing in Straws, and it will pay us better te slaughter them than te carry them ever. SHULTZ'S SONS. (Gundaker's Old Stam',) 144 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. mar27-lyd&w TTTILLIAMSON & FOSTEK THE FALL STYLE OF SILK HAT IS NOW READY FOR CLOTHllfG. "I RAND SfEClaL SA.U!-, LADIES' Muslin Underwear, COMMENCING SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. WATT, SHAND & CO. Kesppctlnlly Inform the Ladles et Lancaster that they have bought the surplus stock et one of the largest manufacturers of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments Which wtll be sold at prices MUCH UNDER the cost of manufacture. 500 Dezen Garments of Superior quality and finish. In a great va riety of styles, at ASTONISHING PRICES. LADIES' CORSET COVERS at 10c.andup Wftrds LADIES' DRESSING SACQUESat 40c and upwards. LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS at 29c. and upwards. L ADlfcS' CHEMISE at 12c. and upwards. LADIES' DRAWERS at 12c. and upwards. LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS at 49c. and up wards. The Mether Hubbard Gewn, Se beautiful and becoming te every lady, will be displayed In a large variety of styles. ALL GOODS AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES We desire te call special attention te the tact that the goods are et superior make and will be sold ter less than the cost et the ma terial. Watt, Shand & Ce., NEW YORK STORE. i0S. 8 and 10 EAST KIKG ST. f NO. J. SMAL1NU. Sen I WILL CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF MY Spring & Summer Goods AT COST, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY PALL GOODS. 49 Call and see Bargains. JN0. J. SMALING. (TAILOR.) NO. 22 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. FA. OOTHWABB. P.M. 630 6:43 740 70 7:12 7:17 73S 737 7:41 720 8.-0& 8:13 KB 1 STATIONS. I wemlfZS 1030 10-.33 lfcK 11:00 USB U 11:10 UOB 1136 11 JO 11:38 11:54 r.M. ltOS 13:15 12J0 A.K. WO 737 7:37 $00 830 .....Columbia.... ...Washington... ....Cieaawell.... ...Sate Harber... .Sbenkl ferry.. JrOQHMi ..Yerk Furnace.. .....Twcquan .Mecall'a Ferry. ...rite's Eddy... ..Fishing Creek.. ..Peach Bettem.. ...Cone-ino... ..Pert L-ip,!t.. ... Perry ville.... A.M. r.M. 8.-W 5d5 &0 635 8. 530 7:48 5KS 7:40 5.01 7J6 438 7:34 kSH 738 41 73t 4:47 7:10 436 7:08 4:33 6:57 13R 6:41 4:13 633 4.-00 630 833 3:41 r.M. 7-JO TM 738 7:17 715 nKADINttaOOLUJUUA K.K. ARBAKGKMJCNT OrPASSKKeUTKAlNb MONDAY, AUGUST 13n, 1SCX UUTM. QaarryrfUe Lancaster, King St. IancaBter Cblcktes Marietta Junction. Columbia. NORTHWARD. A.X. e30 73t 7- 7:20 12 r.m r.M. ... 30 .... 30 '.'.'.'. 40 Ull 9: 33C 6JH 730 wir 93b J. PARISH SCHOOLS WILL RKOl'EN Wednesday, September 5th, 1883. English. French, German, Mathamalics and Latin te pupils et all agC3. MRS. BARKER, Principal. a'24-3tF,M&W Ker Lame Hack, sine or Chest use Sill. LOU'S POROUS l'LASTER. Price, 25 cent Sold by H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen treet, Lancaster. leblleedB Has Cei.Udence. In one case personally known te me the success el Burdock Bleed Bitters wan almost incredible. Onu lady described tln-m as worth hundred 0 dollars. 1 myself have the great est confidence in them." F. S. Scratch, Drug gist, Ruthvwn.Ont. Fer sale by II. B. Coch ran, druKKist, 137 and IS9 North Queen sueeL. Hysteria and Nervous Prostration. We give our readers an extract lrem a cheerful letter, written by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, et Richmond, Ind , who says : " Sa maritan Nervine cured me et hysteria aud nervous prostrat'en." Cemment is useless. Alemera 1 Aietnerai Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WIN BLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufterer immediately depend upon It ; there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, op erating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. mayl-M.W.S&w Small Pox driven from a community by Darbys Frepbyactic Fluid. See aaveitlse ment. Fall ler the Sbure. Let ns all pull out et tbts sea et sickness and despondency, and get onto a rock feun datlen et geed, st eng health. Burdock Bleed Bitten are tie thing te pull ter. They are one et the most renowned health restoratives ever manufactured. Ker sale by H. B. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 10 North Queen street. NERVINE! THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR. The only known peciJcfer Epileptic Fits.-ff 43Alsa ler Spasms and Falling sickness.- Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. KmiRlled bv none in delirium of lever.-S -Neutralizes genus et diseases and sickness. Cure ugly blotches and stubborn bleed sores Cleanses bleed, quickens sluggish circulation Eliminates Beils. Carbuncles and Scalds.-g 43-Perinauenlly and promptly cures paraly- sis yes.it is" acharming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and King's Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath te geed, removing cause. JO-Kouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming reselvent and matchless laxative. It drives sick ueauacne iike me winu.- ayCentalns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly euros rheumatism by routing it.ta. Restores lite giving prepcitlcs te the bleed. Is gmranteed te cure all nervous-disorders. 49-Rellable when all opiates fail.-g Rpfreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cuies dyspepsia or money relunded.-SSR 83-Endeibeu in writing by ever 11 tty thou sand Leading physicians in U. S. and Kurepe.-S Leading clergymen iu U. S. and Europe.- Diseases of the bleed own it a conqueror.- Fer sale by all leading druggists. $1.50.- The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Ce. Preps. St. Jeseph. Me. Chas. N. Crittenden, Agent, New Yerk City, aprll-lyeedi-w (2) TEATES INSTITUTE WILL KKOrKN Monday, Sept: 3, 1883. Candidates ter admission and these who tailed in their final examinations can see the principal at Ne. 305 North Duke sticet from 'J a. m. te 12 in., and from 2 te 4 p. ni. The Kcv. Lucius M. Hardy, A. M. 1SS3. 1UOT1UK. AND THE MOST POPULAR CITY HAT IS THE ii Hat, THAT IS MORE COMFORTABLE TO THE - WEARER THAN ANY HAT WE KNOW OF. THE PRICE IS FIVE DOLLARS. u25-lw Principal. S1 We Deception Used. It Is strange se many people will continue te sutler day alter day with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen eral Debility, when they can procure at our store SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER, tree of cost if it does net euro or relieve them. Price, 75 cents. Sold by H. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. ledU-eedS Evidence of the Best Kind. Richard T. Robinson is a dru gist living in Racine, Wis Here U what he says : "Afflicted with laryngitis 1 was unable te articulate a word distinctly ler fully two months. A lib eral application et Themas' Eclectrlc Oil tom tem ?iletelv cured me. Am pleased te recommend t." Fer sale by H. 11. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. T OOHEB'S UXJC9. A 5c. Package ew LOOHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANT OTHER DYE IN THE MARKUr, Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, by increasing vital power, and rendering the physical func tiens regular and active, keeps tbe system in geed working order, and protects It against disease. Fer constipation,dyspepsia and liver complaint nervousness, kidney and rheuma tic ailment j, it is Invaluable, and it affords a sure defence against malarial levers, besides removing all traces et such disease from tbe system. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, aul-lmdced&w G BAY'S NIT JSUUT1U JHKDIOINJE. TUB Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less of Memery, Universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Back, .Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars In our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by mall te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at 91 per pack age, or six packages ler $5, or wtll be sent tree by mail en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, H. B. Cochran, 137 and 13D North Queen street. On account et counter felts, we have adopted the Yellow Wrappttr the only genuine. Guarantees etcure Issued by ns. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. THE GRAY MEDICINE O.. N. Y . TrrUMvdw AS UANOBK AUVAMU&S fHK SKIM IS mere and mere drawn Inte tbe tumor, seamed and puckered. There Is Increased pain, cramps and spasms,as the results of this process. CANCERS, TUMORS, SKIN DISEASES also. Chronic and Private Diseases success fully treated by DR8. H. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street. Lancaster. Pa. Consultation free. au27-Stdw THE BEST AND must Wsplew As sortment et Euchre, Poker, Casslne and e lhT pi aylng cartls.at; HABTMAN'S YELLOW FBONT CIGAR STORK. WITHIN C. SHOKTLIDOK'S AUADKMY for Yeung Meu and Beys, Medta, Pcnn'a., 12m. from Philadelphia, school year opens Sept. 12. Fixed price covers every expense, even books. c. Ne extra charges. Ne inci dental expenses. Ne examination for admis sion. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities ler apt students te advance rapidly. Special drill ter uun ana Dackwaru i eys. matrons or stu dents may select any studies, or cheese the regular English, Scientific, Business, Classical or Civil Engineering Course. Mudents fitted at Medta Academy are new In Harvard, "iale and ten ether Colleges and Polytechnic schools. A Physical and a Chemical Labra Labra Labra toiy;aflne Gymnasium and Ball ground. 1,500 vels, added te Library in 18S3. Apparatus doubled in 1883. Ten students sent te college in 1883. A graduating class in Commercial Department in 1SS3. Media has 7 churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sale of all Intoxicating drinks. Fer new Illustrated Ci-cular address the Principal and Proprietor, SW1TU1N U. hUOBTUUGE, A. M. ( Har vard University Graduate ), Media, Penn'a. iy27-lmd&w 3-CALL AND PRICE HOUSE OF SEE IT AT THE ONE WIM & HAuulAN'S Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 12$, 18, 25e. BLACK CASHMERES, 37$, 45, 50e. BLACK CASHMERES, 00, 75, 87Je. BLACK CASHMERES, $1.00, 1.12$, 1.25. The Cheapest Let in This City. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, We have a Large above Goods from Assortment of all et the Williamson k Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 38 EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. OAMKlAUHa, JtC. npuE Standard Carriage Werk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, MARKET STREET, REAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. AU Werk finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality et work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give ns a call. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set el workmen especially employed for that pur pose. n26-ttd&w MACIILNJERY. HATING DISSOLVJED PAKTWKKSHIP and permanently closed tbe Chestnut fctreet Iren Works, 1 desire te Inform my old patrons and. the public generally, that I am still in the business, being located in the Penn Iren Company's -V erks, North Plum street where I am making Iren and Brass Castings of every do-trlptien, aud will be pleased te serve all who may favor me with their patron age. Frem 40 years experience in the b uslness and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, I am satl'fied I can guar antee entire satisfaction. Castings male from a mixture of iron and steel which are mere re liable for strength and durability than the best ca-t iron known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and roiling mill work a specialty. Cast ings made et very sort Iren, and brass cast ings et every description. I have all tbe pat ters ar tbe well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en band, mills completely fitted up ei In parts, te replace old ones which have been in use ter years, guaranteeing them te give sat isfaction, angiema R. C. MeOULLEY. F BEY'S UNIVEBSAL ilLK SUPPOSI TORY. A sure cure for every form et Piles, internal and external. Itching or bleed In?, and long standing cases. It has never tailed, even in cases as long standing as 25 te 33 years. This Suppository Is cone shaped, easy te apply, sate, neat and clean, and possesses every advantage ever ointments and salves. Physicians use it in their practice. Give It a trial, and you will be both relieved and-convinced, it yenr druggist does net keen it or set It for you, accept no ether, but send for it by mall, as It can be sent anywhere by mall Price, 60c per box- Prepared and sold bv ANDREW G.TEE Y. Druggist Ne. 89 East Orange St, Cor. Christian apr27rlyd&w2 Lancaster, Pa. fAfXR MAMWMJIWB, . -pHAUKS W. FRY. We were out et certain sizes et SCREEN FRAMES, but we have filled up again and are ready te fill orders promptly 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33 and 35 Inches high and 32 te 38 Inches wide ; they can be i educed te 24 Inches in a few minutes. They make the CHEAPEST and BEST screen in the market, superior te the old style and lower In price. HEW PATTERNS OF WALL PAPERS. ODDS AND ENDS AT HALF-PRICE. An Elegaut Line et NEW PATTERN DADO SHADES. PLAIN GOODS IN ALL COLORS. LACE CURTAINS lrem a Dellar a Fair up. AUCTION SALES AT VER CHEAP PRICES AT fflETMR & IHMAirS Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER. (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel .Herse Hetel.) N EXT UOOB TO TUB COURT HOUSE. PHARES W. FRY. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. VLM1TMXB. B ABGA1N8, BARGAINS, BARGAINS! AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. W. King & Water Sts , Of which you can here find the largest and best assortment In the market, but In COMFORTS, Homc-made, and of every description. COM FORTS as low in price as NINETY CENTS, and THE BEST HOME MADE COMFORT IN THE MARKET ler $2.50. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sliirk's Carpet Hall, COR. W.KING & WATER STS. LANCASTER, PA. TRADE DOLLARS TAKEN AT PAR IN Exchange for Ladles' and Gent's FURNISHING GOODS. Which will be sold at prices less than ever. Just received, a full line of Underwear, Shirts. Working Pants, Fall Styles et Ladies', Gent's and Misses' Hese and a variety et Notions. .HENRY BHOHTOLD, .. .KP B,1001 Qneen Street. Sign et the Big Stocking. feb3-lyd FAHNESTOCK'S NOW OPEN OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF Lap's Make BM Caslm IN BLUE BLACK, MEDIUM BLACK and JET BLACK Persons In want et a BLACK CASHMERE DRESS should net tall te see tbese goods be fore purchasing. WE HAVE NOW COMMENCED SECURING OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF Blankets, Quilts, Comforts, Flannels, and Underwear, All of which we shall show in LARGER QUAL ITIES, and at LOWER PRICES than ever before. IK FMTU LANCASTER, PA. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. VrOTiOE TO 1KKfAsatitSa alfD G1M- i.1 NER8. All person are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Corn wall or Speedwell estates. In Lebanon ana Tan caster counties, whether inclesed or un un lnclesed, either ter the purpose of sheeting or Ashing, as the law will be rigidly entercec against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney for R. W. Celeman's Hern. elB-tfdAw STJCVKN8 UOCSK . SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and prices same as ether saloons. H. WAGNER, mytf-Ud Manager. K. SMAL.INU. CLOSING OUT 7 9:15 9:45 K fc36 9:41 10:40 a. tm. 100 fcir rjL 8.01 ... 8:39 2:10 03 ilC 8:13 8A .... 996 506 fcffl :30 Beading fct SOUTHWARD. riAvm. Heading .-...., Marietta Junction. Cblckies Columbia Lancaster... Lancaster, King St! Quarryvllle l rains connect at Reading with train teand mm x-uiaaeipnia, rettsvUle, I lentewn and New Yerk, via At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk. Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Balt mevfi. . m. WILSON. Supt. PBHJftXJ,VAMlA KAUuHUAU NW SCHEDULE On and after SUN DA MAY 13th, 1883. trains en the Fennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancastei and Philadelphia depots as fellows : Bound Marce ALL OUR LIGHT-WEIGHTS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. A CHOICE LINE OF THE BEST GOODS IK THE MARKET. Call at once and secure BARGAI MS AT 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING. H. UKBHART. SPRING OPEmG AT H. GERHARTS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 6 EAST KINO STREET, OF TUB LARGEST ABBORTME&2 OF FINE SUITING, FANTALOONING AND SPBDiH OYEKCOATIN0, Ever brought te the City et Lancaster, y These desirous of securing Cholee Styles are Invited te call earl v. KasrwaiB. Levi Ar LanPhtl Mail Ezn: Philadelphia Express Fast Line Harrlsburg ExT-qes Tork AccomrcedaMnn arrives Lancaster Accemr lailen arrives.... Columbia Acconuueo Jen Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Sea Shere Express A.. A. Sunday Mail Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburg Accommodation. 12:43 3:12 5:35 8:10 8d0 8$C fcOO r.. 168 128 4i 230 6:25 0:40 fc 5:18 7-JW 1030 11J46 SOS r.M. B-.(5 56 735 9:4ft Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 46, will run through te Hanover dally, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, wsst, ceu nectlna at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at I: a, wlu run tureush te Frederick. WasTWAXO. Le. lAr, 'Full ( News Express.., Wav Pasaensrer. Mall Train. Ne. L vta. Mt. Jey.. Mall Train, Ne. 2,viaCelumbla,leaves xiiagara jsxpress Hanover Accommodation leaves Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. Harrlsburg Accommodation I .an caster Accommodation leaves. Columbia AccomnedaUon Harrlsburg Express Western Express Pacific Express A.X. 4:30 44B 70 '7:40 116 r.M. 14 4:41 5:40 96 11:20 A.M. ens : 9-J0 9:36 9:48 90 r.u. IX 10 MB fcSO 7:39 7:4ft 1 1:10 1:40 Harrfaburg Express, west, at 5:w p. m., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtewn, Ceatesvllle, Parkrs. burg. Mount Jey, Elfzabethtewn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Ltne, News Express, Mai Train, Ne. 1, western Express and Pacific Ex press run dailv. MVBICATj.. w ILUOX 4k WJ1ITK THE T GANSMAN BBO. ABOUT CLOTHING. HOW IS IT THAT WE ARE BUBY NOW WHIL.E SO MANY ABE DULL T 1st. Our goods have steed tbe test, and mere than steed the test In comparison with these offered at ether houses. They are found te be literally the best, and there is no old stock. 2d. Our prices are found te be tbe lowest, while the fifty cents en the dollar and ether marked down numbuis have long since been detected. The Best Clothing AND THE LOWEST PRICES. Men's .Suits selling new at $3.00, $1.00, 5.00, I&00, $7.10, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and 115.00. Beys1 and Children's Suits our great specialty, selling new at $1.80, $2.00, $20, $3.00. $4.00, $50, $6.00, $7.00 and $9.00. Men's Pants at 75c., tl.00, $1.50, $$2.00, $5.00, up te $5.50. Don't miss the present opportunity, as we are bound te reduce our stock In crderte make room for our large fall stock new being manufactured. L. Gansman & Bre., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS "CLOTHIER8, G6VJ8 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Right os the Southwest Cerner et Orange 8u LANCASTER, PA. 49-upen every evening until 9 o'clock ; Saturday 10 o'clock. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerooms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, H. H. LUOKENBAOH, Agent. A Full Assortmentet the various styles con stan Uy en band and ler sale en the most lib eral terms ter Cash or Small Monthly In stallments. The public Is most cordially Invited te call and examine these Instruments, which will be found te be very Hiperier In Quality and Moderate tn Price. Having severed my connections wltb tbe Estey Organ Company. 1 take this method te Inform my friends In Lancaster county, I am new sehlnsr an Organ equal te any and sur passed by none. Please call and examine one et tbe most beautiful-toned Organs manu factured fn the United States. Mr. Luckenbach Is ulse agent for the famous "Enabe," MeFhail, Vcee & Eons, Grevenatein & Fuller, Hallet & Davis, AndsAveral ether Desirable Pianofortes, at prices from $228 upwards. febl7-tld ULABH AUD QVBX SHHAMA. H lOM MABTia. Glassware. - - Glassware. AT CHINA HALL. A LARGE LOT OF Table Glassware, Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, AT High & Martin's 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. J. JE. BOTH. There baa been such a demand for LARGE PHOTOGRAPHS that I was compelled te get a VERY LARGE CAMERA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO as small as the smallest locket will bold up te a 5-inch lace, te fit an 18x22 Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Queen, Street. une2-Ud :