Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 25, 1883, Image 2

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    &p'?iy "&&' 'rosary
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iUncaster InteUtgencet.
Ah Impracticable PrcpMttlei.
It has been proposed in the Heuse at
Harrisburg and it will be urged in
that body for passage that the work of
annnrtieninir the state, which the Gen
eral Assembly thus far has failed te
perform, be delegated te a commission
of ten, consisting of Hens. Daniel Ag
new, James A. Beaver, Philip C. Gar
rett, H. M. Heyt and Galusha A. Grew,
Bepublicans ; and Charles B. Bucka
lew, Gee. A. Jenks, LeviMaish, Gee. F.
Baer and Andrew H. Dill, Democrats.
It seems te be an open secret that it is
net expected the Bepublicans will ac
cept and assent te this preposition. If
far no ether reason they will reject it
because the five Democratic cemmis
flteners proposed, while men of the high
est character and purest patriotism, are
unflinching and unquestioned Deme
crats. while of the five Bepublicans
named four have of late been in an atti
tude of mere or less defiance te the reg
ular Dartv organization. It is believed,
however, by some of the Democrats who
favor the preposition, that it is se fair
that the rejection of it by the Bepubli
cans will make their case still worse
than it is new in public estimation, and
that after this offer has failed the Heuse
can adjourn satisfied that It can offer
nothing further with the slightest hope
of the Bepublicans accepting It.
If the constitution and the laws desig
nated no particular authority te make
the apportionments such a body as the
above named ten gentlemen would be a
very fit one te district the state. They
would no doubt approach their duty
conscientiously and discharge it satis
factorily. Bat the constitution directs
ths legislature te make the apportion
ment, and the designation of that body
for this task is as specific as the imposi
tion of the duty is mandatory. It has
neither the power nor the right te dele
gate the duty te any outside body.
Whan it undertakes te de that it net
only transcends its duty, but it confesses
its own incapacity te discharge its con
stitutional obliiratiens and elves the
bjst possible reasons for Us immediate
Such a commission as that which has
bsen proposed, if it were practicable and
it it could be get te de the work con cen
timplated, would have te make an ap
pjrtienment either mere or less favora
ble te the Democrats than they have
already offered te the Senate. If it were
leu se the representatives of the party
wjuld net ba justified in accepting and
endorsing the report, for they have al
ready gene te the very verge of undue
concession. If it were mere liberal te
the Democrats than the bills they have
already offered te the Senate, and which
that body has rejected, they, the Bepub
licans, would net take their report, for
they have proclaimed and steed by their
ultimatum." Obviously, therefore,
such a commission would be fruitless.
Being unknown te the law and outside
of the constitution, its work would be
binding upon nobody and no party would
accept it uuless It was satisfied with it.
The Diinecrats of this generation
have had enough experience with com
missioners organized te de the work of
their representatives. The famous
electoral commission sufficed them
with that sort of experimentss It
is true that the proposed apportionment
commission Is evenly divided politically ;
If there i3 any aivautage in its composi
tion it .is againsi the regular Bepubli
cans, and for that reason whatever
better reason they may make their pre
textthey will reject it. But however
constituted the preposition is extra
constitutional and un-Democratic. The
party at large has no patience with such
device. The Heuse should waste no time
feeling with it. If it is offered in sin
cerltyand with the hope that the Senate
will adept it, it is a violent departure
from constitutional modes and suc'i a
hope is fruitless. If it is net offered in
sincerity it should net be offered at all.
The issue at Harrishurg is fully made
up. It needs no such device te ilium i
nate it, and if there is no ether hope
than this of Republican agreement te a
fair apportionment all such hope may us
well be finally dispelled.
Henri T.
His was a strange and conspicuous
figure who has Just gene te the realms
of death beneath the bright skies of
France. Months of illness and months
of speculation and then the old Count
de Chambord laid aside his claims te a
throne which will net for many years,
If forever, be filled, and traveled te the
beurne whence there is no return. With
Count de Chambord dies the last of the
Bourbon kings ; with him becomes ex
tinct the bleed of the profligate Leuis
XIY,and the defenders of the third repub
lie can leek with Interest but with equa
nimity upon the demise of Henri Y. Se
long as the Bourbon line ruled France
she was glorious and she was depraved,
but none can say -that at any time she
was mere brilliant than under the reign
of Leuis Xf, and Leuis XII, and Leuis
XHI, and Leuis XIV, of whom Count
de Chambord was the direct descendan t
and the rightful claimant te the throne,
in accordance with the defunct doctrine
of the divine rights and hereditary as
plratlens of kings. Te-day the Count
de Paris stands as the figure head of
French reyallty, and his erratic fel
lowers may bow te him as Leuis
jrnuuppe 11. uut ms situation is a
mere coloring en a gaudy pasteboard,
an object for the obsequiousness, and in
some cases of the veneration, of the im
perialistic Inclined. While Count de
Chambord lived there was a steady and
often an enthusiastic maintenance of his
right te the throne of France, and there
were net absent these who at any moment
would have spurned the jealous cries
of Paul de Cassagnac or Prince Plen
Plen against the action, laughed at the
supporters of the republic and placed
the alluring symbol of royalty in the
reluctant hands of Henri V. Fer Count
de Chambord was reluctant te assume
the position his ancestry and the doc
trines which he tardily believed entitled
j)im te; his mind became permeated with
the injustice of kings and he compre cempre
bended'the foolishness of an attempt, at
the present condition of Prance, te
secure a full recognition as her sovereign.
Schooled for a time in the life that
demonstrates the metal of rulers,
had fortune's or fate vouchsafed a
longer continuance at a maturer age,
than when the wild revolution of 1830
stared its bleared eyes at him as a king
for two hours at ten years of age, he
might have thrown aside the tendencies
of the times and asserted his claims as
the monarch of France. But his life was
tranquil, he ended it peacefully, and the
last of a line of kings which gave France
ever seventy rulers, will leave a memory
among his fellow countrymen that will
be mere kindly and satisfactorily cher
ished than had he revived the wild vag
aries and sumptuous demonstrations of
the Tuileries that reigned under the lasci
vious and brilliant sway of Leus XIV.
or his somewhat mere temperate prede
cessors, or if he had even become a mon
arch with noblest intentions and patriot
ic desires. He loved his country, and his
political acumen, though rather clouded
by the prejudice of his inclinations
against popular government, enabled
him te penetrate the gaudy yet shadowy
veil of royalty pendent before him and
discover en the ether side the puissance
of the people and their true abhorrence
of Imperialism.
Pension Frauds.
Perhaps there is no easier method of
swindling, nor one which offers larger
rewards with fewer chauces of detection
than that which thieving pension agents
in Washington may practice upon their
ignorant and unsuspicious soldier clients.
The applicant for a pension, righteous
though his claim may be, dislikes te
anneunce it from the house tops, and
rather than entrust the business of its
collection te the care of a local lawyeref
reputation, confides in the honesty of an
unknown pension agcnt,te whom he has
been introduced by specious circulars
that would seem te go the length of
premising fortunes te these who have
stubbed their great tees in the late rebel
lien. Once in the toils after the small
retaining fee demanded in the first in
stance is paid, the task of further bleed
ing the victim en divers excuses, be
comes easy. Many of the applicants
live far from the seat of the national gov
ernment, and, granted that they are
aware of the fraud that is attempted in
their regard, few have the time or means
necessary for its investigation.
The latest illustration of thisvariety of
imposition was unearthed inWashingten
en Friday and its here was that very unsa.
very personage, N. W. Fitzgerald, whose
cowardly assault en General Boynton is
still fresh in the public mind. A Michi
gan pensioner applied te Fitzgerald's
agency for the collection of his pension,
and received the usual roseate reply,
accompanied with a request for three
dollars as an initial lee ler ' necessary
expenses." When this amount bad been
forwarded a further demand for eight
dollars was made, the statement being
given that in a very short time the claim
wouiuDecenectea. xne latter sum was
also sent and new the indignant pension
er wants his money refunded, asserting
that he had finally te entrust his business
te "another lawyer, who obtained his
pension, Fitzgerald's agency doing neth
ingin the premises.In another instance a
fee was accepted from an Illinois soldier
by the same agency, when nothing was
possible te be done for him. These are
only a few isolated instances where the
victims had the time and courage te
make an effort te redress their wrongs,
while the number of instances in which
investigation has been hushed up for a
consideration, or never attempted, is
Of course, it is net te be inferred that
all pension agencies are necessarily the
abode of sharks who go about like the
scriptural lien " seeking whom they may
devour," for there are honorable men in
this as in every ether profession. Yet
the fact nevertheless remains, that that
portion of the legal fraternity of Wash
ington who engineer the claims of pen
sioners is permeated with a degree of
moral rottenness has been long courting
the sunlight of investigation.
The West New Jersey Baptist associa
tion Las fifty churches, containing 8,851
Temperance appears te be a redeeming
quality of the Mormons. It is said that
there is less drunkenness and disorder in
Salt Lake lately, in proportion te popula
tion than in any ether American city.
Recent statistics show that in India,
there were 525,590 Protestant Christians,
or an increase of 86 par cent. in the ten
years since 1871, when there were 218,803,
which was an increase of 61 per cent, ever
the number in 1861, previous te which the
growth was at the rate of 35 per cant.
CzAn and czabina, or Russia, are ex
pected te visit the royal family of Don Den
mark in a short time.
Sittine Bull and four ether Indians
have been granted permission te attend
the fair at Des Moines, Iowa.
Ex-Gov. Cbawfekd, of Kansas, says
the prohibitory constitutional amendment
in that state is practically a dead letter.
Professer Swift, of Rochester, who
announced the discovery of a new comet,
telegrapliB te the Harvard Observatory
that it is net a comet, but a nebnlea.
Senater Geerge, of Mississippi, savs
the notion that white men cannot endure
manual labor at the Seuth as well as the
negre is absurd. He declares that he and
his seu work regularly in the open fields
every season without any discomfort.
Dr. Helmes thns stands up for the
wemen: "There is no such thing as a
female punster. I never knew or heard of
one, though I have once or twice (heard a
woman make a single detached pnn, as I
have known a hen te crew."
Bronsen Heward, the playwright, is
living handsomely en his royalties in
Londen. Be and his wife have a double
trieycle, en whieh they stew some goods
and start off en a twenty or thirty mile
Rev. Dr. J. A. Lippxncett, professor
of mathematics in Dickinsen college, has
accepted the chancellership of the univer
sity of Kansas, whieh was eSered te him.
During his residence in Carlisle, Professer
Lippincott has been an active friend of
the well-known Indian school at that
place, and he has acquired a mere than
lucal reputation as a lecturer and writer.
Tbe American Bar AmecUUsd and Other
Assemblies in session -Tbe News
of the Day Condensed.
The American bar association, in ses
sion at Saratoga, yesterday elected the
following officers : President, Cortlandt
Parker, of New Jersey ; vice presidents,
D. A. Tray, Alabama ; G. B. Clark, Ar
kansas ; A. P. Hyde, Connecticut ; T. F.
Bayard, Delaware ; H. H. Wells, District
of Celnmbia ; M. Randall, Flerida ;
L. N. Whettte, Georgia ; C. C. Benney,
Illinois ; Benjamin Harrison, Indiana ;
G. G. Wright, Iowa; W. Pres
ton, Kentucky ; E. P. Reche, Lou
isiana. N. Webb, Maine; S. Wimer,
Maryland ; G. O. Shattuck, Massachu
setts ; H. B. .Brown, Michigan ; G. E.
Cele, Minnesota ; L. E. Housten, Miss. ;
8. Barclay, Maryland ; J. M. Woelwortb,
Nebraska ; W. S. Ladd, New Hampshire;
A. O. Keasbury, New Jersey ; J. F. Dil-
jen, New Yerk ; T. B. Keengh, North
Carolina : a. Jung, unie ; ur. w. xnuuie,
Pennsylvania ; W. P. aheffield, Rhede
Island ; H. E, Teung, Seuth Carolina ;
A. Allisen, Tennessee ; R. G. Street,
Texas , D. Roberts, Vermont ; J. R.
Tucker, Virginia, and E. B. Knight, West
Virginia. 8. M. Pinney, Wisconsin, sec
retary ; Edward Ottis flinckley, Balti
more, treasurer ; Francis Bawle, Pennsyl
vania, executive committee ; Luke P.
Poland, Vermont, chairman ; J. E. Bald
win, Connecticut ; William Allen Butler,
New Yerk. Besolutiens of respect te the
memory of Judge Black were adopted and
the association adjourned sine die. The
choice of a place for holding the next
meeting was left te the next executive
The Connecticut branch of the universal
peace union yesterday closed a session at
Mystic, which was largely attended. Bev.
H. S. Chubb, of Philadelphia, presided.
The Indian Princess Winnemuca was
present, and among the revolutions adept
ed was one condemning our treatment of
the Indian race. Among the speakers
were Abel P. Tanner, lately Greenback
candidate for governor, and Edward H.
Ueates, of Philadelphia.
There are abent four hundred tents up
at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for the state
encampment of the Grand Army of the
Republic, which opens te-day. Excursion
trains will be run from Philadelphia,
Reading and Baltimore.
Perils of ibe Ifeep
A party of about fifteen persons went
into the surf at Well's Beach, Maine, en
Thursday, te bathe, and four of them were
carried out by a heavy undertow and
drowned. Thevietims were Mr. Green Green
eugh Thayer, North Cambridge, Mass.;
Miss Emma Gould, Andever, Mass.; Miss
Kittie Sandferd and Eddie Little, Wash
ington, D. C.
A collision ecenrred at Lebanon Junc
tion, Kentucky, yesterday, between a
passenger and freight train. Engineer
Clarence B. Gifferd, was badly crushed
and Fireman Kidd received serious injur
ies. The barge Montreal, from Kingsten for
Montreal, yesterday, struck a rock and
sank near the Thousand Islands camp
grounds. She was leaded with 18,000
bushels of Milwaukee wheat, which is
All the life saving stations en the New
Jersey coast, 41 in number, with a force of
40 keepers and 281 patrolmen, will open
en the 1st of September and remain open
until the 1st of May next.
Religions Assemblages.
At the Ocean Greve campmueting yes
terday Rev. Wm. P. Corbitt, of Brooklyn,
preached in the morning, and Rev. Geerge
P. Mains and Geerge Mingins, both of
New Yerk, in the afternoon. The associa
tion yesterday posted an erder forbidding
people attired only in bathing suits te
pass through the grounds.
At Chautauqua yesterday morning Rev.
B. M. Adams, of Meridan Connecticut,
conducted a devotional meeting which
was attended by 2,000 persons. In the
afternoon 6.000 gathered te hear a con
cert in which Union and Confederate war
songs were gived. Addresses were also
made by Judge Tourgee, of New Yerk,
and Rev. Dr. Atticus P. Haywood, of
Tbe Western Union Caught up.
Themas Marvin, of New Yerk, present
ed two dispatches at the office of the
Western Union telegraph company. The
clerk offered te receive them "subject te
delay." Mr. Marvin brought suit for $200
damages. ; Justice Angell yesterday de
cided in favor of the plaiutifi . He held,
however, that the refusal of the two dis
patches was one act, and gave judgment
for $100 with costs.
Last Day e! the Jubilee Seme Sensible
Speeches Hade.
The tenth carnival of the Grangers came
te an end en Friday at Williams Greve.
The water was clear and delightfully cool,
and as the grounds were net as uncomfert
ably crowded as they were en preveus
days, the visitors had a delightful time.
The managers of the picnic say that about
75,000 people visited the grove during the
week. Financially the pionie has been by
far the most successful one of the kind
ever held. Colonel Themas, te whose
energy the success of of the affair is main
ly due, will spend $10,000 in improving
the grounds next spring. The registered
sales of live stock and agricultural machi
nery en the grounds during the fair
amounts te $06,370.
Friday was the day set apart for govern
ors and editors. Nene of the former came,
but there were scores of journalists pres
ent, smeng whom were Cel. McCiure, of
the Times and W. U. Hensel, of the In
telligencer, who were the orators of the
day. Jeseph Powell, Democratic candi
date for the office of auditor general was
among the guests at grange headquarters.
After dinner there was musie and speech
making en the grand stand. J. Zeamer,
of Carlisle, introduced the speakers te the
A. K. McOlure speke first. He said that
if his auditors only wanted te hear what
he knew about farming he could tell them
in about a minute and a half. He premised
te speak with perfect frankness and avoid
fulsome flattery distributed by speakers
en previous days. The sneaker said that
no class of people knew as little about
ineir nusiness as larmers de. ihe same
amount of ignorance displayed in any
ether bnsiuess would lead te starvation.
The avorage farmer knew little about the
soil he cultivates and seemed te care less.
They make their crops tee easy and about
all the knowledge they possess has come
down te them from their forefathers, who
gained ic ey experience. He has practiced
theoretical farming and raised wheat at a
cost of ten dollars a bushel. Net one
farmer in a hundred had any idea what
is the reason he had bad crops ene year
and geed another. Ths speaker referred
te the immense amount of money wasted
in misuse of fertilizers and said practical
farming could net be learned in colleges. As
rar as tne general principles of applying
fertilizers,a boy could learn it in a month;
a man can master it in less time. Te be
successful a man must be master of the
industry he is engaged in. There is no
excuse for ignorance of this kind among
a ciass as intelligent as larmers are. He
illustrated the necessity of anelvin? the
proper fertilizers te the proper land and ex.
plained why deep plowing kept land moist
in dry weather and dry in wet seasons.
Touching en the declaration of principles
adopted by the Grangers en Thursday, he
showed hew in one place monopolies
were denounced and in another there was
an appeal te farmers te support the big
gest monopoly in the world. The evil
effects of monopolies could only ba de
stroyed by the election of geed men te
office and insisting that they shall perform
their duties te the letter irrespective of
W. U. Hensel, lOir"""1 Qf the state
Democratic committee, did net have much
te say about tilling the soil. He devoted
himself almost exclusively te comments
upon some of the clauses of the Grangers'
official declaration referred te by the pre
vious speaker. Mr. Hensel said :" There
is no subject en which a farmer is as sen
sitive as that of taxation, and se long as
the Grange advocates equal taxation for
equal value for the farmers it lays down a
law that every one will agree is geed."
He opposed the idea of levying and collect
ing equal taxes in all parts of the state.
"The keystone of our prosperity is
local self government, and the first
duty of every geed citizen is the
government of the township, the
borough, the cennty, and se en up
until the state government is reached.
Farmers are always most interested in
reads and schools and they should elect
their own supervisors and directors and
held them accountable for levying, collect
ing and disbursing the taxes. Then if the
farmers of a township want five months
and bad reads, all right, and if these of
ether township want eight month school
and geed toads, all right. Goods reads
and geed schools are of mere importance
te farmers than the gain of a senator or
the annexation of new territory." On this
question of local self government Mr.
Hensel spoke for fifteen minutes. Then,
he said, the Grangers declarations read tee
much like the platform of a political con
vention, and vigorously opposed the pro pre
position te teach agriculture in the public
soheols. He speke of the mismanagement
of the agricultural college, and favored
whitewashing and fencing it in as a menu
ment te "twenty years blundering."
Farther Details of the Disastrous Uyclene In
Missouri A Terrible Summing up of
the Disasters.
At Roehester, Minn., Thursday morn
ing dawned bright and beautiful. At an
early hour strangers began te pour in
from all directions, and by neon the streets
were crowded. The expressions of sad
ness en every face told the tale of mourn
ing, desolation and death. Eleven bodies
were interred in Oakland cemetery during
the afternoon. At 3:40 o'clock a process
ion was formed in front of the Cook house
and started for the cemetery.
The victims interred were Mrs. Weath.
erbee, Nellie Irwin, Mahala McCormick,
Mr. Hetzel Mrs. McQuillan, Mrs. Quick,
Mrs. Glnugb, Mrs. Zeiratb, August
Zeirath and Mr. Osberne and child. The
ceremonies were of the simplest character.
Mr. Quick, another of the dangerously in
jured victims, died at 3 p. m. His family
consisted of nine members. His wife and
two children were killed instantly,
while himself and 11 ve' ether children were
injured se that they had te be taken te the
hospital. Twe of these children are ex
pected te die, se that three of the nine are
likely te survive.
Details from the surrounding district
show that the tornado swept ever a terri
teiy GO miles in length andmore than two
miles wide, leaving in its path nothing but
ruins. Te form an idea of the less, one
has only te estimate the value of all the
improvements that had been made in the
section visited by the tornado, and which
are all gene. The ess in Rochester is
new estimated at $350,000. Andrew
Jehnsen, a farmer, nine miles south of
Rochester, was severely injured in the
wreck of his home and died yesterday.
Reports from the town of Salem indicate
that considerable damage wasdone in that
The streets of the city te-day are full of
people from all evor the state, some from
curiosity and seme te care for friends,
while a large number are prominent men
from all portions of the state te see the
effect of the cyclone, that they may knew
its extent and the needs of its victims.
The reports from the hospital are te the
effect that the children are much im
proved, while seme of the adults are worse
and cannot live.
The reported list of the killed has been
exaggerated through the confusion of
names. Careful inquiry shows that 16
comprises all of these instantly killed. The
reason assigned by the city undertakers
for the error is that four were said te have
been taken into the country by their
friends, which is net true ; and the names
of four ether victims were incorrectly
given, and thus aided te swell the sup
positious list. One thousand men, women
and children of the class that possess
hardly anything outside of their homes
and what there is in them are te-day
without anything. Of 200 houses which
were Btanding befere the approach of the
storm theie is net sufficient material te
build an ordinary frame shelter. AH the
household furniture and clothing was also
completely destroyed.
The peeple are peer and must ba cared
for. At present they are ledged in private
houses, empty stores, warehouses and
halls, and are being fed by the city. Roch
ester is doing all she can te aid sufferers.
A large dining hall, 20 by 60 feet is being
built en the devastated tract, feed and
clothing are being brought in, and $3,000
has been raised by the citizens. St. Paul
has subscribed $5,000, Minneapolis $1,200,
Winona $3,000, Stillwater $1,000, Lake
City $2,500, Red Wing $500 and Hastings
$100. O tenda and Mankato have also
responded. The great need of the people
can only be appreciated by theso who have
seen their condition.
A gentleman who visited the hospital
yesterday and saw Mr. Quick and his five
motherless little one, all seriously hurt,
wrote a check for $200 and gave it te
Judge Start, chairman of the relief com
mittee for the benefit of the afllieted
family. Since then the father has died,
and the helplessness of thus3 young or
phans is typical of the general distress.
The report of a disaster te a passenger
train at Zumbrala Falls grew out of a
freight train disaster there, in whieh a
fireman was killed, and the ether reported
disaster did net occur.
Proceedings of the Grand Ledge of Penn
sylvania. At Scranton en Friday morning tbe
grand ledgo Knights of Pythias accepted
the reports of Grand Master of Exchequer
Menlcnay and Keeper of Records and Seal
Hawkcs. The former shows a bal
ance in the treasury of $3,625.14.
The receipts during the year were
$10,850, and expenditures, $11,232.64.
The report of Mr. Hawkes shows a total
membership of 32,749 ; new members
added during the year, 3,312 ; admitted
by card, 240 ; reinstated, 235 ; with
drawn, 193 ; suspended, 2,304 ; deceased,
335 ; actual increase, 955. Total paid for
relief, $152,284.52. Lancaster was select
ed aB the place for holding the next con
vention. The nomination of grand officers te be
installed one year hence at Lancaster took
place this afternoon. Subordinate ledges
will held an election for these officers next
The committee en property reported
the purchase of the building Ne. 1027
Race street, Philadelphia, te be used as
the headquarters for the grand keeper of
records and seal, and the grand ledge rat
ified the committee's action. Mmv
questions from subordinate ledges were
referred te proper committees. A series
of resolutions of thanks te various persons
was adopted, and, after clearing the grand
chancellor's table, the grand ledge was
adjourned, te meet in Lancaster next
aiany Cases Disposed OF Jehn Lencks
quitted of tne Charge of Murder
The Grand Jary's Return.
Friday Afternoon In the .'cases against
David and Henry Haucks, charging them
with robbing the store of Staffer & Ce.,
the jury rendered a verdict of guilty with
a recommendation te merey.
Heward O. Clair was charged with re
ceiving stolen goods. The testimony of
the commonwealth was that Jehn Bolivar
and Ephriam Brosy stele from the cigar
factory or Jehn J. Theme, of Masterson
ville, three hundred cigars. These were
given te defendant by Jehn Boliver, in
payment for a revolver purchased by him.
It was also in evidence that defendant had
said te several persons that he knew the
cigars were stolen when he received
The defense was that Clair did net knew
that the cigars were stolen. He also
showed a geed character for honesty. The
jury acquitted the defendant without leav
ing their seats.
Michael German pleaded guilty te com
mitting an assault and battery en Barten
Aument, of the Leepard hotel. Sentenced
te pay a fine of $10 and costs.
In the case of of felonious assault and
battery, preferred by Frederick Lipsley
against Charles Carr, a verdict of net
guilty was taken, the defendant having
died recently.
A verdiet of net guilty was taken in the
case charging Dr. Jehn Siller with man
slaughter, there net baing sufficient evi
dence te conviet.
The assault and battery case against
Charles Pryer was dismissed with county
for office costs.
Henry Green and Isiah Smith were in
dicted for lareany in stealing blackberries
from the barn of David Creamer. Coun
sel for the defense objected te the indict
ment charging larceny, and a verdict of
net guilty was entered.
These same parties were next charged
with malicious trespass, and the evidence
was that they trespassed en the land of
Mr. Creamer te get the berries. Verdict
guilty. Sentenced te pay a tine of $5 and
costs, and in default of payment te under
go an imprisonment of 10 days.
Uriah Helsinger plead guilty te assault
and battery en his wife and he was sen
tenced te pay a fine of $1 and costs
Geerge Gerlitz3ki and Jehn Brimmer
plead guilty te the charge of malicious
mischief and were sentenced te pay a fine
of $1 and costs.
Gerlitski and Peter Rete plead guilty te
the charge of trespassing en the grounds
of Dr. Henry Carpenter and were senten
ced te an imprisonment of five days .each.
Grand Jury Itetnrn.
True Bills : Fred. Dearstter, Henry D.
Murray, Jacob Shenk, Hiram Witmer,
Daniel R. Shenk, Daniel Eckman, neglect
of duty ; Jacob Weller, Henry Breiter,
William Mauler, Uriah Helsinger, assault
and battery ; J. Israel Smith, malicious
trespass ; Elizabeth Stener, selling liquor
te miners.
Ignored : Jonathan Diffenderfer, violat
ing liqaer law ; Lizzie Henry, larceny ;
Eugene Lyen, bigamy.
Friday Evening Cem'th vs. Jehn Loucks,
murder. The defendant is the man who
who is charged with having caused the
death of Mrs. Mary Hahn, a tramp who
was burned te death near Manheim, en the
28th of March last. The whole circum
stances were published in full at the time
of the occurrence. It appeared that the
woman and her husband and child were
encamped and had a fire built. The
woman's clothing caught from the flames
and she was burned te death ; defendant
who was a tramp was lurking in the neigh
borhood at the time, and it was believed
that he set fire te the woman's clothing ;
he was arrested and a true bill for murder
was found. The Iittle daughter of the de
ceased was the only ene present when the
burning occurred, and upon being ex
amined by counsel for the defense and
commonwealth, declared that her mother's
clothing accidentally caught fire. As there
was no evidence te connect the defendant
with the crime a verdict of net guilty was
Cem'th vs. Emma Dugan, of Marietta,
assault and battery. Mary Clinten was
the presecutrix and she testified that upon
one day in June she went te a grocery
store in Marietta, in which the defendant's
husband is a partner ; the defendant was
in the store and at once caught held of
her, putting her out and bruising her arm.
The defense was that the presecutrix had
been warned te remain out of the store, as
they had had a previous difficulty ; en
that day she came in and defendant put
her out, using no violence Tbe jury ren
dered a verdict of net guilty and divided
the costs equally between the parties.
Saturday Morning. Cem'th vs. Ellen
Stewart, colored, of this city, who is
charged with keeping a bawdy house, en
North street, this city. The prosecutor
was Wm. Boasten, a dandy-looking cel
ered chap, who, with his wife, formerly
lived in the house with defendant. It was
alleged that defendant allowed men and
women of both colors and bad character
te congregate at her house, where they
often remained ever night and made great
noises. If the witnesses for the common
wealth told the truth the place certainly is
net as well conducted as a Sunday school.
The defense was that the prosecutor, who
is married te defendant's sister, but deas
net live with her, brenght this suit out of
spite. It was claimed that the place is
net nearly as bad as represented and neth.
ing of an improper character was done
there. The jury rendered a verdiet of net
guilty, Wm. Boasten, the prosecutor, te
pay one-half the costs and the defendant
the ether half.
In the case of Lillian Burgy, of Colum
bia, charged with malicious mischief a
verdict of net guilty was taken for want of
Cem'th vs. Walter E. Myers, of this
city, felonious assault and battery.
The evidence of the commenwenlth show
ed that en February 20th (election day),
the defendant, with Charles Carr, who is
new dead, met Frederick Leipsly, a Ger
man, en Seuth Duke street, when'
they made an attack upon him, beating
him until his face and head were terribly
cut, after whieh they dragged him through
the streets and threatened te kill him ;
Myers struck him several times with a
billy. The defense called witnesses te
show that Leipsly first had a difficulty with
Carr, at the Seventh ward election polls ;
they afterwards met en Duke street when
Carr beat beat him, but Myers did noth
ing but assist in separating the men. The
jury rendered a verdict of guilty of as
sault and battery only.
In the case of receiving stolen goods
against Heward O. Clair a verdiet of net
guilty was taken for want of evidence.
Cem'th vs. Jehn Kreb, felonious assault
and battery. The defendant was charged
with having cut Frank Ressler, with a
knife at Kethsville one day in May last.
The defense was that Ressler began the
fight by knocking down the defendant,
who was being teased and abused by the
The Grand Jury's Bepert.
The grand jury presented their final
report at 9 o'clock this morning. It was
as fellows :
Te the Honorable, the Judges et the Court et
quarter sessions or tne county 01 Lancaster;
The grand inquest empannelled te in
quire in and for the August sessions de
respectfully report the following : That
they acted en all the bills presented te
them by the district attorney, 178 in
number, of whieh number 143 were re
turned as true and 85 ignored." We also
approved of one bridge..
On Wednesday afternoon we visited the
publia institutions. At tbe county prison
we were met by Keeper Burkhelder awl
conducted through that institution. We
fennd that the prison proper was kept as
clean as possible and the health of the
prisoners geed. Bummers' hall, the offi
cials informed us, it is impossible te keep
clean. During the last prison year 2,100
tramps, drunks, diserderlies and train
riders were committed. In the months. of
January, February and March tbe average
number of commitments was 388. The
large number of persons in bummers' hall
during the winter months, all crowded into
one room, suggests te ths jury, the pro
priety of dividing this building into cells,
both upstairs and down, whieh would make
it mere comfortable for the inmates. By
making cells the keeper could control the
men and keep the cells clean.
Convicts, particularly these that have
served long terms, complain of the want of
light in their cells. There does net appear
te be any remedy for the complaint. If
the cell windows are made larger, the
chances presented for escape are in
creased, and a stronger reason why they
should net be enlarged is that tbe walls,
new in very bad condition, would be
greatly 1 weakened thereby. In the walls
of the prison are a large number of craeks,
the mortar has fallen out from between
the stones, and stones can easily be re
moved, facts of which the convicts are
aware. There are 73 cells in the prison for
convicts. We found 125 inmates. In some
of the cells are two or mere convicts.
Sentences by the court at separate and
solitary confinement cannot be carried out.
The question of a new prison has been
much discussed of late and in the judg
ment of this grand inquest the time has
arrived te take the preliminarysteps look
ing after the erection of a prison suitable
te the wants of the county, because of the
great insecurity of the present structure
and it net being large enough te meet the
demands made upon it, and te prove the
latter statement it i3 but necesssry te
state that at one time during the year
there were 230 persons confined there.
The large let of ground occupied by the
prison building could be disposed of at a
geed price. The new prison we would
recommend te be built at such place en
the county farm, as theso having the
authority would select. The advantages
in locating the prison en the county farm
are numerous, but the most important is
that proper sewerage could be had. That
is ene of the great defects in the present
building, and was the cause of the spread
of that terrible disease smallpox during
the last few months.
As te the altering of the building in the
prison yard te make it safe place for the
confinement of convicts in such an emer
gency as has recently happened, the grand
jury are of the opinion that the meney
expended would be meney thrown away.
The building cannot be made secure. It
is an ordinary brick structure and cannot
be made of sufficient strength te resist the
attempts of desperate convicts te escape.
We have concluded that a new building
te be used for the purpose above men
tioned should be erected at once in the
prison yard, if the prison is te remain at
its present location.
At the county hospital and insane asy
lum we were taken in charge by the resi
dent physician and superintendent, Dr.
McCreary, and conducted through these
buildingB. We found everything in com cem com
plete order, and considering that but little
hired help is at the institution, it was a
surprise te the jury that the buildings could
be kept se neat. Since Dr. McCreary as
sumed charge he has made many improve
ments, and judging from what we saw, the
jury believe that the peer directors acted
wisely when they created the office of resi
dent physician and selected tbe present
incumbent. The 'resident physician and
his family occupy rooms in the hospital
building. In our opinion the services of
the resident physician would be mere
effective and his ability te perform his
duties would be greatly improved if he
had a residence outside, but near the hos
pital. That official expressed a willing
ness te pay a rent equal te the interest en
the cost, and we recommend the erection
of such a building at a reasouable cost.
A petition, of which the following is a
copy, was presented te us for censidera
tien : The petition of the undersigned
beard of peer directors of Lancaster coun
ty represents that they are greatly in need
of a building suitable for an infirmary or
contagious disease hospital in connection
with the present hospital and peer house
properties ; that there have been a num
ber of applications made te the said beard
for admission te the hospital, suffering
from smallpox and varioleid, and no suit
able and proper accommodations provided
for such eases, for want of a suitable build
ing. They therefore respectfully ask the
erection at the most advantageous place en
the county grdunds, a building adapted te
the purpesa of an infirmary or contagious
disease hospital.
Signed. JenN Evans,
Jacob S. Kelleb,
b. h. loneenecker,
Henkt Musser,
' Martin Kreider,
R. W. Bard.
The grand inquest feeling the great im
portance of having such a building, favor
its erection, at a moderate cost ; but be be be
eoeo contracted for, would recommend that
ether buildings intended for similar use be
inspected by the proper authorities, se
that we will obtain a hospital for centa
gieus diseases, built en the me3t approved
sanitary plan, and one that will meet with
tbe approval of the taxpayees.
A communication was also handed us
by your honor from the beard of health of
Lancaster city, in reference te the tran
sportatien of people sick with contagious
diseases te the county hospital. There is
net a conveyance at tbe cennty farm avail
able for that purpose. We would recom recem recom
mend that an ambulance be built for the
transporting of sick te the county hospital
by the peer directors, after receiving
suggestion from the resident physicians
as te its proper construction.
At ths almshouse we were met by tbe
steward. We examined every room in tbe
house, from the basement upwards, and
found everything in complete order, re
flecting great credit en the management of
Jehn Broek, the officer in charge of the
Tha number of inmates at the almshouse
is 215, divided as fellows : 133 men, GG
women, G boys and 10 girls. At tbe hos
pital and insane asylum there are 178 in
mates, divided as fellows : Men, 90 ;
women, 77 ; children, 11. In the insane
department there are 51 men and 52
The county buildings are provided with
plenty of hose, conveniently arranged- A
tank for water has been placed en the
almshouse building. Every precaution
bas'been taken te extinguish fires if they
should break out.
We aise inspected the new barn recent
ly constructed, and fennd it te be first
class in every particular.
At the childrens' home under the man
agement of Mrs. Hamaker, we found 142
children divided as fellows : 102 males,
40 females. There are 10 colored boys and
4 colored girls inmates of that institution.
All are enjoying geed health. A thorough
inspection of the buildings- and grounds
satisfies the grand inquest that the" home
for friendless children is deserving of the
charity of the county.
In conclusion the grand inquest return
their thanks te the honorable court, dis
trict attorney, sheriff and ether court
officers for the courtesies extended. All
of which is respectfully submitted.
A. C. Baldwin, Themas Cully, J. S.
Eaby, H. B. Fisher, Geerge W. Haldeman,
foreman, Will Hamilton,' Alonzal P. Ken.
nedy, Jacob Kepperling, jrf, R. Morrison,
A. McGinnis, T. F.'McGelliett, secretary,
Abram 8. Mylin, Henry Nagle, Daniel E.
Potts, Jehn Pinkerton, Abram J. Recka
field, Jehn Shram, Jehn A. Strino, Henry
Will. Wakeman Wesley, C. H. Yeung.
After .the report had been read Judge
Patterson complimented the. grand jury
en the rapidity and care with which
they transacted business. He also
explained his reason for sentencing
Benj. Jehnsen, convicted of rape, te
the county prison for four years. By the
new law the court could sentence prison
ers te the eastern penitentiary, but they
have been officially informed that that in
stitution is crowded, two and three per
sons occupying each cell. The officials
here have also reported that the long term
prisoners are of mere nse te them in the
manufacturing departments than ethers.
Arrested for Slander.
In the suit for slander brought June
12th by Emma Dugan of Marietta against
Mary Clinten the defendant evaded arrest
np te yesterday when she came into court
te presecute a suit of assault and battery
she had preferred against Mrs. Dugan.
Fearing arrest, she came befere the court
and asked te be admitted te bail. She was
slewed te go in common bail.
Frem Our Kegniar Correspondent.
Pennsylvania castle Ne. 70, A. O. K. of
M. C. meets te-night.
Bachman & Perry will build Mr. J. W.
Stauffer's new houses.
A new well is being sunk at the maehine
shop of the Shawnee furnaces.
The "Yeung Felk's" picnic will ba
held in Heise-'s weeds, September 1.
Earnest Witters will preside ever the
opera house "Senate "
Peach trains, from points down the
Pert Deposit railroad, pass through bore
every evening, bound for Harrisburg.
The Red Stocking are playing the Vigils
of Newtown at the latter place this after
noon. Plugs en the west side of Perry street
were opened yesterday te clean the gutters
of the filth therein.
The harmonica contest, already spoken
of, will take place next Friday evening at
Jacob McClain's.
The Mountville band's fair and festival
opens in that place te night and continues
until next Saturday.
The public schools have all been
cleaned and placed in readiness for open
ing en Monday a week.
J. L Zellhoever wen the bandsome
chair cover chanced of at J. E. Mer
ger's. James Sweeney will seen return per
manently from a five years term of ser
vice in the U. S army, he being an orderly
Mr. Edward Billett, foreman atGrubb's
stone quarries and a workman wera in
jured by a prematura blast yesterday
about tbe head and face, and he had a hele
opened in his threat. There is seme
danger that tbe latter will leso his eye
Rev. Gee. W. Ely, pastor of the Presby
terian church, is in better health from his
Rev. C. S. Gerhard occupies his pulpit
at Trinity Reformed chnrch te morrow.
Rev. Ames Arthur, of Reading, will
preaeh te morrow at the Methodist
Ne services will be held te-morrow at
the Presbyterian or Sc Paul's P. E.
A wreck iu tha east yard of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, at 2 a. m., caused by a
" draft" of cars running into a passing
train, disabling eight freight cars and
blocking the north main tracks until 8 a.
The new military company in Wrights
ville, known as the Wrightsville Grey
Cadets, are holding a festival, the pre
ceeds of which will go te the purchase of
llere ana There and Everywhere.
Fiss & Deerr shipped te day te New
Yerk 20 head or draught and driving
Lewis Ibert, charged with stealing a
watch from Mathias Ziegler, was te have
had shearing last evening, but the prose
cutor failing te appear he was discharged.
Yesterday morning, a twelve year old
son of Charles Makinson, marble worker,
corner et Conestoga and Prince streets,
was sent en an errand te a drygoeds store,
and has net been heard of since. The boy
is addicted te running away, having en
Boveral former occasions disappeared from
On Monday morning a delegation from
pest 84, G. A. R., will lcave this city for
the statu encampment which opens at
Gettysburg te-day. One thousand tents
have been erected upeu the grounds and
an unusually large attendance of veterans
is expected. Open air concerts by the dif
ferent bands, camp fires, drum head court
martials and sham battles will be among
the pastimes of the occasion. Tbe fare
for the round trip is $2. The membera of
pest 81 will return te this city en Wednes
day evening.
Police ClMFS.
Harman Bulk was committed te the
county jail for 20 days by Alderman Mc Mc Mc
Coneiny, for being drunk and disorderly.
mayor juacuomgie sent one drunken
and disorderly person te jail for five days;
sentenced two ethers te pay costs, and
sent two invalid tramps te the work house
for ten days te recuperate.
Katie Myers who charged Frank Smith
with assault and battery and drunken and
disorderly conduct, failed te appear befere
Alderman Fordney last cveriug te prose
cute, and the cabcb were dismissed.
Frank Smith, the above named defen
dant, who brought a cress suit against
Katie Smith and her mother Mrs. Rico Rice
harr, charging them with having assaulted
bim, failed te appear before Alderman
Barr where the complaints were made,
and the accused were discharged.
Mr Austin N. Hungerford, who for the
past few months has been in Lancaster
gathering material for the forth coming
history of Lancaster county, left for Phila
delphia te day having com pie ted his
researches here. Mr. Hungerford is an in
telligent and indefatgable gatherer and
compiler of long forgotten cvents,and dnr
inghis stay among us has brought te light
several local historical incidehts of which
we have made use in these columns. Ilia
next field of labor, we learn, will be in the
Lehigh valley and te tbe geed people of
that section of the state we commend him.
Charged Wttb Larceny.
Befere Alderman Barr te day complaint
of larceny was mads by Dr. Wassen, of
Yerk, and J. B. Lebkicker, against Sam'l
Getz, of Yerk. It will be remembered
that Wassen was robbed of nearly $900
and Lebkicker of $25, and both et them of
their geld watches while sleeping at Leb
kicker's house. The robbery was discov
ered by Getz, and it is new said there is
strong evidence that he committed it.
Teacher of Classics.
C. E. Lard, A. M., a teacher of several
years experience, has been engaged te
teach the classics in the Yeate's institute.
Tub Weman's Christian Temperance Union
will meet in the lecture room or the Unke
Street M. JS church en '.Tuesday evening at 7
The Afojiltens. The celebrated Majilton
troupe, wulch haa net Lean In thla country ler
year; have Jnst returned from Europe, and
will appear here en Friday evening next, in
the musical absurdity, entitled " Follies or a
Day." TU: troupe is tee well known te need
lengtay recommendation.