IP - - - " ' - ., -.- ' - '' . - J3t ' Ije EattfE N-t i.;7X'f,;rl ntt&ir wl ..ff-f . -t 1 Ml J 6 Velu XIX-Xe. 305. LANCASTER, PA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 25, 1883. Price Twe Celts. 3n '241 v&SSHHHHHK&ftft. fcr y-ii-j, -- - - - - NKUlVKH Atm- M m MHSvwflL BIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbC aHasiam H aJaw Am sk. bbbbt .a. . .k .X A. A JiaV y Amm .. .. Amm swJnuaiuiciuci "' sifjfc r " rFV iTir p" Kp y WATMU F LINN UKENKMAjr. TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PAINTERS. As a business transectien would you be willing te pay one dollar ler an article you could purchase for ninety cents T We are the agents ler Lancaster and vicinity ler Wadswerlh, Martinez & Longman's Pure Prepared Paints. And we claim that they are the best and cheapest paints In America. And we don't make this assertion and leave It unsupported. Faint one-half of any surlace or one-halt el any building with this p ilnt and the ether half with strictly pure White Lead and Linseed OH, or any ether mixed paints In this country, and It the part painted with this paint docs net cost ten per cent, less than ler paint used, we will make no charge ler our paint. And further, any building that lias been painted with this paint that Is net satisfactory te the owner, and net remaining te for a proper term of years, we will repalntateur own expense with White Lead and Linseed Oil or any ethor paint he may select. As many et the prepared paints are adulterated with benzine and water we make this liberal ener. We will pay one thousand dollars for anv oenztne or water found In any original package of WADSWORTH, MARTI NE & LONGMAN'S PUKE PREPARED PAINTS. FLINN" & BKENEMAN, Ne. 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA nnx goods. lEllKUE FAMNKSTOCK, GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, ( BAER'S OLD STAND.) NO. 14 EAST KING STREET, OPENED THIS MORNING, A NEW LINE OF JEESET8, FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. These Geed-, have been t catce. :ea. Irem $2 50 te tlu Uest Grades. llut we Si: .rrscy Cleth by the Yard in AH Shades. GEORGE FAHNESTOCK, NO. 14 EA- -INQ STREET. LANCASTER. PA. IVINES AMD lASTAM.lSHKD 17H5. WINES AND LIQUORS! Al REMRTS OLD WINE STORE, Ne. 29 East tW CALL AND EXAMINE. m We have just received direct irem the Island et Madcrla the tollewing Wines : Verdelho, Vintage 1870 ; Sercial, Vintage 1840, Which we eflcr te our customer?, together with our old 1800, lSli, 1817, 1818 and 18V MA DEIRAS; and FINK OLD SHERRIES. JSUANDIKS as follews: Vintage 1820, 10, IStl, 1850, 18S8. Fine Old ttVK WHISKIES. JAMAICA SPIRITS, X. K. HUM, Ac. FRENCH CORDIALS. Burgundies and Clarets. We have the lollewlrg Champagne Wines : Fciper Heldscick, G. If. Mumm & Ce.'s Dry Verzcnayantl Extra Dry. L. Reedcrer'a Carte Blanche, I'emmcry Sec. Veuve Cllquet, Yellow Label Dry, Krug & Ce.'s Private Cuvee, Jules Champien. And the GREAT WESTERN EX. DRY WINE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wine Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. This Is the Finest American Wine in the market, having been awarded the highest honors at the tollewing Expositiens: At Paris UC7, Vienna 1873 and Philadelphia 187C S. OLAT MILLER, Wines, Brandies, Bins, Old Eye Hies, &c, Ne. .33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. FLVailtlNli ANV 1lll 1.. AKNOI.ll. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Geld Case Heaters. ESTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LITXRY IJOUttHTtf'S. HOUGHTON'S New Liyery and Sale Stables. FRI3T-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES TO HIRE ; ALSO, OMNIBUSSES FOR PARTIES AND PICNICS. HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD AT ALL TIMES. Stables Ne. 44 Market Seet, ear of Old Black Herse Hetel. JtUOKS ANV BTATXOJflfUY. (IBM BAKU'S SUNS. SCHOOL BOOKS, Scheel Supplies and Stationery, v WHOLESALE AT SPECIAL BATES, ATTHK BOOKSTORE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, Neb. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN ST. . LANCASTER, PA. MVJHAlf OTTAJfO. "I KANUKK rKKTILIZKK CO HTJMA GKJlSrO. Composed of Pure Human Excrement and Urine. Unrivaled for Wheat, Tobacco, Grass, Cern, &e. -SOLD BY WM. 11. JONKS, Ne. 1,621 Market Street; C. B. UOGEHS, Ne. 133 Market Street; GRAHAM, EMLEN&PASSMOKE, Ne. 631 Market Street; J. HIRER & SON, Brancntewn, Philadelphia, and responsible dealers generally. OFFICE.-Ne. 333 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. nugl5 Gmtl NOTICE TO TKKSst-A3sr.K3 AND GUft NERS. All iiersens are hereby forbidden u irespasa vu uiy ui tu inniis 01 me corn- wiux ur opeouncii uaiaius, iu ijuaneu and Lancaster counties, wbetber Inclesed or un 1 nclcsed, either ler the pnrpose et sheeting et fishing, as the law will be ripridly entorcee against all trespassing en said lands ei the undersigned atter this notice. WM. COL.EMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney for R. W. Celrman'a Iiiir OU-tJOJkW COOZKJW, C. will new be able te supply them in all Celers and ZlQUOJiS. t. H, E. Slaymaker, AGENT. GAS flTTIlfO. BTA1U.E. BOOKS AMD aXATIOWMMi- MEW BOOKd. FOB SUMMER READING. " Mr. Isaaes," by 8. Marlen Crawford. ' Dr. Claudius," by 8. Marien Crawlerd. ThrenghOne Administration," by Burnett. " But Yet a Weman," by cardy. " Sncceesrel Men et Te-day." And all the Xatart Seasides and Magazines L.M.FLYNN'S, Na 42 WHBT KINQ 8TBB1T: ill IBDICAlu MUTIUUKA SKIN HUMORS. Wonderful Cure of a Lad 12 Tears old, who for 8 years, from the top of his neaa te ins anKles, was one Mass of Scabs. My son, a lail twelve years et age. was af flicted with the worst form of Eczema for a period of eight years. Se vlr nlent was It that irem the top et his head te within a lew Inches of his ankles he was one mass of scabs, which refused te yield te any treatment that was suggested by friends or physicians was tried in vain. Allepathy, homceopatliy.herbs.roots, salt-water baths, flaxseed poultices, eap3, ointments, and in short everything that could be done te eradicate the disorder st emed only te aggravate It and the child's life became a burden te hlm.and the cxnenan of the various experiments was a constant drain upon our resources. My wife, reading the advertisement et the CunccnA Remedies in Que of the daily papers, resolved te make one mere attempt at a cure. (1'he disease was new encroaching upon his lace, and seemed Incurable.) I gave a reluc tant consent te the propesal.and an interview was sought with a lanieus Jady phrs'cian et New Yerk, who made s, most thorough exami nation etthe case, ane' premised a cure with out the least hesitation by the use et your Cuticctra Remedies. In one week there was a marked change; the raw and angry sores be gan 10 crew jiauj and along the outer edges scaled off, and as time wero en they began te disappear entirely, until at the present writ ing the only vestige la one small spot upon the forearm, scarcely visible and lest disap pearing. Thus alter eight years et expenbe and anxiety, we have the intense satisfaction of seeing the child's skin as lair and smooth 13 it was betore this dreadful cutaneeus disorder attacked him. Sincerely yours. CHAS. EAYliE IIINKLE. 219 Fairmount Ave., Jersey city Heights, S. J. Childhood and youth are the periods when such diseases yleid almost readily te these un lalllng Skin and Bleed Specifics, Cuticcba Reselvent, the new Bleed I'uilficr, and luti cuitAand Cuticuua Seap the gicat Shin Cures. I'nce of Cuticcra, small boxes, 0 cts , large boxes, $1.00. Cuticura Ueselvent, $1.00 per bottle. Cuticura Seap, 25 cts.; Cuticura Shav ing Seav, 15 cts. Sold by ail druggists. Pot Pet ter Drug and (Hicin Cu., Bosten. RARY Fer Infantile and Birth Hu ua.ui mers, Reub, Chapped, or RRAirTIITIRR Gry Skins, Nettle Hash, DflHtUiriMl pimples and Skin Ulemi3hes use Cuticura Seap, an exquisite Skin Ueauti fier, ane Toilet. Bath anil Nursery Sanative. Fragrant with delicious flower odors and Cu ticura bals-iins. Absolutely pure ; liisbly medicinal. Indorsed by physicians : pie terrcd by the elite. Sales in 1SSI and 1SS2, , 000,000 cakes. Alse specially prepared for Shav ing. CATARRH. Complete Treatment $1. A single dese etSaufbrd'H Kadlf-Al euro in stantly relibves the most violent fcneczlng or Head Colds, c-lear.-? the Head as by magic, steps Watery Discharges from the Nese ane Eyes, prevents Kinging Noises in the Head, cures Nervous Headache and subrlues Chills and Fever. In Chronic Catarrh it ck-anses the nasal passages el leal mucus, restores the senses of smell, taste and hearing when at-li-cted, trees tl c head, threat and bronchial tubes of ehVnslve matter, sweetens and puri ties the breatii, steps the cough and arrests the progress et Catarrh toward Consumption One bottle Radical Cure, one Bex Catarrhal Solvent and Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, alt In ene package, of nil druggists ler $. Ask for aANDFRD's Radical Cure Petter Drue and Chemical Ce., Bosten. COLLINS' Maic Electric Plasters. Fer the relict and prevention, the Instant It I applied of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sciati ca, Coughs, Colds, Weak Back, Stomach and Bowels, Sheeting Pains. Numbness, Hysieiia, Female Pains. Palpitation, Dy.-pensia. Liver Complaint, Bilious Fever, Malaiia and J'.pt demics, use Cellins' flastert., (an Klectrlc Kattrry combined with a i'oreiiH Plaster) and laugh at pain. 25c. everywhere Augl-lydW,S,&w B fcNSUN'.S I OUOIIS n,ASl ;:s. BEYOND THE RIVER. Away Acrefcn the fJIxKli-xippI Bivir ts llel.-l u Convincing Conversation. "'I tell you sir. that they are one et the neat est combinations ever produced, anil my ex perience of tnat sort et thing lnu been wide enough te entitle my judgment te some re spect," "Oh, 1 don't knew," responded the first .speaker's trlend, with r llttleyawn as though he didn't take much interest in the subject, "I have never been atiie te see much ifferenee in these things. They are pretty nearly the same size, and made et about the same stuff." The talk, et which the foregoing is a frag ment, took place in Gallatin, Missouri, net long age, in the snug office et Dr. M. P. Flow ers, one et the leading physicians el the stau , who followed up the vein in which he had in troduced It substantially in these words. "Nonsense, that is the rigmarole et a boy, or rather, et a man who either doesn't knew or dae-n't cire what he says. These things, as you call them, are Just, as dilletcnt as the moon is from green cheese. New, liniment?, lotlein and ointments are very geed in most cases ler the leliet of pain or inflammation. But, in the first place, they are unclean. They soil the hands and the linen, besides being always out. et icaeh when they are most wanted." " Well, my dear doctor," sighed the traveler from the North." what would you have ? This Isn wretched world anyhow, and nothing is ever at hand when it Is wanted. Yeu can't suggest anything " " Yes, I can," broke in the doctor, thumping the table with his fist, " I can suggest BEN SON'd CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. I have tried it en my patients, and I have tried it en myself ler an attack el Pneumonia, and in all cases relief has followed In from three te forty-eight hours. The old plasters are stae coaehes the Capcine is a telegrapn dispatch. Fer Instance, in cases et Neuralgia, Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, retarded action of Kidneys, and " " I give it up, doctor, and In case of need I'll buy Bensen's," said the traveler, pleasantly. In the centre e thegcnulnsis our the word CAHCINE. Seabury& Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. augl6-lmV,S&w X UCBKR'S UVJSS. A 5c, Package LOCHER'S DYE WILL COLOR MORE GOODS THAN ANY OTUERDYE IN THE MARKKi-. Fer sale by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. CATARACT IMUNVKKSTUUD AN OPAC ity situated in the Lens of the Eye, may occur at any age, bar, as a rale. Is a disease e'f old age, and the less of transparency of the Lens is probably chiefly dne te its deficient nutrition, dependent upon an inefficient bleed supply. All diseases et the KYE, EAR, THROAT also. Chronic and Private Diseases success fully treated by DKS. 1L I), and M. A. LONG AKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lan caster, Pa. Consultation free. STEVENS BOUSE SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Geed Journeymen and prices came as ether saloons. U. WAGNER, myl6-tld Manager. CHTJKCH MUSIC. A TIMELY SUGUESTION TO THE U. VS. "TUb Sacred Harp et Eloquence" Ready Helps te Worship Heur te Avert Church Schism. N. Y. Times' The United Presbyterian convention which was held the ether day te pretest against the introduction of organs into the meeting houses ei tne denomination based its opposition te organs en two grounds. It was maintained that te praise Ged with an organ was te commit te a mere piece of mechanism a duty belonging te every Christian, and that the use of musical in struments in public worship was " popish" and, therefore, as a matter of course, te be utterly abhorred and condemned. ThS3 two arguments having ence been adopted by a sect distinguished for its conserva tism and Scetish persistency can never be shaken. The United Presbyterians who object te organs will go te the stake in support of their principles. Ne amount of reasoning will have the slightest effect upon them, and they will continue te class church organs with liuddhUt praying wheels, and te despise them as relics of popery. On the ether hand, there is a United Presbyterian party which i3 vehemently in favor of instrumental sacred muic. Like their opponents, the members of the organ party are firmly convinced that they are right, and they will continue te de mand organs no matter hew earnest may be the opposition te them. It is evident that there is grave danger that the organ question will cause a schism in tbe United Presbyterian sect, and in order te prevent this calamity it is respectfully suggested that the organists and anti organists adept as a satisfactory compromise the new "Sacred Harp of Eloquence" recently in vented by an ingenious and music il Metho dist. This instrument is, iu effort, a large .caliiin harp, placed direetly in front of tbe pulpit, and se concealed by carving and ether devices as te be nearly invisible te the congregation. It of course, deas no; plaviuy tuns?, but ;it furnishes what a theatregeer would call " incidental mu sic." During the praying and singing part of the service the in3trutueutjis mute, nuc wncn tne sermon begins, tne minis ter, by simply pressing a spring, can re lease the harp strings se that they will vibrate te the tones of his voice. The " Sacred Harp of Eloquence" is set iu motion solely by the voice of the preach er, and it responds appropriately te every nete of his eloquence. When he speaks in a low and solemn veice the harp breathes a soft and delicious accompani ment, and when in thunder tones he de neuuees dancing, murder, card playieg, and ether deadly sins the harp vibrates in a way that gives awful selemnity and peisuasive force te his words. In fact, the " Sacred Harp of Eloquence" does ler the sermon precisely what 'Jmeidentai music does for the melodrama : and in the Methodist meeting house in Allston, Ala., where it has new been tried for eight consecutive Sundays, it has been pronounced a wonderful success, and has brought into the congregation almost as many members as the rival Baptist socie ly has secured by a long and exhausting campmcetiug. New, the "Sacred Harp of Eloquence" i3v honestly be called a musical instru ment, and as such will commend itself te these of the United Presbyterians who long for musical instruments. On the ether hand, it is played by voice of the preacher and net by a profane organist, and hence ought net te be objectionable te the anti organ party. Finally, it can not be called "popish," for it has never been in use in any Catholic church. The " Sacred Harp of Eloquence" is the ene possible meaus of preventing a United Presbyterian schism, and its invention just at this time is se peculiarly opportune that it can hardly he called a coincidence except by avowed agnostics. . KOSsUTH'.S RIIMANlIU -STOKY A Letter Frem the l'atner, Who Clironlciea & iiemarkable Incident Ceurricr Dcs Etats Unis et August 20. The Vienna German Zeitung of August 7 publishes a letter from Kossuth ad dressed te Dr. Cotues about his brilliant defense of the Jews in the Tiszlar affair. After congratulating the advocate the old dictator relates an iucident that hap pened some thirty years age in the Nou-traer-Cemitat. "An individual named Bartes Saudes, who hated the Jews," writes Kossuth, " had became enamored of a beautiful young Jewess, called Julia Weiss. He desired te convert her and then take her into hi3 service. Julia Weiss repulsed the man and would listen te nothing he said. Seme time later Julia Deiecp, a young Christian girl, oneof Julia Weiss' best friends, disappeared. The Jewess was incouselable. Saudes had her brought before him, and violently apostro apestro apostre .hizing her demanded te knew the where abouts of Julia Berecs. "Hew should I knew?" replicd the Jewess. " Where have you taken her ?" " I ?" said Julia, astonished. "Yes, you. And since you dare net avow it I'll tell you. Julia Berecs is lying yonder by the stone bridge, dead. 'Twas you who struck her te death with a poig peig nard !" " Oh ! She was my intimate friend !" "Be silent. A Christian cannot be friends with a Jew and, te fellow the closer the prescriptions of your Talmud, you have washed your hands iu tbe bleed of a Christian, thinking thereby te become still mere beautiful." "In vain the peer girl pleaded that she knew nothing of the Talmud or scarcely hew te read or write. She was thrown into prison, passed before the assizes and was condemned te death. By reason of her youth her punishment was commuted te hard labor for life. Twe years had passed and the peer girl could net com prehend why she was se tortured. One day she was taken before the dirreclrice of the prison, who received her with great kindness and the startling intelligence that she was te le immediately set free. At the same time she was presented with a purse of twenty-five ducats as a gift from the emperor. "At the prison gate Julia Weiss em braced her family, who wero awaiting her there. 'Twas then they told her that Jthree weeks previously her prosecutor, Bartes Saudes, had been found dead and that in his pocket was discovered a written con fessien, in which he acknowledged having killed Julia Berecs and having falsely ac cused the young Jewess He proclaimed Julia Weiss' innocence and begged her te pray for him. He also left his fortune in legacy te her. Julie Weiss refused that fortune. " Frem the lips of the young girl her self," continues Kessntb, " I heard this story." The Yellow Fever. Ne new cases of yellow fever have been reported at Pensacola. The two snspicieus cases of fever reported heretofore, one of them fatal, have been pronounced only malarial in character. Assistant Surgeon Guiteras passed through Washington en Friday en his way toPensacela te attend fever patients. The bark Tatay.frem Vera Cruz,arriTed yesterday at Portland, Me., and was quar antined, having had yellow fever en beard. i A GALA DAT IK 'MUSCO. Laying; tne Cerner-stone of the Garfield Monument. The Proceulen. The inauguration in San Francisce of the Garfield monument took plaoe at neon Friday, under the auspices of the Grand Masonic ledge of California, assisted by the grand encampment of Knights Templar of the United States, at Gelden Gate park. uver one uunarea tneusand persons wit nessed the ceremonies. The precession was divided into, four divisions, comprising United States troops members of the National guards of Califor nia Grand Army of the Republic, Knights Templar and members of California Masonic ledges. It was the largest ever witnessed en the Pacific coast. It ex tended ever a mile and a half and was an hour and threequarters in passing a given point. The day being a public holiday the number of visitors from interior towns was greater than en any previous day of the week. The streets through which the precession passed wcre jammed for a distance of a mile. The scene presented in the park was a magnificent one. On three sides the surrounding hills were covered with a dense mass of spectators. As the precession ar rived these forming it drew ud in the form of a circle about the base of the monument, close te which a grand stand had been erected Jfer the grand Masonie officers, whose duty it was te perform the ceremony of laying the corner-stone. When all had fallen into place prayer was offered by thegrand chaplain, followed by a masenic one, wnicn was enantea Dy all present. Hen. Herace Davis, ex -member of Congress, in a short speech invited the grand master of California te lay the corner stone of the mennment te the second martyred president. A record of the contents of the stone, geld, silver and nickel coins of the present year, together with an account et the assault upon Presi dent Garfield, his death and funeral cere cere menies, was read, after which the grand master penred in corn, wine and oil, and, tapping the stone, pronounced it well and truly laid. An oration en Garfield's life and services, followed by the benediction, closed the services. Salutes were fired from the forts at the termination of the ceremonies. THE IriMKrfc.JIlJKSTS' MISSION'. iHr Wolfe Thinks Thus Ltvsey Ought te oe ueienica. The Pittsburg Dispatch prints te day a letter from Charles S. Wolfe written te a prominent supporter of his in that city just before the meetiug of the Democratic state convention. It; is dated Li?;vii.bnrg, July 23, and is as fellows : ' In reply te your letter I would say that I de think the mission ei the Inde pendent Republican party is ended, but I de net think the mission of 'independetce' is ended. As you probably have heard, I am out of politics, but it is perfectly ap parent te me that the last Republican con vention was absolutely under the control of Quay, Magea & Oe. and, in my judg ment, Livsey is simply the creature of Chris Magce and, if elected, Magee will virtually be treasurer of the common wealth. I think the mission of the Independents is te whip the candidate for treasurer, at least by net voting at all or, if the Democrats nominate a suitable man, by voting for him, but I want te keep entirely out of politics." Magnus Pflaiim, at whose office the Independent Republican committee is called te meet te morrow, states in an interview that he is net inclined te support Livsey, because the nomination was made simply becanpe Chris Magee wanted it and he wanted it for the purpose of perpetuating the power he new possesses. miscellaneous Items. Mr. Laisgsten, our minister te Hayti, informs the state department that tbe pert cf Jacmel was blockaded by a presi dential decree of the 2-lth ult. Mr. Lang Lang steu, iu acknowledging the notification of the blockade, reserved the rights of all American citizens in the city or pert of Jacmel. The city pottery company of Trenten, New Jersey, yesterday filed a netice of appeal from Vice Chancellor Bird's recent decision appointing a receiver. The ap peal is signed by all the stockholders ex cept one and by all the directors. The comptroller of the currency has received a telegram from the examiner in charge of the investigation of the affairs of the Second national bank of Warren, Ohie, stating that the bank will pay in $75,000 additional capital and resume business. The trustees of Dartmouth cellege yes terday elected Hen. Geerge W. Nesmith. ! President Bartless and Hen. C. W. Stan ley trustees of the New Hampshire college of agriculture and mechanical arts en the part of the beard. Philctns Quigle, Themas Patterson and James A. Ceylo have been arrested at Sheridan, Michigan, en a charge of counterfeiting. Material for making spu rious coin was found in their possession. m m A Letter from Postmaster General Batten. Acting Postmaster General Hatten has written a letter en the subject of ap plications for leaves of absence for letter carriers in which he says : "Without en tering into the question of the right of letter carriers, under the law, te a leave of absence annually, it is sufficient te state in reply, that present appropriations for the free delivery service were net made with a view te any allowance for this pur pose, and it is inefficient te meet the cur rent and ordinary and reasonable demands upon it for additional carriers and promo tion of carriers and incidental expenses. The application for leave of absence for carriers must therefore be declined, at least till Congress provides in the appro priation a sum sufficient te meet the ex panses of granting a vacation te se large a body of men." m Chief Jastlee Coleridge's Arrival. Lord Chief Justice Celeridge, of Eng land, arrived in New Yerk yesterday by the steamer Celtic. He will remain in New Yerk a day or two and then visit ether points, returning te New Yerk, where a public reception will be given him en October 11th. The American bar as sociation, in session at Saratoga, yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution extend ing a cordial welcome te the distinguished visitor. Last evening Lord Coleridge was entertained at a dinner by Mr. Eliet F. Shepard, whose gnest he is while in New Yerk. Among the gnesta were the Hen. Gilbert Coleridge, son of the lord chief justice ; Sir James Hannen, Hen. James C. Hannen, Charles Russell, M. P. ; P. Mar tin, M. P., Q.C. ; Hen. Morrison, R. Waite, chief justice of the U. S. supreme court ; Chief Justice Wm. C. Ruger, of the New Yerk court of appeals ; U. 8. Attorney General, Benjamin H. -Brewster ; Justice Neah Swayne ; Jodge Neah Davis, of the New Yerk Supreme court ; White law Reid and Assistant Treasurer, Themas C. Acton. Fire Recerd. Half the town of Dollarville, Michigan, with the Ameriean lumber cenpaays shed was burned en Thursday. Less $135,000. Twe children perished. The saw mill of iracy uretners, near loieae, unie, was burned yesterday. Less $20.000. A fire inBraahear, Missouri, en Thursday de streyed the posteffice, three stores and a carpet shop causing a less of 120,000. Three stores and dwellings in Sumter, Seuth Carelinr, were burned yesterday. Less $25,000. Ferest fires which have been burning at Mount Desert, Main, and concerning which sensational reports have been telegraphed, are new reported at an end. Ballread natters. The Northern Pacific railroad company is new receiving through freight for points in Oregon and Washington territory. The members of the Northwestern traffic asso ciation met at Lake Minnetonka, Min., en en Thursday; te consider "the question of Pacific coast business in connection with the Northern Pacific railroad." The association yesterday decided te admit the Northern Pacific te the pod, giving the same rates, privileges and divisions as new accorded te the Union Pacific. Representatives of 125 wholesale houses formed an association in Chicago en Thursday " te prevent discrimination by railroads in favor of ether cities." H OP HITTERS. If and If. " It you are suilering from peer health ' or languishing en a bed of sickness. ' take cheer, if you ar j simply ailing, or ' It you feel weak and dispirited, wlth 4 out clearly knowing why. Hep Bitters 4 will surely euro you." " it yen are a Minister, and have overtaxed 'yourself with your pastoral duties, or a 'Mether, worn out with care and work, or a ' man os business or laborer weakened by the strain el your everyday duties, or a man et ' letters, telling ever your midnight work, Hep Bitters will sure strengthen you." " ir you are suffering from ever -eating or ' drinking, any indlscrc ' tien or dissipation, cr 'are young and growing ' tee last, as Is often tne ' case." " Or if you are in the workshop, en the ' farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feci 4 that your system needs cleansing, ton ten ' ing, or stimulating, without intoxicat intexicat 4 ing, if you are old, bleed thin and lm- 4 pure, pulse leeble, nerve's unsteady, 4 faculties waning. Hep Bltters is what 4 you need te give yen new Hie, health, 4 and vigor.' If you are costive or dyspeptic, or suf fering irem any ether et the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault It yen remain ill. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, step tempting death this moment and tnrn for a cure te Hep Bitters. l yea are sick with that terrible sickness. Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Gil cad" in Hep Bitters. It yen are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun tries malaria, epidemic, bilious and Intermittent levers by the U30 et Hep Bitters. It you haye rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath. Hep Bitters will five yeti fair (,klu, rich bleed, the sweetest breath and health. (5C0 will be paid for a case they will net euro or heip. That peer, bedridden, invalid wile, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture et health by a lew betticsef Hep Bitters cost ingbut a trifle, a9-lmdTu,ThftS Small I'ex, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Yel low Fever, etc.. can'L exist where Darby.s Pro phylactic Fluid is used. A Wide Awake JJruggixt. Mr. Chas. A. Lecher, is always wideawake in his business, and spares no pains te secure the best et every article in his line. If e has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption. The only certain euro known for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hearse- ess. Asthma, Hay Faver, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Threat and Lungs. Sold en positive guaran tee Will give you a Trial Bettle Free. Regu lar size. $1.00. I Wish Jsverybedy te Knew. Rev. Geerge II. Thayer, an old citizen of this vicinity known te every one as a most influential citizen and christian minister et the M. E. church, just this moment stepped in our store te say, " 1 wish everybody te knew that I consider that both myself and wife ewo our lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." It is having a tremendous sale ever our counters and is giving perfect satisfaction in all cases et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DRS. M ATCHISTT FRANCE. Bourbon. Intl., May 15, '78. Sold by U.B. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 Nerm Queen street. Lancaster. lcbllced4 Of Matchless Merit. Fer the nose and threat, internally or exter nally used Themas Klectrlc Oil is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat affections are quickly uraenable te this efficient remedy. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. tsucklen's Arnica Salve, The greatest medical wonder, of I he world. Warranted te speedily care burns. Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores. Can cers, Piles, Chilblains, Cerns, Tetter, Chapped Hands and all skin eruptions, guai an teed te euro in cvciy instance, or money refunded. 25 cents per box. Fer sale by Chas. A. Lecher. !e25-lyced&w - Over the Hills te the Poerhonse." A person with impaired or impoverished bleed is en the read te physical bankruptcy. Bnnleck Jiloed Bitter t strengthen and enrich the circulation, repair the tissues and buildup the entire system. Fer sale by II. B. Cectuan, druggist, 137 and 139 North laueen street. JiXVUBHIONS. T III" r.XCUlCSION SEASON UK 1883. TO THE SUMMER RESORTS AND EXCURSION POINTS en or vr a The Shenandoah Valley Railroad. THE CAVERNS OF LURAY. THE NATURAL BRIDGE. THE VIRUIN1 A SPB1NGS, 4c, 4a Perfect previsions at LURAY ler the ac commodation of Excursion Parties et all sizes. Transportation Rates arranged for parties et various numbers from 5 te 500. Correspondence Invited from Schools, Churches, Societies and Associations, for the arrangement et Special Rates and Excursion Days. Transportation iurnished en SPECIAL TRAINS when the size et the party justifies. Application through the General Passenger Agent or Superintendent or the Read en which the Excursion Party originates, te either of the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. Small parties desiring accommodations at the LURAY INN can also be cared ter by similar application. Round Trip Tickets te the VIRGINIA SPRINGS and SOUTHERN SUMMER. RE SORTS en sale en and atter JUNE 1, at the principal Ticket Offices of connecting lines. SUMMERTOURIST GUIDE BOOKS and all information furnished en application te tbe Passenger Agents, Shenandoah Valley R. K. or the Virginia, Tennessee A Georgia Air Line. a. POPE, Gen. Pass. & TktAgL, O. HOWARD ROYEB, Lynchburg, Va. Uvlslen Pass'r Agt, Uagerstewn, Md. may30-3md DAKUAIl-a IN WAXUUK8, ULOOKi Renalrlna J Chains, Rings, Spectacles, 4c et all kinds wOl receive my personal ntten tien. LOUIS WEBER, Ne. U9H North Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near;Pennsylvana railroad depot. dec281vd MKDIOAX.. I XEKfJ PILLS. - A CLEAR HEAD. i " one year age! was Induced te mm AYXR'3 PILLS as a remedy ler Indigestion, f eniMpa iiea ana Headache, from which I had-Ions been a great sufferer. CemnanelBS with a , dose or Ave plus, I teund their action easy. and obtained, prompt relief, in eatlnmlng t,h?.,r ?s0 ,? a'nKe pIU taken after dlaaer, vlJLh,.lt??n tax ae m--d!eir.e I required. :- ?1L8.,Te,M?t "J eyatemreralar amA.niyt.h0?d clear; and benefltterl me mere than all the --mrjdlclnes' ever before tried. Every person similarly a filleted should knew their value. 152 State St, Chicago, June C, 182?-- . M. V. WATSON." Fer all diseases et the stomach and bowels. Or. -i. C. Ajers & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ang202rt-lydw. T)KKKX DAVIS'S IAIf KJIXEK.' CHOLERA! CHOLERA MORBUS CHOLERA INFANTUM " ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEASES YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF Perry Dans's M Kir. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR EVERY KIND OF BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira B. Foss.ef Goldsberough.Malne. says: "One of my sailors was attacked Bever ly with cholera merbus. We administered ram iviiier, ana saved him." J. W. Slmends. Brattlobore. Vt. says; "In cases of c aelera merbus and sudden attacks of sunvr or complaints, I have never found it te lall." ALL THE angl DRUGGISTS SFLL, IT. lmd&w DJtr aoeva. f1 KAMO SPKC1AL SAL, LADIlil' Muslin Underwear, COMMENCING SATURDAY. AUGUST IS. WATT, SHAND & CO. Respectfully inform the Ladles et Lancaster that they have bought thesurplus stock of ene of the largest manufacturers of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments Which will be sold at prices the cost of manufacture. MUCH UNDER 500 Dezen Garments or Snperier quality and flnf.il. In a great va riety of styles, at ASTONISHING PRICES. LADIES' wards. CORSET COVERS at lOc.andun- LADIES' DRESSING upwards. SACUU ES at 10c. and LADIES' WALKING upwards. SKIRTS at 29c. and LADIUS' CHEMISE at Uc. and upwards. LADIES' DRAWERS at 12c and' upwards. LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS at lie. and up wards. The Melhcr Hnbhard (town, Se beautltiil and becoming te every lady, will be displayed in a large variety of style. ALL GOODS AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES We desire te call special attention te the fact that the goods are et superior make and will be Feld ler less than the cost et the ma terial. Watt, Shand & Ce., NEW YORK STORE. NOS. 8 and 10 EAST KING ST. N OTIOK. METZ6ER & HAOuHMS Cheap Stere. BLACK CASHMERES, 124, BLACK CASHMERES. 37. 18, 2oe. 45, GOe. 75, 87Jc. liLAUrv JASJAM.EKiSS, 00, BLACK CASHMERES, $1 00, 1.12J, I.2.7. The Cheapest let 'in This City. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET SINGLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS, BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET DOUBLE SHAWLS. We have a Large above Goods from Assortment of all of the AUCTION SALES AT VKIil CHEAP PRICES AT HETZG6R & HiUGfiliN'S y Cheap Stere, 43 WSST KINQ ST., LANCASTER. (Between the Cooper Heuse aad Serrel :Herae Hetel.) OAMMXAUJCa, MV. Standard Carriage Werk" Or LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & CO., FINE CARRIAGE BUILDERS, HARKET 8TBEET, REAR OF CENTRAL MARKET HOUSES, ' LANCASTER, PA. We make every style Buggy and Carriage desired. All Werk flnteheam the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the beat selected material and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality el work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ler cash and sell, en the most reasonable-' terms. Give us a call. AH work warranted. Repairing promptly attended te. One set workmen especially employed ler that pose. nafrt i "Sri .! S . 4 - V 4. "Jl 3 il 1 j. r t s. . - i r i